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No. 1195125
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I've recently learned that there is something called "cleancore" and idk I'm still confused about this.
No. 1195129
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Reading books in a bathtub is my aesthetic pet peeve, your hands would be wet
No. 1195140
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>>1195137I suspect it’ll be a generational thing that zoomers never let go of, like millennials with “LIVE LAUGH LOVE” placards. The key difference being that even at peak LIVE LAUGH LOVE there was a significant contingent of millennials who made fun of it, whereas I only see complete -core earnestness from zoomers.
No. 1195141
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There's an aesthetic wiki>>1195137I felt the same in ~2014 when I started seeing the words "aesthetic" and "wholesome" pop up everywhere online suddenly, kek. It will always remind me of my fat weaboo roommate putting on thigh highs and saying it's her Tohsaka Rin aesthetic.
>>1195138I'm already seeing people on 4chan jump on jirai-kei because of anime girls like Fuyuko,Kangel and that new granblue girl
No. 1195160
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i hate dark academia. when it started i thought it would encourage kids to read and study but it's just unimaginative lists that spoonfeed in detail the precise things to do to be mysterious and deep even though you never read and overshare on tiktok.
it's just class anxiety and aping the wealthy idle from the late 19th century to prance around your friends while getting none of the actual cultural benefits like taking advantage of libraries or language resources or free PDFs on the internet.
No. 1195182
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>>1195160samefag, i double hate it because it's all about classical studies, oxford, pale rich kidss and rainy england, which makes wokies mad because muh eurocentrism, elitism, racism, and classism, and it begets some of the most boring and nonsensical lectures and grievances as if the poor or nonwhite were forbidden from dressing like stuffy wasp professors.
No. 1195184
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I used to like weirdcore dream core whatever it was called, just dreamy atmospheric pics, I love it. I was in a group on Facebook there became a huge overlap of “traumacore” picrel is what I used to like
No. 1195185
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>>1195182also i found this when looking through tumblr lmao. how DARE those zoomers use the internet for fun
No. 1195186
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>>1195184Now when you look up weird core it’s shit like this
No. 1195204
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>>1195141Yeah jirai-kei/ryousangata has already been fucking butchered by animecore weeb girls who think it’s just another word for yamikawaii. I don’t like it much but at least when worn properly it looks nice and appealing instead of the yamikawaii girls who wear ugly ass menheratrannychan seifuku shirts with needle print etsy leggings
Picrel, fucking hideous
No. 1195205
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>>1195204Googled to find an example and the google images are already getting clogged up with the ugly aliexpress menhera shit too.
THIS IS NOT JIRAI KEI. How fucking hard is it to look into a fashion before you call yourself something
No. 1195226
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>>1195141I found this under the 'Anglo Gothic' page on that wiki. Kek. Probably about 30 people in the entire world know what 'Anglo Gothic aesthetic' is. Hardly a pressing matter worthy of an infographic
No. 1195344
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>>1195205Are you looking for that jirai kei stuff or more shitty menhera?
No. 1195751
>>1195133I feel called out.
>>1195160Tbh it's the only one I don't entirely hate only because the clothes look normal.
No. 1196187
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>>1195344The particular image you attached is meant to be an example of ryousangata, the style that jirai kei is a darker derivative of. There's also this jirai version that accompanies it. But either way what you posted is much closer to jirai kei than the pics in
>>1195204 >>1195205, which are just yamikawaii as that anon said. Speaking of, it's hilarious that the cgl jirai kei thread is full of anons saying there is literally no difference between the two and to just call jirai yamikawaii!!1 when there obviously is a visible difference
No. 1196226
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This was posted in a Facebook group I’m in called “I’m not reading all that, but I’m happy for you or sorry that happened”
No. 1196261
>>1196242“Old Money” aka New England prep with shein coquette characteristics.
Nothing stupider than larping as a different socioeconomic class. People who actually go to Swiss boarding schools and the like are not wearing polyester knockoffs lol.
Millennials did this too, just in the opposite direction. During the recession era in America it was “trendy” to look like you were poor
No. 1196300
>>1196261it's peak keeping up with the joneses. don't tell them that rich kids dress like the "new money" hype beasts and ugg wearing basic girls they look down on kek.
