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No. 1026761
Post random things you hate and why. A picture of the thing you hate is always appreciated. Please don't vent about your life here. For venting about your personal life, your family, neighbors, boyfriend, coworkers etc use the vent thread. For minor annoyances in your very personal daily life use the annoying thread. Thank you. Commentary is fine (positive, negative or neutral) as long as you don't come here to start a retarded infight with your personal issues. Keep the borzois in mind.
Previous Thread
>>>/ot/998509 No. 1026780
File: 1642149105511.jpg (158.83 KB, 696x531, dontcomearoundhere.jpg)

People who dress up animals. Unless you live in Siberia and your dog/cat needs to keep warm, don't fucking do it. It's degrading and stupid. Your pet's an animal, not a Barbie doll.
No. 1026797
>>1026780Agreed. Also:
Saw a woman the other day walking her poodle with its tail dyed pink. No lady, it doesn't make the dog look cute, it makes you look like a looney.
No. 1026821
File: 1642154240070.gif (879.2 KB, 320x240, lol.gif)

I really hate how divisive online communities have become and how easily salty users are over the slightest disagreement. They're extremely thin-skinned but also really aggressive which is the most insufferable combination in the world. Something I noticed that's gotten bad by 2016 and magnified during the pandemic in particular:
If you express a slightly unconventional opinion people will gang up on you over like you said the worst shit imaginable. Not even necessarily something about religion or politics, just simple opinions deviating from the norm like saying you think the dog is blue when another user thinks it's green. Internet assholes have always existed but it has been extremely amplified in recent years to such ridiculous levels that if you're not completely conformist to a particular community culture you might as well be a sociopathic troll to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they start doxxing people from making different opinions (on non politics or religious stuff) in a year lmao.
People are bullied from making deeper observations because "bro it's not that deep, you're weird" brainlets bullying users for using internet discussion for more than just cooming, shitposting, or hosting witchhunts. Of course, they're free to analyze why something is bad based on some outrage culture/puritan politics bullshit but if you act sincerely passionate about something it makes zoomers extremely uncomfortable and I can't figure out why.
Another one that pisses me off but is entirely related, is how people (mostly zoomers) will only have the last reaction if you give your sentences proper captialization and punctuation but will not be on your ass as much if you write in shitty grammar, slang, with all lowercase. Again, this is almost as if zoomers can't read anything that is written in proper English and lash out like retards if you're not talking like a braindead baby.
No. 1026938
>>1026767I agree anon. Erika's instagram posts, her refusal to express sadness for the
victims, her getting caught lying several times on RHOBH. Anybody who believes her are braindead.
No. 1027076
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>be most financially successful author in history
>be only author to become a billionaire
>be only billionaire in history to lose your billionaire status not cause of bad investment or squandering your money but cause of how much you give to charity
>constantly reassure your liberal fans and bend your story for their demands
>disagree that male rapists shouldn't be allowed in sensitive women spaces
>suddenly your the worst person to exist and now these troglodytes are bashing your work and you personally
God what happened to JK just will always make me angry, she's not even anti-trans compared to most people here but her "controversial views" that maybe rapists shouldn't be placed with women and that underage children shouldn't be placed on hormones and have their bodies mutilated somehow mark her as the anti-Christ
No. 1027081
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zoomers acting like basic english words are some otherworldly shit only weirdos use kek.
No. 1027203
>>1027177Exactly the point, anon, exactly the point…
>>1027179Heterosexual women are real
No. 1027259
>>1027081Bro really said (slightly long English adjective)
I'm dead brruuuhhhh
No. 1027269
>>1027251Never said they don't, retard. I'm just saying we do not mindlessly drool over male bodies like men do (straight over women, gay over men) because women are not the same as men.
No. 1027313
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>>1027297based. 10/10 or fuck off
No. 1027356
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>>1027318Apparently is an statue called "in defiance of the perverse" by Daniel Williams
No. 1027364
>>1027346nta but how is that post 'femcel' when
>>1027224 exists
No. 1027383
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>>1027369Nta but the ugliest women on earth can still get bfs.
No. 1027445
>>1027313Getting ot but I've never liked muscle on men, even that slimmed down muscle body. I blame it on the fact that my brother would always watch wrestling and these gay cartoons with muscle men in them and I got sick of the sight of it pretty early on.
I mean I do drool over men, just softer bodies.
No. 1027457
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>>1027224So what you’re saying is you would fuck this guy if he called you beautiful. You would let this man on top of you and stick his penis in you just because he made you feel desired. You would probably let him cum inside too. Disgusting
No. 1027515
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>>1026780Except for sphinx cats, who need to wear clothes during winter
No. 1027534
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>>1027297I empathize, I don't think a lot of women drool over men's bodies. Not because we wouldn't, but because we can't. If more men were hot I'd probably be horny for them more, rather than now where 1/50 look attractive.
No. 1027535
>>1027457Kek please
nonny…you just made me sick
No. 1027663
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>>1027313If he doesn't look like this then his tongue should be taken out tbh
No. 1027678
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>>1027534I think part of the problem is that there isn't body diversity among males any more. In years gone by nearly all men would have been a variation of fit and healthy. Now it's skinny soyboy, ring-wing gymcel or obese basement dweller.
No. 1027693
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>>1027670I think a lot of those bodybuilder types are also pretty disgusting looking, I prefer males with the life natural muscles over the over pumped gym muscles
No. 1027697
>>1027316i enjoyed it a lot actually
nonnie, thank you
No. 1027731
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>>1027716>>1027534I think blaming genes absolves too many males and can they use it as excuse to be lazy, I feel like most modern males should at least bother to do is stay fit and remain clean, sure some males would be genetically too ugly for most women but I'm sure they'd find some wierdo who'd be into their weird bodies
I mean hell picrel is what our ancestors likely looked like for 90% of their history before farming and civilization
No. 1027771
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>>1027756Of course there is a mention of the husband.
No. 1027892
>>1027064Commit suicide right now please thank you.
>>1027055Yes, these people are sociopaths and should be shunned from society. I don't get how bullying is seen as completely acceptable for this reason between minors when the exact same acts between adults in the workplace or in private would end with a prison sentence and a restraining order. All because retards think this builds character or this is cute kids just playing together.
No. 1027980
>>1026821>People are bullied from making deeper observations because "bro it's not that deep, you're weird" >if you act sincerely passionate about something it makes zoomers extremely uncomfortable and I can't figure out why.My fucking god I felt these sentences. Moderating a Discord server infested with zoomers I'm constantly being subjected to people with zero understanding of cause and effect and even less willingness to gain any. People just want to sperg and be outraged for the fun of it, creating a destructive environment full of hostility and quick fixes, not a layered understanding or a discussion that you could actually learn something from because "I'm not a fucking nerd bruh that's cringe". It's because they're passive and apathetic about anything else but an immediate dopamine rush a snappy lower case callout tweet brings them.
>Again, this is almost as if zoomers can't read anything that is written in proper English and lash out like retards if you're not talking like a braindead baby.According to studies their ability to read longer sentences is deteriorating at an accelerating rate so this isn't just in your head
nonnie. They've been conditioned into reading 280 characters max and preferably with lots of emojis and reaction gifs. I hate that so many millenials with a middle age crisis are sucked into this stupid shit too.
No. 1028076
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>>1028073I always thought that it referred to the fact that girls do seem to grow bigger then boys earlier before boys suddenly sprout up and become giants
that was my experience anyway's
No. 1028085
>>1027224I can't tell if you're a scrote or just convincing yourself of this for low self esteem reasons. I find (the right kind) of man very physically sexy.
Sure het women find different parts of a man sexier than het men find in women but your generalisation makes me think you're seething because a chad rejected you.
No. 1028100
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I hate when I'm trying to find information about a topic that has the same name as a piece of media. I tried to find information about the 7 deadly sins and I just find pictures about some anime (Pic related, I spoilered it because it has spoliers from the manga), I tried to find images about classical jokers (From real life monarchies) and I just get results about the Batman character. I'm so mad.
No. 1028142
>>1028100This pisses me off too. Wish anime and capeshit was locked away in its own basement of the internet.
Maybe try searching the term in latin
No. 1028146
>>1028100I also hate it, even if I look for it in Spanish, it brings me up anime shit or capeshit. You have to then specify shit like “religious seven deadly sins” or “medieval jokers” and the sorts. This happened to me while looking for
Astolfo imagine how utterly annoyed and disgusted I was.
No. 1028208
>>1028142Yeah, I enjoy many anime stuff, but I'd really love if most "nerdy" stuff could be contained inside sites like DeviantArt or Tumblr while Google and DuckDuckGo had the actual stuff I'm looking for.
>>1028146I feel so sorry for anyone who likes history and decides to search him. I did it, heavily specified that it's the real man and even blacklisted all keywords about that character and I still got many cringy trap memes.
No. 1028270
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>>1028100It is very annoying when you're searching for something but sometimes it breeds funny situations. Also amazing how you cannot search for knuckles (the body part) without getting pictures of sonic's knuckles. I think the funniest one of these is how most country mash-up names are forever tainted by hetalia ships meaning they can never be used in official things like cultural events (Like USUK aka US/UK)
No. 1028303
>>1028291Yes, I read their threads. I support sexualised art of scrote historical figures
triggering scrotes and making normies go wtf
No. 1028307
>>1028298Dumb newfags should be told to lurk moar before they post and be hazed until they integrate
Hey newfags, read the posting guidelines for new users before fucking posting:
>>4. Deleting>You have 30 minutes to delete a comment you've made. You do not need to enter a password; one is automatically assigned and saved in your browser. If you've made a typo or want to correct any part of your comment, copy the text, delete it, and re-post it. Do not double-post to correct yourself. Do not ask mods to delete your post if you missed the 30 minute window.(Emphasis not mine)
No. 1028334
File: 1642242403850.jpg (2.96 MB, 4288x3216, 4 of 5 two.jpg)

