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File: 1647799434383.png (308.77 KB, 602x621, woke furry.png)

No. 1105050

No. 1105055

File: 1647799621724.jpg (201.03 KB, 1170x1601, 1646408745003.jpg)

Just want to remind my nonnies of whatever the fuck this is.

No. 1105056

File: 1647799652184.jpg (246.24 KB, 850x1200, FM9q3hrUUAMOWKF.jpg)


No. 1105057

File: 1647799680005.png (267.94 KB, 438x488, tm9k9x5ce3271.png)

No. 1105058

I don't know if that counts as furry content, more something that could only be made by edgy black weebs

No. 1105060

don't we have one in /snow/?

No. 1105062

finally, a good fucking thread. fuck these furry ass degenerates, I hope they all rot. Thank you, have a nice day.

No. 1105063

based. all furfags should die

No. 1105073

File: 1647800487471.png (49.2 KB, 897x438, dh.png)

I hate men so much it's unreal

No. 1105074

I rly like this tho

No. 1105083

KEK I'm the Better Days anon… at least now I can post caps without shitting up the other thread

No. 1105088

File: 1647801167194.gif (Spoiler Image,48.23 KB, 568x835, EAC6A4AC-36F2-41FB-BCA4-6256E2…)

I know it’s awful but it’s so goddamn funny. What the fuck.
What the fuck was the incest out of fucking nowhere for?

No. 1105090

I did a search of lc earlier and didn't find a furry thread besides that one dogfucker from a few years back. I was surprised we've never had a furry hate thread. Unless I missed it, of course.

No. 1105098

Oh god Better Days…I remember thinking the comic started off decently enough, but holy shit the sexual tension between those two for the rest of the comic was so uncomfortable I was almost only reading it to see if they would end up together or if the writers were still holding onto some sort of sanity. Happy they didn't, but I can't lie and not say that the brother ending up with the mouse girl felt forced.

No. 1105099

File: 1647801659478.jpeg (80.71 KB, 736x483, DA63A4B8-A569-4D67-92FD-EA7D08…)

No. 1105100

lmao the people behind him

No. 1105102

Who else had been reading Better Days since earlier…………………..

No. 1105105

The Jewish mouse. This is wild

No. 1105110

File: 1647802068588.gif (53.48 KB, 568x833, BD7.gif)

The art style's unironically really cute, but the subject matter is autistic. It's the same way I feel about gimpgirl555's comics tbh

No. 1105111

File: 1647802111505.jpeg (71.65 KB, 498x593, D2237BFD-77AF-4FC5-A5CE-078468…)

I can’t look at films like zootopia or other human looking animal animated movies without thinking of how furries sexualise them and it makes me so disturbed and uncomfortable. I loathe them with my whole heart

No. 1105113

Ikr. There's a motion to the lines that is rlly satisfying. Sigh.

No. 1105116

File: 1647802338131.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.19 KB, 895x1024, x2cLc9th.jpg)

No. 1105118

File: 1647802516948.jpg (66.46 KB, 500x375, fvrrTxc.jpg)

No. 1105126

File: 1647803013325.gif (43.92 KB, 581x825, 3B789AAE-9176-4BBF-BF70-5B3D13…)

>fucking CHURCH amirite?

No. 1105127

File: 1647803089078.jpeg (664.1 KB, 964x1463, 817B383F-A6A6-4210-9901-482956…)

The abortion comic ruined Zootopia for me. I hate furries so fucking much

No. 1105147

I actually love that comic, just its existence makes me laugh

No. 1105154

I hate how competent the artist is, compared to how shit the entire story and dialogs and concept behind it are. It's all so weird.

No. 1105156


true and honest lolcow farm fursona

No. 1105158

File: 1647806450358.jpg (82.35 KB, 505x572, DQdYd_GUQAAwptC.jpg)

No. 1105234

Wasn't it actually pro-abortion in the end, in a bizarre twist?

No. 1105360

the author is apparently pro-choice, he just wanted to write a dramatic story. but i know he still got called out by tumblr for drawing weird apparently lesbophobic shit in the past of sappho (yes, the poet) being a rapist or something

No. 1105776

from what I understand something's were just lost in translation, the original comic was in Brazilian Portuguese and the translator only knew European Portuguese

No. 1105810

It was a weird kind of troll. Like the apartment were Nick and Judy lived was traced from the Seinfeld apartment lol. I don't know how the comic ended, last thing I read was when Nick come to apologize to Judy and he discovered she have a girlfriend now.

