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No. 5043
Speedrun/Super Smash Bros streamer who thinks she's hot shit because she's a trans woman. Recently got angry when she wasn't allowed to vlog about her life with just a webcam on a game streaming website and wants Twitch to include "vlogs and napping streams" onto their platform. Apparently gets posted on 4chan regularly.
Old: No. 5045
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No. 5052
>>5044I honestly miss fake bisexuals over trendy trannies. At least bisexuals didn't make an issue about pissing in a bathroom stall or shoving how 'feminine' they are in your face.
So many fake woman want to act like hot shit and how they are biologically better than real women. Transwomen can fuck off. they are more sexist than regular dudes half the time.
No. 5053
>>5052idk man fake bisexuals are pretty self-righteous. And they do it for the attention (mostly opposite sex attention, ironically)
I think we all know that girl who bragged about liking other girls just to piss her parents off and impress dudes.
I think we disagree about TS as a legitimate condition, anon.
No. 5054
>>5044They feel like they have failed as a man because they are timid NEETs who spend all day posting online. Then they see the attention that girls get in male nerd communities and decide that their life will be much easier if they become a girl. What they forget is that they won't actually become a girl. They'll just be an ugly guy in a wig and people will want even less to do with them than they did before.
Anyway did this guy seriously name himself Narcissa?
No. 5059
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Despite breaking up they're still on good terms it seems, that's nice
No. 5061
>>5060I honestly don't blame them, they must've been raided constantly
Just checked out the stream and someone asked if they were a boy/girl
Shit was awkward
No. 5067 (As of right now, he's streaming on YT so he can vlog)
"Narcissa. Narcissa. Narcissa. I'm in your fucking brain" Ugh.
No. 5071
>>5070Rank Player Time Platform Date
1st Torje 17m 42s WiiVC 1 month ago
2nd skater82297 17m 45s WiiVC 1 year ago
3rd jodenstone 17m 55s WiiVC 1 year ago
No. 5075
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>>5068geez, of all the titles he could've put, that's what he puts. he's really getting desperate.
>>5073He's a completely different person now, I don't follow him either anymore. I see he picked up 100% TPHD, but it's just not the same. I just don't understand how things ended up like this, not only the tranny stuff, but the complete personality change too.
No. 5076
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>>5043Every. Fucking. Time. I see OP picture.
No. 5077
>>5047'Narcissa', yeah no shit, every tranny is ridiculously narcissistic. Over two and a half hours of just talking about yourself.
"I woke up today and was looked in the mirror and was so beautiful, I lost all my selfies, so sad, I was just super beautiful…" Are you insane? Look at yourself. What a fascinating stream of mumbling and stroking fingers through a mop of limp dyed hair. This is so dull yet so uncomfortable at the same time.
No. 5080
>>5043It's pretty amazing how any tranny can put as little effort into what they do and see instant benefits from doing it.
This Tumblr thing is just a depressing trainwreck now, I can't even laugh at this crap anymore.
No. 5083
>>5081i remember one post had a good 20k notes, complaining about how some minor celebrity was transphobic, because she's a lesbian and joked that she "had never seen a penis before"
it's absolutely insane. i feel terrible for young, confused lesbians being told they're bigots if they're not attracted to men in wigs
No. 5085
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A bit late since I don't follow him anymore. He's quit Twitch and has since deleted his account since they won't allow his nap and "all about me" streams. He was streaming on YouTube but with the advertiser friendly guidelines, he might be looking for a new platform again.
No. 5633
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cow pose