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No. 113329
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No. 113353
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guy here.
to me, women fucking is one of the most aesthetically beautiful things i know of.
but most women don't wanna be fucked by someone who fucks like a woman. they're naturally attracted to men, whose movements are not so fluid. in fact, not to put too fine a point on it, a lot of women prefer being manhandled.
men fucking is like dueling with chainsaws. nails on a chalkboard for me.
>>113322is right.
if i'm not mistaken, men are more evolutionarily predisposed to disliking faggotry. every time i think i might be gay and try to watch gaysex, i can't get through it. you might be wondering why i do that. it's because it's interesting to test. maybe i have some latent gayness, but as i type that out and imagine me fugging a guy, i cringe. i'm still batting for the winning team.
dudes insult each other about gayness pretty frequently. although we don't mean it. i call my friends fags all the time, but i don't mean literal gayness. but the fact that i'm using that word doesn't help male homosexuality become any more normal.
i know a gay dude who uses faggot the same way us straighties do.
if you're going to be anything other than hetero, you have to be proud of it, but not in a way that makes you put up a barrier around yourself. you have to learn to be tough, but not vulnerable.
unfortunately, a lot of homo-men think that just because i'm being nice to them, i'm also a gay. this makes me mad. fucking faggots.
sorry, i know this post is getting long, but one last thing. this really cute woman i used to work with got wasted with another girl at a strip club. they came to work the following weekend talking about how they touched the stripper's tits, held them in their hands, paid them money, et cetera. maybe it was just the booze, but holy shit that sounds homo to me.
No. 113358
>guys are typically into it so they think it's sexy>Lesbians are not accepted, they're sexualized.>it's believed that female sexuality is nonexistentThis is only true for
male homophobes, though. What about female ones? They too usually hate gay men more than they hate lesbians.
>>113353dick pics or gtfo
No. 113383
>>113353I'll never understand male psychology. Always with the muh biology schlock, always with the "us evolved like this us did!". As if everything is set in stone, society has no impact on psychology and change is impossible.
Enjoy your ban you dumb faggot
No. 113397
>>113396ikr, I only like girly girls who enjoy make up and stuff like that. Some tomboy girls can be cute, but they have to be feminine.
Even when I find these girls they're either dating someone else, or like someone else.
No. 113398
>>113396>Why is there always a manly looking girl in the relationship though? there isn't.
>>113397try being more attractive
No. 113404
>>113402you'd be surprised how many people are into yaoi.
yaoi also isn't the only type of gay erotica targeted at women.
No. 113411
>>113378They like the feminine traits because it shows submission.
However the idea of a man having feminine traits leads them to irrational rage. Hence so many faggots being beaten for no other reason than being gay or affeminate.
No. 113414
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>Why is lesbianism more socially acceptable than male homosexuality?
There's the male homosexuality that is pushed by (((the media))). The very effeminate flamboyant home-decorator type gay.
But the reality of male homosexuality is largely men having extremely promiscuous sex. Unprotected anal sex with strangers, glory holes, etc.
Look at the m4m section of craigslist to find this, there is a whole sub-culture of men willing to do sexual acts with ___almost anyone___.
Women homosexuals do not have this same culture. Also women get away with everything easier, pic related.
No. 113417
>>113414Craigslist is a slimepit. I would hardly look at fucking craigslist to prove anything.
PS leave, robot.
No. 113418
I'm not unattractive so that's not the problem. The problem is lack of qt lesbian girls in my area (or bi). Most of the people in the gay scene here are fatties or transmemes.
No. 113421
>>113414>pic relatedsee:
>>113419major cherry picking.
No. 113426
>>113414>using japanese cartoons as an example of actual interpersonal human interactionsMcKekkles
get out (((poltard)))/robot/what have you
No. 113435
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>>113426Do you even know how deep Evangelion is?
Don't even bother watching it she-devil, you wouldn't be able to understand it.
No. 113452
>>113449Hardly. He didn't post any sources. He just pulled shit out of his ass, so I asked him "who cares"?
Is he upset because he wants more fulfilling conversation before his grinds hookups? Then, he shouldn't meet guys so quickly, and get to know them more before hooking up. Or stop using grindr and try a different app that is more focused on dating.
If I argued every uninformed post made by robos, then I'd never have a life.
No. 113454
>>113448>>113452>Why should I be outraged by the sex lives of people I don't know?No one said you should, not everything is about you.
Read the OP again, you seem to not understand what thread you are in.
Because many gay men have this extremely deviant sub-culture, it is one reason why they are frowned upon more than female homosexuals.
>>113447They're not evil in the same way a domesticated lion isn't evil for eating a human child. You can't hold the lion accountable for it's actions, it's just a wild animal, rather it's the owner's fault for not keeping better control of the lion.
No. 113463
>>113423It's ironic you guys post this sort of shit and then assert that the wage gap doesn't exist in the same sentence.
