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No. 1202786
Once working at a Tim Hortons a woman had come in asking for decaf, and it had just expired before she had come in (Tim's throws out any coffee that's over 20 mins old or some shit) so we were brewing a new pot. It takes exactly 5 minutes to brew a new pot so I let her know and she just lost it at me. Yelling and screaming that I don't know how to do my job, when the reason this was even happening was because I was doing my job correctly. The other burners were occupied and the soonest I could put the decaf on, I did. It was a busy ass morning. So she's yelling and I'm just so shocked I turn to my supervisor and we share a giggle for a second because her rage is so disproportionate. So now she's screaming that we're laughing at her. In all the time she had been ranting, while we're trying to serve others, the decaf finishes brewing and I give it to her only for her to taste it and say I made it wrong. At that point my supervisor asked her to just leave and handed her some money back.
Later on that same night, it's a lot slower, so my supervisor and I are over by the sandwich bar getting stuff prepped for the next day when this man comes over and tells us the most shocking thing… There is a woman pissing on the floor by the washrooms. Not only is she pissing, but she pulled her pants down and crab walked down the hallway that leads to the bathrooms, pissing all the way down the hall. He said he was so shocked he just stood there and watch her do it in silence and then she took off (idiot). We checked the camera, there isn't one pointing down the hall, but there is one pointing at the entrance and front of the hall, and it was THE DECAF LADY. She apparently was so pissed off, no pun intended, that she decided to come back and pee all over our floors so we would have to clean it up. The way it supposed to go is that you call a biohazard company to come and clean up shit and piss, but our boss wasn't about to pay for that so we were forced to clean it ourselves.
No. 1202809
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>>1202801We had a homeless man on meth once hold up in the bathroom for who knows how long, spreading shit on the walls! You know who had to clean that up. This is the same Tim's by the way, heart of downtown.
No. 1202829
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>>1202809Fuck Noni. I feel for you. It’s rough out here. You reminded me. Had a meth head swing a pool stick at me one time near Christmas at like 11 pm. Holidays bring out the crazies. He stripped his ass down to his tighty not whities first.
No. 1202842
>>1202833Holy fuck anon!! They needed to talk to his parents and send his ass to a professional, that is just insane. Also,
>thought $200 was too expensive Why does that make me kek
No. 1202854
Thank you for making this thread anon. Man, I could probably fill up this whole thread with just my story times lol.
I worked at a gas station for 2.5 years. That job was straight up abusive. It wasn't a regular gas station, it was a Safeway gas station. Like a little kiosk at the end of the parking lot. It was small so they only scheduled 1 person at a time. We had a long list of duties, including
>touch and deal with hazardous chemicals, like if gasoline spilled we had to clean it up
>take out every single trash bag (there were six) haul them all to the back of the store at night in a rolling trashcan that they didn't fit in, then haul the trash can back up to the gas station
>people treated our trashcans like a public dump, bringing trash from their homes, putting rotting foods and other nasty shit in them. our trash bags were thin too so they were constantly ripping. and people loved to throw away their milky coffee which would always spill everywhere and get on my clothes. one time someone threw away a CAR BATTERY (which is illegal) and it ripped open the trash bag and landed on my foot
>then my boss would scream at me if the trash leaked and left stains on the pavement
>always be restocking products
>constantly be checking dates on all of the products
>clean every single pump once every shift
>count and recount hundreds of tobacco products every night
>count and recount fucktons of money every night
>clean the bathroom every night (the bathroom was supposed to be employee only)
>we were also told we had to convince customers to buy stuff, different items every week. they'd make us sign a paper saying we would try every week kek
>we didn't get breaks because where I live if you're allowed to eat on your shift you aren't entitled to breaks
>they'd only hire 4 people total, including my boss. if someone called out it would be a fucking nightmare
That's not even all. Did I mention we got paid $10.50 an hour, plus getting union dues taken out of our paycheck. We also did not get all of the same union benefits that people in the store got. Oh and the highest salary you could get at the gas station without being a manager was $11. Then I had to deal with cashiers constantly coming out and being like "Wow! Your job is so easy! All you have to do is sit out here all day! You must be so lazy lololol" when they got paid $14 an hour just to scan groceries and did not have to do half the shit that we did.
