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No. 1086250
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Notably, several female orientated subs like Female Dating Strategy were banned as reddit is convinced anything pro-female is anti-male, but shitty male orientated subs with violent misogyny are totally okay and not a cause for concern.
Last thread
>>>/ot/1030603 No. 1086275
>>1086195>>1086257I would not be able to look him in the eye again after that, I would move buildings just to never see him again. The fact they made up and are friends again leads me to believe she'll be back for more, yet because he says he's not aware of any hygiene issue, girl is gonna get a facefull of
shit encrusted asshole again, guaranteed. Bon appetit!
No. 1088232
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No. 1088272
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This gross moid that keeps on popping up
No. 1088503
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This scrote tells his 2 coworkers his salary after working there for 2 weeks. He's happy about his male coworker quitting for a better paying job, but only feels guilty when he tells his female coworker? And she got the shittiest end of the stick despite working the hardest and having more seniority, too. I bet he only feels guilty because he no longer has her to do everything.
No. 1088511
>>1088232this user is fake for these reasons
>obvious fake gonewild stories about fucking strangers, being turned into the hot school slut always getting hit on after she lost her virginity when she was totally the uwu shy girl>constant contradictions, claiming she was a pole dancer then claiming she had bad anxiety and couldnt be around people etc>claiming to be on onlyfans, etc but doesn't link or promote, usually these girls are trying to suck up any attention they can>claiming her and her husband do expensive things like spas, hire maids, get massages, go to yoga classes, etc but also claiming shes a barista with anxiety and her and her husband aren't financially stable to have kids but totes have a 400 dollar weekly maid and spend thousands at spas monthly just some scrote larping as a slutty housewife ig, i smelled bs from a mile away
No. 1088514
>>1088503Women who do 3 people's worth of work are common, never found the male equivalent. Usually the inverse, shamelessly fucks up enough to set back 3 other people on the regular.
It's funny how men will both acknowledge how useful a woman is while avoiding at all costs to praise and respect her work. The male wasn't there for even a year but he's A gReAt GuY who deserves the upgrade. Her? Just a convenient workhorse who got away.
No. 1088616
>>1088586I saw a post on there last night which I wish I screenshotted. It was a woman talking about her 20yo bf being embarrassingly drunk at a family gathering; vomiting, pissing and shitting in his pants, and then taking the shit with his hands and wiping it all over himself. Literally the most disgusting thing I've ever read. I take everything I read on reddit with a grain of salt especially on r/relationshipadvice as it's all a circle jerk for karma points and awards but god….. if that was real I would run far, far away.
She was essentially posting to the sub to ask if it's okay that she was disgusted by the whole thing, given she and his friend had to bathe and clean him up, clean all the excrements off and put him to bed. He then tried to fuck her the next morning which she obviously refused and he pouted about. I've had a look through the sub to find it but it's so fast moving I've lost it. Though given my description, I doubt many of you would want to read.
No. 1088636
>>1088616Relationship subreddits have me convinced 9 out of 10 men in relationships are just pedophile, porn sick alcoholics. It's funny to see men bitch about how women are worse than ever but holy fuck you're more likely to win the lottery than to date a scrote who isn't an
abusive pos
No. 1088838
>>1088616I would totally believe this really happened. A few years ago an ex who I briefly dated also got embarrassingly drunk on nye when we went out with my friends, from the alcohol my pickme ass of course bought for him.
Thankfully it had nothing to do with shit but he became violent and pathetic which ruined the night for me. I dropped him off at his place and he made such a scene towards me that he almost got his ass beat by strangers who wanted to stick up for me. So ungrateful. He was all indignant and shocked pikachu when I broke up with him the next day, because of course it was somehow
my fault I bought him the alcohol and treated him well. Of course he emotionally bombarded me into taking him back which only lasted an emotionally blackmailing two weeks until his
abusive ass snapped towards me again. Except he broke up with me, because his narcissist ass didn't want to feel like the one who got dumped. Never spoke to him again.
No. 1088859
>>1088503>underappreciated woman shouldering multiple duties for less pay than the laziest and newest office malesOh look, a post about me!
I hope all of those people leave so mister hotshot might have to work for that coin. That's the real real of why he's shitting his pants with "guilt" lmao.
No. 1089008
>>1088232imagine being both a cleaner and a prostitute, it's like somebody trying to create the shittiest job possible…
such handmaidens like op are beyond repair
No. 1090117
>>1088511 the poster is a fake account. It's a moid. He probably doesn't even have a wife.
No. 1090808
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the irony
No. 1091550
>>1090808>illegal insemination and rape is fine>Russia is evil because american propogandaI don't want to a-log but I just wish all American men randomly became infertile. Their mindset is so retarded.
>>1090905Most nudes posted are posted by men. Men treat nude pictures as a currency, every picture sent travels through group chats and gets posted to websites like 4chan and reddit so men can get off to the woman like she's an object.
No. 1091662
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This guy is a teacher and he dumpster dives then feeds the food to his students. I'm sure the parents wouldn't be happy about that.
No. 1091687
>>1090905they are especially if its a picture of their wife/girlfriend or……a family member.
This is why when you are dating a man NEVER LET HIM TAKE A NAKED PICTURE OF YOU, he will use that for evil no matter how much he lies that he will keep it secret.
there are subreddits dedicated to men posting pictures of their wifes and relatives. So be careful who you date.
No. 1091695
>>1091662maybe his students are aware and high on zero waste
No. 1091994
>>1091695I'm quite sure his students aren't aware. He probably brought the shit and gave them.
>>1091715>>1091697These food can be defective or contaminated. Not worth the risk and it also looks like packaged junkfood anyways so not something that's vital either.
No. 1092711
>>1090667100% or they intentionally leave "surprises" bc it gets them off.
When my mom worked in housekeeping she told a story of an old couple requesting room service. She goes to clean their room and finds they had screwed in the bed right beforehand, sheets literally still wet with spooge. Nasty old freaks.
No. 1093219
>>1093147 >Idc how it comes off, I'd rather be alone than get played again!I would bet money he was never played in the first place and is making that shit up to badly explain away his crazy ways. It's not him… it's his exes fault he acts this way! All his future actions rest on the shoulders of some woman he told you about from his past. So damaged by whores.
I had an ex who told me the only reason he gets aggressive really quickly is because his ex used to hit him during arguments so he's 'reactionary' after what she put him through. I bought that back when he was initially only screaming and stomping but I was soft spoken and not one to escalate shit.. guy hit me as I backed away from any signs of a fight. 'reactionary' eh? Men and their handy lil made-up whore exes and
abusive exes who'll take the fall lol
No. 1093223
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>>1093147Men say they don't love drama yet freak out over their girl twerking at home by herself. Yet I bet they jack off to much worse.
This is just an example of how males will act upset at you to make you apologize, they get hard on the power games. "You're a hoe buuuuut I GUESS I'll take you back" is how it'll end.
If you ignore shit like this and walk away they will be stunned and have a bruised ego.
No. 1093236
>>1093147Men are so fragile kek
>>1093219This is true. I dated a moid who would randomly go ghost if I "acted suspicious" aka did something outside of go to school and stay alone in my house with a constant eye on his texts. He would also demand things like to see the friends I was with and for me to take nudes because he thought I was cheating on him that often. I asked him to go in detail about the previous time he was cheated on and apparently he didn't even get cheated on at all? Anyway I talked to his friends and it turned out all that happened was his previous "cheating" gf just had a simp she ignored most of the time kek. How much you wanna bet this kid was cheated on by his middle school gf and now uses it as an excuse to be an emotionally
abusive dick?
No. 1094407
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>>1094389he wants to sue a charity for having a specific purpose? is he going to also sue charities for african children for discrimination against asian children?
No. 1094456
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Sorry for reposting but was catching up and posted in the last thread:
Looks like the post got removed but more potential r/antiwork drama- the literal rapist who was modding r/rape got called out and this person says they have receipts. It got deleted within three hours. To make it even more Reddit, the OP is a sex worker and when you click her profile for more info you get blasted with nudes because ofc No. 1094495
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>>1094409god, i hope he ends his life. rooting for him!!!
No. 1095643
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If you know the scrote is a lazy piece of shit why would you continue to choose marriage and kids with him? A lot of women on reddit hate accountability.
No. 1095685
>>1095585Men on reddit are such
victims. Im sick of seeing the same complaints that men never get compliments, men are isolated and don't get enough love.
Because the implication is that women are withholding compliments and the affection these men deserve. Why don't these men compliment each other? Give their guy friends hugs? Take eachother out to lunch?
I'm sure as hell am not gonna start giving compliments to rando strangers or my creepy male coworkers (esp because if I did then I would be harassed for putting them in the friend zone) just because guys on Reddit are crying about it.
They think women live life on easy mode because we have easier access to sex. But most sex for women is at best: orgasm-less and unfulfilling, and at worst: dangerous.
No. 1095697
>>1095643Men act and men change. their very essence is to trick you and use you. Every remorseful, tired, abused woman could have been a happy bride before that. Or a girl in love who was getting a world of promises whispered into her ear.
"Why did you have kids with him" is a question YOU may very well get after a few years with your nigel.
No. 1095698
>>1095643Tbh they missed the part where you divorce him and people expect you to be a saint and a super parent while the ex does everything in his power to make your life harder and tarnish your name. There's no winning once the wrong kind of scrote puts a baby in you. You're fucked from that point onwards. It's an endless waste of effort and emotional energy.
I made it down the aisle with the wrong scrote but no baby thank fuck.
No. 1095710
>>1095685One thing that really bothered me is how they act there's less stress for women on how their body looks because of the body positivity movement. You know, the same movement mocked relentlessly. But apparently all guys worry about their height and at least those fat bitches can loose weight!
Even ignoring the fact that those movements were made by women for women, it's also almost hilarious how they act like women think it's fine being fat. I never felt worse about my body then hearing men online talk about overweight women.
No. 1095736
>>1095710Exactly. With Instagram photoshop and increasing plastic surgery culture things are getting worse for women in terms of body standards.
Women make up 99% of plastic surgery clients, basically all of cosmetic purchases, hair dye, skin care, nail care, diet plans etc. Women literally get their labia trimmed to fit some pedo vulva standard. Do cosmetic penile surgeries even exist? Haha
There are literally no standards for men. Do you even know a single straight man who uses facial moisturizer or hand cream?
No. 1095783
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A disgusting subhuman reddit mra made an account pretending to be a radfem on twitter, proceeds to reply to women asking to join radfem group chats all while posting screenshots of their tweets to reddit under the guise of “misandry”
No. 1095788
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>>1095783some of the male retardation you can expect from redditors, why do mra subreddits get to stay but radfem ones get deleted?
No. 1095959
>>1095643I agree if the man starts flinging up the red flags within the first few months or year, but a lot of these scrotes are extremely manipulative and don't start showing red flags until well after cohabitation/marriage/kids have been established, so women figure to try to work things out first before up and leaving since a lot of these women also have bad home lives previously. It depends on the situation.
On the other hand a lot of women will defend a guy who is abusing them within the first few months and it's hard to talk sense into them until it's over, these women are highly manipulated and you need to understand the mindset they are in is not their normal mindset
No. 1096087
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No. 1096098
>>1096087Her giving out that calling it a red flag isn't advice.. Hard to keep up empathy when women do this shit. And it's your first child you say..
Girl stop blocking out the very thing you need to get in your head.
No. 1096471
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r/malelivingspace is a nightmare
No. 1096530
>>1096087Imagine how jealous he'll be of the child. Fuck this is a disaster waiting to happen but she's far too retarded to see it.
>>1096471>bigdicksteve6Who's gonna tell him his teenage room isn't cool and his 6 inches isn't big?
No. 1096561
>>1096515literally. I also feel like the people who tell women to dump men over every single thing also completely made "dump him" lose it's meaning
>>1096471why are they so proud of living in a dump? it looks like a collection of whatever the fuck he could get off of craigslist for free. Nothing is wrong with free items or cheap furniture but there's no taste or soul. You know his personality is probably just gaming and ghosting random women he leads on and calling it mysterious
No. 1096796
>>1096087What a creep. He's either cheating on her, is porn sick, a future wife beater or all of the above. Also
>Please don't say my husband being jealous of a female nurse is a red flagKek this type of woman is hopeless. Soon she'll join the statistics
No. 1096829
Someone is unhappy with the quality and integrity of posts on /r/gooncaves
>A suggestion This may be controversial, but am I alone in thinking this sub should be limited to setups that involve at least two screens (or multiple mags, posters, whatever)? Right now it's full of people posting pictures of literally one screen and their dick. Isn't this sub about interesting goon setups, not just pictures of people regularly jerking off to porn like any average person does, i.e. to just one screen? What's interesting about that? I say add a rule that makes it so a post has to have, at the very least, two screens. One screen is not a goon cave. Edit: to clarify, I mean no offense to people who goon to a single screen, even those who post themselves doing so here. 90% of the time I use only one screen myself, but you don't see me taking pictures of it and posting it here.
One guy gets really passionate about it
>I 100% agree with this post! Lately this sub has been flooded with one screen jerk vids and it’s boring/sad. Your 13” laptop on your bed is not a goon cave! It really cheapens what a goon cave should be imo. I know that my cave takes me an hour to setup and then another hour to take down. Where’s the effort? Where’s the ingenuity? Where’s the dedication?
One guy comes up with a peaceful solution
>Just made a community called /r/pornviewer for all the single screen gooners feel free to join and post lets get at it and get started
A brave gooner goes against the grain
>I disagree actually, I think a goon cave is what you make of it. Even if its just you stroking to a magazine or even porn on your phone.
Someone from rdrama found the least degenerate gooner. He is a Danish man in his fifties who eats his own cum out of his sex toys while grunting like a r-slurred downie
No. 1096840
File: 1647217630181.png (59.84 KB, 740x452, Screenshot (25).png) the men in the comments in the comments pretending like they're oppressed for being men reinforced my misandry, and whichever mod put that flair on the post is based asf, the men in the comments
triggered over it made me kek, they legit think that mod putting a flair on a dumb ass post like that causes men's suicides. One of the things that I really hate about these kinds of posts is that even though they say they hate men being generalized, they do the same exact fucking shit and pretend like women aren't individuals, that we all have the same lives and ackshually have it easy. Take the comments about men having no emotional support or being lonely for example, how the fuck is that an experience exclusive to men (or even universal)? I've never had any emotional support myself and got taught from a young age not to show emotion (my dad yelled at me for crying and would call me a crybaby or tell me to toughen up or that I'm too sensitive), and I'm lonely af. According to the comments that someone like me wouldn't exist bc I'm a woman and apparently women don't experience that. And the comments on how dating is so hard for men and that all women have men flocking to them, like do they realize that not all women are these super hot Stacys with tons of male attention? They sound so out of touch, I can't feel even a little sorry for them. Also I get mentally ill and incel vibes from most of the comments tbh, like there are even some men commenting that they don't relate to most of the comments in there. This especially applies to the comments complaining that dating is hard for men because women have super high standards that barely any men can achieve, like come on, clearly these men don't go outside. There are plenty of broke, short, balding/bald, physically repulsive, etc. kind of men in relationships.
No. 1096849
>>1096087Ah yes, one of these. "Don't tell me to leave him because I won't!" fine bitch, fucking suffer, bye. All they want to be told is they are not crazy and their manthing is just looking out for them. Leaving with a baby isn't easy, no shit. She's still helping create her own self perpetual hell by staying.
>>1096471blanket which obviously needs a duvet cover for, no fitted sheets, mattress on the floor. He either grew up poor because, for lots of poorfags, this shit is common. Or most likely doesn't give a rat's fucking ass because having to wash all that shit is too much effort.
"No more nagging wife" Ah that cope! The retard loved her nagging. It was the only constant in his life that showed any effort towards him cause he damn well never showed any towards himself.
No. 1096875
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So this is kinda old news but I just stumbled across it, best i can make out:
>mod of /r/mildlyinfuriating called awkwardtheturtle>post on womans volley team uniform difference, posts a comment saying "this is why men shouldn't be allowed to design anything">sub loses its fucking mind>dig up other big meanie things she said about poor defenseless men>Post calling for her to be demodded and banned gets 84,000 upvotes, over 600 awards:>awakwardtheturtles response is simply: no.>They make a petition to get her demodded>18,600 signatures>Still no>They start a discord solely for stalking her, post updates on their change petition for when she logs on and off.Can you imagine if men actually had to experience anything close to misogny?
No. 1096904
>>1096892The thing is homeless men are more dangerous and violent than homeless women. They can't even tell the true % of female homeless people because a lot have to hide away from homeless areas to avoid being raped/beaten by men, homeless or not, so miss out on the counts which usually happen at shelters/food kitchens.
Statistically women end up sliding down the economic ladder after divorce while men go up, despite the fact women usually retain full custody of children, so many are homeless due to life reasons and not mental health/drug addiction issues like men are. Also a lot of prostitutes end up homeless when leaving or aging out. Homeless women are just more worthy of the resources, but we can't even have female only shelters anymore because of libfems.
