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No. 1075170
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cmon don’t be shy
No. 1075224
>>1075203I never learned darija, my mother was told by teachers in m
primary school that knowing two languages would confuse me so she never taught me because she believed them. It was probably just a pretext to make the rare north african kids more "assimilated", they always punished the kids who were speaking darija together during recess for some reason.
No. 1075274
>>1075195i would to be honest. muslims in my city are A LOT more lenient than in probably any other, but i wouldnt know since i dont really go out and socialize. the point is males my age dont strut out in beards preaching islam and sexism they just believe in god and thats about as far as their islam goes, at least in my experience ( which is just middle to highschool since im only 18. sure there was sexism obviously but it wasnt any different than say atheist american sexism ). my area has lots of muslim metalheads even kek
i dont think my parents would happily let me marry a man that wasnt a muslim and there is no way i could convince somebody to convert for me.
No. 1075430
>>1075195I'd never want to date any religious guy ever, but especially not a muslim guy. They're the type who treat you like a queen at first and then they want you to become another person because they want you to look good in front of his parents. I don't want to wait until marriage to have sex either, but they have weird double standards so it's ok if they act like what
>>1075301 described but don't you dare eat during ramadan. I see myself as an atheist so whatever.
And all the north african muslim guys I know are the worst kind of weebs, no way I'm letting a narutard come anywhere near me willingly. No. 1075441
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>>1075397okay, I've only known a few cases of a white guy who was willing to convert to Islam for a MENA girl but they were usually well received by the community, In practice they just grow out their beards and with the beard they instantly get recognized/identified as being Muslim in society
Its funny with the beards they end up looking like tall Kaybles
No. 1075450
>>1075195Algerian anon here. Never. Mainly because I'm gay kek
>>1075274We also have a lot of "Moderate" Muslim young men where I'm from, especially in larger cities. But from what I've experienced, they're a lot more conservative than they appear at surface level. They're all homophobic af for one, and they're much more misogynistic than your average scrote
I've had a conversation with one who thought that a woman hiding the fact that she got raped from her husband is terrible because her virginity is the most important thing in marriage to most men They're also timebombs like
>>1075301 said. They become much more religious as time goes on and fear of death and "the day of reckoning" dawns on them
No. 1119502
>>1119495Makes sense. My mother told me she hated learning classic Arabic at school even if it was useful because it's too different from Darija.
>>1119498So that's the same as Morocco when it comes to official documents and some fiels like STEM and medicine? I'm not surprised since it's an indirect consequence of colonialism.
>cause fuck France or smth. TThat reminded me of my parents visiting Algeria and going to Kabylie because my father's family being Kabyle and when my mother talked to one of the locals in Darija she was told to either talk in French, in Amazigh, or to fuck off, kek
No. 1119568
>>1075195At this point I would rather marry a Muslim (moderate obviously, I don't want to be with an extremist) since it feels like all the ex-Muslim men I know run around identifying as queer or love to live very self-destructive life styles and get
triggered if you tell them "maybe you shouldn't drink alcohol everyday"
No. 1139051
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>>1139027Seethe and cope, at least I don't shit my pants in fear and stress just because I'm eating three meals a day and not ruining my sleep schedule during ramadan.
No. 1139116
>>1139107Probably because it's a website about gossips and Muslims are the biggest gossip hens on earth, which is encouraged by their shit religion. I've had so many North African, Muslim classmates, coworkers and family friends trying to get in my business just because we're from the same ethnic group and trying to give me unsolicited advice and lessons about how I should act, think and feel just because of "our" culture, etc. Then they gossip behind you back and tell everyone that you're disgusting, mentally ill, or a degenerate for thinking that women should date men before marrying them or that pregnant women and old, sick people should force themselves to fast during ramadan despite the social pressure, you know, basic opinions. These people just can't let their omnipotent, omnipresent god do his job and judge and punish so-called sinners himself, they want to judge you themselves as well and spread rumors and lies to ruin your reputation and then set you straight.
>hates pedos, males committing acts of violence and oppressing women and that's what your religion is aboutI'm hoping the Muslim anons were born and raised in the West with open-minded, understanding parents who didn't force their shit religion on their kids so they only avoid eating bacon and they receive presents during Eid. I almost fit that description but the problem is that my parents are very superstitious despite all of this and just fucked in the head so they would disown me if I decide to wear the hijab but they prevented me from going abroad or a year in an exchange program in uni like I planned for several years, which would have immensely helped me kickstart my career, because "w-what if you accidentally eat pork uwu?? and what if you
gasp """talk""" to men your age????" and since we're a big minority in France I can't truly escape that shit. I feel like the ones in North America have it easy because there less of them, so they can avoid retarded, dangerous Muslims with archaic ideas and principles.
No. 1140005
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>>1139027tfw ur ex muslim AND white
No. 1146882
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No. 1150169
>>1150141Grab a dictionary, the accent is about the same.
>>1150125I’m a fatima actually.
No. 1150411
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>my family is entrenched in pro-Sisi propaganda.
I don't blame anyone for getting sucked into it, during that era there was so much fake news and propaganda it became hard to know who to trust.
There's a class element to the tiktok girls getting arrested. A lot of upper class girls upload the same kind of stuff and never get in trouble but middle and lower class girls do. I don't they it's because they have money either it's just kind of accepted I guess? It's Egypt so it has to be wildly classist. If tiktok really did bother the authorities they would just ban it.