There's a million stories I could tell. But a notable was when our tobacco products kept going missing every day. Our boss would leave out notes for everyone because they'd schedule one person at a time. Anyway she kept leaving these nasty notes threatening to write up/fire the next person who was working when the cigarettes went missing, saying we were lazy and not doing our jobs etc etc. This went on for a couple months I want to say. After a while it just stopped out of the blue. A month or so later I asked my coworker if he knew why and he told me that our boss told him that there was some glitch making the report print the wrong number of cigarettes sold. So cigarettes were never going missing. And she never told me, and never intended to. I only found out because I asked my coworker. She never apologized for any of the rude notes she left.
I have plenty of other stories too. Like being sexually harassed. Stay tuned.
No. 1202857
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I feel like most people I interact with would rather I was a robot. Then I’d know all the answers and always say them in exactly the right way. Nobody would get it into their pea brains that I’m trying to be rude just because I’m socially awkward and slightly retarded. Then they could tard rage as much as they want about material things that don’t fucking matter and they’d never have to feel bad.
I don’t want to be like them. I want to be patient and understanding and I want to listen to people when they talk and not just talk over them. I don’t care if they respect me, I will always respect them. Unless they physically attack me or gob in my face or something. If they do that I will beat them in the head with a fucking broom and I will enjoy every minute of it.
No. 1202917
I'm glad I don't work in retail and in a call center anymore. For retail I had to work in the worst store in my city, people would routinely shit, piss, fuck, change their babies' diapers, steal clothes, etc. in the changing rooms. I was there part time so I haven't even seen it all, which is the most disturbing part, but on on of the days where I was never there a customer would always go to the changing rooms to try on red trousers and masturbate, when he got caught once and for all and got arrested my coworkers were the happiest people I've ever seen. Apparently he was on the local news. During my time at a call center I had the worst calls possible with the customers. My coworkers would get calls about how their customers cars' batteries died and they needed the most basic services only, while I had some of the craziest shit possible, such as one of my very first calls being with a dude with alzheimer who "lost" his keys, except his close friend and mechanic refused to give him new car keys and told me the guy's daughter stole the keys to prevent him from creating even more accidents than usual. Or some fag went to another European country with his daughter and didn't have his daughter's passport or ID card so we couldn't bring them back home by plane while his car got repaired, and he took literally 10h or screaming at me to get him a hotel or another car in the middle of summer to finally tell me he'd just go back to his parents' place by foot for the night on the same street as where he dropped his car. I could write an entire blog of retarded shit like this.
>>1202833Did you go to one of these one-to-one classes school when you taught English in Japan? I always wondered how that was in these big schools. I taught French for a few months in small classes and one-to-one and I never had any issue. All the students were normal adults and very nice, except for two small kids who were perfectly fluent in French despite barely starting primary school because their parents were super rich ouiboos and wanted them to learn French despite the parents themselves not knowing French at all.
>One of our managers was an alcoholic who would skim off our wineThis guy seriously needs another job. I heard that bartenders and some people working in restaurants often become alcoholics because they drink on the job with patrons or to offer advice with which wines go well with the dishes.
No. 1203185
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I’ve worked the service industry in my teenage years and early adulthood in the early 2000’s. I think one of the stories that has stuck with me was when I worked at Walmart.
>facing the cans in the grocery section
>older man comes up to me
>tries to ask me something but his words are garbled
>”I’m sorry sir, do you need me to help find something?”
>he lets out a garbled “yuh plethy”
>”ummm thank you? do you still need help sir”
>hands me piece of paper
>”i live thin a cumunity home”
>he makes garbled small talk while I work
>read the paper
>it has a phone number
>“Weh than talk on da ffffone”
>”You’re relly pithy. Maybe we than watch a mothvie. Iths ok if you donth teth me tho..”