No. 1105827

Same, I used to really like anthro characters because they allowed a lot of creative possibilities with their designs and behavior but furries have ruined them irreparably for the rest of my life.

It was, the follow-up comic continued the story and it portrayed Nick as the entitled asshole who only thought about himself ignoring Judy's dreams for the future and walking out on her because she wasn't willing to sacrifice her life for Nick's pro-life bullshit. She ended up with a girlfriend that Nick tried to assault when he found out but lost completely in the end. So it wasn't exactly the pro-choice propaganda people made it out to be. Here's the sequel in question: https://imgur.com/gallery/BSyU5qm

No. 1106131

And then in the final comic in the trilogy Judy gets shot like JFK

No. 1106145

it was funny to me when someone who worked on the Moderna vaccine was an open furry and all the furries flocked around her going, see we are everywhere behind the scenes, developing your vaccines and designing your spaceships! deal with it normies! then one goes on a mass shooting and its all n-no we aren't like that… lol

No. 1106150

I'm not trying to defend furries but I do wanna say that it's not entirely synonymous with bestiality. Common misconception. Though zoofurs do exist but they're usually shunned big time in the fandom.
The furry community is however full of degenerate autistic gay men and AGP troons who shove their other kinks down your throat and have no shame. There is also a huge grooming and pedophilia issue which comes as no surprise. There is even an online registry here: https://k9sentry.com/
That said it's a fairly safe fandom for women since 90% of the predators are gay men.

No. 1106224

I wouldn't say it's safe for women, unless your only involvement is solely online. A lot of those "gay" men are actually bisexual and some women have been raped by popular male artists. I've never dealt with anything as bad as that, but when I was underage I was hit on by an older man on a furry site, and at cons I had geeky ugly guys try to flirt. Older guys have also made sexual comments towards my OCs when I was 18/19…

I'm not 100% anti-furry though (which is why I'm saging), I still like anthro characters, but I do agree with "fursecutors" more. I don't think liking yiff means someone will fuck an actual animal, since most furry art is cartoonish (which is schediaphilia) and has human expressions, but way too much of it is referenced from actual animal photos to feel purely fantasy to me. It's not inherently zoophilia but it can be a potent gateway drug to it for someone who is mentally ill and/or sexually inexperienced enough, which arguably most furries are…

No. 1106242

you are attempting to defend furries. fuck off

No. 1106245

Sorry you had to go through that anon. I would hang out in person but most guys I encountered would ignore me because I didn't have a dick for them to suck, just a bunch of hypersexual fags. I did have one relentless rare straight male furry though who would not leave me alone and sent me dick pics though.
I literally just said they were a bunch of degenerate fetishists and predators and linked a site proving that many of them are. What the fuck anon. I'm speaking from experience. Try to read beyond the first line of what I wrote before getting so enraged.

No. 1106290

AYRT, I guess it varies by which conventions/websites/meetups you use or go to, since male furries have a reputation of being "jailhouse gay", as in they only settle for being gay since men are the only ones around. But those same ones will go wild if a half-decent female is in their midist (I dealt with this in brony circles too when I was a teenager). And I guess the jailhouse aspect ties into how so many become AGP, like non-furry trannies they try to "become the girlfriend" they can't have and make a female fursona instead. It's interesting to study from afar but horribly obnoxious to deal with.

Ironically, most female furries are okay in comparison, but a lot of TIF furries are annoying coomer SJWs. There was one I used to be acquainted with a decade ago who was cool but now she draws weird man-on-TIF "gay" porn and another is one of those "asexuals" who draws fetish art for fun.

No. 1106897

File: 1647959051648.png (78.51 KB, 850x1060, Distributions-of-participants-…)

Furries say its not a sexual thing but literally every study and survey that looks into it finds that it is. Check out the graph where only 50% of furries say they have absolutely no attraction to animals. What do you think the number would look like if you asked people on the street?

>A large majority of our sample reported non-heterosexual identities (84%) and some degree of sexual motivation for being furries (99%).

>Male furries also tended to report a pattern of sexual interests consistent with an ETII involving anthropomorphic animals.
>Both sexual attraction to anthropomorphic animals and sexual arousal by fantasizing about being anthropomorphic animals were nearly universal.


No. 1107017

Was an actual women or yet another troon?

No. 1107132

>Judy gets shot like JFK

Excuse me, what?

No. 1107170

Wow, none of this is surprising but it's insane to have it confirmed. I bet that 50% attracted to animals should actually be higher, can imagine some of them were holding back. They should've also recorded how many have autism tho.