>>1026761Why are moids obsessed about watches?
For all their hate for women's fashion and jewelry, they crave the
same shitty trickets that perform worse than the basic model and not "functional" or "utilitarian" at all.
No. 1028341
>>1028334Most are not, Watches are on the higher end of "luxury". normal people don't go out and drop 10k on a rolex or omega or patek or any other high end brand.
Most normal people are more than happy with a Seiko or Casio because its cheap and tells the time.
No. 1028346
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>>1028328>vulnerable, sexualized malesCan't you just write femdom then? The only reason why normal women have issues with you fujos is that you erase all female characters from your works (or slander them in it) and then try to justify it by pulling out the "b-but muh sexualization of males and 99% female fandom!!!" Stop it. You know you are not doing it out of super feminist reasons, in fact you are just like yuri obsessed males, who ship female characters only because they fetishize lesbians and are too much of a cuck to self-insert instead of imagining their waifus fucking each other.
No. 1028347
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>>1028333Let's all lewd Napoleon Bonaparte instead
No. 1028348
>>1028328lmao so wanting to see female gaze straight lewd is "pickme" shit now? peak cuckoldry
reminder, scrotes also don't like het stuff when it's showing them as hot and having to do all the work cause they're lazy and self insert as the invisible man or fat ugly bastard
No. 1028356
>>1028328please stop trying to pretend that ruining your brain by cooming yourself into ever liking 2d anime boys fucking each other is somehow feminist
its pathetic and sad
No. 1028358
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>>1028356I don't know what a man is. Sounds like a type of fruit.
No. 1028434
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>>1028303>has been indoctrinated to hate women>self-insert as fantasy eunuchs instead>makes art hating on women and glorifying males Yeah, super based anon.
No. 1028453
>>1028346Based. But fujocucks will tell you that they are escaping theoretical scrotes fapping to their femdom comic which is somehow a
valid excuse for giving up your voice as a male attracted woman when it comes to depicting heterosexual relationships as you would like them to be. Somehow they don't worry about gay men fapping to muh hecking ukerinos. Imagine centering coomer scrotes in how you create and consume art. Pathetic, avoidant behavior (if that even is the true reason)
No. 1028495
>>1028443>We women deserve to be the default, we are not an optionPreach sis.
>>1028453>Imagine centering coomer scrotes in how you create and consume art. Pathetic, avoidant behavior I agree. Scrotes coom to just about anything anyway.
No. 1028503
>>1028448True, especially compared to how much women are blamed for their male partner turning out to be nuts.
Also, I doubt it ever actually happened. Why wouldn't he just flush the condom down the toilet? He conveniently uses the one substance that would cause extreme pain if put inside a vagina rather than anything else that would damage sperm? She's admitting to something that'll get her inundated with death threats from psycho stans for a lawsuit she'd never win? No one's found her name yet?
It reeks of contrived scrote revenge fantasy against something that probably doesn't happen at all since in reality you'd just get sued into oblivion by his hotshot lawyers for trying to steal a celebrities sperm.
No. 1028774
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I hate it when I look at gamedev teams to see a sausage fest with one woman only, first of all it's shit to be the only woman in a male work environment (would know, been there), second of all, seriously, there are enough women in gamedev at this point to seriously go a bit above… this. Not even asking for 50-50, but seeing theres only one feels just weird.
No. 1028784
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>>1028774even worse, they're all french…
No. 1028787
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I cannot believe there are hoards of fan-girls who want to fuck a 50 year 5'5 manlet who doesn't bathe and lives in the basement all cause he's "le quirky"
No. 1028793
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>>1028791he's not even good looking in canon, like WTF is the appeal
No. 1028812
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>>1028804>>1028787He maybe a manlet but he's cute
also he isn't a recluse because he is scared of people like most neets, he is a recluse to protect his niece
That's what makes him attractive when IRL loser hermits aren't
No. 1028836
>>1028346There's no such thing as femdom, it's always pandering to male gaze and they will always find it hot because they know they're not fully submitted to women.
> in fact you are just like yuri obsessed males, who ship female characters only because they fetishize lesbianslmao no
No. 1028848
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Oh god the fujos are here. God halp us all
No. 1028919
>>1028906In fact, one might say fujoshi are the ultimate pick-mes for anime boys. They worship them so much, it makes them seethe to see them with other women, even 2D ones
Men are safe due to lack of pussy. Other fujoshi are safe because they can't cross the 2D/3D barrier and are just other devotees (ie harmless). 2D women? Reeeee delete those whores lol, or make them cut their hair and turn into lesbians (but no one cares about their les relationship), or let them just realize the true love between the fujoshi's husbando and another man, and stop pretending they have a chance/turn them into other fujoshi
I actually don't hate fujoshi, but I think the wars between them and yumejoshi are kinda funny. You're all obsessing over cartoon erotica/romance in the end
No. 1028949
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>>1028924Posting it so that retarded newfags will learn. And who the fuck said "empowered sexy waifu" or "ugly manface"? Stop making shit up monkeyjoshi
No. 1028973
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Retarded ass moids who try to make small talk about "MUh heAVieSt MEtaL" and then show me shit like "Ghost". keep your weak ass scrotal music taste to yourself faggot.
No. 1028982
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>>1027680This reminds me of how I was watching the show Succession earlier and in one line the writers used the word soyboy. I hate how the writers on HBO shows try too hard to insert interne/meme words into their scripts. It's not just on Succession but some other HBO shows I've seen too.
No. 1029224
>>1029048>>1028921nta, I've never even heard of this manga but I've experienced this phenomenon first hand, fujos make the female love interests into lesbians just so they could be removed from their m/m ship
So yes Fujos actually do this
This wasn't even with an anime show, it was with Star Trek
No. 1029238
>>1029030>it's not like they can do anything about it.You can get them removed, it's a pretty minor procedure. My sister got a few removed from her face and she's very happy she did so.
That said obviously nobody owes it to other people to look a certain way, it's just an option. Anon isn't weird as hell to be 'enraged' by people's faces.
No. 1029305
>>1029297>>1028983I don't get it, are you guys conflating IVF and sperm donation? OP is talking about single mothers by choice 'buying sperm' aka using a donor who obviously has viable sperm, and the reply is talking about infertile couples getting IVF. They have nothing to do with each other.
Anyway I'm 100% pro single mothers using sperm banks, it's the way of the future considering the state of moids. Single parenthood only has poor outcomes for the kid when the parents split as a result of financial hardships and unstable home lives, not when single women with their shit together make the decision to do it alone when they're ready.
No. 1029322
>>1028983>we all know what you're actually buyingWhat? What am I missing here
>>1029313Sorry for reposting anon. I don't completely agree, but I do appreciate your answer.
No. 1029731
>>1029305OP here and to my understandmend women that don't have partners AND who also can't naturally concieve need sperm beforehand. There are couples who use their own eggs and sperm, some only use sperm etc but single mothers need to obtain it somehow to begin the process. That's what I'm referring to.
>Anyway I'm 100% pro single mothers using sperm banks, it's the way of the future considering the state of moids. Single parenthood only has poor outcomes for the kid when the parents split as a result of financial hardships and unstable home lives, not when single women with their shit together make the decision to do it alone when they're ready.That's not true. You don't know how effort it takes to raise a child and how important it is for him/her to have both parent figures. Of course IVF and single motherhood is aimed towards high income women, but still, money and a uterus aren't the only two things you need to raise a child. Single parenthood will never be enough for the child for a lot of reasons, and here I speak with some experience, there are/were severalsingle mothers in my family (my own mother included).A lot of paths can lead you to that terrible position (loss, divorce, abandonment, literally completely emotionally unavailable and inmature fathers…). I just can't picture a future of rich single mothers with only childs. Is that what families will evolve into? I agree that moids these days are at the worst state (emotionally undeveloped like boomers but without the skills or the jobs) but IVF is just not the solution. If having kids is s expensive that we need to wait until we have secured or jobs at our 40s then prices need to be lowered. And if moids don't make good fathers we'll have to teach them and they will have to learn. Stop with this individualistic shit.
>>1029322 They are buying babies,do you get it?
No. 1029745
>>1029696>>1029729I think everyone is forgetting the fact that Bruno was not supposed to be attractive, he's supposed to be weird and kinda sad but ultimately a good guy
he was not supposed to be lewded
also sadly he does have a "stans" in Spanish speaking online spaces, mostly due to the fact the Spanish voice actor is also the main voice actor for Joker in LatAM Dub
No. 1029873
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>>1029860>>1029861yes but unlike Adam Driver he's also 5'6 and 50 years old
No. 1029902
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Sprouts. The taste of them doesn't bother me, it's preparing them. Cutting them from the main stalk, chopping the end off, peeling them and then cutting a cross through the bottom so that they cook evenly. What's the point when cabbage tastes the same and has virtually the same nutrition.
No. 1029915
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>>1029904I grow them in my garden, so that's why I need to do all the stalk removal.
No. 1029982
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This shit. No wonder these people always lose.
No. 1030090
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>>1029904>>1029902You peel off the outer leaves, cut off the bottom stalk bit, chop them in half, roast them for a few minutes until browned on both sides, throw in a chopped shallot, steam them, then serve with balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper. The pair of you need to learn proper cooking.
No. 1030114
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Bruno mars is 5'6 and Taylor swift is 5'10, with heels she goes up 6'2-6'3
No. 1030149
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>>1030147I agree, him, Prince and Charlie Day are the only men allowed to be short
No. 1030571
>>1029743>and if a woman wants to do it, so what?What kind of question is that? I believe it's unethical, that's my reason.
>so why fault a few women who want to have single motherhood IVF? Because children need both parent figures, specially mothers but fathers as well. And IVF it's increasing. If you read my post you would have seen that I pity a future of rich single mothers and only childs, it's unsustainable.
>a nuclear family household does not guarantee a baby will be nurtured or abused any more or less than if it was brought up in a single householdIVF babies aren't your typical single household, it's has an specific impact on one's psychological development.
> when 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce, the child will face the inevitable separation when half of marriages fail and over half fall into chaos when 50% of marriages in the US end in divorce, the child will face the inevitable separation when half of marriages fail and over half fall into chaosThere's definitely a problem with human adult relationships and marriage, but the solution isn't IVF.
>>1029780>You sound pressed because women are having babies without men.This whole ''without men'' is not entirely real. You need sperm and only men produce sperm. At the end of the day it's not ''women having children without men'' but ''children being born without fathers and half their identity robbed''.
>Nothing wrong with IVF, esp if you can pick and choose. You can be screened too, so you get the best chances at a healthy child.Literally like buying any other thing. Sounds souless and you seem pressed to justify the terrible mistake you payed for.
>>1029837Pepe is the worst image you could have used to try to make your point.
>>1029872Did they? They were never explicitly obliged to because they knew they would be fathers and have descendents anyway, we weren't in a position to choose for ourselves another future than being mothers/caregivers. But know they are learning it the hard way, most of them think they can forget about it, reach 40 and only then marry a 25 year old who will be interested in being the mother of their children. And that is simply not happening for the average joe.
No. 1030582
>>1030580samefag, but just saying i don't like nazi and alt right fags that are in some anime fandoms either kek
it's like you can't win no matter what
No. 1030597
>>1030571> 'children being born without fathers and half their identity robbed''.Not really? You can just tell the kids the truth of how they were born and that’s it, as long as they have a parent, they’re happy.
And isn’t adopting kind of the same then? You pick the kid you prefer and “rob” their identity because their original parents aren’t in the picture at all.
So what’s the solution? Marry any moid to have a kid and then have a miserable life in which the kid will suffer because of it? And never adopt a kid and just let them rot in an orphanage I guess.
No. 1030602
>>1030571You're unironically advocating for turning men into projects that you "teach" to be good fathers, so you'll essentially be raising two children at once (except one will be arrogant, because he believes you taking his sperm makes him an authority in the household). Inevitably, in the process of "teaching a man to be a dad", the child will have to be sacrificed on the pillar of both you and your chosen man's mistakes, and you already know that would have horrible consequences in the future
If we're going to do this "Teach them to be fathers" thing, we might as well start marrying/reproducing from 18 rather than mid-to-late 20s and early 30s. That way, we can acclimate males to fatherhood properly because they're at a more teachable age in life. The thing is, most women
also aren't ready to get pregnant at 18, so what is the solution?
No. 1030634
>>1030630>>1030625So it’s better that the kid has an
abusive or neglecting father rather than just a loving single mother or two moms that love the kid.
No. 1030780
>>1030769I'm asking for yours because you made a claim to begin with. I didn't mention seeing the study to debunk your claim, I mentioned it to help explain why I personally feel skeptical and would want to see proof
So, do you have any? Or did you pull it out of your ass?
No. 1030781
>>1030769I’m just saying that it’s idiotic to think that a single mom is worse than an
abusive father with a mom who is a
So according to your logic, a kid would be an even better adult if he/she grew up with two dads instead of a mom and a dad, since moms are just baby carriers I guess. Oh no, don’t tell me you believe in
>uwu, moms bring the fweelings and nurchuring and daddies bring the uwu money and bread uwu No. 1030785
>>1030782I never said anything about the study, I still consider a huge retardation how having a shitty father is considered an option at all.
>>1030783I’ve only replied a few times because this conversation with the unhinged anti-IVF
nonnie has been going on for
2 days.
No. 1030821
For the tradfilth itt: Read and die from butthurt, motherfuckers.
No. 1030861
>>1030837One of the comments: "The study conclusions were based solely on the parental responses to the Child Behavior Checklist. Parents who complete CBCL's on their own children for a study that could potentially report negative findings on the outcomes of children raised in lesbian homes have a clear, self- serving bias. The fact that the study chose not to include the self reported CBCL or the teacher CBCL is mentioned, but it begs the point? Why? Were the results contradictory? On the surface it appears that the study authors are only reporting data that supports a specific, predetermined view-point. I will not be referencing this article or results as
valid until ALL of the data is made public for review." - Daniel Trementozzi
No. 1030869
I hate IVF and I came here just to say that, I have no more intention to reply to anyone adressing my posts, wich are only these:
>>1028983>>1029731>>1030571>The average cost of in vitro fertilization in the U.S. is currently about $11,000 to $12,000. have no sympathy for rich people that want to buy a pregnancy, no matter how sterile or lesbian they are.
No. 1030871
>>1030861"Only gender and group (NLLFS vs.Achenbach Normative CBCL Sample) were used as predictors. I can not understand wny the authors did not make proper adjustments for other factors. They do mention it as one of the limitations of the study. It would be very easy to match the study population with the appropriate control population.Also, I am surprised that the editorial board and reviewers did not pay attention to such an obvious deficiency of the study. "
- Alex I. Kartashov
"The relatively better adjustment of the children of lesbian parents may reflect, at least in part, higher levels of education or different sibling constellations relative to heterosexual parents rather than parental gender or sexual orientation per se." - Walter R. Schumm
"The article raises an unusual methodological problem for surveys. There is a well known strong tendency for subjects to volunteer for surveys which show them in a good light. In this case there is an enormous political incentive for mothers to volunteer for such a survey and ensure upbringing is exemplary." - Neil E. Whitehead
All are moids though hah.
No. 1031287
>>1030862Fucking hell
I fucking hate scrotes so much,
especially weeb scrotes.
No. 1031313
>>1030965Fibroids usually cause pain and can escalate into different things if not treated. IVF is useless and overpriced because selfish ass people just ~must~ have a crotch goblin when there's millions of kids waiting to be adopted.
NTA but I struggled with infertility but IVF would be my last case since it's way too much effort and money for something that's not even guarantee, if I hadn't got pregnant on my own I would have happily adopted, in fact I probably will adopt in the future. It's hard to believe that doctors don't bother putting a stop to this when overpopulation is a thing
No. 1031349
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i hate this guy i just found on youtube. i know next to nothing about him but every one of his lame, retarded features is repelling and disgusting. i want him to never reproduce, entirely out of the gene pool but i'm also sorry he exists. on top of that he isn't particularly insightful or well-spoken either, breadtube won't save you my guy. i had a look at his videos, every one of them has the word "so sad" or "miserable" or "unhappy". he's just so limp and soft and he makes me want to workout.
No. 1032147
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>>1032136Same. Also rewatching old good TV series. Picrel is a fantastic old movie.
No. 1032355
File: 1642564139788.jpg (104.35 KB, 1860x750, Slider_STABILO_BOSS_Pastel_186…)

