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No. 1114829
I have dyspraxia (hi
>>1114140 nonna! hmu if you need something) and ehlers danlos. It made my school life a living hell but in my country disability aids are shit, basically you're either in a wheelchair or bedridden or you don't qualify for anything over 200 euros out of pity, so it's better I just cope and pretend to be normal rip
I can't do most stuff, I can't even tie my shoes or do my bed, read it as I do that but very badly, and when I cook or work I breakdown everything to single microtasks or I'll be doomed. Other than that, my ehlers affects me to the point I can't sit still without feeling my bones with a pulling sensation so I always have to sit with my legs crossed and ThaT's UnProfesSionAL!!! also I bruise super easily and need to crack my back every two minutes.
My teachers back in the days believed I was hyperactive or just bratty and made me almost constricted to my chair, it was a living hell because with my dyxpraxia I couldn't concentrate due to the discomfort.
No. 1155605
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Jill of all inspired me to get one of these because I actually need one kek. I guess they are mostly used in airports but figure it might help in some public areas, though I hate to look like a munchie. I used up all the icons instead of decorating it with sunflowers at least
No. 1155652
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Hypothetically, how easy would it be to learn American Sign language through Youtube or something similar?
No. 1166630
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What are nonnies' opinions on the ethics of raising a disabled child and the uprise of disability instagram mommies, such as some of the ones on /snow/?
And with the recent news of Roe v Wade, what do you think about the ethics of abortion for disabled fetuses?
Spoiling picrel just in case
No. 1167140
>>1159757Sage for sperg. I'm the hard of hearing anon above you, and honestly I'm neutral about it. I don't know too much shit about deaf culture (I went to a normie school instead of a deaf school, and I don't sign at all) but from what I've heard, deaf people reject them because they don't want to be "cured" and they've fully accepted their disability. The deaf community is really like a supportive family, especially here in America, and I can see why parents would want their children to grow up in a culture surrounded by love and acceptance. From a linguistic standpoint, they're also trying to preserve ASL and their regional dialects as much as they can because more implants = less people signing
>weird as hellI've always thought that too. What if the child grows up deaf and then decides to get implants when they're an adult? It's not like they can magically learn how to speak since it takes years of super intensive speech therapy for adjust to finally hearing. Those videos you see where children get their implants activated and it's a wholesome moment that melts your heart? Overdramatic. Implants literally sound straight up robotic. Speech would sound like if Donald Duck had a baby with the Terminator. It would be very hard for a person who's been deaf all their life to recognize any type of speech after getting an implant. However, if they're implanted as a baby, they usually acquire spoken language normally because learning languages is much easier when you're young. I've also heard deaf schools are absolute shit when it comes to educational quality, and some colleges don't even accept the credits because they're not rigorous enough. I guess parents have to weigh the pros and cons of both options.
No. 1213245
>>1166630There are no ethics. A fetus isnt a baby.
As far as disabled children go, if i screened and did genetic testing and found out i was very high for having a baby with severe disablities, I would not have children or adopt instead. I dont see anything brave or heroic about parents who bring a disabled child into this world, knowing they will leave behind a burden.
No. 1928351
Wanted to bump this thread.
Any disabled nonnas deal with CBT being pushed as a treatment for your physical disability? Does it actually help you, or do you think the industry behind it is gaslighting with extra steps?
I read this article recently and it got me thinking.'ve seen no benefit personally but then again I wonder if it's just because I'm a negative bitch and can't think positively enough