No. 1107438

>That said it's a fairly safe fandom for women since 90% of the predators are gay men.
The remaining 10% of straight men are all creepy horndogs though lmao. Being a female furry is like being a female gamer in the mid aughts, you're gonna be surrounded by lonely, horny, porn-addicted guys. The only real respite is to be in a furry community made of mostly women, which tend to be the sparkledog enjoyers, adaoptable collectors, and kawaii artists who mostly seem to congreagte on Toyhouse or Deviantart, which have their own special kind of awful retarded drama (keep in mind 70% of these women are gonna claim to be boys or genderspecials).

No. 1107486

>>1106150 i was ambivalent on furries until the whole Kero the wolf/zoosadism telegram ring debacle. I was on kf at that moment so i pretty much watched the whole story happen in the moment and god, the amount of furries who didnt wanted to talk about the issue, even they were mad at kf for investigate it! I undestanded at frist because even if the leaks were anything but subtle (A bunch of self-proclaimed zoophilic talking about dogfucking all day, with irl videos of the stuff, go figure if they aren't zoos) but months later they still talk about "how bad the fandom would look if we talk about it retarded emoji" "don't talk about kf is an evil site" (ok but the proof was still there, and no furry site wanted to talk about it) even if the damn freaks got actual police reports. They even shamed other furries if they wanted to talk about the issue, just worried about if the zoosadism issue would cause a resurgence of "conservative/burned furs" (did i already mention that we're talking about actual horrible acts against animals? not some petty drama. With videos and stuff) so that was what radicalize me against furries. So yeah, most aren't literal dogfuckers you are right. But most furries would happly hide an actual dogfucker "for the sake of the fandoms rep" or just because they like it. I swear to this day possibly there are furries asking to themselves why Kero the wolf couldnt fuck dogs in silence.

No. 1108914

Not that anon but the jailhouse gay behavior matches my observations as well, a lot of them are just hypersexual enough to fuck anything they come across and even their gay relationships are just based on having a regular fuckbuddy instead of a balanced, emotionally mature relationship. They're an alphabet soup of sex-based issues including pedophilia and trannyism, that's why so many prolific AGPs are outed for having a babyfur side account.

Anyway, as an oldfag I remember the original furry hate from the early to mid 00's being for very similar reasons people hate tumblr/twitterfags now. Furries were the mentally ill, autistic gender snowflakes shoehorning morality everywhere while having a degenerate alt account with pedo themes and spending their days strung out on drugs and grooming minors even before it was a widespread thing. I don't even care that they don't fuck animals, their community has plenty of other features to hate them for. I'm glad the zoosadism drama reminded people how furries deserve to be ostracized, never in my life have I met a person who was a normal, socially functioning persona but also a furry. You have to have something fundamentally wrong in your head to be one to begin with, a passing interest in kemono/anthropomorphic animals is fine, being involved in the furry lifestyle isn't.

No. 1108932

I started my adult life as an awkward recovering agoraphobic and with my lack of social skills and apparently my inability to discern what's safe or smart… I relied on a fetish scene to give me a social life. An 18 year old girl is instantly popular at these events, no surprise there. I came across furries irl through that scene and I was att pretty naive and open to accepting people as they are. Tbh I came to the conclusions that dom males are thinly disguised abusers, furries are degenerates, abdlers are either sick or traumatised.. all by experience rather than just judging people from the jump. Kinda wish I had just taken people's word for it and that I hadn't mixed with all those types in the first place but you live and learn. I'm no longer 'open minded' like I used to be. I've earned my right to judge lol

The furries I met were mostly autists (tho some were weirdly in denial) oh you're 28 and you've never worked and you live with mom and have all the traits and your mom knows you wear diapers for funsies … not seeking any type of assessment? Cool. They overlapped heavily with the abdl crowd, they also loved piss and shit, and they're bisexual, oh and they fuck trannies… no wait they might be a tranny too.. and so on. My main take away was that furries are autistic and pornsick to a point where they have a growing collection of fetishes and need more and more to satisfy them.. which is honestly more worrying than the shit doms were doing. The escalation is too much. Turning non sexual things into sexual things leads to nothing good when you have groups of asd males normalising anything and everything amongst each other. There's a shortage of women into this stuff so they try to drag people into accepting their pissing on plushies fetish.. or they fuck men despite saying they're straight. That lack of boundaries or standards was always there. Any sexual contact would do.

