Complaints & Suggestions #35
Previous thread: >>>/meta/89037General Meta Discussion #4
This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.Two admins or one now?
How many admins do we have left? Communication admin is obviously gone. What about the other two?VPN Ban Poll Runoff
See the last thread for outcome of the first poll and for a description of how voting works.
60% of users have voted for some kind of persistent VPN ban and the purpose of this runoff poll is to determine how that should be implemented. We have limited the voting options to the 3 that had the most votes from those in favour of a persistent ban.
If a VPN ban is put in place we will:
- Create exceptions for sensitive/legally risky threads (e.g. ex-muslim thread, TERF/anti-trans threads)
- Create a way for users in countries that block (e.g. Russia, China) to bypass the ban- Monitor the health of the site and consider removing the ban if it is detrimental to it
Threads on boards that are not subject to a VPN ban may have a thread-specific ban implemented if they have a problem with ban evaders or being raided by scrotes.
The poll will automatically close in one week on the 26th of March and the option with the most votes will be implemented ASAP.
Excuse my autism, but I've noticed posters sometimes seem to mix up the following terms. I see this on other websites, too. This is understandable, since the terms are vague and not widely known.Lolcow Award Nominations 2024
Voting is now closed! We will announce the winner in a new thread in the next few days.Thread Binge Suggestions
I’m looking for entertaining, drama filled threads. What are some favorites that you guys liked to read? I liked the jaelle and nika series, Shayna, Erin painter, and onision happeningsVPN Ban Poll
This poll is now closed, click here to see the runoff poll
If a VPN ban is put in place, we will create exceptions for threads where users in certain countries may be legally at risk for posting in them (e.g. ex-muslim thread, TERF/anti-trans threads). We are also aware that users in some countries can’t access the site due to government censorship (e.g. Russia, China) and we will create a way for those users to contact us and get a workaround for the VPN ban so that they can continue to use the site. Regardless of the outcome, VPN posting may be temporarily banned sitewide during raids.
You should vote from the device and browser that you generally use to post. You must have post history from before the poll was created to be eligible to vote, this is to ensure that the poll cannot be rigged. If you regularly clear your browser storage, or the browser you use does this automatically, it may prevent you from being able to vote by interfering with your posting history.
If you have already voted, submitting again will not count your vote, but you will be able to see an up to date count of the results. You can only submit the form once per minute in order to prevent abuse.
The poll will automatically close in one week on the 18th of March. If there is no clear majority, a runoff poll will begin on the 19th of March. The results of the poll will be implemented when polling finishes.Technical Help & Feature Suggestions #2
Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.Info
You can read more site usage information at If you are new to imageboards, please read it.
Post styling
*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ =>words
#<3 => ♥
Bug Reports #1
As the board software is being upgraded, it is likely that bugs may crop up from time to time. Please use this thread to report any bugs.Banner Thread #2
A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.Post-Hellweek Discussion Thread
This thread is for discussing the results of the Jan 22 - Feb 5 Hellweek of 2024.
It was requested in the original Hellweek thread that we provide some statistics, so we've spent some time putting together a spreadsheet with some stats which you can access here! Please note that the spreadsheet has 2 pages which you can switch using the tabs at the bottom. The first page is statistics about users, and the second page is statistics specifically about moderation.
For those who don't have the time to read that, here is a brief overview (the spreadsheet has more detailed information):
>Total posts
>Total reports
>Unique posting IPs
>Unique posting devices
>% of posts that are by VPN users
>Total bans
>Total permanent bans
>Top 3 most common ban reasons
Derailing, infighting and lack of sage
>Top 3 most banned threads
The Celebricows thread, the Shayna/Dolly Mattel thread, and the Twitter/Tumblr Fandom Discourse Thread
Complaints & Suggestions #34
prev: >>>/meta/86783Resignation
I'm sorry it had to come to this. I've tried my best since coming on board as admin but the honest truth is that I underestimated the work it takes just to keep lolcow running, not to mention the intensity of raids this year. I thought I could get it done while dealing with my job and personal life too but I was wrong and had to realise that I can't give this community what it needs. A lot of volunteers have stepped forward, so I'm positive that we'll find a great new team. If you want to apply as admin or moderator, email or join the discord linked in the navigation bar. The hidden board can be accessed through there now since there were complaints about the posting traffic.Complaints & Suggestions #33
prev: >>>/meta/85300Site Updates Thread
This thread will be used by staff to post general site updates and will remain locked to keep those updates easily visible. If you'd like to discuss any of these announcements, please use the General Meta Discussion and Complaints and Suggestions threads.Surprise Hellmas 2024
A surprise month of Hellmas is now in effect. For the rest of the month of December, VPN posting will be banned and moderation will be stricter.
