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No. 1007887
Hello, some of you may know me as Crazy Samantha Prater. ( I didn't know where to put this, so it goes here.)
Well, I have a story to tell you. As a young child, I was abused by my Mother. She refused to take care of me, etc. So much so that the state had to get involved. we were in foster care for months. You see, the second I have witnesses to my claim, these people claim the video of a PERSON TALKING is fake.
and I am NOT looking for Sympathy here. I just want these people to realize that CHILD ABUSE SUPPORT IS WRONG. So anyway, I got involved in a lot of drama, because in the past, I stole art, and was very much a troll. I have since openly apologized for that behavior. but SOME people, don't let up.
There is this user, called
OPEN ADMITTED CHILD ABUSERS, BUT SHE NOT ONLY DOESN'T SEE HOW THAT IS WRONG. ( I have open permission to record this person.)¬if_id=1640742180788896¬if_t=comment_mention&ref=notifand on my Facebook.
( please do not add me I will not add you. if I don't know you. this post is just to prove the permission granted, etc.)
This person, NOT ONLY tries to call a
VIDEO RECORDING FAKE, but my story of abuse fake, when I have SEVERAL witnesses proving otherwise.
ALL she cares about is the Art theft, and harassment I gave, but she doesn't see where she's in the wrong for supporting people who are open child abusers. in this thread you can see her trying to defend herself, by calling me names etc.
and NOT apologizing for supporting it.
I have been forced to apologize for my art theft days, and the trolling yet she can't apologize for people who deal with this trauma?
As a child, I was openly treated wrongly, and the second I find proof that that existed even video proof it gets called fake? seriously?
you can read the comments for yourselves on Reddit.
(fuck off) No. 1007992
By the way. My Schizo? is not a troll toy. it is a serious Mental Illness that I have to live with and be medicated for, because it is possible I could very much hallucinate and cause myself harm, or even someone else harm. The second someone is hallucinating, you should try to get them help. NOT further the trolling, NOT go "SOMEONES IN DANGER, LMAO!" Schizo is a very serious condition and it's not funny to deal with. I've had to piece together the last few years of my life. You don't realize that but because you thought it was a joke, someone could severely damage themselves, in real life. I am asking trolls to start taking the Schizo anything, seriously and realizing they could be putting someone in danger. Even a friend of the family could be the result of people stating they were in danger, when they really weren't. I know Trolling is meant to be for laughs, and fun, but you really need to realize that Schizophrenia is NOT a joking matter. Yes, I am serious, as someone with Schizo Affective Disorder, I would rather get help to fix my hallucinations than sit there and cause someone harm. Furthering the hallucination is a bad thing. I KNOW you are trolling. I am not that stupid. but there is a such thing as crossing the line, and I request that people start taking this more seriously before someone gets hurt. thanks.
No. 1008015
>>1008011Why are you coming to the site to be willingly bullied by strangers that don’t matter? Just stop posting, you won’t receive the validation you want.
Happy New Year, hope 2022 treats you well.
No. 1008031
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