I had moments before leaving that scene behind where I looked at maledoms with their thing for petite women and I thought to myself that I wouldn't trust them around a 12 year old but then I looked at furries putting diapers on plush toys before facesitting them and I wouldn't trust them with a fucking newborn.

I read the kero story recently and I wasn't as surprised as you ought be upon hearing those details. These guys are desensitised and being around them desensitises you to the shit they think up and fap to. Hide your dog, hide your kids.

No. 1113138

sage for blogposting but anyways I was really into warrior cats as a kid and eventually that was a loophole to being a furry, and I gotta say, there is a weird divide, on one side it's the weird fetishy freaks that are 90% male and then we got the other side which is female artists who draw sparkledogs or kidecore,webcore shit, sure they might be gender snowflakes but it's not as awful as the fetish shit side from my experience.

No. 1868914

File: 1706332681466.jpg (436.14 KB, 1536x2048, 509dotvq5m031.jpg)

I know I'm technically necroing but I really had to show this to you all.it's a fetish fursuit with a giant fake stomach for vore.im not making this shit up it's literally is and always be a fetish to them 100% they wear this where children might be present btw and they also make repulsive fetish videos on Twitter.

No. 1868918

File: 1706332908990.jpg (394.95 KB, 1080x1920, gross troon.jpg)

i am not a furfag but i have seen a lot of these fetish suits popping out lately and it doesnt surprise me how furries defend obvious fetish shit like this

No. 1868921

File: 1706333555664.jpg (390.72 KB, 1077x1600, FyW2ed8X0AEgpcg.jpg_large.jpg)

Yep…this is totally not a fetish and not sexual at all!

No. 1868924

samefagging, but speaking of furfags this video always makes me laugh.
>furfag commissions inflation fursuit maker
>friend of the furfag already commissioned the guy and hes been waiting 4 years for the suit to be done
>furfag commissions him anyways because coomers gotta coom
>fursuit maker gets his donut steel details wrong, twice
>he resells those failed suits
>furfag gets angry because he feels these suits are ripping off his emo furry with blue fur and red hair design
>furfag annoys the suit maker so fucking much he decides to stop making latex suits all together once he's done with his suit
>furfag threatens to make a callout video on the suit maker

No. 1868929

>I don't know how the comic ended
Judy hops gets into a relationship with a female fox and becomes a civil rights activist.

No. 1868949

Oh my god I can't stop laughing at this

No. 1868957

File: 1706339290221.mp4 (3.13 MB, 576x1024, ballin.mp4)

Imagine the smell

No. 1868958

File: 1706339498793.mp4 (1.64 MB, 576x1024, shitted pants.mp4)

I fucking hate these creatures. The average fursuit already looks disgusting, but these are somehow worse. This guy walks like he shitted his pants.

No. 1868961

I go through phases of getting one of these types of video a day (or shitty furry art) on TikTok, and I always flip past as fast as I can.

No. 1868986

Men don't deserve rights.

No. 1869032

So I hate furries but not enough to vent about em really but I want to share something that I learned about them that's going to make them even more disgusting to y'all, though it is probably something someone wondered about. Those guys don't remove their suits to go to the bathroom cuz effort. So instead, they wear diapers. All day. Cuz they can't be assed to get out of their suits.
Let that sink in, go throw up, and come back with more disgust for them. You're welcome.

No. 1869037

i am pretty sure the being lazy part is just an excuse to use diapers, not the other way around

No. 1869115

that probably explains how diaper fetishes started in the first place.

No. 1869122

File: 1706354532132.png (440.98 KB, 1207x1162, Screenshot.png)

This post reminded me of something. There was this sci-fi book called "The Architect of Sleep" that revolved around super technologically advanced raccoons. It was originally intended to be a trilogy. However, furries became incredibly obsessed about it, to the point where they would send erotic letters about the characters and create sexual fan-art, which they would then send to the author. This response caused the author to ultimately refuse to finish or publish the sequels out of spite. When I first heard this a few years ago, I thought the author was simply being petty. But now, I get it.

No. 1869124

there were a lot of cases like this. Furries also pestered the tiny toons VAs for a long time to the point they even stalked the actresses.

No. 1869242

this is kinda hilarious

No. 1869244

So, you know how you can't browse one page on FA/e621 without getting smacked in the face with some intense, feral porn? Yeah, it's like a never-ending whack-a-mole game. A few kids stumbled upon this stuff and, well, let's just say it didn't go well for them. Some of these youngsters, as young as nine, got lured into this mess by older furries, and before you know it, they were caught in a vicious cycle of degeneracy.