>>1196278>>1196295>The all-beige clothes and crusty matte lipstick look?wasn't that the kim k look? people always looked down on that and everything else connected to kim k.
expensive only looks cheap when it is literally cheap in quality. i.e. knock off birkins, fake gucci and fast fashion versions of preppy clothes. anything can look expensive with the right quality, even the things people consider "new money"
No. 1196304
>>1195182I'm not fond of dark acamedia in the slightest but this is so fucking cringe, its also ironic she mentions Iqbal who had an British education and advocated for English education to be directly exported for South Asians, he was staunch supported of British Imperialism for most of his life
>>1195197difference is 19th and 20th century universities in Net England and England allowed allowed women to attend and had a nicer aesthetic
>>1195271even though I'm browk skinned, Rumi and the culture of central India(where Urdu is from) those cultures have nothing to do with the history of my people, for my people Rumi is as foreign and distant as Plato, though this isn't urdu/hindi imperalisms is sadly a norm No. 1196521
>>1195129Doing anything in a bathtab but soaking in it is cringe. I see people having stuff like pizza, laptops, drinks. Are they going to be done with all that before the water gets cold because there never seems to be some kind of contraption to keep the water warm.
>>1195160>>1195182I like the look of the decor, but ultimately as are all these "cores" they are just fleeting trends grounded in consumerism. Nobody is being motivated to make art or anything meaningful, there is no central philosophy or ideals being pushed to keep them afloat. I know this probably sounds pretentious, but these key features are probably why subcultures like goth or even lolita, which in itself is about consooming, stay alive.
No. 1196857
>>1196544Nta but Lolita is a rich subculture actually, that's what made its foundations solid and kept it going for so long. There is a lot of art, music etc. to consume besides the clothes. Lots of stuff gets lost in translation, and also westerners who got in through moe anime stereotypes weren't interested enough in it to make it significant/mandatory to be a part of the community.
When OTT sweet became popular in early 2010s western lolitas just decided to forget about every artist that wasn't kira imai's Angelic Pretty promo art. Because Lolita is goth-adjacent and most of the other media reflected that, and they didn't like it since it didn't reflect the vision they had of lolita which was mostly based on their obsession with AP's pop-cute style at the time and influenced by trends like fairy-kei, and stuff like idols and mainstream anime. The cultural differences between subgroups within Lolita eventually led to the "it's just clothes" mindset, so everyone would get along. and then the social aspect, meet-ups and all, became highly promoted within the community to make up for us just being a bunch of consoomers with no common tastes to actually bond over besides big petticoats.
The "rules" were also mostly made up. Lolita has guidelines but is still mostly "vibe-based" like other subcultures, the way to get it perfectly right is to consume related media and absorb the aesthetic, but again since the western community either didn't have access or just didn't care about said media, they had lackings that could only be fixed by making a checklist of mandatory lolita elements.
No. 1196914
sage for sperg-out about the history of "aesthetics" as i understand it:
from the birth of modern "aesthetics" culture (in 2010-ish tumblr with -punk and -core as suffixes bastardized from music genre names alongside 'hipser' and 'grunge' blogs) and up to pre-tiktok boom / pre-2020, an aesthetic was just a certain vibe or type of picture you liked to collect on your blog, or in your IG/pinterest feed. example is cleancore, that
>>1195125 mentioned . cleancore has exited for a while (2018?), and it's just meant to be nice-looking pictures of soap and clean things, like private pools. a very small overlap with vaporwave there i think?
it was generally not an all-consuming thing that governed your entire life unless you were weird about it. (example: tumblr hipster aesthetic. maybe you just like pictures of coffee and flannels and trees, maybe you actually like rainy day walks downtown and used books.)
then, in the later 2010's and especially around the pandemic, it began to become to a lot of people something that you should fully embody in order to "actually be good at it", in a sense. instagram was a bit of a breeding ground for aesthetic as social capital. but it gets a lot more obvious during the pandemic as dark academia, cottagecore, and scenecore* (all aesthetics that grew to lean very heavly into the 'looking like you do x thing', moreso than what came before them) blew up on tiktok, as all of the young people who coudn't go outside anymore latched on to those and created internet subcultures around them.
so, aesthetics have always been shallow, but pretending that they aren't and trying to make your life into an aesthetic and naming it as such is a more recent thing and it's horrific to me how mindlessly consumeristic it often is.
