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No. 112103
>>112086probably has a fat fetish
you can't choose what you're attracted to so sucks for him
No. 112111
>>112087This. I like athletic men who are on the fuller side
Unless the thin guy is athletic and real sexy himself
No. 112113
>>112091Agree. I'm just baffled when the unattractive half is known to also have an awful, awful personality.
Miss Piggy from OP's image is a good example.
No. 112249
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When I see threads like these I wonder why nobody ever gives landwhale dudes shit about dating attractive girls?
This trope is damn everywhere too. Are actual attractive guys just too busy with their relationships to worry about who the fat franks are porking, as opposed to average girls who constantly compare themselves to others and take it as a personal insult when they're not desired by all men?
No. 112408
>>112249People do similar for fat guys with attractive girls, you see it on sites like /r9k/ sometimes, where they go on about how retarded women are for it, or how they're such sad hopeless special snowflakes that they can't even beat a fat person.
It's just young insecure people who wish all the attention was on them instead of on the other person, same as the OP is.
>>112271They're right though, who gives a shit? People like who they like, it's not like you sit down with a list of criteria that someone must meet before you can develop feelings for them, and if they don't tick a box, then you don't care or something.
You can choose to ignore feelings if it's obviously retarded like getting feelings for someone who'll obviously make you unhappy long term, but it's not like them being fat will do that.
Chill out.
No. 112439
>>112248Same. Fat, or chubby dudes are the best.
My boyf has a belly and skinny legs like a cute, tall, frog.
No. 112456
>>112429dey do.
of course they do.
>my bitches No. 112500
>>112474Wow, you sound upset. Don't take it personally, dude, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
btw, when I say 'vapid' I don't mean they did poorly in school, I mean that I literally only ever heard them actively discuss local gossip, reality tv and celebrities…oh, and Twilight. That's the only time they ever showed an interest in 'literature' outside of a class. I'm sure some of them got good grades because the private school that I attended would be a helluva waste of money if they didn't, but there were also more than a few who dropped out to go somewhere 'easier', and are basically living the desperate housewife lifestyle that they always wanted as we speak. Not exactly the intellectuals you're trying to portray them as. Even the ones who did bother to study ended up staying in-state for their higher education rather than get out and explore their opportunities, so I still see them as being kind of…dumb in that regard. But you know, their daddies were lawyers who took care of them until they found husbands to leech off of and they could fit into size 0 jeans until their first pregnancy, and that's what's really important in life.
Btw, our school had a uniform, so I'm not sure where you get the idea that I dressed 'sloppily' since we were all literally wearing the exact same thing. Even so, I got bullied horribly for looking like a 'dyke' because my hair was chin-length instead of halfway down my back, and a 'geek girl' because I was always reading or drawing instead of gossiping and attending football games. Reaaal stellar personalities that you're attempting to defend there, anon. Let me guess, you saw yourself as one of those ~pretty, popular girls~ in high school, too? Are you naturally this stupid?
No. 112544
>>112540>projecting this hardWell, someone's bothered.
I don't really care whether you believe me or not, all I'm stating is that if you make your appearance your #1 priority then you are inevitably going to miss out on otherwise valuable personal development during your formative years.
If that offends you enough that you feel the need to make offensive conclusions about my character, w/e. I'm out having a great Friday night while you're online bitching. Says way more about you than Me.