No. 1096909
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>wahhhhh people think I'm creepy
>people think I'm a pedo
>people think I'm an abuser
>people think I'm a misogynist
>people think men are violent
Well fuck me, I guess us women really have it easy? We only have to be the victims of creeps, pedos, abusers, misogyny and male violence. Imagine if there was a small possibility in certain abnormal circumstances that people might mistakenly assume we are the perpetrators instead! That would be true suffering!
No. 1096918
>>1096840They legit don't see women as human, like they see us as TV show characters and shit, and that's why they think we don't suffer from the same stuff like lack of compliments and shitty mental health where no one takes your feelings seriously because they stereotype women as emotional. Not all women are attractive, and like you anon I was also taught by my father that crying made you a weak and failed person. These men are delusional. Maybe that's why men think women have a
victim complex, projection.
No. 1096940
>>1096840Looked at the overlap subreddits of r/AskMen and here are some choice finds:
>7.18 menslib Why I'm wary of lib men tbh. Just because they pretend to care about women, doesn't mean they do.
6.55 dating_advice
6.44 socialskills
6.07 purplepilldebate
5.88 bigdickproblems
5.82 datingoverthirty
5.49 askwomenadvice
>4.89 mensrights Men's rights are a joke, they control
4.35 askanamerican
4.25 datingoverforty
4.18 askwomenover30
3.99 asktrp
3.25 malelivingspace
3.15 changemyview
3.08 rant
3.06 lonely
3.04 morbidquestions
2.73 askgaybrosover30
2.71 pettyrevenge
>2.71 twoxchromosomes Troons are incels, so fits.
2.56 2meirl4meirl
>2.55 nofap Coomers trying to recover or 4fag poster types who think
>2.51 intj KEK.
>2.50 pussypassdeniedA woman-hate subreddit.
>2.49 roastme The shitting on peolpe subbredit.
>2.45 polyamory Lmao.
2.44 nutrition
>2.44 mgtow Ofcourse.
2.14 militaryporn
2.05 askteenboys
2.05 antiwork
2.02 jordanpeterson
1.99 truechristian
1.84 murderedbywords
They just seem like bottom of the barrel men with shit social skills and beliefs and behaviour reeing no-one wants to fuck them when they have nothing to offer. Ashamed how many times my country appears.
No. 1096943
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one of the funniest things I ever read on reddit
No. 1096954
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The TwoX "pwease love me troons, I am but a disgusting cis woman" train continues with an absolute bullshit post that was either written by a troon, a real woman who hates herself enough, or a regular scrote for that sweet karma
No. 1096990
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>>1096909remember ladies, always trust your gut instinct. if you struggle with it and doubt yourself a lot read this book, it's based as fuck and talks about men in OPs pics and how illogical they are and why you should avoid them.
No. 1097002
>>1096890"Dump him" is literally the only strategy that will take them out of their misery that is scrote-induced even if it is "privileged" solution. Anything else might as well be enabling the retard to continue his behavior and to continue her misery. Nothing is ever easy and tbh I'm getting tired of seeing this wallowing in
victim mentality. It is 2022 and most of these Reddit women are in Anglo countries, not Afghanistan. You don't need to be a pinkpilled FDS radfem to know that getting into a relationship with a man and having children with him is a huge commitment and that if it falls apart it will typically be more difficult on the woman, which should be a basic wake-up call to have a contingency plan if something like this happens. Yes, men are shit and will always be shit, but it is what it is.
No. 1097013
>>1097002men treat women like that because they know they won't leave. Low-value scrotes will seek out women with low self-esteem and who are desperate. The only way to win is to leave. You can explain to him a million times to please wash his piss off the seat/look after his kids/not cheat/not play vidya 24/7 but he knows these women aren't going to do shit about it apart from nag. Breaking Mom is one of the most pathetic spaces on the internet purely because these women are being actually tortured by these scrotes and refuse to do shit all about it apart from moan on reddit.
I got chewed out on this board once for pointing out an actual high value male would never go for a woman that lets men walk all over them because low self-esteem is a turn off to everyone but a predator. But it's the truth, if you want a man that's going to treat you right you gotta treat yourself right beforehand. Imagine putting the mental energy you do into worrying about your scrote into your career or hobbies instead.
No. 1097063
>>1097002>>1097005>>1097011>>1097013That thing that gets me is that even if the woman legitimately can't leave she can still stop doing anything for this moid.
Stop washing his dishes, clothes, making any kind of appt for him, caring about anything he does, having sex with him, etc. They will complain about what how their man is a piece of trash, yet still keep taking care of him. Why?!
No. 1097065
>>1097002I don’t really disagree anon, but I still feel like this is easier said than done. I used to work with a woman whose husband cheated on her shortly after giving birth, she told me how her family (even her mom) was against divorcing him because of their baby. They all made excuses for him, “the pregnancy was hard on him, it’s hard for a husband to share his wife, think about your future,” that kind of shit (yes she did divorce him anyway and pissed off her family kek). Even women in regular (not super religious/trad) families hear this kind of crap. We’re conditioned to make excuses for men and treated like bitches when we don’t.
I’ve also seen a lot of guys completely change after being in their relationship for a while, I don’t think they all start out like the intro to a r/BreakingMom post. It’s easier to be in denial when your relationship started out good.
No. 1097070
>>1097005>breadwinner of the two is insaneLiterally. Why the fuck are there so many women who SUPPORT their husbands and are afraid to leave them when they run around cheating, are addicted to porn or some stupid shit. Women will literally financially support their fat uggo bfs so they can watch porn and cheat all day before they even touch the thought of leaving them.
Can someone please explain to me how we as a society brainwashed western women to be this level of a doormat?
No. 1097103
>>1097090Man I fucking wish people spotted out any tiny red flag and called men out for it like they claim. I've blatantly called out red flags of men I know personally (45 yr old man at work flirting with teenage employees, a guy saying it was hot that I looked way younger than I was, a guy dating a 15 yr old at 19, etc)
Each time I was immediately shut down and it was always like "no anon it's not like thaattt he's not going to go touch random kids in the park". No one calls out men who exhibit obvious pedo behaviors, why the fuck would they get called pedos for hanging out with their kids?
i also feel like these men have an already guilty conscience or are pedophiles and are afraid people will know just by looking at them, that's the only logical explanation for that level of paranoia of people thinking you're a pedo No. 1097161
>>1096909Writing retarded drama queen posts like this is a big fat red flag. Gotta love how it starts with "I can't smile at people on the street or they'll think I'm a rapist! And I'm expected to fix shit!!!" and tops it off just making up fictional medieval etiquette like "I might have to fight for my treacherous woman's HONOR and get my ass kicked!!!". Lists like these are just further proof how easy men have it and how most of their problems are self-imposed and only exist in their heads.
>1.1K updootsI swear the moids who support this are the kind who will walk behind a woman on a dark street enjoying the powertrip of scaring her or autistically refuse to act less suspicious because of muh feewings but still complain about how evil women are for assuming they're potential rapists.
No. 1097200
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>>1096840they really don't see women as real people wow lol
No. 1097209
>>1097159yeah every moid that claims that people give him weird looks is either really a creep or just claiming that to go down the weaponized incompetency road. nooo, i can't take care of the kids, you have to do it, people think men are pedos when they're around kids, wahhh!!
>>1097203amen, sister.
No. 1097335
File: 1647266196540.png (788.26 KB, 790x857, FAT.png)

Average redditor lunch
No. 1097361
>>1096840A lot of the things regarding loneliness to me has nothing to do with being a man and everything to do with being a loser reddit fag. Notice how men always brag about how male relationships are superior because there are no drama and they act like retards or what not. at least drama between women is a great way to quickly figure who would be suitable for long term friendship and who wouldn't. Men really ask each other no questions. A lot of moids are friends with pedos and rapists and have no idea because they never ask. IF they feel like they can't talk about their feelings with each other, this is their fault. They need to find better friends and ask more questions and stop being pussies.
>>1096875Case in point about reddit moids being the most embarrassing and sensitive bitches that ever lived. Meanwhile subs dedicated to misogyny continue to thrive but apparently that's ok.
No. 1097367
>>1097002If anything it needs to be normalised for woman to build up a stash of wealth and have somewhere to fall back when your relationship dissolves. So many women think that wedding vows and relationships last forever and they are shooting themselves in the foot with this fairy tail line of thinking. I also would like to see women not moving out with their bfs when they know they don't have enough money to live alone or can't go back to live with somebody else.
>>1097011You're right anon. Too many women are obsessed with male attention and fairy tales then they care to admit. There's a reason why single women who never marry are the happiest.
No. 1097372
>>1097335Gonna ignore the absolute trash being presented as lunch but
What is there to "make" here other than that piece of sandwich.
Her husband could just:
>open cupboard, take cookies and popcorn>open fridge, take protein shake, banana and m&m yogurt And then he could also make his own stupid sandwich.
No. 1097380
>>1097011>promote looking out for yourself if you get in a relationship with a manAgreed.
>including keeping your wealth to yourselfYou're presuming every woman has fair and equal access to wealth in order to accumulate it.
>separate bank accountsAgree but again you're presuming privileges that may be beyond a woman's control.
>money saved up in case you need to stay home with children or somethingHaving savings is a privilege and I say that as a woman who's gotta work 60 hour weeks.
>Why are we supposed to act like we are in the 1950sSis, because in many ways we still are and it's even worse in developing countries.
Access to our own reproductive rights are still challenged, we're still paid less in the workplace as men, etc.
Even when I asked for a raise during my perfect performance review, my manager literally retorted with BuT WhAt AbOuT YoUr FiAnCE?!?! Society would sooner expect women to go broke and rely on a man, or sell our bodies, before they gave us the chance to be paid fairly.
It's an unfair system and it's too much expectation on us "Hetty Bettys" to keep sucking it up and dealing with it. We need unapologetic support for women instead of acting like they're all free agents who choose to get caught up with shitty scrotes just because. No woman deserves punishment because of how a scrote chooses to behave and I find it ironic how we'd sooner ostracize each other for the choices instead of demanding for men to act better.
>>1097002It needs to be more like "Dump him BUT get your ducks in a row first."
It's wanton and foolish advice to give women who may be financially and socially vulnerable. Not everyone has family and friends for support. Not everyone is wealthy. Homelessness is dangerous for women.
A breakup is statistically the time where a moid is most likely to commit violence against a woman. I just wish you wouldn't treat it like it's no big thing solely because you're reading narratives of privileged women on reddit who just want the validation but could move for the better and even then it may not be the full story.
No. 1097397
>>1097335ok, i went through the trouble of calculating because i was curious. please correct me if i'm wrong, i don't know any of these brands because we don't have them in my country so i just googled.
core power protein shake: 170 calories
smartfood white cheddar: 100 calories
yocrunch m&ms: 180 calories
chips ahoi cookies: 220 calories
banana: ~80 calories
i wasn't sure if the popcorn is the small or the big bag (eurofag, we don't have that brand) the big bag would be 2720 calories (17 servings x 160 calories) but i'm assuming he isn't scarving down an entire bag of popcorn for lunch…
sandwich (a lot of eyeballing from my own weightloss and meal prep experiences):
- white bun: ~250 calories
- cheese & cold cuts: ~300 calories
- vegetables: ~50 calories
- sauce/condiments/mayo: ~300 calories
so about 900 calories for the sandwich.
in total: 1650 calories. this is my calorie deficit if i want to lose 1 pound per week without workout…
No. 1097404
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>>1097399ah shit, yeah i checked every thing's label for serving size per pack but i blindly trusted the calories printed on the cookie pack. i also can't find any 220 calories packs via google, only picrel with 210 calories.
either way, i don't doubt that he's probably eating closer to 2000 calories… for lunch only.
No. 1097439
>>1097380idk if you're missing the point on purpose or not, but the point is you don't HAVE to stay. In the 1950s you needed man for a bank account and basic shit like that, so no shit grandma stayed no matter how much grandpa beat her because there was literally no other choice. We don't need them for that anymore. You said yourself you work 60 hours, that money goes into the account you define, and you are free to spend that money on what you want. Women aren't trapped anymore, but some of you act that way.
If a moid is cheating on you, abusing you, taking your money, LEAVE. Nothing else will solve it. If you need time to get finances together then fine, but make leaving a goal. The women on breaking mom have 0 desire to leave because they make excuse after excuse, oh the kids, oh our family, or he might change, all while living in a literal hell. These women are cleaning literal shit and piss up from these men and the best they do is make a sad reddit post about it kek
Like, no amount of telling men to act better works. That's the whole point. You saying we should expect better from men is insane because these men are well aware of how they act. We should expect better from women, pull each other up (and yes that includes telling women to leave these men), and leave men behind.
None of what you're typing about ~~be nice to womenz!!~~ actually helps. It's libfem nonsense that thinks if we tell men they're mean enough times, one day they'll realize you're serious and change!
No. 1097443
>>1097368Based. Women's place is poisoning their husbands and killing them off.
>>1097417Even redditor fatties are aware she's gonna give him health issues.
No. 1097444
>>1097335She said her husband (married at 19) refuses to eat fruit and veggies because he grew up eating processed food (big shocker). Commenters had to give her advice on how to hide vegetables in his smoothies, and then she backtracked when someone pointed out how childish and sad that was, insisting she gives him cooked veggies every night. She also claimed that the pack of cookies was a single, that he doesn't eat most of the lunch (just the sandwich and yogurt). Also, she claimed that her female friends are "jealous that she gets to be a housewife", but later admitted that the "friend" who complained is a single man living with his parents. Honestly, she lies a lot kek
She ended up calling people in the thread jealous/bitter NPCs for not validating her. Honestly, reading this is interesting. The OP is cowlike
No. 1097481
>>1097439>but the point is you don't HAVE to stayDubious when considering physical harm, retalitory litigation, homelessness, and/or loss of property and other material things are to be considered against a woman trying to leave.
There's much at stake and it's not trivial is the only point I'm making, I'm aware women can physically remove themselves from any relationship they want. Alas, pesky unfair consequences that should set them back if they do!
>"Women can make bank accounts now so there's nothing trapping them to men anymore." If you want to get real reductive, technically women back then could have left men then too if all that was holding them back was a bank account. I'm surprised you wouldn't be advising them to be paid under the table in cash and living off the grid or bumming with family or a friend as a ward.
>If you need time to get finances together then fineWe agree and this is my only point. So many anons are angry when women need to be shown steady empathy and patient support instead of giving their scrote the middle finger then disappearing into the night.
>The women on breaking mom have 0 desire to leave because they make excuse after excuseNot true as I browse that sub quite frequently and see many women citing ex husband stories, wanting divorce, and posting vents as they're preparing themselves to leave.
>oh the kids, oh our familyCompletely fair and
valid emotional concerns. Of course it's worse on kids to stay in obvious
abusive relationships, but divorce is no small action for them either and is a deterrant.
Maybe men are quick to divorce because they're selfish but generally yes women are very considerate about how their relationship status impacts their kid's wellbeing (we tend to be blamed by our children if they hate the way the divorce goes too). Women should be more selfish and society should expect selflessness from us less.
>or he might changeOn this I can agree, but again empathy and patience is needed here as society has collectively gaslit women into believing these things are on us to fix and that men can be talked into caring while their routines prove otherwise.
>Like, no amount of telling men to act better works. Have people really tried though?
I don't mean that the women should continually nag, seek couple's therapy, and push ultimatums hoping for change because of course male sociopaths just lovebomb, lie, and keep up appearances for outsiders to continue with their shit. I'm talking about if society would collectively shame men in the way it shames women for when relationships fail.
Even now this conversation is about you being angry at how women go about ending their relationships because you feel that getting angry at the men would be useless.
When I was with a hobosexual partner, I would go to my family and friends for advice on the situation and they would all tell me to either 1. CoMmUnIcAte differently or 2. Lecture me that my partner should be doing x, y, and z as if I were his personal secretary for feedback. Not once did anyone ever pull that dude aside and confront him on being a jerk. It's always a woman's fault, and failing that it's our reaponsibility to fix because no one ever holds scrotes to account.
What a boon for men that they get to behave as shitty as they want towards us and all they've gotta do is find and deceive the next poor woman.
Being empathetic and supportive to women absolutely helps. Farmers being nice to me years ago on vent threads when I slowly actualized my situation through identifying the problems helped me. Tbh being mean about this subject makes you sound like an NLOG.
No. 1097503
>>1097481nta but one is telling women who literally can’t leave to just dump him so flippantly. They’re telling that to the privileged redditors with some level of resources. There are a lot of reasons leaving can be hard but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t.
.t escaped highly
abusive scrote with far fewer resources than 99% of women whining on Reddit
No. 1097508
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>Got banned from r/TrueCrime because I called a serial killer a piece of shit
Why are Reddit mods like this?
No. 1097510
>>1097503>They’re telling that to the privileged redditors with some level of resources.There's no way to always know this. I've seen anons screech dump him here without knowing or assuming anon's stories as well. I don't always buy this but am aware there is a difference.
Anyway, good on you anon. I escaped a scrote with very few resources too but didn't let my situation embitter me towards women who have it marginally better off.