>”Don’th call me, I wunt be able to thear”
>excuse me
>”I’m deaf”
>mfw an old deaf guy has been actively trying to hit on me for the last 15 minutes
I couldn’t help but start laughing in the break room at the awkwardness of it all. I had never heard a deaf person speak before and it felt strange and uncanny valley. Well, back to hell where I belong for making fun of a deaf scrote.
No. 1203380
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>>1203351Yeah, disabled people can be fuck heads too
>Had a mentally disabled man come in and try to pay with a bunch of change. >There was a long line and everyone was angry about this dude paying with a pile of coins>After I was done counting it all he smiled at me and opened his wallet >flashed his wallet full of bills at me. This actual fucking retard had cash but purposefully paid in change just to be a dick head. He would always pick up the money in the drive thru too and get in the way of the cars. Hope his ugly ass got run over tbh
No. 1203487
>>1203484anon i think the word you’re looking for is “customers”
saying this with love not to be mean
No. 1203543
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>>1203484>>1203491Kek I read "costumes" and thought you were talking about having to work in a silly mascot costume. I have no experience but there was an expose here on how it's really hot inside the costume and the workers were not allowed to take a break regularly as to not break character in front of customers.
No. 1203980
>>1203964I can't vouch enough for hotel work, especially night shift, because you get paid to do nothing, but yeah. It does come with some bad parts, especially if you're working in a bad area. Mine was a 2 star hotel that was on the border of a drug adjacent town, so I got a lot of those types. My coworkers were all desensitized but that stuff weighed on me too. Apparently a year before I was hired there was an OD death there too.
If you wanna do hotel work maybe look for something more upscale? Though I'm sure that'd come with entitled clientele. But it'd beat seeing disturbing stuff at least.
No. 1204701
>>1203829Damn, you know what? I'm glad he's got parkinsons. Fucker.
>>1203875That is so disgusting anon, I'm so sorry. It's fucked up of your coworkers to just laugh about it. I've had to clean up shit as well unfortunately, but I was at least fortunate enough to have coworkers who helped.
>>1203904That woman sounds insane, I hope you didn't get in any trouble about this??
No. 1206671
>>1206353I considered applying to my local Claire's store because I'm just that desperate right now. The whole piercing bit is an issue for me, because I know the issues with their methods. (pretty passionate about tattoos and piercings here)
Your story is appreciated.
No. 1206993
I spent some time working at an Urban Outfitters location. Being in a tourist spot, it genuinely sucked a lot of the time, but at least it helped me break out of my shell. At worst though? The company sucks. The clothing quality also tends to suck (sucks most in the out from under house brand). What I hated most was the policy of having to be "checked out" after clocking out from my shift. Every time an employee left the building our bags and pockets had to be checked, and we couldn't leave until then. It was awkward, sure, that'd happen at the front door in full view of customers, but I can get over that shit. But as a sales associate, you have to track down one of the many managers to check you out of the building. And they were often busy. So you'd wait, in the store, off the clock. I gave up one day and walked out. Another day, after close, all the sales associates had to wait for the manager to be done with whatever she was doing, and she informed a newer person that if she kept wearing pants gathered at the ankle (think joggers/sweatpants), pant legs would be checked too. wtf dude? if you're going to all that trouble to steal a couple pairs of cheap ass undies in a store with plenty of cameras, you earned it.
No. 1207026
>>1203351>>1203380Omg this reminds me of working at a bar a few years back.
