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No. 43388

Dolls, action figures, plushies, model kits, and other collectables are all welcome here. If you've got customising techniques to show off or just wanna share pics or toy news, this thread is for you! Or do you have some memories to share? Statues are cool too but there should be a focus on articulated things.

Here's some questions to generate discussion:
>What's your first vs your latest toy?
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
>What's the most expensive item you own?
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
couldn't think of a pic to use so I threw up a logo, yadda yadda graphic design is my passion
also never made a thread before, hope I didn't do something wrong/thread doesn't die

No. 43389

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So WonFes came and went, lots of official things and garage kits were displayed and I stole this pic off 4chan. This is apparently Fairyland's new vinyl body, I don't anything about the character but I like her design. Moe anime heads are very hit or miss with me but in this instance I like it.

No. 43390

no offense but this is a tacky and tasteless base. idk why you guys like this kind of stuff.

No. 43391

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As for something else, here's some Dark Souls garage kits by GillGill. Yes, they're 1/12. Yes, they're articulated. It's a dream come true because the Figma Black Knight is stuck in Good Smile purgatory and nobody else wants to make Dark Souls figures for some reason. I think Siegmeyer and the Elite Knights are reruns, but Artorias is new(!!!). Not pictured is the Dragonslayer Spear which I'm pretty sure was sold with the rest of the things on display, and they all cost too much for me to justify, not that I could get my gaijin hands on them anyway. ;_; I just want the spear and a shield for my Oscar.

No. 43392

I'm actually not familiar with bigger dolls so I can't say I have seasoned taste but it looks alright to me besides the boob shape, lots of owners seem okay with it though and I just assumed it's for the way the clothing fits?

No. 43393

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I mainly collected anime figurines, but I liked anything that could be considered collectible, really. Vintage toys, ponys, Living Dead Dolls, LPS, plushies, porcelain dolls, etc.
Sadly I'm not really able to buy whatever I want anymore, so I stopped ~actively~ collecting things like 2 or 3 years ago.
Long story short, up until 2015 the US dolar (most collectible things are valued in that currency where I live) was very cheap. 100 dolars was nothing. I remember paying like 300 usd for 1/8 figures no problem. Then, at the end of 2015 we elected a new president and oh boy. The price for the US dolar went from like, 10 pesos to 45 pesos. So basically now everything is fucking impossible to afford. And if I can afford something, the price is so ridiculously high that I don't even think it's worth it anymore. Like, I could buy a motorbike instead of buying a single 1/8 figurine. I hate this 3rd world shithole lmao.

Anyway, the good thing is that most of the collectible things I own are very expensive now, so I guess I have a lot of virtual money, in a way. I mean, I don't plan to sell anything, but if I have to, at least it going to be worth it I guess.

I will answer the questions specifically about my anime figurines, since they are the most decent thing that I used to collect (well, I still kind of do, but I buy like 1 figure per year max)

>What's your first vs your latest toy?

First was 1/8 Ayase from Oreimo, (Thanatos Cosplay version) by Kotobukiya. And lastest was one Goku Black by Banpresto. Tbh Banpresto is the only brand I can afford now lmao.

>If you're a collector, when did you start?

I guess I started taking collecting more seriously when I was around 16. I always liked the idea of collecting stuff tho, and I intentionally didn't throw away or donate my toys when I grew older because I already tought about keeping them as collectibles.

>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?

I'm not really saving money for anything in particular, but there are a couple of cheap Dragon Ball figures that I'm planning to buy at some point. There are of course lots of figures that I wish I could buy, but I will probably die without even being able to see them in person lmao. So I don't even consider saving up for them.

>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?

Not really. I even bought some figures of series I didn't watch, just because they were so pretty. Still don't regret it. Specially knowing how valuable they are now.

>What's the most expensive item you own?

Honestly, no idea. It may be pic related, but I'm a little lazy to look up prices and to be honest I'm also very inexperienced with that, so I'm never sure where to search. I never bought anything on my own since it's a bit difficult where I live, so I bought all of my figures through facebook stores.

>Waiting for a package to arrive?

Sadly, no. Btw the last figure I pre-ordered never arrived and I guess the owner of the store I ordered from basically scammed me, but it's a long story so I'll leave it there. Never pre-ordered or bought figures that weren't in stock since then.

Sorry for the wall of text, and obligatory ~sorry for bad english~. I hope this isn't impossible to read, lol.

Also >>43389 that doll on the left reminds me a lot of Oda Nobunaga from the Fate series. I feel like a disgusting cringy weeb but I love military themed outfits, kek.

No. 43394

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Can I discuss BJD shit here? I know there's an ANCIENT doll thread but it's from four years ago and this is a general, idk if mods would want it necroed if this is already inclusive.
So, anyone here into collecting male bjds?
I'm a poorfag student atm so I only have one (I'm redoing his faceup tomorrow actually…it's been two years so I hope I'm not too rusty) but I'd love to have a whole team of them someday lmao.
I'd love to own one of Little Rebel's boys someday, as well as several of Dollshe's (although I heard shipping from them can be a disaster wrt wait times?). In particular I'd love an Aramis, pic related, in a darker skin tone although I'm quite sad the rhythmos body was discontinued because it was so cute. Dollpamm's new male bodies also appeal to me, even if the naming pattern he has is iffy I can't help but want one someday.
I like keeping an eye on the market although I know it's going to be years until I can afford any of them.

No. 43395

>The price for the US dolar went from like, 10 pesos to 45 pesos.
Jesus, anon. Sorry to hear that. I never really saw the point in statues until I was gifted a Banpresto and now I can appreciate them as a nice piece of art and craftsmanship even if they 'don't do anything'. It's great you don't regret a purchase either because I have a few figures of my own that I've never done anything with besides check them out of the box (maybe that's a good reason to collect statues, hah). A good place to check an item's original price is MyFigureCollection, imo.

Yeah! BJD stuff is a-okay. I don't collect them myself due to the high entry cost and high chance of them becoming a pretty paper weight but I really like Soom's Idealian Kahn, it's a shame I can't even find him anywhere even just to look at photos. It's like he doesn't exist outside of their shop.

Speaking of doll stuff I'm looking for a 1/6 head to fit on an Azone body, preferrably with eye holes can someone rec me some? I don't like the Obitsu heads or the ones from Parabox.

No. 43396

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>If you're a collector, when did you start?
4 years ago, when I got my first job at 16.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
Some nendoroids of FOTM shows I got when I was new to collecting. They were in poor condition to sell (missing parts, no box) so I gave them away online. Just nendoroids in general, one or two looks nice but their cheapness becomes really noticeable to me when there are too many grouped together.
>What's the most expensive item you own?
A Kagamine Len DDS
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
Just this. I don't collect figures that much anymore because I feel the prices have risen too much for the amount the quality has increased. Also am running out of space.
I am more of a vinyl collector but I like looking at pictures of BJDs. I guess I haven't found the one doll that really speaks to me yet.

No. 43397

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I hope the anon who collects Marvel Legends can post and rec me a bigger 1/12 or 7" figure, I want to customize it but all the characters I'm finding have a lot of… bits in the way? I need a tall male figure who's not super muscley without needing a lot of work to take off the original character's parts. If only we had more options for 1/12 male blanks that aren't super skinny or short teenagers.

No. 43398

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>What's your first vs your latest toy?
I first started collecting one coin figures for stuff like Evangelion and the Tales games. The last figure I bought was the Megahouse Raidou.

>If you're a collector, when did you start?

Mid 2000s and 2013 was my biggest purchase year.

>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?

If I got around to selling the figures I don’t want to keep I have a couple older ones in mind. Besides that I haven’t bought any figs for a few years.

>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?

It’s not that I regret them but I have a couple figures like Jojo SAS that I’ve lost pieces for, or bought with missing pieces. I know that if I list them anywhere toy collectors are very anal about that sort of thing. Like someone left a negative comment about a figure being messed up when it was a sealed SAS I never even took out of the box.

>What's the most expensive item you own?

I paid preorder for that one Aoba scale by Max Factory, it just sits in my closet and I never even took it out of the box. Definitely was an impulse buy when I bought it and I haven’t tried selling it because of the size.

No. 43399

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I collect Bratz dolls. There was this collector in my area who was selling her entire collection all brand new in box. So I got many that cost $100+ online for around $10 each. I also like getting bundles of used ones that have fucked up haircuts from their previous 7 year old owners and pen marks on their faces and fixing them. I've hidden them for years out of shame tbh but considering putting them on display. I love that they're having their moment on social media right now, the 2000s fashion being so in, etc..Hope it doesn't die out too soon.

No. 43400

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OP here with some more questions:
>Do you only buy what you like or are you a completionist who wants the whole set?
>Have you ever thought about where your toys will go as you get older? REALLY old?
>Have you kept your childhood toys?
>Any toy/merch horror stories, as a kid or an adult?

pic related is the Ikea SOCKER

No. 43401

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I wish Marvel Legends would do some of the more obscure characters (and no, I'm not talking about "obscure" costumes for popular characters). I mean, shit. If they can make Boom-Boom and Cable figures, they can make Shatterstar. Is an original x-Force set too much to ask?

All of my favorite cape shit characters are too obscure to have more than one or two action figures, and they all suck. They've got really ugly joints, are made of shitty material, and have weird handjob-fists.

I've honestly considered just using Blender to make a model and have it 3D-printed. I'm not an amazing artist, but shit, I could do better than this. For your purposes, I think you should 3D print the additional accessories.

No. 43402

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That reminds me of those American Girl minis. I had a few of them as a kid, they were so cool…

No. 43403

Bratz dolls were all I wanted as a kid because all my friends had them and I couldn't get any. I got this Christmas edition one for Hanukkah named Dana because she had the same name as my mom and she thought it was funny. I even tried to win one on a game show for kids but all the other kids were faster.

You just brought back a lot of memories for me anon.

No. 43404

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I loved these! I still love diorama type stuff, wish I had time/space/resources to build my own from scratch. Do any anons make dioramas/scale replicas?

No. 43405

That's crazy cool. I'm in love with mini and mini sets. I have one 45cm ball jointed doll and always wanted a smaller one to do mini sets and backgrounds with.

No. 43406

I don't but I know a channel you might like, here's one video

No. 43407

>weird handjob-fists
my sides, anon.
Don't know anything about capeshit but I went down the rabbit hole that is Rob Liefield and I remember seeing this guy. He has one hell of a mullet.

I considered sculpting stuff from scratch before I knew that people prototyped in 3D but it's all for naught on me anyway because even though I'm decent at drawing, my head just 404's if I make anything in 3D. It's literally a whole new dimension and my peabrain can't handle it. But yeah I'd love to learn how and then sell little things on Shapeways.

Never heard of these, what scale are they? If I didn't know any better I'd think they were made from scratch by someone with a lot of time.

No. 43408

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Thank you for making this thread, OP! I tried to make something like this like a year ago but it bombed. Wrong time and OP that could use more love (I haven't browsed /toy/ even once when I made the thread, so I approached it from the wrong side).

Anyway, let's get to the questions!

>What's your first vs your latest toy?

I have no idea as I had too many firsts. Are we talking dolls, anime figures, vintage My Little Pony? What comes to my mind is a Playarts Aerith figure (the first one, based on FFVII), which is pretty special for me. I sold my Naruto manga in order to buy her, cause I had zero pocket allowance. My parents were against the idea (it was the beginning of our financial issues), but I really wanted her and I am glad she's still with me. I need to buy a Cloud figure to keep her company!
The latest one that I purchased is a Princess Ai figure. I loved that manga as a teen and still do. I remember drooling all over pics of PA figures and dolls. I can't wait till she arrives, even though she's not a very high quality figurine. Not sure if I should unbox her or keep her sealed.

>If you're a collector, when did you start?

I've always been one, as a kid I was always trying to get other kids to trade with me so I could get their beautiful Barbie dolls or Happy Meal figurines of Disney Princesses. The day a friend decided to trade with me for her chibi figures of Sailor Moon I was crazy happy. I wish I haven't lost them!
When I was thirteen I started collecting MLP and cheap gacha anime figures that I could buy at conventions.
I also collect fashion dolls (though I want to give up part of my collection), Furbies and other adorable/aesthetic toys (like the Zelfs - I wish the brand didn't get killed by the Trolls franchise, they were so much cuter).

>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?

I am the L2 Elf figure sperg from the merch thread, so I already bought the one figure I've been obsessing about.

>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?

Probably some cheap trash like a Hetalia One Coin figure (I didn't even like Hetalia, just wanted to join a friend in the fun).

>What's the most expensive item you own?

My BJD was pretty expensive when I bought him, but he was still cheap for a BJD (made by a no-name company) and I doubt he is still worth much. I love him to pieces and want to buy him more clothes, as well as to learn how to style his wigs (I hate all the stray hairs, any advice will be appreciated).

>Waiting for a package to arrive?

The L2 and PA figures as well as two genuine G1 My Little Ponies.

No. 43409

>L2 Elf figure anon from the merch thread

i remember you, awesome that you were finally able to get one! some of the figures from that series are really pretty. i still want some even though i havent played it in about 8 years haha

No. 43410

lol, it's one of the train loli's from Maitetsu.

I have a few Figuart Kamen Riders and some Gunpla.
Plastic Models are fun to build.

No. 43411

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oh vomits
She looks great as a doll though, shame about the original property. I gotta share my Megami Devices doing stuff eventually. Pic related isn't mine but it's of an MD I own.

No. 43412

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I've started collecting Monster High dolls to customize and have also gotten these cheap Cutey Honey figures to repaint aswell
I'd love to try my hand at a BJD face-up somewhen, but BJD's are pretty pricy in general so I'm still saving up
anyone else here customizing/ repainting toys?

No. 43413


I do MH face ups. Got really into it watching dollightful et al. I've done two I'm happy with including their wig and clothes and my next project is one of the 17" dolls. If you need any help or recommendations let me know.

No. 43414

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ayyy I'm doing MH faceups as well! my first one was actually an ever after high, tbh I really dont like their faces anywhere as much?? MH dolls are so much prettier and their faces are closer to a real persons.
every time I go to a thrift store I manage to find them, but they have really similar cheap plastic BJD/articulated dolls on ebay for like, fuck all $$$
pic related, I turned a blondie locks I found into a gudetama themed one. too bad my hands shake so bad from my meds it's incredibly hard to do fine detail QQ
if more doll customising anons come out of the woodwork we should start a seperate thread as not to shit up this one. it's getting more and more popular, which honestly is so cool. Dollightful is straight up a shot of dopamine to watch

No. 43415

samefag but yeah there's millions of these knockoff ones, not sure about the quality. there's also people reselling the legit MH torsos/parts/lots of dolls so I'm sure if you're trying to do it on the cheap there's something on ebay for you <3 please keep us updated, I dont know anyone IRL who does this shit so its so nice to doll sperg for a sec ahaha

No. 43416

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No. 43417

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This is my fucking thread, right here.

>What's your first vs your latest toy?

God, I've been collecting so long, it's hard to say. I think my oldest is a tiny BJD. Latest thing to come in the mail is Snow Miku #1000 Snow Princess ver.
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
After I got my first job out of high school.
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
Revoltech revealed a painted prototype of Harley Quinn that looks cool. If something is too pricey, I tend to shrug and move on or else my wishlist would get cluttered with shit I can't afford, lol.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
I regret buying as much Madoka-related figures as I did, I've been selling most of it off.
>What's the most expensive item you own?
I can't really say without outing myself because it's very specific and uncommon, but next one after would probably be a Batchix Mini-Machina Delta.
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
Waiting on some dolls and some things from Mandarake. I have to force myself not to think about it because waiting for registered SAL sucks.

No. 43418

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The funny thing is that half the artists who penciled him didn't even give him a mullet. A lot of them decided to just give him long hair, sometimes with bangs (pic related). Then in the 2000s XFI just gave him short hair and it's been that way since.

Anyway, if you have Blender or Zbrush, there are "bases" you can download for things like action figures. All you have to do is add the features and design elements (just like those cringey old Deviantart bases lmao). Then you 3d print it, but if you want stronger material you can make a polyurethane cast.

Then the fun part, which is painting it. Airbrushes are your friend for that sort of process, but hand-painting works well, too. I've never done model painting, but my dad and brother have. They say that the little pots they sell at hobby stores work best. I imagine you'd probably also have to prime the figure.

No. 43419

Seems like the thread is going steady. I'd like to post some actual news/content but for now I'm just glad you guys are keeping it alive. I don't see why doll faceups would shit up the thread, hearing about what you do with them is useful since the same materials can be used to customise other things. Also I'm hoping we get anons who make dioramas to stick around.

Nice faceups, I especially like the one in the middle. Good job!

That actually looks nice, you can never go wrong with ponytails. Imagine having enough hair left over to make a random braid out of it, baldies are seething

I have Blender, I think in my few hours of playing around I know that the X button does something lmao. I was actually thinking of printing my Skyrim character's head and putting it on pic related because the facework is already done (but I think that involves resizing and making it print ready which is ???). Then I'd paint the details in gold to look like the older TES ebony armours.

No. 43420

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oh fugg, well here's pic related

No. 43421

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I was an avoid collector as a kid (I was sort of spoiled lol).

I loved Calico Critters. I had a pretty nice collection of the rabbits going. I had a set very similar to pic related, but with rabbits and bears instead of dogs. I had to sell them off for college expenses. It's the kind of thing I would love to collect when I get old. I love the idea of a nice little china cupboard with a bunch of Calico Critters in it.

The other day, I was picking up groceries at Walmart and I saw an aisle with Calico Critters out of the corner of my eye. I got really wistful, and I came close to just buying one of the little blind-bags.

No. 43422

same with dollightful for getting more into it, though i first saw Nicolle's Dreams tutorials since she did BJD stuff aswell
Her tutorials are so detailed aswell
Still haven't tried making wigs or rerooting, I'd be afraid to fuck it up and then have wasted money on the utensils and doll hair
thanks anon! the middle one was my newest one, guess you can tell

No. 43423

How do you plan to repaint those CH figurines?
BTW if you don't care about the ethics of buying bootleg BJD, you can get recast heads for cheap on aliexpress. Just felt like letting you know so upu have the option.

No. 43424

I had no idea they were called Calico Critters in the US, I've always known them as Sylvanian Families. Interestingly it seems to be more to do with licensing legalities than a deliberate Americanised rebranding.

Nayrt but seeing Dollightful's videos has got me interested in face ups too, I feel way too old for it but I'm excited. I bought some cheap MH heads online to practice on before I ruin a real doll but I'm still researching sealants.

No. 43425

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Ugh I’m trying to shop for doll eyes but I’m getting really confused at the unreliable scaling on AliExpress. While I haven’t bought it yet I’m looking at this head to put on a Pure Neemo which apparently takes 11x8mm oval eyes (or 10x7) and the irises are 5mm. Basically I can’t find better than stock eyes at this scale so am I SOL? What if I took standard round 10mm eyes (not the iris, the whole thing) and sanded it to shape? What do you guys think?

No. 43426

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>What's your first vs your latest toy?
Precious Moments cat stuffed animal was my first, and my most recent plush amuse shiba inu.

>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?

I want a loppy usa bunny, a skullpets plush, Hangry&Angry plushes, and I want to get into crocheting amigurumi plushes. I really want this poodle kit from Edward's Menagerie because my bf has a poodle.

>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?

I was at a con and I saw figures for one of my favorite anime, Gintama, it Hijikata Toushirou. He didn't look anything like the picture in the box, he ended up looking like another character from the show, Yamazaki, but with a sword. I would've been fine with it if he had a tennis racket instead of a sword, but it's a clear fuck up.

>What's the most expensive item you own?

I think it's this little key chain I bought that cost a little over $69 AUD.

No. 43427

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planning to go over the clothing where the coloring went over the lines to neaten it up, maybe add shading and then try to make the face presentable
i'm hoping i can work with watercolor pencils on the face like on MH dolls
it was this person on ig who actually inspired me to try it out, they've repainted a few jojo figures and i love the results

also I'd rather not buy recasts but thanks
some companies make cheaper practice heads and i've thought about ordering one of those

No. 43428

about sealant, mr super clear seems to be hard to get in the US but maybe you can find it where you're from?
It's what most of the youtube doll customizers use and i was lucky a local model making shop stocked it
at least with it you know it works since you can find a lot of reviews
did you research any good alternatives?

No. 43429

So this is the merch thread except the merch thread had cooler shit? Lol

No. 43430


You can get really nice doll hair from Aliexpress and HeXtian has a good tutorial for wigs should only cost you $2 max for the hair. Rerooting is a thing of pure evil though. I do not have the patience for that.

No. 43431

Me coming into this thread: “what’s the likelihood that this won’t be a thread full of weebshit?”
>first post is weebshit
Damn, 0% I guess

Calico critters are cute but SO. DAMN. EXPENSIVE.

No. 43432

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I like my weebshit, (not) sorry that my taste in toys don't align with yours. If you don't like anime merch feel free to post something that isn't.

No. 43433

i have tons of calico critters too! i'm workin on a custom "town" table atm, just a small one, i'm going to make cute grass terrain for the 2 houses i have.

No. 43434

>complaining about weebshit
>doesn't know calico critters are from the nippon


No. 43435

Man, that's what I was thinking when I first checked this out. Imagine spending so much on a phase. It's like them scene kids in 2004. The only cute shit in this thread are those calico critters and the mini houses.

No. 43436

Calico critters aren't anime.

No. 43437

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>inb4 it's not a phase
You don't sound familiar with 'weebshit' but it's just like any other geeky interest, is it so much cringier than the people who spend their money on toys that are literally for children? Post content.

No. 43438

i've got some bad news, anon.

No. 43439

i love dollfie dream! i mostly collect azone purneemo because the size is easier to keep a lot of but dollfie dream dolls are so pretty!

No. 43440

post content or gfto, nobody itt besides you and that other anon gives a shit about what you have to say about people's personal interests that they come to post here.

No. 43441

I would try 12mm rounds with a small iris. It's easier to find eyes in 12mm, and if you buy 10mm and the whites are too small, you can't do anything to fix it.

No. 43442

any recs for bjds on aliexpress?

No. 43443

Ah, I didn't know what doll this was. I saw the picture floating around online and saved it because it was really pretty.

Thanks. I realise I might be being a dummy and that eye cavity might take round eyes anyway but I can't be sure without the head in hand (the other price of shopping for parts in one go is that you can't check compatibility…)

I've never bought an entire doll (or doll body) off Aliexpress so I can't tell you. Idk if this is bait for recasts but I'm not into proper bjds enough to have an opinion on them.

No. 43444

File: 1565073664085.png (953.57 KB, 798x1104, Untitled.png)

Me again, here's a picture in the doll head's description and an image from a listing of the same eye in another colour.

No. 43445

don't buy recasts, there's cheap legit dolls on the market

No. 43446

>there's cheap legit dolls on the market
Also what's wrong with recasts if they are of a good quality. Everything gets ripped off, idk why overpriced BJD get the special treatment. I can understand being protective over small brands, but I cringe about people furiously defending Iplehouse, Volks or Dollzone.
I don't own or plan to buy recasts, but someone who buys a $100 recast will not buy the $1000 original anyway.

No. 43447

Where did you buy yours bjd anons? Any site recommendations? Also, there is a big chance that I gonna pay extra customs charges for a doll?
And what do you think about smart dolls?

No. 43448

What's the best website to buy merch(figurines, plushies, wall prints etc.)? I really want to decorate my room.

No. 43449

are you referring to general weeb shit? if you don't care about it being opened/2nd hand, try Buyee proxy service and browse suruga-ya.jp

there's also yahoo auctions, sometimes listings for figure/merch lots would appear but i can only imagine the shipping would cost an arm

you'll have to do some copy-pasta for a specific character/franchise in japanese in the search bar if you can't read JP as that yields more results

No. 43450

New figures -amiami
Secondhand w/international shipping - Mandarake
Secondhand w/ shopping service - Surugaya

Surugaya ships to Hong Kong and China if you live in either one.

No. 43451

I think smart dolls are meh, Danny never got around to making them 'smart' so they're just regular dolls where you could get way prettier sculpts for your money.

Depends on what characters, western or anime?
Only buy from Ebay and Amazon as a last result due to bootlegs and scalper prices.

Obviously check western stores first for merch on western IPs. You may also support your local stores and smaller online shops (but if it's an import item it'll likely be more expensive as they inflate the price to cover the cost of them getting across borders + profit).

For anime shit I know you have lots and lots of choices. First and foremost are the well known Japanese stores (AmiAmi, HLJ, 1999.co.jp (AKA HobbySearch), etc), you don't need a proxy service like Buyee to buy from those. Proxy services are for shops that only sell to their own country (obviously) which you'll need if you want to buy merch from Yahoo Japan Auctions. Mandarake is another Japanese online store that sells 'second hand' goods (a lot of stuff there is actually new, it's just been out on the shelves of a physical store). I know more to this but don't wanna type more in case you're not even looking for that, hah.

semi related but this just reminded me I bought a knock off in my own country for £33 with shipping pushing it to £40 when I could've just gotten it from Aliexpress, free shipping, for £20. Hurts.

No. 43452

Yeah, general weeb shit is what I'm looking for. I'm checking out all the sites you anons linked and I'm gonna need a bigger wallet. Jeez… guess my dreams of a true weeb room are a ways down the line. Thank you so much for the suggestions and info.

No. 43453

I think the prices of more recent products have gone up a lot in the last couple years. Like really nice Alter 1/8 figures used to be around 9k yen and now figures in the same series start at 12k.

At least with Mandarake they do big markdowns on boxes with a small amount of damage.

No. 43454

File: 1565103530088.jpeg (48.18 KB, 400x400, BadWolfVindici1550659026.jpeg)

RIP, girl. If only they weren't priced like the luxury import products they are but it is what it is. On the bright side I think the quality of everything is better than it was even just a decade ago so even the smaller, cheaper prize figures look really good. Banpesto's Q Posket seems pretty common if you like affordable big chibi heads, common enough that I got this Wonder Woman easily on a whim in the UK for £14 from a local store and I adore her. If you're UK like me, check out Forbidden Planet, but if you're US there's also BigBadToyStore. Personally I shop at HLJ because I'm willing to pay shipping for more niche things.

Seconding Mandarake as a good choice because of those markdowns, apparently Japanese are really uptight about box damage (and it's like a small scuff on the corner, stuff nobody notices).

No. 43455

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Any of you anons collect GI Joe? I think I like the 12 inch better than the tiny figures. They come with lots of cool accessories. I never thought I would end up there but I got one and now I want more

Kek smartass but clearly that’s a recent thing and they’re based off euros anyway

No. 43456

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Any other Godzilla gals here?? I got ahold of the Neca Rodan today. His articulation is poor and his flight stand doesn't work for squat. I ended up taking a spare obitsu stand and that works for him well enough. Despite all this, I'm still happy to have him haha. He looks good to me, at least.

No. 43457

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Not GI Joe, but I recently got a Blade action figure and he came with an insane amount of accessories. Sunglasses included.
I'm really amazed with these kinds of toys. I used to have so many Barbies where the accessories would come separately, it ended up being so costly as a child.

No. 43458


Oh my god anon that is some good taste.

No. 43459

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I have been dreaming of this thread for so long. I have a pretty sizeable late 80s-late 90s Barbie merch collection (pic related is one shelf of tat) I don't much care for the dolls unless they're BNIB but I love the merch. My fave thing is probs a set of boxed Barbie and Ken walkietalkies. I have a bunch of G1 MLPs, some Jem and the Holograms stuff, vintage Polly Pocket, Moondreamers and a bunch more random pink and sparkly 80s/90s stuff. I started collecting about 2 years ago but had some stuff I'd held onto since childhood (born in 96). I don't really know why I'm so into the super pink girly stuff cos I'm nothing like that irl but I guess the visuals are just pleasing to me. Does anyone know of any good FB groups for collecting this era/type of stuff that aren't full of crazy nasty middle aged women??

No. 43462

I’m a very casual toy collector, most of my toys are just random things that catch my eye from Target/CVS/GameStop/etc and a few anime statuettes. I love every one though and I especially love blind bags. Plus a small load of stuffed animals, mostly Pokémon ones.

How do y’all display your collections? Currently I have one shelf in my bedroom dedicated to it, but it’s a mess and I’m hoping to get shelves with smaller/shorter levels since most of my toys are tiny. The ones that are still packaged, with the little hook to hang, I have up on a wall hanging from push pins. But my plushes just sit in a chair lmao, I’d like a shelf to put them on eventually but I don’t have room yet. I literally can’t wait until I have my own home and can display stuff in other rooms!

No. 43479

i don't give two hecks about recasts.

No. 43514

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My favorite Calico Critters family is the alpacas, closely followed by the hedgehogs.

I love the packaging for 80s and early 90s Barbie stuff. I don't know why, maybe it's because it's peak flashy 80s graphic design.

No. 43515

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Here are the hedgehogs. So cute.

No. 43516

>azone pureneemo
i've been wanting to buy one of these for forever.. i wanna get a plain one, paint on a cute face, and make a huge wardrobe of tiny frilly dresses
they're not even that expensive, so i don't know what's keeping me

No. 43520

File: 1565177190124.jpg (361.76 KB, 1200x1200, Unmasked-Kylo-Ren-SH-Figuarts-…)

Forgot to mention that I also collect Rei Ayanami and Kylo Ren figures.
I wish there were more of Kylo ones that actually resemble Adam Driver, I love his weird beautiful face! TFA Mafex one looked amazing on promo photos but ended up being a huge disappointment IRL. I lowkey want the Figuarts unmasked one but the head seems too big for the body… I hope that one day I will be able to buy an unmasked Kylo Ren figure that has it all.

No. 43527

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I've never bought a figure before, but this Giorno one… is tempting me.

No. 43545

I have TLJ Figuarts Kylo Ren and he's one of my favorite toys I own! There's no head-scale issue on him, but I obviously can't speak towards the TFA version. I'm pretty into the Star Wars toy scene and I've never heard anyone say anything is off on him, though, so I'd definitely recommend nabbing him if you want him! (tho heads up, the unmasked one you posted was a con exclusive so he's pretty $$$. that's why I have the TLJ one)

No. 43589

Surugaya has international shipping now with their .com domain.

No. 43592

File: 1565210128449.gif (995.57 KB, 1066x1600, 1.gif)

You can get MSC for a decent price on ebay. I stocked up the shop had a sale of the normal-sized cans for $15(plus free shipping), but you can usually catch it for sale around $20-25 on ebay.

No. 43630

>tfw my local hobby shop has MSC for $10 USD

No. 43666

Wow he is beautiful

No. 43691

Don't fall for it, those ball jointed extra face pieces of shit are not good in person. I have a Jotaro one and it's not worth it at all.

No. 43698

you probably have a shitty knockoff.

No. 43725

Oh, I see! Maybe I will get a TLJ one when I have some extra money to spend on a Kylo figure. Wonder what figure we will get for the next movie…
Also nice to see another fan of him on lolcow.

No. 43732

just for anyone wondering, it's hard to get hold of in the UK! If you search for model shops online some of them have it and are willing to post but it took me about 3 weeks to get some.

I think it's the garish design that I'm the most drawn to lol. I'm getting into the Princess of Power stuff now and that is some crazy 80s glitter big hair power. Sylvanian Families are so cute, sounds super weird but I love how their furry lil bodies feel

No. 43734

I don't. I got it brand new from AmiAmi.

No. 43753

A bunch of SAS are known for having shoddy paint jobs and the older ones like Stardust Crusaders Joseph have issues with their joints popping apart easily.

No. 43756

File: 1565312395511.jpeg (92.5 KB, 600x800, BadWolfVindici1564790302r15650…)

I really want to preorder this nendo, but he costs 100 usd, mmmh. Not sure if it's worth it.
Anyone going to buy him?
I guess I kinda want him as a consolation prize for being unable to buy ALTAiR's Waver, lmao.

No. 43773

Hm, don't know if you stumbled on the same shop I bought my couple of cans from and they were actually reasonably priced. I dug out my invoice to see where I bought them from and apparently I got them from a hobby shop called Hiroboy. Regular MSC from there costs about £7(!!!) and the UV version is £9.

You'd be dropping a whole lot of dollary doos on a very small figure that isn't very articulated. It might be cute af but is staring at a chibi really worth that much? Don't know the character but I'd say only get him if you REALLY love the character or if spending $100 is like spending $10 for you.

No. 43775

my fiance collects nendos because they're really cute so i've gotten quite fond of them over the years. (just still creeped out by the ones with tits ala super sonico) do it up.

No. 43791

Nigga $100 for an El-Melloi nendo? What sort of shitty scalper scam shop are you looking at? Amiami has it up for preorder for $38, get him from there for the love of god.

No. 43809

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Really? That's sad, those figures looked so pretty from the ads. Giorno's has such a beautiful face.

No. 43810

When figures are mass-produced there’s a increased chance of paint issues, which started happening a lot when SAS began to sell more or had re-releases. Most of them are fine but there are a few that were shoddy like the red Dio.

No. 43817

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Not sure if I should post here or in the Aliexpress thread, but does anyone can tell me how to find small cute backdrops for taking photos of my ponies and dolls? I can mostly find human-size backdrops…. Should I just give up and buy a mini lightbox?
Do you guys have any other tips for taking ~aesthetic~ photos of figures and toys for Instagram?
I wish I could find a better example than pic related but hopefully you get what I mean.

No. 43827

I don't think the nendo is that good looking tbh, but the thing is that it is most decent figure I can afford of that character. Kinda sad lmao.

I have some nendos and even though I prefer bigger, more detailed figures, I still like them a lot. They are the only "chibi" figures I collect, tbh.

Kek, anon. I know it may sound expensive as fuck for a nendo, but that's what they cost where I live. We have to pay a lot of taxes when we import things. It's ridiculous, but it's been like that for so long that you just get used to it.
It's fucking sad because a lot of "expensive" figures are sold for like 100/150 usd, which I can afford; but actually importing them to my country -with taxes, shipping, etc- makes them like 500 usd in the end.

No. 43831

Jesus christ anon which country is this? I thought the 24% import taxes I have to pay for my figures was bad but that's fucking insane. I actually feel bad for you.

No. 43834

because taste is subjective, please stop being an asshole.

No. 43837

this is gorgeous, anon. i would love to try and build a corner in NYC in the seventies. i love that whole rundown, sleazy city aesthetic.

this guy is absolutely nuts, he's really into trains but he's branching out into street scenes, rivers, etc. he goes over everything very clearly and tbh I'm thinking about finally trying something small scale because of his channel.

hms is also great! i love that he works with items that don't seem very expensive, also the fact that he made a mini vacuform is badass.

No. 43866

HMS2 on youtube makes dollhouses and household items for his nendoroids. here's a video for you:

No. 44019

File: 1565531767217.jpg (18.96 KB, 332x500, 3b84ed9cfb5f6e9783587f7d34bf82…)

>What's your first vs your latest toy?
I am a doll fiend (1/6 and bjd alike), but I also have a few action figures, plushies and anime figures too. Not really a collector (besides having a shrine for a character that I try to get all the merch of), as I mostly play with them, but oh well. My first would be a random Kurhn doll. My latest.. probably my newest Jenny doll. It's an extremely rare one so naming it would easily out me heh.

>If you're a collector, when did you start?

Not really a collector, as I said, but I first consciously bought a doll when I was 13 I think. Those were simpler times before usd conversion rates fucked our entire country in the ass.

>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?

I really, really want to get some Resurrection of Monstress figures, but they are quite rare and cost too much to ship here (like 5 times the cost of the figure itself, haha). They are objectively shit, but I am a sucker for camp and monster-themed things so… yeah. I also really want another Blythe, but the one I want the most costs outrageously a lot for what they are. Would like some more Ashley Wood figures eventually. Maybe a few more Play Arts Kai's.
The one thing I can't probably get ever is a Sasha doll by Groove, particularly Nuna. Or a Noix De Rome doll of Iwakura Lain. Both are extremely rare and you can't even get pictures of them really.

>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?

When I started, I bought a lot of bootleg anime chibis. They were the only thing I could get. Later on I found out I fucking HATE most chibis. Like, nendos/q-poskets are the ugliest shit to me. I have some chibis in my posession still, but they are original figures of the characters that don't have a full-size figure available.

>What's the most expensive item you own?

Probably a Serial Experiments Lain statue, picrelated. I don't get why it costs so much, but I guess it's because it was old and not made in huge quantities. It's really subpar compared to modern figures, but that's what you get for liking old anime. If we're talking dolls, that would be my msd bjd, one of them at least.

>Waiting for a package to arrive?

Yeah, waiting on a package from Mandarake. I finally got a figure I dreamt of for about 7 years. It's a shitty one, really, so I won't brag. It's also apparently has some breakage, but I bet I can fix it. Boxed new ones are outrageously priced for what it is and I got it for 1/10th of the price because some stuff is detached and the box fell apart.

>Do you only buy what you like or are you a completionist who wants the whole set?

The dolls/toys I buy have to fit a very particular aesthetic. I couldn't give a shit about getting a full set if parts of the set are ugly to me.

>Have you ever thought about where your toys will go as you get older? REALLY old?

I'm probably not having children, so to the dump?

>Have you kept your childhood toys?

Only one and it's not a collectible, just a beat-up stuffed dog. I wish I kept my oldschool Bratz doll. I never had any toys of value besides her anyway.

>Any toy/merch horror stories, as a kid or an adult?

Not really. Just a lot of dolls I had destroyed while trying to customize that I ended up missing in their original forms and that are too pricy/rare to buy again nowadays.
Oh. I remembered. I got Play Arts Kai Cloud Strife as a gift. I don't know what version since I am not a fan of FF7 in the slightest, but he was really beautiful. One day I came home to him not being in his usual place. I thought I misplaced him. And then I found a piece of him behind the matress. My crackhead boyfriend literally smashed him to pieces because I said something he didn't like. I still wonder how he managed. Kais are pretty sturdy.

No. 44021

Samefag, but. Some cheaper bjds are from 5stardoll, Angellstudio and such. You can literally google "cheap legit bjd" and people have combined lists for you already.
My favourite cheap company is Resinsoul. They have a terribly set up shop with worst pictures ever, but. The dolls are cheap and they are really well-made. They also offer a wide variety of skintones and would mix a custom one for you, including transluscent parts! They do mix-and-match parts of dolls and do minor mods if you write to them directly. The customer support is great and they do real good discounts for group orders (we have a group order in my country's bjd comm and get about 20% on top of the usual discount)
Resionsoul face sculpts are not the best really, they're an acquired taste, but a way to get a cheap bjd is getting a cheap body and making a hybrid with whatever head sculpt you like.

No. 44024

re: resurrection of monstress, i have both phanteana and gilleala! they've got the best sculpts and cutest facepaints. i also had curia, but gave her to a friend. i've never once seen anyone talk about those figures, so cool you know them! of the two, gilleala is my favorite. her accessories are so detailed and i love the octopus on her shoulder. she's adorable.

i'm still eyeing the bishoujo ash from kotobukiya.

No. 44028

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Ah! I really really want Steela. Her sculpt might not be the best, but Frankenstein's monster is my favourite and she's kinda goals.

Speaking about classic monsters, though it's probably not a toy (still a collectible), I have recently found out about picrelated and I want them all.

No. 44029

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They're pocket knives from Franklin Mint.

No. 44032

haha, we share similar tastes, anon! these are terrific and i'm going to do some hunting to see what i can find. hope you track down your franken steela!

No. 44493

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I love your figure of Lain. It seems to look very nice and not even for when it was made. Love the diorama! I wish that more Lain figures were released. Too bad that SEL is just a cult classic, cause I don't think we should expect anything new coming out…
Have you experienced Lain's diaries from the PSX game? They have been translated some time ago and they truly are something.

That Noix De Rome Lain is unnervingly cutesy.
I was pretty sure that below quoted page included a larger photo of it than what can be found while googling, but I guess I was wrong. I am posting the page anyway because you and some other anons into 90's anime and dolls might get a kick out of it! I used to browse it religiously as a kid in the early 00's. Wonder what happened to the author.
Most (if not all) picture links still work.
Among others, you can see early Utena merch

I wish I could buy a Haibane Renmei figure, I truly love this series and need to rewatch it soon. I miss anime like that! Plus, ABe's drawing style is truly special.

I relate HARD to your story with chibi figures. I find them shit but when I was a kid weeb they were all I was able to get besides bootlegs of Sailor Moon Bandai figures. I don't get how people can collect Funkos or even Nendoroids. They are so cheap looking and a terrible representation of the character.

I am so sorry about the Cloud and what you went through with the shithead bf, hope you are doing better now!
I really want a Cloud figure for years, hope I will get him soon.

No. 44506

I just won an auction on the 2 toynami Lains i wanted and I'm so happy!

Also i undeestand not liking Funko pops,but i do quite like nendoroids. I like setting them up in dioramas with calico critter furniture and taking cute pics.

Most nendoroids i have fit the character though,the Panty and Stocking ones in particular.

That Suicide Squad joker gives me nightmares though.
Why would they even make that thing.

No. 44581

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I love that Lain diorama myself, it's really, really good for an older figure, but compared to modern ones it looks quite cheap. It's bare bones and minimalistic, which I actually like since the entire series is like that.
I've started reading the PSX translation a while ago, but for some reason I stopped and never came back to it. Well, not for "some" reason really. SELain is deeply personal to me and reading about her actually struggling with mental illness and treatment was too much like reading about myself and my own pain.

Noix De Rome Lain looks nothing like the character really, but I am a sucker for anime dolls and she's really cute. I have a Toynami Lain (guitar version) and she's a dream. I want to get them all one day.
A good website for anime dolls is https://shoujodolls.com/index.php/en/ they have a review of the Noix De Rome Lain.

I need to rewatch Haibane myself, but it put me into such a melancholic funk the first time, I am afraid that now as a much older person I would actually "get it" and it would be even worse. I had nearly got a bootleg of the fig in your picture before I really got into original figures, just because of how pretty it was and how much I love everything ABe touches.

Also there's like two pictures of this Lain doll I found, but I don't think it was ever released. A shame.

Congrats! They are really good! The articulation is incredible and the clothes are well made. My only complaint for toynami Lains is that they are usually butter-yellow in skintone, but oh well, they are Old figures and worse can happen with plastic.

No. 45016

are these the same as sylvanian families? because in the uk we have those. I used to have a few as a kid and I adored them

No. 45020

yes, they're called calico critters in the US because marketing i guess. japanese companies always have to rename shit for the US.

No. 45026

Anons, do you have any advice on becoming less materialistic while keeping your most beloved posessions and ocasionally adding to the collection?
Yes, I am posting in the right thread. I can never see myself being totally minimalist and living without my dolls, ponies, figures etc. but I am tired of being a compulsive spender and having more items than I can enjoy. How do you stop yourself from buying whatever and finding out what you actually want?
Years ago, like most insecure young adult collectors I got memed into believing that the more you have the better, more real collector you are. I have developed a shopping addiction for various reasons and I am trying to unfuck myself. I still get triggered constantly into considering buying a doll or a furniture for my BJD…

DAE here face this kind of issue or maybe has managed to find a solution?

No. 45081

I've struggled with the same issue, and for me what worked was designating 2 shelves in my room to keep my collection, and not letting it spread any further. I used to have so many figurines all around my room and have tons of shelves dedicated to them and would basically keep them anywhere they'd fit but once I parcelled off all the ones I didn't like/feel a huge attachment to I had a small enough lot left to keep confined to one area. Now I have the mindset of "oh, if I get a new one I'd have to get rid off/stow away one of these ones I really like….." which has hugely deterred any impulse purchases. Obviously you can tweak however many shelves or whatever.

No. 45093

I donated 90% of my collection (plushies, figures, dolls, etc.) and feel better for it.

I no longer impule purchase random shit just bc I like it. The way I got myself to slow down was to set up rules like
>the item has to stay in my cart for two days and if I still want it it can be bought
>if it's too similar to something else I own then I can't buy it
>only n amount of items can be bought per month

No. 45115

First if you're a member or even lurker of any specific doll/figure forums or other communities like FB groups or whatever, stop checking them. I know it can be fun to connect with people who share the same interests but in my experience internet groups centered around any hobby that involves buying things is always filled with mega autists who spend an exorbitant amount of money on shit and the culture just encourages constant buying and hoarding. It's so tempting to want to buy something new and shiny when you see other collectors parading it around on social media, it's the whole FOMO thing and if you focus solely on your own collection it's a lot easier to avoid temptation. Learn to love what you already own instead of focusing on what you don't have and definitely don't compare yourself to other collectors.

Also I recommend keeping track of what you're buying. I keep a bullet journal and I write down everything that I buy for each month. When you impulsively shop it's so easy to fall into the mindset of "Oh, but this is just $12, that's nothing" but that shit adds up super fast. When you keep track of everything you bought it's no longer "just $12" but "another $12 to the $150 that I've already spent on doll stuff this month…" and you start to hold yourself accountable.

No. 45117

can you go to an advice thread for this? this is off topic as fuck.

No. 45144

I tried to put some stuff to give away and realized how much I need to buy an extra shelf (that I've been planning for two years, it's not related to trying to stick all my shit somewhere). I realized how beautiful my Barbies are and how much they make me smile when I thought I don't care about them anymore because all this time they were stuck in a box under my bad and somehow I forgot how much I cherish them.

Wow, you are very strong, anon! I don't think I could deal with getting read of that much. I do want to get rid of stuff that does not make me happy when I look at it.
Thanks for the rules, I will try to keep them in mind! Currently I made a list for all the things that I compulsively want (with links), I paste them and wait to see if I still want them after some time. Hope it helps me somehow…

Guess I will have to leave the toy FB groups (that I lurk every once in a while, mostly when they pop up). I used to go to local doll meetups but had to stop as an abusive exfriend/excoworker is responsible for organizing them (she is infamous in the community because of her behavioral issues).
I feel sad about it cause I could meet a lot of women friends that way, but it was too uncomfortable with how many of them ignored/did not notice the organiser's toxic behavior. At least I don't have other people triggering my spending impulses.

You are completely right about how things add up, I am trying to sort this issue out.

I do not intend to clutter this thread with my issue beyond this reply (as I feel thankful to anons that gave me advice), however I wanted to talk with other people who are in the toy collecting community and not randoms that don't have the experience with the mentality that led me to my issues. As far as I understand, this thread is also about being a collector as much as discussing the toys itself. Take a look at OP's post >>43400. At least that's how I understand it, maybe I am wrong. Probably should have worded my post better.

No. 45147

Participating in the collection hobby scene is gonna be a trigger no matter what, especially if you're not over your shopping addiction yet. Once you get used to not buying shit, you can slowly rejoin these communities but it's only gonna cause you to buy more shit rn.

No. 45151

File: 1566245049337.jpg (992.14 KB, 2856x1750, 0819191302-1.jpg)

I only just got around to reading this thread since anon talked about it in another hi hi. But I'm not sure how intense of a customization you're trying to do, cuz there's all kinds of molding on the bodies. We usually only swap heads and paint so I'm a noob. Some male bodies that kinda sound similar are these:

Still in stores:
>Endgame Hawkeye & Black Widow 2-pack, the male body is average, not super skinny and was made to suit any male hero in the movie.
>Ant-Man maybe, the Paul Rudd head is amazing.

>Everett Ross & Killmonger 2-pack, Ross has an average body but a rubber blazer.
>Any Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes fig
>Spider-Man Noir

Spider-Man Noir's fig has a shit ton of bits and a trench coat but he's taller than any other Marvel figure I own and not as super-thin super-muscley as the other Spider-Man figs. Also there will prob be new figs for the Falcon & WS show and the Wanda & Vision show, you might like Vision's or Falcon's body types. Old figs get crazy expensive, waiting for the new waves might be a better bet. I don't have any X-Men but their bodies are usually pretty comic-looking. There is also a vintage-style line thats always pretty cheap and any bits on them are really simple.

Here's a phone pic of my mess of Legends lol

No. 45232

the only advice people in the comm can give you is >>45147. and again, trying to discuss arranging collections or trying to plan what you buy is on topic, but asking how to stop buying stuff is not.

No. 45404

File: 1566405591426.png (905.82 KB, 832x707, 3CF529C3-E0CC-4B32-857A-EEB23F…)

OP here, I’ve been away so I haven’t been able to post content but good to see thread is not kill. Nice range of toys too. Recently my Mythic Legions figures arrived so maybe I’ll post pics of those (female knights? YES.)

Good taste.

I say try the 1 week rule, if it’s in your cart wait for that long. Or maybe even monthly depending on how often you get paid.
And remind yourself about the things you HAVE to pay for (bills, food, toiletries etc). For example my hobby is not as important as a new phone for my mother when her current is days away from death, as well as some serious home repairs and replacing wonky annoying furniture.
I don’t personally see your post as off topic clutter but people are gonna post about wanting and getting toys here which is distracting from your goals to spend less.

What I want to do is mainly parts swapping and repainting because I don’t have the patience to learn how to sculpt or recast things. But those are some cool recs, especially Spider Man Noir and his cool looking coat, he might be the one. It was the first thing my eyes were drawn to on your shelf.

No. 46877

File: 1567277593374.jpg (42.71 KB, 640x640, beanie lizard.jpg)

I have this lizard beanie thing I want to ID, I've seen these things around for over a decade and they're really well made but I guess it's just some generic toy with no label. Really cute though.
>toy horror story
Just a male cousin wanted one when I got mine when we were kids. He thought it was funny throwing it against walls as hard as he could then threw a tantrum when it finally split, the dumbass. I'd never do that to any of my toys, all I can think is "creature cute, no harm

No. 46916

I always see those beanies at county fairs, I used to have a pair of dragons and they were from a fair booth.

No. 46924

These were really big while I was in public school in the early 2000s. We bought them at general/dollar stores.

There's not one manufacturer, they're just known as "sand stuffie/beanie/toy" and they're still for sale on Amazon, toy stores, Walmart even. Unless you meant you wanted to ID that specific one in the picture.

No. 46933

> https://doctorbeth.tumblr.com/
This blog was mentioned on the wholesome media thread, bless the person who fixes all these toys. I’m so attached to my mine I think they’ll be buried with me unless I can pass them down to future kids who don’t play rough.

No. 47344

File: 1567459908992.png (577.94 KB, 751x453, Untitled.png)

I guess this is the fashion doll thread now.

