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No. 103401
>>103397I was a heavy tumblr user between 2009 - 2011. Then I went to college and only used it when I literally had nothing to do and wasn't into fandoms anymore. Then summer vacation came and I couldn't go out anywhere so began using tumblr again,only to find everyone had gone insane between 2011 and 2012.
People obsessed with subgenres, not understanding sarcasm, taking everything literally, falling in love with characters, excusing disgusting/dangerous behavior, romanticizing mental illness, Oppression Olympics…. I could go on
Then again, that whole what is air, coll story bro and me gusta memes were annoying as fuck so it's not like the former was any better
No. 103409
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Yes, I honestly miss it so much. I had a quality blog, that at the time was considered pretty popular (kek) and I still have the camera I used somewhere in my closet. Back when taking HD pictures of the most mundane shit and decorating your room with painted cardboard letters and christmas lights made you cool.
I still remember the first time I saw the 'do you love the color of the sky?' post and pic related - the good ol classic posts.
You guys who had a specific blog theme (quality/fandom/bandom/etc), do you have a new 'aesthetic' or an aesthetic at all? I guess most people just grew out of it, like that meladoodle girl.
No. 103442
>>103440Yeah, it was great but I have to agree with this anon
>>103436My best friend at the time was a bitter shutin who wouldn't shut up about SJW bullshit in fandoms and it was like 2010. The only place she could've read that was tumblr. Apparently it was also a thing on LiveJournal too, but luckily it wasn't so popular back in the day that you'd see it everywhere so I still enjoyed the few months I had on tumblr before it really started gaining traction.
Then I deleted it and moved to insta.
No. 103477
>>103469What was the strikethrough? I heard but didn't experience it, wasn't it something about censoring fan work?
It's hilarious how much "
problematic" stuff was left alone back in the day (obvs. Because it's fiction) it was like "don't like don't read "
Fandom is mess now
No. 103478
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>>103476Agree and it's so sad and some kind of scary when I remember tumblr back in 2010? It was just full of galaxy gifs, edgy gore blogs and porn and so on.
And I don't remember that people got ~offended~ or ~
triggered~ by everything.
I still use tumblr for posting art etc. but this entire SJW/BLM movement destroyed pretty much everything for me since it's just about political correctness and being super open about everything and everybody.
This side made me lately more conservative about everything than it want to be open about everybody's problems and shit.
It's a brainwashing cult these days.
No. 103498
>>103492I miss kinkmeme journals so much. After Gundam 00 and persona 4 came out, that's basically where I went after work to read some interesting works. People were genuinely talented too.
I like archive, but sometimes people tag shit wrong or with odd tags and it's hard to find anything. Also, A LOT of tumblr has been leaking onto archive. I don't want to read any bandom fics where the male singers are trans. it's garbage.
No. 103532
>>103530It's so funny how some people have latched onto IASIP and make posts about Dennis being aromantic, Charlie being asexual, and so on (I've seen it!)
It makes me wonder if they've even seen the original source material. How can people misunderstand something so much?
No. 103535
>>103477The tl;dr: LJ deleted a bunch of journals and communities purported to support child molestation; these included fandom-related personal journals, book discussion groups, and support groups for those who were sexually abused as children (along with some legit disgusting pro-child abuse journals). Back then banned journals had their names struck through, thus "Strikethrough 2007." It sparked many discussions and debates and a ton of fanwank and led to the breaking up of many fan comms as there was a mass exodus to different platforms.
If you're really curious, here's more info:'m very nostalgic for pre-2007 Harry Potter fandom. I mourned.
No. 103538
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>>103528What is up with minors on the internet too? I started using my pc when I was about 14/15 and only had access to yahoo mail/chat and maybe aol. Youtube wasn't created just yet.
I was just on IG and asked this user to politely stop asking (rather harassing) this musician's wife about 'when you are and xxx gonna have kids already??'
The couple stated they didn't want kids and suddenly this girl sends me a message like 'chill the hell out, bitch!!' and other crap. I was like 'I didn't use foul language. There's no need to be rude. Just saying sarah has stated before she doesn't like comments asking when they'll have kids'
In retrospect, i should have ignored the comment, but I had such a long day at work. It was just shocking to me because I was more than 10 years older than this child and it caught me off guard.
Little kids are online being massively disrespectful, like whoa.
No. 103540
>>103503It's infuriating. I'm just glad all the really good writers still exist and if you were fans of their older works, you can usually still follow them.
My favorite Panic! writer is a little bit of a feminist, but other than that, she isn't on the bullshit tranny, queer, genderfluid, asexual trend that is tumblr. She's also just really good at writing, just wish she was still writing that bandom.
