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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

File: 1741320596788.png (307.27 KB, 600x600, 1716916660478.png)

No. 467427

No. 467428

File: 1741320675358.png (413.79 KB, 600x600, 1417820_RcOKtHvJ.png)

Starting the thread off with this couple Picrew I found.

No. 467432

File: 1741321762273.png (407.89 KB, 600x600, IMG_8114.png)

No. 467446

File: 1741325854324.png (401.12 KB, 600x600, hide the pain.png)

Why do all the facial expressions on offer give me serious "hide the pain" vibes?

No. 467448

File: 1741326389784.png (744.96 KB, 600x600, 2622499_8RAyhbI5.png)

This one looks really cool, I agree that it's a shame that there aren't more choices.

No. 467459

File: 1741330252762.png (679.63 KB, 600x600, 2622499_ICQHZdAJ.png)

It really is quite impressive. I hope the person who made it works on it more.

No. 467506

File: 1741340721445.png (493.56 KB, 600x600, 2622499_buqZEDCR.png)

No. 467507

File: 1741341072200.png (435.43 KB, 600x600, 1000033460.png)

No. 467508

File: 1741341447089.png (430.32 KB, 600x600, 1000033461.png)

Voldie and Bellatrix

No. 467509

File: 1741341808404.png (330.13 KB, 600x600, 2306681_SXaGBKeK.png)

No. 467525

File: 1741350606440.png (254.94 KB, 600x600, download20250305122845.png)

No. 467588

File: 1741365766723.png (459.06 KB, 600x600, 2375585_3P9s9cYO.png)

No. 467791

File: 1741400502782.png (188.87 KB, 600x600, 1000136220.png)

No. 467842

File: 1741409802928.png (265.57 KB, 1088x1088, neka 双人模板6枚呀~ by 柯嵘.png)

This one is interesting, it gives you bases for limited poses and ideas and I guess you can draw over it if you're skilled enough. I'm not an artist but I'm gonna have a field day with this one tbh.

No. 467847

File: 1741410513496.png (Spoiler Image,544.72 KB, 1088x1088, neka 整个双人互动 by 纸制闹钟.png)

No. 467910

File: 1741426789610.png (216.98 KB, 600x600, 2306681_jOBRfHn6.png)

No. 467922

File: 1741429531988.png (391.41 KB, 600x600, 2375585_Nc6MdVc9.png)

No. 467923

reminds me of nana for some reason

No. 467924

aw thanks anon that's a compliment. i was thinking of sad chola girls

No. 468263

File: 1741482961710.png (699.71 KB, 600x600, picrew_1741482465412221.png)

Happy belated International Women's Day. You tell the artist abused the symmetry tool but otherwise, cute art style.

No. 468270

File: 1741484239922.png (178.45 KB, 600x600, picrew_1741483395278546.png)

No. 468284

File: 1741489098937.png (221.62 KB, 600x600, download20250306195710.png)

No. 468367

File: 1741514783326.png (593.28 KB, 1023x1023, neka 整个双人互动 by 纸制闹钟.png)

No. 468549

File: 1741553068492.jpg (54.01 KB, 488x418, gcrest danganronpa.jpg)

I went down a rabbit hole about this artstyle of dressup games. Nowadays there's still CocoPPa which is 11 years old

But apparently it all started with Dreamselfy

I also came across this Danganronpa collab which was with atgames.jp, but turns out that was just selfy.jp and multiple reskins of it…?

No. 468553

oh my god dreamselfy is lost? i used it all the time in middle/high school… sad. cocoppa also had a really nice app for phone customization with matching app icons and wallpapers

No. 468558

So there is still selfy.jp but I can't access the site because it's unsecured lmao
Their twitter is still active
There is a switch game

And I guess https://pokecolotwin.jp/ and CocoPPa have a similar vibe…I really like the style>>468553

No. 468565

File: 1741554598809.png (450.63 KB, 600x600, download20250300220851.png)

Wasn't easy getting the "IT'S MA'AM" out

No. 468640

This is why I avoid western makers. Most of them have gendie tranny art styles with woke shit and tumblr tier art styles.

No. 468698

File: 1741573268440.png (576.69 KB, 600x800, my-meiker-1741571449998323.png)

No. 468703

File: 1741573949370.png (679.77 KB, 600x800, my-meiker-1741573892753374.png)

No. 468719

File: 1741577685626.png (364.67 KB, 600x600, 1396431_exeMz5yB.png)

No. 468723

File: 1741578146625.png (270.23 KB, 600x600, IMG_8123.png)

No. 468727

File: 1741579006585.png (246.72 KB, 600x600, 1000137180.png)

No. 468730

File: 1741579430754.png (271.25 KB, 600x600, 1396431_H7d20XMF.png)

No. 468761

File: 1741583604548.png (2.05 MB, 1088x1088, neka 【3】 by 無產-1.png)

This artist has tons of cool makers with a nice art style and tons of cool options. I like how artsy it looks.

No. 468771

File: 1741586699121.png (182.87 KB, 600x600, 1396431_Enqjvw1U.png)

No. 468776


No. 468778

Yup! MC and Mr. Hugeface

No. 468781

File: 1741588971306.png (239.61 KB, 456x456, neka 【3】 by 無產.png)

No. 468782

File: 1741589240711.png (451.66 KB, 600x800, my-meiker-1741589193929953.png)

No. 468884

File: 1741616458149.png (152.48 KB, 600x600, download20250301151951.png)

No. 468895

File: 1741617832225.png (223.35 KB, 600x600, 1396431_MNdGu0TZ.png)

No. 469094

File: 1741644373875.png (377.4 KB, 670x670, 1000033548.png)

No. 469099

File: 1741645528814.png (660.02 KB, 628x628, 1000033575.png)

This one has some really nice colours.
Cute! That's an adorable concept for that picrew.