It's because the soccer moms who make these customs care more about the ideology behind the doll than the dolls themselves. They give no shit about craftsmanship, they just don't want their kids to play with "whores".

No. 47345

File: 1567460162872.png (577.32 KB, 876x470, Untitled.png)

Is there still a push for more wholesome dolls, or has Barbie fashionistas cornered that market?

No. 47350

It always was the doll thread. Use the damn catalog before making duplicate threads. You also keep talking to yourself which is weird. You also don't sage which is equally annoying.

No. 47353

It's a general toy thread, not a doll thread. But hey, whatever makes you more comfortable.

No. 47400

What is the general opinion on nendos? I have a couple I am REALLY eyeing up, cause they're so cute, but it's really hard for me to justify the price point.

I have like three funko pops, cause they're cheap but still cute enough to justify for me, but compared to the nendos they're ugly as sin. Plus the accessories for the nendos are extremely appealing. The bunny ears for the Link nendo makes me want to cry. But it's like, ~$50 for a piece of plastic that just sits there seems like too much? I did almost buy a sailor moon fig for $130 but resisted, and in hind sight I'm glad I did.

How do collectors justify/afford the money spent on figures? Do you include it in your budget? Just use credit and pay it off later? Does anybody else feel guilty buying things like this? I'm really interested in how ya'll make it work. Please help me.

No. 47411

>Not a doll thread
>Thread description: DOLLS, action figures…and other collectables are all welcome here.
Why you insist on being retarded? If there's is already a thread why the fuck are you bitching?

No. 47417

File: 1567485370709.png (852.65 KB, 694x714, nendo.png)

Because it would be nice to have a doll thread without other toys being thrown in. Not everyone who's into doll collecting is also into hot wheels or Japanese hentai figures or whatever else.

Nendos are much better than funkos because you can swap their heads around and pose them in different ways. I suggest getting a nendoroid doll or a cu-poche for the body because tbh, normal nendoroid bodies are fragile and annoying to fiddle with.

No. 47426

I will never in my life understand how funkos became so popular. they almost never look like who they are supposed to unless they are very unique like pennywise or Sora from kingdom hearts. they always seem devoid of any emotion or expression.

I love nens, because of the ability to face switch and all the lil accessories.

No. 47431

>Japanese hentai figures
Where do you think you are? Point out at least one person who posted "hentai" figures or mentioned them itt, the most you will see here is a semi ecchi one or some shirtless guy. Along with your unsaged post and previous rant on the other toys thread you are starting to give me weird vibes

No. 47437

It’s probably because they’re cheap and easily available to normies who don’t get hobby shops or importing things, like getting a table from IKEA vs getting some bespoke piece from a Swedish carpenter.. I’d rather somebody gift me new socks than a lump of plastic that doesn’t even look good.

Can’t help you there but this makes me wonder how nendo quality is doing vs figmas which people are rightly beginning to shit on for QC issues and generally being cheap with figures being more expensive for less accessories. Good Smile also came up with a huge headed doll body which nobody around here seems interested in.

There’s no way around affording merch, you have to be insanely rich and/or spend 0 on everything else in your life. Like SailorTortilla on Youtube, she said she had a job in advertising but I think she has to come from some money because her merch room is unbelievable, I can’t imagine how much it all costs in total when one of those shelves has like dozens of things that cost hundreds each. I wonder if she has a problem but that she has a bank account that can take it, it’s more shiny plastic than I could dream of.

Well I’m tired of only having doll threads when I’m a girl who wants to talk about my action figures openly without feeling like I have to infiltrate a shitty /toy/ thread where there really ARE garbage hentai figures posted by guys like that Jasmine anon who found his way here.

No. 47447

Personally I dislike them because all the extra parts are a hassle to keep in check and I don't like chibi style figures in general as they are less interesting than original character designs. Obviously you don't share my point of view. Having said that, if you are going to buy a figure, buy a Nendo rather than a Funko. They are lazy garbage and sooner or later you might regret wasting money on them instead of going for the quality stuff. Maybe save up for a Nendo of your fave character. That way you will be sure that you really want to spend money on it.
IMHO it's a bit like buying a bootleg instead of the real thing. You might think you are saving a money, but the quality is not there which makes the figure worthless.

I would recommend Funkos only if you are desperate for a figure and your favorite character doesn't have any other merch. Even then comissioning an artist would be better, but if you don't have the time and/or money…
I am still salty that there are no quality Bojack Horseman figures that actually look like the characters and not sameface blobs.

No. 47465

File: 1567512494688.jpg (20.06 KB, 466x373, bukbachar.jpg)

Ugh, yes there are so many ugly funkos. Like I said, ugly as sin. Although I have the bulbasaur one and I love it, he has such a cute smile. Pic related.

But I really want a cute fig of my husbando and the nendo is just so much more appealing than the funko, and better quality.

One of the ones I'm wanting(I literally just want two) is actually by Good Smile so I like that style for sure.

I can afford it, technically, it's just justifying that amount of money on something that's basically useless and creates more clutter. I grew up with hoarder mentality and just got every little thing that caught my eye, so I'm wary of falling back into that. I'm mostly curious if anybody else has this issue and how others may deal with it? Does anybody else feel like these are things that they shouldn't be spending money on?

Totally agree with the bootleg comparison. And I feel because funkos are so much cheaper it's easier to buy a bunch of them, whereas having one or two nendos would make them so much more special to own. PLus it would be more difficult to have it get out of hand in regards to collecting.

No. 47650

I agree this Bulbasaur (btw great choice in starter Pokemon, anon!) is pretty damn cute and an exception to the rule.
I wish we could get a popular and low cost series of figures that are not chibi. Even if the quality was not great, it would be nice to be able to buy a cheap and accurate character from series that Funko holds licenses to.
At least in Japan you can get gacha, trading and Sega prize figures if you are on a tight budget….

No. 47683

Not sure what rant you're talking about? And I'm not saying people have posted hentai figures, I'm saying they could because they're technically collectible toys. IMO ecchi figs counts as hentai figs, though, since their main purpose is usually fap bait for scrotes.

No. 47684

There's a hentai fig right there. >>43393

No. 47688

File: 1567537747770.jpg (139.12 KB, 740x740, mariekondo.jpg)

Get the nendo! Japanese toys often rise in price if you don't get them early and if it's a figure of your husbando, it doesn't count as clutter imo. He's close to your heart and therefore will spark joy. Who's your husbando?

No. 47689

Are you joking? Black Lagoon is not a hentai and the figure is not sexually explicit. Jfc

No. 47701

>a statue of a busty anime girl in unzipped bootyshorts isn't merchandise aimed at perverts

Sure, lol. Queen's Blade isn't hentai either and there's nothing explicit about Cattleya in a bikini.

Anyways, the point is that it would have been nice to have a discussion about a specific type of toy without it getting derailed in whatever direction. No big deal, though, I suppose.

No. 47702

File: 1567542945531.png (490.76 KB, 860x603, barbie.png)

Has anyone tried the 2015 Hello Barbie? Is her dialogue still being updated?

No. 47707

Queen's Blade is a borderline hentai. How can you compare a clothed figure to a naked titty monster clinging to a phallic object while making an O face? It makes you sound like you've never seen an actual hentai figure. So what if her pants are unzipped? You can't see anything. Is any hint of sexyness considered equal to pornography to you?

Lolcow is sadly not big enough for 3 toy threads. It's not 'derailing' if it's on topic.

No. 47709

No. She was discontinued pretty much immediately which is a shame. Some more work and she would have been great. Why buy an Echo or Google Home when you could have Barbie do it all

No. 47712

File: 1567551330467.jpg (15.24 KB, 400x317, img.jpg)

Anyone else remember these? I know I still have mine, but I haven't seen it in years, packed away in boxes somewhere since we last were preparing to move. I remember how mad my mom was when I asked for him. I loved it so much; saw it at the grocery store. The thing was damn expensive too, $3.50. It sounds like nothing now, but that was over 15+ years ago and my mom and I dug up change in the car just to go to McDonalds. It meant a lot to me at the time; I carried it everywhere. I took it to school one day, only in the 4th grade, and was belittled for being too old in front of the entire class to be bringing toys to school. Keep in mind I was hiding it under my desk and not letting it distract me from my work, I just used it to calm my anxiety. She took it away and called home, made my mother even angrier; she tried to throw it away and called me a dumbass. I dug it out, so she hid it from me, and that's when it ended up put in those boxes.

Any toys you guys remember from childhood that killed the bank or just caused you guys family problems (lol)?

No. 47713

File: 1567551757557.jpeg (211.55 KB, 1200x1200, D8C0924D-8F1E-4225-B4CC-17B617…)

>comparing Revy from Black Lagoon to Cattleya from Queen’s Blade
>Black Lagoon, "a hentai"
You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Also nice strawdoll there, comparing that figure to an actual fetish design. I’d show you some real hentai figures but you’d have a meltdown.

It’s not derailing if it literally says in the OP what kinds of toys are allowed here and you know it’s possible for several anons to discuss things in a single board in parallel. Are you that allergic to content you don’t like despite knowing nothing of it?

No. 47716

File: 1567552571484.jpg (106.71 KB, 659x439, BN-XO084_0220BE_H_201802201603…)

I used to spend all my birthday money on beanie babies.

No. 47717

File: 1567552848725.png (166.26 KB, 364x486, cattleya.png)

Not all Cattleya figures have her clinging to a phallic object while making an O face. Picture related, this is an innocent figure of Cattleya preparing to go for a swim.

No. 47718

File: 1567552926898.png (3.18 MB, 1680x1120, darkeclipse691462648446.png)

lmao that is cheesecake, not even close to hentai. You do know you need to be 18 to post here, right?

>I grew up with hoarder mentality and just got every little thing that caught my eye, so I'm wary of falling back into that. I'm mostly curious if anybody else has this issue and how others may deal with it?
I have borderline hoarder parents which in turn made it really easy for me to fall into a collector hobby and overindulge. If I wanted it and I had the money, I would get it. So it seems like we come from similar places lol.

Honestly, a lot of it is simply self-control and knowing yourself. If most of your pointless purchases are, say, impulsive or something you do while drunk, you need to nip it in the bud when you feel the temptation. I ended up having to create strict guidelines for myself to prevent from overspending on useless shit. I followed those rules for a long time and thankfully don't need to reference them anymore, but it can be as dumb as "will this match your other collectibles?" to more serious "are you spending more than your monthly budget allows?"

Should you be spending money on it? Well, that's pretty subjective. Logically, Nendoroids don't really serve a purpose other than being cute. But there's nothing really wrong with buying cute things as long as you aren't drowning in them. After getting over my spending habit, I started having buyer's remorse over the stupidest things, so try not to fall into that hole, either. You will make yourself miserable over anything that doesn't fall under "necessities", which is a lot of stuff.

If you really want to justify it? Tell yourself you can sell it later if you aren't feeling it. Nendoroids sell pretty well even when they're opened, so don't sweat that part of it.

Mind if I ask where you're buying from? Because Mandarake has a few of the Link Nendos for a little under $30 and MFC has a few open/nib ones for between $30-40, some with free shipping. You can save yourself a lot of money if you know where to look.

No. 47719

File: 1567553327744.png (201.97 KB, 514x376, cattleya.png)

She is literally losing her pants in that image. You can see her thong sticking out. I'm not saying it's hentai nor do I even dislike lewd toys, I'm just saying the primary demographic that buys those figs you're posting is horny men.

I suggest getting the revoltech Revy. She has articulation and you can even see her nipples.

No. 47720

the ppl responding to u are men

No. 47721

File: 1567553537334.png (258.95 KB, 364x478, cattleya.png)

While we're on the topic of sexy toys, parfom has some very cute articulated thots. Here's the Amazon from Dragon's Crown. Hopefully they make the Sorceress soon.

No. 47722

File: 1567553976404.png (269.5 KB, 414x638, sorceress.png)

Dragon's Crown is a great game btw. Shame it's not getting more merchandise.

No. 47725

There are a lot of lesbians on this site, I'm sure they all can't be radfems who hate sexiness.

No. 47728

File: 1567555820818.jpg (123.17 KB, 768x1024, 62533144_cec99a8415_b.jpg)

Oh, I own a plushie from this series! So cute. The PS2 game is also genuinely good and comfy, I highly recommend it (The Dog Island).

I used to be too shy/scared to ask for toys that I was obsessed about. I am trying to get them now.

>Everyone I disagree with is a male: toy edition
Is pic related your fave fashion doll? Cause you (and the other anons triggered by mildly sexy figures) sure sound like that.

No. 47731

Why is there a stuffed animals general?

No. 47739

File: 1567558246437.jpeg (357.57 KB, 2048x1152, 6842219A-7EF0-4E0A-B062-4F7AF9…)

I don’t care if Faye is ‘losing her pants’, she’s a good character, it’s a good if very sexy figure. I can admire how on-model it is and it captures the parts confident and sensual parts of her personality. The fact that mostly men buy these is what bothers you, not me because I can admire the characters behind these figures and I don’t mind cheesecake. I only lament there isn’t more beef and that most bishounen figures are too tame.

>I’m not saying it’s hentai

>There’s a hentai figure right there
>Japanese hentai figures

And nah m8, it’s an older Revoltech, the joint cuts are too obvious to me and older Revos have weird articulation that I’m not a fan of. Her face also looks pretty off, not accurate. Usually I prefer articulated figures but if I were to choose I’d pick the statue. Also lol @ you posting that figure, you must assume I’m a male poster talking about her nipples like that and you could only search for that ancient Revo after I namedropped the character.

Whoever is posting Cattleya and the Amazon makes me suspic but I am definitely female and also not the person who has the Revy statue.

No. 47741

File: 1567558932467.png (328.25 KB, 576x800, Untitled.png)

I'm female. I just like having toys with a variety of body types, including large breasted. Them being nearly naked just makes them easier to play dress up with.

No. 47742

Damn. Is the app even still functional? Can you talk to her at all?

No. 47752

Thanks anon!! It was between Bulbasaur and Squirtle but Squirtle's smile wasn't as cute, haha. Plus if I'm gonna get squirtle merch it's gonna be the squrtle squad version!

We do seem to have limited options overseas, and the cheap items like gacha end up not being that cheap when you add shipping and duties onto them, lol.

You anons have convinced me, I'm gonna go for it! Don't judge me but it's Sasuke and the Majora's Mask version of Link. There's also a reasonably priced Vegeta fig I might get too that's not too ugly. Idk I find a lot of the dbz merch to be really ugly too haha. Maybe I'm just too particular.

Yeah, I think you've hit the nail on the head anon. I especially had a problem overspending on clothes until a year or so ago. I did the same thing that you did with the rules, and I barely buy new clothing now. I guess I'm just worried I'm gonna open pandora's box again, but have it be about figs this time instead lol.

But you're right, I don't want to deprive myself from buying cute things, because it does bring me joy. A lot of it is just making sure I don't go over board now, cause owning too much of it all would probably make me feel less happy about it in general.

I was thinking of getting them on tokyo otaku mode. They have the discounts, plus $10 off as a new member. The two nendos I want are $50 each and the vegeta fig is like $20 or something. With the discounts it comes to ~$100 before shipping, which doesn't seem too bad? Especially for new in box?

No. 47756

To stop yourself from overspending on toys, tell yourself to only buy one a month (or whatever amount of time you find more appropriate) unless it's one you REALLY want. To know if you really want a fig, wait a few weeks before buying it. If you can't stop thinking about it, it's probably a good purchase.

No. 47757

You could also get some miniature furniture and make your husbandos little habitariums. Husbando habitariums are fun.

No. 47762

That would be so cute!! What kind of habitats have you done? Do you have any examples/inspo pics? I would love to see!

No. 47766

File: 1567574402124.png (1.73 MB, 673x893, 3FF1E94C-CA16-4C18-822A-CA9000…)

I would have thought their non standard proportions make them harder to get clothes for.

god knows I’m dying for more 1/12 clothes that don’t cost more than my own wardrobe. I don’t have the time to learn to sew on top of my other hobbies but I end up saving stuff on how to make clothes anyway…

No. 47792

Never seen this one before, those red eyes are creepy as fuck
>mfw Terminator Barbie actually existed at some point

No. 47805

File: 1567607158704.png (583.45 KB, 576x748, mario.png)

Look up nendoroid on instagram, there's lots of cute pics of nendos in little rooms. Just imagine your husbandos there.

No. 47806

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No. 47808

File: 1567607617420.png (995.36 KB, 1024x683, mario.png)

No. 47811

File: 1567608159975.png (674.67 KB, 746x730, mario.png)

No. 47814

File: 1567608344527.png (8.16 MB, 3264x2174, mario.png)

No. 47815

File: 1567608864924.png (1.26 MB, 940x776, mario.png)

here's some actual husbando habitarium pics


No. 47830

What is a good online store to hunt for rare western figures? I really want to buy a NECA Kurt Cobain figure someday, but it's hard to find and quite expensive. I was able to find some on Ebay, but there are like 10 offers. Amazon is even worse. I am wondering if there are any other places I should look that ship worldwide?

No. 47854

oh goodness anon, those are so fucking cute!!

>>47808 This one creeps me tf out though jesus

No. 47862

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No. 47863

File: 1567640892832.png (873.48 KB, 846x730, Untitled.png)

No. 47868

File: 1567641724877.jpg (18.3 KB, 405x500, tumblr_plbj01rLTl1wurg8x_540.j…)

Do any of you guys remember Aquapets? I suddenly remembered them today and I found them after Googling "water tamagotchi" because I couldn't remember the name.

No. 47869

Looks a lot like a dildo tbh.

No. 47871

File: 1567644014573.jpg (10.29 KB, 300x300, aquapet_tu.jpg)

>>47868 i still have the green one in my parents' house! They were so much fun even tho i never really got what made it do what.

No. 47872

>With the discounts it comes to ~$100 before shipping, which doesn't seem too bad?

That isn't too bad depending on shipping, especially if you prefer NIB. But if you ever want to look into 2nd hand stuff, give Mandarake or MyFigureCollection a go. A lot of Like New (or even unopened) stuff for less than you'll find other places, though Mandarake is in Japan so you have to factor in shipping.

No. 47873

File: 1567644509647.jpeg (25.43 KB, 281x300, CCEB1BA1-69EC-4A71-9042-753CE8…)

I always wanted one of these they are adorable

Did anyone else had this?

No. 47874

Damn this is a big pang of nostalgia. I had this exact one! They were so damn cute

No. 47879

Yeah, I'm a canadafag so shipping is gonna fuxk me over no matter what. Considering going to my local comic book shop to see if they'd be able to order them for me and if it'l be cheaper/less hassle lol

No. 47880

Oh god. I had the blue one called Miku, these things were £15 in the UK and I only played with it for like 2 days because I couldn't keep up with it bleeping for food so often, plus I was really sentimental and couldn't stand being a bad owner so I covered it up and pretended it didn't exist which only made me feel guiltier. Sounds really dumb but there you go. I should have broken it open and kept the cute pet inside as a trinket because the rest of it is just junk.

No. 47939

File: 1567706644453.jpg (142.82 KB, 800x1066, Hb1cb6f56aaea44e9bf01be9c8409c…)

I saw this on AliExpress just now. The anatomy is atrocious, had to share. This would be worthy of the bad art thread had it not been a figure.

No. 47944

Holy shit. I wonder if it's a bootleg or China's original creation?
It's hilarious

No. 47949

>no articulation

No. 47950

File: 1567711224468.png (Spoiler Image,465.62 KB, 482x680, slut.png)

The body shape kinda looks like this Raita actually.

No. 47951

File: 1567711361674.png (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1500x1500, slut.png)

No. 47956

Spoiler this disgusting shit.
I smell a maleposter.

No. 47965

File: 1567717572073.jpeg (1.13 MB, 1836x3264, 5C8CAE5A-D90D-400B-BF4A-FA622B…)

Let’s ignore them and post better content.

I like whatever this Revoltech line is called (can’t remember the name), they’re clearly supposed to be more like articulated pieces of art than play-proof action figures. There’s a dragon one and some shinto/buddhist gods which are really, really cool to look at. If I could afford to I’d get one of the dragons but lol it’s probably inappropriate to put a Japanese mass produced piece of plastic in my household shrine.

No. 47966

File: 1567718256652.jpeg (68.61 KB, 595x800, 2CD89013-5C7B-49D4-AE79-ADD8F2…)

This creature is called a Kirin (Qilin) by the way. It has articulated eyeballs, the ball has an allowance that lets it roll inside the socket and can be ‘posed’ by poking the hole of the pupil with a stick to move it around.

No. 47967

File: 1567719605455.jpg (70.92 KB, 645x968, d8a339017d5a6ceedca0de0c1d4ccc…)

Gorgeous anon, reminds me a little of these samurai Star Wars figures. I absolutely adore them and have wanted them for quite a while. I especially want the Jango Fett version.

No. 47968

File: 1567720402201.jpeg (33.76 KB, 440x879, 0EA5AB17-D38D-46E0-BCC2-BDE833…)

She doesn't have any other more conservative figures, but I find this one to be quite nice considering it originally retailed for under 100, I'd like to find it somewhere where I don't think I'm going to get ripped off (ie not ebay) but maybe I'll take my chances in a couple paychecks.

No. 47969

"My First Dildo" is what these things should have been called.

No. 47972


oh shit, so you have customs to deal with, too. I know some places will under declare for you, but it's obviously at your own risk if something goes wrong.

No. 47987

File: 1567734522744.png (1.71 MB, 1024x700, Untitled.png)

Remember when cellphones looked like bricks?

No. 47988

Oooh, that looks fun. I was never a Star Wars fan but I bet it would look good with the kirin and that samurai Batman design I’ve seen around. Whoever designed this did a great job meshing Stormtrooper armor with the samurai aesthetic.

No. 48099

File: 1567804313136.png (1.7 MB, 716x1486, hairyskeleton.png)

Digging through my MH collection, I found this thot who is pro-ana and anti-shaving. I don't have her diary, but those are some very fluffy legs.

No. 48132

Wow they look like trash now

No. 48146

I've heard that the water turns yellow like this when the toy has been exposed to a lot of sun, enabling the growth of bacteria.

Also, sometimes the water would evaporate to the point that the puppet couldn't move anymore.

I don't know why they filled it with water. They should have filled it with some other non-toxic liquid that is less hospitable to bacteria, or skipped the water entirely and just had the little puppet in the capsule.

No. 48149

Is that urine? I think that's urine.

No. 48153

Yeah. I’m the anon who had the blue ‘Miku’ one and after a few months the water started turning green and I guess it was aglae growing in there. Tbh I can’t think of a non toxic liquid for that purpose. The pet floating in water is the whole gimmick. All alternatives I can think of probably can’t be marketed to children (alcohol, water with chlorine in it? Idek)

No. 48337

best boy chilling in the tub. Oh man, these are all so cute!! I will definitely be googling more rooms and cute nendos

No. 48491

I'm not a doll/toy collector but reading this thread out of boredom, but I just had to say this: totally put them on display anon. I think bratz dolls look really cool tbh

No. 48767

File: 1568062088210.jpg (221.94 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg)

I just got paid and spent over $30 on some today; they're all celtic themed. I can't wait, I friggin' love 'em. I've wanted princess Diana since I was a kid, but she was too much money because beanie babies were popular back then.

No. 48781

What is she even supposed to be? I can't figure it out.

No. 48806

File: 1568070086739.png (218.67 KB, 480x770, neighthan-rot-doll_tcm577-2550…)

That is Bonita Femur and she is supposed to be a mix of a skeleton and a moth (the original doll has wings). She was part of a line called Freaky Fusions where some of the characters had different monster parents. There's also a ghost mermaid, harpy centaur, and my personal favorite, the zombie unicorn Neighthan Rot.

No. 48894

>she is supposed to be a mix of a skeleton and a moth
>part of a line called Freaky Fusions where some of the characters had different monster parents

I am sorry but I find it hilarious that apparently moths (and skeletons) are monster according to Mattel…

No. 48949

File: 1568132479715.jpg (190.84 KB, 926x1024, 8555845096_d878236e8e_b.jpg)

I finally got a monster high doll! I've wanted Spectra for a few years; she's so stinking cute.

No. 48951

tbf this line came out years after they first started the brand so they were running out of ideas for monsters, kek.

Good for you, anon! That version of Spectra is one of my favorites.

No. 48977

File: 1568143637812.jpg (76.11 KB, 794x1191, songbird barbie.jpg)

Thank you to the anon for posting this doll in the other thread! I had her as a kid but her dress is long gone, maybe even the doll too, but I still have the bird and it somehow still tweets!
Seeing this photo allowed me to reverse image search her and brought back so many memories of how I would just stare at her dress and pretty necklace in my room. Little girls really are a whole different species, that glittery fabric would send me into a dream world.

No. 49021

can you imagine a month and a skeleton trying to fugg

No. 49026

To be fair, her dad's listed as the Mothman, not just a moth. But it would be a lot funnier if he was just a regular moth.

No. 50086

Nice! I own one too, she's my favorite. I really wanted bigger doll version of her and Holt Hyde, but they never made ones.

No. 50988

File: 1568949707121.jpg (4.51 MB, 4160x3120, 20190919_191214.jpg)

Thanks anons. Here's my little collection. I spent more than I care to admit, but I love them to pieces.

No. 50989

File: 1568949930053.jpg (4.15 MB, 4160x3120, 20190919_191410.jpg)

Here's the beanie baby hoard… plus some other bears from when I was a baby

No. 51883

What do y’all do with your blind box duplicates?

No. 51958

I usually give them to friends. Unless i have a lot and no one wants, then i sell them for cheap on ebay or depop

No. 52042

one of my all time favourite characters has plenty merch but quite hard to find, especially at a good deal. i have managed to secure not one, but TWO!! figures for her, and i'm over the moon.

one is a general figure but the other is from the nanorich voice collection and i had never heard of it until now. all the listings i could find for her were pricy but i managed to haggle and lower the price for mine. i just hope the voice box works, i watched some videos of other characters speaking and it seems so cool to have a talking chibi!

i own her figma already so i cant wait to slowly add to my collection. she really is the best, i've never loved a character more.

if my friends like the characters then i'll give them as a gift, but if not then i usually sell it on. eBay is good, as well as any local anime sales groups (ie in my case UK anime sales) i'm not too sure about depop though, it seems more normie.

No. 52160

what is one thing you look for in a figure?

i feel there's no excuse for the bases to be plain on figures (not figmas or nendos)

i preordered a scale figure and i rarely buy those but i loved the character too much. the base is just SO boring and i feel it would work so much better if they had jazzed it up a bit.

when i look at other scale figures i own that were cheaper they're so much more interesting in both base and posing. SIGH. they could've done so much more with her.

No. 52264

File: 1569447453204.jpg (146.13 KB, 680x1024, 9366910493_045f1a3f86_b.jpg)

>what is one thing you look for in a figure?
Intricate details and at least semi-realistic proportions if not from a highly stylized series. I love swirling super powers or nature like trees/flowers, expressive faces, calligraphy, metallic or detailed trim/paintjobs… basically very dynamic. I also look for figures that accurately portray the character, as if to pull them from the screen into the real world. A lot of merch in general just doesn't look like the character, or doesn't suit their personality. Pic related is one of my favorite figure designs, although I never bought it because I didn't have the money at the time.

Plain bases are fine to me if it feels like it would take away from the rest of the figure, although plain bases tend to have equally bland figures attached.

No. 57249

File: 1571057904547.jpg (288.23 KB, 1080x2094, Furby.jpg)

Any anons collect/mod furbies?

No. 57322

File: 1571065564916.jpg (297.49 KB, 1280x1280, wp80280.jpg)

no but i feel so bad cus some people really do some neat stuff with furbys and love them a lot but all i can think about is swampy lol

No. 58097

Resident Furby sperg here.
I do, but I only collect. I have mixed feelings about custom Furbies. They are often very cute and I am in awe of how skilled the artists are. On the other hand I appreciate vintage Furbies just as they are and I think I prefer unmodified ones. It's a bit of a waste to see a vintage toy remodeled because there might be a limited amount of those around (especially working ones) and I feel they should be preserved (unless the Furby was already ruined). I have the same opinion about G1 ponies.

Sidenote but I wish the community wasn't a cesspool of genderspecial kids making 'Furby hates terfs' art, I wish I has a Furby sperg friend tbh
Are you collecting or customizing? What's your fave generation? Opinion on Furby fakes?

No. 58253

File: 1571371908999.jpg (101.67 KB, 938x706, DlgF0LRV4AA3NGw.jpg)

I think Furby collecting is cool, but there are some really hilarious customs like pic attached. I guess I'll leave those customs to the… "experts". kek
I had a 2004 Furby, but left it at my parents house when I moved out because I don't have room for it in my apartment. I already have a shitload of plushes and a handful of action figures but only one Furby so I had to leave her behind.

I want to get into collecting a line of action figures that go together. Something like a cross between Betty Spaghetti and Nendoroids.

No. 59076

File: 1571913405581.gif (2 MB, 250x250, ED3BD4C9-5291-4716-9292-11A790…)

i'm this anon and i received both figures not long ago and i'm very happy with them! especially the VC one, it's so fun to have a talking nendo-like figure and she has SO much parts to swap out! i'm lucky my favourite attendant has so much going for her in terms of merch (RIP margaret stans) and it's becoming really fun for me to haggle the prices for them. i'm looking into more because i want a shrine, lol. she's my favourite character ever.

No. 59164

I got few Happy Meal toys as a kid, I believe I kept one…I need to check.

No. 59767

File: 1572295107046.jpg (1.36 MB, 2448x3264, 20191028_180312_HDR.jpg)

I found it!

No. 62590

File: 1573727607389.jpg (332.47 KB, 1500x1500, Fluttershy-Reveal-The-Magic-Si…)

MLP G5 is coming out…thoughts?

No. 62596

There’s a G5? I thought they finished this gen of the show and that nothing new has been announced? Or is it just a new gen of toys?

No. 62625

Isn't it G4.5 and not G5? It's still the same canon, just with modified look of toys. Just as the abominations known as G3.5

No. 62663

File: 1573771409900.jpg (36.34 KB, 1000x1000, 688e4d54f057438e8f949796ef9639…)

I have finally caved in and purchased a Lucas amiibo. I've decided that it will not get any cheaper anyway and soon it will be hard to get him. It could be nicer tbh (Ness' figure has better expression) but I am so fucking happy to have any Mother 3 merch.

I would like to try to sew a Mr Saturn plushie but at the same time I worry that I suck too much at manual labor. I am tired of purchasing things though. At least I would learn something if I made it instead of commisioning.

No. 62683

>>44024 >>44028
I'm so sad I'm replying 3 months later as I didn't see this before. You two have the best taste in stuff - I've never heard of the Resurrection ones and now I'm adding them to my wishlist! Those pocket knives are incredible as well ahhh.
I actually have the bishoujo Ash from Kotobukiya! Their horror collection is a hit or miss for me but Ash is definitely the best one.

No. 62717

File: 1573806624512.jpg (52.67 KB, 540x405, dodogama.jpg)

Where do you guys get your plushies? I've never bought any but I would love to actually buy cute ones like San-X and similar that aren't totally expensive.

No. 63178

If anyone interested there's a new toy (image)board https://prolikewoah.com/toy/

It's still unknown for sure whether it's g5 or 4.5g

>Just as the abominations known as G3.5

I am honestly not sure which look worse, this new generation have goat body with troll head, ugh.

No. 63210

File: 1574187534494.png (339.58 KB, 1300x1300, 1436_3266_8d74e70f6950129_4398…)

i havent been a fan of cowboy bebop for long but i have considered to buy some merch recently and to my surprise funkopops of the main characters actually exist. i wish i could buy the product shown in the picture but its us exclusive. the chances of finding any other pops besides vicious are slim to none so i guess i should just fuck it.

No. 63253

unpopular opinion: funko pops are ugly and really OTT scenic ones like this make them look uglier by contrast

No. 63288

dont like them much either but they are affordable compared to other figurines and this was going to be a one-time purchase

No. 63295

>unpopular opinion
Only among casuals, most toy collectors found them to be awful.

No. 63483

What’s the point of buying ugly trinkets you don’t need just to fill up your home? Just make your phone wallpaper Spike or something.

No. 63697

I bet some great cowboy bebop merch exists. Funko pop collectors are always poor fags, making excuses for real good jp merch they cant have

No. 64320

These days Ive been leaning more into plush toys like Kirby and Mousemoth.
I'm selling my Monster High collection on Etsy, if I don't sell by the new year I'm donating them to Goodwill.

No. 65002

I SERIOUSLY don't care about Fateshit but that Arthur figma looks really good and I've got my eye on Merlin too. But lol figma prices and quality issues

No. 68094

File: 1576694093475.jpg (59.19 KB, 728x866, EC1F8BC8-6916-4E31-A2B8-AA49C9…)

I am so fucking butthurt that I missed out on this babe.

No. 68100

i can prob find it for a good price bb.

No. 68136

for real?

No. 68907

File: 1577132091258.jpg (76.54 KB, 800x1200, i-img800x1200-1561453668gegtoy…)

Does anyone know places to find tutorials on faceups specifically for DD/DDH and Dollce heads?

No. 68909

I'm a huge fate faggot and love Merlin and Arthur but can't justify paying almost 300 bucks for a figure. They're both absolutely beautiful though.

No. 68910

Does anyone know where to find a brown bunny plush with floppy ears? Amazon is disappointing

No. 68945

biggest cliffhanger on lolcow lmfao

No. 68976

Youtube, I guess? Maybe you can try asking in https://anon.cafe/doll/ ?

No. 68977

File: 1577210057919.jpg (346.87 KB, 870x543, LOL OMG series 2 Alt Grrrl dol…)

What do you think about the new OMG LOL dolls? Looks like they're the new Bratz' successor by MGA.

No. 68980

The clothing on them looks cute, but i am not a fan of the eyes. They are too big for my liking. I think of them as a combination of bratz babies and moxie girls. I see these being super popular.

No. 68983

i'm certainly happier about these existing than the slutty baby versions. now if only they'd get rid of those…

No. 68984

where are you located?

No. 68994

I really sorry for what happened to mga
Like i rarely feel sorry for companys but i really feel sorry for them

No. 68996

Just like Bratz, the artwork on the box looks cuter than the actual doll. I still think I would have really liked these as a kid. If the eyes weren't as saucer-like, I'd buy one immediately.

No. 68997

File: 1577222481999.jpg (255.19 KB, 636x501, Groovy Babe_eyes.jpg)

>The clothing on them looks cute, but i am not a fan of the eyes
I feel the same, I think it has more to with their design rather than size (as a whole); their pupil is too big where as the iris too thin and add to that the small one white dot that supposed to be the shine that reflects in the eye. In other words or tl;dr, there's lack of detail and the pupil is big void.

Which is why I like the latest doll which have yet to be released, they gave her unique details to her eyes which also gives her more of character

>I see these being super popular

Yeah, they keep getting new dolls quite fast

>i'm certainly happier about these existing than the slutty baby versions. now if only they'd get rid of those…
Exactly. Sadly there's no chance they will stop producing that blind bag crap of those creepy babies.

Huh? Why?

No. 69235


No. 70528

File: 1577983938731.jpg (28.25 KB, 486x587, 337142_s0.jpg)

I usually hate Funko Pops but yesterday I caved in and finally bought a flocked Porg Funko Pop. It was a very hard decision, since all the Porgs are very cute. I decided on the flocked one as I find the painting quite ugly on the Porgs I've seen on youtube (it seems kind of blotchy).

Looking forward to buying the lifesize Porg next month. I hope it will not get sold out before I can throw my money at it! I'm worried that soon it will be hard to get Porg merch since not so many was made in the first place and they were not featured in The Rise of Skywalker beyond a quick background cameo…

I really love those creatures, I wish we could get an entire video game about them or a mini series of shorts.

No. 70583

File: 1578001932091.jpg (49.45 KB, 640x640, image1_3_3578.jpg)

I've seen a few doll artists cut out the eyes and then replace them with like the blythe sized ones(looks cute).

My gripe with them is the price because I'm not dropping $35 USD for a doll. I don't care about the blind bag shit so I wish they would just sell the doll already premade/clothed which would cut down on the cost.

I really like the Rainbow surprise dolls too but can't see paying $54 because the dolls are a blind box and come with two things of slime(that doesn't work) also wish they were poseable.

I just can't get with this blind box fad and can't wait till it's over.

No. 70586


Porgs actually lend themselves well to funkos desgin, with their big souless black eyes. I hate funkos too but I'm tempted to get the baby Groot and Agresuko ones simply because they actually fit the design of the characters.

No. 70611

File: 1578012447155.jpg (29.73 KB, 400x400, $_1.jpg)

Im getting in to face ups and I've been looking everywhere for those doll face covers to help protect them while I ship them out, but I've never been able to find them at a good wholesale price. Like do I just need to suck it up and shill out 1-5 dollars each, I've asked on other forms but a lot of people seem to keep it a secret where they get their stuff from.

No. 70635

i thought this was a fetal ultrasound

No. 70658

I don't know what it is, but something about their heads or faces is just awkward, a little off.

No. 70660

File: 1578046117497.jpg (904.97 KB, 1453x2560, IMG_20200103_105919_184.JPG)

I asked my friend to lend me her doll so I could repaint her face and make her a new outfit so I made her a witch. It's not my first attempt but it's my first time using soft pastels. She is a Winx doll.
I would like to redesign dolls like this and sell them, but while I think she's adorable I know it's not high quality enough to sell. The problem that brings down the quality is my acrylic paint always leaves little bumps, for example her socks, eyes and little stars are all bumpy. Does anyone have any tips for this?

No. 70684

Apply more watered down paint in thin layers, seal and then repeat until it's your desired color to avoid bumps.

No. 70686

the socks are fucking awful, get real socks or sand down the feet details.

No. 70695

>>70660 i'd suggest finishing the hems of your clothes, makes it look cleaner

No. 70716

Thanks everyone, I always have problems dilluting acrylic paint because I add too much water and the consistency goes wack. I'll measure next time. I agree about the socks and hemming, I was rushing so I didn't even try on the clothes. Honestly I just put the gold paint on the bottom of her dress to keep it together without hemming it lol I promise I'll try more on that next time.

No. 70842

Her face is cute, anon

No. 73821

Where to buy cute Rilakkuma plushies which are not insanely overpriced? I am not an amerifag so either free shipping or reasonable worldwide shipping is a must.
I thought that it would be easy to find the merch after the Netflix tv series became a thing, but I have trouble anything worthy of my purchase…

No. 73855

I read somewhere you can use the tops of slushie cup lids, which you can buy in bulk online for cheap. I tried looking myself awhile ago, and the extra-large ones with high domes seem right.

No. 73858

Thanks anon I'll look into that

No. 74154

File: 1580434540771.jpg (281.89 KB, 1200x1814, 1580430361124.jpg)

Looking forward to these next month.

No. 74424

Can anyone recommend a 1/12 (figma-ish) male for customs? Even just the head? It’s hard finding a head in the right style, most anime figures have faces that are too pointy when I’m going for something (slightly) less stylized.
Might as well vent while I’m here, it’s annoying all the blank bodies I’ve found are so short. Body-kun, Archetype He, Sozai kun, they’re all about 14cm (5’5) or less which looks dumb when I want them in scale with my girls and they aren’t supposed to be half-pint teenage boys. The figmas for Fate guys are the right height but I’ve zero interest buying those and their faces are still doritos. I wish I knew how to sculpt or 3D print. Just give me something with a defined jaw and nose.

No. 74486

File: 1580785757064.jpg (207.29 KB, 1256x824, EP0e9GdUEAA0iEg.jpg)

No. 74581

anons pls talk me in/out of this:
I want the upcoming figma of Arthur Pendragon but I'm not sure if it's worth preordering and shipping + customs money because the only reason I want it is "cute guy in armor 2 pose". Also feels bad to give my money to Fateshit and GSC these days.

No. 74622

I love Tailmon and Wizardmon so much! I need to snag these!

No. 74852

I missed the boat on Digimon plushies, where can I get a big Agumon? Not a keychain or something hand sized, something huggable.

No. 74930

File: 1581222543503.jpg (276.11 KB, 1040x1200, DKJoICdVwAAYEAY.jpg)

A life sized one came out a few years ago so you could try to track that down on yahoo auctions or mandarake. Failing that, there's the dekkai series from Banpresto.

No. 74962

I wish Digimon had more action figures, dammit!

As someone who bought figmas back in the day when they were still going around 20$~30$ and came with shitload of accessories, don't do it! Paying 60$+ to barebones 10cm action figure with outdated single joints doesn't worth it. Try getting bootleg from AliExpress or whatever, it might be absolute crap, but still more worth than the outrageously expensive figmas nowadays.

Try the usual AmiAmi,Hobbylink Japan and Hobby Search.

No. 74987

These are so cute, thanks for the tips. I found one on mandarake but it's a bit pricey with shipping and customs on top /sigh

This is pretty objective, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking there, I know he'll come with literally two faces and a sword and that's not worth it.

No. 76862

File: 1582728398561.png (1.13 MB, 598x598, Cave Club_5.png)

New dolls from toyfair

More pics here https://prolikewoah.com/toy/res/141.html#q383

No. 76943

File: 1582773336369.png (749.2 KB, 482x598, hairdorables.png)

I don't really get what the unique selling point of Hairdorables is, but the dollskill style shoes, socks and Sailormoon hair on the yellow one is cute.

No. 77468

>but the dollskill style shoes, socks and Sailormoon hair on the yellow one is cute.
I don't think her hair resembles Sailor Moon that much. She's my favorite one too, but I'm not a fan of their ridiculously huge and distracting earrings, it ruins the doll.

The new Miraculous Lady bug dolls by Playmates are great improvement to the Bandai ones. I don't watch the show, but some of the designs are good.

Twisty girls are nice, might grab one if I see it.

Cave Club aren't great as Monster High or Ever After High, but they're quite nice. I want the notPebbles and blue and purple haired one. I think big wolly Mammoth animal would be better choice than big T-Rex. A medium velociraptor would be awesome too. I wish all the animals were flocked…

No. 86785

File: 1588453436831.jpg (833.53 KB, 3000x4000, Groovy Babe_blacklight_face cl…)

Is anyone still here? How's quarantine treating you?

No. 92222

File: 1590428105408.jpg (76.99 KB, 794x1191, il_794xN.2263635613_j1ep.jpg)

I haven't seen blythes mentioned! Not my doll but looks similar but don't want to post since she has a pretty distinct face. They're great dolls but the prices are outrages sometimes (just look on etsy) and then you have the whole debate of legit and fakes but they all look the same. I like the fact you can customize and if I had the money I would buy a whole army.

No. 92232

I thought bootleg/fake dolls were pretty accepted in the Blythe community? Unlike in the bjd community where it's hell on earth if you dare mention bootleg dolls.

No. 92237

File: 1590430588617.jpg (36.29 KB, 400x267, sdcc-2012-winx-club-silver-blu…)

I'm not into doll/toy collecting but I've always wanted one of these Wind Club Bloom dolls, for no other reason than they are really cute and it makes me nostalgic. Unfortunately these were a comic con exclusive almost a decade ago in a different continent. They're for hundreds on ebay, so I'll never have one.

these are rly cute, they're like an Ever After High x Bratz hybrid

No. 92242


Although they are, commonly known as TBL, people still see them as inferior and many groups ban the talk of fakes. Plus, as much as I would like to buy one of the legit customs (RBL molds and such) the prices can reach 1-2k while a fake custom can average between $100-500, depending where and who makes the custom. It's really crazy considered both are factory made and are not artist produced. But they are super cute dolls

No. 92303

I used to love Winx club! This is so cute

No. 92354

File: 1590455875552.jpeg (1.6 MB, 1401x910, 18BE6597-63DB-4F41-AD24-29B0CF…)

I collect tamagotchi! gotta get a new picture as this is last year’s and I got my hands on another devil among some others, but it’s a really cute hobby. Love that there’s functionality outside of purely displaying them, as well. Am happy to answer any questions other anons may have about them!!

No. 92389

File: 1590468997341.jpg (157.06 KB, 1000x1020, 100_year_old_tama.jpg)

Aww that's so neat anon!! Makes me wish I still had mine. I love those lil egg homies. Are the unpackaged ones activated? Do you take care of multiple tamagotchi children?

No. 92398

File: 1590476080180.jpeg (518.24 KB, 608x884, DC2AAE73-9642-489D-8C29-5970C6…)

Thanks anon!! There’s been a ton of fun collabs with other franchises in the last few months so that’d be a nice entry point if you ever wanted to give it another go.
The most I’ve ever ran at once is 4, I believe? Some people in the community go hard with multitasking but I can’t really say the same because of my job in retail. and a lot of the ones out of packaging are ones from my childhood collection, or just assorted ones I’ve just bought/traded for! the hobby is admittedly expensive for certain versions (especially certain rare “vintage” ones from the 90s/2000’s- you won’t find a devil or English ocean under $100 anywhere, or worse, a yasashii like pic related) and you’ll sometimes be able to save a little when you don’t buy NIB. varies from person to person really, but I keep them all stored safely regardless.

No. 92410

Now that you reminded me they exist I suddenly desperately want one, they're just so cute and I like how they're decorative but still a form of entertainment. I can get one from a shop nearby for $30 but when you buy online you can't pick a colour from their selection, you have to actually go into store to pick the colour yourself. Guess I'll just have to risk covid to impulse buy kek. Or I'll give it some time and see how I feel.

No. 92939

I didn't know we had 12 year olds on this website, you're too old for toys, toys are for child development.

No. 92946

Man, these bring me back to my grade school days. Thanks for sharing. I love seeing people with collections like these! Awesome stuff, anon

No. 92948

insert no fun allowed pic

No. 93088

File: 1590640399299.jpeg (28.92 KB, 600x524, 2A9EA6E0-4117-4949-B05D-9AE173…)

mad because you don’t have a cute nostalgic hobby aren’t you

No. 93090

File: 1590640891650.jpeg (60.51 KB, 335x360, 773E33B7-3BEB-4EDE-A0A6-10757F…)

Not an official product but I really love the styling of these custom gothic Barbies someone made years ago


No. 93901

oh fuck YES
Mother 3 needs more love

No. 93903

File: 1590791445185.jpg (158.55 KB, 1024x751, 4005556109456.jpg)

What do you all think of Enchantimals?
I miss Monster High but they're cute af

No. 93921

is it weird i use my twilight sparkle equestria girls doll for drawing poses and shit

No. 94027

Neat and nice pre-cancer webpage

IMO they're pretty bad; low poseabilty, molded tops, etc

There are so much better options out there for drawing model figures; SHF body kun, blank Microman (old but you can find for cheap price and good condition on Mandarake), Drawman by Dam toys, Figma prototype etc.

Are you using the old style equestria girls or the new ones?

No. 94112

File: 1590943937598.jpg (471.1 KB, 1080x1967, IMG_20200531_185139.jpg)

I know the 'pre-cancer' means the design of the website and not the content, but have you guys even seen the main OOAK Barbie website?
>neo-nazi Barbie
>dominatrix Barbie
Cancerous as fuck.

No. 94115

>Please note: I do not endorse nazis. Nor do I endorse Barbies.
and what's wrong with dominatrixes

No. 94127

File: 1590956929441.jpg (213.99 KB, 1080x1080, What a clown.jpg)

I meant for both, though I did mainly meant the design.
>>>neo-nazi Barbie
As >>94115 mentioned >>Please note: I do not endorse nazis. Nor do I endorse Barbies
Read before you get get triggered
>>dominatrix Barbie
What's wrong with that? I'm not fan of it by any means, however I don't see anything bad about it.
Pls go be a karen somewhere else

Back to topic, speaking of Barbie, what's your opinion on current Barbie? Here's pic of BMR wave 2

No. 94134

would you consider a 12" stuffed toy worth 33USD to be overpriced?

No. 94188

Well, it depends on the quality and detail of that specific plush. I mean action figures/fashion dolls can range between 10$~100$+ going from playline to adult collector line, it probably hold true for plushies as well.

No. 94195

File: 1591008220236.jpg (59.3 KB, 580x326, wtB7mwpomnY.jpg)

I've always wanted a Piglette, I love cute plushies, especially designer ones, but I've never been able to justify the price tag (I'm jealous of all those rich russian children lmao). They range from $160-800, which tbf isn't that badly priced, I'm just a broke fag, maybe one day I'll have enough spare cash to commit to it (I hate to think how much the customs from Russia would be tho)

No. 94201

File: 1591009889864.jpeg (161.84 KB, 550x550, CC590250-541F-4D17-84A2-DE664C…)

>never heard of these before
>see one i really like

No. 94203

>believing bullshit disclaimers meant to shut up critics
>using the Karen meme
Anyway the edgy customs are cringy as fuck, even if it's edge for edge's sake.
Those are so cute, never heard abput them as well! That's so expensive though, not sure if they are worth that much money (of course that's up to individual decision).

No. 94207

I can't be the only one who thinks those eyes are creepy

No. 94208

Now I want to be an exclusive plush designer too..

No. 94218

>going to site full of gothic Barbie customs
>complain about it being edgy
Yeah fuck off karen
There is something a bit creepy about those…it's the solid color/lack of pupils.
As someone who really like bunnies, these look too much like teddy bears with rabbit earrs.

No. 94231

File: 1591025684995.jpeg (110.32 KB, 1000x1668, 901067AE-A2B6-44C5-8BA7-9CE157…)

I’m dying for this Rapunzel Nendoroid, she’s so freaking cute. Compared to other Disney Princess Nendoroids, she’s really expensive… I’m keeping a look out for a decently priced one that’s in unsure will ever come around.

No. 94232

how is goth Barbie on the same level of edgy as latex fetish Barbie and neo-nazi Barbie? Sorry that not everybody likes the same bs as you do. Fuck off with that Karen bullshit, this isn't twitter or reddit.

