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No. 947

Welcome to the first lolcow.farm survey.

Each person should post in this thread only once. You can say whatever you want about the site, its users, or me. Please try to give serious and truthful answers though, since I will use this feedback to make decisions about rules and site changes. This isn't a "vote" or anything, but it will guide changes I make.

Only make a post if you are replying to the survey questions. Don't reply to anyone else's posts.

To answer, I'd much prefer if you use greentext for the questions. All you have to do is make sure you copy the > with each line. I would recommend you copy all the questions at once, paste them into your reply, then start answering each one. For example:

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
7 months ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Yahoo teen chatroom

Please give answers as long or short as you like, unless the question specifies a length requirement. You may skip any of the questions if you don't want to answer them. Everything is optional. If for some reason you don't want to post your answers publicly, you can email your answers to me at lolcow.farm@gmail.com

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, ..., Tumblr".

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 948

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Last month
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Googling for info about lolcows.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A good place to discuss and make fun of people who have it coming.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post many times a day
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Several times a day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. I've also lurked and posted on 4chan, 7chan, and 8chan, but I don't use any of those boards regularly
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
Used to be in efagz ages ago. But now lolcow is the only site I use for this type of discussion

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

People flamebaiting with discussions about race and maybe irrelevant criticism of cows
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
People are nice and funny without coddling one another. Admin is friendly and responsive
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ and /b/, I haven't used /g/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe like 70%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?
I haven't seen any threads I think should be removed, but I pretty much ignore the remaining 30%
>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option?
Moving to /b/ or /g/

17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don't think it should be banned at all. If it's obvious people will get called out by the community
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
No, I think 16 is a reasonable age.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Discussions about race and comparisons between lolcow and PULL
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
No, it doesn't seem like a major issue tome. I would be OK with unique IDs if others wanted them.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No, I am satisfied with the rules currently in place.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Not cracking down on all the shitty race discussions on /b/ fast enough. But now that it has been handled, I approve of the way it was done.

No. 950

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since the very beginning.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I believe when Stamina Rose died, someone linked to lolcow.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
I find it rather indescribable, really, sorry.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I mostly lurk and read, sometimes post, and occasionally bump the bjd thread in vain.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
4chan (/tv/ /toy/ /v/ /ck/) I used to go on /cgl/ until it became a no fun zone.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Racial retardation. /pol/ shit and "minorities" (who are probably just trolling white girls or sjws) bitching about white people/other races.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Original content, and how quickly new gossip is found, and all of the detective work people put into it.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Not many lately, maybe… 30% I mostly just stick to pixy threads, dakota, aly/ash, sometimes kiki. i love me some asha but people seem to have lost interest in her.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?
A lot. Basically anything about cosplay, weebs, berry etc. However I believe they belong in /pt/ even though they don't interest me in particular
>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Can't think of anything, sorry.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Currently, I agree.
17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Disagree. The amount of boards is fine.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Mostly Agree. It's just a stupid idea to self post, and most self posters are dumb shits. Though it is a way to find new potential cows.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Raise it to 18.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Same fagging is a serious issue on /b/ and elsewhere whenever the race shit comes up. Its obvious and annoying as fuck.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No. admin sama does a good job here, the only problem is that they are just one person. My fear though is adding more mods will lead to some power tripping or making stupid ass decisions. Though I do trust admin's judgement in demoting such mods if they are complained about.

No. 952

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Last year.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I think /cgl/. I just kind of migrated after SR fell apart.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Bitches bitching about bitching.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post a lot. I lurk certain threads too, though.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Whenever I can. Every few minutes when I'm on the computer.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yes. SR and Maxfag.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, /x/, /r9k/, /cgl/, /vr/.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Racebaiting and underage newfags.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Admin is cool and you can say whatever you want.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?
>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Moving them to /b/. I think locking would prove counterproductive very quickly.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Agree. My main problem with /pol/ and Tumblr is that they take their "freedom of speech" only in the most base, legal sense and will shout down anyone who expresses any opinion different from their established norms. They pride themselves on being able to express your thoughts freely, but if you happen to not share the opinions of the majority, you'll be lucky not to get cannibalized.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I don't really care. Obvious selfposters should be laughed out of the thread.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 16 is fine.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Racial arguments.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I'm against IDs because they take away a degree of anonymity, but I personally think people who samefag in a deliberate attempt to derail threads or for the sake of arguments should be called out and humiliated whenever possible.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No, most of the communities I've been on were terrible. Lolcow is actually decent.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Not really. I'm satisfied with Lolcow staff. They could've been faster about dealing with the racebait on /b/, though.

No. 953

1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
a couple months ago
2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
pull tbh
3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
The place to go for a good time.
4. (Completely optional) What is your gender? Female
5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to. 18
6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I dont post very often
7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow? usually a couple times a day
8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on? yes
9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor? no
10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
pull & tumblr
11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow? overly aggressive behavior between members
12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community? the anonymity
13. Which board do you read/use the most?
And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board? /pt/ /g/
14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow? 30%?
15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/? 40%
16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.) Leave it as it is, if some members don't agree that said person is a lolcow than they don't have to read it.

17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
strongly agree
17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
strongly agree
17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
strongly agree
17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
strongly agree, especially if they have done it more than once
19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think it should be 18 but I doubt it will make a difference
20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Two users having a disagreement that is shitting up a thread
21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Im not sure
22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
So far I like lolcow more than any other gossip site.
23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No, I like the staff here

No. 954

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Sometime this past spring
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I was reading about Ash on MPA and Tumblr and ended up here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Kind of a smaller 4chan with more women.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post regularly.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Always have it open in a tab
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, but the first one that I ended up getting really into.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, MPA

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

The need to get rid of trolls while maintaining anonymity
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It's small enough to not overwhelm me and clearly laid out. The other users often seem like people I'd like IRL.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I spend the most time on the /b/ and /g/ boards. I have most of the /pt/ threads hidden, but I do get really into a handful of them.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
25% mebe?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?
I hide/ignore about 2/3 of the threads, but I don't think the need to be moved. They're mostly just about people whom I'm not personally interested in.
>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Generally, I'd say move to /b/. Maybe lock a thread if users are blatantly talking about committing serious crimes.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly disagree (we've gotta maintain some double agents!)
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral. I can rarely pick out a /pol/ or 8chan user here.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree. Hopefully this will die out soon.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly Agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Neutral. I think there are still just as many quality posts as ever, they're just getting a bit harder to find with all the shit posts clogging up the site.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Agree. I don't really know much about how this works, but it seems to be working quite well without being overbearing.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Neutral. I'm not sure. I think I'll have to see how the current "lolcow race war" turns out before I can say if more action is needed.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Neutral. I think this could work, though I have no suggestions for how to split it.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I think self-posting should be allowed in /pt/ if the image is sufficiently relevant to the topic. I'd say it definitely should be allowed on /b/ to maintain the "anything goes" environment. I consider "self-posting" to be posting images of oneself or sharing personal contact information.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 16 is sufficient. I feel like it would be difficult to enforce a higher age limit without reducing the anonymity of the board.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Just all the racial bullshit that has been going on lately. And Spoony self-posting, but I haven't seen that for a couple of days now.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I don't think samefagging is much of a problem. It rarely gets to the point that I feel an admin should step in.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No idea
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I think I've already mentioned in my previous answers just about everything that bothers me.

No. 955

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

December 2014.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

I googled a Tumblr user's real name and found her thread.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Anonymous catty bitches.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I post more than once a week.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?


>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

Nope. I started with 4chan in 2005.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

IDK there have been a lot.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Don't care.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

I like seeing fake bitches get exposed.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?


>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?

I don't read about 70% and I think all the threads are fine, even self-posting, as long as they're about a specific individual or group and not like a celebrity or politician.

>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)


>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Don't care.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

Don't care.

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Strongly agree.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

Strongly disagree.

>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Self-posting is fucking hilarious.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

18 is good.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Nup it's all funny.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Samefagging is part of the game.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Just be lolcow.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?


No. 956

Great responses so far, thank you all very much for your help.

I've edited questions 15 and 16. Question 15 asked about threads you ignore and think don't belong, which is too presumptive. I changed it to just ask about threads you ignore, and extended question 16 instead.

(If you already replied, no need to re-answer those.)

No. 957

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

Since it started

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?


>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Cows causing anons side splitting laughter.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.

Mid 20s

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I post and lurk in equal amounts

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?


>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

No, I've lurked on SR and /e/ /a/ /v/ & /cgl/(4chan)

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

I lurked on SR

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".


>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Race baiters, god awful newfags, posters who do nothing but derail threads

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

The way they rekt any white knight who shows up in threads and their ability to dig dirt on the cows.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Probably around 30% - 40%

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?

60% - 70%

I feel like the fedora and idol thread belong on /b/

>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

I think moving threads like the idol and fedora one would be good, and threads that have reached bump limit should be locked.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.


>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly Agree

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

Strongly Agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.


>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

Strongly Agree

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

Strongly Agree

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

Agree (longer bans)

>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I think self-posting on /pt/ should be banned and allowed on /b/

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I definitely think it should be 18

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Derailing, race baiting, self-posting on a cow's thread, complaining about threads instead of hiding them

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I think both /pt/ and /b/ suffer from samefagging. Maybe a temp ban would work, or using IDs.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

I'm not sure if we have it here but 4chan(8chan too, I believe) has janitors that come in and clean up threads that have been seriously derailed by deleting the derailing post allowing for on topic discussion to continue. I think we would benefit greatly from that.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No, you guys are great. Keep up the good work.

No. 958

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
couple years ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Not sure if stamina rose or pull
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Let's do it for the lulz
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post several times a week
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every day if im at home
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Lurk yes
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Ppl coming here thinking this is a place to do vendettas, ppl arguing on the comments about things nobody gives a shit about.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
the lulz, the juicy drama.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ all the way
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
IDK about percentage but i follow 3-5 threads, only 2 of them are active lately
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
the rest
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
any thread that is about more than 1 person
17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Don't care
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Don't care
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Dont care
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
dont care
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Agree. Maybe one for 1 single person threads and 1 for multiple ppl thread

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don't really care.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
How can you even know what age ppl are? The cows I can understand but the anons? Whatever age is good for me. Just follow the law.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
anons being bitchy/snapping towards each other instead of ignore whomever is being retarded. White knights.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I think I might suck at spotting samefagging because I don't think i've seen it happening and I don't see it when people point it out. They seem just paranoid to me.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Naw you are alright. Sometimes it seems to be taking them long to appear when needed but i guess the way to improve that is to report posts more.

No. 959

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Somewhere around September/October 2014.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I was googling to see what had happened to Stamina Rose.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
I’m not clever enough to come up with a fun sentence. Nice cows.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
Turning 19 this year.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I’m a lurker on /pt/, I’ve posted a few times on /b/.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
At least once or twice each day, if something interesting is going on with my favorite lolcows I will check multiple times per day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Only Stamina Rose.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
Tumblr, 4chan (/vg/, /cgl/)

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

All the race baiting and derailing of threads.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I like it when shit goes down like in the Tumblr shoplifting thread.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I like /pt/ and /b/ equal, but if there’s something interesting or fun going on one board I may prefer and check that one more often than the other until it dies down.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Move them to /b/ or make a new board for them.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don’t really care about self-posting, but I think should be allowed on /b/.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 16 is good, 14 was too low imo.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Discussions about race that derails threads.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I don’t care about samefagging, but I can see why it would be an issue to others.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
I can’t think of anything right now.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nah, I think you guys are awesome.

No. 960

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since the start
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
When StaminaRose closed down, it was posted on cgl a tad later
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
19 exact.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I do a tad of both.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Religiously, at least once a day when I have access.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/ and then tumblr for Onision related crap
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Non cow related grills, and useless comments being bumped.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Drama, a lot of it.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I go on /pt/, and like it the most.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I'd say a small percentage, under 20% I would read some if it interests me though
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Move them to /b/, a lot of people belong there, the person isn't a cow, but has some dirt, go to /b/.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Agree, they had useless comments on the simplest things, and do mad reaching.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Don't Care
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Agree, it's not the topic, but the discussion itself, it's a debated topic, and as soon as someone mentions race, the whole thread turns into shit. No one fucking cares
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Don't really care for it, I guess it's good.
17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Don't know, it's been turning to shit, admin has been doing their best but the posters keep shitting it up
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly agreed.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Don't care
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Disagree, I like small websites
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I think self-posting off of /b/ is fine, don't care, we will either pull you apart of pertain to you.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 is fine, just thinking that some users are more immature.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
"Hi X" "XDDDD" Small, useless remarks that does not contribute to the thread whatsoever.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Nah, I love samefags. Something I'd like to add is that if someone themselves asked for their IP to be check, in response of a "Hi X" comment, I think you should just check their IP in agreement. So if I were to ask you to check my IP in case someone thinks I'm that person, or samefagging, it would be nice.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 961

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Day one.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Somebody on unichan posted a link to lolcow after SR died.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Nothing kawaii to see here~
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually just read them.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A few times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
SR, yes.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
PULL (haven't visited since 2012, though)

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Newfags, I guess? Posters like those in the Berry Tsukasa threads are pretty exemplary of what's shitting up this place at the moment.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Admin is fair and almost everything is allowed here. I love the feature that automatically keeps an archived copy of any link posted on here.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Somewhere around 40%.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Probably about 60%, then.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Don't lock, but move to /b/ instead.

17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Agree, mostly in regards to posters that want to bring their PULL culture or Tumblr culture bullshit onto lolcow; nobody gives a shit where you came from if you can behave yourself.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Agree. I don't care if race threads exist in /b/, I just don't want the constant race wank to derail threads that weren't about race in the first place.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
I agree, but exercising your freedom of speech to start arguing about whatever random off topic shit is annoying and disruptive. OT talk should be moderated more strictly, in my opinion.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Agree. Again, OT talk should be moderated more strictly, but I can't really think of anything else that needs to be moderated more severely right now.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Nah, self-posting is hilarious and it's how we can find new cows.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think it's fine where it is. Raising it more probably won't change anything.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
People who take bait instead of ignoring it and letting it die and people who type like they're on Tumblr.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Meh, I don't feel like samefagging is that big of an issue, and I don't know if adding poster IDs would be such a great idea.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No. The staff here are great, especially Admin.

No. 975

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

Over a year ago.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

8chan's Pixteri thread. I wanted to absorb more of the queen's glory and /pt/ came up.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Entertaining but getting inundated with attention whoring children.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I read daily and post several times a week.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Daily autism intensifies

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

No, I lurked 4chan and also lurk/post 8chan.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

I didn't but wish I did. :(

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

Honestly, I peruse all the boards here and only visit /cow/ on 8chan.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Annoying self-posting. I came here for lolcow milk not some nobody seeking attention.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

In general, people are here to just have a good time and share the milk.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/pt/ is my favorite hands down.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?


>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?


>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

I think maybe 15-20% don't belong. Even though there are some threads I don't follow I can recognize that they do have some lolcow qualities. I would prefer the bad threads to just be moved. Not sure if /b/ is the answer though. Maybe you can create a shit lolcow board?

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.


>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

Strongly agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Strongly agree

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

Strongly agree

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Yes, I don't care as much if it's in /b/ but I don't like it in /pt/. I guess self-posting that's obviously fishing for attention (negative or positive) is where it gets to me. If someone is self-posting for something relative to a topic in /b/ I don't mind as much. I don't think that personal websites/blogs/etc. should be advertised either. They should do that through a PM or something.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I would prefer at least 18.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Derailing a topic for self-post ass pats or turning into some sjw debate is getting pretty bad.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I think samefagging is the worst in /b/. I wouldn't be adverse to a unique/randomized user tag like 8chan has.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Nah lolcow is the best.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I can't think of anything. I believe the sudden increase in popularity is making it difficult for the current staff so maybe an additional mod would help.

No. 979

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
A while after StaminaRose became deceased
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Googling to find out why StaminaRose passed away
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
One collective cat fight
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every few days
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Lurk on SR
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
None tbh
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
thread derailing
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
nearly errbody shares my views and also the drama
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
20%? And any if I see something interesting pop up
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them?
40% and guess just moving them to some dump board lol

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree".

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Don't care
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Self-posting brings in drama
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Atm I think it's cool
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
irrelevant crap
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Doesn't affect me tbh but I guess its kinda an issue for people
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No clue
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nope. You guys are the shi

No. 991

File: 1436979707356.jpg (17.28 KB, 225x300, surveyyy.jpg)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a year ago.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

I actually came from PULL. The site had been increasingly become more pointless, so I traded up.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A good drinking buddy after work.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I post quite a bit. Not in all threads though.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Right now, I’m on it daily.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

Nope, one of the few who didn’t

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

I used to spend a lot of time on PULL when it was still fairly new– up until it became flooded with tumblr fags. I also spend a lot of time on /x/

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Race baiters. At least for the time being. Newfags are annoying too, but that come with any board you go to.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Most of the people here are pretty chill. Clever, funny, and have a lot to offer the community. The administration (team) is also pretty great. Not too persistent, but always intervening when necessary as well as listening to (and taking seriously) the suggestions and grievances of farmers.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/pt/ of course. For both.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Depending on which threads are on the front page, I usually stick to about 3~5 of the topics. It’s difficult to keep up with every lolcow and therefore tricky to contribute much to the discussion.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

I typically completely ignore the rest of the threads if they are not one of the few (3 to 5 or so) that I care about. Though, I always read new posts.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Right now, I think that /pt/ doesn’t really have any threads that need to be moved. It seems like whenever there is one however, moderation is quick to step in and relocate it.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Agree, to some extent.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Disagree. (I just like it the way it is)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don’t think it should be banned necessarily, but called out at least. It’s usually a good laugh.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I think 16 is good for now. I have no problem with that, as long as posters are mature.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

I’m sick of hearing about race and how inferior certain countries are, ect… It’s annoying and usually causes people to get very defensive/hostile, which is frustrating for many posters I think.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I don’t really think it’s a big issue here. Though, if the poster is trying to validate their own posts, I think that should be called out by moderation/farmers.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Lolcow staff has been excellent in my opinion. I have no complaints.

