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No. 1015132
>>1015113I'd give you one in a heart beat
nonny, ever since I started feeding them I rehomed 2 successfully so far, its just expensive wrangling them to be fixed, so I am focusing on the youngest ones because they have a better chance at being socialized, saving up for a mass spaying and neutering.
No. 1015150
>>1015141not all I wait to name them some names I have for them
No. 1015340
File: 1641319146723.jpeg (41.5 KB, 676x454, contempt.jpeg)

>>1015321they are mini modding faggots
No. 1015354
>>1015150one must be named
nonny or nonicita
No. 1015362
>>1015354if their personality fits, I name based off personality and appearance. theres one that probably fits
nonny as sometimes they blend in with the rest of the crowd.
No. 1015363
>>1015350You didn't need to make a new thread
nonnie, you could have looked in the catalog and posted in the cat thread. I know you're new, but maybe try lurking more to see how people interact and read the rules?
No. 1016378
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damn fuck what that gypsy bitch said, cat feeder anon is superior in every way. i hope you keep coming back this is way better than the schizo shit thats been going for like two weeks. please post more cat updates im begging you /ot/ needs your healing
No. 1016572
>>1016562Romani anon gets banned daily lmfao
>>1016547>why was she banned?IDK, maybe it's emojis?
No. 1016652
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>>1016650dropped the pic like a retard, damn, i guess your thread got me too worked up
No. 1016687
File: 1641402433053.jpeg (34.1 KB, 480x720, DL_VtGzVQAALcla.jpeg)

>>1016670Throw the whole relationship advice thread out at this point, like burn it. It's cursed and it's strange how the trolling is so obsessively contained to it.
No. 1033180
File: 1642624375769.jpg (22.97 KB, 370x246, Cat-Hoard1.jpg)

I wonder if she's feeding them right now…
No. 1033220
nonnie, the only way you'd get that is if you got poop in your mouth or in an open wound.
No. 1065576
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No. 1087101
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No. 1087106
File: 1646537618647.gif (237.34 KB, 80x80, sadcat.gif)

No. 1087109
File: 1646537774137.gif (36.37 KB, 80x80, omg-cat.gif)

No. 1088323
File: 1646614643814.gif (50.79 KB, 80x132, reggae-cat-playing-drums.gif)

No. 1089816
File: 1646700618776.gif (51.11 KB, 85x85, ezgif-1-4009688510.gif)

No. 1089844
File: 1646703685924.gif (273.77 KB, 80x80, lighter.gif)

No. 1089846
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No. 1090983
File: 1646771012550.gif (236.13 KB, 88x80, sway.gif)

No. 1092886
File: 1646916634574.gif (205.76 KB, 86x80, ezgif-4-5436b5d1a9.gif)

I've been using your thread as a dumping ground I am not sorry.
No. 1097127
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