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No. 103030
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Gen one is the only gen that matters. Gen two wasn't nearly as good.
No. 103039
I only got into this show a year ago kek. I binged every episode in a little over a month and even though I definitely enjoyed gen 1 the most I found something enjoyable in every gen.
>>102971same anon. I was seventeen when I binged the show and I was a loser (I had friends but they were very boring).
No. 103042
>>102982Yeah but she was still cute
Naomi was a bitch and i was glad when she died in that skins spin off thing
No. 103049
>>103042Ngl I unironically have a crush on Kat Prescott in 2016. Sucks that her character sucked etc.
People still bring up Naomi dying as part of the ~bury your gays trope which is hilarious imo. Skins was just really into randomly killing of characters stahp lgbt fam
No. 103153
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>>103135I just started Season 3 and JJ is my favorite. He's so precious. I just want to protect him.
No. 103187
>>103153>>103135JJ was legitimately the only likable gen 2 character. I almost liked Emily, but she was a bit too mopey to get attached to.
I'm glad to know I'm not the only person who couldn't stand Effy. Bitch had no personality and almost no redeeming qualities aside from being nice to look at. Admittedly, I liked her a bit more in her Skins Fire, but it that was because she'd actually gone on to develop a skill, and was no longer just this aesthetically pleasing, "tortured" husk of a human being.
No. 103234
>>103187i know holy shit like i don't even get how there were so many effy fangirls on tumblr and elsewhere who wanted to be like her. she was boring and a shitty person.
also worse was that my friend at the time was a huge fan of the show and specifically of effy, and she would always say things like, "effy is me" and compare her relationship to effy and freddy's. it was kind of annoying.
No. 103280
>>103234Effy had barely any personality outside of the whole 'i'm an edgy slut.' So maybe that's why stupid tumblrinas latched onto her.
I just got done with ep 3 (Thomas) and liked his character. Bummed he was shoveled off immediately. I wonder if odd writing or a contract thing? He was better than that annoying indian kid from gen 1.
No. 103317
>>103234Exactly. Don't get me wrong the actress who plays Ef is gorgeous but Effy was overrated as fuck. Trashy, depressed and a cum dumpster. Yet everyone wanted to be like her ass.
Freddy was a fucking idiot. Cook and Effy deserved each other.
No. 103318
>>103187Nah you weren't alone. Effy was just irritating. Her and Chris. I never understood people's obsession with Chris. He's now in Game of Thrones as is the one who plays Cassie (god she's ugly). Both were annoying.
Cassie was this thin dreary sad case… "Im so hazy look at me I'm so skinny and i have issues i want to cry" and Effy was this "I don't talk - I'm grungy and cool. I'll fuck anything that moves." thing everyone loved.
Tony was a dickhead too. I never liked that actor even when he was younger in About a boy. He's alway been such a spineless little worm.
JJ yeah… he was quite sweet. Felt a bit sorry for him tbh.
Generation 5&6… awful. I thought the one with the gay dads was another tumblrina. Man hair cut, quiet and had issuez. Grace was kinda sweet - I liked how she had this princess ballerina style and her boyfriend the emo thing with long hair they were quite a cute couple.
Minnie was a cunt and the other black girl with half her hair shaved was just ugly.
The only episode I found good was where the ginger guy made a cow explode. That was it.
Favourite episode out of skins… I have a few. But the one where Emily and Naomi got it on at the lake… it was kind of sweet. Beautiful? Until Naomi ditched her and made Emily cry.
No. 103327
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These are my impressions as a big Gen 1 lover who is now 8 episodes into season 3 (Gen 2)
>Effy is a massive unlikable cunt who no real personality
>Emily is kawaii as fuck and I want her to be my girlfriend
>Naomi is okay, nothing special, but I don't hate her
>Thomas is cute but he needs to beat the shit out of cook and drop Pandora
>Pandora is an obnoxious unlikable character who is a cheating whore
>Freddie is super cute. I'd boyfriend him.
>Cook needs to die. Honestly, both him and Effy can die together.
>JJ is the most pure character whom I want to protect forever
>No real opinion on Katie, but she is cute. I like Emily more though
I think that's it? Still love Gen 1 so much more. Tony, Maxxie, Cassie, the cute blonde dude who lived alone in that slummy apartment after his mom left him. It was just a better Generation overall compared to Gen 2.
No. 103328
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>>103317Yeah, the actress who plays Effy is really attractive to me, but her actual character in the slow is insufferable.
No. 103330
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>>103234>like i don't even get how there were so many effy fangirls on tumblr and elsewhere who wanted to be like herBecause she was pretty, skinny, tortured as hell and gave zero fucks, yet all the boys still loved her and all the girls wanted to be her. If that isn't the ultimate tumblr worship material, I don't know what is.
No. 103331
>>103206I wanted to like Pandora, but she was just too annoying. Also,
she randomly is suddenly a genius and gets accepted to Harvard at the end of season 4? What the absolute fuck was that about?
No. 103375
>>103042Naomi started off okay but really pissed me off towards the end of season 3.
>>103027Cook is such a typical slav, I'd avoid at all cost.