No. 94234

I see.
I'm using the new style equestria girls twilight sparkle :3(:3)

No. 94239

are you sure you're not the twitterfag invading this thread after yours got nuked? gtfo

No. 94241

File: 1591038563888.jpg (150.54 KB, 1100x1100, Hasbro BTFO.jpg)

>how is goth Barbie on the same level of edgy as latex fetish Barbie and neo-nazi Barbie?
>she doesn't know
If you pleb knew anything about the roots of punk (which is related to goth), you would've known about the use of Nazi insignia and BDSM wear in punk.
>Sorry that not everybody likes the same bs as you do
Just because I don't whine about it, doesn't mean I like it.
>Fuck off with that Karen bullshit
Then stop being a whiny moralfag
>this isn't twitter or reddit
Nor tumblr you faggot and considering your moralfag screeching these places seems to be more up your alley.

>I’m keeping a look out for a decently priced one that’s in unsure will ever come around
Looks like she sold out in most places, I think your best bet is looking for a bootleg.

BTW, I found out Takara have a new Disney princesses fashion doll line (and it's outside the theme parks) called Precious Collection. So far they made Anna, Elsa, Belle and Rapunzel. I'm really looking forward to see how they will do the rest.

No. 94254

I have her! She's super cute but her crown likes to fall of a lot. I've almost vacuumed it up a few times. I hope you can find her!

No. 94258

No such luck, I've been in this thread since the beginning lmfao. I'm certainely not the Jasmine sperg, if that's who you mean.
If I knew my criticism of the shitty customs would trigger you guys this much, I wouldn't say anything. Didn't realize disliking edgy Barbie OOAKs is an unpopular opinion. It's the kind of thing that was probably shocking 20 years ago (at least to some people), but now feels unoriginal and cringe/tryhard. I'm surprised there was no slob weeb Barbie as well as drug addict Barbie on that page.

No. 94266

>I'm certainely not the Jasmine sperg
No, but you're awful as well
>my criticism of the shitty custom
You didn't criticize the customs, but their subject because they hurt your precious feelings and moral conscious you snowflake faggot
>It's the kind of thing that was probably shocking 20 years ago
Really?! Because you still seem shocked by it.
>NO U are the triggred ones
GTFO Karen

No. 94271

Thank you! I’m looking on eBay and other auction sites - I’ve never bought a nendoroid before, I feel like I’ll end up paying tons and end up with a knock off accidentally. Did you get yours when she was first released?

I hope they come out with more of the princess’s like Merida or Aurora, the newish Jasmine one is so pretty..

That doll is really cute! I’m not a fan of a lot of the face molds on Rapunzel dolls but hers is very sweet!

No. 94273

Yeah I pre-ordered her when she first came out. She was one of the last collectibles I bought before going anti-consumption. I've slowly been going through my collection and selling stuff off but she's one I'm probably going to keep. Also I had no idea she had gone up in price!

No. 94283

I’m pretty anti-consumption as well! (Even though it doesn’t really sound like it hah) I’ve been selling a lot of my items during the quarantine, but Rapunzel is a favourite so the nendoroid overrides whatever part is me is trying to be a minimalist. Ideally I’ll buy her second hand when she’s available on eBay or whatever~ your collection sounds neat though! Definitely keep whatever makes you happy !!

No. 94298

>they hurt your precious feelings and moral conscious you snowflake faggot

It's a fucking toy thread, anon.

No. 94318

this is serious business, anon

No. 94418

File: 1591165545890.jpg (64.71 KB, 785x519, dale-cooper-figure-01-785x519.…)

I'm so mad there is no quality Twin Peaks toy merch (yes, I'm the sperg rewatching the series and posting about it lol). All we have is shitty sold out Funko figure set that has Cooper that doesn't even look like himself and a bunch of Pops which is not great. I've also seen a nightmarish chibi figure of Coop from some convention and that's it. I wish something like pic related was available (this is a custom figure).
I caved in and bought a Laura pop but I'm not satisfied. Too bad that if this has not happened around Return, it will probably never happen.

No. 94422

Sorry for off topic but I'm watching Twin Peaks for the first time ever (just watched ep 10) and it's been fun seeing your posts pop up here and there. That custom figure is super cool.

No. 94882

File: 1591451630785.jpg (192.77 KB, 878x1024, 9445493636_e7483acaf6_b.jpg)

I love this doll so goddamn much. My childhood dream.

No. 95070

File: 1591537823425.jpg (63.85 KB, 1080x1080, 35c940cc761694b8e98085321d48e0…)

I finally got him for half the price and I'm so happy I didn't purchase a few months ago for a full price! I love him so much. I'm so sad there probably be no more Porg content. I love them at least as much as Baby Yoda, if not more.

No. 95080

File: 1591541566397.jpeg (37.4 KB, 425x435, 51E4FE84-D7C2-4B9F-9822-1E1B36…)

Holy shit yes, I wish I still had mine. I had the play set too, it was my favourite

No. 95109

Yikes. This looks like Norman Jayden from Heavy Rain.

No. 95229

It doesn't, but how would that even be a bad thing? lol
Not to mention Jayden was obviously inspired by Coop as well (most visible in the "that would be most unfortunate" scene).
It's the most Cooper figure I've seen TBH.

No. 95237

gratz on the find anon. ive always adored the porgs. probably the only redeemable thing to come out of the new trilogy for me.

i remember losing a doggo toy just like that at childcare. couldnt stop crying for months

No. 95268

Haha, I had this when I was a kid.

No. 95269

File: 1591644638311.jpg (155.85 KB, 1000x750, Lttle Mermaid playset.jpg)

>tfw Barbie will never be this good again

I got one small Happy Meal plushie back in the day and I remember there was also sticker campaign for snacks.

>I had the play set too
Is that a barbie playset?! Looks great. What exactly it's name?

I lost an Eric figure in kindergarten (pic related) to make it somewhat even, I stole a few toys from kindergarten.

No. 95273

File: 1591646140470.jpg (69.72 KB, 1100x1164, 61Dzhyyn-XL._AC_SL1200_.jpg)

For me it was Webkinz. I was sort of spoiled as a kid, and they were all I bought with my allowance and all I asked for at Christmas and my birthday. By the end I had over thirty of them (all one one account lmao.)

The crown jewel of my collection was the sherbet rabbit. It was my absolute favorite, and it was one of the retired ones. I still have it on my dresser today. The tie dye dog was cute, too, but its in-game sprite looked like shit.

No. 95277

It’s the barbie swan lake enchanted forest playset. The only thing is that, from what I remember, it wasn’t really to the right scale for the barbies but obviously as a kid I didn’t care

No. 95279

>it wasn’t really to the right scale for the barbies but obviously as a kid I didn’t care
Make sense

No. 95286

Maybe it was in scale for Shelly/Kelly?

No. 95302

I mean they fit in the chairs but the tree and animals were a little bit small compared to them, but I suppose actually making a tree to scale would be ridiculous.

No. 96089

File: 1592230674159.jpg (2.49 MB, 4000x3000, Tuesday Meow_1.jpg)

Recently Na! Na! Na! Surprise arrived to my country, so I decided to give it a try and get one. The concept of combining fashion doll with plush is quite innovative, however the execution leaves much to desire.

The plush bag accessory is really cute and fluffy, I do enjoy it and found it to be a worthwhile.

On another note, Unsurprisingly Barbie/Mattel' shelf space became smaller where as MGA/LOL OMG/NNNS grown lately and it was the case for two different toy shops in different districts. Maybe Mattel would finally get that motivating swift kick like they did during Bratz days…and if not, Mattel death wouldn't be a great loss at this point.

No. 96092

File: 1592230926474.jpg (2.8 MB, 4000x3000, Tuesday Meow_hair close-up.jpg)

Sadly, one of the braids accidentally got caught in the dress' velcro and got ruined which is very disappointing. I'm usually careful with that..I guess I got used to Licca superior non-sticky velcro.

No. 96095

File: 1592231906996.jpg (1.11 MB, 4000x3000, Tuesday Meow_front.jpg)

The body got nice weight to it and have 5 PoA, all of which are swivel joints.

Annoyingly, the doll can't either sit or stand properly due to the hefty body and the badly designed swivel joints for the hips. I don't mind much the lack of ability to stand as much as the sitting.

As for the controversial bra and panties, I do not mind the panties (I think they're a nice touch) but the bra is too much and pointless considering the doll is flat. Unlike what many would claim, I don't think these are looking like kids but rather as stylized chibis; the wide hips are defiantly not a child-like feature.

The printed socks have grown on me and they're quite cute, though separated socks would be better.

No. 96096

File: 1592232044811.jpg (750.94 KB, 3000x4000, Tuesday Meow_profile.jpg)

The printed faces are nice looking even in profile. Heck, they even look better than LOL OMG' face profile.

No. 96097

File: 1592232260173.jpg (1.02 MB, 4000x3000, Tuesday Meow_back.jpg)

I almost forgot to mention I had to cut some big ass ugly tags on the back of the head. It's not like the doll is sold as it is without a box so I really don't see the point of it.

No. 96098

File: 1592232515389.jpg (1.02 MB, 4000x3000, Tuesday Meow_QC.jpg)

The biggest downside of this doll is the non-removable hat which attached to the partial hair and has clear seamlines. Also, the lack of (human) ears is creepy.

No. 96100

File: 1592232811382.jpg (1.36 MB, 4000x3000, Tuesday Meow_clothes and shoes…)

Overall, despite not the best doll out there, it's definitely one of the most unique ones. If you want something slightly different than the usual, I would recommend getting one or two.

No. 96102

what's wrong with the bra? it's looking nice. Would be weird to have so detailed panties without a bra. As long as it doesn't show under the regular clothes it's a right choice. TBH I always hated the sloppy painted on panties on Barbie. Why are they even needed? At least here the doll genuinely looks better with the painted on underwear.

No. 96427

>what's wrong with the bra?
The asymmetrical hanging long strings of the bow and again the doll being flat which make it pointless.
>TBH I always hated the sloppy painted on panties on Barbie. Why are they even needed?
Early Barbies from 60's-70's had actual fabric panties, then they switched to molded ones until the short period of late 90's-early 2000's. Afterwards, they went back to molded panties I blame Bratz for that

No. 96436

so what if the doll is flat, the bra is clearly for aesthetics only and it fits the purpose to a t

No. 96626

Damn anon, because of you I get obsessed with that doll! It looks soo cute!
Now idk if I should spend money for it, to get another junk in my room… though it's not that expensive and it looks cute…
That's a problem with collecting dolls, I don't like too many things to be placed in my room lol.
Still, these dolls are suuuper cute! I like your Tuesday Meow, also I like Minna Moody a lot.

No. 96715

File: 1592751028198.jpg (227.14 KB, 1500x898, LOL OMG Series 3 dolls - Rolle…)

Ah yes, the limited storage problem. As long as you collecting without selling you will inevitably run into this problem. My personal advice is to try buying only toys you REALLY want and also avoid complete collections and instead try to collect from many different toylines to keep your collection varied, interesting and less suffocating.
>also I like Minna Moody a lot
She's cute too. It's nice that at least MGA keep making a few goth/punk dolls after Mattel killed MH for good. I hope LOL OMG will also get dolls like this soon.

Speaking of LOL OMG, here's the new series 3 dolls

No. 96716

File: 1592751074614.jpg (2.28 MB, 8312x2000, Cave Club – Emberly, Roaralai,…)

Promo pics of the new doll line, Cave Club, by Mattel

No. 96786

What toy/doll websites, blogs and so on do you guys go to for news and reviews?
I used to love Toybox Philosopher for autistically long doll reviews, but the owner has moved on from doll collecting. I check https://venivididolli.blogspot.com from time to time, but it's not the same.

No. 96804

File: 1592846047339.jpeg (631.52 KB, 1536x2048, E628AFF2-4893-4417-B4C3-A6CB10…)

Do you guys follow any toy collectors on IG or YouTube? Who are your favourites?

No. 96835

Not really any collectors,perse.
But i watch customizers like Dollightful.
I haven't found any non-doll customizing toy channels that i like. If you know any good english resin/garage kit channels lmk! Because all ive found is Leonas Workshop and i cant stand her.

No. 96862

These are pretty cute though they look a little too much of a mix of Hairdorables and La Dee Das with their face-ups. Though I do like that their legs are really muscular looking with flat feet, hopefully that'll make them easier to pose with out a stand.

On an unrelated note do you guys think that MGA will ever make fashion packs for the OMG dolls? I really miss the old standard for fashion dolls where you can get a brand new pack for the dolls you already have, especially since OMG dolls have their set style for each character.

No. 96876

When I look at them I'm so glad I no longer "need" to own at least one doll from each bullshit line being pushed. I am not impressed. I wonder how the kids will like them? That's the most important thing. The cavemen theme isn't that interesting or relevant. It's like all the other ideas have been exhausted by some other toy line.

No. 96992

File: 1593004609250.jpeg (283.75 KB, 2000x2000, Cave Club Tyrasaurus Chomping …)

>What toy/doll websites, blogs and so on do you guys go to for news and reviews?
I follow some IG accounts for doll news such as crystal_sushi and papusilemele. There's also http://www.youloveit.com/ and https://www.dollyinsider.com/ which are good sites for doll news; the former being for western playline and the later for adult collector japanese fashion dolls.
Sadly, blogs are a dying breed but there's a few I still follow and are active: https://dollsaga.wordpress.com/ and https://dollyconfessions.com/

For toy news I visit the following sites: Taghobby, Figsoku, Toyark, TNI (Toy News International), Fwoosh, Figures.com and ToyHypeUsa

>Toybox Philosopher

Easily hands down the best fashion doll reviewer; her attention to details and high quality photos were great. I'm still bummed about her leaving (tbf fashion doll market was in absolute shambles when she left; many doll lines died and even companies such as tonner) and focusing on fixing generation girl-like dolls.
>I check https://venivididolli.blogspot.com from time to time, but it's not the same
Same. I mostly know her from the time when flickr and livejournal were still relevant. She got an an amazingly huge and varied doll collection, but other than that her photos are still old 2000's crappy quality and her "reviews" are more of lazy show-off like most doll "reviewers". You should check her flickr, she has pro account and all her old pics are still there.

They remind me of Moana quite a lot with the thick thighs and round big-eyed head.
>On an unrelated note do you guys think that MGA will ever make fashion packs for the OMG dolls? I really miss the old standard for fashion dolls where you can get a brand new pack for the dolls you already have, especially since OMG dolls have their set style for each character
I highly doubt it, since each doll have too specific theme/style for allowing mixing and matching, the same issue that started with MH and began this awful trend (and that's one of the main reasons I found MH overrated).

>When I look at them I'm so glad I no longer "need" to own at least one doll from each bullshit line being pushed
How many failed doll lines did Mattel came up with since the death of MH and EaH? 4 dollines: 1. WWE - the average girl couldn't give less of damn about it 2. Wild Hearts Crew - outdated 2000's emo scene fashion with all dolls sharing the same color palate (boring) and having molded bras 3. Creatable World - controversial toyline that couldn't be sold internationally (e.g. Russia) and the wigs were garbage 4. Netflix Nu-Ra - neither girls nor the vast majority of doll collectors gave a shit. It's almost mind-blowing how despite that, plus losing the DC license and Barbie doing bad, Mattel haven't gone completely bankrupt and refused Hasbro' offer to buy them twice (thank goodness)!

I completely agree the dolls are passable, tbh I'm more interested in the female T-Rex from the line and after I found out she isn't being sold with a doll I want her even more! The fact a side animal is more appealing than the main dolls in the line really shows how bad it is…

>The cavemen theme isn't that interesting or relevant

Mattel tried to go with good ol' Flintstones feeling (Emberly "NotPebbles") combining 80's-90's bright colors, but how many kids today even know about the Flintstones >how do you do fellow kids.jepg

IMHO it's not a bad idea in general (it's rather quite unique for fashion doll line out of all things), but the execution is definitely bad. Foremost, they should have downsized the scale to 5.5" inch like original She-Ra to allow world building aka, vehicles playsets which are now, sadly, a thing of the past/limited to Lego and Playmobil. Not to mention it's would've made the paper-thin clothes forgivable. Second, they should've gone with edgier look like tribal tattoos and bone piercings, giving it more caveman/primitive feel to it and making it cooler.

No. 97025

Anon, I am
and I want to say that I like and respect you. You seem like one cool dollsperg with all your knowledge and opinions.
Are there any other places to discuss dolls among female collectors? Some time ago I run into an actual forum (I think it was called Dollieh Heaven or something), but it was mostly dead. Even though I am not as much of a collector as I used to be, I would still like to talk about dolls with others. I love this thread, but it's barely moving and rarely gets engaging posts like yours!
I did not know those doll websites/blogs, will check them out!
I knew something irked me about venivididolli but could not put my finger on it. It's true, her blog is truely straight from the 00's!
The Cave Club also made me think of Flintstones, but I bet that current kids don't know about that and wouldn't care. I feel like this line will fail, but maybe I am wrong (I'm surprised tbh that Enchantimals are still going! They are nothing special tbh).
Side note, but why are there two black/tan girls and no asian character? Unless the guy is asian, but I don't think so?

No. 97186

Thank you so much, I'm truly flattered!
>Dollieh Heaven
You mean Dollieh Sanctuary, I also know about a forum called DollDreaming (but it's mostly for Dollfie Dream and other big vinyl dolls), both are slow. If you want fast-paced places for discussion, I guess your best bet are facebook groups and 4chan (beware, lots of shitposting, asshole attitude and creepy dudes). Personally, I like it here even if it's very slow as I prefer quality over quantity and I'd like to avoid the whole inevitable ego-trip and drama involved with namefaggging

>I feel like this line will fail, but maybe I am wrong (I'm surprised tbh that Enchantimals are still going! They are nothing special tbh)

I will be shocked if Cave Club would succeed considering the harsh competition with LOL OMG, but maybe the lower price point will give it advantage.
Enchantimals still running?! Well, the cute animal theme with small animal sidekick is naturally popular among girls and Mattel most likely took inspiration from once popular Shopkins which also had molded tops (eew) and small sidekicks.

>Side note, but why are there two black/tan girls and no asian character? Unless the guy is asian, but I don't think so?

Probably because Asians care less about representation than blacks? I mean they're still way more attached to their origin countries than blacks and which have plenty of media and merch specifically aimed for them (The three main big/known Asian countries, each have their own fashion doll: Japan- Licca, China- Kurhn, South Korea- Mimi). I doubt there's an ill intent behind that from Mattel and they might've planned Asian dolls for the later waves. Furthermore, I heard Mattel plan to increase the number of black dolls (more shitty Black barbies without eyeshadows and blush, having non-bendable knees and wearing a potato sack just like the shitty white Barbies!) so they're more focus about that.

No. 98221

File: 1593968092258.png (3.01 MB, 3332x1000, L.O.L. Surprise O.M.G. Remix D…)

Lots of doll news! All from MGA because fuck Mattel

First is new OMG wave. From left to right: Kitty K, Honeylicious, Lonestar and Pop B.B.

No. 98222

File: 1593968395103.jpg (251.49 KB, 1329x1500, Na Na Na Surprise series 3.jpg)

From left to right: AnnaBelle Mooosche, Fifi LeFluff, Jennet Jaguar, Dottie DeMil, Jeremy Hops and Sasha Scratch

No. 98223

File: 1593968438414.png (2.23 MB, 1930x646, Na Na Na Surprise Backpack Bed…)

No. 98224

File: 1593968555762.png (3.33 MB, 2138x1024, NaNaNa Surprise Ultimate Surpr…)

Not much info on these, besides being taller and more poseable plus a lot more clothes and shoes.

No. 98225

File: 1593969011837.png (4.16 MB, 5176x1000, Rainbow Surprise Rainbow High.…)

Finally, a new doll line, or more like a successor to Rainbow Surpris Poopsie; without the slime gimmick and being 1/6 scale instead of 1/4.

Each doll would come with an additional outfit including second pair of shoes. Best of all, they're not blindbag crap and shown in visible box like how all fashion dolls used to be.

From left to right: Ruby Anderson, Poppy Rowan, Sunny Madison, Jade Hunter, Skyler Bradshaw and Violet Willow.

No. 98226

Not gonna lie, I hate their faces

No. 98227

File: 1593969039220.png (2.9 MB, 2366x1078, Hair Studio Rainbow Raine doll…)

No. 98228

File: 1593969139232.png (2.33 MB, 2090x1008, Fashion Studio Avery Styles.pn…)

No. 98232

Cute! Curious, do they have inset eyes, or are they printed on?

No. 98244

File: 1593994004640.jpg (198.26 KB, 1024x734, 5407314396_45a54e2c71_b.jpg)

Does anyone remember the Trollz dolls? I'm currently saving up so I can buy them. I wish I bought at least one when they were sold in my country waaay back in the day. They are impossible to get now (at least where I live). Wish me luck, anons.

No. 98247

File: 1593995646736.jpeg (38.56 KB, 500x500, 894ea3ef-e50a-4cca-a9d0-1a0ffa…)

I love Pinkie Cooper's design and I wish the line lasted longer, tbh a furry-esque doll line sounds really fun and has so much possibility, its a bummer that it floped.

No. 98269

Aww she is so cute with her little raincoat and hat, I love her too, thanks for blessing me with her image

No. 98275

File: 1594033188751.png (529.8 KB, 552x587, Glitter and Glam Onyx.png)

Their faces look ok in front, but profile is hideous.

It's insert with real eyelashes! And come with second outfit and still cost less than Barbie BMR 1959, how can Mattel even compete?!

This was one of the best fashion doll line by Hasbro which isn't saying much since they had very few and most of them are garbage ccoughDisney Princessescough
It was way better modern iteration of Trolls than what they did with the Dreamworks movie.
>I wish I bought at least one when they were sold in my country waaay back in the day
In my country, we only got few of them and they were expensive so I skipped them and tbf fashion dolls were still great at that time so Trollz were nothing special. My favorite one was of course the purple gothic one, Onyx, and best version of her imo was the Glitter and Glam one though the second set of clothes were dull (white top tank and wide black pantes). I didn't saw that version in my country.
May I ask which one are you aiming for? Also, good luck anon, may the ebay gods be with you!

>I wish the line lasted longer, tbh a furry-esque doll line sounds really fun and has so much possibility
Same, I completely agree with you
To think it was designed by the original Bratz creator and was made by a smaller toy company entering the fashion doll market for the first time, what a waste. I feel like playline toy market really went down the hill and stale after 2012 as in general and not just for dolls; many great toylines died and Mattel' and Hasbro' dominance grew even stronger. It became completly rare after 2012 seeing smaller toy companies/new doll lines at Toyfair.
Do you own one? I manage to get Pepper Parson and accidently scratch a bit her leg, which is a bummer, but I still like her.

No. 98286

File: 1594040238465.jpg (65.49 KB, 529x519, tumblr_p82tp4EnhA1ri1p5ro1_128…)

Wow that takes me way back as I used play on Trollz website as a kid. I have never actually seen the dolls before despite the fact that me and my sister had a purple and orange gym bags with there faces on it.
Though in hindsight it would mostly likely because am a poorfag

No. 98290

Onyx looks so much like Chibi from The Birthday Massacre, wow!
How where the Trollz better than the Dreamwork Trolls? I have no interest in the latter, but the former seems a bit awkward. I mean, trolls as random animesque teenage girls? I'm not buying that concept.
Though IMHO the best troll like toy line are the Zelfs (RIP).

No. 98326

I've been collecting toys for a while now and I'm at a point where I feel like I'm running out of room but I still have tons of stuff on my wish list. I don't know what to do about this. I've seen collectors say that you should try to stick to just one thing/toyline/type of toy, but I just can't do it. I was collecting only Pokemon plush/merch for a while, but then I couldn't stop myself from buying MLP stuff and other random stuff I see and just buy because I want it. And I have a collection of more realistic wildlife stuffed animals too but to display them it clashes with the colorful/cartoony aesthetic of Pokemon/MLP/Amuse, etc. Does anyone else have this problem? How do you organize your collections? I don't want to get rid of anything but I'm worried I'm becoming more of a hoarder…

No. 98338

File: 1594092712558.jpg (72.89 KB, 960x820, 75d75d0df136e1d61167bc857302b2…)

She exudes so much wholesomeness in that outfit, its definetely my favourite!
Sadly no, they were never sold in my country, a real bummer, when I have some spare cash I really want to buy the raincoat one.
Its so wild how mattel fucks over their best designers, the creator of monster high left to work at Moose Toys, who i am really happy are gaining more space in the market since they seem to be a much better brand, I didn't like his new dolls which seem to be a combo of early 2000s polly pockets and blind bags, Pixel Chix.

No. 98347

I just got a nostalgia bomb I was not expecting. This image opened my memory floodgates. Fuck, I'm getting old.

No. 98364

I'm sorry to tell you anon but there's no way to keep expanding your collection indefinitely without being a hoarder.
You're going to need to implement a "one in = one out" policy. Decide how much space you have for your collection and stick to that, don't let it take over. Be strong.

No. 98733

File: 1594381794060.jpg (59.34 KB, 600x600, 165627.jpg)

I own this now (except for the goo, as I bought the set second hand) and I have zero shame. I really love how cute the unicorn doll is! I have zero interest in the poop though lmfao

No. 98991

Here you go anon, visit again before flash is dead for good.
How where the Trollz better than the Dreamwork Trolls? I have no interest in the latter, but the former seems a bit awkward. I mean, trolls as random animesque teenage girls?
I meant more in the toy form; Trollz kept the fugly charm the original Troll dolls had, whereas the new Dreamworks ones look too cutesy.
>Though IMHO the best troll like toy line are the Zelfs (RIP)
True, although I really dislike their flat profiles which were ugly and weird.
>Sadly no, they were never sold in my country
Bummer indeed, it was the same case for me. I got one through Amazon back then. I also tried looking for Cutie Pops but they were already too rare and expensive at that point.
>Its so wild how mattel fucks over their best designers
I blame the cheapskate overpowered marketing department and Mattel' tendency to appeal to soccer moms.
> I didn't like his new dolls which seem to be a combo of early 2000s polly pockets and blind bags, Pixel Chix
Me neither, it's a shame they forced him to make blindbag crap. His potential is now wasted by both companies.
Got actual pics? Yeah, these are cute and pretty regardless of their disturbing gimmick. It would be awesome if MGA would make smaller and more articulated version of them like they did with the humans.

No. 99184

File: 1594736230459.jpg (709.72 KB, 1280x720, Rainbow High dolls_second outf…)

Pic of the second outfit they come with

No. 99185

File: 1594736476357.png (2.3 MB, 1080x1478, The Best Look Giftset.png)

On another note related to doll news; Mattel have just released one of the last dolls in the soon-to-be-retired, Silkstone line.
It cost 100$

No. 99193

Why the fuck are they retiring silkstone? Its one of their best lines.

No. 99237

i love silkstone? fucking why? what an awful business decision. i hate barbie so much now, it's just a mega corp virtue signalling. after the albino afro doll and vitiligo barbie, i was done with the main toy lines.

fire these morons you hired from tumblr, mattel, they are sinking your company. bleah. so mad about this.

No. 99240

File: 1594766069373.png (355.46 KB, 426x855, so dumb.PNG)

for those who haven't seen them. vitiligo barbie is making the heavily on trend and fashion conscious decision to wear a fucking fanny pack

No. 99241

File: 1594766117082.png (444.96 KB, 638x726, stop.PNG)

No. 99242

>Vitiligo Barbie
Is Mattel tanking financially or why are they latching onto 2 year old tumblr trend aesthetics?

No. 99243

File: 1594766202622.png (328.4 KB, 559x847, just why.PNG)

albino afro barbie. so tiresome when a giant company does this and people suck it up. does the fashionista line even make money?

No. 99244

File: 1594766307772.png (1.11 MB, 700x787, ugly.PNG)

your guess is as good as mine. it's so fucking dumb. it's literally years too late. just stupid. at least this one is uglycute but fucking come on. it's massive pandering and so gross.

No. 99245

File: 1594766518796.png (58.36 KB, 1568x290, of course you got it for free.…)

clearly i needed to vent kek

No. 99246

>MY SON loves this barbie
This timeline.

No. 99249

>my 4 year old SON
>we just happen to have a close friend with vitiligo and she loves the representation!!!!1
Totally not a paid astroturf ad.

No. 99274

im honestly confused who gives a fuck? if you dont want the doll then dont get it. do albino people not deserve dolls? if you dont want it move along and get something else. Barbie is billion dollar company im sure they know its not gonna sell out. And its better late than never albino kids are born everyday. Grow up

No. 99276

i think she is beautiful i knew a little girl that looked exactly like this and had an afro i wish this existed when she was growing up. But again albino kids exist and dolls arent meant for you woman children anyway lol.

No. 99279

of course not. never!

No. 99305


I kind of like it, the fanny pack looks out of place (I will choose another outfit as a whole but I guess that's just personal taste) but the doll itself is not that bad.

No. 99310

>dolls arent meant for you woman children anyway lol
Then why do Silkstone and other black, pink, whatever label dolls exist?
Unless you mean playline specifically, in which case fine, adult collectors are secondary to kids. Not OP btw

No. 99317

Because Mattel can't help it but run all their best toylines into the ground (MH, EaH).
I never collect one, but from what I heard they cheap-out the line at some point and later on, also made an articulated body which didn't kept the voluptuous hence leading to even less sales - https://dutchfashiondollworld.wordpress.com/2019/08/24/the-end-of-the-bfmc/?fbclid=IwAR0M2CzKaZ-KZ8sdSFHtiV5ycVZ9Mt7Cwxhez7K9OGmj0dfhFpwHAqtaHOA .
Robert Best like Garrett Sander was, is another wasted talent in cheapskate and tasteless Mattel.

>Is Mattel tanking financially
Yes, they fired many workers and Barbie sales keep dropping, plus they lost the DC license - https://uk.reuters.com/video/watch/mattel-stock-crashes-on-massive-loss-and-id128074985 , https://www.kxly.com/mattel-is-laying-off-more-than-2200-workers-after-toys-r-us-went-bankrupt/
>why are they latching onto 2 year old tumblr trend aesthetics?
Because they have the most retarded marketing department that probably consist of SJWs alongside shit taste toy designers (Carlyle Nuera), otherwise how the hell you would explain their beyond dumb decision to make a controversial doll line such as Createable WOrld as if their some small niche toy company and not one of the biggest toy companies in the world who should be able to sell their shit everywhere.

>someone think about the CHILDREN!
Yes, they move on to MGA dolls, because they're actually pretty and have good quality and nice looking clothes, karen
>But again albino kids exist
Sure there's enough of them to justify mass-produced toys:^)

No. 99319

File: 1594801889046.jpg (145.99 KB, 552x887, Bild Lily.jpg)

Oh, and I forget to mention that Barbie started as knockoff of Bild Lily which was character from German comic strip aimed at adult men and meant to be a gag gift, yet the doll became popular among little girls because guess what they appreciate beauty and quality as much as adults do. But I'm sure you "doll collectors" know about that:^)

No. 99320

Why are you putting doll collectors in quotes? Is that some attempt at an insult? It's a normal and accurate term. People that collect dolls are doll collectors.
>little girls appreciate beauty and quality as much as adults to
Bild Lilli became popular because it was the only doll of an adult women and not an child, which is why Ruth Handler's daughter loved it (previously she played with paper dolls). It allowed girls to imagine their adult life and not just being a mom.
Also what >>99317 said about current doll popularity.
>Yes, they move on to MGA dolls, because they're actually pretty and have good quality and nice looking clothes

No. 99323

Because actual doll collectors would know that unlike the filthy casualfags which are what the vast majority of the "diversity crowed" actually are and in fact they never liked Barbie until it began to pander to them.
>Bild Lilli became popular because it was the only doll of an adult women and not an child
It was also a factor, but not the only one and doesn't contradict my claim.
>Also what >>99317 said about current doll popularity
That's me, and that statement >because they're actually pretty and have good quality and nice looking clothes goes along with what I said about Bild Lilly as well.

No. 99333

Ahhh, I misunderstood your posts. Now I see what you meant.
TBH we cannot say how much Bild Lilli's quality contributed to her popularity. Girls could love her even if she was cheap cause there was no real competition. It's true that kids absolutely DO see difference in doll quality. Only dumbass adults think that a cheap bootleg is just as good as a legitimate Barbie (I am not talking about someone not being able to afford a brand doll, just being like "what's the point of overpaying if you can get a doll for half of the price??? It doesn't make a difference anyway, both have the same purpose".
I liked the woke Fashionistas in the beginning because they were quirky anf cute compared to the bloated nightmare that the Generation Girl mold ended up being, but I see Barbie disappearing since the dolls are no match to all the colorful, gimmicky rivals. Not many kids will buy an alopecia doll compared to LOL OMGs and others.

No. 99336

The BMR1959 line is a hot mess, the Fashionistas have some cute dolls but the clothes are such cheap crap. Sad about the Silkstones. I loved the fact that you could still get well-made Barbies, end of an era, I guess. I'll pick the last one up, the outfit is gorgeous.

Are there any other traditional 'fashion dolls' that still exist? I know Gene isn't made any longer, Tonner dolls went bankrupt, too, afaik? Are there European dolls that fit?

Love Bild Lilli; Barbie is a pretty blatant ripoff. Did they just copy her head sculpt?

No. 99395

Isnt it just them retiring the silkstone model or supermodel line only?

No. 99398

i love how they always make vitiligo look so aesthetically pleasing! no weird shapes or jagged edges!

this doll is so fucking tumblr. what shit kek

No. 99452

File: 1594902346562.png (962.3 KB, 1012x599, Priorities.png)

>This timeline
We have Ken that has more makeup than Barbie at this point, I repeat we have KEN THAT HAS MORE MAKEUP THAN BARBIE. WTF is wrong with Mattel?!

No. 99453

File: 1594902934702.jpg (401.74 KB, 1907x1907, Mattel BTFO.jpg)

>woke Fashionistas in the beginning because they were quirky anf cute
Although there might be some truth to that, they were a massive downgrade to original Fashionistas and Life In The Dreamhouse (one the best Barbie lines ever) which finally gave Barbie an actual story and characters only to be immediately vanished and be replaced with random Barbie dolls (you're Barbie, everyone's Barbie!). Worst of all they stopped having click knees REEEEEEEE…and from this moment and on Barbie became worthless shit.
>compared to the bloated nightmare that the Generation Girl mold ended up being
Their fashion was still less tacky and they had BENDABLE KNEES.
>Not many kids will buy an alopecia doll compared to LOL OMGs and others
Not just kids, but actual doll collectors as well. Just compare the upcoming Rainbow High to BMR1959 which share the same price point;
Rainbow High
>Second outfit including second pair of shoes
>Insert eyes with real eyelashes
>Brush, Doll stand and two hangers for the cloth pieces
>Double jointed elbows and knees
>No pixelated face printing
And to add insult to injury they use the same lame "brand tags" trend, only that its actually executed well. How can Mattel even compete at this point?! In fact, I've seen knockoff with better cloths and face printing than current Barbie.

>The BMR1959 line is a hot mess
When Carlyle Nuera' menace would be stopped?!
>the Fashionistas have some cute dolls but the clothes are such cheap crap
It isn't just the clothes, look at their awful face printing; when was the last time Barbie had eyeshadow and blush? Where is that detailed textured softness? Instead you get that sharp pixelated retarded smile that stares into the void.
>I loved the fact that you could still get well-made Barbies, end of an era
The only options now are hybridizing from Ali Express or getting older Barbies.
>Are there any other traditional 'fashion dolls' that still exist?
All I know of is Integrity dolls, maybe you can find more on https://dutchfashiondollworld.wordpress.com/
>Love Bild Lilli
Definitely, wish Barbie would return to her roots being shamelessly attractive and beautiful instead of pandering to small group of attention whore freaks who never liked her in the first place.
>Did they just copy her head sculpt?
You might as well call it remolded recast; the body shape, the joints engineering is pretty much identical, with the exception of the shoes being separated and not part of the feet.

What exactly do you mean? As far as I know, it's just the Silkstone line.

No. 99454

Ken looking like that flaming gay guy that shows up as a villain in every manga series

No. 99458

Y'all are so twisted, calling the way some girls are actually born a 'tumblr aesthetic'. Mattel clearly thinks there's money to be made to appeal to little girls who look a lil different. No one's forcing you to buy a damn doll.

No. 99460

>No one's forcing you to buy a damn doll
Yeah and that's why soon there will be no Barbies at all. The adult collectors are one of the few people that still give a damn about those dolls. Most kids have moved on to LOL dolls and other young brands, like the upcoming Poopsies.
I wouldn't mind the occasional tumblr tier designs if the quality was good and we got some imaginative and exciting dolls.

No. 99465

Once again, who cares? Just don't buy it, why are you so ass blasted about this? Get a new hobby if seeing an albino barbie gets you this pissed.

Personally I'm a little frustrated at the fashion used for dolls as of late. Everything seems to be hip hop influenced and as much as I like streetwear it would be nice to see variety beyond urban wear.

No. 99467

>Once again, who cares?
True Barbie fans and we are allowed to express our disdain towards current Barbie.
Enjoy your virtue signalling dolls until Mattel would get bankrupt due to pandering to you and your small insignificant loud group.

No. 99474

>come into the thread to bitch and argue
>"omg who cares???"
I don't even mind the albino Barbie that much, but it's sad that Mattel thinks that tumblr pandering is the way to go instead of making quality dolls. Sure, make albino Barbies, but give them cool clothes and make beautiful and memorable dolls as well. Oldschool Barbies had cool attention to detail. Even MH dolls did not so long ago, what happened? I never was a fan of theor designs and series lore but I could at least appreciate all the different fantasy body molds, themed accessories etc.

No. 99481

I wasn't aware that representing skin conditions was virtue signaling but keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night. You're complaining about a company marketing a doll line toward children with skin conditions like it's some sjw bullshit. They're a company. They realize that albino children exist and can capitalize off of it. They recognize that this doll might get new customers and want to market toward that audience.

>true barbie fans

Nigga are you 13

No. 99483

>They're a company. They realize that albino children exist and can capitalize off of it.
Wonder why Mattel has not made an albino doll in the 80's, 90's or early 00's? Have A
albino children were not invented yet? What about fat girls? And why they still haven't produced a down syndrome Kelly? Surely children like this exist and play with Barbies.
You are deluding yourself if you think that social media and feminist criticism didn't force Mattel to go all inclusive. They made a curvy Barbie after years of feminist criticism AND because ugly AF Lammily beat them to the punch and gained attention for being a 'healthy, realistic' doll.
I can buy they are trying to appease adult sjws with kids, but not that they care about children that much.
Contrary to what you think, I'm not against diversity in dolls. I loved the Dolls of the World series, Kira was my favorite Barbie friend. But dolls have to be quality and beautiful as well. Mattel is clearly failing here and tbh has been failing since way before the tumblr style dolls.

No. 99487

File: 1594925328694.png (2.15 MB, 2404x1196, fanbasehobby.png)

>Get a new hobby
>Nigga are you 13
Fuck off you filthy causualfag, pic related holds true with the exception of you muhdiversity faggots being majority/mainstream.

No. 99489

>representing skin conditions
>fashion dolls
WTF these two have to do with each other?! Fashion dolls are meant to be fun, not to get massage across.
>toward children with skin conditions
Again, how many kids like that are they to justify mass produced toys?! Mattel isn't some niche toy company, they're one of the biggest toy companies in the world!
>can capitalize off of it
Do you work for Mattel marketing department? Because so far they made 4 failed doll lines (soon to be 5 including Cave Club) and Barbie sales keep dropping.

No. 99490

meant for >>99481

No. 99507

Albino Barbie is a babe I’ll take 4

No. 99511

Idk why your borderline retarded ass needs three separate posts to sperg out but hey different strokes for different autistics. Barbie has always had a message that's the whole point of her having different occupations. If you're as big of a doll collector as you say you are you would know that. Mattel is trying different tactics to see what sticks on the wall it's really not that hard to see. They've been on the out for a long ass time just because a few dolls aren't in your interest doesn't mean it's not worth marketing.

Can you go be retarded in a discord chat somewhere instead of shitting up the thread?

No. 99525

>Idk why your borderline retarded ass needs three separate posts to sperg out but hey different strokes for different autistics
I guess your stroke is assuming that everyone who disagrees with you is the same anon kek.
This thread usually is dead and if we wanna discuss Mattel's shitty dolls, we are entitled to it. Fuck off if the conversation doesn't interest you or post about something else itt.

No. 99530

Considering you all have the same typing style yeah I'm inclined to assume you idiots are the same. I did talk about something else in the thread but your third grade reading comprehension stopped you from understanding that. Complaining about an albino barbie existing solely because they're albino is tired, who cares. Just don't buy it and keep it moving.

LOL Surprise dolls are so weirdly proportioned the heads never match the bodies, looks like a Baby Bratz frankenstein

No. 99537

>Yes, they fired many workers and Barbie sales keep dropping, plus they lost the DC license
That explains a lot. Fastlane political correctness pandering is the final effort companies pull in this day and age before going tits up.

>lmao why do u nerds care so much about a multimillion corporation weaponizing niche minority issues only to milk quick woke dollars from the crowd that's never going to buy their product anyway instead of coming up with something innovative and engaging
I don't know, you tell me

No. 99544

>having different occupations
But that's fun, unlike skin diseases. What's next, Barbie with psoriasis?
>If you're as big of a doll collector
>NO U are the filthy casualfag!
I bet you never knew about Bild Lilli until it was mentioned here.
>just because a few dolls aren't in your interest doesn't mean it's not worth marketing
>muh special minority pandering!
>of course it's compatible with appealing to the majority!
It was already proven here more than once how bad Mattel is doing right now, yet you dishonest idiot keep ignoring that.
>discord chat
Go back to your twitter echochamber or whatever SNS cancer you came from. I'm not a discord tranny.
>Complaining about an albino barbie existing solely because they're albino
That >>99460 anon clearly said she doesn't mind it as long as the doll is good, but keep on being delude think that everyone who argues with you is samefag as if they're part of minority group and not you:^)
>LOL Surprise dolls are so weirdly proportioned the heads never match the bodies, looks like a Baby Bratz frankenstein
But I thought you like everything that is deformed and abnormal:^), oh wait, only as long as it realistic, how boring and depressing.

As the saying goes -'go woke go broke'

No. 99545

File: 1594976887197.png (3.69 MB, 1599x1920, him.png)

I shall dub thee Ken as 'him'

No. 99548

File: 1594978531793.jpg (84.28 KB, 1080x1128, MTM all female bodies.jpg)

Found comparison of all the (female) mtm bodies including the recent petite one

No. 99549

File: 1594978663744.png (12.49 MB, 3216x3344, Hairdorables Hairmazing Prom P…)

Hairdorables Hairmazing releasing two-pack with the first male doll in the line

No. 99550

File: 1594979487769.png (379.46 KB, 966x558, SideshowXTonner.png)

>Tonner dolls
Some good news, Robert Tonner will now collaborate with Sideshow to make new fashion dolls

>Through this new partnership, Sideshow and Tonner will be bringing two exciting new collections to fashion doll connoisseurs, available through Sideshow.com. These unique offerings will encompass both original dolls and licensed characters from fan-favorite franchises, reimagined through the creative, high-fashion lens of Tonner’s iconic design sensibilities.

>The Sideshow original collection will include three 16” dressed fashion dolls inspired by Hollywood, fantasy, and fierce modern fashions, each including a detailed portrait with rooted hair, a highly articulated body, and elegantly tailored clothing and accessories. This line will also include a basic doll for collectors looking to purchase each of the outfits separately for maximum customization and display.

No. 99557

>Considering you all have the same typing style yeah I'm inclined to assume you idiots are the same
Nice cope, retard. This is an anonymous imageboard, if anons can tell your posts apart you are doing shit wrong.
>I did talk about something else in the thread but your third grade reading comprehension stopped you from understanding that
Should have dropped the m-muh albino Barbie bs since it triggers you so much instead.
Idgaf about lol dolls but wonder how they are selling without sjw pandering. Hmmmm

No. 99561


>>I bet you never knew about Bild Lilli until it was mentioned here.

Oh shit look out we got a mega-autist like that's supposed to establish something here. Go outside for two seconds and quit raging about fashion dolls being inclusive you sound demented.

No. 99564

So you didn't know that, huh causalfag:^)? Also, how convenient ignoring the rest of my post and others as well >>99557
>muh inclusive dolls
How many times do we have to tell you retard, that they don't sell and Mattel is dying?(:^))

No. 99589


>>So you didn't know that, huh causalfag:^)

So you are 13, I see. Anyways while you're sperging out over an albino barbie Mattel will most likely continue to push inclusive dolls for the next few months so double up on your diapers next time your parents drop you off at daycare for when they release them.

These are kind of cute actually! I wouldn't mind picking one up for a few younger relatives.

No. 99603

Hope you are gonna put your money where your mouth is and buy many tumblrina fashionistas. If not, you are just confirming that people that care only about inclusivity and sjw don't actually support the products they virtue signal about.
I'm not a Tonner fan but he made some cool and recognizable dolls so I am glad to hear that he has a new project! It was sad to see Tonner go, they were such a big brand among collectors. I planjed to own one Tonner doll someday but it was never a priority. Apparently the prices skyrocketed, so who knows now.
Wonder what characters are planned for the line? I sort of hope they are from something that I like, but also not cause I am trying to not blow my money on dolls as much.

No. 99669

I see yo can only argue in bad faith…you were the one who screeched and samefagging for 6 posts just because few anons made fun of your shelfwarming tumblr dolls. Anyway, gald to hear you like the dolls I posted >>99549

No. 99678

Learn the word projection it will do wonders for your already limited cognitive ability.

Looking at this doll a second time I'm kind of confused why they gave her a fanny pack with a maxi dress. I can tell they're trying to copy the spring break party vibe but a maxi dress just doesn't make sense for the outfit to me. Maybe shorts and a shirt would pair better?

No. 99684

honestly debating on whether to get another American Girl doll. i haven't gotten one since marie-grace, but i'm debating on either melody or rebecca. the price going up again isn't surprising, but has the quality improved? i haven't really kept up with collectors, but i remember a lot of ppl saying the quality dropped back around when beforever got launched.

No. 99698

This is such good news. I loved Tonner dolls.

No. 99700

I don’t like the eyes on these but I love the colors.

No. 100006

I liked his Betsy McCall revival. After Tonner shut down, Azone got the license and release few dolls which were way more expensive than the Tonner. Never got one.
>Wonder what characters are planned for the line?
I wish for DC Giganta, she would be prefect for this scale! Which characters do you wish for?
Hopefully, they will eventually make dolls at the height 12" and under as well, I remember Tonner had dolls in all kinds of scales and styles-so greater variety like in the past would be wonderful.
Wonder what "highly articulated body" means? Is it your standrad 12 PoA for adult collector fashion dolls like Integrity Toys or something like Barbie MtM? It would be quite disappointing if it will be the former.

I'm not fan of the Frozen-esque faces for the females either, in particular their thin edgeless lips. The boy' face is much better and decent imo. Shame they didn't extend the pattern on his jacket to his pants which look kinda cheap and dull. As for the colors besides the female eyebrows (that thick bright turquoise on tan skin, just doesn't look good), are pretty and cohesive. Another thing worth mentioning, it's great that they finally start to give the dolls normal-sized earrings instead those ridiculously enormous ones which are repulsive and disturbing.

No. 100207

I've been wanting one too. IDK why? I could just dig my childhood ones out and clean them up, but I don't have any interest in that. I just want a new one. Maybe one of the minis or a wellie wisher since my apartment is tiny. Are the $25 mini dolls poor quality? The ones I had as a kid I remember being decent.

No. 100240

Rapunzel anon here, the nendoroid gods have smiled upon me and have her back on preorder! So happy!!

No. 100283

All I know about the minis from some reviews is that they're all vinyl now instead of having soft bodies like their 18 inch counterparts like before. I haven't heard anything about Wellie Wishers though

No. 100536

Sorry i only sometimes read a bit in this thread and English isnt my first language.

But I dont think Mattel is discontinuing their whole silkstone collection, its only just this particular supermodel sub-serie

No. 100627

>Which characters do you wish for?
I would love to see characters from Lord of the Rings as dolls. Especially elves like Legolas, Arwen or Galadriel. I am not sure how feasible is that. I regret not being able to buy the Barbie LotR dolls (even though they are not that great), so I would love to get a second chance! Otherwise IDK, I am not into things like Marvel or DC. Maybe a nice Severus Snape doll? Can't believe Mattel hasn't given us that yet, it's the only doll from HP that I would actually buy! Would love a Kylo Ren/Ben Solo doll as well but I doubt it's possible taking into account how big of a trainwreck the new trilogy ended up being.
>I'm not fan of the Frozen-esque faces for the females either
Holy shit, I can't believe I haven't noticed that! I hate those faces so much. I never saw the connection to the Elsa dolls, but now I can't unsee it. I thought that the faces look impish AF and I had no idea why would anyone like them.

No. 100640

>discontinuing their whole silkstone collection
They do
>particular supermodel sub-serie
Huh? I don't think there's sub-line for Silkstone as far as I know
You got some nice list, I do hope the new Tonner dolls will be great and successful enough to keep continuing and expending.
>Would love a Kylo Ren/Ben Solo doll
I'd kill for a good Padme(s) and Anakin!
Sometimes I wish that Azone and Medicom will cooperate to make unique bodied and accurate license dolls but with rooted hair and nice-looking body underneath, in other words combining both companies strong points.
>but I doubt it's possible taking into account how big of a trainwreck the new trilogy ended up being
Disney kept pushing the ST despite being failure, I think they'll continue to try so it won't be completely in vain.

No. 100641

File: 1595591092431.png (5.22 MB, 1688x3480, Fail Fix.png)

Fail Fix, a new fashion doll line by Moose Toys.
There are two more dolls left, but there's no good quality images of them to be found yet.
From up to down: Loves Glam, Slay it DJ, Preppi Posh and Kawaii Qtee.

No. 100642

File: 1595591296560.png (9.89 MB, 2240x5232, Poopsie Q.T. Unicorns.png)

Another variant/continuation to Rainbow Surpris Poopsie line. This one is called Poopsie Q.T. Unicorns. They have no slime gimmick, instead they're all scented.

No. 100689

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for a Kylo doll! Though it would ruin my wallet, I could not stop myself from buying it!
The dolls are cute but that is one weird idea for a doll series. I guess at least it has not been done before (to this scale). Not interested in buying any of those.
I will buy at least one of those unicorns! The pink one, probably, and maybe also the blue and violet. They are so cute! I missed buying cute fantasy toy horses at shop. Modern MLP sucks and the G1 repro series is not freely available in my country (the ponies that are available from online sellers are the collector's pose ones I already have as a actual G1 ponies). Those poopsie unicorns make me happy when I look at them. When are they coming out???

