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No. 1188363
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I want to beat the shit out of a fakeboi at least once in my life just for the experience.
No. 1188408
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I want to beat the shit out of a neckbeard, the kind that hoards little girl anime pictures and has them displayed in his room, I want to grab a hammer and hit his skull until he can’t scream, I want to gather the information from his pc and show everything he does to his family so they feel miserable for ever letting him live, I want to get the information from his online buddies and kill them too with my trusty hammer, I want to kill neckbeards as a sport, take them to some place like an outdoors paintball court and let the hide so I can chase them and either murder them with a hammer to their heads or with a gun pointing at the multiple chins they have so I can hear their stupid wailing as the bullet pierces the disgusting fat underneath the skin.
No. 1188435
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>>1188363Me but with gamer trannies
I hate those ugly lanky pedo fucks, they all deserve to be stomped on
No. 1188550
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>>1188532It's not a crime when it's done to moids.
No. 1188563
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Put him in smash
I want to play as Dr.Lobe and beat the shit out of smash spergs
No. 1188571
>>1188547At-home education can actually be pretty terrible and I don't think a lot of people realize it (even after the pandemic).
Then again, it probably depends more on the parents and not home-schooling itself. Not trying to argue, btw. Just kind of disagree, I guess.
No. 1188640
>>1188634The problem in Europe is that they all believe in "rieducation"
Hell, Sweden has full apartments for jailies because they believe that putting them in nice environments will "change them uwu"
They're all acting like little bitches, of course a homeless person will do anything to go to jail if that means a nice bed cleaning everyday, showers and alone time. It's a free room card.
Either you make them sleep on the concrete with 9 other men or you put them out of misery, rieducation has went nowhere.
The only people who were "rieducated" were
victims of abuse who got in jail for defending themselves.
I was following this case of a guy who got into jail because he killed his father who was abusing him and his mother. He straight up shot him and the father was already known to the police.
What did they do? They put him in jail for rieducational purpose and they cheered when he got out "as a new person".
He was a new person when he killed his
abusive dad and didn't need jail to heal, of course you take him as an example of good jail behaviour and not the killers or pedophiles. They're hypocrites.
No. 1188651
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ugly and disabled men should be put down
No. 1188677
nonny i fucking love this.
No. 1188715
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No. 1188741
>>1188723same tbh
i wish i could lock a bunch of creepy and degenerate men into one room with no way out just because i think it would be funny to watch them suffer.. they wouldnt have anything else in there either, i just want to see what they would do
No. 1188763
>>1188723The tortures will be
>no internet access >take a cold shower everyday>wear a different uniform everyday>do your bed when you wake up at 5 am>make a balanced breakfast >have a healthy snack>do some exercise outside>read feminist theory>volunteer at a place where people are actually suffering>tell the starving, suffering and miserable people that you’re the most oppressed person in the world>kill an actual neonazi>kill a pedophile (they would have to kill each other I guess)>kill a murdererAnd then let them go after a few years just to catch them again.
No. 1188776
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>>1188772Don’t worry, someday you will finish peaking and will transcend the mortal plane that will lead you to a life of not giving a tiny single fuck about men.
No. 1188826
>>1188816Im proud of you
nonnie and impressed. It's the very simple things that some people find impressive and others find something they'd never think they could do. Like me.
No. 1188896
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Unhinged female artists are based
No. 1188996
>>1188937>diagnosing teenage girls with mental disorders just because they're teen girlsYou misogynistic retard. Teen boys are way more unhinged but you never talked about it. It's just puberty and it affects everyone.
>Incels should be cared for and treatedYeah you're right. They're poor precious babies for being entitled to women's bodies and going out of their way to harass women, right? Will you give them a government designated gf alongside drugs like they ask for? Or maybe you'll give them corpses like how back in the day they used to say they thought female corpses went to waste because they couldn't fuck them?
No. 1189004
There should be background checks before adopting a pet
Animal abuse will be punishable by death
There should absolutely be mandatory IQ tests and parenting classes before anyone is allowed to reproduce
Boys between the ages of 11 and 18 should be put into camps and only allowed to re-emerge when they are proven to be not sociopaths. All proven otherwise will be sterilized and exiled from society
>>1188763Adding to this:
All men who come out as TiMs will be exiled and banned from watching anime for a year. TiFs banned from consuming yaoi.