No. 103390
>>102971must be a UK specific cultural thing. my internet friends tell me 14 year olds regularly go to raves and everyone drinks to oblivion and parties 24/7
I live in suburban USA and in high school people smoked weed, drank alcool and when people talked about parties they usually mean "larger than average get together of friends" lmaoooo
No. 103395
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Freddie is cute. CUTE! Effy didn't deserve someone as good as him. She should've stayed with Cook, seeing as they were both the ~bad broken kids~,
>>103330It was back in 2011 Tumblr, these days I've seen people "call out" Effy for being ~
No. 103396
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>>103395Freddie is such a cutie. I agree he was way, way too good for Effy. He should have stayed with Katie.
Cook and Effy deserved each other. They could of died miserably in a Sid and Nancy-ish fashion.
No. 103412
>>103317agreed. Kaya is beautiful, I dig the whole pale brunette with piercing feline blue eyes. but Effy the character was a hilarious waste of space. Like I actually could see effort from the writers to tell realistic stories based off their peers with the exception of Effy whose some fantasy Edgy Sue.
If anyone has seen American Skins, American Effy named Eura is some cringe 12 year looking scenester who looks like one of those New Englander Heroin using teens. lol it really puts it in perspective how trashy and shallow Effy's character is.
No. 103447
>>103395Kek how is Effy remotely
problematic besides being a badly written character?
No. 103464
I liked skins a lot. It came out when I was just about 15 and it wasn't that popular in my country to begin with. Watching series from other countries wasn't too common. I was an edgy dumb teenager who loved it because it was a cooler (edgier) version of my life and So Very Underground and I knew it before it was cool.
>>103455>drank alcohol and used drugs whilst being under 16Didn't everyone else in the series do this too though?
No. 103465
>>103464Exactly, as do probably more UK teenagers. That and the mental health issues might have been the reasons why tumblr users may have called the character "
problematic" in their wish to make a mountain out of a molehill and to pigeonhole a character.
I like the first couple of series because yes the characters partied etc but they seemed a bit more normal than the later lot.
No. 103491
>>103467Tony and Sid worked out because it was definitely a belevable friendship. You had the hot, smart guy and the smart but quirky guy who isn't as hot as Tony, but isn't some orge.
To me, Pandora was both really unattractive (she looked like a bag of potatoes) and dumb. She had no redeeming personalities. She
cheated on her BF the night after he left because she's a cunt. and then got mad when he did the same thing to her.Effy is unlikable in every way. Right now, I am in the middle of season 4 and Effy's character is basically dragging Freddie down and it's pissing me off.
No. 103518
>>103467Agreed, especially what you said about the friendship group in Gen 2 - it just wasn't believable and made the whole series really odd for me
Glad to see S1 and S2 getting the recognition they deserve itt. I wish there was a way we could schedule some kind of lolcow stream of Gen 1, it would be fun watching it with other people
No. 103545
>>103518i remember early s3 they're all hanging out at a bar for cook's birthday. just seemed so random since they never seemed to meet and none of them seemed to particularly like each other. everything seemed so forced to me even when i watched it at a young age.
im gmt+10 (sydney, aus) here. i'd be down to watch it :D
No. 103548
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I'm almost done with season 4. Naomi is the most irritating character, even more so than Effy.
Emily deserves Mandy.
No. 103549
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's death was actually heart breaking. Even though I knew it was coming, I cried so much. He was such a genuinely likable character. When they killed off Freddie, it felt really dumb, but I was more angry and blamed Effy for his death. Chris' death was just because of bad genetics and was pretty dramatic. I really love Gen 1 best for so many reasons. Aside from Jal and Michelle, they're all great.
No. 103550
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>>103518>>103519>>103533>>103545Yes, we're all down for a streaming of Gen 1. That would be really fun to rewatch and chat at the same time with fellow farmers.
No. 103553
>>103518uk here and i'd be down for this stream!
>>103548mte i kind of resent that so few people dislike naomi, like the way the writers were pushing it we were obviously meant to sympathise with her because gay but
>liar>cheat>indirectly responsible for girl's suicide and shows no remorse>???dislike emily too for letting it slide tbh
No. 103629
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>>103620Yeah, Maxxie was my favorite as well. I was just looking at gifs last night and remembered how savage he was to his creepy stalker during the theater scene. It was great. I wanted more Maxxie/Tony to be honest, but just happy that Maxxie was handled well and not a gay stereotype like he would have been on American television.
No. 103677
>>103675The only reason Freddie seemed the better one was because he was a fuckable paki with a pretty face. Effy was a misery on legs and he died for her raggedy ass.
Good to know Jack O'conell (Cook) is doing other things now. He's quite an alright actor.
No. 103678
>>103550I hated the fashion in the first generation. The best fashion was in gen 3
I loved the pop doll look Emily and Katie had. Their fringes both in the opposite cut and their styles.
No. 103679
>>103677>he was a fuckable paki with a pretty faceLol'd. But really, I think aside from Freddie dying, they both kind of got what was coming to them. Effy was awful, but it's not like Freddie was ever mature enough for a relationship.