These motherfucekrs. They looks so ugly, cheap and seedy. Every time I see them I'm reminded of the USSR oblasts and their sad painted homes and bars.
No. 1032609
>>1032545I don't get them either, when I first saw them I thought they would offer good insight on how the voice actually works and break down the vocalist's technique but in the end it's just them pausing the song every 2 seconds to say
No. 1032623
>>1032612Movies are bad nowadays because once the 2000s hit, people were extremely over critical of movies, literally the slightest flaws in the script meant the script was shitty and the movie was shitty, one or two bad actors was easily blasted, people have been easily offended so director's need to tip toe around everyones feelings in order to not lose business. I don't usually agree with the idea the consumer makes a product bad but when it comes to movies and shows it definitely applied. If mean girls, 13 going on 30, sleepover, etc had been made recently it would be relentlessly nitpicked and bashed because of the script, cheesiness, "bad" actors, and not being inclusive enough
No. 1032817
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I hate the over-abundance of gaming platforms. Super autismo sperg incoming so beware. Oh you purchased a game on steam? Too bad you have to download this buttfuck app ubisoft didn't update since the crucifixion of jesus. You purchased gamepass well too bad to play this shit you have to download EA's app that doesn't work so you have to download the game 6 times becacuse the program just fails to work. Also they're all selling your data btw. Spend 70 GB free diskspace so you can download 50 gameplatforms to play 5 games. And make accounts on all of those. But not with the same passwords because they get constantly leaked or sold. You want to stick to one platform but well your favorite game is leaving there because the company had the brilliant idea to become the next steam even though they won't. God I just want to support the gaming industry not download more apps for downloading games than the games on my PC.
No. 1032844
>>1032817Ugh I feel you. I remeber forgetting what game is on what platform and the shit took ages to boot up.
If you use a PC, get GOG Galaxy, it lets you link all the platforms together so it's all in one place.
No. 1033421
>>1032623not to be a tankie but most movies now are run purely for profit, whether is mindless action pandering to chinese audiences or the next remake that people will purchase tickets for so their kids can see the soulless shell of a film they grew up with.
Profit will/has always driven films to be made, but studios and directors have realised the bar can be set so low and people will still buy tickets.
No. 1033585
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Like how i just saw this rn and had a reply "for other women to peg it." I get that this character was straight and got turned bisexual in the Netflix adaption sadly but I'm tired of "sharing" with faggots like it's normal for me to expect a male character to get pegged or anally fucked as if that adds to my fantasy around him
Basically what I'm saying is non fujo male attracted women don't get shit.
No. 1033608
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I hate the top part
Leave feminine male characters alone already
No. 1034225
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Men and their [words in PornHub font] humor. It looks extremely childish and I can't believe they still find this creative and funny.
No. 1034229
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No. 1034241
>>1033799Some of us dont care or think it's hot.
I've seen more breakdowns by fujos over hetero content on LC.
No. 1034260
>>1033879That's a small mentally ill minority anon. I guarantee you that yumejos and other husbandofags are just as bad sometimes.
>>1034241Literally where? Responses to moids shitposting don't count.
No. 1034353
If you check the horny husbando thread farmers are actually posting bl ships too and no one is complaining.
Meanwhile fujos are like
>>1034339 No. 1034373
>>1034353In the husbando thread you can also post hetero content and no one aside trolls fucking complains. Stop acting like yumejos are poor
victims of the evil misogynistic fujos when most fujos are lesbians or women who also consume het romance.
>>1034339 is a shitpost/bait and as always you feel the need to act like someone's threatening your poor 2d straight guy by making him gay.
No. 1034386
>>1034373 I'm
>>1034241 and I'm just pointing out that from what I've seen fujos seem less chill about hetero content than yumes about gay content on this site.
No. 1034392
>>1034386because hetero ships are boring and played out what's not clicking
No. 1034410
>>1034400Yeah we get it, fujos are the biggest
victims and never say anything bad about yumes.
No. 1034415
>>1034410when have we ever said anything
unprovoked lmao and no, trolls don't count and you know it
No. 1034432
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>>1034387>>1034392snnniiiifffffLadies I'm smelling a twitterfag up in here, quick! Lock her up!
No. 1034448
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all this shit is so dumb why can't you guys like both
No. 1034460
>>1034448As a lesbian fujo I would date a yumejo but she would only be allowed straight towards 2D anime men
>>1034458I'm not going to read all this shit but I'm sorry that happened to you anon
No. 1034461
>>1034432Yeah so it wasn't just me, it smells underage twitard itt
>>1034448Plenty do as has been said upthread, but some fujos here are hellbent on seeing yumes as the big enemy apparantly.
No. 1034486
>>1034467Ayrt i only posted that because i keep seeing post where fujos and yumes infight for no reason! It's kind of annoying but My post is retarded and most likely
directed at like… The same 5 spergy anons
No. 1034497
>>1034432kek it was a true red flag! someone had to sound the alarm!
>>1034464 ill bet u its the twittertard doubling down with the "calling out"
>>1034458ngl i noticed this. irl i used to be friends with someone exactly like this. obsessed with yaoi, openly talked about jerkin to anime boys and the like, but would then turn around and call herself "bi/lesbian/pansexual" (constantly changing obviously dont want to be straight because thats not speshul enough) yet has never genuinely been interested in any woman aside from thinking theyre beautiful
No. 1034513
>>1034484This makes no sense
also maybe this is new for some anons but you can separate IRL gay moids from 2d fujo shit because they don’t really act/look like real moids. Also fundashis don’t give a fuck about muh fetishization because the more gay porn existing the better. Women aren’t a threat to gay men, except for maybe ftms and even then it’s debatable. What gay moids do hate is tranny shit and PC culture. They’re not much different from straight moids as far as porn goes.
No. 1034515
>>1034501kek she was a complete twitter/tumblr commie type though and she and the rest of those related friends dropped me (i dont miss them). i think she was trying to hard to be "alternative" and true to her
poc roots or something so she could never admit she was just into white men and get on with it
No. 1034677
>>1034670Abortion is already traumatic enough, these pro-life fuckers whose only mission is to make women feel bad about a choice that's already hard on its own are pure evil.
If they really cared about the children, they'd adopt kids instead of supporting unwanted children being birthed.
No. 1034835
I hate men
That is all.
>>1034760So? It’s still a good post
No. 1034966
File: 1642730315037.gif (101.15 KB, 220x165, spit-fighting.gif)

