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No. 4862
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No. 4863
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No. 4864
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>>4863this is so much ridiculous target crap, anon… you guys would like stuff like this, no offense.
i hate that in all of these aesthetic shabby chic room photos they have to cram as much bric a brac into them as physically possible. it's the biggest boner killer. it makes me nauseous. pic related is cute and perfect in terms of color/accents and the overall ethereal feel, but it's completely fucking ruined by the fact that they've shoved a stupid, useless roman pedestal in a 2x2 room, and have strewn vaguely cream colored garbage everywhere. i don't know why weirdos online with all this cash can't master shabby chic without filling every square inch of space with what are effectively $15 tj maxx birdcages and stupid misplaced teapots everywhere
No. 4865
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old interiors lifted from tumblr
No. 4866
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>>4865tf are the photo paper rolls but nvm
No. 4867
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i'm so in love with this trundle/daybed and wish i could find one like it for less than $1400, shits crazy. this is such a nice look. terrible lighting, however.
>>4866i think the dog cage coffee table is more questionable, anon
No. 4868
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>>379030it is a scam from a book about kool interior design on budget and i thought it looked funky, bit shatna-cotoure for sure kek
No. 4869
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>>4868love the feeling of doom and trashy 90s romance book covers in this
No. 4870
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>>4864I love stuff that's slightly fuller, it makes it feel lived-in and cozy imo, especially bc I tend to like more dark aesthetic stuff
No. 4873
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ive always wanted a room with a window seat. Theres just something so nice about the idea of curling up on it during a lightning storm with a book.
No. 4874
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>>4870>>4871i like that better too but I lived in the living room throughout my childhood and as such wasn't allowed to personalise or clutter the space so I honestly don't know how to decorate haha
really like 80s/90s ugly sterile designs though, I think they're charming in a dated way although wouldn't want to live in most (would love to live in this one though)
No. 4875
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>>4874isn't it weird how it's from 1988 and not some tumblr teen in 2017?
No. 4876
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>>4868lmao @ unintentional (i think? idk i dont keep up with her threads) 'shatnacouture'. can't say it isn't accurate, kek
>>4874>>4870>>4868>>4869idk how these wouldn't depress you guys. i imagine this would be like living inside an art hoe film where you're completely destined to die in some stupidly '''erotic''' and completely tragic way
as far as pic related goes, again, imagine this but like with way less crap everywhere. nice.
No. 4877
>>4873>ywn be able to afford a place with a bay windowFuck my life.
Anyway I'm gonna keep a close eye on this thread as I plan to renovate my unit eventually, even though I won't be able to do much with it. Also for Sims inspiration.
No. 4878
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>>4875>>4876nooo, it was a typo due to my fat fingers!
forgot to mention, all the previous posts are lifted from jpegfantasy, another favourite of mine is househunting, really satisfies that desire to look inside strangers homes
love how this yellow eating area contrasts everything else, although the kitchen feels waaay big
No. 4879
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all i want in life is a large kitchen with slow-closing kitchen cabinets. is it really so much to ask, anons??? i know so many people that grew up with kitchens like this. it sucks growing up as a poorfag.
No. 4881
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>>4880it's very gentle and feminine. i don't see what's so aged about it.
No. 4882
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I love minimalist interiors, beige, pale wood, black and white, warm grey. I guess it's really easy on the eyes, very inoffensive, I find it really soothing. I love going to Ikea and Muji, when I was a kid I used to go see show homes with the bare bones furniture and I loved it
No. 4886
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>>4885I always love Jenny Mustard's apartments, this was my favourite one.
No. 4887
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No. 4890
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I love this thread.
No. 4891
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No. 4892
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No. 4894
>>4881The frills, the furniture, the colours, the fabrics, the way you can smell the pot pourri just looking at it.
It’s all extremely dated. It’s basically what you’d expect to see walking into the home of a rich widow in the 1980’s who runs the HOA and hates her neighbours. It’s basic grandma instead of basic bitch.
No. 4895
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No. 4897
>>4896Google grandmas house decor anon. I got results basically identical. It’s not even close to real baroque, it’s all yuppie repro.
Like, enjoy it, it’s a non-issue, just saying that it looks like every Greek Nona’s suburban house.
No. 4898
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>>4897>>4897that anon was not me but i did google 'grandmas house living room', and 'grandma living room' and nothing of the sort came up. not that i mind that you think it's grandma-y, i just don't see it. i think you're thinking 'frills', floral centerpieces, and 'floral sofa' immediately means grandma, but they're implemented very differently.
pic related is grandma's house, if anything. i've yet to meet a grandma with such a nice living room as the above, personally, but maybe they're different where you are. it just seems like basic green themed shabby chic to me
No. 4899
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>>4898Probably regional. The second picture they posted has some furniture my 86 year old great aunt has in her living room. The shabby chic green room was just a mess of early 90’s country charm.
Pic related because it was my second result from image searching “grandma’s house decor”
Still confused about where anon got baroque from though lol.
No. 4903
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this isn't an interior but all I've ever wanted is a cosy little balcony where I can have my morning coffee
No. 4906
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probably nobody else here will like this but i'm obsessed with how this lady put plants all over her new york apartment. it's like a tiny jungle. if i had more free time i'd love to live in something like this, it seems so cozy
No. 4908
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>>4864i unironically love a cluttered aesthetic
No. 4909
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>>4906I'm planing to make my next apartment like that.
I don't really want furniture, I just want tons of plants.
No. 4910
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No. 4911
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No. 4912
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No. 4913
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No. 4914
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>>4909>>4906I've wanted to do something like this with my living space but I feel like a terrible plant care taker, I usually try to get small plants to start out with but they don't last very long with me, I wanted to get some plants that you can attach to the ceiling and they grow from there, but I'm not sure if they are able to live in lowlight
>Pic not related but still room inspo No. 4915
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>>4902those aren't modern style chairs, anon, what are you talking about? they're shabby chic louis xvi style fauteuils. they literally fit the baroque period. regardless, i can't believe you autists are REEEing about repros as if it makes any sense at all to have 270 year old furniture in a living room designed to be lived in, and as if any furniture that is done in a certain period style needs to be authentically 900 years old and that everything needs to exactly match
No. 4916
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No. 4918
>>4917wow, i didn't know that. all this time it has been said how great snake plants are for air purification. they haven't done a full scale study on like, alllll the most popular plants, but i wouldn't have thought that even these release VOCs like they apparently do. and it wasn't even just the plants, it was also the micro-organisms in the soil releasing them. crazy.
No. 4921
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>>4919>>4919i agree that new furniture is stupidly overpriced, but you do realize that two authentic 18th century french chairs would set you back like $8,000, right? for chairs with rapidly decreasing structural integrity. not really livable, anon, and you'd have to shell out way more than just ordering a set from
i wasn't the anon that called it baroque, but funny enough, those chairs literally are baroque.
No. 4924
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>>4921Red is such a comfy color.
No. 4925
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I'm really into chinoiserie inspired/preppy-electic interiors lately. I feel like if designed well, you can have a lot of stuff going on and still have it look cohesive. It can contain vintage and modern elements too. Overall, very fun and colorful.
No. 4926
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No. 4927
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More traditional but this room looks so cozy
No. 4928
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No. 7586
>>4914Same here. I can never manage to keep indoor houseplants alive anywhere except the windowsill even though I have pretty large windows. I don't understand how
>>4910 is even possible unless those are growth lamps, and even with growth lamps I've only been able to keep half my plants alive. My living room currently looks like a mix of
>>4909 and
>>4911 but most of them are plastic. I feel like a huge phony.