It's not just a small group of people, but a whole bunch of rotten apples in the barrel. The worst part? They pretend they don't know, but they do. They'd rather save face than kick out the creepy uncles who give the fandom a bad name.

I just want kids to enjoy their lives without this garbage. The best we can do is weed out the freaks in hiding in hopes of doing so. Maybe then anthro and kemono animals can persist as sexless subjects and not literal fetish fuel for furry scrote bags.


didn't realize it had anything to do with prison gay. Makes sense, though. I heard one 4chan dude turned gay because of furry porn. He was straight before, but one foxy femboy pic later, he was a flaming homo within months.

Speaking of, what's your take on the hmoaf crowd? Should they be considered part of the furry community or nah? seen a lot of hmoaf moids swear up and down they aren't furries and hate them just as most normies do, despite getting their fix from furries and even commissioning some.


do furries really? can't they take the hint he wants nothing to do with these people? it's story about racoons, not sparkledog pervert shit.(learn2integrate)

No. 1869260

File: 1706371471229.mp4 (1.15 MB, 640x360, YkMh3K23doUTjNvl.mp4)

I remember this guy. This video terrified me because it looks like a small child or an animal is in there. He never answered what it was in there and I'm praying it's some animatronic child's toy instead of something alive. It's way too small to be an adult person.

No. 1869267

the belly is enormous, you could fit an adult in there pretty easy (that's probably the point). there's not really anything recognizable like a hand though so who knows. the two identical sphere shapes make it look like more than one thing.

No. 1869407

I had to see for myself so I dug through their media posts and there's one video where it's clearly an adult hand pushing against the balloon/belly thing. Hopefully that puts you at ease nonna

No. 1869481

weird, because they just had to have easy genital access holes for having sex in fursuits

No. 1869582

>Speaking of, what's your take on the hmoaf crowd? Should they be considered part of the furry community or nah?
I don't think most anons know what that is.

No. 1870824

I would rather my work be completely irrelevant than be known as one of the first "furry" novels

No. 1870871

File: 1706519649833.png (267.07 KB, 1080x1315, Screenshot_20240129-100654~2.p…)

This thread reminds me of this one Furry artist, who I stumbled upon, when I was younger and I thought that anthropomorphic animals were cool.
They drew very pretty for my tasted, and I looked her art up.
It was a incest story of twin dragons. They even made up a long excuse why their children would not have sickness etc.
Even as I was younger it disturbed me and I thought that was a load of bullshit.
Still anger me to this day that so many furry artist are really good.

I looked the artist up because I was curious and they still draw her incest twin story and still makes excuses.
Sage for older screenshot, I did not bother to go on their new account.

No. 1892805

Literally 70% of the fandom is sexual some people say it's less than that but they're wrong.explain everytime I have to search up let's just say Bluey or Animal Crossing on Google Images only to be bombarded with literal porn or repugnant fetish trash and the worst part Google doesn't not blur it at all.

No. 1893293

File: 1708313387828.jpg (153.77 KB, 1280x1470, Diane.jpg)

Same mostly with female animal/creature characters since moids will sexualize it no matter how family friendly it looks that either it's standing on two legs or on fours. Also I hate that DreamWorks know what they're doing with picrel.

No. 1893354

Are female furries as degenerate as the male ones?

No. 1893356

File: 1708319808697.jpg (202.56 KB, 967x1166, FpkfAStaYAIKKiw.jpg)

Maybe they shouldn't make anthropomorphic tigers so fine then. How is that my fault(bait)

No. 1893400

Not in the slightest. Some are easy to manipulate tho, that's why there's a lot of Tifs.

No. 1894244

File: 1708383713605.jpg (92.95 KB, 814x440, furry porn habits.jpg)

According to their own research, female furries are also pervs. It's just difficult to reach the level of depravity of male furries, who openly admit to viewing pornography 43.5 times per month on average, and say that over half of the furry art they view is pornographic.

No. 1894310

That's ugly,look at the huge yaoi hands.

No. 1894397

All the better to hold you with

No. 1896043

Bold of you to assume "women" they took this data from aren't troons.

No. 1907050

I'm gonna derail here but the bimbo horse fursuit barely looks like a horse a more like a donkey, fitting because the owner of that suit is a jackass degenerate tranny.