No. 103556
>>103503Don't bother reading them, it's a confirmation that the fic is going to be shitty.
Livejournal produced some of the fav fic ever around 2003-7 with its HP/MWPP stuff. Most of it is still out there.
No. 103610
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What do you guys think of this? Do you think gay men are actually hurt by m/m fanfiction?
No. 103614
>>103610i don't think gay men give a fuck about some teenagers' dumb fanfics. tumblr fag hags are embarassing but they're not "
No. 103628
>>103610Holy fuck i hate the whole? talking? like? this??? that tumblr has, it always sound like an annoying valley girl to me.
Anyways…, so summarizing this post: "me! me! ME! pay attention to me! cater to my feelings!!!!!!!!… WHY DIDN'T YOU CATER TO MY FEELINGS I AM A GAI BOI". This shit of policing people's preferences about what to read/watch/play that the edgy pc crowd has is pretty fucking stupid, and most gay men irl don't give a shit unless yaoi fangirls start screaming murder on their faces about ukes and semes and whatever. They are basically demanding people to stop liking things because they do not like them, fucking babies. Yeah most fangirls are retarded about actual male on male relationships and some even hate real gay men, but just because "muh feelings" you aren't about to stop something that has become a quite big industry past shitty fanfics. See yaoi, bl games, so on. If it sells, it will be sold and you'll have to stick your opinion up your ass, simple.
Also, this sounds stupid by the whole sjws standars because they are basically demanding that people only write straight couples, but then crying when there are no gay couples in media lmao.
No. 103632
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>>103616Definitely a fakeboi
No. 103639
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>Old favorite fics deleted because they don't fit with the current attitude of fandom
>cant look up slash without running into my husbando reimagined as a HAES tranny
Can't a fujo be a fujo anymore ? Yaoi paddle smacking fan girls were less annoying than this
On the plus side BL manga has gotten better than ever ?
No. 103642
>>103639At least you have BL manga, anon
>tfw OTP is a side character on a popular show that got killed off and the other character only exists in the books>other OTP is fairly popular but the show ended 3 years agoThe latter can still be milked for new meh-tier fics on AO3, the former has been pretty much abandoned. Also I'm getting tired of fucking Omegaverse fics.
No. 103649
>>103639I regret complaining about rabid yaoi fangirls. I never thought they would evolve into nonbinary trans fat acceptance headcanons who obsessively list pairings that are ~
problematic~ and constantly call out people who enjoy them. Can I just have my rape fantasy borderline pedophilia BL back? That was much more bearable than this shit.
No. 103673
>>103398It seems like there's no sense of community there for anyone that isn't part of the collective SJW hugbox.
I think I started using it in 2013. But at the time I wasn't totally aware that it was cancer.
I've given up looking for art on there. It's pretty much red nosed, fat, hairy legged tranny versions of every character you can think of. And God help you if you made their skin a fraction of a shade too light. I've seen people go nuclear over skin color when I could barely tell it was any different from official sources.
But go ahead and make as many fat, black Zeldas as you want. Diversity!
>>103610These super sensitive babbies don't understand that you cannot stop people from fetishizing things or writing fanwank. Somewhere out there someone is fapping to rubbing buttered toast on their nipples while riding a stationary bicycle. There's a fetish for practically everyone. And you've got no right to tell people to stop it if no one's getting hurt.
I find it really funny because they are the same types of people who will blast you for kinkshaming and will make characters trannies on a whim and claim that it's canon because it's never specifically said that they are not transgendered.
No. 103696
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It annoys me so much how tumblrines seem to think that every piece of fiction must have some sort of moral or good message. And they're all obsessed with boring 'cinnamon buns'.
It's almost Victorian, in a way.
No. 103699
>>103696you mean "cinnamon rolls", like the super pure non-
problematic characters? I agree it's pretty annoying when they seem to think that you're evil if you're fave character isn't completely non-offensive and ~pure~. One that comes to mind is the cesspool that is/was the Life is Strange fandom. You weren't allowed to like Nathan but everyone raved about Kate who I personally thought was a bit boring.
No. 103701
>>103699"Cinnamon roll"s aren't even pure, non-
problematic characters anymore. They're characters that you would defend to hell and back.
Adachi from Persona 4 is an example. A lot of tumblrinas defend him and call him their cinnamon roll even though he's probably the most anti-Tumblr character in the entire game.
God forbid you like Kanji or Yosuke though! They're homophobic cishet scum. UwU
No. 103707
>>103701They think Kanji is homopobic?
I thought Kanji himself is gay.
Fucking tumblr.