*scenecore, (also often tagged as 'scene'/'scemo'/'emocore/'/'webcore'/'old web', depending on the contents of the post) did exist for a while pre-2020 on tumblr, but was mostly young adults being nostalgic for 2010s inernet culture than anything else, sitting in a similar nieche to chronically online raver-furries, and imo the intersection between 2017-2020 'scene nostalgia' types, and '90s internet & weeb nostalgia' is what rgb gamers reached their hands into to pull out the putrid, screaming shitbeast that is 'animecore'
No. 1197198
( samefag as
>>1196914 )
( sage for context-blog at the end )
>>1197121 "teencore" is/was a nieche aesthetic on tumblr in the late 2010s. really it was just when scemo stuff branched out into more general 2010 faux nostalgia.
as one of The Zoomers in question, i will weigh in that before it was a cool trendy thing via tiktok, a lot of the teens using outdated internet slang were both autistic and way too online from a young age. part of it was "anti cringe culture" and a reaction to getting bullied for our interests in that way, and looking at our early memories of late 2000s and early 2010s internet culture and cannibalizing the parts we liked. again, pre tiktok, scemo was almost entirely people born 1998-2003. and it's been really weird to see the relatively small scemo community of 2017-2019 get trampled into pure consumeristic buzzword aestheticizing, i can only imagine how off-putting it is for people who were around in the actual culture it draws on. from my perspective, at least pre-tiktok people were much more aware of what they were doing and actually.. creating a community, and usually had an affinity for the general late 2000s and early 2010s things it was about. no one claiming that nyan cat is "y2k scenecore", that's for sure.
i realize this is probably way too bloggy so if i'm served a ban I
i'll take it in peace. this is a good thread.
No. 1197303
>>1197206ayrt, it's the "retexturization" in general I think. Things have the same silhouette/general idea as in the 2000s, but because average people have access to more advanced make-up techniques and better cosmetic products that makes their faces more airbrushed plastic-like, and clothes are made out of different materials that are usually smoother, cheaper shiny synthetics, the "texture" is different. Easy internet shopping also removed the floppy DIY/"do with what you can find where you live" aspect. It all looks more doll-like which explains the uncanny valley.
The current style is also mostly copied from fictional characters (whether dolls, series, cartoons) from the 2000s, rather than the everyday people, hence a kind of caricatural aspect since fictional characters were an exaggerated version of real life already. We basically live in the Bratz world now kek
No. 1197330
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Do graduation caps themed after an idol anime fit into stuff people do for aesthetics? This popped up on my feed
No. 1197647
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>>1197622Love Live, is an anime that labels itself as an 'idol anime' that is nothing but K-on (your extremely generic 'slice of life ' anime where 'cute girls are doing cute things), targeted towards men.
No. 1197699
>>1197185>>1197206>>1197303I know what you mean. I just looked at some old scans of Delia's catalogues I used to look through in the 2000s (but never got to buy anything from) and there's a big difference in styling and makeup. girls in the catalogue looked more natural, I guess? Like, yeah in the 2000s there were some cringey makeup looks (bright powdery blue eyeshadow, etc) But these girls have the thin 2000s eyebrows, natural looking makeup and lip gloss and regular outfits. To me, they look like "regular girls" who are pretty enough to be models and remind me of my friends as awkward kids/preteens.
At risk of sounding like an old prude, the new 2000s nostalgia throwback with zoomers feels too…sexy and done-up?
The big, Bratz-doll lips (no teenager had lip injections, that was something that porn stars, older rich women and actresses had).
Meticulously polished e-girl makeup copied from YouTube tutorials (instead of vague Teen Magazine tutorials that say "swipe a splash of color on your lid!" and that's it).
Tons of accessories ordered from Amazon and Shein instead of whatever you could get your parents to buy you from Claire's.
Mid/high-rise jeans instead of low rise from the mid 00s.
I hope that makes sense?