No. 100700

This may be a reach but is anyone else reminded of the Nendoroid doll line when looking at this?

No. 100776

The only thing those have in common with Nendos is that they have a slightly enlarged head.

No. 100860

File: 1595703433281.png (161.94 KB, 293x312, 0ab8f70797b441d6e39c9678faeece…)

I realized another reason why I like them. The simple pose, colors and the white mouth area remind me of Takara ponies a lot!

No. 100869

File: 1595709029365.jpg (89.44 KB, 651x1500, Mattel's Harry Potter Severus …)

>Can't believe Mattel hasn't given us that yet, it's the only doll from HP that I would actually buy!
Apparently they just did

>The dolls are cute but that is one weird idea for a doll series
Looks like they try to cash-in on that online makeover games trend…almost a decade later. I kinda like the one with purple hair, but I think I'll have to wait for irl pics to decide and tbh I'm not sure if I'm even gonna bother if they won't sold in my country.

>I will buy at least one of those unicorns! The pink one, probably

Yeah, she has the cutest pose. For some reason I'm drawn to the green one.

>Modern MLP sucks

Now MGA not only BTFO of Mattel, but also Hasbro is being BTFO

>the G1 repro series is not freely available in my country

I wish they made G2 repro, but that's probably never gonna happen tasteless American girls. Other option is getting World's Smallest G1, they have the "basic pose" (idk much about G1). I have them so I'll upload a pic at some point.

>I already have as a actual G1 ponies

You own genuine g1 ponies? Sweet. Can you show some of them?

>When are they coming out???

Fall 2020

>remind me of Takara ponies
I heard someone else mention it too, I just hope Hasbro won't try to sue MGA for MLP likeness they probably will, as g4 gonna shelfwarm whereas Poopsie Q.T. Unicorns gonna sell like hotcakes.

Good to hear Rapunzel anon

No. 100870

Oh my God! And he is gonna get released in August??? I need him on my shelf now! Hope my local doll distributors hurry the fuck up! I don't want to overpay or wait until X-mas to buy him. For some reason, a few months ago I actually had a dream about buying a Snape doll (with a playset??? wtf), and I am not even that big of a HP fan! This is the only HP doll that I want, TBH. Hope the actual doll doesn't look much worse than the promo pic. How did the already released HP dolls compare?
>You own genuine g1 ponies? Sweet. Can you show some of them?
I do have a small collection, yes! I don't have anything especially rare since I live in Europe (they are not as common here, or at least in my country) and I am a poorfag compared to the American collectors. I do love all my G1s a lot! I also have some G2s. A few months ago I was lucky to buy like 5 or 6 MIB G2's from a guy that apparently bought a warehouse in Netherlands full of late 90's toys (I also bought some oldschool Pokemon merch from him). The ponies don't have their backcards as they got destroyed, but they are still in the plastic bubble along with their original accesories (except for a pair of fabric wings or something, IDK what happened). I also got a playset MIB though it's not that great (it's a wedding dinner room or something). I love G2s, even though I wish there were more poses. They were beautiful, but could use some variety! Obsessing over G2 ponies as a kid is probably what started my lifelong obsession.
I will try to take photos of them! Looking forward to seeing the smallest G1!
>I heard someone else mention it too, I just hope Hasbro won't try to sue MGA for MLP likeness
Do they even remember about Takara MLP and do they still hold the copyrights? I know a few years ago there was a huge issue with Hasbro apparently losing rights to G1 characters except for Applejack (which is how FiM mane six happened). But maybe that's not an issue anymore since they are remaking the G1 toys? My head hurts, this is such a mess!

I love your posts so much, anon (apologies if I am wrong, but I feel like you are the one constantly contributing quality content).

No. 101020

File: 1595784329855.jpg (1.41 MB, 3870x2136, Pony Ponyard.jpg)

>How did the already released HP dolls compare?
I don't really follow that line closely so I can't tell, sorry.

>I also have some G2s

Cool, I only own one which the same pony I had as a kid.

Thank you so much! I love your posts too. I'm the anon who keep posting doll news so I do try to contribute as much as possible.

As for the World's Smallest, they're a bit bigger than I expected. They have nice and come with a brush. My only gripe is they aren't made of soft vinyl, but it's understandable considering how difficult would it be to produce at this size, not to mention it's a lot more expensive than hard plastic.

No. 101021

File: 1595784385925.png (3.46 MB, 2292x1524, TonnerxSideshow.png)

Preview of upcoming Tonner dolls

No. 101022

File: 1595784432183.png (533.5 KB, 480x1000, Wonder Woman Training Armor.pn…)

The first licensed one is Wonder Woman movie version

No. 101023

File: 1595784799460.png (10.87 MB, 3208x7880, Secret Crush.png)

MGA comes up with yet, another blind bag doll line, called Secret Crush. Each doll comes with bracelet diy kit including beads which can be put inside the doll' hair.

There are also two big 13" dolls that comes with a regular dolls.

No. 101027

I love them, where can I get one???

No. 101028

They're available on amazon, I imagine they will soon be distributed to other places as well.

No. 101121

Oh I love the green pony

This is a very cute concept, kid me would have gone apeshit for these.

No. 101657

File: 1596078230392.jpeg (194.72 KB, 810x1080, A14F6281-9E26-4BA9-AC25-496B3A…)

Do Sumikko Gurashi count as toys? I think they’re really cute. I want to start buying more of their figures and plushies but I don’t know what a good website is to look for these things (tried Amazon and the selection was pretty limited). Where do you usually shop if you’re looking for Japanese mascot character plushes and figures?

Pic related is the plush I currently have (not the actual one but you know what I mean). I bought him at an anime convention a few years ago and I’m thinking of getting him a friend.

No. 101668


those faces look….rough

i expected more from tonner

No. 101674

I love sumikko gurashi… the concept is so cute

No. 101687

File: 1596099182791.png (7.51 MB, 2576x5728, Fail Fix_2.png)

The rest of the line
As for the basic dolls, they each have different variations of the makeup and outfit they come with

No. 101688

File: 1596099327237.png (2.68 MB, 1952x1794, Shopkins Shoppies Special Edit…)

More from Moose Toys, another exclusive Shopkins doll

No. 101689

File: 1596099482604.png (5.81 MB, 2444x3592, Miraculous Ladybug.png)

Finally some stock images of the new Miraculous Ladybug dolls by Playmates.
Strangely though, they have both Playmates and Bandai logos.

No. 101690

File: 1596099540687.png (8.57 MB, 2208x6896, Disney Zombies 2.png)

Last and least some QUALITY Mattel dolls

No. 101691

File: 1596099567419.png (1.84 MB, 1390x1622, Alex Morgan Barbie.png)

No. 101695

>I love the green pony

>This is a very cute concept

Yeah, I like these so much better than the lol dolls. The style of these remind me of indie toys just without the pretentiousness and the ridiculous price point (although they're still somewhat overpriced).

>Where do you usually shop if you’re looking for Japanese mascot character plushes and figures?
AmiAmi, Hobby Search and Hobbylink Japan, There's also Mandarake which is for secondhand items and those even include MIB with slight "box damage". Also, don't forget that Japan Post international shipping is suspended atm, so most viable shipping options are very expensive fucking DHL .

It really is underwhelming, it's like all the possible bad aspects in Tonner Dolls. Talk about outdated. I mean there are currently 12" playline dolls with more articulation, yet those 16" adult collector dolls have single joints and not even a good looking ones.

No. 101698

SO true. Girls ruined dolls tbh. Doll collecting should've remained as a small closed hobby between 5-6 men!!

No. 101703

That wasn't the point, if you bothered to follow the posts it was referring to SJWs and such like >>99465 .

No. 101705

>implying adult manchildren were the first adults to collect dolls
Yikes. I know you are on some ironic bullshit but still

No. 101720

Sage for being an outsider but question for toy collectors: Do you play with the toys / dolls or are they only for display? If there's lore like Monster High dolls, do you stick to it or do you rename the dolls and come up with your own stuff?

No. 101763

I wouldn't say i play with them,but i like to display them and change the poses every once and a while.

I mostly collect nendos from anime but i put them all in a calico critters house and pretend its a weird crossover lol

currently have Panty hitting on Light Yagami while solid snake watches from the corner.

No. 101771

That sounds really cute anon haha

No. 101778

I collect dolls and don't play pretend with them like kids do, but I enjoy posing them, changing their outfits, and taking pictures. If I'm feeling down I'll hold one or set it beside me while I watch TV or use the computer.

No. 102599

File: 1596559185639.png (12.17 MB, 3192x7848, Miraculous Ladybug_2.png)

More new dolls from this line. There's also a two-pack of Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noi, but they're essentially the same dolls as the single pack just with one fist hand instead of two open ones and there's no good stock photo of it.

No. 102600

File: 1596559262824.png (3.3 MB, 1744x1836, LOL plush dolls.png)

A new subline/merch for LOLs. The clothes and shoes are removable.

No. 102601

File: 1596559304316.png (2.89 MB, 1232x5800, Disney Store classic dolls.png)

New basic Disney dolls of misc characters

No. 102603

I do a little, I should play more. Story wise, I tend to play more with my action figures than my dolls, which I usually end up more just brushing and/or switching outfits. I only stick to lore of franchises I care about it and *MH ain't one of them.

*Only care about them as dolls

>i put them all in a calico critters house and pretend its a weird crossover lol
That's a neat idea

>currently have Panty hitting on Light Yagami while solid snake watches from the corner


No. 104486

File: 1597509168963.jpg (158.16 KB, 750x1000, a12f5e8b413cbcb19b544118636488…)

my bf's therapist asked if I am actually playing with my toys lmfao. She was a bit concerned I may be significantly emotionally delayed since I never stopped adoring toys.
(Like the other anons, I don't play with them, just enjoy looking at them. I hope to take photos as well, I'm so lazy though)
>If I'm feeling down I'll hold one or set it beside me while I watch TV or use the computer.
This is so wholesome, I think I will do it with my BJD boy as well! He gave me an idea for a novel, but that has to wait until I finish the one I am working on now.
I hate the thing in the middle of their chin. Like… wtf???
Oh, those are great!!! I'm tempted to buy Alice (but I will probably not, since I am not attached to the character - the doll looks great though!) or Esmeralda - though it irks me how the clothes look cheap AF, the 90's Mattel doll was MUCH better. The skirt should use much more fabric, and the corset is poor as well!
A Disney heroine doll line was long overdue, but the effort is a bit hit or miss… Maybe they are budget dolls and I shouldn't be complaining that much? What is the price tag?
Megara compares even worse to the 90's Mattel doll than Esmeralda. I adore her unique face mold! The Disney Megara looks too soft and generic.

No. 104487

File: 1597509306217.jpg (114.21 KB, 720x540, 98e0a1d5-1a94-4345-a427-74a810…)

samefag but I ordered pic related (Mattel's Yoda plushie/figure) and I am so excited! The money is not so great at the moment so I asked my bf to buy him for me in advance as this year's X-Mas gift (I am worried they will be sold out by December). I know that 'consoom Baby Yoda' is such a meme, but he brings me joy. I can't wait for the season 2 of Mandalorian!

No. 104488

I have also found out that Hasbro's Baby Yoda animatronic and not gonna lie, I'm tempted to get him someday! It's so adorable, love his moving ears and that he falls asleep when you put him on his back (though I guess it's not a new technology, Furby 2005 was able to do the exact same thing).

No. 104618

File: 1597599205177.png (12.09 MB, 1944x9328, Na Na Na Surprise Ultimate Sur…)

Finally, full stock images of this subline

No. 104619

File: 1597599358749.png (15.65 MB, 3240x6264, Barbie Signature Mattel 75th A…)

More doll news, lots of upcoming Barbies

No. 104620

File: 1597599436578.png (10.85 MB, 3624x5504, Signature Barbie The Gala’s Be…)

The last Silkstone doll

No. 104622

File: 1597599532524.png (9.34 MB, 2152x6128, Brabie Flight of Fashion doll_…)

This doll (final version) cost 120$

No. 104624

these are beautiful!!!

No. 104625

File: 1597599683546.png (12.69 MB, 3736x6592, Barbie Collector Tim Hortons d…)

If anyone interested, there's a doll board dedicated to all kinds of dolls and you can post 5 images per post - https://anon.cafe/doll/

No. 104628

I like the Susan B Anthony doll. Nice to see official feminist Barbie kek.
I like the board, will check it out! Wish it was about different kinds of toys as well…

No. 104694

I have this and he's even more precious IRL! He has no legs, but can wear some newborn/0-3months clothes. Infant headbands fit perfect and look super cute. You can buy legs on Etsy, but they cost more then the plush itself. I've personally been keeping my eye out for green baby tights to try and make my own legs.

No. 104696

Wowww I adore her face and silhouette though the wings look stupid imo

No. 104701

>Megara compares even worse to the 90's Mattel doll
We have 3D sculpting and printing, I don't understand why aren't all Disney dolls are complete character sheet accurate at this point?! Do they to avoid making the perfect version so people will continue to buy their lame updates? Do fashion doll collectors/Disneyfags have such low standards?

>'consoom Baby Yoda' is such a meme
Poor man Gizmo
Gib Jar Jar baby mouse

I kinda dig that Millie (see Mattel you can make Millie head mold look good when you bother), but the dress reminds me of that cloth used to clean glasses. Also she's on that stiff model/Barbie Basics body which sucks, they should go back using Shani body for the collector dolls.

I don't like the black one face mold nor face printing. They should've use Mibili or even Millie.

The last Silkstone is cute, shame she is on that badly sculpted articulated body which completely butchered the beautiful Shani body proportions.

>Nice to see official feminist Barbie kek
She isn't the first doll in the signature line…I'd prefer a fashion doll line of female musicians/singers desu.

>Wish it was about different kinds of toys as well…

Well, there's /toy/ for that - https://prolikewoah.com/toy/ . But the BO of /doll/ said she doesn't mind talking about other related toys such as MLP if it comes naturally.

That doll design screams 2000's dark fairy

No. 104709

File: 1597659456791.jpg (104.93 KB, 640x640, iap_640x640.2458841362_carnhzc…)

Goddamn anon, now I want to customize my Child as well! I have looked on Etsy and I like the most the legs with plastic feet. As you said, they are very expensive though (not to mention the shipping, sigh). I am considering buying just the plastic feet and combining them with baby thights as you said. If you succesfully make legs for your Yoda, please give an update! I suck at crafts but I am really tempted to give this a shot… It irked me that the Mattel Baby Yoda doesn't have legs, but the face is so wonderful I decided to ignore that (plus there is no better option tbh).

I wish Mattel noticed the issue and produced legs for Baby Yoda… or at least someone from China noticed the issue and did it, lol. I just want affordable and accurate Yoda feet!

No. 104710

Now I don't know anything about this doll or dolls in general but if the feet are so expensive, couldn't you try making your own out of clay?

No. 104784

I could, the problem is I'm terrible with craft. Could try until the feet are okay looking though. The problem is that clay is fragile and I don't trust it to withold life for long. Plus I would prefer the feet to match the plastic head and hands… I've ordered the baby thighs for now and I will stuff them so my baby yoda can wear newborn jumpers (the feet are hidden in them, so the lack of weird toes will not bother me in this one case)

No. 104946

File: 1597781086883.png (264.49 KB, 468x492, hdjifutyi.png)

I don't collect toys, but this just came in the mail and I'm just happy about it.

No. 105254

File: 1597950437619.jpg (68.86 KB, 736x736, Exodoll1.jpg)

What does this thread think of these EXO dolls? I'm no kpopfag my any means, and I originally dismissed these dolls when I first saw them ,but after looking at more and more pictures of them, ngl I can't help but find them sorta cute

No. 105256

File: 1597950507823.jpg (43.1 KB, 564x564, Exodoll2.jpg)

No. 105259

File: 1597951090177.png (577.17 KB, 394x492, Mirio.PNG)

Me too!! They're honestly adorable and I love all the accessories they come with. I'm not a kpop fag either but I noticed more and more people making anime ones so I might go those tbh

No. 105268

These dolls are really cute, is the only place that sells these dolls Aliexpress or all of those just knock offs?

No. 105277

Theyre so cute,I love them ,anon!!
Take good care of them.

No. 105291

I love them, but i can never tell the members apart. But theyre so damn cute, I almost want to at least get the Yixing and Min Seok ones.

No. 105292

Oh my gosh, where is this from? I love sheep stuff so much

No. 105394

File: 1598037273374.jpg (218.86 KB, 1140x1520, il_1140xN.2443467502_lwlt.jpg)

I have caved in and bought the cheapest pair of Yoda feet (pic related). I was planning to attach them to the thights, but now I have no idea how. I have realized that it's so easy to do that with the reborn bodies as they already have the 'tunnel' to put in the zip tie. Do you guys have any idea how to attach the feet easily to the thights? As mentioned earlier, I suck at DIY but I'm more than willing to put in some work to make my baby Yoda complete!

No. 105597

File: 1598205061501.jpg (1.4 MB, 2977x3416, Kojo and Kiki_Bush Baby World.…)

I'm not much of plush collector (I do have some small collection from my childhood), as I grow up action figures and fashion dolls became my top priorities while plush as at the bottom. My most "recent" purchase was few years ago, if anyone remember there was small trend of brand called *"Bush Baby World" by Golden Bear Toys (in the US it was called Fur Babies and was distributed by Moose Toys). They've unique and fun gimmick in which you put your finger inside a small socket in the back of their head and then you can move around their eyes and ears. I'm very fond of their eerie 50's toys aesthetic going with their face sculpts and eyes while still being cute! I got the first basic editions which personally I prefer over the later ones with flowery prints, "troll hair", etc. I'm not certain if the brand is dead or not; the website does no longer works, but I happened to see some new products (with even crazier prints, new eye shape, more accessories and even blind bag crap plastic figurines eew), specifically from a Russian site- https://www.ozon.ru/context/detail/id/156803803/ , https://www.ozon.ru/category/myagkie-igrushki-7175/bush-baby-world-147308005/ .

*Fun fact: in Japan it was called Gyoroppy and was distrubited by Bandai.

Cute! What plush is it?
>I don't collect toys
If you gonna start beware of that deep rabbit hole!

Turns out these cost 70$ which is a bit steep, I wouldn't mind it so much if the bracelet and socks/tights were actual separate accessories and not printed. Hopefully it will get down to 60$. I like these a lot more than the regular ones since their hats are removable and they have ears, such shame they still kept having printed jewelry and socks, otherwise they would've been perfect. Usually I would prefer bunny over cat and "gothic" look over cute one, but pinkXblack are one of my most hated color combinations and goes more with emo style rather than goth. Overall, I'd like to see more "ultimate" nanana dolls…what are your thoughts?
P.S. some irl photos I've found of them on instagram- https://bibliogram.art/p/CEAceLjH-B3/ , https://bibliogram.art/p/CEAixtHntte/ , https://bibliogram.art/p/CEC9BbRnL0M/ ,

No. 105646

I don't know if she ships abroad. She's closing her website and I grabbed this plush on discount (I had my eye on it for a while).

No. 105650

She doesn't ship abroad unfortunately

No. 105660

Huuuh, her merch is amazing!! Why and when is she closing her website…

No. 105721

File: 1598310094493.jpg (164.68 KB, 640x452, A4nPoM3.jpg)

Bishoujo MLP line is releasing the princesses and I'm actually pretty happy with the mockups. I really don't like advertising I liked the show despite being female and having young family members being the appropriate age who adored it. So I really enjoy this inspired line where I can just say I enjoy the style they go with if asked.

No. 105722

File: 1598310701093.jpg (118.39 KB, 512x362, unnamed.jpg)

These are really cute! I wish they had made the cape thing on Luna's skirt translucent and sparkly like her tail.

Idk if anyone already posted it but here are the rest of the characters.

No. 105723

File: 1598310826563.jpg (274.06 KB, 1127x1600, Sunset-Shimmer-Kotobukiya-Bish…)

No. 105744

File: 1598328374085.jpg (1.08 MB, 1460x2064, fb5MuUn.jpg)

anon who first posted but I'm hoping to snag this and Twilight. I wanted to like Fluttershy but I'm meh on her face.

No. 105749

File: 1598344006530.jpg (45.64 KB, 640x684, ECTn6RSVUAEpqth.jpg)

She has no right to be this adorable!! Rainbow Dash too

No. 105781

My biggest hope is The Dazzlings get their own as well. They were my favorite villains I love a good catty friend group.But besides that, if Sunset looks good in her final mold I'll prob grab her.

No. 106059

Please tell me you are actually into plamo so I can sperge about sanding nubs and thinning paints with you

No. 106065

File: 1598606219056.png (12.99 MB, 4144x5208, Na Na Na Surprise series 4.png)

Another new wave of Na Na Na Surprise
From left to right: Paula Purrfect, Juli Joyful, Bianca Bengal, Melanie Mod, Tommy Torro and Bebe Groovy

No. 106066

MLP: FIM was good until season 3, just one season more after Faust left. Afterwards it did become a stupid show for little 8 year old girls. The new DC Super Hero Girls by Faust is also great, but Mattel toys are hot garbage as usual and now that DC Direct has been disbanded there isn't even a chance for at least nice statues like they did with Super Best Friends Forever.

I kinda wanted the Rainbow Dash one, but I just can't justify shilling out 100$ for a statue when I can just get toys instead, Maybe I'll try to get KO at some point.

Not that anon, but I'm a bit into gunpla

No. 106763

File: 1599150955525.png (13.85 MB, 4368x7008, Barbie Dream House 75th annive…)

Another Barbie doll as part of 75 anniversary of Mattel. She comes with the old cardboard Dreamhouse and 3 outfits.

No. 106764

File: 1599151765468.jpg (7.15 MB, 5880x8768, Barbie Signature Dia De Muerto…)

Second Dia De Muertos doll, first one came in 2019

No. 106767

File: 1599151954613.png (2.89 MB, 1588x2720, Black Suit Black Widow Barbie …)

After the white version which also have been released this year, comes a black version

No. 106768

File: 1599152317308.jpg (753.74 KB, 1438x1920, LOL Surprise Remix.jpg)

last but defiantly not least, full line-up of LOL Remix wave. The shadowed dolls are rumored to be the 2-pack Punk Girl and Rocker Boy

No. 108797

File: 1600869346819.png (6.94 MB, 3520x5208, Licca #Licca #CosmeticsLover.p…)

>tfw you lived long enough to see Licca becoming an instagram thot
tbh I've only started to collect Licca 3-4 years ago
There's a new Licca subline called #Licca I really hate hashtags outside of the internet, it meant to replace the Bijou Series which was also in the same price range, around 40$ and stand as a middle ground between the standard playline Licca and the adult collector line Stylish Doll Collection.
In this new line Licca is 17-year-old in second year of high school (JK), the doll height is 27cm and still can share accessories, shoes and some clothes with regular Licca.

No. 108798

File: 1600869397617.png (6.6 MB, 3400x5568, Licca #Licca #Emocat.png)

No. 108799

File: 1600869500439.png (6.97 MB, 2880x5280, Licca #Licca #RainbowUnicorn.p…)

No. 108801

File: 1600869631622.png (7.21 MB, 3184x5360, Licca #Licca #PeepSweets.png)

No. 109545

File: 1601471766372.jpg (72.38 KB, 870x870, dbe6b6d1e6554b695866183a5aa381…)

Have any of you anons purchased anything or looking forward to?
I'm trying real hard to not order the Snape doll since once seller has imported it to my country. It costs like 150% of the regular price so I'm trying to be patient and wait until you can buy it everywhere. I'm so tempted though! I'm not even the biggest snapefag, but I've waited for this doll forever. It's the only one (maybe beyond Bellatrix? I would consider getting her) that I really wanted to see made.

No. 109560

I can’t believe any of you wants these horrifying obvious coomer fetish fuel pedo toys

These look exactly the same as the big poopsie girls, only their faces are even more disturbing in person. The insta thot bimbofication of this line and LOL and others disturbs me deeply. It pisses me off because the clothes are so well made. Guess I’m sticking to just a hairmazing or two for now

No. 109565

how are the unicorns sexualized? I don't see it

No. 109569

Gee I dunno

No. 109572

File: 1601488338722.jpeg (93.25 KB, 970x300, B36CB68E-C30E-4A81-A190-76011C…)

If you can’t see the sexualization slapping you in the face then that’s quite disturbing

*repost because it attached the video again kek

No. 109573


did a brony come up with this entire concept? just kidding but still wtf

No. 109574

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No. 109575

i've never heard of these but they are so cute! not to be tumblr but are there any ones with darker hair and skin? i love the style but don't want a blonde/blue eyed one kek. if not it's fine, just wanna know if you've ever seen one around.

No. 109576

100% designed by some furfag with an infantilization fetish. i'm not kidding. literally everything about it looks like what some brony's furaffinity gallery would be dedicated to. disgusting how they're trying to make it seem normal and cute.

No. 109578

those look different than the small, sitting unicorns from the post that you quoted. It's the same brand, yes, but I don't see how those are sexualized. Won't argue about regular Poopsie unicorns since they may seem dodgy from a certain point of view. People were criticizing Bratz for the same reason (looking sexualized) though so IDK of things are getting worse or if it's a matter of perception.
Personally I find the big unicorn dolls cute AF but the pooping gimmick is disgusting and 10 years late.

No. 109580

What I don’t get is why do they need tattoos? You don’t tattoo a baby, they wear diapers, why add tattoos? Specially tramp stamps. They’re just unnecessary and not even aesthetically appealing at all.

No. 109583

>pony toddlers with heavy makeup and sultry anime eyes
>they take a shit if you feed them by having them deepthroat a spoon(yes making sure you "hit the back of her throat" is in the instruction video)

gee, that can't possibly be a fetish.

No. 109584

File: 1601497628031.jpg (119.14 KB, 1828x747, christhasleftthechat.JPG)

what i didn't screenshot is that grotesquely jiggly closeup of the glitter-covered bellybutton of the purple pony

No. 109597

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I’m really not into toys or plushies but occasionally I’ll go on AliExpress and look at the obscure plushies they have. This nautilus is amazing. I don’t buy anything though because I don’t know what I’d do with it and feel like it wouldn’t give me much happiness after ~10 minutes.

No. 109598

File: 1601513719891.jpeg (75.67 KB, 800x800, EFB4D258-0278-435E-B256-E6D0EB…)

Also this leatherback turtle.

No. 109606

poopy baby unicorn ahegao? disgosteng

No. 109613

What the fuck. Weird.

No. 109619

File: 1601547438015.jpeg (795.12 KB, 1728x2592, Neo Licca.jpeg)

>Have any of you anons purchased anything or looking forward to?
I finally got my hands on Licca doll I wanted for quite some time…I've waited so long for shipping to return back to normal which didn't happen (yet), however there are more reasonable shipping methods besides DHL rape.
>I'm trying real hard to not order the Snape doll since once seller has imported it to my country. It costs like 150% of the regular price
You mean seller on ebay? Maybe try getting it from amazon US/amazon.com? They have international shipping so it might be cheaper. That's where I usually get Western toys from.

>i've never heard of these but they are so cute!
Yeah Liccas are amazing
>not to be tumblr but are there any ones with darker hair and skin?
>not to be tumblr
That's cool then. Yes, there was subline in the 2000's called Neo-Licca which use 4th generation Licca body with 1th generation Licca head and there were few tan dolls in the line and very few *Licca Castle basic dolls. I've noticed that tan Japanese fashion dolls tend to be exclusives or getting regulary released once in blue moon which sucks. I'd love a tan Gyaru Licca going full on thot, lol in the new #Licca line as it would be very fitting to the JK Instagram thot theme.

>but don't want a blonde/blue eyed one kek

I get you; variety is good thing in contrast to diversity which are two different things.

*It's a theme park and museum for Licca dolls, they also sell there OOAK Licca dolls made in Japan and some exclusive fashion packs for Licca usually under the name Little Factory (for the clothes).

UPDATE: The new dolls can't bend their knees which I found out thanks to my pathetic knowledge in moon runes
And I even hold high hopes for CLICK KNEES!
Big oof

Please let -oomer/wojak variant no.13568999 die as it should.

There's nothing sexual about the new Poopsie Q.T. Unicorns unlike their predecessors as >>109578 said.

>The insta thot bimbofication of this line and LOL and others disturbs me deeply

You sound a bit like a Karen

I doubt most of the bronies give shit about MLP outside of Faust incarnation. This is look like the work of hired deviantart furfag with scat fetish tfw you realize deviantart artists are now old enough to become toy designers, the sheer horror.

Don't forget the heart shaped butthole for completion! Tbh I still kinda want one for the lulz.

No. 109626

Snape dollfag here. I come from an europoor country that luckily still gets Mattel dolls in regular shops. Before the regular distributor gets them, usually a small online shop buys few pieces of the new thing and sells it for a higher price. So basically you can get the doll delivered in a day or two, but you overpay for it a lot. I will check Amazon, but probably it will not be cheaper than when the dolls hit. the regular shelfs before christmas.

No. 109650

ooo thanks anon she's really cute. sucks about the exclusivity but i'll look into it. do you have any other cute doll brands like this you'd recommend?

No. 109656

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Have you seen the coelacanth plush? I really want it but I feel like it won't look as good as pictured

No. 109674

File: 1601578551462.jpg (155.27 KB, 1000x1294, 718nXDLy9jL._SL1294_.jpg)

>Have any of you anons purchased anything or looking forward to?
I just ordered picrel as an impulse purchase on amazon. It was quite cheap (30USD) so I'm not expecting amazing quality but I'm still excited to have him lol.

not huge into plushies but that is precious omg.

No. 109694

File: 1601600515773.jpg (38.09 KB, 410x727, kylo.JPG)

The greasy bangs are ugly but a really cute doll otherwise.
I like that there is actual stitching, buttons, and different fabric swatches on this one. Nowadays dolls often come with printed-on clothing that isn't actually constructed in any real way. Especially the Disney dolls are guilty of it.

I kinda want this Kylo Ren. https://solarisjapan.com/products/star-wars-star-wars-the-force-awakens-kylo-ren-mafex-no-027-medicom-toy

No. 109731

I may be wrong, but he's probably a bootleg. If you want to buy bootleg figures, I highly recommend aliexpress since you will pay less for the same shit and will be able to see how the figure looks in real life (provided people have submitted reviews with photos, but they do in 9/10 of cases).
Anyway, share photos with us once he arrives! I wish they made Maria or Angela figures. Love my SH2 girls. I am lowkey tempted by the nurse figure, but I am trying to stop buying so many pricey figures lol.
Fellow Kylo Ren sperg here and a regular in this thread kek. I own this figure and honestly while it's nice, for the love of god don't buy it based on promo photos. I preorded him and was EXTREMELY disappointed that his face looks nothing like the promo pic. You can see what I mean at 5:40. Sorry If you are aware of the issue and I am a dumbass, I just want to save you the disappointed. I am still waiting for an ultimate Kylo Ren figure that captures Adam's likeness and does not cost my monthly salary. Hope we get it someday.

No. 109732

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pic related

No. 109749

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That is SO disappointing… the face is the only reason I wanted it. thank you anon. It's not terrible but it's not even close to the promotional images wow.

I wouldn't mind if a Kylo figure didn't look exactly like Adam Driver but at least had a hot face that suits Kylo like picrel.

No. 109761

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I’m really excited for the new Gecco statues of Heather and Pyramid Head. Does anybody know if they’re going to be reprints of their original runs or new statues completely? I’m assuming the former but haven’t been able to find much info about them. I’m curious if their price point is going to be like the original (150 USD) or the new Dead By Daylight statues (360 USD). Probably going to be on the more expensive side, but I’d still be willing to shell out quite a bit for them.

No. 109777

This one is actually super cute. The other versions are really cringe though, especially the one with the cat ears

No. 109779

OT but that is literally the hottest I've ever seen Kylo Ren. Props to that artist.

No. 109804

Same, it doesn't really look like the actor but captures some qualities of his that can exist on a very hot face.

No. 109869

File: 1601750132111.png (1 MB, 1682x865, Mimi and Kurhn.png)

Wow, these are pretty cool! Though I always found plushies to have small play value, but I'm getting more and more tempted to switch and start collecting them instead of action figures which haven't been really fun to collect in recent years. Any plushfags here can recommend me some plushie toy lines/companies? I would appreciate it a lot.

If you're certain the doll will arrive regular retailer stores, it's probably better to wait.

>do you have any other cute doll brands like this you'd recommend?
There are two which I never owned (yet) in hand.
First, "Mimi World", it's a Korean fashion doll which is basically *Jenny KO. You can find them on ebay.

Second, "Kurhn", she's an original (the newer articulated body is a remold of Momoko and Obitsu 27cm) Chinese fashion. You can find them on ebay or aliexpress.

*Taller fashion doll by Takara, now only sold as OOAK dolls in Licca Castle

>I am still waiting for an ultimate Kylo Ren figure that captures Adam's likeness and does not cost my monthly salary
Maybe S.H. Figuarts?

No. 111292

File: 1602405889150.jpg (27.08 KB, 1080x1080, 75$ for THIS - not even a new …)

And today's in Mattel latest retardation; Mattel saw HasbroPulse success and got jelly, so they decided to open their own faggy online store (Mattel Creations) for adult collectors. But instead of, at least offering new toys, they just made cheap clear plastic version of their overused playline toys, slap on it high price and call it a day. Even the most pretentious lazy "pop culture" knockoff indie toy garbage is better than this lazy fucking corporate shit. Mattel just keep going straightway to bankruptcy.

No. 111580

I will watch Pscyho Pass so I can have reason to buy this Gun.

No. 111618

I really want to gave a little pullip doll collection but i never found a well priced one to play dress up with so it’s only a dream still

No. 111639

Look on yahoo japan auctions,i got a used one for 50 bucks including shipping.
You just need a proxy site to buy through.

No. 111641

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Forgive me for being ignorant cause I'm not a toy collector, but what exactly would this doll be for? Like to paint over or use as a model or something? Pic related looks cool, but barbie isn't wearing a gown or anything, so there's nothing interesting about her.

No. 111645

File: 1602639008102.jpg (28.83 KB, 600x600, 6008071_grande.jpg)

Can't wait to purchase this lovely Esmeralda & Djali figurine next year!I wished there was some sort merchandise for Don Bluth characters too,I can imagine myself buying a Thumbelina figurine

No. 111646

How utterly boring. Can you imagine collectible Barbie figures of all of her different jobs and costumes, like those Miku figurines? I’d be in so much debt, especially if they were styled after those old illustrations and box art.

No. 111660

Didn’t know I wanted this.

No. 111922

>but what exactly would this doll be for?
>Pic related looks cool
It's the same thing as Skeletor (pic related), it's CLEAR PLASTIC and due to the limited production units, "ExClUsIvItY" which is what toy collecting have become.
>>Pic related looks cool
Indeed, but not for 50$ when the regular release cost like 15$.
>Forgive me for being ignorant cause I'm not a toy collector
Believe me you're better than those few toy collectors who be like: "just consume the product and get excited for the next one!".

>Can you imagine collectible Barbie figures of all of her different jobs and costumes
>especially if they were styled after those old illustrations and box art
I'm not much of a statuefag, but that could be amazing! I mean Mattel are less likely to butcher Robert Best designs as statues instead of as dolls as they've been keep doing recently.

No. 111950

She's so gorgeous! Esmeralda was my favorite disney girl for a long, long time next to Kida.

No. 112001

File: 1602946167839.jpg (39.61 KB, 600x800, GSC90932-3.jpg)

I only own one Nendo but I'm so tempted to buy the Witcher 3 Yennefer one. She's one of my favourite characters and she's just so damn cute! She's around $50 on preorder rn.

No. 112005

patrician taste, anons.
I was tempted multiple times to buy the Yenefer statue, but her face irl looks like shit compared to the promo photos. I don't know what's the problem, isn't Dark Horse supposed to be a quality figure company?

No. 112012

File: 1602950658698.jpg (75.33 KB, 1024x768, hae345b668h21.jpg)

Yennefer-anon here. I have a couple of Dark Horse figures (the newish Yen one and a Daenerys one) and they're both…not great. They were about $40 where I'm from but they look, and are built, like those collectable figures that you get with magazines for $10. Although, the newest Yen one (picrel) is better than the Daenerys one - she has a super lumpy paint job. Luckily I got the Dany one as a gift, so I don't have to regret spending money on it lol.

Repost since I forgot to attach the pic.

No. 112013

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Samefag, but the original Dark Horse Yennefer figure was absolutely tragic. She's so beautiful but they made her look like a tranny.

No. 112015

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They really lost it after losing the Disney deal to Hasbro. I was in retail when the body positive line dropped and let me tell you, we could not sell whatsoever because no one in marketing realized the primary function is to dress up. Moms weren't buying uwu so empowering when they'd have to shell additional amounts for separate wardrobes instead of shared ones.

No. 112020

Do you have a Tuesday Morning store in your area? I've never been but I've heard of people finding discounted Pullip dolls there. And I also second checking out Yahoo Japan auctions, lots of great deals to be found if you have the patience.

No. 112047

This figure could be worse but the hair really looks like one of Umbran Witch's Lego wigs

No. 112120

File: 1603038398167.png (6.49 MB, 2488x5232, Billie Eilish Bad Guy doll fro…)

Not really news anymore, but worth mentioning; Billie Eillish got a fashion doll by Playmates.

>I like that there is actual stitching, buttons, and different fabric swatches on this one. Nowadays dolls often come with printed-on clothing that isn't actually constructed in any real way. Especially the Disney dolls are guilty of it.
Besides Mattel and Hasbro dolls, most (playline) fashion dolls, especially MGA ones (LOL OMG, Rainbow High, Na Na Na Surprise) do have high quality fabric and sewn details.

She's my favorite one too (I love how both 80's and modern her looks are). I wouldn't go as far as saying the others being cringe, but they're just not as good. The cat ear one is probably nightmare to brush/keeping that hair style.

>They really lost it after losing the Disney deal to Hasbro
True, they became panicked and went full retard. That's what happen when a toy company get too addicted to licenseshit. It's weird and interesting that we haven't seen even a similarly bad reaction due to the additional loss of the DC license.

>because no one in marketing realized

I swear the marketing department at Mattel (at least for Barbie) have SJWs infiltrated and somehow convince boomer upper management that the loud minority in SNS are representative of their main customers.
>realized the primary function is to dress up
That's what happen you market towards idiots who buy shit to virtue signaling rather than first and foremost use it. The small loyal Mattelfags are now consist of useful idiots who fail to realize the irony of supporting a giant corporation.

>I was in retail

Got anymore interesting stories/insights to share with us? I always dreamt working for a toy store, but it's too late for me.

No. 112129

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I have the DA:O Morrigan figure that came out circa too fucking long ago. She's still in the shell, but it's unfortunate how the features came out on these. Makes me wonder how nice they could have been done by other manufacturers with superior materials and people who gave a shit

No. 112130

File: 1603043205287.jpg (210.57 KB, 1600x921, DEaVn6c.jpg)

I have a few, one about the line again actually. When we weren't selling well enough for management they had us set up a display near the front entrance to try and entice buyers. Old store gambit, put what's not selling up front to try and get the kids worked up as they walk in, parents grab to keep the peace while they do the actual shopping. Cept for this line it really did not work, cause problem B with the line. It's fucking hideous concept of 'fashion' You'd see little kids dig around make faces and ask to go to the actual Barbie aisle.

No. 112161

Thank you anon I’ll check yahoo jp since im a eurofag

No. 112174

File: 1603066608599.jpg (35.99 KB, 512x358, pinkyst.jpg)

Any anons collect Pinky:st? I just started getting into them and they're so cute. I like the fact they're basically mix and match, kinda like Betty Spaghetti dolls from back in the day.
I like the collaborations, kinda wanna get my hands on the Summer Wars and Kuromi figures.

No. 112183

omg ANON these were my LIFE when i was a kid

No. 112189

I got a lot of like… 50 of them on YJA for about 10 bucks, and they are a lot of fun to customise! I havent done it in a while, but since theyre so simple and stylized and not too expensive,they are perfect for a beginner like me.

No. 112193

I think I know someone on tumblr who customizes these to look like vocaloids

No. 112769

File: 1603464859634.jpg (49.44 KB, 800x800, poopsie-surprise-qt-unicorns-k…)

I have ordered my first Poopsie Surprise QT! Can't wait to get my hands on her. Looking forward to getting the blue and green ponies as well.
It's nice for once being exited for ponies that I'm able to buy boxed and not second hand (G1s, the repros are not available in my country).

No. 112781

I actually think they're really cute, not sure how cheap they feel in your hands though. Is it well built or just cheap plastic? I really can't tell from pictures. Though I really can't get over the name and the fact that some of them poops… I wish they could just make some cute colorful pony dolls to collect and that's it.

No. 112855

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I want to buy some Calico Critters, small families with houses and other things, especialy the ones with little babies.

They are not sold in my country, so I have to go to an online store. However I want to know your opinions on the toys, I think they are really cute and give me comfort, they also seem pretty fun to draw, but I want to know if it's a good idea.

No. 112860

I think they're adorable, anon! There's such a variety and I love their little clothes and accessories. I think it would totally be a worthy purchase. Especially if they bring you comfort. Please update us if you decide to go through with it!

No. 112871

I had a load of them when I was younger!! They're so cute.
The only advice I can give you: If you're using them for anything other than display, don't get the Persian cats. Their fur is made of some tooth brush bristle type material and it gets dirty IMMEDIATELY and is nigh impossible to clean. Also IMO the official Sylvanian house / play sets are a huge rip off, but if you get any, the camper van set is really cool, and comes with loads of really cute knick-knacks.

No. 112904

File: 1603562442748.png (12.88 MB, 7856x3704, LOL OMG Winter Chill dolls - B…)

Haven't posted doll news regularly in while…
First, new LOL OMG wave called Winter Chill.

No. 112906

File: 1603562603950.png (11.67 MB, 5400x6512, Monster High - Pennywise and S…)

After almost a year of rumors Mattel have finally released the licenseshit MH dolls and they cost 80$.

No. 112907

File: 1603563187409.png (2.31 MB, 3324x1224, Barbie Extra- Swag Chick Nikki…)

Mattel' answer to LOL OMG…Barbie Extra bad . They supposed to cost around 25$-30$, so around the same as BMR which also have ugly tacky clothes but with single jointed body instead of MTM. In addition, they come with pets that look like repurposed blindbag crap leftover. Surprisingly, only Barbie (Pinkalicious) suffer from QUALITY pixelated face.

IRL/in box images:
Swag Chick Nikki - https://bg.endl.site/p/CGnDEV8jQ-A
Candy Queen Lea - https://bg.endl.site/p/CGnD_PyjmJA
Pinkalicious - https://bg.endl.site/p/CGnCaChDEUP

No. 112908

I like the left one but the rest, what theeeeeeee hell are they wearing

No. 112911

>It's fucking hideous concept of 'fashion'
By Carlyle Nuera, the man with no taste and lead designer of Barbie.
>actual Barbie aisle
I don't really see much difference desu, maybe slightly redeemable MTM.

I'm not, but I rembmber thinking these were cute.
I would kill for LiccaxKuromi doll! They made so many Sanrio collaborations (Hello Kitty, Cinnamorol, Liitle Star Twins), but no Kuromi yet.

Congrats! Please post a pic when it arrived.

>I wish they could just make some cute colorful pony dolls
So you mean anthropomorphic like some sort Rainbow High doll hybrid? Because that's what I'm also looking forward to.

I own a few, they're great! They have good quality and big range of figures, accessories and playsets.
Where I live, they're sold under the name Sylvanian Families.
I hope you be able to find them within a reasonable price, anon.

No. 112916

I like far left

No. 112918

Regular Barbie is pretty feminine though with lots of glitter and shiny sure it has the same cuts as the ugly line but it's colorful enough that little kids don't care. The Fashionista line is what extras wear in a low budget Disney channel original movie.

No. 112940

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IDK why this makes me so mad.
I would rather just have the MH dolls.
I've seen way better fanmade versions for pennywise and the twins.

No. 112957

I like the one on the right in theory/product pics but it's kinda disappointing in the irl images imo

No. 112981

Seconding the point about the camper van, I got to play about with one and I fell in love with all the tiny little accessories it had

No. 113026

File: 1603740072798.jpg (54.6 KB, 1080x1080, Mattel QUALITY.jpg)

>I like the left one
You mean Swag Chick?
>what theeeeeeee hell are they wearing
Mattel' distorted concept of fashion.

Big Wig is really nice too, but her outfit feels a bit lacking/something missing. My favorite one is Camp Cutie, but her light pink shoes don't match well with the rest of her outfit. Either way, I think I'm gonna skip those since I'm not a fan of LOL head mold (the profile is just too damn ugly) so I want to limit myself to few dolls as possible/ones that I extremely like.

>but it's colorful enough that little kids don't care
Now that there's LOL OMG, Rainbow High and Na Na Na Surprise kids don't even look at Barbie direction and her sales been going down.
>The Fashionista line is what extras wear in a low budget Disney channel original movie
I don't watch these movies but it's frightening and sad to think people would dress like that even for a low budget movie.

>I like the one on the right in theory/product pics
She's the most decent one, that's for sure.
>but it's kinda disappointing in the irl images imo
Turns out it's even worse, not only she suffers from pixelated face, but also have bald spots…I think it's time we start to bet when Mattel will finally go bankrupt.

>IDK why this makes me so mad
Probably because it's mediocre, boring and overpriced product after years of anticipation? I know many MHfags desperately eat this shit up because of said desperation for new MH dolls that aren't reboot tier.

No. 113029

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The sitting one’s not bad, but I can’t handle the ones that look like they have Kwashiorkor, they give me the heebie jeebies.

No. 113030

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No. 113034

File: 1603742698511.png (5.31 MB, 2156x1080, 17 licca body.png)

Though the promotional instagram pics gave me hope the legs might be bendable, they're indeed solid hollow plastic. And if it wasn't enough, they have ugly seamline in the middle to boot! I know it's a stretch but I'm going to blame Mattel for that, up until 5 years ago before the NuFashionista normalize hollow plastic legs, it was a clear sign of a dollar store knockoff doll that no sane company would dare to do.
As for the overall look of the body, it look like a slimmer Bild Lilli copycat it's yet another Bild Lilli knockoff, how exciting! which doesn't go very well with Licca rounded and puffy face…still ten times better than the mature body used for Stylish Doll Collection which look completely out of place. On another note, the classic lacy underwear doesn't go well with their modern fashion, although I'll admit it's a nice touch, I think a more modern looking one would be a lot better.
On the one hand, I'm happy that's the case with the legs since it wouldn't mess with my toy budget as I collect many different toylines (it just got released), but on the other hand, I was really looking forward to a trendy teenager Licca line and it's really shame they're all doomed to be lame because of that unless knee maybe in the future Takara with update the legsI wish regular Liccas had ball joint hips, goddammit. Maybe if I see the one I wanted under discount I'll get it and rebodied to obitsu 26cm.

No. 113035

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Lottie looks a bit like Licca, hmm

I have this one and a rain coat one. I love them. Their knees bend.

No. 113134

File: 1603805381211.jpg (85.72 KB, 754x918, milleniumprincess2000.JPG)

Question to the wise mattelfags! I have checked on Ebay the Millenium Princess Barbie since it's the one collector's doll I was able to ID on sight from Lilee's collection.
I was curious how much she is worth and ended up being even more confused. Why are the prices for the doll so varied? Was there a rerelease, variant or what? How can it be sold for as little as $9 and as much as $3000 at the same time and in the same condition? The product number is even the same (24154) WTF is going on?

No. 113154

What fashion doll would you guys recommend for a beginner looking to get into the doll hobby? Quarantine has me extremely nostalgic for Polly Pockets, do any current doll lines do the rubber clothes thing?

No. 113165

File: 1603824020668.png (3.37 MB, 4624x1180, fashion dolls with plastic clo…)

Can someone recommend me some good plushie toy lines/companies?

Not mattelfag by any means fuck mattel nor much of a vintage toy collector, however have slightly experienced with collecting vintage toys and have fairly vast knowledge as an avid toyfag.
Thanks to adult collector faggotry popularity, lots of people being mostly consistent of greedy normalfag scum I actually saw a famous toy designer, Stefanie Clark Eskander, who admitted buying repro barbies to resell them high, fucking traitorous cunt who foolishly thinks toys are like stocks that you can buy for cheap and sell for high. Due to that fact, in some cases, especially for relatively new toys, the stupidly high pricing doesn't reflect the true proportions of supply and demand as it was made up by clueless greedy normalfag scum who automatically thinks popular toy equals high price without taking to account that it was mass produced and not that rare. The doll you looking for is an adult collector Barbie made 21 years ago dedicated to special occasion, while it certainly makes it somewhat rare I doubt it deserve more than 100$~200$ top and maybe even that estimation is too generous. Not a long ago I bought 90's playline barbie MIB and she cost even less than 20$! In fact, I've even seen obscure 80's toys MIB costing less than that Millennium Princess Barbie. Let those retards rot and say no to scalpers.

>Was there a rerelease, variant or what?

There are two additional variants: African American (as always) and a brunette. The blond one you want isn't even the rarest of them.

>since it's the one collector's doll I was able to ID on sight

For future references I suggest you check Barbie Collector Guide - http://barbiecollectors.altervista.org/index.html

>Lilee's collection

What?! Can you explain what/who you talking about? Because I have no idea.

>2,770$ for '99 Barbie

Holy kek, this retard seller acts like he's selling MIB 70's Barbie.

P.S. Take to consideration that 90's-early 2010' Barbie have growing demand and becoming pricier thanks to the wasteland that is NuBarbie as more people starting to realize it.

>What fashion doll would you guys recommend for a beginner looking to get into the doll hobby?
Though it depends on your preferences, I suggest starting with cheaper playline just to see if you're truly into that.

>do any current doll lines do the rubber clothes thing?

There are quite few thanks to the "cheap" blind bag crap trend, the two main ones/long runnning are Capsule Chix by Moose Toys and of course LOL dolls by MGA. There also Itty Bitty Prettys Tea Party Surprise by Zuru, Secret Crush >>101023 and Poopsie Rainbow Surprise Fantasy Friends by MGA.

