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No. 1025555
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To break the ice I'll share how I got into organisation. A few years ago I was working on my mental illness (BPDfag here) and I was getting distraught by the sheer amount of stuff I owned, so when talking to my therapist he mentioned that some of his clients have found success by engaging in a minimalist lifestyle. So I tried it and never looked back. I love the order and the quality of the few things I own, I always focus on the uniqueness of the item and the work and effort it was put into it. Also containers, I love containers.
No. 1025565
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>>1025555Good idea for a thread but careful this could turn into consooming 2.0
I have a slight obsession with glass jars/containers. I usually rip open the box of cotton swabs and keep them in a jar simply because it looks nicer to me. I have to be careful not to just collect jars and actually use them for organization. I want to move towards keeping less plastic in general even though if it's already been made its already fucked.
No. 1025578
>>1025565>but careful this could turn into consooming 2.0I know anon, hopefully it doesn't happen.
>glass jars/ nice anon! glass containers always look so much pleasing to the eye and last so much longer than plastic or acrylic.
No. 1025810
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Finding your organization style can also be helpful. For example OP image some may just find it looks like visual clutter to them and dislike it.
No. 1025821
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i will move into my own apartments towards the end of the year and i'm already wondering what kind of containers i should get for kitchen stuff. roommate and i had a bug infestation a while ago, idk what kind of bugs they were (too scared to google) but i found them in the paper bag the flour comes in, so i want all dried goods (flour, sugar, pasta, oats) to be in containers. i have one plastic container for my oats right now, everything else is used up as fast as possible to avoid the return of the bugs kek.
so either way i have to spend money on buying my first kitchen containers. i was thinking of getting picrel, they're made of glass and come with a bamboo lid. thoughts? experiences with bamboo? i'm worried about soggy wood when i wash them, but i really like the look of them.
No. 1025836
>>1025821Make sure that they’re those types of containers that close hermetically or you will find the little black bug inside again, and tbh, I think it’s better to put the flours in the fridge, to avoid any nasty bugs getting inside.
We use some hermetically closing containers in my home, but the little bitches get in sometimes, so now we put the flours in the fridge.
No. 1025849
I have a cubby for craft supplies, cords wrapped up and bound, pet care, slippers, scrapbooking, etc. If I get a nice pouch or bag from anything I'll save it to further divide supplies in. Everything has a home in my house, but it's all put away, or it would feel cluttered due to limited space. Also, I have a good clothing system, I don't waste so much time searching in my closet. It's either hung in order or in a stack with similar items. For the bathroom, ponytail holders/pins/headbands/scrunchies/whatever all have their own tins and I can just reach and not think about it. I also go through my medicine cabinet every year and purge old makeup or products so I don't turn into my mom with a million expired things. For my kitchen, I keep all my Tupperware lids in a bin under my counter and it freed up so much room in my cupboard. Seems obvious but it wasn't to me, I thought it was better to keep the tops with the bottoms. I always know where things are
No. 1025856
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>>1025834>I bought several sleevesI hope you have them up somewhere safe. These bins are really cheap at Walmart and have saved my docs from getting wet more than once. Believe me shit happens
No. 1025987
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This is definitely not the prettiest organizational method but I wash and reuse empty food storage containers if they're sturdy. I use a gochujang container to hold salt for cooking, various glass jars for dry goods, deli soup containers for leftovers and soup stock, yogurt containers to collect vegetable scraps for the compost, tea tins for rubber bands, etc. I also wash and re-use freezer bags if they haven't had something gross like raw meat stored in them. While it looks a little, uh, poverty-chic, I rarely have to buy organizational supplies unless it's for my desk. My worst organization habit is making huge piles of paper that I never go through, so I got a 5-compartment letter tray for papers I want to keep and reference at my desk, and an accordion file for long-term storage of things like medical files and old lecture notes. All of the courses in my major build on material from precious courses, so storing my old notes and assignments really helps me recall earlier material faster.
While it's not really a physical organizational method, I also keep a bullet journal that I treat more like a logbook than an art project. I keep track of not just appointments and deadlines, but also when I did specific household chores, which skincare products I've tried, which of my plants need repotting, gift ideas for people, what my tarantulas are doing, and other autistic things like that. Reducing the mental load with a 'paper brain' helps me focus more on what I actually want to do, because otherwise I could waste days just flitting about my apartment doing random chores and projects instead of getting work done. I know bullet journals get memed a lot as an ADHD cure-all, but I highly recommend using one as a logbook for my fellow spergs and ADHD sufferers. Mine looks more like picrel than the Pinterest bujo spreads, and I find that keeping it functional rather than pretty ensures I actually use it.
