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/pt/ - lolcow general

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Vote in the VPN ban runoff poll! Closing at 23:59 GMT on the 26th March.

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No. 913498

If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.

Previous threads

No. 913510

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Marge's happy marriage is on the rocks. Potential milk incoming

No. 913539

I think if no one is going to make a new marge thread they need to just let people post about her in the Venus thread

No. 913541

New TnD thread?

No. 913557

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Sonya Fung, CEO of Cloudnovel, a website where people can make visual novels without coding, is having a schizo meltdown on her work twitter. She was also mentioned in a previous thread: >>818515 The iceberg of her weird milky behavior runs pretty deep and she's posting some weird stuff on twitter while also destroying her own website.

No. 913558

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She also sent out a very weird email to people who are signed up to the site.

No. 913569

This seems like mental illness rather than cow behavior. But it’s interesting, maybe /ot/?

No. 913587

I remember when she was sending cryptic email newsletters like 2 or three years ago about Grimes sending her death threats or some shit. Loonie girl.

No. 913588

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I know we have a Sam Hyde thread but can we have a fishtank.live thread going while the stream is still active? It's actually weirdly entertaining, but I don't want to have to interact with moids on Reddit or 4chan to talk about it.

No. 913592

seconding this, i was wondering if we were just supposed to use the Sam thread.. maybe it can even go in /m/? or /ot/?

No. 913611

There was one in /m/ and it got locked for some retarded reason. I'm sure other farmers want to discuss the contestants without having to go to the nast ass Sam Hyde thread

No. 913622

thirded pls let there be a bustling active thread on fishtank– lc has been so fucking slow and boring pls i want to livepost w/ other nonas

No. 913640

New Pixie thread?

No. 913659

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Do we have anything on Rachael Wilson | thefreckledzelda? I saw pic related on /cgl/ and the thread suggested cow material but I'm a newfag and don't know where to start.

No. 913672

can we have a new egirl thread? or does anyone know olivias current @?

No. 913676

No milk but would love to know if there is any. Sage but she personally drives me nuts with her overdone style and 'so quirky' energy(saying sage does not sage, learn to fucking sage jfc)

No. 913689

New Grimes and Musk thread? There's new milk

No. 913697

I’m retarded but I really want a thread on Tophiachu she’s a fat, ugly 30 something year old who is constantly live on tiktok and her dad is in jail/been to jail, they got evicted and now all live in a motel, she’s only had one job as was fired for being stinky, she’s just a horrid human personality wise and is generally someone I see being Chris chan levels of horrifying, she was once caught on live watching cp. generally her and her family are gross and she’s not entering her feeder fetishist arc.

No. 913707

She is so obnoxious. I enjoyed reading about her in another thread, I don't remember which one though

No. 913716

someone make a tophia chu thread

No. 913725

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No. 913759

I agree, a new Pixielocks thread please!

No. 913764

fuck no lol the way that shit is playing out its just babys first lolcow for tiktok zoomies. so boring

No. 913767

There's already one on the snow catalog, just bump it
New Jilly thread please anons

No. 913776

Maybe I'm retarded but the most recent Grimes and Musk thread I found was #7, and it's impossible to bump it because it reached 1200 replies

No. 913801

Is anyone keeping up with the illuminaughtii shit? A bunch of the people working under her exposed her for being a bitch, the vid related is her damage control.

Here's some videos that show the editors/her old friends Twitter threads on this: https://youtu.be/4ntwczBkmAM

Idk if there's a thread for her or not. I don't really mind her too much but she seems kinda bitchy sometimes. I listen for background noise.

No. 913802

Oh, also this shit blew up because she plagiarized or was accused of it or something.

No. 913809

I couldn't find a dedicated thread but is Bam Margera discussed anywhere here? He seems more of a genuine horrorcow by the day.

No. 913810

It's her and legal eagle insome drama as well.

No. 913812

Came on here because i signed up for her site years and came on here after seeing her emails. Someone made a Google doc compiling all her schizo episodes. I can't screenshot it but here is a video summarising everything. I think she needs to get a thread

No. 913950

brad mondo thread PLEASE?!?!?! I hate that faggot

No. 913972

Is he even milky enough to fuel a whole thread though? Hes annoying but idk much about him otherwise.

No. 913983

annoying fag thread then?

No. 914008

I don't know about continuous milk but he's a liar and a fraud, he claims to have so much experience as a stylist that the only way it'd add up is if he was working when he was like 12. The timeline is impossible. I don't remember exact details but iirc his father is a stylist too and rich and that's how he got his start, not by actually being good at hair. Just look at what he did to snitchery.

No. 914103

Can we get a new onion thread…without discussing or acknowledging Gene/Greg? Please?

No. 914118

if you followed the threads, you'd know that's not possible because they have no lives other than doing this weird bullying/courting mating dance on that thread. the only way to stop them is to stop fucking engaging them like idiots every time they post something, especially when it's obviously just them slap fighting with each other. just hide their posts if you're so triggered you can't stop from responding to them.

No. 914123

you guys are misinformed. this is actually between the anti-o community as a whole against Greg. Greg has been infiltrating the anti-o community here and on twitter for years as "Anonymous Gene".
this is all relatively new since the evidence was only released just yesterday, after looking in to it for months.
ask around there, i'm sure they'll tell you.

No. 914125

This anon explained it perfectly >>914118
Its Anon Gene and his boyfriend bringing their slap fight over from Twitter to LC. The boyfriend made a sad diagram with a Guy Fawkes mask and Onisions face as his "evidence." No one fell for it so he went full autist and spammed the new thread with the same diagram and got banned.

No. 914126

perfect example of Greg trying to muddy the water as Gene. his narcissism won't allow him to admit that he's been found out. at this point its all he has.
there will be a lot more misinformation but we as the anti-o twitter community decided to leave it be for now.

No. 914127

take your pissing contest back to twitter moid
as hard as you try no one here believes you

No. 914128

just ask yourself: Who benefits from the Onision thread being shut down, after making it all about this fictitious "gene"-character and a supposed "boyfriend". instead of it being about Greg and Lainey?

No. 914129

don't argue among your sisters, don't let Greg/Gene win.

No. 914130

The Onision thread has never been shut down or locked. And there's no worry about it happening because of Gene and his boyfriend having one of their lovers quarrel. They'll both get banned (and return via VPN) But eventually they get tired of no one interacting with them and move on.

No. 914131

exactly. they'll keep coming back forever because they're autistic losers with nothing better to spend their tugboat bux on than VPNs to continue shitposting. it's very clear that they love being acknowledged and go out of their way to make bait posts like >>914123 to elicit responses. they probably won't go away if we all ignore them, but then the thread only gets clogged up with a couple posts of garbage instead of derailed for a whole fucking day. just report them and let them keep going through the irritation of resetting their VPNs. personally, i think mods should just make both of their posts only viewable to each other so they can swordfight with their dicks in peace.

No. 914133

actually it has in the past, because of anonymous gene. (and as i'm learning now, greg??)

No. 914134

It seems the mods are growing tired of the boyfriends antics. The "Gene is Greg" graphic he spammed has been deleted from the Onision thread. It's rare I see them actually delete posts other than CP. They usually just red text and ban.

No. 914147

We need a new tinfoil thread

No. 914159

I’m thinking about making a thread on this specific group of tranny furfags who got exposed for bestiality incest kinks. Anyone who was on tumblr for the last couple years might know who I’m talking about, but I’ll post some highlights for everyone else:

greasydoghole (ew)
pretty much any [animal]girl[body part] url

Might not be milky enough, but I’m tired oc these fucking people. What do you think?

No. 914165

Wow what year is it? 2007?

No. 914197

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Would there be any interest in a Floraverse/Melanie Herring thread? It would be almost impossible to summarize all the dogshit surrounding her over the years but makes good opportunity for discussion. Activity dips pretty often due to her hiding behind her discord server but she's been sperging out pretty often lately with a youtuber making a video on her community and a website detailing her abuse. Also she just recently gave out the information she's fucked two dogs, contradicting her previous story stating it was only once.

No. 914198

Don't forget to include her dog fucking.

No. 914199

>Also she just recently gave out the information she's fucked two dogs, contradicting her previous story stating it was only once.

No. 914205

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Sup, for at least few months I've been following twitter and reddit of individual named "LupinePariah".
From what I've gathered he is a 40+y/o schizo furry with some deep seeded issues, mostly regarding Guild Wars 2, dragons, tribalism and how we are so fucked as a society.

During my search on more info about them, I've notied that some folk @ rpgcodex.net and some redditors recognized him but I haven't been able to establish a contact with any of them as of yet and I try contacting Lupine himself in case he goes private.

Pic rel of one of his many tweets regarding guild wars.

No. 914215

Of course, can't leave that out. I've drafted an OP but waiting on more interest, and I'm missing a few legal names I can't remember that have been scrubbed off the internet aside from Kiwifarms, and that's down. If anyone remembers Eevee's birth name as well as Opa's that'd be helpful. Also not sure where it should go, probably snow?

No. 914217

No. 914242

Melanie Herring / Floraverse thread is up.

No. 914265

New Tuna thread?

No. 914312

new TND thread?

No. 914342

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New Luna thread request.

No. 914352

Kekkk, nothing much happened in the last thread right? Someone could just copy-paste all the old(ish) info.

No. 914361

I've never made a thread before but I'd be happy to do it, especially since it would just be copy-pasting the last thread's info and adding a minor update about how massively boring our dear Tuna has become. Unless another anon is already working on one, of course. Does anyone have a thread pic and/or title suggestion?

No. 914362

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title suggestion should be something to do with their one room hovel, maybe this for threadpic? my only suggestion is "one room to rule them all" but thats kind of lame i guess. or something about how she hasn't changed at all and is still doing the exact same stuff. "wishlist pt. 1000 edition".

No. 914374

That picture's perfect, thank you! I may add sparkles though, just for a touch of kawaii. It's not incredibly creative but I thought maybe 'Groundhog Day But Junkies Edition' for a title? I was considering 'Groundhog Day If Bill Murray Never Left His Hovel Edition' but it's a little wordy, I think. Thread should be up in a few hours, just going through the last one and writing a summary now.

No. 914375

Thanks nonna!

No. 914376

groundhog day but junkies edition sounds awesome!! thank you for making a thread nonna! theres some awesome tweets from lurch that i wanna post, some made me laughcry.

No. 914386

Thread's up for you now! Hope it isn't too shoddy. I personally am very excited for these Lurch tweets.

No. 914398

Could someone make a new Kelly Eden thread? This commie shit is the weirdest arc she's had so far

No. 914405

A thread for people interested in frogs; autistic anons who have a special interest in frogs, anons who collect frog decor and paraphernalia, frog owners, anons who just think frogs are cute/cool, etc.

No. 914406

A thread dedicated to idubbbz and Anisa.

No. 914417

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Would anyone be interested in a Chelsea Lee Art thread? She’s a bovine icon to me

No. 914426

You need to give us some background information nona

No. 914436

Sorry kek, just trying to gage if anyone else is even aware of her. Chelsea is a mentally ill artist who spends a huge majority of her time on TikTok live. She often makes a spectacle of herself in public and regularly passes out at home from drugs on TikTok live so we get to see the police booting her door down to wake her up. She’s loud, caustic and hilarious Chelsea is always embroiled in some kind of drama with various TikTok personalities so she comes with side characters. She was recently caught on live physically abusing a friend/partner and not long after was sectioned, but she’s back out now and straight back to her constant low-level drama nonsense. She earns absolute bank on gifts and is a grifter through and through with no shame about it.

No. 914438

Maybe TikTok cows general? Seeing elphaba mentioned on her hashtags reminded me there's so many to discuss

No. 914447

Good shout anon! On her next adventure I’ll post her in that thread and see if anyone else follows the shenanigans. I think the latest drama was her kicking Elphaba out of their hotel at 2am on Saturday.

No. 914483

seconding this request, she (supposedly) is posting a new video today

No. 914541

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Request for celeb-cow thread #81 to be made.

Previous #80 thread: >>>/ot/1566829

No. 914588

I will make one! Give me a moment.

No. 914612

New Jake and Kat thread? Kaya thread separately if anyone has the time

No. 914621

Is there a new leftcows thread or am I retarded?

No. 914627

Thank you so much!

No. 914628

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Here's the new thread btw.


No. 914684

Would anyone be interested in a thread on Plagued Moth?
He's a gore review YouTuber who massively spergs at the slightest criticism and riles up his obese wife and teen fans to attack anyone who calls him out.
In Feb. 2023 his Patreon was removed and his something since then has been nonstop. None of his main "detractors" had interacted with him for months until last week when he decided to stir up drama again in a pathetic attempt to get views and pity dollars thrown his way.

No. 914737

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im surprised there is not a tophiachu thread. i don't know too much about her but basics are she goes on tiktok live constantly and gets by on donations while refusing to get a job. recently got evicted with her family and living in a hotel room, a while ago she used donation money to go to a convention rather than pay bills

No. 914741

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she looks like an inbred neanderthal afro steven universe midget, i'd be interested

No. 914752

My honest opinion is that she's not milky enough for her own thread. It's just the same dumbass rants every day pretty much. I'd stick her in the ebegging thread on /snow/ which is here >>>/snow/1502155 to check interest/until things escalate, if they ever do

No. 914753

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Is anyone interested in a LoveDoveClarke / Dove Clarke / Clarke Betz thread? She has a cult, and I mean CULT following on twitter but recently has finally began catching flak for her lies and hypocrisies. She has recently been going off the rails because a (now deleted) thread was created for her on an LA snark subreddit but her rants backfired and now she has her own snark subreddit.

Bear with me, but here is a gist (yes, a gist) of her antics:

>formerly a findom and an OF girl

>gained a following on twitter due to her coquette style and aesthetics. currently has 150k followers on twitter, 53k on insta, and 156k on tiktok.
>changed her name from Clarke Betz to Dove Clarke and seethes anytime someone mistakenly calls her Clarke
>claimed her dad is black and native american, and that her ancestors escaped their plantation and were welcomed by the Niitsitapi tribe
>native community does a dive on her background and finds her paternal aunt's public family tree. her ancestry dating back to the 1700s was just white and black. family tree also indicates her ancestors remained enslaved until the emancipation proclamation
>in 2019, she dates this white guy who she obsessively tweets about
>told everyone he looked like ryan reynolds, was the most perfect awesome hot boyfriend in the world, and constantly bragged about how much better he was than everyone else
>bf and clarke break up
>suddenly he is an ugly guy and was actually abusive. claims he knocked her dogs tooth out of his mouth
>obsessively begins tweeting about all the bad things he did, how she was out of his league, etc.
>bf drops her stuff off outside her apartment lobby so he doesn't have to see her, but she seethes and tweets about how scary he is and how she needed to take her anxiety medication because she was literally shaking (???)
>pathetically tries to contact him publicly on twitter to get his attention because he blocked her off everything, for stupid shit like supposedly wanting to use his cast iron skillet
>reminder that this is the man she claimed abused her dog and knocked his tooth out
>starts dating ex bf's friend who conveniently lives down the street from him
>has a new white bf who gets called ugly by all of twitter every time she tries to post him lmao
>once again, she insists he is a hot guy who is perfect and better than everyone else

some random scandals she's gotten into:
>edtwt girl called her ugly bf ugly, so clarke seethes and tells her to worry about overcoming her eating disorder and calls her a miserable little donkey
>all of her followers dogpile on this girl and make fun of her anorexia. clarke uses the excuse that she herself is a recovered anorexic so its okay, apparently.
>makes a cringe tweet saying that all men are either discarded trash or unfinished projects. tweet isn't received well and a popular OF girl quote tweets it saying "the war on men is unreal"
>clarke blows up on the girl for quote tweeting her, as if this isn't something she does almost every day. she claims the girl put her in danger by opening her up to her "disgusting audience". basically shames the girl for being on OF despite the fact that she was also on OF.
>her dog is supposedly a service dog but was recently denied on a flight due to paperwork issues (which was clarke's fault for not submitting them on time). airline also claimed her dog was being disruptive by barking, which she claims he was only doing to alert her of her accelerated heart rate.
>people suspect she is lying about this considering she also claims her dog understands most english, tries to speak (fucking seriously?), taught himself to smile, monitors her heart rate, and thinks he is human. is also so stupid that she brags her dog sneezes and yawns to communicate, seemingly unaware that literally all dogs do this and it's a part of their language lmao
>initially threatened to sue the airline, but deleted all evidence of this once she realized she can't sue
>once again threatened to sue when she found out that there were threads about her on reddit. claimed she hired a private investigator and lawyer to help her take down the haters. deletes these claims once more when she realizes she can't sue
>is currently on a downward spiral because she can never admit her wrongs, take accountability, or accept criticism
>swears she can fight and constantly threatens her haters, claiming she will "snap them in half" and "rip their scalps off" despite the fact that she grew up as a horse girl and attended an all girls boarding school
>claims she is nonbinary, queer, has scoliosis, is going blind, is going deaf, in infertile, has ocd, has anxiety, has ptsd, is a recovered anorexic, has been abused by all her ex bfs, has vaginismus, is austistic, etc. etc.
>is only ever seen dating white men who abuse her but still claims she is queer and dates black men as well

There's sooo much more to this but I'm not sure if anyone else is currently interested

No. 914754

I was following up until recently for her pictures, but got so sick of her because she constantly just fights with other people (especially about guns and her boyfriend). She does seem like a little bit of a cow.

No. 914761

I used to follow her on Twitter for the aesthetic pictures but damn she was always in some sort of controversy. Idk if she's milky enough for her own thread though. But then again I'm biased because I'm a sucker for someone who's good at making aesthetically pleasing social media accounts. I also think she should just own the fact she only dates white guys. She doesn't have to date black men for any reason,and since she's actually successful she shouldn't anyways.

No. 914769

Can we res the old Idubbbz Anissa thread or make on for the Idubbbz drama in general. Curious to see the takes because it seems like it's a bunch of incel moids whining about Anisa, but Anisa herself seems to have this cringe victim mentality and allegedly forced Idubbbz into boxing for twitch clout.

No. 914786

Seconded. Watching Idubbbz's downfall after becoming famous for shit-talking other YouTubers is tragically delicious. I'm equally curious what talk on Anisa would be like on here. Incels be damned, she deserves every bit of ridicule she gets.

No. 914804

Please make a thread!

No. 914832


agree she deserves most the shit she gets, i dont think shes responsible for ian becoming a faggot tho (he did that himself). there has definitely been a change since he felt the need to clarify he wasnt a cuck a few years back

No. 914861

Ian was always a faggot. Anisa saw that quality in him and decided that was what she would help nurture and grow.

No. 914893

New Kelly Eden thread?
Totally, I can't stand him.

No. 914924

Lean Beef Patty or any of the other female body builders if there’s not already a thread. I don’t keep up much but I’m sure the milk is there

No. 914925

As much as I like the idea, there isn't a whole lot of milk other than Photoshopping and eating disorder cope. /r/gymsnark is the most dedicated place for female bodybuilder discussion, and it's 99.9% nitpicking

No. 914926

Thirding this. I know we haven't been allowed to have Anisa threads for years because of Ian fangirls nitpicking her appearance, but I think it makes more sense to have a containment zone with all of their recent drama

No. 914927

Sad this didn't end up happening but it makes sense. I have noticed a few farmers posting in the /ftl/ threads on 4chan accidentally using lolcow terminology (myself included)

No. 914977

lille jean thread is really close to maxing out. i know it doesn't move fast but thought id mention it

No. 914982

What ever happened to ScorpioAssHaux?

No. 914983

Moved over to snow camgirls thread #13

No. 914984

No. 915027

So is TND just not worth it anymore?

No. 915262

I would love a UK tiktok cow thread with her and the other weird tiktok live people

No. 915276

new shayna thread please?

No. 915298

I need my daily fix of shaymu.

No. 915303

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likewise, i want somewhere to discuss how elphaba looks like when you maxed out random facial sliders in the sims 2, his features are all so fucked up and he makes them so much worse with his hygiene

No. 915307

he looks like if you took mirrored the better half of Quasimodo's face and then yassified it

No. 915314

Is anyone keeping up with kaylaann.xoxo on TikTok? She’s a lesbian OF creator who has been slandering her ex for over a year publicly and started making a 52 week podcast about her. The videos were of her ex not wanting to take pictures with her and claiming she was a narcissist and then immediately hit her ex with a lawsuit when she tried to clear her name. She’s filed hundreds of DMCA claims on people who have been talking about her on any platform and heavily censors her comment section. Would love a thread on her

No. 915332

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Has a thread on Ripshuko ever been made? She makes coomer art of Disney Princesses/Nintendo Characters/other family-friendly media and disturbing to the say the least.

No. 915335

Nemu vibes

No. 915352

Is anyone interested in having/making a Lin Watchorn thread? She is a YouTube/tiktok creator who spends her entire life being a terminal pick me, and finding videos of other women to film herself over so she can attack these women and cape for men. I'm so sick of seeing her shit all over social media, she even took a video of a woman sounding off about her consent not being respected by men and turned it into an entire video of "well what about men??? Women don't respect men's consent enough" her videos are really vile and she claims to hate "toxic behaviour" but her whole stick is shitting on women, hijacking women's conversations and videos and caping for men. She gets right under my skin and I want a place to pick her apart.

No. 915353

Samefag would do it myself but I have never made a thread and don't want to fuck it up and idk if anyone else is interested

No. 915382

I am interested in this, and in any NYC/LA influencersnark crossover threads for sure.

No. 915436

I am bored and tired from my busy summer internship and require a new Shaynus thread NAO!!!

No. 915440

No. 915457

Best nonny

No. 915568

Jaimie Weisberg.
>TikTok star famous for posting lip-sync, body-positive, and eating disorder recovery videos. Her jaimie.weisberg account has gained 900,000 followers.

No. 915572

Oh cant stand deathfats claiming “eating disorder recovery”

No. 915576

Right? They just traded one ED for another. Recovery their fat ass.

No. 915588

being fat is an eating disorder, just not the one they think

No. 915611

She skinny shamed her twin sister who has cancer. What milk lies in those udders? Someone make a thread!

No. 915667

The park avenue pickup (Katherine Harlow) thread is at the limit. I don't know when I'd be able to make a new one so I hope someone else can

No. 915691

We need a new tradthot thread plz

No. 915711


No. 915782

Any interest in a commie cow thread? I don't know many but the ones I do can be pretty milky (Lady Izdihar, Kelly Eden lol).

No. 915801

It would be a good new place for Kelly, but what if she goes back to her old antics? We wouldn't have a thread for her otherwise, would it be okay to talk about the other stupid shit she does then in that thread?

No. 915862

Maybe just a new Kelly thread and a separate commie thread if someone knows enough cows? I feel like I see the everywhere but can never remember them.

No. 915863

Most of the commie cows are on BreadTube, it's commie general

No. 915932

New Lillee Jean thread? She never stops producing milk

No. 915950

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No. 915955

i'd love a thread! she sounds milky and you're very good at write-ups

No. 915971

I know what prep courses are, but what's pre-college? Let's see, over inflated ego, easily checked lies, wallowing in the shit she creates, yes it all checks for a good laugh.

No. 915973

Community college. That's what a lot of people refer to that as.

No. 915991

Is she tho?
She stopped doing Yt videos, her twitter is gone, her insta is barely updated.
She just posts some 30 sec """acting""" on her website for noone to see.
Laur isn't even doing some franzia freakout on social media.
I kinda feel she deserves to fall into oblivion.

No. 915999

Russian Ukraine war thread? Wagner group will arrive in Moscow in an hour.

No. 916000

Well she's reporting people as wanting to un-alive themselves like crazy lately… but I do see your point.(integrate)

No. 916009

go back to tiktok zoomer

No. 916074

New "instagrammers you hate" thread pls

No. 916107

New Altcows thread?
Totally, I miss those.

No. 916108

I also agree on this, that’s how I found all my favorite cows years ago

No. 916109

New thread on Sv3ridge/ Gatis?

No. 916160

Please do, he's been my persona cow for years and what's going down now is wild

No. 916161

Samefag, *personal

No. 916169

Kanika Batra thread? She is being exposed on tiktok and reddit for grooming teenagers with her husband. She defends Jeffrey Epstein and claims to have visited his island. She also desperately tries to make herself look white even though she's a south asian woman.

No. 916208

File: 1688017251632.png (33.63 KB, 1348x571, 19ZKKFCd3-bQ9CC2d.png)

Anti crack-kun or ACK.

The most insane schizo/shitposter on 4chan. Thinks everyone who disagrees with him is some ancient tripfag with whom he got into a beef literally 10 years ago. Ever since he's been on a crusade against that tripfag and assumes any poster who disagrees with him is the aforementioned tripfag. He's still posting today, mostly on 4chan's /a/ and /vg/. He is obsessed with anonymity and the mere implication of recognizing him in any way ticks him off (can be seen in the 8chan irc log). He then proceeds to call the person who recognized him his boogeyman (!Akemi tripfag). He is called Anti crack-kun because he hates "crack shipping" which is non-canon shipping in media and will argue for hours because of it.

Here's some info and history:
https://pastes.io/oyu55jyk3y (summary of his insanity over the years that was reposted before)
https://pastes.io/rdlt717j0i (IRC log of ACK arguing with 8ch staff)
https://pastes.io/kij1lbqx75 (an "faq" that is often posted when he shits up threads)

He has been shitposting and ban evading so much that random users in the US are getting his bans on 4chan
https://image.ibb.co/frMuMF/Screen_Shot_2017_02_10_at_2_13_35_AM.png (image in the forum post)
https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/15178306/#15181206 (archived post from the ban in the image above)

He often posts same images over and over again to "prove" how his boogeyman is doing this or that. You can see in the archive search below how he is still doing his shit for almost a decade

He used to be a scanlator before his insane crusade, but got into a fight with pretty much everyone once his mental state started deteriorating

Once claimed a known 4chan mental case called Barneyfag is his boogeyman !Akemi

Also had his own releases (his releases had to adhere to his insane world views)
https://i.imgur.com/tLskHPi.jpg (used to put this at the end of everything he released)

https://twitter.com/ac_anon_/with_replies (his old Twitter before paranoia took hold)

Archive posts where people who have been following him talk about him

His Kiwifarms thread which he raided himself and had it locked (gotta use Tor now)

You can find his posts by searching for "akemi" on any 4chan or other archive.

If you type "akemi" on 4chan's ban page search, you'll find that almost all posts are his and he's banned for ban evasion

No. 916221

new shayna thread please?