>Polly Pockets

There's actually new reboot line currently running, it includes both the fashion dolls and miniature dolls which are pathetically inferior to the original hand sculpted Blue Bird RIP despite the 3D sculpting technology .

No. 113172

The shopkins line is a good Polly pocket dupe. But yea the Polly line is straight garbo

No. 113178

aw anon she's adorable! and she isn't expensive, I want her…

No. 113191

>frilly sissy diaper
>anime eyes
>dat belly button
>long flowing egirl hair, tats and overall kawaii trailer trash hybrid style
>the fact that it's an anthropomorphic pony and we can't have nice things
>video up thread with ahegao and dancing, pooping and puking
yeah this trash is the work of a furry/brony. No doubt in my mind

No. 113193

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samefag with more about LOL Surprise and MGA Entertainment
Holy shit, there is something deeply fucked up going on with these dolls. Pic is from the wiki article for MGA. I also saw multiple articles about one of the dolls, a "rare" Poopsie Slime Surprise, having a phone number on it. Calling led to a phone sex hotline. Parents' outrage led the company to buy it so it's now kid-friendly, but what the hell? There is too much adding up but it's surreal. This is really strange and creepy to me. It's all around sex.

No. 113195

File: 1603832810665.jpeg (Spoiler Image,42.94 KB, 450x238, AE5DB6B8-D5D0-4EEC-96A9-61FD44…)

The boy dolls have genitals

No. 113197

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No. 113199

File: 1603833253663.jpeg (221.53 KB, 437x584, 35136066-E0C7-47E7-A146-AAD6C4…)

hope this doesn't count as spam because it's honestly milky. Wtf is going on?

No. 113200

link to someone's video where she tries multiple dolls https://m.facebook.com/hilarylee092/videos/10200317896207908/?t=0

No. 113317

File: 1603893710512.jpg (200.97 KB, 894x894, lildisneyprincess01_89044047_1…)

>I've even seen obscure 80's toys MIB costing less than that Millennium Princess Barbie. Let those retards rot and say no to scalpers.
So people are unfairly inflating prices of the Millenium Princess Barbie? That's insane. I know people do that, but it's crazy how many offers there are with a bullshit price!
You make me want to buy some MIB Barbies from the late 90's/early 00's. Too bad that shipping to my country is almost always super expensive (if the doll is cheap) or there are barely any offers on the doll and so the few available options are expensive as well.
A few months ago I was looking for the Odette Barbie doll from the Snow Lake movie and hardly anyone was selling her! WTF? It's not even an obscure doll! Do you have any tips on how to look for 90's/00's Barbies on Ebay (unless there is a better page with worldwide shipping for that)?
>Not a long ago I bought 90's playline barbie MIB and she cost even less than 20$!
Please show it to me! I adore Barbies from my childhood, kek.
The altervista webpage is genius, I had the link once but I think I lost it… thank God someone made it. I remember the dark times when there was no webpage with complete info on Barbies that were not super vintage.
>What?! Can you explain what/who you talking about? Because I have no idea.
Lilee Jean is a wannabe makeup guru/'celebrity' and a cow from /pt (newest thread >>>/pt/802142). She is mostly known for her insane mother and all the antics that they pull, like buying followers despite being broke and acting like Lilee is a celebrity even though the farmers are the only people interested in her. Sadly, Lilee is also a doll collector and a walking stereotype of what normies think when they hear the term (an immature Christian horse girl-type who is unhealthily obsessed with Disney despite being an adult - to be fair, she's not into horses, but has the same feel)
You can see her collection in the picture. More dolls to be seen here:
And now I'm lowkey salty cause she does have some nice Barbies!

I don't even check Lilee's thread that often but a few days ago someone commented in reply to pic related how said it is that Lilee keeps all the dolls just standing and collecting dust when there are so many little girls that would love to play with them and the common idiocy triggered me lmfao. What makes people think that random children are entitled to adults' properties bought with their own cash just cause those things are toys?

No. 113318

posting some dollfag cringe example so you know what I am talking about
Yesterday I picked up a parcel with the Poopsie Surprise QT! I haven't removed her from the box yet. When I do, I will take photos and post them!
I am pleasantly surprised how big she is - about as tall as adult G1 Ponies.
ATM the only thing I don't like is that the inside of her mouth is white. It looks weird IRL, like someone forgot to paint it red, pink or something.

No. 113383

No. 113408

Dolls like LOL and Poopsie slime surprise are made by fetishists. No way a normal person would think that putting hidden lingerie and poop/vomit in kid's toys (that are supposed to be cute) is acceptable. I'd understand it if they were the disgusting stuff some little boys (mainly) are into, but fetish aside these would be your usual kawaii pastel rainbow shit aimed at little girls.

No. 113447


Agree, toys like this feel like tools for grooming little girls into becoming familiar with fetish shit early on before they know what it is. A decade from now, I can see an older creep talking a teen who grew up playing with these pressuring the girl into dressing up like that and taking pics for the wrong reasons without really understanding the darker sexual aspect of it.

No. 113559

File: 1604070060871.jpg (95.42 KB, 480x640, IMG_3104.jpg)

MGA has been cashing in on pooping unicorns/animals for a long time now. Make of that what you will.

No. 113573

File: 1604076287019.jpg (Spoiler Image,127.42 KB, 640x853, v4zRRcN.jpg)

I've never minded the boy dolls having parts as it's not detailed whatsoever
But yea this is why I'd never get my little cousins any of the dolls. even their main clothing is a bit off The big dolls get a straight up thong and their molds are certainly something.

No. 113581

wow, her pussy looks like the only part of her body that she didn't tan instead of underwear… yikes
What's wrong with this one? The fishnet socks?

No. 113585

Wow, what the fuck? Lingerie on children's toys? Hidden too. That can be used to easily by adults to groom children, seriously.

No. 113586

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surprised no one has brought up the flower child line that just straight up gave the doll pasties

No. 113587

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how is it different than Barbie lingerie? Is the difference that the lol dolls look more childish?
Not defending MGA, just thinking

No. 113588

because that's just adult undergarments? How does late 80s early 90s slip/bra/underwear/stockings remotely relate to near fetish gear being put on a child mold. Nor world those look out of place under some formal business wear.

No. 113591

These clothes are obviously not sexualized. I would have no problems if the LOL dolls had this kind of clothes, it looks like a cuter and girlier night gown. But hidden harness like lingerie on dolls that look like children? Hell no.

No. 113595

File: 1604085643125.jpg (1.28 MB, 1920x1920, InShot_20201028_232834146.jpg)

I recently bought all the set of bearschool squishies and they are adorable

No. 114123

Honestly I find the poop stuff to be fine, little kids like poop jokes. I still like them, guess I'm immature. BUT the problem in the OMGLOLsurprisewhatevers is how it has a suspiciously sexual context, when you look at everything else with these new dolls. Like the video in this thread which shows sexy dances & ahegao. The hidden lingerie. You just KNOW something weird is going on.

No. 114125

File: 1604537094175.jpg (37.59 KB, 488x488, terfbaby.jpg)

lol saw these transphobic cabbage patch babies, it's a blue/pink signature reveal(bait)

No. 114171

Why is this transphobic?

No. 114231

File: 1604646049279.png (277.27 KB, 464x263, Nyan Sum.png)

These are so sweet. They remind me a bit of these "Nyan Sum" figures I've been longing for, just too flippin' cute.

No. 114234

how tf is this transphobic its a baby doll and no babies are trans

No. 114245

You're calling a plastic baby doll transphobic? Get the fuck off here…

No. 114283

I thought she was being sarcastic but I guess she wasn't?

No. 114304

My niece is obsessed with these ugly fucking things and I'm horrified. I thought bratz dolls were oversexualized but this is atrocious. Jesus. Defined nipples and pasties on a child doll for kids including a number for a sex hotline, I am done. You would've never been able to sell this shit back when I was a kid.

100% this. Normally I roll my eyes at all the kiddy diddling grooming accusations but this is just all sorts of fucked up and nobody in their right mind can dismiss at being "just cute and playful" or something.

No. 114415

File: 1604808551795.jpeg (49.91 KB, 488x560, 9B77B081-65A6-4C59-BEC6-06EEBF…)

I’m about to end it all because I don’t have $300 to spend on this 2000s nutcracker Barbie collection for myself this Christmas

No. 114418

File: 1604809674265.jpg (33.91 KB, 500x587, 6iFJsPZ.jpg)

I remember when this Barbie line had a bit of controversy because some felt they were dressed like hookers. And now we have LoL Surprise doing this shit.

No. 114441


It's so weird that reddit and 4chan of all places are weirded out and calling this a fetish doll, while the suburban soccer moms are all silent. Are they this naive? Because they are horses? Imagine if this was a regular human toddler like doll, with lush anime eyes and eyelashes, diaper-shorts, crop tops, tattoos and questionable poses in their advertising drawings. It's just too icky for me.

No. 114459

File: 1604842220647.jpg (62.79 KB, 500x499, metard.jpg)

Been looking at these for probably the last couple of years but felt like it'd be ridiculous to buy one at my age… it's due for delivery tomorrow

No. 114464

File: 1604844334008.jpg (1.19 MB, 3000x4000, cool corduroy barbie.jpg)

Here is my new Cool Corduroy Barbie, IMO one of the best playline Barbie ever which also put adult collector and playline NuBarbie into absolute shame.
Having the great combination of the best Barbie headmold (aside Francie/Twist'n Turn), Mackie, with the best body mold Shani (which is beautiful modern rendition of the Bild Lilli body) makes her one the most prefect Barbies. Sadly the Shani body is one of the most underused body molds for Barbie, it was mostly used for adult collector Barbie and rarely for playline, later on it became the base for the Silkstone body which doesn't have click knees absolutely disgusting . I really wish Mattel would bring it back, just add nail details to the hands and feet and give ball joints to the hips and that's it, however with the current QUALITY I doubt it will be any good unfortunately.

>Too bad that shipping to my country is almost always super expensive (if the doll is cheap)
I know your pain…the Barbie itself cost less than 20$ but the shipping was a lot much higher.
>Do you have any tips on how to look for 90's/00's Barbies on Ebay (unless there is a better page with worldwide shipping for that)?
You can try searching Etsy and Amazon too
>Please show it to me!
Sure thing!
>someone commented in reply to pic related how said it is that Lilee keeps all the dolls just standing and collecting dust when there are so many little girls that would love to play with them and the common idiocy triggered me lmfao. What makes people think that random children are entitled to adults' properties bought with their own cash just cause those things are toys?
I do think that only displaying toys and not playing with them is stupid and lame, but overall people should be allowed to buy whatever they want as long as they don't harm anybody else.

P.S. Sorry for the late reply

No. 114465

Can you discuss the actual toys and not the drama surrendering them? I know it's lolcow, but this is a toy thread so please talk about toys.

So, few things to note; MGA take a lot of inspiration from celebrities which would also means immodest clothing…I found it amusing people are more annoyed at dolls for dressing immodestly rather than actual people which can be role models unlike imaginative toys.

LOL babies, despite being marketed as babies (which is wrong on MGA part) don't share proportions with real babies by having wide hips they're closer to chibis/super deformed character designs.

It's not the first time MGA came up with controversial baby dolls, Bratz babies were by far worse than LOL since their body proportions resemble real babies. However, I must say I did really want and still want Bartz Baby Jade, because I find her aesthetically pleasing like I find the first Poopsie Unicorn dolls pretty despite their fetishes because I can see beyond that.

As for the so-called plagiarizing of some instagrammer, copyrights laws aren't applicable to the fashion industry, only trademark so there isn't any legal problem with that.

Are there pervert toy designers out there? Yes. Are toy companies as a whole are part of some pizzagate tier conspiracy ? No.

Last, but mot least, assuming realistic genitals necessarily mean sexual context is wrong, go see BJD dolls.

No. 114467

File: 1604847216818.png (11.75 MB, 4320x7728, LOL Surprise OMG 2-Pack Punk G…)

More doll news!
The last LOL OMG dolls from the Remix wave (aside from the upcoming individual packs of the 4 pack Remix dolls) which includes the first LOL OMG boy.

No. 114468

File: 1604847710372.jpg (5.03 MB, 4624x13776, Rainbow High Series 2 Bella Pa…)

The first revealed doll in the second wave of Rainbow High dolls.

No. 114469

File: 1604847863533.png (3.36 MB, 2080x3084, Kindi Kids Minis and KIndi Kid…)

The latest spin-off of Shopkins, Kindi Dolls Minis which are smaller size version of the regular Kindi dolls.

No. 114472

>Last, but mot least, assuming realistic genitals necessarily mean sexual context is wrong, go see BJD dolls.
I agree, but so many farmers will fight you on that. See: the Danny Choo thread.
>Welcome to Rainbow High, the colorful art school full of bold fashion and even bolder drama
Cringe. Why do American toy companies always focus their doll concepts on 'tEeN gIrLs CaTtY'? How is that supposed to make the dolls more appealing? It makes me even less interested tbh.

No. 114475

Are they meant to be cross eyed? These are cute, though, they remind me of the racers in Wreck-It Ralph

No. 114503

I like that they gave him long hair, a choice I imagine has to do with the fact that a toy with hair that can be styled is more marketable to little girls. Normalize long hair on men lol. That said, there's stuff about his mold that puts me off. His lips look weird, and why are the feet so absurdly detailed? It's like this company is incapable of being normal.

No. 114512

File: 1604867582724.jpg (24.61 KB, 500x333, plush2.jpg)

What do anons here think of these dolls with plastic/ porcelain faces but fluffy bodies?

No. 114513

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No. 114514

File: 1604867736255.jpg (64.71 KB, 480x640, plush4.jpg)

No. 114515

I like the one pictured here,its really cute,but the rest freak me out.
Also i feel like i would dislike how it felt if i held it,super soft and light body with a weirdly heavy head is what i imagine it to be.

No. 114516

Reminds me of puppy surprise/kitty surprise dolls except this has a way cuter face than those had

No. 114517

File: 1604869205514.jpeg (64.55 KB, 500x375, 8533AA14-C8A9-4145-8CA6-74FE52…)

it was me being sarcastic but was a dumb move it seems . genuinely did want to hear opinions on the doll. went about it wrong lol

I also like the long hair, but noticed the feet straight away. something about this company is not right idc what anons say. Generally I also find the faces weird, on top of that body it's rather comical but it could be worse

I love these and would like to own some!! when dolls border on cute and creepy, thats what I like most. I dont personally find them creepy though.

No. 114546


She looks stoned as hell lol

No. 114552

It doesn't matter in the least if the LOL dolls are meant to be kids or adolescents, because they're made and marketed for little kids.

Also BJDs cost several hundred dollars and are fragile collector's toys, not kid's toys. Apples and oranges. They're made for adults, so of course they have defined sexual characteristics.

Can you explain to me, if the LOL dolls aren't fetish based, then what's the purpose of hiding tattoos, longerie, fishnets and bondage gear on toys for children? And why not advertise the hidden features so that parents who don't want their kids exposed to that stuff can keep it away from them? If it's so okay, why not be open about it?

No. 114576

I think they are really cute and I would collect them if I could! I can’t ever find any in my local thrift shops.

No. 114590

>excuse me, BJDs, the immensely expensive hobby dolls handmade for adults, have MUCH more defined genitals than these fetish-based dolls made for girls aged 6 to 10 to play with!!!!
Anon what the fuck, I'm sorry people think your baby in bondage gear doll is grotesque but this is a stupid fucking reach

No. 114596

The price and target audience doesn't matter and affect the sexual context, since if it's did than
>have MUCH more defined genitals
would had been true, which it isn't in most cases (yes, most BJDs don't have much more detailed genitals, but since you're not a toy collector, of course you wouldn't know). But even assuming it was true, let's not forget there are other far more realistic playline baby dolls that actually have very detailed and realistic genitals and yet there is no sexual context.

>Can you explain to me, if the LOL dolls aren't fetish based

I already explained but you two, didn't bother to read my entire post and only refer to the "easiest" argument you can counter. So let me explain it again more elaborately; "art mimics reality" - LOL dolls as other MGA dolls are heavily inspired by and influenced by pop culture and celebrities, so instead of venting your anger on plastic figurines, maybe do it on the source of it which is celebrities who dress immodestly.

>I'm gonna misquote you and add bunch of things you didn't say
"So what you sating is…"
>your baby in bondage gear doll
Bold assumption thinking I own any LOL (not OMG) dolls. Personally, I think they're overpriced blind bag crap and I don't think they're anywhere as pretty as Bratz Babies.
>so why are you defending them?
Because I think the accusations against them are exaggerated.

Now let's go back discussing actual toys and not drama.

No. 114597

There many other Barbie dolls you can find for cheaper anon, just look through the collector guide.

>but felt like it'd be ridiculous to buy one at my age…
You should never feel ashamed for buying playline toys, there's nothing wrong with that. Remember that playline toys are also designed and made by adult.
>it's due for delivery tomorrow
Good to hear! I hope you can shar pics

>I agree, but so many farmers will fight you on that. See: the Danny Choo thread.
Let me guess, they don't collect toys and are just there for the drama.

>Why do American toy companies always focus their doll concepts on 'tEeN gIrLs CaTtY'? How is that supposed to make the dolls more appealing?

Since the 60's approximately, teens have been considered cool by kids (especially girls) and add to that the whole subcultures of street fashion which just lends itself perfectly to fashion doll line. However, I do find it cringey and boring to the death having high school setting though as filthy weeb, I wouldn't mind if it was Japanese high school as the main setting (curse you Monster High) which the entire "lore" revolves around.

>Are they meant to be cross eyed?
I think it's the unintentional result of having bubble heads and inset eyes, but it could just be promo pics error as they sometimes happen.

>These are cute, though

Agreed, I prefer them a lot to their bigger counterparts.

>they remind me of the racers in Wreck-It Ralph

True, I didn't notice that.

I was really underwhelmed by this two-pack, it took so long to be raveled only to be disappointing. The Punk Girl look more like edgy Harajuku to me than punk and as for the boy…I was expecting something more in the lines of Bratz boys, but instead we got creepy baby face on fat NuKen-like body, what a letdown.
>It's like this company is incapable of being normal
I think it has to do with the fact that Mattel can easily sue any (successful) Barbie-like portioned doll…they sued Hasbro' Sindy doll for having too much resemblance to Barbie.

No. 114598

>"art mimocs reality"
>LOL dolls as other MGA dolls are heavily inspired by and influenced by pop culture and celebrities, so instead of venting your anger on plastic figurines, maybe do it on the source of it which is celebrities who dress immodestly.

Neither of these points makes it okay to sell dolls with hidden bondage gear to kids. They don't understand the meaning of it, but the point is to normalize it so that younger kids start copying it younger and younger.

Adults who collect toys aren't the target audience for LOL dolls, children are, and children don't need to be exposed to it because outside of fetish scenarios, people really do not dress like that outside of the media.

No. 114601

File: 1604923590716.png (11.24 MB, 4068x3072, Cheburashka and Monchichi.png)

I think plush dolls with plastic face tend to look better as constructing a great plush toy face from fabric only is much harder and more expensive. Monchichi and Cheburashka are prefect examples of how good they can look.


>into the trash it goes
After creating plastic, porcelain should've never been used again for toys, never.

BTW got any recommendations for other plush toys?

>but the rest freak me out
The creepy-cute 50's aesthetic isn't for everyone, but I dislike >>114514 too, it looks stoned with those red eyes lol.

>went about it wrong lol
I'm happy to hear you learned your lesson anon. If you want to talk about a toy just talk about it, without adding some unnecessary controversial statement or whatever.

As someone who hate (big and/or realistic) baby dolls, I find CPK baby dolls to be adorable! I really want a female Asian kid CPK doll.

>when dolls border on cute and creepy, thats what I like most

Yeah, it gives them some "spice" instead of just being blandly cute. Maybe you should check "Bush Baby World", they're modern playline so they should be easy to find and won't cost a lot.

No. 114602

Monchichi was my life as a kid. They make me feel so emotional.

No. 114607

>Let me guess, they don't collect toys and are just there for the drama.
Do you know where you are?
Anyone is allowed to comment here as long as it is within the site rules, if you don't like that then there are plenty of other groups online that require you to prove your worthiness to talk about toys

You can ignore posts about drama if you don't like that, but you can't control what people want to talk about.

No. 114641

exactly. that part had me "wtf?" like I collect toys and that's why I care so much to discuss even their controversies.

No. 114823

File: 1605119282018.jpg (70.43 KB, 640x360, NeJHHgb.jpg)

anon isn't a collector by any means if that's their sentiments. 90% of western doll collection is their controversies with fashion, how it was made, their appeal, and so on. Oreo Barbie is a example of this. Oreo is a term that was used to describe a black person acting white. Causing the doll to be discontinued as result, which made it a collector want.

No. 114936

>kids start copying it
How they can even copy it when they have no means to do so? Are you old enough to remember the needless Bratz hysteria? It's pretty much the same thing.
>outside of the media
Implying kids aren't exposed to the media.

You don't bother to read previous posts, do you? To quote myself;
>Can you discuss the actual toys and not the drama surrendering them? I know it's lolcow, but this is a toy thread so please talk about toys.

>anon isn't a collector by any means if that's their sentiments

I'm one of the few anons here who actually posted pics of their toys.

>90% of western doll collection is their controversies with fashion

That's exaggeration, but sadly it's the truth that girl toys suffer from way more controversies unlike boy toys as girl toys are expected more to be "educational", "no fun allowed" and "in-line" while boy toy can be bloody and gory and what not.

No. 114968

Cept we are talking about toys with images discussing their impact. If you wanna moral fag go to reddit. Also 'boy' toys are rarely shown with real imagery of blood and gore less it's funky colors to get around censors. And have had their share of controversy. Nerf has always been blasted for being firearms for example, the masturbating Tarzan is another.

No. 114973

File: 1605209030931.jpg (729.08 KB, 2048x1530, ZnnZ0k1.jpg)

I want to surprise my friend with a custom Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa 2) doll for Christmas, and I was thinking of doing a faceup of an lol omg doll instead of a monster high doll because I think the MH body is a little skinny and awkward to put clothes on. However, the lol omg dolls have pretty weird face molds to work with. Pic related is the style I'd go for. What do you guys think?

No. 114975

The lol omg dolls are if you're trying to do something more stylized, but the Monster High is if you're trying to do something more realistic. Either way I'm sure the dolls would look great!

No. 114979

You could try replacing the head but tbh those dolls are way too curvy just like how MH is too skinny. I'd probably go for too skinny since that's at least still lanky enough to read like a teenager which is what Chiaki is.

No. 114981

File: 1605212014299.jpg (53.87 KB, 640x640, uYWoiZU.jpg)

Use Ever After High if you can find. lol body has bend and snap knees which aren't the best for poses and it can corrode after time. Another decent mold is Disney Descendants dolls

No. 114982

File: 1605212556584.jpg (391.7 KB, 1000x1510, Apple02b_original.jpg)

I totally forgot EAH existed for a second! I really love their body sculpts and I think I can work with the round head. I found an Apple White on ebay for 10 bucks and ordered her. Thanks for the advice everybody!

No. 115023

File: 1605242492015.jpg (138.88 KB, 736x736, 01cf8806c0fcfd9d1af78645bda085…)

Just got my first factory blythe and I am so excited
I really love custom blythes, so I really wanna try messing around with it. Even got 2 face plates in case I irredimably fuck up kek
I did some woodcarving in college, so I am guessing it's kinda similar? Anyone here has tips on these?
I also plan on sewing some clothes for them myself, as I have a lot of scrap fabric at home since my mom always needs custom clothing.
I found some tidbits of tutorials and patterns online, but I really wish I could find more, like japanese PDFs of the plenty of books they have on the subject also if anyone has anything like this I would love you forever if you were to share it

No. 115026

I'm not sure how many of them include blythe patterns, but here is the magazine collection of /toy/'s bjd threads:

Also, regarding faceups, there are a lot of channels for blythes.

No. 115031

File: 1605250800689.jpg (445.72 KB, 1479x1080, pixlr_20201113035952839.jpg)

Thanks a bunch, anon!! I just gave it a quick glance and there is some Blythe stuff. Also I know some Barbie clothes can work for blythes with some adjustments, which they also have.
I love dresses that are lolita or just kinda historical for the dolls, but I also think they look super cute in kimono and modern fashion. I'll try to make something modern first for sure, though.

Oh, and I've watched a lot of yt videos on the topic of carving, but I kinda wanted to know the feel of it, idk. Something along that

I'm a bit tempted to get her ears also, because I really love earrings in general, but that will have to wait.

No. 115037

Where did you happen to get your doll from? I bought what I thought was an authentic blythe but well turns out it isn't. I mean it's my fault for impulse buying and not doing research. I plan to try customizing her face a bit so it's not to big of deal as she'll be good practice for when I was an actual blythe.

No. 115045

File: 1605267653705.jpeg (154.44 KB, 800x800, c0163f6a713bebfb4f38f66402e3d7…)

Hey anon, mine isn't authentic either, it's factory/TBL. I really don't wanna drop 300 dollars on a doll that I plan on heavily mess with, specially considering that I may get unpleasant results, so I will only buy a Takara authentic when I feel pretty confident about my skills. Plus, tbh, I really like the variety of hair color and styles of the TBLs and their posability. For those reasons, a lot of custom artists actually use TBLs, pic related. This type of hair is fake only (I guess you could make your own wig for an authentic one though) and the body is fully jointed.

For a real one though, I'd recommend sites like yahoo auction, mercari, amiami and maybe even mandarake for second hand options. For brand new, maybe rakuten? I am not completely sure about this, though. Maybe anons that are more seasoned on this could give you a better advice. But for second hand, all of these are pretty viable options. Best of luck, anon! If you get your hands on one, report back

No. 115076

File: 1605297293761.jpg (37.21 KB, 540x500, 0c32943156d684fc2d35cb144c8000…)

Samefag anon here to add HOLY SHIT ANON.
I love you forever now. I gave it a more throughout look, and this is exactly what I needed AND wanted. This is so complete. I love all of the Doll Coordinate Recipe books, those alone would make the whole link worth it, but there's so much more. Thank you so so much!

No. 115279

File: 1605476168324.gif (1.99 MB, 321x207, SAL shipping.gif)

>refreshing the tracking page even though I know damn well it's been a month since any of my mail updated
Don't use anything through JapanPost, folks. Pretty sure it was my only option at the time, but they're still shut down and my August order still hasn't even shown up to US Customs. Did have some luck with DHL, but that shit's usually pricey.

No. 115357

what are you waiting for, anon?

No. 115366

File: 1605545129910.png (3.18 MB, 1240x1888, shipments nov 2020.png)

Tossed it all in one image to make things easy. I've got figma splatboys, nendo isabelle, Best Hit Chronicle Cup Noodle plamo, and MG Barbatos in transit, nendo amaterasu shipping this month, and Maruttoys Tamotu going out in Dec. Last one was a bit of an impulse add, but he's so darn cute.

No. 115381

File: 1605561046152.jpg (128.59 KB, 800x600, ef9997dbed3f48b1edbad3b2f081b7…)

The 2019 Magical Mirai Miku nendoroid is so cute, I hope they're releasing it on the goodsmile shop, but I'm also kind of torn between spending my money on her and the Joseph Joestar nendoroid.

No. 116068

File: 1606095536641.jpg (100.71 KB, 970x1280, IMG_20201120_171920_356.jpg)

Any doll youtuber recommendations? Especially 1/6 scale, but anything is welcomed

No. 116076

Get miku, Joseph is a loser

No. 116081

nta but my vote goes for Joseph. Miku is a cashcow husk of a character. Also you never know if next year they will not release a figure of her which is even better than the 2019 one.

No. 116087

I like unnie dolls

No. 116124

Very cozy anon, thanks!

No. 116126

File: 1606160575790.jpeg (72.24 KB, 1000x1000, B162B7AE-AAA3-47D8-9DA8-F982CE…)

Bandai is releasing animal crossing blind boxes in Japan. They will be fuzzy and flocked like calico critters I imagine and come with candy!

No. 116127

Flocked figures would be so adorable. I need that Lolly or I will die.

No. 116129

Oh god! I'd love some Dom and Tom Nook toys, I adore them so much, they are so cute!

No. 116131

Lolly and Marshal are so cute, easily my favs

No. 116153


They are so cuteeeee
Would look great with sylvanian sets

No. 116160

ok now where to buy those…

No. 116176

>moral fag
You misunderstood, by pointing out the hypocrisy and tendency to call out girl toys, I didn't mean to say I'm against either, vice versa; I don't give fuck about either situation.

>Also 'boy' toys are rarely shown with real imagery of blood and gore

Mighty Max, Madballs, TMNT, Ooze-it it's actually very obscure toy, but since it was so cool I though it was worth mentioning, Inhumanoids, Some of TF Beast Wars such as original Cheetor, Treasure X Aliens, Heroes of Goo Jit Zu, Jurassic Park, Jurassic World.

No. 116178

I'm not a big fan of Blythe dolls, but I do think their clothes (official releases) are very pretty and their eye-switching gimmick is neat.

That's awesome, thanks anon! I don't own any Blythe, but I do have Liccas which share similar proportions so it helps a lot.

These could've been so much better if they had 5 PoA and actual fabric clothes.

>fuzzy and flocked

The world needs more flocked toys, there isn't enough of them.

No. 116236

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>actual fabric clothes

Maybe try sewing some from the sylvanian sewing books?
I know it's not the same, but could be cute and fun

No. 116325

Any dolls 1/6 scale anons want to recommend that can endure heavy handling? Currently I'm customizing my first Obitsu and I fell in love with the hobby. I want to be able to take my doll with me to capture views while hiking but I'm worried about parts breaking while in transit. Not trying to break the bank either, would I be better off sticking with Obitsu?

No. 116345

File: 1606362520899.jpg (389.06 KB, 750x750, -14816860711934501891.jpg)

Get one of the cute carrying bags they sell on aliexpress, anon
They do sell smaller/individual ones as well. For blythes I know they have some that looks like a kigurumi, where only the face of the Doll is visible and the rest is animal shaped. Very cute

No. 116382

File: 1606401171869.jpeg (782.65 KB, 1082x1155, 39833B52-6335-4130-8D8A-6A365A…)

Did anyone else collect these from happy meals? How nostalgic

No. 116383

File: 1606401824877.jpeg (442.65 KB, 1077x710, 3EF3D1E6-BA2D-4DB6-8FB2-7EA1F5…)


Oh my god, I remember trying to collect them when I was 7! But unfortunately, I didn’t go to mcdonald’s often enough to get them all.

The same thing happened to me when they released the neopets toys. I seriously obsessed with trying to collect those things in 04 lol.

No. 116385

Wth these are so cute! I only vaguely remember them but they’re still so nostalgic

No. 116390

I love how Hannibal Lector this is lmao

No. 116395

what? do you mean it in the usual retarded "dolls are creepy, am I right??? hehehe" or is this a show reference that I am unaware of?

No. 116403

I am guessing it's because Hannibal stays in a cell with solid glass as a divisor.
But why are you so pressed, anon? Lol some people just find dolls creepy, don't need to be so defensive about it.

No. 116404

File: 1606413298502.jpeg (26.7 KB, 353x334, 0C5A9BB5-9873-40BB-99EE-4F1396…)

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed anon?

No. 116405

>Lol some people just find dolls creepy, don't need to be so defensive about it
I find plenty of harmless things creepy but I don't feel the need to tell it to someone who clearly enjoys the thing. 'Ewww, you enjoy spiders? OMG they're so gross! I could never sleep in a room with one!!' It's a rude and boring reaction.
If anon didn't mean it like that, it's obviously fine. I recognized I could be misunderstanding her comment.

No. 116409

File: 1606417253601.jpg (63.53 KB, 355x400, 478392659264598.jpg)

Nta but there's a famous Hannibal "look" where he's in a straitjacket and strapped into a dolly so they can wheel him around. The dolls look like they're strapped in like that too, it's just amusing to see something so innocent treated the same way, I doubt she meant it as a means to shit on the anon posting it.

No. 116413

Anon you tarded out just admit it. They didn't say ew or how gross it was they just said "I love how Hannibal Lector this is lmao" For all you know they are into it as a creepy aesthetic.

No. 116416

thank you! I see it now! I really need to learn more about Hannibal but the whole brain eating shit makes me put it away… I'm not good with gore
I stated I was not sure if they meant it in 'ew dolls creepy' or making a pop culture reference I didn't get. That's all.

No. 116419

Oh yes, I do remember those toys! I actually collected them all, I'm sure they are still saved in a box in my house.

Light blogposting but my father used to take me and my brother to his workplace and as breakfast he bought us McDonalds' Happy meals, those were fun times, I miss you dad

No. 116549

File: 1606509656793.jpeg (43.55 KB, 403x403, EEED4AC1-F4DC-4012-B639-AC0D7A…)


I remember at some point I somehow latched onto the idea that Madame Alexander Happy Meal dolls were collectible and would be very valuable someday. I wasn’t much into dolls as a kid but I collected some unknown number of these.

No. 116555

I'm the AYRT, I meant it like >>116409 said lmao. For the record I find the dolls very cute, the carrying case is just very reminiscent of the restraints to me.

No. 116729

File: 1606631604737.jpg (318.29 KB, 736x1818, 1b3f55d0f077f492879ef10c35b3c6…)

Milk tea.london's custom dolls are absolutely beautiful, both face and clothing wise

No. 116845

File: 1606739090501.jpg (1006.64 KB, 4000x3000, Happy Meal_The Dog_Beagle.jpg)

But they still have molded clothes underneath…
>Sylvanian Family got sewing books too
Being a toy collector in Japan must be heaven!

The Dog was already mentioned in the thread >>47712, just pointing it, not trying to say it's a bad thing.

I got only one from the Dog series, though I wanted all of them.

90's-2000's Happy Meal toys were god tier, I had many complete sets but foolishly gave many of them to my nieces, not knowing the dark future lay ahead for toys. McDonalds noticed the influx in adult toy collectors and tried last year to catch their attention with the 40th anniversary Happy Meal collection, and while I did start to pay attention again to happy meal, the quality and the creativity of the 90's-2000's is just not there.

>Light blogposting
That's alright anon, I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

No. 116851

File: 1606746697996.jpeg (76.17 KB, 640x640, eb993090c473728c591203d10c8b48…)

I wonder what happened with McDonald's toys? They used to be so fun in the 90's and early zeros. Nowadays even when they make toys from something with a potential, instead of selling cool figures or tiny playsets they make this big plastic crap. Like fake pencil cases, watches or some other bs. Even when they make dolls/figures, they are often of a poor quality. Notable exeption was the one Pokemon collection that was available during that Pokemon Go summer. Some figures were still shitty (they wasted Eevee), but most of them were nice. My fave was Totodile.

No. 116854

File: 1606746978754.jpg (32.57 KB, 393x400, McDonalds-Happy-Meal-Toy-2001-…)

As a kid I adored this 2001 set of Barbie minifigures, especially the one in a bikini. She had movable arms and legs, so you could play with her like with a normal doll. It really helped that those Barbies were roughly the same size as the Lego Scala dolls.
Did you guys have any other favorite McDonald's sets?

No. 116882

I wish Kotobukiya would reprint Megami Device Witch Darkness. HLJ keeps restocking both versions of Magical Girl but never Witch and it sucks. Also I hope to make another thread when this one fills up, I didn't expect it to live this long.

I remember these! Sadly I lost all of mine. I think I had the squirrel Neopet and the bird with the tail. I wish McDonalds still did toys like this, actual tiny plushies, for years all they ever put in Happy Meals now are giant chunks of plastic with a sloppy paintjob (if any) and one gimmick.

No. 116943

File: 1606858383412.jpg (105.25 KB, 580x270, Barbiestardolls.jpg)

not gonna lie, I'd kill to have one of these

No. 116948

File: 1606861049051.jpg (45.21 KB, 420x630, NHiDsNW.jpg)

If I recall correctly you can thank Supersize Me! for it. After it's release fast food chains pretty much dropped actual interesting or desired toys for kid's meals for 'safe' or 'educational' Even though his shit can't be replicated because he lied through a good portion of it.(Like his 'throwing up' his first meal he was vegan prior it had nothing to do with the actual meal) I believe a brit guy tried replicating it and got nowhere near the same results.

No. 116966

File: 1606881025005.jpg (59.75 KB, 570x570, 8040eac484fd8d09303eb8b4fda0a1…)

I am >>115023 and my doll finally arrived today and I love her so much even though I haven't tried to costumize her yet. Even my bf think she's cute, although he finds the lack of eyebrows and the head on stare a bit creepy.
Now I am just waiting for my eyechips to arrive. I bought normie ones, but I like how you can get really creative with it.
Not gonna lie, I already want a couple of friends for her. But I am not currently on a steady job so I'll just wait as for now.

No. 117020

File: 1606925161519.jpg (244.19 KB, 1360x912, pixlr_20201202130034777.jpg)

Someone posted on /toys/ the new RH dolls, and they are all so cute.
My favorite is the rgb led light gamer keyboard one.
All the clothes are too notch as usual, but I think it's pretty funny that the teal boy one is wearing a jacket, a hoodie and another jacket (or flannel) at his waist. This bitch cold
Hope they release a black boy soon, that would be cute

No. 117098

File: 1607016125724.jpg (1.49 MB, 2324x2000, Happy Meal_Snow White 2001_Smu…)

>I wonder what happened with McDonald's toys?
I have two assumptions: 1. Though the retarded who would've thought that eating junk food every day is bad for your health! 'Super Size Me' movie which made McDonalds to shift more and more of their resources into making their food "healthy" and advertising it as that. Although came out in 2004 which would mean the change should've happened earlier, I think it took quite some time as McDonalds have thousands of restaurants over the world to operate 2. I was unable to verify it worldwide, but in my country at least, we used to Burger King in the 2000's and then most of the restaurants got switched to some shitty local brand (that of course doesn't have good toys), so I assume there less junk food chains to compete with McDonalds internationally or perhaps that the gap between them got bigger despite both chains gaining more restaurants.
Third reason that can actually be verified, is that toys quality and creativity in general took a nose dive so the standards are lower for everyone.

>Supersize Me!
I believe it's factor too.
>because he lied
I didn't know that
Makes believe he is indeed a liar even more

Oh, I remember I had the two in the middle! I really wanted the others ones with the dress and the swimsuit, I thought they were better than the ones I had.
Not only those old happy meal barbies are better than happy meal toys nowadays, they're also better by miles than NuBarbie.

>Did you guys have any other favorite McDonald's sets?

I had many. Although I didn't keep most of my Happy Meal toys, I kept many of the catalogs. Two sets that do come into my mind; calendar set of the Smurfs which I even got it's display from the restaurant and a Snow White set that came with big plastic board that have the same image of the catalog.

>Lego Scala dolls

Fellow woman of culture!
Scala was the best girl toyline by Lego, fuck Friends, they're overrated shit that panders to boys.

You mean 4chan /toy/?
I think this new wave is a bit underwhelming, their clothes and hair styles seems very similar, either to each other or the previous wave.

I feel ambiguous about the boy, he's definitely far better than LOL OMG attempt at boys. It looks like he might have painted eyes, instead of inset ones which sucks.

On another note, I wish more RH dolls would have straight hair to brush instead of all those gelled curls.

No. 117104

File: 1607018800069.png (6.29 MB, 3092x3520, Kindi Kids_ Show 'n' Tell Pets…)

More doll news

Moose Toys just kepp coming up with more and more spin-offs of Shopkins

No. 117106

File: 1607019239537.jpg (361.13 KB, 1441x1500, Na Na Na Surprise Sparkle seri…)

From left to right: Becky Buckaneer, Marina Jewels, Andre Avalanche, Daria Duckie, Sailor Blu and Krysta Splash

No. 117107

File: 1607019733192.png (7.22 MB, 4520x1964, Cave Club Bashley.png)

Surprisingly, Mattel didn't kill Cave Club after one wave like Wild Hearts Crew more like Wild Hearts Who? . It's a new character in the line, but she has the same headmold like he rest meh . There's also a new sleepover theme wave, but I'll wait until every doll get stock photos before posting it. Since the entire sleepover wave didn't appear at once, I wonder if it means there are actually more music theme Cave Club dolls besides this one.

No. 117108

File: 1607019802765.png (5.12 MB, 4440x3512, Mattel Hello Kitty and Friends…)

New licenseshit doll line by Mattel

No. 117109

File: 1607020519720.png (3.73 MB, 1896x3412, Barbie mermaid and Ken merman …)

Holy shit! A beautiful Barbie doll in 2020! These are two prototypes based on Angel Kent illustrations, which originally had additional 2 dolls (AA and fatso "curvy"). These are now up to vote by Barbie Signature members, so only one doll would be for sale.

No. 117113

Ah, I remember those McDonald's toys! I wasn't a big fan of the Snow White one though since I only had the well part and the toy was kind of useless if you didn't have the whole thing… It was still a lot better than most modern fastfood toys that I've seen.
The Smurfs I've adored too, but completely forgot about them until I saw your pic. I used to own Smurfette and Sasette. I remember seeing rastas and metalheads with the angry Smurf keychain hanging from their Jansport backpacks. lol
I also loved the later series of plastic Smurf toys with plush furniture/accesories. I remember playing with it a lot with other kids.
I also adores the G2 playset collection (it was all I wanted from my life when I was 6 lol), the Hercules toys, various Mattel dolls like My Scene or Diva Starz…The Dinosaur (2000) movie toys were also pretty elaborate. I miss those times so much!
>Scala was the best girl toyline by Lego, fuck Friends, they're overrated shit that panders to boys
Scala was amazing! You have no idea how much I wanted to own the house, as well as stable for horses. Those playsets were creative and so cute! I wish I could buy them MIB, but they are probably rare, expensive and it wouldn't be the same now anyway.
>fuck Friends, they're overrated shit that panders to boys
How do they pander to boys? Like with being more in line with normal lego? I remember people whining in the past how Lego 'for girls' is too different from regular toys. That was a good thing though! I wasn't a fan of the ugly yellow minifigures, but adores Scala and Bellvile. I adored the beach, modern life as well as early fairytale sets (before Lego started recycling ideas). The dolls were the cutest and surprisingly posable (just like Scala).
I like the Sailor doll, she's cute! The pirate also is adorable. I am not invested enough to buy any of those though.
I'm surprised to see that Cave Club is still going and even more shocked that Enchantimals is still a thing. I saw recently the giant Enchantimals dolls, really shocked that people are buying this stuff.
Really trying to tap into that mentally ill Sanrio sadgirls market. controversial opinion but I wish My Melody doll wasn't tan, though I understand why it is and not Badtz-Maru one. It doesn't fit IMHO
Those dolls are beautiful!!! Would love to own them both. Why can't we get something as pleasing aesthetically in the regular collector line?
I hope that Ken wins kek

No. 117115

File: 1607022117332.jpg (26.7 KB, 400x400, s-l400.jpg)

oops dropped my pic

No. 117128

Found the other docu Fat Head. Guy's a computer programmer and tried recreate Spurlock's 5,000 calories a day using the calorie count and what was shown in the movie couldn't get anywhere near those results. He also attempted to get in touch with Morgan who made a big deal about McDonalds never getting in touch with him in Supersize me to no avail. Also a uni in Sweden had 6 students take on the 30 day challenge, they didn't have any of the liver or cholesterol issues. They reported they were more tired but had none of the depression or mood swings Morgan reportedly had.

No. 117137

>You mean 4chan /toy/?
Yep. I always have it open on another tab yet I've managed to fuck it up kek

The sailor one is adorable

The merman body sculpt is chef's kiss

No. 117139

anons, what tips would you give to anyone just starting out a collection? I have found myself drooling over monster high dolls for quite a while now and I think it's about time I get one.

No. 117174

Decide the maximum number of toys you will ever own, or space you will allow them to fill, and stick to it. Decide now how you will likely cycle out toys e.g. give to charity if worth under X amount, sell online if over etc

No. 117182

THIS. Also think hard about the focus of your collection! I guess you sort of did since you want to collect MH, but decide if you want to own any specific series, character etc. and if it's likely for you to want to branch out to other dolls.
I would also recommend reading a book on minimalism (like Stuffocation for example) first and thinking really hard if you truly want to collect, even knowing what a drain on your resources it can be.
I am not saying this to gatekeep toy collecting, but I've always had the collector mentality and jumped in without considering the drawbacks. I wish I was more mindful back then and knew what I know now. Keep in mind I do not recommend going full minimalist retard as an alternative, but the general idea is worth thinking about! Feel free to disagree with my last point though

No. 117197

I also had a few from the hard plastic line, I had Sasette, papa smurf, the smurf with lame cube and the smurf with the lame tennis ball. I really wanted Smurfette and Brainy Smurf.

Scala was the only toyline I ever wanted to complete. I was blown away that I could own an entire kitchen set whereas I could barely get table and chair set from Barbie!
>I wish I could buy them MIB, but they are probably rare, expensive
I doubt that Scala would be that expensive, it was canceled toyline and one of the least liked Lego lines. As I've said before I've seen obscure 80's toys MIB that cost much less than you would expect, so it may be worth to track down if you want some.
>it wouldn't be the same now anyway
True, you won't have fun with them as you would've as kid, but at least you could own them now.
As I grow up, I noticed Scala had an ugly body so I don't want here anymore as much as I did as a kid.

>How do they pander to boys?

Their parts are interchangeable with regular Lego, so they can buy them for that.
>I remember people whining in the past how Lego 'for girls' is too different from regular toys. That was a good thing though!
Exactly! Why should girl toys and boy toys be so similar?! It's boring and makes them redundant.
I always thought of them as downgraded Scala (who had rooted hair, fabric clothes and removable shoes). The addition of fairy tale/fantasy element was great addition that Scala didn't have.

>I like the Sailor doll, she's cute! The pirate also is adorable

I like the sailor one too, but I think the mermaid one is my favorite because she is so different and unique, shame her accessory is a stupid sunglass. I would prefer a clam purse or something like that.
>I am not invested enough to buy any of those though
The new ones have removable hats which was something previous waves suffered from. I own two dolls from that line; I mean they're cute and all but don't really feel like they're worth their price point (I live outside of USA so it's more expensive). I'm not sure if I will get a doll from this wave, tbh I'm more excited about the upcoming single-pack teens versions which also have bendy wire inside.

>really shocked that people are buying this stuff

Cheap garbage for really young girls who don't know any better, bought by tasteless cheapskate karens.

>Really trying to tap into that mentally ill Sanrio sadgirls market

Licca had few collaborations with Sanrio. It will be by far more expensive than the shitty doll line l by Mattel, but it's worth it.
>controversial opinion but I wish My Melody doll wasn't tan
Agreed. Don't worry it's only controversial among the tumblrfags.

>Why can't we get something as pleasing aesthetically in the regular collector line?

Because Mattel are cheapskate cowardly retards who think they can gain profit without taking risk. I mean even these prototypes don't like premium adult collector quality and we all know, how toy companies in general tend to cheap out on the final product so I imagine the final product would be even more overpriced playline tier like this >>104622 .

I prefer Barbie desu, but I wish she had the same type of tail fins like Ken. Hers looks ugly, cheap af and not durable.

Ken headmold looks weird, I mean it rather looks like AA Ken headmold than white Ken so that's why I dislike him. Mattel should just go back into doing AA versions of each unique Barbie and Ken.

>The merman body sculpt is chef's kiss
It's the same body they made for that Batman and Superman action dolls that shelfwarmed. I noticed the hands look bigger than those baby fists they used for Batman and Superman. This body is so much better than the MTM Ken, they just need to add torso joint like vintage 80's G.I.Joe and thigh swivel. They could even use it for Max Steel reboot which would be awesome though Action Man is objectively superior! .

Just buy toys you really like and want. Don't avoid buying toys because they won't "fit" with the rest of your collection, that way your collection will be boring and not varied enough.
>monster high dolls
Be aware the first waves have glue in their head thanks Mattel!

No. 117459

File: 1607277594343.jpeg (3.26 MB, 3264x2448, mcmlp1.jpeg)

I saw earlier people mentioning about mcdonalds toys. I have a bunch of the mlp ones I see if I can get the rest later. The toys came with figurines and hairbrushes (which i have just in a different bag)

No. 117461

File: 1607277699195.jpeg (3.63 MB, 3264x2448, mchandheldgames.jpeg)

also idk if this goes here but some of the mcdonalds handheld games( mine still work)

No. 117479

Christmas is coming and I have the biggest craving for oldschool Barbie moves dolls (as well as those cheesy movies!).
Like Clara the Sugar Plum Princess, Anneliese and Erica… those dolls were the best, holy shit! I'm going crazy trying to find one of them in a reasonable condition (since I suck at fixing dolls).
My parents never bought me any of those dolls or movies and there is a huge hole in my heart that I am trying to fill even though it's not really possible
I wish I could time travel with my current money and somehow be a kid again and get to enjoy all this shit.
It's stupid, but I'm so fucking obsessed over those dolls now… it's been like a week at least

No. 117480

Mattel's desperation is way too obvious. If only they made the dolls resemble the original counterparts even remotely, I literally had no fucking idea what these were supposed to be at first. Not even giving the Hello Kitty doll cat ears? Making badtz-maru…. that? And what the fuck is that on My Melody's head?

I think that Barbie is actually beautiful and very classy looking, but holy christ did they miss an opportunity with the Ken doll. His hair looks so off and doesn't match with the color and tone of his tail or the overall rose gold scheme at all. He looks like a really gay action figure from the 80's, I wish he had wavy long hair and maybe dark red or blue palette instead.

No. 117484

wooww I had that bottom left Spyro!! This pic unlocked memories lol.

No. 117492

Were the screens on these really as tiny as they look in the pic? I never managed to see one of these IRL.

No. 117501

File: 1607303089516.jpeg (2.18 MB, 2303x2266, FullSizeRender.jpeg)

yes heres a picture of one the spyro ones with my thumb, and i have fairly small hands btw. the games are also made kind like earlier gameboy and gameandwatch machines in that it's little black characters that you wouldnt be able to play in the dark as it's not backlit.