No. 1026533
>>1025578>glass containers always look so much pleasing to the eye and last so much longer than plastic or that just ain't true
never once have a dropped a plastic jar on the ground and had it shatter into a million pieces that can cut me. inb4 ``be careful'', i am careful, i love glass, but this definitely still happens
i've been thinking about it recently, and i'm really grateful for plastic containers; I use them constantly and it's not because they're cheaper. my life would be a lot tougher without them
No. 1026535
>>1025849me too with the hair ties in the bathroom, i use an old pudding cup that i cleaned out. simple but it keeps them contained and they used to be everywhere.
i like the idea with the tupperware lids. i'm gonna do this to my brother's lids, he'll never know what hit him
No. 1026545
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>>1026535I use an old lush pot for my hair ties. A few years ago I bought a couple glass jars from Target and keep cotton and qtips in one, bath stuff in the other. Pretty close to what this person posted
No. 1026558
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>>1026535>>1026545Another good idea for this if you want to avoid buying an empty jar just for this purpose is using old lidded candle jars. They’re often very pretty and this lets you get a second life out of the item once you’ve burned the candle down. If the lid stays on too tight and you want to open it one-handed you can often just remove the plastic seal that’s attached to the inside of the lid.
I’d use these for food too but am hesitant to do that for something that wasn’t necessarily designed to be foodsafe.
No. 1026661
imma rant about mason jars.
i would NOT recommend mason jars for almost any purpose, because the lids are in two pieces which is extremely inconvenient. if you take the lid off for any length of time the parts tend to get separated. then you have to spend ages just to put a lid on a jar, which is tremendously inefficient. also, the lids rust around the edges when you wash em. yeah, you can towel them off right away to avoid this problem but again that's an extra step you wouldn't have to take with an ordinary jar. would prefer an old kimchi jar with a plastic lid any day
mason jars are also terrible as glasses because they have threads around the mouth area which you then have to spend extra effort to wash.
tl;dr fuck mason jars, give them shits away to noobs
>>1025987>>1025998to add to this in my apartment i have a cubby for odd empty containers. and then when i get something new and i want a container to put it in, i look there to see if there is something i have saved that fits the bill
No. 1026664
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>>1026661They do sell normal plastic lids for mason jars just FYI, no two piece nonsense. I’ve recently bought several and can recommend
No. 1026676
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>>1026661Nonnie you basically want to use mason jars for when you're pickling produce, the small metal part of the lid is supposed to pop to make sure it seals correctly. I agree they're kinda pointless elsewhere but important if you don't want botulism (when making your own food)
No. 1026805
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>>1026676are most pickled products sold in this kind of jar in your country? I only owned one, found the lid kind of annoying. Most jars I find myself with are like this, easy to re-use for sauces.
No. 1028913
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Any one else have trouble organizing things with a lot of very small objects?
I am trying to reorganize my desk area and have a set of plastic/acrylic makeup drawers for my pens,markers, and misc office stuff. But I've come to realize I don't really need this much office stuff, especially when most things are done digitally nowadays. I have way too many paperclips,sticky notes, pens from when I was in school, that now are just pointless for me to have. I struggle with throwing this out, especially pens that still halfway work because I feel like I'm contributing to waste (I try to say I'll use them up before buying new ones at least) Even with art supplies I've realized I have too much, buying stuff for different mediums but not using all of it.
I also did this with consumables like food and tea, I bought a bunch of tea on sale after Christmas and tried it, but it was awful and now I have a bunch of extra boxes of tea I don't want but can't throw away because that feels wasteful to me. I have a problem with feeling like I am wasting things if I get rid of it if it could be used
No. 1028920
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>>1028913Personally I'm a fan of the brand "Deflecto" because they cater to this specific problem. I own this complete set from them and it has helped me stay inside the boundaries of it so i won't over buy stuff.
Also I throw used teabags into my compost (which is literally a tree) and they biodegrade just fine.
No. 1029197
>>1028913for the really small stuff (paperclips, sd cards, batteries, pens, pencils, erasers) plano boxes work great
for the tea, if it's black tea you can make tea leaf eggs the only thing i can think is that you can do like everyone at my workplace does and leave the not-so-good tea in the break room for some other sucker to drink.