No. 916226

No. 916237

new lillee jean & laur thread needed - last one maxed out and no one's made a new one

No. 916249

bc she's not worthy a new thread

No. 916250

New moo thread, ax is coming

No. 916254

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No. 916255

anon, how old are you? like are you new to the internet? he's been around for ages, has always been known for the 3edgy5me shit, and all attempts at pissbaby "cancelling" have fallen on deaf ears because everyone knows he's not serious. be happy that he's offline more, taking his meds, has a job, and a girlfriend.

No. 916287

New Moo thread please.

No. 916338

DemonDice/CalliopeMori thread. Qo much milk

No. 916339

Sorry if these are already a thing, I don't go on lc all that often these days:
Colleen Ballinger thread, furfagottry thread, Netflix cringe thread, hyperpop cows thread

No. 916351

I have some photos ready when its made, I just really don't feel like doing the making of it. Thank you to the anon who does it.

No. 916357

Yes I hope a kind enough nona can make one soon, I’m not good at making threads otherwise. So thank you in advance to the nona who takes the time to make the new one!

No. 916394

desperate for new momokun thread and new lillee jean thread please and thank you

No. 916408

Lillee is not providing any milk anymore >>915991
Make the thread yourself, or stop complaining that no one is making one.

No. 916428


>make the thread yourself

ma'am this is a post for thread requests(new line newfag)

No. 916429

ntayrt but I literally have milk to post but cant bc no thread and no time to make one myself. So I come to this thread to also request a Lillee Jean thread like several other anons also requested above.

No. 916433

Post the milk here and see if it inspires anyone to start a new thread.

No. 916442

I get it, but if someone wants a thread sooo bad, how hard is it to make one yourself, like seriously?
Doesn't even take that long >>916429
Just copy-paste the text of the previous one, add the recent milk (which is just some few things on that particular thread, since she hasn't been that milky compared as before), add a lolcow image (anons were making some really fun collage on all the previous threads), a sassy catching line, and voilà!

People need to stop getting spoonfed all the damn time!

No. 916443


the op states why someone might not make a thread, but i'll paste it here for you since apparently you're unable to read it:

>If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread

if you don't want to make the thread thats fine, but this is a thread request thread, so don't get mad when people request threads here

No. 916451

You're retarded and you need to leave and never come back.
>doesn't know the definition of spoon feeding
>Thread Requests #6
>If you don't have the material, time, or experience to make a new thread about a subject you want to discuss, use this thread to see if other farmers are interested in making and joining one.

No. 916490

I doubt the truman are very milky now. Them finally getting evicted and well documented would be the only topic worthing a new thread.

No. 916492

because if you make a shit thread nonas will complain and some of us don't want to put effort into something, only to have people like you complain about the execution. on that note..
>thread request
could a kind nona make a new Mariah Mallad thread in /snow/? the lat one times out 9 days ago and it's con season, which is milky season for mooriah. thanks!

No. 916493

sa i meant in /pt/ i just woke up…

No. 916499

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MyCherryCrush. She is known for doing these weird TikTok live streams but she also has a YouTube and her own porn site. I was wondering if other anons would be interested in adding her to the camgirl thread or the e-girl thread in snow.

No. 916500

is there even any milk besides her being an ethot though?

No. 916501


Need a new Mariah Mallad thread asap pls. She spilled some milk on her instagram this morning.

No. 916518

File: 1688856198487.jpg (152.56 KB, 1000x1400, MV5BNDk3Yjk0NjQtZjlkNS00ZWE0LW…)

I just watched this documentary series yesterday. It was interesting but out of curiosity I wanted to see if there were any threads about the mermaiding community or the people within it because tbh some of the characters within this documentary seemed like they'd have a thread but there was absolutely nothin! But I guess it's a niche community. Could someone more in touch with the merm community make a thread?

No. 916529

i doubt anyone here is "in touch" with the mermaid community or whatever the fuck that is. do you have names of specific people you think have milk or are you just hoping someone does the work for you

No. 916532

Why so aggro,anon. If I knew all the characters within it why would I request a thread? I'd just make my own, wouldn't I? The characters within the documentary are Blix Tsunami, Che Monique, and Sparkles the mermaid. Some of them seemed like the type to be a bit controversial that's why I'm asking. But I wouldn't know if they are because I am not very familiar with the mermaid lifestyle

No. 916538

You could possibly talk about this in the things you hate thread >>>/ot/1562935 but I don't know if they'd want a discussion further there since it's supposed to be a one-and-done kind of thread? I'm interested in discussing it too tbh.

No. 916539

i did some searching and nothing seems out of the ordinary or milkable unless you wanna talk about how twitterbrained they are for like 20 threads lol. Blix is just a doll obsessed nonbinary mermaid person and doesnt seem to have much social media engagement, no meltdowns as i can see. Che has a business where she goes and does live events as her mermaid-persona thing or whatever it is and runs the "fat mermaid society" which i assume is just some inclusion thing. again no meltdowns or scandals i could find. Same with sparkles. the only thing they have in common is the documentary. I guess you could talk about how much you hate their hobby and how weird you think they are but there's no milk here, anon.

No. 916541

Nta, but if you don't want to have just a discussion, then what the hell is your problem? This is the request thread. You don't have to participate in every topic brought up as a thread if it gets made, if it's shit a farmhand will shut it down. I personally think it's a fun topic and would like a discussion on it and the community as a whole. You're coming off as massively defensive for no reason.

No. 916542

never said you couldnt discuss, im just saying theres no milk. and where theres no milk theres no cow. make a discussion thread all you want but any thread saying "these people are vaguely weird" in pt or snow will get locked immediately

No. 916543

Let others find milk then. No one is asking you. If it dies out, it dies out. Just because you can't find any doesn't mean none exists. For all you know it's like the lolita community and there's a whole ugly mean girl side or something. There's more than just the movie doc that exists.

No. 916545

Thanks for looking anon, I was hoping maybe there would be some milk in the mermaid community it's such an interesting hobby I thought their drama might be pretty entertaining or odd, similar to the cosplay community,but I guess the mermaid people community is pretty uncontroversial and chill.

No. 916555

I want to find a NEET/faulure to launch community to hate watch and make fun of. Us working schlubs need that catharsis.

No. 916557

A bio hacking/anti aging thread please. I'm sick of only seeing males talk about biohacking

No. 916559

THIS oh my god I have been seeing it everywhere and it just…is so pathetic and scrotey. The ones who say their bio age is 18 make me wanna a-log. We get it, you thirst after young women it’s fuckin gross ugh

No. 916616

Ok hag

No. 916639

moid alert

No. 916705

Newfag here. Anyone done a thread on Cassia Clarke?
People are calling her the Brittany Dawn of the UK

No. 916776

I'm willing to write out this cow's odyssey but it's a task. Too much has changed in the 5 years since her first threads were locked for whiteknighting to summarize in proana scumbags.

Eugenia Cooney is infamous for building a lucrative career in content creation around the shock value of her eating disorder by somehow disguising softcore fetish videos as fashion content, fooling negligent social media algorithms that claim to prohibit content promoting or glorifying EDs but instead incentivize her to normalize it under the false pretense of body positivity. Her willingness to expose minors to ED content for personal gain is not normal or explained by her eating disorder, and she grooms the kids she targets with supposedly family-friendly content to be more amenable to child predators and then vilifies the children who once adored her when they grow up and seek accountability from the abusers Eugenia empowers and surrounds herself with. She deleted her discord, but to my knowledge she has never apologized to Phancakes. If she only knew how to play the ukulele.

Tl;dr she's not just existing online, she's working her big girl job and profiting at the expense of causing harm to vulnerable people.

Please let me know if there's interest in a new thread because writing a full summary that does this topic justice would require a significant time investment ty nonnies

No. 916784

I'd like one, I don't want to read thru the other skellies to catch up on her

No. 916823

Is there already a thread on GGmaidenslayer? This dude thinks he is a supervillain and keeps harassing people in all caps and saying "I AM A LEGIT THREAT" and trying to doxx people. Its the funniest thing Ive seen. He even made the news for trying to troll a World Champion Fighting game dude and losing like 8 times and crying on stream about it.

No. 916825

>>916823 You mean the clown that keeps calling himself "mid tier god"? the same clown that was raiding discord servers and keeps saying his parents are transphobic and then saying he lied? the same clown that challenges people to a game and says he can whoop their ass for 2 weeks straight and then ducks out the day before? the same clown that even furries make fun of? Idk, is it even worth it? He is kinda pathetic.

No. 916826

would love a eugenia thread, i've been watching her slow motion trainwreck of a life on various platforms for years. she's insufferable

No. 916849

A new Vicky shingles thread is needed as the current one reached its limit

No. 916924

I was just wishing the other day that there was a dedicated thread to this cow, please do it nonna!

No. 916952

I am a terrible threadmaker but i swear that was her on the last reply kek

No. 917130

Doja Cat deserves a thread

No. 917136


No. 917140

She has a thread that's currently auto-saged >>>/snow/1622886

No. 917142

Any chance of a Elphaba Orion whatever her last name is Thread? She’s all over my tiktok atm and gives me the weird lovechild of Lillee Jean and PT vibes.
Constantly lies about her mental health, fakes being autistic and has a unhealthy obsession with the song “defying gravity”.

No. 917144

you're calling that smelly scammer, grifter, and predator "she"? Just no. "Elphaba" is a moid doing moid things. Make the thread but that's not a "she"

No. 917145

Point made, didn’t know what the vibe with him was as I know some people here respect pronouns etc but if they do nothing to deserve it then fair enough.(lost faggot)

No. 917150

Sv3ridgeplease. He's a rocking time bomb.

No. 917163

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Doveclarke for sure. She’s nuts

No. 917191

She’s getting dumber and dumber as the days pass. She’s also supposedly a scammer with her athleisure Lulu lemon but bows glued on aliexpress brand, fucking up orders and lying about how successful it’s been. there’s definitely some beef now between her and Michaela Okland even though they used to be really close publicly, probably trying to distance herself from her crazy.

No. 917198

Seconded. My first introduction to him was when he ate that raw squirrel at a market I was at, and somehow he's only gone downhill since. He's batshit and so are his "alpha carnivore" followers.

No. 917201

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Thirding this request, but would like to just have a retarded carnivore diet bro general. There are a lot of cows in that community not just sverige. Frank Tufano comes to mind kek he’s such a greasy faggot.

No. 917203

Is anyone working on a new Victoria Bella Morte thread? Her thread reached max posts.

No. 917221

This is what Twilight vampires look like irl

No. 917234

Burn down the ai that produced this image

No. 917240

File: 1690479385306.png (1.6 MB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230727-122500.png)

So there was a thread on this girl once and she ended up getting it locked by shitting it up with spam posts before a mod could do anything, but this girl is becoming milky again imo and I think she might deserve a new thread. I have lots of material but no experience making a new thread. Her previous thread is >>209739 , she used to go by Eva Hazen but uses some variations of this name anymore . Her old username was acidburnfawn and she used to scam people on depop. Now she has a new website "storefront" called lunarvyst where she sells knock off alienbody designs and claims it to be "goth" aesthetic, it gives me a lot of secondhand embarrassment. She also was using her DEAD FRIEND'S image and artwork to promote her new brand, which I thought was pretty disgusting

Today I looked at her TikTok and noticed she made her skin several shades darker than she usually has it (picrel) and is claiming again to be middle eastern..pretty milky imo

No. 917241

Sorry samefag, I messed up the link the post to her last thread sorry, I'm kind of a newfag too but I can find her thread by googling Eva hazen lolcow

No. 917264

We were mutuals on Tumblr and Eva is about as white as you can get. She's always changed her "aesthetic" to a BPD insanity degree but this is the funniest of her larps. She used to be heavy on "purity" when she was on ED Tumblr years ago during her sick wittle dangerous fawn larp. Towards the end she made a few posts about modesty and headwraps or something. Shortly before TikTok, she started selling her dollskill goffic clothes and trying to be the Instagram Baddie and posting lewds (after shitting on women who did this for years). Last I remembered of her, she was having an autist meltdown and harassing someone on Instagram who was using a username that she associates with herself- a generic word that she invented and owns. And she was still trying to hold on to her long gone popularity for ED Tumblr by humblebragging about recovering while frequently posting and romanticizing her old pictures. This girl's a NEET shitshow. A boring one, but somehow still interesting to look into because of how she went on rants about how she's above everyone.

No. 917283

thanks nonnie

No. 917306

Even though his threads are some of the shittiest on this entire site, there's been some talk about Sam Hyde in the current leftcow thread. Could we get a new Sam Hyde/MDE thread edition? I know there are other nonnies still keeping up with them. If no one else is willing I'll make it myself in a few days

No. 917331

Youtuber General #11 please.

No. 917336

Ayrt, ikr?! I hate the I'm better than everyone attitude she has when she has never offered the world anything but drama,bitchiness, and copycat bullshit. Plus the nasty pedo shit she did on Reddit (saga in her thread somewhere) was disgusting and since she's not very self aware/smart I foresee future milk idk..agreed shes pretty boring now but used to be my fav cow during the height of her anachan/psycho era, she's back on my radar for sure lol

No. 917424

Thank you to the anon who made it!

No. 917441

any milk on victoria bella-morte or lillee jean/laur trueman? both are locked and new thread hasn't been made in awhile. wondering if the milk is dried up for both of them, would be hard to believe

No. 917571

we fr need a thread on victoria nyugen/catholicnun shes been a cow for 10+ years but theres no thread about her and the most recent thing is her being obsessed with drain gang and stalking them everywhere and giving drugs to minors and 18-19 year olds

No. 917617

where's the french cows thread? I can't find it

No. 917665

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Lucinda has returned but the thread is locked. Anyone wanna make a new one?

No. 917687

Her makeup has vastly improved without all the weird lines

No. 917698

God I hope that fucking retard doesn't start bumping the Luci thread with her autistic vendetta again

No. 917729

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Anyone have more milk on ricchi AKA moetrons/popcutesweet? "He's" (kek) been posted many times before on /snow/ in egirl threads. She's being dragged for her paedo bullshit again. 23 y/o woman openly talking about watching CP with another grown woman who obsesses over lolis and wearing used japanese kids clothes. She has a penchant for stalking and copying younger girls then harassing them offline as well. This tumblr exists but it's abandoned and much more has happened since she went private in an attempt to hide.
She's looking more and more like a legit paedo trying to lure kids into her discord. If we can gather enough info I think she warrants her own thread separate from the egirls general. You have to be pretty demented and isolated to spend your days as a twenty-something starving to fit into baby clothes while tweeting about how you want to be raped like a little girl… it's chilling. Beyond normal cow behavior. I don't personally have the stomach to deep dive. Hoping some nonnas with more braves than I can help us catalog it all into a neat thread.

No. 917746

Is there a new Victoria Bella morte thread I’m missing?

No. 917752

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Don't know any of these tards but OOP's post is just interactionbait. They were talking about Cyberpunk.

No. 917761

could we please maybe get a thread on how ai models and ai onlyfans is gonna affect the future for women? i’ve read some pretty disgusting things by men on how real women would have to compete with ai women. women are also starting to talk about how ai won’t actually make men leave real women alone, but again be something that will be hidden in relationships. i think it’s genuinely so milky and current.

No. 917766

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Imo ai shit is good for women since at risk girls won’t be forced into the abusive industry that is porn. If porn jobs are replaced by ai that would be a win for society. If some men totally give up on relationships to sext with robots that means they were scummy dudes anyway who no one should have dated to begin with.

No. 917772

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Thinking about making one for Tophiachu/ Tophia Slydell but I’m not sure if I should put her in PT or Snow. She’s TikTok’s very own PT/Chrischan. An almost 30 year old woman who goes on live to rant about herself and other things while refusing to get a job while she and her mom and brother live in a motel while her stepfather is in jail. She thinks she will make enough money by social media and by scamming people.
Some notable things include her preference for Asian men and getting a creator to delete his account over her obsession with him
Her using rent money to go to Comic-Con with her brother
Neglecting her dog

No. 917773

Not this bitch again

No. 917778

It's easy to paint them all with a brush considering… everything but the men who are crowing about competition between real women and ai weren't on the radar of actual women to begin with. They can feel free to take themselves out of the dating pool but I worry how more depraved porn can get because of the excuse there's no actual women in it. Still damaging; less so.

No. 917781

I feel like snow would be a better fit but I can’t wait to see the thread either way anon.

No. 917790

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There is this Australian basketball player (or, former, now "fuck you Imma make a only fans then") called Liz Cambage who is the cowiest cow. She has the behaviors to a t - delusion, blaming everyone else, complete inability to back down, she acts like Mira kanadajinsan - but with a national sports spotlight (in Australia and I she was in a US team for a while). She tells obvious lies openly, and is so low IQ that she thinks people are eating it up whereas they are in fact scared to confront her because she is 7ft tall and aggressive.
Problem is nobody on here will care because she is basically a retired local sports player nobody. She tried to get relevant again this week with some fabulist nonsense but after it dies down tomorrow she will probably be forgotten. Some humour comes from how deploys "knowing" African American mannerisms that she thinks cover over her having no argument. So she will hit someone in the face and when asked about it start up
>MMmmhmmm, nuh-uh - y'all ain't even KNOW, Mhm. Ooh-wee
like there's some kind of black people secret that makes what she did ok and right

No. 917795

Tumblr callout post vibes. Is she funny?

No. 917799

It's as much of a "risk" as robot girlfriends are in that only the worst moids will "choose" ai girlfriends "over" the real women they stand no chance with. Saw some screenshots on the reddit thread recently and they have like 3 ai girlfriend conversations going on at once with thousands of messages within a week. One less idiot to waste a real woman's time seems like a win to me. Every woman is cheering at the concept, the real threat of ai is art/writing/medical/admin/programming/movie etc jobs which are already being replaced. Imo some of it will be legalised out of existence and some of it will stay, it's a bit like NFT/Crypto in that there's a brief boom before all the investor money goes nowhere since it's pretty much a flawed dud.
A general AI milk thread would be good but the focus on moid cummies is literally the least interesting aspect of it.

No. 917800

Pls can we have a new Heather Explores thread, don't wanna miss any milk with the new moid since the last thread is full now

No. 917802

No. 917821

nonna she probably does have middle eastern ancestry because many of the ethnicities like iranians or syrians have her exact skin tone (the pale unfiltered version lol) and her facial features actually clock extremely well for typically iranian or something, jsut look for anyone on iranian tiktok. in her other videos it's easier to tell but yea. it's just that iranian people do not look super distinguishable from white people. at least when living in america we live like other white people as far as privilege and some cultural differences that stand out compared to like waspy white americans. the way she uses it like middle eastern princess is still milky and cringe tho but i'm not getting like actual race faking red flags here.

No. 917833

Tell me you don't know Middle Easterners without saying it, Nona. We come in all shades and some of us have a broad range of how dark or light we can get. The Levant in particular is full of people like this, some you'd think were northern European until they speak. The rest seems milky but like >>917821 said, doesn't seem like race-baiting to me at all.

No. 917849

Of all the cows I did not expect to see here … fuck. I feel like she's setting up to be milky in the future after her surprise announcement about the Nigerian team wanting her (spoiler: they did not) and all the lunacy that followed.

No. 917954

Is anyone working on a new Victoria Bella Morte thread? There is new content to be posted.

No. 918003

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this is a /soc/ tranny who whips her dick out in public, like in stores and shit.
her discord server where she posts this is
and her username is tsjanice(spoiler your shit)

No. 918011

Completely agree. Tophiachu has new milk almost every hour.

No. 918016

i agree that she definitely deserves a thread imo but since she's deleted a lot of her accounts and changes her usernames so often it's hard to keep track. she does have a tiktok account floating around though provided it hasn't been deleted yet

No. 918061

been waiting 4 a thread on, her? all these girls who think they r so cute and "moEpiLled" r so attention seeking they will incriminate themselves 4 clout atp.. its sad(sage your shit)

No. 918065

could someone make a new celebricows thread pls? i miss the unhinged derailing and i suck at making threads that require more than 5 links

No. 918078

File: 1692126573025.png (983.58 KB, 1186x1657, Screenshot_20230815-140911.png)

Request for new celebcow thread #87

Old thread #86: >>>/ot/1649478

Thanks in advance to whoever creates the next thread!

No. 918087

Wondering of there's any interest in a Baldur's Gate 3 thread in /m/

No. 918164

Are there any threads for "famous guys that give you the creeps"? Not meaning guys who are confirmed creeps or rapists, but more like actors/influencers where something just feels off about them but you can't tell why. I want to talk about it, don't know where to

No. 918188

You could maybe make one in /g/ or /ot/ whichever feels right. I would be interested in that for sure, I constantly sperg to my friends about famous dudes I have a bad feeling about kek

No. 918195


No. 918241

Can we have a thread on /snow/ to discuss fandom related cows, dramas, and shenanigans similar to the Artist Commentary Community thread? Would anyone be interested in such a thing? The thread wouldn't be so much about the psychology behind fandom but the cows and cowish behavior that happens in various fandoms.

No. 918244

since the whole hockey booktok debacle i feel like a thread for that would be super entertaining

No. 918245

I think an author/booktok cow and drama thread in general would be great.

No. 918257

Double agree. I need somewhere to shit talk Piper CJ lmao she’s a mega cow

No. 918272

seconded. booktok is very milky

No. 918441

would anyone be interested in a thread on the dougherty dozen mom?
she’s the “here’s what my 12 kids ate today!” mom who has mostly adopted/kinship foster kids that she exploits and posts about their personal info so terribly. she’ll post about how some of them have FAS (and once described one of them affected as “looking like sid the sloth”) and trauma related to having alcoholic parents but will have open cans of white claw and wine everywhere. she posts about some kids having continence issues and even posted about one of the kids having suicidal thoughts. she’s got a shopping addiction as well and will buy the kids SEVERAL super expensive electronic devices for their birthdays and is just generally so insanely wasteful.
she did a vow renewal with her husband and showed the bag each kid had for the flight and it was like. a macbook, a tablet, iphone, earbuds, airpods, ten different kinds of snacks, an entire extra brand new outfit, blanket, etc etc. like $2000 each kid. but then she’ll show the breakfast she makes for them and it’s two mini muffins and one link of sausage for each kid.
there’s a snark subreddit but i’d put in the effort to make a thread here if anyone was interested

No. 918470

I would love a thread for Alicia, the subreddit is kind of a shithole at times and they worship that DCP scrote. Would be great to have another place to talk about them, you should definitely make one anon!

No. 918473

I'd love one! I've recently discovered her through tiktok and instantly knew something was fucked up about her.

No. 918538


I’d love one too!

No. 918959

Lauren Drain-Kagan. Claimed she got kicked out of Westboro Baptist Church for “seeing hypocrisy” when in reality it was because she was sexting a random guy (again). She is now a full blown whore and orthorexic who ditches her husband and baby to film OF shit.

No. 918960

She’s also been caught lying about her dad allegedly beating her (he didn’t) and about ‘reuniting’ with her family - they did briefly make contact but immediately cut her off upon learning that she’s a Pornsick freak.

No. 918995

Ok I don’t know if it would get used but what if someone made a general celeb hate-sperging thread to try to clean up the celebricow thread? And people can go apeshit freely there without getting redtexted so they can just get it all out and not shit up other spaces?

No. 918996

File: 1694229962086.jpg (1.07 MB, 1440x2759, @1dten.jpg)

Someone needs to look into if this person is actually farmable, they're always writing weird fanficts about their sweeties and dead friends and posting super personal info, they also have commissions open and seem to believe they're genuinely talented.

No. 919093

There's a million identical accounts to this on Twitter alone. What makes them even remotely noteworthy? Smells like vendetta

No. 919143

patiently waiting for everyone to realize how milky Athena x is
starting to think some of u like her
no im not her just tired of seeing so much love for the idiot(no milk + no links)

No. 919144

& yes i posted ab her in other threads i want my dam point across

No. 919162

Second Athena the milk is endless
Her insta is @senpaislittlebrat same as Twitter fb is Athena Harlow lyn o sure she has a cringe tik tok been following her shit since she first got brought up here and Boi is she insane

No. 919170





I've been waiting to make this shit
She's been the laughing stock of sacramento for over 10 years ever since this girl brittany rocked her shit and jumped her for having a big mouth. She's perfect cow always posting her drama online. She's always in relationships and getting fucked over and then another relationship and that one "abused me" then married twice, had a kid that I think is dead now (p sure from sids) drug her poor second husband in the dirt treated him like trash he eventually left her ass and she CONTANTLY sad posts wanting him back he literally moved away and deleted all socials she traumatized him lmfao gets with this sketchy tattood insane Mexican guy that was clearly a herion addict (and just ugly as fuck) and eventually became a drug addict (not surprised one bit) shit got baaaad I remember she was saying that crazy junkie ex kidnapped her and tried to kill her (she was missing and he did go to jail for it) her and jonny Craig (and all of dance gavin dance) go way back (I went to school with her and ive hated her ever since her best friend is my bestfriend and she tells me all this dumb shit and she posts EVERYTHING online) they like dated for a while or where just REALLY close even up until the Syd drama. ALSO She's fucked that cobweb tattoo face fucker too idk that story completely. She WAS best friends with Tim feerek only because she was married to ben the guitar player for a lot like birds and I'm SO CERTAIN she was cheating on ben with Tim and THATS why he left her. She's a train wreck and did crazy shit when she was at her peak Junkie faze. She claims she's sober now and was in rehab for a while (her socials where completely quiet for months) pictures of NA chips and recovery bullshit now. God there's sooo much more lmfao I follow her (lurk acc) purely for the entertainment for SO long and never understood why she hasn't gotten more shit for how trash she is and has such a big mouth. She thinks she's tough as fuck because her dad's a hello angel. I even heard she literally pistol wiped someone LMFAO she's "always getting raped" yep one of those girl every man in her life has raped and abused her. Kelly told her something about her mom sold her into trafficking when she was 11 so maybe that's why she's so fucked off. Doesn't explain how she's such a whore though. She was in porn for a while for kink and she was dating Owen gray (fucking yuck) she's trash I subbed to her onlyfans once and HOLY SHIT it's DISGUSTIG and there's easily 20 + different people in there lmfao (sucks they all have herpes now) ohhh she she was fucking Corey laquay for a while YES he was with Chelsea and yes she found out and they're still together. She dated Red from kingdom of giants and he says that was something he regrets the most in his life LMFAO right now I'm pretty sure she's fucking some Russian chicks husband
Uhhh I know I know more I can't think rn but I think that's good enough amount of milk

No. 919192

if you're going to samefag you should at least try to make it less obvious. really comes off as vendetta-posting

No. 919194

I know athena was a whole ass mess but yikes thats a lot of milk just coming off the top of their head..
fuck it make a thread I have a feeling it would be pretty good ngl

No. 919196

She's a total cow every time she gets brought up it's like you're defending her almost by not wanting to make a thread(ban evading samefag still doesn't get it)

No. 919197

You need to learn to integrate. Your samefaggotry and newfaggotry are palpable. You either have a vendetta or you're athena yourself. Sad either way. The milk isn't even that interesting and the way you write is an eyesore.

