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No. 1033524
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>enough sleep
>chamomile tea
>sleep supplements
>enough food
>emergency chocolate
>taking naps
>doing strenuous exercise
>avoiding stupid people
No. 1033544
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I don't. I've been arrested a few times
No. 1033602
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I buy those tiny plastic babies on Amazon and take a jar full of water and pretend I'm drowning small men. I take one of the babies and play with them for a while, pretending I'm the scrote who ruined my day. Then I put the baby in the rim of the jar and make them beg for mercy, until I flick them in the jar and watch them drown. After the jar is full, I usually take a walk in the park near my apartment and choose a nice hollow tree or a good rock to hide the jar under. I've filled 2 jars so far!
No. 1033632
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I’m a naturally angry person but Getting off the internet and playing my old computer games makes me feel so calm. Avoiding the internet in general gives me peace.
Too many times I see something that makes me angry, and the chaos of sites like imageboards or Twitter certainly doesn’t help either. I don’t even like being mean to anons or randoms but sometimes I can’t help but fuel the damn inferno. Same reason I will not get a tik tok because I feel like it’ll fuck up my blood pressure seeing all these shitty brain dead people try and educate everyone else.
I think I’m going to try my best to cut my internet time way down.
No. 1034682
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No. 1035466
I live in an area where if you walk about 20 minutes you find this huge plot of land with absolutely nothing on it and no one around it. I scream and scream. Sometimes I even have a scrote moment and take an old stuffed animal with me and take my switchblade out of my bag and stab it repeatedly. I don’t think this is healthy, but it’s what I do when I’m angry enough to lose all shame but controlled enough to make that walk. Honestly, half of the time once I’ve made it to the land I’m not mad anymore. I stand there for a bit, look at all the holes that probably belong to rattlesnakes, walk home, and I don’t feel so bad. One semi-healthy thing I do, if I’m angry late at night or early in the morning, is put in my airpods, go to the park, and use the swings. I don’t want to look like a retard using swings meant for children which is why I only do it at those times. It helps. And I smoke afterwards. Also unhealthy. But sometimes I can’t calm down without a cig. But my god does it burn when you’ve already screamed your lungs out and light up a cig. I now go cig first, scream later if you really need to. I genuinely need anger management. I am my father’s daughter, I get violent when I’m angry, I hate it. I have enough restraint to hold back now but when I was a teenager it was so uncontrollable. Still need genuine anger management worksheets though.
No. 1035532
I plug my ears with heavy metal, I listen to a bunch of obvious self-harm japanese music that's just the vocalist yelling into the mic about suicide idealization. I have vertigo so I cant play first person shooting game anymore, but Left4Dead was such a good outlet for me during my early 20s. Fighting games are currently my favorite outlet.
Exercising, Kick-boxing, in which I can do at home but honestly it'd be so much better if I can book a hiking trip and just wear my body out to the point I don't see any reasons to be angry anymore (of course, it is only temporary until all my fatigue is gone).
I overwork, a lot, if I don't have anything constantly remind me to get done, I'd start to spiral. I also often have violent dreams about the people who have harmed and wronged me in my life.
The thing is, I'm too much of a coward to ever inflict actual physical harm on anybody. Yet I keep getting SO angry I'd burst into tears. Constantly.
I do not like this part of myself; and have been trying so hard to keep this beast in control. And hell, I feel bad for the therapists I've lashed out before, but that's my true nature. I'm angry that I cannot see immediate result from therapy, and I'm angry that I'm wasting money on nothing.
I'm going to listen to anons above to keep myself fed and get enough sleep. Good night nonnitas
No. 1035544
>>1035496Thank you, in a TLDR they were both drug addicts and they escalated their fights and mental illnesses until she decided to kill him, claim self defense, and play the
victim. Cops didn’t investigate bc brother was a junkie. She beyond obsessed with him.
She asked me for hitmen, (like tf would I know), asked me to stake out his house at night, gotta burner phone, etc.
But every time she pops up in a dream I don’t listen I just start snapping on her.
No. 1035750
>>1035544This is beyond fucked up
nonnie, I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Did you tell police the stuff she had told you, or were you too scared/it was already case closed at that poitn?
No. 1035827
>>1035750I never went to the police, and I regret it. At the time I was in such a level of shock and paranoia I was “next”. I mean after all, one kid down, one to go.
I do have the texts and shit she sent me printed out, sealed, and kept in a friends safe just in case something happens.
Over all I am a really happy, loving person. when it comes to her and her husband? Well, I need to stay the fuck away
No. 1041836
>>1036119The feelings of shame are probably the worse after an anger outburst, but why do you feel shame for being angry ? The problem isn't feeling anger, it's not being able to control it and explode in autistic tier meltdowns. Feeling angry is fine anon. You have every right to do so.