No. 469102

File: 1741646571116.png (894.2 KB, 670x670, 1000033576.png)

No. 469110

File: 1741647528588.png (948.89 KB, 670x670, 1000033577.png)

No. 469116

File: 1741648989097.png (623.14 KB, 670x670, 1000033578.png)

No. 469124

File: 1741652762161.png (551.33 KB, 600x800, my-meiker-1741652640094668.png)

No. 469206

File: 1741669551857.png (344.51 KB, 600x600, 2410493_2GA0QC4V.png)

No. 469213

File: 1741670999535.png (345.04 KB, 600x600, picrew_1741670887596995.png)

No. 469218

File: 1741672556201.png (430.45 KB, 600x600, picrew_1741672483258158.png)

No. 469265

File: 1741687306241.png (370.61 KB, 600x600, 1000033598.png)

No. 469266

File: 1741688039997.png (270.28 KB, 600x600, 1000033599.png)

No. 469268

File: 1741689790279.png (240.36 KB, 600x600, 1000033604.png)

>Scavenger's Secret: the scent of this potion invokes wanderlust for undiscovered places. +2 perception, +2 evasiveness, -1 poison resistance.

No. 469295

File: 1741701402159.png (355.19 KB, 600x600, IMG_8124.png)

No. 469450

File: 1741731865853.png (145.53 KB, 600x600, 1000033669.png)

No. 469495

File: 1741741693421.png (179.83 KB, 600x600, download20250302161154.png)

No. 469619

File: 1741802256998.png (225.78 KB, 600x600, download20250303195616.png)

No. 469627

File: 1741804799628.png (968.99 KB, 794x790, Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 19.39…)

No. 469629

File: 1741805439600.png (772.65 KB, 658x1182, Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 19.49…)

Carmilla the Vampire

No. 469630

File: 1741805759006.png (619.46 KB, 792x786, Screenshot 2025-03-12 at 19.54…)

it's her drink

No. 469636

File: 1741808841878.png (301.54 KB, 687x687, neka 整个双人互动 by 纸制闹钟.png)

No. 469639

Is that meant to be Alladin?

No. 469660

File: 1741812806603.png (534.18 KB, 600x600, kek.png)

No. 469671

File: 1741815139244.png (71.23 KB, 600x600, drinkit.png)

totally-not-poisonous-nor-evil margarita

No. 469673

File: 1741815710688.png (195.89 KB, 600x600, holy.png)

holy mimosa with healing factor

No. 469680

File: 1741819411288.png (260.88 KB, 600x600, shin.png)

The Death

No. 469682

File: 1741820014834.png (678.12 KB, 1116x1116, IMG_8127.png)

No. 469685

File: 1741820248740.png (859.1 KB, 670x670, 1000033680.png)

>You can go absolutely insane with the move tool
Love it

No. 469690

File: 1741821388256.png (732.97 KB, 670x670, 1000033682.png)

No. 469707

This one is so cute. Reminds me of a wedding for some reason.

No. 469733

File: 1741840352666.png (303.75 KB, 600x600, 658765_HrhKAg7f.png)

A love potion most foul

No. 469735

No. 469737

File: 1741842234425.png (185.33 KB, 600x600, 658765_ynpbqyKV.png)

inspired by elden ring's sleep/soporific effect and the stone coffin fissure

No. 469749

File: 1741846098620.png (270.4 KB, 600x600, 1000033687.png)

Drink this one to uncover lost memories

No. 469750

File: 1741846319797.png (216.37 KB, 600x600, 658765_4jR2WmU8.png)

inspired by dark souls' curse effect (the lemon is supposed to resemble the basilisk eyes and the salt is for the rage it causes)

No. 469751

File: 1741847412286.png (209.04 KB, 600x600, 658765_GzEA6Z5T.png)

inspired by bloodborne's frenzy effect

No. 469756

File: 1741849833242.png (231.9 KB, 600x600, GFDFDF8485.png)

No. 469757

File: 1741850318988.png (182.3 KB, 600x600, download20250304081800.png)

No. 469767

File: 1741856236556.png (222.32 KB, 600x600, 1000033692.png)

No. 469769

File: 1741856577221.png (224.36 KB, 600x600, 1000033693.png)

No. 469771

File: 1741856983522.png (210.9 KB, 600x600, 1000033694.png)

No. 469773

File: 1741858282689.png (195.72 KB, 600x600, 1000033696.png)

No. 469775

File: 1741858701863.png (645.28 KB, 600x600, 1000033697.png)

No. 469846

File: 1741888377982.png (236.65 KB, 600x600, download20250304175052.png)

No. 469872

File: 1741894605084.png (235.36 KB, 600x600, download20250304203551.png)

No. 469880

File: 1741895933498.png (417.09 KB, 600x600, 1000033709.png)

No. 469885

File: 1741897314738.png (528.62 KB, 600x600, 1000033710.png)

Taking my children on a pleasant stroll

No. 469891

File: 1741898407170.png (553.22 KB, 600x600, 1712061_nYXTOhQC.png)

Least effeminate TiF.

No. 469908

File: 1741901778236.png (545.54 KB, 600x600, picrew.png)

No. 469917

File: 1741904156689.png (311.89 KB, 600x600, 146077_Y8R4mE7w.png)

No. 469922

File: 1741905260054.png (284.36 KB, 600x600, download20250304183252.png)

Behold! The cringe OC I would have made with this if it existed when I was 13.