>busy-ish night, a guy from my primary school comes in with his friends>Haven't seen him in years, though I remember he was an awkward nerd with thick glasses because he was pretty much legally blind>also told me he had a crush on me when we were kids doing dance classes (ballroom specifically, we were randomly partnered and I had to dance with him while he professed his love for me when we were 11) >Anyway, this moid is DRUNK, he's knocking things over, slurring his words>I go up to my manager, knowing he's blind, but saying we need to cut him off>He goes up to order another drink>she tells him she can't serve him, offers water instead>guy brings out his walking stick and places it on the bar and tells her he's just blind>as if blind men can't be obliterated>she has to persist and they engage in this awkward exchange of her saying he's cut off and him arguing he's just disabled>I'm watching from afar and laughing at his pathetic attempt>eventually gives up, goes back to his table defeated No. 1207041
>>1207026Samefagging but I worked in the service industry for nearly 10 years so I have a lot of stories. One of my favorites was this:
>Worked at a roof top bar>Had some of the most entitled rich customers I'd ever seen and I'd worked in fine dining before>Woman comes in with her friends, I'm taking their orders>She asks for a rosé, no biggie>deliver her drink>she calls me over after a few minutes>"why is it flat?">I'm staring at her, genuinely puzzled as to what she means>"Sorry? The rosé?">"Yeah, my rosé is flat.">I explained to her we just opened the bottle, and it's definitely not off, it would take a few days for that to happen>She insists that it's flat so I go to the bar and taste it myself>it tastes fine so I come back and tell her we can get her something else >She says she's had a lot of rosé in her life and it's always bubbly>that's when I realise she wanted a sparkling rosé>mfw she didn't know that most rosé is not carbonated>mfw I had to explain to her that most pink wine is, in fact, flat. >she goes on a rant to me about how this isn't how rosé should taste, she's never had pink wine like this, etc>I'm just standing there with 4 years of wine knowledge under my belt, smiling and trying my best not to throw it on her face>take it back to the bar, put soda water in it>hand it back to her and give up for the night>get fired a week later for my "attitude" No. 1207138
>>1207041You did everything right. I hate entitled customers so much
>>get fired a week later for my "attitude"fuck retail. I got fired from H&M because i asked a lady to please not sit on the jeans display table. I tried to guide her to a seat in the dressing room waiting area but she told my manager I thought she was too fat to sit on the display and I was extremely rude to her. fucking bitch
No. 1207252
I worked at Barnes & Noble in the cafe for about six months and it was just awful.
>Get hired by pasty fat middle-aged general manager who seems unimpressed by me but desperate
>Within one week of working there I am now the second-most senior barista
>Cafe manager is man in his 50s who has sexy comic book art on his locker, collects Funko pops, and is super bitter about losing his former manager position at a restaurant and having to work here instead, takes it out on the college kids who work under him
>He screams at me in front of customers, I cry in the back and he comes in sheepishly to apologize because a nice lady reamed him out for being a dick
>We go through a new hire every single week, he keeps scaring people away with this behavior
>Actually get really good at the job and enjoy it, my customers are actually pretty chill, only have a handful of bad eggs in six months
>Coworkers and managers on the other hand are making me dread work every day
>Find out general manager who hired me is closeted gay man who hires twinks he wants to fuck (there was a whole email scandal lol)
>Realize that's why he treats his female employees so shit and lets the men get away with everything
>Neckbeard coworker gets crush on me, constantly makes fun of me when he sees me because he doesn't know how to flirt
>He literally glares at my husband every time he comes to pick me up
>I start college back up, my schedule changes
>Pasty gay manager is big mad about losing my availability, makes jokes about me not needing to go to college because I'm dumb, asks me what 2 + 2 is in front of everyone, makes feminist jokes
>In college, they call me repeatedly during my three-hour afternoon classes and leave multiple guilt tripping voicemails
>Other male manager I haven't mentioned yet leaves one where he's eating and burping into the phone, says I need to come in because one of the twinks ratted me out that I took a mental health day
>Come in next day, neckbeard coworker rhymes my name with a derogatory word and aforementioned manager wheeze laughs at it
>Get paired up with female coworker who usually works the book side, she gets mad at me for not doing stuff her way instead of the way I was trained, screams at me
>All next shifts with her she gives me the silent treatment, then all my other coworkers stop talking to me as well
>She's the daughter of one of the most beloved employees and BFFs with our one female manager, so god knows what she told them
>After a whole shift where no one said a single word to me I decide to quit the next day
>Show up, pasty gay manager says "Oh good, our new hire ghosted us so I need to add you to the schedule more"
>Hand him my two weeks
>He flips his shit, starts throwing crap around
>Last day of work I get a performance review, they try and get me to stay for a measly 25 cents more an hour
Please buy your books off of Amazon so B&N goes out of business kek. Funnily enough I saw the female manager out in the wild a few months ago, she had quit since then, and she apologized to me for everything that happened there, which was really nice of her. She had a lot of problems with the pasty gay manager valuing the other male managers over her and making homophobic jokes about her and her wife, she also got paid way less than the male managers. Just a total shit show and I eagerly await the day the store here closes.