No. 919198

In case you once again ban evade too much to see the ban message: You haven't managed to get anyone to care about this cow because you refuse to post like a coherent adult. There is information all over this site on how to set up a thread on a new cow. We will keep banning you until you learn how to post. Lurk some of the other threads about thot cows and try to replicate that next time. Maybe ask one of your more literate friends to help you and remember screenshots are everything.

No. 919211

Shout out to the farmhand, Athena is constantly self posting. Shes so stupid kek

No. 919253

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I've been waiting to make this shit
She's been the laughing stock of Sacramento for over 10 years ever since this girl Brittany rocked her shit and jumped her for having a big mouth. She's a perfect cow always posting her drama online. She's always in relationships and getting fucked over and then another relationship and that one "abused me" then married twice, had a kid that I think is dead now (p sure from SIDS) drug her poor second husband in the dirt treated him like trash he eventually left her ass and she CONSTANTLY sad posts wanting him back he literally moved away and deleted all socials she traumatized him lmfao gets with this sketchy tattooed insane Mexican guy that was clearly a heroin addict (and just ugly as fuck) and eventually became a drug addict (not surprised one bit) shit got baaaad I remember she was saying that crazy junkie ex kidnapped her and tried to kill her (she was missing and he did go to jail for it) her and Jonny Craig (and all of dance Gavin dance) go way back (I went to school with her and i've hated her ever since her best friend is my best friend and she tells me all this dumb shit and she posts EVERYTHING online) they like dated for a while or where just REALLY close even up until the Syd drama. ALSO She's fucked that cobweb tattoo face fucker too idk that story completely. She WAS best friends with Tim Ferek only because she was married to Ben the guitar player for a lot like birds and I'm SO CERTAIN she was cheating on Ben with Tim and THAT'S why he left her. She's a train wreck and did crazy shit when she was at her peak Junkie faze. She claims she's sober now and was in rehab for a while (her socials were completely quiet for months) pictures of NA chips and recovery bullshit now. God there's sooo much more lmfao I follow her (lurk acc) purely for entertainment for SO long and never understood why she hasn't gotten more shit for how trash she is and has such a big mouth. She thinks she's tough as fuck because her dad's a hello angel. I even heard she literally pistol wiped someone LMFAO she's "always getting raped" yep one of those girl every man in her life has raped and abused her. Kelly told her something about her mom sold her into trafficking when she was 11 so maybe that's why she's so fucked off. Doesn't explain how she's such a whore though. She was in porn for a while for kink and she was dating Owen gray (fucking yuck) she's trash I subbed to her onlyfans once and HOLY SHIT it's DISGUSTING and there's easily 20 + different people in there lmfao (sucks they all have herpes now) ohhh she she was fucking Corey laquay for a while YES he was with Chelsea and yes she found out and they're still together. She dated Red from kingdom of giants and he says that was something he regrets the most in his life LMFAO right now I'm pretty sure she's fucking some Russian chicks husband
Uhhh I know I know more I can't think rn but I think that's good enough amount of milk

No. 919254

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No. 919255

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No. 919256

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No. 919257

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No. 919258

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No. 919259

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No. 919260

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No. 919261

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No. 919263

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No. 919264

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No. 919265

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No. 919266

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No. 919267

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No. 919268

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No. 919269

>her best friend is my best friend and she tells me all this dumb shit
OT but get a better best friend anon. She's def telling all your shit to everyone she knows too.

No. 919270

File: 1694612347512.png (21.79 KB, 487x237, Screenshot 2023-09-13 064023.p…)

she's just loony

No. 919271

well technically she thinks I keep it to myself, hell no

No. 919272

File: 1694612674622.png (194.58 KB, 518x477, Screenshot 2023-09-13 064506.p…)

ok wtf I remember years ago she tried getting that guy locked up for sexual assault and it was like a ordeal.

No. 919320

Sounds like they got the friends they deserve tbh. This is one of the zoomers who thinks this site is a burn book and/or personal army.

No. 919402

File: 1694805614757.jpg (281.6 KB, 1080x1774, Tumblr_l_584384836525936.jpg)

I had no idea about this until an anon brought it up in /or/ but apparently SaveaFox (and it's owner Mikayla) is super milky. Apparently it's not a rescue at all; she just buys the foxes and hoards them. There's why more milk than I could include in one image, but picrel was one of the most shocking things: literally putting a newborn baby and a fox together.

Here's a decent archive of the milk so far: https://www.tumblr.com/is-the-fox-video-cute/tagged/saveafox

No. 919404

File: 1694806373990.jpg (565.94 KB, 2048x1365, Tumblr_l_585142933818904.jpg)

No. 919406

That link doesn't work without a login. Watching her videos, they do get rescues that owners can't take care of. Not sure if she buys the unvaluable foxes from fur farms or gets them for free, they would be disposed of anyway by the farm. I do worry about SAF taking on more animals than they can manage and her having a child on top of it all.

No. 919416

File: 1694818822004.png (237.51 KB, 477x771, 1681831435.png)

Here's a google drive link instead:

She buys the foxes for 300-500 USD apiece from the fur farms she's supposedly against, and she charges a surrender fee. The only foxes she acquires for free are ones she's stolen (also something she admitted to doing.) She's constantly e-begging, yet she bought horses, exotic pets, expensive tattoos, and at least one sports car. She's openly admitted that Ethan (her spouse) bought Fawzi and the two jackals for her as pets, from breeders. At least two foxes (Cerberus and Apollo) had to have limbs amputated because they got injured trying to fight with other foxes through the chain link fence. Adjoining enclosures, especially with intact males, are NOT supposed to share a fence, and they're supposed to extend underground with concrete. She separated a jackal pup from its parents without knowing how to care for it or what milk to give, and the jackal pup later broke its leg interacting with her pet dogs. The "rescue" isn't even licensed as one– it's licensed as a fur farm.

No. 919433

Looks like there is a lot of milk, I'd be interested in a thread.

No. 919499

I'm very shocked that I can't find any Brittany Venti threads. Am I blind? For someone whose entire career is built off of making controversial/provocative content & petty hit-pieces she seems oddly unscathed. Does anyone know where the latest Venti thread is?

No. 919508

The only thread I could find was locked 4 years ago. She does have a thread on KF which is pretty active

No. 919518

Why the shock, though. We want actual milk not whatever dairy-like grey market import bullshit Venti is creating. And if more people were more interested in ignoring her obvious provocations and desperation, she'd lose it and give us some actual milk. It's a cottage industry of cringe.

And we already have too many kiwis and scrotes here. A venti thread would multiply that exponentially.

No. 919846

can we reopen the lucinda/oswaldslunch thread?

No. 919901

File: 1695626934226.jpg (193.94 KB, 1080x1284, 032218_Instagram.jpg)

This faggot has been pretty meh this far, but I am sensing REAL /snow/ potential in the making. Elon tier, perhaps milkier.

Bryan "18 year old penis" Johnson is currently coping and seething because leading gerontologists clowned him in a TIME article. He is now tweeting that these experts are secretly seeking his help in shopping for supplements.

No. 919904

Seconding this. He sits on a fucking electronic dildo chair every night and collects data on how active his dick is while he’s asleep.

And there’s a whole subset of idiot scrote orbiters out there who worship his dysfunctional relationship to his own body, it’s got to be a gold mine of milk.

No. 919906

Thirding it, I’ve thought he seemed like a cow from the first time I saw an article about him. What a ridiculous cope and to me always seemed like a way for him to rationalize wanting to fuck 18 year old girls or something by saying his body is young (kek no it isn’t) like yeah he’s in shape but he absolutely looks his age. His delusions are so milky.

No. 919907

File: 1695643981839.jpg (18.36 KB, 549x309, Swift_1695618287676_1695618288…)

Can we please get a new celebricows thread? Tswift and Travis Kelce are so cute together and I need to get it off my chest!

No. 919908

cute beard what's his name?
I'm kidding I'm sorry, also I've been banned all day or I would have made it

No. 919916

Is this that middle aged retard who was injecting his own son's blood into himself in the hopes it would make him a bishie? If so would enjoy a thread on him.

No. 919942

>uwuwu so kyoot!
>the most generic scrote i've seen in my entire life
Does she realize that someone with her fame and beauty can date a guy who's actually attractive…

No. 920186

if anyone is in the korea influencer circle qtmilkbuns aka hsy has kinda exploded past few days. She's a 27 esl teacher that went through a hoe phase which she streamed, got pregnant by an ex, refused to abort, ex ghosted her, and now she's convinced a 19 year old its his baby and supposedly they got married. People on tiktok, reddit, pull, twitter are now collectively exposing her (money scams, etc) and she's been trying get people to report her subreddit. But the kvlogger thread in /w has been long dead and maybe not worth resurrecting it

No. 920291

New Onision thread? He just came out with a ridiculous “documentary” i.e. whining on camera about how everyone is so, so mean to him.

No. 920427

his latest thread is unlocked again >>>/pt/920331

No. 920450

File: 1696562540827.png (348.23 KB, 1061x729, 35yearoldgroomer.png)

anyone willing to create a new yanderedev/yandev/alex mahan? not only just with the new groomer allegations but also just in general an updated thread on him and the game

No. 920451

File: 1696569524328.png (764.98 KB, 1086x566, lord poopoo.png)

I would like to request the reopening of thread No. 1830495, dedicated to Fotouh Al Sahlamm (aka Poopina). This given her next leap to stardom in the MDE universe (she will be appearing in the episode Prom Night), for which she is already preparing her face editing skills. Given her complete lack of identity she has recently been flirting online with the Red Scare Podcast circle. Quite a lot to catch up.

No. 920457

I second this, and the tradthot thread

No. 920458

He’s not cute he looks disgusting and is her beard

No. 920470

New tuna thread? She's finally active again.

No. 920478

>has a massive space for them to free roam

This just sounds like the typical people online throwing fits.

No. 920484

i can work on one tomorrow i don't have access to a computer until then

No. 920556

gotchu anon

No. 920660

File: 1696879580306.png (1.25 MB, 1248x864, threadddd2.png)

Anyone making a new Grimes and Musk thread? The nonna who did magnificent work with the previous ones seems to be busy.

No. 920799

Pls nonnas

No. 920803

They don't have new milk though

No. 920840

can we get a thread on the true crime community on tiktok? basically its a bunch of sickos that make adam lanza and columbine edits. idk if theres already a thread on this or if anyone would be interested in making a thread about it

No. 920944

There's an ancient one floating around /pt/ somewhere that was about Tumblr columbiners. That crazy chick Lindsay Souvannarath was posted about it in. Would love to see it resurrected too, because true crime as a subculture is more mainstream now than it was then.

No. 921036

This shit has been happening for decades. Not sure a new medium within which it's propagated warrants a new thread.
Anyway, isn't the "true crime" landscape occupied primarily by dead-eyed zoomers reading out wikipedia articles on YT?

No. 921281

I thought it was millennial women doing their makeup

No. 921282

Tbh there are a lot of males of varying ages who have some of the weirdest grossest tones of voice when they give too many details on crimes committed against women and children. I’ve seen a lot of really questionable stuff tbh like things I wonder why they felt the need to talk about in such detail unless they had their pud in their hand.

No. 921316

This sounds more like a projection thing tbh

No. 921324

I’m AYRT and wdym? I have stopped watching a lot of videos because of the reasons I stated in my post. I don’t watch much YT true crime anymore bc of it.

No. 921453

are there any nonna's here that like to DIY their own skincare/haircare/makeup? if so would there be any interest in making a thread for that so we can share recipies with eachother?
(had to repost because i saged by accident)

No. 921478

I would be interested, I have some stuff to share. I know that kind of stuff could go in skincare or makeup threads but a DIY Beauty thread would be cool imo

No. 921488

i still think we should have a deathfat munchie / obvious ana faking thread, the ed cow thread has too many actual ana-chans sperging on girls who have just been hospitalized and it’s depressing, i just wanna laugh at delusional fatties

No. 921493

I wish the HAES cows/fatty thread was more active, I just got into watching fat postivity tiktok cringe comps and heard about who Marissa Matthews is way late in the game kekn

No. 921632

newfag here, i have no clue how to format threads.. but can someone make a thread on daniel larson? hes nearing the chrischan tier when it comes to lolcow-ness.

No. 921640

He already has a thread, but I'm not going to link it because you need to learn how to use the search function.

No. 921680

Nta but how DO you use the search function and where tf is it?

No. 921684

Catalog then ctrl + f I assume

No. 921701

File: 1698413618361.jpg (89.53 KB, 1080x677, Screenshot_20231027-093228_Bra…)

Scroll to the very bottom of the page on any board of the site (on /pt/ or /m/ for example, not while viewing a thread as it won't appear) and it'll be there with the board names.

No. 921738

Oh wow, ok. Thanks nonnas. All this time I’ve subconsciously seen it there but it never really registered.

No. 922289

misterrbobo on twitch could be an interesting thread

very niche but it's the beginning of something good

No. 922420

i reckon ivy wolk deserves a thread

No. 922459

Has anyone mentioned the MLV (malt liquor video) community? I know one of the guys is on his death bed about now. This seems to be the head guy though.
Basically their whole thing is to drink a 40oz and eat fast food, talk about whatever (usually either politics or personal gripes in their life.)
I see a decent milk potential out of some of these guys, it's been something I've been watching since high-school.

No. 922473

But you know what the best part is?
The old faglich is chronically, TERMINALLY online, but in a different way from melon. He reads his IG comments and periodically tries to crytype sassy comebacks about how much he doesn't care. To put it simply, if the thread is made and it gets big enough, there's a good chance he'll find it - which might give us an orgasm rivaling Red Scare's initial discovery of Leftcows.

No. 922571

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Hey everyone. This is my first time using this site and I don't want to post in lolcow general without first getting some opinions. The gist of this is there's this guy on Twitter who goes by DeltaRanger7. His account is entirely made up of incoherent spam about Christmas and Easter being pagan holidays, warning people to keep the sabbath, and posting videos of people who agree with him. Sounds simple enough until you notice that he has over 16,000 posts, most of which are replies to random people where he appears in their replies and warns them with a copypasta about breaking the sabbath and similar stuff like that. His discord server is made up of his friends and curious onlookers, there he claims to have the "Key of David" and seems to see himself as a prophet of some sort, warning about a once in 7000 years tribulation, like he seems to think he's a biblical prophet saving people from eating pork, or whatever

No. 922665

Nice find nonna but he's not really cow material. While this is interesting, there's no real milk or gossip other than him being an esoteric schizoposter and there's a lot of them out there worse than this guy

No. 922829

Had the extreme misfortune of looking into Aaron Beauregard after a bunch of idiots on TikTok decided to shill his work during October. Would love a thread on him, feels like there’s a lot of potential milk. His writing is on the level of a sixth grader’s from the few excerpts I could stomach reading, it is laughably terrible and beyond vile. He is responsible for Playground & The Slob amongst others.

Idk very tired of people acting like this moid can write when he is so talentless & clearly gets off to women and children being tortured & raped under the guise of “extreme horror”. If he doesn’t have some kind of history or sexual assault, I’d be surprised. Apologies if I did this incorrectly, it’s my first post after lurking various boards for years.

No. 922847

Not a single person per se, but there's a youtube channel called "tales from the streets" and "Atlanta Street interviews" that produce some really messed up lolcows without an internet presence. Some people there are innocent, but most just don't want to take accountability or make really poor life choices despite being intelligent in some cases. I remember one girl in Atlanta street interviews who was bragging about being in the top 1% of her class and taking AP stem classes, and then also having a boyfriend/baby daddy that works to pay her bills, a guy she meets to fuck on the side without her boyfriend knowing, and a third guy she's just leading on to pay for dates and maybe turn into a new f$&% guy, all with this smug grin on her face.(you can say fuck)

No. 922939

would love to see a thread on "jasonafex" and his racist wife

No. 922940

Which interview is that with the smug girl?

No. 923014

File: 1700285724551.png (9.15 KB, 1307x66, q.PNG)

Is there a kiwifarms thread?

No. 923017

use the search feature

No. 923032

the search feature is broken it just gives old mentions from years ago, what I meant was are they allowed

No. 923066

Can someone make a thread about Dream? The milk is flowing rn

No. 923068

Ivy was just on the red scare podcast. Just wait until that alt right thread is back

No. 923088

I would be interested in an rcta (race change to another) thread. It's a new tiktok identity for people who think they can "transition" from one race to another. 90% of them are white girls who want to be Japanese or Korean, so it would probably fit best in /w/

No. 923103

I wouldn't; the appeal of TIM and TIF threads is that it's forbidden to speak of them in a negative light in most places of the internet, meanwhile your suggested topic is something everyone everywhere agrees is stupid (yet they don't apply the same logic to transitioning) and thus we'd just get a redundant white
woman hate thread like photoshopper/egirl threads since they're all like the same girl..

No. 923106

Can someone continue the Women Shilled As Attractive that You think are Ugly #3 thread pretty pleasee

No. 923143

Is there a thread for Dream? Because my god green boy always seems to be producing milk.

No. 923163

No. 923164

Dream is a youtuber, you can post milk in the youtube general in /snow/

No. 923190

Romanianon is having another schizo meltdown in /meta/ >>>/meta/65559, I think it's time for a thread. She won't stop shitting up the site no matter what so we might as well discuss her properly instead of derailing half of /ot/ every time. Any volunteers? I don't know all her shit

No. 923195

I can make a thread if noone else will, but would any other nonnies be interested in a Talkie thread in /m/?. We can discuss the really shitty ones, give eachother tips on making good ones, etc.

No. 923198

I think I talked to her on discord once and she actually seemed way more sane than the shit she says here anonymously, it was only brief but I ended up liking her and hope she finds some peace eventually. That said, yes a thread would be great because there's simply so, so much to unpack.

No. 923199

File: 1700575589555.jpg (339.87 KB, 1536x2048, media-Fg8pi-Is-WQAY4-Iy-Z.jpg)

Yeah I'd like a thread on her.

No. 923226

Anyone heard of syrup yet?

he gets into all sorts of wild shit

No. 923245

can someone make another canadafag or canada hate thread?

No. 923257

Will we be allowed to discuss actual problems in the country without being labeled as racist or xenophobic this time?

No. 923280

Depends on if you can discuss problems without jumping to racism kek (wasn't in the last thread but if you're finding yourself labeled racist on an IB…)

No. 923377

Any time anyone mentioned immigration they were labeled racist by one (or two, idk) anon(s) who thought immigration discussion = racism

No. 923392

This thread is for cow threads, you don't need handholding to make generals in /ot/

No. 923465

My apologies about the late reply, didn't think anyone cared. There's three parts to this. She has a (black supremacist?) ankh face tattoo and is just making all the worst decisions she can, she's young but not dumb hopefully she snaps out of the street lifestyle but I doubt it.

No. 923466

lol ofc she's black.(racebait)

No. 923468

Forgot to mention that the host of the channel is a creepy dude who asks sexual questions to women who are young and vulnerable, but still, the on his channel people are very messed up and he's no better.

No. 923472

I dont think that matters, grow up in a environment like that and most people wouldn't be any better off. The smartest black girls are the ones who arrived from Africa, they actually study and get into university. The blacks raised in America are literal degenerates, and have a hood mentality, and considering it's popularity their subculture is spreading and it's affecting everyone. That's not to say they're all like that, quite a few of them are some of the most remarkable people you'll ever meet, but most of them are hopeless.(retarded triple-posting newfag who doesn't know how to remove embed)

No. 923568

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No. 923599

Is anyone working on a new Pixielocks thread?

No. 923684


No. 923727

I miss seeing her crappy shoops and would love to know if there's been any candids during her threads absence. If the thread does get reinstated, I hope the mods vigilantly keep an eye and ban the hate boner moids that were orbiting her threads before. They killed the vibe before and I guarantee they'll do it again.

No. 923772

I really wish we had a thread for DMV cosplayers. So many are so milky.

We just had drama about chosenmii, who got banned from Nekocon for preforming nsfw acts in masquerade.

No. 923840

New heather thread. Her boyfriend reveal is spooky

No. 923857

+1 Please, we need to document her new creepy moid

No. 923863

Yes! We need to discuss it!

No. 923892

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Yes she revealed her ugly new Xmas moid

No. 923917

She is streaming with charls who barely acknowledge her on stream. She also found out that she is "1% Korean". I thought she was trolling but she really started editing her pics to look asian after saying this.

No. 923922

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Yes, please, I need to talk about her most listend to goth songs this year. She is the spookiest person I've ever encountered.

No. 923935

So dark, such a spooky unique girl with her Taylor Swift songs…

No. 923991

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He seems old for her(don't use this as a cow thread)

No. 923992

Fuck, shes gonna get murdered.(don't use this as a cow thread)

No. 923999

I thought so, too. Also, why is he always squinting like that…(don't use this as a cow thread)

No. 924059

Made a new thread ladies, with timestamps an' all, I'm exhausted now kek

feel free to repost your photos of the new creepy Ryan:

No. 924087

you are a sweet angel, thank you

No. 924203

has the nyc postleft scene finally died off? no new postleftcows thread so far

No. 924298

Is it just me or has the lille Jean theead vanished

No. 924436

Nonnies, can you make a new AltCow thread? The other is at limit and no one has made a new thread in a day or two.

Old AltCow thread:

No. 924626

new alcows thread plsssss

No. 924630

making one now

No. 924926

Why are there two Qtmilkbuns threads and why have they been locked? Her rabbit hole starts as far as 2021.

No. 925907

No. 925916

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is there anything on kittybortion / vendevine yet? made an OF as soon as she turned 18 and keeps posting about her damn anorexia and having no food in the house when all she does with the money shes earning is doordash more shit to keep her fat. lies about age and posts her baby cuts for sympathy. has some shitty art and music up too.

No. 926148

Anyone willing to make a new dress up game/picrew thread in /m? It was a lot of fun seeing other nonas make cute pics & Madotsukis in different art styles. Don't wanna try making a thread for the first time in case it’s shit so everyone can enjoy it or cause the mods more work.

No. 926178

How could you fuck up something like a continuation of an image spam thread? This level of newfaggotry is depressing(sage)

No. 926211

then do it? I don’t live online. Why are you so mad?

No. 926238

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is out of prison and apparently acting cringey on social media. Anyone think it's cow worthy?

No. 926239

I think the people who obsess over her and offer her strip club jobs are the cows. She needs to be left alone.

No. 926243

nah, gypsy is basically just posting the way most people did when they were new to social media. the real cows are the losers in her comments section telling her to join onlyfans and get plastic surgery

No. 926286

Is it actually her posting or is it just the ugly moid she married trying to make everyone forget he's a predator who targeted a severely vulnerable & emotionally stunted woman?

No. 926292

Does anyone know what the deal is with that Mcfive Circus family? A couple videos randomly popped up on YouTube and just the titles alone seem fucking weird. I can’t seem to find much on them or in the YouTube thread either but I’m not very internet savvy. If they are already in a thread could someone please point me in that direction?

No. 926309

New Trve Vikings thread for Varg and Marie pls

No. 926349

Is anybody working on a new Victoria Bella Morte thread?

No. 926465

No. 926496

+1 to this. Don't think we are missing much but still want it.

No. 926499

File: 1705009396875.jpeg (1.11 MB, 1170x1444, IMG_9858.jpeg)

Seriously considering making a thread on Brujo Ari as she has become one of my personal fakeboy lolcows with her self insert oc who originally was a bastardized version of Kakyion. I know if she is milky enough for her own thread, but she’s a NEET artist who constantly spergs about how her TiF jotakak (or whatever the ship name is) are totes valid and gay despite looking like an average straight couple. It seems the plot of whatever she might make out of it is the most predictable “the NLOG steals the guy from the rich white girl” plot. Anyone interested in a full thread?

No. 926509

seems like snow material

No. 926527

Yeah do it, bruja celta (and later on “brujx celta” and now this) is so unbelievably cringe

No. 926544

I am also waiting for a new vick thread she’s been posting a lot of awful edits the past few days

No. 926569

Also waiting

No. 926572

Thirding this kek I just know she’s up to shit while there’s no thread

No. 926577

With the most recent milk coming out in the book/author community and how Xiran's crap keeps leaking into various threads, I'm determined to make a book/author drama thread. I've never made one before so I'm going to try my best with this one. Let me know if anyone is interested/ have interesting topics to put on the OP topic.

No. 926584

YESSS def look into the Piper CJ shit if you aren’t aware of her whole thing. She is very milky kek

No. 926597

As long as the milk is flowing or at least trickling and enticing enough for people not in that niche community make, I’m interested

No. 926618

Please please please someone make a new Western Animation Industry Cows thread thank you so much in advance

No. 926691

request for a thread on UK plus size "fashion" youtubers e.g. emma tamsin hill and becky reynolds

No. 926706

my friend's sister in law is part of this, i'd love a thread

No. 926710

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day 10 without a vicky thread

No. 926713

Do we need a new "men you're ashamed to say you'd fuck" thread? was #4 the last one? Not sure if blind

No. 926723

Is anyone not gonna make one?? I would but have no clue how

No. 926730

yees same it needs to be done!!

No. 926804

If you require support to make a new image spam thread then you shouldn't be posting at all. Lurk more and learn how to use the catalog. If you can't find a certain older thread anymore, post in /meta/. This thread is strictly for gathering interest and resources for new cow threads.

No. 926812

I'd love a thread on that!

No. 926830

YES do this one. She's definitely milky. She seems to argue with people in her comments a lot especially about her totes original characters kek

No. 926836

samefag, it's also hilarious that she constantly has to ask her followers to write her ocs for her

No. 926841

I would love a thread on Heather Gillespie. She was on love after lock up and is absolutely insane.

Notable antics include being absolutely insane. Immediately started a fight with her convict fiance because he was nice to her 90 something year old aunt when she took him home from prison, out of jealousy. Dead beat mom to 3 kids. Blew up a free car she got. Got given an apartment and completely trashed it. Walks around gyms threatening people with knives. Believe she's being chased by a gang of genderless people in bowl cuts called "they". Sex trafficking friends, prostitute, former cam girl.