No. 1002

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
A year ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Someone dropped a link on /cgl/ once, I think.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A bitchy high school clique on steroids.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I occasionally post.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, 4chan (/cgl/, /vg/, /x/), /cow/, kiwifarms
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Race bait shit and newfags ((baby's first imageboard))
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
We don't wait around– we dig up the dirt and expose stupid bitches.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Only about 30%, honestly.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
If it isn't suited for /pt/, then moving it to /b/ is fine. (Which is what you all already do, I believe? So yeah. Nice.)

17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral (Agree if dealing with race bait thread shit, though)
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly Agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly Agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly Agree
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Self-posting is stupid, but I don't think they should be banned for it. I'm under the impression that the community as is makes it clear it's a taboo and fucking idiotic.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
It wouldn't make a difference.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Racebait shit on /pt/. It ALWAYS derails everything– identity politics everywhere these days.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I only see samefagging as a problem on /b/, so it doesn't matter. /b/ is where the random shit goes, anyway.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Nope. Lolcow since day one has been great and unique in it's own style of execution.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nah. I love the admin and all they do for the site. I'm not sure HOW fast this site is growing, but I think the moderation is doing a good job so far.

No. 1003

File: 1436982952770.png (199.8 KB, 500x450, large.png)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
The same day it emerged, as Staminarose began its meltdown.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Linked from Staminarose.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.


>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

23 years old.

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I typically post a couple of times a day, though it varies.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?


>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

Tumblr, 8chan, /r9k/, —-used to use— /cgl/, /fa/, PULL, 4chan in general etc.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Absolutely the increased level of overly aggressive, overly politically-correct users emigrating from places like Tumblr and PULL.
Posts like this are a good example >>138029 , sounds straight like reblog response from Tumblr.

If you allow these idiots to spread without keeping them in check they threaten to overwhelm the board and convert it to their standards whilst repelling the original users in the same manner they did PULL, which last I checked is completely falling to pieces with most of its regular users moving here.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

The ability to vocalise yourself in any matter whilst being safe in the knowledge that you're to remain entirely anonymous, providing you don't break any of the more serious lolcow rules and/or attempt to deceive lolcow staff.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

Definitely /pt/, but I intend to start using /g/ a lot.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Maybe 30%, maximum 40% but it varies depending on what threads are popular at the time. I ignore threads like the Berry thread completely.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

50% to 60%, roughly? That isn't to say that most of the threads aren't interesting to me, it's just they're irrelevant to me in particular or appear petty or pedantic in nature. To me most interesting threads are those concerning Kiki, OC, Charms, Dakota (to some extent), previously PT since she's dropped out of sight once more etc., basically any cow that regularly provides fresh content.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Everything appears to be in perfect order atm imo. Good job.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Stringly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don't think any line should be drawn because the community pretty much moderates itself in this respect. If somebody self posts usually they're either ignored or descended on by a horde of bitchy, catty women and it's glorious and punishment enough. Occasionally it even results in extra lulz which is always a bonus.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I think 16 is appropriate.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Race posting with the intent to derail specific threads (i.e. the attractive white women thread that ended up getting spammed with pictures of black girls and Asian girls because somebody was salty over the premise, idk why).
Also, overly aggressive responses bother the shit out of me as it's common knowledge that infighting eventually results in the destruction of any community. The board in general is designed with some level of aggression in mind so it's hard to balance or moderate. I wish more users would chew the aggressive minority out when they start shitposting stuff like "hurghh u disagree with this? lol!!? u fuckin dumb fat bitch cunt slut ur fat and luv niggerchimps cum all over ur face LOL!!!".

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I don't think samefagging was an issue to begin with when the board was new, fresh and we all in it together as a collective hivemind.
Since then lolcow has began to rapidly expand and it's becoming increasingly evident that we're being invaded to some extent by people with ulterior motives in mind.

On one hand unique poster ID's may dissuade a minority from posting, but I think the benefits of it filtering out potential spammers, samefag and selfposters would be too great to pass up.
My only suggestion would be to ensure that the ID changes from thread to thread so that you can't identify people based on cross-thread analysis.
I don't think banning samegfagging alone would be a good idea, but if unique ID's WERE to be implemented the collective board backlash when somebody was caught samefagging would be repercussion enough. Unique poster ID's would also provide a new measure of lulz for people who come to this site to whiteknight themselves or promote themselves but don't understand the system.

Do eet.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

No. lolcow.farm is the absolute mecca. It's ideal imo.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I've had my gripes in the past but honestly when I have run into issues a lot of the time I've become grumpy due to personal bias and being chastised. Overall lolcow staff do a good job.

No. 1004

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About nine months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
On a PULL thread.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Laughing at fucking idiots
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Normally lurk, post maybe once a week.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every day for the first few months I visited, now every few days.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, /a/, PULL, Tumblr
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Threads being ruined by irrelevant debates such as racial issues.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Fair admin, small community
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
<30%, I think moving the threads to /b/ is a good solution.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Never bothered me, I don't think it should be allowed in /pt/ because it seems pretty unnecessary but in /b/ it's fine.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 16 is fine.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Threads being created for people who aren't lolcows, unnecessary racial discussion.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I never really found this to be an issue and I personally don't really like the idea of unique poster IDs.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
I think the current rules are fine.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I think the lolcow staff have acted fairly and justly, no improvements needed.

No. 1005

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since the very beginning, can't even remember when that was
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
After the great purge of stamrose, someone linked lolcow on cgl
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
We finally get to talk about crazy bitches after the cgl ban.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Just read
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
At least every day, many times if I'm not working
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Stamrose's predecessor, maxfag
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, cgl/ other 4chan boards

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

People shitposting about racism
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Us posting great content on our lolcows and some people actually being active providers of OC
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I check /pt/ exclusively, only look at the other boards when I have nothing else to do
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
PT, Charms, OC, Sheena, Nigri, Berry. Some that's a good part of them? 60%?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
30% of all the small time lolcows.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
10-20% don't belong. A lolcow should be a person that reacts to people's trolling frequently and gives hilarious results. Some of them are cringecows, like the moms that kill their kids.

17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Don't care
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Somewhat agree, mostly in newer threads but not in the good lolcow threads
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Agree, I want some of the boring teenagers who just lie about photoshop and cringecows somewhere else, make it easier for me to find the threads about important lolcows.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Leave selfposting of pictures, blogs, whatever promo to cgl and tumblr/twitter. Selfposting of stories for entertainment is fine.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Should be 18
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Stupid instigating racist posts, posts responding to the bait
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
It doesn't matter to me. I enjoy when admin-sama or whoever comes in and shows all the samefags and makes them identify themselves.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
I wouldn't know
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I guess just be sure to catch threads turning to shit quickly. I'm kind of sad the previous Fahrlight thread is irretrievable because the OP accidentally reported it.

No. 1008

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow
I'm not completely sure maybe 6-9 months ish
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
It was linked on PULL about how OC was limiting her internet usage because of her thread here
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
An anon gossip site
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Post more than once a week
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Everyday/every other day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Nope. Heard about stamina rose, but never bothered checking it out
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I used to go on PULL in 2011, stopped now. Tumblr since 2010, but rarely about gossip or drama.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

People keep bickering at each other
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It's relatively easy to use and navigate around.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
The Sims one fits but it doesn't at the same time? I'm not sure. Some of them should be deleted, e.g. the failed pixyteri threads with like 3 posts, with another active one on the side.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
neutral - it depends how deep into the mind set they are. If they're active with PULL and Tumblr/social justice issues, then they're a pain in the ass.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
no, unless it's bringing it up so they can be a victim.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
yes - that includes calling out someone for being wrong as well
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
well it's summer, gossip sites are ususally crap during summer
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
sure, I have nothing against it.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
no. People who complain when the person being discussed gets a compliment, they need to just move on and coexist. A thread which is dedicated to praising will never work, because for most people I'd imagine its' 80% criticism and 20% praise.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

They should be banned so the person posting it doesn't have the satisfaction of people taking their bait, but if it takes off I guess there's no reason to do anything about it.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
How is this even enforced? I don't think there's any difference between 16 and 18. Either way you'll have a newfag that will conform to how things work, in this case I don't think age really matters.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
"Go back to PULL" there is no consistency about what it means. It's thrown around like crazy. And calling out people for samefagging
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
This might just be too much work, but maybe instead of IDs there are different colours? So for an ID you'd get a Pantone colour like #cc54cc or something. I don't know, just an idea.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1017

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
A few months ago, can't pinpoint when exactly.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
CGL, I think. All the LACE threads were being shut the fuck down and any and all "off-topic" threads such as feels threads were being deleted immediately by our oh so great CGL janitors.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Nice place to kill time and get to laugh at some ridiculous people.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
17-21 age range.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post, haven't been doing much occasionally though.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Few times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Never heard of it.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, but mostly for the art.
4chan: /cgl/ and /lgbt/ are my boards.
I lurk kiwifarms but I don't feel like posting there, and same with 8chan.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
PULLfags and too much baseless "omg look at this total lolcow" and not posting any receipts of anything cow-worthy.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The good content that's actually worth reading.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
25 percent.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
The rest.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Only the ones that don't post anything lolcow-worthy, like stated before. Move them to /b/ until they get something decent.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Agree, they regularly derail topics with their race war shit.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Neutral, I wouldn't say it's extremely important in this context, considering this is just a website. In real life, of course it's important, the principal of freedom of speech was so the government couldn't silence you, it's different than being told on someone's website "hey don't be racist" or whatever they were doing that caused their so-called freedoms to be silenced.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Disagree, I think you're doing a fine job as is.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Neutral, I don't really think it should but I wouldn't care if it were.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Should be banned.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 is fine, if you raised it, it's not like there's anything to stop underaged posters from just lying or not disclosing their age anyway.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Racial arguments, arguments on transtrender lolcows to "respect their pronouns!!!!" The trigger and the "I'm ____kin and offended" jokes are getting kind of old, but that's just a personal peeve. There's more funnier stuff to nitpick about tumblr than some old wornout TRIGGERED!!! memes that've been going around since like 2012.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Samefagging is totally an issue. Unique poster IDs please.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not that I could think of.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Again, can't think too much of anything you've done poorly.

No. 1018

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Some time either at the end of summer or beginning of fall of last year.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I have no idea how I found the site, probably just word of mouth on the internet, as I have found everything.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A place to make fun of internet people.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Mid 20s
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yes and yes
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I have been on the internet-gossip thing since the early days (efagz, 4chan, etc) and have just jumped from place to place, but now I mainly frequent 4chan, tumblr, and youtube other than lolcow.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Shitposting – the race wars in /b/ are a good example.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It seems to be mainly female (which is welcome in an imageboard if you are also a girl), the people seem to be older teens at the youngest for the most part.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I read and use /pt/ the most, and I like the implementation of /g/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
The only ones I really feel don't belong there are the clear vendetta ones or the ones that are like "here's this girl, what do you guys know about her?" I feel that if you can't provide why someone is a lolcow then they aren't one. But I also feel that just because I'm uninterested in a cow (and I am uninterested in 95% of the ones posted honestly) doesn't mean they don't belong. I do think there should be another board for these posts.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Tumblr: neutral, PULL: agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Agree, though I have no problem with people containing it to /b/ even if the discussions are dumb af imo.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Agree, but I also think that's kind of bound to happen the more people you get
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Strongly agree. I think it worked out well for /b/ and /g/ so far and it would be similar for /pt/. I think there should be a separate board as detailed above where people can just talk about whoever without concern if they are a cow or not. Maybe /ss/ (special snowflake lol) or something. I think that the rules for being posted on /pt/ should be that OP must be able to open the thread with a list of what they've done. I think threads could hypothetically be moved to /pt/ from the snowflake board if someone became a true lolcow, but these threads that are just to talk about someone who is not really a lolcow but still interesting to talk about could be removed from /pt/.
Because we have kind of a mix of communities on this site, I think people need to kind of just accept that, though. Threads are really easy to hide. I have most of them hidden and I never see them and it's not a big deal to me. Shitty threads and clear vendettas of nobodies will float to the bottom, it would just be nice if they were in a separate board with more similar posts.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Self posts sould be banned in /pt/, but I don't really think any thing should be banned from /b/ as long as it's legal. So like no cp. Spoilered porn. Other than that, it's /b/ so who cares. A self-post, to me, is uncalled for selfies blogging off topic, links to social media of people who are pretty clearly unrelated to the thread's subject or nobodies with like 30 followers.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 16 is OK. It's hard to enforce that type of thing. I don't think it should ever be higher than 18.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Other than the obvious /pol/ shit going on in /b/, just self posts.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I never have thought samefagging was an issue.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Nah. I feel at this point it is moderated efficiently and allows people to post whatever. I think there's a point where people post shit just because it's banned so it's better to just let it stay.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1019

File: 1437005895697.png (342.33 KB, 426x449, I AHM WENUS ANGELIC LVING DORR…)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since day one.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Someone posted the link on Staminarose during the PT CP debacle.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Like a cockfight, but with weebs.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I lurk around 90% of the time. I only post in a few specific threads.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Each board daily, save for /meta/
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, I've lurked and posted regularly on 8chan and 4chan.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

Currently 8/a/, /cow/, /furry/, 8/b/, 8/cgl/, some other 8chan boards, kiwifarms
Formerly 4/a/, 4/cgl/, tumblr, some other 4chan weeb boards. I'm considering lurking on 4chan's /cgl/ again but I'm scared to see what it has devolved into.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Tumblr jellies, people not knowing what a lolcow is, obvious newfags, OT posts. That's obviously more than one but they're present in around equal quantities.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I'm surrounded by salty /cgl/ emigrants. It's heaven.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I like and use /pt/ the most. /b/ gets an honorable mention for almost-reasonable speed (imo) and interesting threads.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Used to be 70%, down to around 50% after some of my favorite threads died (RIP tumblr, Star, weeb, and seahorse threads).
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
My interest fluctuates. I'd estimate 40-50%
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Not sure the idol or Berry threads belong on /pt/ or /b/, but I can't say for sure since I don't follow either closely. See 17j.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree (You're doing a great job, lolcow staff).
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Agree for longer bans, neutral on the rest.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Neutral. I think this might work if we create a potential lolcow board. It would mainly be for "is this a lolcow" type threads that would get moved to /pt/ if enough milk was produced. It could also be used as a graveyard for some of the OT threads on /pt/.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Self-posting irks me because it's reminiscent of PULL and underageb&, but there's a small probability you might find another 32" waist-chan.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 18 is the best choice for overall post quality (also, reminder that there is NSFW on lolcow).
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
See #11. Emoticons and tumblrspeak in general make me cringe, this is an imageboard.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Maybe post IDs for /pt/, but not for other boards. I'm not sure how I feel about this tbh.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Lolcow is fine doing its own thing. I think any change that should be made is implementation of multiple image posting on /pt/, even if it's just two images per post instead of one. It makes dumping slightly easier, and it's also useful if you want to compare past and present attitudes/pics of a lolcow (ex. PT getting fatter or kota's shoops).
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nothing off the top of my head. Great job running and maintaining the site! I hope you find my responses helpful.

No. 1026

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
I think in January or February
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Fucking hilarious.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post very rarely.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Once or twice a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
4chan, Tumblr, /cgl/, /cow/, I've lurked PULL once or twice

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

I don't think there are any other than off-topic rants.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

It's always consistently hilarious.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

I just click on random ones on the first two pages. I'd say 30%?

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

70%, the dead ones or people with vendettas against random people threads

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Not sure. Maybe like 30% but I don't look at every thread. Move to /b/ or make a new board for those threads

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly disagree, adds to the lulz
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly disagree, adds to the lulz (besides the off-topic rants from the /pol/ people)
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Not sure.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Neutral - the different boards could die out or there could be too many separate boards for people to keep track of, but I don't pay attention to the Japanese aidoru wannabes or Kiki/Dakota so it would be nice on the other hand to have specific places for each kind of lolcow.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I'm not sure what this means, but if it's people posting themselves trying to get attention then no because I've seen these people get called out and made fun of quickly.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

Tbh I don't think it matters because no one under 16 will follow this rule anyways. I didn't even know here was a minimum age rule.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Just off-topic arguments.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Poster IDs would be good. I've seen a lot of threads where a person keeps posting dumb shit about a person they have a vendetta against and it's not even entertaining, and this would at least let them get called out faster than they are now.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

From the threads I've been on you guys seem to be doing a good job.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?