No. 1207264
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Ive been in service since i was 18. I bartend now but the worst one was when I used to hostess at a buffet at a five star hotel.
We were the only hostesses on property that didnt get tipped out. And our uniform looked VERY similar to this despite most of us being under 25 and attractive (they definitely hired a type)
We were very busy during the holidays. It was common for us to give out oj because dumbass customers constantly brought diabetic family members to wait in line for 2-3 hours for a table.
One christmas were working hard to get customers sat and having people with larger parties wait to the side while we push tables together.
One woman is frustrated that her party of 6 has to wait longer and has the galls to give me the ol’ “for god sakes, ITS CHRISTMAS!”. I couldnt hold back any longer, glare at her and say “i know its christmas. Im here…working…on CHRISTMAS” i dont think she responded after that kek
No. 1207643
Worked retail when I was 18 and my coworkers were mostly middle aged to senior aged women who had been working there since the store opened. The ageism was extreme and anyone under the age of 40 was treated like shit. I was typical muh social anxiety autist so I was an easy target for most of them. But one woman in particular was the worst.
>60+ dollar store Jamie Lee Curtis crossed with Meryl Streep in Devil Wears Prada with eyes of a wolf, resident mean girl of the old hags
>Doesn't need to even work this much, is retired elementary school teacher (somehow) with a working hubby
>Multiple complaints about her bullying from younger workers, some even quit because of her
>Slap on the wrist each time because she was close with the managers
>Store absolute garbage system where regular cashiers have no power to do things like remove items from a transaction or void, this means you have to call the front end cashier to do it for you
>Always worked same shifts as her so she was the one I had to report to.
>Went out of her way to treat me like shit and made it very obvious she disliked me from the start
>Gossiped and talked shit about other young coworkers as well, for the most petty shit too, like being "too friendly"
>Assistant manager's daughter frequently visits and brings her baby
>All the hags including her would leave their registers to gather round to squee about the baby, leaving us other younger cashiers to do all the work
>Glared daggers at me and act like I was inconveniencing her when I had to call her over to do anything or to take customers because it's getting busy
>Grandkids visit on occasion and it's like Jekyll and fucking Hyde with how she treats them vs me and other coworkers
>One time I have to call her over because I'm short on change
>Kind of a tard about math so I hesitate a bit to figure out what bills to give her in exchange for coins
>"Well anon, are we just going to stand around staring at each other or did you call me over for a reason? Stop wasting my time"
>I freeze and go silent as she does what she needs to do and leaves, am about to cry
>My customers comment on it and ask if I'm alright, trying to calm me down
>One day I have enough and I tell the head manager, who is a fucking dick
>He tells me this isn't the first complaint he's had but that she's too good of a worker to do anything about it so I should get over it
>Some young girl gets hired and for some reason this bitch loves her and dotes on her constantly
>Will be beaming ear to ear whenever she calls her over for something, and her face drops whenever I need something
>Made a few off-handed comments about how I should be more like the new girl or would tell stories about how amazing and talented she is
>Months later she has a stroke and is out of commission for a few months
>Manager says we have to sign a get well soon card
>I am the only one who doesn't sign and I hope she noticed
>Get put on other shifts and never have to see that miserable witch again
Bonus story, recent talk about bpd skinwalkers reminded me of a cow from same job
>First day of training her she tells me her ex boyfriend raped her and gave her syphilis
>Says she's had two abortions as a teen
>Will not stop oversharing about her life and makes me super uncomfortable
>Brings her boyfriend into work and he just flirts with her at the register and managers do nothing about it
>Since I'm boring she eventually gets sick of talking at me and attaches herself to our other coworker our age, a lesbian
>She starts imitating all her mannerisms
>Tells me that she has a crush on lesbian coworker and wants to make out with her
>Comes out as bi
>Always see her following her close behind wherever she goes, it's creepy as shit
>She joins a sex toy MLM and brings her supply to the store for some unknown fucking reason
>Talks about how awkward it was having to get bag checked end of shift and the scrote manager seeing her sex toys
>Continues to bring her supply in anyway so she gets attention
No. 1208014
>>1207643Damn nonna, I don't know why but there are so many workplaces where older women will nitpick and exclude younger women. Is it because we don't yet have the confidence to stand up for ourselves? Is it because they're power tripping and don't have much else going on?