No. 469930

File: 1741906148843.png (394.38 KB, 600x600, 1000033719.png)

Very cute!
Kek don't worry nona your OC is very sugoi

No. 469932

File: 1741907049834.png (456.11 KB, 600x600, 1000033720.png)

No. 469936

File: 1741907381499.png (395.58 KB, 600x600, 1000139139.png)

The BPDemonzona I thought I would become when I was 16 years old.

No. 470025

File: 1741934715893.png (Spoiler Image,1.52 MB, 1088x1088, neka _1_ by 無產.png)

Probably the spiciest couple one I've ever found. Spoiler for yaoi and cum. Go wild.

No. 470031

File: 1741936834565.png (262.9 KB, 600x600, 146077_i0iENUkm.png)

the cringe oc that i did in fact make when i was 13
she was a werewolf

No. 470034

File: 1741937389557.png (375.25 KB, 600x600, 146077_kjwSkLww.png)

Kawaii yandere demon girl

No. 470044

File: 1741940592248.png (356.35 KB, 600x600, 49864F75-E820-49EF-8E83-1538E7…)

No. 470050

File: 1741944769638.png (166.93 KB, 600x600, picrew_1741944675829027.png)

I hope the anon who was making potions sees this and enjoy it

No. 470060

File: 1741954170958.png (388.92 KB, 600x600, download20250305120827.png)

No. 470078

File: 1741956450168.png (589.26 KB, 922x922, 6765.png)

I don't think our cringe OCs get along too well

No. 470119

Link to your picrel?

No. 470128

File: 1741965589438.png (302.79 KB, 600x600, download20250305111808.png)

my oc from back then

No. 470129

File: 1741966291456.png (423.72 KB, 600x600, 1000033739.png)

The edgy psychic demon OC I made when I was 12

No. 470136

File: 1741966764141.png (221.05 KB, 600x600, 1000033740.png)

Ooh, this picrew is pretty! This is bottled sunshine which reveals the safest path to a destination.

No. 470138

File: 1741967220318.png (487.49 KB, 670x670, 1000033741.png)

Males dressing for their body type.

No. 470139

I'm glad you like it.

No. 470147

File: 1741968479021.png (210.83 KB, 600x600, shin.png)

the death II

No. 470150

File: 1741968806550.png (145.01 KB, 600x600, kirakira.png)

magical ✩ sparkly punch~!

No. 470153

File: 1741969802484.png (156.2 KB, 600x600, star light.png)

No. 470168

hahaha this is so cute

No. 470170

File: 1741971443865.png (229.49 KB, 600x600, 1917680_RK15GEsT.png)

the america drink
drink to give up all hope and instantly die

No. 470188

No. 470220

File: 1741975059167.jpg (64.59 KB, 600x600, download.jpg)

No. 470252

Thank you

No. 470259

File: 1741978932513.png (218.38 KB, 600x600, download20250305130045.png)

No. 470261

File: 1741979381430.png (220.55 KB, 600x600, download20250305200512.png)

Invisiblity potion

No. 470262

File: 1741979398860.png (221.3 KB, 600x600, BPdemonsElixir.png)

No. 470265

File: 1741980585004.png (230.37 KB, 600x600, 1000139607.png)

Nowadays people call this "Alprazolam".

No. 470297

File: 1741987178173.png (331.73 KB, 600x600, download20250305231813.png)

No. 470326

File: 1741992820961.png (139.98 KB, 600x600, 80783_WaVja1Or.png)

He's simply not there

No. 470327


No. 470341

File: 1741996492474.png (220.84 KB, 600x600, 80783_UFA9jYIl.png)

>klk el mío dígaloooo

No. 470344

File: 1741996884535.png (131.3 KB, 600x600, 80783_K3PXuDiu.png)

No. 470351

File: 1741997812327.png (238.03 KB, 600x600, 1000139694.png)

How demon guy who is of some ambiguous ethnicity and who has a huge dick.

No. 470380

File: 1742009225927.png (523.82 KB, 600x600, download20250306052315.png)

No. 470426

File: 1742023485249.png (214.57 KB, 600x600, download20250306092258.png)

No. 470456

File: 1742032678905.png (194.49 KB, 600x600, 80783_fM3ZaRzd.png)

>Chris? Stop it!

No. 470460

File: 1742033677968.png (456.69 KB, 670x670, 1000033779.png)


No. 470465

File: 1742035137037.png (196.58 KB, 600x600, 1000033780.png)

No. 470644

File: 1742076568851.png (194.21 KB, 456x456, neka _1_ by 無產.png)

this site is so cool but my god i hate the ui

No. 470649

File: 1742078169905.png (1.42 MB, 984x984, 1000140122.png)

I created a whole retarded narrative while making these characters, some machines managed to trick people into believing that they're gods and now one important noble has managed to snatch a slave that used to be a noble.

No. 470650

I would read this novel.

No. 470653

File: 1742078687132.png (196.63 KB, 600x600, 1000033812.png)

A typical love potion…or is it?

No. 470656

File: 1742079024886.png (626.54 KB, 600x600, download20250305130642.png)

No. 470657

mine is like the inverse of yours. a megalomaniac created all these machines to do his bidding and control society. he also happens to only be sexually attracted to machines and spends time fucking them when he's not committing human extinction

No. 470670

File: 1742080814569.png (361.34 KB, 600x600, IMG_8132.png)

No. 470685

File: 1742082598661.png (302.47 KB, 600x600, 1000033813.png)

No. 470696

File: 1742084239862.png (309.78 KB, 600x600, 1000140142.png)

No. 470703

File: 1742086055287.png (428.45 KB, 600x600, 41329_qV7saY2M.png)

Not sure what I was even going for here. Oh well.