No. 1197707
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>>1197666>>1197303>>1197185Another thing to add, at the risk of sounding like one of those boomers who say “the sjws are ruining everything”, they are with the aesthetics at least. Reminds me of Shayna saying “a bimbo is someone who spreads positivity and isn’t afraid to be feminine!”these people always need to justify dressing like a porn caricature so they call it “feminist” and jumble subcultures that don’t go together at all like scene and bimbo and fairycore or whatever. I always see fat girls acting bimbo and it irks me so much. You are not Paris Hilton, she is a Rothschild and her family owns most of the banks in the world. And bimbos were never “nice” and “bubbly” iirc they were mean and called you “poor” or “fat” as an insult, ironic how most people who call themselves bimbo are exactly that these days
No. 1198092
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More ~old money aesthetic~. Also more shit around bathtubs that doesn't need to be there. Why would you want a LAPTOP of all things inches away from the water? I would die of stress every time I moved.
>>1197647Love Live and K-On have the exact same target demographic lol
No. 1198110
>>1197708First of all my post was specifically about the early 2010s. Not before.
I have had the opposite experience with these rules compared to you I guess, because a case I have seen more often at the time is beginners shoehorning ugly casual blouses and shoes "because it's the rules and i'm not a filthy ita !" in coordinates that would have actually looked more lolita with bare shoulders, a square headdress and clunky shoes. Not to mention coordinates that are popular right now and look very much lolita would have been shat on in the 2010s. Rule enforcing went way too far with the "quality materials" obsession and calling actual lolita brands that existed and were featured in magazines for over a decade ugly ita crap. The rules really are guidelines like I said, they're not a substitute for knowledge, taste and common sense.
I didn't talk about the historical-oriented lifestylers because I didn't want to make a giant blogpost but they are also one of the culturally different groups I mentioned, since they were mostly interested in the historical aspects and didn't care that much about the art and music featured in the magazines. That is just the people I've personally encountered though. But my point still stands, lifestylers and the cute pop AP type of sweet lolitas were vastly different from each other and from the rest and we needed to find a way to get everyone together, hence "it's just clothes".
Maybe it's just my country's community that was weird.
No. 1198121
>>1196672Do clowncore people go outside in their outfits? Do any of these cores go outside in their clothing? It may have lost it's edge with us as people who have been exposed to us for many years, at the end of the day, that is not why people like the fashion for the most part, it's just an consequence of liking a daring fashion. If you come to lolita looking to standout, it won't happen when you are surrounded by 20 other frilly clad individuals. Normies still look at lolitas like freaks.
>>1197087I feel like the 80s/90s obsession millennials had never went further than having nostalgia for old media that they enjoyed when they were young or looking at old pictures of their parents. My question is that what's going on with the larping is that i feel like fashion has kind of reached it's peak in how far it can be pushed and we now live in an era were it's more acceptable to show more skin, at least in western countries. The only place fashion can go is backwards.
>>1197185I think it's the fact that young girls nowadays are out here doing 10/10 makeup right out of the womb and stuff like hair dye and cosmetics in general has evolved since then. Everything nowadays is so unnaturally polished when it comes to fashion and aesthetics in general, even when it comes to aesthetics touted as natural like the glossier type looks.
No. 1198144
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>>1196513I'd say the same but I literally watched a woman try to take the most aesthetic picture of a beach day picnic for 20 minutes. All the food was out in a fancy spread and her husband and kids couldn't eat or sit on the blanket until she was finished. Felt nice to sit back and watch seagulls start to grab her stuff for being retarded.
No. 1198171
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Pin up anything. Art, fashion, hair. All of it.
No. 1198220
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No. 1198384
>>1198220tbh it's kinda sad how to a lot of people aesthetic = personality, similar to how listening to depressing music can make us feel better because it validates our identity and feelings people now need to consoom to validate that they're a unique individual
Kinda makes me want to start an ironic shitpost of "normalcore" where you dress like a background character and reveal as little as possible about yourself
No. 1198563
>>1198546Not only that but it’s just
too accessible.
No. 1199104
>>1198220>Least favorite, I don't know like, cis people fashionIf you want to pass, maybe you should try it for once.
