File: 1467222519704.png (873.15 KB, 1005x1124, Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 1.41…)

No. 2390
I wasn't sure who created the OP in the last thread, but I'm absolutely sure Zoe herself has created both of these threads.
>>2389Gtfo zoe, nobody gives a fuck about you.
No. 2391
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No. 2392
File: 1467224204331.png (9.18 KB, 594x101, zoe ligon.png)

She's so fucking creepy.
No. 2394
File: 1467226242345.png (1.48 MB, 1219x1189, Screen Shot 2016-06-29 at 2.49…)

this girl is fucking disgusting, how is this considered fuckable?? and that nose!! my god!
No. 2395
File: 1467226641708.jpeg (489.54 KB, 2048x2048, image.jpeg)

Since this seems like a vendetta thread I'll just do the opposite. She has something Audrey Hepburn-sequel about her look.
No. 2396
sorry autocorrect
No. 2401
>>2389I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're not this chick, though I totally think this is a self post as well.
That being said, someone being ugly does not make them a lolcow. Someone being slutty and gross doesn't make them a lolcow either.
This girl has no class, but I don't see any links or screen caps to anything note worthy or scandalous, she's literally just a super sex position feminist who of course some people will find repulsive.
Where's the drama? Where's the link to the long post from her scarred ex boyfriend? Where's the screen caps of her getting into angry fights to defend herself? There are none. Because she is boring and this thread is bad, please stop posting it. There is nothing here, there is no content, nothing to lol at.
No. 2403
>>2402There's an admin somewhere, and the other thread was moved to manure.
She's not lolz enough for her own thread, if OP were to make "IG slut" thread that would make more sense and even then that should be in SNOW.
Most of us aren't as retarded as you, the samefags, and the OP.
Get lost, we have better cows to talk about.
No. 2405
>>2402>who the fuck makes up the rules if a girl is extreme enough to make fun of?the admin does and they decided it was shit and moved it to manure
anyway OP enjoy ur ban lel