Currently lives in a tent and is pregnant. Drug of choice is dust canisters. Hasn't showered in nearly a year.

Just the tip of the iceberg.

No. 926878

is her convict fiancé as bad as her?

No. 926914


They broke up shortly after he got out of jail because she's nuts. She actually made him look sane on the show. He's no peach by any means but he looks like a saint compared to her.

Her current man is someone who approached her outside a Walgreens and said Jehovah sent him to save her. He's mostly her errand boy and doesn't have much of a presence online. His name is Xavier.

No. 926940

She made a post about her oc that made it seem like she has anorexia kek

No. 927056

File: 1705945372911.png (1.35 MB, 2006x1202, 1705939137289.png)

I have no experience making cow threads but I made a potential thread pic if someone else wants to do it

No. 927089

this is so good, idk how to do new threads either but pls someone do it. she keeps deactivating her instagram, there’s a bunch of new edits & she made a post hinting at having some kind of surgery but at least she kept her hair.

No. 927122

New Luna thread?

No. 927127

i can work on one at some point today if no one else does. threadpic and subject suggestions?

No. 927132

Nta but something about bleach/hair color in the title

No. 927167

I have pics to post!

No. 927171

To those interested in the book/author thread, how does this look? Need any skimming? It's my first time making a /snow/ thread

A thread about all about the book drama world be it:
Booktok/tube drama
Authortok/tube drama
Book review/Goodreads drama

Notable author cows:
>Xiran Jay Zhao - Author of "Iron Widow." A themby who insists that she's NB and wants they/them pronouns but always dresses and presents like a woman. Started off on youtube and became successful after reviewing Disney's Live Action Mulan. With the new success, she continued to make claims how China was "so queer until white people came in!" ignoring the eunuchs, concubines, and wanton sexual abuse of boys. Still makes incorrect claims about Chinese history. Family are rich Chinese with ties to the CCP. Even mainlanders dislike her. Used viral success to promote her book, which is a Darling in the Franxx rip off. Commissions people to make "fanart" of her "polyamorous" characters from book. Reported the Cat Corrain drama, which caused people to think she was Cait Corrain and received lots of hateful messages. Doesn't know when to STFU about politics and claims her new book is delayed because of her stance on Palestine. Currently acting out because she got disqualified for the Hugo award, which is hosted in China this year.

>Piper CJ - Author of "The Night and It's Moon". She's self-published a book with a self-depricating attitude that "no one will read it" yet advertises it like crazy on tiktok, garnering lots of interest. Book gets released, it's predictably bad-average. Youtube book reviewer ReadswithRachel makes a video reviewing using buzzwords like plagarism and "problematic representation." CJ and her friends (or sockpuppets) start to leave nasty messages and report Rachel's tiktok. Overall CJ doesn't take criticism well. Recently wrote another book

>Cait Corrain - Author of "Crown of Starlight." Started off as a Reylo fanfic writer. Created lots of sockpuppet goodread accounts to reviewbomb up-and-coming books in the same genre as hers and other indie randos. Absolutely retardedly used those same accounts to give her book 5 stars. People caught on to the fake reviews and figured out it was her. When caught, she created fake conversations with the "real culprit." Screenshot convos were horribly editted and cropped, indicating she didn't even bother to at least have a conversation with herself. No one bought it. Got dropped by her agent and publishing company. Authors that got reviewbombed all happened to be POC and got labed as racits. In her apology, she blamed it all on depression and alcoholism.

>Alice Oseman - author of "Heartstoppers." Hates BL made by Asians and touts herself as writing true queer romance without the problematic stuff "Asians" write. Currently getting eaten alive by the audience she bowed down to by daring to make the implication of her 17-year old male character looks up sex questions on google

>Alex Aster - Author of "Lightlark." Blew up on tiktok over making videos about vague tropes and asking "Would you want to read a book about X trope??" The viral success got her a publishing deal and a movie deal. Aster claimed she was self-made. Turns out her family is rich and her twin sister is a millionare. Book is released and it's laughably bad and juvenile. Sequel written and released a little over a year after first book. Still bad.

Notable ancient milk:
Hockey booktok incident
Cyborg Tinkerer fiasco
Handbook for Mortals
JK Rowling always winning

Have any book reviewers you find milky? Add them too!

No. 927189

That looks good! Maybe add a section on illumicrate/fairyloot/owlcrate/other sooper speshul book editions and the drama and hoarding they create?

No. 927206

are you allowed to start a thread or does it have to be approved first?

No. 927218

No. 927231

Second this, new thread please

No. 927233

We need a new tinfoil thread

No. 927241

Do it,Nonny. brujx celta's "web-comic" is just a franklin saint of jjba, 2000 teen drama and Daria's art style shit.
Plus she sometimes spregs out on her "feminine gay" OC being called a girl on tiktok.But let's be honest, her OC looks like a yk2 fashion girl so she needs to stop bitchin.

No. 927243

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Vivziepop cartoons thread, maybe in /m/? The western animation cows thread nowadays is mostly just talk about Hazbin Hotel, and a lot of it isn’t milk, just sharing opinions about the show. Vivzie can still be brought up in the other thread when she’s relevant but it would cut down on a lot of the borderline off-topic posts in that thread. I saw a couple of other anons in the Hellweek thread saying the same thing.

No. 927246

I second this. Same with pumpy in the cam whores thread. No i agree, neither are milky enough to warrant their own thread, BUT people still choose to discuss them constantly in their current respective threads. Discussing non milky things about the same people over and over in a thread, kills it. Could be nice if both of these fools had a containment thread. Im not in the threads often though so i guess i dont care. Just damn everytime i am in there trying to consume milk i see these retards constantly being annoying or notmilky in the threads. Like 70% for pumpy. Kek

No. 927249

This is my first time making a thread, and I don’t want to accidentally come off as minimodding so I wanted some critique before I make a Vivziepop thread in /m/.

>Thread to discuss Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Zoophobia, and any of Vivziepop’s other works here. Fans and non-fans welcome. If you want to discuss milk having to do with Vivzie, that is probably best to put in the current iteration of Western Animation Industry Cows threads in /snow/ instead.
(ignoring farmhand comment above. This is strictly for cow threads on /pt/ and /snow/)

No. 927251

No. 927255

Need a new Luna thread. Did she melt the hair off of her head?

No. 927264

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No. 927432

What happened to Elaine's threads?(wrong thread, newfaggotry, use the catalog)

No. 927455

they're buried in /snow/. you can search them in the catalogue

No. 927740

What about a Mikeneko (Rushia) thread nonnies? I feel like she's pretty milky

No. 927876

How come Eugenia Cooney doesn't have a thread? An entire Wiki could be created about her lolcowery over the years. There's no lack of milk

No. 927880

I wish. EC threads aren't allowed for some unknown reason, if I remember correctly

No. 927908

Wait, seriously? Same reason Idubbbz Wife isn't allowed to have a thread, I assume. Stan jannies

No. 928012

Because there's too many ana-chans on here for a Eugenia Cooney thread to be actual milk and not just infighting. They're bad enough weight sperging and calling everyone a fatty in other threads

No. 928045

Old admin and old jannies had a weird thing about Anisa/Pear not being "milky" enough to warrant a thread and it being 90% nitpicking rather than actual milk… When even then, we had shit like Moo's, Lori's, Pixielock's, and Shayna's thread being just that.

No. 928101

Source? I don't remember that, she was just not milky enough for her own thread and her updates usually end up in the youtuber general or anachan general

No. 928331

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I didn't realize the Venus thread already maxed out, so dumping these here in the meantime. Just some updates from her Instagram after months of being MIA.

No. 928332

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No. 928333

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The at just links to some restaurant's Instagram page, nothing noteworthy.

No. 928347

Thanks for letting everyone know she's alive.

No. 928397

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(use the thread)

No. 928398

Someone did end up making a new thread btw

No. 928598

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there HAS to be other anons who want a thread on this faggot. i need someone to sperg with about him

No. 928603

There is no source, I remember this being stated sometime in 2016-2018. Not gonna go digging.

No. 928649

File: 1708478956159.jpg (21.36 KB, 670x149, Average Israel supporter, part…)

Name: Yarin

Deadname: [UNKNOWN]

Nationality: Israeli Jew

Reddit: https://reddit.com/user/yarin981

AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Greenhawk


Main: archyarin

Alt: yarinarc.(got hacked, currently going unused)

Birthday: Likely August 7th

Don't know much else, unfortunately(newfaggotry)

No. 928650

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Second image

No. 928868

File: 1708721478358.png (2.36 MB, 916x1154, ka.png)

Name: Katina Gerstein
Username: AutismSupergirl and Malswarrior

Discovered last year that she had autism and started dating "Love On The Spectrum" star Subdoh. She talks to him like she's a mom of a toddler and disciplines him.

-Likes comments from fake accounts about how Subdoh's past girlfriend (who has downsyndrome) isn't as pretty, smart, and that Katina is better.

-Has new diseases popping up daily

-Claimed to be a pilot, nurse, vet, etc but is none of those things.

-Dated a 60 year old porn star before Subdoh

-Creates Adult baby content on Onlyfans

No. 928895

Holy shit this is so funny, thanks for sharing. I would definitely be interested in the thread lmfao

No. 928898

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Also wanted to add that Katina told many people she was dying of cancer and her dream was to be a model.

Plus she claims she’s a domestic violence survivor and almost died in a house fire

No. 928900

Wow, just had a look at her Instagram and she seems like a Munchie. Definitely milky enough for a thread.

No. 928951

Eva’s been one of my long time favourite cows, I used to follow her on tumblr when she had her first username acidburnbaby and I still have some of her old “poems.” She had a Muslim larp on TikTok about a year ago but gave it up when actual Muslims started throwing fits in her comment section. Now she’s doing some “baddie” aesthetic where she posts half naked and calls herself a “middle eastern Kim Kardashian.” She was trying really hard to get noticed by the rapper Bones a few years ago until he made some post about basic insta thots overcrowding his shows and she completely renounced him and never mentioned him again kek. I would love a thread on her, especially if she starts doing anything particularly milky again. She also claims to have a rich older boyfriend who pays for all her shit but she still lives at home and he’s never shown on any of her socials, she claims he doesn’t live in Canada but she also says they’ve dated for almost a decade now but over the years she’s always said she was single and was even looking for “older rich men with big noses” on her TikTok last year. Kek

She’s a white middle/upper class NEET born and raised in Toronto to two white parents. She’s not middle eastern and that’s not her natural skin tone kek

No. 928957

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Katina claims she was in the Los Angeles Special Olympics in the Cheerleading category. I couldnt find any information online regarding this

No. 928958

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Katina's issues according to her: Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome,Sepsis,Autism, SPD & ARFID,GJ Tube,Hickman, EDS ,POTS,SVAS,MCAS,FAS,AVM, seizures, cardiac arrest, Cancer, bipolar disorder (this is from her list)

No. 928969

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Katina’s pets also get sick like her. She has videos of her online giving shots and meds to her pets

No. 928974


10000% a munchie. Shows off her medical gear in every possible post, spergs about health updates (there’s aaaalllways something new wrong) in the captions, has ehlers danlos aka the munchie’s new fav catch all condition, calls herself a spoonie and trawls for sympathy comments.

Would love a thread for her.

No. 928997

Ayrt I think she could finally be milky enough for a new thread, just browsed her socials for the first time in months and noticed she has an active onlyfans again which is a hilarious plot twist. Might farm some more later

No. 929145

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Is seitanboef (formerly prettyvacvnt) milky enough yet? This is a furry who wears egl and has openly admitted to having a scat fetish. She was simping hard for a roblox paedophile and her posts are like a less socially aware Chris Chan

No. 929178

Maybe I'm missing something, but that doesn't sound interesting at all. Within an hour I could find a hundred users slithering in the rank underbelly of Twitter and Tumblr who are exactly like this moron. Where is the intrigue? Where is the drama? Where is the suspense? Even if this loser gets a thread, it'll likely be dead in less than a year. Idk, as I said, perhaps it's only me who feels this way.

No. 929198

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A whole new level of crazy… she's in the hospital now and was dianosed with more diseases and is becoming paralyzed(learn2embed)

No. 929263

A furry hate thread would probably fit better. But tbh most furs are artists or in the ACC community and there are already threads like this around. That and yuh, most furs are weird degens.

No. 929291

The fuck is up with her face

No. 929324

Can we get a thread on ekane ? ( @bigekane on TikTok) I’m surprised she doesn’t already have one

No. 929345


God I know, I was just browsing with the brightness low and it scared the crap out of me

No. 929351

File: 1709439239427.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1179x1711, IMG_2741.jpeg)

How in the fuck is there not a thread for Laura Najm/YoungLo and Narally Morales-Najm?

No. 929359

New KF thread please, Null raised 100K and is going to court

No. 929500

File: 1709771260580.jpg (Spoiler Image,202 KB, 1523x2048, 20240306_175231.jpg)

Is anyone working on a new celeb cow thread?
Pic related, K-Stew at the premier of her totally lesbian not-for-men movie.(asking for /ot/ generals)

No. 929603

File: 1709960615161.png (275.23 KB, 499x563, IMG_8887.png)

would anyone be interested in a sammie bushart thread? a 27 year old fatty who fakes pregnancies (including one with lil wayne) whilst ignoring her two actual children that are raised by her mom. recently gave birth to a third, fathered by her “bf” who looks like ET. chronic oversharer and huge ego. orbiters include the constant flow of apathetic black guys who couldn’t care less about her, and a chick named Kimberly who exploits her disabled kid for attention. i just don’t like the thread on KF. constant racism and “she’s fat and i would not have sex with her” jokes.

No. 929609

I would, I tried to get into her threads on KF a year or two ago and same problem. She seems very milky and gross and it could be a fun new thread series to revitalize /snow/

No. 929638

Id be interested.

No. 929656

Anything to revitalize snow, it's fucking dead over there.

No. 929678

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Don't want to necro her original thread. Does anyone know anything about her? Last post was on 2022 at what it looks like a hospital? We were never able to figure out what she had going on because she would refuse to say while at the same time making all her posts about her illness.

Anywhere to discuss her?

No. 929753

She commented on her last TikTok from 2023, saying something like "Lots of stuff you guys don't know about, a lot of pain". She's obviously autistic. She acts and moves like an old woman. Like a 90 year old in a 20-somethings body.

No. 929756

I'd move like I was 90 too if I had crusty crackly harlequin baby skin.

No. 929796

Wow some of you are really pathetic.(infighting)

No. 929889

we need like a wiccan/pagan cringe/cow general. reddit is a goldmine of insanity

No. 929904

May I request another ana-chan thread nonnies please

No. 929921

Is jake munro getting another thread or should he go back to the alt cows thread?

No. 929933

Seconded. The extent of these people's delusions is both fascinating and hilarious. I find it amusing how people are out of touch with reality magically convinced themselves that theyre better than everyone.
Id also vote to include "witchtok". They're stupid and gullible as hell. If they believed someone hexed the moon and that they can "shift realities" by laying down in bed starfish position, I can't help but wonder what new crackpot beliefs these idiots have dreamed up kek.

No. 929971

Can't speak for another anons but I'd prefer he get his own containment thread because like clockwork anytime he was brought up in the altcow thread there was an immediate pivot to Kaya, even when she's completely devoid of milk. It got old quickly and I'd rather not return to that.

No. 930023

Please pro-ana scumbags 108

No. 930034

Ayrt you're right. It's better to contain him. I wonder if he's raging that a new thread hasn't been made for him yet?

No. 930086

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Does anyone want a new thread on @fakeboitherottengirl ? She's been derailing the Luna thread lately and "coincidentally" been posting the same stuff on her blog too.

No. 930092

This might work to keep her from whiteknighting tuna all the time. Maybe she will be too busy defending herself. Maybe thats what she wants, her own thread.

No. 930093

I agree. Super milky. Wiccan can be a fun expression of religion but some of these bitches are embarrasing, fake and annoying. Its hilarious.

No. 930097

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Snagged before deleted

No. 930121

I feel like there's no winning with that one.
She shits up luna's thread either way then disappears for an inpatient or something. Then the cycle starts again.
Last thread was pretty funny but also encouraged her to go off. I wish she'd just take a permanent bed in the asylum like she needs.

No. 930122

Curiosity and nostalgia: anon who made the Raven Sporks threads, do you still walk among us?

No. 930137

yes. she's so embarrassing.

No. 930143

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Hello, so basically there are these guys who've been on YouTube for a long time known as Just Kidding News or JKnews. A lot of the people on the show are pretty lulzy and have been for a very long time. I found them back in middle school, in 2015 or 16. They've been stuck in that era for a long time. They started off with a fung brothers like humor and slowly sunk into getting weirder and weirder. One of the guys on the show, Bart Kwan, once told a horrific story about sexually assaulting another boy at boarding school before quickly saying he made it up once he started getting criticism. He's recently posted about his low Testosterone on Instagram. Meanwhile David So, a past member of JKnews currently has a podcast with his wife, Mariul, who he threatened to kick in the stomach over cold slaw. He plays it off as joke but you can tell the two have marital issues. A lot of the past members and current members are trainwrecks. They're working through midlife crisis, failed careers, or failing marriages. They also tend to over share. A lot of the men are also so sexist and gross. The stuff they say on their show says a lot about them. I'm not good at making threads though and do not have access to a computer so I'm wondering if someone else who can make a thread knows about these guys will think they are lolcow worthy enough for a thread like I do.

No. 930150

Oh man, I'd be down for a thread lol. I haven't kept up with them in a long time but it's no surprise to me some of them are still walking around all gassed up from their old e-fame with their heads still up their asses. Do you have a clip of the cole slaw vid? And here's some links to their previous drama for those unfamiliar…

^Josh, one of their previous hired talents, was notably being bullied by the cast while on set and after leaving

^Tiff, who became one of the last remaining female regulars on the show, was suddenly let go without notice and without pay because she didn't fit in with the "man vibe" they were shifting towards

^An intern who used to work for them spoke out about how she was being overworked and underpaid by the company, which resulted in the entire JK cast jumping down her throat in the most professional way you'd expect…

There's definitely more stuff worth mentioning - like how Gina was dating a tiktok psycopath, some stuff with Julia that I can't quite recall atm, and Bart's dad committing suicide after Bart made him relocate to live closer to him, and I'm sure there's been plenty more since.

No. 930745

Put it in the youtuber thread for now

No. 930761

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Update: Fakeboi is on Tik Tok.

No. 930793

I'm down for a fakeboi thread

No. 930843

We already have one in /snow

No. 930844


Here's David So threatening his wife over coldslaw

No. 930850

It has reached post limit

No. 930856

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Anyone interested in ClubChamalet? Supposedly a middle age woman who is a Timmy fan and big Kylie hater. I find her delusional posts hilarious.

No. 930857

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No. 930867

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Yes! This bitch is insane! I want to know how she ended up this way. She's even met him a few times.

No. 930868

Girl needs to invest in a wig, or at least some fake bangs.

No. 930899

Yes. Or maybe a general thread for crazy fans.

No. 930932

File: 1712091072036.png (117.4 KB, 1111x638, Screenshot 2024-04-02 134808.p…)

I'd love to see a thread on r/purplepilldebate. It's basically a toxic incel cesspool with a few reasonable voices. A lot of the redpilled/trad men on there believe in pseudoscience about women's brains/anatomy. Often saying stuff like childbirth is easy and it's easy to stay skinny after and how women need to shut up and stop being afraid because "for thousands of years." A lot of fake "psychology" bullshit about chad this and hypergamous women that. Tons of broken people giving other broken people advice.

No. 930941

You should probably just post in the Reddit hate thread over in /ot/ I don’t know if a whole thread is needed

No. 930955

File: 1712123129755.png (169.04 KB, 303x490, Screenshot 2024-04-02 224040.p…)

Requesting a thread for autism_mom_life aka Joannie and Cash. Cash is Joannie's 12 year old massive autist son who gets physically aggressive. The two of them are enmeshed to the point on incest and Joannie pretty much lets Cash control the house. btw there's three other kids and animals she's neglecting, including a cat that recently died.

No. 930964

yes please! have plenty of stuff saved up that I'd love to post in a thread

No. 930966

they sound milky as FUCK i would appreciate a thread

No. 931021

Would this be allowed? Rules state threads can only be made on people over 16, Cash is 12. Obviously I'm sure most of the focus would be on the mom but he'd still be in all the videos.

No. 931023

Most likely, since it's public social media; see Alice's thread

No. 931050

Why is the front page full of thousand year old threads with 2 year old replies(>>>/meta/)

No. 931061

Raid/spam clean up. Likely someone trying to bury a recent post about one of the active cows on the board, given they dug deep for shit to bump up.

No. 931116

some german reddits are being haunted by the pedo tranny consuelam4p
this dude posts exclusively about his attraction to children, his pro pedophilia blog and sexual violence(newfag)

No. 931132

File: 1712454333134.jpg (117.78 KB, 720x708, 1712079092147.jpg)

Not sure if this thread will get checked, but for the nonna that will make a new thread for Celebricows, could you please use this? I think it's the best candidate from the current full thread. Thank you!(wrong thread, this thread is for requesting brand new threads about new subjects)

No. 931252

Has anyone considered making a just pearly things thread? I think she was mentioned in tardthots but not sure about anywhere else. Everything she says is obviously low quality bait, but making fun of how much of a pick me she is doesn't sound like the worst idea for a thread. What do anons think?

No. 931253

It's a good idea

No. 931256

Requesting threads on personalityfags like pakichan, japanon etc

No. 931265

Requesting a passport bros thread

No. 931284

I need a thread on Judah/Tzvi/CatholicMars or whatever that tranny junkie is now.

No. 931317

yes. Please!

No. 931376

no recent shatna thread? can't find Jack shit in snow

No. 931440

No. 931443

yeah I hope someone bumps it already so it can rise frorm the cemetery of these 8 year old threads

No. 931721

Can someone update the onision archive? I would do it but I am retarded and I don’t know where to pick up, the last one was a year ago

No. 931740

I'll do it this weekend

No. 931861

2 days and no pixielocks thread? That's actually great.

No. 931864

Most people who follow her thread are clusterbee lurkers afraid to fuck up a post on the TERF site.

No. 932120

I'd like another ProJared thread. I know there isn't a ton of major milk, but keeping track of his stupid posts and Holly's skirting around drama is still interesting. Is anyone still interested?

No. 932157

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This page is fucked atm. Thanks in advance to the tech people who fix it.

No. 932158

File: 1714431618135.png (186.74 KB, 1440x2661, Screenshot_20240429-175952.png)

>>932157(wrong thread)

No. 932164

Found the answer on >>>/meta/ and it's to delete cookies. I did and the page went back to normal.

No. 932165

You can also just hit “show saged posts” at the top lol

No. 932390

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Anyone making a new momokun thread? She's talking about sinking more frivolous money expenses into the failing studio.

No. 932476

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Is there enough anons interested for a thread on Zena and Poppy? They’ve both been in a situation for a while now and it’s a hysterical train wreck to see filled with degeneracy, lies, and a bunch of skeletons coming out of the two’s closet. They were both being discussed in the Lily Orchard thread but that one died down and I’d like to avoid the same happening here, they’re both much more milky than the typical members of that hatebase anyways

No. 932483

Yes I hope a nona that has time and more experience can make a thread soon, thank you in advance to the nona who does!

No. 932499

I’ll be interested, I’ve seen videos on YouTube about this whole situation that are movie hours long and I would prefer to read it on lolcow with the removal of flowery language that affirms these degens

No. 932503

Making the thread now, lots of docs I have to go through, should be out in the coming week if I have the time

No. 932519

Ty Nona, take as much time as you need cause I know judging on all of the info coming out about those too, it’s going to be a lot

No. 932664

please nona, we need a new thread. She is looking so effing huge right now.

No. 932691

I'll make a thread tonight, since I haven't seen anyone else claiming to do it

No. 932726

File: 1715138207875.jpg (28.79 KB, 576x381, felicia wilson.jpg)

I saw some interest in Save A Fox.

Idk if Mikayla produces enough milk for her own thread, but there's a ton of exotic animal drama, like NaturePunk is still posting despite that rescue fraud. Felicia Wilson, therealmowgli (who does a lot of vids with doc antle's animals, from Tiger King), jessica coker (juniperfox), I think Camels&Friends took hiatus after that wolfdog attack. It's really booming on tiktok though.

I think with the death of youtube, exotic animals took it's place. It attracts a lot of people who crave attention.

No. 932738

I used to love the pet tubers threads >>>/snow/831551 I would be down for a revive but call it pet influencers or something to encompasses more then just YouTube

No. 932768


i think a new animal thread would be great. pettube fell off for the most part but there are still a lot of people in places like tiktok whose pet care is absolutely down the drain and i’d be interested in learning of other controversies creators have been in regarding their animals and such

No. 932782

Love the idea of pet influencers. Or just 'animal' influencers since a lot of these people claim these wild animals aren't pets (but still keep them in the house with their cats and dogs)

Save A Fox is in the limelight right now, but there's a lot more that I think should be discussed more.

Issue is this is really flourishing on toktok. Longer format videos were a lot easier to dissect, and those 'all my pets' youtube videos were a goldmine. Short-form tik toks really only show what the creator wants to show in like 30s clips.

I can make a thread on /snow but it won't be for some time yet, I'm busy af, and I certainly won't be upset if someone else makes one first.

I'm thinking OP post would obviously have save a fox. I think NaturePunk_ would be decent, as they have so much history, although recently they have been very careful of what they post. Juniperfox is also pretty big. I would love to add Camels&Friends but they have been MIA for years now. Anyone else y'all can think of to add to OP that's had some recent drama?

No. 932792

File: 1715196426034.jpg (41.6 KB, 640x480, losing it over nothing.jpg)

Would anybody be interested in a thread dedicated to Riley Welch the Swagger? He's an autistic SML/SMG4 fan who makes cringeworthy reaction videos almost every single day on YouTube, and when he's not making videos, he makes posts on his community tab where he posts his opinions on things he spergs over alongside pictures of himself that usually end up unintentionally hilarious. I tried to document his daily life months ago, but forgot about it until now.