Are women just committing less serious crimes overall? Can we directly prove that it's because of their gender, or is there legitimately reason to give a different sentence?
And you realise that
>The study found that men receive sentences that are 63 percent higher, on average, than their female counterparts.Is because men tend to commit more serious crimes, right?
Seriously, it's ironic you post that men on average get worse time, and yet inevitably go "Oh women getting paid less on average doesn't matter, it's because of what they individually do".
No. 113484
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>even though men probably fantasize about the same sex just as much as women
ayy fucking lmao
No. 113492
>>113414This fucking comic just infuriates me because
>Constantly runs away>Whines all the time>Refuses to carry out his responsibilities>Blames others for his own weaknesses>Relies on others instead of doing shit himself>Basically a prototype of a robot faggotRei:
>"Doesn't talk a lot" doesn't equal "shy" you piece of shit>Does what she needs>Gets tired of Shinji's whining and chastises him for that>Carries out her responsibilities>Stands up for herself >A strong wommyn in need of no fucking shinji No. 113499
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>>113484Why would not, there's plenty of buttfucking going on in all male environments
No. 113595
>>113383I'm going to avoid arguing with you because you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what was said, and you go on to make assumptions, as though you could suss out the true meaning of my post using your woman brain.
Nevertheless, I want to clarify that evolution is a map of the apparently infinite territory of the subject. I suppose you imagine guys lean on biology like a religion, which may be true for many dudes, but not me.
>>113414Shinji has always
triggered me.
He manages to represent the typical Japanese male, I'm afraid. Japan has these problems with the women feeling like their men are unworthy, and they are right.
Timid males in anime have been a meme for a long time. I don't know the root cause, but I can tell you that even a shut-in introvert such as myself could go to Japan and slay gash with minimal effort. I could probably just dye my hair blonde and put on my confidence face.
No. 113599
>>113418Anon you replied to.
Same here anon, I'm not fat or ugly either. Im actually a pretty girl. Its just a shame there isn't another cutesy pretty girl I could date/woo and charm. They're all manly looking obese monstrosities on legs or fucking Justin Bieber look alikes.
The pretty girls I only find who like girls are messing around or want her for that one night of passion while her sexually frustrated boyfriend watches so he can play with his dick.
No. 113601
>The pretty girls I only find who like girls are messing around or want her for that one night of passion while her sexually frustrated boyfriend watches so he can play with his dick.I'm sorry for being this type of degenerate
so, so sorry.
No. 114002
>>113740This. Lesbians are easily sexualized and fetishized. It is less likely to
trigger a "fragile male ego", and is more likely be seen as a challenge or opportunity. Not saying all men see lesbians this way, or that all lesbians are considered conventualy attractive/are targeted by men, but ones that are attractive are either seen as a conquest, an opportunity for a threesome, or have fetishes projected onto them.
No. 114199
>>114041>or they have been taught/informed to perpetuated hate and are just trying to abide by what they see as social normsBut isn't that true for men as well?
This is so aggravating. Not only are men being treated like the default gender (hence all the talk of why men hate gay men, and so little talk of why women hate gay men), they're also being treated like their homophobia largely stems from internal causes, like sexually predatory instincts and hypersensitivity about their masculinity, whereas with women we get this response of, "Society told them how to think." Us women are being treated like we can't form our own opinions, but men? Men know exactly what they're doing, obviously. /s
Sorry, I just really hate this dumbshit stealth-misogyny, especially when it's steeped in pretty open misandry (see: "fragile male ego," "males have more testosterone therefore are more violent"). It turns into horseshoe retardation.
>>114192We're discussing the psychological/sociological reasons behind homophobia being more strongly directed at gay men. We're not discussing the repercussions of that homophobia.
You sound butthurt tbh.
No. 114216
>>114207bugchasers are a really tiny minority of gay men, most of those tumblr blogs are just fetishists who jerk off to their disgusting fantasies.
Gay men are more likely to use protection than lesbian, but they still get more STDs because butt fucking is simply more dangerous than carpet diving.
No. 114217
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Had to
No. 114218
>>114216…and because gay men are MUCH more promiscuous
there are no lesbians lining up to lick pussy at a glory hole
No. 114222
>>114199>males have more testosterone therefore are more violentthat's just simple biological fact anon
Testosterone is significantly correlated with aggression and competitive behaviour and is directly facilitated by the latter. There are two theories on the role of testosterone in aggression and competition.[120] The first one is the Challenge hypothesis which states that testosterone would increase during puberty thus facilitating reproductive and competitive behaviour which would include aggression.[120] Thus it is the challenge of competition among males of the species that facilitates aggression and violence.[120] Studies conducted have found direct correlation between testosterone and dominance especially among the most violent criminals in prison who had the highest testosterone levels.[120] The same research also found fathers (those outside competitive environments) had the lowest testosterone levels compared to other males.[120] No. 114223
>>114218yeah that too.
remember some study where they compared the average length of a conversation before an encounter occured between grindr and Her (basically lesbian tinder/grindr).
it was like 15 minutes for grindr, compared to 48 hours for Her.