The only exception to the VPN posting ban is the gender critical hidden board as we want the women posting there to be able to encrypt their traffic if they are living in a location where it may not be safe to post their opinions otherwise.
Please note that the VPN detection API we use is about 95-98% accurate. This means that a small percentage of IPs may be incorrectly blocked or allowed through. If you are not using a VPN and your IP address is blocked, please email us at and we will submit a correction for your IP to the API provider and add an exception for the time being.
Why are we doing this?
There has been an uptick in the amount of baitposting and infighting in the past few months, and it has gotten much worse in the last few weeks. The use of VPNs for ban evading has made it more difficult to stamp this out.
We would like to address one type of posting in particular: infight baiting. If you are making a post, whether it's your honestly held opinion or not, and any regular user of the site should be fully aware that it is going to cause an infight, you will be banned. Some examples of this:
Can’t people with dynamic IPs still ban evade?
Yes they can, but we can put range bans in place that will limit their ability to do so.
Will this change become permanent?
That is not our intention at this time, but if the userbase is strongly in favour of it, we may consider it.
Complaints & Suggestions #32
prevAugust 29th Incident
This thread is for discussing the incident/downtime. Please take general complaints to the appropriate thread, they will not get any responses here.
The site is back online, and we expect there to be no further downtime as a result of this incident. We apologise for how long the downtime was, and we are glad to be back!
A full explanation is written below, but there is a tl;dr at the end for those who are not interested in the details.
Complaints & Suggestions #31
prev >>>/meta/81334Complaints & Suggestions #30
Previous thread: >>>/meta/79881Complaints and Suggestions #29
Prev >>>/meta/78429Complaints and Suggestions #28
Prev >>>/meta/77002Complaints and Suggestions #27
Prev >>>/meta/75552Complaints and Suggestions #26
PrevComplaints and Suggestions #25
Prev: >>>/meta/72411Complaints and Suggestions #24
Prev: >>>/meta/70459Results of the Lolcow Awards 2023
Thank you for casting your votes!
Beating out the 7 days of Kwanzaa, the 8 days of Hanukkah, and the 12 days of Christmas, we bring you the 15 Lolcow Awards! This year we had typical ups and downs with our cows churning out milk some weeks and going bone dry others. We faced tinfoiling and fears that the site would face another Bunker Thread. We laughed, we cried, we drew and we watched moovies. Many of you beat SpaceX’s record as your sides have been launched into orbit endlessly over the cows we celebrate today. So, Merry Milkmas and a Happy New Year! You can view the full results of the voting by clicking here!Complains and Suggestions #23
Previous thread >>>/meta/67831Complaints and suggestions #22
Previous thread: >>>/meta/66283First Hellweek of 2024
Hellweek is over. In the next day or so we will update this thread with some statistics about moderator actions over the last 2 weeks, as well summary of what we have learned and any changes for the future.
The core of this community is (and always has been) discussing and documenting lolcows. This site exists to serve farmers. Part of the reason that board culture has degraded as much as it has is due to the number of posters who are not here for the milk, but instead to use /ot/ and /g/ like a chatroom and without any attempt to integrate or use the site as intended.
The quality of posting has also dropped significantly in recent weeks, particularly in relation to blatant bait being posted in /ot/, /g/, and in milk threads that attract a certain crowd (such as Tradthots). A lot of this traffic is from ban-evading spammers and tourists posting in bad faith, but they are only able to disrupt threads as much as they do because of how many users keep taking the bait. We have noticed that many long-term users see this for what it is and have been calling it out, but the number of other users who continue to engage with it have been exacerbating this problem significantly.
If you are not a farmer, you are merely a guest here. You are a welcome guest as long as you integrate and follow the rules. If you continuously post without regard for the rules or board etiquette and culture, that privilege can and will be revoked. Frequent rule-breaking, infighting and trolling will be met with a permanent ban. You can screech as much as you want about how the site will die without your low effort shitposts, but we do not care. Slower boards with better quality posts is preferable over the current state of the site.