Also, family businesses SUCK. It's supposed to be an honest, small business, but it's a great excuse for nepotism and cliquey behaviour, because this person knows that person and you're an outsider. Seriously, if one of the insiders has a problem with you, then they can start any rumour and it will be believed. I hate it so much.
No. 1209190
>>1208014It wasn't actually a family business but a regional retailer, but it went under a few years go now. Their business practices were so retarded so it was a long time coming. Though I think the location I worked at was one of the first stores of the chain to open so they basically were as close-knit as family business. I drove by the empty building and just laughed to myself. Guess you gotta retire now, bitches!
Some other stories and comments from other old coworkers to me from the same job:
>Pool my savings together with one of my close internet friends and take a vacation abroad to visit her>Try to keep this vacation time a secret, but all my coworkers find out because they gossip>Get a few comments such as:>"Anon how can someone with your salary afford to travel?">"What? You're traveling on your own? Oh no that isn't good, you need to get someone to go with you like your mom to make sure you're ok>I am age 21 at this point, by the way
>Meet a new coworker who asks what town I'm from>I tell her>It's a historical small town where nothing really exists and you have to drive to another town to do anything like shop for groceries, etc>She says how she loves my town and how pretty it is>I say yeah it's nice but there isn't much to do >She immediately accuses me of being a young kid who isn't satisfied unless I have something like a night club to go to, how people like me can't appreciate the history and little things in life>I tell her I literally said that because I have to drive a fucking town over to get my damn groceries or any fast food, that I do not care about the nightlife or cities>She says nothing and doesn't even apologize
>Buy an easter egg chocolate on my break >Asst. Manager comments on how fattening it is and how when I get to be her age I need to take better care of myself
>As said in OP, I'm 18 years old at the time of hire, 21 when I finally quit.>I took this job because I wasn't ready for college but didn't wanna be full NEET>Asst. Manager always makes some offhand comments about how I should "really go back to college", acting as if I'm much older instead of just taking a gap year>I complain to another coworker about her nosiness, and I guess her daughter, the one mentioned in my previous post, got pregnant in her 20s and never went to college, so she projects this insecurity onto all the younger people who aren't in schoolOh my favorite one too
>Store mostly plays oldies hits from the 50s>Regional management comes in saying we need to start playing more current music to appeal to the youth>Coworkers take great issue with this and bitch about 'my generations music' even though I listen to shit like anime music >One day I'm working and the DNA cover of Tom's Diner, a song literally released in 1992, comes on>Dickhead moid manager walks by me as it plays>"Seriously, anon? Do-do-doo-do? That's what you call music now? I swear you kids do not know what real music is proceeds to go on a tirade blaming my generation for bad music even though this song came out the fucking year I was bornSo yeah. Fuck old people. I did have some really sweet older coworkers who were nice to me but the catty old bags far outweighed them.