No. 103739
>>103610Just as I guessed, this "PSA" is written by a teenage fakeboi looking for attention. I've met a plethora of actual cis gay men in my time and they have never, EVER been bothered by girls liking yaoi. Some of them like it themselves, hell, I used to know a gay man who was OBSESSED over one gay anime pairing and tried to get me into it too.
And anyone saying that the fakeboi's feelings as a "man" are just as valid as any cis male's, well, no. 100% of anyone you come across thinks of you as a girl, probably a butch lesbian, but nobody fucking thinks you're male just because you cut your hair short. The society still treats you as a woman so your "m-muh gender identity" doesn't play part in the treatment you receive.
>>103716>>103715fucking both of these are 100% bullseye
No. 103743
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I miss when it was okay to make fun of retards on tumblr.
No. 103748
>>103739This. I have a gay guy friend who LOVES bara yaoi to the point where he even has (sfw) shirts with characters from various bara yaoi doujins printed on them.
He doesn't view yaoi/gay porn as homophobic, but rather sees it as porn catering to him and other gay men.
No. 103757
2009 tumblr was fucking golden, I made so many friends through my edgy blog. Everyone was sharing obscure edgy work and whilst making their own stuff, nanarapeblossom was still being a fucking nutcase because nobody found her too
problematic but call out posts were still popping up now and then for other stuff which challenged perceptions etc
A bit like this anons experience
>>103507 it was just a really inspiring environment for me.
I am a bit of a sjw too but it's such a slippery slope. The sweet spot between a safe space and a creative environment could never have lasted.
>>103461>trianglesSo many triangles.
No. 103946
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Before going on tumblr I used to lurk on lj to read fanfics on kink memes and follow the news about Durarara, Tiger&Bunny or Hetalia. I used to lurk some specific blogs on tumblr in 2011 after discovering Doctor Who and BBC Sherlock, and in early 2012 I made an account. It was fun, I talked to people on the website, the worst way you could offend someone was by posting some Shinee or other kpop bands in the Sherlock tag and my mutuals used to joke and post about fandoms we shared.
My mutuals and the other people I followed started posting more and more about the news, feminism and racism, which by itself isn't a bad thing, but they so into it at some point they'd start posting things like "genderbends are transphobic" or "whitewhashing is racist" while rebloging nonsensical trans headcanon instead of some that could make sense and racebending of japanese anime characters to make them black. They soon stopped posting these things and said so many times that they've seen the error of their way if someone told them about shit they posted years ago that weren't acceptable anymore. Anyway, I unfollowed a lot of mutuals some months ago, otherwise my dashboard would have been unbearable. Some of these people are so stupid they equate fatphobia to real racism or sexism.
Fandoms aren't fun anymore because of that. The communities on tumblr turned to complete shit. Although that that the website itself has more and more features it's easier to avoid the crazy ones in the search and tag pages for example. Ever since it's possible to actually block people I blocked at least a hundred of blogs, not even mostly spam bots and porn blogs. I almost want to go back to the good old days of superwholock and shit. Now I mostly stay on /v/, /vg/ and /a/.
tldr: the userbase on tumblr has turned to shit, have a shitty and forced sense of humor in order not to offend, ruine fandoms by trying to police content in fanfics and fanarts while shoving their disgusting fetishes down everyone's throat because theirs are """progressive uwuwuwuuw" and make hard to take actual real issues seriously with their [something]phobias bullshit. And yet I'm still using tumblr almost everyday.
No. 104105
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Saw this in the tags.
Why are people trying to bring real life politics into fandom?
No. 104183
>>104140seconding this, seems like some mexicans suddenly got thin skin once they're on the other side of the river. Unless it is something really outrageous, usually we dont give a fuck.
We're more busy trying to not get our heads chopped than whinning about why there are more white people portrayed in the media hah
No. 104756
>>104739Ironically I think it's more ~
problematic~ than regular dom/sub stuff. I seriously think omegaverse stuff seems really rape-y and has some really weird undertones. Like to each their own I guess, but it's weird when people who write and read this stuff are otherwise huge SJWs.
What was wrong with regular dom/sub universe stuff?
Also I remember back in 2008 on LJ there was a huge outcry about a dom/sub AU fic in the Stargate fandom that was kind of a metaphor for sexism, instead of having everyone just be lovey dovey and fine with everything. lol
No. 104857
>>104854I was hoping the SJW revolution would at least curb the super edgy nudes a la 'I'm a GURL and I
loove sex! I'm special, you see?' but it's made it even worse. Now the girls aren't even hot, just edgy 'sex positive' lardarses.