During this Hellweek, we want to get the site health and quality of posting back on track, and we will be facilitating this in a number of ways:
As always, please use this thread to provide feedback on moderation decisions throughout the week!
Complaints and Suggestions #21
Previous thread >>>/meta/63684Lolcow Awards 2023
Nominations are now closed! Thank you to everyone who posted.Complaints and Suggestions #20
Previous thread >>>/meta/59950General Meta Discussion #3
This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.Complaints and Suggestions #19
Previous thread >>>/meta/57065General Meta Discussion #2
This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.General Meta Discussion
This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.Hellweek
Hellweek is now over.
LC moderation will revert to a more relaxed style. We appreciate all of the user feedback and wanted to address some hot topics here. Keep in mind moderation is often extremely subjective, although we conduct Hellweek to try and orient our moderation style around the most popular attitudes on LC. Let us know what you think about the following:
Multiple Hellweeks per year: Anons brought up potentially having December and summer Hellweeks. It will depend on when staff is available, and whether there seems to be a need come this December.
Reddit spacing rules: The image >>59256 attached needs line breaks, and those line breaks wouldn’t be considered Reddit spacing since the post is just so long. Shorter posts don’t require line breaks, although for mobile users these posts may look long like >>59260 says. >>59277 makes a good case against Reddit spacing. Line breaks for dramatic effect are a bit obnoxious, but if it’s funny or sarcastic it may be excused.
Line breaks after the post number you’re replying to is an identifiable typing style and will be temp banned. Minimodding about anything, including muh reddit spacing >>59320 should be reported and bans will be issued. Bullying new users into integrating is not minimodding. We would argue that it’s necessary.
Imageboard bans, attaching screenshots when linking outside websites or articles: When a link is posted with no screencap, the conversation often dies with that post. Whether that’s because the post failed to capture interest or anons didn’t click the link because they want a more cohesive scrolling experience or don’t trust links is ultimately irrelevant. We consider that a low quality post. So, when you post a link, attach a screenshot of what the link contains.
New redtext: sus, unalived, goated, and femcel will be added as new redtext!
Hellweek theme being usable after tomorrow: We will update the existing Hellweek theme to have the fire gif at the bottom.
Misuse of terminology, twitter/tiktok verbiage, “serving cunt” ban, “rapefugee” ban, other language:>>59342 brings up these points. Things like r*pe or sewerslide are always bannable. LC is free speech friendly and is in direct opposition to self-censoring speech. Things like “serving cunt” are up to mods discretion. It’s drag/twitter language that is better suited to other places online.
The term “rapefugee” sounds like its straight from /pol/ which is why those posts have resulted in temp bans. However, we understand that rape by refugees is suffered by women, so women here may feel that “rapefugee” is an accurate term that rapist refugees deserve to be called >>59479. Global Rule 7 states: Do not instigate or engage in race related arguments. (racebaiting). Clearly, we’ve allowed race related discussion, but please keep it civil between users.
Incorrect terminology like “LC is a forum” or “/m/ is my favorite imageboard” would be better combated by bullying letting anon know that LC is an imageboard and /m/ is a board and that anon is a newfag. Remember some anons are ESL.
Our original announcement can be found below.
Complaints and Suggestions #18
Previous thread: >>>/meta/54138Why can't I post images?
It says "fail to resize image" and I can't post no matter what. I've never seen a site so obsessively moderated that also has nonstop technical issuesGeneral Meta Discussion
This is a containment thread for meta discussion that doesn't fall into complaints and suggestions. Feel free to tinfoil or talk about the state of the site but try to avoid being too autistic.Complaints and Suggestions #17
Previous thread >>>/meta/51603Banner Thread
A nice, cosy, official banner thread to submit your new banners for the benefit and expansion of the website.Complaints and Suggestions thread #16
Previous thread: >>49127New Admins Introduction
Hello anons, we are the new admin team! We are a team of three taking over for Shaymin.Complaints and Suggestions thread #15
Previous : >>>/meta/47621Announcements and other info
Announcements + info from Admin and Farmhands concerning the site. Please refer to this thread when asking any questions that have been already answered.users still can't access lc
pls help them, they've been left in the cold with out lolcow for days nowPlease fix the character limit
Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit Please fix the character limit thank youDo admin/mods not care about broken rules?