No. 470723

File: 1742093033719.png (362.82 KB, 424x424, neka 【3】 by 無產.png)

No. 470732

I actually think the UI is superior to picrew and it has much more options and DLCs you can download to add even more options but it's case to case. If the coloring thing where you color something and it changes the color of another thing with it bothers you, just click the link symbol so it would have a diagonal line on it and would stop coloring multiple items the same color together. I prefer this website because it has much better artists over all and ideas, and it hasn't been contaminated by cringe woke and furry art…yet.

No. 470741

File: 1742102287472.png (304.2 KB, 600x600, 41329_ROnN9UMg.png)

No. 470742

File: 1742102666482.png (432.57 KB, 600x600, 41329_Qx2qb8EA.png)

No. 470745

File: 1742103743954.png (382.4 KB, 600x600, 41329_VxKjcP1V.png)

No. 470747

File: 1742103950510.png (287.24 KB, 600x600, 41329_OE6aIE2W.png)

I really like the facial features options in this one

No. 470750

File: 1742105258698.png (383.58 KB, 600x600, 41329_B5nvUWEc.png)

No. 470770

File: 1742112121002.png (492.44 KB, 600x600, 41329_AELhI6Rr.png)

killer mermaid
the white stuff is coral

No. 470826

File: 1742133552902.png (552.56 KB, 600x600, 1000033824.png)

No. 470833

File: 1742135278038.png (276.14 KB, 600x600, 41329_IZoSgcbG.png)

No. 470905

>Not sure what I was even going for here
I like it! she looks like a cool undead demon/yokai

No. 470920

File: 1742145823935.png (165.33 KB, 600x600, download20250300172208.png)

No. 470935

File: 1742146976350.png (240.3 KB, 600x600, download20250300174135.png)

No. 471032

File: 1742154318510.png (115.2 KB, 450x237, Screenshot 2025-03-16 124433.p…)

had to laugh at this on the front page

No. 471035

Link to the one on the right?

No. 471037

File: 1742154869149.png (402.46 KB, 600x600, 1389531_enjsYyk6.png)

No. 471038

fug i didn't click on it. gone forever now. i'll link it if i find it again

No. 471040

File: 1742155392344.png (520.77 KB, 600x600, download20250300160212.png)

Fuck I forgot about my burger in the breakroom and it's been in there for months now

No. 471045

File: 1742155902154.png (114.83 KB, 600x600, 2439112_qw59MNkn.png)

No. 471055

File: 1742156989557.png (94.9 KB, 600x600, 2439112_9rLGcZlj.png)

No. 471056

File: 1742157071126.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.58 KB, 636x452, 1000033825.jpg)

Spoiler for non picrew but kek

No. 471063

File: 1742157812815.png (365.69 KB, 600x600, 1000033826.png)

This burger is EXTREMELY raw

No. 471064

File: 1742157833578.png (461.04 KB, 600x600, 1389531_ml0S7dEf.png)

New cute burger, buy now!

No. 471065

File: 1742157844681.png (424.56 KB, 600x600, 1389531_SlWEQMrx.png)

No. 471068

File: 1742158487009.png (529.87 KB, 600x600, 1000033827.png)

No. 471070

File: 1742158914942.jpeg (295.71 KB, 537x536, IMG_3590.jpeg)

Royal picrew, not sure if its been posted yet! https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/227881

No. 471075

File: 1742159626866.png (460.46 KB, 600x600, IMG_8133.png)

No. 471077

File: 1742159845288.png (470.39 KB, 600x600, 1000033829.png)

No. 471085

File: 1742160498541.png (626.07 KB, 600x600, 1000033830.png)

No. 471090

File: 1742161014042.png (545.87 KB, 600x600, IMG_8134.png)

No. 471099

It's actually been posted before but it's so iconic that I don't blame anyone for reposting it lol

No. 471108

File: 1742163611076.png (503.91 KB, 600x600, 227881_gghaTDS0.png)

This is the most gorgeous picrew I've ever seen, it's a shame that there aren't any armor options though.

No. 471110

File: 1742164062858.jpeg (852.65 KB, 1091x1086, IMG_7448.jpeg)

so cute

No. 471111

File: 1742164495288.png (698.81 KB, 600x600, download20250301033339.png)

No. 471115

File: 1742166217322.png (238.51 KB, 600x600, 41329_TJlV8BJE.png)

No. 471124

File: 1742167950111.png (509.47 KB, 600x600, 227881_1BlKK46R.png)

this one is posted a lot but honestly it's a top 10 picrew for me. so pretty

No. 471127

File: 1742168339238.png (389.88 KB, 600x600, 1000011722.png)

My new favorite thread

No. 471136

File: 1742170131968.png (605.17 KB, 600x600, 1000033831.png)

The mad princess who is kept secret by the royal family

No. 471145

File: 1742171272851.png (590.56 KB, 600x600, 1000033832.png)

No. 471147

My favorite, were you going for a lolita vibe?

