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No. 1174258
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I also have a ridiculously good hearing, in my apartment, I can hear people talking at the kitchen while I’m in my room if I focus enough on listening. Also, depending on the acoustics, I can listen to other people talking in other rooms in a house of around 4 floors. It’s a curse, but sometimes I wonder if others are just fucking deaf.
No. 1174259
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>>1173811I’m really good at collecting stuff. Like picking the ripest berries, or finding beads of a right pattern in a box of assorted beads, or spotting good rocks outside. I’m sure it’s some remnant hunter-gatherer gene that happens to be turned up to 11 in me, and if I were born 5000 years ago it would’ve made my life a lot easier. In 2022 it mostly just causes problems for me though, like I’m very good at spotting deeply ingrown hairs in my legs and get a lot of satisfaction digging them out with a needle, so my calves look like a crackhead’s.
My color perception is also very good—I got a perfect score on one of those 100-hue color shade tests—and my near vision feels unusually good though idk how to prove that, but I can often easily see things that other people need a jeweler’s loupe to see.
No. 1174272
>>1173811I can touch the base of my right foot to my nose/face.
Only my right leg does this and I do not do yoga or gymnastics or whatever.
Probably have a hip deformity but is occasionally a good party trick.
No. 1174311
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>>1174259In hunter-gatherer times I would've been great at smashing scrote's skulls and chasing them out of the community. Or I'd be a great farmer once that became a thing. Modern society has no use for sturdy broad women with great lung capacity, seen as useless unless you're a dainty waif or attractive to scrotes in some way. I thought I was bad at sports until I started lifting and doing martial arts, apparently I'm great at it. But modern life is all about being sedentary and just using your brain at best, feels like wasted potential.
No. 1174384
>>1174370Focus on a spot, space out for a long time. Focus on the patterns you start getting.
>>1174376I starded doing it as a kid, way before consuming anything.
No. 1174403
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My talent is bumping when moods post their disgusting shit. Seriously what the FUCK is happening
No. 1332467
I just discovered that I can smell cockroaches.
>>1173814Please, teach me your ways
No. 1332490
>>1332473I find it hard to describe right now but they kinda stink weird. It's a very unique smell, one that reminds me of a dirty abandoned room.
Apparently people use the following words to describe it:
>musty, oily, sooty, or mildewybut since I'm ESL I don't know what half of those are like kek
No. 1332547
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A while ago I did training for long-haul trucking and I turned out to be really good at straight line backing up which sounds easier than it is
No. 1332825
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I don't know if that counts as a talent, but the only genre I am good at is MOBA. I used to be challenger in LoL for a few years when I was a kid. Staying at home because of your health issues does something to you, i guess… I am still deeply ashamed over how this cursed genre is the only one I am good at. I have quit the game a long time ago and I've been trying to get into shooters but I jusg suck. Apex seems to be the most newbie game at least…
I cant stand the hype around the Arcane TV Show because I know Riot Games is a terrible company that always swept sexual harassment and inequality issues under the rug because the company was never too popular. Its a shit franchise created by shit people.
they are also trying to pander to woketards by turning two of the amazing female characters into trannies now, i think with Taliyah its one inch close to being confirmed. Its insane.
No. 1334948
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>>1334672ntayrt but wait anon what do you call these guys if you call crane flies daddy longlegs?? bc where i’m from we call harvestmen spiders daddy longlegs
do you just call them harvestmen
No. 1913600
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>>1913160need info on the online stalking.
No. 1913856
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I have a grip strength *stronger than the average man in his 20s. One could say it's far from useless though
No. 1914143
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I can double roll my tongue in what's called a "cloverleaf" shape, like the bottom left picture (spoilered because it looks kinda freaky). I don't think I can do the other tricks pictured though. I have no idea how common this is, but it seems really rare.
No. 1914160
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>>1913975holy shit we got real life waterbenders in lolcor
No. 1914490
>>1914190I do it out of nagging curiosity and to check up on people I lost contact with, not because I have some control fetish like moids do.
No. 1914500
>>1914166Absolutely not useless if you're relatively confident at it.
No. 2006272
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I'm lazy so instead of bending myself to pick up things on the floor I always used my feet to grab em and then lifting the foot to my hand to pass it. I became more skilled and now I can use a lighter to light up a cigarette or I can use the smartphone with no problems while I let the nail polish on my hands dry. I can write stuff or draw and a lot more. BUT I HATE the fact that there are so many fetishist in the world so I can't talk about or show my skill and I have to hide it and remember not to use it in front of people. I HATE FOOTFAGS
No. 2006875
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I can ride a bicycle or a swing for hours nonstop. Whoever said they can sleep for sixteen hours, yeah me too.
No. 2007553
>>2006918Ayrt, yes! I do that too! Kekek we are all the same nonnies, I second
>>2006923 circus proposal
No. 2019800
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I fold origami. I've been doing it since I was 6 years old, and it's completely useless.
No. 2020870
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I can gleek about 5 feet away from me. only from my right side. I cant always control when it happens so i have to be careful not to open my mouth too much when i laugh or talk so i dont gleek on people
No. 2058104
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I am able to puke whenever I want to. No putting fingers in my throat or any other tricks. This skill is super weird and has no value. Well, unless you want easy mode bulimia, I do not.
No. 2080566
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>>2058104If a zombie apocalypse happened this will be your class. Sucks because it's weak.
No. 2117330
>can play some easy songs on piano but am definitely not good enough to be entertaining for long>can read and write phonetic egyptian heiroglyphs, which really makes the old ladies who wear the gold cartouches super happy when I can read their names>can say the alphabet backwards very well, even when drunk>especially when drunk>can stack up to 10 quarters on my elbow and then flip my arm around real fast to catch emThose are literally all my talents
>>2115285God nona I used to be able to do that when I was 12 but I can't anymore and I am so jealous
No. 2117952
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I can twist my hands into inhuman forms, dislocate my jaw like an anaconda, and place my legs behind my head. Less pointless in principle, I sing really well and whistle like a queen but I am too afraid to confront others and I have no knowledge of music theory so I practice and strive to grow myself as much as possible at home. I also look like a monkey, too bad for me circuses don't hire freaks anymore these days.
No. 2284032
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I can fake-cry. Give me five seconds and I have waterfalls streaming down my cheeks. Also, I can recognize almost every The Nanny episode by Frans outfit alone.