No. 104859
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I prefered deviant art at this period, the only thing i really used tumblr for was checking out cosplays, finding .gifs which today its still good for and occasionally to look at some 'tasteful' sexy pics like an erect guy laying in bed but with his underwear still on.
No. 104940
I almost miss all the nightblogging, the shitty jokes and memes, the superwholock and other recent fandoms who thought they were hot shit and invented fanfics, fanarts and slash, and even the hipster part of tumblr. I wasn't interested by any of this but at least they were just bloggers who were having fun and weren't trying to bother anybody on purpose or whatever. The SJWs ruined tumblr because instead of staying in there blogs and friend groups they like inserting themselves and their bullshit in posts and communities that they're not even into. Like for video games for example, all the people bitching at sexism in video games (not real sexism, but female characters wearing ridiculous shit) and shit don't even play them or intend to play them. People who call themselves anti-SJWs are usually just as bad, so it makes for very vocal stupid people in one website, while sane people are really hard to notice.
Tumblr itself is changing a lot, they're trying to shove ads on people's blogs, I'm starting to wonder if I shouldn't start using another website instead, like dreamwidth or twitter. It's a shame, every time there are new features that are well thought and very useful they ruin everything with updates nobody asks for and glitches.
No. 106789
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>>103397things got weird when I started seeing this<
also lots of fatties blogging like 'trying hard everyday to be positive about my body but today I just went back to bed',
posts photo clutching giant stomach in the bathtub No. 107464
>>107461Lmao yes
I actually went to a tumblr meet and people were fawning over him because he would go to them or something and everyone wanted him to be there?
I was like "why is he such a big deal" and people gasped and laughed at me. I still don't get it.
No. 107793
>>104131I'm so sick of BYF pages. How are they supposed to verify that stuff anyway? People can lie. That 14 year old firl you let follow you could be a creepy old man fapping to your selfies. How dumb are these tumblrinas?
The worse are the ones that say you can't post incest fanworks unless you are a survivor of incest. Why would most people even want to share that info online with strangers? Do they ever think that not everyone wants to post their life story about their abusive pasts, health/psychological problems or go into great detail about personal beliefs irrelevant to their blogs? Do they ever stop to think there might be some good reason why a person doesn't support a certain movement?
If you want to live in a soft and fluffy echo chamber, fine. But just remember how badly that's going to work for you outside of tumblr, kid. I don't tag any
triggers. Fuck that. If you don't like what I posted don't look at my blog. The only thing I'd consider tagging is NSFW and rapid moving GIFs. But I wouldn't post that stuff anyway.
I'm really annoyed with otherkin/headmates ect too. I remember back when otherkin was mostly people who were a bit off but relatively alright to talk to. But it's gotten progressively worse. To the point where I actively avoid interacting with them. I used to be part of a community that had some otherkin stuff before the SJW waves hit. And it was mostly people who felt they were animals in their past lives or people that probably just really loved fairies and dragons. If you posted nonsense about being an angel growing wings you'd be asked for pics. Of course that person never posted said pics. After awhile such threads were banned because no one there actually believed they were animals or fantasy creatures. These days if you told some tumblrina otherkin that xir's phantom wings were fake you'd be descended upon by so many wolfkin for
triggering the poor angelkin.
I can't remember where headmates started. Probably a weird progression from obsessing over characters to "I just don't like this character. I AM this character". These days you can barely post some art without it being tagged as "literally me" by some teenage snowflake.
I was looking up some tags for lulz and found this. It's really disturbing: person has gone so far and to lift pictures of people's children off of Google to use as stand ins for their headmates. That is way creepy. They give the kids mental illnesses, sexual orientations and pronouns.
One of their BYF rules states that they don't want followers who ship adults with children. Yet one of the child pics they lifted is a little girl who is described as an age slider who's sexual attraction is based on their current age. They also refer to their child headmates as littles. Which is highly disturbing if they mean it in a daddydom kind of way and they are using pics of people's kids to visualize their freaky fantasies.
More and more blogs are saying they are really autistic or professionally diagnosed with DID, BPD ect… But I'm starting to believe that quite a few of them are lying give their behavior. Either that or they are really good at getting the diagnosis they want.
I liked the internet better when most people just lied about being fat.
No. 107899
>>107793>starting to believeIt's blatantly obvious. Those diseases are either rare or nonexistent.
I'm so glad I don't know what half of that faggotry even means.
No. 107929
>>107793>>107919Some of his alters have a
professional diagnosis unique to them. Lol, how does that work?
No. 108242
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Did any of you get so fed up with current tumblr because of shitty fandoms and/or SJWs that you deleted your accounts? I'm seriously considering it because I find less and less interesting blogs and things to post on my blog compared to when I started it in 2012. I don't know how to archive all my posts though, so it's making me hesitate.
