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No. 119883
What's your MBTI type? can take it here
Answer as honestly as you can and post your result here! Find out if other farmers have the same type! Or if your types are similar! And more memes, this lame garbage pleases me. (It's a bit more fun than horoscopes)
No. 119919
>>119910Just thought it would be interesting to share
INFJ is the rarest type in the population. It is the least common type among men, and the third least common among women (after INTJ and ENTJ). INFJs make up: 2% of the general population.
No. 119940
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What does this even mean?
No. 119942
>>119919>INFJ is the rarest type in the population.Yet everyone and their mother tests as/claims to be INFJ. Go figure. /s
I also always get INFJ. Sometimes INFP. Reading up on Jung's 8 cognitive functions (which the test is based on) makes me think ENFJ is probably a better fit, yet the test refuses to label me an extrovert. Maybe because I'm a reclusive retard who lurks image boards on the weekends, idk.
Anyone who is interested in MBTI for more than just pop psychology bullshit reasons should look into the 8 cognitive functions. Pretty interesting stuff.
No. 119953
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Really fucking lazy INTP reporting in. I don't have any skills or know anything well, but I have the potential to learn a lot of things. I found out about mbti two years ago and did the test quite a lot since then, I always get INTP. I have learned the functions and I really use the INTP functions the most. I think keys to cognition is one of the best tests out there, since it gives you results on the cognitive functions. I still doubt being an INTP, my Fi it is also developed.
No. 119966
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It's funny because I'm a commie.
No. 119971
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>mfw that euphoric fag is the main pic instead of Speer
Well, at least I'm not literal trotscum INTJ, but still pretty autistic. Hipster zodiac not even once.
No. 119985
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The first time I took this (couple of years back) I think that I'd got INTP, and now I'm a "MEDIATOR" INFP-T. I can't tell if this is a demotion or not.
No. 120034
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>>119883Years ago I was ISTP, but today I did the test again and I got INTP.
I've changed a lot
No. 120039
Always seemed to get INTJ, but I'm in denial about it. It doesn't really fit me to be honest. I'll always be introverted and a thinker, but I tend to be right in the middle between sensing and intuition. Ditto for judging and perceiving.
I use this test though. It's more interesting. It tells you what type you are now, what you'd like to be ideally, and what type you're attracted to. No. 120041
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>>120039thought to add my results for good measure.
saged for being a samefag
No. 120045
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I had to take the MBTI test in college and it labeled me as an INTJ. Every time I've taken online tests they've had the same results, too.
I feel like most aspects of it click with me but it also kind of sucks because I come off as being really cold to other people because I'm not very talkative, and I definitely care more about working than spending time socializing. I just really suck at making friends and conversation.
No. 120075
mbti tests are okay, but if you truly want to learn your mbti type, you should look into cognitive functions - or just type yourselves, it's really easy.
i'll try explain a bit if someone is interested but doesn't know much about mbti.
each individual type is made of four letters, as you might have noticed, and each one of those letters means something different.
the first one is fairly easy: I x E - introversion or extroversion. are you shy, or just really talkative and content with being alone? then you're probably an introvert! on the other hand, if you're more of a people person and sometimes find yourself craving social stimulation, the chances are quite hight that you're an extrovert.
the second one is N x S - intuition or sensing. things get a bit rocky here, but to sum it up as i understand it: intuitive people are more focused on "their own inside world", while sensing people are focused on te outside world instead! intuitive people are more concentrated on ideas; they love to contemptate and create things. sensing people are more of down-to-earth, if i might say so; they can recognize patterns, snd they're often quite involved in aesthetics. the offensive stereotype here is that intuitive people are overthinking useless wrecks while sensing people are shallow and can't see beyond what they're seeing at the first glance.
the third one is T x F: thinking or feeling. do you rely on your heart or your brain? are you a sensitive person or a rather cold-blooded one? it probably should be easy to answer.
and finally the last one: P x J: percieving or judging. percieving people are great improvisers, making things up on the go, but usually not really good planners. they often slack off, but they still have their own inner order. judging people prefer planning things forward, sorting them out and just knowing what are they going to do next: a situation which they haven't foreseen throws them into great distress.
so this is that! easy, huh? now you should just choose which factor in each one of those points are you leaining towards more. are you extroverted, sensing, thinking and judging? ESTJ! or maybe a bit more on the introverted and feeling side? ISFJ! if you have a hard time choosing, don't worry about it much. it's all for fun!
sorry for my potentional mistakes, english is not my mother language. feel free to add or fix any misleading information i might have written!