No. 1029228
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Good thread anon!
Here to share some recently learned knowledge on my end. Just figured out these shelves (I think they're spice racks?) from ikea are big enough to hold normal sized canned goods. We have very little storage in our kitchen, so finding this out has been godsend. And looks nice. They also work great for holding craft supplies like paint or glitter.
Any anons have any suggestion for storing things nicely like measuring cups, and spoons? Hanging looks nice but we have cats. But I find they also look off just tossed in a drawer. Perhaps has anyone experimented with some type of in-cabinet hanging storage?
No. 1029234
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>>1029228I love, love, love multipurpose shelves
nonny, great investment!
>we have catsI don't know which material your measuring cups are made of but I found this alternative for metal measuring utensils. Hope it helped!
No. 1029329
>>1029281ntayrt but the bar doesn't work for a lot of things anyway, and stuff gets caught under it
no shelf -> pegs / hooks -> shelf -> shelf with bar -> cabinet without doors -> cabinet with doors
each step is an improvement over the last, and each requires progressively more material and more skill with carpentry. like, i get how you could stop at any point along that progression when your needs are met
No. 1030539
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So I bought the famous ikea cart that all artfags buy but it feels so messy now. I drew pic related to demonstrate. How do i organize art supplies better? I’m moving to a small place in a couple of months and have so much paint, sketchbooks, markers etc without an organized way to store it. Any advice?
No. 1030845
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>>1030539I got a similar cart from the craft store, picrel, only mine came with a bunch of extra accessories to help organize a little better. There's two bars for spools, hooks, a peg board, a shelf and a pencil holder! I'm able to get things like scissors, ribbon and thread out of the way with all the hooks and stuff so there is more room on the cart itself for other supplies.
No. 1031037
>>1030907It's a standard marketing tactic.
There are 3 ways to squeeze more money out of the product you're already making:
more users (the basic one, just get more people to buy it)
more usage (amount, this is why they started telling you to wash your hair twice when once is enough)
more uses (finding another purpose for the product, this is the mason jar case)
t. BA in marketing
No. 1031044
>>1030539There’s nothing wrong with using all the space in the cart kek, but what I do is prioritize the stuff I transport or use the most, and only put small sketchbooks in. So, paint colors you rarely use, leave them out. Put only most used brushes. Mediums that you always cart between the couch and a desk — those are top priority!
I was not interested in getting one of those carts, due to the meme and I thought they were ugly. But my friend got me a dark teal one, and I realized it would genuinely be really useful for me since I do art in 3 different areas of the house. Now I do art more since I don’t have to dig out what I’m looking for and go back and forth hauling it, I can just grab the cart!
No. 1031279
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I’m looking for advice. I’m visiting my best friend who is currently living in her childhood home with her parents. Her parents are mild hoarders and she also has a hard time letting things go. Her bedroom at this house looks like picrel. I convinced her to let me help her organize it, and even though she has let us get rid of almost nothing, through organization it’s already looking a lot better. Some examples of things she doesn’t want to get rid of include a Captain American McDonald’s toy still in its plastic (she’s not a particular fan of superheroes) and the torn wrapping paper+bow from a Christmas gift she got (not any particularly meaningful gift, and the paper is not usable for anything else). Sometimes the excuses are things like “That’ll be useful if I do XYZ to fix it” (even though she doesn’t know how to fix it and has had it broken for 10 years), sometimes it’s “that could be useful to me some day”, sometimes there’s no excuse she can articulate. The other thing is that her mom seemed to be really annoyed when she found that we were organizing the room, though she didn’t say anything about it. So my questions are: what can I do to help my friend let go of things with no sentimental value or practical use, and is there anything I should do to mitigate the situation with the mom?
No. 1031285
>>1031279>the torn wrapping paper+bow from a Christmas gift she gotEncourage her to scrapbook this. It'll help with clutter, she gets to keep all this stuff in one book, and she'd have to cut them down to get them to fit which helps get rid of the bulk of the trash. She can put cards there too if she also boards those.
As for the garbage collectibles, is she insisting displaying them? I have/had this issue as well myself. I found putting this stuff I know has no use, but wanted to keep in a box in the closet for a while helped. Eventually the closet needs more room and by that time I usually forget I have them and just see them as garbage when I reopen the box. Might be a useful "trick" to try with her.
