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No. 1207694
Use this thread to discuss everything related to the Johnny/Amber case, including the resulting effects on Domestic Violence, social media buzz, celebrity circle-jerking or any possible social retaliation. If there are any new developments w/r/t any new court proceedings - that is, if they go to court again, you can create a new Johnny vs Amber thread.
Previous Threads:
>>1144819>>1149295>>1157897>>1171910>>1186012>>1200111 No. 1207704
farmhand read this
>>1207702 ,
Firs you say the last thread will be that, then create a new post court thread.
No. 1207727
>>1207721Is that still the case for JKR? Johnny Depp wasn't in the new Fantastic Beasts movie
thank god, he managed to prevent me from watching these movies because he was shit for the role he was given but I wonder if that's more because he was a liability for WB than anything else.
Anyway, celebrities aren't your friends, they're just jesters prancing around in front of a camera or on stage, nobody should ever give that much time of their lives to them. I didn't want to follow this case because I knew it would be treated like a funny and trashy reality TV show by the general public and I was right.
No. 1207751
>>1207741Jonny’s defense is that Heard shared it and over exaggerated to purposely further her career and hurt his. The jury agreed that her intentions were in bad faith. That’s the crux of this. But Johnny is a wife beater and was
abusive. Heard is not the perfect
victim and abuse
victims are not reliable narrators. Trauma makes things difficult with memory and recall. This entire thing is a joke.
No. 1207763
>>1207741>Point AJohnny's case was to prove that Amber lied about the sexual assault, the abuse and made things up which resulted in defaming him.They succeeded and proved that Amber lied about everything and won 15 million dollars.
>Point BAmber's Counter Suit was that Johnny's Lawyer defamed her by saying she lied about destroying the hotel room and calling the cops. She won 2 million from that. That has nothing to do with Johnny, just his Lawyer's statement.
No. 1207818
>>1207809I'd like to know what's there too. I only know of the post-finger cutting recording from the police coming to the place where Amber is crying and apologizing and people take it as her admitting to cutting him. But then there are also texts he himself sent to someone saying he cut the fingers himself.
Other thing would be that recorded phone conversation where Amber says that "no one will ever believe you if you say you were abused", which is considered admission of guilt.
Anyone knows anything more?
No. 1207832
>>1207763Basically this is what I'm struggling to wrap my head around. If as you say:
>They succeeded and proved that Amber lied about everything>Johnny's Lawyer defamed her by saying she liedShe couldn't have "lied about everything" if his lawyer defamed her in saying she was lying about the DV allegations. He specifically called AH's allegations an "abuse hoax". So if that's defamatory, it must be false, which would mean she wasn't lying. This seemingly contradicts their earlier decision to rule in favor of JD's defamation claim, which hinges on whether AH lied with malicious intent or not. I might be missing something here, but it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
Also I remember them mentioning that Waldman was "acting on behalf" of JD, so that's why he is being held liable.
No. 1207833
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>>1207818The full recording shows pretty clearly that she is the
victim, the clip passed around on social media is the real life version of picrel
There was one photo of Johnny in a group with what looked like might be a black eye, I don’t remember what they argued had happened, but the rest of the time he was literally just taking amber’s events and saying no u. He didn’t have any stories of his own or details like amber did
No. 1207863
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No. 1207974
Can we bring up Paula Deen? case was interesting because it reminds me that while Johnny Depp said all kinds of things this woman’s life was put in danger by a man and she was canceled when other celebrities deserved it far more.
No. 1208053
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Lisa Michele is still caping for Depp. She assumes everyone who disagrees didn’t watch the trial and says her followers lack critical thinking.
No. 1208100
>>1207959Keep white knighting for amber scrote. Remember, real
victims don't have to photoshop their evidence.
No. 1208107
>>1208086Wait, I’m sorry, what? What the hell are you even talking about? Nick makes jokes in his streams calling himself a grifter. He straight up says he’s a grifter and however you wanna take it, ironically or not, look at every other fucking streamer on the platform. Why would you present or send this message as if it’s groundbreaking news that Nick is allegedly a grifter when the man literally calls himself a grifter on stream?