No. 1029

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Whenever it was first created. After Stamina Rose. Don't remember when that was though.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Don't remember. Probably one of the other cow sites.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A great place when not being thrown off topic by unfunny trolls.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
Non-binary gender queer. (JK I'm a chick.)
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
23 going on 24. Getting fucking old over here.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Depends on what is going on. Some of my favorite threads haven't been active in a while.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A few times a day, actually. Mainly on breaks or when I'm bored af.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
Naw. I use to be an edgy teen on 4chong.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yes and yes?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
lolcow and Pull the same(sorry don't h8 me.), Kiwi, /cow/, /baphomet/, and Guru Gossip. I have a tumblr but the truth blogs are way too nice on there. lol
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
The stupid race wars and arguments about the most petty shit.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The cows.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
The least active ones. :c
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Anything kawaai. So done with weaboos.
16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
The PULL thread is kind of dumb. Mainly because it's turned into a place for members to discuss each other anonymously instead of just talking about the actual cows there. But I think it's fine where it's at.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly disagree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Agree but there should still be rules.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
I don't care. (Haven't visited it yet.)
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Neutral. I hate that there's only girl cows. More autist male cows would keep me out of Kiwi for good.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
I'm actually not sure how I feel about this…
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
How about any self-promotion or bragging?
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
See how it works out. If nothing changes than raise it.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
The sjw crap is annoying. I also don't like that minority opinions get thrown out the window and attacked without any sort of valid discussion.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Although I don't think it's as bad as people make it out to be, ID's would help.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1030

File: 1437037126619.png (127.94 KB, 271x288, cheers.png)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Shortly after it first went up.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Someone linked it on /cgl/ after staminarose died.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Like an interactive tabloid.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
Female, but my pronouns are farm/farms/farmself (✿◕ ‿ ◕)
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post every other day or so.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Ranging from a few times a week to several times a day, depending on life stuff and whether something funny is going on here.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/ mostly, I check out the /cgl/ and /egl/ boards on 8chan from time to time and I have a tumblr that I practically never use.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Maybe more of a personal pet peeve than a real issue but I get pretty annoyed by A-logging tween girls.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
We’re funny-ass cunts and we own up to it (anonymously but y’know)
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
25% if I’m being generous.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
75% or more.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I think it’s pretty well contained right now. If really bullshitty ones pop up I’d prefer to see them locked. For look-at-this-girl-I-hate-who-isn’t-a-lolcow-but-I-hate-her! threads, maybe there could be a separate board. If the subject then does turn out to be a lolcow they can be moved back to /pt/.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Agree, but keep bickering to /b/.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Neutral/Don’t Care
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Agree. Stricter moderation/more warnings for derailing /pt/ threads with controversial non-lolcow shit, bans for continuing to derail after being warned.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

In /pt/ I think long-winded personal stories should be frowned upon unless they’re contributing to the thread and people selfposting pictures should be warned/banned. In /b/ I don’t really care as long as it doesn’t become PULL2.0
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think raising it to 18 would certainly improve post quality but it might also cut down on traffic because we seem to have tons of babbies up in here.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
“go back to tumblr” and people responding to shitposters
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I think it’s only an issue when people start bickering over dumb shit and IMO that should be kept to /b/, anyway. Maybe enforce unique poster IDs in the tumblr vs. /pol/ threads only? Although I do like seeing certain people be called out for shitposting in /pt/ when relevant to the thread, like with Himeka and Bibi.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Uh idk
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Not really. You guys are cool.

No. 1033

File: 1437052613270.jpg (106.89 KB, 736x552, 8bc563fb67db8fc8ba7180b669d24e…)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Looooong ago?
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
After staminarose disbanded someone made a thread on the old /cow/ board and everyone piledrived there, then we were given a spanking new containment board known as lolcow. Oh praise be to yevon
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Bitchy weeaboos unite.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post more than once a week.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Often. Nearly every day? It depends, sometimes I'm super busy, but mostly I check it on my phone when I'm dicking around instead of working.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Trolls, everyone losing their minds with ease, we are a very easy community to troll
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
That as bitchy as we are, there's a sense of vigilante justice. There's creativity with selflessly made original content, there's people who put a lot of time into snooping out lulz, people who take screenies etc.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I'm loving /g/ these days but it doesn't appear on the upper left corner sooooOOO
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
20 percent or less
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
All those berry, ashley and dakooter threads are so boring, but to each their own I suppose.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Agree, but I also think we should have a bit of freedom of speech. If someone wants to be a complete SJW or a complete stormfronter, that just adds to the variety and depth of discussions here, the only time it goes bad is when things get offtopic.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
It's the same as the tumblerinas. Everyone is equal in the eyes of queen pixyteri. As long as they on't shitpost too much.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Yeah, but I think the recent spat was due to trolling. Our community is too easy to rile up, and a lot think that what you write = what you actually think.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
It's an EXCELLENT idea, the only issue is that it doesn't show up on the board list…
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Oh yes, it's really awesome, really well run and the admin isn't a power tripping cunt. It has a very professional feel, it's hard to explain, but compared to a lot of other offshoot imageboards I've used, this is god tier. Errors bugs etc. are few and far between, problems get nipped in the bud at the speed of light and the only issues the site has are minor like a link not showing up for a board or stuff like that
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Hmmm. I don't know.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
I just remembered I'm supposed to answer with agree/disagree…Umm strongly agree?
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Mildly agree? Slightly agree?
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Agree, there should be boards for the really big names like peeenus angelic and dakooter, that way they can have multiple topics about one person, but maybe splitting up would create a ghosttown?
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I think self posting is hilarious.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 sounds good. No need to make it 18 imho
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
"BERRY DETECTED" when telling posters in the berry thread that they're jelly haters.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Unique IDs would be great, ya
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No, everything is pretty perfect. To say otherwise I would have to be nitpicking or lying.

No. 1036

File: 1437069264437.bmp (98.43 KB, 153x219, snap.bmp)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
November, 2014.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I was searching 'ghostxperfume' to try to find her on other sites. Her Lolcow thread showed up on the third page of Google – it was the first Ashley thread, and it only had about 5-10 posts so far. I got really hooked on it and started actively posting. Now it's nine months later and I'm still here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Catty bitches embracing their feminine side and blowing off steam.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I read and post quite frequently.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Many times daily.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
wizardchan from 2012-present
myproana / loads of now-defunct ED sites from 2006-present
tumblr from 2011-present
dvach/2ch.ru from 2007-present
4chan from 2007-2012
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
SJWs and Tumblrinas who espouse their special snowflake politically correct bullshit, dragging more moderate users into massive arguments which derail the threads. See the thread for the transracial NAACP lady and Haku Aoki, for the worst examples I've seen. The problem is most significantly that other users get baited into the arguments instead of just ignoring it.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I like the feeling of really getting to know the cows. Like with PT. The people here genuinely care about her and want her to be happy. There are some people that we want to see dead, but there are others that just inspire pity. Also, the shoops people make are really funny. Lots of funny comments in general. Really great community. Hard to describe how much I like it.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I check out every thread that's active at least once, and regularly read every update in about 10 threads.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
I don't generally look back through the very old threads.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I've never seen any problem with the way things are done currently.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral – PULL is fine, but there are some people from Tumblr that go full SJW and white knight their special snowflake gender shit, feminism, '''anti-racism,''' and all those assorted things. See previous answer for #11.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly disagree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Neutral – I don't care. I've never seen it be an issue.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree – it's a really fun board to browse.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly disagree. To elaborate: I think whenever a thread gets really big – i.e. Ashley's and Aly's threads, or Haku Aoki – you'll notice an influx of people that come to /pt/ specifically for those threads. These people may not have ever posted on an imageboard before, and it will show. They don't know how to quote posts or greentext, they'll use emoticons, they'll use stupid Tumblr-tier abbreviations like 'u no' or 'i cant even,' they'll generally act like they've never been on the Internet before. This type of phenomenon creates the false illusion that post quality is declining due to crossposting – however, these types of posters always either catch on and meld in with the previously good standard of posting, or just leave. So it all evens out in the end, resulting in a larger number of users all motivated to a similar quality of posting.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree. Never seen any issues.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Strongly disagree. Getting ban-happy is the death knell of internet communities.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Strongly disagree. It's fine just the way it is. A lot of imageboards make the mistake of creating loads of boards; this reduces sitewide activity, IMO.
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Absolutely not. Could not possibly disagree more. I love reading self-posting. It's in many ways what anonymous imageboards were created for. I don't find it intrusive; it is rarely irrelevant, and even when irrelevant, I love hearing how different people interpret events and react to them.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think it ought to be 18. That way people younger than 18 who will post regardless of the rules are motivated to a higher standard of posting. Also helps with liability.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
No, not really. If I don't like a post, I just ignore it.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. Unique IDs are even worse than enabling trips. It makes people nervous to post too many times and it increases people seeking renown and popularity through the recognition of their IDs. There is absolutely not a problem with samefagging – it's immediately recognised by the other people ITT, and adds another layer of fun to posting.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No, lolcow has a unique style that works perfectly just the way it is.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No. You are all perfect, and I love you.

No. 1037

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
9 months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I first heard of it on ED but I never look it up. Then, lurking /cgl/, some drama about PT exploded and someone linked me here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Are you obnoxious and known for all the wrong reasons? You'll probably end here.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I like to participate, and if I have deets on something about the cow, I usually post everything I have.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every night, when I'm free or if I'm bored.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
I visit 4chan, 8chan, 7chan, and others on my spare time.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
It was already dead when I heard of it.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, /co/, 4chan's /b/, /a/, /v/, /vg/, /ic/, 8chan's /gg/, /cow/, /v/, Tumblr, Kiwifarms, PULL.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Mostly bullshit, discussions about how valid are some triggers, people calling each other neckbeards, and some racial bull "you're just sayin' that cuz she's black". Also the limits some people want to implement "hey, posting that is not allowed because I say so"
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
As a gossipy bitch, I like the community when everyone is just chill shit-talking everything.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most if it's not the same board?
Just /pt/, /b/ is okay but slow as fuck.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
40% percent… I'm interested in /cgl/ and Tumblr related lolcows.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
the other 60%, mostly uninteresting fb/twitter bitches.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
When shit is obvious Vendetta, or when you can't really milk the cow.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly Agree.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Don't Care.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly Agree x10000
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Not actually. If a person is that desperate to get attention, just let them be. I'm here to laugh and cringe at the same time.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18. Since we post nudes and… unsavory shit here.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Just people who get triggered for stupid reasons and start going off topic with their morality stuff. Also "redpill", "Neckbeard" and all that bull, when you say you dislike slw mentality.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I can't say much since I have sinned too… Maybe when it's just too obvious, or unnesesary.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Rules are no fun when you're just gossipiyng or calling out the cows. Just the basics; staying on topic, think before you post, spoiler the nsfw media, take responsibility for your shit.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Just some spam here and there, but nothing too drastic so far. I don't really mind the rest.

No. 1039

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Around November of last year.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I was looking up orangecitrus and someone on PULL mentioned that they didn't talk about her on the site, but that she had a thread here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Even if you don't get a laugh out of it, at least you wind up feeling better about yourself in comparison to people who end up here.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post very occasionally.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
About once a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, /cgl/, /a/

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Around 40%. I'll read the others on the front page if there's something interesting going on or I'm bored.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Just move them to /b/ I guess.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly Agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
In /pt/, if it's something relevant to the topic, and it isn't like excessively long and the poster doesn't continue derailing the thread with the same shit about themselves. It's fine in /b/.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Emoticons, especially "XD", and the ridiculous aggressiveness from some users when you say something complimentary about a cow. Also the all the racial discussions–nearly all of them are just consisted of baiting and the individuals dumb enough to respond, and it just results in juvenile mud-slinging.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
A small amount of samefagging is to be expected on an anonymous board. Idrc either way if the site does start implementing unique user IDs.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
You guys are doing a pretty good job so far.

No. 1040

File: 1437111579913.jpg (38.9 KB, 360x344, 1408664034958.jpg)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since the beginning
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
TBH I can't really remember but I think it was /cow/. It was during the time that the whole SR closing fiasco happened so I was multiple places at once.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A place to observe, archive, and discuss internet oddballs and the Queen.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Mostly read, but I do post. I try to be more info dumping, but I'm sure I've shitposted some.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Several times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I did, both MaxFag and SR.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/a/, /cgl/, kiwifarms, /c/, Tumblr
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
The self posting or armchair diagnosing. It's to be expected when discussing such types of people though.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I like that I feel both welcomed and kept on my toes.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I'd say 50%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
10%, moving them to /b/
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
In /pt/ I don't see it as much of a problem, since I noticed that self-posting is a very community moderated thing, and has the potential to birth a new calf, so I'll leave it up to Admin.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think it's fine. Most people on her seem to understand what it's about.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Not really.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I dunno. Personally I think it would be funny to just do the unique ID's for a few days to see how bad it is.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not really. I like how things are going.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Admin and mods are doing fine.

No. 1041

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

Shortly after Staminarose vanished

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

A link in a /cgl/ thread.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A good place to laugh.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

Early 20s

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I usually just read.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

It used to be everyday but I check in every once in a while.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

I was on Stamina Rose.

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

/cgl/ that's it and I only go there once a month.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

The occasional flux of shitposting or derailing.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

That many are cynical funny assholes.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

I check almost every thread at least once. Consistently keeping up with 50% of active threads, I think.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

20% I guess.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

I think all belong there unless a vast majority say otherwise. So far it's been pretty agreeable.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.


>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly Agree

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

Strongly Agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.


>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

Strongly Diagree Just put it in /b

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

Strongly AGree

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

Strongly Disagree

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don't really care about self posting in /b as long as it isn't excessive. As in posting about yourself more than twice a thread I guess. I don't like it in /pt at all really.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

18 and up.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

"Blank isn't a lolcow!" People don't seem to get that other people have a difference in opinion in what is cringe worthy or funny. Unless a large amount of unique posters say so then I think they should be left alone.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I don't have much of an opinion on it. It's only a problem to me when it causes derailing. I just ignore most annoying posters.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Nah, you're good.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Nope, great work here.

No. 1042

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
December 2014?
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?

>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually read.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every other day atm.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
/cgl/, tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

I usually don't care about racism, but god it's annoying to see threads constantly derailed.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

People are not afraid of being cunts.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
maybe 10%? It's gone down though.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Most of them, 90%?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Neutral, I didn't even see it there.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I don't really care, if they want the attention, they can have it and then deal with the negativity it might bring to them.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
It's not going to make a difference imo, 4Chan is 18+ and I've been there since I was 13.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Idk, occasionally I see something stupid but it's not recurring enough for it to bother me.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I haven't really seen it in the threads I use, IDs wouldn't bother me but some people just want to be anon.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nope, luv u Admin.

No. 1043

File: 1437152348722.gif (485.53 KB, 250x188, 1394597823298.gif)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Around the beginning
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
After somebody posted the link when Stamina Rose was taken down. I think it was somebody on/cgl/.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A guilty pleasure, but slowly turning into PULL the imageboard.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age?
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I lurk most of the time, but started posting more.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Near daily, multiple times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I lurked and posted on Stamina Rose
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
8chan, sometimes kiwi, rarely ever go on /cgl/ now

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Race baiting, the underage attention whores.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The hilarious anons, the blunt honesty, no coddling ala tumblr/pull and the tech savy, laid back admin.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I read /pt/ the most, but I've been lurking /b/ more lately.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Probably 50-60%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
About 50-40%
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option?
Don't have a percentage, but I really don't think Berry threads belong in /pt/, same with the random girls with barely any drama behind them. I suggest moving them to /b/. If there's a separate page for them, it will be flooded by self posting attention whores.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Neutral. Admin is doing a great job, but it's the shit posters that are bringing the site down.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly agree
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Neutral. I'd only agree if the race war continues.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Yes, yes, yes. Self posting should definitely be banned, even in /b/. Self posting will just attract the tumblr/pull crowd even more.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I believe it should be 18. I know people can lie about their age, but there are nudes and other NSFW from cows on here. I also think it should be based on the quality of their posting.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
"XD :) :( c: :P" "stop being mean" "x race is better than y race" and posts that clearly indicate somebody is pretty young.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I think samefagging is a problem. It looks like it started in /b/. I don't think it should be allowed, but I think unique IDs should be added to /pt/ only.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No, I don't. I wish certain posts were deleted, or race fighting would be put to a stop, but that's not the mods fault if they're not allowed to do anything about it. I think the mods do a great job in general.

No. 1044

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

It was posted (or probably mentioned) on both the old cwiki forums and on the PULL chat. I lurked for about one or two months.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

I was reading the chat when someone linked to the first Kiki thread.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A great time waster; entertaining.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I post a few times a day. Usually when I felt that there is something that could be said, with what I think are a very few off-topic posts.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Daily! AT LEAST, twice a day

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

Youtube (lolita, idol stuff), /cgl/, Tumblr, kiwi, Lipstick Alley, Reddit, PULL, LiveJournal, Instagram, Twitter, /jp/ GaiaOnline, DeviantArt
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Shit posting, derailing. Going ring a round the rosie in threads were the information was already mentioned (ala Berry).

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

It has that nice mix of douchey-ness, information, nice comments, and homour. Like a large group of people sharing shit while drinking, and making stupid inside cow jokes no one else will guess.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

I frequent /pt/ the most, but I prefer /b/

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

A good bit, about 70% or 60% of the active threads

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

The remaining 40% or 30%

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Around 30%, but with the influx of new irrelevant threads, probably more. To me they should be moved to /b/, but I go to /b/ for random topics, not boring people, so I think putting them in /g/ would be a better option since they are gossip anyway. Another board would probably lead to lower traffic for /pt/ and /b/.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

Neutral, it might sound like somehing the stereotype of a person from there would do, but we don't know if it's them

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.


