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No. 1956
Thoughts on these posts?>I kind of miss drama threads on /cgl/. Don't get me wrong, I know the farm exists but I'd rather discuss actual drama then having to sit through 500 replies of people going 'lol get a nosejob" and how 'ugly' everyone is. I guess that's just because I never really cared about discussing someone's looks? So the farm is kinda boring to me most of the time.>The farm is a cringefest most of the girls there are so insecure they need to shred every cow's physical appearance to pieces "lol she's so ugly and fat and her nose is so big and her eyebrows are terrible geez she's sooo haggard and old looking" also lots of ana chans calling everyone a fatty. It's painful and not fun anymore. I miss the drama here because it was simpler,>Oh this so much, I'm average close to underweight but I usually don't care what strangers on the net think about my body type. >But somehow these girls manage to get under my skin and make me hate myself, when it's not even about ME or anyone with similar body shape or weight. I cringe every time someone mentions the farm nowadays because of these people's unhealthy obsession with how other people look>This. I lurked the farm a lot for a few months and I gotta say the posters are more cringeworthy than most of the cows. If you read the OT threads about mental health and feels, it's more than apparent that a lot of the people on there are batshit insane themselves and very miserable. I realized I was among that group and have been trying to improve my life and personality, it's really distressing to realize you fit all the stereotypes of a typical farmer. I just seriously hope more of them do before it's too late for me.Certainly some valid points there.
pic unrelated
No. 1959
Yeah, I agree with them.
Didn't have this problem over a year ago with the community for the most part. Posts like "lol ugly","omg her nose", "bitch looks nasty", "this is disgusting" or whatever regurgitated one-liners in threads say a lot about the shift in the community. Also comes off as very newfag with that style of posting, but most of that cancer is in /snow/. Go figure.
>The farm is a cringefest most of the girls there are so insecure they need to shred every cow's physical appearance to pieces "lol she's so ugly and fat and her nose is so big and her eyebrows are terrible geez she's sooo haggard and old looking" also lots of ana chans calling everyone a fatty. It's painful and not fun anymore. I miss the drama here because it was simpler,
Basically the Berry, Ahripop, Micky, Megan, Taylor threads.
Anyway, Hellweek has done good. I can already see post quality steadily improving.
No. 1973
>>1957Several of them have been banned during hellweek.
>>1958>>1959I don't know what, if anything, should be done about petty/superficial comments.
No. 1998
>>1997Yeah as a lurker of both cow and here I have to say they both have a special breed of autism infestation.
Though to be fair, I think some superficial commentary is fine. It's just when it's in petty excess that it becomes like this.
For example, I can see why a cow like himezawa gets comments about her nose - it's a very prominent feature. It's like looking at chin chan and expecting people not to comment on her chin (or lack there of).
However, it's somewhat difficult to draw the line between 'warranted' remarks and 'unwarranted' since it is largely opinion based. I think something like countless posts arguing over whether Dakota is fat or not is unwarranted, but a mention within discussion that she's skinny fat by model standards seems on topic. That's still not an easy distinction to make for every situation, though.
Gotta be honest, though, screw the Anon diary writing about how reading comments about other people
triggers their body sensitivity. 4chan's cgl has really become tumblr in a lot of respects.
I do think moot was somewhat right in saying that to uphold culture you need someone to dictate rules. I don't think he 'did it right', but we all know that's a whole other story. I appreciate Admin taking our opinions into consideration, but I'd not be against him deciding what he personally felt was the 'right direction' for this site and 'laying down the law' - so to speak.
May have started rambling in this post. Still waking up. Hope I expressed my point of view clearly.
No. 2009
>>2005>I feel like a large part of the new users aren't interested in actual milk and dumb antics. They only pick at someone's looks and reiterate for the hundredth time how ugly or fat this and that girl is.>Lolcow wasn't like this when it started out.I don't know how true that is.
For example, look at this thread from July 2014, over a year ago:
>>>/pt/3229A large portion of the comments are about her looks. If you check the catalog and look for old threads, you can see the same pattern.
It does feel like it's gotten worse lately, but it's pretty much always been that way.
No. 2032
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>>2030Seconding this.
Also what's with the influx of tumblr tier moralfags lately?
Fucking tired of this "oh no everyone's being big bad meanies!" shiet.
No. 2076
>>2066I got directed here from 4channel.
Never touched /cgl/ when I visited yotsuba.