>he has ties to Ethan Ralph I mean, are you out of your mind??? Anyone who looks that up will see the dozens of videos and at least thousands of posts of Nick not liking/talking shit about/distancing from/dunking on Ethan Ralph, and Ethan Ralph also talking shit about Nick (ex: the DM lawyer debacle).
“Let’s see what happens” nothing is going to happen because everyone already knows this info and you not only distorted it, you forgot that it’s not new and no one cares
No. 1208159
>>1208132No, I’m saying people already know about Ethan Ralph and Rekieta and the story behind them is already online. There videos with thousands and thousands of views either covering what happened or both of them talking about it. So saying something sly like “associated” as if they’re buddies when there’s tons of shit online already proving the contrary is not going to achieve anything, normal people won’t care. Idk why it’s such a bad thing to point out that yeah, it won’t be effective if this is meant to smear Nick or whatever.
>>1208133Yeah but affiliated for most people is going to make them think they’re friendly. I’m not simping for Nick, I’m just confused why easily accessible info would be used in this way if you’re trying to expose him for being a grifter.
(derailing about the gunt) No. 1208169
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Is this a troll?
No. 1208230
>>1208191>>1208218You forgot a few things, I know you amber simps have very bad memories so let me refresh you.
>Case was against the SUN.>The Judge in the case is related to the Sun and that relationship has a direct relation to Amber, therefore not impartial.>Judge blocked Johnny from entering any evidence, which is illegal in America.>Amber has mountains of evidence , but only provided faked and edited evidence.>Amber herself admitted on the stand, in front of the entire world, that the article was about him.>Judge tells everyone not to check Social Media, in fact it's a rule of the court system.>Amber herself and her lawyers admits to checking social media even when explicitly told not to.>Elaine actually proved that TMZ guy correct. She's only in this for he 15 minutes of fame lmao.This is a terrible day for serial liars.
No. 1208231
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Depp claim pic on right is after Amber punched him n the Orient Express. See the mark under his left eye? Except that doesn't work because pic on the left is him with a fan the day before he claims Amber decked his ass.
imagine if Amber did this kek
No. 1208301
>>1208169Most deppwhores and deppcels are the same people who bully women and applaud rapists/murderers. They get off on watching women get hurt. Don't let them get the pleasure. Gore doesn't even
trigger most women because we literally bleed out every month and giving birth is much more gorey than those images. Weak failedmales are the only ones who get
triggered by gore and they're the ones posting gore because they assume women are like them. We're not.
No. 1208383
>>1208100stop pretending you know anything about "real"
victims, you don't, you'll never know anything about them, and a "real"
victim would never confide in a person like you, you'll never have an insight into anything other than vague concepts that live in your head
No. 1208452
>>1208383Amber will never touch you. Maybe you can photoshop yourself into a photo with her like she edited her evidence?
>>1208294tl;dr: Amber did the one thing she wasn't supposed to do and that was admit the op-ed was about Johnny. Then experts revealed she edited her evidence. Phone calls she recorded herself, proved that she was being aggressive while Johnny was hiding from her. Now every mainstream media outlet is running to her defense when, using her own evidence you can prove she was
abusive. Even here is flooded with her simps and white knights.
No. 1208468
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No. 1208574
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>>1208545Nonas are just jealous that we will never be as skinny and pretty as this girl who totally doesn’t look mannish at all! He called Amber Heard fat and old while she’s 26? Well surely that doesn’t apply to her! She’s the pinnacle of youth and femininity with her lack of neck and creepy pasty skin. She totally looks kawaii
No. 1208623
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I really hate how this is just the beginning.
No. 1208634
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>>1208623they're sheep actually leading themselves to slaughter. men obviously want this but i would not be surprised if many of these supporters were women
No. 1208650
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>>1208452it's endlessly funny to me that the best deppfags can come up with is to switch the "johnny wont fuck you" thing around. Most of the women here are straight you retard. I know it's hard for you to imagine a woman finding the motivation to support something she doesn't want attention from, but some of us are secure in our looks and personality.
No. 1208749
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Camille follows ship accounts of her and Johnny. fucking gross
No. 1208786
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happy to say edward norton liked a pro-amber, anti-johnny article
No. 1208855
>>1208749she’s representing him in his upcoming trial for assaulting a crew member milk those bot accounts for all they’re worth!