Honestly the youtuber getting in so much trouble with the authorities was shocking especially since the government has been trying to hard to boost tourism in Egypt even during covid. I have a feeling they were alarmed that he wanted to film the unglamorous parts of the country, it goes against the image they're trying to project. The government is kind of autistic about "cleaning up Egypt's image" without actually fixing the structural issues; see what they did to the zabaleen.
Just visit any place that isn't Cairo I guess or don't stay too long in Cairo, it's nothing but ugly bridges now kek.
>Middle Eastern Accent
Which one?
No. 1206406
>>1206401>“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to the musalla (prayer place) on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, ‘O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.’ They asked, ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?’ He replied, ‘You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.’ The women asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?’ He said, ‘Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?’ They said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women said, ‘Yes.’ He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.’” No. 1206447
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>>1206406>Women are going to hell because "deficience in intelligence">why?>Because the testimony of two women equals the tesimony of 1 manwut?
No. 1206487
>>1206401>The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women.”Sounds extremely gay to be this terrified of women just because they're women, piss be upon him.
>>1206447I can already picture it
>they're deficient in intelligence because, uuuuuuh, because I say so! there!>they're also deficient in commitment for their husbands because my 9 years old wife didn't cook my favorite dish for dinner today bawww No. 1207725
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>>1206397Since when were emotes banworthy wtf?!
No. 1207777
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Nobody in this thread is really north african. except
>>1206598 No. 1207976
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>>1207960It IS not a big deal in the way that it is often talked about and depicted as if it was the only instance of slavery in history, especially by Americans (can't blame them since it's a core part of their history).
No. 1208007
>>1207994Yes but it has failed, that’s why I’m here. Could be worse or else I’d be on 4chan.
And yes I too just use lolcow for a female image board platform because gossiping about internet nobodies has gotten so boring. Also one last question, is france romantic like on emily in paris?
No. 1212178
Does anyone remember 8chan?
موقع قذر جدا
>>1207976>Gross men brown, helpless women whiteAh yes orientalist art, never change.
>>1207725اه مينفاش. مش بديقني لاكن رول معقدظ
انا حقا اعترض لول
I'm not sure if there's any point in writing in Arabic. I think most of the anons here are either diaspora or aren't Arab.
No. 1212359
>>1212270>scroteI called it a disgusting website
nonnie. You can throw whatever I write into google translate.
لا انا مش راجل (الحمد لله)
اصل ده ال"شان" الواحيد الكان عنده عرب
/egy/ board.
The whole website was disgusting and I have certain pictures seared into my brain. The /egy/ board or whatever it's called was very the worst. ملحدين بينشره صور الستات في الشارع أو من غير اذنهم و بسببهم كنت بجد خيفه امشي في الشارع
>>1212204Why did you separate Darija from Arabic? It's just Moroccan Arabic iirc?
>they mix letters and numbers to write in Darijaah zay el franco keda sa7? 2ah wala la2 ya
nonnie? <- Like this?
It's pretty easy but I always wondered how Moroccans deal with it because it's based on the English pronunciation of letters not French.
I believe what numbers you use would depend on what Arabic you speak but basically certain numbers are used for letters in Arabic because English doesn't have it. so 3 = ع is the easiest to remember because they look similar some people used to do 3' = غ but it's not used that much anymore at least not here. 2 = ء because they look similar و للمصريين 2 = ق because of how they pronounce ق.
5 = خ so it's why you'll see some Arabs writing 5555555
7 = ح for some reason.
No. 1212391
>>1212382It's not unique to Darija. You basically need to know how to speak Arabic. can't find a Moroccan specific guide sorry.
No. 1212411
>>1212359ok because the things that i saw there when i accidentally stumbled there…..lets just say that men are disgusting vile human beings.
I find it weird whenever someone brings up that board casually especially when i see males (not here) go and bring it up casually when that site hosted vile things.
No. 1212413
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>>1212359nayrt but yay finally somebody that speaks arabic ! i am so happy that you are here, even if we are on opposite sides of north africa
>>1212178>Does anyone remember 8chan?yeah, i never frequented /egy/ because i barely understand egyptian dialect as a moroccan zoomer. it was the same with my classmates too, but every generation before mine grew up on egyptian films and series so they understand just fine.
>ينشره صور الستات في الشارع أو من غير اذنهم و بسببهم كنت بجد خيفه امشي في الشارعwtf, thats horrific. its like you arent allowed to exist outside of your house when you live in an arabic country. i heard from an egyptian friend that sexual harrassment is crazy over there. the moroccan board on 8ch was completely dead, but there are videos of men of my country going around filming themselves groping women for a laugh on facebook, so even without the use of an imageboard it still happens.
>>1212204>they don't write in Arabic, they mix letters and numbers to write in Darija yes but also not always, there are several people that get really pissy when you use latin letters rather than arabic ones, because in public schools they learn arabic way more than french and therefore have an easier time reading arabic than latin. that and they would accuse you of sucking up to france/white people and such
No. 1213706
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>>1213700Apologies for calling you a retard. It
triggers my autism when one seemingly goes out of their way to find something offensive.
No. 1213746
>>1213706Nonnie it's fine, I get why you lashed out.
I didn't call it orientalist art because it's showing slavery and I'm offended by it doing so no. I called it orientalist because IT IS orientalist. Look into the painter he's an orientalist painter.'s a painting by a European guy depicting the Middle East to show a very specific message that's often highly fictionalized and essentialist but he's trying to pass it off as a representation of Arabs of that time. I don't hate orientalist art I appreciate it as a product of it's time and sometimes find it useful to find clothes from that era but it's still not accurate. Reading into Edward Saiid really changes how you views these paintings. The Arabs are savages and exotic look the women are in need of saving! Look at how uncivilized the Arabs are! This is a painting made by a European for a European.