>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

Don't Care/Disagree

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Only if it's a lolita/k/j-fash/cosplay thread in /b/. Probably for reviews for fashion/make up threads in /g/. Anything else in /pt/ would be OT, unless they are the lolcows themselves.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I think it's good, most 16 yr olds should know basic internet etiquette. Anyone too immature should be temporarily banned so they should attempt to learn.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Not really? Can't really properly describe it, but similar to this:

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

No, not when it's dome in moderation since you can't edit your posts, only delete and repost. Probably when you have more info, or you made a mistake and indicate who you are. Also only when you're dumping relevant pictures/caps. I don't care if we get IDs, but eventually some people may be recognized easily and it will lead to a loss of anonymity

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

No! Well, in certain situations we should have that rule that Kiwi has where you can't go weening to snowflakes sometimes causing them to run off. It's a hit or miss with weening so I'm sort of split.
Probably the powerlevel rule too, we don't need someone's personal diary shitting up the threads because someone is triggered by a snowflake. Other than that, everything else is okay.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

In my opinion, the staff is doing great! However, I wish the crack down on shit threads would be faster. I am aware that the staff and Admin are humans, so they have human things to do as well instead of babying the board. Probably a Mod in the major timezones to monitor almost all the time.

No. 1045

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

Early this year… about 5 months ago.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Admittedly, PULL.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A forum exposing and creating drama about internet "celebrities"

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

Late teens

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I usually just read

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Multiple times throughout the day

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

Pretty much. I briefly explored /cow/ beforehand

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

Currently frequent Kiwifarms and /cow/.
I used to frequent tumblr, but that was years ago

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

There's too much drama unrelated to the topics. Almost every thread gets derailed into bickering about things that only vaguely tie to the initial discussion. Thankfully, this has been addressed though.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

I prefer looking at drama aimed at girls. This forum does the job well enough, haha.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

I'd say I use all of them about the same. For now my favourite is /g/.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

I'm kind of picky. Right now I only follow the Dakota thread. Most of the threads I used to eagerly watch have died out. Had you asked two months ago, the percentage would have been much higher.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

I'd say about half of them, unfortunately.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

I think there are a few that should be moved to /b/. I don't think it's necessary to lock them unless they get ridiculously out of control. If there's not enough drama, they'll fizzle out by themselves.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.


>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

Strongly Agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Strongly Disagree… I think that if you come to a specific thread that caters a specific thing, you need to keep it on topic. Views and other interests can be shared elsewhere.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.

Strongly Agree

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

Agree… I think it should be given a try, but I am not confident that it will fix the problems

>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Unless the person has had contact with the cow being discussed, I don't see the need for self-posting in /pt/. Depending on the topic, /b/ should be fine for the most part.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I think 16 is fine. If things fail to improve, the age limit can be raised later.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Race discussions, anything-shaming

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I'm sorry, but I'm not too sure. In some threads it's more an issue than others. I'd be fine leaving it as is or with a change.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

No. This site is fine the way that it is.
There are certainly websites with better rules and moderation, but if they were adopted, lolcow wouldn't be what it is.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Nope. You all are doing great!

No. 1049

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
I don't really remember exactly, maybe 6 months ago. Got shit memory.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Where I go when I'm bored.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I've only posted 2-3 times. So, only reading for the most part.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Daily. Multiple times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I don't consider myself part of any community other than lolcow. PULL, obviously, but I ditched that shithole as soon as I discovered lolcow. Did visit /cgl/ years back for drama but never ever posted.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Fucking off-topic posts. Jesus christ, sometimes I forget what thread I'm on.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Anonymity. I don't feel the need to "fit in" to post here. Everyone's giving their opinion on stuff. I like it.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I read /pt/ the most but I get sick of it sometimes. I like /g/ a little more.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
ummm fuck if I know, maybe like 25%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Anything that isn't on the first 2-3 pages. So, like 75% of them.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I don't know. I think moving threads to /b/ is good. I don't see any need for a new board YET.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral (I hate most PULL posters, but I came from there, so… I'm sure there's more like me)
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree FUCK
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Agree, but would like to see it evolve and split into multiple boards in the future.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I think it's totally dumb, but it doesn't affect my experience negatively. It's pretty funny sometimes.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 18 is best.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Off topic posts, racist bullshit, stupid long arguments
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
No. I get more annoyed when people fucking whine and scream about "OMG SAMEFAG" cuz I don't give a shit.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not that I can think of.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
So far so good.

No. 1055

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since the first day it was made
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Stamina Rose went to shit, some anons went to unichan and I think link to the farm was posted there?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
You fucking bitches, I love you.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Early twenties
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
lurk, occasionally post
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
few times a week
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, 4chan boards, 8chan boards, tumblr.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Threads going off-topic, Tumblr SJW trolls, /pol/ trolls
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Mostly girls, focus on /cgl/ cows, anonymous discussion
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
about 50% of active threads (not counting those that haven't got posts in months)
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Best to move them to /b/, or lock and delete if they are repeating/spam

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree (but pls no off topic crap)
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Nah, if a cow wants to make herself known then more milk for us.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 is fine
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Tumblrina sperging, /pol/ sperging
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I haven't really noticed issues with samefagging, but poster ID might be a good idea
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
For now I think lolcow mod team is doing decent work. Maybe just ban that sperg who keeps going on and on about race

No. 1059

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
A year ago I think

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Tumblr, someone was talking about it being a "bully website" and then I realized it was an offshoot of the delicious /cgl/ drama in 2009 etc

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I post more than once a week

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Once every few days

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

No. I got lost after moot banned drama off of 4chan /cgl/ and stopped posting on imageboards

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

/cgl/, /r9k/ on 4chan before moot killed them
8chan /cow/, Tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

The number of minors, the stupid threads like the Berry thread which aren't even about lolcows

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Pixyteri stuff, discussions about old cows like Ophelia/Charms, new Dakota pictures

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/pt/… pixyteri

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Probably like 5 at this point. (PT, the Charms thread, the Megan Marie thread, the italian anorexic chick and dakota rose)

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

The rest of them.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

The berry thread, I think it is entirely useless and should go back to PULL.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

/pol/ - AGREE
8chan - STRONGLY DISAGREE (their /cow/ brought the peter coffin drama over here which was so much more entertaining while it lasted)

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.


>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

In /pt/ it should be banned, in /b/ I don't care.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

18 so the minors are least try to act like adults

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

"Hi (insert lolcow here)" whenever someone disagrees with the hivemind. I don't mind "go back to tumblr" because I feel like some people do need to go back to tumblr

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I've never samefagged but I've been accused of it and its really annoying so I would love unique IDs like on 8chan.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

I like the way /cow/ is moderated and the community in general is a lot better (except for the amount of gamergate/pol users on there, they suck)

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Just try to purge the PULL

No. 1060

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
From the beginning.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Linked from an SR thread after it was starting to collapse.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
[[drama intensifies]]
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Usually lurk, post occasionally.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every day, give or take.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
SR, yes. Wasn't around for Maxfag.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cow/, /cgl/, tumblr
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Too many newfags feeding trolls and taking bait. People here do not seem to be able to just let things go and ignore them.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
#1 place for catty girl dramu
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/, I go to /b/ sparingly.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Honestly? I think less that 50%.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Over 50%. I think I hide/ignore threads more than I read them.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I think most threads should be there (don't really know as I don't read the stuff I find uninteresting). If it isn't exactly /pt/-worthy, moving it to /b/ is fine. Otherwise we'd might get some people creating multiple unnecessary threads, etc.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Don't care
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Don't care
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Definitely banned in /pt/ (no one cares about u tbh), probably discouraged to free-reign in /b/. If you self post that's your problem to deal with whatever consequences may happen. Self-posting being openly talking about yourself/identifying yourself beyond normal conversation (I see u Spoony) to posting images of yourself.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 seems fine.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Eh, no.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Not really.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Staff has been great, way better than most imageboards. That's why the userbase should be careful not to ruin this good thing we've got going.

No. 1063

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Oh gosh a loonnggg time ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Found it linked on /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A very secret guilty pleasure.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually read. I post a couple times a month.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A few times a week.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Stamina Rose, yes.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
8chan, /baphomet/, IRC, 4chan, /cgl/

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

The thread-derailing with PULL-esque SJW bullshit. Like stfu no one gives a shit about your hurt feels and this isn't your goddamn hugbox.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I liked that it was such a chill place to talk about lolcows UNTIL the SJW bullshit got more common.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I read the vast majority if there's new stuff going down. But I legit only care about maybe 25%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
I don't care about most, I just read if I'm bored.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
There's quite a few I feel don't belong. Any of the "general" idol-wannabe stuff should move, because personally I don't see the point if it's not about a specific person. Any kpop bullshit should be moved to /b/ because it usually devolves into "BUT ETHNICITY" crap.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Agree for /pol/
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly 100000% agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Mildly Agree
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Strongly Disagree. It functions well as is.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Absolutely and I kind of just assumed it was? lol
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
idgaf as long as people don't spam threads with bullshittery. Stay on topic goddamn
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Just the derailing. It seems constant. It's so annoying.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Nah, if someone wants to basically have a convo with themselves go for it because they probably have bigger issues than I do. I think putting the banhammer down harder on derailing would solve this anyway.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nah, I think staff here are on track now that they're handling the race stuff. 10/10

No. 1065

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

When it first started.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
When staminarose died, I just followed everyone here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
People are dumb.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually just read but I post sometimes.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
E-every day…
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, /cgl/, /x/

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

I think the Spoony drama is pretty annoying, since I feel like she doesn't really do anything anymore.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I just really like internet drama.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Depends, tbh.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Like 10%.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I think posting an example of something (like the circle lenses thing that went on) isn't bad but if you're posting your face just to post your face, it's annoying.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 is okay.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
"ur SPOONY!!!" And most of the race baiting.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I think poster IDs would be okay!
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Nothing comes to mind.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I'm pretty happy with the staff. I think they do a decent job. Admin-sama is pretty great.

No. 1067

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
October last year.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

A farmer posted something about hamtaro chan on 4 chan /b/ and pretty sure it linked to here.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A place to discover there are people in the world more unfortunate than you are and ripping them apart to celebrate the fact.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?

Born female. Identify as female. Fuck pronouns.

>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Post all the fucking time because I have no life.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Multiple times a day.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

No. Lurked shit loads of anonibs, posted mostly on 4chan (mostly /b/) before it went really crap. Post on 8chan /cow/ Like lurking /baph/ for darkweb links.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them:

See 8.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Personal vendetta threads.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Sense of humor and creativity (esp in aly_fakerecover thread), the gifs at the top.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?


>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?

Not saying they shouldn't be in /pt/ but I'm not interested in cosplay cows or the pronoun fuck ups.

>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Meh, delete em.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Agree from what I've seen in the weeabo threads.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Agree so long as it isn't hate speech.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.

Haven't noticed tb, so disagree.

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

Strongly agree.

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Neutral. They get found out, there's a shitstorm. It's funny while it lasts.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

16 is fine.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Obvious trolls.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I don't care about samefagging. NO TO IDs.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

No. You is doing good.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Nope. See 22.

No. 1068

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
One year aprox
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Linked somewhere
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Catty bitches & F U N
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Post sometimes
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
2-3 times per day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
8ch - /cow/,/baph/,/v/,/fringe/- tumblr, 4ch when im extremely bored
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Derrailing, thin skinned people and summer
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
People are funny i guess
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
The remaining 30%~40%
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Berry thread is full of cancer and everything related to k-pop and aidorus
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly Agree
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Strongly Agree
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Nope, the community does a great job outing self posters
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Increase to 18
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
People talking to cows like they are gonna read the post and care about it
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Yes to unique ID in /pt/, it isnt really an issue elsewhere
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1069

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

About a year ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
/cgl/ when SR went down
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
keks and dramu
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every few days
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
/cgl/, /vg/ /cow/

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Derailing threads with race discussion or sjw discussion
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Seeing drama go down
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
About 20-30%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Don't care
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 sounds good.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Derailing threads
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I'm not good at spotting samefagging but I think the ID system works fine if samefagging is a problem.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Not really, I've really liked the staff and moderation on this site.

No. 1078

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Better than PULL and better than /cgl/, hands down.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually just read – I occasionally post.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Originally daily, but now I’ve been checking anywhere from 4-7 times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. I’ve been lurking 4chan for years.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, PULL, /jp/, /a/, /cgl/. Lolcow is probably my number one community right now though.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Overly-sensitive PULLtards and Tumblrcunts. Extremely politically correct people who end up derailing discussions because their feelings get hurt or whatever.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I can really relate to the community, mostly because it’s predominately female. I like the drama and the discussions in /pt/. I also REALLY like the management and moderation here – I cannot even begin to TELL you how much I admire the way you run things, Admin-sama.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
(I usually like to go through old threads and pick up info on new cows, so I gradually ignore less and less threads.)
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

15-20%? I would say moving them to /b/ is a good option. I wouldn’t lock anything unless it is strictly having a negative impact on the board – keep discussions going unless they’re really hitting the fan and are becoming absolute shit.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral, I guess. I can’t really tell which users are from those boards.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree. I see enough social justice shit on tumblr and arguments are getting old and irritating.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly Agree, but I believe that limiting certain topics (such as race) is necessary.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Agree. Slightly, but I notice it’s been gradually declining over the course of a few months.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Neutral. I would have more mods actively moderating specific topics, though. Just to make sure everything is flowing correctly and so that things can get moved more efficiently.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Disagree – I’m actually very torn on this. There are lots of threads in /pt/ that I honestly do not give a single shit about (which are about irrelevant, boring people imho) but I think adding too many boards would really spread the site too thin. It’s difficult to navigate through so many boards, honestly.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Banned in /pt/ for the most part. I think /pt/ discussion should only focus on a specific person or a specific topic. I think /b/ would be slightly more acceptable, but meh. I think /g/ would be more acceptable because if you wanted to ask for fashion advice for your specific body type, or if you want to post a selfie of yourself wearing makeup or something then I think it would be OK. I hate self-post THREADS though. I think it would be better if people self-posted for a reason and if it lead to a discussion that could benefit everyone.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I honestly like 17. I know it’s a weird number, but I felt mature enough at that age to contribute to discussions on 4chan and PULL, even though I wasn’t quite an adult yet. Or if anything, just raise it to 18 and enforce this rule on anyone who is below 17? 16 feels a little young to me though, imo.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
“That’s racist,” “That’s transphobic,” “Feminism is actually ___, not ___,” and any other comments that give off an SJW or Tumblr vibe. Honestly, there are communities and spaces for that kind of thing, and I don’t want it to be on here.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Not really. Just give a short ban to people who do it to the point where it becomes annoying or way too excessive. I don’t like poster IDs, but that’s just my opinion, man.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
I think y’all have a great moderation style – probably one of the best I’ve seen from a community in a long time.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nope! You guys are awesome! Just add another mod or too.

No. 1079

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

One or two months after the beginning.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
An outlet for bitchyness.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Read: 5 times per week; Write: 2 times per week
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
5 times per week for ca. 45 minutes.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yes, Stamina rose and Maxfag or whatever it was called.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Used: Pull
Use: Tumblr, /cgl/

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

(race)baiting and people responding to bait, Derailing in general
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Admin is awesome, I like the honesty, the humor and sometimes being nice but without coddling but mostly the juicy drama.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ and /g/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
20%, moving them to the more appropriate board /b/

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Agree (just a little bit, like ending annoying off topic discussion after being asked multiple times to take it to /b/)
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

No, whoever is stupid enough to selfpost obvious enough should be laughed at.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 would be good but I'm fine with 16 too.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Race discussions, derailing, "Hi, [insert lolcow]" as response to a random post who isn't negative
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Not really.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
You are doing great so far. There are little things that could be changed with a slightly stricter moderation. But so far I am happy.

No. 1082

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
I migrated here after stamina rose went down.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

I heard about it from one of this girl who had a thread made about her and she was bawwwing about it on tumblr.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Fun threads, but easily derailed.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

I just turned 25.

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I almost never post, just read.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Once a week

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

I used to post on 789chan before it turned into fedora/ neckbeard island.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?'

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

I am a kiwi farmer for life and I love it. I have tumblr for my water colors?

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

people derailing threads with stupid fights. They go on for soooo long and it is SO boring to read. I have to sift through so much bullshit fighting to get to the actual topic of the threads.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

I like how we can A-log the cows a little. That's pretty fun. Its nice to just say " wow this chick is hella ugly" sometimes and have everyone agree.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

only like 4/10. I like PT and kailyn or Rosie but these pro-ana cam girls are all the same.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

Most of them? Again, they're all the same.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

The kiwi farms has a rating system that seems to work. But they're a forum….

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Way too much

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

sure, but I'm not going to cry if someone deletes a shitpost.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

it's fine

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.

No I dont like most of it.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Yes definitly.

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Call me a party pooper, but yeah needs WAY stricter rules.

>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

I have no idea.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?


>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

pff like anyone is going to even care.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

yes. bitches need to shut the fuck up about how fucking ana they are. Also one person shit posts and then like, 20 people call her out, and the thread is completely derailed. Just ignore it.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Kiwi farms has a really good, high quality posters. You should look to them.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Just…. do something about all the arguing in the threads. It's so annoying.

No. 1083

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Right around the time Stamina Rose went down.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

When Stamina Rose died I figured there must be a replacement. So I googled some PT stuff and this site came up.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A good replacement for no fun allowed /cgl/.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

30 like.

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I read as many threads that interest me. I usually post several times a week. But only if I have something to say.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

If I'm online and board I will see what's going on. So it's usually daily.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

No. I was on 4chan for years.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

Yes. I migrated to Maxfag when /cgl/ outlawed dramu. But I moved over to Stamina Rose before Maxfag died.