No. 1097516
>>1097510Except a lot of times they mention things that show they have resources.
>telling women to dump him bc they deserve better is being bitter toward themok now you’re just being retarded
No. 1097521
>>1097131This had me dying laughing LMAO
competitive gooning
speedruns next please
No. 1097749
>>1097576Nonni I agree with the other nonni. You sound emotionally immature. (As another women who escaped an
abusive scrote.) you just lead to women over their heads not venting or asking for help. You’re not helping and you’re missing the point.
No. 1097808
>>1097481>What a boon for men that they get to behave as shitty as they want towards usnta but are you fucking stupid? Do you think you're going to "fix" men by screeching to us about how mean they are to you? They don't want to fix themselves, they have no interest in being better because dumb pick mes are willing to put up with it and then come here to cry about it but REFUSE to even consider leaving. I'm sorry but I'm not going to reward women for enabling the shitty moids of society by being their bang maids and making them little lunchboxes.
Didn't even read the rest of your post because jesus christ.
No. 1097809
>>1097785well I was venting on lolcow about people being pussy these days. Obviously I would not tell someone actually being abused that they’re a pussy to their face, but saying dump him is not at all rude or aggressive. Fucking kek that you think I should give a shit about how you moderate a community.
What do you think women are genuinely retarded or something? You think they will take dump him as “literally right now, this instant, walk out the door. Do not prepare yourself, do not so much as think of where you will lie your head tonight, just go.” Come on
No. 1097852
>>1097790I've yet to see a post say "dump him" that wasn't in regards to a clearly
abusive or extremely messed up situation
No. 1097908
>>1097852I've seen a few but it barely happens, it usually refers to the man's past. I remember an anon who's boyfriend was an ex-porn addict got
triggered anytime he saw something remotely pornographic and anons said to dump him even I believe the anon also mentioned she had drug problems of her own (?) Idk if I'm remembering it correctly though
No. 1097921
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>>1097908i've seen it a lot but not even closely exclusively, or even mostly, used in response to serious cases regarding abuse. it's kind of a meme, it's not that serious and people need to chill. honestly i can't imagine being upset by an offhanded "dump him" comment.
No. 1097976
>>1097921I only have an issue with it only because its lost it's meaning due to being overused. Most men are shit and women are in
toxic relationships with
toxic men but this obviously isn't the way to help women out of relationships
No. 1098692
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No. 1099047
>>1098710not fake, i know plenty of women financially supporting their manchild boyfriends who simultaneously want their wives to bring home all the money but also live a 1950s style life of the woman cooking, cleaning, caring for the kids, etc
usually these men don't want to work, thus leaving it to the woman to provide income but get weirdly opposed to how the woman works unless it fits specifically to what they want (noo don't work from home it's loud, don't work around lots of men, don't work in military settings, only work in an office, etc)
I feel like there's a huge increase in this happening, I assume from the fact women are manipulated/negged into believing they're not doing enough constantly. My take anyway
at least from someone who lived in a similar situation No. 1099156
>>1098692Her man is a hobosexual and she has low self-esteem. I only hope she's staying with him because his warm body in the room counts as 'childcare' which is at least free.
Still though, she'd be much happier divorced and living in her own space where she can set up office without getting screamed at by an adult baby who wants his escapisms in a specific spot.
You'd think a man would be grateful for this sugar momma situation, but no, it's like give a mouse a cookie.
No. 1100808
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Long and short of it is that OP hid the fact that she is married and has kids from her coworkers of 9 years. A new employee found her on Facebook, told everybody, then her coworkers got upset about it and OP got angry at being "found out". I was reminded of this post today because I read another post where a redditor was complaining his manager was making him "share" more in their weekly meetings. Something about this attitude is just so fucking controlling and petulant, to me. This compartmentalization goes beyond being a private person and feels sinister
No. 1100819
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>>1100808actual irl rosa diaz. i get why she's mad.
No. 1100829
>>1100828I don't know, my brother is deeply paranoid about people knowing about him or even interacting
I don't understand it myself, he sneaks around, tells nothing about even basic shit about his life so that no can't relate with people, he doesn't even own a cellphone cause he claims people will track him
its important to note he was sexually abused when he was younger, so I think this is his coping mechanism
No. 1100847
>>1100808I think sometimes this paranoid holding back of info is passed down in dysfunctional families. One side of my fam is like that and I've inherited the habit myself. No reason for me to be so closed off (ive no skeletons in my closet) but I still learnt to be like this. Its a hard habit to unlearn. Resets your whole comfort zone with people.
I showed up to my dad's workplace once and nobody knew he had a daughter. He retired and moved to a small village by himself after my mom died… again I visited once and nobody knew he had a daughter. I think it's ultimately rooted in there being events of both csa and children conceived out of wedlock at times when that was highly frowned upon and the kids were given up. Those secrets started a snowball effect of fearing people knowing too much.
No. 1100854
>>1100808Everything on Reddit is fake but I'll say I pretty much had this attitude for years while temping in different offices. I'd be there for anywhere from a week to six months and I'm naturally a private person. Most people are fine, respect it or don't even notice.
I didn't have some crazy secret life, I just hate office politics and when you're a "stranger" people keep you out of them.
No. 1102100
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>I think this is depression or isolation from the pandemic since before Grace had no problem looking like a modelthere's a small chance of that but it's way more likely that Grace didn't WANT to put all the effort to look like a model and realised it when she had nowhere to go. i'm fucking sure the moid did shit for his looks and when she also stopped he found it abnormal cause he is only allowed to be sloppy with his looks. at least people are supportive of the woman. No. 1102102
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>We know there's a chance you'll die b-but what about our baby?!
No. 1102766
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Sub for discussing affordability problems in Canada's housing market bans anyone who criticizes the current government. I believe the government has taken over this sub to control the narrative.
No. 1102770
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>"wow, didn't know women at this age can still be "funcional" when it comes to breeding"
>He yelled about how I belittled him and insulted him infront of family by telling him to stfu
and the bf didnt belittle and insult his gf's sister…?
No. 1102786
>>1102781i've even met women who believe that fake /pol/ chart that is circulated around stating women's infertility SKYROCKETS at 28 (it does not)
the average man doesn't even know the miscarriage rate of a 35 year old is the same as it is for teens
No. 1102801
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No. 1102864
>he said he was giving facts not 'personal opinions'On what planet is "I didn't know 36 year olds could have children" a fact? Moids are so committed to the idea that they are perfectly rational beings that they think everything they say is just a statement of fact.
>>1102781Yeah, it's really common. And also such a red flag, because it shows what parts of the internet are shaping their worldviews.
No. 1103069
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>>1102770What the fuck is this lol
No. 1103315
File: 1647675438881.png (58.92 KB, 746x542, oh no.png)

I've been laughing all day at this post. DAE FEEL DISCRIMINATED AGAINST FOR BEING 2 STRONK?!?! Redditors are such a fucking joke.
No. 1103324
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>>1103315Women want equal pay AND me to build their shelves???
No. 1103337
>>1103315Life of a gymcel who imagined building muscle would lead to women fawning over him but only other males make him do more work. Sad.
>>110332410 bucks average woman is stronger than than that commenter.
No. 1103915
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He will molest their daughter for sure
No. 1103931
>>1103315>>1103324>work in office>only do manual labour while your female coworkers do the actual paperwork>"women deserve less pay!"it's the opposite, you're at the bottom of the hierachy kek
jokes aside, shouldn't muscular moids feel flattered that multiple women ask them to be their strong helping hand? most of these gym bros just sound closeted
No. 1103959
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>>1103915Please let this be fake. Please let this be fake. Please let this be fake.
If it's real this guy definitely is into incest porn. Girl run.
No. 1103967
>>1103931No. Women don't ask for help, manlets do. That's why he gets so mad.
>>1103962Like I said above men only want to help hot women because they see it as flirting or some shit. Ugly women or men asking for help makes them seethe.
No. 1103971
>>1103962moids nowadays are just beyond repair
liking when they get seen as strong and manly is supposed to be ingrained in their dna and yet not even that is working anymore
No. 1103976
>>1103324>>1103315Lol I do handy work myself and men get pissed and insist on doing it
I can't speak for all jobs this man had but I'm 4'11 and 100 lbs, when i worked in manual labor and restaurants i was also expected to lug heavy stuff, change kegs, lift heavy, etc. and seriously? "I worked in home repair and had to lug stuff"? kek. He's literally crying oppression because he has to work like everyone else kek. What a fucking baby
No. 1103988
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everytime I laugh that the gossip subreddits know about us
No. 1104073
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>>1103915uhhh I hope this is fake, but if it's real then she needs to wake the fuck up. Honestly it should've been a red flag to her that he's obviously into DDlg judging from what he was calling her before, and scrotes into that should not reproduce.
No. 1104116
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No. 1104433
File: 1647764213122.png (5.72 KB, 246x177, Untitled.png)

redditors are deranged. i cannot believe anyone would find this a humorous joke so i have to assume it's earnest. i fully believe a cumbrain redditor piece of shit would actually do this.
No. 1104722
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>>1104444>>1104454>>1104462>>1104465>>1104471>>1104597>>1104675>>1104679Have you seen the video about the moid who puts bugs IN and on his dick? I think it was on some TLC show or something. I can probably find it but… I'd rather not
No. 1104955
>>1104444I hope he got some weird fish parasite and his dick got painfully ate off
There was a subreddit a while ago if people with weird fetishes complaining about health issues they've had from performing fetishes. The bug catches obviously filled it up but it was always fun seeing the painfully oozing cysts and surgeries scat fetishists got, people who got rashes from pee, people who had to get body parts removed because they played around with worms and stuff, and just the amount of people who permanently destroyed their health for a fetish
No. 1104972
>>1104957Sigh… here you go
nonny. You wretched being.
No. 1104975
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>>1104433His dick will be shredded, have no fear.
No. 1104982
>>1104977YW. Featuring not one, but TWO moids who fuck bugs! There are doubtless many such cases.
>>1104975Oh good.
No. 1104987
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>>1104975>>1104982Let me introduce you two to goose teeth
No. 1105023
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>>1104990yes! toucans also have weird, scissored beaks
No. 1105151
>>1104433What thread is that from
>>1104975Based pingu
No. 1105184
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I'm just so fucking done… Kill them with fire
No. 1105195
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Also megakek at that last comment
As if 90% of moids idea of sex isn't blowjob + using the woman vagina as a toy to get off, doesn't matter if it hurts her + bonus degen kink
No. 1105290
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>Am I crazy?
If you have to ask..
No. 1105315
I can't post anything on reddit anymore, literally every post gets auto deleted or I've been banned from the subs because I wrote one comment on KiA or something. I'm stuck with imageboards for the rest of my life I guess.
>>1105290Tbh that seems like a good find for 149 bucks.
No. 1105456
File: 1647825129971.png (448.41 KB, 1710x1178, Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 8.10…)

This redditor moid is absolutely sociopathic. He isn't a parent yet feels the need to shame his sister for how she parents and daring to discipline her sons. Disgusting.
No. 1105593
File: 1647833700287.png (25.27 KB, 730x251, Screenshot (27).png)>thread about unspoken emotions in men>moid in picrel acts like men aren't allowed to be angry when in fact they actually chimp out all the fucking timeKEK, maybe it's unspoken in that men aren't saying "I'm angry", but they show their anger a lot, so this comes off as extremely delusional. And nobody who replied pointed this out.
No. 1105598
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>>1105593samefag, actually I just saw picrel and it's even more retarded
No. 1105662
>>1105598There a sex based insults for both men and women, but men just want be the perpetual
No. 1105745
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I've seen this one several times on Tumblr touted as the funniest post on Reddit or whatever, and I don't get it, what's so funny about it? Even the explanations don't make sense, like "it's dark humor, you don't expect this kind of answer after such an emotional post", it's still not fucking funny, I'm not even a pearl clutcher who gets offended at everything, but it's just so painfully unfunny to me.
No. 1105775
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>makeup for hooded eyes after lots of practice!!
oh cool, I have hooded eyes so this will be helpful
>obvious brow lift which physically took most of the hood away
>hundreds of updoots
No. 1105938
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The most reddit male post I have ever seen
No. 1105978
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there is no way this is real
No. 1106136
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not sure if this belongs here or in the mtf thread but…what the fuck? totally not a sexual thing, though.
unrelated but i noticed that the subreddit for my favorite band prohibits racism and homophobia in their rules but doesn’t mention sexism. not surprising bc of the band’s lyrics but it still pisses me off. i just hate when males enjoy the stuff i’m into.
No. 1107618
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No. 1107903
File: 1648048756098.png (43.71 KB, 662x274, reddit.png)

>>1102516>Reddit is also banned in RussiaNo and never was (unlike lolcow) but I believe you on the propaganda bot farm part.
What reddit thinks of Russia? Is it pro-Z or more in favor of Ukraine, like every woke/lib resource? I know they're cheering for teams like in some kind of fucking football game, so retarded.
No. 1108544
>>1107903It's 200% in favor of Ukraine. They formed a subreddit for redditors who want to go volunteer for Ukraine. And some of them went! And then came right back!
The major news subreddits are all Ukraine, all the time. Also, they've decided to hate any company that doesn't boycott Russia. Is the country just selling petfood and bottled water? Too bad, so sad. They need to get out.
No. 1108839
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the delusion when thats just the reality
No. 1108860
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Moids, not even once. But I don't feel bad about upper middle class gay guys throwing their money away, kek.
The post is from the Lost Ark subreddit "This game is ruining my relationship"
>>1107712What did you post
nonnie? I hate the balkan subreddits, today they're bitching about conscripting and how women should be forced to go to the military.
No. 1108869
>>1108839I'm even saying this as a detran myself.. if you're 2 whole weeks into transition and already aware that it will never be enough to satisfy your wants.. why isn't that ringing an alarm bell? I remember years ago you would see alot of naive enthusiasm about transition results but now it's the norm to just jump in fully knowing you won't even be happy for doing it?
Naive people thinking it'll fix all their problems.. I can empathise. People who whinge every step of the way and never even get their fluffy 'gender euphoria' moments in the beginning are harder to comprehend.
No. 1109134
>>1108860Hes complaining about the game as if the game is just subliminal messaging his boyfriend to spend more money on it. The reality is the boyfriend has no self control. Game companies dont brainwash their buyers into spending shitloads of money on their products, they take advantage of the fact that people have no self restraint and will throw money around to get past levels. Those shitty gacha games and p2w games exist bc of morons like his boyfriend.
I remember reading reviews on that stupid raid shadow legends mobile game and someone openly admitted to dumping hundreds of dollars into the game with little payoff.
He needs to face the truth. His boyfriend is just a child that doesn't treat his money responsibly and chooses playing a moronic game over his partner.
No. 1109195
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>>1108839wanting to "go through male puberty" is just code for wanting to be a gay teen boi making out with another gay teen boi because they watched too much haikyuu or twink on twink porn like gifrel.
No. 1109449
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I'm on a subreddit for gay Genshin art and a gay man felt he wasn't being included. Sir, we're here to ogle impossibly hot fictional men, not throw the first brick at Stonewall. There's just something about a moid who always has to be pandered to.
No. 1109452
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On the bright side, a lot of women and other guys straight and otherwise, were in the comments explaining that gender doesn't matter and we're all here for the same thing (to post horny art) and gender and orientation shouldn't even be a factor of the posters. Some told him that maybe he should look for a pro lgbt group to discuss his personal stuff instead of look for it in a game subreddit. No. 1109485
>>1109449>severe brain mal-developmentWe can see
>>1109452Like those fujo spaces cater to women, they're always full of preachy handmaidens who share messages about real life politics, have 0 reading comprehension and think characters are literal siblings, kek.
No. 1109716
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It should be obvious she did nothing wrong. Just wanted to use this post to fish for validation.
No. 1109918
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>>1109716Just saw this other post of hers. What a pick me.
No. 1109920
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No. 1109928
File: 1648176831847.png (104.8 KB, 727x702, essence of tomato.png)

The OP of this sounds insufferable with the pasta thing, but her boyfriend sounds like a manipulative asshole
No. 1110199
>>1095643I agree with the poster and her point is that people always place the burden of expectations and being the better person on women and never on men. It's the same thing that the men do in these relationships she's talking about. Isn't rule number one of misogyny that women are responsible for what men do? I'd rather the discussion be more about what the man is failing to do, his problems, why she shouldn't put up with that, how she can protect herself and escape if she needs to than mocking her and insinuating she's stupid and how all her misery is her fault for choosing this. Most women aren't exposed to critical feminist thought, it can be considered a privilege to be aware that there are other options or to even chose other options. I think of women in poverty, who were raised in poverty and only saw partnering with a man for security as an option, mirroring what their own mother and other women in their life did. It's all they saw and knew.Maybe they have kids from relationships they had as teens and need a joint income to afford having their child. Yes not every woman's situation may be this dire, but there can also be mental health reasons why women end up in
abusive or just shitty relationships. Sometimes men straight up lie and trick a woman for years until one day they drop the mask or become monsters and they're already married and have kids. They deserve compassion not sneering about how their suffering is all their fault. You just can't presume to know enough about a woman and her situation and where she comes from, from a single post.