I'm not denying that Arabs had things like slave markets either but I'm just critical when it comes from Europeans.
Again I don't hate orientalist art and Edward Said's own book on the subject isn't perfect, I think some are nice and I really wish that Arabs took an interest in art outside of geometry and calligraphy while documenting their own lives.
No. 1213761
>>1212413I don't understand Moroccan Arabic I feel like I need a French dictionary.
I understand why people get annoyed over franco or writing zay keda ya3ny. Some are worried there's a growing trend of young Arabs not knowing how to write in Arabic, which seems a bit dramatic but a lot of private schools don't teach subjects in Arabic and students graduate with the idea of English/French > Arabic. inferiority complex is strong and the only thing that stopped is unironically the woke trend from the West.
I want to see what an anonymous imageboard for Arab women would look like /egy/ just gave me cause to believe that men shouldn't be allowed to be anonymous online. I used to cringe at Arab women's facebook groups but I really did take them for granted. I still think they're cringe.
No. 1215255
>>1215207I never did but half of the words are just
زبي زبي زبي كس*ك
Arab men's vocabulary is so vulgar.
No. 1215273
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>>1215207i did, but then they range banned morocco so i cant anymore. it used to just be that i couldnt post media but now i cant post at all.
i requested somebody to make a moroccan apustaja once and he did ! but i cant find the thread anymore, and unfortunately i only had that image saved onto my computer that died of old age (kek) shortly after
No. 1215429
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>>1215368yes multiple times, but thank you anyways for the suggestion nona ! i actually found a way around the ban earlier this year by using portable wifi/internet i bought from asia but i guess they figured me out because i stopped being able to post a few months after… i saw something about posting using data and not wifi on
forgive me for this reddit but even that seemed to not work. and the ban applies to all boards not just /int/ so i cant even post on my actual most frequented boards anymore. sad !
i have no idea how to post again and i have nobody to ask ( or post in general ) on my behalf kek
No. 1216082
>>1215745peep "tv" show !
from 2003/2004, it features a lolita making it the first movie to have one as a character before shimotsuma monogatari (kamikaze girls). but many people are not fans of the "story" if you can call it that, it gets repetitive and beyond that it is consistently disturbing throughout. i mostly only watched for the egl.
i embedded the full movie with subtitles if you want to give it a watch !
No. 1229177
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>>1215429Just keep restarting the router, it always works for me when I get those IP range bans. I got one just a few days ago.
No. 1229321
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>>1229177thank you but it still doesnt work for me… it just says the same with the ip has been blocked due to abuse. not even on 4G, and i dont even use neither orange nor maroc telecom (which apparently are banned according to some anons). i honestly dont even care about not being able to post on /int/ i am moreso upset about not being able to participate in the other boards. why is my country even banned ? i am so sad…
also i found the apu i requested last year when i was going through the archives looking for solutions or reasons as to why. kek here it is
No. 1231148
>>1229321Have you tried vpn? You could also ask through 4chan im sure someone has a solution
>>1221895I also heard about those groups. It’s disgusting. I hope they get exposed or punished one day.
No. 1245000
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>>1229321Edit. I hate our current flag (and anthem).
>>1236807What made you think that? Was there an overwhelming male support towards the murderer?
No. 1245042
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>>1245000thanks for the edit ! i love it. but omg are you moroccan ? do you mind if i ask if from the north or south ? i am from the capital so yes prissy and faggotlike demeanor. sorry im just excited, ive never met a female imageboard user from my country before
No. 1246066
>>1245510Could you post links/screenshots of the FB posts? I find it hard to believe that anyone would support a murderer, unless the
victim happened to be an apostate or insulted islam.
No. 1246160
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>>1246066NTA but you shouldn't take those comments are a representation of what most people think. It's very clear that most people were outright horrified and they were shocked about the murder happening. Anyone defending it was rightly dogpiled on and told to stfu. I'm much more concerned over the reported copycat murders they didn't get as much coverage.
TI can do you one better instead of facebook posts from nobodies. was heavily criticized.
Her murderer is getting the capital punishment No. 1260183
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>>1259978>>1260061I'm so glad I'm not the only one that feels that way. I find myself having to constantly self-censor myself ignore the obvious self-hating women.
I'm also just happy knowing that there are other MENA women here meaning here which makes me feel not so alone with my thoughts.
No. 1283340
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Did anyone see the Fitra فطرة movement online? At first I thought they were gc/trans critical until I saw that they’re just your typical anti-lgbt but they managed to modernise.
Idk what I expected. I guess it’s just too much effort to be specific.
No. 1283345
>>1283340They do bring up certain ideas that are much more modern like “there are only 2 genders” but then switch to demonising homosexuality meaning that more progressive or questioning Arabs are going to associate both stances together
I know this is super niche but unfortunately my social circle is aware of the dumb debate.
No. 1292839
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How do Muslim women cope with the knowledge that their men envision an afterlife whereby they deflower virgins in perpetuity with an eternal erection? How do they cope with being married to and cherishing such men? Forming families with them and loving them?
Why are they invested in Islam's perpetuation? As a Christian woman I've always wondered that.
Qur’an 55:56
Indeed, We have produced the women of Paradise in a [new] creation. And made them virgins, Devoted [to their husbands] and of equal age, For the companions of the right [who are] (Translation by Sahih International)
Qur’an 37:48:
And with them (the dwellers of paradise) will be women with modest glances, with large, [beautiful] eyes,
{Indeed, for the righteous is attainment - gardens and grapevines and full-breasted (companions) of equal age.} [Quran 78:30-33]
Narrated Abu Huraira:
everyone will have two wives from the houris, (who will be so beautiful, pure and transparent that) the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the bones and the flesh."