No. 471155

File: 1742173309197.png (436.3 KB, 600x600, 1389531_k0HAI7pK.png)

The nasty patty

No. 471161

File: 1742174424155.png (349.42 KB, 600x600, 1389531_EPe2sMJB.png)

the jellyfish jelly pineapple patty with seaweed juice from a new restaurant in bikini bottom that just opened up called sweetwater

No. 471201

File: 1742182531186.png (591.54 KB, 600x600, 227881_NxTwMHyD.png)

a ghost

No. 471269

I would eat the fuck out of this

No. 471279

File: 1742204599237.png (564.02 KB, 600x600, 385D4309-13F8-418B-88D5-97A078…)

I created the perfect girl burger and now I’m hungry for it

No. 471385

File: 1742229344348.png (365.78 KB, 600x600, 2410493_QnYeuuSR.png)

Can we pretend that airplanes in the nigh sky are like shooting stars

No. 471386

Mordecai's face, kekkk

No. 471397

File: 1742230859576.png (425.32 KB, 600x600, 1000033853.png)

No. 471411

File: 1742233647568.png (410.56 KB, 600x600, IMG_8165.png)

lolcow burger with milkshake

No. 471442

File: 1742239870944.png (359.27 KB, 600x600, 1389531_kOIMI2IJ.png)

key lime donut

No. 471458

File: 1742242333111.png (328.66 KB, 774x784, Screenshot 2025-03-17 at 21.11…)

ocean girl

No. 471493

File: 1742248454089.jpg (79.93 KB, 600x600, image.jpg)

No. 471499

File: 1742250654338.png (180.45 KB, 600x600, 707090_Qaejuyh1.png)

No. 471589

File: 1742277560424.png (344.72 KB, 600x600, 1389531_tqe7U8Hw.png)

Leaves on bread.

No. 471632

File: 1742290278289.png (193.05 KB, 600x600, 707090_de1fka9U.png)

No. 471722

File: 1742318814737.png (166.42 KB, 600x600, 707090_Ua0k6Yj5.png)

No. 472178

File: 1742424024344.png (239.69 KB, 600x600, IMG_8517.png)

my beloved…

No. 472254

File: 1742447073286.png (168.5 KB, 600x600, picrew_1742446837004605.png)

No. 472280

File: 1742453838395.png (122.38 KB, 600x600, picrew_1742453749644410.png)

Looks so stylish but doesn't have much options.

No. 472554

File: 1742500053294.png (218.64 KB, 600x600, 1000033923.png)

No. 472608

File: 1742506826396.png (193.93 KB, 600x600, download20250304172451.png)

No. 472710

File: 1742524721979.png (219.7 KB, 600x600, download20250304223643.png)

No. 472711

File: 1742525057844.png (233.2 KB, 600x600, 1917680_7PEtuyJZ.png)

For drawing on the power of the stars.

No. 472714

File: 1742525513106.png (193.71 KB, 600x600, 1000142416.png)

A cute rich boy who is a bit retarded because he died in a tragic accident riding a quad bike, tsundere.

No. 472724

File: 1742529522362.png (169.21 KB, 600x600, 2614866_aQR94K16.png)

No. 472745

File: 1742538867799.png (177.44 KB, 600x600, 2235981_7B0micGr.png)

No. 472750

File: 1742540931371.png (69.02 KB, 600x600, 2235981_HBQ79ysr.png)

a tiny kitty man

No. 472756

File: 1742541655071.png (248.73 KB, 600x600, 2235981_fLOH6AaN.png)

No. 472773

File: 1742546672013.png (363.16 KB, 600x600, 2235981_o63yJM4p.png)

No. 472811

File: 1742549632406.png (150.41 KB, 600x600, 2614866_vukIPxfw.png)

No. 472814

File: 1742550667218.png (169.25 KB, 600x600, 2614866_Mt1r1WhK.png)

No. 473020

File: 1742590035382.png (374.99 KB, 600x600, 2271385_gf0IxCKR.png)

No. 473117

File: 1742615836327.png (392.29 KB, 600x600, 2271385_5nS3jfok.png)

An impressive number of options in that one.

No. 473238

File: 1742637238351.png (242.25 KB, 600x600, picrew_1742637159049997.png)

No. 473628

File: 1742711049100.png (416.07 KB, 600x600, picrew_1742710494988227.png)

No. 473639

File: 1742716029165.png (306.68 KB, 600x600, picrew_1742715884492264.png)

Photoshoot with husbando. Ngl it took some time because I had to customize 8 different characters but it's honestly worth it. My eyes got crossed though lmao

No. 473734

File: 1742743011244.png (122.98 KB, 600x600, 2235981_jh1MdJln.png)

No. 473784

File: 1742752807867.png (346.34 KB, 600x600, 1000034033.png)

This one is CUTE

No. 473789

File: 1742753950210.png (286.41 KB, 600x600, 1000034034.png)

No. 473795

File: 1742754552914.png (374.49 KB, 600x600, 1000034035.png)

No. 473798

File: 1742755231381.png (295.9 KB, 600x600, 1000034036.png)

No. 473803

File: 1742756235697.png (300.56 KB, 600x600, 212703_ynTdccpx.png)

No. 473814

File: 1742758419170.png (141.49 KB, 600x600, download20250300213215.png)

No. 473839

File: 1742761221291.png (290.81 KB, 600x600, 212703_j4Rpqn70.png)

No. 473845

File: 1742762137966.png (245.8 KB, 600x600, 1721661_5FOoeTvm.png)

No. 473854

File: 1742764409182.png (121.6 KB, 600x600, 2600243_yxK11d8g.png)

No. 473855

File: 1742764969457.png (84.65 KB, 600x600, 1000034043.png)

No. 473856

File: 1742764983230.png (213.89 KB, 600x600, 1721661_t4Xuvb0V.png)

Very nice, I love black and white.

No. 473862

File: 1742765574908.png (128.63 KB, 600x600, 2600243_TTYgs97V.png)

I wish there were more outfits that showed off more of xe/xer's sweet self-harm scars.