Here are some of his more memorable traits/moments of autism.
>Is a hypocrite. He only likes fourth wall breaks in SMG4 but not in SML for some reason.
>Has a TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn and Reddit account alongside his Youtube channel.
>He's currently 18 years old. (Born on December 6th 2005) Keep that in mind.
>He also likes franchises like RWBY and South Park alongside more embarrassing shows like Sesame Street.
>Currently a high school student in the special education class with no job, or any known plans of having a job for the future.
>Lives with his elderly looking mother. I have no idea where is father went since he's never seen in any posts from what I can tell.
>Tried his hand at 3D graphics design. I can't remember most of the post he made or even the link to it, but rest assured, he sucks ass at it.
>Also makes "art" from images he can get his hands on from Google, and they all suck. His YT banner is such an example.
>Despite being from a primarily English speaking country, he can't even write proper English. As a result, everything he types and says never make any coherent sense. He also sounds kind of like the Lumpy Space Princess from Adventure Time but autistic.
>He has comical levels of favouritism toward SMG4, especially the girls.
>Speaking of girls, he likes animated women so much that it borders on creepy.
>His reaction videos are just terrible. I tried watching one of them and I can safely say that…
>He overreacts over the most mundane shit imaginable. Also, he once made a 22 minute rant about his disdain for Marijuana jokes like the manchild he is.
>Being a dumbass, he tends to point out very obvious points.
>He records from his phone since he couldn't be bothered to get better equipment.
>He constantly begs for attention and fame even when he really doesn't need to. This also applies to his posts on social media. (I think.)
>His reactions are so forced and exaggerated that it makes his videos hilarious for all the wrong reasons. It's almost as if his reactions are scripted.
>The faces he makes most of the time are so stupid that you could easily make tons of memes out of them.
>Also, the shirts he wears in everything he posts are just childish but has it's own fanboyish charm at best and embarrassing at worst.
>All of this and somehow he has 15 million views and 25k subscribers, most of them being dumb as he is.

There's just so much about this individual that I find interesting that I can't help but talk about him on this thread. He's just that insane, and I figured that he has tons of milking potential.

No. 932797

no offense anon but I can't imagine caring about this teenage nobody even on a website like lolcow.farm. I don't even know what SML or SMG4 is. from you saying you tried to document his daily life awhile ago it feels like you're obsessed with this kid and you should probably go and touch grass or something instead.

No. 932799

Didn't I just say that he's 18? Also, when I said that I was documenting his life, I meant that I was looking at all his YT posts and taking notes in my head and not actually writing shit about this man.

No. 932808

this just seems like a normal teenage autist, i can't see much milk here at all, doesn't seem like he's hurting anyone

No. 932811

I didn't mean "kid" like a child I meant "kid" as an 18 year old who, as >>932808 said, isn't doing anything harmful but being autistic and making cringe videos. he's still in high school, of course he's going to be cringe. who cares?

No. 932828

Half of what you wrote is nitpicking and the other half is more sad than funny. Vendetta

No. 932838

Well, his content is cringe for sure, but for some reason, his cringe antics really fascinate me. They seem to be so bad that you can help but watch and enjoy for yourself. There's just so much about this dude that I can't help but be interested in him and his content.

No. 932877

Your inability to sage makes me wonder at this being a self post

No. 932889

okay. go be fascinated over him somewhere else.

No. 932913

this girl deserves a thread/is basically asking for it namedropping us. I'd make it myself but it'll take a bit. anyone willing?

No. 932920

…why? Has she done anything deserving of a thread? completely innocuous video. don't be retarded nonnie

No. 932922

No reason for a thread, just a boring netizen, people need to be milky to have a thread yk

No. 932933

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Nta but she’s kind of notorious in the consumerism thread for bashing people buying coomer figures, but it’s ok for her to by literal secondhand cum stained sonicos because it’s “plus size represention”.
However the worst thing is that she’s trying to be uwu sympathetic of cows like chris chan after finding the farms. She’s defending him in comments and saying he wouldn’t have raped his mother if he wasn’t groomed, failed by the internet, and manipulated to do it >>1997357 as if chris chan wasn’t a terrible person before it. These two comments are just a tip of the iceberg of defending she did about a “poor autistic man” and how she’s a teachers aid for speds so she totes know what she’s talking about. She’s not innocuous at all.

No. 932940

Not particularly, considering people like him are a dime a dozen on YT. Unless he graduates to horrorcow status, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.

No. 932946

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>Not mentioning that she encourages kids to buy porn mascot figures and shits on women for liking hetalia because she's an extreme pick me.

No. 932950

File: 1715385801528.png (635.76 KB, 1680x2341, dumbasspickme.png)

There's a lot. She specifically hates on anyone collecting loli figures, but "accidentally" buys them herself because they're cheap and cute and then later acts so shocked that a girl showing underwear comes from loli material. But Sonico is OK for everyone because it's plus size representation and totally not just fat fetish.
I'm interested in a thread and I'd make one, but other anons seem to know more of her history. I also don't know how to archive TikTok. Anyways, I compiled the screenshots of her defending Chris Chan on the Pixyteri video.

Defending a rapist is the most pickme you can get. Because men can't just be evil and do evil things without there being some "causation" or manipulation involved, right? I hate her.

No. 932951

Zoe dexpuppy thread when? She’s rumored to have been lurking here and anons keep finding more of her past. Currently she’s in her “menhera” streamer era and is spinning out hard. Calling her 40 year old white meth daddy her nigga and posting self harm, begging for new phone from simps and tweaking on stream at random hours. Fights other meth addicts on stream and thinks she’s tough for it. Somehow she thinks she’s still a cute little angel Japanese loli~ despite acting as American and XXL as they come.

No. 932970

>Anyone who slightly rubs me up wrong is a lolcow

No. 932971

check the consoomer thread, there's other anons asking for one too.

No. 932972

Yes she is kind of cringe but she's like 20, most people are at that age. Does having a sped haircut and being sort of annoying really make one a cow?

No. 932973

>Does having a sped haircut and being sort of annoying really make one a cow?
nta but have you looked in /w/? cows are completely different there

No. 932974

are you one of her followers kek? why the wk

No. 932975

Insulted that you think I'd consider downloading TikTok.

No. 932992

you are acting like a tiktok user and should be insulted.

No. 932995

>but she's like 20
She's 25 actually.

No. 933028

she’s the same age as shayna and pixielocks and is way older than when either of them, or momokun had their threads first made. there are tons of cows in /snow/ who are younger and less milky than her. sure she’s not pt material but she’s a cow for sure

No. 933033

Then make the thread yourself and prove it

No. 933037

i'm not the op but will gladly contribute if she makes it!

No. 933038


No. 933107

Can we have a coomer general thread in /ot/ or something? Idk if it's redundant of a topic since it's kind of a topic that spans across numerous threads.

No. 933117

OP, I'm not an experienced thread maker so it might be a bit cobbled together and cop a shit thread but I'm willing to do it tomorrow after work, unless a cute neet nonnie wants to take one for the team. if there isn't one by tomorrow I'll do it myself, sorry it's already taking so long considering I'm the one who requested it kek

No. 933123

Is there a worldoftshirts thread? Can’t find one, wanted to check before I make it.

No. 933146

I'll contribute at well! Posting this here instead of the consoomerism thread. Addy actually has a brother that trooned out and she refers to him as "sister" now. He films all his videos in his sister's gooner room, uses heavy filters, and shares clothes with her. I'd feel bad for her if she wasn't a rape apologist. His TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@juicygirltv

No. 933160

theres an old one that hasn't been bumped in a long time use the search feature

No. 933193

My God why do they have the same gross potato face

No. 933199

They're related.

No. 933264

No shit but I've never seen such a weird-facial-feature copy+paste across two siblings of the opposite sex

No. 933303

File: 1715815342663.jpeg (223.35 KB, 1546x1167, IMG_9196.jpeg)

Is there enough milk for a thread on Adam22 and LenaThePlug TL;DR of what I know
>Does porn together all the time where Lena watches Adam fuck other women
>Have a child who they flaunt around their channel like an accessory when they’re not making their sex life public for all to see
>Claim to be in an open relationship in porn only and they’re free to go with whoever but for 99% of their porn career it’s just been Lena watching Adam fuck other women or vice versa
>When Lena started having sex with other men Adam got mocked
>Recently actually did a scene with another man and now requests for Adam to do shit with another guy are coming (more Kek worthy if anything)
>Adam has a lot of past questionable tweets and questionable behavior towards a 16 year old
>Crossover with other cows occasionally like Gabbie Hanna, SSSniperwolf, Blaire White, and Shoe0nHead (which is funny because their relationship is basically if Shoe and Armoured Skeptic started doing porn)
>>>/snow/748370, >>>/snow/748774, >>>/snow/1626187, >>>/snow/1935849, >>>/snow/1488773, >>>/snow/1988836
If the last one’s anything to go by they may have broken up but still could be milky, like I said I’m a bit behind and can’t find much on them as of late sadly, I know they were talked about a few times in some Soundclout threads and there was an old thread on /PT/ about them that got locked for shit OP but I’ll leave it to other anons to decide if they want a thread

No. 933304

A Kim Jong-un thread would be nice

No. 933333

KEK. this would be amazing.

No. 933393

We need a new male cow anyway since the other two (Onion, Chris) have been dry for so long and there’s a lot of potential with Big Kim.

>dad and grandpa were also cows

>larps as his grandpa when it’s convenient
>crackhead sister with a lot of simps
>entitled pickme wife who was originally groomed into marrying him with the help of his dad when she was a minor (they started ‘dating’ when she was 17-18 and Kim was 23)
>forced his wife to ‘retire’ from singing in order to secure the throne
>overly touchy with his own daughter
>uses said daughter as a meat shield so his enemies wouldn’t attack him when given the chance
>wife and sister are constantly fighting over stupid shit
>is fat
>cuts his own hair which always comes out retarded-looking
>has died multiple times than Goku
>an alcoholic
>is bffs with Dennis Rodman

No. 933405

I dunno, I still think Trump is the biggest political lolcow. His meltdowns are hilarious.

No. 933430

you’re right, but imagine the type of people (moids) that would attract to this site. we’d turn into /pol/.

No. 933437

Trump already has a thread on kiwi farms, he can stay there.

No. 933459

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Also forgot to mention, when they were touring a theme park back in 2012, Kim lost his shit in front of foreign diplomats and journos due to the ride not working the first time and was about execute one of the workers until his tard wrangler-I mean wife got him to calm the fuck down.

Also, he whacked his uncle and his big bro

No. 933532

File: 1715950474945.webp (55.82 KB, 900x900, Larry_Bundy_Jr.webp)

I am currently writing something about picrel and honestly feel like I am one good arc away from having something pretty entertaining. Does anything have any interesting leads regarding guru Larry? so far I have

>departure from screw attack

>getting exposed for writing ED articles about all of his friends and colleagues
>being the worlds biggest pat the nes punk alog
>trying to walk back his feelings on gamergate when restera wont take his feelings on channel awesome falling apart seriously
>complains in mister metokurs comment section about resetera the next day
>posting cringe on DHI, getting laughed at then getting caught by admins defending himself using a sock puppet.

the man has been posting for over 20 years and leaves like 400 comments a day so if anyone knows anything not listed I would deeply appreciate you letting me know. ty for reading all this.

No. 933551

she blocked me for pointing that out lmao, she was trying to cancel nekopara figure owners because the characters are only 1 year old (completely ignoring the fact they're genetically modified cat girls, which takes away any seriousness to the matter)

and I pointed out figures she owns from series that are on the same level as what she was cancelling people for and she blocked me

I have so many moots to this day who get death threats for owning nekopara merch because of her stupid video

No. 933557

Isn't he also morbidly obese? Him being a neet that posts over 400+ hrs a day doesn't seem that weird in hindsight…

No. 933561

He lost a ton of weight over 10 years ago.

No. 933571

idk where the original nona went but a thread for her would be interesting. especially finding out now that she has a troon brother. he's also a creep and had an egirl and bimbofication fetish, he crossdressed as belle delphine before going tranny full-time. i wonder if that affected addy at all or if she was an insufferable coomer before that?

No. 933578

File: 1716036880568.jpg (247.07 KB, 1014x788, autism_incarnate.jpg)

How come there's not a single thread about MkayRose26? This guy is such an intriguing individual that I can't help but be fascinated with his online presence. Below are some of the things I've gathered about him.
>Was born in the United States on June 1st. I don't know how old he is, but seeing as how most of his fixations revolve around 90's entertainment, I'm guessing that he's around his 30's or his 40's.
>A self-proclaimed artist that makes consistently bad art, with one example shown in this post.
>Has a specific preference towards characters he calls "cartoony" and has a hatred towards more humanoid designs. He even made the claim that modern human anime girl designs look ugly.
>Has an obsession with girls from the Tamagotchi anime series, despite him being in adulthood when the series was airing, and draws tons of art of the girls from that series alongside Buttercup from The Powerpuff Girls for some reason. (Keep in mind that these characters are children and he's well into adulthood by now.)
>Has a diaper fetish according to some of his artwork.
>Roleplays as characters he has a boner for on TV Tropes forums, all of them being young female characters. Of course there's nothing wrong with roleplaying, but I always found it weird, and this guy takes it to a new level due to his creepy obsessions with those characters.
>Has an autistic hatred towards the word "waifu" being associated with him. Also cannot stand being called a weeb even though he is one.
>According to his socials, one of his autistic headcanon ideas involves female characters from Smash Bros that he finds "small, silly or toony" called Super Smash Dolls. The way he calls them "dolls" is just unnerving to me.
>Heavily implied to have autism, though he never seems to bring it up in any of his socials.
>Probably a pedophile.
There's so much about this guy that words cannot describe his existence. He's so creepy and ripe for milking potential that's almost admirable that he managed to do all of this for so long without anyone batting an eye. At this rate, he's basically begging for a thread.
Apologies for the lack of information but I have personal assignments to do very soon. If anyone is interested in a thread for MkayRose26 or simply found more information regarding him, let me know.
Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/mkayrose26
TV Tropes profile: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Tropers/MkayRose
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mkayrose64/
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/49342465

No. 933624

Yeah I was confused when they just went radio silent kek.
Her newest tiktok annoyed me, obviously the other girl was referring to typical brands (liz lisa, ank rogue, MARs, etc aka stuff that's actually popular) that get discussed rather than fugly ACDC rag shit.

No. 933643

what is up with bringing random autistic men onto this site? who even cares?

No. 933644

>mentions jirai kei as a plus size option
I thought she said that was problematic too at some point? Also yeah the girl wasn't even being condescending, it's true that burando one size is usually made for small sizes. Addy's listing ugly oversized brands as "plus size". It's made baggy with the purpose of thin girls swimming in it, that's the aesthetic, Japan isn't thinking about how "inclusive" it is. An oversized shirt just happens to fit her gut too.

No. 933653

The dumb bitch really loves showing how little she knows about jfashion, I am not gonna defend japan and burandos pushing one sizes but to have the audacity to claim oversized brands as catering to plus sizes is insane when there are fashion magazines dedicated to plus size fashion, promotes a variety of brands, some which emulate burando styles and even japanese plus size fashion influencers she could have scraped all this info from. La farfa was a super known plus size magazine and brands like DearMyLove go up to 6L, she could have talked about the marshmallow girls/pocchari phenomenon too and how its becoming its own trendy subculture.

No. 933656

>unnerving to me
>probably pedo
>seems weird

Maybe there isn't a thread because no-one cares about some random autist faggot. 'bad art' isn't milk, being 'unnerved' isn't milk and being a creepy sped scrote isn't milk.
You make it sound like it's the next onion or something. Spend more time with your obsession and less with us, anon.

No. 933657

We've got a potential cow namedropping and begging for a thread? Why the fuck would anyone make it? You're not supposed to play with the cows or encourage them. It's just going to start more autism with stans and orbiters. Probably bring a bunch more twitter fags as well.
Fucking newfaggotry.

No. 933702

Well, I just assumed that weird individuals would be the main talking points on this site, but I guess that they're too tame for most people to care anyways. Chris Chan became known because he made cringe stuff for a living, and that's exactly what these folks are doing. Also, before you call me out for this, when I said that MkayRose was probably a pedo I was doing it as a joke but the potential implications are all over the place even if he's innocent in just having fun with his shitty art career. What even are the standards for people to warrant threads anyways?

No. 933745

maybe he could be posted in the art cow or bad art thread or something? and if he ends up milky he could get his own thread.

idk why some anons are so aggro over others wanting more threads. do you want new milk or not? if they aren't milky the thread will just die but clearly a bunch of anons from the consoomer thread want one on >>932913.

in what way is making a thread cow tipping? nobody requesting her thread has interacted with her in any way afaik. the threads are for our entertainment who cares if it "encourages" them? tbh you sound like the newfag kek.

No. 933846

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Did Dexpuppy/Zoe/Happyfruitskawaii ever get a thread? Looks like even meth daddy is over her bullshit

No. 933860

New celeb cow thread anyone?(celebricows is on /ot/ not on /pt/ )

No. 933929

Can we get a Lily B Chapman/ebc.jpg thread??

No. 933961

Where is the new thread

No. 934011

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Annnd he left her. Woof.

No. 934019

No. 934092

I'm making one since I couldn't find a new one. Give me a moment.

No. 934098

im interested in making a art resources sharing thread (brushes,3d assets,courses,or tutorials) will it be a problem since most of the links might be mediafire or offsite file sharing links? ive heard links being deleted by mods

No. 934135

anyone working on proana scumbags 109?

No. 934139

I know in meta there was talk of a fattie thread but, would there be interest in a foodiebeauty specific thread? Or is she too boring now?

No. 934174

Been out of the loop on Foodie for ages, but sure.
Vidrel for anyone who wants to make a thread.

No. 934252

requesting a husbandofag general thread, people like the woman obsessed with buff demon spongebob

No. 934346

i know we have a thread for fandom discourse already but that tends to go off topic about female characters and fujos and shit. I think lots of "proship activists" or whatever you wanna call them are super milky and could have a whole thread dedicated to them. Here's a few off the top of my head:

>"rehabilitative criminal therapist" aka thinks rapist moids should be forgiven
>supporter of aggy/stwawbwewymilk who has a thread as well >>>/snow/1057353

lizcourserants/discourse catharsis
>yaoi anime made her stop being homophobic
>made a video in defense of aggy https://youtu.be/y2VEK-6Uo58?si=jdHGtwgqMy822FaU

>thinks its ok for children to look at porn
>wrote a smut fanfiction featuting a 15 year old kpop idol

>account is currently private atm
>supports a subreddit dedicated to fantasies about corrective rape against lesbians because "muh coping mechanism" even though most members are moids
>in spite of that throws temper tantrums whenever someone calls a bisexual character a lesbian

Again this all just off the top of my head, there's probably way more milk on them. Other general habits amongst these people include comparing everyone they dont like to christofascists and sexually harassing everyone they disagree with.

No. 934374

That sounds milky but you really can't have a thread on proship retards without the equally retarded antis being brought up, which is going to lead to massive derailing, and you know you're going to have endless 'what counts as CP/child abuse/fictional characters aren't real/who helped Palestine more/XYZ is potentially a troon' infights that go on for fucking days. The minute you make that thread it's going to be locked because hysterical Twitter tourists on both sides will post IRL child porn and zoo porn to prove a point.
Tldr, don't bother, it's going to be more of a flaming dumpster fire than the fandom discourse thread.

No. 934397

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There’s some more milk about Liz you could add
>Defended MariAkutsu (the woman who made a 500 page doc on a 14 year old over shipping shit) I think they were also friends
>Defended Homonuculus100_ / Homie or whatever that one cow with the amputation fetish’s name was
TBF that also happened with Aggy’s thread, just give it time and eventually they’ll give up
Side note but this is my 4th time posting this because I kept fucking up the links so sorry for constantly deleting and reposting

No. 934398

Oh I'd love a thread for this

No. 934437


I was just reading about her weird doxxing campaign and thought she sounded milky. Would love if a nonna with more info than me could make a thread.

No. 934543

Dumb question but: Where would you post a thread about weird online mini-cults? I was thinking of making it on /snow/ but maybe it'd make more sense on /m/. I was thinking of writing a rundown of Aristasia (check out the MtF thread for a glimpse). Hopefully there are enough anons who are willing to document (semi)online cults, Second Life secret societies, that sort of thing

No. 934601

Could work but it would depend, you may need to collect a few more to get an interest going or just do an /ot/ thread to follow that one specifically, if there’s enough milk in that specific one it could be in /snow/
Yes please, Proship Cows is a thread I’ve been hoping for for a while, that community is a gold mine especially on Twitter and Tumblr, Antishippers have some cow like tendencies too so maybe you could make it about them too but that could make it too discourse-y and turn into the new Fujo/anti-fujo discourse like how there’s a fujoshi cringe thread and anti-fujo thread, don’t be shocked if an antiship cows thread is made in response or just add a note in Proship Cows like “You may also post dumb anti takes if they fit here”

No. 934603

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Requesting one for the creepy pronate couple the Collinses, people are already talking about them in Grimes, Varg and Leftthots, they have overlap with tech/effective autism/peter thielverse as well, seems like they have lots of potential.

No. 934604

No. 934605

that’s one way to sell sex then leading to kids for nerds because theyre notorious virgins addicted to porn with strange ideas about relationships/sex. just extremely frustrating it leads to kids with shit parents who will set them up for behavioral issues for life.

No. 934638

seconding this! there’s loads of milk on these two but i’m not sure where to put it.

No. 934672

I mean snow I guess, they're not weebs but she did make him a dakimakura of herself.

No. 934732

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Huge twitter cow @lovedoveclark definitely deserves a thread
> pretends to be able to talk to animals and plants and a bunch of other pretentious esoteric spiritual hippie stuff
> claims to have a baby face and calls people bitter haters for saying she looks her age lol
> larps as an indigenous princess and once changed her display name from „Pocahontas“ to „Poca-n-word“ when people didn’t believe her
> scammed people with her tacky instagram drop shipping leggings business (@en.tinge)
>got exposed by a friend for using her for a pathetic promo event and treating her like shit
> told her haters to kill themselves in an (of course) deleted tweet
> notorious tweet & delete cycle
> deludes herself into thinking that she inspired literally every single trend
> has been caught using AI to write deep philosophical takes topkek
> used to show her vagina on OF but then insulted other women for, I quote, „selling their pussy pics for a big mac “
> pedo-baited on her OF (as expected)
> constantly boasts about dating ugly white men while claiming that her type is actually women of color topkek
> has an entire pinterest board dedicated to white men (genuinely unsettling to look at)
> as a result often gets dragged by black twitter for obsessing over white men and then frames it to look like people are racist and bullying her for being in an interracial relationship
> cries about people „misgendering“ her when her own family refers to her as female all the time

No. 934780

wow thats a lot of crazy in her head.

No. 934983

A Nicole Dollanganger's Calves: Where Are They Now? Thread would be fun

No. 935015

Anyone working on Cam Girls Thread #16 yet? also, is anyone interested in reviving the Ari/PnP/scorpioassheaux/pickledpetshop threads since she is starting to post more on social media again? It seems some nonas get upset when we start discussing pnp in the cam girls threads. I'm willing to work on a new pnp thread if there is interest

No. 935025

I vote yes, I only go to the cam whore thread for pnp anyways. And she's not really a camgirl so idk why she has to be discussed in there

No. 935067

I’m excited for this, I loved the old pnp threads and still can’t believe they fell off.

No. 935089

Ask for PnP and ye shall receive

No. 935099

I would like a thread on what happened to Nicole Dollanganger's calves, like Millie graves and jess woods.

No. 935270

File: 1717909869844.jpg (154.92 KB, 1000x1000, RoseMulet.JPG)

Is there any nonas who are interested in a thread on Rose Mulet and know more that could make one. From what I’ve found
>Obsession with Onision and faked her suicide because he didn’t give her attention >>>/pt/762368
>Thinks is wrong to defend for women to defend themselves if they’re being raped >>>/snow/1707097
>Fake MTF, pretends to be one to get away with being ugly
>Past drama with TheRightOpinion, NicholasDeOrio, and Turkey Tom
>Beefed with people Keffals, Kat Blaque, and MrGirl
>Slapfight with ex friend named Victory Rhyder
>Got attention because of a “Simp anthem” made in 2020 that was used by people on TikTok like Tana Mongeau
>Has a whole discography of shitty music with titles like “41%”
>Got into debates on TikTok over shit takes on things like rape and some gendie and political shit
>Defended Blaire White during the Jeffree Star drama only to 360 later on
>Constantly says to be going on Hiatus only to come back shortly after
>Desperately tries to skinwalk larger creators for relevancy
>Recently came back into public eye because of making a video boosted by BradTasteInMusic

I don’t know the most about her situations and past dramas so I probably can’t make a fully thread but she seems milky. Maybe the fake MTF thing will be a bit controversial but if any anons disagree with the tinfoil edit it as you see fit

No. 935271

Yes please nona! I’ve been wanting one for a while tbh.

No. 935276

Interesting cow.

I found this video, she made a fool of herself in a debate.

No. 935338

This misogynistic fat piece of shit is so ugly, inside and out, I look forward to getting a thread

No. 935370

I made a Rose Mulet thread, hope its okay

No. 935374

Seems like a good thread nona, hope it gets more traction

No. 935378

Thanks anon!

No. 935424

Mtf general #133

No. 935439

I can see where nonna is coming from with this suggestion. Gypsy herself has been messy lately. Off the top of my head the potential milk with her is the bad nose job, hopping back to her ex ken immediately, the trash fire clapbacks with her ex on social media, smoking and getting matching tattoos with ken upon first getting together, the overal disowning and smuggness she holds for nick godejohn. There's more stuff she's done that makes her victim status feel sour, but not enough to really warrant a good thread for her.
Maybe we could make a true crime cows thread? Just for people involved in crime cases, and life updates and overall scum behavior they continue to exhibit. Good contenders for this thread could be Karla Homolka, Chris watts, Casey Anthony (especially her because apparently she's trying to get a reality tv show for herself and continues to do deluded stuff like that)

No. 935459

>Maybe we could make a true crime cows thread? Just for people involved in crime cases, and life updates and overall scum behavior they continue to exhibit. Good contenders for this thread could be Karla Homolka, Chris watts, Casey Anthony (especially her because apparently she's trying to get a reality tv show for herself and continues to do deluded stuff like that)
I think it's a good idea.

No. 935464

Could it include true crime coat tail profiteers? Last podcast in the left had a bunch of drama, the alcoholics from my favorite murder, that weirdo who talks about dead people with living families to shill makeup?