The reduction of a woman in a shitty relationship's thought process as "he's a lazy pos but I will marry and procreate with him anyway" is so misogynistic and either stupid or dishonest. There's more nuance to it and refusing empathy or understanding towards women in these relationships doesn't help anyone.
No. 1110218
>>1110209>I feel like some people here would eat anything, even processed american craplol don't be obtuse, picky eaters almost always PREFER processed crap to the exclusion of everything else. Nobody means foodies with refined palates and a taste for gourmet food when they say picky eaters, they mean childish people who want tendies and hate veggies. Eg that autist who prefers plain noodles with a 'subtle tomato vibe' instead of actual fucking sauce.
Obviously the boyfriend is trash too but that sort of eating habit is an embarrassment.
No. 1110238
>>1110225I don't know how he is controlling.
>If it wasn't schrodinger's tomato sauce, it would've been something else he'd useOkay, this I agree with. And that I wouldn't do this type of thing with a girlfriend, I just wouldn't make the stupid noodles wasting sauce, but I'd probably do it with like, a young cousin who was autistic about their food or something in a family gathering, I'd just lie to the kid that I totally didn't add any mushroom while the truth was I just picked out the mushroom from their plate.
No. 1110656
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Not a post, but still gross.
No. 1110695
>>1110691>The line, he guarantees, is not about poop. “That would mean I was some kind of fecal freak,” he said. “What I was really referring to was ― a dump truck when it backs up, it’s like, ‘beep, beep beep.’ So, ‘she had dumps like a dump truck’ is, like, when girls do a booty dance move and they look back at their butt. She’s like a dump truck back-back-backing it up.” Hm. I accepted the explanation. And at this point, his publicist suggested we wrap things up. No. 1110728
>>1110688Ayrt I really thought it was what
>>1110691 said but it didn't seem to make sense in context of the post.
No. 1110740
>>1110725My thought is literal autism. Overstimulation from tomato flavor + freaking out and demanding your food be cooked an exact way even though you literally cannot tell the difference. also kek at the "huge breech of trust", acting like he just cheated on her and fucked her sister or something because she thought her spaghetti was made with sauce when it wasn't. She seems spoiled because she ~insists~ on washing spaghetti sauce down the drain when it makes zero difference. It almost seems like some weird paris hilton parody skit
the actual thing we should focus on is the fact she was 17 when they started dating and he was 23. He probably knows she has some form of autism and uses it to his advantage to manipulate her
No. 1110785
File: 1648233547375.jpg (425.85 KB, 1080x1025, 3qj7f4pukek71.jpg)

>>1110782>>1110755>>1110744Men who date teenagers are weirdly distant from them too, most likely as a manipulation tactic but will freak out when the girl is actually ready to leave. You go through the trouble of being a pedo and committing a crime to be with a girl you ghost most of the time? Is this some weird tactic they enjoy to get attention or to "make her crawl"? I swear men have no self awareness on how retarded they make themselves look to the world
I can also bet you the reason why so many young girls have to rely on relationship advice threads for their relationships with their adult bfs if because these dudes ghost them or act passive aggressive instead of communicating anytime an issue comes up, purposely playing with the girls anxiety/abandonment issues and forcing her to talk to others to figure out everything instead of just communicating as a couple, it's always the man being stupidly offended over tiny things too. These kids that they date are more mature than them kek
No. 1110789
File: 1648234333164.gif (91.7 KB, 220x165, stop-hitting-yourself-nelson-m…)

>>1110785The line about how she thinks she might 'unintentially guilt trip him by crying' Feels bad seeing her find ways to blame herself.
I wasn't young-young but I dated with a 12 year age gap once and the guy often said that women only cry to manipulate men. I spent 3 years with him and I've never cried so much in my life. He gave me reasons to cry! Every woman he dated was younger and mentally ill or vulnerable to begin with. This 40 year old fucker hadn't yet figured out that depressed people cry and when you take a depressed person and you abuse them they cry times ten lol. I've memories of him berating me for crying and weirdly enough in my head I would picture this gif of all things because it felt like that. Like I'm not here just upsetting myself you asshat.
No. 1110820
>>1110812When you're autistic you're supposed to train yourself to be better, not throw a tantrum because your noodles didn't have sauce on them instead of having sauce put on them and washed off (??)
Seriously. Us autistic folk are forced to act functioning and stable. Why does she get to throw an autismo tantrum but if any other autistic person tried that they'd have zero friends and partner and get fired from their jobs?
No. 1110863
>>1110853He literally just didn't put sauce on her spaghetti instead of putting it on and washing it off like she requested. He didn't beat her or plot some ridiculous scheme against her, she also doesn't get to act extremely bratty and demanding over fucking spaghetti sauce. Also someone cooking for you is no promise to cook exactly what you want and nothing else, it's like having a mental breakdown because someone made your rice in a rice cooker instead of boiling it like you requested. I can't emphasize with her or anyone else who acts this ridiculous over their food. Hate on the boyfriend all you want. She's extremely retarded acting and no amount of "he should have just washed the sauce off! What a manipulative
abusive prick!" Will erase this
No. 1110874
>>1110863A scrote who feeds into your autistic behaviors, lies to your face and manipulates you for years for a laugh instead of being a normal, straightforward human and telling you that your sperg shit is just that doesn't have your best interests at heart
In fact, he's either a bigger autist than her to think there's nothing wrong with what he did, or just a manipulative shithead overall (and I'm leaning on the latter honestly)
>no amount of "he should have just washed the sauce off! What a manipulative abusive prick!" Will erase thisNo one said this. In the first place, why did he insist that he do all the cooking? What was his problem?
No. 1110878
>>1110853This defense is usually used the wrong way but if it was the boyfriend having an autistic meltdown because his girlfriend didn't prepare spaghetti in a useless way then you would probably be sitting her sperging about how
abusive, demanding and autistic he is, you wouldn't even care that the girlfriend was manipulative and teased him or not. In fact most of you would be bashing the gf for staying with this manchild. Women should also be called out for their retarded behaviors, including women who act retardly in ways that you aren't personally against
No. 1110880
>>1110863You're being too literal about this. Of course it's completely reasonable to not cook as per her autistic request, but usually you'd just say no instead of going behind her back and smugly laughing at how you pulled one over her.
But I think anons are reacting strongly because there's been previous incidents of moids messing with their gf's food - the most memorable and horrific one being the guy who put slugs and her pet snails in her food. There's something sinister about men and secretly hurting their gfs with food, I know it's become a big red flag for me.
No. 1110883
>>1110853"loose reddithoes" okay so you're just mimicking scrote talk and see nothing wrong with it?
plus the woman is dumb as fuck and proves that most picky eaters are just dramatic too. she didnt even realise her food was different until told so, it's really not hard to try new flavours or textures of food and it shows that most picky eaters have just been babied and enabled their entire lives.
the moid is clearly wrong for being sarcastic and smug about it too.
you sound fucking retarded calling other anons loose hoes though, like you spend way too much time around men
No. 1110887
>>1110874>No one said this. In the first place, why did he insist that he do all the cooking? What was his problem?Maybe because he enjoys cooking? Why did she let him cook if not having something prepared in a certain way that had the same outcome was enough to give her a mental breakdown?
>A scrote who feeds into your autistic behaviorsIf he was feeding into them then he would have just done the stupid spaghetti wash thing in the first place, seemed to me like he was trying to show her it's a useless step when you can get the same exact outcome in an easier, less wasteful way. He went about it wrong for sure but I assume this guy isn't an autistic therapist. Nobody's perfect and she certainly isn't either
>lies to your face and manipulates you for years for a laugh instead of being a normal This is the part that gets me, going back to the rice example, I'd laugh in their face too if someone had a meltdown because I used a rice cooker instead of boiling it exactly as they requested because it's a ridiculous thing to rage over. He also didn't lie or manipulate in a way that was harmful. Manipulation isn't always an evil thing, people manipulate daily without knowing it. In fact things such as asking people to do favors or attempting to get people into the same interests as you can be considered forms of manipulation. Not all manipulation is harmful.
>Sperg shit is just that doesn't have your best interests at heartI agree he handled it wrong but definitely not in the insane
abusive way you are describing.
I'm extremely curious to know what you would do if you had a partner like spaghetti autist
No. 1110888
>>1109928Haven't even finished reading the post but
>My (20) boyfriend (26)2002 and 1996
>We have been dating for almost three years now2019 → 17 and 23
>moved in together at the beginning of the pandemic2020 → 18 and 24
Yeah, no, no matter what the rest of the post says, he's the asshole lmao
No. 1110894
>>1110880It's scary but putting slugs in food shouldn't be compared whatsoever to not putting sauce on spaghetti and making her think he washed it off
>>1110879Not calling out someone's autistic behavior isn't as unbearable as autistically screeching about how your spaghetti didn't have sauce put on then washed off. Most people aren't trained to handle autistic behavior and unknowingly submit to autistic requests, which is probably why her dad gave into it as well. Why didn't any of you call out her parents for babying her as well?
No. 1110897
>>1110891Come on anon, it wasn't his cooking that proves it's manipulative, it was his reaction. He clearly enjoyed tricking her and laughed at her for getting upset. If he was like 'yeah obviously I'm not gonna wash sauce off??' and was confused at her reaction, then you could assume it would just be him cooking the way he thinks is best with no ulterior motive. But the way he gleefully mocked her shows otherwise. That's nothing like a chef at a restaurant, it was protracted over a period of time and it was personally motivated.
I don't understand why it's so hard for anons to reconcile both the woman being a sperg with horrific eating habits and unreasonable expectations and the bf also being an absolute dick who probably dislikes her and enjoys upsetting her.
No. 1110900
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>>1110891The drama queen in me now wants to see autist-chan screaming in olive garden because they gave her bare noodles instead of washing off the sauce like she requested
No. 1110911
>>1110904>Sabotaging her foodI thought this wasn't about how her food was prepared and how he's actually super manipulative and evil and how he didn't call her out?
He's not poisoning her ffs, he just made fun of her retarded requests and how she didn't notice he has been preparing it an easier way. It would be the exact same for regulars at a restaurant who make the same ridiculous requests. She deserves to be laughed at, any partner who acts ridiculous towards their partner deserves to be laughed at. I'd laugh in my partners face too
No. 1110924
>>1110887>Maybe because he enjoys cooking? Why did she let him cook if not having something prepared in a certain way that had the same outcome was enough to give her a mental breakdown? In the thread, she explains that he forced it and wouldn't let her cook at all. She most likely trusted him because he didn't voice any opposition to her preference whatsoever (a huge problem)
>If he was feeding into them then he would have just done the stupid spaghetti wash thing in the first placeHe called it cute, anon. I don't know what else to tell you. This isn't about correcting her spergy behavior, it's about his ego. Two years of this shit? Never once telling her? No, it's not teaching her a lesson or showing her anything. It's not a sensible or efficient solution lol. It's not just a "mistake" either, the immediate thought of any functioning human is to say something. He didn't do that, because his intention wasn't actually to fix the issue. We need to stop sugarcoating red flags from scrotes
>Manipulation isn't always an evil thing, people manipulate daily without knowing it. In fact things such as asking people to do favors or attempting to get people into the same interests as you can be considered forms of manipulation. Not all manipulation is harmful.If he can lie for years about something as stupid as spaghetti and laugh at his own partner behind her back (on top of dating a 17 year old as a 23 year old man), then no. It's nowhere close to trying to get people into your interests or get a favor, and the intent is far more sinister
>I agree he handled it wrong but definitely not in the insane abusive way you are describing.Two years of spaghetti LARP, anon. Two fucking years. What else do you think he can lie about?
>I'm extremely curious to know what you would do if you had a partner like spaghetti autist"Uh…that sounds kinda wasteful, pasta sauce isn't cheap. How about I put just a little bit of sauce in and mix it so it won't overpower the spaghetti? Or! I'll just separate the sauce and the pasta so we can both add/remove as much as we want. Cool?"
Simple as. No one needs a drawn out pasta psyop and then to laugh in their partner's face. It might even have been a little different if he hadn't told her because he didn't want the hassle, but she caught him one day and threw a shitfit. Instead, he openly bragged about what he was doing and clearly enjoyed the fact that he "got away" with this weird petty shit for so long. That's not someone innocently tiptoeing around his/her partner's autistic meltdowns and then getting reamed for no good reason. It's a weirdo male deliberately power tripping over a (possibly autistic) young woman who comes from a family that raised her naive and coddled
No. 1110937
File: 1648243009457.gif (1.61 MB, 498x286, sauce-gordon-ramsey.gif)

My contribution to the spaghett debate
No. 1110938
>>1110924You are 100% right. The fact that you have to explain this shit shows that most people here can't read between the lines and/or probably have autism themselves.
>"Uh…that sounds kinda wasteful, pasta sauce isn't cheap. How about I put just a little bit of sauce in and mix it so it won't overpower the spaghetti? Or! I'll just separate the sauce and the pasta so we can both add/remove as much as we want. Cool?"This is literally all the scrote had to do, instead of being a power-tripping asshole to his own partner who was underage at one point and probably is on the spectrum. Imagine getting an ego boost of messing with someone liek that. Pathetic.
No. 1110962
>>1110957take your meds
>>1110950freaking out over spaghettis is ridiculous regardless of if you're joking or not
No. 1110968
>>1110964only one anon said he wanted to date him and most people said he was wrong but she was being ridiculous, in fact it said several times he was wrong since my first post but the situation just wasn't as bad as others were making it seem. you kept writing him out to be the head of all evil because of the pasta situation alone and never mentioned the age until other people (who were also agreeing she was acting ridiculous) pointed it out
the shitty part was that it was actually me who wanted to focus on their age gap more than the stupid spaghettis thing, but you kept freaking out and wanting to sperg about spagetti psycops instead of the fact he's a pedophile.
>>1110966you didn't care about her age at all until now, simply because people didn't agree that the spaghettis situation the biggest asshole on earth
No. 1110987
>>1110962I'm not freaking out, but you're clearly invested in defending an autistic (at best) or
abusive, legit insane (at worst) scrote who can't use his words kek
No. 1110994
Btw I'm the unhinged user who's going to call anyone who's defending this pedo, loose whores as they are. This poster
>>1110987 isn't me but they agree.
No. 1110996
>>1110989>Even you said one anon above said she'd love to date him,yes? just because one anon defended him doesn't mean I did, are you okay?
>they were defending him at the start and some even continued after it was revealed the girl was underaged when they started dating.Will any of you point to me where anyone defended him outside of the one anon?
No. 1111008
>>1111004Nta, cockwhore but here are defenders I found in one minute, I'm not going to read more because it disgusts me to read about women who'd rather defend a pedo than a picky eating minor.
>>1110203 and
>>1110210 No. 1111012
>>1110994Their kind of shit logic is honestly how some of these anons end up losing time with the most blatantly
abusive, narc men and then tell us there were no warning signs. Women like this even have daughters and then gaslight them when they try to vent about their
abusive partners, shit gives me a headache
For anyone who can't tell the obvious: If a guy who calls himself your boyfriend or husband can lie to you for literal years about banal shit like food just to entertain himself, he's not to be trusted, and he
will fuck you over. It's not a silly little thing. Don't listen to scrotes, desperate pick-mes and literal autists who don't understand social cues
No. 1111016
>15 hours agoI thought we were all continuously defending him? the best you can find is two posts 15 hours ago of anons that disappeared?
No. 1111021
>>1111012quick reminder of that woman on reddit whos bf used to fuck with her food for fun and she ended up drinking blended slugs.
If he is happy to fuck with your food without you knowing, and laughs about it after, he does not respect you. If he REALLY wanted to prove a point about this a blind taste test would have worked.
>>1111016>>1111019why are you so fucking invested in this? Take your L and go. You type exactly like that autistic girl from the vent thread that called anons liars because you'd never persoanlly been sexually harassed so therefore it didn't happen to them
No. 1111028
>>1111024You literally said no one defended him here
>>1111004 How can we even know all of your posts and why would I read through the posts of a rotten cuntwhore who chose to die on this hill and act like a minor with mental issues is the villian? Did your bf leave you for an autist or something?
No. 1111032
File: 1648246447106.png (Spoiler Image,24.99 KB, 384x180, bank.png)

>>1111028>who defended him>you said no one defended him!!!It's okay, I can see you're accustomed to lying since you already lied about me being broke
how about this? I'll bump the venmo up to $500 if you post anything of me defending him. I have the cash
>How can we even know all of your postsjust follow the comment thread, you claim I was repeatedly defending him, you know what posts are mine anyway
Oh and I'll give you an extra $1000 if you can have a damn conversion without sperging, but a girl can only ask for so much huh
No. 1111036
>>1111032You literally said only that anon defended him quoting
>you have yet to prove anyone defended him outside of that one anon.You're mentally ill and schizophrenic.
