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No. 110221
>>110202chill out
ur still young
No. 110234
no one really knows
just chill out for a bit and try to take it a day at a time No. 110320
>>110198You are literally me, age and everything
From what I've gathered in my short existence it seems like no one ever has it all figured out if that's any consolation
No. 110336
>>110328>spend time thinking about how you can create value for other peoplethat's so nice.
I say do this and explore things all the time discovering what makes you passionate.
Life is hard because nobody has any answers, it doesn't matter how many books you read, all that does is make you articulate.
No. 110337
>>110336ALSO sozsamefag
PLANT THINGS, literally plant things all the time, in the soil outside, in plant pots in your room, in the park, by the side of the road
it's the meaning of life
No. 110450
>>110436Nice one, bitterfag.
Creating value for other people can be literally working in altruistic positions, such as in social care, or can instead be done in a more lateral way such as bringing a focus on charitable causes into wherever you work e.g. being that person who organises food donations or workplace charity days.
I also recommend that anybody who is unhappy alone and doesn't know how to spend their time or lacks direction in life should do something like this. It gives your life meaning, even if it's just something small.
No. 110452
>>110436lol what? Creating value can be as simple as inventing a device that makes some kind of inconvenience easier to deal with, and then reaping the profits. Even creatives technically create value if they get really good at what they do and create a piece of media that a certain audience wants.
It's not anyone else's fault that your mind lacks the basic creative capacity to apply such a broad phrase in less narrow minded ways. No wonder you seem so bitter.