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

4chan boards such as /cgl/, /vr/, /vg/, /v/ and Tumblr.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Vendetta threads posted to /pt/. I'm seeing a lot of things in the vein of "Look at this bitch's awful shoop and her ugly horse face. She's so fat." type stuff being posted. Someone like that is NOT a lolcow unless there is some real milk to be had. If people can't post examples of what makes that person a lolcow and there's no entertaining drama to be had then it belongs on /b/.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

It reminds me of the old /cgl/ days before it got boring.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/pt/ hands down!

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Maybe 20-30%. I'm mainly here for PT since I've been following her since the early days. But there are other lolcows I enjoy and I may check out new ones from time to time.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

60-70%. I'll usually look at anything just to check it out the first time. But many of the so-called lolcows just aren't up to par or are downright boring compared to our queen.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

I'm going to say that maybe 50-60% of the threads. There's a lot of vendetta and threads derailed beyond saving. I don't feel that people like Berry are even lolcows and while people like her obviously are enjoyable to some they just don't belong on /pt/. I think a containment board like /v/ for vendetta or something would be a good idea. That way people could still enjoy the site and we could keep the integrity of /pt/ as a board for real lolcows intact. An alternative would be just moving them to /b/ I guess.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

Strongly agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Agree. But I don't like the way it is abused with the sentiment of "I can say what ever I want without repercussions, but you can't because you'll hurt my fee fees". I wish people would use free speech more responsibly.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

Strongly agree

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

Disagree. A separate containment board for non-lolcows people want to talk about or moving threads to /b/ is a better alternative.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Strongly agree. We don't need to be a beacon for attention whores and self created drama.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

Neutral. I don't think it would make a difference. It's harder to enforce than people realise and you could have immaturity spanning many age groups. But I definitely don't want young teens on here. I don't think anyone does. 18+ might be better in theory but I think 16+ is fine for now.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

I'm really sick of the racist arguments. It's really getting irritating. It derails the thread and goes on forever. I think that type of posting should be banned from /pt/. If the lolcow is a racist then care would have to be taken in how we discuss their racism without it devolving into total thread derailment.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Neutral. I'd change my mind though if the increasing population causes it to be a serious issue. Mo' users mo' problems.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Disagree. I think we're doing fine in that department. We just need to maintain good order.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I'm satisfied overall with this place. I just don't want it to become a big disorganized mess. I don't want to see too many boards here. I like it small and cozy. I don't want to see a containment board for every offshoot topic. /b/ is fine for most things. I just hope in the future the racebait derailment will get better and derailment in general.

No. 1084

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
After the first Ashley (spoopy) thread
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Through her old url (ghostxperfume)
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Keeps me occupied during fag breaks and bored moments
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Old enough to know better…
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Lurker unless I happen upon something I can make a joke about, so about 3x overall
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
When I smoke
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Lurker only, for entertainment value, but 2 8ch boards, kiwifarms (thanks Nick) and Tumblr. Mostly for lols but there's a couple of blogs I genuinely like. Browsed PULL for the FF drama but the place made me shudder.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Recently there has been an influx from PULL and GOMI but that's not necessarily a bad thing; communities need new members to thrive, but jumping on people because you think they "belong" somewhere else just derails the thread
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It's a nice antidote to the Tumblr hugbox (not that I have a blog) and generally everyone who posts here seems reasonably sane
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/, never really been in /b/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
10 - 15. But sometimes I read slow threads on a semi-regular basis so including those probably 40ish
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I know it's a pain in the ass but if you can check IPs in the first 20 posts per thread, you should be able to detect selfposting and revengeposting which are the main causes of thread cancer here

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Neutral (it's slowed down)
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Don't care

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Self posting is funny as in /pt/, keep that shit going. I see how some people want to relate their personal experiences to certain threads, and perhaps don't want to do so under their own name, so selfposting (referring to continually bringing oneself up in threads) should be done elsewhere.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 is fine, if you're gonna lie about your age online it doesn't really matter what number you go for. FTR I'm way over 18
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I think using user IDs could encourage people looking for internet notoriety to use this site, shitpost and fuck up every thread. Perhaps instead Admin-sama could routinely check the IPs of the first 20 posts per thread to look for patterns.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Actually, I think lolcow has it just right. There's got to be somewhere for everyone on the internet and this fills the gap betweet /cow/ and PULL nicely
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
not given yourself enough time off. Can you block posts based on race word filters?!

No. 1087

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

It's been almost a year now. I was active on /cgl/ for a long time, but the rules got too restrictive. I mainly had a lot of beef with Suzy/mortemor and found this site and really got addicted to actually talking about these scamming, lying bitches when everyone else kisses their ass.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I was on reddit and randomly googled shit to see if any forums were talking shit about certain e-celebs. I was on Pretty little liars for a while, but then the mods got insane and you couldn't say any actual bad stuff about people even if it was true. Too much ass kissing there. I found this place through a user who recommended it to me when the Yukapon thread died after we couldn't say anything bad about her.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A place where you can be free to express how you feel about someone and let the truth be known.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I lurk in most threads, but post frequently in at least two-three.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
At least once a day. If a thread is very active, then I'll be on more often.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. I was on 4chan around 2007
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I've only lurked there.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
4chan /cgl/ /a/, pretty little liars, reddit, tumblr.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

I see a lot of sjws coming in here and derailing threads too often. Idiots posting about their EDs and how fat they feel and their breast implacts. no one fucking cares.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Sometimes people here are assholes, but there still seems to be a sense of let's stick to this thing and laugh at this e-celeb together.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Out of let's say…25 threads, I would probably follow about 6 or 7. The others I skim over if the person is interesting enough.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
More than half.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I haven't seen any in a while unless I missed it or didnt pay attention.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Neutral/Don't care.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Don't care. It's good for others, but I won't frequent it. And the name /g/ for girl-interest topics sounds like a teenager hang out. Aren't most of us here over 21?
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Neutral. I haven't seen any real issues lately.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Disagree. I don't understand what you mean by split. Split how?

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Strongly agree. Yes. Self posting is obnoxious unless it has to do with the topic in the already made thread.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16? Dear lords. I thought the age was 18+. 18+ seems much more reasonable. I would prefer 21+ honestly. Yes, please raise it. Strongly Agree.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
I'm deathly sick of the emphasis some people have with eyebrows and noses. Like, shut the fuck up already. If you want to talk about how some e-celeb is a piece of shit, then yes. But no one cares about their nails or eyebrows.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
No, I don't think it's harsh enough to cause issues. It only happens sometimes.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No, you're fine.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Farmers should be more active when derailing is going down.

No. 1088

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
I would say that I have been lurking for at least a year now.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I don't recall the exact details, but I think that had someone mentioned lolcow when a question came up about staminarose's admin calling it quits.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
My daily dose of keks and drama.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I tend to lurk more than anything.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Almost everyday.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
People engaging in pissing contests about shit that nobody cares about and essentially derailing/shitting up perfectly good threads.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The community more or less is very straight forward with a good sense of humour. Users can be quite helpful and understanding when it is warranted.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
Probably /pt/, but I enjoy the others a well.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
About 20-25% of threads.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Anywhere between 75-80% of threads. I generally ignore threads that haven't been updated for a few days.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I find that the admin has a good handle of dealing with OT threads, so I don't have much to say about that.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

As other farmers mentioned, self-posts are usually easy to spot and the community is often quick to call them out. People will always self-post regardless of whether or not it is allowed in the rules and so I don't see why we should bother?
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I would prefer that the age limit be increased to 18.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Excessive thread derailment…I can accept people going on the odd tangent here and there, but if I have to sift through what feels like piles of shit to get back on topic it becomes annoying.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I think that same-fagging can get out of hand but the admin usually takes care of those situations on a case by case basis. I am not too keen on the idea of unique IDs.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Just keep doing you.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
The staff here is probably the best of any image board I have visited thus far. My only suggestion would be to expand the mod team just slightly so that the board can be monitored across more timezones.

No. 1092

File: 1437851065346.jpg (157.04 KB, 450x591, toothed-vagina.jpg)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Lurking since last year, probably October.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

/cgl/, where I also lurk

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Talkin some real $Hit

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Just read

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

every damn day

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?

FB, /an/ /co/ /tv/ /adv/ /fit/ /ck/ /cgl/ /a/, random 420chan

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

No such thing as ethical shit talking
obviously I lurk so i'm shady too, but if the site were to disappear it would be the right thing to do

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

good reaction images, good reading material about people whose actual lives mean nothing to me while i hit the blong and pet a cat

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?


>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

the rest

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Cut the archive down to 10 pages, have all posts be locked and redirected to locked thread board

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.


>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.

i don't know

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

i don't pay attention to that

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

I don't post, I have no say. I wouldn't shit post and I personally have no beef with any of the people here or posted here. I laugh at people and feel bad about it. the cycle of life

>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

to get it removed, a person must deliver concrete evidence that it's self posting, and a mod can verify / remove it.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

18+, for posting 18+ people only

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

that happens in every board i've ever been on

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

randomize unique poster IDs yas

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

just go with it mane

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

idk, but maybe a different set of skin filters, this pink on purple on white hurts my brain

No. 1099

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Months ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Awful website full of awful, pathetic people but good for relieving boredom
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Early 20s
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post sometimes.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Now? Daily because I'm banned on 4chan. Usually I check it once in six months or so, just to see what the word is.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/ only.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Legal repercussions.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Lack of Nazi moderating, the ability to steer off-topic and let the conversation flow naturally without fearing the banhammer.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ because it's the most active, I like /g/ better because I don't really care much for lolcows on the internet
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Everything to do with a specific group as opposed to a specific person (HAES, tradfem for example)
At the same time, if moved to another board they wouldn't gain as much traction as they do on /pt/.
I'm for completely removing all threads about non-lolcows. Most of them seem to be vendettas.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly Agree, even when it comes to idiots
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I don't know why anyone would selfpost on lolcow of all places. But if it's relevant to the thread, I don't see why not.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
20, not that it's gonna affect much but I'm tired of obvious underage shitposting á la 'Hi Burry xDDDD' and 'she's so FAT n UGLI lolllll'. Let's just keep the conversation on what they've actually done wrong and not use them to vent our frustrations and chat shit about their appearance.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
The above (nitpicking someone's appearance when it's completely irrelevant to the topic, shitposting, being contrarian for the sake of it), cyberstalking and posting every single thing a lolcow has had for lunch (ED cow threads notwithstanding)
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Not usually. I'd be okay with unique IDs if we also got the ability to edit our posts, but otherwise I wouldn't like it. I usually forget to say things and have to make a separate post to add it in, which is technically samefagging.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not really. I like how 4chan is taking care of things for the most part but I don't like the segregation of topics to their respective boards without considering other factors. One such example are /cgl/ and /fa/, wherein /fa/ has been completely taken over by shitposting teen boys and they ruin every single fucking thread relating to girls, so many of us are forced to hang on /cgl/ and have off-topic threads there whilst being banned if we dare try to talk about normie fashion outside of the cancer that is /fa/.

I really wouldn't want that to happen on cowchan as well.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Cows may be cows but I hope (for the staff's sake) that some privacy rules will be enforced a tad more strictly. Some people seem awfully keen on harassing them more than what's necessary and I don't think that's okay.

No. 1104

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
From the beginning, right after Staminarose got deleted.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
From the link on Staminarose.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
A bunch of catty girls looking for some laughs.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually post more than once a week.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A few times a day if I've got a lot of schoolwork to do (procrastination - actually, I'm doing that now), but there have been times where I've gone weeks without checking.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. Stamina Rose was the first I posted on, but I occasionally lurked /cgl/ and /tv/ before that. Not too frequently, though.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Stamina Rose. I actually wasn't aware that it had a predecessor.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Deviantart (just to clear out messages), Tumblr (formerly), /cgl/ (formerly), /tv/ (formerly). I pretty much only go on lolcow these days.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

This is not PULL. Photoshop does not make somebody a lolcow.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Since we're largely girls, I feel like most posters are coming from a similar place as I am. And there's no MRAs fucking up the place like there is on other boards.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe about 20-25%, though it used to be more.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
About 75-80%.
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Maybe about 20%, if even. For the rest, I don't find the threads that I don't read funny, but I must be in the minority if they keep getting bumped. Moving them to /b/ would be a good option.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Agree, but not strongly. Users from PULL have negatively affected the thread quality to an extent and Tumblr users are occasional minor annoyances in threads.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral/Don't care. Race baiting can be annoying, but it's easy to ignore if it doesn't drag on too long.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Agree, though I haven't actually posted there yet.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Neutral. See below. I do love the threads I follow, though.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree. Farmer Admin is a merciful overlord.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Neutral/Don't care.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Agree. Instead of moving threads about less than lolcow-status people into /b/, it might make for better organization if there was a separate board for lolcalfs or whatever it is we want to call them.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

It can be funny, actually. If they start getting belligerent and nobody's called them out, a reveal may be in order and perhaps a short suspension, but no ban.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I'm going to be difficult and say 17 because 16 seems too low but 18 seems unnecessary.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Obvious pro-ana posts can be damaging, but I don't think there's a way to stop them since judgment is arbitrary.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Samefagging is an issue on /pt/, but it's not bad enough that I think we need a way to prevent it.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No opinion because I haven't ever posted on many websites.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Not really. You seem to step in quickly whenever there's problems.

No. 1110

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
months ago, i cant remember exactly when but it was definitely some time last year
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
i came here after rosechan went under
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
where i come to check up on gossip tbh
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
i read and lurk more than anything else tbh
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
i used to come here everyday but after my laptop went kaput its the first time ive been here in months
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
i lurked staminarose for a while before
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
tumblr pull cgl 4chan

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

to much discussion and flaming about race. we get it, you hate mexicans, now shut up. too much derailment too
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
i live for the drama and people here are funny
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
pt and sometimes b
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
40% i usually dont have the energy to read long threads unless i already know what im getting into/am already invested in the lulz
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
neutral. i havent been here in a while so i cant really say
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
it can be interesting so im kinda neutral on this one too.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
i think its fine where it is
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
soo many derailments. do we need a quarantine thread where people can discuss their thoughts on race so we ca read about our cows without having to shovel through tons of bs? do we already have one?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
eh.. i dont really care about samefagging tbqh
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
nah, you're fine
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1111

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
After StaminaRose went down and The Great Migration occurred.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Not sure… maybe 4chan or googling PixyTeri to find out what happened and saw a posting about the board.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

A place where like minded people can come together to discuss crazy things they have seen without fear of censorship or the PC Police.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

30 - 40

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I read 1-3 times and post when I have something to add or say.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

1-3 times a week.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Shitposters, trolls and PT deleting all her internet presence.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

The regulars are eloquent, intelligent posters who usually post polite and thoughtful content.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

About 75%

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I think it should be 18. There should be an expectation for maturity to interact here. I like to think that we come here to vent and get away from our regular lives by talking about something that is so far removed from what we experience everyday. We know that we don't shitpost our IRL friends and we don't cause drama IRL.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

There are a few, but they are fads that come and go. Give it enough time and they will be replaced with something else just as annoying.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Unique poster IDs would be good. I don't know much about it, but could a samefagger just get around it by using a different device from the original post such as a phone to make another post and generate a separate ID?

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Our Admin does a pretty good job so no real suggestions.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I have not seen anything yet. Admin-sama has done a great job and shows fairness and investigation before making a decision so keep up the good work.

No. 1113

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Maybe about 5-6 months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I don't recall where I heard about it, but I found it looking up various cosplayers.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
I'm not sure I can do that.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually just read
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Maybe every few weeks
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. I've also lurked on 4Chan
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, PULL, /cgl/

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

I can't think of anything
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The anonymity and telling it like it is.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe 1-5%?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
95 - 99%
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I can't think of any. Sorry.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly disagree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Eh. If there's a problem, the community will do something about it.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 seems reasonable. There isn't a specific numerical value that could be assigned to maturity.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Doesn't matter. There are ways to work around every fix.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1115

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a year ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Via /cgl/, I believe it was mentioned in relation to PT
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
The internet equivalent of readings trashy magazines and watching car crash TV.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I participate in a few but not on a regular basis
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Usually twice a day; eating breakfast and then something to do at night when bored
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, Livejournal (BtB, Gyaru Secrets, GTFO, lolisecret), tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Users linking cows to their page. Let them find it on their own if they're going to but you end up cutting off most of our sources; they delete tumblrs, lock down FB, private twitter etc.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
That we band together as community. If someone is taking shit too far we will call you out on it no matter who the cow is.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ as whilst /b/ can be funny, it's SJW/vendetta shit.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I only lurk the first 3 pages at most I read about 5 threads regularly. So about 15-20% of those pages.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
90% since I don't lurk past page 3 unless a cow I'm following as went down a page
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
I haven't seen any that don't belong I find admin deals with them efficiently as is. /b/ seems the best place, too many boards spoils the broth and all that.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Don't care but I know off-topic bitching and slanging matches annoy some people
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
Don't care

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

If you're stupid enough to be so obvious in your self posting you deserved to be laughed at. Keep it.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

Think it should be 18+ but it's hard to enforce

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

"Privilege", "hi x" (annoying af on cgl too), any SJW-vibe shit; if you're looking to not be offended you're in the wrong place buddy.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I think we'd all be lying if any of us said we'd never samefagged at some point. The only place I've really seen it be a problem is the Spoony thread. Bump ID's on that thread and see how much samefagging actually goes on. Otherwise I'm easy about whether IDs happen or not, doesn't bother me.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

Nope, I think you guys have a nice balance. I wish /cgl/ janitor took some advice from you

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?