The influx of nasty cunts on /ot/ that have cropped up in the past month or so.
>replies to anon in aggressive way that baits a fight
>anon replies annoyed and asks wtf
Fucking trash. Hope you're underage and hormonal.
No. 1035237
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I hate the anime car trend
Some were kinda funny at first but now I think it’s just awful. Especially when they have several different anime stickers going on
No. 1035254
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>>1035237the new lazy ones with window peaks are stupid. at least have one cohesive franchise or character who isnt a sister/brother fucker, lolicon, shota, or obvious coom waifu. pic related to me is fine but the ones with her bent over showing panties are gross.
No. 1036127
>>1036111What's the Scanditard?
t.non tard Scandi
No. 1036500
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I hate these pants on head retarded mutant bodies that moids make. It barely even looks like the OG character anymore but maybe that’s a good thing. I’ll never understand the appeal of these coomer monstrosities
No. 1036506
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>>1036500I don’t think I’ve ever seen a disproportionate “sexy” male anime figure that was marketed towards women. Imagine if they just started giving male figures giant bulges? Fucking hell
No. 1036508
>>1036500what the FUCK is going on with her ankles and shins? literal treblinka
victim lower legs paired with amazonian hips
No. 1036510
>>1036500I've noticed this since nier automata came out: coomer aesthetic is simply taking the upper half of the female body and shrinking it until she has the chest capacity for maybe one lung.
If you shooped that figure to increase her size above the navel, you may get human proportions.
No. 1036709
I fucking hate that so many younger millennial women are so obviously desperately in denial of aging and clinging so hard to trying to appear young, and shallow for some reason -that thing Gen Z does where it is uncool to actually have intelligent discussions or unironic expressions? The insane face tune and filter abuse of Gen Z but without the prowess, would be hilarious if it weren't so pathetically sad. Dressing in shitty ill fitting Amazon egirl outfits and trying to shill their aesthetically horrific free fap bait (often bragging about shitty junk food diets and hiding behind body positivity to rationalize the effects of a proudly sedentary lifestyle) and doing "ahegao", "no thoughts head empty!! am BABY!! uwu weeb thot lyfe"…when they are on the cusp of 30 or even past it. Following the most gaudy trends of ignorant, terminally online Gen Z social habits and politics. To top it off, in private they confess they feel insecure, empty, and fiercely hate their appearance. Jesus christ, you don't have to base your sense of self worth on looking and acting "young" to an increasingly disinterested audience (because your simps have moved on to younger dumbasses or grown the fuck up). But even if you wanted to look younger, caking on mask like foundation with scene girl black eyeliner ain't it. Do some fucking yoga and eat a vegetable, stop spending your whole paycheck at Sephora and calling it self care.
No. 1036714
>>1036709God yes, especially since Quarantine made everybody age 5 years from stress and sprouted extremely unflattering zoomer styles.
My 30—something friends are drawing retarded eyeliner scribbles on their faces, putting those chunky Rogue streaks in their hair and dressing like 90s toddlers, thinking that they/them pronouns and tweeting about Lil Nas X will cover up the fact that we're not "young and figuring it out" anymore, this is just life and our tits are getting runny.
I don't hate it but agree it's extremely cringy.
No. 1036756
>>1036709I know what you mean
At the same time I’ve seen a lot of zoomers purposely go out of their way to call this group of people “old”. I think it’s just the typical never ending cycle of ugh you’re 30 or getting close to it? You’re an old hag. And I only imagine that tik tok makes their insecurity so much worse.
No. 1036785
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I'm tired of moids shitting up the site, pretending to be women and bumping threads in /snow/ to get attention. They can't even blend in when they want to seem like "one of us". There's just something in their ape brains that makes them incapable of not talking about women's vaginas, calling them cunts, sluts, bitches, etc and their main triggers are literally always things like women not wanting to get married and preferring fictional males, not liking coomer hentai drawings, not letting their boyfriends flirt with other women or not wanting to date older scrotes. I guess banning them is pointless since they come back, but that doesn't make them any less annoying
No. 1036827
>>1036714>putting those chunky Rogue streaks in their hairall of the baby crap mentioned above is insane but i will defend chunky highlights. anyone should be able to indulge in them. highlights are highlights and people who actually lived through these trends should be able to get them, and plenty of millenials were unable to dye their hair when these trends were popular and can only do so now.
>our tits are getting runny. and honestly not even true, i see plenty of women who are actually older, like, 40s and 50s, with attractive breasts.
No. 1036883
>>1036753I'm sorry lol I heard it first on lolcow and it's just the perfect way to describe the way they change with volume loss.
>>1036827>i see plenty of women who are actually older, like, 40s and 50s, with attractive breastsHey boobs don't have to be perky Belle Delphine bee stings to be attractive, I'm just saying they change as you get older. And I'm morbidly curious what you mean by seeing plenty of 50 year old boobs? Because clothed doesn't count and porn boobs are usually fake. You a gym creeper who takes 40 minutes to get dressed or what?
No. 1037049
File: 1642876499416.png (328.83 KB, 687x1194, retard.png)

Why are retards translating anything when they can't even understand the fucking language? On top of that, why admit it? I don't understand. This is rampant in webtoons/manhwa as well, and the shitty fucking ESL translations riddled with grammar mistakes and/or 0 effort in typesetting is actively destroying the source material. Why would you destroy something you enjoy, like this, for other readers? And the fucking retarded, unnecessary translation notes under every 4th panel that AREN'T ACTUAL NOTES, just stupid asinine commentary on what's going on or shitty attempts at jokes. Stop this unbecoming behaviour. The worst part is if anybody complains about it they get all upset and uppity like, "WELL I'm doing it out of love and for free! So you can't complain! You're being ungrateful!" like that means anything when you're doing such a pisspoor job. You're ruining the author's works by doing this. Awful.
No. 1037074
>>1037049I wish they at least asked someone proficient in English to proof read their shit. I'm not
as offended by small translation errors but when the text reads like a schizophrenic word salad because it's an ESL running it halfway through a machine translation it really ruins the whole experience.
>stupid asinine commentary on what's going on or shitty attempts at jokes. I can't believe people are still doing this kek. It reminds me of all the 00's translations that had "EEEEEEEEEE HE'S SO SMEXEYYYY" or "DAMN YOU I HATE THIS CHARACTER" notes as if anyone gave a shit about the translator's commentary on what's going on.
No. 1037100
Feels like this is like that "your metabolism will slow down" meme
No. 1037150
>>1037141When you're 30+ you embrace the cringe anyway so comments like
>>1036714 don't matter much
No. 1037209
>>1037200So only low register entertainment is fun? (speaking as someone who likes video games and cartoons).
There's also exercise, dancing, listening to music, researching things, history, drawing, literature, ect
No. 1037258
>>1037243Would you like to give an example for this kind of style?
I see more and more teenagers and young adults dressing like grannys or business women when they are barely 14, I just can't imagine which type of clothing we talk about.
No. 1037320
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I hate this company (Illumination), and the garbage it produces
No. 1037336
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I hate watching girls, especially teen girls tell they/them moids in bad makeup that they look so much better than them. It’s honestly no wonder why trannies/fags have giant egos
No. 1037426
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>>1037255I love how the anon never responded to this, she realized herself that all she can come up with is picrel
No. 1037723
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black and white thinking dumbassery. i started reading consoomerism threads and i see absolute retards going
>actually no one should wear makeup ever. no fun allowed.
>money shouldnt even exist!
like, GIRL, you can make an argument about shit like Colourpop and fashion nova being cheaply made garbage. but instead your mind goes to, NO ONE can enjoy makeup cause i dont like it! and money is stupid actually!! get that treated for fucks sake i dont want to live in your lame ass dystopia.
No. 1037788
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as a WOC in a relationship with a white man, I really hate when other WOC play into racial fetishism, especially if the guy's not into it in the first place
No. 1037801
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>>1037790>>1037788most of these stories are made up in the first place and its mostly a dumb unfunny joke with
WOC on twitter, "Um actually I let white guys cum in me sex as revenge against Colonialism, I'm not some boring white girl in a stable relationship"
No. 1037816
>>1037808>>1037809A lot of radfems seem to have this perception about themselves, that they are more liberated then other women because they know the "truth" about how the world really works(cause they read some tumblr blog about the writings of a university professor in the 1970's)
Its like how 4channers believe that because that since they're redpilled they understand how the world truly works more then stupid normies
This leads to certain young radfems to not take many women seriosuly and label them as handmaidens
No. 1037831
>>1037826Again I know its a joke, I have acquaintances who make similar comments to make their white boyfriends uncomfortable
calling a white guy a nigga in Bed is still just super cringy, even if you are black
No. 1037843
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>>1037831I'd say it rates like 5.5/10 on the cringe scale. This is what 10 looks like.
No. 1037851
>>1037843See this a lot with WMAF relationships, more then any other tbh
I think its a case for both sides fetishizing each other, it happens similarly with BMWF relationships
both sides view each other as a fetish rather then a person
No. 1037871
>>1037860Those complications aren't common if you have good Healthcare. Sadly in places like America where you have to pay very high amounts for a good hospital or care, the complication rates for any surgery is going to be quite high.
>>1037861>>1037866This was what I meant. Calling mothers who already have a lot of stuff to do and kids to take care of bad words and insulting their appearance is misogynistic. Girls who boast about how they're going to have great bodies because they won't have kids are also delusional, no matter what you do you won't look like the scrote ideal past a certain age. You shouldn't let those ideals dictate your lifestyle because of that.
>>1037862They make a small cut and sew it back up so those kinds of tears aren't going to happen unless you give birth at home.
No. 1037883
>>1037871Oh fuck off with that 'just don't be a poor American and you'll be fine' shit. There are so many things that can go wrong with your body during pregnancy and childbirth, not all can be predicted or prevented or fixed, and it's absolutely
valid to be afraid of it no matter what healthcare you have.
No. 1037893
>>1037883It is ok to be afraid or not have kids. Not ok to shame women for making a choice you disagree with and telling them they ruined their lives and bodies.
Also Americans seem to think outside of America and cry about Healthcare, that's why I gave the America example.
No. 1038334
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I hate these ugly ass gnomes I see everywhere. Seriously who thought these were cute?
No. 1038360
>>1038334I don't get why they're gnomes.
Feels like a forced meme unless there is christmas gnome lore I'm unaware of.
No. 1038374
>>1038362I like the way you think,
nonnie, having cute Christmas babushkas would be great.
No. 1038565
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I hate youtubers and their dumb forced thumbnails. Especially this bitch putting social media attention over her son. It disgusts me so much as someone with a kid. These people aren’t really even there. No. 1038603
I hate all the garbage they make for pets. Especially the clothes. I understand if they need another layer for warmth/medical reason ,but it Seems so wasteful especially when my cat is the most comfortable being completely naked and free.
>>1037830This is retarded, If it bothers you so much then literally just get other friends.
No. 1038774
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I hate myself
No. 1038974
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I know this is a weird thing to be annoyed by, but people who think every plant being sold in grocery stores is GMO. I just saw someone say something about GMO strawberries, but afaik there aren't even any GMO strawberries being sold in the US.
No. 1039092
File: 1643000884654.webm (4.87 MB, 576x1024, video_twimg_com-GIxryscKhQwVfT…)

