File: 1647153614967.jpg (1.17 MB, 2000x1052, Maslows-Hierarchy-of-Needs.jpg)

No. 1095983
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I'll break the ice.
I need to dance, to head-bang, to run around the city at night, to scream with my friends, to hold each-other and then push them off a bridge (but they live so is okay). I wanna have fun like we used when we were teenagers, no gods, no masters, no rent, only hopeless romantics and enthusiasm of getting out of our parent's homes.
No. 1096155
File: 1647174895404.jpg (121.89 KB, 1000x664, 5495dae60efb900b6aed0eff787bf8…)

Surgery for tumor pls. I don't even drink alcohol, I just want to be able to eat pizza without feeling like I'm going to die.
No. 1096945
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>>1096860Here you go, sorry they ran out of pistachio
No. 1096948
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I want GPU prices to return to normal so I can have a graphics card that's been made within the last five years.
No. 1106475
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I need someone who will stay up late and talk to me, another job and some fulfillment please
No. 1106483
File: 1647935208330.gif (3.86 KB, 120x128, emodolls.gif)

I need it to be 5PM GMT
No. 1106693
File: 1647952000126.gif (2.08 MB, 220x220, cockerel-cuddling.gif)

>>1106675sammmeee i've never even held a chicken but they are so cute
No. 1106695
File: 1647952087349.gif (3.57 MB, 320x301, PuwpVV.gif)

>>1106693another. look at it's cute head! it's hugging back!
No. 1106748
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>>1106675>>1106693>>1106695Reminds me of Dodos, apparently they were super friendly and would come up to humans and expect to be petted, its unfair those little goofballs went extinct
No. 1106805
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>>1106693>>1106695Thank you for the gifs
nonnie(s) I have also never held a chicken, but they look so soft and perfect cuddle size. Crying over cute chickens rn
No. 1106899
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I want to hug a cow
No. 1106918
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>>1106899Should I go do it, 2 hours for 20 euros?
No. 1106924
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>>1106918absolutely and let us know how it goes
No. 1107238
>>1107180Girl, I feel this. Me fucking too. I live in a liberal college city & I need based
terf friends in my life, not all these sex work is work dumbasses.
No. 1107449
>>1107238i third
terf friends. my college is filled with they thems unfortunately
No. 1108934
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I want money? Money.
No. 1109325
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a fucking job. like c'mon i got a masters in this stupid field i don't even like just bc it's supposed to have a better employment rate. fuck this
No. 1118800
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I want fucking need a room full of puppies to lay on the floor and play with. Please god manifest my sleep paralysis demons into puppies
No. 1119030
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>>1118800Okay I met a puppy on my walk earlier. Maybe god is real
No. 1119040
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>>1108136Same, I hate my short-term memory and attention span, wish I could understand scientific research papers on a deeper level and that learning another language as an adult wouldn't be that hard. There's no fun in acting like a worthless retard who constantly shitposts Twitter memes.
No. 1119121
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I need a friend to just be dumb with again, all this dumb energy is wasted on myself
No. 1119131
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>>1119040The kind of intelligence you're talking about makes you just sound like a conspiracy theorist when you're a woman. People believe scrotes easily, no matter how unqualified and unread they are. Meanwhile women are made to feel like Cassandra, so you start doubting yourself anyway, unless you're really stubborn.
No. 1119180
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I need my own apartment and to chop a lot of fucking wood
No. 1119185
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money. that's it. if i had money i could afford medication and i could afford good doctors; i could have my own house. i so desire a ridiculous amount of money to fall into my lap (winning the lottery!) so i can fuck off from society and play video games.
No. 1119188
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I got fired last year and HOLY SHIT I NEED A JOB/SOME FUCKING MONEY. My boyfriend pays for our rent and food and I’m so grateful but holy FUCK I need some financial stability for myself. I hated my customer service job and want to pivot to a different career but since that’s all I have experience in, I’m worried I won’t be able to find anything else outside of fucking customer service.
No. 1119439
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I need to finish this fucking dissertation if it kills me. I hate academia
No. 1119496
>>1119363You can pretend you used to be a housekeeper. Ask a friend to lie for your if they want a reference.
I have been trying to get a cleaning job and actually used to be a housekeeper, nobody wants to hire me. I applied to every hotel in my city that offer 18$+/h and no answer.
No. 1120241
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I need to get laid
No. 1120263
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>>1120241I can see you and I are on the same wavelength
No. 1120271
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I need to beat a man till he’s unconscious
No. 1123949
File: 1649131512352.jpg (895.08 KB, 2048x2048, 382711846_0751807211_k.jpg)