No. 114224
>>114217pretty dank meme, can I borrow it?
also I forgot how pretty annie was
No. 114367
>>114216There's is a guy on that site who will cryo-freeze his AIDS cum and overnite it to anyone willing to pay.
'Customers' who are happy with his services post about their results.
No. 114389
>>113492OT but shinji does get on with his shit by the time the show is halfway there, plus he's actively forced to do things against his will (nearly killing toji in ep18)
rei can't make proper connections with people and thinks of herself as worthless because she dedicates herself to gendo by piloting the eva, her one purpose in life
sounds like you're just relying on the first 7 or so episodes in terms of judging shinji or you just flat out ignore what he actually does well
No. 115254
Men will say a lot of shit about women when they're with their friends in order to reinforce their manhood and follow the pack.
And even then, I must repeat the same old "not all men!" I've dated a few guys who were so fucking normal about women even around their friends I do have plenty of hope for the male species. I'm not giving up the D because some are assholes.
No. 115314
To any lesbians, gay men, or legit genderqueer/trans people that aren't Tumblr impostors:
Which did you like better, Queer as Folk or The L Word? Any other shows like that you would recommend? I'm straight, but absolutely loved Showtime's QaF. I am currently in the processes of rewatching it as well, and am hoping to even check out the BBC version (which they completely ripped off in season 1 lol let's be honest) because I LOVE Aiden Gillen, but Showtime's version is free and BBC version isn't :/
Anyways, I've heard good things about The L Word but when I tried to check it out after finishing QaF the first time, I just couldn't get in to it for some reason. Now that I'm older maybe it'll be different. And hey, I'm sure my boyfriend would love it, too lol, cuz hey, lesbians right? How does it compare to QaF? Better, worse, or don't even bother?
Also curious what LGBTQ+ whatever the acronym is these days- people think of how realistic those shows are, especially QaF. Soooo much promiscuity and clubbing. Granted, my male gay friends were very much like that when we were in our early twenties, but still. Just curious to hear other opinions :)
No. 115519
>>113414>Also women get away with everything easier, pic related.So you're saying female characteristics are more accepted when women do it then when men do it? Wow, my mind is blown!
Anon if you're not trolling, don't forget that this also works the other way around wich is the reason powerful women who speak their minds are often seen as bitches while men like this are seen as strong and leader figures.
No. 115624
>>115450>>115620Thanks guys :) I can't wait to check out these new shows!
There should be a gerneal TV/movie recommendation in /b/. I'm surprised there isn't…maybe in the catalog. I'll check, if there isn't one I guess I'll just make a new thread.
No. 115744
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Because poopdick grosses people out more than women performing oral sex on one another (something heterosexual couples also do) or scissoring (mostly bothers people who are grossed out by female genitalia.)
No. 116121
>>116073it's glorified dry humping and it's only done in shitty lesbian porn aimed at men.
why would I do that horse shit if I have fingers, a mouth and a vibrators.
No. 116122
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>>113435I just found a picture for you, anon.
No. 117337
>>116121"I don't like doing it myself and its done in some porn that is shitty therefore its not a thing actual lesbian couples do"
No. 117340
>>117336Did you know that you can grind yourself to orgasm on pillows/ thighs/ etc?
only children do this
>Please accept that scissoring feels good.It feels good simply because most sexual acts feel good, but when you compare it to most other sexual acts that are avaible it pales in comparison to cunnilingus.
>Try being creative with your vagina once in a whileyou´re the one whose acting like the first masturbatory acts of a 12-year old who just discovered her clitoris is somehow revolutionary. Scissoring is a fucking meme, made up by straight people because it looks somewhat close to missionary.
No. 117346
>>117340I'm fuckin scrawny and I imagine scissoring would just bruise me.
I totally still do the pillow thing though kek.
No. 117407
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>>117340Wow I'm sorry that my vagina is less sophisticated than yours. Why are literally trying to shame people for the methods they use to pleasure themselves and others? Why are you somehow above fun and pleasure?
Maybe you should rub one out and chill, or does your ultra patrician vagina accept only the finest cunnilingus from those trained in the mystic sexual arts?
No. 117414
>>117412better according to whom? you?
some people get easily overwhelmed by a person sticking their tongue in their privates.
No. 117461
>>117412"I don't get off from it as much as other ways of pleasure therefore nobody should do it because everyone's body is just like mine"
Double kek, you are on a roll anon
No. 424618
>>113320"2 girls mean my dick could be the first."
That and the militant turbo dykes that need to make it clear to anyone in a 6 block radius that she's gay.