>>1198384>tbh it's kinda sad how to a lot of people aesthetic = personalityI don't know why we're expected to wear our political affiliation or personality on our sleeves. Why should I signal to authorities that I'm anti-authoritarian, just so that retards don't think I'm "sus"?
No. 1199165
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No. 1199355
>>1199298Why do some of you act like you've never been a teenager before? "cores" are basically just a new word for subcultures like how we had emo, scene, preppy and tumblr/indie back in the day. It's not just rich kids either jfc I work with teens and plenty of them broke and rich will obsess over goblincore or cottagecore or something
honestly? I prefer these "cores" over emo and goth types back in the day which had girls wearing practically lingerie, self harming for aesthetic, getting into BDSM, talking to pedo band members and all that nonsense. If they're not putting themselves or others at risk then there's no point in mocking them for doing something it's completely normal for teens to do, which is experiment with different styles
No. 1199663
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>>1199647>it seems like everyone on the internet is richOne big reason is because TikTok specifically excludes poor and/or "unattractive" people from wide reach. I wonder if other platforms secretly do the same No. 1199673
>>1199355>I prefer these "cores" over emo and goth types back in the day which had girls wearing practically lingerie, self harming for aesthetic, getting into BDSM, talking to pedo band members and all that nonsensenona… they still do that.
>>1198712I wore a certain style for 10 years and would sometimes lightheartedly make fun of the filthy casuals (people assumed I'd have to be a stuck up princess with a superiority complex to wear what I wore so it was funny) and I was really surprised later on to learn that a good amount of alternative fashion wearers who do the same thing are not being ironic at all and in fact do see normies as an inferior class. Despite their own dependence on the fascination that they exert on said normies.
No. 1199705
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Lately I've seen a lot of zoomers wearing a stuff inspired by the demon slayer green square pattern, not sure if that's an "aesthetic" in itself.
I don't know what's about it that feels so basic to me. Maybe I'm just gatekeeping because you can now dress inspired by anime and don't get bullied kek
No. 1199739
>>1199663Even the article says that these guidelines were directly translated to English from the original Chinese ones. People need to remember that Tiktok is originally a service called Douyin and it's owned by a Chinese company, and Chinese companies actively work
against diversity and want nothing but young, rich, attractive people on their platforms. The amount of alien baby filters Chinese influencers use on their faces would put most western cows to shame and they're obsessed with faking a ritzy lifestyle (google "fake rich in China"), much more than in the west to the point they pay people to help them fake being a jet-setting socialite. But it's also because the Chinese government doesn't want people to think poor people exist or that the Chinese could be ugly.
sorry for retarded derail but it's absolutely not "measures against cyberbullying" and it directly affects the western userbase and their understanding of ~aesthetics~ as well.
No. 1199757
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>>1199707Yeah, that's what they claimed, but it's all a bit convenient, isn't it?>In addition to the above rules, TikTok moderators maintained a list of „special users“ who were considered especially vulnerable to bullying. These users were generally rated as a risk and their videos were automatically capped with the „Auto R“ mark so that they did not exceed a certain number of views.
>The list names 24 accounts, including people who post videos with hashtags such as #disability or write „Autist“ in their biographies. But the list also includes users who are simply fat and self-confident. A striking number show a rainbow flag in their biographies or describe themselves as lesbian, gay or non-binary. No. 1199799
>>1199514>the popular core motherfuckers are rich kids >she thinks social media lives are as good as they lookoh no
nonny these people aren't rich, they just terrible financial skills. they overspend on fast fashion clothes that can only last a couple of wears to keep up with microtrends.
>>1199705to be fair there was a time naruto and sailor moon merch was trendy
No. 1199804
>>1199355>had girls wearing practically lingerie, self harming for aesthetic, getting into BDSM, talking to pedo band members and all that nonsenseThat's literally what's happening now except tenfold with more porn and instead of lingerie, it's bondage gear. Internet becoming mainstream and easily accessible has made all of these issues much worse and gain a wider reach. You can even be as alt as you want and won't get made fun of anymore as long as you're pretty or do it in an edgy e-girl way.