No. 1304339
>>1291175necroposting sorry but
>less female hating country>tunisiagoddamn nona havent u seen the rise of feminicide there ? i lived in tunisia for 9years and the only time i felt safe was when i was around russian/belgian/french tourists since i was in a big touristic city. otherwise i didnt wanted to be near any man out there. and that must be worst when u live in a city that doesnt attract any tourists. after the terrorist attack in my city i came back to algeria 4years ago and its just felt the same, tunisia lost its potential since the 2011 crisis and last terrorist attack. imo theres no hope for any NA countries anymore, they're all the same now.
No. 1314050
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Can someone help me identify this woman's ethnic group? I've seen some people claim she's Kabyle, other say she's Tashelhit/Chleuh, some even claim she's Shawiya/Chaoui
I'm just lost
No. 1315632
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>>1314743Omg thank you!! This is why imageboards are irreplaceable. Tell your mom I love her
No. 1326273
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nonnies, why do algerians, moroccans and tunisians always leave libyans out
ive noticed alot of this happening on tiktok for example they would talk about north africa in general and the tags would be algeria morocco and tunisia only
we are north africans too…
No. 1339613
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>>1326273im sorry anonette ! back when i was in primary school irl libya used to be pretty big, i even had a libyan classmate which is still to this day one of the most beautiful people i have ever known. but ever since then ive never really known of anybody else from there or seen any media presence on tv or otherwise from lybians. or maybe i just dont pay attention myself…
i think perhaps that is the reason for this and the lack of interaction between the countries and therefore the people -in my personal environment anyway- , dont really know anything beyond the civil war and the current slave trade. i know for sure thats not all there is to your country and there's just no way a country can be all negative, im so sorry ! but im always willing to learn and i'd love to hear from you again ! though just know that its never your job to teach anybody.
the only thing ive seen as of recent of fun stereotypes is your love of chocolate/nutella. is that true? kek
now that you've brought that to my attention i'll definitely do my best to learn and look out for you more. im so sorry you feel this way
nonnie i'll think of you libyanonnie now ( and my former classmate ) when i see anything lybia related
ps: i think mauritania would feel the same way, like you dont ever hear about them at all negative or positive. except for that one documentary about fattening girls for marriage or something like that
No. 1366524
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any lesbian nafrinons ? how do you deal ? ever gotten a girlfriend or with a woman in general ? if so, how ?
ive been called a dyke since primary school basically even before i knew or thought about how i felt towards others, probably because i had a genuine hatred for males of all ages for no particular reason i can think of or event it was just my thing that everyone knew of me, and the older i got the more masculine i became so the rumors only got stronger even when i adamantly tried to deny it but in the end it was true after all no matter how much i tried to fight it (in my head. ive never been with a scrote and i never will).
are there communities you know of irl or other lesbians ? i've never actually known one in real life, only one classmate of mine who told me she was bisexual but she's never been with a woman to my knowledge. that or the ones i see on tiktok which… and in the end one of them ended dating a moid after breaking up so yeah.
i dont know how to go about finding a girlfriend. do you use apps of any kind ? i saw that zoe the lesbian dating app was available for download and i thought about trying it out but i dont know i dont want a sofia talouni ( moroccan tranny ) grindr situation, like i would kill myself if i got exposed like that.
for the curious
> not out or public about being a lesbian for obvious reasons though my country is probably the least conservative in all of the maghreb… i still dont want to take any chances and besides its not anybody's business to know but mine in the end. but argh i dont want to die not having at least kissed a woman once… the closest ive been to a relationship was online with a middle eastern ftm in highschool but she left me… kek…
No. 1366764
>>1366524omg hi nonnette im a lesbian algerian to!! i struggle a lot to have relationship there, ive tried tinder but its mostly scrotes profile ( i asked for women's profiles only), i also saw a lot of non binaries annonying girls, i tried to talk w one but she was so obsessed w euphoria and she wanted me to use they/them prns so i just ghosted her lol. mind u i also saw a troon-lesbian there but he lives in a total shithole city where theres absolutely nothing so i hope he stays here forever and suffer lmao. also there was a lot of racists girls, or girls who just want to have friend. over all the tinder experience there was boring as shit.
being a lesbian in these countries is so fucking hard and risky, and being a lesbian in western countries is now a fucking joke bc of the troons bullshit.
also the only time i heard a lesbian marriage was accepted in NA was in Tunisia, i heard a TIF had only mastectomies and hrt and the government allowed her to be married w a woman, even if at first it was hard for her. but that makes me mad bc they will accept troons before real gay people.
best luck nonetta, i wish we could talk more bc u interest me a lot!
No. 1366886
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>>1366764>also there was a lot of racists girlsOT but how does racism work in North African, aren't you all like Arabized Berbers with only small substantial minorities of africans and turks, also how would a topic like racism come up in lesbian tinder dating
No. 1366980
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>>1366928Speaking of which, since I'm was born ad raised in France, I don't get how some berbers who are very aware of their past and own local culture still willingly and proudly adopt some stuff from arabs. For example my grandma is kabyle and proud of it, arabic is her second language and she was a very educated woman because she loved to read and watch anything related to history, yet she was a proud muslim despite knowing islam was forced unto her people centuries ago. Yet she was very lax with it and told me she'd never be caught dead wearing any sort of veil. That's also the case for both my grandpas and they both had sisters who didn't go to school so they didn't speak arabic or french at all. I just don't get it. I also wonder that about many other people and religions.