I want honesty, I want rawness, I want something real. Everything is so curated now, no one is breathing. Where are all the kids screaming for some dumb shit they truly loved like monster energy or MCR. I hate that all that matters now is looking like a bratz doll, I want genuineness BACK.
No. 1123953
File: 1649132080600.jpg (1.4 MB, 1170x1309, Tumblr_l_241429633091651.jpg)

>>1123949>Where are all the kids screaming for some dumb shit they truly loved "Cringe" happened, and everyone's terrified of having fun
No. 1123959
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>>1123949I agree so much nona, I posted something similar months ago. There’s no more sincerity left, the zoomers are just taking the aesthetics out of spreads of FRUiTS magazines without any of the fun or the heart. Everything is about looking better, cooler, edgier, more speshul and more unique than your peers. Everything is calculated and purposefully planned and curated, from the grainy filters and faux film camera apps to the prop hot pink motorola razr, there’s no more authenticity or heart in experimental street fashion, it’s all branding and products and curated social medial influencer profiles now. I hate it. I wish the internet was less irony poisoned and image conscious.
No. 1125020
>>1124984what's stopping you
No. 1125288
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>>1124006Same, I hate being lonely.
No. 1127204
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>>1119068Update: I ended up making an online friend who I have been able to talk to about everything that I can't talk about with my irl friends and she has been so cool and understanding… The lc gods have smiled upon me. Thank you for your benevolence.
If they are still listening I think it would also be nice to have a qt boyfriend… Or at least a qt boy who can be my friend, but if you've run out of those then that's ok I am thankful enough No. 1130521
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I want a Sprite.
No. 1131478
>>1131470There's licherally the finnfag thread active rn
>>1131447Do it
nonny No. 1131524
File: 1649697163078.jpg (42.08 KB, 540x540, 86_f3b5de85_540.jpg)

I want my hair to be thicker and healthier. I want to find a well paying, work from home job. I want to find peace with my dysfunctional family. I want my current relationship with my bf to work out long-term. I want to find an affordable apartment in a nice neighborhood. I want us to all make it nonnies.
No. 1142105
>>1123949Same nona. Reminds me of this Gone Girl quote
>"For several years, I had been bored. Not a whining, restless child's boredom (although I was not above that) but a dense, blanketing malaise. It seemed to me that there was nothing new to be discovered ever again. Our society was utterly, ruinously derivative (although the word derivative as a criticism is itself derivative). We were the first human beings who would never see anything for the first time. We stare at the wonders of the world, dull-eyed, underwhelmed. Mona Lisa, the Pyramids, the Empire State Building. Jungle animals on attack, ancient icebergs collapsing, volcanoes erupting. I can't recall a single amazing thing I have seen firsthand that I didn't immediately reference to a movie or TV show. A fucking commercial. You know the awful singsong of the blasé: Seeeen it. I've literally seen it all, and the worst thing, the thing that makes me want to blow my brains out, is: The secondhand experience is always better. The image is crisper, the view is keener, the camera angle and the soundtrack manipulate my emotions in a way reality can't anymore. I don't know that we are actually human at this point, those of us who are like most of us, who grew up with TV and movies and now the Internet. If we are betrayed, we know the words to say; when a loved one dies, we know the words to say. If we want to play the stud or the smart-ass or the fool, we know the words to say. We are all working from the same dog-eared script.
>It's a very difficult era in which to be a person, just a real, actual person, instead of a collection of personality traits selected from an endless Automat of characters.
>And if all of us are play-acting, there can be no such thing as a soul mate, because we don't have genuine souls.
>It had gotten to the point where it seemed like nothing matters, because I'm not a real person and neither is anyone else.
>I would have done anything to feel real again." No. 1142171
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Right now I just want to hang out inside a 24-hour diner in the dead of a rainy night enjoying some buttery fluffy pancakes with bitter-ass coffee while contemplating about my friendless life and where its heading in the future.
Also, I wish my city was more walkable and not a car dependant concrete mess everybody bitches about all the while doing fuck-all about it. I mean, I can see the joy in driving but just wish it wasn't such as necessity.
No. 1142212
File: 1650541607838.jpg (79.69 KB, 500x666, 1596040442763.jpg)