I also have to give the millenials credit for being able to come up with names for subcultures that didn't involve "core".
No. 1201951
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I have to laugh at how crazy weebs go for anything remotely "kawaiicore". Like this girl has cheap Japanese Daiso shit in her hands but they still froth at the mouth for it. I've even seen so many people sell the cheap sanrio stuff for ridiculous prices and weebs throw money at them anyway. Also that strawberry milk isn't very good, like a lot of other japanese snacks but weebs will buy it simply for the aesthetic. It's shitty and wasteful and I hate it.
No. 1202152
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Literal special snowflake in the wild.
No. 1202446
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>>1202152>just a little unique ?girl lmao don't worry
in the same vein i found this. so much for being driven by the force of your intellectual and artistic passion.
No. 1202636
>>1200050>>1202446KEK, reminds me of this one coworker I have, who is also my IRL personal cow. She:
- is almost 30, yet still claims to be "dark academia"
- refuses to buy or wear anything that doesn't fit her "aesthetic"
- goes to bookstores and libraries just to take selfies, leaves 5min later
- always carries books around but admits that she doesn't actually read, she just likes "the aesthetic of reading"
- has never heard of any books or authors outside of the most popular ya, famous classics, and "tiktok trendy" books
- similarly, carries around notebooks and fountain pens, but admits she doesn't write or draw, she just likes how those things add to her aesthetic
- has completely retarded political takes such as "books should always have a clearly defined good and evil and good should always win otherwise the book is racist/transphobic/etc and should be banned for promoting harm"
- thinks fucking Huckleberry Finn of all books should be banned for "depictions of racism" and Anne of Green Gables and Little Women promote "enbymisia", whatever that is
- has likely never read those books and only skimmed the sparknotes in high school
No. 1203477
>>1202636that's personal cow material lmao. how empty her life must be.
>>1202650isn't that why back in the day we had poser as an insult ? it was cringe but there was at least this idea that your "aesthetic" should be tied to your interests.
No. 1203525
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Seeing all these ridiculously specific aesthetic guides makes me glad I was of the generation that turned to wikihow articles when we had an identity crisis at 13
No. 1205827
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I just got this ad on IG. Why do zoomers think this is cute??
No. 1206836
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>>1205827Looked her up and gotta say, these outfits may be divisive and not loving the bloated lips BUT the aesthetic of her pictures - color palettes, locations synchronization with outfits and so are so up my alley, I'm mildly ashamed since anons kinda laugh at her
No. 1216614
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I just hate the whole weird egirl aesthetic with weird filters and strange poses. I dont understand face stickers at all why add them they dont look realistic at all.
No. 1216675
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>>1205827lmao This is Amy Roiland, Justin Roiland's sister. She's an older Millennial, and her style used to be cutesey/twee around the time she modeled for ModCloth. Her lips are a tragedy these days
No. 1216686
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I came across this. I think the author's name is Rayne. In my personal experience, I never understood the idea of cultivating a instagram/tumblr page for other people to see or feeling you need to live out an aesthetic ,beyond regularly adding to the many pinterest boards I have, but I never intent for that stuff to be seen. It wasn't until I read pic rel when it hit me that these people want to create some sort of person, which seems obvious now but I it was something that I couldn't wrap my head around. Anyway, I'd like to hear other anons thoughts on this
No. 1216707
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>>1216701just googled where this was from. It's some terminally online zoomer girl critiquing other terminally online zoomer girls
No. 1216751
>>1206836she's hideous
>>1216675This is what social media brainrot does to a woman.
No. 1222695
>>1216614I think they're trying to look like those weird asian 3D models ala final fantasy samefaces. The weird obvious overdrawn upper anal prolapse lip throws it off though so I don't really know what they're going for actually. All the obvious bad photoshop that people accept nowadays is a tragedy though because the majority of the population believes this is what humans can look like now despite there being a reason they never see anyone looking like a featureless blurred image in real life. We need to bring shame back.
I don't get the overdrawn upper lip trend anyway. It never looks real, doesn't do favors, and needs to die. All it does is cover up the most beautiful part of the lips which is the cupid's bow. It also looks masculine. Why do your lips need to be touching your nose? Looks like they're constantly smelling whatever they've eaten.