No. 1226147
>>1208809I almost never "hi scrote" but you sound extremely fucking scrotey or pickme-ish.
FYI the reason there are often mean older women in retail management positions is because they have the personality type that thrives there. they work up the ladder because they like being bitchy and bossing people around not to mention retail is an incredibly hostile environment so usually the genuinely nicer people leave. I worked for a younger woman who acted the way you're describing, there's just a type. the male managers have treated me horribly as well. I'm dead serious when I say that when I worked at walmart, the store owner - a man - threatened to write me up for not being "cheery" and "excited" enough with customers. not all women's behavior revolves around male attention.
No. 1226457
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I worked at a La Quinta hotel for 2 years. Our worst guest was a fucking biohazard but my manager didn't give a shit because she paid so much to stay there long term.
>morbidly obese with diabetes/lymphedema who smelled like straight up shit
>extreme hoarder whose room was full of groceries and empty food containers
>found out her van looked the same
>owned a small dog who was covered in matted hair and smelled like shit
>human and dog shit/piss covered the floor and bed
>had to wash her sheets in a separate washer because of the shit
>her room was rotated amongst the housekeepers because no one wanted to do it
>literally had to wear 2 masks and make a hazmat suit from trash bags to enter her room
>firemen out every other day to pick her ass up off the floor
The sad thing was, this lady was really nice. She was just mentally ill as fuck. I ended up reporting my manager and her to the fire marshal after they refused to go into her room after she fell because it was such a bio/fire hazard. My manager was pissed but tried to play it off like she decided to kick her out because she felt oh so bad for us housekeepers. I don't think she ever found out it was me though.
They spent a fuckton redoing that room after she left because the floors and furniture were ruined. Even then, the room still smelled faintly of shit and guests never stayed in that room for very long because of that.
I hope that lady is getting the help she needs, wherever she is, and a huge fuck you my manager.
No. 1226482
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>Be me, bakery worker
>Left due to school but work during seasonal times because they love me so much
>Training a meek girl who is nice but not assertive
>Man orders 70$ worth of things
>Girl asks if he wants a plastic bag, he says OF COURSE I WANT ONE, I GOT 70$ WORTH OF SHIT in a rude way
>Where I live, plastic bags cost around .15 cents
>She tells him nicely it will cost .15 cents
>He loses his shit and starts yelling
>I approach him telling him it's the law, usually I don't care and give free bags but he's been rude about it
>He starts yelling at me, I yell back
>Gives me this look
>He tells me he's gonna hurt me and stares me down
>About to lose my shit and fight him
>Manager comes in, takes my side and tells the man to meet him outside
>Manager is 6'5 buff black guy, customer is 5'5 fat hairy old fuck
>He then calls the police explains what happens and leaves angrily qith his refund
>Police call us back and they are like "uhh…. does he not know it's law? well whatever just bar him from store"
>All this happens on my last day of work.