No. 1120

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

Since staminarose shut down.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

See question 1.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Gossipchan that used to be good but has declined greatly in quality.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Used to post, now I only read

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Used to be everyday, but now it's less frequent

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

PULL for a hot minute but left due to offending people and not sensoring myself.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Too many youngn's. Can't give critical discussion or opinions without "OMG I BET YOUR SOOOOOO UGLY YOU BITCH" and I also hate how errone is crazy about discussing black people and race and shit.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

I like how witty some people are

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?


>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

like 4 or 5

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?


>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

I mean, none. Unless they're vendetta

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

strongly agree

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

strongly agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

strongly agree

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

dont care

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.

strongly agree

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

strongly agree but then again idk cuz I personally dont like this admin.

>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?


>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

strongly agree

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?


>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?


>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

i like how free/liberal youtalktrash is. however the girl in charge is fucking nuts.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

YES. The admin did not fix the issues in the thread I made. Tess Holliday's thread has too many fucking people talking about how fat they are and the admin won't delete their posts or at least explain why that shit is allowable. It clogs up the board and everyone is clearly sick of it and requests these people to shut the fuck up. But the admin won't even respond to my post I made in the suggestions thread.

No. 1123

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
I think last year.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Friend told me about it.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Great place where we can all vent and enjoy our dramu.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Early 20s.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Usually read, rarely post.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A few times a month, depending on if I remember it and what threads are active.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No (4chan and other smaller chans).
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, other 4chan boards,
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Thread derailing.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The dramu and how open/honest it all is.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe 40% at most
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Unsure, haven't lurked enough lately.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Agree (depends on the thread, if it's relavent it's okay)
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Yes on /pt/, unless relevant to a thread, no on /b/ if it's not just about that one person.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
No, I doubt people will bother following the rules, but you can set it to 18 anyway because nudes do get posted sometimes.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Long back-and-forths between a few users that clog up threads and become irrelevant quickly. I'd prefer if they're moved somehow. Only other thing is idiots who complai about threads instead of hiding them.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I don't think it's an issue, but unique IDs could be added if others feel like it's needed.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No, moderation here is great.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1124

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
After staminarose went tits up.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Googling /pt/ really.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Gossipy but honest bitching.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Post about once a day every two days or so.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Every day.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

Yes indeed.

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

/cgl/, /cow/, tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Off-topic derailment and vendetta posting.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Blunt honesty most of the time and we all dislike the same people.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/pt/ for the lolcows.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

I'd say 60 percent.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

About 30 percent mostly the ana/ed ones since I am an ex anorexic and I don't enjoy reading about it.

>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)

Moving them to /b/ if they really are offtopic. Or creating a new board for 'minor' lolcows. Like a pasture.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly agree.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Strongly agree.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

Strongly agree.

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

Strongly agree.

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I think self posting pics should be banned in /pt/. In /g/ it's fine, but anywhere else it's kind of excessive and nobody cares.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

16 is fine as long as the 16 year old's realise what they're getting into.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Pretty tired of that misandry post already…

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Not really a problem to me.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?


>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Nope. I love this board.

No. 1138

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a year ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Googled a cow
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Bitter but juicy
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every other day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
OT discussion
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It is anonymous
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Half of the active ones
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Other half

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Agree, except w OT issues
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly agree
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Only if it is irrelevant
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Racist comments, inecessary self-inserting
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Set a limit
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1139

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Started lurking like 4 month ago posting since less than a month.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Anonymous mean girls.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
20 yrs old.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I'll post a lot if there an active interesting thread.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Twice a week when there is nothing intersting, multiple time a day when I'm into a thread.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, /cgl/
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Fucking fatties, I hate them. Racial issues are boring and anoying also.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Being bitchy and knowing what people "really think". No censor, that's cool.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
Love love GirlTalk because I love being able to be super honnest disgusting and narcissistic. /pt/ stay the best.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
50 % maybe
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
moving to /b/ and /g/ should be enough.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree goddamn. Particulary fatties.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Agree. But it's giving us milk, sooo…
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I think we should give no fuck about selfposting. They'll get insulted and mocked, that's all.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Robots, selfposting, "ana-bitch". people coming in a thread to cry because they don't like the subjects of the thread.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Random Id would be super cool.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1142

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
- Two months ago probably.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
- Some freelice-related blog on Tumblr mentioned the site.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
- Last safe haven.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
- Female.
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
- 26 lol
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
- Just lurking. Sometimes I write massive replies on threads but then I remember that no1curr.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
- Probably every day I'm home.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
- Naw.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
- Naaw.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
- Tumblr, pull, 4chan.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
- Tumblrians who come here to be tumblrians. (Turning everything into either a race, privilege, sexuality or really any fight.)
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
- Anonymity and the moderation.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
- Hmm, many percent yes. I read on new people I don't know about when I'm bored, which turns it sorta-following a lot of threads.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
- Idk, 5%?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
- Selfposting doesn't obviously belong in there. Also vendetta threads or just plain forcing of new cows.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
- Strongly agree.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
- Don't care.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
- Strongly agree. Sometimes it adds to a thread but mostly doesn't.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
- Agree. If nothing else, it lets people spot the idiot in the crowd.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
- Don't care.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
- Agree.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
- Neutral, idek, haven't been here long enough to have a say.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
- Agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
- Don't care.
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
- Neutral.
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
- Agree for /pt/ because it serves no actual purpose if I understood the question right. /b/ is okay doe, it should be a sandbox.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
- Disagree.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
- Discussions that don't add to threads or derailing or making threads turn into anon's complaining about their lives. Or people from PULL trying to make lolcow into PULL mk2.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
- Idk next
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
- Naaw.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
- Nah, they've done a good job staying cool, calm and collected. If anything should be changed it would be faster reacting to racebaiting and people pitting against eachother, but then again it's fraydom of spech. Right? Don't be afraid to hammer in case it gets messy.

No. 1174

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a year ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Mentioned on /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Great place to laugh and mock awful people
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range with a span of 2-3 years, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post a couple times a week
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Daily for dat milk
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
I've lurked 4chan, mostly /cgl/ for many many years until it went to shit and 8chan for a while
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
/cgl/, /a/, /toy/, /cow/ to a lesser extent
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
I've noticed that since the /r9k/ invasion there's been lots of posts with racebaiting /pol/ shit, offtopic posts with complete irrelevant discussion (the fucking cats thing in the Charms thread to note)
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The mods are really good and there's a nice community of people who share similar interests to me. How everyone beautifully comes together to laugh at cows
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ mostly
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I actively follow about 50% but have read almost every one out of curiosity
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you completely ignore and think should not be in /pt/?
Now that /snow/ exists I think it's gotten a lot better. I don't think they should be removed but it's a bit annoying when a thread has been dead for months and someone makes 1 moot post which I ignore
>16. If you think some threads which are currently in /pt/ should not be there, what do you think is the best way of handling them?
Lock, move to /snow/ or /b/
17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>17j. /pt/ should be split into more than one board. (Please elaborate if you choose "agree" or "strongly agree".)
This has already happened with /snow/ I'm assuming
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
With /b/ no. In /pt/ it's normally pretty obvious and gets called out but sometimes causes a witch hunt. Should probably just be banned.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Race discussion, people samefagging (especially w/ race stuff), overflow of stupid /r9k/ shit, pointless commentary from bitter or jealous people from PULL that shits up a thread (note Dakota and Himeka thread talking about ami and harping how they're ugly and SO not kawaii desu for the millionth time)
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding unique poster IDs like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I think it's an issue mostly in /b/ now but we should stay anonymous
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I think there needs to be swifter bans and enforcement in /b/ because lolcow doesn't have the biggest userbase and any legitimate discussion gets drowned in shitposting from /pol/ and /r9k/ but otherwise the mods are excellent. Perhaps more moderation for off topic posts, especially in /pt/. That's all just nitpick though

No. 1175

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Few weeks ago, when bored at work.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Well… /r9k/ I was really bored, i guess.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

It's a female dominated chan

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age?


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

I just can't stop posting. It's pleasant.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Several times a day

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

No, I've been posting on 4chan since i'm 15. I also lurked 8chan a bit.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them:

4chan's /ic/, /v/, tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

/r9k/ and 8chan raids. Deluded, mysogynist, "red pilled" men in general.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Feeling like i'm not alone, women i can relate to.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/b/ and /g/. I would prefer /b/ because i'm not interested in fashion at all.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

something like 10-20%. They're not the main reason I'm coming here, as i said.

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?


>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option?

I don't know.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly agree.

>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Neutral. People (especially racist, sexist, homophobic ones) believe freedom of speech is a freepass to insult and bash people as much as you want to. Like the French says "Your freedom stops where the freedom of others begin". Freedom is more about responsability than immature mayhem.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

Agree, it can help to attract and make stay other females.

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.

I don't know

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

Agree, we need to discourage /pol/tards and robots

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Disagree, laughing at yourself is the highest kind of humor

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

Neutral, underaged users will just fake their age anyway

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

4chan hivemind and buzzwords, people talking about "biotruths" to talk about social issues (like gender or """race""" issues), mistaking feminists with tumblr feminazis

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Strongly agree, please add IDs

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

I have no idea

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I don't think it has been done poorly, since this chan has been primarly made to make fun of, well, lolcows. But i'd like to see more interests related boards if the chan become faster and more populated. For example art, video games, animals, history boards. Having only one board like this about traditional feminine feminine stuff is a bit reducing.

No. 1179

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
2 years ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Someone mentioned it on /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Catty women gossiping about weebs.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every few days or weeks.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
None currently. Previous were 4chan's /g/, /cgl/, /fa/, and [s4s]. Also Tumblr and wizardchan.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
The raids from 8ch and /r9k/. People in threads arguing over gender or race.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Anonymity and content.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. What percentage of threads currently in /pt/ do you think do not belong there, if any? If there are some, what do you think is the best way of handling them? Locking them, moving them to /b/, making a new board and moving them there, or some other option? (Note: I am against deleting threads. I only lock or move, not delete.)
Haven't noticed any threads that should be removed.

17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

Strongly agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Strongly Agree
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
It should be banned anywhere on this site. This is an anonymous imageboard. Not a blog. If they really need self assurance, they can take it over to sites created for that sort of thing such as Facebook or Instagram.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
This can't really be controlled. It would be great if only people the age of 21+ posted here however.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
SJWs and /r9k/ anything needs to go.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
It's not a problem here unless someone is trolling or white knighting which doesn't happen too often. Putting IDs would be majorly off putting and definitely takes away anonymity. It's also flashy and distracting.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
None in particular come to mind.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No, lolcow staff is all gucci.

No. 1193

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
when staminarose died
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
i forget!
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
a place to laugh at others.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5.What, roughly, is your age?
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
i read mostly. i post on an occasion.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
youtalktrash, efagz before it turned to utter sjw shit

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

people whining about white people.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
fellow weebs, can be funny but that's rare
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? pt & snow
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
yeah, it's ok
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
strongly agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
strongly agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree. stop the tumblr bullshit
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
don't care
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
idc, it's hilarious sometimes
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
yes, 18 is good
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
sjw posts
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1200

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a year ago.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

A friend sent me a link to a thread.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

More lolcow drama without too much 4chan butthurt fedora flair.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?

>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Between 20-25

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Usually post more than once a week, esp. if a thread holds my attention.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

Once or twice a day; more or less depending on the content though. Sometimes I go a few weeks without lolcow, sometimes I check multiple times per day.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

Nope, used 4chan before.

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?

No. Tbh I completly missed Stamina Rose, I had never heard of that site beofre I arrived here.

>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

Tumblr, /cgl/, I like to read ED articles.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Offtopic discussions which get out of hand. Especially race/weight issues (and the occaasional Loli discussion). Once in a while when a thread gets derailed again I wish an admin would step in.
Also, servers sometimes are extremly slow.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Catty bitches, yet people ar emore calm and rational than on many other anonymous platforms.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

Almost exclusively /pt/.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

About 4-6 threads.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Neutral. Tumblr SJW aren't as strong as the twisted panties on this site might imply.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Agree. Keep that annoying racism discussion in /pol/. They're worse than tumblr.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Neutral, have never been on this board.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly agree.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Should stay banned on /pt/. In /b/, I suppose if it is beneficial to the thread and explicity asked for it should be alright.

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

I wouldn't mind the minimum age being 18.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Can't think of anything specific.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Samefagging occurs, and I would appreciate mor estricter rules on it to avoid too much samefagging. If the samefagging gets too much out of hand, ban the user.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Nah, you guys are doing great. nc ein a while it would be nice if you would step in more when discussions get too offtopic or bait-ey (weight, race, etc). Otherwise I like ou, keep up the good job and thank you very much for all you are doing!

No. 1204

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
a month or two ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
on /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
The high-school drama I never had.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post often.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
various 4chan boards
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe ⅓-¼
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
I'd say half
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Most of the /pt/ threads I wasn't interested in moved there, so yes.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
agree - they are funny, but it does get a bit irritating
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
I haven't seen any and I think that they are ok. If people want to talk about it they should be able to.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I've rarely seen anyone self post here. I don't think it should be banned as people can govern
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
No. 16 is good, and if it were 18 I wouldn't be able to post!

>20. Are there specific behaviours, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?


>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomised unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Randomised poster IDs (individual for each thread) would be very nice.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

The ones currently in place are alright

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

You guys are awesome.

No. 1205

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
I can't remember exactly, but probably around 6 or 7 months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I first heard about it on /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
I'm 21.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I definitely post less than once a week. I pretty much exclusively lurk.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Almost daily. I need that supply of milk after a hard day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I lurked Stamina Rose until the bitter end.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, other 4chan boards
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
There's been an influx of kids who are posting useless comments such as "ikr :D" or "I use that foundation, too!" etc. Basically, newer people posting content that isn't productive for the conversation.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I love how the lolcow community seems to be a group of people mature enough to have discussions without petty arguments or go off the tracks too much.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/, my one and only.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I'd say I keep up with at least 4 at once, so maybe 10 percent?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Like, 85 or 90 percent. Some people don't interest me enough and others I get sick of and will return to later on when other threads die.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
I just opened it for the first time. Seems alright, though it's kind of a break off of /pt/. I like the cleanliness of /pt/, now, though. I'd say from a first glace it's a good idea.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
strongly agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
On /pt/, definitely. Since I don't use /b/, I don't have an opinion there.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I would say 18 because there are spoilers with occasional nudity. Although a lot of it isn't porn, per se, there is some graphic content that is in fact illegal for some countries to be revealing to minors. Underage kids will come in either way.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
I'm pretty sick of irrelevant content. "My boyfriend said she's ugly lol :D" does not contribute to a thread.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I like the lack of number things for anons, but I do think samefagging is a bit of an issue. It tends to derail a thread, so I think a rule of removing these individuals needs to be enforced.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I love the way this site is. Truly, I wouldn't change much of anything. The only thing I'd say is maybe a few other administrators to keep an eye on threads to crack down on dumbasses derailing a decent amount, samefagging, and to set the rules when there is questionable content (such as the posting or removal of questionable pictures).

No. 1207

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Back when it was MaxFag
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
My daily dose of drama.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
Female but I really don't take it seriously
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Mostly just read
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Anywhere from once a day to once every few days, depending on what's going on
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I posted occasionally on SR and lurked on MF
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
You Talk Trash, /cgl/, Guru Gossip, /cow/, tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

The raids are awful, but I think that just in general the quality of posting has decreased (coinciding with summer), with people making posts that don't actually add to the topic at hand or outright derail the thread.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
For the most part, we're pretty mature and well-balanced. It's also just nice to have some fellow catty bitches to vent with.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ mostly, but I like the vibes of /g/ and /b/.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe 10%? I stick to a few threads at a time unless something particularly juicy is going on.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Probably 60%.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Yes! I hope it decreases the number of shittily-cobbled together vendetta posts in /pt/.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Agree, but I don't seem to see them as often in the threads I frequent.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Agree. Although I occasionally dislike the things people post here, I realize I'm literally on an anonymous message board and this shit is par for the course. As long as it's not anything specifically harmful or threatening to another person's existence, I really don't care too much.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Agree. It's fun to have a spot to hang out away from /pt/.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Agree. I think the site's being run pretty well, but bans should be longer.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Extreme forms of self-posting (selfies, long-winded personal stories) definitely do not belong on /pt/. I don't mind small anecdotes to give background as long as they're making a point, but when more than half the post is about themselves, that's when it becomes self-posting. I think it's acceptable on /b/ or /g/ depending on if the thread calls for it or not.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
It should be raised to 18 due to things like nudes that occasionally get leaked/posted on /pt/. Underage kids will always lurk/post anyway regardless of age limits, so it likely won't deter any underage posters. But I think 18 is a good solid age to have it at just to be safe.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I do think samefagging is a problem, especially when poorly-made vendetta threads get made in /pt/ and suddenly have a lot of suspicious activity. It would be nice to have a way to identify posters to make sure whatever infighting/discussion happening in /pt/ threads can be directed at who it's intended for. But I don't think individualized IDs would be suited to lolcow's environment. I'd like stricter rules on samefagging in threads (perhaps even with admins calling it out) where it becomes a clear nuisance to the thread's quality/topic.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not that I can think of!
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Running a site like this is a lot of work, so I commend you for doing it so well! I have no serious issues with how it's run besides the issues with samefagging/post quality and thread derailing. You're a lot more responsive and "present" than admins/mods on other imageboard sites, and the fact that you're even putting this survey out is proof you value our opinion. So thank you!