I reported instances of clear rule breaking 12 hours ago and it was ignored. I know a farmhand at least saw the post because they commented but took no action. Also emailed the admin and got no response. This is literally in regard to something that is clearly breaking the site rules itself.Actual Complaints and Suggestions #3
Any autistic meltdowns will be banned.What will happen to in the future?
context for those who are late and confused about this situation :Complaints and Suggestions thread #14
Previous: >>>/meta/45929Complaints and Suggestions thread #13
Previous >>>/meta/43429Where is Shaymin
The newest lolcow admin, Shaynafag Admin, was supposed to come and say hi to us months ago in december but she never introduced herself. I've seen a lot of anons complain about the lack of words from shaymin and she's nowhere to be seen, she might as well be mythical. Does shaymin even exist? Where is she?Protect Lolcow, a female only space, at all costs
This is a thread to talk about the current issues within lolcow and suggest possible solutions. Discuss, vent, and archive anything you might feel is relevant to combat people who might want to take it down. Complaints go in the complaints thread.Complaints and Suggestions thread #12
previous: >>>/meta/40923Complaints and suggestions thread #7
Previous thread: >>>/meta/30359Site logo thread
In the most recent admin appareance, she suggested that some artistic anons should make a new site logo for the front page. Original post is here:Retirement & The Future of LCF
After a few months of badly orchestrated infiltration attempts to take over the site, I have decided to no longer accept google form applications. Applications for moderation roles will remain open for the time being. If anyone is interested in taking on full responsibility of the site then the best way to contact me would be email or discord (link is by the listed boards).
I have some potential canidates but I don't like to put all my eggs in one basket. The reality is that if no replacement is found by the end of the year, I will inevitably be forced to pull the plug like PULL or settle for a less than ideal replacement to maintain the pastures. To make the transition easier I have decided to provide detailed documentation of all server infrastructure.
Complaints and suggestions thread #9
jannies and admin missing edition #9Complaints and Suggestions thread #10 (redux)
trannies kill themselves editionComplaints and Suggestions thread #11
previous: >>>/meta/37093Board-tan
The officially chosen lolcow-tan is >>2091Complaints and Suggestions Thread #11
Are you seriously letting moids stay if they pay up? Are you willingly letting the CP and tranny spam up? What the fuck is going on?Companies and products you won't support
Inspired by >>>/m/221721Townhall Nov 2021
Good morning / good evening farmers, the last townhall of the year begins in 3 hours. In preparation a room has been prepared for anyone to join anonymously, no registration required (you should also recommend me some videos to queue in thread). I will also be on discord in case anyone wants to privately message me, but email also works. I will try to limit the length of the townhall to an 1hr 30min so everybody can get their questions and thoughts in before the meeting ends.
If it is your first townhall, don't be intimidated. Feel free to make a cup off tea and join us anyways, unless you actually have something better to do.