No. 1111040
>>1111036I wanted to see a list of people who defended him, I never said no one defended him though. I offered cash for anyone who can prove that I defended them. No one was able to because surprise surprise. I was against him since the beginning
>>1111038sure. send me paypal, venmo or whatever via disposable email
No. 1111043
File: 1648246964999.gif (823.83 KB, 794x446, BrilliantOrangeIridescentshark…)

please make me into a millionaire too, wise rich perfect nonnie baby
No. 1111051
>>1111045kek and she still couldn't stop insulting me
>>1111047I wasn't defending him though, I actually wanted to shift the conversation to his pedophilia which was ignored so people can focus on spaghetti. A lot of people are assaulted as minors and can still have a stable conversion with others. If you can't do that then lolcow isn't the place for you.
No. 1111148
>>1111054Some of you are so ridiculous, acting like this girls spaghetti preference is a personal attack on you. We can't all be gourmands, anon
>he habit reminded her of her father is so childlike that it's disturbingDo you ever go outside? Just once a month or something? People do shit all the time out of comfort that reminds them of their parents or home. There's absolutely nothing disturbing about this girl liking her pasta a certain way. You're the one making pasta preference into some weird pornified thing
No. 1111612
>>1111032based rich
nonniealso im not sure what you were all talking about but all I know is that the anon calling others cuntwhores (literally wtf kek) should kill her(?)self
No. 1111947
>>1111910This is interesting. Usually, I see people claim it's the other way around. They say that if you perform femininity, you will be sexually harassed and it's your fault.
Good to have it affirmed (again) that the discourse around presentation is bullshit, and that men will abuse and harass us for existing as women either way. I knew it before, but this kind of nonsense just drives the point home further kek
No. 1112033
>>1111934>>1111979this anon is right
>>1111993it's not what you wear it's your attitude. if you walk around blatantly giving insecure vibes they're going to prey on you. I'm a gnc woman and they don't give me shit. shut the fuck up with the women don't owe you retard shit. if you're aiding in our oppression then go fuck yourself
No. 1112356
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>>atleast her skin looks good.
No. 1112383
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>>1112356oh I think this is something redditors do because they think it makes them come accross as non-threatening and "in touch with their feminine side" or something. Reminds me of this picture (from a protest against new abortion laws in Poland) from last year where one of the top comments with hundreds of upvotes was about one of the women's eyelashes, I checked everyones profiles in the thread and they were all male. It came accross as so surreal and forced to me that I still remember it kek. I bet these guys think women would look at a picture like that and immediately think about eyelashes. so fucking weird
No. 1112436
>>1111951>I wonder what's their opinion on celibate women…There is a lot of positive discussion on just avoiding men entirely, and not having sex is always highly recommended. Encouragement/discussion of not dating at all is not officially allowed, FDS has managed to survive by strictly declaring itself a dating advice sub instead of a feminist sub, and being celibate is the opposite of dating.
But it's obvious at this point that FDS is 50% women who seriously intend to marry rich guys and want to talk tactics, 50% radfem leaning, gc refugees who enjoy a place to shit on men and warn other women about them. There are subtle terven vibes (it's never mentioned out loud but the lack of open support or inclusion of trannies says everything on reddit) and constant discussion about feminist issues that aren't really about dating.
No. 1112504
>>1112489I've heard about a lot of people who got into architecture and talked about how extremely hard it was and how they never get enough sleep because of their assignments, and i've heard having shit sleep time from most people who go to university
mostly womenIt's his complain about his gf or his career??
No. 1112613
>>1112609Which subs did you read
nonny. I might be in one…
No. 1114150
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Fucking disgusting
No. 1114177
>>1114176Be real, the people with the time and coombrains for all that porn
are the teenaged boys.
No. 1114273
>>1114179Some of the best posts I've ever seen on reddit were bitter middle aged men talking about how at like 18 they asked their slightly more experienced gf if their dick was the biggest she ever had. Saying anything other than yes leads to lifelong trauma. And they don't reflect on their own insecurity, they keep the same bitter energy they had as a teen and carry it around thinking they're worse off than women who to go to shelters after domestic violence. Words hurt too! True statements destroy lives lol. Where is their love of logical thinking when they're crying about shit like that?
Telling a guy his dick is average when he was trying to walk you into saying its big.. it's that easy.
No. 1115191
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No. 1115514
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This was in a thread talking about homeless shelters being unsafe for women and it made me seethe. I hate moids so much.
No. 1115517
>>1115191Literal schizo. Hope he offs himself.
>>1115399It's because women are taught to be accepting of their bfs retarded habits even by their female friends and families and the bfs gaslight them into thinking they're insecure if they care when their bf stares and stalks random women, dms or follows them and in the end cheats on her. It's so normalized that women think they have to accept it.
No. 1115808
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>Multiple people got sick, including people who didn't drink raw milk
>Other developed nations allow you easily purchase raw milk without any issues because raw milk is completely safe to drink if it has been handled correctly just like raw beef
>The repeal had bipartisan support because its a stupid ban in the first place
Its a minor one, but it just epitomises the issues with Reddit. A bunch of morons getting mad over a misleading headline, saying how dumb people are whilst inadvertently showing how ignorant they really are.
No. 1116006
>>1115399Not all women have that luxury. A lot of women grew up seeing their fathers and other men in their family treat women like this and that it's a normal part of a relationship to them, saying anything else just makes you a dramatic annoying gf. I was in a relationship similar to this and anytime I spoke up about how much it bothered me my friends and family would just sperg "well all men are like this, get use to it".
You're falling into the misogyny trap to by placing blame on women who are never taught any better, stop blaming women for men treating them badly and start blaming men.
No. 1116087
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>>1115514I hate looking at the reddit comments for any women's issue. Top voted comment is always some scrote describing how he's also affected like picrel. Or how it's not actually discrimination against women because there aren't peer-reviewed studies proving it or some brain dead shit.
No. 1116119
>>1116006>anytime I spoke up about how much it bothered me my friends and family would just sperg "well all men are like this, get use to it". This. I know women and men who literally tell women to stay in
abusive relationship, they even did it after the said woman gor her arm broken, just to please the moid. The abused woman isn't in fault, most of the time neither their family nor their friends support them.
No. 1116147
>>1116006>>1116119Yeah it's sad and disturbing how much people will defend
abusive male behavior. After my friend's ex gave her a black eye, her grandmother laughed and said all marriages have their ups and downs and that it was just part of being a woman. Thankfully she's not with him anymore
No. 1116374
>>1112489>>1115808A good chunk of the news articles on the redddit front page are like this. I have heard that this kind of stuff is intentional with reddit to spread a particular political agenda.
>>1112489I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for this men because men absolutely love being the
victim. We had no idea what they did to warrant harsh words or what not. No woman divorces a man for no reason. I am glad to see that most women truly are settling when they shack up with scrotes. I wish all male obsessed women would understand this and be happy they are probably never going to get picked. Scrotes have no idea how worthless and expendable they are if they don't spend their lives proving themselves useful by being providers or helping society be a better place. Most of them are too selfish and evil and understand how their selfishness is the thing ruining society.
No. 1119407
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holy fuck this is the funniest thread i have ever read. the male copium in the comments
No. 1119412
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nonnies this took me out
No. 1119459
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i love based female redditor.
No. 1119562
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>>1119412>women are literally killing usHmmm, where have I heard that before………
No. 1119719
>>1119562Men are the biggest spoilt babies on earth when it comes to dating, especially in the western world. The majority of men are dating women leagues above them and then neg and nitpick those women into thinking it's actually the woman who is uglier than the greasy ass scrote. On top of this most women are complete doormats and offer men complete faithfulness and optimism while the dude sits around gawking at women and ignoring her, all while shes most likely financially supporting him kek.
The kicker is the same men being financially supported by hot women who let them cheat and stuff while the woman plays mommy/therapist/housewife but forever gf are the ones who bitch the absolute most about how unfair dating is to men. The closer a woman gets to being what men ask for the shittier she is treated
No. 1119742
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>>1119562>>1119562>willfully denying all men for no reason is sexual violenceHAHAHAHAHAHA i hate redditors so much it's unreal
No. 1120473
>>1120171I remember reading the deadbedroom sub before and as much as I see sex as one of those things that needs to somewhat match up to maintain a relationship.. I found some of the talk around 'denial of sex' pretty concerning. They would step away from just talking about it in the context of their dying relationship and would then start talking about it being a basic human right that men have. Saying that women would never understand it but sex is essential to a mans happiness and so someone has to provide it. Dodgy territory to be getting into. Incels commit crimes based on the same logic of being owed that fulfillment.
Sex is a desire, not a human right. You have the right to dump someone who rarely fulfills that desire but if every woman you meet afterwards finds you repulsive too…. what then? Who owes you sex then?
No. 1120489
>>1119562I laugh everytime somebody complains about not having sex, it's not a vital need, you're not going to die if you're celibate.
>wishing harm on men for refusing them the company of a womanGood, nobody is entitled to a relationship.
No. 1121100
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>>1120473If a man on Reddit has a dead bedroom it's 9/10 times always the man's fault. Women who post on deadbedrooms about their husband are always pretty much describing a porn addict, men who post on deadbedrooms about their wives are usually entitled retards who expect their wife to jump up on their dick as soon as she pumps a baby out or has a 14 hour work shift. on top this a lot of women on deadbedrooms seem to have body dysmorphia due to their boyfriends negging and nitpicking their body, I also find deadbedroom men to be emotionally neglectful, which goes hand in hand with porn addiction. With porn addicts women would literally have to shapeshift in order to be right since porn addicts preferences change weekly pretty much
On another note, what does everyone think of the reddit sub simulators?
No. 1121174
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I was suggested this r/menslib post which, God knows why, but its a trans guy describing how everyone has become hostile to him since transitioning and the comments are all a circle jerk of men feeling validated that someone "gets it". No. 1121255
>>1121226Maybe some kek but that NEVER comes up when men are telling single mothers not to date. It's always
>But but you'll drag me into baby daddy drama>But it's embarrassing to raise another man's kids>But your body is ruined and he doesn't even get to benefit from the kids>No one wants to be around a woman who has no time for kids>He might have to pay for the kidsEtc
Even then when men involve themselves with women who have adult kids men often think that every woman who walks into their life is meant to fuck them and will often try to get with the kids anyway regardless. I know so many women who are paranoid to introduce their boyfriends to female friends and family for this reason
No. 1121503
>>1121174Huge social isolation yet men are the ones who culturally gather together and force their women to stay at home. They form alliances and oppress who they can. Men always brag that they have a strong brotherhood bonds, love all-male work places or activities and say that women hate each another, gossip and only have fake friendships. Unless of course they need women's sympathy and suddenly they're the loneliest poor little creatures.
And this TIF is probably ignored by everyone for being a creepy troon.
No. 1122040
File: 1648984114499.png (257.22 KB, 712x1150, Screenshot 2022-04-03 at 12.05…)

Right, that's it ladies, no more constant man-hating. FDS is revamped! We actually love men! So stop reminding us about how the overwhelming, vast majority of men are depraved, pornsick and violent!
No. 1122048
>>1122040Two theories
Theory 1 is troony janny
Theory 2 they're doing this because reddit is close to banning them. Every subreddit hates FDS and they've been getting reported constantly for hate speech to minorities, aka men lmao, so this might be mods way of trying to change the narrative.
No. 1122052
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This one is more on the funny side, redditor post the fakest story in a history of fake stories, superhot girl on tinder offers him - a shy introvert - to make porn together, this happens
>We watched anime and it got a little heated when she suddenly said "So we're gonna make some porn now?"
And then 8k+ upvotes and redditors eating it up like nobody's business since it's so perfectly crafted to retarded male fantasy they cannot even say it's not true. The gullibility is ridiculous
No. 1122061
>>1122052>some female ones might be lining upScrotes on reddit knowingly use female when talking about women because it's like calling them a female animal, not a person, but they only use man when talking about other fellow scrotes. It's like an incel dogwhistle. Also did he post link to video? Why are they complimenting his dick and the girl?
>>1122050I'm not sure, some anon said it in this thread which would be believable considering how hard they try to infiltrate FDS.
No. 1122063
>>1122058Same anon, there's something particularly retarded about that assumption, dumb scrote so out of touch with reality it's hard to believe
although there's a pretty well known feminist sex educator (a woman) in my country whose takes I always really liked and then out of the blue she started encouraging her followers to make a sex tape because it will "improve their sex life", wtf. some people are like this i guess>>1122061He posted a link, the post is basically a redditor fantasy story made to promote his amateur porn lmao
No. 1122077
>>1121174I'm ex tran, spent maybe 2 years consisently passing to strangers and I think once I had a weird moment when walking at night I felt as though a woman crossed the street to avoid me. I sensed it because I've often done it myself so it felt bad but I get it. Ngl it was a small moment that added onto others and made me question the role I want to live my life as. I had a choice though so I came back to my og role rather than stewing in doubts like this. Don't like being a man.. don't go out of your way to try and be one
I was surrounded by women and gay guys for that period of my life, I didn't fit in with average men but then .. that's because I wasn't one. I never read into it much beyond that. When straight men did include me in things it was surface level. Is anyone shocked that mens friendships just aren't that deep or fulfilling?
No. 1122233
>>1122052It's obviously just a couple trying to fake promote the content, plus pornhub has to verify both people in the video so there's no way she couldn't have known it was going on the internet
Also girl was "super hot model" either. She had a fridge bod with saggy tits and a troon face but ofc op was going to gas her up since no attractive woman would fuck a skinnyfat loser and let him upload it for free
No. 1123172
>>1122077wtf did i just read
why would you ever think its a good idea to transition because of gender roles?
ig i know the answer but still like wtf
No. 1124527
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Funny ad to see
No. 1125082
>>1125071TiFs are pickmes though lol. I remember seeing a subreddit for TiFs with a feminization fetish and FtMs describing that they "want to be humiliated by men pointing out how feminine their body is"
They let them speak like this knowing damn well it's not the full truth because it fits their poor oppressed men narrative, meanwhile TiFs who actually pass often brag about how much more seriously they're taken and how people respect them a lot more
No. 1125129
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No. 1125177
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>>1125129This is great news. There's not official support in the Microsoft Teams/Outlook/whatever ecosystem for pronouns, so people literally just append their pronouns to their last name or put their pronouns where their middle name would go. Every time they send a message, whenever they're CC'd on an email, whenever somebody tags them, etc, their pronouns are cluttering shit up.
I've seen shit like
>SMITH (SHE, HER), MADISON, JEPSEN (SHE/HER), CARLY RAE, TYLER (HE, HIM, HIS), JOHNATHAN" It's borderline unreadable because shit wasn't built with this cancer in mind, and it breaks some of our (admittedly old and shitty) automatic text parsing that relies on [lastname, firstname middlename] being the naming format.
It's mildly annoying, but the trouble really starts when so many people have appended their pronouns to their last name that NOT doing so it taken as some sort of political statement.
Anyways, this is a good change overall. If they really really want pronouns, they should ask for official support for them from Microsoft so that using them isn't a hyper-visible nuisance to the people around you.
No. 1125205
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I have noticed that a lot of women on reddit complain about losing attraction to their husbands immediately after having children. I think this is to do with the fact that these are women desperate for approval and to be loved, which is something they needed their husband for. As soon as you have kids you are showered by your child in unconditional love and attention, your child needs you and loves you and you don't have to fight for it as hard as you need to fight for love from a man. So suddenly they have this source of love and attention that is constant and don't need their loser husbands anymore and for the first time realize that he is actually kind of an asshole.
Just thought this was an interesting phenomenon.
No. 1125226
>>1125205This is a known phenomenon. Women aren't supposed to "love" men like men want them to, that's maternal love women will only have for her child. And so when she has a child and the man can never leech off of her "unconditional love" that most men request from their partners, the men go off to tracks.
That's why men start abusing their wives when they get pregnant or give birth. They also cheat the most and overally have chimpouts because of their jealousy and realization that they've lost the mommy figure once again.
No. 1125231
>>1125129Every time this happens i like to imagine it's due to someone secretly peaking lol
I don't mind others having pronoun tags too much, but I personally don't want my gender highlighted at all times. I also don't want people to associate me with people who want to mentally stunt and castrate children with drugs for aesthetic "gender" reasons. In fact I find that sick and morally wrong.
It wouldn't even bother me if people accidentally got my "exotic" gender-ambiguous name wrong and accidentally referred to me as male, because I'm not mentally ill enough to think that's somehow an attack on me.
No. 1125235
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More hatefuel from pregnancy reddit. I can't tell you how many posts like this I have read.
>I'm not like other girls, I'm more one of the boys
>I hate all things girly and feminine
>I don't want to have a daughter cause she will be gross and girly and I don't want another woman around
Good grief. Get over your internalized misogyny you fucking cunt.