The world could have ended up a million different ways just based on this past century alone, somehow we end up in a reality where this is allowed to be made
No. 1039135
>>1039116Yeah I know, she has others about sleeping in a dog cage, or drinking starbucks as a dog, its all cringe
similarly related, a They/Them pupygirl with her master No. 1039190
File: 1643012533097.jpg (214.82 KB, 2045x1792, IMG_20220122_131807.jpg)

i hate art regression and whatever the artist did with the new lips
No. 1039217
>>1039206>>1039190The new one as more interesting shape design in the hair and overall silhouette, but that's it. The 2020's face has more interesting brush work, better depicted forms and the existence of a philtrum gives structure to the face. The 2022 version is egirl middle of the face blush and standard twitter pretty girl artist stylization. It's fine if you like it, but it clearly is regression or at least a lack of growth when the 2022 version's lips looks like it's melting off her face.
>She went from generic "painting my portrait in middle school" to actually creating something out of her own headWhat? What are you even trying to say with this?
No. 1039241
>>1039227And that's an improvement? Using references is a not bad thing, in general, and I get that you may be saying that maybe this person copied their references too directly without changing enough (to you, because pink skin isn't imaginative enough I suppose), but saying a drawing is better purely because it's based off their own imagination is just dumb. I'd venture to say this artist could have benefited from using more references for drawing, because in the 2020 version she remembered to account for the thickness of the lower eyelid and drew in the waterline, while in the 2022 version the pupils are of different sizes, and she still hasn't figured out how to keep the same distance between the eyebrows and eyelids for both eyes. More 'style' =/= improvement. It's just the same mistakes in a different flavour.
Anyway, don't take this personally, it just really grinds my gears when people think style changes = improvements.
No. 1039257
File: 1643018261272.jpg (412.58 KB, 2000x2797, FFKI_uYVEAcCXmU.jpg)

>>1039241>it just really grinds my gears when people think style changes = improvements.Nta, but the artist of that pic you posted didn't say it's an improvement. Also, while I agree that the 2020 version is better, they didn't really have an art regression. Picrel is another recent piece.
No. 1039261
>>1039255You're giving this artist way too much credit if you think the 2020 version is on the same level as 'straight up photocopying', even the 2020 piece is has obviously stylized anatomy that doesn't look like they was trying to do a 1:1 photo study. There's more than one way to use references. Also, that wasn't what the discussion was about, it was how using references are not bad and do not make a piece inherently worse than something based off pure imagination.
>>1039257I meant
>>1039206 's comment, not the artist themselves, but to be fair that anon didn't claim it to be an improvement either, so you got me. I don't think they regressed, maybe just stagnated.
No. 1039358
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>>1039355Same, I hate it so fucking much. Especially when that's 99.999% of fanfics.
No. 1039372
>>1039358found fics for this game where the main cast discuss pronouns. apart from the idiocy of having people in their 30s, 40s and even 50s sperg over genderspecial shit, the Japanese language doesn't even work like the English language does, and these characters most likely don't speak a lick of English anyway (at least the main guy is shown to only know like one English phrase)
>>1039361lmao yes! these may seem like small details, but can make or break the immersion
No. 1039420
File: 1643033035698.jpg (53.26 KB, 1000x460, women-height2-1501177576 (1).j…)

so there's this weird trend with zoomers in my country where girls who are like 160+cm calling themselves "Short", See I'm from an asian country and being 5'0-5'3 is average height for women here, this height range might be considered short for women in Europe but not here
so these dumb zoomers are starting to play into these dumb memes about being "smol babies" and "cute girls" but they are still very much considered average height here, It would be like a scandinavian woman whose 5'7 calling herself short, It's just fucking stupid alright
No. 1039435
>>1039420are you mad that you are not the only one who uwus and claims how smol you are anymore?
cant stand people who spreg about their height for attention in general, even worse if they do that for attention. i usually met asians that are obsessed with anitubers do that. they always play the 'who is the midget' competition which is downright retarded.
No. 1039450
>>1039420>dumb zoomers are starting to play into these dumb memes about being "smol babies" and "cute girls"First question is why are you on TikTok?
I'm shorter than average in my country and nobody gives a fuck, height doesn't come up until maybe you can't reach something on a shelf in the office? or if you're skinny and under 5' you need to shop at petite stores. This is literally a non-issue in the real world and the fact that you're exposed enough to this smol girl thing to be annoyed by it means you're wasting a lot of time online.
No. 1039950
>>1039911Pls do not bully Mildred
But seriously why can't people pick old lady names that are still pretty, like Evelyn or Rose?
My pet peeve is in my country all the middle class are naming their kids burger names like Riley, Brody, Austin and Sienna which have nothing to do with our culture and sound horrific with the local accent
No. 1040361
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I hate when both gay men and women refuse to support actual gay and lesbians artists and instead insist that Taylor swift is a lesbian or that Shawn Mendes is gay or whoever. Like they have both publicly said they are straight we should not be harassing them about their sexuality
No. 1040615
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>>1040567I've never had sex
because the risk of being honor killed is too high so I can't really understand what you mean by "aggressive", please explain I'm morbidly curious.
>>1040605>the fact that they twitch and move on their ownHow and why?
>>1040605 No. 1040727
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>>1040714Look at you using the word umami… who's the faggot now?
No. 1040818
>>1040795One time I told a scrote about how rap has no soul or substance, and he had me sit through a 10 minute long rap about a gang member who was initiated by being told to rape and kill a random woman in the middle of the night and it ended up being his mother.
He was acting like the guy was a
victim and how deep that was.
No. 1040823
>>1040818Dancing with the Devil or something by Immortal technique, ew I hated that shit too. Such an ugly, vile song. Men are subhuman.
trigger warning : disgusting song about a hood raping his own mom
No. 1040834
>>1040655>because it can be used as a rape rod, they get erect and reddish and well… not a good sight in most cases.I didn't see it that way, this makes sense though.
>the dick can twitch up and down when the male is arousedIs that supposed to feel good for anyone involved? It's just so weird, I can't even picture that.
No. 1040891
>>1040823>>1040818lmao i remember when i was 10 i found shit like this ''deep'', i preferred the animated version though,
>>1040828apparently the message of the song is that man ''dances with the devil'' by joining a gang and doing horrible things and doesn't realize how bad the things he is doing are until his mother is one of his
victim, then it ends with him killing himself.
No. 1040956
File: 1643132971747.jpg (103.47 KB, 720x1210, god kill it.jpg)

>>1039478my fag cousin is a furry. He's publicly into puppy play, pretending he's a fox, unironically wears a collar/ears & tail to family gatherings, and posts his degenerate shit like this all over facebook.
No. 1041281
>>1040818Fuck this song kek. My first encounter with it was when I was in an outpatient program for teens and we had a music sharing session. Some girl addicted to coke put this song on and was trying to convince us how deep it was. Stupidest shit ever.
It seems like everyone has the same story about it, just awkwardly being forced to listen to it while the person tries to tell you it's god's gift to rap. 2deep4u starter pack shit
No. 1041301
File: 1643147461296.jpg (67.04 KB, 527x622, dance with the devil.jpg)

>>1040818samefag but there's even a meme about it
No. 1041404
File: 1643152514361.png (836.28 KB, 820x1352, 138691c0380b46cd61b874543632f.…)

>this article
>whoever wrote it
No. 1041580
>>1041407Old men always sing and whistle to themselves I find, like they have to make everyone aware of their presence.
People who talk to themselves annoy tf out of me. Not like schizo talking to themselves, like coworkers who mutter comments that aren't quite loud enough for me to know if I'm meant to reply. If you want to talk, fucking talk to me properly. If you don't want to talk, stfu so you aren't bothering people around you for no reason. I just don't get the urge to vocalise a running commentary on whatever you're doing.
No. 1041657
>>1041404Pop punk was always trite, calculated, misogynistic white male garbage and I don't understand the zoomer girls' obsession with such a dusty moid ""aesthetic". Most of this y2k shit should just stay in the early 2000s for a reason, it's not like these little wokies would have survived a day without getting
triggered to death during those times anyway
No. 1041659
>>1040684agreed 100%
>>1040703facts, umami is genuinely one of the most reddit soylord words ever, right there with heck, doggo, pupper, etc
No. 1041667
>>1041657>>1041662cause anon its genuinely better then 99% of current modern music, yes its generic and cooperate backed but its still more bearable then most rap and I won't have to encounter twerking as much
I mean tell me if you had a choice would you prefer blink 182 or some some low IQ music about bitches and hoes and how much "gangster" those faggots pretend to be
No. 1041716
File: 1643177993473.jpg (27.9 KB, 852x480, qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq…)