No. 473863

File: 1742765666070.png (341.29 KB, 600x600, 1000034044.png)

No. 473867

File: 1742766165432.png (91.75 KB, 600x600, 2600243_hOwOl8gY.png)


No. 473869

File: 1742766495074.png (108.82 KB, 600x600, 2600243_IdHQvbsi.png)

>TFW a kid calls you a "sir"

No. 473872

File: 1742766721658.png (283.31 KB, 600x600, 212703_WKO6bmBH.png)

No. 473873

File: 1742766831694.png (125.54 KB, 600x600, download20250300174815.png)

>AFABs only? As a gay man who has been on T for 10 years (I started around the time my bones began to atrophy) and totally passes, I guess you won't complain when wheel my way inside with my beard and totally masculine aura. Checkmate, TERFs!

No. 473875

File: 1742767070313.png (104.75 KB, 600x600, 2600243_EGWJ7yS4.png)

Just a lil dood

No. 473877

File: 1742767331712.png (372.24 KB, 600x600, 212703_xCyM6ug4.png)

No. 473890

File: 1742768058128.png (292.67 KB, 600x600, 212703_8Kr8aIXz.png)

No. 473902

File: 1742769456220.png (109.04 KB, 600x600, download20250300233431.png)

lilith selphie alice narcissa would like to be invited to your slumbeer party

No. 473906

File: 1742770014808.png (288.67 KB, 600x600, 212703_gsyOGQIe.png)

No. 473915

File: 1742771282998.png (325.41 KB, 600x600, 212703_r7KjXmOq.png)

My new fave picrew image. I even have a holister sweater just like this.

No. 473920

File: 1742772494179.png (270.6 KB, 600x600, 212703_WsUQFNCT.png)

No. 474049

File: 1742787569154.png (130.65 KB, 600x600, 2600243_sVEruoBT.png)

this is avery ash aspen and they/it is part of a system

No. 474074

File: 1742791558558.png (189.96 KB, 600x600, download20250301044310.png)

No. 474077

File: 1742791691392.png (39.44 KB, 600x600, 610772_y7hYDjO1.png)

There are entirely too many high-quality picrews in this thread. Abominable slop deserves a place here as well.

No. 474081

File: 1742792298780.jpg (1.76 MB, 2880x2880, 20250324_075713.jpg)

Don't have the links to these but enjoy these ugly picrews I found and showed to a friend.

No. 474083

File: 1742792446624.png (31.73 KB, 600x600, 610772_d6Rr9EyM.png)

i feel a little bad making an ugly troon out of this one because i feel like it was made by a child so i tried to make a cute one

No. 474086

File: 1742792832052.png (22.08 KB, 600x600, 610772_vijBfngn.png)

dog and cat friends

No. 474141

File: 1742811001738.png (476.5 KB, 600x600, picrew_1742810879978584.png)

There's a male version now. Make your Victorian husbando.

No. 474145

File: 1742812109029.png (546.66 KB, 600x600, 1041191_Hw7ByeCQ.png)

No. 474153

File: 1742813127832.png (526.73 KB, 600x600, 1000034055.png)

No. 474155

The baby one is adorable to me, it reminds me of ye olde days with deviantart bases

No. 474156

File: 1742813527256.png (168.17 KB, 600x600, 1000034056.png)

No. 474158

File: 1742814089584.png (178.41 KB, 600x600, 1000034057.png)

No. 474159

File: 1742814367834.png (266.2 KB, 600x600, 1000034058.png)


No. 474175

File: 1742819940667.png (402.57 KB, 600x600, 1000034059.png)

No. 474181

File: 1742820834536.png (322.83 KB, 600x600, 1000034061.png)

No. 474182

File: 1742820892920.png (314.64 KB, 600x600, 1000002676.png)

No. 474210

she's adorable

No. 474226

File: 1742829047698.png (290.6 KB, 600x600, 212703_DVEinJsY.png)

guess who

No. 474241

File: 1742831711474.png (374.87 KB, 600x600, download20250301175413.png)

No. 474253

File: 1742834341128.png (883.92 KB, 754x750, Screenshot 2025-03-24 at 17.37…)

I love this!

No. 474254

File: 1742834411471.png (364.79 KB, 600x600, 1000034077.png)

No. 474290

File: 1742841232073.png (541.18 KB, 600x600, 1041191_aeio2Brl.png)

No. 474310

File: 1742844002755.png (131.57 KB, 600x600, download20250301211906.png)

No. 474421

File: 1742858724256.png (307.74 KB, 600x600, 1000034080.png)

No. 474430

File: 1742860265395.png (412.3 KB, 600x600, 2271385_1Wu6eREx.png)

No. 474433

File: 1742860808672.png (311.09 KB, 600x600, 1000034093.png)

No. 474438

File: 1742861327317.png (194.12 KB, 600x600, 2614866_16CFbMs3.png)


Its lexi from the snow threads. Gross. Lol >>474226

No. 474440

File: 1742861824271.png (314.47 KB, 600x600, 1000034094.png)

No. 474446

File: 1742862924997.png (257 KB, 600x600, 1000034095.png)

No. 474463

File: 1742868692941.png (127.75 KB, 600x600, tif.png)

her facial hair is drawn on with an eyeliner pencil and she works at starbucks while wearing a he/they pin

No. 474483

File: 1742876913773.png (334.53 KB, 600x600, IMG_8140.png)

No. 474511

File: 1742887754969.png (271.23 KB, 600x600, 212703_oUDr7ENv.png)

No. 474526

File: 1742895112878.png (236.1 KB, 796x790, Screenshot 2025-03-25 at 10.30…)

No. 474528

File: 1742896224099.png (50.21 KB, 600x600, 2287052_GZ84ULnd.png)

Remembered Cow Boys of Moo Mesa while making this and now the theme song is stuck in my head.