No. 1125242
>>1125235I thought women grew out of this behavior, she has two children yet she's acting like she's 13
>>1125239okay this is bad as well, most adjusted women who want children don't care if its a boy or girl, also just cause you had a boy and don't like men, you shouldn't resent him growing up and be a shitty parent, being a shitty mother cause "men bad" is fucked up, but I feel if my kid ended up like this, I'd disown him, I try to be a good mother and raise him well, but I don't know he'll turn out
I know he's gonna be a big man, but will he be a good man, that's something that keeps me up at night
No. 1125250
>>1125245>>1125244I had a
toxic mother who hated me for no reason, I know it can fuck you up and I don't think that anyone deserves a mother who resents them, yes ultimately its down to a person and individual choice, but certain parents(both mothers and fathers) deserve shit for raising them wrong and no offense but your being
incredibly dismissive towards people who have suffered childhood trauma, it can and does last a life time, it doesn't go away, so I don't have sympathy for any bad mothers, their children should be taken away from them and be given to people who actually care
No. 1125264
>>1125250I literally was raped as a child so you accusing me of dismissing your trauma is pointless. Most
abusive and borderline psycho people I've known had good childhoods and got spoilt though they'd bring up thats one time mommy raised her voice to justify their hatred for women or something similar to garner sympathy. Trust me a big majority of society has some childhood trauma and most of it is much more serious than yours but they don't use that as an excuse to justify their maladaptive behaviors because that'll only let the abuser have more control over you. If a man ends up being a raging porn addict, it's his fault. If a man punches a wall and breaks his hand, it's his fault. Not his mother's.
No. 1125271
>>1125235I'm recoiling from reading this alone. She's 100% going to be the kind of mother who competes with her own daughter and sees her as a rival, all while passively allowing everything from her son.
I feel so bad for that girl, when she starts showing interest for femenine-related hobbies she's gonna have this retard next to her, who's going to watch her just to stroke her own ego and reassure herself on how she's not like her vapid, insipid daughter.
No. 1125287
>>1125266Sorry, you're right. I thought you were excusing them because I misinterpreted what you wrote.
>>1125271I feel the same way. She's already valuing her son more and disliking her daughter even though her daughter isn't even born yet. She'll probably be jealous when she gets more attention, especially for accomplishments and stuff. It's also weird how she thinks her son can't understand she's sad when she's crying and wailing while literally anyone, hell even animals, could tell that. Her husband is probably deliberately ignoring her feelings so she assumes all men are clueless about feelings.
No. 1125344
>>1125242Wrong. Its perfectly normal for women to not want any sons. Your son will end up terrorizing women and being
abusive no matter how much you nurture him. If i have a son im aborting or punching that retard lmfao males dont deserve any humanity
No. 1125351
>>1125250As someone who suffered severe childhood abuse if you think it’s an excuse to be a piece of
abusive shit go fuck yourself. You’re a shitty lazy person.
No. 1125685
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Convict proudly announces how he fucked a prostitute while in jail for $10 and 2 packs of cigarettes, makes an underhanded comment about her appearance, receives thousands of upvotes. Nothing new I guess.
No. 1125900
>>1125685>>1125685>makes an underhanded comment about her appearancewhy are men like this? reminds me of those men who sexually assault/rape women and then complain about how bad their bodies were
>but but I was so hornyWhy do they think horniness removes basic human empathy and morals? you're still a braindead coomer regardless. sane men dont run around assaulting women and then complain about their
victims bodies ~but they were just sooooo horny~
No. 1125920
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I was on r/IWantToBeHerHentai2 like a complete dumbass because I thought there would be nsfw content for the female gaze. Came to see women be ravaged by hot 2d guys/etc only to find… this… It's gotta be a tranny haven. Only autogynephiles could get off so much by the concept of actually being a woman.
No. 1129224
>>1125205According to her other posts, this woman refers to herself as FTM (odd that she still calls herself mom, guess that's better than confusing the kid by having him call her dad) and her husband stays at home while she works. No wonder she resents him. In theory I have no problem with stay-at-home dads, but in practice they still never end up doing their fair share of housework despite not even having the excuse of being too tired from work. So mom ends up being breadwinner and homemaker, while dad lazes around all day and still gets a claim to alimony if they divorce. I hope she leaves him anyway, but unfortunately her son will probably grow up to resent her for that just like daddy
>>1125235Of course, there are several comments coddling her telling her stuff like "oh your baby is lucky to have a mom that cares enough to be concerned about these types of thoughts" Yeah sooo lucky. At least she got a little bit of pushback with someone calling out her internalized misogyny and recommending a book to unlearn projecting strict gender roles onto your kids. She replied that she's basing her opinions off of science (lmao) but at least got down voted for it. Poor girl, I hope she has other female role models in her life to counteract the influence of her wretched mother.
No. 1129252
>>1129224ftm in these subs usually mean first time mom
>>1129237men who feel threatened and insecure by FDS are most likely upset because they have the behaviors FDS warns about. it's also funny because women on relationship advice subs are always told things like "well you should have known! just pick better men next time" and then get pissed when there's a sub that teaches women how to spot red flags of abusers, porn addicts, cheaters, guys who string along, etc
No. 1130121
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No. 1130229
>>1126216name? asking for a
No. 1130284
>>1130126>no substantiation or reasoning as to why she's a "bitch"I posted about this lately but I once stupidly dated a guy who talked this way about his ex wife, same thing where I expected him to have a good reason and it just … never came. He couldn't even make some shit up or exaggerate. There was nothing. His kid was 2 when they split though.. seems to always be the age with these guys. They want the kid but have no room for change in their life when the kid 'takes away her attention' Reddit posts from men bitching about this have been eye opening. The regret the kid within weeks and by 18 months to 2 years the divorce is happening.
Be very careful about letting a man suggest you start a family. They nearly always are the ones who wanted the kid that they now secretly resent. Also don't ignore red flags like I did when he had no reasoning for calling the ex a bitch over and over. Men want honeymoon love and they peace out when it dawns on them that it's just not a realisitic permanent expectation to hold a woman to. Especially if you have her weighed down with stress.
No. 1130335
>>1130284you're exactly right. 12 years ago it was commonplace for men to say "nah i don't want kids", now with the rise of religion in young men and tradshit it's becoming really common for guys to start with the "i want A FAMILY", "i want kids", etc. it used to be normal that men would say they didn't want kids, now i'm rarely seeing it.
and yet their behavior hasn't changed. they still don't want kids. they just want to use children as an outlet for their masculinity and narcissism but want nothing to do with them, resent the wife for no longer having a perfect body after doing what they claim they wanted, and then, the topper is that they don't want to pay when they inevitably try to leave for a younger childfree woman with a "perfect" body so he can relive and re-experience the responsibility free, bachelor life he desperately claimed he never wanted.
No. 1130340
>>1126264Are you really asking this question in a world that brainwashes a good amount of women into being borderline masochists? Of course they are not going to write men in uncomfortable situations because that goes against everything they're ever known.
>How did men end up so bodily retarded? Is this men protesting against us for asking for foreplay?They are retarded. This is the same sex that believes honking a woman's breasts or butt counts as foreplay.
No. 1130349
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I fucking hate how whiny and entitled teachers on reddit are. This is probably a moid who is enraged that he needs to be held accountable. Fuck him and all reddit teachers.
No. 1130374
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More whininess from reddit teachers
No. 1130376
>>1130374tbh i can understand how that'd be hurtful but poetry in general makes me laugh. i can't take it seriously most of the time unless it's very short and clear. i feel like a lot of people and especially kids think poetry is uncomfortable/awkward and feel uncomfortable being read poetry aloud so i think that's honestly a factor here in it
triggering laughter
No. 1130407
>>1130374slightly related but teachers really need to stop oversharing their lives and trauma-dumping on students. Teachers trauma dump on their students all the time. Most of those students dont give a fuck and just want to get over with their lecture and go home. Also if the roles were reversed and students started trauma-dumping then those same teachers would complain.
Also i cant take most of these teachers
>>1130349 seriously because i see the way they act with calm students in educated schools.
They bitch about these ''heartless mean'' students wreaking havoc and when they find a district where the students are calm and pay attention in lectures they still complain and act like middle aged regina george's to those students.
No. 1130532
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Will these teachers ever shut up and stop whining? Thank god most teachers aren't like this
No. 1130545
>>1130532These are
valid complaints. Teachers should be paid a sufficient wage and they shouldn't be subjected to supervising a class of 35 troubled kids because that's asking for a disaster. Being a teacher is a thankless job and burning them out is a terrible way to manage people who are in charge of children going through their most fragile years. Like there are teachers who bitch and moan about the most trivial things and are clearly not able to compartmentalize their professional persona as a pedagogist and the one they are in their private life but this isn't one of them.
No. 1130834
>>1130374I read the poem and I'm sure most of the kids didn't understand the meaning of the poem or connect it to their teacher's recent loss. They probably just thought their teacher was being corny about a boring old poem. Also, why would you read a poem like this out loud to
kids if you recently lost someone and will most likely react emotionally? It feels inappropriate and self indulgent tbh.
No. 1130976
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>>1130349Male teachers are worthless scum. They’re either pedos or more mentally handicapped than the average 12 year old.
No. 1130994
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These teachers are absolutely nuts. 100% the teacher deserved it
No. 1130996
>>1130992One of my teachers at school
>was a professor >demanded to be referred to as “Dr ___”>yet worked in a shitty secondary school for 20k a yearYou wonder why? Well guess who’s computer they found not only cp on, but photos of the girls who went to the school?
Men are fucking scum and they can’t be around females without thinking about their dicks. I genuinely think it should be illegal for male teachers to teach female students.
No. 1131009
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I absolutely would do this if I had to work with teachers. I hate teachers.
No. 1131015
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Reddit teachers are so fucking lazy
No. 1131018
>>1130994>>1131009>>1131015Omg these screenshots are insane
nonny. Imo the only people who become teachers are the people who are too stupid to do anything else. I have 0 sympathy for teachers. Especially since all the female teachers I know have the shittiest taste in men.
No. 1131023
>>1130349>>1130407Teaching is hard, I kinda wish everyone who criticises teachers would have to attempt to teach for a week. I trained as a teacher, got the Masters, absolutely loved it, and then said screw it and became a school librarian because of how little respect (and compensation) the admin provides. The kids are the least of teachers problems.
When you're a teacher, everything you do is wrong, you're never meeting impossible targets, every second of your spare time is spent marking. I make 2k less being a school librarian but honestly, I feel like I'm cheating, like I got it on easy mode.
>>1130371Overheard a phone convo between my MIL and her kids teacher and she was seething to them because they told him to 'focus on his work' and asked that they don't talk to her son like that like bitch WHAT that's an instruction not even a scold. Th The kid will never survive HS, he is so thin-skinned because of the
victim complex she instils in him.
No. 1131024
>>1130997I knew a guy who divorced his wife, very much chose to give up his job and go on unemployment all so that his child payments would be meager. He didn't want to work at all if part of his pay cheque was going to the son. He was that petty. He did that from the time the kid was 2 to 12. He also filed for bankruptcy because they had shared debt and he wanted to write his half off and leave her with the rest. It worked but he sacrificed his own lifestyle in order to try and punish them?
He was bitter as fuck when she remarried a man with a reasonable income and his son started singing the man's praises. She wanted a better life for the son.. he didn't
No. 1131034
>>1131031Nta but none of the examples
nonny replied to even mention pedophillia
No. 1131054
>>1130994Are the people in this thread insane or teenage BPD-chans still bitter at their teachers for being mean? Another student assaulting another absolutely requires a physical intervention. If the kid is unhinged enough to kick a teacher and throw a water bottle at them that means the situation between her and the student she was attacking was most likely getting really bad and the perpetrator having started multiple fights before they most likely knew what would happen. What if the student wasn't stopped? What if she had beaten the other kid up into a bloody pulp or done irreversible damage?
>>1131003OP called her mother a bitch, not the student. Jesus christ, I get that people hate predatory male teachers abusing their position but teaching is a very female-dominated job at least where I'm from and they get shit pay and shit working conditions while nobody cares because everyone is still projecting their immature teacher hate from middle schooll. I don't think it's being unreasonable to ask for a salary that can support your family and not being physically assaulted by students.
No. 1131082
>>1131054How do you know the teacher wasn't a man? You're making assumptions here.
>>1131014Male teachers are worthless you pedo defender
No. 1131171
>>1131148Something I've seen time and time again is how the man will leave when his kid is only 2 or 3. The baby was the beginning of the end for them because 'it changed everything' These same men then go on to realize they have limited dating options and kind of need to date women who also have kids from previous relationships.. so they end up living in these blended family situations where they live with another mans kids and 'share the partners time' with her kids. The grass wasn't any greener for leaving.
Seriously, the amount of men I know who threw a hissy fit over their own kid changing the dynamic but they now have 3 stepkids to plan their life around.
No. 1131183
>>1131171i do agree with you but like in my case, my dad had/has gone on to date tons and tons and tons of (young) women with no kids through the years. him having a kid did not at all impact his ability to get laid and live his bachelor life and for whatever reason these women had no issue with the kid thing and were willing to stick around until he cheated on them compulsively.
some of the young women wanted to be my mother, and others hated me for existing, but either way, it's not a huge issue either way unless the father happens to be the primary caretaker (which rarely happens). i really don't think their options are that limited unless they are actually invested fathers whose time and money is severely monopolized by the children like the mother's tends to be.
No. 1131193
Wow, someone has been up all night raging against teachers kek
>>1130586 Yeah, I guess it’s more tolerable if the teacher has one or two assistants working with them but 24+ students in one room is excessive.
No. 1131269
>>1130374i hate to moralfag on LC but do you guys actually think that's it's fucked up to be upset that a group of teens snickered at you for being affected by the death of a loved one? i'd be pissed too, if i were her. it doesn't sound like she threw a fit, she just teared up a little bit.
>>1131076this tbh
No. 1131491
>>1131480the person sperging about teachers here for a day sounds like a unhinged retarded neet. The reason for the shortages is because being a teacher in a public school is hell. they have it easier in private schools though.
Also tinfoil but i wouldn't be surprised if this is a moid/troll trying to divert attention away from talking about fucked up subreddits/posts and instead talk about his teacher vendetta. i mean do you see how he is calling every anon that disagrees with him a ''pedo moid sympathizer'.
No. 1131553
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>>1131491People on here need to remember this old meme.
No. 1131570
>>1130349>I'm a surrogate teacher who travels to several schoolsLol this is a fancy way to say "substitute teacher" or "teaching assistant."
Kids have always been shits and it's pointless to force them to care about their educations. What this man is assblasted about is that he thought his title would grant automatic respect as soon as he entered the room to speak. Entitled man so sad that he is given the same disrespect women are given on a daily basis.
He should go be an underpaid adjunct or work on becoming a professor if he wants a marginal bit more of undivided attention–if he's smart enough for his chosen subject matter that is.
>>1130374Further evidence that kids are shits and one needs a thick skin and not bring their personal issues with them to this job. Wtf.
How were the kids supposed to connect the poem to his family member's death? To them it looks like an oversentimental teach getting choked up on a poem they cannot relate to. How can the majority of students honestly reflect on a poem about death when most haven't experienced any and believe it won't happen to them any time soon?
>>1130994My mother was a tenured teacher who retired from a public charter school that took in kids with behavioral problems and special ed.
Yeeeeah this teacher fucked up.
You don't put hands on students for any reason. You let them destroy each other while you alert security and admin. With social media like TikTok these days, I wouldn't be caught dead messing with students as anything could be recorded on a smartphone and taken out of context by the little shits. This isn't new policy, this is how things have been handled for awhile now. The teacher was playing hero, unless she was being personally attacked then physical intervention was unnecessary. In fact intervention from teachers often escalates situations as the offending students feels that "chooses sides" and they get even more violent.
>>1131009Who even cares this much about brownies? There are bigger problems!
>>1131015Most administrations don't do shit, at least this is something.
>>1131480It's a complicated situation, in short: The teachers who could monetarily do better or who did not possess the technological skill to adapt to remote learning have left or retired from the profession. All who remain are the inexperienced, and the boomer vacancies which exacerbate the situation.
Imagine going to school for several years and teaching being your first "real" salaried job. Newbies have moralistic ideals of what a classroom should be and don't understand that what they're up against is an
institution first and foremost.
I feel like I can speak from a little bit of anecdotal authority considering I have family who taught and was considering becoming one myself before I saw the thankless shitshow for what it was and now is.
Anyone with options wouldn't do it, and "for the kids" is absolute bullshit–and that type of teach tends to be a covert narcissist ime. My own mother was a narc, I would know.
No. 1131708
>>1131480Teaching in many states requires an advanced degree and doesn't pay well, so that in and of itself is going to limit the number of applicants. Other contributing factors include a weird half-year schedule, limited opportunities for advancement, not being able to move lest you lose tenure, and (most importantly imo) the availability of way better jobs for women. The glut of postwar teachers had a lot to do with a growing pool of educated women who had few other career options, especially if they were looking for jobs with benefits.
I'm surprised so many people are taking these redditors at their word when it comes to the dementedness of modern children. If anything, kids are a lot more subdued these days, content to stare at their phones all day instead of shooting out windows with air rifles or randomly punching each other in the back of the neck (shit I remember from the late 90's). Mean and disrespectful students aren't a new phenomenon, so it's weird for these people to constantly invoke rude kids whenever they're talking about the teacher shortage. It makes them seem kind of thin skinned and solipsistic tbh, but maybe that's just because they're redditors.