Re-open /int/
Most of you might not know this, but we actually have an entire board dedicated to international topics, right here:Complaints and suggestions thread #8
Previous thread: >>>/meta/31751Banned for using the # < 3 code compilation
Hello, this isn't really a complaining thread, but a thread to compile the unfair emoji bans when you use the # < 3 code that turns into ♥ that dumb jannies overlook all the time.Actual complaints and suggestions #6
stop ignoring us challengeActual complaints and suggestions #3
Because it's been 2 days and admin seems to be asleepShould mods start banning anons who accuse others of being another anon
Risking a ban to ask this question, should mods start banning the anons who accuse others of being "x" other anon? Example:Actual complaints and suggestions #3
3 Rules:Town Hall Chats
Last night, we held a pretty productive chat in about site policies and what sort of threads belong in /snow/. I may do another one tonight.Site changes & HELLWEEK IS UPON US
Summarizing tonight's Townhall:Mod applications needs more staff!Lolcow Awards
Welcome to the first annual Lolcow Awards, feel free to comment and celebrate!Announcement
Can banned users bribe their way back into their accounts?Townhall Chat
I've been discussing some potential changes with my fellow staff members and would like to make some bigger changes to lolcow. I'll also reintroduce regular townhalls, approximately once a month. They will take place on an independent chat platform, you will not have to use our Discord server for it./pt/ thread criteria
There has recently been an uptick in /pt/ threads which many members of the community find to be lacking the criteria for "lolcow"ness. Often this is because the OP is not descriptive or clear enough in demonstrating that someone is a lolcow. In other cases, when they are descriptive, many people disagree that they're actually a lolcow.Staff Applications
Hello everyone,User Statistics
I'm surprised the userbase is so successful.Rules Update & Newfriend Guide
As announced here >>>/meta/4372~TOWN HALL MEETING~
Board Culture: Better Farming & Chemo
This thread discusses the current social fabric of lolcow; where it's going, where we want it to go and how to take it in that direction. Also how to improve our farming skills as a cohesive whole.Proposed Changes
This thread is for discussing proposed changes.Staff changes & current issues
As a response to recurring complaints about staff and report handling, we've made a decision. As most of you don't know, I inherited lolcow not after the first Admin's escape but after the next Admin following that, who also hired the current staff. Because I didn't want to step on her feet, I didn't take actions the way I should've. As of today, we've removed all staff hired by the second admin.Townhall Meeting Tuesday 06/06
Rescheduled: The Townhall has been rescheduled for Tuesday 6/6/17 at 7 PM EST.Posting Statistics
Someone asked about posting statistics.lolcow awards 2016
**Survey Time!!**
moar announcement
Hokay…Hellweek in Session
The time is nigh.Indefinite hellweek
Indefinite hellweek is now in effect. I do not know when or if it may end. It applies to every board.Rule changes and clarifications - Definitions
Here are some rule changes and clarifications of existing rules.Hellweek
Hellweek is now over.
Hellweek lasted from Monday, December 21 to Monday, December 28. Dozens of bans were issued.
You can also continue to discuss what you thought of it in this thread.
Things we plan on improving in the future, if we do this again:
Reports were very helpful to us. I also created a new mod panel that allowed us to quickly review and dismiss every single post made during hellweek, though this did get a bit backlogged.
The original announcement can be found below.
As discussed in Wednesday's townhall:
From Monday, December 21 to Monday, December 28, lolcow staff will begin an experimental "heavy moderation week". The purpose of this will be to gauge community reaction to moderation actions, and help determine if permanent policy changes should be made. The secondary purpose will be to hopefully encourage people to improve their quality of posts in the long term, without moderators having to step in.
Only posts made during this week will receive extra scrutiny. Posts made before or after hellweek are not eligible to be moderated more harshly than usual.
Since this is just an experiment, all bans issued during hellweek for rules that are not currently listed at will last no longer than 4 days. Most will likely be a lot shorter than 4 days, but that is the maximum.
Heavy moderation will primarily be enforced in /pt/, /snow/, and /g/. /b/ is mostly not receiving any additional scrutiny.
Moderation will be extremely subjective, and in some cases, may even appear arbitrary. I can't really provide a list of specific things we will be targeting, but here are some general ideas for what will likely be focused on:
Of course, this is pretty vague and not helpful, but that's pretty much the best I can do. You all will probably get the idea within the first few days.
Importantly, rules will change a little around samefagging during hellweek. Samefagging may be called out in specific instances. If you suspect it, feel free to report it.
But rules around identity will still exist as they currently are. If you aren't breaking a global rule, staff will never publicly out you or identify you in any way. If you're samefagging in a thread about someone you know, you may be banned and/or called out for samefagging or having a vendetta, but nothing about your identity will be revealed. So, vendettas won't be called out in cases where they would blatantly identify the person with the vendetta; that would be a non-public ban instead. It is impossible to call out many kinds of self-posts without outing someone's identity (like a cow complimenting themselves in their own /pt/ thread, for example), so those cases will always be handled privately, without public outing or ban messages. General self-posting will still be called out if it wouldn't reveal details about someone's identity.
People are encouraged to report many more posts than usual during hellweek. However, too many frivolous reports may result in yourself being banned and/or your report being called out, in extreme cases. I'd say for most people, it's fine to report as much as you want without fear of being banned: just don't report someone for arguing with you or insulting you, or something like that. Basically, just don't do this:
If you have any questions, you can post them in this thread. I may not answer all questions.