No. 1208920
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>>1208786Yesss I love him. Sexy ass
No. 1208940
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I know he's already been mentioned but Alex Winter has been really outspoken about supporting Amber and believing her abuse. I always liked him but now I like him so much more.
No. 1208949
>>1208749following his daughter that has kept out of this whole court case seems weird, too.
>>1208786this sexy narcissistic fucker, love this.
>>1208932and that's homeless black woman was also TRANS and DISABLED.
No. 1208953
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Why are depp stans on twitter literally retarded? This kinda shit has 4chans sticky male fingers all over this stupid. Yet there's so many acting like this fake screenshot is real lmao. No wonder they supported depp, they're actual retards
No. 1208956
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Totally normal behavior for court employees
No. 1208959
>>1208953They're the kind of women who's see a domestic violence
victim and say she deserved it for not following all of her husband's orders. They're usually in unhappy marriages and hate to see a woman speak up or demand something better than they have.
Even camille is in the same boat. She has a husband but she's flirting with Depp and following shipping accounts. These are all women in unhappy relationships jealous of what Amber had so they hate her. Even though they acknowledge she got abused, they see Depp as the
victim somehow.
No. 1209088
>>1208983You worded it perfectly. I know some women like that irl too and God, they're insufferable. Men already blame female
victims so it hurts to see a majority of women do so as well - until it's about themselves. Those women will claim their husbands are
abusive because they're not complimenting them 24/7 while cheering on men who beat women so they feel as if their man is better and they got the better deal.
No. 1209093
>>1208982It sounds like from that article that if you appeal interest is added to what she owes during that process, but you don't have to pay (yet). If she loses, then she needs to pay the 10.35M + interest accrued. I knew a guy who had a judgement against him that he couldn't afford and they garnished his wages, so like in her case when she gets her Aquaman checks a portion might be removed. Anyone who works in HR knows a few people who have that situation going on for one reason or another. I imagine also any property she owns and lein could be put on it, it may also depend how far he wants to go. My guess is he won't be very aggressive at collecting, not because he's a good guy but because of optics and the cost:benefit. He'd likely just do the simply stuff.
I find it hard to believe they'd flat out give her a completely new trial. From what I've read, new evidence or testimony has to emerge for that to happen. Now Elain has said that there was suppressed evidence, but when she rattles off what it is… it's pretty much that "she won in the UK" and hearsay testimony. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out. Imo the best scenario for Amber, if she can't afford the judgement, would be to attack the amount more than the judgement itself.
I don't think great questions are being asked by the media. A big one is: What type of insurance does she have? Most people with money (or fame) have an umbrella liability insurance policy. It's not very expensive insurance, I think 10M of coverage you pay about 1,200 bucks a year or so. It's a common type of insurance wealthy or famous people have. Most people get it to cover excess liability from an auto accident or if someone falls in their house or something and they get sued, but it also covers stuff like defamation.
No. 1209113
>>1208982>>1209093(cont'd) so I sniffed around and found this article ( ) that says she was using her homeowners insurance to pay the legal fees (hence the VP of the company being there). NYPost isn't exactly a great source generally, but everything said here checks out. I'm surprised home owners insurance pays liable cases, that's news to me, but it sounds like it only pays it unless malice is found - which in her case it was found. So that may be a major issue for her. I imagine (but don't know) that homeowners insurance will try to defend you against defamation lawsuits because a house is the biggest asset most people own and therefore one of the first things that the courts will go after to collect the money. From what I can find online an umbrella liability policy, which there is no mention of here, would protect you regardless of the outcome of the trial. So it sounds like she didn't have that. That really surprises me.
No. 1209451
>>1209367she has been paying legal fees for a long while though, in addition to just living. she still needs
some money to live. her highest paying role to date was aquaman for a mil and prior to that her highest paid role, i believe, was 60k. she's not really a huge earner with this man trying to destroy her. she's not an office worker, she's an actress who only gets paid as roles or if brands want her to rep them, but obviously this has made that go to shit.
>>1209113homeowners insurance does typically cover you if you are accused of defamation, depends on your policy though. some insurerers don't offer it, usually last resort companies.