No. 1131842
>>1131780Most children aid workers don't have degrees, just special ed training. I'd rather he be paid minimum wage at a Starbucks as his only career choice rather than jackin it on the subway anyway, he could do both but one is cleaner.
In my experience special ed assistants act and look like they were put on earth just to do that job, if even they aren't around it's bad.
No. 1132073
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>tfw your husband hits your 3 year old with his car and lectures HER about being more careful
There are comments supporting him, reddit never fails to surprise me. Beyondthebump users are all braindead martyrs
No. 1132642
>>1132625Several years back I once made a vent post about my useless male roommate in college who could neither operate an electric nor a manual can opener. We were both over 20. Reddit males proceeded to shit themselves at me saying how poor babbu probably didn't have anyone to show him how to do it and how could I be such a bitch.
Well, maybe if the asshole had ever been cooking his own meals he might have encountered a situation naturally where he'd been stuck and forced to figure it out like everyone else! Same dipshit tried to deep fry a frozen chicken breast in my expensive olive oil too.
Meanwhile if a woman displayed such incompetence in the kitchen or used one of the foodie redditor's precious ingredients or utensils incorrectly, she'd be relentlessly ridiculed and plebbit would clap for it.
No. 1132678
>>1096471I know this is late, but peep the Egyptian flag in the background. Egyptian men are among the nastiest, most depraved men in the world with no sense of hygiene; I can already smell this room.
t. Egyptian
No. 1132856
>>1132678I'm convinced all middle eastern and Hispanic men are literally retarded with some form of autism. Most of them have bad hygiene but I can't get past the fact they have zero social intelligence, they blatantly lie in the most childish way and think that no one will notice or just harass and manipulate women in the most inappropriate situations kek I literally got cat called by these complete retards while I was sitting on my car getting insurance after rear ending someone
I'm also middle eastern myself and cannot get past how retarded the scrotes are, and they can't use the culture excuse either since middle eastern and Hispanic women are usually extremely clean and humble
No. 1132858
>Surgeon>On emergency callSurgeries are usually scheduled so there's no reason to need to bolt off in a rush, unless he's a trauma surgeon which would've been specified. Also a surgeon, who needs 100% attention to detail couldn't see his daughter on a bike before hitting her? Yeah right, either the worst surgeon on the planet or he's a drug dealer and just got a message from his booty call or something
No. 1135608
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his response was: “You will never find a good man until you shed your hateful and insane attitude.”
men pissing their pants out of anger over jokes and satire makes me laugh, anons.
No. 1135614
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>>1135608The poster sounds like a queen tbh. And also what's wrong with doing criminal and medical checks on potential partners? A lot of sane men won't care because they have nothing to hide. I wonder if the scrote has some skeletons in his closet he would like to expose…
No. 1136814
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No. 1136828
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Recently I've been watching this show called Mayday or Air Crash Investigation that re-enacts plane crashes and the investigations into their causes. The sub for that show is pretty useful for getting further insights into the crashes and also getting download links. But people on that sub just think its hilarious to watch the show on an actual airplane and scare the people sitting near them. I've seen multiple posts like this. I get people a lot of love this show and aviation in general but is it really necessary to watch it on the plane?
No. 1137014
>>1136828In the last couple years I've started watching youtubers who fly alot and rate different airline experiences… then I also started watching channels where pilots discuss air crashes and what led up to them. It's fascinating learning the mechanics behind it but I feel weird sometimes when checking my subscription box and seeing both types of vid sitting side by side.
This shit reminds me of people who get into true crime and are filled with empathy and concern to begin with but then start cracking jokes about murdered kids after they've spent too many hours on reddit treating real death like a fun reading topic. Some of the worst posts I've seen on reddit were cracking jokes about jonbenet ramsey being a seductress at like age 3 "it's just muh dark humor"
No. 1137144
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No. 1137178
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moids are such fucking crybabies despite owning most of the worlds resources. pathetic faggot crybabies
No. 1137242
>>1135614Female dating strat pros are a parody sub of FDS, they're making a mockery/overexaggerating the idea of women who do criminal checks and medical checks on partners (although men are often extremely invasive of women's health history for the sake of muh healthy kids but it is only bad when women do it I guess)
Other than the sly remarks about jaw enhancement, everything is reasonable. In fact more women should be asking to do medical and criminal checks on their partners before getting serious
As for the venmo $100 thing, men spend often twice that for Asian massage parlors or triple for escorts, it's reasonable since there's so many men out there who want you to jump through hoops before dating so why shouldn't she ask for compensation?
No. 1137256
>>1137242the thing is, even if this woman is "crazy" for wanting all this stuff, why do men get so pressed about it? Just find a woman who doesn't have those standards. Like all the men on dating sites who have ridiculous standards listed, "must have big butt, be under 25, make 200k a year, less than 100lbs". But women just roll their eyes and move on.
What gets men mad is they know they have less market value than women yet feel more entitled to access women the same.
I honestly wouldn't be alone with a man without running his name through several people search websites. We need to encourage women to be more picky and put up more boundaries because men have shown they will not control themselves or their fellow male. If 3 people a day died because of badgers we would say badgers are an issue and no one would blame you for being careful or wary around badgers. Men are uglier, taller badgers with less charm.
No. 1137380
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Oh for fucks sake
No. 1137404
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male brained and retarded.
No. 1137412
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Reddit males try not being woman hating psychopaths for five minutes challenge (impossible). A lot of whiny pissbabies in that thread. It's sorted by controversial for your viewing pleasure No. 1137444
>>1137274That makes sense, anon. I've not gone through menopause but I have terrible moodswings and do hate my life during my periods so it makes sense. I wish for the best for any woman who's feeling the way you described, women's mental healthand how it's affected by hormones is never taken seriously.
Btw samefag as the last anon.
No. 1137487
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>>1137412some more reddit moments from that thread lol
No. 1137489
>>1137404Oh, yeah. Men are tottaly expected to settle for less than they deserve. This is why Alexandra Grant gets harassed for not being considered good enough for Keanu
>acting frustrated when these woman act like they are out of their leagueHandsome men aren't entitled to less attractive women's bodies. Those permanently in heat animals think appearance is the only thing that matters in the world.
>>1137412They just want an excuse to hurt women. Imagine thinking it's a reasonable reaction to hurt someone less strong than you because your ego got hurt. I wouldn't hurt an elderly person for hitting me because our strenght is not equal.
>>1137427Yup, or he just has a shit personality
No. 1137817
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Breaking news! Males think male retardation is funny and rarely interact with women to get to know their humor!
No. 1137845
>>1137817Regurgitating the jokes of other males=good sense of humour in their mind. Commenting “holy Batman!!!” On some article is comedy genius in their mind.
They have no idea that we actually roll around laughing hysterically while we mock and ridicule the men in our lives amongst our friends.
No. 1137857
>>1137828Reddit humour is the fucking worst. I'm physically cringing thinking of those long comment threads where people just write the next line in a song or dialogue from a movie. Men latch onto jokes and run them into the fucking ground, they basically have comedy templates in their brains that get repeated over and over because only a minority of them have original thoughts in their smoothbrains. And as much as I do find 4chan funny, they are also extremely repetitive and predictable.
Humour on lolcow is pretty lowkey imo but the jokes are so much more diverse and unpredictable, even small things like random/weird OP pics make me smile. Tumblr can also be extremely funny and clever and it's female dominated.
No. 1137861
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>>1137851This kek. Amerifats always explain the world through the lens of their culture, so what else can we expect from them?
>in the current dating scene women are desired just for existingWell, and how exactly is it going in the nature, dumbass? Here's some Evo psych for you
No. 1138008
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>>1137861>I can rotate objects in my mind!!Exactly what this male once said in my uni group, so we got a pic related type of quiz out and he picked the wrong one for 2/3 of them. I got 3/3 (he was humanities major, I was pursuing physics) and he started backtracking and talking about how lesbians have different brain wiring that allows for male pattern thinking and perception.
No. 1138023
>>1138008I guess by his logic, he’s a faggot tranny. Of course that’s actually
more reliable than his logic.
No. 1138217
>>1137817This is dumb even in bullshit evopsych terms. They act like humor only serves as a mating strategy. Humans are social creatures. We’ve developed various means of bonding with each other and humor is one of them. How would they explain women cracking jokes with each other without any men around? Of course they’d probably claim we’re just trying to imitate them. We’re only “not funny” because they don’t want us to be funny.
Same thing with the whole “women are bad drivers” myth. It’s been proven over and over again by actual statistics how untrue that is. There’s a reason their car insurance is higher. Because they have proven themselves to be a liability. I’ll have to try and find it again but I once listened to a podcast going into the origins of this myth and it was apparently a deliberate strategy by men to dissuade women from driving when cars were first invented. If we could freely go wherever we wanted in cars, then what other kind of freedoms might we want next?
No. 1138481
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>>1138290I wonder what he considers "equal or less attractive" that him anyway, hes probably on truerateme and thinks his looksmatch is Anya Taylor Joy or something
No. 1138508
>>1138481>4.5 and 5.5 and 6 menhow the fuck is that last guy a 6, how is he in anyway comparable to any of the women
redditors are truly blinf
No. 1138684
>>1137178Oh my fucking god, nobody is stopping you from crying, you retarded moid, especially if it will stop you grom chimping out at other people from bottling up your emotions that you never learned to manage in a healthy way.
Fucking reeee. It's only men that think crying is unmanly. Why are women being blamed for what men perpetuated, again?
No. 1138758
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>>1138481All of those men are fucking ugly. At this point if you post on rateme as a woman you are deliberately setting yourself up to have your self esteem destroyed by the absolute dregs of scrotekind and I can no longer pity you.
No. 1138896
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>>1137817you guys stay mad that men have top-level humor
No. 1138944
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I saw a bunch of these discussion threads like "What is the funniest way you have killed a hamster?" And i just find it disgusting , animal abuse stories seem to be peak humour on reddit
No. 1138968
>>1138957exactly this, i mean just look at the money Nicokado is making on onlyfans.
In reality men know how humiliating that is and would never do it and expect women and gay men to only do that.
No. 1139003
>>1138997It's great that retarded pickmes who post their pictures will get shit on. Unless you're a 10/10, men will hate you even if you bend over to them and women like those only learn that harsh truth once they have men visibly shit on them in ways no woman ever would.
It's disgusting but I think anyone who'd take a look at the sub would be able to see. Average and ugly men get super high rantings while same looks on a woman gets them insulted over and over again. And then, there are some accounts that post pictures of absolutely gorgeous women that would never be using reddit and those are the only ones that get high ratings, the basic girls get so much hate comments and weird pms which might be bad to wish on them but it's good to scare those girls away from incels they could face irl.
No. 1139006
>>1139003 it's because the bar is set really low for men.
Pretty girls are a dime a dozen, so you gotta be drop dead gorgeous to even be beautiful in their eyes. While majority of men are ugly. Arrange marriages exist to give ugly men a chance, incels know this very well.
No. 1139014
>>1139003Don't need to be mean against the women who post there ,since most of them are insecure teens and young adults who probably don't know about the male bias of the sub. I also don't get how their pickmes since most of them don't seem to enforce sexism or hold themselves in high regard in relation to other women. Pickme isn't just a catch-all term for any insecure woman and I don't see why you'd want moids to chimp out at them
>>1139004internalised misogyny and feeling a need to 'stay in your league/lane', which just make women settle for 4/10 coomers
No. 1139026
>>1139014Posting your images for a bunch of incels to rate you is begging to be picked. Do you know what pickme is? It's doing your best to get male attention.
>>1139012Redditors are so "edgy" and far from reality.
No. 1139049
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Men are subhuman.
No. 1139068
>>1138481They are bald, wrinkly, no style, deformed, look retarded and fat yet they think they match with girls with symmetrical faces, flowy hair, shaven, thin, groomed with makeup and good style. Male socialisation is one hell of a drug.
Honestly thanks for this, never doubting my looks again. If those horribly under-average scrotes have this confidence without ever questioning themselves, fuck it, I can too.
No. 1139074
>>1139049What in pornsick hell did I read? Why do men think the world revolves around them?
>>1139059>Maybe that anon is one of those women and that's why she so offended.You're ridiculous. Showing any sort of distaste isn't "so offended" and the picture has been circulating for years. You don't need to "be one of those women" to call out foolishness
No. 1139078
>>1139074I'm not talking about the women in that picture, those are all beautiful women but that's unrelated.
You need to be a pickme to willingly send your picture to an incel rating sub and you're pretending pickme has a different meaning which is why I thought you had done the same thing as those insecure girls. I don't mean to sound condescending but pickmes need to learn men will never accept them and consider them as equals no matter how much they try. Look at that picture for example, men see women so beneath them that the ugliest mutated man thinks he's entitled to a perfect girl who probably has her life together aside from looking gorgeous. Even the 4/10 girl is super cute and she's only rated low because she doesn't have makeup on.
No. 1139347
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I know there likely are subreddits way more degenerate then this one, but still jesus fucking christ, this is some of the most subhuman shit I have seen, also its kinda depressing that this is one of the few subreddits which you can tell has a mostly female userbase
No. 1139350
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>>1139347imagine if this was your daughter
No. 1139357
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>>1139350Horrid. Usually I assume these kinds of girls need to go outside, get a life. They are detached from reality, treating it the same as fiction. Also she looks like picrel I wonder if that's intentional
No. 1139417
>>1139185men cheat with whatever they can get their hands off no matter if pretty or ugly.
I dont really like this theme of attacking the women and calling them ugly because then when moids cheat with hotter girls then it becomes justified (like ha she was pretty of course he would fuck her)
No. 1139421
>>1139350>And btw no good idea to show your face in that contextFor once, I agree with a snarky plebbitor
>>1139357Oh I bet it's intentional for edgy NLOG 4chan waifu points
No. 1139755
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>>1139743she actually doesn't consider herself racist
>For Gods sake, if they shame you for this makes them overly sensitive. Ted Bundy killed women, but it doesn't make you a misogynist. Jeffrey Dahmer killed black men, but that doesn't make you a racist. So you're not islamophobic. No. 1139770
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>>1138997holy shit I didn't know what this subreddit was and now I regret looking at it… men are so fucking retarded I want to die. And the pickmes posting their picture and subjecting themselves to this are just sad.
No. 1139774
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>>1139347this sub is a goldmine of cringe, I love it
No. 1139776
>>1139770She's a 10/10 and he's 3/10. I hate the number rating system because it's retarded but this time, it's clear she's beautiful while he looks like an unwashed 14 year old boy.
>>1139774There's also a woman hating racist incel who also ironically happens too be Islamophobic who's posting there. It's like people in that subject act controversial just for the sake of it.
No. 1139787
>>1139785I used to know a girl IRL who lusted after him, refused to take down her postprophets posters and acted like a
victim herself when the accusations came out. She was fat and ugly, in case you where wondering.
No. 1139792
>>1139787>>1139784Nah, there is more to that. He appeared depressed and vulnerable in his diaries and was constantly longing for a soulmate to murder with. He basically settled on Eric since he didn't find one (but there was at least one girl with a crush on him - his friend Robin Anderson who helped them buy guns, also possibly an anonymous Columbine survivor who posted on Reddit). That's very appealing to teenage girls and certain type of woman. Easy to romanticise. His mother's book doesn't help.
I'm not saying that him being white and tall doesn't play a role, but it's not all.
>>1139787I cannot imagine being like this. So many man to obsess over and yet you go after this? Just kill yourself already.