Due to issues with people sometimes seeming to trust me more than other staff, from now on, I will also be using the Farmhand tripcode outside of /meta/ when making moderative posts (like "stop derailing" or "don't do that"). I'll only use the Admin tripcode in /meta/, or when dealing with general administrative or site tasks in other boards.2018 Cow Awards
A user survey was opened at the end of December based off of nominations in this thread >>>/meta/7479Rule Change Discussion
Discuss and debate rule changes here.Actual complaints and suggestions #2
Any more TELF meltdowns will be banned. You too belle anon, not everyone is a WK.Actual Complaints and Suggestions
A thread for actual complaints and suggestions staff will actually take the time to read. Filling the thread with spam or your personal vendettas will result in an immediate ban from /meta/. Coming here to pretend you didn't evade a permaban will result in another permaban. This thread may also be used in an emergency when abuse material is posted. Take technical questions to the appropriate thread.Complaints & Suggestions
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.Give us back our manhate thread you fucking trannies
Marilyn Manson New Thread?
Where is the new Manson thread? #12 I think.Complaints & Suggestions
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.complaint thread was full (surprise)
the moderators in the onision thread are pure shit:Complaints and Suggestions
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.Lolcow Awards 2019
Rejoice! Another round of festivities is upon us!Server Migration, and Gendercritical
This is the thread where you voice your thoughts about the GC/PP changes that will occur in the near future.Complaints and Suggestions
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.Hellweek
Hellweek will begin April 15th to April 22nd. Posts made during this week will receive extra scrutiny and moderation will increase. However, this is not applicable to posts before or after hellweek. Boards unrelated to drama will not be participating so there's no need to worry about moderation changes there.General Complaints & Issues
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.General Complaints & Issues
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.Drmusic2
Hello, i'm Drmusic2 and I was mentioned on a post on here and yes I do admit I was a lulcow for a while at least, up until 2014. And I didn't exactly take too kindly to being treated as a punching bag for internet trolls. For the record Mr Metokur didn't even do a video on me, he just did a video that mentioned me and I didn't attack him. I wasn't even mad at him I was simply just stating how embarrassed I was about how I used to be, I consider a lot of my early work to be garbage when I look back at it and I pretty much hate my old persona of trying to be edgy and different.Wanted: Entry level janitors and tech people
We're looking for janitors (low-level farmhands) and people with Linux or web dev experience.General Complaints & Issues
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.General Complaints & Issues
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.General Complaints & Issues
Third edition!Announcement
- we found a new admin based on the applications that were sent in. She has been a lolcow user from the start and we are confident that she'll be a great leader. She'll start sometime during January.Lolcow Awards 2018
Rejoice! Another round of festivities is upon us!Official Art Thread
Use this thread to make new OC art for your favorite cows.General Complaints/Issues
Second edition!Technical Help & Feature Suggestions
Post all technical help questions and technical/feature suggestions here. This is the place to go if you're having some problem with the site or want to request a new feature.Info
You can read more site usage information at If you are new to imageboards, please read it.
Post styling
*words* => words
**words** => words
***words*** => words
##spoilered text## => spoilered text
[spoiler]spoilered text[/spoiler] => spoilered text
~#words#~ =>words
#<3 => ♥
Welcome to the first survey.Scheduled downtime & temporary replacement site
We're back! Please leave all feedback regarding the temporary site in this thread. Thank you!Tempcow
Hi everyone,General Complaints/Issues
Please post all general issues and complaints here. If you want mods to do something, or have some issue with or suggestion for site content, you should use this thread.Rule Changes
This thread is locked and will be used solely by me to document significant rule changes. Each post will include the date the rule was added/deleted/changed, and the change that was made.New guy's questions
I'm new to this website.Should Aly have a separate thread?
During the recent townhalls, the majority of people voted to merge Aly's thread with the ED general thread in /snow/. On both day 1 and day 2, no one could come up with a decent argument for Aly retaining a separate thread other than the fact that it would clutter the general thread.Townhall / Threads about underage people
We are currently deciding whether or not to allow threads about underage people.Feature changes
This thread records changes to the functionality of the site, including new features and changed features. Changes to policy, rules, or moderation are in >>1014. You can discuss all changes in >>1134./meta/
Please use this board for all meta-discussion: questions, suggestions, and discussions regarding itself.