No. 1222874
>>1216689Years ago that behavior would have resulted in you getting called a poser and bullied but now expecting someone to read the book, watch the movie/show, play the game they’re claiming to love gets you labelled as a gatekeeper which is
No. 1306730
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zoomers unironically calling themselves femcels and posting this.
No. 1306731
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>>1306730samefagging but this post is basically my feelings on aesthetics
No. 1549314
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Necroing this thread because the latest aesthetic for 2023 is suggested to be 'meta-cringe'.
No. 1549347
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>>1549314Also samefag but 'conventcore' and 'christiancore' are among of the most mental zoomer shit I've seen in my life.
No. 1555708
>>1206836Damn I hated the original outfit but this is pretty gorgeous. I think her outfits are better photographed than videoed in a natural setting like above, they're the high-fashion impractical type of thing that can look jarring out on the street.
>>1216675lmfao this is giving me flashbacks to my modcloth era.
>>1306734This is real. I feel like every zoomer is subject to this hypersimilacra where the aesthetic of a feeling is meant to arise the feeling. Like they imagine if they dress dark academia enough it'll make them feel dark academia. I think it's the result of commodification, like how punk arose out of counterculture and then big places like urban outfitters adopted "punk" clothing so you could essentially buy yourself into being a punk. Back then they saw this for what it was and called it posing, but zoomers are so far separated from that era that they think that's always how it's been, you buy the aesthetic to become something.
No. 1559585
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>>1549347I missed this post, but i swear to god these fucking tiktok fashion fags look ugly in every outfit they ever make due to their lack of understanding of fabric quality and proportions. Nun inspired looks can work, but it requires an incredibly eye for detail and if you are really that lazy, you can just buy the whole look from numerous lolita brands. But of course they wouldn't dare to even drop $50 on nameless poem because these clothes are going straight into the trash after they are done with the video. I swear this dress is the type of dress that would make even the most petite women look like a tree trunk and that stupid non-descript piece of fabric behind her head can fuck off.
No. 1559590
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>>1559583Whatever happened to just listening to stuff you enjoy lol
No. 1578531
>>1555708>where the aesthetic of a feeling is meant to arise the feelingdef, they try to mimic "old money" looks to feel "rich". These "esoteric femcels" obsessed with "Girl, interrupted", "Gone Girl" and typical femme fatales hope to be these dangerous, smart, and attractive women. These "coquettes"/nymphettes with a disturbing interest in "Lolita", "Lana Del Ray", "The Virign Suicides" or even the religious trauma aesthetic wish they could be "delicate" pretty women desired by men and don't have to go with effort of making a move and won't be "sullied" girls, e-girls just trying to be the hot goth/emo guys liked but this time with cherry-picked features that they liked(dark large eyes, but no elaborate stuff pls, dark lips, dark clothing but skimpy and not interesting at all lest he thinks you have tastes of your own, no interesting hair, and chokers, and just different enough that you're far from other people and attainable enough for moids)
No. 2067037
>>2065179in order as i remember it (feel free to correct or add)
>style/fashion>aesthetic>core>girl/girlie>codedthey all mean the same thing, just a different word so they can feel special and innovative and not like the old out of loop hags who use the previous word
No. 2194047
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>2000's older brother core
No. 2194081
>>2194047Is this for all the girls who lust after Rodrick from the
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Movie?
No. 2194665
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>>2194103>>2194156reminds me of these vlogs where it's basically just "i never experienced this but an older brother would do this, right?" kek
No. 2234737
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Every so often I check back in on the aesthetics wiki to see what bullshit they've added, and today I saw "Moe Swag" under recently edited articles. This may be one of the most autistic terminally-online meme aesthetics I've ever witnessed, complete with a sensitive content warning.
>"I’m a hentai superstar
>I got 2D hoes, they know who we are
>We look fresh to death hoppin out the car
>Anime girls runnin from here and far" ― Hentai Dude in "Superstar"
No. 2253639
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No. 2253655
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Tired of seeing these scrote porn genres as "aesthetics" when clearly they're blatant fetishes. Same with the bimbo, loli and teens/adults dressing up like kids shit.