No. 1215

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a year ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
It was mentioned on /cgl/ as an alternative (if one wanted to talk about drama).
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Girls getting their daily dairy supply from weeaboos, bitches, and "e-celebs."
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
early 20's
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
more than once a week.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
2-3 times a day maybe?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I lurked SR a few times.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, other 4chan boards (/ck/ and /vg/)

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

the trickling influx of robots and /cow/ posters into female-oriented threads.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Sense of community despite being anon, female-oriented topics, and especially the humor.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I read and like /pt/ the most, I think.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Probably 40-50% of the active ones.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
about 50%, I'd say.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Yes and no. I could see how it could be split later down the line, but there are still a decent amount of vendetta/not lolcow threads popping up in /pt/.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Not if it's relevant or creates lulz. It shouldn't be used to start a thread unless it's one of our main cows (pt, kota, venus), but that's unlikely.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 seems fine.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
"Male here," "here's a girl I don't like" in /pt/, selfposting for fame or to increase popularity
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
It happens, but is usually obvious when it does. Seems tolerable to me, as it is.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Not really!

No. 1216

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
At the beginning of this year
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Someone was talking about Ashley and Erika on GOMI and referenced this site
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
The best place on the internet to make fun of bitches and be a cunt.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post a few times a week, depending on how the milk is flowing and how annoying the other farmers are being
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
few times a day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I don't visit them anymore really since I found lolcow but GOMI and /cow/
I visit reddit a lot
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Lack of milk! sometimes people just aren't acting out on the internet and then other farmers start to post about petty, uninteresting bullshit
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Anonymity, the fact that we can pretty much say whatever we want without the mods bitching at you. I also love the fact that this is a majority-female imageboard, which is almost like an oxymoron.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
agree somewhat
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
agree somewhat
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
disagree, i think the mods are doing pretty good
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
slef posts should only be allowed in /b/ or /snow/
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
i don't think it actually matters as i doubt it will deter anyone
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
nitpicking shit, obviously salty/jealous bitches, race baiting
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I like the idea of unique poster ideas so that we can call people out about samefagging and lol at them
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
maybe more hands on deck when annoying bitches need to be banned

No. 1217

File: 1442038501249.jpeg (43.1 KB, 663x442, Polar-Bear-158431759626.jpeg)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Only a few months. I'm not sure, maybe half a year
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Well I really like gossip shit. I was looking up stuff about Ash the spoopy skeleton and I found this and PULL.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
One big kek
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Almost everyday
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
Kinda sorta
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Just here mostly. Used to go on PULL, but they're all really fucking annoying so I left after a week. Tumblr not as much. Too much SJW shit.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Crappy threads being made. Vendetta stuff.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
People are mean, but also people are caring. It's a nice balance.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
Proably /pt/. I like /g/ a lot.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe 45%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Yeah, more boards more fun
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly Agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Maybe, that girl that caused Kaka drama is annoying. That thread is stupid.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
I think 16 is young but honestly its whatever whatever
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
It's fucking annoying. Unless you can tell someone really is samefagging
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not sure don't ask meee
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nope. Mods are pretty good at what they do.

No. 1219

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
After SR died.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Idk anymore
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Great source for lulz
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
Close to 30
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Depends on the thread, some are "lurking only" and some not
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
Tumblr, /cgl/, PULL chat
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
thread derailing
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
freedom of speech
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/, rarely /snow/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Yes, less complaining in /pt/ about somebody not being lulzy
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Tumblr - strongly agree, PULL - disagree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
strongly agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
I don't think it should be banned but there should be a warning to selfpost on own risk
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
No as some cows discussed are about that age range and some of their "friends" may provide material for lulz
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
When some people take things posted about cows too personal and start OT thread derailing
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
No, as long as the person doesn't whiteknight themself
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1220

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
four, five months ago maybe?
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
i was on kiwifarms for a bit and was googling around and found this place.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
the only place i can go to be an asshole
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
im a transmale
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
i only read them, ill only post if i feel like i can contribute.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
two times a day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
tumblr, i used to be on kiwifarms

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

people alerting the cows of their threads, fucking spamming assholes
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
its anonymous and can be really civil at times. also isnt sjw shit like tumblr
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ and /snow/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
maybe 40%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
the remaining 60%, but its mostly because theyve become really long and i cant keep up.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
most certainly

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
neutral, idk about pull but some tumblr assholes come on and sjw everything up and it sucks.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

nah, as long as it contributes i dont mind.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 would be great, haha.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
racial shit, take it to tumblr.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
i dont mind really, unless they could have said it all in one post. i dont mind the id thing, id do it myself if i wasnt such a puss.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
i havent had any problems so far.

No. 1227

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Since it started, after SR went down.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Fun time waste.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Depends, I'm more active when I have free time, otherwise I just lurk.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Ranging from once every few days to several times in a day, again depending on my free time.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, I was on 4chan since I was 14.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yeah, all the way back from /cgl/ pre drama ban.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I don't go to other imageboards anymore, nor do I use Tumblr much.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Obvious bait and people falling for it, sandy cunts unable to let shit go in order to have a discussion.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The fact that it's probably the largest active anonymous female community since the fall of /cgl/.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ and /g/.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Most, I'd say. Except from the Berry thread, got that was cancerous.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
20% or so? Much less since the creation of /snow/.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Excellent idea.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Agree. There used to be.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
In /pt/, yes, absolutely. If it's a relevant thread in /b/ I don't see why not. Self posting I feel like you know when you see it.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
16 is fine.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Butthurt bitches taking shit personal, but unless it's particularly distracting I don't think it's a bannable offence.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I haven't noticed it too much tbh. If it becomes enough of an issue I agree with the implementation of IDs.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
I don't have anything in mind.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Staff is fine, moderation is great.

No. 1234

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
When it first went up.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Came via staminarose.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Gossip site.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Mostly lurk, post maybe 1-3 times per week unless something big is going down.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Twice a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yes, I think as far back as maximumfaggotry? I came from /cgl.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, kiwifar.ms, 8ch, 4ch
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Stupid, derailing posts/threads from shitposters, raids, casuals/summer posters…
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Usually has a pretty good pace to threads (though there are exceptions to this). Seems like some of the most recent/significant gossip gets posted here first, or quickly, as it comes out.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
Only /pt.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
I don't think it was a bad idea, because there were a lot of irrelevant threads on /pt, though I would rather move everything back to /pt, because now /pt is slow. I'd suggest just having a stickied thread for new lolcows that everyone should go through before adding a new thread.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Agree, but mostly because others keep accusing people of being from Tumblr/PULL.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Agree - only when they raid/shitpost.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
STRONGLY AGREE. These should be deleted and the posters suspended, mostly because they are shitposting and ruining threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly Agree. I don't use it, but it's better to take that conversation off of /pt.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Agree, but that's inevitable as the site became more well-known.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Agree - it seems like it's been consistent and fair so far.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Strongly agree.
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Disagree. I don't like self-posting, but one post isn't a big deal (if it's relevant). When someone continually self-posts, they should be warned/removed, though I think the user base usually makes that pretty clear.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Neutral. I don't think the age limit matters, because this is the internet. I do think it would be nice if posters were a little more mature, but I don't think an age limit would really affect that.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Shit-posting, race conversations, exorbitant self-posting, people sharing flat-out wrong information and opinions about social issues.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Yes, I do think it is an issue. I think the problem threads are derailed by the same few people in them. I think IDs would help (and hopefully teach these people how to post better).
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1235

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

march 2015

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

one of the cows posted a link complaining about their thread

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

catty bitches carnival

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?

i'm a girl

>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age?

Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

i read a lot and i do post a lot too but only in specific threads

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?


>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

no, but it's the only one i care about. the others are trash

>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

tumblr, /cgl/, PULL

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

derailers, racism and fatty chans

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

the way most of the members type in an adult way an are actually able to discuss different things in a rational way. and also the fact that we're all here to bitch and gossip, lol

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

i like /snow/ the most right now and i read it the most too

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

maybe 40%

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?


>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?

i love /snow/

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.


>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

strongly agree

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.


>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).


>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

let people post what they want. if they're dumb enough to self post then that's their problem

>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?

16 seems to be okay

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

fatties and ana's arguing, racists, and the fucking xD face

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

it doesn't bother me much

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?


>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

y'all are cool

No. 1239

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
4 months ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Heard it mentioned on /cgl/ and googled the word
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Post more than once a week, but lurk most threads for lulz.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Several times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, /cgl/, kiwifarms, pull

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Too many people going off-topic and talking about themselves or getting butthurt and responding to things too seriously (race/gender topics)
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Many lulz are had. The Admin is nice.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ because all of the others feel like selfposts
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Probably about 50-60%.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Slightly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Slightly Disagree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Slightly Agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
/pt/ definitely. Don't care about the others. When people start saying shit like "I have the same hair, eyes, nose and body type as cow", when people post themselves off-topic, or generally make off-topic discussion.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 seems right for posting, as it is with most imageboards.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Really sick of people talking about MUH TRIGGERS and anything of the like in that phrase. Especially with the annoying red text that sticks out like a sore thumb.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Don't really care.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Efagz, perhaps, but not really phased.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nah, you guys do stuff great. Keep at it.

No. 1243

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
February 2015.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I found out about it because I believe StickyDrama mentioned it on Twitter.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
All of the gossip you won't find on E!.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Post more than once a week (if interesting topics are within the first 3-5 pages).
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Almost every day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
I used to browse 4chan's /mu/, /fa/, /vr/ and /b/ forums and left the site when m00t left.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
SJWs and /r9k/ users.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The fact that we can speak our minds.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
Lately, I've stuck to /b/ (also, like it the most) because I don't know most of the lolcows on /pt/ anymore.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
No, only because it's making the site larger and I enjoyed it more when it was only /pt/ and /b/.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly Agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Strongly Agree
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
It should be banned in /pt/ but allowed on /b/. There is no line to be drawn, in my opinion.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Yes, 18 would be perfect.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I don't think it's an issue. IDs should be added and rules should change, yes.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1271

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Around the time Staminarose went down and people were coming here to talk about the PT CP allegations.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
/cgl/ I believe
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Lolcow is /cgl/ and PULL combined, with the salt and snowflakiness removed.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post only when I have stuff to add, so it depends on the cow and how active they are. I read more than I post.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
I did not
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I frequent /cgl/, Tumblr. I used to use PULL, 8chan.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Lack of organization when it comes to thread. New threadmakers often don't link back to previous threads or don't number them so it's hard to get caught up. Also in catalog mode, it can be hard to search for a cow if the OP hasn't written their name in the subject or description at all.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The users are levelheaded, aren't prone to jealousy, and don't freak the fuck out over dumb shit.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Around 70%
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Around 10%
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
I don't really find it interesting personally.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

I think it should be a case-by-case basis, like with Princess Doll. I liked that admin-sama let it continue and then pointed it out later. Letting cows selfpost provides milk without the work.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 for sure
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Arguments over dumb shit that will never have an end, like race debates, what is considered fat debates, etc.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I haven't seen any issues with samefagging but I stick to /pt/ most of the time.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
I really like admin-sama's modding style so no, I don't think so. Can we get a threadwatcher though?

No. 1297

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
When it first came up, after staminarose went under.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Staminarose/cgl, once staminarose went down I saw people trying to herd people here from cgl.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?

>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Mostly read, but do post occasionally in /b/ or /pt/ or /g/
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
About everyday day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, 4chan was.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
Yes, went on maxfag briefly, but mostly staminarose.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
I used to visit cgl a lot until the no bully rule ruined everything.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Proana hangry bitches shitting up threads with their lel fat comments, and lonely robots who desperately want to 'interact' with females.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The oldschool catty cgl/staminarose 'atmosphere'
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I visit all of them, but I like /pt/ the most and /snow/ the least. I think
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Yes and no. I think the petty vendettas and the no-bodies belong on snow, but I think the HAES/fatty/tumblr/mock threads not aimed at one person should go back on pt. The only reason I visit snow is for those threads.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Agree. Politically correct bitches are ruining the vibe in some threads, like the tranny threads.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Agree. Report all "male here" posts and threads.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Agree, sensitive bitches can't stop taking the bait.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Agree, with the influx of lonely robots and spoopy cunts
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly agree
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Neutral, but I think robots should be perma banned on sight.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Don't really care.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
Agree, 18+.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
The people who stupidly fall for race baits, and spoopy skeleton posts.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Unique poster IDs might be nice to stop race baiting arguments.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1326

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Lurking for about a year and a half, posting every once in a while but pretty rarely.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Someone mentioned PT on 4chan and mentioned this site
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Someone whose online presence is insanely laughable, way above average cringe
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
20 - 24
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Just read
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Oh, maybe once a month or so. More often if shit's goin' down.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. Longterm 4chan user.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
4chan, numerous boards. Most frequented CGL, often on /co/, /ck/, /x/ and a few others
8chan occasionally but it's kinda dead
tumblr every once in a blue moon

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

I think the layout of the site and the fact that threads won't open in new tabs for me prevents me from lurking here more often. The design is just kind of user-unfriendly, to be honest.

Flame-baiting is a bit of a problem but could be easily curbed with the addition of a few extra moderators or even 4chan style janitors.

SJW vs /pol/ type shit is always an issue on any anon board, of course, but that bothers me less than the layout issues.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

#1 must have is the drama. I also like the honesty you can find here. This place reminds me of /cgl/ before the drama ban and also of the old LJ community getoffegl

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

I actually like all the boards here. I'm on /pt/ the most but I'm really enjoying the new snowflake board a lot!

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

oh maybe 33 - 50% depending on how bored I am

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

Same, between half and two thirds.

>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?


>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
agree–in particular stricter moderation
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
18 seems good.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
people accusing others of samefagging gets old fast
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
i'm neutral on this
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
some aspects of 4chan moderation, like having janitors, would be good
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
no real issues from me

No. 1327

>I think the layout of the site and the fact that threads won't open in new tabs for me prevents me from lurking here more often. The design is just kind of user-unfriendly, to be honest.

Could you please elaborate? This is the first time I've heard anyone having issues with opening things in new tabs, or having issues with the layout or the design. What aspects of the site's layout which diverge from 4chan or 8chan do you dislike?

What device and browser are you using?

Also, we do have several janitors.

No. 1354

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Straight after staminarose shut down
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I went looking for the posters from sr on /cgl/ and 8ch I think. Someone linked me here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
gossip and drama
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
mid twenties
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I don't actually post often just lurking for drama.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
maybe once or twice a fornight (unless something is going on with my favourite cows, then I'll check more often)
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
atm I don't visit anywhere related to the topics discussed here
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
no issues, I think it's been pretty good so far
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The brutal honesty
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ obv. I still don't understand the difference between /pt/ and /snow/ though.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
about 2 or 3
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
all the rest
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
What's it for again? It seems like it's just cows who aren't famous yet

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
neutral (the moderation here is actually pretty good)
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

There's no need for it in /pt/ unless you are a cow yourself.
>19. The minimum age to use the site has been increased to 16. Do you think it should be 18, or perhaps even higher?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I wouldn't object to user ID's but I don't see a need for them either.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
You're doing a great job.

No. 1357

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
earlier this year
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
probably /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
i will post in /g/ a few times a week, but i definitely read every day
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
once or twice a day
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
nope. 4chan but only since 2009.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, /fit/, /a/, /adv/, tumblr
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
proana fucktards. they make me avoid certain threads now.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
the gossip? some of the /g/ threads are really nice, too, until people shit them up. there are topics i like there that aren't permitted on /cgl/
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
don't know the percentage, but i only pay attention to 3-4 of them
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
the rest
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
strongly agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
i think self posting should be banned everywhere except /g/ when it's allowed for asking about shit like skin advice or something
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
i like the way it is now
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
derailing threads with race or body size arguments. or just too much blogging in /pt/ threads
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
i don't think it's a problem.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
don't know
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
from what i've seen, lolcow staff is great

No. 1358

File: 1445074154569.jpg (40.37 KB, 460x276, 90daughters_1_innerbig.jpg)

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
a year and a half? somewhere around there.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
saw it linked to from a twitter account and also kiwi farms.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Fun for the whole family. Honestly? stupid girls complaining about stupid girl shit.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
stupid girl
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
read threads.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
twice or three times a week.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
hell, no.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
hell, no.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
8chan /baph/, /cow/, /gg/, tumblr is shit but i go there to marvel at the way kids are willingly destroying their brains for no good reason at all.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
tone policing, bad feminism
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
new cows being brought to the fore. some of these cows aren't cows at all though, it's just more stupid girl shit. boring.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
not really.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
strongly agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
strongly disagree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
don't care
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
strongly agree
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
disagree; what precisely is a 'girl-interest topic'?
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
this is a constant on chans.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
not sure what i think about this.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
strongly agree, get rid of self posters displaying attention seeking habits

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

strongly agree, esp. with regard to attention whoring
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
'milking', oddly enough. i think tumblr feminism is bad ideology and when it spills over here i like to see people debating it.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
as long as there are anon imageboards there will be samefagging. leave it alone.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
giving attention whores too much attention.