No. 1914511

File: 1709818688323.jpg (483.26 KB, 1080x1019, Screenshot_20240306_034241_X.j…)

No. 1914570

File: 1709823858681.png (1.36 MB, 960x956, swfu4VR.png)

No. 1914574

Nightmare fuel

No. 1914585

Creepy vibes

No. 1915016

tag yourself im daffy

No. 1915641

im the no effort tweety

No. 1917860

File: 1710016781273.png (742.25 KB, 774x1509, 1000000970.png)

>here's the correct pronouns to call a dog fucker!
>and here's 3 whole studies that validate raping animals!
literal walls of text normalizing zoophilia/beastiality. I hate these people

No. 1918198

i'm unnervingly flesh coloured porky

No. 2014952

File: 1716406493404.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1929, pedofurcon.png)

Sooo now there's a con for babyfurs?gross.

No. 2067124

I’m crying this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in months

No. 2075818

File: 1719980150091.png (Spoiler Image,529.64 KB, 1080x1932, disgustingshit.png)

I was looking for Vaporeon keychains on Etsy until I found this.why would someone make something so nasty like this? especially of a feral Pokemon?only a zoophile would buy this.

No. 2075855

Yes, they’re fucking furries

No. 2215550

File: 1729461999921.png (Spoiler Image,1.63 MB, 1080x2057, nasty.png)

>Furries claim: we're not attracted to animals!
>Proceed to make and sell zoophilic garbage like this
I was just searching for cat stickers when I saw this abomination on Etsy

No. 2215553

>40 people bought this

No. 2215568

has anyone else noticed the latest round of furries openly into beastiality are the ones into pokémon? am i just innocent and didn’t see it before? like the whole kantalorians dressing up as star wars pokémon furries with the accusations of the members of that group… what is this. like they really should just say they’ll fuck literally anything at the point they’re jerking off to and sexually roleplaying POKÉMON.

No. 2215570

File: 1729462739781.png (2.4 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_7604.png)

like this one who is a rapist arcanine. literally why.(ban evasion)

No. 2217379

>Star Wars Fan
I'm honestly not surprised , they're all disgusting pieces of shit.

No. 2233976

The r/feralyiff subreddit should be enough proof that furries are definitive zoophiles.

No. 2347975

Thought of this place when I saw this video

No. 2348501

File: 1737005480545.jpg (92.81 KB, 713x1000, 099.jpg)

Masterpiece i read it before, also i love cute furry girls(wrong thread)

No. 2354520

File: 1737324729044.jpeg (243.21 KB, 960x1280, GeoZzfTbMAA4Y0o.jpeg)

Absolutely disgusting,I think this worst and ugliest fursuit I've ever seen.the he/him pronouns while having gigantic breasts is retarded.

No. 2354708

I could barely tell they were tits because they hang so low. I thought it was just a funny body shape like mcdonalds grimace

No. 2355002

File: 1737348151985.png (508.17 KB, 548x580, busted ass furry lmao.png)

I hope this thread can get more traction. Furries aren't "chill" and eccentric people as they'd like the public to believe. All fur cons have some disastrous event or are riddled with sexual assaults. RainFurrest con caused more damage to the Hilton hotel than any event it had ever hosted with numerous arrests for assault, sexual assault, and drugs. The con couldn't even find a venue to host it afterwards. Then there's the Midwest FurFest con that had a chlorine gas incident that left 19 furries hospitalized kek. I heard of multiple rapes happening at Anthrocon. These people can't congregate and be normal for one weekend. When you get a bunch of disgusting, socially retarded zoophiles in one place what do they think is going to happen.

No. 2355026

thank you for alerting me about these criminal acts. it will help in the future to be able to prove they aren’t harmless. but honestly people shouldn’t even need criminal cases to be cited. they are a group based around socializing about a shared love of being sexually attracted to animals. it isn’t a
hobby it’s a kink. those conventions are more like the prelude to orgies and sexual assaults than about a shared interest. the only interest is degenerate sex that’s it. they’re not allowed to make the porn they really want so they draw porn. it’s not art. it’s a means to an end. same with the costumes. not art like some cosplay. it’s for wearing during sex. like they’re degenerates into beastiality.

No. 2355047

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I mean, its like everything else in life. Furry as a culture would be relatively benign if there were no men. It would just be meetups of beatrix potter enjoyers. At worst, maybe a couple legoshi fangirls and some cringe ass autistic sparklewolves. Annoying, but not dangerous.
Moids will always talk about how "white women love to fuck dogs!"
Meanwhile furry cons are like 90% male.