No. 118048

lol I knew they must have been small but wow. Considering these were probably made very cheaply, you kept that in really good condition, anon.

No. 118081

File: 1607737001881.jpeg (82.43 KB, 800x800, 796D75C3-AD01-42D8-80B1-B65EEE…)

Found this jerboa-like doll on AliExpress. Idk if it’s a character from something or just an original design but I thought it was real cute.

No. 118083


*And by original I mean probably a blatant ripoff of some original, considering that this is AliExpress.

No. 118128

link? I like it! I wish there was a cheap bjd pug to buy somewhere…

No. 118131

The design seems like it's of a character from somewhere or a ripoff, but it's still so cute! You should take it if you haven't already anon.

No. 118149

>knowingly buying recasts
anons please love yourselves

No. 118152

lol nah,buy recasts.

No. 118156

ok walmart great value-chan

No. 118166

go moralfag on denofangels

No. 118169

NTA but any idiot knows that you'll probably end up getting a flawed, shitty version of the original with third grade resin and unfinished details. Recasts aren't worth the saved money.

No. 118170

File: 1607794183824.png (297.76 KB, 500x628, dontlikething.png)

No. 118172

Okay, but don't come crying when you receive the pirated doll in mail looking like an abomination and breaking its limbs the moment you take it out and end up having its toxic unregulated resin turn the room into a gas chamber.

No. 118176

File: 1607800809343.png (2.01 MB, 1479x776, Happy Meal_Sonic 2005_MLP G2 1…)

That's awesome you still own happy meal sets and in good condition! Are these from your childhood or new ones you bought?

>I have a bunch of the mlp ones I see if I can get the rest later

I would love to see the rest! What other MLP Happy Meal do you got?

>idk if this goes here

It does, just like Tamagotchi, don't worry about it.

I almost had a complete set of MLP G2, I didn't get the one with air balloon. I only kept the heart shaped box, sadly.
However, I do own some actual MLP G3 ponies.
Your set is almost prefect, I mean they can turn their head and have brushable hair, shame the tail is molded. I've checked and saw there were G3 Happy Meal with rotted both for the mane and tail, however they don't have swivel joint at the neck.

As for the Sonic set, I had the blue one (Sonic) and the red one (Knuckles) and I'm not sure if I had the yellow (tails) one. Even as a kid I thought they were lame (referring to mine), so I have no remorse for losing/giving them.

I found these, hope you found one you like - https://www.aliexpress.com/store/2300047/search?origin=y&SearchText=dog

Actually, recasts can be better quality than the official ones considering they have their seamlines removed for free like every Chinese-based BJD.

No. 118177

File: 1607801694628.jpg (91.63 KB, 816x1500, Mattel Hello Kitty & Friends G…)

Forget to post this one

>I hope that Ken wins kek
Good news anon, he did!

>Mattel's desperation is way too obvious
>If only they made the dolls resemble the original counterparts even remotely
>Not even giving the Hello Kitty doll cat ears?
Yeah, they keep being scaredy-cat cheapskates who aren't willing to take risks and making the cheapest dolls possible.

>I think that Barbie is actually beautiful and very classy looking

Agreed, the only issue is her cheaply-made ugly tail fins.
>doesn't match with the color and tone of his tail or the overall rose gold scheme at all
Now that you mention it, his color scheme isn't great and suffer from being too similar 50 shades of bronze sorry for the lame joke .

>He looks like a really gay action figure from the 80's

Lol, his armor does remind me He-Man quite a lot.

No. 118178

File: 1607802102794.png (2.26 MB, 2684x1360, You vs the girl he tells you n…)

There's another doll in this line that comes with a playset called, Hello Kitty and Friends So-Delish Kitchen Playset. I'm surprised Mattel made a playset (and a complete new mold, unless I'm wrong) so early for new toyline, even Cave Club haven't got any playsets yet.

P.S. The Licca playset is Licca Hello Kitty Suites Cafe and the maid outfit is a separate fashion pack.

No. 118179

File: 1607802859917.png (12.27 MB, 4740x3760, Dream Seekers.png)

New plush doll line, by Moose Toys apparently (I'm not 100% sure) called Dream Seekers.

>Every Dream Seeker Doll has a unique "Dream Mark" on their wrist that represents the Dream they Seek and their personality. Your Dream Seeker will keep your dream safe and wish for it to come true. You can write your dreams inside the Dream Catcher packaging for your Dream Seeker to keep and protect.

I think it's a really concept and enable the dolls to stand on their own despite being blatant Na Na Na Surprise rip-off. What bugs me about these dolls is the lack of head swivel (if you're going to copy Na Na Na Surprise do it properly) and zero attempt at giving them some sort of hands instead of these lumps of flesh like PPG which doesn't go well with the very detailed face.

P.S. Couldn't find bigger pics of Luna.

No. 118189

File: 1607807935005.jpg (16.28 KB, 300x215, c2bd182f336f70ce.jpg)

I've been looking at the rarer Robo-Chi and god, I just want a Bull-Chi to call my own…

No. 118193

>>118189 i love them

No. 118227

File: 1607820972792.jpg (64.35 KB, 400x506, 400-1.jpg)

Does anyone know if this site is a scam or not?
I really want this book but I legitimately can't find it anywhere else on the internet, not even etsy - I even searched for it in japanese

No. 118237

they seem to have their own amazon seller page and have gotten pretty positive reviews as of lately. if anything, keep in touch with your bank after purchasing and nothing shows up.

No. 118238

Thanks anon, that actually puts my mind in ease
I'll read their Amazon reviews.

That Licca is so goddamn cute aaaa

I never new they had so many options, even flowers

No. 118247

File: 1607829549804.jpg (7.48 KB, 196x210, 6f97dbdce02a5155fe36a22e656d79…)

They also had a baby and a robot that had two faces

No. 118249

That baby is super creepy kek
I guess it never came to my country because the dog was super expensive and probably didn't sell well at all.

No. 118290

File: 1607867985873.jpeg (5.31 MB, 2448x3264, 53DCDC33-B165-42C6-8307-49BDBC…)

I said no more plush, especially massive ones. But I couldn’t stop myself

No. 118298

File: 1607870704338.png (1.29 MB, 1672x3072, Rainbow High Indigo Krystal Ba…)

Another doll from Rainbow High second wave, there's only one other left which haven't being shown yet.

Overall, I like this doll and she's my favorite of the wave, simply because purple is my favorite color. However, as I've said previously, I think the second wave is not as good as the first one, having clothes and hairstyles too similar to each other and to the previous wave. As for this specific doll, I'm not a fan of the curled hair, it's boring, look exactly like other dolls and of course not brushable. Also, her pants are kinda ugly imho, the second shirt is boring and while the second jacket looks nice is the same reptitive jacket, Violet Willow had, being used for the third time!

No. 118333

I'm >>117501 and yes these are from my childhood. My mom gave me big plastic bags to put toys in so a large portion of my toy collection is in pretty good condition from being in plastic bags and in a drawer for safe keeping. Every few years I take them out to look and play a little and seeing this toy thread spawned that.

I've been busy and haven't looked for the rest of the mlp mcdonald's but I do remember they come with little hairbrushes and mlp pony themed scrunchies.

No. 118341

File: 1607897024740.jpg (122.8 KB, 1024x740, 170c17558766c5499f0d9551ee52b6…)

>What's your first vs your latest toy?
I've bought/collected cute things in general since I was really young, unfortunately my mattel winx dolls and some other stuff was given away by accident but what I collect now are NIB bratz dolls, y2k care bear stuff (including decor), anime figures, sanrio decor and a lot of stuffed animals (sanrio, tokidoki, peropero sparkles, AMUSE, estherloveschu, hamtaro, etc). think my most recent package was an orange AMUSE 16" hamster plush.
>If you're a collector, when did you start?
used to collect LPS, MLP, care bears, webkinz, ppg stuff, you name it i had it when i was a kid, i was pretty spoiled lol. moved onto anime stuff in high school and in college i got back into buying cute stuff especially when i started working.
>What's on your wishlist, is there anything you're saving up for or something you'll never get your hands on?
still trying to get a full sized collection of y2k era care bears. the cousins are really hard to find in full size, i want bright heart raccoon and gentle heart lamb soo bad. currently own about half of y2k care bears in full size. pic related, i want the mattel enchantix dolls so fucking bad but they cost so much and thats OOB. if only. i used to own all the mattel winx dolls but not the charmix ones, the ones that came with their pixies. unfortunately lost those too.
>On the other hand, is there a figure you regret buying?
i dont regret buying anything
>What's the most expensive item you own?
no idea, probably some bratz dolls i stupidly took oob when i was in middle school and would play with them. i do regret doing that, my mom even told me i would lol. i do have a few dolls NIB that i bought recently though.
>Waiting for a package to arrive?
currently waiting on like ten stuffed animals lol. for now i mostly buy decor and stuffed animals but want to get more dolls in the future. i want to start collecting monster high dolls.

No. 118343

No. 118416

File: 1608033970639.jpg (258.05 KB, 1500x1457, Disney Minnie Mouse сollectibl…)

Usually, I find any other advent calendars besides Playmobil to be worthless, but I found this one to be cute.

Seeing, how this dumpster fire of a year soon come to an end, here are some questions to concluded it, toy-wise;
What was your favorite toy/line this year?
What was your least favorite toy/line this year?
What was your best toy purchase this year?
Did the Corona changed/shifted your toy interests? If so, how?

>I wish I could time travel with my current money and somehow be a kid again and get to enjoy all this shit
We all do anon, we all do…

>It's stupid

Nah, it's fine and sometimes nice to hang on nostalgia/childhood memories.

Had some of the Happy Meal ones, I only kept the pink bear with the heart in the middle of his chest.

That cute anon! What other plushies do you have? Any recommendations?

No. 118570

File: 1608106607922.jpg (66.67 KB, 559x800, a160e35e3175c79f6e03a10cbc0634…)

>What was your favorite toy/line this year?
This is coming from a doll customizer, so I focus more on the sculpt and articulation of a doll. I don't have one yet but Rainbow High looks the most interesting, from the inset eyes to the interesting knee joints. Also, the fact that they let Culur design a line is really cool.

OMG LOL dolls are a close second, but the last of knee joints is a big strike against it, but some of the customs of them are really creative. (pic from a google search) And third is Disney Animator dolls, which, again, are really pretty when customized.

>What was your least favorite toy/line this year?

I don't follow doll releases too closely, but anything without articulation is meh imo.

>What was your best toy purchase this year?

Teen Bratz has a really broad face that gives a lot of creative liberty, and their big hands are really cute. I haven't tried it yet but I bet making shoes/feet would be pretty easy.

No. 118908

File: 1608335989013.png (177.27 KB, 288x356, mametchi.png)

hhh my mametchi finally arrived and i am whole

No. 118923

File: 1608352767398.jpg (46.69 KB, 340x512, unnamed.jpg)


I didn't know Culur designed the Rainbow High line! But now that I look at them, they really do have Culur's touch. I love the Ery dolls so much, especially the tan one like in picrel.

No. 118934

why her ass on the wrong way though

No. 118937

damn, it's so cute! congrats, anon!

god I miss having tamagotchis

No. 119086

File: 1608518826118.jpeg (70.64 KB, 1064x1416, A351P_SP333_13_3L3DK.jpeg)

I just found out these cute alien dolls existed and they were made by MGA almost a decade ago and I'm quite happy I just remembered they were sold back in 2012
We get gross pooping unicorns but not fashionable,pretty alien girls?
They're called Novi Stars

No. 119116

File: 1608546898474.jpg (58.73 KB, 583x606, 3ig6gq.jpg)

She's so, so cool and cute and the little alien pet too, I love her dress and her mask

No. 119147

File: 1608578670339.jpg (112.95 KB, 1186x1500, 81KpraHWWJL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

This one is my favorite and I don't even collect dolls

No. 119152

the designs were cute, but no wonder Novi Stars didn't catch on. They were stuck in the middle between dolls and figures. You could not move their arms and legs, but they had clothes and real hair. Felt sort of cheap, despite light up gimmick some of them had.b

No. 119155

Their inability to be posable def was their downfall. They would of been the IT toyline and coulda gave Monster High a run for it's money at the time if they were.

No. 119180

File: 1608602148084.jpg (12.67 KB, 255x355, doeadeer.jpg)

I love Novi Stars and have a small collection of them, this one is my favourite.

No. 119231

File: 1608650803050.jpg (104.95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

is it just me, or are bratz dolls cuter than lol surprise? asking this because they seem to be compared a lot

No. 119233

They are better, imo. Atleast bratz look like humans (or as human as a doll with obviously exaggerated features is supposed to look). The lol dolls look like weird babies that are somehow also supposed to look like adults.

No. 119238

Bratz has way more personality and has a bitchy vibe that I think has a special place in women's media a la Mean Girls or Jennifer's Body. LOL Suprise reminds me of Betty Boop, creepy imo.

No. 119385

File: 1608802550175.jpg (65.01 KB, 452x452, dollfie-dream-sister-uzuki-shi…)

Does anyone own any bjd? How do you feel about Volks vinyl dolls or just anime type of bjd in general? I already own a resin bjd 1/4 that's by Haujing Doll that I adore but I am starting to think about getting an anime looking doll. Especially because I saw pic related is going to be getting a lottery event that I am seriously tempted to enter because I love the idolm@ster and this particular outfit of hers is a fave for me. The only downside is that I probably wouldn't customize other than changing her outfit occasionally which is a downside because I like changing eyes and wig and whenever I mean I still could but I doubt I would considering she's supposed to be this character. If I opt out of entering or just not win, I still think I'll try to find another model of a doll I like.

No. 119408

File: 1608826758603.jpg (274.08 KB, 837x1123, mai.jpg)

Dollfies aren't actually BJD, they literally do not have ball joints, but you can still easily change the wigs and eyes. Also, there are a few anime-styled BJD if you just want something similar in resin. Off the top of my head, LUTS has a few options, and DollPamm sometimes sells a doll similar to the mini Dollfie Dream but cuter, imo. You could also try Azone for a cheaper non-BJD anime character doll.

No. 119410

well I meant the vinyl Dollfies (DD) are not BJD. Super Dollfies are of course BJD.

No. 119411

File: 1608827473253.jpg (63.3 KB, 600x600, 923103.jpg)

Why are you so goddamn expensive

No. 119412

File: 1608827522677.png (8.38 MB, 10216x3240, Cave Club Rock 'n Wild Sleepov…)

Finally, all the stock images of the sleepover theme wave have been released.
From left to right: Fernessa, Roaralai, Tella, Emberly and Rockelle

No. 119414

File: 1608828158842.png (12.94 MB, 2560x7336, Na Na Na Surprise Teens.png)

I think this seal deal and I won't bother anymore with the regular Na Na Na Surprise dolls. My two favorites are Rebel Dare to think a plush doll is the best playline goth doll in years since Monster High died and Coco Von Sparkle. Initially when these dolls leaked, I thought Rebel Dare was bat, but she's a Doberman dog instead, what a wasted opportunity…I hope they will make actual goth bat girl later one. I'm kinda bummed about Coco Von Sparkle permanent gloves and stockings, it's annoying they keep insisting on printed accessories/clothes, but oh well.

No. 119415

File: 1608828752536.jpg (355.37 KB, 2002x678, Novi Stars Curl N' Coil Doll R…)

>This is coming from a doll customizer
That's some interesting perspective anon.

From which company is that plush? Is it from Bandai?

>Their inability to be posable def was their downfall. They would of been the IT toyline and coulda gave Monster High a run for it's money at the time if they were
Indeed, and it such shame as they made articulated prototype dolls, but the actual release was just like the previous dolls.

No. 119416

File: 1608829025265.jpg (83.18 KB, 766x552, betty boop how to draw.jpg)

Bratz have the better face, while LOL omg have the better body.
>reminds me of Betty Boop
I actually like it desu, she looks like a modern rendition of her. The problem is how they designed the face; it's flat and have ugly profile. Also, as for the eyes; the iris is too thin and they could use more spark/shine dots like in the drawn art.

No. 119418

File: 1608829789283.jpg (50.08 KB, 640x959, 81101661_546485475936729_86464…)

I like the pose and evocative facial expression but since it doesn't look like Adam Driver at all (and he is Kylo to me), it's a hard pass tbh. My wallet is happy at least
Coco is cute! The 'boy' looks like Elliot Page tho lmfao

No. 119421

The jawsome hat. omg i want it for the cute doll with the black hair, but i do wish i could have a tanner skin option

No. 119431

File: 1608839594166.jpg (35.94 KB, 425x478, SQ2kahy.jpg)

It's so strange too like they went all out on packaging and art design seen here. But couldn't spend a bit more on articulation? Execs just shooting themselves in the foot over the tiniest shit.

No. 119440

File: 1608851535912.jpg (279.86 KB, 1340x1600, s-l1600 (2).jpg)

I fucking love Rushton rubber toys for the weirdness factor, but the majority of them are too hideous to even consider owning. The pink eyed stoner rabbit sculpts are genuinely cute but they usually go for like $500.

Picrel was on Ebay at the beginning of the pandemic and I so seriously considered buying, but she was $300 and I had just left my job. I'm still fucked up over it because I've wanted one of these things for like 10 yrs. It was the cutest one I've ever seen on sale, and in amazing condition, for a good price, and I technically could have swung it but I felt like a dumbass dropping that much money on a kitschy vintage teddy bear when people were standing in bread lines so I didn't get it. Feels bad, especially since whoever bought it is probably gonna resell it at 2x the price in a few years. At night I still see her face…

No. 119453

OMG DOM. Oh, i need him!!

No. 119508

File: 1608947296533.jpg (23.54 KB, 500x375, 9e0f658a7e5e7ea8b73197e277488a…)

I LOVE these little fuckers, unfortunately they are not acknowledged where I live. and even if they were I would not have the money to buy them lol
the devil one also looks stoned af

No. 119518

File: 1608950895000.jpg (85.82 KB, 710x414, goMssFn.jpg)

Hi anons, it's me again! After a while of saving money and looking through prices, I managed to find a cute set! Pic related, is the Red Panda family that I purchased, they should arrive in less than a month, I'm so excited!

No. 119520

Yes! Anon, I've been wondering this whole time if you were going to do a follow-up. I think you made a lovely choice. What a cute family! They look like they live in a little cottage and make butter. I love them ♥

No. 119540

They're perfect anon! The little clothes are so cute and look well done too.

No. 119545

I think it'd be so fun to sew for these little creatures or to thrift doll clothes for them

No. 119677

File: 1609165781148.png (19.24 MB, 3624x10888, Barbie Signature Pink Collecti…)

Latest Barbie collector doll
I'm not impressed desu, she looks tacky and dull like almost every Barbie nowadays.

Nice! I'm looking forward to irl pics

No. 119680

File: 1609167461306.png (4.44 MB, 5496x2032, Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure_Pr…)

New Pretty Cure season coming out soon, and along with new dolls!
From left to right: Cure Summer, Cure Coral, Cure Papaya and Cure Flamingo.

I like the new season designs far less from previous season I haven't even finished watching previous season and it's like the only Pretty Cure season I enjoyed watching shamefur dispray, they're too busy and overdetailed, something that many modern character designs suffer from. However, I do appreciate the bright and cheerful 90's colors which feels nostalgic. In addition, those designs work better in their doll form.

I'll probably get purple girl (Cure Coral) as I usually do ever since I started collecting Precure Style dolls (starting with Star Twinkle season), I really like her hair, the fabric ribbons, hat (as separate piece) and her shoes. The rest of her outfit is kinda meh and look extra cheap with that printed corset, furthermore I dislike the hearts in her cheeks and plan to remove them. I also want the red one it's been three seasons since they made a red one (Cure Flamingo), but I only like her for the face and hair, the outfit is terrible and I must say as she supposed to represent flamingo, I find her outfit design and colors to be downright insulting. She reminds me more of scarlet macaw parrot than flamingo.

No. 120725

Not sure where else to post this since we don't really have a doll drama thread. But woke tards made Dollightful apologize for making her Wendigo doll from 2016. Because it was 'insensitive' to their 'belief system' It's a fucking folklore creature no actual native person is gonna be pissy about it getting changes like no Catholics are losing their shit over angels being depicted as humanoid when they're primordial creations unfathomable to human sight in the bible. And these tards then turn around and cry that no content creators what to make shit from other cultures.

No. 120726

Are you going to post this shitty bait in every thread

No. 120728

This is my first time posting it I didn't realize it'd been posted before. I just saw it as I work nights. I posted it here because I couldn't recall us having any other appropriate threads Calm down.

No. 120747

File: 1609445014564.jpeg (213.73 KB, 1080x1080, tama.jpeg)

mhm it's bandai. just bought kuchipachi too kek

No. 120752

damn i want that so bad tbh

No. 120755

Honestly, she should have not said anything.

No. 120760

File: 1609451116948.jpg (65.8 KB, 580x800, 980548.jpg)

After a million years Bandai finally put some effort into a sailor moon figure. I love her she's 1/7 scale and her paint job is beautiful. Already preordered her eternal form.

No. 120765

these are so cute! kuchipachi was always my favourite when i was little. something about him is so cute and squishy looking

No. 120781

wow she looks stunning!

No. 120783

where can i buy?

No. 120825

The sculpting looks really nice but how I wish they didn't always pick that greenish piss yellow tone for her hair. It works in drawings but with figures you'd expect something that's a bit toned down.

No. 120834

She's a prize figure so not available regularly, I got lucky and found a restock on hlj. I would just hunt on mandarake and hope she doesn't get snatched up too quickly.
It looks better IRL but there's another color variant that has the more classic yellow from the 90's anime

No. 121249

File: 1609948549741.png (6.93 MB, 3344x7392, Rainbow High series 2 Kia Hart…)

The last Rainbow High doll of wave 2

No. 121250

File: 1609948744347.png (16.27 MB, 6944x7200, Kindi Kids Show N Tell Pets.pn…)

I thought it was one-off, but turns out there are more and it's a subline.

No. 121254

File: 1609949690567.png (17.38 MB, 8232x4520, Winner's Stable.png)

A new doll line by company called Just Play who makes Hairdorables dolls, preschool toys and in general lots of licenseshit toys. Apparently, they had the license for Spirit Riding Free and lost it to Mattel yes, they're plain awful as you can imagine so I guess Winner's Stable is their answer to that. Those dolls aren't impressive by any means, but for the price point of 10$ with all the accessories, articulation of both the dolls and the horses make it a worthwhile.

No. 121270

I had missed this announcement but thanks to your post the lottery has started to tempt me as well, the card is so lovely and the outfit is one of my favourites…

No. 121291

I just think she's neat

No. 121451

File: 1610135052964.jpg (41.88 KB, 500x350, 51 S6SotAnL._AC_SY400_.jpg)

Any other anons here are a fan of Hot Toys?
Aside the obvious amazing face sculpt and paint job of all the actors, I love how all their clothing pieces are sewn, they are so beautiful and full of details.
I also love how they are poseable and comes with accessories, so it's not just a statue, even though even if it was it would be a pretty damn good statue.

No. 121452

Samefag to add, this is currently my personal dream doll for them, but they have all types of movie characters

No. 121493

>the limp hair with weird side bang from the later movies
>not the hotter hair from the interrogation scene
so close yet so far…

No. 121499

Holy shit, that looks incredible

No. 121506

I hate you anon for showing me this. I don't like TRoS figure because something is off about his face and hair, but I adore the TLJ Kylo Ren. Too bad he is already sold out….
THIS. It's heartbreaking how both Kylo and the new trilogy peaked with TFA. though I enjoyed TLJ for some self-insert potential kek

On another note is there any good website for upcoming western figures (or all figures) info? I would like to keep watch for future Kylo Ren figures (maybe it's a wishful thinking since the Trilogy is over, but I think there may be some chance since he is a cashcow).
IDK if you can sign up somewhere to get updates about figures from specific franchise or at least company? I'm scared of seeing too many things that I would like to buy but I don't want to miss out on a figure that I would love to preorder…

No. 121517

File: 1610212983738.jpg (56.5 KB, 720x1040, FB_IMG_1610212065008.jpg)

Yeah, they have a TFA Kylo figure, but it's helmet-only. Very weird decision, maybe they didn't know Kylo was going to get as big as it did, so they went the Darth Vader route.
They do have a TRoS one, but as this anon >>121506 put it the sculpt is kinda weird, pic related. He looks malnourished and dehydrated lol

Also you can still find the TLJ figure on some specialized stores, although the price is a bit jacked up for obvious reasons.

I would also like a newsletter of some sort, especially for Hot Toys and stuff alike. What I usually do is wait a bit and search for "hot toys" + name of the movie kek if it's a "nerdy" blockbuster, they usually deliver. I actually really liked their Mile Morales doll, as well, even if I do prefer when they depict actors better.

No. 121519

File: 1610213106740.jpg (141.84 KB, 667x1000, Hot_Toys_Spider-Man_Into_the_S…)

Samefag, this is their Miles. It also comes with a spider costume head and a halfway through spider costume head hope that made sense

No. 121522

Oh, I see now that I forgot to link the Kylo post like a retard.
Where did you find TLJ one to be purchased? In on online stores it's out of stock… I only found it on ebay for like 600 USD. Crazy! No way I'm paying this much for a figure since I do not get paid in dollars.
I'm so sad that I missed out on him. I don't get why TRoS figure is such a downgrade. The previous face was almost perfect, IDK what the fuck is going on with The Rise of Skywalker Kylo. Though I guess I should be thankful for saving my money.
I really hope that some more quality figures get released someday… though at the same time, I'm questioning myself why do even I need more Kylo figures when I already own like 5 (they are not that high quality, though). I wish there was some quality book or even just an article about the psychology of owning character figures.
IDK if anyone has struggled with enjoying what they already have instead of buying more? I would like to find more ways to appreciate my figure collection…

No. 121525

Oh yeah, not ebay - it's full of scalpers. Unless it's an actual store selling there, not a random dude trying to make a quick buck. Quick googling showed me this one for example, but I don't know if they ship internationally. https://www.monkeydepot.com/Hot_Toys_Kylo_Ren_Star_Wars_The_Last_Jedi_903179_p/hp0309.htm
But you could also try looking for local stores? I usually don't do that either cause I know they can up the price like six fold. It's ridiculous

>I wish there was some quality book or even just an article about the psychology of owning character figures

That would be really cool!
To be honest I limit myself when buying dolls/articulated figurines, but I own a reasonable amount of anime figures, and a lot from the same characters. In this case, I justify it because they are all different little statues from one another lol

No. 121533

I've checked this store and when you add the figure to the cart, it turns out that it's actually unavailable. It kind of kills me because I love the face and the quality is incredible!
Should I keep my eyes open for any other figure companies making Kylo? IDK how licenses work. I know that Asmus Toys is kind of similar to Hot Toys, but IDK if there is a chance of them making SW figures.

No. 121542

Oh damn, sorry to mislead you and myself
I swear it was available last year. I'll search it around a bit more, who knows.
I don't know much about Asmus and licensing either, but I've never seen other poseable SW collectibles like that, just playlines or statues.

Here's to hoping for a re-release! Maybe Disney will make a Kylo Ren Disney+ original, who knows. He's indeed a cashcow and the mandalorian has been doing really well… Maybe an animation?
I just don't know if they would be able to cast Adam again cause he's been too busy for TV

No. 121557

It's okay anon! If you somehow find a store still carrying this Kylo (or any other decent one, kek) let me know. I have no idea where to look for used western figures beyond Ebay. Everything is super overpriced there, but I feel like there is no alternative beyond checking every now and then and hoping someone wants to sell the item quick.
God, I would love more Kylo Ren content! If only it was not animated in the hideous Clone Wars CGI style, kek.
NGL I'm a bit tempted to get the preorder of the TROS figure even though the face is far from flawless… I'm just so impressed with the overall quality. IDK what to do.
TV, you mean like tv series? What is he doing? I have googled around but only found info about movies in production. I'm usually not up to date with this kind of stuff cause I sperg too much
Sidenote but I enjoy talking about toys with you anons so much, I almost wish we could have a comfy discord. All of you seem pretty fucking cool.

No. 121591

File: 1610264943446.jpg (43.46 KB, 516x750, 5b06fcc7-5282-4946-b0af-ea309e…)

If you order it, please report back! I would love to see some pictures and stuff. But don't go spending money you'll need later lol that kind of toy should be like a luxurious now and then gift to treat yourself more than anything else.

And yeah, I mean TV series. Tbh I don't know what he's currently doing, but since exploding in popularity he's been doing only movies afaik. That's what most actors do, because movies usually pay better. Maybe he could return to voice act in case of an animation project because it's way easier and quicker to do than full on live action acting.

And hey anon, you are cool too

No. 121614

File: 1610298883237.jpg (250.46 KB, 2112x640, image (1).jpg)

My wallet would be much happier if I didn't order the Kylo figure, but I feel like otherwise I might regret it forever! Seeing how downright impossible it is to get TLJ figure I think I prefer to grab TROS Kylo while it's available for a 'reasonable' price. I love him so goddamn much so it's not a waste of money to me asdfghhghyh I'm so excited to get him!
>If you order it, please report back! I would love to see some pictures and stuff.
On a related note, I'm slowly considering getting into toy photography. I've been tempted forever, but my problem is that I don't just want to take shitty photos that don't bring anything new to the table.
I used to follow local dollsperg blogs and never saw the point of making one myself if I was gonna upload photos like right on the pic related.
Yesterday I randomly remembered about an anime figure blog that I used to read religiously as a teen. He used to go by HappySoda/SuperRats and you can see some of his pics in pic related on the left.
More of his stuff is here:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/Happysoda/ (no NSFW content)
Anyway that guy was the only one in the scene at the time who could show the beauty of the figure via light, framing and even a diorama created for the photo.
Looking at the blog via Wayback Machine, the guy had an unnerving interest in loli/flat-chested anime figures. I never noticed the glaring red flag when I was a teen. It's a shame, since I still do think that he was supertalented when it comes to taking aesthetically pleasing photos of figures. Do you guys know any other photographers like this? Doesn't have to be anime figures, can be dolls or whatever. I'm looking for inspiration.
I wonder if it's possible to create this kind of photos without blowing thousands on a camera and accessories.
Don't get me wrong, the doll photos on the right are cute, but I don't find them beautiful or worthy taking… I feel like that would be just a waste of everyone's time.
I imagine the cameras able to take hiqh quality photos of anime figure (so a rather small object) were expensive as fuck back then, but maybe now it's not so bad?

No. 121627

Okay, I will try to share a few points, sorry if this gets too word-salady:

First, about you photogs recommendations, you could looks for the tag "toyphotography" or "dollphotography" on instagram, that are a lot of good content creators there. I follow some Blythe and figure photographers, but I don't remember their handles from the top of my head lol but they are easy to find.

About cameras:
Unless you wanna do super fancy nocturnal scenes, most medium to high end phone cameras will do the job just fine. I say this as an amateur photographer (toy and other wise), but I've had people from my work and such ask me to take their pics because "I know how to do it well".It mainly boils down to lighting and composition. Try studying these before trying to figure out a complex camera.

About lighting:
The most basic thing that I can tell you for now is that you should avoid hard shadows, especially coming directly from above - it makes the face look really dramatic in a weird way. You could grab some of your toys and go outside around 4~5PM, which is known as the "golden hour". It's great for photography not only because the orange tint in the light is beautiful, but also because the shades will be much softer since the light is weaker and it will come sideways, not from above. Try taking a lot of pictures with that lighting to learn, some are so effortlessly beautiful from lighting alone.
For indoor lighting, I'd recommend you getting two (cheap, nothing fancy) ring lights, preferably with changing colors (I believe most have this option) and a light diffuser. You could also try doing a homemade one with a white umbrella and such. This will create bounce light to deflect the hard shadows that artificial lighting (especially those up close) can create. The good thing about artificial lighting is that you can almost fully control it; where it comes from, it's intensity, it's color, so on and so forth. You could also use these ring lights for selfies or as lamps lol so it's not just a big waste of money for your toys although engaging in your hobbies shouldn't be considered a waste of money
Another thing about lighting: almost always click on the lightest part of the picture to calibrate the lighting. Yes, maybe the picture will get seemingly too dark, but it's way easier to correct that in post than trying to darken a picture, trust me.

About composition:
Enable the grid for the camera in your phone. For starters, I'd tell you to create an interesting balance (or imbalance, depending on your point of view). The pictures on the left are more interesting to look at not only because the lighting, but also because it creates a clear separation of the figure itself and the background. You can see how one of the dolls is positioned more to the right in one of the pictures (the Rin Tohsaka one), and the background is mostly in the left. Or the Hell Girl one, it's dead center, the background simply framing her. So there's no conflict. The other two pics are kinda "all over the place", if you were to put a grid on those photos you would see that the Doll and the background "share" to many squares and cross to many lines with each other, they don't give each other "place to breath", so alto speak i hope I am making sense, it would be easier to explain in person
So when using the grid to take pictures, try to be mindful of each object space in it. I usually like to use 2/3 or 1/3 of the grid for the object that I am photographing, or when taking central pictures I focus on getting the object inside of the for points crossing in the center, cause the eye usually is drawn to those for intersections.
Of course this is not a rule, it's mostly a guide, and as you get more comfortable with it you can think of different compositions.

Other points:
For toy pics, I personally really like story telling more than just "this is a beautiful stock pic" kinda picture, so you can get really creative with dioramas and scenarios. Like, take a pictures of Kylo Ren in light rain! Or maybe this dolls was caught by her boyfriend eating a beautiful desert? I think that small narratives like those can take a picture to the next level.
Also, when you are comfortable, get creative with lighting! Colorful lighting can look super cool and add a whole different mood.

Sorry for the long-ass wall of text!
Have fun taking your toy pictures, anon!

No. 121646

anon, absolutely do not apologize for your post! It's amazing, I'm gonna save it as both screencap and text for future reference. You have imparted so much wisdom on me and I mean it 100% honest (in case you have any doubt).
Posts like yours are the reason why I keep coming back to lolcow tbh, sometimes this imageboard is both comfy and lifechanging.

You are 100% right about storytelling. I think this is what made happysoda's figure reviews so special to me. On another hand, I would hate to arrange banal scenes with silly narratives (like I've often seen my national dollfags do). I guess I will have to get inspired and find my own style! I know that toy photography may seem silly in itself, but I personally don't enjoy photos that seem like grown ups playing with dolls/figures with all the maturity of a preschooler. I know I probably sound like a bitch but IDK how to explain it better
I adore your idea of a rainy Kylo shoot, even if I have no idea how to make it happen at the time. I wuld love to take lots of moody photos of him. I may practice composition on the figures that I already have.
Hope you don't mind another noobie question, but what is the best set up or tool for taking studio photos? My parents once bought a photo tent like pictured but the constant wrinkles were a nightmare and they didn't end up using it much for unrelated reasons (no, they don't really photograph toys lol). Should I get something like this for setting up background/dioramas etc or is there a better solution? I would hate to have to make do with a desk and a wall.

No. 121650

File: 1610333217622.jpg (81.33 KB, 600x676, 995306cf629f44fa6525121d14063d…)

Thank you so much for the kind words, anon

For the light box, you can easily do a homemade one. Since you're just starting to dip your toes in this, it's perfect because you can do a lot of tests inexpensively and without fear of breaking any equipment. You'll just need a sturdy box (if you don't find any, you can make it sturdier using many layers of glue to coat it, but it's a boring process and it takes a while for it to dry), parchment paper (preferably the thickest you can find) and construction paper. Pic very much related.
You can also use thin layers of fabric instead of the papers, but the papers wrinkle less and, in my own experience, the construction paper as the background looks more "seamless" in pics. Also it's cheaper, and you can find it in many colors for the background and it's super cool for experimentation! If your toys are mainly 1/6 scaled, I believe a 60x60cm box should work fine for individual shoots, and it doesn't take a looot of space, even if it's not foldable. It could also be used to storage your ring lights when you're not using it.

I am also very partial to dioramas/models because I love doing little projects like that. With a basic quarter room model you can make up a lot of little scenes, and if it has a window, you can put a lid on top and let natural sunlight in and it makes for a beautiful lighting.

No. 121651

File: 1610333296311.jpg (428.74 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_2021-01-10-23-20-56…)

Samefag to add this pic of a diorama with light coming through its window. So comfy

No. 122149

File: 1610713578522.png (7.57 MB, 4624x5976, Secret Crush Minis Series 2 do…)

Wave 2 of Secret Crush. I like the first wave better…I hope it will arrive to my country at some point.

No. 122150

File: 1610713686767.png (4.65 MB, 4856x5576, Secret Crush Pets.png)

There's also pets spin-off. My favorite ones are the rabbit, the salamander and the porcupine.

No. 122151

File: 1610713850531.png (7.61 MB, 8232x3368, Kindi Kids Minis.png)

More Kindi Kids minis
From left to right: Lippy Lulu, Cindy Pops, Rainbow Kate, Pirouetta and Marsha Mello

No. 122153

File: 1610713921002.jpg (99.17 KB, 933x1500, Mattel Hello Kitty Cinnamoroll…)

Another Sanrio licenseshit doll by Mattel

No. 122155

File: 1610714299136.png (16.19 MB, 3808x11648, Barbie Signature Lunar New Yea…)

New adult collector dolls by Mattel
What poorly made doll; no eyeshadows (what NuBarbie have against it?), pixelated face, misplaced eyes in the promo pics, lol, basic hair style that looks to be made from low quality fiber, cheap looking earrings and dress, boring shoes.
She cost 50$ which isn't as worse as I imagined, but imho she barely even worth 20$.

No. 122156

File: 1610714406294.jpg (217.97 KB, 516x1500, Barbie Inspiring Women Maya An…)

Another virtue-signaling doll, meh

No. 122165

why can't the doll have white skin? there are people who are extremely pale. wtf
I can't help but think that a random internet artist would come up with better dolls based on Sanrio characters

No. 122167

The pets are absolutely adorable.

No. 122435

File: 1610832446421.jpg (98.46 KB, 600x800, photo38.jpg)

This could've really been a beautiful doll if this came out when they still cared. But lbh they already did it

No. 122436

File: 1610833101334.jpg (153.24 KB, 750x1000, 5c48619f930bfed01814317a3e1980…)

The Chinese Princess doll was just gorgeous

No. 123357

File: 1611409624295.jpeg (53.57 KB, 579x530, 2919378281).jpeg)

I'm not into Lol dolls but I make these two are expections. I want your honest review because I have 0 exprience with dolls.

No. 123792

I own one LOL OMG doll so far, Groovy Babe. Her hair is silky and her clothes are good quality, however she got some QC issues (like most toys nowadays, sigh); her hair *shad quite a lot after removing the gel and brushing it first time, her face print isn't perfect but still not really bad and she got small black dot on her chin and small plastic leftover from badly removed seamlines for the hinged wrist. As far as articulation goes; she can only move her head up so slightly, but tilting on the other hand, is great. She can't move her arms up horizontally, but the forearms swivel and can bend 90 degree unless they get caught in the elbows. The hips can't do side spilt and barely move outwards, however they can easily do front split and move inwards quite a lot. The knees only have one click which is pathetic. While these dolls have beautiful body their head profile is atrocious. As far as I concern, I wouldn't bother collect a lot of these and I would only recommend to collect ones you truly like a lot.

*I heard it was common problem for that doll.

P.S. Hope it was helpful and sorry for the late reply.

No. 125017

File: 1612126715274.png (1.7 MB, 1412x2028, Barbie Color Reveal- Electric …)

When you thought they couldn't get worse…

No. 125018

File: 1612127052548.png (7.48 MB, 3128x6264, Billie Eilish LA Live.png)

Another Billie Eilish doll

>tfw no fashion doll of Nico, Siouxsie Sioux, Bjork, Skin and PJ Harvey

I feel old

No. 125019

Just what is that bottom row line called? Twitter Trannies?

I honestly like the concept of the color reveal dolls but why do they have to look like Tumblr OC designs?

No. 125021

File: 1612127234520.jpg (18.41 MB, 12864x13424, LOL OMG Dance Dance Dance.jpg)

From left to right: Miss Royale, B-Gurl, Virtuelle and Major Lady

No. 125022

File: 1612127388059.jpg (55.77 KB, 1080x1183, EOiQeWRUUAAM_uP.jpg)

see pic related

On another note, do you gals have any unpopular doll/toy opinions? I have suddenly thought about it when browsing Veni Vidi Dolli out of boredom.
The unpopular opinion (I think?) that I came to yesterday is that I do not get the point of buying/collecting simplistic and generic playline dolls, especially ones portraying children. They have zero aesthetic value to me, in a way. I do not mean that they are ugly, because they usually are cute in a mediocre way. They are uninteresting and I absolutely cannot imagine displaying them. The dolls that I mean are for example Glitter Girls, Battat, Our Generation and other cheap American Girl clones. Oh, and also American Girls as well, unless we are talking the oldschool historical ones. Those at least have interesting clothes. The modern ones…. no, just no. Same for Wellie Wishers.

No. 125023

File: 1612127570669.png (10.54 MB, 4416x2932, Sylvanian Families - Fashion P…)

Well, that's something I didn't thought I will see…Sylvanian Families going towards the fashion doll route. I kinda like it, but it also worries me it will lead to abandoning the doll house aspect.

No. 125024

I mean at least their fashion line is canonical to their aesthetic and presumed time period, I think they're a pretty clever idea and adds more variety to the figurines. It's not like they're sporting thongs and platform shoes.

No. 125026

File: 1612128316739.jpg (260.81 KB, 1374x1165, Kelly superior Chelsea inferio…)

>I honestly like the concept of the color reveal dolls
Why?! It's overpriced blindbag crap.
>do they have to look like Tumblr OC designs
That's literally almost every Barbie nowadays.

>see pic related

>Veni Vidi Dolli

I don't think she represent popular opinions in any way, she will collect everything regardless of quality or aesthetics, I mean she likes MLP 4.5G, eew.

>simplistic and generic playline dolls, especially ones portraying children

Children dolls only works as additional value to main dolls, like how Kelly RIP did for Barbie. NuChelsea is just as bad as NuBarbie.

No. 125027

>Why?! It's overpriced blindbag crap.
Admittedly I'm a sucker for blindbag crap so that's why the idea appeals to me.

No. 125031

>I don't think she represent popular opinions in any way, she will collect everything regardless of quality or aesthetics, I mean she likes MLP 4.5G, eew.
I see.I do know quite a few collectors in my country that also add stuff like Battats or even Disney Animators Collection dolls to their doll shelves… I don't get it tbh. Sidenote but it triggers me that the line of dolls portraying Disney Princesses as toddlers is called like this. From the name I would expect dolls that highly replicate the original designs and maybe come with accesories that allow you to reenact scenes from the movie… not those monstrosities.

No. 125032

I never had any sylvanian families when I was young as they were always sooo expensive. I actually bought myself some of the mini sets a few years ago as I find them so sweet and have always wanted them.. but I don’t like the fashion dress up route, when I think of them I just think of cottages and canal boats, not dresses and clothes.

No. 125034

File: 1612129558245.jpg (221.62 KB, 438x523, sakura-miku_rv73.jpg)

I got this one from Chinatown years ago, I've always wanted a little anime figure, and I've always been a fan of Miku. Not sure what else to add here.

No. 125045

This is cute as hell anon. The sakura theme is unique. Nice find!

No. 126714

A random thought struck me: do we have any cows among doll collectors and toyfags?
Personally I consider Nethilia pretty damn cowish, but she has sadly chilled with personal updates on her AG blog (IDK, maybe her tumblr is more milky). The series of posts detailing her experience with drama in the AG community was hysterical, especially since over all she seems as crazy as the people who used to bitch her out, though I guess in a different way.
hope that this question is fine, regular toysperg here and I know this is not a drama thread, but at the same time I'm curious if I'm missing out on some interesting personality

No. 126718

heather sparkles

No. 126720

she's moved on from the hobby though…

No. 126760

I think LJ collects disney dolls? I am not sure though, I don't follow her.

No. 127572

Rapunzel anon here- My Nendoroid arrived and I’m so happy to finally have her! She’s so cute and even my little brother has had fun changing up her expression and playing with her. It’s a bit smaller than expected which I actually like, now the struggle is to not buy more nendoroids.

No. 129058

File: 1614002311856.jpg (131.72 KB, 800x677, 3LpUZEE.jpg)

I have bought a 2001 Diva Starz doll and I'm having all kinds of feels right now. It feels so weird to be able to hold her in my hands after all these years. Gonna sound weird but it's so crazy to think that this doll was released either just before or after 9/11 happened. I was 9 back then. I used to be absolutely obsessed with those, even though I only owned a set of Happy Meal figures. I fell in love with the original dolls when I saw them on the Diva Starz website! I used to play all the flash games/webisodes, even though I didn't understand much as my English was poor at the time. I even made my dad write the shitty Diva Starz game on my GBC flashcart (we later restored the Pokemon rom, thank god).
The doll is supposed to work, so I'm quite excited to play with her lmfao (even though I keep my expectations low!)
I'm absolutely obsessed with weird/forgotten/failed doll lines like this one. Does anyone know a good website/blog about this kind of thing? I somehow think that there probably exist some 90's/early 00's dolls that I haven't seen yet.
Old playline dolls are so much more interesting to me than current ones, ngl. When I see something new, I ask myself it's the kind of doll I would be crazy about if it was released years back and impossible to get now. If the answer is yes, I buy it.
Congrats, anon! Do you plan to create a diorama for her or take some photos? I think it's great when you can have more fun with your Nendos!

No. 129061

I loved Diva Starz! I think I had the blonde one.
I actually became scared of my Diva Starz after a few months of owning one, out of nowhere it seems, I was such a scaredy-cat and hated when toys would run out of batteries kek. If I knew there was a GBC game, I would've played it!

I've never owned Sylvanian Families/Calico Critters, and I aim to get my first pack of them by the next month (I've been looking around my Walmart that claimed they had some in stock but I haven't seen shit) so this is all quite new to me. I assumed they already had interchangeable cloth, but yes, I definitely hope they're trying not to shy away from the doll house aspect either.

No. 129073

Does Billie Eilish like dolls? Does she have songs about dolls or something? Idk why there are so many Billie dolls sprouting up, especially since you'd think with her main fanbase being teenagers they're a little out of left field in terms of merch. I'd get it if it was a Melanie Martinez type who have very dolly aesthetics.
I think the doll is cute and I love the packaging (she looks like a wise sage trapped in a tree) it's just weirdly specific to me

No. 129131

It introduces younger girls to her as an artist who may age into her fanbase??

No. 129200

No. 129203

this is why I will never buy a BJD secondhand from a male

No. 129530

File: 1614279212057.jpg (1.25 MB, 3000x4000, Rebel Dare_nakeed.jpg)

I got Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens Rebel Dare, here's my mini review;
First thing, I find her underwear to be the most boring one out of all the NNNS dolls, not to mention it being sports theme rather than Punk/Goth like the rest of the doll outfit, which adds further to it being poor design. Also, I'm not big fan of the printed dog chain/necklace since it will always be under her clothes. Speaking of, the two chains on the neck aren't shown when the doll is dressed in contrast to official art, instead the dog lock often being peeked under the t-shirt. However, I do like the printed rock star rings on her fingers, it's really cute touch.
P.S. Sorry for the messy looking hair, she has curly hair which is problematic to brush as it will ruin the curls I'll probably do it, eventually and since she is plush you can't wet it. In addition, it's a pain the ass to make her stand.

>now the struggle is to not buy more nendoroids
Most of them are licenseshit, just avoid looking for nendoroid versions of your favorite franchises.

>I have bought a 2001 Diva Starz doll and I'm having all kinds of feels right now
Neat! Which Character you got? One of the regular sized dolls with the fabric clothes or the mini ones with the plastic clothes? Also, can you take a pic?
>I fell in love with the original dolls when I saw them on the Diva Starz website! I used to play all the flash games
The nostalgia just hit me hard! I also used to visit the whole Mattel' fashion dolls sites in the 00's and it was quite weird, I mean as a kid who lived during that time, I often saw many playline toys that never arrived to my country which really sucks and it's still happening quite often today, oof. Among those toys, I really wanted earlier/more obscure waves of Bratz, Diva Starz as well and What's Her Face which in hindsight was actually bad doll line and no wonder that line failed.

>I'm absolutely obsessed with weird/forgotten/failed doll lines like this one. Does anyone know a good website/blog about this kind of thing? I somehow think that there probably exist some 90's/early 00's dolls that I haven't seen yet

As far as I know, Veni Vidi Dolli' flickr is the best source for that- https://www.flickr.com/photos/venivididolli/albums there's also Ghost of the Doll but it focuses mostly on the 80's-90's dolls - https://ghostofthedoll.co.uk/

>with her main fanbase being teenagers they're a little out of left field in terms of merch
I think, it's the opposite; I mean take Monster High which their main audience were young teens and in addition, most musicians today make more money from merch rather than their own music thanks to streaming/piracy.

No. 129536

File: 1614280203479.jpg (1.01 MB, 3000x4000, Rebel Dare_profile.jpg)

Her face' profile is a lot more realistic and detailed than the regular/smaller NNNS dolls, mine seems to have her lips printed in slightly lower position. It's quite amusing to think that the plush dolls are the ones with the best profile out of all MGA latest fashion dolls. She is quite hefty and less soft and squishy in compare to the regular size NNNS, but still softer than plastic doll, though I'm not sure I would say the same for the head. The Teens dolls, sadly, also have stupid big tag on the back of their head and as you can see the rooting of the hair stops in the midway of the back of hair which is pretty bad. Why can't they just do removable tags on their wrist like early Barbie did? And it's not like there's any high quality NNNS knockoffs so I really don't see the point of it. Also, I forgot to mention that I wish she had printed piercings on her ears, adding more to the punk theme and using NNNS unique features.

No. 129537

File: 1614280521732.jpg (2.76 MB, 3000x4000, Rebel Dare_rooting.jpg)

Besides having a hair not going fully up to back of the head, the existing rooting is very thin, sigh.

No. 129541

File: 1614281356873.jpg (1.04 MB, 3000x4000, Rebel Dare_articulation.jpg)

She got 5 PoA like the original NNNS, but in addition she got bendy wire limbs which do feel really sturdy. She can't tilt her head in any direction only swivel. Annoyingly, she can't stand or sit properly either, well technically she can stand but it's so tricky that it doesn't worth the effort. Unlike the regular NNNS, she has a gap at certain poses when her thighs moves as you can see in the pic. It's such a shame they didn't redesign the thighs joint placement, making it more of a V shape so they could sit.