>>1041700Lol, my name is fucked up but I'm happy I'm not an Agnes
I jest, rock your old lady name nonna No. 1041781
>>1040795>>1041573someone recommended me cupcake as a "based feminist" rapper and if this is what feminist rap is like, I don't want any part of it and believe It shouldn't be allowed to exist, on some level its honestly worse then male rap cause its women and girls deluding themselves that this is somehow in their own interests
Its not simply disgusting, It actually makes me wanna hurl and the fact there are are human beings who think its good or decent music fills me with sadness really, sadness about the state of world, of women, of feminism and the human race as a whole
I genuinely believe that people who find music such as this as well as this
>>1040795 should not be allowed to have children or be allowed to influence children, they have proven to be unworthy in the eyes of any and all gods and humanity to be unworthy to pass on their genes
No. 1041787
>>1041781Decent rap is hard to find, even when it's not cockrap a la Megan, it can be lyrically narcissistic like the typical male rapper (i don't listen to male rappers)
And then balancing that with finding someone who actually sounds good: cadence, tone wise, quality beats, etc… It's tedious
No. 1041797
>>1041791This isn't really rap though, its more spoke poetry(like real not the excuse Idiots make)
>>1041787Yeah this is still shit, everything about this Shit, I'm sorry if you like this then you are sadly a subhuman, not as subhuman as a cupcake fan but still a lesser human being overall
No. 1041865
>>1041795Here is how you can tell real journalism nowadays: their journalists get murdered.
Everything else is clickbait and propaganda.
No. 1042572
File: 1643230220359.jpeg (13.01 KB, 186x271, D4A9D789-8FB7-4A03-9D44-2E1FCB…)

I hate kpopfaggots and redditspacingfaggots so fucking much. Holy shit. The fact that new admin and the appointed mods are in collusion with these filthy zoomtard newfaggots makes me unironically ironically seethe. Integrating is a thing of the past! Only oldfags bother with the rules. Mark these words, reader:
>The degeneracy is rampant; the fall of /g/ will be soon. By April 2022, this place will be undeniably unrecognizable, because by then, the filth that was allowed in will be an impossible stain to scrub off.
No. 1042579
File: 1643230336583.jpg (159.63 KB, 819x819, original.jpg)

>>1042572L + ratio + take your meds
No. 1042629
File: 1643232279590.jpg (119.3 KB, 663x407, 72790592.jpg)

>>1042625>who finds that sexy? y-yeah
No. 1042641
>>1042625pretty sure the idols are also underaged
fucking hate male idols, the majority of them are so youthful and childish looking. it disgusts me
No. 1042646
File: 1643233049367.gif (1.32 MB, 405x304, anigif_optimized-4155-14523760…)

stop contaminating the thread
No. 1042653
File: 1643233282002.jpg (31.65 KB, 512x512, 069c4100c9f283853da9b5b4d01354…)

Kawaii des
No. 1042658
File: 1643233358555.jpeg (156 KB, 750x750, 5F02F2B8-4567-40E7-BE51-1D69AC…)

>>1042652rogue seasonal choachan migration, watch for dropping of photo cards and hazardously sharp idol jawshaves
No. 1042665
File: 1643233614137.jpg (142.51 KB, 1080x423, Screenshot_20220126-153621.jpg)

Why are women always the one donating a kidney? I never see a man donating a kidney. Stop giving them organs. Start taking them.
No. 1042685
File: 1643234208595.jpg (48.17 KB, 735x754, 35fd66607928b3cafd1dd15544fa09…)

>>1042652>>1042640>>1042625>>1042617>>1042550I posted the gif a few days ago(?) on /g/ after checking out choachan for the first time and was like "fuck this I'm too old to get back into kpop shit". But not before clicking on the cringe thread, and saving that gif because it made me laugh so hard I was coughing up spit I accidentally inhaled.
So no there's no invasion, don't like kpoop, the more you react to the gif the more it will be posted (I only posted it once, no one's spamming it, this is pure 100% organic meme growth
No. 1042689
File: 1643234362183.png (705.9 KB, 901x574, why.png)

These scary secondlife(?) models I see all over flickr. I use flickr all day for work and I'm bombarded by so many images made by people who have literal fetishes for ugly people. As a side note: for some reason flickr attracts a lot of pedos and people who have fetishes for disfigurement and objective ugliness.
No. 1042703
>>1042697The goreposters were from another imageboard, they were hyping each other up when the thread spamming was going on.
The general bitchyness has always varied but overall worse, not that it's a new development
Bait, depends on what kind, can be some of the most entertaining posts.
No. 1042793
>>1042787oh no, why did you point out "low iq rappers"? It will be harder to spot her if she stops using that kek.
>subhumanI haven't realized she's also responsible for that
No. 1042820
File: 1643237995717.jpeg (410.17 KB, 1170x1786, DF674A76-34DA-49CB-9ABB-D8EB7C…)

This shit. I don’t even know what this tweet is trying to tell me. Capitalism is when you work a good service job? When you’re tired at work? Working in general? Can anyone explain the overlap between twitter commies and the anti work ‘movement’? Even if we did reach a communist utopia wouldn’t people still have to work, even if it’s food service?
No. 1043188
>>1043173So you just don't like men and/or reality. That's ok
>>1042820>Even if we did reach a communist utopiaIn that case people wouldn't have to work like this for pennies, and this kind of shit
>>1042850 wouldn't happen because things would work efficiently enough to help people survive in the middle of a storm without having to rely on acts of charity (from overworked wagies or otherwise).
No. 1043386
File: 1643279506366.png (107.38 KB, 547x279,

This print mislabled as sweet chestnut when it's clearly horse chestnut makes me sad
No. 1043410
obviously horse chestnut, what kind of scam are they running??
No. 1044016
>>1043966I've mostly seen troons list it as their "kink" and it's always along the lines of
>I want mommy to pat and pet my head and tell me I'm a good little cute catgirl and mommy loves rubbing my tumtum and giving me cummies tee hee! uwuBut in the context of fanfics I guess it's more like the "good boy, you served me well" style dirty talk.
No. 1044145
>>1044115>>1044113Is it that weird? I consider Moominmamma my "comfort character" because she's everything my mother wasn't to me, and everything that I want to embody. She genuinely brings me comfort, I feel warm and happy when I watch/read her. I've never actually
used the term comfort character, mind you, but I think if I needed a term for it I would use that. I would use that term rather than "favorite" because she's not my favorite character per se.
No. 1044579
File: 1643360748670.png (550.3 KB, 752x432, tumblr_26f11c93a639fd778f36646…)

the evil energies radiating from this youtube thumbnail
No. 1044587
>>1044383>poopoopeepeeIdk if this is exclusively an Emma Chamberlain term, but I binge watched her videos cringing every time she talked about having diarrhea and did those big rancid bulimic burps - then she had a tangent in a video where she said
>people keep asking me to edit the burps, farts and peepeepoopoo content out, but guess what, you're still watching so you think it's a little funny!!!I never watched her again lol.
No. 1044623
>>1044579ugh abby cox has always been the worst of the historical costumer youtubers. she's just so… midwestern mom. any joke she makes sounds so stilted
>>1044603what was the juneteenth situation?
No. 1044648
>>1044595Agree. NLOG was originally used to call out girls who put down other women to gain more favor with men or characters who are underlined to be better than those brainless, vapid cheerleaders but it was co-opted to mean "a woman with a non-traditional, non-genderconforming interest" even when they're not acting smug about it. It's clear that the pickmes took the term and started throwing it around to fix their own insecurity regarding their gender-conformity.
>H-how dare this bitch like (masculine thing) and dress in (masculine clothing), her whole presence is making me feel guilty about being an effeminate woman effeminate interests because there's literally no correct way to be a woman since you get shamed regardless! fuck you you stupid NLOG!!!111It's especially painful when it's done to ree at women who are already insecure about not fitting in with "other girls" and are constantly self-conscious about themselves having unconventional interests or ways of presenting themselves. That's literally how troons are created.
No. 1044691
>>1044685I understand how it's a AGP fetish for the basic Contrapoints or Chris Chan types who likely had conservative upbringings and were fed crap about what man and a woman are supposed to be, but..
Those types in artistic and music subcultures? A man experimenting with his more sensitive or unconventional side was never deemed "girly" there (to the same extent you'd get from normies or even nerds from fictional fantasy communities) and it actually helps with getting girls to become more attracted to him. It's also more accepted that a guy could act masculine in his own way still while wearing makeup, having long hair, flamboyant clothes, (think Goth and Emo boys as the most recent example of this type) so becoming trans identified actually works against this. Most of the trooning out artsty guys I've seen are female attracted too which is a real head scratcher.
It's like that subculture of acceptance around men who act GNC but still remain a "cis" masculine identity is gone for some reason.
No. 1044934
File: 1643390690471.png (757.28 KB, 769x1052, nlog videos.png)

>>1044579How many video essays about the "not like other girls" phenomenon do youtubers need? This discussion went viral 10 years ago on Tumblr and every woke youtube essayist makes a video about it too. I think there is still room for different perspectives about this topic but they don't provide them, they all say the same shit which they just copied from Tumblr posts.
No. 1045908
File: 1643469611808.jpg (54.84 KB, 600x331, eca.jpg)

>translating stuff>look up a phrase in quotes on Google to only get results with exact matches>one of the 9 results is a comment on a porn site about wanting to experience being assraped before dying>another case of pornsick scrotes ruining my fucking day by popping up in the most inappropriate of times and placesIs there a way to block porn shit from Google results entirely?
>>1045026I remember a PETA YouTube ad that started with the horrifying screams of owls being tortured for research
I got that ad pretty frequently for a while and no matter how many times I refreshed the page (which surprisingly worked to skip ads without having to wait), it wouldn't go away.
(At that time I was browsing the 'net on private windows only on a computer that wasn't mine so I couldn't use an ad blocker.)
No. 1046093
File: 1643481628793.png (192.35 KB, 800x514, rumic.png)