No. 474530

File: 1742896811190.png (92.69 KB, 600x600, download20250302115707.png)

edited a little to make an elsie cow

No. 474536

File: 1742899342424.png (155.37 KB, 600x600, 1000034116.png)

No. 474541

File: 1742899910022.png (116.57 KB, 600x600, 1000034117.png)

My edgy and angsty cow OC

No. 474555

File: 1742904301668.png (361.72 KB, 600x600, 1000144369.png)

No. 474558

File: 1742905980158.png (331.7 KB, 600x600, download20250302123024.png)

No. 474559

File: 1742906543083.png (38.68 KB, 600x600, kau.png)

No. 474564

File: 1742907404796.png (314.14 KB, 600x600, download20250302125556.png)

No. 474565

very rapeable

No. 474567

kek so true nonna

No. 474580

File: 1742910125204.png (256.08 KB, 600x600, download20250301011400.png)

No. 474587

File: 1742912519478.png (282.84 KB, 600x600, download20250302102032.png)

No. 474588

File: 1742912731629.png (110.89 KB, 600x600, download20250302162357.png)

No. 474643

File: 1742922144428.png (257.98 KB, 600x600, download20250302020417.png)

No. 474647

File: 1742922936285.png (250.35 KB, 600x600, 1000034120.png)

No. 474655

File: 1742923866563.png (490.95 KB, 600x600, 1000034121.png)

No. 474660

File: 1742924293672.png (185.98 KB, 600x600, 1000034122.png)

No. 474667

File: 1742924631610.png (150.68 KB, 600x600, download20250302184256.png)

VERY cute

No. 474676

File: 1742925672129.png (297.7 KB, 600x600, 1000144573.png)

No. 474731

File: 1742936453430.png (111.46 KB, 600x600, 2287052_IC7J31WS.png)

i love british white cows the most, so that's mine

No. 474764

File: 1742943492602.png (31.13 KB, 600x600, IMG_8141.png)

My best cow

No. 474775

File: 1742945790514.png (198.32 KB, 600x600, download20250302203539.png)

she's literally me

No. 474777

File: 1742946248529.png (95.11 KB, 600x600, download20250302204325.png)

I'm actually biologically male, I just have a hormonal imbalance jiji #femboy

No. 474781

File: 1742947494329.png (107.58 KB, 600x600, 2600243_c57FxrRq.png)

she's an illness influencer/awareness activist! please send her money for her new port! it keeps getting infected!!

No. 474783

File: 1742948199374.png (115.74 KB, 600x600, 2287052_Fe12cFpK.png)

this one is a goat!

No. 474844

File: 1742963518065.png (202.74 KB, 600x600, yix0Wmo.png)

No. 474845

File: 1742964275752.png (333.75 KB, 600x600, aECQCpv.png)

>tfw no hot butler at my disposal

No. 474847

File: 1742965150678.png (544.16 KB, 600x600, 1041191_ZpsgupkX.png)


No. 474851

File: 1742966290293.png (641.43 KB, 600x600, download20250302221432.png)

No. 474859

File: 1742967572985.png (26.99 KB, 600x600, 1000035503.png)

I made her a cute and bubbly pastel pink gf

No. 474940

This is so cute nonnie they'll be very happy together

No. 474941

The adopted sibling

No. 474948

File: 1742992313476.png (262.48 KB, 600x600, 1000034137.png)

No. 474957

File: 1742992948271.png (234.24 KB, 600x600, 1000034138.png)

No. 475037

File: 1743004509828.png (90.58 KB, 600x600, 1000034144.png)

There isn't a huge selection of options but it's very cute.

No. 475040

File: 1743005151381.png (401.61 KB, 600x600, 1000034145.png)

No. 475048

File: 1743007063167.png (79.27 KB, 600x600, download20250303183604.png)

No. 475079

File: 1743012102616.png (104.14 KB, 600x600, 1000145155.png)

No. 475080

File: 1743012159594.png (219.95 KB, 600x600, 1000145169.png)

His name is fuckface and his hobby is getting raped.

No. 475085

File: 1743013200927.png (205.94 KB, 600x600, 1000145183.png)

No. 475090

Tsundere is reacting to fuckface

No. 475091

File: 1743014046737.png (551.8 KB, 600x600, download20250303203321.png)

No. 475095

File: 1743014530433.png (447.06 KB, 600x600, 404676_fyFHZrEi.png)

No. 475107

File: 1743016019083.png (287.65 KB, 600x600, 1000034159.png)

No. 475111

File: 1743016614595.png (545.49 KB, 600x600, 1000034160.png)

No. 475117

File: 1743017476592.png (614.5 KB, 600x600, 404676_iTDSUX87.png)

this is fuckface's former best friend, shithead, who was found beaten to death after being gangraped. rip to a good lay!

No. 475119

File: 1743017647911.png (209.63 KB, 600x600, 1000034161.png)

No. 475120

File: 1743017990260.png (187.88 KB, 600x600, 13338_THU6yVs9.png)

did someone order a bunny?

No. 475121

remember when that hairstyle was known as the hentai rapist haircut

No. 475123

File: 1743018309438.png (259.72 KB, 600x600, 13338_AXbLSLec.png)

No. 475125

File: 1743018663297.png (30.89 KB, 600x600, 1000002684.png)

No. 475126

File: 1743018749722.png (240.45 KB, 600x600, 13338_T8dGCZnD.png)

No. 475130

File: 1743018972299.png (36.68 KB, 600x600, 1000145190.png)

No. 475146


No. 475151

File: 1743021147950.png (374.02 KB, 600x600, download20250303203137.png)

No. 475163

File: 1743022961433.png (307.99 KB, 600x600, download20250303210055.png)

No. 475173

File: 1743023967592.png (369.58 KB, 600x600, 1000034166.png)

I really like this one, I'm glad it got posted again

No. 475180

File: 1743024709977.png (297.13 KB, 600x600, 1000034167.png)

No. 475193

File: 1743025725563.png (314.37 KB, 600x600, 1000034168.png)

No. 475199

Reminds me of Damon Alburn

No. 475202

File: 1743026602274.png (263.25 KB, 600x600, 1000034169.png)

The board tans!