No. 2355049

no one on earth but a couple anons here think beatrix potter etc is furry stuff. furry isn’t humanized animals it’s physically anthromorphized animals. or they’re attracted to normal animals. it’s not a cute mouse that looks like a mouse in clothes lol. that is just whimsy. furry art is distinct.

No. 2355050

>It would just be meetups of beatrix potter enjoyers
most furries aren't into that

No. 2355052

Yeah. Because most furries are male.

No. 2355055

do you think that calico critters are furry shit too lmfao? seperate interests.

No. 2355086

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i dont have much prejudice against furries besides the vast majority having fugly ass characters or being sexpests but it really grosses me out how furry conventions are just glorified orgies at this point (maybe they always were?)

No. 2355103

I think the problem is that now women who are into beatrix potter or calico critters do actually identify as furries, just look at the anons who "hate" the sexualized parts of furries but who still adamantly argue they are the real furries

No. 2355155

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this just makes me think about how much fun it would be if furshit was segregated in that way, i'd love to have silly fun with other girls dressing up like fancy little animals and having a fursona that's just a mouse wearing a cute coat or something, too bad moids ruin everything once again

No. 2355159

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Just have a furry con where only real women are allowed.
yes I know it would get banned for bigotry against trannies but it really would be cute to see stuff like pic rel running around instead of the bimbofied horses and dogs and shit

No. 2355170

It's not impossible. I peaked and continue to peak furry women, terf furries numbers grow. You can't "get banned" because there's no furry king to ban you.

No. 2355179

i promise you none of the girls i know do at all. there’s like an admitted female furry on here that’s been trying to do furry PR. i feel bad for her because it’s entirely possible she’s wholesome and cute but she needs to like. understand that these aren’t furry things and unless she’s into other things, which are inherently degenerate at this point, she’s either not a furry or lying to us/herself. i don’t believe in these furries who just wanna talk about beatrix potter lol. you can wear a dress and an animal mask that’s non anthromorphic and it doesn’t have to be a furry thing it can be a cute new thing. furry is ruined from day one. it’s for people who want to have sex with animals.

No. 2355192

>furry conventions are just glorified orgies at this point (maybe they always were?)
Things were like this before furry conventions were even a thing, like furry cons are the modern day bathhouses. Because it's an overwhelmingly (gay) male fandom, the sexual restraint is nonexistent and you see the kind of depravity that makes furry cons so widely publicized. These days the only difference between a furry con and a leather bar is that the furries have different uniforms and the leather bar has an age limit.

No. 2355193

>Let that sink in
I rather not…

No. 2355194

i’ve only ever known one furry and he was a straight male rapist.

No. 2355199


No. 2355200

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https://furscience.com/research-findings/appendix-1-previous-research/summer-2020/ They stopped doing these in 2020 for some reason. I used to know a lot of furries and they are overwhelmingly gay and bi moids.

No. 2355201

>more trans than women

No. 2355202

>not counting the troons and "women" out of the women group

No. 2355206

Is it furry if I do Sonic yaoi erp?

No. 2355208

Exactly, which means the male count is probably much, much higher than just 73%

No. 2355213

Beatrix Potter's work and older anthropomorphic animals aren’t connected to furries at all. Furries, as a subculture, have always been more about adult themes. Shows like Bluey and Calico Critters are the modern version of Beatrix Potter’s characters, they’re family-friendly. Furries have always been male sex pests.

No. 2355216

not inherently i think you can do it both as a sonic fan or if you put more furry elements into it it becomes furry. like how pokémon isn’t furry but this guy made a pokémon themed fur suit >>2215570 like this dude has DIRT on himself there is something very sinister about it because you can tell it’s a sex thing for him

No. 2355218

wait what is yaio erp is that a typo what does that mean i just realized there’s more to it than sonic

No. 2355219

No offense nonna but if you don't know what yaoi ERP is, you might be too young to be posting here.
Yaoi = fictional gay moids. ERP = erotic role play
kek no, just very autistic and based

No. 2355221

>calico critters
Calico critters is form the 80s.

No. 2355224

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>i think you can do it both as a sonic fan or if you put more furry elements into it it becomes furry
nona I very unironically want to fuck the werehog

No. 2355230

okay if you want to fuck the calico critter or the hedgehog it’s. is all attraction to animals furry? is it the particular art style and costume style?