Ok so I know harem as a genre isn't anything to write home about, just to get this out of the way, but I hate what has become of it (or rather, the protagonist) if you consider that Ranma of Ranma 1/2 was the first harem and thus, basically the prototype. With Ranma you could still at least get in some kinda way why four girls were after him – I know he's an ass and has a bad mouth, but other than that he's strong, confident, popular with others and has helped the love interests in one way or another. Maybe my memory is just failing me, but except for maybe the first episode he didn't seem to land in any lucky sukebe situations either, and even that he tried to avoid. So how (this is a rhetoric question; I know how) did we end up with helpless good-for-nothings as protagonists that would throw each of their love interests in front of an actual bus if it meant to save his own pathetic ass?
On a related note, I hate how you can't seem to mention any of Takahashi Rumikos works nowadays without at least one person going "Yes, I agree, marry me/No, I disagree, consider killing yourself, and also, Pedomaru." especially considering she's only responsible for the character designs of yashahime, and if you think about how strict she was to keep the original anime as close to her original as possible, it's not unlikely she doesn't approve of this, either I hope this will get better again after Yashahime has run it's course.
No. 1046106
>>1046093Pretty sure the first one was Urusei Yatsura, but it's by the same author. I haven't read it though so correct me if I'm wrong, and Ranma 1/2 came out very soon after that one I think.
>So how (this is a rhetoric question; I know how) did we end up with helpless good-for-nothings as protagonists that would throw each of their love interests in front of an actual bus if it meant to save his own pathetic ass?Same shit as other trends, future mangaka liked the first few manga of the genre, saw it was getting popular and tried to mindlessly replicate the tropes. I said it in another thread but the exact same shit is going on with isekai and "otome" reincarnation shit. What could have been seen as isekai before was shit like Magic Knight Rayearth, The 12 Kingdoms, Kyou Kara Mao, Vision of Escaflowne, etc. but now it's shit like retarded Dragon Quests parodies made by people who probably never played Dragon Quests. Or with otome shit the first one was a parody of a specific game, Angelique, and other authors who never, ever played otome games, let alone Angelique, decided to make their own parodies.
By the way, is it me or are harem shit more and more inappropriate these days? Even Love Hina seems tame compared to some of the screenshots I see online sometimes.
No. 1046163
>>1046093Based take
nonnie, I remember that reading Ranma you could absolutely believe that all these girls and boys found both male and female Ranma attractive unlike in today's harem series. The Harem genre used to be a fun slice of life thing in the 90's that had you rooting for your favourite couple but now it's literally just a protagonist made as boring and flat as possible just for moids to self-insert and the girls are constantly sexualized and violated but also written to be tropey and void of actual personality besides being obsessed with the male protagonist. Tsunderes used to be a motivator for the male character to improve himself, now it's just the girl being bullied into admitting that this stupid moid is actually the love of her life.
No. 1046828
File: 1643555699682.jpg (39.08 KB, 474x316, downloadfile-2.jpg)

I hate the vanilla part in Neapolitan ice cream. Strawberry and chocolate are way superior. Who else agrees?
No. 1046858
>>1046849I rather eat pizza crusts than vanilla ice cream…
Team strawberry btw
No. 1047073
File: 1643574638261.jpg (46.27 KB, 600x468, abcdefg.jpg)

I hate when games with romance have majority ugly male options, but all beautiful female options. Then when you or somebody complains about it, everyone says to just marry the female options. No, I want to be mad at the coomer devs who decided to make a game "for everyone" but balk at the idea of designing more than a crumb of eye candy for their female audience.
Picrel. My Time at Portia might be the worst example. Although there is less of them, every single one of the female love options are very cute and pretty. Whereas nearly all the male love options are so goddamned ugly and disgusting, save for a few. People say Mint is the best looking male option, but it takes a while before you can even meet him. And did they really need to include 5 copy-pasted fat guys?
I'm not saying all male love routes need to be some flavor of anime hot man and I don't even self-insert. I just irrationally seethe whenever I see this.
No. 1047132
File: 1643578562828.jpg (20.26 KB, 433x286, D-ffwbGXUAIoWCL.jpg)

>>1047073This reminds me of how even in Harvest Moon there's usually an ugly joke character or two you can marry if playing as a girl but never for the men. You can marry the Harvest Goddess in every single game but the Harvest King doesn't even exist in most of them. And a lot of the time if there's a good looking character he is arrogant and insufferable.
No. 1047145
>>1047073>>1047132>all this shit>And a lot of the time if there's a good looking character he is arrogant and insufferable.How is this not propaganda? Like is this not at least a little bizarre? And it happens with multiple games? Handmaidens and "egalitarians" please explain to me lol
Btw don't try bitching "It's just video games" when most of you kept your mouths shut when your scrotes reee'd daily about any game having sexualized character designs toned down, and/or bitched about Lola Bunny and the fucking green M&M not being sexualized
No. 1047154
>>1047145I agree with you
>when most of you kept your mouths shut when your scrotes reee'd daily about any game having sexualized character designs toned downfarmers would never, libfems though…
No. 1047159
>>1047073What is this ugly ass art for a game with romance options. Even the women characters look diseased.
>>1047145Not sure about western games, but JRPGs like this usually have a decent selection of guy options, and maybe a couple uggo joke options, enough so I usually have a hard time choosing and want a harem option instead.
Western games usually feel like propaganda, but honestly it can be hard to tell because they just choose ugly ass art styles in the first place.
No. 1047522
File: 1643608242860.png (554.39 KB, 640x838, tumblr_bfe6f35ac7955d0a2b0566a…)

what the fuck is this. why is the ankle so huge. i hate this
No. 1047533
File: 1643608972285.jpg (Spoiler Image,56.86 KB, 600x434, 501815713_eefaa86b19_z.jpg)

>>1047522Modern day foot binding?
God this shit was so horrible No. 1047562
>>1046984i feel this,
nonny. i went nosurf for a short while to re-evaluate my relationship with the internet/mindless browsing and people would harp about body image issues and how they keep buying makeup palettes because they watch every beauty guru on youtube or whatever. like no, my issue is literally that i'm a retard and jump back and forth between lc and a handful of other sides that have nothing to do with beauty or makeup or weight loss. ig or facebook or whatever social media normies use was never my problem.
No. 1047572
File: 1643614853023.jpeg (82.29 KB, 720x1280, 97E47544-1920-4666-A34F-A946A0…)

This obese unfunny manic hypocrite
No. 1047575
>>1047572She freaked out not that long ago because one person made a joke about her hairline yet she has ongoing jokes about beating up, sending anthrax, and killing several male celebrities. Whenever she’s called out for being shitty she turns it around so she’s the
victim; her favorite line is “you don’t know me” lol
No. 1047761
File: 1643640077398.jpg (15.35 KB, 533x534, i am yucky.jpg)

My own dumb self. What a stupid loser.
No. 1048148
File: 1643666581936.png (623.34 KB, 639x638, top man.png)

Wow, haven't posted here in a long time. But after a brief scroll through some threads on this website it's amazing how retarded and weak you all are.
I could spam throat fuck porn or something for few days but you're all so boring and one dimensional that it's just not worth my time, people on reddit and 4chan are more interesting than you. You're all like these freaky autistic husks with zero charisma or personality. Like somebody programmed you at the base most level. So weird.
You all need to get off this site and attempt to save yourselves. Learn a hobby and master it for example, that doesn't mean isn'just fucking some random dude every year. I included a pic of me (right), just to let you know how handsome I am so you can determine how good my advice is. This is my dad Gary. He raised me right, which can't be said about you Roasties.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1048175
File: 1643667930779.jpeg (81.44 KB, 1079x533, 2139.jpeg)

Anons that reply to bait
No. 1048187
File: 1643668441853.webm (2.43 MB, 640x354, Leftypol exposed.webm)

>>1048182You might want to keep this to close hand also.
No. 1048197
>>1048187>leftypol exposedthis is horrific
nonnie, thanks for sharing it
No. 1048204
>>1048197I am a right wing moid not a
nonnie, lol
No. 1048226
File: 1643670416943.jpeg (375.03 KB, 1920x1090, E7C7B2B1-A697-4DFF-97E9-16D4FA…)

>>1048148of all things I expected today I did not most certainly expect this
No. 1048233
File: 1643670667522.jpeg (144.68 KB, 722x728, B419604D-F0AC-4A80-866F-5D5CBD…)

No. 1048236
>>1048223>femalestop pretending to be a girl
I want an actual girl not some pretend incel tranny
(moid) No. 1048246
File: 1643671031367.png (251.34 KB, 305x802, kjnkj.png)

>>1048233Dadbods are nasty. Men in general are just uglier. They do burn calories quicker than women and are on average taller, so how much food must they be eating to unironically end up overweight, much less obese? They're pathetic, there's no excuse. Fathers don't gain baby weight
No. 1048266
File: 1643671758105.jpg (41.59 KB, 1920x1080, mqho2jgqakd81.jpg)