No. 129543

File: 1614283811097.jpg (1.76 MB, 4000x3000, Rebel Dare_clothes and shoes.j…)

Both the clothes and shoes are highly detailed and made out of great quality fabrics. The t-shirt' print is rough and I doubt it will survive for long. I just love the varied use of print, embroidery, strings, studs and zippers, holly hell this outfit is more varied than all the NuFashionistas Barbies and of course have far superior quality. Some of the studs are printed which I don't mind considering how many of them fell off from my Rainbow high Violet Willow doll, darn QC issues! The t-shirt and one of embroidered silver holes in the skirt has excess stitching/strings, but they're not too bad and I do not want to mess them up so I'll keep them as it is. The shoes are one of the most, if not the most highly detailed and colored plastic shoes I've seen for a fashion dolls, dare I say they put MH (although it has the more artistic sculpts) and of course Momoko into shame. The skirt, jacket and shoes are some of my favorite fashion doll pieces I own. Both the jacket and hat are annoying to put on and the hat doesn't stay well and can get easily removed.

No. 129545

File: 1614284619129.jpg (2.4 MB, 4000x3000, Rebel Dare_comparison.jpg)

She turned out to be a lot bigger than I expected even though I saw numerous comparison pics. Her box was also huge, yet she only came with a hairbrush besides her outfit. I admit I miss the stupid unboxing gimmick of the first NNNS, I also liked the additional fluffy bag though tbh I don't have much of use for it. Despite the issues mentioned, I think the NNNS Teens are my currently favorite fashion dolls out of all MGA offerings; I love their looks and they seem to suffer the least of QC issues.
From left to right: NuBarbie made to move purple top/ Lea with a glue leakage thanks Mattel , Bratz Tokyo-a-go-go Fianna those were the days! and NNNS Melanie Mod.

No. 129969

File: 1614520352586.jpg (1.12 MB, 1500x6000, DivaStarzAlexa.jpg)

anon, you are the real MVP for all the photos and information!
Your Rebel Dare doll is adorable. I wish those dolls were available like 15 years ago! You have no idea how much I dreamt of owning a western (aka actually available to purchase) doll with a sort of 'animesque' look. Well, okay, Na! Na! Na! dolls have their own style, but you get what I mean.
I almost feel tempted to buy one since they are so cute, but I'm trying to stick with toys I have emotional attachment to in one way or another (so mostly vintage - or is it retro? - ones).
I took photos of my Diva Star - it's Alexa, IDK how come I forgot to mention that! She is fully working, though sadly I do not have all of her accessories. Good thing I'm not gonna play with her, because one game is basically her asking you to put specific clothes on her and nothing else. I got a few accessories (two tops, 3 bottoms, pajamas, her laptop that looks more like a boombox and her kitty Fluffy… oh and a brush), so I'm happy anyway. I would love to purchase one of the fashion pax in the future! It kind of sucks that they do not include accessories like a mobile phone, because once you lose it, you are kind of screwed. That was bad thinking on Mattel's part. Even if you own a second doll ie Summer, Diva Starz can tell if you are giving them an accessory belonging to their friend. Which is pretty damn cool, but also
I think I'm gonna start contributing photos to this thread in the future. I don't have much space ATM to take quality ones, but still it's nice to share!
I think Diva Starz are the only dolls that I don't mind having snap-on clothes that have no back. It makes sense since you are supposed to be able to swap them quickly, and you can't see anything from the back anyway because of her massive hair! It makes sense from a design standpoint.
I have received an user manual along with her (love those for some reason), but since it's a bit wrinkly, I didn't take pictures. You can see it here though:
It's adorable in my opinion.
As you can see, I also own the Miranda doll from one of the last waves - she has proportions like a regular fashion doll. She still has glowing lips (I forgot to mention those, didn't I? Really weird feature) and a head that you can push on to make her talk (when you do this to the interactive Alexa, she complains that you are pulling her hair. LOL), but she doesn't do much. I really love how she looks though! I know those dolls are not for everyone, but I adore them in all their weirdness.
I also own Summer (a readhead with green eyes) from the same series as Miranda, but I don't have any of her clothes. I have ordered another Miranda from the fashion doll series - a Glow In the Dark one. She has all of her clothes and accessories, so I will post photos once she arrives!
NGL, I would also love to purchase one of the fashion packs for the big dolls (especially my poor Summer), but they all are so expensive! I guess it makes sense, since they are so rare…

No. 129970

Not mine obviously, but here's a video of how interactive Diva Starz work!

On another note - what is the best way to store plastic/rubber toys like dolls, My Little Ponies etc? I keep some of my collection in plastic boxes under my bed, but I have discovered it's terrible for them! I have opened a box with G3 MLP and they smelled of plastic and gum. It was crazy! Should I just keep the lid on the boxes, and not properly close it? But I'm pretty sure the lids will drop to the floor and my precious toys will collect dust…
I'm thinking of buying one of those storage boxes from Ikea (the big ones with a cover):
for my dolls and ponies. It's mostly made from a fabric with some plastic, so I think it allows for airflow (at least from the top, because the cover is 100% fabric). But maybe there is a better alternative? I would appreciate a tip. Especially if it's something I can get from ikea or is a staple that can be bought anywhere lol.
Also, should I wrap my dolls in like a brown paper or something so they will not lose their accessories and get hairtangles?
Those are such newbie questions, but I just run into this storage issue recently. LOL

No. 129974

File: 1614523565092.jpg (1.93 MB, 1257x6425, fashionz.jpg)

Oh, and here are photos of those highly coveted (by me) fashion packs

No. 130717

File: 1614879125119.jpg (242.14 KB, 768x1024, Barbie 2000's body vs Diva Sta…)

Thank you so much for your kind words!

>but I'm trying to stick with toys I have emotional attachment to in one way or another (so mostly vintage - or is it retro? - ones)

I see what you mean, however I also believe that to truly experience childhood-like feelings you should get new playline toys as well, after all attachment is more of adulthood sign rather than childhood in which you would look forward to news things instead of dwelling over old things.

>It kind of sucks that they do not include accessories like a mobile phone, because once you lose it, you are kind of screwed. That was bad thinking on Mattel's part

I'm a bit confused about what you're trying say; if you try to claim that adding accessories is a good thing, then why mention it in negative context, meaning that could easily get lost. Speaking of mobile phone, I remember my Tokyo-a-go-go Fianna came with a small flip phone I miss those so bad .

>I think I'm gonna start contributing photos to this thread in the future. I don't have much space

ATM to take quality ones, but still it's nice to share!
>so I will post photos once she arrives!
I'm glad to hear that anon and I'm looking forward to it! The non-professional pics just make it feel more genuine, nostalgic and fitting more with imageboards.

Wow, so you own more than Diva Starz doll, that's impressive! I like the bigger ones head more, but the smaller ones got nicer looking body. It's actually slightly different then the 2000's Barbie body, I like a lot more, I wish Mattel would reuse it again somehow but I don't see it happening as they completely abandon those precious click knees.

P.S. sorry for the late reply

>On another note - what is the best way to store plastic/rubber toys like dolls, My Little Ponies etc?
Don't bother with fabric boxes, they attract silverfish insects. Get a good cabinet that can be closed, transparent if the toys aren't exposed to the sun or covered if vice versa, make your toys either stand or sit and make sure to open it from time to so they will get some air. Most importantly store them where the temperature tends to be average and doesn't change drastically.

When Mattel still made good fashions packs, both in design and quality.

No. 130730

>I see what you mean, however I also believe that to truly experience childhood-like feelings you should get new playline toys as well, after all attachment is more of adulthood sign rather than childhood in which you would look forward to news things instead of dwelling over old things.
This is real food for thoughts for me, you know? I am not against new toys (ie I love the small poopsie unicorns and already own one). It's just that in the past I had this mentality that in order for my collection to be interesting, I need like one doll from each (or almost each) doll line. You know, so that it's varied and reflects how the doll market has changed. Because of that, I ended up with a few dolls that I'm not emotionally or aesthetically attached to at all I'm thinking of either giving away or selling them in the futue, but for now I'm too lazy. I would like to avoid this kind of issue in the future! So I guess the point is to look for toys, both old and new, that truly amaze you (with the concept, design, quality etc.) or that mean something.
IDK if it makes sense. I'm a bit weird about my toy obsession lol (but who isn't? LOL).

>I'm a bit confused about what you're trying say; if you try to claim that adding accessories is a good thing, then why mention it in negative context, meaning that could easily get lost.

More accessories absolutely is good! The problem is that if you want to play with your Diva Star, she absolutely needs her own accessories in order to play correctly with her (AFAIK, maybe there is a way of overstepping the issue, but it's not fun). IE when she's in a 'simon says' type mode, she asks you for her own mobile phone (which you get with her). If you lose it, there is no way of replacing it. You can buy another Diva Star doll, but if Alexa asks you for her phone and you give her Summer's, she's gonna comment on that lol. I don't think she will accept it as the item that she asked for. Same with clothes. You would have to buy another Alexa or accessories from someone selling them on Ebay. All of this is not such a big problem for a collector, but kids tend to lose stuff and I see it being a problem. I wish there were more accessory packs! Hope it explains. I find it incredible how those dolls are able to tell all those little accessories apart and even comment on each one. Not sure how fun that actually would be for a kid, but sure is very impressive. I'm glad that I got her kitty in the set because she often asks for her and it would be heartbreaking to not be able to give the leash to her
Oh, you have a Diva Star doll too! I like the Barbie, is she some kind of Snow White or something else? I love dolls with black hair and blue eyes.

>Don't bother with fabric boxes, they attract silverfish insects. Get a good cabinet that can be closed, transparent if the toys aren't exposed to the sun or covered if vice versa, make your toys either stand or sit and make sure to open it from time to so they will get some air. Most importantly store them where the temperature tends to be average and doesn't change drastically.

I wish this was an option! I have two cabinets from OP pic, but they contain a small part of my collection. I have to keep a lot of toys stored in boxes under my bed. I'm looking forward to getting nice cabinets and/or shelfs when I move, but IDK when it happens fuck covid In the meantime, I want to avoid my toys getting ruined by sealed plastic containers…
What would be the lesser evil? Those fabric/plastic boxes or cardboard ones? I like that the fabric ones are so big. Storing like 10 cardboard boxes under my bed would be a bit messy (but maybe would allow for a better segregation).

>When Mattel still made good fashions packs, both in design and quality.

Is it just me or have Mattel fashion packs always been expensive and became even more so in the last years? I remember salivating over Barbie fashion packs in my childhood, but I was always afraid to ask for them. lol

No. 131233

>It's just that in the past I had this mentality that in order for my collection to be interesting, I need like one doll from each (or almost each) doll line
Oh, yeah that's bad, you just end up with mediocre/bad toys.
>so that it's varied
Which is a good thing.
>reflects how the doll market has changed
Again, you don't need to own bad toys, your memory/witness should be enough.
>So I guess the point is to look for toys, both old and new, that truly amaze you (with the concept, design, quality etc.)

>Oh, you have a Diva Star doll too!

Actually, it's pic I took from flickr…I wish the toy community stayed there instead of moving to the cancer that is instagram, but considering how badly managed was the site including the last strew with the pro membership, no wonder many left.

>What would be the lesser evil?

>toys getting ruined by sealed plastic containers…
Get the plastic containers as they're the sturdiest, they only ruin toys if you never let them got fresh air from time to time.

>Is it just me or have Mattel fashion packs always been expensive and became even more so in the last years?

I'm not sure about the past, I mostly got dolls rather than fashion packs. But as for getting more expensive, yeah, Mattel just kept lowering the quality of their doll lines without lowering the price accordingly, I mean most Barbies now are just overpriced dollar store dolls.

>buying anything attractive secondhand
Sweet summer child

No. 131238

File: 1615207671064.jpg (2.37 MB, 7624x4200, Na Na Na Surprise Soft Plush C…)

More NNNS stuff, this time a vehicle. I think it's nice, interesting concept, but not amazing and the teen dolls look completely out of scale with it.

No. 131241

File: 1615208144599.jpg (4.12 MB, 12720x5088, LOL OMG Spicy Babe.jpg)

New subline of LOL OMG called opposite club. It reminds me a lot of the old Bratz Twins which I like. I'm looking forward to the OMG doll based on Dusk as I'm not really keen on Spicy Babe with her pink makeup.

No. 131243

File: 1615208230235.png (2.33 MB, 4096x1160, LOL OMG Sweets.png)

No. 131249

File: 1615208755174.png (3.39 MB, 2452x1400, Cave Club_I can't believe this…)

It seems like the line starting to go astray from the cave people theme and move more towards what I would describe as general 80's looking puke.

No. 131250

File: 1615208997595.png (7.01 MB, 2696x7480, Barbie Rainbow Cheetah Hair do…)

A new hair gimmick Barbie with shaved hair to save on rooting and plastic scrunchies.

No. 131251

Gosh she looks like a they/them

No. 131253

File: 1615209567511.png (5.3 MB, 5120x2264, NuFashionistas 2021.png)

Usually, I wouldn't bother to post any NuFashionsitas as they're the same looking ugly cheap crap. However, for a change, I see a slight improvement and potential; the blue haired one has nice looking shoes, an actual belt instead of a fanny pack and nice face though it does need eyeshadow, blush and actual lipstick. Similarly, with the red hair one which got almost pre-2015 Barbie face, could use more blush and less natural lip paint, her dress is not bad, could use better fabric and slight redesign, the shoes are irredeemable trash though. Take those two, improve their outfits and makeup, add click knees and these could've easily been like good ol' Barbies.

No. 131325

File: 1615249417140.jpeg (184.48 KB, 960x608, E5CA027E-37E4-4DD8-BFA3-F008A8…)

Nabbed myself the robot one years ago. Kek terrible doll. I ditched the skirt and pet too and just display the doll.

No. 131326

The full size ones are honest pretty rad looking but so soo slutty. All of the pets are insanely hideous

No. 131563

File: 1615364230095.jpg (296.91 KB, 800x800, 1637988945396728422.jpg)

I posted this on the Aliexpress thread but I was wondering if anyone seen these out in stores before.

No. 131730

anons I'm attempting to win a relatively old and rare figure from my fave game series on ebay for next to nothing. one other retard is bidding. it ends in a few hours. please keep your fingers crossed for me, it's supposed to be a birthday gift for myself KEK

No. 131732

File: 1615462365058.jpg (32.44 KB, 567x509, 1039f102b312be297b8ee89e724cfb…)

I too know what is to battle on ebay biddings, it can get fucking annoying
Don't worry nonnie, I am manifesting it for ya
You already got that figure and it arrives very quickly and you're so happy with your gift to yourself for your birthday, you can feel its weight in your hand and the smile in your face
Either that or something even better

Love you anon, happy early birthday

No. 131747

No. 131748

Looks like Tokidoki, but I can't find a figure that looks exactly like those

No. 131752

File: 1615475979290.jpg (74.17 KB, 816x885, boxcat blind box by rato kim.J…)

I did google search magic and found out supposedly it's pic related

No. 131798

This one let's you choose which one but it's pretty pricey

This one just a standard blind box but it is cheaper

No. 131827

Thanks for the links but jfc I just keep adding other lil knickknacks and its adding up.

No. 131879

File: 1615564361000.png (87.87 KB, 500x339, i-pledge-allegiance-to-my-dad-…)

Anon, you must be a real witch since I really did win that figure! Thank you for your kindness ♥
I will post photos once it arrives probably in a month on so. It's old AND made by a western company, so probably not that impressive… But I really, really wanted it.

Sidenote: I don't know who needs to hear this, but always use a bid sniper when you want to get the item and not overpay! The only way to win the bidding war is to not engage and just swipe the item in the last second.
I know it's hard since it goes against the instinct of 'if I bid first, I will claim the item as mine!' but in the end the only thing that matters is who is on top once the auction ends. Remember, Ebay wants you to fight with other buyers because they get money from you outbidding each other. This mechanic serves the website and the seller, but not the customer.
NGL, it's a great feeling when you discover that you did win the auction after all even though 3 other people tried to lmfao. I don't even care if it makes me a bitch.
My dad taught me about auction sniping like 15 years ago and it's a knowledge that saves my wallet every month. From my experience, surprisingly small amount of people know about it (especially ladies in my country, judging by how they are attempting to buy clothes, shoes,
etc. that I get in the end). Which is good for me I guess, but I wanted to share the advice with my fellow lolcow /toy/spergs just in case it helps you gals.

No. 131880

Wait so i need to wait for the last second to place my final bid? What if the other does it?

I remember i bid way too much for something on ebay because i thought it was my max limit but it was the bid fml

No. 131883

File: 1615570956893.png (542.89 KB, 765x3462, screencapture-reddit-r-explain…)

Sorry, I may have overexaggerated a bit - generally it's recommended to bid 5-6 seconds before the auction ends. It gives the server enough time to handle the bid. I've read that if another person bids later than you - ie 4 seconds before the auction ends and they have set the same maximum offer as you, their bid is rejected.
Fuck, some time ago I run into a good English page on the topic, but I cannot find it.
Wikipedia explains it a bit tho:
and here's an English page of a service that I used for many years (changed to a cheaper one) - it works for Ebay, btw. I'm linking it because they explain how it works, provide statistics etc.
Pic related also explains some principles.
While googling the topic, I found some articles claiming that sniping doesn't work or that it doesn't make a big difference, but strictly from personal experience… I HIGHLY disagree. 99% of times I was sniping, I won the item. Sniping is cool cause it gives you time to think how much you really are willing to pay for the item, without pressure of someone else outbidding you and making you think with emotions etc.
You can use a sniping service (if it's been for like 15+ years, it's probably safe - but use a unique password for an Ebay account just in case) or do it manually (I prefer to use a dedicated website since nothing bad happened w/ my account details and I find them more trustworthy then my shitty internet connection).

No. 131886

Yay I am super glad that you got it! What game is it from?

No. 132727

File: 1616101464891.jpg (92.36 KB, 604x857, c4b3a6481bd8ead39614c9acedc6f1…)

From the original American Mcgee's Alice! It's pic related, except without cat (not my picture, obviously). I'm hoping to someday get the version of the figure with 90's anime style face, including the Cheshire Cat. ATM my priority was securing the more realistic Alice's figure. I cannot wait to get her!
Super sad that the figures from Madness Returns looked like cheap bootlegs. Or maybe not, since they are crazy expensive nowadays.

No. 132728

File: 1616101493159.jpg (93.21 KB, 768x1024, 2424936613_5cb82cd9a5_b.jpg)

the other version

No. 133343

File: 1616515619287.jpg (73.76 KB, 1080x1048, Glo-Up Girls.jpg)

New fashion doll line, Glo-Up girls I don't like the sound of it, at allby new toy company called Far Out Toys. Looks like we're in for new fashion doll Renaissance era, though you can say MGA already started it this year by themselves. Anyway, I'm really happy to see new toy lines and even more so new toy companies, I can only hope the action figure in particular and toy market in general will thrive again like current fashion dolls and may see again the level of variety and innovation it used to have until mid '10s.

>I'm hoping to someday get the version of the figure with 90's anime style face, including the Cheshire Cat
I can see why >>132728 , I think she looks cuter desu.
>Super sad that the figures from Madness Returns looked like cheap bootlegs
I searched the game and the statues; it came in 2000's and most of them weren't even made by an official toy/figure company. There are Dimamond Select statue and action figures which look better.

No. 133344

File: 1616516161304.png (1.19 MB, 1000x750, Obitsu 28cm.png)

Not exactly news, but Obitsu have been showing more of the process creating the new upcoming 28cm male body. It looks like, it was heavily inspired by 1000toys Synthetic Human, both joints design and overlook wise. I'm not fan of the segmented 4-part torso, I would prefer 3-part torso as it will be more esthetically pleasing and can have about the same or just slightly less range of articulation. In addition, I dislike how narrow the upper torso is, making it look feminine, oof. I hope Obitsu would also make muscular female body using this kind of joints.

No. 133728

File: 1616702292158.jpg (181.01 KB, 1600x1191, 009.JPG)

>Glo-Up Girls
They kinda remind me of those Failfix dolls, from name and look a bit too. I like the one the most on the right.
>I can see why >>132728 , I think she looks cuter desu.
Personally I prefer the more realistic version because she looks truer to the character in the game/CGI promo art. That cowlick in the middle of the anime Alice's face is driving me insane! I still like her though, so it would be nice to get someday.
>I searched the game and the statues; it came in 2000's and most of them weren't even made by an official toy/figure company. There are Dimamond Select statue and action figures which look better.
I didn't even know that Diamond Select made statues of Alice! I looked them up. I've seen a detailed review of the action figures and they are really poorly painted. The face is especially tragic, looks like a bootleg (more photos here, in case you are curious https://czteryporyumyslu.blogspot.com/2015/01/alice-madness-returns-royal-suit-alice.html). I honestly prefer the 90's figures to those even though they also aren't perfect. I would MAYBE buy the Diamond Select action figure if it was possible to get it for a retail price (something like $25), but nowadays people are selling them for $100 and more. Completely not worth it. I hope better merch comes in the future!
I don't have anything smart to say since I'm an extremely casually interested in BJDs but man, I love how their bodies look. I imagine that for some people a body with no visible joints would be ideal (like Phicen, I guess) but I adore the aesthetics of them. They are so visually pleasing kek

No. 133807

File: 1616768890385.jpeg (1.2 MB, 3264x2448, F30DE9DA-EAAE-4459-8AEA-DE6F92…)

Bf surprised me with a near complete lullaby nursery. And a couple of ponies. Dog sadly got hold of one though so pretty sad there’s one less cute vintage toy in the world. I haven’t really collected ponies in over 15 years so really want to start getting into it again

No. 133811

File: 1616771408019.jpg (7.89 MB, 4717x5298, pixlr_20210324170058784.jpg)

I want to make a blythe dude and take cute couple pictures with my doll, but it's hard to find inspiration because I don't want mine to look like a little kid.
Had anyone here done a blythe boy? I'm looking at bodies on aliexpress and although I have a list of good ones, I don't know how well they'd hold up the giant ass head.
I really wanna do a guy with medium black hair (the one with the dog is my favorite), and I'm even thinking about messing around with epoxi clay to give him a different nose and chin but I've never done this before. How would one make the skin tone uniform? Will I need an airbrush?

This is so damn cute, anon

No. 133815

Holy fucking shit, your boyfriend rocks. I'm gonna show this post to mine so that he takes a hint kek on the other hand, I do already own a G1 Show Stable and I'm sad to say that it sits on my wardrobe because I have nowhere to display it atm
Please enjoy your Lullaby Nursery and keep it away from your naughty dog! Are you particularly interested in getting any specific ponies? I really want the Dream Castle but it's so expensive. I would be so happy if it got rereleased in the retro MLP line. Same with Paradise Estate.

No. 133929

File: 1616856483753.jpg (307.59 KB, 1500x1125, s-l1600.jpg)

Finally, got my first Calico Critters figures and, my god, my wallet. I can't find blind bags anywhere local. I'm thinking about splurging on the dollhouse gift set or the town shop gift set and the Midnight Cat and Chihuahua families and I'll be set for a while. Also, gonna try to find deals on eBay and other secondhand shops.

Does anyone have experience with the knockoffs and alternatives? Like Lil Woodzeez (this one's more official but you get the picture lol), Santomle Family, Silvan Animal Families, Anbeiya Family, etc…

No. 133930

File: 1616857030530.jpeg (65.86 KB, 608x574, BE969FA8-6243-4D0F-BFD3-688AA8…)

They look so fucking cute! My heart!

No. 134147

File: 1617002433003.jpg (66.1 KB, 800x913, pucky-horoscope-babies-pucky.j…)

I find the Pucky figurines absolutely adorable, but they're 10 bucks a pop and only available in blind box form. That said, with the exception of the Halloween monster edition, I have liked every single design in all of the waves, I just don't know if buying blind boxes is a sensible habit to get into.
Does anyone have experience with Pucky / Sonny Angels? (Same company with same release habits)

No. 134163

File: 1617005172996.jpeg (126.23 KB, 1200x1200, FB2667FB-17BD-4F61-A4AB-0660A6…)

I would pay an absolutely retarded amount of money for one of these in good condition.

No. 134165

lol i love him

No. 134208

Lil woodzees are horrible imo, not worth it at all. I've found that 1:12 scale generic dollhouse furniture you can find on aliexpress is pretty good for the calico critters though. I also like to make props for them out of clay and dresses are easy enough to sew.
I have a bunch of extra calico critter babies with no parents lying around I got from blind bags, I wish I could teleport them to you anon kek

No. 134414

Holy fucking shit. It's so tiring that all of our 1/6 and 1/12 options for dudes are 'girl bodies but flat' or roided up Phicens so I'm looking forward to this, hope it succeeds. Too bad I don't collect 1/6.

No. 134417

File: 1617177841775.jpeg (Spoiler Image,153.78 KB, 575x1010, 3EF986DC-2FBE-42F7-85EB-FB547A…)

Yeah he’s great. I wish there were dolls of his other iconic looks. Like a bratz style doll of this (picrel - not nsfw, just spoilered for being ot/not a toy)

No. 134421

File: 1617183949832.jpg (91.63 KB, 700x1500, 81SYm4jqsWL._AC_SL1500_.jpg)

Anyone with Made to Move dolls? I bought her to practice making clothes + doing faceups but I've honestly sort of fallen in love with her and considering earnestly tidying her up

No. 134561

Obitsu aresn't BJD, BJD are made of resin and use elastic string to hold them up. The only reason Obitsu is mistaken as BJD is because DOA allowed Dollfie Dream which are 1/3 scale vinyl dolls with inner plastic skeleton and made by Volks, so they also allowed the 1/3 Obitsu dolls which are constructed similarly to DD to make their bias less visible.

>a body with no visible joints would be ideal (like Phicen, I guess)

They look like mini sex dolls, ugh, and they're not sturdy nor age well and not as fun and toyetic as toys with actual joints or stretch toys.

I miss Action Man so bad!
>Too bad I don't collect 1/6
What do you do collect anon?

>Anyone with Made to Move dolls?
Body-only wise, they have some areas with great articulation range (hips, knees, elbows) and some that just suck (shoulders, no ankle pivot, no torso swivel, minimal up and down movement for the torso). In addition, they ugly seamlines and mismatch colors for the body parts despite all being made of hard plastic. They're super sturdy and durable besides the neck, wrist and ankle joints. Unless you're truly going to work hard customizing them, don't bother as they have crappy faces, crappy clothes and let's not talk about what passing today as fashion packs. Also, beware of glue in the head as many QAULITY Mattel dolls have/had, I don't really buy much of their crap anymore.

No. 134763

File: 1617408980109.jpg (420.51 KB, 1220x1704, 20210401_dimgard_gp1_digimon_0…)


>release tamers dim cards for the vital bracelet

>make it gacha
For fuck's sake, bandai.

No. 135085

File: 1617576930901.jpg (48.53 KB, 730x512, gsc94302_0.jpg)


No. 135220

File: 1617633758831.jpg (209.52 KB, 800x800, akrql-3kyxl.jpg)

I constantly see these figures on AliExpress. (for example https://aliexpress.com/item/1005002125195858.html )
Did I guess the gods right?

No. 135230

File: 1617638065842.png (11.67 MB, 6752x4072, Cave Club Cave Tots dolls with…)

New Cave Club dolls, imho Mattel should get rid of the human dolls and just turn it into girly dinosaur toyline.

>rinse and repeat
Why can't Bandai make S.H. Figuarts of the kids and their digimons from Adventure and Tamers?! Not stupid le chidhood nostalgia transfomering gimmick but just a regular high quality action figures, I just want Rika and Renamon with all of her forms, damnit!

No. 135232

File: 1617638252803.png (3.2 MB, 1080x3612, Disney Princess Ultimate Celeb…)

Hasbro playset for their Disney Princesses line.
I like the color scheme, but is has a bad use of space, low play value and that hollow jointed plastic look cheap and terrible.

No. 135233

File: 1617638510288.jpg (2.44 MB, 3400x10736, Barbie Cook ‘N Grill Restauran…)

New Barbie playset that looks relatively decent and doesn't use the stupid playdough gimmick. The colors are knockoff tier and the furniture is too small look at the fat barbie barely sitting, lol and of course the doll included is trash. The stamping pizza gimmick is neat though.

No. 135236

Yep, looks like you guessed them right.

No. 135237

File: 1617639075579.png (6.15 MB, 5356x2980, Licca #Licca #Neon Butterfly a…)

The new #Licca subline continues. I like #Neon Butterfly a lot, she gives me a strong 2000's vibe and reminds me of Bratz Tokyo-a-go-go Jade, not to mention how well her hair and eye colors match. The only major downsides this line have are the lack of eyeshadows (some few do have, but it's faint) and non-movable knees REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE . Why only NuBarbie can't get into street fashion?

No. 135240

File: 1617639291801.png (5.61 MB, 6280x3456, Licca fashion packs #Licca #Da…)

They even got fashion packs now.
Not my personal cup of tea, but they definitely seem to be of a great quality.

No. 135241

File: 1617639498904.png (3.75 MB, 2216x6024, Licca fashion pack LW-18 Yume…)

Last, but not least, regular Licca fashion pack.
So now Licca is the only playline fashion doll with good fashion packs…Licca is officialy the real queen of fashion dolls and Barbie can eat shit.

No. 135267

Hey Anon, I really appreciate you.

No. 135270

File: 1617653400794.jpg (187.45 KB, 1500x1500, bans61669_3.jpg)

preordered this

No. 135535

File: 1617765046862.png (388.9 KB, 550x550, Screenshot_2021-04-07 Trading …)

i got this little fucker at a con about 2-3 years ago and I call her "anime girl" or "crouching girl". i was looking at other stuff sitting on one of the vendors tables and she was sold in a little baggie for like $3 and i thought she was so silly looking that i had to have her (she reminded me a bit of the bury pink girl.) she's not really worth anything more than $10 CAD (the full set she's from i see sold for anywhere from $10 to $60 on ebay) and she's no taller than an inch but i want you all to see her

No. 135622

Homura looking as cool as ever.

No. 136958

File: 1618243888272.jpg (3.2 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210412_174514.jpg)

My birthday gift arrived safely! I love her so, so much! The Alice figure is much bigger than I expected, in fact bigger than my biggest mug lol. Really enjoy how sturdy and heavy she is. I kinda regret now not getting her with the Cheshire cat since I would probably enjoy him simply for being a nicely made, old figure. Nothing lost though, since as mentioned earlier I will someday get the second version of the Alice figure (hopefully still with her original box). The only thing that kinda bothers me is a tiny black dot near her right eye (our left), but it's usually not visible from a viewing distance. Kinda tempted to try to remove it, but I feel like I have a bigger chance of ruining the figure forever, so I will let it be.

No. 136960

File: 1618245143215.jpg (9.05 MB, 6166x3909, imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-PmM6…)

I suddenly thought about a question to ask. Was there something in particular that made you a collector and/or that particularly influenced your sensibility? When I was a kid, there was a particular magazine about pop culture that my parents used to buy. The best part of it was pic related: a monthly column presenting one of many themed collections of the author (who's actually a famous Polish visual artist and famous for being a big coomer, but in an almost wholesome way compared to more pornsick males). That's how I found out that adults can enjoy 'toys', figures and other quirky objects. I also have seen many anime characters for the first time (as figures, nonetheless) - Rei Ayanami (whom I became fascinated with in that moment), Mokoto Kusanagi and many others. As a collector, I owe a lot to that article series. It taught me to appreciate oddities and to follow my own taste. Maybe that's why I'm often more interested in objects that have 10+ years rather than new releases (though it's not a rule, what matters the most is if something has a personal appeal to me).
I'm forever thankful to the person that scanned some of those columns. Wish that the entire series was collected and published as a book, but I doubt that it's realistic since the magazine has long been dead. What a tragedy.
Secondary mention goes to the lovely american ladies from the My Little Pony arena who were the first community of adult women shamelessly obsessed with collecting toys. Wish we had more of those around.

No. 137535

File: 1618493735885.png (9.99 MB, 4056x7824, BarbieStyle Signature doll.png)

New adult collector Barbie line called Barbie Style Signature and supposed to cost around 100$.

Every time Mattel try to get their shit together, they're never fully committed to it and it just results in another disappointing trash that only seems to be great because they set the bar so damn low. The most glaring aspect about this doll is the same fucking NuFashionista faceup they've been churning out for more than half a decade and is already a disgrace for a playline, let alone what supposed to be adult collector doll. I don't even mind the closed mouth Millie headmold, in fact I'm quite fond of it which I know it to be an uncommon opinion and I do admit that it's still far cry from the older Barbie headmolds. I can't stand anymore that fucking flat pink lipstick which seems to be the only makeup bland and safe NuBarbie is allowed to wear. The clothes are just so bland and basic and they just had to be voted/chose by the few Barbiefags left because Mattel is so incompetent and have no confidence that they let their costumers "design" instead of doing their job. Besides the cheap "even knockoffs are better" tier faceup, the silver molded sunglasses are cheap trash as well, couldn't they mold the sunglasses in clear plastic and color the frame? Oh wait, we're talking about Mattel, they don't make any efforts anymore. Coloring the nails in white doesn't add anything, they might as well just not paint it at all.

No. 137542

File: 1618495535107.png (16.87 MB, 3544x11616, Cave Club Party Tella & Trina.…)

On another news regarding Mattel, Cave Club going to have another dollXdino combo. This dino, Triceratops seems to be downgrade from that awesome girly T-Rex, I'm bummed about the lack of rotted hair, body pattern, removable seat and movable mouth. I guess those aspects had to be sacrificed for the gimmicks. But it still looks nice as all the horns and nails are painted or even molded in different plastic color which is better. Overall, I like this doll as I do like the previous Tella; the glitter translucent leg warmers are nice touch and they should do it more often instead that boring solid plastic color they do. The neck piece is nice too, could use handcuffs to complete the look. The hair is boring and got nothing "cave theme" going on with it, the crown piece is meh too. As I've said before, I wish Mattel would just convert Cave Club to girly prehistoric animals toyline since the dolls are just not that interesting and their clothes are cheap quality.

Thanks anon!

Noice, post pics when you finish building it.

>Was there something in particular that made you a collector and/or that particularly influenced your sensibility?
I witness my older brother collecting toys when I was a kid so this kind of thing wasn't strange/unknown to me. Since I never stopped liking toys and luckily for me was never shamed for it, I never stopped collecting toys and return to it like most people. Watching action cartoons and playing with my brother led me to appreciate and enjoy action figures too.

No. 137568

damn, is this really supposed to be a luxury collector's item? talk about bland and low-effort

No. 138070

File: 1618755759488.jpeg (66.49 KB, 700x700, EEBC23DA-F633-4154-9DB5-E1C50A…)

Preorded this beauty. They also have an ashura one coming out too

No. 138072

File: 1618756245731.jpg (26.16 KB, 600x600, gRKGFNi.jpg)


covid/shipping restrictions kinda cured my merch obsession but i preordered picrel a few weeks ago.

No. 138074

Holy fucking shit! An actual Clamp manga figure and a quality one at that! Absolutely love it, please post photos when it arrives! Makes me want to reread RG Veda and maybe even watch the shitty oav.
NGL, I'm kinda thankful there are no Clover figures, because I would waste so much money on them… would love a Sue or Ora(Oruha) figure.

No. 138085

File: 1618769184254.jpg (170.06 KB, 800x800, 1171520589-1271150509.jpg)

I found these little cuties.

No. 138086

Oh my gosh, she's so cute!

No. 138148

It's good that they have more construction and some tactile parts on the garments but the styles are SO basic what the hell? Who wants to own a doll as an adult but also have it be something from a Forever21 collection? I just don't understand who would buy this and for what purpose.

No. 139184

File: 1619296333312.jpeg (93.26 KB, 700x583, 2695842.jpeg)

No. 139188

Oh my goodness

No. 139219

Pls god let there be one for bijou in the future

No. 139266

File: 1619350349589.jpg (137.17 KB, 644x365, d6200ed2055cff42acc1c942e1bcfd…)

Thank you for dropping the info about him! Preordered, since he's not very expensive. Never bought Nendoroids before because I'm not a big fan of the chibi aesthetic. Hamtaro is perfect as a nendo since his actual proportions already are "chibi". He's so adorable!
Oh no, then I will have to get her as well! Honestly would love to have both of those hamhams on my shelf. Adorable!
Weirdly enough, I never saw the Hamtaro anime in my childhood since it was only available on cable TV. I spent many hours playing various Gameboy games. They were just the best! Rarely games based on a franchises are that good, not to mention games for children… I wish Hamtaro subbed was available somewhere. Really wanna watch the anime but the dubbing is kinda taking away from the experience.

No. 139267

Holy fucking shit, I need him ASAP
Yes, we need Bijou/Ribbon-chan too

No. 139297

Thank you anon. He's too cute

No. 139860

File: 1619660145619.jpg (156.19 KB, 1080x810, Tumblr_l_7743016658607.jpg)

parico222 on instagram makes some amazing cute toys

No. 139861

File: 1619660197896.jpg (183.61 KB, 1080x809, Tumblr_l_7881742236367.jpg)

No. 139862

File: 1619660409684.jpeg (112.22 KB, 1080x1080, EwaK5EiVcAAW84V.jpeg)

No. 139863

the fact that the dolls have little dolls makes me so happy. the craftsmanship is just incredible ♥#

No. 139901

These are so cute, I want them to be friends with my Calico Critters.

No. 140107

been thinking collecting hot wheels/model cars but I don't know where to get started tbh

got any ideas anons?

No. 140128

I'm not even into dolls but this is so beautiful ! Thank you for sharing anon !

No. 140702

File: 1620245970459.jpeg (64.1 KB, 500x375, 2228929.jpeg)

Does anyone collect Miku Figures? The prize figure is usually has nice design and affordable

No. 140730

File: 1620281652371.png (999.27 KB, 1131x756, 3566.png)

The other day, I randomly realized how similar Little Twin Stars is to Precious Moments. I googled it, and sure enough, Sanrio's done a crossover with them.

It's like the toy equivalent of Billie Eilish hanging out with Avril Lavigne.

No. 141587

File: 1620871284879.jpg (21.67 KB, 640x360, kawaiidoll.jpg)

Totally random but the baby doll in this picture has the perfect face, like usually these kinda doll faces are a "miss" but I think this one's genuinely cute for its kind.
I have precious moments dolls from my childhood, but that Little Twin Stars doll is cute too

No. 141914

File: 1621101522963.jpg (33.52 KB, 1000x750, 505531ce-887c-40e9-9b08-5386d9…)

I also collect Miku figures! The prize figures are pretty great quality for the price point. I got this roomwear Miku recently and I find her so adorable. The stand she came with is clear pink plastic, along with the platforms her feet come on. It's super adorable.

No. 141919

Wtf anon I got her recently too! It's surprisigly detailed for a prize figure you can even see her underboobs if you peek under her cami I definitely want more Miku figures but they're so expensive outside Japan. I think I'm just gonna hoard a whole bunch from book-off the next time I go to Japan, mint in box prize figures cost something like 1500 yen there.

No. 141925

>Freaky Fusions
>For what amounts to biracial babies
They really went for it huh

No. 141936

File: 1621114381466.jpg (25.61 KB, 425x777, 71aP-BiNnfL._AC_SX425_.jpg)

What Precious Moments doll do you own, anon? I bought one not that long ago due to some misplaced nostalgia and I have no idea what collection is she from. She came with an insane amount of accessories though (an umbrella that actually closes, 4 shopping/gift bags, another bag for the doll to hold, 2 mini dolls with real hair). She looks exactly like pic related, but didn't come with the hat (also no necklace). I think her design was reused.

No. 142443

This is 5 advertising segment for the 90s black fashion doll Shani by Mattel is so nostalgic, the dolls are so beautiful in that glitzy 90s princess way
I've been reading about the history of black dolls in America for about three hours for no reason but I can't stop, I'm not even American

No. 142517

God this makes me wish I never got rid of my Nichelle doll as a kid. Barbie definitely peaked in the 90s the designs were so cute

No. 143084

File: 1621538413953.png (2.8 MB, 1584x3616, LOL OMG Guys - Cool Lev.png)

Haven't posted here in a while…lots of doll news to tackle.
First MGa stuff.
First standalone LOL OMG boy, it hurts me to admit he looks good, but he's just too much faggy. Also, I dislike the idea of playline fashion doll being an homage to a gay person who died from AIDS.

No. 143097

File: 1621538707347.png (4.72 MB, 1944x4528, LOL OMG Present Surprise Miss …)

New LOL OMG subline, from what I heard it's in celebration of 5 years to LOL brand.
As for doll while she is pretty and got nice pieces, I dislike the shoes and socks. IMO those shoes are ugly.

No. 143113

File: 1621539008660.jpg (186.55 KB, 1080x879, Bratz 2021 original dolls - 20…)

Least, but definitely not least from MGA, original Bratz repros! They're going to be limited for Hot Topic in June, but in July they will be available everywhere.
I'm really happy about these since I never saw the original ones in my country. I'll be getting Jade who is my favorite and maybe Yasmin too because I think she's the best one from that line.

No. 143123

File: 1621539238163.png (3.35 MB, 2440x4112, Cave Club Dino Rockin' party B…)

Now for Mattel.
More Cave Club and without dinosaurs, meh.
I don't like the direction they're taking; they were supposed to be NotFlintstones fashion doll line, instead they became poor man' MH by being another theme X with 80's flavor fashion doll line, boring.

No. 143176

Awww, are you kidding me? That's so fun. I want them all.

No. 143181

File: 1621540617538.png (4.83 MB, 4924x2800, Barbie Looks.png)

New Barbie subline, very reminiscent of the old Barbie Basics, yet being the opposite of it; highly articulated bodies and lame clothes. While it is a great improvement over the clown shit that was BMR and is Extra, it's sad that they had to go to other extreme and make them bland and dull. On the bright side, they're appropriately cheaper and cost 20$ which is a fair price. They do have more detailed screenings like pre-NuFashionista era and actually have what it is worthwhile calling natural makeup. My favorite one is the dyke petite Asian, she's cute despite having cunt hairstyle. The second one I like is the tall blond one, she's the best outfit of all the girls imo and I just love platinum blonde, wish this was the current Barbie instead of plain boring Millie. The black girl has pretty face but I dislike her hair and hate the fat body, I wish she had the black guy haircut, skin tone and was on the tall body instead. Of course, the white blonde guy has to be a faggot, damn I miss Action Man. All in all, it's nice to finally see a decent Barbie doll after 5 years of nothing but crap, it's not amazing, but it's a start.
P.S. Left to right: Tall, Petite, Ken, Regular, fat, Ken

No. 143256

I really like the new Ken proportions, some old kens suffer from big balloon head syndrome, and this one looks rather realistic. I see a lot of customization potential
I also like his clothes, just wish he had darker hair. Might try to get this one if I see him discounted any day

No. 143399

File: 1621566938561.jpg (222.41 KB, 1002x1181, a87b0f8be44365ab65862bb2d47637…)

I'd love to get repros of some other ones, like the winter one or the pajama party one.

No. 143401

File: 1621567469183.png (1.82 MB, 1400x1634, C81BC01D-C680-4B98-9C68-58BBF2…)

Nta but Sasha’s pajama party outfits are great, i love that they give you the
>actually cozy outfit you wear at the pajama party
>sexy outfit that people are thinking you were wearing at the pajama party.

No. 143413

File: 1621573348524.jpeg (34.06 KB, 500x310, images (68).jpeg)

When I was a young weebling these were my dream dolls, especially the red one. Nowadays that I understand kimonos they look very shitty, cheap and inaccurate, but if they rereleased it I'd might buy it solely for the nostalgia factor kek

No. 143481

File: 1621602589109.jpg (695.18 KB, 1923x2048, Pretty N' Punk Jade.jpg)

IMO Barbie peaked in the early 70's.

I have this one! But sadly, she's in a bad shape.
>I'd love to get repros of some other ones,
I'd kill for repro Pretty N' Punk Jade, she's so expensive now.

>When I was a young weebling these were my dream dolls
>Nowadays that I understand kimonos they look very shitty, cheap and inaccurate
I'm still somewhat a weeb, however that's also why I don't want one anymore and actually there were many other Bratz dolls I wanted such as Formal Funk (bast evening dress doll line ever).
BTW, they're going to rerelease Kumi (the turquoise one) and Rock Anglez. I wish they've gone with Pretty N' Punk instead, Rock Angles are repetitive and I heard they're still cheap on second market. I may get Cloe from that wave, but still meh.

No. 143514

File: 1621611587641.jpg (272 KB, 648x648, cloe.jpg)

I had the Dana snow one I posted upthread and this version of Cloe. I had a Meygan in some ugly denim outfit and a Jade with a britbong theme but it wasn't your picrel. Your pic looks awesome.

I never had a Yasmin or a Sasha. I'd love to get the whole squad someday.

No. 143515

File: 1621611883971.jpg (395.3 KB, 1271x961, so pretty.jpg)

Same anon, just wanted to add these two dolls that have stupid outfits but the faces are so beautiful to me. Especially Yasmin, look at her lovely hair color, 4 braids, soft makeup, perfect lip color, nice tan skin. She looks so amazing.

The reason I haven't bought a Bratz doll in my adult life is that they don't have joints, their heads are too big, their bodies are too petite. I wish they had better proportions. I always thought My Scene doll head sizes were better though they had long torsos and short legs for a doll imo. Also boring fashion ofc. Monster high is just too weird and the stylization of the limbs is too much. Anyway… I still love looking at these dolls.

No. 143521

Who is the boy doll based on? I googled and couldn't find anything, and that's so interesting!
Personally, I never liked the design of Bratz dolls (mostly the faces and the footless legs), but this is very cool. I wish Mattel did something like this with My Scene dolls.

No. 143524

File: 1621613726048.jpg (251.77 KB, 771x1228, not my doll.JPG)

My Scene outfits were so boring to me. I would like a Madison doll but they always gave her some ugly makeup. The eye shadow is always pink or green and the lips are almost always that ugly lip liner and nude lipstick combo.

I wish there was a Madison doll with
>curly hair
>dark lips
>neutral eyeshadow
Sometimes I tell myself I'll get one of picrel and give her a faceup.

No. 143526

given the design in his hair and on his shorts i'm guessing keith haring? if so i think that's a bit of a nitpick, he's not just some gay dude that died of aids lol he's an incredibly popular american artist. even barbie had a keith haring collab.

No. 143530

File: 1621614875423.jpg (23.21 KB, 417x606, 51JrFpRuyWL._AC_SY606_.jpg)

I do agree My Scenes could use some more crazy clothes! Would love something like the weeb line of Bratz. I have to say that I absolutely loved the Masquerade Madness series. I'm so fucking pissed my parents didn't allow me to save money for it, even though I begged them to and it was clear I fucking loved those dolls. Especially Chelsea, but all of them were amazing. Peak MyScene.
Two months ago I have bought the MyScene Goes Hollywood Nolee in original clothes (but sadly without accessories etc), and I am very happy with her. My only regret is not having a version of her with her pug, but that's not off the table in the future LMFAO. As a kid, I was torn between Nolee and Barbie and bought Barbie due to buying into 'blondes are the most beautiful' meme. Nowadays I'm 100% team Nolee, especially since resembles me the most out of all dolls LMFA
I wanted to propose a cute Madison doll, but you are right, even the one I was thinking about has the make-up that you dislike. Would love to see your version! Sidenote, but Madison always reminded me of Beyonce lol.
Thank you! I've heard about him but didn't make the connection. I can see it now in the photo of the doll with shorts. Especially since the pattern on them seems to be inspired on his art. My retarded brain came up with a controversial idea of a LOL doll vaguely based on a rockstar who commited suicide and I'm horrified that I would probably buy the doll

No. 143533

Madison was 100% Beyonce adjacent, I see it too. Funny you mention the blonde thing. I had a similar thing where I always thought ghostly redheads with wavy hair were the most beautiful but nowadays I'm so into medium-to-dark skin with curly hair. Funny thing is I have none of those traits, I'm just a light skinned brunette. Never been interested in dolls that look like me as a kid though. And also probably felt too average and plain myself and pretended I was more interesting looking lmao

No. 143541

Simmer down with the bone rattling, she just has wider hips.

No. 143544

File: 1621618869300.jpg (285.34 KB, 1200x1599, s-l1600.jpg)

oh my god this outfit is psycho i want it. the way bratzillaz had joints and longer bodies with feet and cool 3d eyes was great. wish they made regular fashion dolls instead of just being magic school. the proportions and eyes are so appealing to me.

No. 143573

File: 1621628665247.jpg (71.33 KB, 748x743, Screenshot 2021-05-21 212333.j…)

Oh nice I didn't realise this thread existed! I've been really into blind boxes lately and finally managed to order this cutie, I can't wait for her to arrive.

No. 143633

Oh my god anon where is that from i need it

No. 143634

Sorry ment to replie to >>143573

No. 143638

I see them on aliexpress all the time, nta but search for blind box vynil figure or something

No. 143644

Ntayrt but it's from Rolife's Nanci Fairy line of blindboxes. That one is the "secret" one so good luck anon! They seem to be sold out everywhere (they've been out for months now) so you'd probably be better off buying a secondhand one.

No. 143656

>Anyway… I still love looking at these dolls.
Same. I don't want a room full of dolls so I don't collect them but this is one of my favourite threads, I like seeing what design choices have been made. I wish I had a friend who collected dolls, I would end up buying them for her all the time kek

Anyway the nighty-nite Bratz line must have ruffled some feathers as usual with the pretty little night dresses

No. 143679

ayrt and yeah the other anons covered it! I got lucky and found someone selling it on eBay, it was pricey but honestly I only wanted this one (and maybe two others) from that set so I'd rather buy it outright than buy a whole box which might not even have it.