Yeah, I didn't like Cook (are you even supposed to?) but Jack O'Connell is a pretty good actor.
No. 103680
>>103675People like Freddie because they're into the guy who plays him. Actual character was a fucking bore. Cook was a pig too.
Like, clearly JJ was the only one of the three who didn't treat the other two like shit? I never understood if the writers intended to involve JJ in the Effy love triangle/square deal too or really couldn't be bothered to put in the effort because he was autistic and not conventionally attractive. Dude obviously crushed on Effy at one point so I don't know.
No. 103683
>>103682What reason did Freddie and Cook have to like her besides her being pretty?
Unrelated but < is my favourite Skins promo image. It looks like the kind of stock photo you'd get on a sex ed leaflet in middle school. I love it. Gen 2 would never.
No. 103694
>>103549I was heartbroken over Chris because he was one of the nicest characters. They played him up as the comedic character and then gave him such a dramatic end, it was shocking.
>>103684Their promo images were always so shit, luckily the trailers were better or nobody would have watched.
No. 103703
>>103675>>103677Not gonna lie, Freddie wasn't that great, but he was good in comparison to Cook who constantly degraded women to sex objects. Freddie was just as whiny and miserable as Effy was, but I somehow tolerated him more than Cook.
I disagreed with how Freddie treated his father though.
No. 103784
>>103679kek oh is he italian?! i thought he was a pakistani
brit is full of them tho so yano
No. 103785
>>103678you mean gen 2? (katie and emily?)
also, stream when? even though I just remembered how horribly sad season 2 is…
No. 103786
>>103785yeah sorry i meant gen 2
yeah i thought they had nicer clothes :) i liked emilys look it was like a dolly look but mature with her bows… so so cute and the fact she was a femme lesbian with an adorable face made me so happy
No. 103787
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>>103786I always quite liked the dress Naomi wore to that prom too
No. 103788
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the fan art was the best tbf
No. 103823
>>103788>Naomily>the bestSure, dude
>>103793Effy is way more tumblr/mpa than Cassie imo
No. 103826
>>103789>>103823>>103793+1 on Effy
Cassie was way too bubbly for tumblr and even though there were gifsets of her, she was never /the/ tumblr fave. Badass clusterfuck quiet mysterious girl who makes no sense but is lusted after is way more appealing.
No. 105225
>>105197If you want some cringe tv, yes.
Going back to the show as an adult it always weirds me out just how young Kaya Scodelario was when they filmed Effy's gen 1 stuff. Yikes
No. 105305
>>105300I kind of enjoyed it while I was watching it but I don't remember much of the plot at all.
>>105304I personally was far from that when I was 15 so that's why I think it's odd lol, I think it's just about perspective.
No. 105376
>>105305isn't it just what growing up in England's like?
That's why I thought it was 100x dumber than usual when I heard they were making an American skins, I can't imagine how the show's theme would have anything to do with what american kids are like
No. 105405
>>105376lol this, i've always found it a little funny how shocked my american friends were at the idea of just underaged drinking and parties. the skins characters had more social life than they probably would have had with their issues irl, but for the most part thats what it's like.
then again, our legal ages for sex and alcohol are lower than in the US.
No. 105425
>>105376yeah I'm American and I definitely had friends who drank when they were like 15 but there's more of a stigma against it in the US.
>>105376I'm tempted to watch the American version of Skins just to see how dissonant it is with actual American teen lives.
No. 105523
Watching G2 it feels so disjointed from the feel of G1. Its too clean looking but also trying to be outrageous with "all girls wanna be sexy licking their lips and staring", fuck off. I get its supposed to be a disjointed, romanticised look at college but idk, G1 felt real. G2 feels like it changed hands and they aimed it to be more americanised and not as fun. Effy is annoying af.
>>105376UK is way more relaxed with drinking, smoking and sex. Had an American girl in my uni dorms who went bat shit with the drinking and partying.
No. 105524
>>105523Unless I'm wrong they actually changed the writers after G1 was finished. I think they do that a lot and explains why so many series go to shit, the companies replace the writers with cheaper ones.
You can literally spot how they've attempted to take what they thought made the first two series successful and just recreate and exaggerated it. (they literally go to a fucking party in a cave under a manhole at one point don't they!? fuck off you cunts)
>>105405It's sounds odd but I think skins influenced it a lot. When I was that age I went to a party now and again but when the show came out they got ten times bigger and twice as frequent
No. 105527
>>105523She was in uni and she was freaked out by partying? American college parties are insane and probably worse than UK ones because all the repressed Americans getting high/wasted on the daily bc mom and dad aren't around to tell them no lmao.
I started watching Skins USA and it's not quite as bad as I was expecting, but I'm only on the second episode. They replaced Maxxie with a lesbian cheerleader because it's the more acceptable gay kek.
No. 105802
I just finished Skins US and ended up liking it in spite of myself lol. UK is better obv but US had its moments. I'm kind of sad there was only one season now.
>>105729I think I misunderstood
>went bat shit with the drinking and partying to mean that she was horribly offended by other people partying, I think I understand lol.