No. 1367034
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>>1366980its not that complicated, its cause Islam is an Arab-centric religion, you are only allowed to pray in Arabic, the primordial language of heaven its self is supposed to be Arabic and being a good Muslim requires in essence to live and dress by the standards of 7th century Arab, If you were a Muslim and you genuinely believed in the Islamic faith, then you would forsake your native culture and language and try to basically "LARP" as an Arab and make sure your children try be more like Arabs, it wouldn't be a matter of culture, rather their own immortal souls, this is the case with Muslims around the world
No. 1394277
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who here /fac/ ? and if so, what are your majors ?
im a first year english lit student right now posting from class kek
more questions:
>how is it going so far ?
>made any friends ?
>how's transportation ?
>employment ?
uni students also welcome to answer
No. 1434332
>>1292839Well the issue with islam like every other religion is that it's centuries old and many false informations were added
Most of what you guys cite are hadiths which are universally considered of terrible quality by historians who did research on the subject. Often introduced centuries later, orally, with little to no proof of authenticity except "trust me bro, my great great grandfather was a close friend of the prophet back in the days".
It benefits powerful men throughout history so this is why nowadays they're taken as facts. For instance sultans and caliphs introduced a bunch of those fake quotes to justify their harems (which are obviously haram).
Also "houris" described by Quran are largely considered not to be women, but supernatural entities, they're also not exclusively women and were not said to be women (outside of hadiths, yet again).
No. 1434745
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No. 1439718
>>1437704we already have last time in 2018 kek that's okay, personally i just like to have fun with people that's all. esprit sportif ( which i know moids don't have unfortunately… )
anyway what are your thoughts on gaddafi ? i was too young to care but my teachers were watching his live television feeds during class kek. im pretty much clueless about him. someone in my uni group also has him plastered everywhere on his facebook profile, strange to see.
No. 1439944
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YAY i cant believe it omfg i had zero hope i literally thought they were going to lose because its literally portugual like duh. i even didnt watch the match because i dont care about football kek im just happy for my country's historical feat.
i wonder what cristiano's reaction was kekkkk
No. 1439950
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>>1439944>>1439946He cried? I need to see that shit now kek
No. 1439978
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>>1439957Not from North Africa, just here to laugh at him.
No. 1440251
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>>1440243Thanks for proving my point.
No. 1440340
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stop fighting please i didn't mean to make nonnies so upset with my post about my country i just wanted to celebrate and i don't even care about football at all. i didn't even cheer for anyone or expecting a victory i was just having fun
No. 1440344
>>1440334Spoiler that shit, he's so fucking ugly oh my god. You really had to show me his ugly face after I managed to avoid it, huh.
>>1440340You're right we all need to calm down. I'm not going to watch the matches anyway but seeing reactions is interesting.
No. 1440827
reposting because i made a mistake and wrote embarrassingly wrong information kek sorry>>1440368thank you! are you tunisian? if so, i was supporting you! tbh i supported every african country. my neighborhood/general area is inhabited by a lot from different countries so it was a really nice atmosphere supporting eachother like that. any day an african country was playing i felt almost patriotic kek.
if you are libyan i mentioned something upthread ( not the gaddafi post ) i'd love to know more about libya! i had a libyan friend when i was younger but she never really spoke about her country. also, one of our players is actually moroccan-libyan! his name is zakaria something, the one with the big zoomer hair kek. his father is libyan and he can speak the dialect and everything. someone told me he's very connected to his roots and has the nationality, i hope that's true because it makes me happy to hear. in general i like it when somebody is proud of their ancestry rather than insecurely brushing it off.
on an unrelated note i wish for libya to take back the greatness it had in the past, i hope to see it return to its glory in my lifetime! and egypt too. keep thinking that everytime i watch their old movies. i'm young enough not to have grown up on egyptian television so i don't really have the nostalgia i just enjoy consooming old things
No. 1444621

>>1439718Libyananon again, honestly Gaddafi is a top tier cow, the stories I have heard from friends and relatives and from just listening to the guy talk or do anything are hilarious. On a serious note though in Libya there is still a divide over supporting Gaddafi, a lot of people (we call them ta7aleeb) still go hard for Gaddafi whilst other people still remember how he neglected Libya for his foreign policy plans, send innocent teenagers to die in Chad, murdered innocent people on tv for political suppression, took many young libyan women and girls from their homes and raped and assaulted them, destroyed and neglected historical buildings and artefacts and preservation, basically outlawed cultural preservation, the whole Lockerbie thing, supporting Milošević and getting involved in conflicts and finding terror groups all over the world. There’s more but that’s all I can think of right now. At the same time even anti Gaddafi people miss the stability and position Libya had in the world under Gaddafi and many people feel he is the lesser evil than what we have right now which is militia control, Turkish, Russian, Qatari meddling, ransoms fighting for control and constant shootings and bombings. In my opinion Gaddafi was someone who was a visionary, though he was obviously a mentally ill narcissist and bound to take the country down in flames we need people like that in Libya. It is hard to completely condemn him when you see the state of the country now. When you’re from a country like Libya it feels like you should compromise and be grateful for what you are given, and it is really sad that Gaddafi is now seen as heaven as opposed to how Libyans live now.
No. 1448574
mauritanians are not a fan ofmorocco simply because of the whole western sahara situation :// theyre just better mauritanians and it just sucks to see them still being called Moroccan
but tbh they’d probably end up like their shithole neighbour Mauritania
No. 1476590
>>1476556> indigenous Egyptian يعنى انت مصرية هههههه
ولا قبتيه/مسيحيه او نوبيه؟
I have so many questions. Did you spend a lot of time on twitter because literally no Egyptian would describe themselves as such.
