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No. 112362

How did this chan come to exist and what is its purpose? I don't know anything about it, people just told me it was "4chan for Females™". Is this true and if so will I get banned for not being a woman?

No. 112364

We get one of you faggots in every other month or so. This is just an imageboard. We happen to focus on talking shit about internet personalities. We have a board just for females. You won't get banned for being a male unless you post in that board. That is all.

No. 112365

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Yeah I was just wondering. I read the rules and didn't explicitly see anything against being a dude but this place is so heavily female (I think?) that I assumed their might be some rule against men being here. I don't really know if I will relate to this place to well being an autistic faggot (literally) but I might stick around just to observe this place. I like to observe things/places I don't understand. Also is there a specific reason this place exists? Some kind of history to it or anything? Did it splinter off another chan etc.

No. 112369

Also I am assuming the board guys can't post on is /g/? That's fine, I might read it a bit but it mostly doesn't appeal to me outside of a few threads I can see

No. 112370

Most of us are refugees from the glory days of /cgl/ and then Stamina Rose. The main board is /pt/, which is an homage to the one true queen Pixyteri.

And yes, /g/ would be the board just for females. Also, I would caution you about mentioning anything about you being a male since it's very much frowned upon here. We don't really give a shit if you're a male or not as long as you don't act like a robot.

No. 112372

Moved to >>>/manure/5330.

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