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No. 11322
>>11317I think some of the lolcows are pretty and others aren't. I don't really comment on their appearance more or less what like you said actions or how they're styling themselves tbh.
But remember though, some of these lolcows DO photoshop and edit themselves. So what we see isn't always the truth.
No. 11324
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>>11319I have no idea to be honest. I think I have in the past but I don't actively look for that kind of behaviour so I'm totally oblivious to it when it does happen. My partner tells me I get a lot of looks from people but I don't notice.
I'm vain but I'm not the type of nasty vain that encourages jealousy. I like appreciating my own looks whilst appreciating other women's too. I think it's important to find security in your appearance regardless of how you look, and if there are things about you that you don't like that you know would make you happy to modify then it's also important to seek that out so you can enjoy your life to the fullest.
If there is a woman that's jealous of me I'm more likely to go over and start playing with her hair and braiding it and telling her how cute she is because I like girls, a lot.
Anyway I am
spoony so that will give you an idea of how I look.
I'm not stunning or anything but I think I'm okay, better since I grew my hair out for sure.
No. 11325
>>11322>photoshopyeah, sure, and photoshop is amazing, but it's fairly difficult to take a horribly unattractive girl and make her really pretty with photoshop and have it look more or less natural and consistent from photo to photo. i think a lot of the girls pre-photoshop are pretty, too.
but i think in general girls are waaaaayy too hard on themselves and other girls about their appearance. especially here and places like it, where if you are 25 and look like it, you look "old."
the standard here is stick-thin, porcelain white, with a lot of hair, big eyes, clear skin, and looks 16/17. SHOCKINGLY, most people don't look that way without photoshop, hella cosmetics, wigs, lenses, etc.
No. 11358
>>11355Same. People either think I'm ugly or freak out over me. Part of it is probably because I'm mixed east asian with a dash of white. I admittedly have good skin now that I'm not a teenager and devote tons of money and time to skincare. Plus ive been using moisturizer and sunblock since middle school as well as eye creams since early high school.
I don't have a great body type because I have meh sized tits, narrowish hips, and huge shoulders. However, I'm /fit/ enough that I have abs and defined muscles (mainly legs and back).
The shape of my face is ugly. My nose has a tiny bump and bulbous. 'm mega asymmetrical with an hourglass shaped face. It's horrible. My cheeks are chubby but not under my cheekbones. I have hideous genetic eyebags. Only asians like me, and I think it's because I have big eyes, a tall nose, and a round forehead in comparison to the average. But I'd say im 4/10.
No. 11360
I've been told I'm attractive before but I don't often see it, not without a decent amount of make up anyway. It doesn't help that my mom calls not particularly attractive, but she has some weight to that opinion since she used to be compared to Bollywood actresses.
On /cgl/ I was a rated a pretty consistent 7 a few years ago so there is that… but knowing I'm slightly above average only helps a little. It just means I have a symmetrical face with few unappealing features (but I do find my eyes a bit small and my nose rather big.)
Body wise… currently overweight. By about 40 lbs. I'm working on it. At least I'm pear shaped which tends to be considered more attractive overall.
>>11358You are lucky anon. My acne got worse after my early 20s so now I have a constant struggle with it because I just can't get lazy. Also why I need the make up. It used to be that I just had to quickly line my water and tight line with a kohl pencil and I looked like I spent hours doing my face. I miss those days.
No. 11499
>>11498I'm chubby by lolcow standards too.
I can't be attractive, it feels fucking awful.
>>11032Chin is weak, makes it look big sometimes, tiny others. Also see
>>10804 and
>>10798 No. 11500
>>11324I think you're very atractive, but not only because nice facial features but more for your fashin/aestethic sense. It makes your whole look very appealing to the eye. I lways wanted to tell you this but didn't because I don't want you to think I'm a creep or anything lol.
To be on topic, I think myself to be a 5~6/10. I think I could actually be very atractive if I had healthy skin (it's full of acne scars) and had a whole lot more of self confidence (some make-up couldn't hurt too). IDK I only want to be atractive for my bf and he tells me I am so I'm pretty happy with it.
No. 11501
, aesthetic, always* I'm exhausted, going to bed now
No. 11557
No one posted their picture? Wow.
> Then I won't either
I do feel I'm pretty average on a scale of physical appearance.
I'm like 110 lbs - 5'5 (used to be like 85 lbs for a while tho, but let's be honest that shit ain't healthy nor very pretty)
I always have stupid colored hair, and I'm a "punk chick" - according to most people
My face, I hate my jaw and nose, but other than that, I like to think I'm okay with my face.
But then again I'm usually not very rude about the snowflakes bodies or looks because I don't want to shoot myself in the face.
But if it's them photoshopping or scamming people, they are shit people, and shit people always become less attractive to me. Like, generally don't like liars, if you honest about your shooping, shoop away man ;))) Just don't be a bitch about everything.
No. 11563
Really, really young.
Early high school young.
No. 11567
>>11566It's the self-posting.
I only self-posted because I saw anons didn't want to since no one else did.
