No. 793
File: 1433470783325.png (37.24 KB, 1294x372, posts_per_week_b.png)

/b/'s post rate has been ramping up slowly for the past few months, but it's seen a massive spike in new posts in the past 3 weeks, almost resembling exponential growth.
The big spike at the end only represents about 2 weeks though, so the sample size is far too small to say much about what the rate will be like in the next month.
No. 794
File: 1433470909836.png (51.2 KB, 1322x368, posts_per_day_pt.png)

Here is the posting rate for /pt/ by day instead of by week.
As you can see, some days are much more active than others, with a few large bursts recently.
No. 795
File: 1433471035938.png (42.79 KB, 1327x367, posts_per_day_b.png)

And here is /b/'s post count per day.
The past 1-2 days are showing a decrease in the recent huge burst in activity, meaning the exponential-like growth seen in the weekly view probably will not hold.