No. 1226568
>>1226537samefag, just got reminded of an actual horror story
>work in a 'luxury' carwash one summer because a few of my hs friends already work there and i needed the cash>place is needlessly expensive because they offer customers complimentary (alcoholic) drinks and the interior is tackily upholstered corporate-chic>also has a ridiculous turnover rate because management and owner sucked ass>my job was customer service rep, aka college kid with a digital payment device running up to cars in 100°+/30°+ weather grabbing their 'orders' like it's the fucking chik-fil-a drive-through and also general dogsbody when the detail guys were swamped, which was often>sometimes they would let me man the cashier station for people who just wanted to go through the carwash tunnel, which was also outside>"uniform" was weirdly sexualized: technically it was a polo in company colours for male and female CSRs, but the female version was much more tight-fitting and would show midriff if you raised your arms over your head, plus female CSRs were practically encouraged to wear really short shorts>female CSRs were also aggressively hit on by gross old men>one time some fat old scrote got buttmad at me for using 'the wrong colour sharpie' on the receipt/ticket that goes on the windshield to tell the carwash guys what services to perform>would not let me complete his fucking transaction until i printed out a new ticket and scrawled some shit on it with the 'correct' sharpie, all while barking instructions at me>tells me "just helping you do your job, sweetie">hispanic managers and detail guys absolutely did not respect me because i didn't suck up to them and was bad with customers but good at plugging away at shit like vacuuming and washing carpets aka "mens' work">younger detail guys ended up literally dumping their work on me so they could go flirt with the other female CSRs>oh also you were paid on commission and got yelled at if you didn't sell enough expensive details, if you sold too many expensive details, or if the manager was just having a bad day>owner, a creepy bald old white guy who resembled a shrink-wrapped reptile, liked to pop in during busy hours and do inane tasks like sweeping up in the middle of the vacuum aisles (outside) while there were a shitload of cars and workers trying to vacuum themfuck that place
No. 1226624
>>1226457Hello fellow hotel
nonnie. That's horrible and disgusting. Hotel work is really just never ending horror stories and so much money gets lost from people soiling linens and mattresses. I also had a designated poo room that was always blocked off. Anyway here's one for the road:
>Guy is freshly out of jail and his mom won't let him back home, so she gets him a hotel room>Girlfriend stays with him, she is drunk off her ass 24/7>Police need to be called nearly every day due to domestic arguments between them>Guy never leaves the room but has to be brought to the hospital a few times>Housekeepers go to clean and the sheets are covered in shit>Find out guy is dying of liver cancer and is just drinking his life away with his gf>Look him up>He's a war veteran with PTSD and a huge violent criminal record, including an incident where he killed his mom's cat>Woman keeps drunkenly calling the front desk trying to order pizza and telling me to pay it for her when he arrives, but she passes out before she can give me her money>Delivery dude shows up and I just turn him away >Keep finding the woman's credit cards and ID by the ATM, she probably dropped them while drunk>She keeps talking to me and saying how she's a model and for me to look her up>I do, she's been arrested several times for drunken misconduct>Guy eventually gets taken to the hospital a third time and we kick him out>Room is filled with junk, suitcases full of their crap and there's literal shit everywhere>We clear everything out for a deep cleaning and store all the unsoiled stuff in our back room, with the ultimatum that if they don't return in a few days we're trashing it>Moid's mom wants nothing to do with it, rightfully so>I go on a deep dive investigation of everything in the pile>Folders full of his criminal records, some listing the woman as the victim of domestic assault>Find a few journals from the woman>Entries are full of gratitude exercises, saying she finally left him, then saying that she can't leave him, etc, it's all really bleak and sad>Find a few rehab documents of her, she's been struggling with alcoholism for years and it seems she sticks with him due to shared painIt was like finding clues in a video game and I felt gross after. Felt really bad for the woman and I hope she gets help. But fuck the moid, I hope he's dead by now so she can be free.
No. 2057288
>>1226457I had a man kinda like that in the hotel I worked at who was very ill and basically trying to kill himself with alcohol and his illness in his room. it was like he had just decided he was gonna die there. he was drinking heavily which he was NOT supposed to do with his condition and he would ask for packets of salt (just salt) from the hotel cafe that I'm fairly certain he brought back to his room and ate plain to try to
trigger his condition (I don't remember what it was but a lot of salt was also a no-no.) he was smoking in a no-smoking hotel and burning holes in the mattress. the front desk had fucked up at some point and allowed him to start paying in cash each day one night in advance which was crazy because he was trashing the room and there would definitely need to be extra charges applied and there's a reason we did not allow cash advance payments at our property. I think he just didn't want to pay for any extra nights after he died. We always did wellness checks on him if he didn't leave the room that day. I don't think he cared that the housekeepers were gonna find his dead body… it was just like you said, the housekeepers would rotate through it and always in pairs because it was too much for one person. he became a long-term guest so the rules for kicking him out changed and it was a whole thing. I appealed to the GM for help and like a week later he was gone, I don't know what they did to get him out of there I was on vacation when he left.