No. 2355234

it's okay nonny. i've had a crush on Knuckles since the Sonic 2 Adventure Battle days. live your best life

No. 2355270

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No. 2355399

oh my god kek i love this comic, its pure gold

No. 2356634

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But most female furries don't draw that way either, and if you were to ask them what inspired their furry art they definitely would not use >>2355155 as an example. Picrel is more likely what you would get if you asked a female furry to draw you something. Stereotypical sparkle dogs and beastars looking characters

No. 2356636

Kek I can't believe I recognized Luigi immediately

No. 2357321

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My favorite furry convention incident is still the sword attack where a congoer got wasted and lacerated his roommate screaming

No. 2357362

The gas attack is my fav just because it made national news and multiple news anchors had to learn about furries because of it.

No. 2357967

idc what anyone else says this art is soulful and much better than male furry art

No. 2358828

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>this art is soulful and much better than male furry art
Because unlike male furries, their interest in the community likely did have an honest and innocent origin. Women discover furries as kids because they like Warrior Cats and sparkledog roleplays on DeviantArt - they're the creatives, most fursuit makers are women or heterosexual furry couples.
Men almost always join because of porn and sex cruising. It's gay men who want to fuck anonymously in fursuit or simulate beastiality. And if it's not because of the porn or sex, it still quickly becomes the focal point for them, which is often the case with the autistic men who become furries because they like Sonic or Star Fox. The women become corrupted over time due to early over-exposure to NSFW content.
It really is a clash of cultures that leads to a lot of problems and hurt.

No. 2358831

Yeah for them it's about the idea of living in a magical, cute world where you can be what you want. It's stylistic. Everything for men is porn. I genuinely think it's directly because of porn and they'd actually have a crude mind palace to access if they didn't consume so much porn that everything they touch they pervert

No. 2358838

okay no i’m >>2355194 and his girlfriend is the one who got him into and yes i’m sure she had her cosplay years before he did. she draws suspicious art and i’m sure she has a hidden nsfw art account somewhere. she literally suspiciously crops her art lol. furries are just all degens. those heterosexual fur suit couples are using those suits to fuck while simulating beastiality.

No. 2358873

This goes against nothing I've said, except the implication that everyone is initially drawn to it for degenerate reasons, because that's demonstrably not true and where the actual danger lies. There are obviously degenerate furry women but the 13 year old sparkledog autists and socially disabled women into werewolf fantasty are suggestible innocents who make up a very, very large part of the fandom. I'm not defending furry culture just because those vulnerable populations are a part of it, just stating an objective truth about its appeal.

No. 2358878

you know what you’re right. there’s probably girls who liked some of the same shit i liked who got into it in a different way and could have been influenced by the internet. i’m just straight up being unreasonable. i don’t know what the strain of weed i just smoked is but i like it. this is the shit they need to give girls with bpd. repost to fix it sorry

No. 2359255

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It's crazy that shes married nowadays, also Foxi Boxi and Lupisvulpes did nothing wrong, i miss doing animation memes, good times and the drama was funny

No. 2359257

>>2358873 I think its even literally mentioned in this documentary
like even as far back as the 80s or 90s there was a furry war where it was like the coombrain bestiality degens vs the people who just liked anthro animals, but now that I think about it…It really was male furries vs female furries.
Moids ruin everything, yet again.

No. 2359259

Make terfurries a real thing please

No. 2359434

Man I remember her. She was defninitely some weird autist with all the colorful designs and fixations of stupid ass stories, but she was ultimately harmless and I felt like people were waiting to dogpile her for a long time. It's funny because her and another famous-ish furry girl into sci-fi (Urnam7) both got super religious at some point, you'd think the two wouldn't go together…

No. 2363220

Yes please! I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss times when what bothered me the most about furry fandom was the ever present fetish art. Now it's 99% gendies and trannies and the remaining sane 1% is practically required to post TWAW!!!stunning and brave!! every few months to stay relevant.
I wonder what happened to Seel, she lost my respect when spimping for and moving in with Onta.

No. 2379224

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Nastiest and crustiest looking fursuit I've ever seen.this is the 4th time I've seen a fursuit of that ugly hellhound furbait.

No. 2380728

Notice how all the especially degenerate people on deviantart also have furaffinity accounts

No. 2380830

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I'm surprised this hasn't been posted here yet.an infamous yet horrible picture.

No. 2380998

What causes this mental disease on wanting to dress up as and sexualize anthropomorphic animals?

No. 2381098

the xy chromosome

No. 2419492


The closest you'll get to a non-gendie furry community is probably just the wholesome furry thread on here unfortunately

No. 2435979

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Why are all male furries so fat and ugly? Also the vore shirt, barf.

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