I want to infiltrate the sub, aggressively simp for Robert Maudsley (or the other based murderer who offer a pedophile or a woman abuser - think he was from Canada or New Zealand?) and pick fights with everyone… I don't have the time though
No. 1139807
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>>1139792>or the other based murderer who offer a pedophile or a woman abuser - think he was from Canada or New Zealandyour thinking of the alaskan avenger, he was based asf, people would tell him about local abusers and he acted on these claims. He researched his targets first and then after googling them(often finding their details from the sexual assault registry) brutally attacked them and stole their shit. he also helped out single mothers by giving them the money he stolen from the pedos
If you know wanna the full story you should listen to The Alaskan Avenger episode of Unresolved Podcast
No. 1139809
>>1139807never heard of him but that sounds
amazing. unfortunately i am stanning this dude and maudsley
No. 1139817
>>1139807samefag he never actually never murdered anyone, he just blinded them or crippled them for life, one pedo who had abused a 12 year old was whining about how his life was ruined and how much pain he was in
>Wesley Demarest, 67. As the victim explained, on June 29 of that year, a hammer smashed the glass in one of the windows of his home.>It was one in the morning and the attacker broke into the house, ran to his room and rebuked him: «He asked me if I thought I had paid for my crime,» recalled the man who had abused a minor in 2006 and spent nine months in jail. «I said, ‘Yes.’ But he replied, ‘No, You didn’t pay enough. ‘»>Vukovich’s final victim, Wesley Demarest, has publicly expressed his relief that Vukovich is behind bars, adding that he would prefer if Vukovich “wasn’t walking around while I’m alive.” One article written about Demarest’s reaction remarks dryly, “One must wonder if his victim feels the same.”>Now 70 years old, Demarest struggles to form coherent sentences. He has also lost his job in wake of the traumatic brain injury he sustained at Vukovich’s hands.“It just pretty well destroyed my life,” he said. “So, he got what he wanted, I guess.” No. 1139834
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>>1139817>Before being sentenced to more than two decades in prison for his crimes, Vukovich wrote a letter in which he admitted his mistakes>"To victims of sexual abuse who lost their childhood like me, please do not throw away your present and their future by committing acts of violence," Vukovich said in his lengthy discharge that sought to convey a good message. "I am far from perfect, I am an imperfect and flawed individual like everyone else. However, it is important to me that someone else who was born and raised in Alaska and who had a similar upbringing don’t end up with this result because honestly it sucks, I thought about my horrible experiences as a child and felt an overwhelming desire to do something,">Vukovich wrote of the motives for his attacks.>"I took matters into my own hands and assaulted three pedophiles. There is no place for vigilante justice in an orderly society. I am a complete and utter failure by worldly standards, but I have learned a lot, assured. I began my life sentence many, many years ago, handed over to me by an ignorant, hateful and poor substitute for my father," Vukovich wrote. "Now I am faced with losing most of the rest of my life due to the decision to lash out at people like him. But to all those who have suffered like me, I want to say: love yourself and those around you, this is really the only way to go."jesus, its so unfair that such a great guy will rot away in prison and no one will even talk about him
No. 1139858
>>1139807I actually saw pedos and redditor men hate on him because
>Wa wa what if he kills a man who's not a rapist but got on registry for pissing in public wa waIt's disgusting redditor scrotes and pickmes have no problem defending men who raped and killed women and girls but pedos getting killed is seen as a huge tragedy, because they only value men.
No. 1140771
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there’s a subreddit for men to face app themsleves onto unsuspecting female bodies/selfies. fucking skinwallking sissy fags. moids should face the wall
No. 1140851
what good use is there for deepfakes? I can’t think of a damn one.
No. 1140969
>>1139056>>1139004I don’t think it has anything to do with autism. Most women don’t use the stupid 1-10 rating system. One, because it’s dehumanizing as fuck and most women are unwilling to behave that way towards men even if they deserve it. And two, because I think most women view attraction on a more binary system. Either we are attracted to somebody or we aren’t. Men will still women they find repulsive.
These men just don’t want to accept that they are either ugly, or more likely putting people off with their wretched personalities. I say more likely because all it takes is one look at female majority spaces where male crushes are discussed to see that women will thirst after the most hideous dudes ever because they see something else redeeming in him personality wise. I mean Driverfags and Danofags are evidence enough of this. No woman with equivalent looks would have nearly the same male fan base. You’d have to be particularly pathetic as a man to still fail so miserably with women unless you’re actually deformed.
It’s baffling that they bitch so much about the stupid 80/20 rule. It has nothing to do with women having too high expectations. It’s literally because 80% of men are literal goblins who shout all of their worst qualities from the mountaintops. Nearly every get couple I see, the woman is significantly more attractive than the man. It’s very rare to see the reverse. They truly are just narcissistically delusional about their own appearances. Which is especially sad given that appearance is not even the thing that most women prioritize because we’re shamed out of having any preferences. I actually had to convince my friend that she isn’t a terrible person because she wasn’t attracted to a guy that was shorter than her. Mind you, she’s 5’3”…it actually blew her mind when I told her that she is allowed to want to be physically attracted to the person she is dating. How fucking sad is it that something like that is made out to be unreasonable. A man would never be expected to “give a chance” to a women he is not attracted to.
No. 1140988
>>1140969>A man would never be expected to “give a chance” to a women he is not attracted to.Yep and a woman would never WANT a guy who isn't attracted to her. It would be too hurtful and embarrassing, fucking a hotter guy wouldn't be worth it. If a man is with a better looking woman, he's proud and smug and everyone congratulates or envies him for scoring her. When a woman is with a better looking man, people pity them both and wonder wtf they're doing together.
Men don't really care if their partners are attracted to them, they're so entitled that as long as they get to fuck a hot girl it doesn't matter how she feels about it. And of course, later in life he will bitch and cry about his wife's 'low sex drive' that would probably fire up if she was actually attracted to him.
No. 1141489
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>>1140851There's an artfulness to making a fake face. Not talking video deepfakes but still images. But even with video, it's fun to see those deepfacelab swaps where people superimpose actors faces onto different actors faces. Like from a purely aesthetic standpoint it's pretty awesome that you can make people who do not exist, but look like they could. That to me is the eerie beauty of the deepfake, it can be seen as an art form or an exploration of aesthetics and beauty, too bad it's yet another thing ruined by moids
No. 1141523
>>1141514Women telling you this are most likely just jealous and narcisstic and believe the man will like her better and then men who claim that the handsome guy doesn't care about looks most likely just assume all men like the same retarded cookie cutter ig model and don't believe that men attractive enough to have options wouldn't automatically chose the same autistic shit
The hottest male celebrities are almost always with a woman who's obtainable looking. You'll never see male models, rockstars, etc simp over autistic fat girls in cosplay and a corset or titty streamers in a breast plate, only low value men
No. 1141654
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From a thread about Ezra miller’s shenanigans on reddit, obvious mod post but I’m amazed that despite the explanation “well some people struggle with being a man” as if we aren’t talking about a male that seems to exclusively assault women,
No. 1141658
>>1141654>>1141655I'm 99% sure Ezra pulled the genderqweer shit for the exact reason people would downplay his
abusive behavior. There's also almost nobody I know who actually cares about his "new pronouns" and almost everyone calls him a male, especially when gossiping about him.
No. 1141733
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This thread title paired with this sub name is really peak 2022. The whole thread is incredibly retarded though. No. 1141743
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>>1141654Literally this meme:
1: did you hear what Ezra did this time? He-
2: it’s they/them uwu
1: okay, they were arrested for assaulting a woman. Second arrest this month.
No. 1142968
>>1142955I also see that mainstream comedy in the us nowadays is just childish humor revolving around genitals, sex, dark humor, or just literal cringe shit like tiktoks of people doing stupid shit to harm themselves. Comedy here has literally devolved to child tier humor, just with adult themes being added into it.
Like literal "fart haha" gradeschool stuff.
It really shows how people have regressed in maturity.
No. 1143147
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as opposed to women, who don't feel anything when men hit us?
No. 1143149
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>>1143147we also don't understand wanting respect, I guess because our natural role is to be disrespected by men?
No. 1143154
I wonder how
>>1143149 got so many downvotes when it was pretty much reiterating
>>1143147 No. 1143158
>>1143147You know what hurts more than the "feewing of betwayal" you get by being lightly slapped by a woman while being a grown man? Being brutally raped, getting acid thrown in your face, getting literally decked by a man's ape tard strenght as well as being cheated on no matter how pretty and skillful of a woman you are, being denied attention and love after endlessly doing emotional labor and being told you're not a person because you're a woman. So many women experience these daily, but oh god it cannot possibly compare to the crushing emotional pain of being slapped by your partner because you're being an ass :((((((
Men are physically stronger but still manage to be useless pieces of shit.
No. 1143166
>>1143158I'm getting pretty sick of men making arguments that are on par with 'let me tell you why a papercut is nearly as bad as murder' Like it's laughable how much empathy we're expected to expend on the tiniest of problems because of this 'muh pain is just as
valid' logic.
Just yesterday we had an anon who may very well be female but brain washed arguing that rich men get abused too and anyone questioning the seriousness of that compared to domestic violence against the average non-rich non-connected woman is I quote "loathsome" There's more women now falling for this retarded man-
victim spiel and it's depressing to watch it happen.
No. 1143178
>>1143166Nta but I remember that anon, how much she seethed when people told her a rich man getting his thumb cut is incomparable to the abuse women face everyday made me think she's definitely a weird pickme. Some pickmes support
abusive men and get off on knowing it makes them nlog.
No. 1143193
>>1143158It's bizarre since women are taught to expect sexual harassment or if they're in a relationship then they're taught they should expect their man to be forceful during sex, gawk at other women, spend money on other women, have female "friends" who are all just crazy and think he's leading them on, etc. Meanwhile men are allowed to establish insane boundaries and even mentioning other men will be enough to have them shut down and silent treatment galore, you're never supposed to question their motives or how they act when you're not around because uwu lack of trust and maturity
Men "having their trust violated" will never ever be comparable to the fact women are taught to accept all sorts of abuse and unfaithfulness from the moment we start dating. Until men are taught that it's normal for their girlfriends and wives to gawk at men, go to male strip clubs, have male friends they get weirdly close with, and that it's actually the boyfriend that's wrong if he doesn't like it, etc I don't wanna hear them complain about trust
No. 1143548
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Why do location related subs always have to be liberal shitshows? This is from my city's subreddit
No. 1143670
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Checked r/truerateme out of curiosity and kek at this mouth-breathing moid seething over a woman's strong jawline.
No. 1143700
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Seems fake but it angers me anyway. Thankfully it's peaking people on social media.
No. 1143702
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She's based. Of course the comments are telling her she's the biggest asshole ever kek
No. 1143798
>>1142862I think that sub was made to make fun of moids not understanding women anatomy, be it thorough media like badly designed characters in video games or men thinking women pee from vaginas.
Then it got overrun by troons like all other female subs and now it's yet another looney troons show.
No. 1143810
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>>1143625that's an old joke. can't quote the whole post on reddit though lol
No. 1144203
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And of course scrotes in the comments are going BUT WHAT IF SHE COERCED HIM INTO SEX AND THEN CLAIMED RAPE
No. 1144228
>>1143702Wtf people are conparing shitting your pants, to vaginal discharge.
Also there is no excusing making your brand new gf clean your sharty panties, you wash them yourself if you have any human decency.
I cant believe my own eyes.
No. 1144295
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Support subs on reddit are always so offputting. Like I'm a woman with ADHD but who wants to like something like this, much less post it? Like cool, I guess you feel really confident about yourself, I guess. I don't really care for this particular "fact" about a stranger that I will never meet.
No. 1144315
>>1144203India is so fucked, slightly ot but I remember reading an article about a 21yo woman with a husband and a kid who got raped, almost killed and humiliated publicly for rejecting a
14 years old boy who later killed himself, wtf was she supposed to do? Leave her husband and family and get married to that kid? Godless
No. 1144513
>>1144498You're definitely right, moids will teach their sons subhuman behavior and women will just ignore it and let them get away. It's weird since so many scrotes claim their parents were
abusive, they were
abusive for sure but not in the empathy grabbing way men like to describe, they were
abusive because they neglected their duties of discipline and teaching their son basic morals
No. 1144526
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>>1144498Not trying to defend men or fathers (or say all mothers with sons are like this) but some women do become insane enablers when they have sons. Picrel from a previous thread, 13-year old rapes a little girl but he's still mommy's precious boy.
No. 1144535
>>1144526The poor girl isn't her daughter so the bitch doesn't even care. This is disgusting. I've also heard story of a woman whose brother had assaulted her and when she confronted her mother about it, the mother told her to keep it to herself to ensure the integrity her son's mental health. These women aren't the majority in countries where misogyny is uncommon but I live in a shitty Muslim country and saw stuff like this very often. The girl always gets blamed.
>Op has a daughter(?) who is nonbinary at 11They definitely let the kids roam tok freely on the internet. The boy got a porn addiction and likely a cp addiction because pedos start very early on and the girl stripped herself away from her female-ness, maybe she got assaulted too who knows?
No. 1145267
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Why are redditors so fucking obsessed with justifying beating the living fuck out of women? This is in response to a man saying that "Karens" wouldn't exist if it was socially acceptable for men to beat women. When a male acts like a Karen no one fucking cares because men are allowed to be assholes, he's never watched a guy get beaten up for acting entitled lmfao.
No. 1145328
>>1145291Genuinely bad moms exist for sure but a lot of women are wrongfully labeled bad moms because the dad walked out/was
abusive and she didn't have a magic wand to wave it and make it all better
No. 1145472
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I sympathize with women suck in relationships with sissy fetishists 99% of the time, but certain times I'm like the "writing was on the wall", this woman was in a bdsm, partial poly relationship with a man who likes getting pegged, like sis what did you expect, that he was gonna be normal faithful husband to you
No. 1145500
>>1145267Retarded theory but I think some men want to beat people because of
toxic masculinity retardation but aren't strong enough to beat other men so show violence against women instead.
I've actually had manlets hit me or slap me randomly even though I hadn't done nothing beforehand, after their shit got too much, I beat the two said manlets because as I've said above, they were very weak and both were crying messes in the end. I don't think most redditors couldn't beat women like the way they think they can because of that. Even if they were strong, there'd be other men stopping them.
No. 1145514
>>1145508She can always have abortion or give the child away but sad reality is she will get painted as a horribly person if she chooses to do either of those. I hope it's a bait post made by a
terf but most redditor women act this way and enable their coomer husbands so you may never know.
No. 1146049
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This Reddit exchange. These people are unreal…for context, this is on a post in r/trashy discussing an ugly dress worn by Bella Thorne.
No. 1146072
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I've just found this reddit clone, voat. Pretty interesting lol. No. 1146086
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>>1146072Thanks nonna I got a brain tumor from reading that
No. 1146582
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>>1146198It is funny how they assume estrogen = makes someone stereotypical feminine and testosterone = stereotypically masculine. If they were to choose a woman based on blood tests alone they'd probably choose a woman with estrogen dominance since they think more estrogen = good, it would blow their pea brains if they see an actual woman with estrogen dominance. Plus they'd probably be ragging on men with legitimately too much testosterone since most of these men are often irritable, covered in acne and incredibly oily with hair loss, often infertile too. These complete fucking retards glamorize having extremely dimorphic everything but don't bother educating themselves about the reality of having super high testosterone, estrogen, etc
Probably the same reason they'll post morbidly obese women with large tits and ass and rave about how fertile they must be, but the woman they're posting has PCOS and needs to take testosterone blockers kek
No. 1146623
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This story sounds fake as fuck
No. 1147519
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>>1147502In general I notice men online enjoy making up fake women or fake scenarios involving women to get angry or feel smug about.
No. 1148546
>>1145291yep. and women are conveniently solely blamed for "daddy issues", no one shits on the absent or
abusive dad in the scenario, just the woman.
No. 1148827
>>1145328I used to watch a couple of true crime channels and follow a couple of reddit subs too and this just reminded me.. the amount of times I've seen people blame a serial killers crimes or a pedos crimes on the fact that their mommmy couldn't force daddy to stay.. its unreal the level of blame shifting that's used to get a man off the hook. A man murders someone.. it's his moms fault. It's his moms fault because she couldn't make a grown man stick around and be a good dad to him. Not the dads fault though? So both males are overlooked as if they've no power over their own actions. Only mom held all the power somehow?
It's just so removed from how men generally view women and the world, they see themselves as the bosses in work, in families and in relationships but then as soon as a man commits horrific actions.. women hold all the power to make men good or evil. Your mom, your gf, your ex, a woman who rejected you once. There's always a woman in the background who was expected to play god and prevent a crime years before a man carried it out. Nuts.
No. 1149066
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The tinfoil threads on here and /x/ are some of the few places you can actually discuss legit conspiracies, /r/conspiracy is just a right-wing echo chamber that worships Elon Musk. Check the mod trying to argue the definition of a meme to excuse this shit. But if it were Bill Gates that bought Twitter they'd be screeching
No. 1149902
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/r/cringetopia has had a good bit of drama the past week.
Not sure exactly what's been happening, but from what I understand:
>Reddit is going public sometime this year and is cleaning house. /r/drugs was just marked as a nsfw subreddit, and /r/tumblrinaction and /r/cringetopia are on very thin ice.
>Reddit admins have been heavily pressuring /r/cringetopia mods to more heavily moderate their content to prevent "bullying," but .
>During the /r/place event earlier this month, /r/cringetopia decided to draw Marsey the Cat, which is a popular emoji sticker pack for Telegram and the mascot for, one of the more popular reddit imitation sites. Reddit admins overwrote it, and reportedly banned anyone trying to redraw it for a time.
>Reddit bans several more /r/cringetopia mods, making moderating the subreddit an impossible task.
>Mods decide to go joker mode, turn the subreddit into a furry themed disaster in order to promote
>A couple of semi-ironic furry mods larp hard and attract a bunch of hate from people who don't understand trolling. One comment got over 13,000 downvotes.
>After much ado, Cringetopia is now "back to normal," except no text is allowed, only emojis, ala /r/drama.
This whole saga has been so retarded that I'm not even really mad that /r/cringetopia is next on the chopping block, as much as I disagree with Reddit banning as much troon-critical content as they possibly can.
No. 1150736
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No. 1150973
>>1150773Seems like it was a pre-emptive decision as it was constantly being threatened to get banned altogether.
The only other female-only reddit sub I know is FourthWaveWomen which is constantly raided and won't last long either.
No. 1155670
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