No. 935555

Doesn’t a thread like that already exist? >>>/snow/1400331 Tbh I feel like making a thread on Rose specifically is just punching down at this point, from what it sounds like it’d just be depressing since we’d just be watching Ken destroy her life anyways, I just feel too bad for her to be able to consider her a cow personally

No. 935623

Someone could make a thread on VenusianRapper/YV's return

No. 935655


No. 935664

Could we maybe get a thread on Bam Margera and his new wife and that whole trainwreck? The LetsTalkBam subreddit banned talking about his skelly bride's ghoulish appearance and is way too sanitized but still has a ton of info. I'd make a thread but there's too much and I don't think I'd have the time to compile it, but I love to check up on him from time to time. The guy is a milk factory and deserves one

No. 935666

The link doesn't work, can you post it again?

No. 935690

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Racist, trans (I think), shows off her self harm bandages, “#pedophilia” posts edgelord shit all over her page, grandiose (she thinks she has “haters” apparently a “diagnosed sociopath” she shows off her guns/ bullets on her instagram stories, uses the n word, hates “fat bitches” shows off her hospital admissions. Absolute degenerate freak(namefag)

No. 935692

Please make one

No. 935704

empath chan has met her match

No. 935705

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Mikayla Nogueira

>photoshops her images to look like a different person picrel

>fakes her accent
>lies about paid reviews
>old milk, but "lashgate" where she made a concealed paid review about a mascara and used false eyelashes
>constantly lies about which products she uses regularly, it always changes depending on what she's reviewing
>constantly contradicts herself
>deletes comments that point out her lies and behavior
>plucks her hairline to the point it looks like she's balding to hide her widows peak. Lies about it, but recently blamed covid vaccines for her hair loss
>promised some fag to review his self tanner, didn't do it, promised again, said she "doesn't use self tanner", used self tanner and didn't review it. It was a whole drama

I get all this might sound nitpicky though. I'd be happy if we at least had a makeup guru/influencer thread, since it's so full of cows and weirdos.

No. 935745

I genuinely would because I don’t know her well other than her INSANE difference between real face and shoops kek

No. 935781

whats almost more milky is the guy(michael stevens) she suppose to review that self tanner claims he lost out 10k from his own investments for his new tanner company on a 'promise' made through instagram dms with her. Really stupid that people try to defend him on some 'verbal contract' durhurr when really it was just a stupid decision on his part to slap down that much money on…a dm saying I promise.

No. 935787

Ayrt. I agree, I don't defend the guy for losing money, because it really wasn't Mikayla's fault that he lost 10k. But I still think she was a bit of an asshole for promising to review it many times and never doing it. And then using self tanner after all that.

No. 935990

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Is Colleen Ballinger and the Ballinger Family still a topic of interest enough for a thread of their own? Beyond the Adam McIntyre grooming and Ukulele apology stuff her whole family is a mess of degen shit, allegations of abuse, and possible pedophilia. I know GuruGossipper has a bunch of threads on Colleen and her family, though I do not have the time to read all of them, especially because GG split Colleen and the main family up for some reason but they all seem very milky. They’re even somewhat mainstream since Colleen’s been palling around with Jojo Siwa for years

No. 935998

Damn did Kendrick Lamar see this 2023 tweet and steal it for Drake? Kek

No. 935999

The joke is awfully old, there's reddit posts from 14 years ago that made the same joke.

If the milk is stale maybe post her in the youtuber general thread on snow, unless she's particularly milky right now

No. 936000

Does she have anything currently going on right now that's milky?

No. 936114

Can someone make thread on Sv3rige/Goatis? He hired someone to throw acid on his ex girlfriend's face and to set her house on fire with their small son inside, nearly killing them both. She recently came forward confirming the attacks and is posting videos telling her story in her channel Lundi Forest. The guy is a total psycho and is currently hiding in Kazakhstan to avoid getting arrested.

No. 936125

She seems to not, as mentioned though she and her family have some threads on TattleLife and GuruGossipper that may be worth keeping an eye on though

No. 936258

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It would be good to have a general influencers/tiktokers thread.

No. 936331

Is there a nonnie interested enough in the animation meme community to make a thread on them? Seems to be a lot of cows and milk in there but it may have the issue of overlapping with threads like sjw e-artist and art commentary cows too much, and a lot of the subject in the community being teens might dissuade it. What do other nonnas think of the idea though?

No. 936377

No. 936378

Sounds milky I want it

No. 936379

File: 1719204251583.jpg (11.06 KB, 288x288, th-1994588944.jpg)

where is this girl's thread?

No. 936381

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>when there are fashion magazines dedicated to plus size fashion
this one right?

No. 936384

She’s so insufferable and keeps coming up on my recommended pages, the fact that she acts like an authority on Japanese pop culture like jfashion, anime and visual novels when she knows basic Twitter concepts about said things makes her extra annoying.

No. 936438

necro but i second this. no milk to add to her, not willing to DL OF but her insta is a goldmine

No. 936441

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Don't know this soon to be cow but she seems like the kind of person who should explicitly NOT be in any kind of environment where she's teaching

No. 936466

This is that girl who’s been making a bunch of videos on TikTok about cows and name dropping lolcow right? She may be milky if for no other reason than to have a containment thread since she keeps slipping her way into here and a bunch of OT threads

No. 936475

Yeah we need a thread on her already, specially considering she's obsessed with PT.

No. 936481

Hell no she doesn't need a thread, there's no actual cow behavior other than posting about lolcow, this all reeks of self posting

No. 936485

She has been pissing off farmers and she's been talked about on the consoom thread for a while now. I think she deserves a thread, unless you're her and defending yourself because she's a confirmed /pt/ lurker

No. 936492

Not her so don't hi cow, I've only just seen her brought up over and over in thread suggestions with no actual proof of milky behavior aside from TikToks, would should be kept in a gen tiktoker thread. Being cringe and going on lc doesn't make a person a cow. If anything, she's the kind of person who would self post for more attention whoring. And learn to sage.
It makes more sense she's self posting and just repeatedly begging for a thread because she knows she can't risk making a thread for herself. Honestly, it's transparent.

No. 936502

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NAYRT but she’s gone viral on weeb Twitter a couple times and it feels like she’s well disliked so it’d make sense if more than a few people wanted to make a thread for her to vent their annoyances.

No. 936503

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Comments under the post

No. 936504

I hate this retard so much she truly deserves a thread

No. 936508

>Being cringe and going on lc doesn't make a person a cow.
Then we wouldn't have a lot of cows like pixielocks and micky moon.
>Learn to sage
Say that to the other posters that haven't sagged either itt, retard.

No. 936510

She's literally so cringe and milky. We need the fucking thread already.
I wish idiots like you stopped trying to shut down threads on cows that everyone else wants. You're the reason why lolcow is so dead. Cope harder with your tinfoil, retard.

No. 936511

Her obsession with loli figures and children backpacks also feels like a self pedo thing to me. She would definitely had made rounds on /cgl/ back in the day. She's an hypocrite and ugly weaboo that thinks she's knowledgeable in shit, and she really isn't.

No. 936513

Pixielocks is a historical cow at this point stemming from lc's strong roots in the Lolita community while Mickey is literally a garbage person with a cycle of behavior so predictable it's almost textbook but go off
Then make the fucking thread. It's more annoying you weirdos keep bringing her up but none of you will ever get off your asses and make the damn thread yourself. Fucking pathetic tbh, you can't even write a decent blurb about someone you say is so milky? It's sad, really.

No. 936514

noñita the thread is up already >>>/w/329103

No. 936517

bohoo you couldn't stop anons from making a thread on her. sad.

No. 936518

Kek I'm glad it's been made so yall will shut up
Thanks for actually contributing instead of begging everyone else to do it for you

No. 936569

that's literally what the thread is for

No. 936744

Requesting a thread on Anitubers, think people like HeroHei or RevSaysDesu, it’s a milky side of the internet but no specific cow is milky enough for a thread of their own. Someone made a thread on Rev and you could just copy+paste the info from there into the new one >>>/snow/1985718 also DigiBro/DigiNee has a thread already so just include that in the OP if someone makes it >>>/w/94955 Not sure if it’s better for /w/ or /snow/, I’d say /snow/ though since they aren’t all obsessed with Japanese culture and their interest usually just ends at their loli porn kek

No. 937092

Kinda OT but I don’t know where else to ask this. But has anyone been keeping up with the ongoing Life Plus Cindy/Pleasant Sims milk? I don’t want to bump her thread if anons don’t care.

No. 937100

please do bump her thread! I don’t know enough about all the fuckery to know exactly what’s happening, but she is a whole entire trainwreck right now!

No. 937165

Can we have a Nick Rekieta thread?

No. 937202

The mill will stop flowing once he goes to jail. Have we a thread on the Sektur or people related to Gamergate? I swear we had one discussing Metokur fighting Ethan Ralph

No. 937325

File: 1720225227704.jpg (4.12 KB, 194x259, yulia.jpg)

Can we have one on julia finnesses? shes a russian cow and all info about her is in russian so i never know whats actually going on but apparently she jumped off a 4 story window and had to get her leg amputated

No. 937379

oh wow, didn't he also go on a defending sperging spree for vic mignogna? that was well documented on PULL

No. 937383

Can someone pls update the onision archive? I asked a while ago, but it never happened

No. 937449

Rekieta organized the crowdfund for Mignogna and the terrible attorney who lost the case was a friend of his

No. 937460

How about just a law tube general thread then? It could have potential and there are lots of other possible cows and milky situations from there, like LegalEagle with their involvement with Illuminaughtii’s drama for example, plus the Nick stuff has been pretty milky lately so it could help get the thread off the ground

No. 937508

File: 1720382754144.png (1.07 MB, 768x1024, IMG_0262.png)

Can someone make a @michaelpettenson / @kasanemichael thread he’s a derranged schizoid egotistical tranny that claims to have popularized new wave fashion and vocaloid horror and goes on schizo rants on anyone who has slight similar inspo and calls it “capitalism” he seems to also have a fetish for dogs and botched anorexic tranny boys with self harm cuts.

No. 937509

> Claims to have invented vocaloid horror
Yeah he's about 20 years too late kek

No. 937536

Someone make a new thread on NoFap in /snow/ please

No. 937568

File: 1720465242462.png (2.41 MB, 2048x1536, jkcka4_.png)

I'm so sure her old username used to be jkcka4. here's a comparison between jkcka4's art and michael's oc

No. 937629

New Aella thread?

No. 937674

yea that’s her looks like she also had a callout post on toy house for being shady with commissions back in the day. https://toyhou.se/~forums/5867.service-reviews/285351.psa-jkcka4-neko2009(this is an imageboard)

No. 937679

New NOFAP Thread >>>/snow/2013130
Also can somebody please make a new e-girls thread?

No. 937738

I heard about this person named swellentertainment in the “Real Opinions on cows” thread on /ot/ apparently she name drops lolcow in a video? Is she milky enough for a thread I saw some anons mention her in there wondering if she had one and if she doesn’t she may have potential >>>/ot/2083766

No. 937751

No. 937778

why do you think she has potential, anon? there's 0 cow behavior from her that I've seen, do you have any milk to back up your interest? she's just kind of annoying sometimes. that doesn't make someone a lolcow.

No. 937791

Would a religious convert thread be fun? Converts are some of the weirdest and funniest people online imo but I feel like it would turn into a racebait thread/derail very quick.

No. 937793

No. 937798

it’d turn into racesperging and holier-than-thou bullshit in nanoseconds

No. 937799

agreed, too many retards would ruin it

No. 937809

May not warrant reopening his thread but here’s never before-seen footage from 13 years ago where Shiloh experiences emotional imbalance due to pregnancy hormones and Onion exploits her again but remember, it was their idea to share with the audience.

No. 937822

this is the fakest shit i’ve ever seen. they’re both insufferable tbh. how did anyone ever find this man to be funny or attractive?

No. 937841

This is "I want to make a rainbow" tier

No. 937852

>2 retards fighting

No. 938021

Can we get a Brittany Venti thread going since Tradthots probably isn’t getting unlocked anytime soon and she’s not mainstream enough for anyone to give a fuck about her in the YouTuber general thread? There’s a good chance she lurks and will get mad at it anyways so that’ll at least be funny to see

No. 938029

Some anons just like to watch the farms burn, I guess.

No. 938033

a thread to praise and call her based maybe

No. 938041

probably not since retards like >>938033 will just flock to wk her

No. 938230

Call me crazy but would the possibility of a pro-pali influencer cows thread be a possibility? I don’t mean a Palestine-Hamas war thread, I mean one specifically dealing with narcissistic/race faker/cowish personalities like Jena matari, Mohammed el-Kurd, Fergie chambers, Bella Hadid stans that justify her brand deals with Victoria’s Secret ect

No. 938261

any thread about influencers taking sides on political questions is just going to disintegrate into stupid discussions of the political question within two or three posts

No. 938290

File: 1721358611028.webp (88.16 KB, 640x640, fullest-is-live-tiktok-v0-MkpV…)

I wonder if it would be worth making a thread about Fullestness? They're a homeless couple who nonnies may know of when they got famous for living in a storage unit (and promptly kicked out). The guy is a complete deadbeat with a much younger girlfriend who tags along. I heard rumours she left him when she got pregnant and is now back with him. I thought it could be fun to have a thread to roast them. Their TikTok has more than 300,000 followers and they're always posting vids about their 'homeless life' as if it's a quirkier version of van life.

No. 938368

wow, i just went down this rabbit hole. it’s so funny that they literally chose to be homeless over getting a job. this dude sucks. i hope the woman leaves his stupid lazy ass. fuckin layabout.

No. 938390

Gross ass scrote. Men smell so fucking bad even when they shower daily imagine how bad this guy smells when he chooses to be homeless. EErrrhghhh what's wrong with her…

No. 938415

New Shoe0nHead thread >>>/snow/2016836(wrong thread)

No. 938503

File: 1721595763283.png (964.88 KB, 780x685, Screenshot_2024-06-17_233241.p…)

Hi there. I know one of my friends posted a thread on a YouTuber who goes by the username of EZ Gaming (real name Michael). We have a lot of information on him from former associates with him that is public. I am talking with them as I am writing this post so if you want to ask any questions, please reply to me. I will forward it to them and they will give the answers. I understand that the initial thread was breaking some rules but if you want proof of his actions, I can help provide it. Just please, don't start a personal army. I just want a discussion regarding him.

No. 938504

>>938503 (me)
Some of this info includes leaked video footage and limited screenshots that are public but I have more if you want to see them.

No. 938524


No one cares about some nobody YouTuber. Except you anon, clearly for personal reasons. Delete your posts, he’s clearly not into you

No. 938569

Can we get a thread on transmaxxers or would that just fall under the regular troon threads?

No. 939134

Can someone make a thread on Joshua Block aka world of t-shirts? I'd thier any interest? Or a general tik tok drama thread?

No. 939194

he already has a thread

No. 939197

File: 1722370087169.jpg (36.09 KB, 720x720, 448174606_414927428196872_4940…)

thread on cyrus shahidi (cyguy)?
has made several tiktok, instagram, and youtube accounts all focused on fart fetish's with political figures or him running for governor of virginia

No. 939199

forgot to add, makes a lot of bizarre songs and "parodies" of songs

No. 939292

Can we get a thread on Ballerina Farm? They seem to be getting a bunch of attention on TikTok and Reddit lately for getting exposed by multiple women for forcing women into TradWife lifestyles and then stalking and harassing them once they leave, it’s ran primarily by rich moids predictably. Really reminds me of Trve Vikings

Some members of it

No. 939293

Agreed, there's so much milk

No. 939296

There’s the tradwife raw milk thread on snow but we should have one specifically for her

No. 939552

can we get a thread on social media moms in general?

No. 939568

Yes! Also the outcry regarding the Times article as well as their extremely wealthy Mormon ties (on Hannah’s end too) are worth noting.

No. 939605

Mommy vloggers and family channels in general are super milky but BF and the people behind it specifically are their own trainwreck that deserved to be documented

No. 939653

File: 1722888875641.png (37.31 KB, 277x360, celebricow.png)

Could someone make Celebricows #111?

No. 939696

I will make one in a moment. Just let me eat dinner first lol

No. 939730

Can the Marilyn Manson threads be reopened?

No. 939732

I agree but is there any new milk? Also this is probably better for Complaints and Suggestions thread on /Meta/

No. 939789

any interest in a mukbanger general? a lot of drama in that community. especially recently.

No. 939806

Im interested.

No. 939820

Also interested. Would the focus just be on western mukbangers? Theres been a lot going on recently with tzuyang.

No. 939949

Yes to this

No. 940037

Anyone interested in a thread on tomer lawton or kick streamers all together?

No. 940105

Yes, especially Tomer but a broader kick streamer general may be better if you can pull a few other cows together

No. 940344

anyone interested in a western jirai kei thread? i understand there is some content in /w/ and /pt/ from venus angelic, eviebunnie, landmyneri etc but i do think there should be enough milk for a larger thread, and it would be more categorized. only issue is that a lot of them lurk here, so cowtipping would happen quite easily.

No. 940345

Kek it would probably have significant overlap with Addy's thread and she DEFINITELY lurks.

No. 940521

A vkei thread would be nice, if any other nonnas are interested.

No. 940557

new postleft cows thread when

No. 940651

I’m interested

No. 940705

The Marilyn Manson situation is becoming milky again, can we have a new thread instead of unlocking the old one?

No. 940746

File: 1724021147637.jpeg (163.45 KB, 947x924, IMG_4562.jpeg)

Omai Jan was diagnosed with a terminal illness in 2019-2020, I checked out of watching it all go down because it was actually really depressing combined with the bullying.
I looked her up recently and was surprised that she’s alive? I’m just wondering if I’m hallucinating the whole thing. I can’t find anything about it on her tiktok

No. 940776

Star Y.Knight -Not sure she has enough milk for a thread but this is the most pathetic and obscure cow I came across…she started go go dancing during covid, earning peanuts with a below average body, doesnt know how to dance, and since that career flopped, she keeps posting these videos nobody asked for, that can only muster 4 views. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcsK0oqEUbo

No. 940796

Does anyone have anything new to make a new gaijin gyaru thread on? The old one is locked im pretty sure and I refuse to belive there's no drama happening in the com for this long

No. 940837

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In light of the latest abuse accusation and considering she has a pattern of this behavior, Sedona Prince (@sedonerrr on tiktok) is definitely cow material

No. 940852

Apparently Margo (Venus' mum) got arrested in Queens NY for Squatting.
Can we have a new thread for HER and not bump an old Venus thread?

No. 940854

File: 1724170958402.png (3.03 MB, 3005x1376, sdada.png)

This has GOT to be her. Age match up, and she is known to changing her name often.

No. 940859

This genuinely does look like her. Did some searching and apparently she was in NYC during new years, so maybe she continued to stay. Interesting revelation.

No. 940861

>when the NYC squatter turns out to be margo and not luna
Bizarro world

No. 940863

From a quick search I can't find info about anyone named Laurel Bay in NY, so it's definitely possible it's her under another name. Insanely funny if true.

No. 940888

Mindy Minx - extremely popular cow on gossip forums would be interesting if she had a thread here as well
She is a 32 year old youtuber who married a guy 30 years older and tried to conceive a child with him through IVF after he had a vasectomy 30 years ago. Their relationship arose from a a fender bender to which he was the police officer investigating her case. Mindy was 19 at the time, Larry(her husband) was 49. The first 3 years of their relationship took place while he was still married to his ex wife. Several people from their circle came to ig and confirmed that he cheated, including his son who is the same age as Mindy. She claims infertility issues when her only issue is marrying a snipped elderly man. Their IVF procedure has had a success and now they have a 2 year old son who they arguably neglect. People are suspecting he has autism due to several behavioural signs, but she wont acknowledge it or take him to the doctor. She barely shows quality time with this “miracle” child, most of the time she seems annoyed or indifferent to him but now she is trying IVF for the second child, which has also been successful after the 2nd try. She appeared on several tv shows including barcoft, Tamron Hall, Dr Phil, Love dont judge, in her desperate attempt to chase clout. Her subscriber count has not changed in nearly 6 years. Her views and content have been stagnant.

No. 940938

Please a new projared thread, milk incoming

No. 940942

New celebrity thread

No. 940943

Please anons

No. 940986

I will make one! Give me a moment

No. 940996

Any interest in the absolute sperg samantha prater/emily cassidy now that there's suspicions she's murdered a family friend 10 years ago?

No. 941037

Negl I have no clue who that is but that sounds so interesting tf

No. 941199

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colonel otaku gatekeeper/politicalawake - a british man larping as a japanese nationalist who is protecting glorious nippon from woke westerners on twitter, says he larped as japanese because he's ashamed to be british

No. 941225

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Neil Gaiman - famous fantasy author known for Coraline, American Gods, Sandman and more, recently accused of sexual assaults by multiple women. Was married to Amanda Palner, equally cowish personality (some of discussion about him appeared in her thread here). One of the most relevant woke-pandering writers, yet another example of pitiful "male feminist" who turns out to be an abuser himself.
I think Gaiman deserves his own thread to discuss the accusations, his creepy behavior towards fans through the years (especially on Tumblr), reactions of his fandom or associated people.
Bonus point: wrote a pedo retelling of Snow White that not many people cared about until the recent accusations saga.

No. 941240

No. 941318

Would anyone be interested in an /m/ thread about street fashion pictures/history? Random people on IG, magazine shoots, anything really

No. 941392

Come on nonnas we can do it, revive the Jared threads!

No. 941649

jirai kei thread? there’s a decent amount of milk, especially in the jp community

No. 941703

Yeah, I know of that thread and read it, I just wondered if there could be a separate thread for Gaiman as the old one is about Amanda Palmer (though Gaiman discussion also appeared there). Would other farmers be interested in it or not.

No. 941873

File: 1726056396455.gif (7.71 MB, 600x400, 1000072381.gif)

Down for a new wrestling thread on OT while it's rebuilding?

With how mainstream wrestling is starting to get and the many celebrities crossover on WWE OT seems to be a good fit.
I'm not sure of what to put in the OP, and what to cover first, maybe the big companies right now, but for older one like TNA or WWE it could be lengthy. Major cow like McMahon junior, Tony Khan or Hulk Hogan might need a paragraph too.
There is also the WWE netflix deal that going to create a huge audience shift so we better prepare for more rassle nonnies.

No. 941880

Yes yes yes I am so down for this nonna!!

No. 941890

Omg please make it happen

No. 941902


No. 941932

If nobody is sitting on a new Alrcow thread I probably make one tomorrow

No. 941944

Can we please make a thread for DESTINY aka Steven Bonnell

No. 941962

Please for the love of nonnas can we have the Marilyn Manson thread open? There is so much milk overflowing once again.

No. 941991

Nice to see some nonnies want it.
I will try to make a good OP, so it might take a bit of research time and digging for the best cow/ milk related pics

No. 942003

File: 1726142379927.jpg (327.22 KB, 1080x1683, 1000006525.jpg)

Can we please have a new Lucinda thread since she nosedived into a relapse with a bmi of 11. Alot of stuff has happened to her recently. Her house got robbed and she had all her stuff thrown out to the dumpster. I'd make the thread myself but I'm ESL and would fuck it up

No. 942006

Seconding this. I've seen in kf that her father left her alone in her late Grandma's house, so there's milk delivery. If she's really bmi 11 at 27, I think we're finally reaching the end of our unicorn gorl

No. 942109

Aw man.

No. 942211

Why not use the Breadtube thread?

No. 942230

or the twitch thread that thread is dead as fuck

No. 942262

Can someone make a new celebricows

No. 942268

Can we get a thread on the new age spiritual community and modern spiritual gurus or should that just be in the grifters thread >>>/snow/2011789

No. 942296

I've got a rundown of the last thread pretty much typed up, but idk what to title it. also I've never made the thread before so it might not be detailed enough either.

No. 942298

Nta but you can title it poopoo peepee and I'd still love you for making a new thread

No. 942319

Can someone make a chapelle roan thread?

No. 942356


No. 942358

I disagree. Solo celebricow threads tend not to last long. The only one I could think of would be Grimes and Elon Musk, maybe Poppy if she counts as a celebrity but even then it’s not solely her. Halsey, Doja Cat, and Melanie Martinez all had their own threads that died off quickly. Unless the celeb is Indie they won’t be milky for long before their PR team starts holding them back. A Chappell Roan thread will be DOA like most solo Celebricow threads are

No. 942384

Wrong, someone make the thread.

No. 942430

yes, pleeeeaase she is insufferable. maybe a nepo-baby thread too, tallulah willis is such a cow

No. 942460

Nepo baby thread already exists

No. 942461

File: 1726547482960.jpeg (121.52 KB, 736x920, IMG_7659.jpeg)

Has anyone heard of tx2? He’s a cringy TikTok “artist” that makes 2000s pop punk songs with poorly written lyrics, and appeals to the nonbinary gendie crowd. When people were making fun of him for his trash songs, he responded by writing an entire song about him killing his haters and then posting cringy clips of said song on TikTok. He’s always getting himself in drama because of his inability to accept criticism and constant lashing out. I think he has great lolcow potential.

No. 942472

he looks like he'd fit in the altcows thread

No. 942492

I was thinking the same. He's probably not worthy of a dedicated thread right now, but something like altcows would work. I'd love to see some discussion on this angry little manlet faggot (he's like 5'4" kek)

No. 942522

>Punk is when daddy pays fpr me to tour with big bands
I hate his punchchable face

No. 942592

File: 1726620894973.jpeg (195.24 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_0999.jpeg)

coquette thread #6 or should alida simone finally get her own thread?

No. 942593

I think coquette should get another thread… So many coquette cows and Alida is getting run dry

No. 942638

why does she actually look like alida lmaooo

No. 942642

do not diss shreks baby daughter like that anon

No. 942666

Once again asking for a new gal thread esspecially with the recent egg drama

No. 942837

Could someone please make a Dissociadid thread? Or is her milk too old? I ask because her KF is basically dead and the reddit is a clusterfuck of both circlejerking to validate each other and infighting about how to make fun of Dissociadid while still being "woke"

No. 942908

Honestly I would like a thread on just all the cringe DID’ers on tiktok

No. 942911

Can we have a thread for Ronnie Radke? Dude is a full blown cow.

No. 942912

Is there a thread for nonbinary people? I hate them so much or is the they/them retards all in the spicy straights thread?

No. 942990

thread for matas kardokas/ lord matalas on tiktok. what is up with him? everything about him seems fake. he's got to be escorting right?

No. 942996

I feel like you can post them in their the TIF/TIM threads since they do get posted there or the spicy straight thread depending on the context

No. 943025

Make one anon?
New Coquette cow thread anyone working on?