No. 1189012
>>1188978Teenagers are dramatic, true, but most of them aren't planing to chop their tits or doing elaborate plans to kill themselves and forgeting it in a couple of weeks, thank god. Most would say they're totes depressed and anxious but now there are many girls taking it to new and dangerous extremes. And unlike larpers, they can't stop it, just change the symptom but the suffering is always there.
>>1188996I don't believe in an inclusive liberal mental illness model kek. Not at least for adult men. We need more madhouses and mental hospitals to trown them here. The most unhinged ones need to be chemically lobotomized. Recognize it as an illness is not validating it because illnesses aren't
valid at all, they're problems who need to be fixed. A mentally ill man is a imminent danger to society and must be neutralized.
No. 1189024
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Polyandry makes sense.
No. 1189033
>>1189004>There should absolutely be mandatory IQ tests and parenting classes before anyone is allowed to reproduceBoys between the ages of 11 and 18 should be put into camps and only allowed to re-emerge when they are proven to be not sociopaths. All proven otherwise will be sterilized and exiled from society
based. i unironically believe in this since i first thought about societal issues. in the camps they should learn to be a normal functioning member of society with empathy and conscientiousness. they get tortured for degenerate behaviour like fighting, watching bdsm porn, not cleaning themselves properly, catcalling and other predatory behaviours.
absolutely background checks before owning any pet.
the iqs have to reach a certain level and emotional intelligence is also measured. people that say this is cruel are idiots, not having a child is not the same as getting abused or killed. too many retarded parents ruin children's lives because they themselves are too retarded to take basic care. retards forget to feed their children, to teach them how to socialize and study and work, they traumatize them unwittingly, and unknowingly raise degenerate criminals.
child labour should be a thing but only as a way of teaching and maybe once a week. the kids can sew, bake, clean, build, cook, garden, as a part of school curriculum.
punishment for any abuse is getting abused the same way, by a robot, so it's ethical. pain levels will always be proportionate to the crime committed. no matter if it's animal or human. i think death penalty is too nice. child abusers would get abused by a robot of the same size and strength difference there was between the child and the abuser.
No. 1189179
>>1189163I agree, this isn't even unhinged at all. People just love to cry that women abuse men at the same rate (even though they really don't kek) because they don't want to face the fact that the average man could cripple and easily kill the average woman if he wished to - and they do so, every single day. It's literally in their hormones and biology to be physically stronger than us so it's extremely insulting to see people try and act like we're always capable of the same levels of violence.
I've no doubt that some women out there have committed violent shit against men but it doesn't even remotely compare to the rate of which men literally CHOKE their girlfriends/wives during sex and crush their necks, and the way they can easily pin a woman down and maim or kill her.
It's also the reason why female serial killers or just female murderers in general prefer subtle methods of killing via poisoning or shooting which offsets a lot of the physical strength required to take down a moid. The facts and statistics are right there staring them in the face but people don't want to stare back because it would require acknowledging that we live in a patriarchy and that women are still discriminated across the globe. Ignorance is bliss.
No. 1189207
>>1189163100 %. Also those people either male or female who are trying to shift the narrative towards the men and women can be equally
abusive bullshit also don't care about DV
victims at all. Not even about males because otherwise they would look up actual stories and recognise that it's often (not always) men who abuse other men in gay relationships. I have this douche friend who wrote an essay about DV against men and while talking about it he not once mentioned that they're mostly abused by other men. Power dynamics are always overlooked
No. 1189214
>>1188937I honestly think it has something to do with the brain still developing.
I remember I had some mentally ill symptoms (hearing actual voices whispering in my ear, being so depressed I couldn't be bothered to move or do anything to the point I didn't drink or eat, feeling completely detached from my body, getting heart racing and panic sweats, being unable to differ between dreams I had and thinks that actually happened etc etc) and it all just completely fizzled out within a year kek.
Or on a milder note, I think that's also why some teens lack empathy/perspective and when they get older, they can't understand their own actions anymore.