No. 143686

File: 1621692393465.jpg (644.24 KB, 2060x3576, 4ecbdbf73b654bc8bd50ea3947a634…)

Oh wow! I really want to get Sasha, I remember having both her dolls for these sets and always losing the interchangeable feet for her, lol. Her Senegalese braids are so cute too I'm sperging tf out this is such a nostalgia trip
Completely unrelated but I've had my eye on the fantasy barbie dolls by Bob Mackie, how much should I expect the doll to be? I saw something for 600 but I have no idea if that's an acceptable offer since it was the only one listed

No. 143705

File: 1621700801474.jpg (135.98 KB, 1000x1000, f50.jpg)

I looked for this mf in literally all the collectibles stores I could find in Argentina, but I just can't find it. The only store that has it refuses to sell it to me because they are waiting for the price of the dollar to increase, so they can also raise the price of the toy. I did find the funko version of Spyro, but it honestly looks like shit.
If some of you nonnies know where I can purchase this in Argentina, let me know

No. 143715

File: 1621708564204.png (2.68 MB, 884x1244, Fashionista, Regular and Fat.p…)

>wider hips
No, the original Fashionista had that, this one is fat.

Do you own any? While the inset eyes and normal feet are nice, the body, hair and clothes are very cheap quality. In addition, the limbs are shapeless. They were really poor attempt at competing with MH.

>because they are waiting for the price of the dollar to increase
That's completely retarded, there's inflation going on, the value of dollar just keeps plummeting.
>where I can purchase
I checked both amazon and ebay, you could get it from those sites, but it will cost more due to scalpers.

No. 143760

>only has wide hips
Anon see a psychiatrist

No. 143843

Saw this exact same doll body shaming on 4chan threads. Absolutely demented

No. 143918

File: 1621714790901.jpg (69.31 KB, 698x400, Barbie before pandering to tum…)

See people outside of America.
>>only has wide hips
>ignores the chunky limbs and big tummy
>body shaming
Go back to tumblr.

No. 144034

Unemployed polfag quit baiting and contribute to the thread for fucks sake

No. 144076

In case you haven't noticed, I'm the one who keep posting doll news and posted irl pictures of my toys.
So now being against fat acceptance makes you a polfag…

No. 144408

So you are the same nutjob?

No. 144465

To you the Bratzillaz limbs are shapeless but I actually prefer it to MH's extremely swoopy silhouettes. Their limbs make me feel ill.

No. 144555

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Just saw G5 plushies. They are kinda cute, especially the violet (?)/blue one. The pink would be nice as well, but the face is a bit off

No. 144589

Learning disability polfag back at it. Post about toys or go back to your incel den nobody gives a fuck about your retarded commentary regarding nonexistent ess jays
Please weeaboo gods come thru with Bijou

No. 144643

based digifan

OP here, do threads in /m/ have a bump limit because I'm ready to make another if need be.

No. 144645

Aw they are cute, I'm not well versed in toys but my friend had a plush my little pony and its hair was yarn, I like that these have plastic doll hair instead. I wish they didn't have blush

No. 144650

This thread still has more than 150 posts left. It's not a fast moving thread either, so…

No. 145528

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Advice needed! I've been thinking of selling 3 of recentish Barbies. All are out of the box, but pretty much perfect otherwise:
-Dolls of the World Spain (2012) - bought for $27 (I was lucky to grab her on sale, usually those dolls cost up to $13 more). Probably will sell only the doll and keep the stand. May dig up the doll passport and certificate (which is bullshit, but might as well get rid of it).
-Fashionista #19 (2016) - $11
-Made To Move Blue Top Barbie aka Brunette/Latina (2016) - $27
At the moment nobody is selling those dolls in my country, I also couldn't find past offers (well, unless you count stores with unavailable products). I'm not sure how much I should ask for them. I would check with local collectors on FB, but if someone tells me a low price (whether it's accurate or not), it will look shitty if I try to sell them for more. I will not starve if I don't sell them ASAP, so It would be nice to get back as much money as possible. At the same time, I want to avoid ripping off the potential buyer… I have no idea how to fairly price them since nobody else is selling them so IDK what is the demand. There are not as many doll collectors as, say, in the USA. It's normal you cannot get the doll that you want immediately - unless you purchase on Ebay.
Sadly, I'm only checking up prices on used dolls when I actually want to buy one, so IDK what is the consensus on those.

No. 146101

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>I also couldn't find past offers
You can check through ebay and I already looked it up; the Fashionista #19 is pretty much worthless since it's a recent NuBarbie playline so you will have to sell it for under the original price since it's open. As for Dolls of the World Spain (2012)- something around 35$-40$, and as for the Made to Move Blue Top Barbie aka Brunette/Latina (2016)- between 20$-30$. To conclude all your dolls are pretty recent and open, so you won't make a lot of profit from these, except maybe the Dolls of the World, hope it helps!

No. 146104

Oh, thank you! I didn't know you can check the prices from the last few months. I don't expect to make a bank, but the less money I lose, the better. Funny thing with ebay prices is if someone were to buy the doll with shipping to my europoor country, they would have to pay shipping. I will factor all this, take the photos and set up the offers. Hope someone takes the dolls out of my hands since it makes me sad to see them waste away unloved. Plus maybe going through the whole selling process will make me less trigger happy when it comes to buying stuff (not that those dolls weren't planned purchases at the time, my outlook on collecting and on them has changed since then).

No. 147064

Dollightful put out a new stock box doll and I think she's absolutely adorable. The recent ones have been a bit hit-or-miss for me, and I wasn't a huge fan of her dragon series, but I love all the work she put into this one.

No. 147239

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I want these babies so bad

No. 147242

It's super cool, I love it

No. 147243

I used to too when this picture was on Tumblr all the time, it's an super ancient picture so I imagine they're not easy to find

No. 147249

These are the kind of things I would put in a corner just to freak out any snooping guests.

No. 147661

wow these are gross! i want one

No. 147669

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Are any of you nannies into Pokemon collecting? Maybe I'm old but, I grew up with the franchise.

No. 147677

If I had the space I absolutely would. I have a Pikachu plush I bought recently and a plastic Cyndaquil toy my first bf gave me.lol My old co-worker had half her bedroom stuffed with Pokemon plushies and I loved chilling in her room when she threw house parties. I still think about how cozy her room was years later!

No. 147727

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I'm new to collecting anything really but the first thing to make me want to start was getting into the Kaiju genre, Godzilla specifically obvs. I've got a few cute retro Godzilla things and bought shelves so I can display them but have yet to actually put up the shelf kek. I ended up buying my first ~real~ figure, the NECA biogoji (picrel). anything Biollante related is a fav. I also snagged Jet Jaguar from the new Playmates line. I wish I knew more female kaiju or goji fans, collectors or not. unfortunately the community is full of moids or genderspecials. also I'm really into the idea of gunpla but I've never built a figure before. as a teen and a perpetual horse girl, I was hecka into Breyers and the customization aspect and think I could prob excel at gunpla… but it's so daunting rip

come back anonita be my fren

No. 147728

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samefagging but forgot to mention that I'm also really interested in mecha musume

No. 147731

she's so cute! i love her

No. 147740

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Mini review for LOL OMG Dance Dance Dance Virtuelle. I actually got her some time ago…
First thing, I love her box! most modern toy boxes are lame and dull, having boring stock images of the toy on one colored box. The glossy iridescent turquoise decorated with drawings and "hologram" gimmick. And if it wasn't enough the inside of the box contain beautiful diorama background for the doll. If the drawings were more detailed similar to the oil-like paintings of 80's toy boxes, that would've easily been my favorite toy box, but alas it's on second place after my Galoob Golden Girl and the Guardians of the Gemstones Dragon Queen.

As for the doll herself, it was relatively easy to get her out of the box and best of all she doesn't have a stinking gel on her hair, yay!

I have very few black dolls in my collection due to the facts there aren't many black dolls and the few there are, aren't my cup of tea. So, to give the devil his due, it's nice to have VARIETY, however the whole different body types and genetic deformities need to go away and also their constant whining about any doll that isn't black. Good thing MGA doesn't fully listen to those obnoxious whiny retards unlike suicidal Mattel. All in all, I love her dark shade of skin and would like to see even darker black playline dolls, though not from MGA more stylized doll lines, but rather from the new Barbie looks.

The visor is flimsy and doesn't feel quite durable. In addition, it doesn't fit well on her ears and you need to put upper using her hair instead which also results in widening of the visor. Still, it looks great.

There's great variety of different fabrics for the clothes. However, in my copy the stitching isn't perfect. Also, the pattern on the underwear is printed separately on the top of the fabric which while does aid the black light gimmick, it can also be easily damaged, especially the bottom which is a big pain in the ass to remove and put on again. It's not like LOL OMGS have fashion packs (the curse of specific theme fashion doll line since overrated MH) , but it still sucks.

No. 147746

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Unlike the other dolls in Dance Dance Dance wave and previous Lights wave, no new details are being shown using the black lights gimmick on Virtuelle which is quite underwhelming.

Very impressive display anon! I did have some small Pikachu plushie (probably gave it away) and sponge-like (didn't last long), as well shiny card from the movie (which I still own).
>Maybe I'm old
Don't call us old anon!

>I've got a few cute retro Godzilla things
cool! Share with us.
I'm not much into kaiju, but I do collect action figures as well (which I haven't posted here yet). I do have a sofubi of Getter Robo though.

>I'm also really interested in mecha musume

Did you build one yet? I have few model kits and bought one of Megami Device, imo, all the non-Bandai kits are overpriced and low quality. I mean Bandai kits are made in Japan and are cheaper. Soon their new subline 3o Minutes Sisters going to be released, it's competitor for Megami Device, Frame Arm Girls (F.A.G. lol) and others.

No. 147747

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And now to the more prominent QC issues, because how else you would know it's a modern toy.

The stitching on the right fake pocket isn't completely finished.

No. 147748

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Few of the braids are cut in the middle.

No. 147749

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Few of the braids aren't tied well.

No. 147754

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She has huge bald spot in the middle of her hair which get covered thanks to her ponytail…sigh.

Another issues I forgot to mention; I couldn't move her click knees at all and had to use hair dryer to make them movie which took a while. If I have given this toy to kid, I would've been furious. Also, the plastic belt is hard to open and close, considering it's translucent plastic I fear it will have stress mars and breakage at some point. I would also suggest to use hair dryer for it as well.

Overall, despite the QC issues, I highly recommend this doll. She's very pretty and unique looking.

No. 147759

I do, though most of my plushies are kept in a box under my bed for now. I have some extra space a wall cabinet, so I think I may display them! Most of what I own is either genuine 90's Pokemon plushies or some Aliexpress steals (most of them don't seem like bootlegs). I love them all. Maybe I can take a photo later on and post it here!
Some pokemans that I own:
>2 Vaporeons, one small and one big (the big is my favorite)
>90's Bulbasaur plushie (medium size)
>Audino (second fave Pokemon)
>90's Jigglypuff
>that fat talking Pikachu from the 90's
>big plushie of a fat Pikachu (guess how old it is)
>that set of Pikachu and Eevee with flower crowns
>black/blue Charizard (either a bootleg or a factory reject, but he's looking nice anyway)
…Fuck, I just realized that my Haunter plushie stayed at my parent's house. So this will trigger me now, since the photo wil not be complete.
You're based as always! I'm gonna enjoy that review once I go back from an evening walk kek

No. 147762

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preordered her last night from goodsmile. so happy to have a matching homura to my madoka!

No. 147777

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I do have some but I dont see ones I want very often in stores, usually Pokemon centre/ Japan releases that I can’t be bothered trying to get online somehow. However I did recently walk into “game” and he immediately drawn to this pikachu who had just been dumped on the floor, then found charizard on the shelf. They has no prices but found at the tills they had been reduced to £20 each and I considered that a bit of a bargain for the size. I’ve been trying to cut down on my plush habits but I can never walk away

No. 147778

Also pikachunis a bit grubby, I imagine people have just walked into the shop like I did and manhandled him. But does anyone know how to wash mochi type plush. I imagine hand wash but would a gentle machine cycle really do any harm

No. 149117

Can someone please explain how the fuck dolls that have been out of market for years show up on Aliexpress? For example, I've seen a Princess Ai doll sold (of course without mentioning the name), some Bratz, Winx dolls, as well as Simbas MH clones etc. What the fuck is going on? Are the Chinese rediscovering warehouses of unsold products or factory rejects?

No. 149118

Does anyone know if it's possible to catch em all in plush form?

No. 149149

At this point probably. They’ve really been pumping out Pokémon centre plushes in recent years. The idea of having at least the original 151 is appealing but I really don’t want shit like jynx or mr mime tbh

No. 149157

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does anyone else collect nendoroids? they're very cute but honestly they're getting way too expensive

No. 149164

They're so pretty, much better than any funko will ever be. I've just watched today a video about a guy working on sculpting these and in all honesty, with so much work they require I think the price is justified.

No. 149734

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Fuck yeah, anon. People shat on Greifen's derpy expression but I like it, better than dead fish Fumida faces. I wish I could get more girls into the hobby because all the girlpla groups I'm in are mostly male. If anyone reading this might be interested, here's some stuff off the top of my head I think you should know:
>roughly 1/12 scale (so they fit Azone picco neemo clothes)
>Japanese community has a number of prominent female GKers (those who make 3rd party items, especially clothing for these)
>There are skin-toned option sets to make it armourless, essentially a tiny doll if you don't care about the mech parts.
>Conventionally, customising these have more in common with resin/garage-kit painters than fashion doll painters regarding the materials used but knowing how to sculpt and paint small details is good to carry across.
>If you have weeb friends who import from Japan they can tell all you need to know about the shops where you can buy these kits from

No. 150946

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I recently dig up my relatively small collection of G3 ponies (they've been in a plastic bag, so I haven't seen them for years). I never was the biggest fan of them. When I was a kid and they replaced G2s, it was hard for me to accept that suddenly My Little Ponies were 'fat' and didn't have jewels in their eyes. It all made sense when I found out about G1s, but that still didn't make me love G3 ponies as they were inferior to the 80's perfection that was the original MLP line. Over the years, G3 grew on me, but I never cared about them much. Seeing them after running into G4s in shops and the first product photos of G5s… Man, we've had it so good and we didn't even know it (pre core 7, of course). I love all the colors and poses of G3s, the different lines (the main one, interactive baby ponies, Ponyville, etc), even if I don't feel the need to own every item. It makes me super sad that what was considered mediocre by me years ago, feels amazing and underappreciating compared to what we get now.

No. 150963

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Got me a new pastel 80s tat obsession. Soon as I finish off all the second Care Bears (not the ridiculous price rare ones)I’m going to start on these. Sadly they are mostly in America and shopping to the uk will prove to be too ruinous as with a lot of the Care Bears merch I desire.

No. 150966

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Also puppies

No. 150969

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Ooh also need this. I have just started a very mentally straining nightshift job after being unemployed since Covid began. Nice to have spare money again and I just need my soft friends fix to keep going tbh.

No. 150983

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I had G2 as a kid, I actually really like that their heads aren't that big and their legs are long. Pretty good props too, a lot of them came with beautiful beds, vanities, closets, etc. I don't understand G4 at all, they look like cats.

No. 150984

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To add, I had this one with a whole ass chapel to get married in except I had no male horses so all my MLP were lesbians. mlp made me gay

No. 151227

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It's been a while since I bought anything from Japan, sadly the shipping has yet to return to normal, but at least it's not as awful as it used to be. Finally caught up with some old Licca fashion packs I've been wanting for a long time, it was totally worth it. I love how Licca for the most part, eternally stuck in the 80's-90's, her fashions are so girly and cute unlike NuBarbie! So far there hasn't been any regular playline Licca I want, I hope it will change soon, even though the shipping still sucks. Since I got only one Licca with the new body/articulated shoulders with ball hinge and her hair quality kinda sucks (but her original clothes are great).

>Are the Chinese rediscovering warehouses of unsold products or factory rejects?
Seems like that.

I'm looking forward to 30 Minutes Sisters by Bandai as those are going to be sturdier, cheaper and made in Japan. I got one Megami Device which I haven't even finish to build shamfur dispary , while her articulation is very imperssive (easily one my most artiucalted toys), she's very fragile and her plastic looks and feels cheap.

I liked G3 as kid, but as I grow up I dislike them. I also don't like the original G1, I like G2 the best (because let's be honest, ponies irl are ugly and only horses are pretty) and G4 had great cartoon, but Hasbro did it dirty.
Just like G4, the character designs are great, but Hasbro are incompetent cheapskates and make them look nothing like it. The worst part is they now making them with molded hair (fucking brony cancer), MLP never had the greatest play value to begin with (imo, MLP in general is one of the most overrated girls toylines) and now they don't even have their best (and only) play feature.

No. 151229

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Saving up to start a small model airplane collection.

No. 151250

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Agree, I watched a short documentary where they talk about Goodsmile actually inventing an airbrush technology that gives nendoroid hair all the beautiful dimension and shading that it does. I have a handful of nendoroids (Tracer, Mercy, Jotaro Kujo, Racing Miku 2021, and Joseph Joestar on the way), but to save money I've sort of pivoted my interest to Q Posket figures. They scratch that itch of like, cute small chibi thing for me to keep on my desk, and their style just feels like what Funko wants to be but never will be.

No. 151397

I do but my doll Miku snapped her neck recently and I’ve been crying ever since.

No. 151401

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I love nendoroids but they've been getting super expensive, a few years back they also cut back on the faceplates and now the standard is two instead of three with less accessories for the same price

I wish I could get into Qposkets but I just can't, they are just otaku Funkos to me, those dead animu eyes with tiny bodies… at least cartoon inspired Funkos are cute, I really want the whole Basil set

Male Qposkets in particular make me want to scream into the void

No. 151442

You better arrest that Miku before she strikes again.

No. 151444

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The male ones can be really hit or miss, I agree. I don't really pose nendoroids that much, mainly because my two Overwatch ones are INSANELY delicate for some reason, so Q Poskets work for me anyway. I did preorder this Demogorgon one and I can't wait for my cute gross little guy to arrive.

No. 151480

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I don't know if there are other blythefags in this thread, but: does anyone know if when you remove an eye chip from one doll, you can use it on another? Or does it get too damaged to reuse it? I'm going to customize another doll for myself and I want to exchange one of their eye chips because it's gonna look cuter in the new doll. Hopefully it's possible because it was my only pair with that color lol
Pic not mine but related

No. 151530

I only own a single Blythe and she's a factory bootleg, but the eye chips are interchangeable, so I don't see why you can't reuse them.

No. 151631

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Don't worry, mine are TBL/factory as well, I personally don't see the point of buying a 200 dollar doll when I'm gonna heavily mod her and sew most of her clothes hehe and I also prefer the pure neemo style bodies
Actually, most custom dolls have bootlegs bases, for this reason. You can easily recognize it from the space in the eyes, picrel. sorry if you already know all of this
Btw, did you customize yours? I love custom Blythes but I don't have much places to talk about it aside from Facebook lol

>but the eye chips are interchangeable, so I don't see why you can't reuse them.

I remember using glue when changing the eye chips and the base seemed to be thick paper, that's why I'm mostly worried about. I use the hot glue stick method to remove the eye chips, btw.

No. 151756

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I swear to God I've never seen a doll playline with clothes as cute as RH. Every wave they have, they release the cutest shit. It probably helps that they get their inspiration from real brands and stuff.
I really wish there was a way I could buy just the clothes. Is there a way? Directly from China or whatever
The worst part is that I can't even go to a thrift store and search for it, because they are super expensive where I live so no child has them, only adult collectors.

No. 151925

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I'm crying at Shani's boyfriend, Jamal. This atrocious blocky yellow suit.

No. 151929

Anyone here into Bjds? I've been looking at bjds for over 10 years at this point but I still can't decide if I should get into it considering the high costs and how wishy washy I can be with hobbies. I know people say there's cheaper/budget companies but I don't like any of those sculpts lol. I've only previously owned EAH dolls.

No. 151944

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The yellow car is so cute!
I've been wanting to buy a car for my dolls, but most are pink or purple or blue. I wonder if it's possible to paint it with metallic black paint? Or will it cheap/crack even after varnishing it?

There were some discussion about BJDs and recasts on the last dumbass shit thread. Did you check that store? There were some pretty ones, there, imo.
What I'd personally do: buy a recast just to get the "feel" of it; see if you really like the hobby. If you do, then you can consider saving up and buying an original.

No. 151951

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I've never had much interest in anime-style dolls, but this past month I've been so interested in owning a mochi ashi since first seeing this one. I thought it would pass but I'm still feeling it so I might just treat myself.

I want to get the (blank) head secondhand though, just to save a few bucks. Does anyone know some trustworthy sources? I'm checking Mandarake and Dollyteria regularly but the heads I'd prefer are rarely available blank.

>10 years
>Wishy washy
You should do it if you have the cash, anon. Even if you lose interest for a bit the doll is still there waiting for you to return whenever you feel like it.

No. 151954

Try Facebook doll sales groups. I haven't used it in a long time but used to buy second hand parts there. You should research the seller in the feedback groups before doing business but on the plus side you can often haggle and get a good deal.

No. 151997

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It's not just yellow, but metallic gold. Amazing. I could see possible cracking years down the line, but that seems to be common for all toys, it's just more noticeable because the reflection. Varnishing can definitely help.

No. 152009

I dunno about 'sturdier' but I have heard Bandai's plastic feels different somehow compared to Koto's, some people say Bandai's is harder (and therefore a bit harsher on the nippers). I really like MDs but yeah they do feel very… flimsy when compared to prepainted figures but I think that's just the nature of all their parts being hollow plastic.
Q Posket colours always puzzle my brain, I prefer having the most 'accurate' one but both of them are somehow correct in their own way, it's mind bending.

No. 152044

Damn, these are cute!
I saw this video so I guess it's definitely possible to do it with a decent outcome. I was afraid it would chip or straight up peel too quickly, but seem like this is alright. I don't plan to play with it like a child would, anyway lol I'd just pose it.
I also wanna paint a convertible (and in black as well) so seeing this close of a match to what I want is pretty nice (3:00 mark)

No. 152188

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It's not a matter of will I _have_ to collect bishounen figures

No. 152207

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Update. My bf took me to a car boot sale straight from my nightshift job and I’m so fucking glad because after walking round and seeing just the usual white my eyes went to two Care Bears, fucking delighted. One ended up being from 2002 so not as exciting but it’s is forest friend bear, one of the rarer ones I probably wasn’t going to ever buy because tbh I don’t find it cute enough to justify the price. But this was £3!!!! Could hardly contain my delight I never have luck like this.

No. 152208

*usual shite

No. 152210

They seem to be in great condition too! Congratulations on getting them for a low price, although how much does the forest friend bear usally go for, if it is that rare?

No. 153228

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Sorry I Haven't posted doll news in a while…most of these are old by now, but I still think they're worth discussing. I'll post more soon, hopefully.

First better pictures of the upcoming Glo-Up girls by the small new company called Far Out Toys.
Unfortunately, it seems that they have hard plastic legs and can't bend the knee. Considering these are overall very high quality and made by new and small toy company, I think I'll get at least one to support them.

I find Bandai plastic to be higher quality and it doesn't look cheap, the colors are vivid and the plastic is thicker.

I wish they were full on dolls like Pullip or at least articulated. I'm not a fan of statues and even less of those that are stylized and not accurate.

I think Qposkets are quite lively thanks to their reflective glass-like eyes. The boys do look a bit odd with the more realistic body than the girls.

Those cars are awesome, I never knew Barbie had such a cool car.

Good for you anon! He is very cute.

No. 153232

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New NNS wave.
MGA finally put them in visible box which is great. However, I think they returned to the non removable hats which sucks.
Really hope these will arrive to my country which still have only series 3 since I want to have that playline buying in hand experience as they're visible.

No. 153233

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NNS Teens second wave
MGA finally caved in to the whiney morons and indeed MGA "excuse" was true as the black has paper white lines in her hands.
I think the designs on the new wave aren't as great as the first one, I'm not sure if I'll get any of them.

No. 153235

File: 1626976699696.png (11.24 MB, 4544x3712, Na! Na! Na! Surprise new 3 in …)

Forgot another regular NNS news.
I think the previous cat backpacks were better looking, but these aren't bad either.

No. 153236

File: 1626977211170.jpeg (57.14 KB, 296x593, pchien1.jpeg)

I'd like to own a male phicen doll one day so I dont have to look up reference images on google when I draw men (especially in complex poses) or maybe play a little bit of dress up with hehe. But I'd ESPECIALLY like to own a chris redfield phicen doll just to oogle at

No. 153237

File: 1626977642755.png (16.48 MB, 4752x5744, Na! Na! Na! Surprise Teens Slu…)

Back to more NNS Teens.
I'm very happy these come with beds, because I won't need to buy extra stands for them which is a bit of hassle and annoying.
Mila Rose is quite boring, but I like she has straight hair which became so rare lately for MGA dolls. I just want to easily brush my dolls hair, the combination of gel and curls is from hell.
Lara Von got overall better design and color scheme (three colors instead of just white and pink), but her hair is not easily brushable.

You can use refence sites and/or action figures like body-kun (knockoff) instead. Seamless action dolls aren't durable and not realistic as you may think, I mean just look at that elbow crease on the left.

No. 153240

File: 1626978796359.jpg (6.88 MB, 14312x6880, Rainbow High Winter Break.jpg)

Last for today, RH Winter Break line.
These remind of that winter Bratz line which was great too. Shane, the new RH one don't come with hot cup of coffee and fabric bags, oh do I miss fabric bags! I don't understand why the ones who come with skis don't come with poles, like how the hell they're going to ski?!
Anyway, it's great wave. My favorite one is Ruby this time which I didn't quite like in the first release. Poppy is second best and I'm partial to Violet since purple is my favorite color despite clearly her clothes are the most boring and simple ones. I find Jade pink lipstick to be ugly not fitting her clothes theme and color scheme.

No. 153243

File: 1626979613938.jpg (902.83 KB, 1000x750, nintendo world plush.jpg)

i couldn't think of another thread to ask this in so sorry if ot, but what would you guys consider the best place to sell collectables?
shit like nintendo figures, plushies, stickers, bags etc. - anything and everything relating to vidya and anime etc.
eBay is the obvious answer, which i have used in the past and had success with, but i've even seen people utilizing Etsy and the like

No. 153250

ebay still seems like the obvious answer to me because it's usually the first place people check, but you might have luck with Depop as well if you can subtly advertise your stuff. The sales fees are similar for both sites.
I hear second hand horror stories about how cutthroat etsy sales can be but idk from personal experience.

No. 153345

File: 1627057476292.jpg (242.29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Anons do you have any classy display inspo? I dislike the picrel cluttered look because none of the individual pieces get to shine, it's just a blub of colours. sadly this is the only type of display that seems popular online

No. 153540

Hi anons, I have an old doll (like a knockoff chinese barbie or something) that I am making into an angel so I want to bend her hands slightly so she can put them together like she is praying. I don't know a lot about dolls as you can see. I put her hands in boiling water to soften the plastic and I was able to bend them. I held the hands as I wanted them until they cooled but they bent back. Before I try again with a better hand-holding-apparatus I came to ask if anyone maybe knows if it will work, from experience, or should I try cutting her hands off, sanding the arms and gluing the hands back at a different angle

No. 153572

It really depends on the material, since not all plastics behave the same way. And keep in mind that some plastics may not be able to be glued due to their chemical makeup. If you were able to get them to bend into shape with heat, then try submerging it in an ice water bath for a minute or two after bending them with heat again, while holding them in the position you want them, basically get them really really cold rather than room temp before you let go. Keep them in as long as you can because even if the outside is cool to the touch the inside might not be cooled down enough yet.

No. 153696

File: 1627344516108.jpg (59.09 KB, 480x480, 11af3fb6092fb529278f61457eac64…)

I've always wanted Ankerstein (anchor stone) Blocks. They're so beautiful. When I was little, I loved building but hated my plastic blocks and have always appreciated realistic constructions. Their blocks are made from quartz sand, chalk, and linseed oil and imitate the red brick, tan limestone, and blue slate of European buildings.

No. 153698

File: 1627346819493.jpeg (74.94 KB, 750x605, BED10768-7E6D-48A8-98FC-1313C2…)

I’d never heard of these, they sound really cool.

The name “head breaker” for stone childrens toys is hilarious though.

No. 153704

File: 1627348189160.jpg (194.74 KB, 888x899, 08bd7a1474e885f8abf9e1f0bf8c57…)

That's a tangram puzzle, they're famous for them too. Here's the site if you want to check them out. https://anker-bausteine.de/en/
I like that they reproduce everything faithfully, the blocks and booklets. Picrel vintage collector sets.

No. 153731

these are so beautiful and I shouldn't have checked the prices + shipping

No. 153734

Wow these are so cool. Those prices though!

No. 153735


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 153751

Own up farmers! How many plush dolls do you sleep next to in bed?

No. 153798

Unfortunately, just my fat husband.

No. 153856

Just one teddy bear.

No. 154311

File: 1627721365576.jpg (156.81 KB, 1200x1200, 02-1200x1200.jpg)

Well anon i did it. I pulled the trigger and pre-order her. I put it on a card where i can create an internal payment plan but the goal of to save 25 dollars every month and then switch the payment to that saving account when there's enough money

No. 154314

Congrats anon! Definitely one of the prettiest figures. I haven’t bought any figures for a while but am really keen on pic related

No. 154315

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No. 154319

just seeing a picture of this makes me want to cry lol please post pics here for me

No. 154330

Happy for you CCS anons. I honestly wish they made figures of Clamp series that I give a fuck about

No. 154344

This is the reason I got it. I missed out on thinking i would be able to afford it and now i can't afford in after market. Still on the hunt for her.

No. 154346

God she's so beautiful, the clear card as the stand is also super cute and creative

No. 154871

So they have her new on Solaris Japan. I craved and bought her. The aftermarket in the US is way too expensive. I'll wait the months. They also have "Hello New World" which a few days ago they didn't have any.


No. 155793

File: 1628889173218.png (790.01 KB, 720x720, SFBJ-301-Mulatto-French-Bisque…)

Do any of you collect old dolls? I don't normally like SFBJs (picrel, c.1910) but love this one. I'd love a little redhead Dewees Cochran doll.

No. 155794

File: 1628889241520.png (1.3 MB, 748x1414, sfbj.png)

Not a very pretty dress tho, shame.

No. 155798

I would buy at least one if I had the money. They are super expensive, no? When I was a kid, there was a biweekly (or weekly?) magazine with a tiny'porcelaine' doll attached. It discussed the history of dolls and shown all the old ones. I fell in love with so many of them. I wish I could find scans tbh

No. 156002

File: 1629062507293.jpg (32.05 KB, 384x720, cat-1064_168_0.jpg)

Yeah they're super expensive. I don't have any dolls either. Do you remember anything else about the magazine that might help you find it? I like to browse this auction houses's archives. https://www.theriaults.com/

No. 156003

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No. 156041

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Am I the only one who thinks this robot's bike shorts are kinda sexy?

No. 156042

Anon, those "shorts" look like melted squares of kraft cheese.

No. 156044

Is that supposed to make it less sexy?

No. 156058

Should I open a new thread already or wait for this to get locked?

>I dislike the picrel cluttered look because none of the individual pieces get to shine, it's just a blub of colours
If you have a lot of toys, it's inevitable unless you store some of them in boxes and the others put in display (in a close cabinet with glass). It more bothers how they display their toys in the open allowing them to gather dust (which is mostly disgusting with plushies and fashion dolls) rather than it being messy.
>sadly this is the only type of display that seems popular online
It isn't, but it is the most popular because it is the cheapest.

No. 156172

File: 1629157710237.jpg (Spoiler Image,77.53 KB, 662x815, img_aoba_01.jpg)

anyone owns pic related? i think it looks really nice

No. 156194

ah, detachable dick boy. i knew two people who had him and they were both absolute degenerates, but from the pics they posted, it looked like a high-quality figurine.

No. 156273

I think a new thread would be cool, I'm afraid to post anything substantial cause idk how many posts are left… Or wait, maybe not if there are still 50 posts to go.
>i knew two people who had him and they were both absolute degenerates
Knew like irl knew? What it through a Dramatical Murder fan circle or what? That seems like a rare figure. I have mixed feelings about it. What I know is that we absolutely need more figures of deliberately husbando characters. lol

No. 156512

>I'm afraid to post anything substantial cause idk how many posts are left
Opened a new one, just in case >>156511

No. 156524

Are you new? It only max out at exactly 1,2k posts.

No. 156832

any favourite 1/3 bjd shops on Ali or eBay?

No. 157085

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I have been talking to a guy on discord for a couple of years and I have yet to muster the courage to meet him. I know he llikes me romantically and yet.. Anxiety is a bastard you know.. but he referred to my toy shelf as nightmare fuel and now I’m questioning it. What I thought, and I guess I still mostly do think. Is it is a harmless comfort of mine? A lot of grandmas collect teddies, dolls. Plenty of people have model train sets. Am I overthinking a casual comment. Is it really ok to have these in my late twenties, I’ll be honest the only little spark of enjoyment I get these days is the pastel dopamine rush of a coveted toy.

No. 157086

What I’m saying is what is the balance between this hobby and maintaining an adult life and home. I feel the pressure to be more adult every day and yet.. this has been a horrible horrible year for me.

No. 157087

Maybe better lighting would help. I think it’s only “creepy” cause it’s shadowy. I’m sure it’s all fine, you’re probably overthinking it.

No. 157100

he sounds retarded and rude next he will say he cannot sleep in a room with dolls cause they might kill him

No. 157152

It's your home and room, do whatever you want. If the person who claims to love you can't cope with things that make you happy and don't hurt anyone, he's trash.

No. 157922

File: 1630124126381.jpg (2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 163012402065239641694192768322…)

I found a pinkie cooper doll while at a thrift shop recently! She was only five dollars, and has her pigtails as well as an outfit and shoes. The dress was kind of meh, but I just wanna sew clothes for her myself. I've been wanting a pinkie cooper doll since I found out about them a couple years back. Even better is shes the cute brown spotted one with a heart mark on her forehead, that was the exact one I wanted!

No. 157932

OMG, congratulations, anon! I also kind of want a Pinkie Cooper. They are so cute! Wish the line existed more, and we got different dog breeds. Personally, I like to keep dolls in their original clothes, so I would be delighted to have her original outfit. You should go with your gut though!
I also had a bit of luck this week because I found free dolls in front of my flat (don't worry, in a makeshift 'take this shit from me'. They are in varrying condition, but none of them are hopeless cases:
-Elsa and Anna - they are one of those dolls with plastic clothes that are singing (?). Good condition, only problem is that they are missing their skirts. I hope to find them separately. I'm disappointed to say I didn't immediately find them on Aliexpress, if anyone has advice how to look for them, let me know! Sometimes original Mattel doll clothes end up there.
-My Scene Pop Diva Kennedy - The doll is missing all of her accessories but her dress. That is not the biggest problem. She had clothes on painted with a black sharpie! Not even a bikini, but bra, shorts and socks (or are they supposed to be shoes?). Her lips also have some sharpie on them. I tried to clean up the sharpie with nail polish remover, but it only smudged shit up. I'm currently trying to sun fade the grime with acne cream. Keep your fingers crossed!
-My Scene Pop Diva Chelsea - okay, but also came w/out any accessories. Already have one, might keep this one and trade/resell her in the future
-Some ugly ass Barbie from last 10 years (not Millie mold, but ruined Generation Girl one)
-an Enchantimals doll - not sure which character, I need to look her up. I think she's complete except for her pet and maybe some jewelry, she even has her shoes on!
Wish I took a photo before I decided to fix Kennedy…

No. 157933

She is so adorable

No. 157989

Thanks anon, that's neat you got some free dolls. I've never been a fan of molded on clothing but I still wouldn't complain if I got those anna and Elsa's dolls for free. I hope you can restore those my scene dolls.
And I personally love enchantimals. The only thing I wish they had was better articulation.

No. 157990

She is, shes even cuter in person!

No. 158057

You have no idea how much I hate those molded clothes! They are ugly, lazy and cheap. So embarrassing for Barbie, the queen of fashion dolls, to push this bs as well.
With the Frozen dolls, it paradoxally makes it harder for me to fix the dolls, because I cannot buy the entire dress. I guess I could do that and cut away the skirt, but I'd still need to put a rubber band or something so the skirt will fit.
I tried to ID the Enchantimals girl and had to stop, because I liked the unicorn and dragons dolls too much! They are supercute, but I don't want to spend money on random dolls for now (and my add brain tends to hyperfixate on things until I buy them, literal hell on Earth)

No. 158126

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I caved and bought picrel the other day. Yeah she’s kinda cheap and not one of the popular toys so make fun of me all you like but you know what, I don’t regret getting her at all. She has peach hair with turquoise sparkle and she is gorgeous!

No. 158139

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Aww anon, don't be afraid! All cute toys are welcome here.
I've never heard about Shimmercorns! Glad that you posted, cause I like them so much more than G4 or G5 lol. Are you collecting unicorns or horses?

No. 158189

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I don’t collect horses, do you? I saw the YouTube video “The Last BronyCon” recently and it got me a bit curious about the show. I saw the new generation pony toys, though, and idk they just look like autistic baby enby zoomers to me.

This is the only other horse toy I have. Got it for nostalgia sake, I had it as a child

No. 158249

This thread's OP here, I wanted to make a funky new logo for the second one but thanks for starting it, didn't think I'd be around on LC to see this hit 12k posts

Also it's nice to see at least a couple of girls into model kits, I recently shipped a big Megami Device/Chitocerium haul for my own birthday. I would've posted more about those here but I didn't want prude anons starting shit about them ITT for being skimpy anime girls.

No. 158263

Make it! The new thread has a nightmare inducing doll as the op.
Love seeing the picture of this thread!

No. 158275

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Yeah, that thread pic is very nightmareish lol I understand that cow doll idea, but I'm not feeling that pic.
Here are some suggestions, I am kinda partial towards dolls, but plush anons could also weigh in!

No. 158276

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No. 158277

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No. 158278

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End of mini dump

No. 158317

This pic is so cute, I love the cow hats

No. 158356

So cute, I wish I had money to buy and make dolls like that

No. 158375

You can find that particular type of BJD as a recast on AliExpress. It's not pocket money or anything, but it's way cheaper than the original one.

No. 158427

That's cool anon, true toy patricians collect both playline and adult collector toys and toy value isn't judged by its price, but rather by his play value. I hope I find them in stores, I'd like to get one too.

>cause I like them so much more than G4 or G5 lol
I think it's the case with most actual ponyfags and not filthy bronies. G2 by Kenner designers was the best MLP generation, each pony had gem eyes and came with accessories. G3 tried to return to its G1 roots but it was made from harder vinyl, then in g4 and G5 Hasbro just gave up and made the ponies with hard plastic and garbage quality hair.

It looks pretty and the minime horse is cute! What's the name of it?

>but thanks for starting it
You're welcome.
>I recently shipped a big Megami Device/Chitocerium haul for my own birthday
Neat and Happy Birthday anon! You should totally post it, screw the prudes.

I thought obscure Gorgeous Creatures would be neat and they have peculiar charm to them.

No. 158458

File: 1630516584923.jpg (67.57 KB, 280x500, 5574604597_a56010862e.jpg)

Tbh now googling the doll line I think they are kinda neat, but that pic is just awfully lit, posed and styled lol
Picrel would've been cuter
Nothing against you personally though, I'm just a bit of a sperg with that stuff

No. 158459

>G2 by Kenner designers was the best MLP generation, each pony had gem eyes and came with accessories
Hard disagree even though I love G2, have you seen how many toy ideas Hasbro had with G1 ponies? So many toy lines and playsets! All G2 ponies look the same except for colors, they only have a few poses, so it defeats the purpose of collecting them.
>I thought obscure Gorgeous Creatures would be neat and they have peculiar charm to them.
I liked the pic! Only missed the lolcow toy thread logo. Love the obscure 80's toy lines!

No. 158488

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No. 158501

Aaw, chonky kitty with sleepy eyes. He is everything I want and need

No. 158512

I love him.

No. 158649

File: 1630657413900.jpg (84.68 KB, 800x533, piccodo.jpg)

What do you think of this new brand selling chibi dolls? It looks pretty cute but the 7000 yen price tag and the ill fitting clothes kind of put me off. I wish there were more Joker figures in his casual glasses outfit.
To Persona/SMT fans nonnies, do you have any merch of it?

No. 158660

I saw this too and even if the clothes don't fit all that well, I still think it's super cute and I wish we could have one of other persona/SMT characters kek. It is pricy, but if I had the money I would get it. The only Persona merch I have is the mask that came with the royal special edition box.

No. 158675

File: 1630673291836.jpg (109.74 KB, 600x800, persona-3-dancing-moonlight-ae…)

Unfortunately other characters get abomination like that chibi hyper sexualized ann figure kek. Some of the new figures are nice though esp the aegis dancing one.
How did you enjoy royal, nonnie? What's your favorite social link?

No. 158741

Yeah, the regular figures tend to be really beautiful too, but I kinda fell in love with the chibi piccodo doll because it resembles more traditional dolls (with the little clothes made of fabric and the tiny accessories) and I just absolutely love them. I wish they would become more popular!
And yes, overall I enjoyed royal a lot. I feel inclined to answer Akechi's because it was brand new and I think the character's interesting, but I also always liked Ann and Yusuke. Also Jose doesn't have a social link but he's cute so I like him.

No. 158768

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a few days ago i found and bought a handpainted, miniature provence house in resin in a secondhand store. when i got home i looked up the brand and its history and it was discontinued in 2010 so now they're just collectors items you can buy secondhand. i got mine for half the price of what those kinds are sold for on ebay, so that was definitely a good buy. i looked on a page similar to ebay from my country and a woman was selling four of them for cheap! so i bought those from her. one of the houses i got from her is handmade ceramic, those are from before they switched to resin molds in 2000 and they're worth even more. i don't think the seller is aware how much they're worth, but i'm not complaining, lol. i think they're really cute, you can put the houses together how you like and make a little landscape. the brand made other cities and towns as well, like paris and london, but i think the provence ones are definitely the cutest. (picrel is from google)

No. 158775

File: 1630690438109.jpg (34.71 KB, 581x617, 1pc-Salon-Doll-Head-Girl-Doll-…)

Who is this doll that I randomly found on aliexpress? Edna Mode with pink hair?
Does anyone have good links of ali stores w/ original dolls odds and ends? Especially weird 90's/early 00 ones that are no longer available. I find them so tempting

No. 158780

my mum used to paint these! she bans them from the house now because they were so finicky kek. it's a shame because i think they're really cute.

No. 158864

I have the old Akihiko figurine by Kotobukiya, the Jack Frost nendo and the Raidou figurines. Everything else I had before I sold

No. 159324

lmao this is cursed

No. 159355

File: 1631031013538.jpg (110.34 KB, 1080x1080, mabataki88 4.jpg)

I love him !

No. 159365

I guess you'll have better luck on /toy/

No. 159373

I'm horrified of scrotes though, kek. Worst case I will try that. The designer of the doll (or photographer?) certainely made a conscious aesthetic decision, kek

No. 159381

This little thing is so adorable! Where is it from nonny? I tried reverse search and all it came up with is a bunch of social media posts leading nowhere

No. 159387

This is intense, something about him speaks to me. I need to know where I can buy one

No. 159399

tbf I always post on the fashion doll thread there and it's mostly women (I even recognized a frequent poster there once on fb), but there is your annoying male poster every now and then, and some racist freak as well that will go on a crusade about how ugly black dolls are

No. 159675

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Gah I've been trying to reduce the amount of knickknacks I have over the past couple years but every now and then some cute thing reaaally tempts me. These little bebes are so adorable (collection is Memelo Sweet Kingdom for any who are curious)

No. 159676

File: 1631217338513.png (190.67 KB, 261x294, 328904782305.png)

I know what this reminds me of!! If you look at the expression closely it's just like blinz cat. The way the eyes look slightly scrunched and cheerful due to the fuzz bunching beneath them, the mouth straight but seemingly repressing a smile. How heartwarming

No. 159678

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No. 159679

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No. 159721

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>want to collect more scales
>find male figures boring
>can’t stand most shows the majority female figures are from / or are tastelessly oversexualized
This Madoka literally saved my life

No. 159816

I think they are really cute too. The only thing that saves my wallet is the fact that I can restrain myself when an object doesn't hold a special meaning to me

No. 160010

File: 1631396105700.jpeg (109.42 KB, 820x997, 26034906-9511-4DAA-8C88-F4ED20…)

I feel the same way! I ordered the hanairogoromo miku and pic related for the same reason

No. 160137

i ordered this one the moment i saw it, too!
the long waiting time is killing me tho.

No. 160199

She's sooo adorable!!

No. 160214

I've been thinking about this, and I think it's an Edna mode doll head on an integrity doll body. I haven't seen much of the integrity doll bodies unclothed but hextian has used them a couple times. The body looks similar from what I've seen.
Cant help u on doll listings on Ali as I mostly look up bjds and doll clothes/accessories on there.

No. 160251

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No. 169274

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The Toy Box Philosopher is back! She has a Patreon now
She makes the best doll reviews, I'm stoked

No. 170269

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I have stumbled upon something that is a mystery to me… Perhaps some anons can weight in? Sorry that this is gonna be long.
Uhhh so I have caved in and bought one of those Aliexpress Hot Toys heads. It went like this: I have accidentally rekindled passionate feelings about certain piece of culture. I have searched Aliexpress on a whim. IDK what I expected, but not a Hot Toys mold of a relevant figure (kek) After a shock and some consideration, I have decided to buy it. An hour later I got an information that it's out of stock. No worry, right? 8 more shops were selling it. Wary about freezing my money again, I have messaged to ask if the head is truly in stock. Guess what? Nope! Every one of them told me that the item is sold out and closed the listing. Out of politeness, I have replied to one of the messages with something like 'oh that's a shame, maybe it will be in stock again some day!'. To which the agent replied 'sorry, it's no longer being produced as it didn't sell enough'. The thing is… the actual figure never was sold or even advertised. What the actual fuck.
I've been desperate enough to message all the shops (also on Ebay) and one of them informed me that they have the very last head in stock and to order it ASAP. Which I did, paying 200% of what I was originally going to. I'm praying that they didn't bullshit me, but they have took down the listing and promised to ship it within 2 days.
What made me want to secure the head ASAP and overpay (?) is it's bizzare scarcity. I have found ZERO proof anywhere on the net that Hot Toys (or any company dealing with similar things, ie Asmus toys or NECA, Phi-Cen???) is responsible for it, or that the figure was ever supposed to exist in the first place. When googling, I only found some more Chinese listings of the head with the same promo photos. It isn't a phantom item, though. The head absolutely exists, since a few owners posted pictures of their figure. Some of the photos I have found in reviews of clothes that I thought looked like what 'he' would wear. Another proof is a youtube video of a guy who purchased the head, standard bootled body and some accessories. The head fits it perfectly. Judging by my limited knowledge of Hot Toys figures, it absolutely looks like one - judging by the level of detail etc. The head comes without a neck, like in the picrel. It's impossible for it to be a head of anyone else than it's marketed as, since the likeness is spot on. You know, the exact opposite of fashion dolls based on celebrities.
Have I run into remnants of a test run prototype? It's definitely not a case like with that cat doll body that ended up being from upcoming cartoon. The head has been floating around since 2018 (judging by the earliest reviews on the available listings — I do not have much to work with, though). Very roughly around that time something happened that would make marketing the figure, uh, difficult and distasteful.
Has anyone heard about canceled prototypes of Hot Toys being sold on Aliexpress? Or hell, even any other figures and/or merch?
Thank you if you read all this shit and I'm sorry for being vague. It's not to be annoying, I just don't want to basically dox myself if I ever post photos of the figure elsewhere. I promise that it's not something that 99,9% of lolcow would want to own. The figure is in the weird place of being based on likeness of a person that is known all around the world and very much beloved (especially among millenials, I think). Most of the fans are normies that don't collect this kind of shit, so it's a niche despite the mass appeal of who it's based on.
you can probably figure it out anyway if you try hard enough lol and if you are aware
Oh my fucking god, are you serious? This year just keeps on giving kek. BRB gonna read all her new posts. I may join her Patreon, we will see

No. 176913

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I absolutely love so many of the gachapon I see online but I don’t live in Japan and am not about to drop $70 on an entire set when really I only want one. Sigh…

No. 176925

Omg fellow TBP enjoyers on lolcow of all places! I love how often she's updating, it feels like there's a new post every week. Do either of you follow her My Twinn blog? I love them so much, the whole transformation process is so intriguing. I actually won one of her giveaways and it made my whole year, I've been following her for like five or six years now. I wanna join her patreon too when I scrape up enough cash

No. 176926

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Snail plush

No. 176929

who is she

No. 176931

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I have a collection of other stuff but I think these are so beautiful

No. 176976

these are so nice anon, are they from some specific brand?

No. 177014

They are from the original She-Ra line from the 80s! There are some different animals in that line too that are super cute https://www.ghostofthedoll.co.uk/shera-animals.php

No. 177042

I adore them!!! I love the old Shera toys even though I don't own anything. Hope one day I will get at least one figure and a horse… I was hoping the Netflix She-Ra would have the same aesthetics and I will be able to buy a new doll w/ a horse for cheap, but of course no.
The pink one reminds me of a horse a girl in my kindergarten had and which I found so beautiful. I've been obsessed with trying to find it, but had no success so far. I think it was very similar, except it had translucent plastic near the hoofs and a rose motive.

No. 177647

Have you looked into various Blythe "competitors" ie Icy Doll? I think she is ugly, but you want to customise anyway.
Personally I would go for a ~factory reject~ Blythe if I was in your place

No. 178692

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hi nonnies where do you guys usually order? theres this vergil tsumtsum i really want but ive only see it as a pre order on aita kuji and i do not want to use their services because they bump up the prices

No. 178709

I got my Capcom Cafe tsumtsum from Japanese Mercari but you have to search around for stuff and compare prices among sellers. You also have to use a shopping service, this one is a big boy so the shipping will be expensive but you could probably still overall pay less if you're patient. Otherwise just bite the bullet and go with Aitai.

No. 178803

Aitai juji is such garbage. Definitely look in mercari or if you're patient, you can check surugaya's japanese site

No. 185982

I could've sworn there was a new thread with a cow themed doll as the OP image, am I retarded?

No. 186049

It was created prematurely and promptly ignored for that reason

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