>>1048265thank god i'm not ugly
No. 1048267
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>>1048257You’re being flamed and can’t think of any more “witty” comebacks can you?
No. 1048274
>>1048271Well they could be busy working on mine caves like
>>1048255 said
No. 1048285
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No. 1048292
Maybe try trooning out. AGP is a pinnacle of male heterosexuality, a warped culmination of what a male really is. All the seething ressentiment of his mother he can never own, inhabit or fuck, all the realization of his incompleteness and lack of autonomy, all the capitulation in the face of being unable to meet the "masculine" failcope men constructed to delude themselves into thinking they're independent and complete human beings - all of that erupts as troonacy, the ultimate last ditch cope before the inevitable an hero. "Mommy will leave and other mommies (cis women) aren't eternally available and therefore EVIL, so JOKES ON YOU BITCH I'm gonna become THE mommy. I'm gonna meet my own bottomless pit of needs, I'll be my OWN tit to eternally suckle and MY OWN womb to eternally retreat into, just like those cis bitches. That way I don't have to depend on them anymore, just like those cis CUNT mommies who don't seem to need anyone, but I will also be BETTER at it". The results are predictable.
That headless emotional support fleshlight is a perfect illustration of that futility, he's a "woman" but the fact that he still desperately needs a woman to live shatters that delusion. He loathes and resents the inferior imitation, because it's there for him, and therefore it's not real or authentic, because the real mommy leaves. Just like that unattainable lesbian CEO atop the hill - now THAT'S what he'd like to have, that's the MOST evil cis bitch out there, the ULTIMATE mommy who didn't bring the tendies! Not only is she a CIS BITCH with a womb that only ejects and alienates, she also has the fucking GALL to double down on it by mingling only with OTHER rejectors! The fucking GALL! My GOD what I would NOT give to fucking imprison her forever and become one with her, that Issei Sagawa guy was onto something!
No. 1048298
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>>1048259Pic related is the product of selective breeding for less than a century. Now imagine millennia of enforced marriage/rape and how fucking ugly and useless men gradually got. Gone are the days of himbo warrior kings who would smash incels heads in for disrupting the tribal unity. Gone is evolution as well as men's roles to go kill other men and die. Dweeby men conspired to invent marriage to ensure quality genes dont get passed down so much, but rather their own depsite the flaws. They enforced a system to pass down all the shit genes they could. Men's "civilization" leaves them less virile, more useless, more impotent and virtual slaves. Their fathers could have been fit behemoths free to roam the world and hunt some food, but they've relegated all of us to be slaves to our screens because some dweebs decided a life of menial labor and lack of quality sperm was the way to go. Males, blame all your forefathers. If you reproduced today, you're just giving your son a reason to hate you.
No. 1048321
Again, a man will never allow himself to be aware of how things really are for more than an hour - the next step is either a copefic like this or a shotgun in the mouth. Another way is troonacy - an excellent method of adaptive guilt dodging through fiction and false identification into the group males evolved to victimize, which is why it's very popular with male feminists who can't handle being read all day, incels who want to become what they loathe-crave and rapists who can't handle the shame of seeing themselves as such. A male can't change his pestilent, cum peddling nature, but he can call himself "woman" and thus turn his antics into "woman behavior", which absolves him of self-awareness and lets him live with himself for another day.
In this book we see a standard male fortress of cope - cathartic rejection fantasy sprinkled with a hopeful desirability narrative to avoid admitting to himself that he's just a sour grapes incel and that he's not like real women. Every time a male gets anywhere close to the truth (there is an unavailable woman and I'm mad about) he shits a brick and immediately drowns it in feel-good nonsense like this (aktually SHE secretly wants me to the point of locking people like me up for sex, I'm SURE OF IT so I don't have to feel bad! A real woman I made up is like that, so that means I'm a real woman! She totally would also turn me into a headless latex dildo if she could, omg I'm totally so scared uwu).
This isn't exclusive to AGPs (who are more blatant about it due to being mildly retarded coomers) - this sort of "I choose to believe that I'm DISGUSTINGLY wanted by this hot bitch I totally wasn't obsessed with first, god what a whore I'm so mad I wanna punish her with my cock" schizo brain pretzeling is found everywhere in normie straight male media like porn. All men inherently resent being ridden with desire and being born to someone who isn't, and all male sexuality will always default to this, especially if over-indulged.
No. 1048356
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>>1048321>All men inherently resent being ridden with desire and being born to someone who isn't, and all male sexuality will always default to this, especially if over-indulged.So true queen.
No. 1048441
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i hate overbearing lolcow farmhands
No. 1048477
>>1048470You’re deranged
I love you very much No. 1048489
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>>1048442Can I persuade you with a “nonita”? A nonatella, perhaps? A nonncita, nonnabella, nonarita? Would you indulge me a little, nonette?
No. 1048554
>>1048495You'd be surprised at how common it is that people make exceptions for their hypocrisies as long as it hurts the people they hate.
And I both hate and understand that.
No. 1048594
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>>1048298>>1048259This is absolutely true and basically incels are inevitable in society where women have ANY free choice of who she mates with and the option to stay single. Contrary to what people think, Europe had unmarried women for probably all it's history, so there were always incels. Women don't want to settle for complete losers if we have a choice, many societies did not give that choice at all however.
Men and women are differently distributed in many traits, like IQ where there are more men in both extremes. Women tend to be more average. Think about it, how many female Chris-chan level genetic waste are there? The worst 10% of women are waaaay better than the worst 10% of scrotes. Incels can't admit that there is no equal match for them because women that pathetic and awful just don't exist.
However, polygyny isn't good either, there's a reason why societies where it's practiced are much more misogynist and full of shit like child marriages. Women are more disposable to men when they can have several. Enforced monogamy in west raised women's value and forced men to treat their women better and consider other traits for marriage rather than just "young, pretty, virgin".
No. 1048607
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What the hell is this…
No. 1048618
>>1048265>kill all ugly men?Yes
nonnie, one day we are going to have to go after your precious husband that farts in his sleep too.
No. 1048645
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>>1048259>I also saw one study about attractive men dying out while the number of attractive women stays somewhat the same throughout historyWhich study was this? If that's true that's rather unfortunate
but I can definitely see that being true despite my slight skepticism No. 1048774
>>1048633Thank you for reminding me of something I wanted to complain about in this thread the other day.
There's a bunch of really obvious wannabe 4channers on tumblr, a post of mine ended up in one of their circles and the desperate need to out-edge each other was painful. I don't know how zoomers turned being a chantard into a Tumblr aesthetic.
No. 1048830
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>>1048828especially the ones who reply like picrel. cringe as hell.
No. 1049157
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Retarded regressive "jokes" like this
No. 1049164
>>1049157It's funny if its an edit or parody of a troon cartoon
It's unfunny cringe if this is a serious reflection of why some male believes they're entitled to female spaces
No. 1049422
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His lyrics aren't romantic; they're creepily stalkerish. Wouldn't be surprised if he was abusive as hell.
No. 1049588
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I'm watching a video essay, and at this point I'm genuine hating the word "Queer"
No. 1049643
>>1048882I just remembered how I used to listen to the radio a lot, and every night on one station they'd have people call in to answer a different question, like some nights it was ghost stories, horrible roommates, etc. well one time it was "have you ever fucked a celebrity" but they had to bleep out the celebrity's names for legal reasons, so people were calling in and being like "yeah, so I was at a concert and I ran into
BLEEP and he took me backstage and we started doing it" then the DJ would be like "OOOOH MY GODD!!!! WAS IT REALLY
BLEEP?? HE'S MARRIED!!!" I never understood why they did that, it rendered the whole thing pointless.
No. 1049658
>>1049605>I just don’t get being a fan of a musician or band that doesn’t even write their own material. Disliking pop music is
valid but this is such a retarded take. Obviously they are a fan of their looks, personalities, performances, voice etc. Why do they need to be skilled in every aspect of music to be appealing? Do you think collaborative projects have no value? By that logic, super talented producers and writers who don't have the voice/looks/charisma or desire to perform themselves, shouldn't be making music for anyone because only those who can do it all deserve fans.
No. 1049822
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This youtuber annoys me so much, her puglike face, unnecessary over the top hand gestures, and manner of speaking all irritate the shit out of me.
No. 1049832
>>1049825>>1049822I went to the channel and she's obviously some anachan trolling kpop fans for views lol - is this a self post?
If not let me help you out, you can click "don't recommend this channel" on videos on your home feed. The more you interact with her videos (such as liking comments even if they call her ugly) the more you'll get them recommended.
No. 1050273
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those retarded usernames I get suggested when I try to make an account on some platforms, see picrel for example
No. 1050803
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Two separate things but their patrons overlap to form this odd online rabbit hole of a community..
First thing is the trend of new wave 'rich lifestyle and etiquette' guides. Anna Bey is the biggest and most popular example of this; most follow in the same footsteps. Sure basic etiquette is important and looking nice is well, nice, but… just watch one of her videos lol the absolute shit that comes out of her over-processed face is befuddling. She was (is?) a literal hooker trying to "educate" people on how to look and act rich. You can't fake being wealthy.
The second part is the never ending craze for extremely overpriced, most likely average quality, designer items and the things people do to get them. A woman posted a video on how she was able to be offered a Birkin bag… she had to buy thousands of dollars in items that she has zero use for. All to get in with a sale's clerk making minimum wage driving a Civic. The whole cultural around this stuff is just so bizarre.
No. 1050810
>>1050803I like Anna Bey's videos because her advice is actually nice in my opinion. She doesn't really tell you how to look expensive but rather how to look put together and chic while shopping at, most likely, shitty stores.
Also I do think "faking"(moreso not looking like you're poor) being rich is possible although it's not exactly what she's doing, just dressing in a classy way and not falling for the cliché of wearing all the luxury or dupe pieces you can that simply make you look tacky would work.
My favorite thing about her channel though is it's very female oriented and she never puts other women down. There really aren't a lot of fashion channels that don't put any kind of women down, whether it be calling them nlog, pickme, etc etc. while also giving good advice about affordable shopping or styling.
No. 1050843
>>1050806I find such videos extremely pathetic. Imagine moldig yourself into something you're not to impress a moid who's most likely garbage anyway. Men don't deserve women. They'd never put in as much effort and most struggle even with basic hygiene.
It also annoys me how people in the comments think that you can't have feminine and masculine traits and that you have to be either or.
Also the description :
"Seduction : Master How to Receive with Your Feminine Energy & Attract a Masculine Provider Man or know How to receive with your partner. It is very important to know how to receive as a feminine woman as it is the first sign that a masculine man will see, to perceive you as a High Caliber woman. Your feminine energy is their reward, it is what you "bring to the table" as a woman, as the prize that you are. So make sure the man deserve this beautiful feminine energy. Because your feminine energy is precious, and should be cherished. In that way a man feels so good with you, and you feel protected and provided for, and of course you obtain way more things with him in that way ;)"
…so sad. Have some respect ffs. "High Caliber woman", "
Your feminine energy is their reward, it is what you "bring to the table" as a woman,
as the prize that you are"… pathetic. It's all to please moids. I hate how women like her influence other women to be trophies.
No. 1050900
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Women that feign interest, emotional investment, and affection, in order to try to get you to have sex with their boyfriend
No. 1050939
>>1050843This. The women who act like dolling themselves up and being opportunistic tradwives to milk a man out of his money and time are pathetic and way too deep in their retarded jetsetting socialite larp. How about putting that energy and effort into creating your own damn life so you don't have to mooch off a moid that's probably cheating on you with a teenager the moment you turn 30?
>B-but men are only good for their money and giving me gifts and attention, I'm actually based for being a human sponge!!Men are good for
nothing, your scrote is growing resentful of you because he knows you're playing him and his dick and he will finally dump you at best or murder you at worst. Learn to not be a literal prostitute and learn skills that are worth something more than pleasing men.
No. 1051011
>>1048332We need to bring back public executions. Anyone who simply for these freaks are pieces of shits.
Speaking of which, i have a coworker who loves xxxtenticles69 or whatever and every time I remind her he is a rapists, she says she doesn't care. Zoomers are brain rot
No. 1051117
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No. 1051510
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I know all porn is degenerate and I’m basically screaming into the void but the fact that I saw a thread titled “ dykes being dicked” make me want to sperg. There is something so fucking sinister about moids to want to make a category like this. And this is for sure a male thing because fags love the “converting straight dudes” category too and it’s the reason Fag troons exists. I don’t think there’s even a female equivalent because other women would rip you apart if you ever wanted to make a similar category “converting gay men. “ But for some fucking reason nobody can deliver the same outrage for lesbians and continue to encourage trannies doing that shit IRL.
I’m just so tired of seeing lesbians being kicked while they’re already down. They don’t deserve this.
No. 1051541
>>1050974depends how funny or cute the selfie is and whether they're attractive or ugly or not
if you're ugly, no