File: 1604203089844.jpg (302.28 KB, 988x1144, 1579083401605.jpg)

No. 5768
>>5766That's neetlita I think
>>5767Not really, unfortunately. Just remember seeing another anon offhandedly mention it in the friend finder thread.
No. 5769
File: 1604210519398.jpeg (100.98 KB, 1242x503, 34FA7F0E-8837-479B-90B8-D7559A…)

^ This whole thread honestly.
The creator of the thread ended up being a huge lolcow herself, pretending to be friends with other girls and then posting them.
As soon as she starts getting posted herself though she has a huge meltdown and spergs out trying to defend herself.
All of her posts are marked and it’s cringiest, milkiest thing I’ve read in awhile.
Pic related, the most depressing self defense I have ever seen. Claiming not to be babivampire defending herself.
No. 5772
ot much?
>>5761hard agree
No. 5778
File: 1604224620040.png (168.7 KB, 1077x1071, adminlogs.png)

Here's admin talking about how much she hates kids cause she's infertile (cope) and how her "chad" boyfriend can't can't even be bothered to see her on her birthday.
No. 5779
File: 1604225205716.png (308.04 KB, 2359x1071, moddiscord.png)

And this is from the mod discord, ingenue is admin btw
No. 5781
>>5780I'm not the one who made the thread and she's probably going to delete it cause it will give her more diarrhea, but it shouldn't surprise anyone that the admin of a lolcow site is a lolcow herself.
I'm just posting the stuff I have.
No. 5783
>>5779She seems very insecure about being Hispanic. I don't think anyone cares about her being brown except herself. I mean she gets
triggered that much because the majority of us are white and somehow this makes her feel like a servant? And yes she should have thicker skin who cares if a bunch of random people on the internet think you might be a tranny kek.
Also is the meghan mod the one that shits up the celebrity cow thread?
>i cant wait for the first femcel terrorist attackShe seems deranged, would not be suprised if she was the mod who was a complete sperg in ot a month or so back who would ban anyone who mentiond anything gender related
No. 5789
>>5781>shouldn't surprise anyone the admin of lolcow is a lolcow herselfNah, she just comes across as a stupid tumblr/twitterfag, who thought running a female imageboard would be like being a discord admin. I'd bet you a 100$ she's like an early to mid 20s mexican american girl who happens to be your average tumblr/twitterfag
or pull user.
Tl;dr admin's a dumb zoomie who can't into board culture.
No. 5790
File: 1604230673786.gif (3.11 MB, 520x293, 048DC81E-1D51-468F-8A33-8571D2…)

>>5788I’m still not entirely convinced that ‘anon’
wasn’t Steph. Re: Jill I don’t visit her thread often enough to be bothered by anons there but I did see that recent asylum-escapee ass tirade insisting she photoshopped the colors of the tile in the public bathroom in a selfie but didn’t edit out the gay pride poster and I was in shock it didn’t cop the redtext it deserved.
>>5786Damn this is what I always assumed too. Aren’t we so generous?
No. 5794
>>5793>>5786m00t was only 15 when he created our evil father-twin site
lest we forget
No. 5795
File: 1604245769806.jpg (147.17 KB, 475x713, Moot.JPG)

>>5793Well Moot works for Google now…
No. 5799
>>5783What makes you, or her for that matter, assume the majority of us are white? That's some dumb shit to start assuming on an anonymous message board, especially when we had tons of anons in /ot/ talking about their race 24/7
>>5788I don't know, I kind of like those Steph-as-Elsa POV posts. They're usually saged and are just dumb, funny little posts. There's much worse on other threads and they dont happen too often.
However, the matronly anon spergout…that's another story.
No. 5800
>>5799It says in the screenshot its based off demographics from Cloudflare.
I would love to see the demographics before and after PULL closed down and all the asian bitches came over here to talk about kpop and their japan-youtubers. I really doubt it's mainly white (and especially not rich).
No. 5802
>>5771True, they way they always direct how Shayna should have done her videos as though their ideas are any less cringe
>>5779Is the icon a thigh gap pic in this? I always was curious if that's what it was in /meta/ but my eyes are too shit to tell
No. 5805
>>5802She has amenorrhoea according to
>>5778, so admin is likely an ana-chan. I also read somewhere that they love to talk about how skelly they are and get mad if you call them fat.
No. 5810
>>5809the discord ss are the current admin.
they were leaked a few months ago when they were fresh.
conclusion: she kept the same nick since the irc ss.
she was in the old lcf discord from many years ago as ingenue, as well.
many users remember her.
No. 5814
File: 1604281320472.jpg (33.09 KB, 400x400, Wwn1SYrQ_400x400.jpg)

>>5774>You’ve been playing too much Dangan Ronpa or some shit if you think that’s blood kekGod I love this whole site's obsession with danganronpa so much lol. Never change pls