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No. 10107
I barely made it through high school with a whole lot of D's. I'm relatively smart, just an underachiever who was struggling with undiagnosed ADHD.
2 years out of high school and I've failed 2 community college classes and withdrew from 1 because I was having such a shitty time with depression and anxiety that I just stopped showing up to class.
I took a semester off, started going to a psychologist, was diagnosed with adhd, anxiety and depression and spent some time trying to get my head in the right place. It was a night and day difference when I went back, and for the most part no one holds my past grades against me.
There's tons of circumstances that could've caused you to fail those classes, and I'm willing to bet it's not because you're stupid. Not saying you should make a bunch of excuses for yourself, but don't let it continually weigh down on you. One thing I noticed was no matter how poorly my work ethic was reflected in my grades, most people (adults mainly) never defined me by my grades. Anyone worth your time will see past that because in the big picture, grades really all that important.
Just try your best to pick yourself up. If you're having other problems that are interfering with your work, see what you can do about having them taken care of.
No. 10108
>>10079yep, in H.S., retook them in summer school and got 95's on both (math and english)
then I flunked out of my first yr of college, not for bad grades, but for having over 6 absences in each class both semesters, reapplied to a new school and have been getting A's ever since
moral of the story, you can make up for it
No. 10114
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Kek, I failed like all my classes, it's not a big deal. You live you learn, then you improve. Don't be a baby about it; just do better next time. You're life isn't over, you're only in the 9th grade. You gotta lot of time.
(btw, I failed almost all of my classes 7th-10th grade, and still managed to graduate with honors. Don't bring yourself down man.)
No. 10129
>>10107OP here and i also struggle with ADHD and anxiety and depression so i know how you feel anon.
also thanks for the other anons for your support! i felt lonely but i'm glad i'm not alone
No. 10310
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Man I'm so close to being done with my AA soon (going for a BFA) , but with three of them being math I'm fucked. I've failed the prep math class (twice) to get into college algebra,and if I fail it a third time I gotta take it at another college. Man I'm a fucking artist/getting a BFA so I can teach, and have money I dont need fucking math.
I feel really fucking dumb too because of it, Have A's in all my other courses.