No. 120084
>>120075those aren't cognitive functions. cognitive functions are Fi vs. Fe, Ti vs.Te, Ni vs. Ne, Si vs. Se. each mbti type is made up of 4 of these functions in a ranked hierarchy from the dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and inferior. the hierarchy suggests from which function (kind of like a cognitive lens or paradigm) a person uses to react to situations and perceive information.
i'm INTP type which has a function stack TiNeSiFe
which is dom introverted thinking, aux extroverted intuition, tertiary introverted sensing and inferior extroverted feeling. i'm too lazy to go into more detail, but if you are interested looking at these 8 cognitive processes will help anyone better understand their type/type themselves to a slightly better degree of accuracy.
No. 120092
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ENFP here! (But sometimes I get ENTP too,I don't have a stable self image and I have severe social and general anxiety) When will I be provided my complementary INTJ bf or gf though? Seriously, I'm so fucking thirsty for y'all. Ooh yeah, ignore my texts and tell me my opinions are badddddd. Nah,JK, you guys are great. The type I actually don't get along with are INFJs. They can't take a joke and get offended easier than a tumblr user. I love everyone but INFJs need to take a chill pill. Also, ESTJs are assholes (And Onionboy is one, apparently, he took the test in a video. Is that why I hate him so much?) Also, other ENFPs bother me because they don't use reals, only feels. "Wahhhh, we have to accept demiboy foxkinnnn because they feel good being like that wahhhh what do you mean there's no scientific evidence wahhhhhhh??" Dude, just because I love people and care about them doesn't mean I have to accept the dumb crap they do as rational at all lmao.
No. 120120
>>120102>selfposting is a problem when it derails unrelated threadsHow exactly does starting a thread about yourself in /pt/ derail a thread then? Selfposting is a problem in itself.
>go away robotSimply hating the fakeness of lolcow and pulltards claiming to hate selfposting when they actually love it makes my a robot how? lol you're pathetic
No. 120121
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>>119940it means we make the best memes
No. 120157
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I'm INFJ, and I think it pretty much describes me to a T.
No. 120176
>>120005Actually I'm an Aquarius. But I'd be more inclined to believe in the zodiac before I'd believe in a test whose result changes every time you take it.
No. 120220
>>120218No one but dumbasses take these seriously. An Internet quiz doesn't actually determine your personality and the people who think it's important info or insist on having it right next to their invented pronouns on their blog profiles are just using it as another grab at being special.
Notice how all the results are 'rare'? It's just an asspat disguised as psychology.
No. 120263
>>120250>Did you try reading the threadyeah
>seeing all the posts where people say that all these tests are raging bullshitNo.
No. 120364
>>120353lol why are you tripping
do you know where you are?
No. 120492
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>>120353Why not just disable the tripcode function then?
No. 120498
Typical INTP woman. Autistic out the ass, hyperlexia, adult adhd, no friends, agoraphobic, socialized to be pleasant, 132 iq, B student with minimal effort, A+ with little effort. Biology and astrophysics. I prefer to say I don't exert without optimal conditions, rather than lazy.
Of course we're a common type on socially rejected online areas; use your brains girls. If you asked normal nonpathetic women on IG and Twitter, you'd realize Extroverts come in droves.
No. 120527
>>120498Is this bait? Because it sounds like it.
>''Typical INTP woman'' fuck off with the retarded mbti stereotypes.
No. 120530
>>12050>>120526Correct assumption
>>120527Explain how I'm 'baiting'
No. 120541
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I generally don't mind threads like this and I'm fine with this one but this thread is attracting the worst kind of scum.
No. 120547
>>120541Yep. About 75% of the posters in this thread are obvious robots.
The MBTI is just horoscopes for men.