>>1035456>having anger outburst is a bippie only thingIt's just untrue
How do I stop throwing anger fits or having downright angry meltdowns (more rarely) when
- I can't complete a basic task Ex: software freeze or bug, I have too much shit in my hands and can't open the door, I clumsily spill over some liquid on the floor etc…
- I get interrupted in a task when I managed to focus, or being asked to change my work methods
- I drop something on the floor. I noticed it's most of the time the
trigger of my worst meltdowns when I start screaming and punching things. It happens very seldomly, about twice a year, but… that really suck, to do this as grownup. I really feel like a chris-chan tier retard afterwards.
- I get lost. It's more panic than anger, but still. It happens very often because I have extremely shitty spatial skills, to the point I can't orient myself in fps videogames. Going out a lot, spending time outdoors doesn't help. It sucks because 2 days ago I insulted my bf because of this (he was making fun of me when I startedpanicking).
Ofc, this gets worse when I'm tired and/or anxious about something. I'm very careful about bedtime, but I can't control everything.
I don't know, I'm sure these kind of behaviours are the sign of some kind of retardation, since they have been persistent since childhood. No idea why tho, I've seen a lot of psychs as a kid and never got diagnosed with anything solid.
No. 1041856
>be horrible angry teenager >constantly throwing tantrums and yelling at my parents for no reason>get sent to a child counsellor for one (1) session>be so embarrassed I become normal immediately I must have been hormonal and taking it out on the people I knew would love me unconditionally, because my parents were the only ones I sperged out on like that. That said I could always be calmer. Stuff like
>>1041836 listed definitely get me going, there's nothing like tech problems and spilling shit to send me into an irrational, upset rage… I think it's more stress and frustration than actual anger.
I want to be as zen as my dad though. No matter what me/my sister/my mother do, like if we're in a bad mood or pissy, he NEVER gets mad. Even if I was being a little shit and deserved it. Never raises his voice, never gets grumpy or mean, just stays chill and patient and lets us calm down. It's a superpower and I want it. I practice on my annoying coworkers.
No. 1043361
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anyone who has always been the "chill and patience" friend until the pandemic hits and your entire personality just changed completely?
I used to be a pillow for my friends (stacy or bpd) to confide their thoughts to, which makes me a pushover I guess, still I was much confident in my ability to keep calm and keep people around me grounded. I've always been the leader role for teamwork for this personality of mine too.
Now that I don't have anything to look forward in my life: concert trips, travel plans, making new friends etc. I become more and more intolerable to be around, I'd catch myself snapping at my friend for completely harmless things and started to feel ashamed of it. I keep getting in constant moodswing where I'm either depressed or angry. I don't like this version of me at all and I've become withdrawn to everyone around me.
This sucks considering I don't have anyone to depend on emotionally at all. I'm too used playing the Reliable friend that I ended up not being able to depend anyone else but myself. therefore whenever I see any misstep of my friends' wordings during most my vulnerable moment, I'd go full schizo on them.
Nonna I'm lonely and angry as hell and the world isn't meeting my needs at all.
No. 1045191
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>>1043361This is exactly me, nona. I've become so withdrawn but I'm simultaneously so bitter that friends have not reached out to me.
Don't they care? I've helped them through so much heavy shit (
abusive relationships, mental health issues, suicidal thoughts, eating disorders) and they are expressing zero concern. My closest friend has basically been like "go to therapy, I'm here to be a friend when you want to". I know it's so selfish, but I feel abandoned.
I moved to a new state during 'rona and never have plans and have no way to make new friends. I don't even feel like a real person anymore.
No. 1045386
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>>1045191>>1043361I feel both of you. I don't get contacted that much by my friends and when I do it always feels pointless. I even lost friends this pandemic that I had attached myself to more heavily. I just want to hear peoples stories and not that many are talking to me. I yearn for contact I'm not getting and feel withdrawn when I do actually talk to people. The fact of the matter is things are getting worse and I want to leave where I am and go elsewhere. I'm too poor too. It means having to lose my friends or try hard to maintain ldrs. When I can and when I finish school I will. For now it's just riding the next half a year out trying not to kms while people barely notice that I'm off kilter
No. 1047230
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>>1043346>I will just argue with people online or go to great lengths to catalog or target something so I feel like I "did" something.Baiting people (particularly scrotes on 4chan or reddit) and researching/writing about a problem are my go-tos for rare bouts of short-term anger too. My weakness is the long-term problems that make me angry; I have a massive tolerance for day-to-day/minor bullshit but if there's a major issue that I have no control over then the rage builds up until it explodes.
No. 1123771
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>>1033602You made my day anon, I like leaving the tiny babies around my university campus for people to find.