No. 108246
>>108242I'm getting very close at any rate.
I follow a lot of Tolkien elf/witchy/pagan blogs because I'm into nature and that kind of aesthetic, and it used to be only pretty pictures and harmless spell recipes, crystals, runes etc. (I'm not wiccan myself or anything, they just reblog a lot of stuff I like). Now it's down to like… 40% picture-only blogs, the rest is SJW bullshit, self-victimisation, identity politics, and the worst of all - Wiccan SJWs. They're all batshit, as soon as I see pronouns or their Myers-Briggs type in the description I run the other way. I like Pinterest, it's not as SJW-y thanks to American Bible thumper mums and it's kind of hard to socialise on there, but I honestly prefer Jaycee from Kansas repinning chevron curtains and pillowcases to a magical uguu FtM boy who identifies as a tree frog.
No. 108247
>>108242Ugh, yes. I haven't deleted yet, I've been stuck on this site since about 2010. I went through a brief SJW phase cause I was a teen then, and it wasn't so hard to join them, but since stopping the SJW bullshit it's so exhausting being on there. I just wanna look at pretty pictures and fan content without having a huge screaming match about how "horrible and evil this person is!"
I started moving more towards AO3 but now every day I refresh my AO3 feed I see trans NB demisexual characters with fat ftm OCs.
No. 108267
>>108254I'll admit it here cause I'm anonymous, I read a lot of Undertale fanfic and I swear to god the most popular fics are almost always pedo/incest between Frisk/someone and the skeleton brothers, or it's a reader/OC insert with a horrifying mutation of everything SJW-y.
I agree about the fandom thing. Yaoi fangirls and shit were annoying but at least they pretty rarely got on your back about anything. Now you cant do anything at all without being harassed.
No. 108351
>>108246Lol the emoji spells are what really gets me. I don't believe in any sort of magick but there's just something so wrong about emoji spells. Anyone's excuse to use them are usually underage kids belting, "but I'm broke and can't afford 3 red candles, a twig, and rose quartz for this spell!" and you get dubbed as an asshole if you call them out on it.
What's your tumblr if you don't mind sharing? I feel like we have similar blogs but I mostly reblog forest photos.
>>108345I've fortunately found the older women at magick shops to be so sweet and friendly. I can see how hippies and young, alternative people are ruining it for everybody else.
No. 108352
>>108351Nah, I don't have any personal info on there so it's fine.
>caenwen.tumblr.comAs for Wiccans/pagans, many old school goths who practise it are pretty cool, as well as older ladies. The rest are usually cancer. I'd love to visit a brick-and-mortar shop one day but I live in the middle of nowhere, right now I'm trying to find reliable online shops but most of them look shady.
No. 108373
>>108254I don't think it's possible to make a primary blog private, it's only for secondary blogs as far as I know. But the staff is adding a lot of features so maybe it'll become possible someday, idk.
>>108267>Yaoi fangirls and shit were annoying but at least they pretty rarely got on your back about anything.I think it changed a bit. Most fujoshis are regular perverts and/or girls who love romance so they genuinely like BL and have fun without starting shit, but nowadays many of them seem to like yaoi because it's LGBT++++ friendly and because they can relate to the gay characters because they're gay (trans) boys themselves. I don't know how to say it, but they're like these yuri fans who seem to tell everyone they're into yuri because of LGBT rights and representation that actually have nothing to do with them.
>>108360Damn, my rl friends are as tired of tumblr bullshit as us, I'm glad that's the case so we can complain about it together. I had to unfollow friends I made on tumblr some months ago though, but it's not the same thing since I can avoid them forever now.
No. 108436
>>108373>but nowadays many of them seem to like yaoi because it's LGBT++++ friendly and because they can relate to the gay characters because they're gay (trans) boys themselves. Nah, those kinda crazies usually think yaoi is objectifying them (like
>>108392 explained) and that cisgays are disgusting privileged males anyway. Nowadays people are more into yuri because uwu beautiful lesbian goddessesI am so gAY!!!!!!uwu
No. 108450
>>108392Yes, fakebois, that's the word I meant to use but I completely forgot it.
>>108436I noticed that yuri for the reason you said was more and more popular but I guess I haven't seen many people saying BL is offensive for a while because I'm actively avoiding tumblrs like that these days. Even in the few posts complaining about BL, it's mostly things like "BL is relatable because I'm gay and cishets shouldn't read it because they can't relate so it's appropriation" so it's more about complaining about the fandom. I still don't get why people complain about objectification in drawn porn, jfc.