I need 290 more dresses
No. 1142365
>>1142250It’s possible babes u got this
- a person who thought the same who is now recovered (hint an ssri really helped me for some reason)
No. 1143936
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I need my own sped sandals, I need them, I need them, I need them. They’re the most comfortable shit ever, but I can’t find the exact model I like.
I’m still salty about the sped sandals that were stolen from me.
No. 1148223
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I would literally kill for some cetirizine right now, my entire face just won't stop leaking.
No. 1148248
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i want a gold necklace(idc if its fugly or juvenile my mom had one for years and i want one now) im going to purchase it tomorrow and ive been wanting to get my uncle's name instead of mine because he basically raised me and i miss him a lot but im not sure if its respectful/appropriate to wear a deceased person's name on a necklace plus i'm supersitious so i dont know if it has the same connotations as wearing a deceased person's clothes(its believed to bring death)
No. 1650073
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a nice and delicious breakfast
No. 1660926
File: 1691758434819.jpg (1.47 MB, 1900x1376, 74.jpg)

hugs, pills, to get my shit together, belonging. maybe i need to cry. i don't know. i want to feel real and immersed in this world. i wish i wasn't lonely in the night. i feel so shit but no urge to do anything even though i have things to do. me and nicotine do not get along but considering picking up cigs or a vape again to be productive. i really want my pills in mail… it should be soon then i can forget and be a degen for a week or two.
No. 1660984
File: 1691762300344.jpeg (4.42 MB, 4032x3024, 20210214_111029.jpeg)

I need to move back to my home state and spend hours walking on the beach looking for agates.
No. 1661040
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a sweet genuine loving bf who loves me unconditionally and puts my shitty ex to shame in every single capacity.
No. 1661081
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No. 1661174
File: 1691777952759.jpeg (450.79 KB, 1170x1104, IMG_5440.jpeg)

this bag
No. 1661193
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>>1661081same, money is all I want and need
No. 1661211
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this job
No. 1661235
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Crying and throwing up because they don't sell this flavour in store and it's been almost 2 years since i have had some. No, i will not eat another salt and vinegar crisps, it has to be THIS ONE.
No. 1746683
>>1746586same but reverse i want to hold a tall woman it would fix me but it will never happen.
I am absolutely touch starved but I'm too picky about who, so I will be forever touchless. Maybe it's not as good as I'm building it up in my head anyway. Or maybe I'm coping
No. 2257732
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i need one of these to roll over my back
No. 2300245
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Normally I'm not into jewellery but today I wish I had a fancy ring or necklace. I'd be cool with lab made or whatever other methods they have now.
No. 2306517
>>2305526Oke so what do you recommend? Privacy is nice. Do you guys use a vpn on here?
That other nonna was talking about the doodle board btw and using vpn.
No. 2311298
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I really need to see the only motherly figure I've ever had, which is a middle school teacher, and a hug