Even 4chan has self post threads.
No. 11589
>>11584Sadly enough, that's the Nintendo 3DS XL's shit-tier camera mixed with purple hinted hair.
In some forms of lighting it accents it with a purplish hue
No. 11614
Stop being an attention whore, this isn't PULL. Another thing, you don't want to self post on lolcow. The threads never get deleted, so your picture will be up here for a long time. Also, this site gets on a lot of peoples bad side, so keeping your identity concealed is a good idea. Someone might decide to raid us and track down the people in the pictures, sort of like how we did with the Tumblr shoplifters. You look like you're pretty young, so I wont hold it against you, but you should be more careful. You don't want to have your image tied to a chan board, most oldfags know this by now. If this were a chan that wasn't tied to shitting on people and mild harassment of individuals, then it would probably be okay.
No. 11639
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most people seem to consider me attractive but idk if thats just because of my body, which is admittedly pretty nice. i think my face is kinda plain though and has some weird looking features like really prominent cheekbones and thin/small lips. i could maybe be one of those "unconventionally attractive" models if i wasnt 5'2
i have a lovely boyfriend who insists id be a solid 9 with a shaved head, so i dont know why i give so much of a shit if others find me attractive or not but i do. im really insecure and pathetic tbh, and lately im worse than ever, looking at any reflective surface any chance i get and constantly comparing myself to others. im sure id be an ana-chan if i wasnt one of those assholes who doesnt gain no matter what they eat.
anyway this is probably more appropriate for the confessions thread but whatever
No. 11657
>>11656just a 13 year old girl with no distinguishing features posting stupidly angled selfies with high contrast and saying "shit tier selfie guys lololol"
also the same person that was humble bragging about her nose in the plastic surgery thread.
No. 13584
>>11298>are you attractive?Barring physical deformities (and even there there's some leeway) I strongly believe that most people can be attractive.
Being attractive is a sum of features, ergo a fatty with a nice face in my opinion is far less attractive than a girl with a horselike face but a great body, discipline, hygiene, personality etc.
Getting attractive isn't easy, but it's within the reach of most people through diet, exercise and exercising self discipline throughout various domains of one's life.
No. 13609
I'm attractive with make-up on.
Men buy me drinks, I get numbers at bars without even requesting them, my face is often compared to a certain celebrity's and I've been asked to model for professional photographers and agencies in the past. My body is probably a 6/10 (wide hips & ribcage but b-cup tits, average BMI) but my face usually ranges from 7/10-to-10/10 on rate threads.
Without makeup, though, I feel like a troll.
I've had hormonal acne for years now. Tried everything to fix it– for a long time I thought it was products that were causing me to break out, but even using the gentlest, organic, chemical/paraben-free whatevers, I still get zits on a daily basis. Not little ones, either…huge red boils all over my lower jaw & beneath my cheekbones.
It's so bad that I honestly feel disgusted by myself whenever I look in the mirror. I can't go out without foundation anymore. When I was younger, I told myself that this would go away by the time I was in my twenties. I'm almost 24 now…nothing's gotten better. Some days I get so frustrated that I'll wash my face 3 or 4 times within a few hours.
I need to call a dermatologist or some shit. I'm pretty sure this problem can only be fixed with pills. But at the same time, I hate shelling out money for such a superficial reason…
No. 13613
>>13609Well look at it this way.. either get the meds and be happy with your face, or be a tight ass and cry whenever you look in the mirror.
If your shit is severe enough, insurance might cover it.
No. 13615
>>13609anon, I just started accutane. It's not superficial. Trust me. Not only is it unattractive, it is embarrassing, people judge you for being "dirty", and worst of all it is painful.
Like it HURTS to touch, to sleep, sometimes even when I don't touch it hurts. Please see a doctor who can prescribe topicals to you or pills.
No. 13649
>>11298Yes. Because I have a good sense of style (I don't dress kawaii but like a normalfag), don't wear makeup or, thick eyebrows, thick eyelashes, I have thick healthy curly hair, toned curvy-skinny hourglass body etc…
so yeah I am attractive. This might piss people off but I am definitely not going to lie about being ugly.
However there are girls who are prettier than me.
No. 13720
>>13688I think looking 'unusual' is great, it can make you stand out in a good way, makes people remember you better etc.
rock your witch nose, we don't all have to look the same
No. 13771
I love my friends dearly, but it's impossible to just completely not notice that I'm more conventionally, physically attractive than them. I feel like a fucking asshole for enjoying the attention I get as a result of it, but I'm not exactly a saint. Though I would NEVER dream of expressing this to anyone in a non-anonymous setting. It would kill me for them to know about these thoughts.
No. 13797
>>13771Exactly! Like, I'm thin and put effort into the way I look. They're all overweight or don't really care about their appearance (other than showering. They all shower. And the girls in the group only wear mascara, if anything at all). We just have similar interests that verge into the nerdy so I guess that's expected.
I'm basically the 'attractive nerd girl' trope without the controller biting selfies, if I'm honest.
No. 13904
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