No. 1476592
>>1476556You’re right it’s so weird that we don’t have a broader MENA board why north africa that’s so awkward.
All i know is that somehow more right wing parties are gaining more influence. What dud Netenzeft do?
No. 1476602
>>1476590I’m Coptic and a migrant so saying “indigenous Egyptian” is force of habit when it comes to non-MENA people because it saves me having to explain to retards that Copts aren’t Arab and all that, sorry if it made me sound like a twitterfag n0na
>>1476592He is planning on expanding the settlements and his minister of security (see video) is a full blown fascist and even more evil scumbag who openly revers that psychotic Zionist piece of trash who massacred Palestinians in a mosque while they were praying during Ramadan. Fuck the west for co-signing this shit.
No. 1531503
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Arab Nonna's explain ?
No. 1541336
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there is so much gay vandalism on the stalls of my university's bathrooms and it makes me feel so lonely. i wonder if any of it is real or just written for jokes. i really wish i could know these people if it's real. i've never met another nafri lesbian in person so this has me hopelessly wishing i could meet one of the "writers" or just know them from a distance. the only girl who has me awkwardly accompany her ( for convenience since we were both alone and seemingly antisocial, i'm sure i won't see her again after this semester ) is homophobic and religious, and my only friend who is one of the few people i've come out to as gay now lives a city away. kek that rhymes i often look things up online about lesbians in my city or country, in a way it gives me a sense of hope and pride (kek) but i also get so much lonelier, sad, and jealous. i keep thinking how much i want to have that, but i know how my life would be over if anyone close to my family were to find out. i'm sure it's easier for me though since i'm a zoomer but, and i'm sorry this is mean spirited, i don't want to associate with private school tiktok influenced qweers as my last resort.
i don't want to move out because i love my country despite everything and i wouldn't want to change environments, though the bigger contributor to this is that i happen to be a poorfag, but i wish i could live normally, or have a space where i know i can.
No. 1549231
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I fucking HATE IT when foreigners do this
No. 1549354
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>>1549267nta but Numidia was an ancient north african kingdom that existed in modern Morroco and Libya, the people would have looked the same as modern day Moroccans and Libyans.
No. 1549398
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>>1549267We're being written out of our own history by Westerners. And I hate how little to no backlash they get for doing this.
No. 1549411
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>>1549401The fact that the Romans are being portrayed by northern european British and America actors is also telling, like the Romans and Egyptians would not have been significantly different skintone, it's like tanned or slightly brown people just do not exist for them.
No. 1551063
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No. 1581540
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No. 1581573
>>1551087I think she was most likely a brunette. The dye they used here
>>1551063 was probably just the closest they could use to depict brown hair.
THOUGH, I did meet redheaded Egyptians before IRL, like a classmate I had back in school. So it's not impossible. (i know shes greek but still)
No. 1581588
>>1581560Oh I thought they were arguing she's naturally redhead since I've seen European white say that online.
>>1581573How is she greek? Like %100 greek? Isn't her family Egyptian?
No. 1621966
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hey lbnat, i'm really interested in learning more about the history of the maghreb and amazigh cultures and traditions language etc. but other than what i've been taught in school, i'm a complete beginner. i was wondering if any of you have read up on those subjects and if so are there any book you'd recommend for me? sorry for asking to be spoonfed but i'd rather get women's opinions rather than moids. it would be nice if there's a female focus too ( or just female authors if it's easier ) , i'm about to start reading picrel right now.
if you have any nafri fiction authors you like please reply to me with them too! thanks in advance.
No. 1623088
>>1623053I moved to Germany recently and every time I see women wearing hijabs I get so angry. I know they're just
victims but the scrotes they came with left their shitty countries because they were shit, and instead of embracing the values of the country they moved into, they keep them and try to enforce them in the new country. Yesterday I saw a fucking burka. How can you make a woman wear that in a free country? How can you think it's ok?
No. 1623658
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i don't understand the racebaiters that shit up the thread like yeah let me kill every muzzoid "shitskin" it's my fault and should i kill myself about it too? i'm not even in europe. how many times am i going to have to hear it don't you think we're tired enough living here, and if i move i'll suffer regardless because of these sociopathic regressed degenerates either way because of their reputation like it's once again something i'm responsible for. yes i know islam is a blight no those moids shouldn't behave that way no i've never condoned it in my life and yes i'm aware that i'm a minority in a minority and i'm not going to be the change in anything. like is any poster even from north africa and living here? it's like the only conversation people have is muzzoid misogynistic pedophiles like I KNOW. and i also know you don't give a shit at all about the girls and women living here. is this a north africans in europe thread? it isn't. and your posts aren't going to drive them away unfortunately. you have multiple european threads to discuss this in.
is there nothing else we can talk about? it's just blackpill after blackpill and i'm tired. and i don't and won't hate my country or the region just because of the moids in it and their religion. there's way more to north africa than them. besides so much of the people migrating to europe are insecure mental cases from our countries either that simultaneously hate europeans, themselves, and look down on us actually living in north africa. i agree that there should be regulations but let's move on. i'm so sick of the racebait knowing there's nothing i've done or will ever do to warrant it and i'm powerless to do anything about it like it's so pointless i don't know what you want us to do about it. please are there any actual nafrinons here?