No. 1189260
>>1188338I hate handmaidens and I want them to suffer the consequences of their own selfish shitty behaviour. I am filled with rage at the het women who watched RuPaul, got a pity boner for men in dresses, and then invaded lesbian communities to make them qUeEr. I hate every cock-obsessed spicy straight woman who sneered at 17-year old me for being an evil
TERF bigot because I wouldn't worship tranny dick. I hate them. They haven't been hurr durr brainwashed by patriarchy. They are selfish, awful people who made a choice to throw vulnerable women under the bus to get headpats from men in dresses. A couple years ago I met a woman in some low income therapy thing and when I think about her locked in a room with some 6'5 dude who identifies as a lady it makes me cry. She was super sweet and nice to me, she was like 40 and had been on and off the streets her entire life since she ran away from home as a teen. She did survival prostitution as a young woman and was once gang raped so severely she was hospitalized. And every prominient female politician, non-profit, celebrity, social worker, therapist, whatever would sneer at this rape survivor for not wanting a male roommate. No. I hate them. I don't care if it's misogyny I want them to get hurt instead of the lower class normie women who never fucking asked for this. They are just as bad as men because they have a choice to care about other women and they don't. They have the money and privilege to have a decent life outside of politics but instead they intentionally sacrifice women who are weaker than them to gain more power. I hate them I hate them I hate them. Every female politician who votes 'yes' on XYs in female prisons should be locked in a cell with an AGP serial rapist for a week. It's not fair that the women who push tranny garbage are on average wealthy and powerful enough to be shielded from the consequences.
No. 1189278
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self harm in the form of cutting wouldn't be bad if the cutter would actually make it look good. scarification is a thing. it hurts just the same to cut an aesthetic pattern or shape into the skin as random ugly criss crosses except the patterns would be less embarrassing. when i was a manicdepressive teen i had impulses to cut but i didn't do it because in my opinion is stupid. if i wanted to, i would have made nice shapes, or did it under my underwear where nobody would have seen it.
No. 1189373
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>>1189363kek I also dislike dolphins. Their eyes are so scary because you can see how intelligent they are. I can't believe people actually get into pools and swim with them, you can't really see them coming under the water and all of a sudden they are just right in your face, and can seriously hurt you if they wanted to. terrifying. pic related is an orca eye which is even scarier because they really will kill you if they feel like it.
No. 1189446
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SO lying is actually okay to do if it's not seriously hurting anyone + isn't so blatant that other people can immediately clock it as a lie; definitely tell good lies that help you get ahead in life, and keep your days running smooth. omit information. twist your words. don't reveal everything. the truth should be reserved for those you trust and love.
plus some lawful evil behavior is encouraged, but once again: be sure you aren't seriously fucking anyone over. also: things like revenge and holding grudges, and hating people for virtually no reason at all is okay (sometimes vibes are just bad!). like, embrace being negative and bitter. it's all part of the human experience. the real world is not a fairy-tale.
No. 1189466
>>1188674Anon you replied to, this is great to hear.
>the womb anesthetizes the fetusSuper interesting.
No. 1189645
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Living and being alive is fine
No. 1189680
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It would be safer if everyone in the mental health field was required to state their own mental issues/personality disorders to their clients
No. 1189691
>>1189271Not unhinged
No. 1189716
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This should be the case everywhere, extremely common and looked on with fear by all men. If the curse giver doesn't want to get naked there could be another means like a hand gesture.
No. 1189749
>>1189736It’s not changing redpillers, it’s telling normie guys that you won’t stand for any inkling of disrespect, and if they do something sus you won’t hesitate to dump him. Don’t settle for the “least pornsick”
nonny, have standards and love yourself.
No. 1189784
>>1189680Yep. My mother is a psychiatrist, but she has untreated PTSD from
abusive parents. She's not okay but somehow got into the mental health field. I really hope she gets help.
>>1189676FUCK bicyclists
No. 1189789
>>1189766NTA but it’s a utopian
city women can easily get pregnant by a man the next town over. Men in the city can’t have babies for vasectomy thus wouldn’t be punished. If they reversed it the men would be banished immediately obviously. The women can leave of free will, only put in housing away from everyone if she needed time to arrange somewhere else to live. It’s not a camp or a punishment, it’s following the rules she agreed to when moving there.