No. 475217

File: 1743028186849.png (280.78 KB, 600x600, picrew_1743028114934386.png)

No. 475219

File: 1743028617090.png (299.75 KB, 600x600, 1000034178.png)

No. 475227

File: 1743030032916.png (320.45 KB, 600x600, 1000145242.png)

No. 475232

File: 1743030792031.png (275.52 KB, 600x600, 1000145247.png)

No. 475272


No. 475348

File: 1743066327467.png (339.63 KB, 600x600, 2157555_BcYgnpGq.png)

No. 475353

File: 1743068245404.png (159.62 KB, 780x784, Screenshot 2025-03-27 at 10.36…)

No. 475356

File: 1743068612894.png (373.57 KB, 780x784, Screenshot 2025-03-27 at 10.41…)

No. 475374

File: 1743071474028.png (416.6 KB, 1000x1000, 1000.png)

best one so far

No. 475416

File: 1743080865130.png (292.25 KB, 600x600, 1822696_iWctzqQ4.png)

No. 475417

File: 1743081146350.png (274.78 KB, 600x600, 1822696_Lu0z98fa.png)


No. 475418

Teto and Miku?

No. 475465

File: 1743088690974.png (256 KB, 600x600, 62961_EuBH7lwP.png)

I wish this one allowed for more layering and had more options. Oh well, mouse.

No. 475468

File: 1743089465982.png (249.53 KB, 600x600, 1000145497.png)

She's from a tribe that cultivates different plants, but she has the opposite of a green thumb, she prefers fishing because of that.

No. 475484

File: 1743091344665.png (329.52 KB, 600x600, download20250304180133.png)

No. 475544

File: 1743096130607.png (282.37 KB, 600x600, download20250304191938.png)

Dnd characters I never got to play

No. 475578

File: 1743099454755.png (314 KB, 600x600, Mary Silent Hill 2.png)

>my wife can look like this

>so I can look like this

No. 475582

File: 1743099782356.png (275.19 KB, 600x600, 1822696_IEacsFVf.png)

No. 475612

File: 1743102230869.png (235.41 KB, 600x600, download20250304210244.png)

No. 475621

File: 1743103718869.png (391.5 KB, 600x600, 1667793_xZCYyC6x.png)

No. 475622

File: 1743104201237.png (255.17 KB, 600x600, 1000034290.png)

No. 475627

File: 1743104414563.png (345.3 KB, 600x600, 1667793_R4dM7ekk.png)

i love the ones that have a million variations like this

No. 475629

File: 1743104760459.png (309.43 KB, 600x600, 1667793_vp7VNWfM.png)

its really fun to play around with, majority of the hairstyles coming from gacha is really funny though

No. 475632

File: 1743104932540.png (396.29 KB, 600x600, 1667793_DZdn5dgT.png)

how does this picrew have overalls but not back braids?! oh well, i tried

No. 475634

File: 1743105021425.png (409.91 KB, 600x600, 1000034291.png)

Let's party!

No. 475635

shes so cute i even forgot she had braids kek

No. 475642

File: 1743105627972.png (513.17 KB, 630x650, Screenshot 2025-03-27 at 20.59…)

No. 475643

File: 1743105750704.png (363.77 KB, 600x600, 1667793_vVc83Nm7.png)

No. 475644

File: 1743105764468.png (356.65 KB, 600x600, 1667793_A56t80Nn.png)

No. 475649

File: 1743106198453.png (395.68 KB, 788x788, Screenshot 2025-03-27 at 21.08…)

it's so cute but I'm kinda unhappy with mine
>tw blood
>tranny flag as backround

No. 475651

File: 1743106284084.png (211.29 KB, 600x600, 1000034292.png)

Another brave pirate!

No. 475653

that's just the culture of this website now unfortunately, you have to get used to it

No. 475654

File: 1743106468162.png (703.55 KB, 600x600, download20250304221033.png)

No. 475659

File: 1743107240066.png (375.52 KB, 600x600, 1000145649.png)

No. 475660

no walter white and jesse. ofc it's teto and miku

No. 475670

File: 1743109136571.png (308.64 KB, 600x600, 62961_KHWbL4Ba.png)

a medic

No. 475671

File: 1743109413910.png (545.56 KB, 600x600, 1493204_8I64qteM.png)

This one is so cool, even if I wasn't quite able to make the muppet of my dreams.

No. 475674

File: 1743109677739.png (205.27 KB, 600x600, 2308695_A9IalSHp.png)

No. 475683

File: 1743110191938.png (415.83 KB, 600x600, 1667793_oEh50IzS.png)

No. 475696

File: 1743112014323.png (580.08 KB, 600x600, 1493204_qU75bnu4.png)

yeah I see it too often nowadays unfortunately

No. 475702

File: 1743112399026.png (466.08 KB, 788x788, Screenshot 2025-03-27 at 22.52…)

No. 475753

File: 1743119442301.png (365.85 KB, 600x600, download20250305013229.png)

wish there were more than korn and slipknot

No. 475908

File: 1743154470108.png (505.49 KB, 600x600, 1493204_87DK8yGo.png)

No. 475911

File: 1743155163871.png (648.25 KB, 600x600, 1493204_v8kCG0tS.png)

No. 475916

File: 1743155858279.png (648.86 KB, 600x600, 1000034330.png)

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