No. 1625064
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>>1624937yeah they still are unfortunately. amazighs from all different tribes really held on to their culture and heritage. in fact kabyles are probably the most well known out of all the groups outside of the maghreb if i'm not making a mistake. btw amazigh people really don't like being called berbers, picrel
No. 1641791
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Saw this from retweeted from a North African history account I follow, the "war" between actual North Africans and random black americans who claim North African history is getting really wild and evident.
No. 1650424
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Okay, hear me out.
No. 1650524
>>1623658anglo communities can’t talk about anything that relates to the MENA reguon without being weird. This thread is depressing because it’s just “no no i’m not like the other MENA/Arabs” and it’s borderline pathetic.
Do yourself a favour and don’t discuss anything about this region here.
Edward Saiid was so fucking right about the west and how they view us.
No. 1654781
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>>1652106anon hello ! i'm moroccan and living here,
i posted quite a lot in this thread actually so happy to hear from you !!! i hope you're still here i can't believe i didn't see this earlier..
>how did u guys end up here ?i ended up here in i think about 2016 or 2017 through PULL and simplykenna, then i ended up reading about some overwatch cosplayer and found out there were commentary youtuber threads which i was already a gossip fiend for, and then got addicted to the nicole('s calves) threads since i was previously a fan and eventually erin's threads kek. it was only until 2020 that i used the non-cow boards and my visits to them have since decreased with every year, mostly i lurk the tif and animation industry cow threads. how did you end up here anon ?
No. 1654790
>>1651915samefag, anon your post was really sad to read, i know i can't truly understand how it feels as we have different experiences
i'm mixed and can't speak one of my parents' language but i know how alienating it must feel, especially since it's not easy to get resources to learn by yourself and for me, it probably won't feel the same as learning through family/surrounded by the culture. as for the songs, try to look through playlists on youtube or spotify if you haven't already. vidrel is uploaded by a channel that posts old Raï, i thought might help you find the songs you listened to long ago. i found a playlist called "old school rai" on youtube but i can't embed playlists so here's the link:'s a lot of cheb khaled and idk how you feel about him but there's more different artists in there too
No. 1658156
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Do you know anyone like this IR?
No. 1658263
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>>1658156>alGAYrianskek I'm stealing that one
No. 1658345
>>1658156honestly yes– older people and those raised by them, but usually this clearly thought out specificity is usually only on twitter as far as i've seen. i hate it, so childish and retarded. why give a fuck this much about hating people kek relax and take a breather, you know they're just absorbing shit just to absorb it and regurgitate back without assessing them rationally, like populations are just a monolith. i hate nationalism of any kind.
this got me thinking of the racists on the internet which i've seen other anons talk about, which aren't limited to nafris it could be anywhere like south asians or east africans, where people argue over which microethnicity is better on a scale of who's whiter basically when it comes down to it. noooo you're subhuman because you're brown!!!! like yeah pal that's how the rest of the world sees you too. no one gives a fuck about your specific origins no matter how much you autistically argue over them fortunately, which isn't to say that one shouldn't be proud and embrace them but to demean someone and hold yourself to a higher position because of it is just so funny to me because the racist people you try to appeal to will still see YOU as untermensch no matter what, and they're laughing at you too, everyone is. it's like the fights you would see on playgrounds when kids would disagree with one another making up arbitrary reasons and rules for why they're better than the other. it's so pathetic and pitiful, an obvious way to show that they're deeply insecure not prideful if anything. the pictures they draw of eachother is really the cherry on top. i don't want to be lumped in with these retards but what can you do…
No. 1658617
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>>1658345I get what you mean, but It is incredibly hilarious seeing so many arguments online and IRL devolve into " I am more white than you, you are gypsy." with out any hint of irony.
No. 1659042
>>1659022i honestly believe that the niqab should be banned, there is no reason for a child to be covered up in that way. i feel so sorry for those girls.
>>1659028yes it is
No. 1688215
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anons how are your experiences with jobs? i've never had one before and i was thinking of picking one up to pay for my expenses and stop neeting as i can't afford to anymore, but i don't even know where to start. right now i'm thinking starbucks or some other wagie food service(?) job, or maybe something in a mall. how and where can i ask ? and if i am a uni student, if i manage to get an interview is it okay to ask for evening hours ? my last question is how are salaries whete you live ?
i'm moroccan from the capital by the way or should i do tutoring? not too sure about the pay on that one.
>>1686226please try to convince her not to go, it's too dangerous or at least tense right now. i'm sure the family they'll be visiting will understand the circumstances, i know the average person can't afford to move plans anytime but it would be safer for her to stay out if she's already been arrested before. i'm honestly shocked to know that that's happened, did they arrest her on account of her being moroccan alone or? that's really scary anon…
i really hate what's happening right now. i hate this pointless rivalry. i know it happens in pretty much all countries that border one another but it's seriously so retarded to keep up, and it's even dumber to have random civillians hate and even go as far as assaulting people from countries right next to them based on other past government or even other random people's decisions. no one chooses their ethnicity and it's retarded to hate anyone based on that. it's like they don't even have thoughts of their own.
No. 1688246
>>1688215They're not even visiting family members, they're just going there to chill at the house and maybe hang out with the neighbors. My aunts and uncles live in out city in France so maybe they'll go too but they already see each other in France like once a week. I'm not sure if "arrested" is the right word but they took my mother to the police station JUST because "it's suspicious that a Moroccan woman would come to Kabylie" and for some reason my parents had their marriage certificate proving they've been married for 30 years and that she's just there to follow her husband on their holidays. My father is retarded so he wants her to follow her there again and now even my mother's siblings are calling her to tell her to stay home for now. I think the police assumed she was a spy because they must assumed she married my father recently as a coverup, which is why the marriage certificate convinced them to release her, she only stayed there a few hours. Anyway this shit is crazy and she's stupid for not cancelling her trip yet, but I'll insist anyway.