No. 1189793
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I hate big trucks that I see on the highway. Big, retarded, heavy. They are slow and stupid.
I know, they aren't sentient but fuck if it doesn't feel like it. Fucking trucks. Just look at picrel. how can you not have unbridled hatred towards this fucking this.
No. 1189809
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>>1189793>>1189801how does this pic make you feel?
No. 1189811
>>1189795She added that the men will have vasectomies in response to you retard.
>very personally affected You’re the one crying over some anon’s daydream kek
No. 1189846
>>1189820no it won't
nonnie because the truck is the father
No. 1189896
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>>1189645based and true, I'm happy to be here
No. 1189952
>>1189877"Mental illness" by its modern definition is just another way to shift the blame from the society to the individual.
It was so successfully done with Millennials. Those idiots made every social issue their personal problem and with that killed any hope of fixing it. Exploitative food industry? Don't fix the producers, you fix your goddamn self and become a sickly vegan. Exploitative gender roles? Don't fix the patriarchy, you fix your own damn self and become a maimed transgender. Exploitative workforce? Don't fix capitalism, fix your own damn self and take these zombifiying pills so you can make your boss some money.
Exploitative people and system all around you? You're reacting negatively to it? You must be mad! Here, have this label on you that tells you you are not ok, but the undertext of it is that this system and everyone else around you is perfectly ok since it is used as the baseline. It's not. They're not.
Millenials lack social consciousness. All their potential for social consciousness was redirected. With lame SJW shit. Class consciousness? They were knocked unconscious, a whole generation.
No. 1190040
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I genuinely wish death upon everyone who wants abortion to be illegal and don't feel even the slightest bit bad about it. If stripping women of their right to bodily autonomy and returning to the coat hanger days is worth it to you because you place more importance on a clump of cells incubating than the sentient human being who has to go through the mental and physical toll/risk to carry it, then yeah, I hope you fucking die.
As for anti-choice women… I hope you cunts living in red states that are gonna penalize it once Roe gets overturned get pregnant, miscarry, then get to go through the trauma of your uterus turning into a crime scene investigation. After all, that's what happens in places where abortion is illegal, but you idiots are typically too uneducated/lack the common sense to fucking realize that miscarraiges in these places are typically treated like murder investigations to find evidence it was self-inflicted. Bonus points if you're falsely accused of aborting it and end up in jail. It's what you deserve.
No. 1190085
Psychology is 90%+ psuedoscience to me and I think the vast majority of mentally ill people (sans really extreme shit like literal schizophrenics for example) would be better off without "professional" intervention. Literally every single person I know, myself included, has gotten inconsistent diagnosis, redacted diagnosis, put on heavy duty medications that made shit worse only to be taken off because they were misdiagnosed or having too awful of side effects, and have horror stories related to extreme incompetence from staff in the field. Once I gave up on therapy and meds, and started to accept I had to rely solely on myself to get better, for the first time I finally fucking did. Yeah, I'm still crazy and likely always will be, but at least I'm not so mentally fucked that I can't get out of bed, binge eat and drink to get through the day, and constantly want to kill myself.
No. 1190094
>>1190061Ass eating can be part of femdomming though
No. 1190100
>>1190094How are you making the man submit to you by sucking the shit particles out of his hairy asshole?
Sounds like all that E.Coli bacteria has given you brain damage
No. 1190109
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All sexy men should have to wear this every tuesday.
No. 1190138
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Almost nothing in this world gives me as much of a thrill as being a mean girl towards girls I dislike in the same hobbies as me. I feel no need to jump through the psychological hoops to justify my cuntiness that a lot of cowardly bitches on this site do to alieviate themselves of guilt or having to accept they're shit people. I'm a shameless cunt and it's fun.
Especially annoying fatties into kawaii shit, particularly lolita fashion. They're my favorite to cringe at. I know this drawing was intended to be anti-fat shaming, but I unironically relate to the girls sitting around the table.
No. 1190171
>>1190163Thank you, I
will choke on his balls hopefully. I will gag and guck and there will be snot and tears.