No. 1360

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Sometime last year, can't remember specifically when
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Searching for something to do with Venus and it came up in the results
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
This is my first post. I only lurk.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Every day that I have time to browse the internet, more than once a day when there is drama actively unfolding.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, I have lurked and infrequently posted on 4chan for 7 years.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Other 4chan boards: /r9k/, /b/, /vg/, /vp/, /lit/
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
People deliberately shitting up threads
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I'm a drama whore
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ only.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Only follow about 6, not sure what that is a percentage
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
The rest
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Neutral (my sample size isn't large enough)
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Posting on a thread about yourself as yourself seems fine because it can cause excellent drama (like Palermo on PULL), but any other self-posting should be a ban on /pt/. /b/ should be a free for mall imo.
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
No real opinion on this
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Posts like "x is fat" "y is nearly as fat as x now" when neither x or y are fat by any sane person's standard.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I'd like it if we were given IDs like on some 4chan boards, because that on its own discourages samefagging.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
No opinion
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
No opinion

No. 1363

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Early 2015
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
On /cgl/
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Entertaining as fuck.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
30 years old
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post more than once a week but still am mostly lurking.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
About twice a week
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, been on 4chan for a long time.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?
/ck/, /vr/, /pt/, /cgl/, 8chan /cows/, lolcow /b/. Don't have accounts on Tumblr, Reddit and the like, occassionally lurk Reddit for vidya related stuff.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Thread derailment by pro-ana/weight related shit
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
The overall saltiness of most posters, lots of info on cows being dug up, good discussion.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/ definitly, /b/ also has some entertaining thread
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I only read about three or four threads regularly.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Most of it.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Definitly, more content is good.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Disagree. I notice less impact from Tumblr users here than on 4chan, then again the user base is a lot smaller.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Disagree. I haven't noticed much /pol/ influence and as long as moderation deals with it when it gets to extreme i don't see a problem.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Agree. I don't lurk there but it seems fitting for the site.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly Agree.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Neutral. Not long here for enough time to notice it.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Agree. The few times i've seen Admin-sama and mods take action it was justified.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Any kind of weight-related derailing, the blatant baiting connected to it, shit gets old real fast.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I'd like thread-based ID's but don't think there is much issue with samefagging, just makes it easier to hold coherent discussion.

No. 1364

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?

Few months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Googled a person featured here.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
We'll make fun of you?
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I post a few times a week.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Multiple times a day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Uh this is a complicated question. I use tumblr. I used to go 4chan a lot, it's been a long time. I visit PULL sometimes.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Self-posting, vendetta posts, ana chan derailment.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
A handful maybe
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
More than half.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
I guess, I honestly don't see much difference. Maybe it should be used for more general threads? Like fat people, anaz, sjws.
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Don't care
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Don't care
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Don't care
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Don't care

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

No, I wish you'd let them and then expose them later like PD.
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
If /snow/ is still about specific snowflakes, perhaps a board for more generalized group bashing.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Honestly, "fat" bashing. Even actual fat bashing is mildly irritating but I can ignore it, I just hate when it leaks to other threads and some bitch is calling people fat because they eat pasta or something.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
No, I don't mind it unless it's exaggerated I guess? Mod discretion.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
Not that I can think of.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I still think the distinction between /snow/ and /pt/ is too vague, but I wouldn't know how to decide either so… no. It's fine.

No. 1369

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
about 6 months ago
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
probably from cgl
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
dirt and drama about e-famous people who do various degrees of bad things
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I posted about 3 times in total, mostly off-topic when stuff a farmer says rustles my jimmies
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
3-4 times a month
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
no, cgl is
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
cgl, tumblr
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
lack of new content, and/or not knowing which threads have had major new drama instead of reaction replies
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
the sass
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
only /pt/, though I open /snow/ threads posted in /pt/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
I read them all (or almost) at some point, I keep following them periodically
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
I guess

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
strongly disagree, the salt is good entertainment
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
disagree, I like to read autistic cringe
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
agree/don't care
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
agree, but so is keeping trolls/flame off the board
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
neutral/don't know about it
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
agree, except lack of new content (which isn't the site's fault but the cows')
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
disagree/don't know
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
agree/don't know
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
strongly disagree

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

they should be forced to use a trip and if the thread is bad, then purged
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
I don't know
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
people shitting on veganism
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I prefer anonymity, samefags can be banned if they are cluttering/shitting over the thread
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
yourself (because it's good already)
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

No. 1441

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About two months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
It was mentioned offhand on /cgl/.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Safe place for catty girls that like fashion and gossip.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually only read things.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
I tend to check it several times a week, not quite daily.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
/cgl/, /fa/, PULL
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
I think it's easy to call this place a 'hate group' at first glance.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It's like 4chan except that posters are assumed to be female. The candor about beauty keeps me on my toes and I've been getting a nicer body and generally making myself look better.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I like /b/ the best.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
Maybe 10 percent? I only care about a few weirdos.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
Most, 90%.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
I don't know if I've been here long enough to have an informed opinion on it, but for the most part all the drama I like is on /pt/
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Don't care
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly agree.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
From what I've seen, I agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Don't care.
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
Self-posting should always be allowed, provided we know it's happening :^)
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
If the userbase grows, then maybe more specialized boards about music, games, etc. should be added but the way things are now is pretty good.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
I'm not super into racism, but that can usually be avoided by not going into 'post pretty black/white/azn people' threads.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I don't think it's too big of an issue, at least not yet.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
I can't think of anything right now.

No. 1604

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Maybe around a year.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

Searching the word 'lolcow'
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Catty voyeurism.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?

>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I lurk more than I post, but typically at least once a work.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?


>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

4chan, /pol/, /int/, /tv/, /x/ 8chan

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

As of late, the weird proana invasion.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
Honesty and willingness to question social trends.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/pt/ and /snow/

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Meh, 70%

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

See above answer.

>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?


>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.


>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Strongly Agree.

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.


>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.


>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.


>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

Strongly disagree.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

Banned in /pt/ definitely. Doesn't matter in /b/ though.

>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?

Maybe some should be added, but I don't have any suggestions.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

Naw. It's just the memescape.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Maybe IDs would be helpful in discrediting samefags.

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?


>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

Nope. It's all all right.

No. 1650

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Probably about a year ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I don't quite remember, but I'm pretty sure it was on efagz.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
One of my favorite sites to lurk and occasionally post on.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
It depends on the thread. I am currently somewhat active in 2 or 3 threads, and read countless random ones when I'm bored.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A whole bunch, probably like 15 times a day. I sometimes leave a thread open on my desktop and check it throughout the day.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No, I posted on 4chan for a solid year, and have been lurking for about 5.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in?.
Youtube, Lolcow, Piratebay, Tumblr, /x/
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
People who haven't lurked enough and have been around for maybe a few minutes, and decide to be the very vocal minority in the thread, drawing all the attention away from the original post.

It's obnoxious to read and frustrating to scroll through when it gets out of hand - especially when it's a white knight from Tumblr or PULL or some shit, y'know? Too much samefagging is also a problem; I think a time-delayed posting process would do well preventing that.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
I like the anonymity and brutal truth tea, honestly. It's nice when someone who's acting like a total shitbag has their cards laid out for them and are faced with their actions.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
Definitely here, and I mostly read /snow/
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow? Probably like 5%.
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about? A good portion, maybe 30% because I don't care for certain community drama as much as I do for other drama.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
Yeah I do. It's growing the board. It's a little awkward with all the newfags, but things will eventually even themselves out.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site. Strongly Agree.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site. Neutral.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Strongly agree.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Strongly Agree.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting? Absolutely for both, unless it's someone coming to apologize without being a snowflake. I don't care for most self-posting because it's usually very obvious, cringey, and starts a shiteload of trolling and bickering and such.

>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
I don't mind either way. Change comes with time.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Besides self-posting, I'm tired of samefagging.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
Yeah, I do, especially in /snow/. Randomized IDs could work but I support changing the rules.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting? No, I like the way you do it here; I actually think other websites should follow your model. However, you could do well to have another Farmhand or two, to weed through certain posts.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
Nope! As I said, I like the way you handle things around here.

No. 1658

1. about half a year ago
2. i heard about it on tumblr i think
4. F
5. 20
6. i post a couple times a week, but i mostly lurk if i have no input
7. at least once a day
8. no
9. no
10. tumblr, /ic/, /ck/, /b/
11. lots of people are hearing about it now and i think it will be polluted soon
12. that its mostly girls <3
13. /snow/, i like both /pt/ and /snow/ the best
14. 3-5 threads
15. most of them lol
16. yes!!!!
17. a. strongly agree
b. neutral
c. agree
d. strongly agree
e. neutral
f. strongly agree
g. disagree
h. strongly agree
i. neutral
18. i think if people are creating threads about themselves, they should be b&
19. maybe some new boards!
20. mostly just pro-anas saying literally everyone is too fat.
21. it really depends on what kind of samefagging, but i don't care too much
23. nothing so far! you guys are great and very good with responses <3

No. 1707

1). 2 yrs ago? maybe 1.5
2). 8chan i think.
4). vagina female hole
5). 22
6). i mostly lurk, but i post maybe about every other week or so.
7). a few times a week
8). no
9). no
11). dumbfuck dipshits crying about stupid shit constantly & derailing threads
13). /snow and /pt
14). a pretty large portion of them. maybe between 45-60%
15). about half of them are shit. i might still read it anyway if i'm bored.
16). YES
b. disagree
c. strongly agree
d. strongly agree
e. neutral
f. agree
g. agree
h. agree
i. neutral
18). part of me says yes ban the imbeciles but part of me says no bc i want to watch them crash and burn
20). generally fucking eating disorder bullshit. please whine about your anal prolapse elsewhere.
21). it varies, i don't think it's often an issue but when it arises it fucking rises

No. 1795

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Lurking…probably a year. Posting about two weeks ago.

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?


>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

Gets out tumblr frustrations

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.

Mid twenties

>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Read and post frequently.

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?

More than once a day. Depends on the milk in the boards.

>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?

4chan was.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

self posting in the snow thread

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Lots of similar thinking. Good community. Love the /chat area.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

/snow & /pt

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?


>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?


>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?

Yes. Its full of lulz.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting

Self posting should be banned entirely in /pt/, but it's also so lulzy when they get caught. Don't read /b/, so not sure.

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

Samefagging is usually only an issue when some selfposter samefags their own post to bring it to the top or have it look like there are people actually caring about it.

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I'm satisfied with staff.

No. 1796

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About 4 months ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
I forgot where and who exactly, but it was a link to it by someone on tumblr, I think? To a specific thread, which I forgot which one it is.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
Better than PULL, also sane people away from tumblr.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
I usually just read threads.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
A couple of times a week, sometimes more.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

When some people find information on a cow and then "raiding" their pages / inboxes / emails and such.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
When peop post evidence of dumb shit that happened, and more than one person agrees or can confirm that it happened. Also not everyone is as uptight here as they are in places like Tumblr.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
/pt/, /g/ - I like /pt/ more.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.
>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Neutral/Don't Care.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?

>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?


No. 1805

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
Started lurking about a month or two ago.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
Several months ago I heard about it on /cgl/, mostly as a place to discuss Dakota/PT without getting threads deleted.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
cross-platform venting.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
Only read.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
Once a week.
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
No. Lurked /co/, /cgl/, /cm/…. Basically anything starting with a c….
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
Tumblr, /cgl/, r/kpop.
>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?
Spoony, probably.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
It makes me cautious about the "internet hype" which the e-fame types try to surround themselves with. While I like tumblr for the looking at pretty images, it has to be the absolute worst platform for encouraging those types.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
I read /pt/ the most.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
Strongly Agree
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
Strongly Agree
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
Neutral/Don't Care. I really don't care in regards to internet communication. It's a fucking website. I would rather over-moderation than under.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
Strongly Agree
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
Strongly Agree
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
Neutral/Don't Care. I haven't been here consistently enough to say.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
Agree. I have yet to see anything I disapprove of.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
Agree. It may keep the threads cleaner.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

If someone tries to incognito make a thread about themselves, then that's a problem. Unless someone is contributing to an established and ongoing discussion, then they should not self-post. Overall, I'd rather self-posts be overtly discouraged than otherwise.
>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?
Maybe more media-based boards, like one for shoujo? I feel like adding a catch-all board like anime would only encourage weirdos to gravitate here. If it's a bit girly, then it may be okay.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
Posters calling each other stupid for like 40 posts. It's annoying.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
I would like the addition of poster IDs, mostly for the drama factor…
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
None I can think of.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
None I can think of.

No. 1880

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
- Maybe 2 years ago? But I only became active last year.
>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?
- Someone metioned it on /cgl/.
>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.
- I feel great having a female chan where everyone can be a bitchy motherfucker without being a fembot, a tumblr SJW or a normalfag, I'm home.
>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?
- Female.
>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.
- 26.
>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?
- I read threads and post at least once a day.
>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?
- Every hour whenever I'm online lmao
>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?
- No.
>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?
- No.
>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".
- /cgl/, TiA and I think that's pretty much it.

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

- Normalfags, underage girls and ana-chans flooding in.
>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?
- I feel like I'm with people similar to myself and it feels nice.
>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?
- /pt/ and /b/.
>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?
- I can't throw an estimate, there are like a million of them if you count EVERY thread there. Maybe 50% of the active ones?
>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?
- Maybe 50% of the active ones.
>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?
- God, yes. It was one of the best changes I've ever seen made to a board.

>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
- Yes. Fuck them.
>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.
- Not really. They get bored easily and fuck off.
>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.
- It doesn't happen that often to me.
>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.
- Yes. Whether you disagree with me, you still have a right to say your opinion.
>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.
- Yes.
>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.
- Yes.
>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.
- I don't quite think so. There has been a decline, but it isn't steep and opening /snow/ helped out a lot.
>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.
- Yes.
>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).
- Sometimes, yes.

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

- I think selfposting should be prohibited if it's the subject of the thread on anonymous and trying to cause more drama without identifying themselves but it isn't ban-worthy. The forced identification has been a good punishment.

>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?

- I think we have enough for now. Anas should have a containment board though.
>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?
- Ana-chans.
>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?
- I think it's an issue in /snow/ which is a dumping group anyway.
>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?
- Nah.
>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?
- Lolcow staff rocks.

No. 1895

>1. When did you first start lurking or posting on lolcow?
About a month ago

>2. How did you find the site and where did you hear about it?

I was googleing dakota, and stumbled in.

>3. Describe lolcow in one sentence.

This terrible place that I love to go to.

>4. (Completely optional) What is your gender?


>5. (Completely optional) What, roughly, is your age? Feel free to give an age range, or your exact age if you want to.


>6. Do you usually just read threads, or do you post more than once a week?

Mostly Read

>7. Roughly how frequently do you check lolcow?


>8. Is lolcow the first imageboard you've lurked or posted on?


>9. Did you lurk or post on Stamina Rose, or its predecessor?


>10. What related communities (sites and specific sections/boards) were, or are, you in? You can include any sites you want here, but if you use(d) any of these sites you should probably list them: /cgl/, other 4chan boards, /cow/, other 8chan boards, Tumblr, PULL. Please list them in order of "most frequented" to "least frequented". So if you go on /cgl/ the most and Tumblr the least, it should be "/cgl/, …, Tumblr".

I'm just on here, Instagram or tumblr

>11. What do you think is the #1 issue facing lolcow?

Lots of redundant and irrelevant Observations about cows.

>12. What do you like most about lolcow and/or its community?

Honestly, I like that it's mostly Female, so I feel Like I'm apart of something. Comradery.

>13. Which board do you read/use the most? And which do you like the most, if it's not the same board?

I read /snow/ the most, but /pt/ is funnier when it gets going. I'm on /b/ a lot too.

>14. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you actually read or follow?

Probably like 30%

>15. Roughly what percentage of /pt/ threads do you ignore or don't care about?

See above

>16. Do you think opening /snow/ was a good idea?


>17. For the following statements, reply with one of "Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral/Don't Care, Agree, Strongly Agree". You can elaborate further if you want, but you don't have to.

>17a. Users from Tumblr and/or PULL are negatively impacting the site.
Idk. If they are really sensitive, yes

>17b. Users from /pol/ and/or 8chan are negatively impacting the site.


>17c. There are too many racial discussions and arguments in threads.

Not race, but yes arguing to much.

>17d. I believe freedom of speech is extremely important.

Extremely, yes

>17e. The opening of /g/, for girl-interest topics, was a good idea.

Very good idea

>17f. I am overall satisfied with most of the content on the site.


>17g. Post quality has been declining on average over time.

I haven't been here long enough. But I do wish there were more images posted.

>17h. When rules are enforced, they are usually enforced fairly and without bias.

I think it's fair

>17i. Rules should be enforced more harshly than they are now (stricter moderation, more bans, longer bans).

Its pretty good now

>18. Do you think self-posting should be banned in /pt/? How about /b/? Where should the line be drawn as to what is actually self-posting?

For /pt/ yes. Elsewhere im not sure.

>19. Do you think any new boards should be added? Should any existing ones be removed?

I like all the boards that exist. And would welcome new ones.

>20. Are there specific behaviors, phrases, or types of post you're sick of seeing?

I hate when obviously thin girls get called fat. Its ridiculous

>21. Do you think samefagging is an issue? If so, in which boards is it causing issues? Do you think policies around samefagging should change, either by adding randomized unique poster IDs (not usernames) like some 4chan/8chan boards, or changing rules regarding samefagging, or both?

I Don't think I've been around long enough to tell

>22. Is there another website or community that you think we should follow in terms of rules or moderation? If so, which community, and which aspects should we consider adopting?


>23. Is there anything that you think lolcow staff have done poorly? If so, what is it, and how could it be changed or improved?

I love it here. You guys are great

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