As for your job search, good luck. We don't live in the same country so things may be different where you are but if you're a student try to apply to places with a lot of students, that means that managers and HRs could be willing to accomodate your schedule. Summer is over but you could also try to get temporary jobs during the next school break too, or when there will be big sales if you look for retail jobs.
No. 1692004
>>1075309Didn’t know Middle East people had that racial complex like asians
But that might be your more progressive circle perhaps
No. 1692729
>>1692177i posted in the vent thread about how i felt, but i'm okay, and as far as i know all my loved ones are too. thankfully my city was a non critical zone ( most affected being essaouira, marrakech, agadir etc ) i initially thought i was just having the shakes again until my doors and dishes started slamming and getting hurled, i literally felt my building shift and move ! it was easily the scariest moment in my life, for the first time in my life i seriously thought my life was over
as the last serious earthquake happened a few months before i was born (in al hoceima) so i've never been in a similar situation in those helpless moments i felt like the only thing i could do is surrender and accept it so i just went catatonic on the ground kek. a little while after my entire neighborhood went outside in case a second wave would hit to be safer from the danger of getting caught in building collapse, but thankfully that never happened where i was.
my instinct was to text my friend and save my phone and laptop with their chargers as soon as i could kek the scariest things were the unpredictability and the absolute helplessness in the moment. our country isn't earthquake prone to my knowledge so most people including myself had absolutely no knowledge on what to do in such situations. it was so surreal.
i heard lots of terrifying news since, one of which is a teacher who found out that the entire class of students died (iirc they eventually found 4 surviving students). i'm heartbroken and devastated for the people that died because the vast majority are below poverty line families (slums, villages) i'm so grateful my family in the alps weren't severely hit, but even city folk have had their houses and cars etc. destroyed, some were killed and many were injured.
this of course includes many animals and pets, many of which are currently lost. my heart goes out to all those who were affected and i hope the message gets across that we need better infrastructure, it's so upsetting that it's not the first thing our money goes into.
No. 1695174
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>>1326273>>1659011libyanon(s) are you and your families okay? this is terrifying, my condolences to your country. i'm from morocco so we're also going through some shit right now. i hope and pray you're all safe, i'm thinking of you.
No. 2038495
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>>1658263ehh…I prefer "Alخerians"
No. 2119849
>>2119764it's so obvious they think of every islamic country as a monolith it seriously drives me up the wall. at least several anons have been honest and outright said that they have no respect for people in the MENA region, especially lately/after october 7th. also, i honestly don't even know if the "arab" accusations are worth fighting because so much diaspora staunchly identifies themselves with that label because of how things were in the past (their parents' generation etc…). kinda makes me feel cucked but what can you do. i guess the state efforts and propaganda worked a number on them. but at the same i can see why they'd also make that mistake looking at phenotype (but i don't want to start this conversation bc it gets racist real fast) and makes me feel like i'm engaging in those micro-ethnic wars if you know what i'm talking about.
anyway, i'm so happy to find out there are many active north african nonnies here !!!! yay i love my sisters ♥
No. 2121040
>>2120907Yes. Are you mauritanian
No. 2123137
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Found this one on ovarit just now. Holy shit some of them are truly brain dead. Girls, did you know we must wear our hijab right after our first period??
No. 2124126
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>>2121040It's an interesting zone especially in the south near Senegal and Mali because it straddles the Arabic Africa and Black Africa zones
No. 2124937
>>2124930>>2124902Westerner here.
What can you expect us to do or believe when most of the people from the MENA region who come to our countries are white-identified, conservative, muslim scrotes? It's not like these men come here promoting anything other than Islam and calling western women whores. They don't integrate with western culture. So how do you expect us to not lump all of you together?
No. 2124958
>>2124902I mean, we're not the same but we do share a lot of common cultural values. The hijab thing was retarded but i get the point of bringing up Islam (there is a shared taboo around sexuality which sweeps intersex males under the rug). It's not like we can't relate at all.
>>2124126Nona i was hoping you were from there! But yeah it's really an interesting country
No. 2125706
>>2124902Same here.
>>2124945Kek excellent one. Thank you.
No. 2129172
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congrats algeria!!! i'm so happy i swear this isn't bait/psyop/whatever but she's starting to look hot to me sometimes. just had to get that off my chest kek
No. 2130681
>>2129172I fucking love you for this nona. Thank you. Yeah she looks great once she is out of the ring and cleans up. ♥
Its a pleasure to see all the seething unhinged people while she, at only 25, brought gold back to the country after training for 8 years for this. I know very little about boxing but a lot of experts said she was truly great and amazing at it. She made me want to pick up boxing myself.
The retardation in the dedicated thread and at ovarit continues. Honestly, they peaked me out of radfem. They truly are a hateful group. I don't want to ever hear about them ever again. Fuck them.
Also, the entire country tuned in to watch her match as if it were football. Never before were Algerians this invested in a sport that is not football. I'm pretty proud how we all pulled together to support her. She had an entire country rooting for her at her back, and thousands of fans rooting for her everywhere in the world (thank you Melon and Rowling for Barbara Streisanding this one! No one knew her name a week ago. Now she has thousands of fans everywhere).
No. 2305857
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>>2129172>>2130681>>2130770>>2132878How do you feel now that it was confirmed without a doubt that Khelif is a man? How do you feel being a tranny enabler?
(infight bait) No. 2307134
>>2305857Imagine look at that dude and thinking "yep…she's one of us :) she looks exactly like our women"