No. 943027


No. 943036

New Cope husband? kek please I want to cringe more

No. 943039

Yes kek

No. 943045

Does anyone want Sora.IRL thread? Or maybe e-beggers general?

>is a Sora kinnie

>says he is homeless because his parents expected him to do the bare minimum while living in their home. He is 32.
>wants to be a professional youtuber/streamer/e-beggar on tiktok. He has said multiple times that he doesn't have to work when other people will use their hard-earned money to donate to him
>wishes he was a woman because as a man he never gets attention or compliments or asked on dates. Is not trans though, he is a femboy
>girlfriend is DaddyKinoko/Kinoko/Kinoko66. Has a child but decided to be homeless with SoraIRL
>he doesn't have any job or dreams because everything he has attempted to do has failed. Now his dream is to want a bus and to travel.
>was inspired by NPC tiktok streams to do his own as Sora. Said he was successful at it, was even thanked by some random viewer for "reminding them of their dead brother".
>e-begs people for stupid shit like money for Dragoncon, a Nintendo Switch, etc. even though he says he has "bills"

No. 943056

/snow/ already has an e-beggers thread: >>>/snow/1502155

No. 943057

definitely not worthy of his own thread but i ship him with pixy

No. 943061

Thank you. I wasn't sure and I'll continue there.

No. 943067

I miss the Infinifat/Fatty general/HAEs threads. It’s been too long since we’ve had a thread for fresh fatty milk

No. 943076

Would any nonna be so kind as to make a new alt cows thread? I would but I know for a fact I'd fuck it up.

No. 943183

No. 943188

Can someone please make a new thread for "/g/ - Women shilled as attractive that you find ugly" number 5? I would make one but I haven't made a new thread in years and I don't wanna screw up.

No. 943237

No. 943306


No. 943313

Alida Simone thread

No. 943319

I'm about to post it, nonitas

No. 943320

New Coquette thread: >>>/snow/res/2038272

No. 943329

Is there any news for the alt cows thread? #36 was locked after it reached capacity https://original.lolcow.farm/snow/res/2005900.html#2023692(scroll up / use the catalog)

No. 943384

Kek, I thought that was Fake.

No. 943459

Can a more competent nonna make a new consoomerism thread in /ot/? I'd make one but I'm worried I'll fuck it up.

No. 943811

Is anyone making a new Pixielocks thread? I have time to put one together today, just don't want to do it if someone else already plans to

No. 943818

Nobody's making that shit kek.

No. 943822

KEK maybe i won't then so she can have a BPD meltdown over not even mattering to threads anymore either

No. 943837

Please make one! If not ill do it tomorrow

No. 943859

File: 1727747787473.jpeg (158.22 KB, 1254x425, IMG_0921.jpeg)

Requesting a thread on Felix Cipher, an FTM TikTokker who claims to be the reincarnation of Hitler and nicknamed Adolf Twinkler for it.
Here’s a write up of some stuff from an old FTM thread >>>/snow/1762790, >>>/snow/1762818, >>>/snow/1762821
Plus here’s comment left under a FunkyFrogBait video about Felix

No. 943974

File: 1727844497034.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1883, 1000007784.png)

I feel like this girl should be looked into more. She's apparently 8 months pregnant and has schizo meltdowns on Instagram. I first found her through a video of her showing her disgusting hoarder house saying shes an artist, and doctor and has filled her walls with whackjob ramblings while repeating she's not mentally ill. I would embed the video if I had a laptop but it's not hard to find

No. 944010

this seems more sad than milky

No. 944123

Damn that's sad, I hope she can get some help and her and her baby are okay.

No. 944131


Yeah looking through her profile and she actually needs a wellness check, not milky just depressing

No. 944162

Seconding this idea because the milk in /w/ has been lacking since the site shut down. It's become one of the mainstream jfashion styles since tiktokfags discovered it so it makes sense that it'd get a thread and I have a lot of criticisms of the community I'd like to sperg about.

No. 944237

Can someone make a new celebricows

No. 944251

New celebricows thread?

No. 944362

New thread

No. 944504

is anybody working on a new pixy thread?

No. 944622

Please do it nonna, it's been too long(check the catalog)

No. 944901

can anyone make a thread on circuswannabee with a full recap of all her past milk? i wanna get into the cow but don't have tiktok or insta, and the snark subreddit is hard to make sense of without knowing her history. she's recently come up as a character in the luna slater threads and i'm intrigued. does anyone follow her and know her history well enough to make a thread?

No. 944927


Semi-related to her but I've been working on a thread about the cow who compared herself to PT. She's been up to quite a bit and is even more of a cow on tumblr now than anywhere else but IDK if this crowd remembers her. She's 32" Waist Chan. Is anyone interested?

No. 944941

there’s already a thread about her in /snow; check the catalogue

No. 945013

Anyone remember this black girl from the tumblr days that did nudes and was into Japanese fashion? Her name was Momo-something and I think she had magical girl tattoos (and pierced nipples?) Haven't seen anything about her and I'm wondering how she's doing after all this time.

No. 945015

Can a more experienced anon update the onision archive?

No. 945033

Momo-kun's found here (but might not be the same cow) >>>/pt/940310
My google-fu has not turned up anything else that may be closer to what you're looking for.

No. 945036

can someone make another better formatted thread, because the first shitty one someone made got locked. like seriously read some other threads first to get the idea on how to write a thread, use greentext, link to socials etc.

No. 945043

Can we have a new carnivore/wellness guru/antivax/crunchy/tradthot thread?
I’d prep up a new one but I genuinely don’t have time to summarize the thread.

No. 945086

Can we shorten the thread title too to something like “Female Right Wing/Trad Wife Grifters” when the thread first popped up I avoided it cuz there were so many slashes I was confused what it was even about

No. 945089

Since a lot of them are crunchy we should title it something like “crunchy grifters” not all of them are exclusively right wing but are on political extremities.

No. 945090

File: 1728862294046.jpeg (256.71 KB, 1179x755, IMG_4241.jpeg)

This bitch is milky. Her @ on tiktok is @bloodflower. She’s a goth woman in STEM who goes on BPD rants and then dirty deletes.
>scientist who claims to be published
>huge Marilyn Manson supporter
>talks about how she was assaulted and her friend group abandoned her
>acts superior on tiktok to anyone else in the science space.

No. 945115

could a skilled nonna make a new heather Steele/haunted butterfly thread? the milk is afloat

No. 945135

File: 1728919312011.jpeg (395.5 KB, 828x1474, IMG_9475.jpeg)

Yes please we need a new thread

No. 945160

new pixyteri thread?

No. 945277

IDK if this is helpful to anyone thinking of making a thread, but these are his known profiles.
X / Twitter: @politicalawake
YouTube: @Politicalawake
Gab: @Hanran
myanimelist.net: Metalkira

No. 945327

is any other nonna interested in a twinbuns thread?

seconded, every day it's something new with that girl

No. 945511

anyone interested in making thread on social media moms in general? emphasis on unschooling cows since they’re popping up everywhere nowadays

No. 945559

I'd love a new pixy thread, the queens antics must live on

No. 945571

Most of the crunchy right wing moms fit this already in the crunchy grifters thread

But we do need a new crunchy grifters thread

No. 945630

Can someone make the new thread for crunchy grifters?

No. 945671

File: 1729395175270.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1170x1964, CEFA4981-A90A-4A75-9B57-608102…)

Please someone have a good thread on Twinbuns she seems to really be in denial that she had 0 wrong doings and all hate is unwarranted

No. 945672

Please, I hear everyone talk about her but I don't know enough to make the thread myself

No. 945732

the way she cries at the end of the video kekk i really regret not archiving her best moments

No. 945746

New Pixiteri thread?

No. 945760

The grossest AGP I've seen on X, @cervixpiercer. Someone has to have more lore here right?

No. 945800

why tf would anyone? how did you find out this person, did you search for them or were they on your feed (which is still weird)

No. 945830

File: 1729654914738.png (15.18 KB, 480x145, mnbv ml.png)

I fear we may not be getting one soon…

No. 945832

Would anyone be interested in a thread on Becky aka @catholica.pandam on instagram? I feel like she posts milk often

No. 945843

Nta but that troon is hated by many radfems on twitter, so he's pretty easy to find if you follow rf accounts.

No. 945872

A little sad that there's still no jirai thread, several anons were discussing it in the kawaii uguu fashion bloggers thread, there's definetly interest. I am behind the idea of including western and japanese cows in the same thread. I think there's so much milk potential that /w/ is missing out on! Hoping a gracious anon will step up and make a thread.

No. 945874

Can we have a thread on colonel Kurtz? She’s a huge milky cow I know we could get a decent thread on.

No. 945886

I'd also love if someone made it. I'm in need of fresh milk and this is exactly my flavor.

No. 946135

I second this. Just started learning about jirai kei and would love a thread.

No. 946202

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Anyone else interested in a h3h3 thread? Theres only a frenemies one from years ago.
Pic related. He was angry at Hasan but he's so misogynist he always makes it about a woman. So he attacked a woman for being friends with Hasan and called her a rape denier and tagged her. He apologized cause it was bad even for him. But my god what a piece of shit. Also big coming from Ethan who laughed while watching a woman cry about her friend making porn deepfakes of her. As if he would know about respecting victims. He sucks!

No. 946215

active thread right here >>>/snow/1752617

No. 946234

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Would anyone else be interested in some sort of thread for cowish artists? The type who are incredibly delusional about their work, or prolifically create really weird shit (a la fanny). Could be musicians, visual artists, etc. I know we have art salt but that seems more centered around the online art community and art in general. I'd like to see a thread for cows like fanny or those kinds of delusional professional artists that get paid for their shitty work.

No. 946257

Is there a new oswaldslunch/Lucinda thread? I haven't been able to find it if there is.

No. 946264

I'd love that!

No. 946291

It got locked because a sperg kept bumping it with unsaged posts about wanting her dead while she was on hiatus. Lucinda hasn't been active in a long time and all her thread does is attract all the jealous anachans who want to eat her or something

No. 946416

This is so fucked, I'd make one but I don't have facebook or any caps of her to share. I hope the queen is shining ♥#

No. 946480

anyone heard of khalietheflowergirl? 18 year old living in squalor, posting videos of her rodent and bug infested family home. says she can’t work or drive due to her debilitating emetophobia. made $21k on gofundme just to squander it on hotels and a car with her pedophile boyfriend who had been grooming her for the past year. boyfriend has now stolen the car. she airs this all out either on tiktok, in the form of music on her bandlab account, or through comments on the subreddit about her.





No. 946653

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Would anyone be interest in a thread for schizophrenia thats similar the autism thread in /m/?
I dont mean the one for anons to talk about their own schizophrenia , i just mean a general thread to post the things that schizos create or post online such as picrel.
I have searched all the boards and have not been able to find a thread like this, but please tell me if it already exists and i somehow missed it.

No. 946655

Yea I would be

No. 946677

But where is the lie

No. 946698

I think giving them attention isn't the best idea if it's for lolcow-exclusive schizoposts. A schizogeneral might be better but it won't guarantee you'll keep them out.

No. 946793

New celebricows please, I need to sperg about Tyler the creators misogyny

No. 946796

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I was looking to find a lolcow thread on Blair Walnuts but there isn't one. I'd like to know the tea, supposedly she is highly privileged from a rich Bulgarian family and recently dated a pornstar who ended up abusing her? She is annoying, just seems really toxic insecure jealous etc

No. 946820

Yea please, I have screenshots of rihanna arguing with trump supporters in her instagram comments that i find really funny

No. 946870

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No. 946871

Is there a thread on nessa Barrett? There should be

No. 946934

Is something making a new Shayna thread? She’s in Texas at the degenerate “spanking party” so there will probably be some fresh milk

No. 946965

Would someone be interested in making a thread for Dita von Teese? It would be great to gather all the milk on her from ages ago and expose her, as well as share some recent findings such as her boyfriend grooming young models or her bullying of Amie Harwick. I realize she might not be milky enough, so a burlesque thread would be neat too, must be lots of cows in that circle.

No. 946970

Celebricows blease…….

No. 946979

i would definitely be interested in a dita thread if there was new milk but i thought her bullying amie was old news? i remember reading around the time where amie's ex was on trial for her murder that dita pulled some mean girl shit towards her

No. 946982

I am once again requesting a new celebricows, I need to post Ice Spice going viral for being flat and having a bad wig

No. 947021

Oh please can we have one? I don’t mind vintage milk for example her dating Marilyn Manson and the little details she’d say about their relationship

No. 947028

I want the old milk tbh, I think a lot of people would be happy to get some summary in one place, it's hard to find anything about her, as well as discuss. She went under the radar for years because she wasn't that active online and her fans weren't critical, but recently she revealed her true colours. And yes, Dita reportedly said to Amie that she was just fish tacos to Manson and tried to ruin her reputation out of jealousy (10+ years after the divorce), but I sadly never saw the actual convo

No. 947075

fucking same why do they take so long

No. 947080

Seconding this request, some kind nona please make a new shay thread

No. 947102

U usually like to do it but I'm moving to a new place tomorrow and do not have the time this time around. Sorry, nonnas.

No. 947125

I rly want this thread… she would be an excellent cow for this site, the milk flow is nonstop.

No. 947170

What happened to the Parkavenuepinup/Kathy McMahon threads

No. 947184

I'm also wondering about this. I can't even find the original threads and she's still actively posting, it's not like she's dead or disappeared.

No. 947214

Here’s her latest thread >>>/snow/2005677 it’s just not as active as it once was.

No. 947223

Thank you nonna!

No. 947246

is anyone else interested in a tophiachu thread? or is it too tiktok related

No. 947292

Very interested she’s actually milky and her whole family is nuts

No. 947305


>hits vape

>"I haven't heard that moldynecked name in months
>tfw banned on tiktok

But yes. Yes ! I will try to dig up old screenshot

No. 947369

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Can we have a Resilient Jenkins thread? These two idiots keep popping out babies while neglecting the kids they already have and beg for shit they clearly do not need.

No. 947387


No. 947390

New advice and sex advice thread, pleaseeeee.

No. 947442

i want this thread so bad. they are super duper milky. i would even say they qualify for pt.

No. 947537

Thank you for the advice thread. ♥ Such a cute pic too.

No. 947576

I think a movie discussion thread would be fun, considering how trashy and cow-ish some of the latest cannes/possible oscar contenders are

No. 947618

would anyone be interested in a grace van dien thread?

No. 947725

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New Lucinda thread? She started posting again.

No. 947726

She doesn't produce enough milk on her own to sustain a thread (random X posts aren't milk), maybe try posting her in the skelly thread ?

No. 947735

You didn't have to answer this question, you know. You're not Vicky on Quora, they're not all questions for you specifically, anon.

You might be right that she can't sustain her own thread. But you're wrong that her post isn't milk, it's the rehab she has been talking about in MI, just before she went silent for a month. So maybe just don't say anything to other nonnies, if you don't know anything about the cow in question.

No. 947740

i was just thinking of requesting a thread for her in here yesterday, didn't know she actually made it to MI. very surprised, i didn't think that was going to happen. seconding your request, it's been too long

No. 947762

>You didn't have to answer this question
>You're not Vicky on Quora
NTA, but are you okay anon? That nonna didn't even say anything weird, why are you sperging? New thread might be best instead of potentially derailing the skelly thread with lucinda spam though.

Did we ever have a family-influencer general thread?

No. 947790

Lol calm down, it was merely a suggestion.
Beside the Ambrose saga (which is expired milk at this point) her last threads were mainly that : no milk, random twitter posts, a bunch of rabid WKs attacking anyone who didn't want to fangirl over her (and judging by your sperging, you were probably one of them), the occasional a-log/racebaiter and a tone of selfposts.
But go on, make her a thread if you want to, I'm not a farmhand nor the lolcow police.

No. 947840

I miss the jnig threads

No. 947877

if nobody else does a new celeb thread, I will make one tomorrow bc it's too late now for me. But I will def make one if there will be none, so we won't have to wait days for a new one.

No. 947882

Someone made a new one already, like yesterday

No. 947918

Can we start a new thread on kiwifags? That website has very milky users

No. 947923

every time there’s a Kiwi thread, a bunch of handmaids run in to suck Null’s cock and gush over whatever daddy substitute the moids are currently promoting

No. 947932

Can we get an Arielle Scarcella thread? She’s milky as fuck and can’t shut the fuck up since her right wing grift.

No. 947952

Seconded, I’ve always thought she was a piece of shit but this gigacringe Not Like Other Lesbians conservatard grift is a dairy farm.

No. 947973

Can someone make an Arielle thread? She’d be a great cow

No. 948358

Is pinuppixie worthy of her own thread?

No. 948360

I haven't been on the board in awhile so sorry if this exists but what about a Disney Adult Cows thread?

No. 948436

Imo no, she's not consistently milky enough for a whole thread. Oversharing pickmes on social media are a dime a dozen, she just seems more milky because of the very large and sudden cyberpunk bodysuit tattoo kek

No. 948442

True kek She's been pretty milky lately with her butt implant infection saga tho.

No. 948443

Is there a plastic surgery general thread yet? Might be a good starting point for her because she's definitely a cow.

No. 948444

There's a long dead plastic surgery thread in /ot/ meant for discussing surgeon cows. There's an anti plastic surgery thread in /g/. But there's no plastic surgery addict cows thread. Always felt we should have one

No. 948597

We’ve had a couple but they die after a few weeks. I think it was a bad plastic surgery thread.

No. 948685

i wish there was a wwe thread

No. 948866

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new greg thread?

No. 948886

Is someone working on the new momokun thread?

No. 948931

can we get a thread on Simone and Malcolm from "Based Camp with Simone and Malcolm" and/or "Newright"/silicone valley/pagan larp/solar wannabe trad nietzche larpey rightoids on xitter?

No. 949042

Yikes he looks like microwaved pennywise

No. 949044

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Please tell me silly poo and this retard have their own threads

No. 949045

No I don't think so

No. 949059

not enough milk and in both cases they're massive attention whores who make imageboards their whole personality and would actually enjoy having a thread, they'd take it as a badge of honour

No. 949175

There's a 35 year old woman named Ashley Trevino on tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@queenb_ash23 She's known as the inmate hopper because she dates a whole bunch of prisoners. She's a mom of 2 teen girls and one of the guys she dated murdered 2 teen girls. She made fun of the victim's families. She ignored her daughter's medical emergency so she could keep streaming. She begs for money and wastes it on designer stuff while her daughter's sleep on an air mattress. She quit her job because the new owners were Indian. She did a video

No. 949242

in all seriousness though:

when will there be a new Onision thread? pretty please, with lots of sugar on top. chop chop.

No. 949251

I'm surprised there's not a thread on Grace Van Dien yet. She's been getting a lot of hate on tiktok but is definitely crashing out over it and often posting things that are milky

No. 949253

Seconding this

No. 949261

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No. 949277

Can we get a Luigi mangione thread? That way it won’t shit up other threads

No. 949293

But is he a cow tho? Maybe a containment thread in /ot/?

No. 949325

I came here to discuss Josh up a block but you’re wrong there isn’t a thread about Joshua Block. Does somebody want to make a thread about Joshua…. Or is that punching down too much ! Been following Josh and Jeremy to dewitt for years now

No. 949359


Not this Nona, but I would also like a thread about her. I just came across her videos today and fell down a rabbit hole of animal abuse and a groomer boyfriend discussion on Reddit.

No. 949374

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No. 949387

Onion thread when?

No. 949498

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So there's a supposed lol(horror?)cow that's been emerging in the major public light as of late.

Word around is that Juno Florian "Simian-Gadfly" Kearns (Previously known as Nero Xander Kearns, recent name change.) - happens to be a very creepy, rapacious, manipulative, batshit, attention-whoring edgelord "zoomer ween-on-steroids" in the Bellingham/Whatcom County area, WA.

Juno/Nero is supposedly a queer furry MMA fighting puppy play handler to a groomed "puppy" - and a an undercover far right /pol/tard * /x/-browsing groyper Pick-Up artist hiding behind a performative woke "butch-transfemme" disguise to save face (which - they keep reflexively tampering with their identity/socials each time there's been minor expose pieces online.) Just a ton of weird backhanded implications across their insta as well.

Juno/Nero seems to tauntingly drop notes & insinuations under everyone's noses & in brief moments; one of the major "big pieces" of evidence that paints the big picture is that Juno/Nero's personal youtube account has a Donovan Sharpe video in all their YT playlists in plain sight. AKA the redpill/PUA coach who's namesake is teaching "how to train up a girl/wife/SO like a pet/doggy/puppy"; as linked below:


This seemingly insinuates that their current "puppy" SO was molded & broken down - and that Juno/Nero is "living through"/controlling them. Both Juno/Nero & "puppy" have a popular foothold across the creative/arts/indie/furry/music communities & general major events in greater Bellingham, WA. "Puppy" being the "host" across such & at the "karate church"/alt lib.

Sounds pretty outrageous/like some cartoon villain type shit - but make of the documented info/data/socials/etc. of what you will. They have been documented on Kiwifarms from 2023-ongoing.

KF Proving Grounds Thread (requires a KF account, check the individual AC posts if you're a guest): https://kiwifarms.st/threads/juno-s...ns-mudd-dragon-mudd-mann-jinkuspinkus.198541/

KF Individual furry "personal lolcow" posts:
Main/Original post: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/page-54#post-16544532

[09/5/2023] Update #1: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/page-55#post-16753687

[01/17/2024] Update #2: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/page-56#post-17535498

[01/21/2024] Update #3: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/post-17555794

[03/21/2024] Update #4: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/page-59#post-18007671

[07/26/2024] Update #5: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/post-18943379

[12/11/2024] Update #5: https://kiwifarms.st/threads/personal-lolcows-furry-edition.32847/post-20058493

Juno/Nero's Instagram #1:

Juno/Nero's Instagram #2:

"exposé" instagram by their ex-housemate:

Unformatted Imgur dump of assorted documented screenshots/info:

No. 949506

Most of this evidence sounds like a stretch and a bit like a personal army request. "Simian is a contextual slur", "Donovan sharpe in the youtube playlist" "backhanded implications" "cartoon villian shit"…so what are the actual accusations? Ik it says the guy harrassed you and spread rumours abour you 4 years ago but instead of outright sayinf this guy did that, you first go into a bunch of nothingburger shit. The internet is full of coomer retards so being a furry bdsmer is nothing new, and for what it's worth, you didn't even outright call this weirdo a tranny, so you seem to be more morally outraged that this guy follows redpill shit rather than just laughing that he's a weirdo tranny? Him adding yiu to a coomer discord server doesn't make him a cow worthy of his own thread, you keep instagram and KF updates on him like you discovered the next chris chan. This guy is a retard but so are you, it looks like you have a vendetta and want a personal army against him.

>He also held against me how I keep ‘quarters unclean’ because there was spillage from sauce I left in the microwave – and went all bravado drill sergeant on my ass about that.

>called me a homophobe; and proceeded to threaten to kick me out of the lease unless I either get a job or be out of the house for at least (A certain specified amount of hours per week?).
>There were many concerning…expressions, cues of his – that kind of weirded me out/ticked things off – seemed as if he was unconsciously projecting - locked on laser style style that he thought I was autistic (PL - I am indeed a clinically diagnosed spectrumite/monglord); and playing all these jokes/expressions assuming that I was naïve/gullible >Saw him walk in wearing a grim/skull balaclava/mask into the house once (as associated with neo nazis)
>Anyways – what ‘ended’ my lease – I finished a laundry load and was going to put my load in the dryer – only to find Nero’s clothing in there, still wet. Guess I will admit that I did have my little tarddown in this moment; but anyways – I was calling up Nero’s name to take his stuff. I was super pissed and went tardtismo mode over the lack of answer and this little hog up of a situation. I knocked on his bedroom door repeatedly, calling his name – and in an angry tone as well/escalating and yelling as it went by. Yeah – I will own up to it, regardless of the root or my bottled stresses; I tardraged and handled this in the most emotionally immature way. Strike for me.

Seems we have not 1 cow but 2…

No. 949516

Wondering if anyone wants to make a Melonie Mac thread, she has completely gone off the rails as of late. She used to be your run of the mill gamerchick who was definitely pickmeish/nlog, but otherwise sane. Recently she's gone full carnivore and started eating butter. Just look at her instagram feed, her latest 20+ reels are fucking unhinged. She has started just eatings sticks of butter. She went to the hospital lately twice because she was not drinking enough water. Also claims to be Christian and has been posting a ton of homophobic stuff as well.

No. 949517

>Has gone to hospital twice for not drinking enough water
Kek. Maybe you could post her in the peatard thread?

No. 949528


I kind of respect her, despite being an left-leaning Atheist myself. She is a hardcore Christian fanatic. Actually Christian as in Bible follower. You can tell because of the way she speaks. Such as calling homosexuals reprobates.

Also, she dresses Bible modest, and not tradwife larp modest. Which triggers a lot of fake Christian conservatives. Such as wannabe-patriarchs and "tradwife" types. The sort that watches porn, yet condemn women for showing arms and having tattoos.

She is 38 and unmarried which is valid Cristian doctrine. Just do not fornicate (sex while unmaried). Like the apostle Paul. Again, I do not agree but I respect her for this.(learn2integrate)

No. 949529

just post her in the trad yogi thread

No. 949576

She always seems extra pathetic to me because she’s desperately trying to get a cut of the YouTube payout that theEVERYTHING IS WOKE MIND VIRUS faggots like disparu, nerdrotic and critical jizzdrinker get, but it’s obvious that even if they say they like conventionally attractive thin white women in their vidya and shit, that doesn’t mean they want to listen to you. They’re still misogynists.

No. 949674

Very late to this but I'm interested. I don't have a very good frame of reference for how famous she is but I'm guessing she's too D-list for Celebricows

No. 949692

Can someone make a new Tuna thread?

No. 949726

Name it something fungus related, please!

No. 949757

Girls just wanna have fungus?

No. 949815

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Can someone make a new twitch general thread? I don't know where else to share a post-cancellation twinkdeath this rough.

No. 949887

Would it be worth making a thread on the natalie rupnow situation? The topic has been shitting up amerifags for a while, but idk if mods would allow it.

No. 949962

is ashley isaacs still alive?(spoonfeeding request)

No. 949982

Yes, somehow. She posted a few hours ago on her Instagram story that this year felt like being awake during surgery. I have no idea how she’s not dead.