>>1209093your regular homeowner's insurance policy can cover it (usually there's a limit) but yeah i would not be surprised if she has an umbrella policy. i have one and i'm not famous or rich. she likely does, but both homeowners insurance and umbrella would cover. umbrella policies typically require that you purchase the highest limit on your homeowners insurance policy for liability before you can even purchase them.
No. 1209651
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One of the (alleged) jurors is doing a tell all on tik tok… Getting millions on views. This is normal behavior actually and totally not weird and fucked No. 1209732
>>1209000Y… yes. That’s the point. He has a black eye before amber supposedly gave it to him.
>>1209093How are medical records hearsay testimony? And wasn’t Camille grilling her about how she didn’t provide medical records as theatrics for the jury? She probably knew they weren’t allowed to show them kek.
No. 1209765
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What the fuck is this shit? And why is it in my feed? I never clicked one single video about the case but get shitted with videos since day one. And now this.
Leaking nudes, how lovely.
IDK if it's actually his channel, I highly doubt, it's also not the point. That woman can't have one minute of peace.
No. 1209892
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>>1209858Samefagging but CP is even going off in the replies with pro-Amber tweets in response to Deppfags lmfao
Begging to be cancelled again but ngl I think I have a new found respect for her
No. 1209979
>>1209898Ik this is lolcow dot farm but I feel like transwomen are more likely to support Depp than ciswomen, only half of whom seem to have brains. But the afab she/theys are sucking Depp's slimy dick.
>>1209965Inshallah Natalie will pull thru
No. 1210004
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>>1209651not this anon but here's the tiktok
No. 1210028
>>1209732They're not good evidence. It's not medical records like "ER doctor: she had a broken nose and here are the X-rays", it's more psychotherapy notes "Psychologist: she told me this". Honestly had those been admitted, I doubt the trial would have changed at all and it could have been worse even if she called in another crappy expert.
What Amber needed to do was just what happened and not more, imo. I'm taking it that she's an imperfect
victim and therefore understanding that some of what she said on the stand was a lie and some of it was true, and that based on the recordings of Depp she was at least verbally and mentally abused by him. She didn't need to say that her nose was broken when it wasn't, because him hitting her and not injury her is still abuse. The ultimate mistake of Amber and potentially her legal team was to allow the lies to get mixed with the truth, and that allowed Depp's team to point out these lies and then the jury didn't trust her anymore.
No. 1210535
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Kathy Griffin said some pro-Amber comments today and some anti-JD things. kek I love her so much. No. 1210678
>>1209892>>1209965Wish contra would make a video, he hss a big following.
I think it's sad how a delulu male is more likely to defend domestic violence
victims than chronically online women. Like what happens to those twitterthots' brains that they can get jealous of Amber's sexual abuse and enjoy playing it out? Is it because of porn addiction, jealousy and denial from irl men? Idk.
No. 1210684
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Why are depp supporters so deranged.
also her BMI is 20, if the height in her bio is true, Lucinda really was right about them. Not the brag she claims it is
No. 1210685
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Dr. Spiegel, Amber's expert witness, had an "emotional concussion" due to the trial. I feel sorry for him, I hope Dr. Hughes comes out and gives her side too.
>Before the trial, I had one 50 minute Zoom meeting with Amber Heard and I had lunch with her between sessions on May 23. She was very nice, very cordial and very polite.>I'm an adult, it's not the first time I've been criticized, but never like that. On that Monday and Tuesday I had what I'd describe as an emotional concussion. It wasn't physical, I didn't get hit on the head, it was emotional because the feedback afterwards left me a little on the numb and dazed side. I slept a lot on Monday and Tuesday.>I don't think I was paranoid to the point that I was shutting the blinds, but my eldest daughter is still in my house in Virginia, and, as ridiculous as it sounds, I have a Pitbull. I love my dog, she's a great dog, but she's still a Pitbull at heart. This was probably the first time I ever thought in my life: Thank god I have a Pitbull. Am I glad that my Pitbull is there with my daughter? Yes I am. I don't think my dog would harm anybody, but she should be intimidating.>Now, I wish Amber Heard emotional healing in a scenario where she was perceived by the general population as a "villainess." The trial was, in many ways, an excellent experience for me. If it had just been the work I did that led up to it, the trial and the cross examination, if it had ended in a bubble, I would have said I'd 100 percent be an expert witness in a high profile case again. Now, I'm 60/40 leaning towards "no." No. 1210814
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>get 3 day ban in first court thread for "whiteknighting a cow" for saying I didn't believe Depp
>6 weeks later nonnies are full amber supporters with glossy hair and clear skin
Love this for you girlies
No. 1210830
>>1210814Trannyjanny plot continues
>>1210694She does look like a severely retarded child with malnutrition because of her pose, though. Why are they either ana-chans and fatties? None of them are well adjusted women who look healthy, this isn't even about attractiveness.