No. 1190206
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>>1190176It's the same retarded moid who has thrown out the exact same bait every few weeks in the unpopular opinion and confession threads, almost word for word.
Therefore, post more unhinged moid hate.
No. 1190215
>>1190203I am looking forward to see you fags die of monkeypox.
LB is the one true alliance.
No. 1190219
>>1190178Yeah I have never left my house to go eat a man's ass, I've never felt the desire to degrade myself for a man like that.
>>1190186Pussy wouldn't be as bad, because the vagina doesn't secrete actual shit.
>>1190203What do you think is inside the asshole regardless if you shower? You're all still catching some of his fecal matter in your mouth if you put your tongue up in there. It's degrading.
No. 1190220
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>>1189363Sea otters are another disgusting animal with depraved behaviours. All the males should be killed or at least controlled heavily by conservationists. No. 1190251
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>>1190235blablabla kys defected std ridden xy chromosome
No. 1190260
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>I have fecal matter in my teeth and you have a burning, schizophrenic desire to refer to anyone who disagrees with you as male or brainwashed by the patriarchy. We all have our flaws baby.
No. 1190262
Idk about the other two (?) anons responding but I am 100% a bisexual woman and I don't think vaginas are dirty considering they are self cleaning
And I still want to eat man ass
>>1190242Not a radfem, not an anti-radfem
I have a considerable amount of hatred for men but I don't see anything wrong with objectifying them and using them sexually
It's all they're good for anyway
No. 1190264
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>>1190253that wasn't me but keep tinfoiling
Ms.fart breath No. 1190267
>>1190260This would be funny maybe if it weren’t your only closing argument whenever a woman disagrees with you in any way, even on such innocuous things, it’s actually quite sad. Like your refusal to see a woman’s autonomy and choices as her own unless they perfectly align with yours, otherwise she’s a handmaid or an ex-why-chwomosome. And god forbid a woman find you crazy or unreasonable in any way when you share something black and white or off the wall—then she’s
definitely a moid, since you’re so superior and intelligent and all.
No. 1190273
>>1190270The dozens of
triggered replies disagree with you
No. 1190275
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>This would be funny maybe if it weren’t your only closing argument whenever a woman disagrees with you in any way, even on such innocuous things, it’s actually quite sad. Like your refusal to see a woman’s autonomy and choices as her own unless they perfectly align with yours, otherwise she’s a handmaid or an ex-why-chwomosome. And god forbid a woman find you crazy or unreasonable in any way when you share something black and white or off the wall—then she’s definitely a moid, since you’re so superior and intelligent and all.
No. 1190278
>>1190085I think the psychological techniques/cognitive behavior therapy stuff is useful for those who are functional and self aware, and just have had a certain event or problem they need to work through. But if you're at that point you've basically got the ability to climb out of the problem yourself and alter your life to suit. You have to go and specifically request this sort of help, right down to the correct terminology, or they'll just treat you like every other case they just phone in.
I think people enter the field with good intentions but quickly come to realize the schizophrenics, sociopaths, major depressives and BPD enby nutcases are beyond help and on an inevitable self destructive path. They calm this path with the medication and treat the symptoms, which I can understand, but where I lose patience with them is when they obfuscate the side effects and aren't honest about what to expect on them.
Also, as a lay person, I can just tell straight away who is genuinely mentally ill and who just has shitty lifestyle habits or is in a bad environment (workplace, relationship, etc). Too many people have a weird learned helplessness these days in which they just can't bring themselves to change course in life.
No. 1190286
>>1190278>too many people have a weird learned helplessness these days in which they just can't bring themselves to change course in life.this is true and not really unhinged but agreed that if people could somehow access the positivity and resourcefulness they needed they'd be better off
including myself in this statcovid feels like a psyop at this point with how collectively depressed and crazy the world has gotten and I'm not the only one who can't go back to normal, right?
No. 1190293
>>1190262>man ass>says he's a womanInshallah you get a boyfriend and leave us alone, faggot.
>>1190285>2014 feminazi girlAt least she ain't gonna die from e.coli and an aids ridden torn ass like you.
No. 1190294
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>>1190279you eat literal shit, I already won