No. 1031308
>>1031285for cards i have one suggestion, which is to get a hanging file folder for them
seems very old-timey but they really help with any kind of miscellaneous paper material that's cluttering desks, tables, etc
No. 1031407
>>1030845This is exactly what I would need, fuck why did I buy the IKEA one.
>>1030559>>1030558Maybe my drawing sucked kek but mine is basically overfilling with sketchbooks on all three levels. And I don’t know how I should properly organize all the paint and watercolor palettes, so they’re just scattered on top of a bunch of sketchbooks. There’s also tiny supplies like rulers, tape etc that are just kinda squished in there.
>>1030570>>1030570Thank you nonnies, I guess you’re right. Time to buy some storage bins! Never thought about the clear lidded part, so that’s definitely something I’ll try to find!
No. 1032092
>>1031285This helped, thanks
nonnie! We’re all done and while I wouldn’t exactly consider it clean-looking, it’s a lot better than it was. All the floors are cleared, she has a usable desk now, and things are much better organized. The tip of having a miscellaneous box really helped.
No. 1035080
>>1031407you can screw some plywood or mdf to the side and put nails in it to hang stuff off of, before you write it off completely
also, sounds like you need to do something about the notebooks– for starters, get them all in one place on one of the racks, not all 3. you can label the spaces on the racks with sharpie on blue painter's tape or masking tape to remind you what goes where
No. 1461185
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Bumping this thread because I'm moving to a bigger apartment soon. I'm looking for a reliable and decent quality 2 tiered dish rack for my kitchen. I see a few online, but I can't really trust photos because things can be smaller than they appear. My Nigel cooks most days the week and I want to ensure it can hold large pots and pans so the sink doesn't get crowded so easily because cleaning so many pots and pans at once and letting them air dry is so uncomfortable with the space we have now, we unfortunately let the leftover dirty dishes pile up from there being no room to do them all at once. Alternatively, we could throw the big pots and pans in the oven at a low temperature to dry faster, but I'd rather not, I know I'd one day forget about that and ruin something.
Any recommendations are gladly accepted and for any anons dropping links, I'm a burgerfag.
No. 1466047
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>Talk about why you like/want to stay organised.
I work from home, and I find being in a messy cluttered environment unbearable for any extended period of time. I also don't want to end up like my parents, they are hoarders and their houses are just full of random junk they never use. Also in university I lived with a load of slobs who would mess the place up so much, it was an awful environment to be in and I swore when I had my own place I'd never let it get like that.
>Share how you stay organised.
In terms of house organisation, I really consider what I buy before I buy it, partially because I hate spending money unnecessarily. I wouldn't say I'm a minimalist, but a careful consoomer kek. I'm also a big fan of cleaning and tidying as you go, taking care of my possessions, I also don't go to bed with a messy house. Maybe sounds OCD but I really find that little and often is the best way to go. Drawer dividers and in-wardrobe organisation items really help too.
In terms of life organisation, it sounds basic but I put literally everything in my phone calendar because I'm forgetful, and use the widgets that display calendar events on the home screen.
No. 1466932
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this is my room. yes i know it looks a little bit like a nursery, i like cute things.
the white company:
>elephant lamp
h&m home:
>everything else
No. 1471640
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>>1466932Cute, do you have a small bedroom? I assume that on the right of the bus is your closet and you are using the bus and storage baskets to organize your clothing.
No. 1522291
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i own over 100lb of stationery, from pens pencils markers to stickers, paper, envelopes letter sets, stamps, rubber stamps, cards, notebooks, sticky notes, scissors, erasers, etc. plus there's gift wrapping stuff which is probably another 50lb. i had found a giant old card catalogue at a thrift store, similar to but much bigger than pic related, wanted to use to organize but unfortunately it was sold before i could get it. i want a way to organize without using plastic. maybe file cabinets?
No. 1522769
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I just realized I can put these in my detolf cubbies instead of stupid large bins. My scrapbook supplies are going to be so segregated
No. 1523781
>>1522291If you have the space for one (or two), look for old dressers/armoires at thrift stores or flea markets or ask around and see if any relatives or friends have one that they don't want anymore. These typically have a combination of drawers and shelves that hold a lot and they look neat when closed. I have one just for my stamping supplies. Old stationery boxes are good for holding pens and markers and other odds and ends like tapes and embellishments. I also use a few to organize office supplies inside my desk drawer.
Also, I make it a point not to buy anything to organize stuff with. (My armoire was free.) That way lies madness.