No. 950010

was wondering if anyone would be interested in a "right wing pundits/cows" thread for people like lauren chen, lauren southern, ben shapiro etc, I already started kind of making one

No. 950079

omg yes plz

No. 950097

Ashley Trevino might be a good cow. Really infamous om tiktok
>single mom who loves talking to inmates
>has two teenage daughters
>one of the inmates Fransisco was a serial murder and rapist who killed a teenage girl
>also got in a fight with another cow tampabae some white trash lumpy ghetto thot

No. 950099

I would love it because them and their ilk are really milky

No. 950100

seems like there's a decent amount of interest. i don't know enough about ash to make the thread but i'd also love to see it happen

No. 950101


No. 950153

okay, I'll keep working on it. stay tuned

No. 950312

New Vicky thread pls, she’s started a pick-me larp on a new platform and it should be studied.

No. 950315

Just came here to ask for a thread! I hope you can do it, shits hitting the fan right now.

No. 950333

Omg kek yes please someone

No. 950347

Need more on this cow plsssss

No. 950377

The Victoria Bella Morte thread has reached post limit. Whoever makes her next thread needs to include her Quora link, and the link to her new Twitter (https://x.com/ViBellaMorte/with_replies).

No. 950451

I saw in snow someone made a shitty Vtuber thread. But then it made me think, so many Vtubers are cows and I do think it's a good idea. Thoughts?

No. 950463

There's been a vtuber thread in /w/ for years now nonna.

No. 950564

Dana Christine Hare (née Chencharick) appears to have purposely maxxed out her /snow/ thread. Next one should include what is simultaneously her most and least recent milk, the lawnmower incident, and a link to the article about it (https://static.sgtlaw.com/docs/Lawsuit-Negligence-Lawnmower-Amputation-Suit-2-23-05.pdf).

No. 950576

We need an indie dev cows thread, the scene is overflowing with milk.

No. 950614

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Is Karlyn Borysenko milky enough for a thread?

>Claims to have become a conservative because some people at a Trump rally were nice to her

>Worked with PragerU but got dropped by them for being too batshit for even their standards
>Highly infamous for her tweet proclaiming her new age spiritual beliefs that people in the holocaust chose that pre-birth and Hitler went to heaven after he killed himself
>Slapfought with Hunter Avallone, Vaush, and other breadtubers over that take
>Later explained that she came to her beliefs by getting fucked up on DMT, Ayahuasca, and other psychedelic drugs and thinking she saw Satan and met God and reading various new age books
>Got other conservatives like Ian Miles Cheong and Matt Walsh to turn on her for how crazy she was as well as the aforementioned PragerU video she was in being deleted
>Has been accused of being pro-pedo and defending an ex who went to jail for child porn
>Cheated on her husband on their wedding anniversary with a guy named Kieran White because she believed she received a psychic message that her and Kieran were soulmates
>Excused the above claiming she was having a “dark knight of the soul”
>Writes pseudo zen/new age books that no one reads or cares about
>Suspected to be faking being a doctor


No. 950623

Independent Elon Musk thread please, he is spiralling

No. 950639

How about Sam Hyde or Jay Dyer?

No. 950674

There is a Sam Hyde thread

No. 950699

Vicky shingles needs a new thread

No. 950721

Nothing comes up when I search "Hyde"…

Did it get deleted?

No. 950723

No. 950724

Emily Youcis?

No. 950725

Sorry. I was looking on /pt/.

No. 950738

pleeeeease she must be going 1000IQ rn with Trudeau resigning

No. 950749

It's a locked thread.

No. 950765

this we need a new one

No. 950896

Tasselfairy definitely deserves her own thread in /snow/

No. 950940

new vicky thread pretty please. the quora and twitter milk is ever flowing plus thread has been locked for two weeks now

No. 950985

that instagram tranny lexity deserves his own thread

No. 951019

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Requesting new celebcow thread for >>>/ot/ thanks in advance!

No. 951020

Seconding this one, hoping someone will step up to the plate.

No. 951023

I will make one, give me a moment!

No. 951024

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No. 951026

Anyone interested in a Mumsnet hate thread? I like Mumsnet but after I saw a troll there accuse a 60 year old widow of 'profiting off her husbands death' for claiming a £150 Widow's Pension I had to try not to a-log.

No. 951027

Most of the insanity there comes from sockpuppets and throwaways. It feels a bit silly to have a thread discussing obvious trolls. Posts like the one you described are ten a penny and it's just going to add more fuel to the ragebait fire on Lolcow because we're inundated with brainlets who froth at the mouth over every fake story posted online. A thread for stupid, funny or weird Mumsnet posts might be better.

No. 951041

Lexity is so milky that he needs his own thread otherwise mtf gen is gonna be only him.
Is anynonna taking it upon herself to make it? If not I'll take the burden.

No. 951051

Took it upon myself, I hope it isn't awful.

No. 951111

What happened to the 19th soundcloud thread, did it get deleted?

No. 951125

New YouTube general?

No. 951306

Can someone please make a thread on becky/catholica_pandam? Her husband is a tradcat extremist and her attention seeking is unbearable now that shes preggo.

No. 951308

Seconded. I thought she was kind of wholesome and endearing for a while but I’m convinced it’s all a larp for her husband.

No. 951333

I'd be interested

No. 951558

Seconded! She's obviously faking her autism

No. 951708

We should have a Tranny Handmaiden thread to document the insane troon enablers and also a (genuine, not necessarily connected to anachans) BPD malingerer thread.

No. 951726

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Can we have a thread for insightful comments from cows,like an lolcow intelligence thread. I know we already have lolcow screencaps but I'm talking about when farmers just say really interesting things about the world, or people, or anything that stick with you, or good advice. Picrel from /ot/ as an example.

No. 951727

samefag, but what really stuck with me is when she said that a moid would rather be raped than alone. It makes some of their whining about loneliness and how women are never really lonely make a bit more sense to me. I always just thought they were cruel, but maybe some of them are so pathetic as to believing that.

No. 951743

Dunno anon, it’s debatable how insightful or smart those comments would be. “Would rather be raped than alone” could be also argued against women since (sadly) partners and family make most of the SA perpetrators towards women.

No. 951765

Dan Bell?

No. 951781

GlitterandLazers has been popping with the lipodema LARP. There's a solid backlog of her "running" a 5k and an ozempic arc that would warrant a solo thread.

No. 951812

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i think louis mcclung could make for a good thread over in snow, he’s a really shitty commentary youtuber that has gotten in some hot water recently for making up pretty much entirely baseless allegations against other youtubers and then saying that it’s just gossip and that he just wants people to respond to him. turkey tom is a retarded scrote but he’s made a few videos about this loser that are pretty milky, he has very narcissistic onision vibes when he starts back tracking and making excuses for why he’s allowed to make shit up about people and then harass them until they respond.

i’m also like 90% sure it’s a TiF but i can’t find any info on that, but if you watch even the first ten seconds of one of “his” videos you’ll see exactly what i mean. idk why nobody seems to have clocked it, maybe the other commentary cucks are trying not to get canceled but it’s pretty funny bc they’re all talking about how “woman-coded” and “low-t” mcclung is and don’t seem to realize that it’s because it’s a tranny lmao

No. 951813

100% has to be TIF

No. 951815

He was already transvestigated by the ftm thread he’s just a weird looking dude >>>/snow/2047966

No. 951816

fair enough, although i’m not necessarily convinced by one picture of an unscarred chest. i’ve known a number of TiFs without the zippertits look who were just naturally very thin and flat-chested when they transitioned who either didn’t even bother getting top surgery or who got the keyhole kind and the scarring isn’t noticeable. the ones who started working out ended up with fairly masculine looking bodies like that pic so i’m not sure it’s conclusive evidence that mcclung is a moid but i digress

even if he really is just a goofy looking scrote i maintain he seems like a good cow

No. 952066


No. 952072

Someone needs to make a thread on that scammy lier Cassia Tierney Clarke.

No. 952179

I really want a haes/deathfats thead. Both ends of eating disorders should be covered on this site

No. 952235

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Colonel Kurtz

No. 952254

Search engines just bring up the Brando character… You need to give more details.

No. 952287

There already is one >>>/snow/1042077

No. 952514

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not sure what her current @ is, but this chick seems to be a massive cow. calls herself the “female filthy frank” and is an absolute turbo weeb, as well as being racist and misogynistic
goes by many alias (i’m pretty sure) but “lotus yoshida” and “loaty” are her main ones. shes on the right btw

No. 952515

Are you sure those two are women?

No. 952517

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Nta but I was going to ask the same thing. She looks slow to say the least

No. 952518

the first one is a troon. seems pretty milky as well but idk anything about him. lotus does look like a twink agp, but to my knowledge she is a woman

No. 952519

That's unfortunate. Why is she talking to the troon anyways? She has anti-tranny memes on xitter so I'm curious

No. 952706

lotus deserves a thread fs, she's a mega pickme retard

No. 952843

Avatar The Last Airbender / The Legend Of Korra thread in /m/ anyone? A new series is rumored for this year as well

No. 952850

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Can we have a new thread for fakeboitherottengirl ?

No. 952854

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JIDF shill Max Veifer has gained MSM support including from the Australian prime minister for DOXing Muslims on tiktok and chat roulette.

Under his own content I suspect there's a lol cow waiting to be milked. JIDF has always been good value.

No. 952855

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someone please make a thread on this dude @scottlivez
he’s a homeless guy who has basically created a cult around consuming raw rotten meat. i thought it was a complete grift at first but im beginning to think some of it’s real. he’s currently in a relationship with an apparently 16 year old girl (@leilaloveleite) who has travelled across america to hangout with him in his van and eat raw meat. seems to be connected to a wider community inspired by a dude called “aajonus vonderplanitz”. i honestly can’t tell if he’s joking or not still but it’s almost too insane for it to be a grift

No. 952862

How old is he?

No. 952909

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NTA, but looked up his reddit history and he claims to be 24. He doesn't seem to be joking as far as his reddit posts go, but with the way he writes, he also seems rather low intelligence tbh. I have a feeling he's either delulu via mental illness or previous drug use fried his brain. One of his reddit posts tells a woman she can cure her wrinkles with a mix of "really raw" honey and saliva.

No. 952918

He has a youtube link on his reddit and it was 45 minutes of him rambling craziness. He basically admits to getting food poisoning constantly but deems it 'detoxing' and claims vaccines put a ton of heavy metals in him that he has to purge out (through diarrhea and vomiting). I'd love a thread on this guy but I'm not sure how steady his milk flow is. I don't know if there already is one, but a thread for general primal/raw diet cows would be awesome since there's a whole subculture of these people. I honestly love watching these schizoid freaks choke down rotting meat, it's too good kek

No. 952923

>>2048090 Might fit

No. 953052

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i feel like this guy is pretty milky but he's also terrifying, not ta who posted but here are some photos: >>>/ot/2391345
>4chanite incel who owns sex dolls and wears latex face masks
>makes 'troll' videos larping as buffalo bill and talking to 'stacy' and rping that he has abducted her
>claims it's all a troll and ree's about the normies taking the bait

No. 953064

Megan Boyle?

No. 953069

File: 1739722311188.jpg (2.65 MB, 3464x2490, Picsart_25-02-16_12-47-57-974.…)

A thread on this troon?
happylilseapup/smilesforever0316/july5thgirl/Ai/Aiden Casazza

>edits his face different every time

>morphed his face with asian children
>he's a known catfish and asian-fisher
>been exposed for saying racial slurs
>abuses snow filters
>skinwalks girls
>is/was a nazi despite being trans
>friends with an asian girl who's obssesed with white people
>made a audio acting out being raped
>was in a nazi telegram
>old house burned down and had to move out
picrel is how he edits himself vs how he actually looks like.

No. 953077

Just post him in the TIM thread, if he's milky enough he'll get his own thread. Just look at lexity.

No. 953110

Did anyone do this one?

No. 953141

This troon's edited pics are makinng me want bangs again

No. 953142

You're not gonna look like that snowapp meitu custom-skin toon anon. You'll probably look like momo.

No. 953189

Is there a thread yet on the murderous trans vegan programmer cult?

No. 953296

I am once again requesting a Chappel Roan thread

No. 953326

Can we get a Kibbe cow thread? Kibbe reddit and youtubers are fucking crazy, and Kibbe himself is also crazy and his body typology methods were often contradicting.
It was locked because jannies thought the milk wasn't good enough.

No. 953337

Would love to read that, maybe in OT?

No. 953342


No. 953348

Third-ed, /ot/ is probably the right place for it too.

No. 953374


No. 953432

Someone needs to document Pinup Pixie's messy life

No. 953439


No. 953440


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 953519

Day one of requesting a thread be created about Chloe Sunderland, known as Roma Army, is a social media personality and content creator. She is the absolute peek cringe embarrassment of mens advocacy! She’s a typical pick me with hot takes founded in delusion! Anyways make a thread about this bitch! I’ll be back tomorrow with the same request until it happens

No. 953521

make a thread yourself since you seem to be interested in her!

No. 953595

Would anyone be interested in a "moids you have met" thread? I figured it would go into /g/. I mainly wanted us to share stories about guys we have come across, weirdos, bpd freaks anything… I don't think they belong in the relationship thread and I cannot find another home for them

No. 953605

Thread request for catholica.pandam on instagram, autistic christian tradwife blogger, uses a walker in public because she has endometriosis, wore soundproof autism headset at her own wedding, anti-abortion with her misogynist husband, totes her yappy poodle around calling it a “service dog” despite having no qualifications. ebegs frequently, and then deactivates when she’s called out on it. posts cryptic dramatic images, and then lands in the hospital for mental health, calling it a “grippy sock vacation.” munchie arc happening right now, she’s pregnant but appears to be wearing fake bumps to look farther along than she is, claims she has HG but eats “big feeds” daily and posts about it.

No. 953608

she already has a thread in snow

No. 953610

Is anybody going to make the Kibbe cow thread? Please do, preferably someone who isn't me (sorry nonnies I'm at work and have a busy week).

No. 953619

you make it then

No. 953688

Latereply but this seems like a fun idea! Reminds me a little of this thread though maybe using this one would be okay since it's not filled up or anything >>>/ot/715719

No. 953894

Requesting a new Addyharajuku thread

No. 953895

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Has anybody else seen Meredith gruber's posts? Meregruber on tiktok. Her daughter is diagnosed with FND and has what I thought looked like legit seizures for hours most days of the week, but reading further, also has a diagnosis of DID, among gender special behaviour and other illnesses. I'm really curious as to whether this is munchie behaviour, or an actual ill person who is just chronically online on top of it. I wasn't even sure what thread to put it in.

No. 953907

Would love somewhere to discuss this. The seizures looked fake as fuck to me but the other munchie shit is what 100% sealed the deal.

No. 953916

Thanks anon, I felt like a real moron for initially believing the seizures. The mom saying she does that for 5+ hours a day every day, I just couldn't imagine even the most devoted munchie having the energy for that, but she's diagnosed with anorexia too so maybe it's also exercise to her. She also was supposedly completely functional and normal until around 2019 and this is a result of CPTSD? If you can think of a decent thread for this I can do a mini write up post because I'm not sure yet if it belongs in the cluster B thread

No. 953962

I would love a mra women general

No. 954021

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Is there/can there be a general mathematics thread in OT for discussing math, asking for help, etc? Would anyone use it? I love math and would love to discuss whilst also helping people struggling. i dont want to create a dead thread.

No. 954034

Im bad at math and would love that.

No. 954041

that sounds cool though i'm retarded at math but hope there are other math nonnas who can educate and discuss

No. 954090

I’d gladly provide help. Great idea nonnie

No. 954120

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her pixar smile is very off-putting

No. 954157

Damn, she’s a cow too? That’s unfortunate, I liked her content.

No. 954162

Can we have a snow thread about the BOP house? Seems like every single person involved is a cow in their own right

No. 954165

What makes her a cow?

No. 954188

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I was thinking of creating a Festival / Concert thread on /g/ to discuss our experience. I regularly go to both things and have lots of experience and topics to talk about. Any music nonnas interested?

No. 954249

I'd post it /m/.

No. 954287

Maybe too niche or unwanted but I’m working a job selling cars right now so I can better understand the weird fucked up system and help my mom and sister buy cars in the future. Would any nonnas want a car-buying advice (in America) thread? The industry seems to be dying right now and it’s a great time for deals, I want to help women snatch them up and not get fucked over

No. 954294

Honestly would really appreciate a thread like that, nonna!

No. 954332

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i hate this pandering bitch

No. 954333

No. 954360

It's always the marjorie taylor greens of the world, overcompensating for their own masculine features. Manly looking women go two routes- Lolita burando, or pickme mra tradlarp

No. 954361

Lana Oriani of Truth and Transparency on YouTube?

No. 954369

is there a thread for tinfoiling on cows and farmers? or does that go in general tinfoil

No. 954398

would anyone be interested in a thread for fat acceptance/fat activist influencers? kinda like the anachan thread but you know… opposite. jaimie weisberg, jaebae, even like glitter and lazers maybe. none of them milky enough for their own threads, but a larger thread could be interesting

No. 954460

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anybody else seen @wishcat_goddess or @starry369111 on tiktok? this lady posts pictures of herself kissing the two stuffed animals she’s “dating” probably 30 times a day amongst other intimate details about her personal life. apparently she also has kids? no word yet on if they are toys or not.

No. 954500

Does she have tourettes syndrome or something? Sounds like she keeps saying "meh" or "eh" at the end of each sentence.

No. 954504

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that’s the first thing i noticed about her. honestly i’m not sure. i think her kids are actually real. her daughter’s art is on the wall in this. wish her comments weren’t off everywhere

No. 954523

Why did Alida’s thread die?

No. 954536

I feel like there’s only so many times you can call her a big boned, delusional, neo nazi before it gets boring tbh.

No. 954566

She’s probably not a cow but her face kind of scares me so I try not to look at it.

No. 954647

Johnny Neptune?

No. 954717

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Not sure there's quite enough going on with her at the moment to warrant a new thread, but Lucinda's back after a worryingly long absence. I'm genuinely relieved she's looking much healthier.

No. 954719

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No. 954722

I don't see any other place to ask this question without derailing the fuck out of the thread, and asking this here seems harmless enough, so…

Does anyone remember the name of the ancient lolcow retard that was once wrote a sailor moon fanfic where he killed his bullies because said bullies called him gay and even sailor moon sympathized with the guy? I think he was also a furry… and I think his furry avatar had glasses. Not sure if still active so a thread might not even be needed.

No. 954768

Why do we have to sage our posts in the sticky?

Please don't ban me for asking.

No. 954784

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Would it be worth it to make a child trafficking/epstein influencer/bpdemom thread or would that be too specific? I’m talking about (mostly women) like Anneke Lucas or Madison Clares, or even Paz de la Huerta who claim to have been trafficked to elite pedo rings and sometime do the rounds on right wing/epstienpilled media, but have serious credibility issues/obviously mental ill/clearly derive narcissistic supply from what they are doing. The “pedo-groupies” who get involved in this stuff because they secretly wish it was them (Dasha Nekrasova) could probably also fall under this umbrella. The scene isn’t huge but it seems to be growing, and the cows occasionally but not frequently cross over (extremely territorial cow subspecies with potential for explosive infighting)

No. 954837

This is the first I'm hearing about Paz de la Huerta saying anything like that, what the fuck? I'd be interested in a thread but I couldn't provide any milk screenshots because this internet niche is something I've only just heard about now.

No. 954846

It's shocking Ash Trevino doesn't have an active thread. She's the definition of a cow. I'm being lazy by not making one myself, I know. Still so surprising.

No. 954858

Really? Paz de la huerta has been unstable for a long time. She shows up briefly in My Scientology Movie having just wandered into louie theroux's hotel room and acting bizarre. Her Instagram typically speaks for itself kek

No. 954874

She recently did a rambling 3 hour interview with Enty from crazy days and nights on YouTube, you can get plugged into her lore from there.

Maria Farmer (one of the earliest victims of Jeffrey Epstein) could potentially be looped in as she went full /poltard/pizzagate schizo and was removed as a witness from the Epstein trials for ranting about the Zionist Bolshevik satanic Talmudic conspiracy, calling other victims “adult prostitutes” and claiming #metoo was a CIA op to silence her ect

If someone else would commit to farming for milk I would make the initial thread with socials, I just can’t farm all these cows at once

No. 954993

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It's probably not worth the thread being necro'ed but readytoglare popped up on my Instagram again and she's still doing terrible 'cosplays' and seems to be dating someone who eerily looks like her late husband (whose cause of death she never revealed)

No. 954994

Would love a thread about tinfoiling celebs!
And Ready to glare, didn't know her husband died. She's always been milky w her horrible styling imo

No. 954999

instead of a new “coquette” post, maybe just a n alida simone post? shes milky as fuck and delusional and her spiral will be great milk

No. 955006

I miss her thread so much. Bloated Jersey housewife is a good look for her.

No. 955036

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This Sinead O’Connor brand of white woman is really getting on my nerves plz someone make a thread of this COW
>Be born as a normal white american from Washington named Emily Cathleen Bailey
>Be an insane weeb who cosplays for fun
>Wants to be in government but decide you hate it
>Feel the need to be different and oppressed for special minority points
>Claim you have ADHD
>Claim you’re bisexual but that’s not enough
>Convert to islam and start wearing hijab
>Change your name to ‘Izdihar’ after conversion
>Go on TedTalk complaint about people trying to be inclusive and respectful to your religion
>Praise the guy who called you an Isis bride
>New special interest: Communism
>Blame everything wrong with world on Capitalism
>Marry a muslim Chechen man from the former Soviet Union
>Larp as a babushka and claim now to be Danube-Schwabian
>More soviet larping, takes pictures with lenin statue and brings him flowers
>Decorates entire apartment to look like a Soviet Museum
>Defend Stalin like your life depends on it
>Deny genocides and glorify China and USSR
>Support the Gulags and deportations of ethnic minorities under the USSR
>Threaten violence against all who disagree with communism and call them all fascists
>Ukraine war breaks out and doesn’t speak out about it despite it being largely important to your field of study
>Deny Holodomor
>Palestine war breaks out and now it’s time to make that your entire identity

This tankie fag has some serious identity issues and just latches on to whatever makes her seem more unique.. Commieboo, Russiaboo, Sovietboo or Tankie, what’s the best way to describe this woman(namefagging newfag)

No. 955045

god forbid someone decides to be muslim and a communist, not everyone is a basic b like you

No. 955067

Any interest in a Jani Schofield thread? KF has one and it looks like they are pretty active now that she's moved back with her mom. For those who don't know the milk >Jani Schofield was "diagnosed" as schizophrenic at age 3
>Put on heavy psych meds by Dr. shopping munchie by proxy mom, Susan, who also convinced her husband Mike of her disease.
>Susan claimed her son Bodhi, Jani's little brother, also had schizophrenia and got him meds as well.
>She went on Dr. Phil because of this and tricked him as well it seems.
>Years later her husband figured out what was going on and divorced her and called CPS and got the kids taken, but wouldn't take them so they went into foster care.
>Bodhi turned out to be autistic and Jani off drugs was doing well but she moved back in with her mom when she turned 18 and now is likely back on drugs
>Jani and probably also mom now have an active youtube channel.

No. 955069

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There needs to be a thread made about Khalietheflowergirl/Spiderlilykhalie.
Khalie is an 18 Year old girl from Tennessee who grew a tiktok following through videos of her cleaning up her rundown, falling apart, roach infested house.

> She began receiving donations from followers who took sympathy to her.

> After turning 18, she created a gofundme to help her "move out" and get a car, amassing $21,000 in donations.
> Enters the scene is Preston Mobley. A 23 year old predator who began pursuing Khalie when she was 16. He acts as her "manager" or "camera man"
> Through September - October of 2024, the GoFundMe money was being used to fund Khalie and Preston's "vacation", where they stayed in motels and presumedly abused substances.
> During this period, a car was bought with the donation money. It is in Preston's name.
> After a common makeup and breakup between the two, Khalie released a 23 minute video, where she claims the GoFundMe was attached to Preston's bank account, and she had no idea how it was being spent. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcLtKSMqbYY
> In October of 2024, while staying between her home and motels with Preston, her family dog became sick.
> After waiting 2 months, Khalie finally takes the dog to the vet, where it is decided to put the dog down.
> She posts a teary eyed video in the vet's waiting room whining about how she cant afford it.
> Leaves the video up for over 24hours after the dog has been put down, raking in more sympathy donations.
> In January of 2025, her family's house burnt down due to an electrical fire in the attic.
> Her pet lizard did not survive.
> Khalie creates another GoFundMe to raise money for her father's new home.
> At first tells her followers the gfm is connected to her dad's account
> Later states she was the one withdrawing and sending it.
> GoFundMe gets shut down. It is unknown whether they pocketed the funds.
> Since the fire, Khalie and Preston have continued to live off of donations and tiktok revenue, staying in Airbnbs.
> Their relationship has remained extremely tumultuous being documented on lives and through Khalie's shitty music.
> While working as an Airbnb cleaner for one week, texts from her manager leaked that Preston was giving her benzos.
> Constantly tells her followers that she has left Preston, then seconds later he is seen or heard in the background of her live.
> As of February 2025, she has been spiraling further.
> In the emergency room every other week for "panic attacks" due to her emetophobia.

This barely scratches the surface of it. Multiple snark pages on reddit have been documenting her since September of 2024, this being the most active. https://www.reddit.com/r/spiderlilykhalie/

No. 955088


I’ve been waiting for someone else to post about her, honestly surprised she didn’t get mentioned on here before now.

No. 955091


No. 955133

She keeps habitually landing on my feed and while some of her circumstances are tragic, she has a spectrum of cow tendencies including choosing to stay in her shithole situation while being graced with constant online support. What got me was how both times she crashed out online in recent times, once for her dog dying and the housefire, both times while spiraling she would go on about how she “probably has to make an OF” or some other half assed threat about sw while going on about not being able to afford anything while she is actively getting more donations day to day than your average ewhore makes off the site in a month (ofc the comment sections are full of people telling her not to get into sw as a mentally unstable poorfag and that they will donate to her instead) I knew that housefire was coming with how derelict of a place it was and she has been warned on every single possible post about the dangers of that home yet flagrantly ignores any actually constructive guidance for the sake of a hugbox that lets her be dysfunctional without any accountability for her hand in her situation. Would be down for a thread since I didn’t know she produced this much whole milk outside of the meltdowns.

No. 955166

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Would there be any interest in a thread in /m/ about art evolution? ie posting examples of artists work changing over time, discussing if improvement is linear or not, if we like the current or past style more, etc?

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