No. 1211609
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It’s fucked that now Amber lost they basically have a hit list on who’s next to get thrown through the wringer
No. 1211612
>>1210047that's what i thought was going to be the bombshell that got johnny, earlier on. deuter said are doctored, and he would testify to that. imo that sounded like he was protecting johnny, but it looks like the mobile phone companies were subpoenaed to provide the actual text messages rather than screen shots, and those weren't there. when ambers team wanted to admit the screen shots instead, the courts wouldn't allow it - it had to be from the phone company.
>>1210354Amber testified to the ENT doctor visit during the trial. medical records were allowed in this trial at many points, and tbh i don't think judge penny had it out for amber and wouldn't have allowed medical documents.
IMO the biggest mistakes amber's legal team and amber made were mixing some lies for dramatic effect with real abuse, which backfired causing the jury to think amber is a complete liar rather than a flawed human. If she was roughed up, that may not have even caused bruising, and just the video and audio of him alone was pretty damning if they would have just stuck to the evidence that they had. Instead they went down this path of trying to make the violence more and more dramatic as time went on to try to "sell" the abuse, when really imo they had all they needed. the result was johnny's team could then focus on all amber's lies rather than her truths, and get the focus of the jury on the lies…obscuring the gray reality.
No. 1211785
>>1207721Not sure if you would include Twitch streamers in the list, but considering their majority male audience going upwards into the tens of thousands on a single stream for popular streamers, they've had a pretty good impact on reinforcing pro-Depp bullshit.
Asmongold - the worst offender and just a blatant misogynist, always been trailer park trash but has been going steadily down-hill since his mom died. Much of his frustration with her death was her own neglect, not listening to or trying to get better for him, so his raging Amber-hate could be projection. He was also the most watched streamer on Twitch during the trial, so that says a lot.
I give slight exception to:
Pokimane - defended Amber's witness testimonies and seemed to be un-swayed by pro-Depp propaganda. However, she did participate in a cringe photo-op with Ludwig where she basically cosplayed Camille. This was probably due to the tsunami of backlash she faced for even attempting to look at Johnny critically when arguing with xQc. She also liked Depp's statement on instagram.
Hasanabi - while not completely agreeing with Amber on all points, did publicly and unapologetically rip at Depp and ridicule him to his audience. Watching his chat instantly start foaming at the mouth with B-BUT BUT was entirely satisfying. Also kept a relatively low profile on streaming the case and avoided the topic, but this could have been due to pro-Depp media being funded by his arch-nemesis, Ben Shapiro
No. 1212031
>>1210047>what about the text of deuter apologizing ?Deuters was scheduled to testify for Depp in this case. During this case, Stephen's wife Gina also testified for Johnny. Heard's friend, Eve Barlow, who sat in court with Heard, took an old Instagram post of Gina's, cropped it, gave it to the Heard's legal team and told the judge Gina was discussing the trial on social media. Gina admitted to seeing clips of the trial online but said the social media post was years old-which it was. Gina's testimony was struck from the record but Barlow was also kicked out of the court for witness tampering. Because Gina was compromised, Stephen Deuters also couldn't testify and his texts were therefore inadmissible as hearsay since he couldn't verify their validity or falsehood in this case. It's the fault of Heard's team and their tactics that Deuters' texts couldn't be admitted into evidence and that Deuters couldn't testify.
>>1209732>How are medical records hearsay testimony?What was deemed inadmissible were Heard's therapy records which are not medical records and are hearsay. Therapist do not conduct physical exams and are not independent investigators. They are obligated under the law to take anything their clients say at face value. Heard had the opportunity to have a certified medical professional substantiate her SA claims: she brought an orthopedic surgeon who also specializes in vaginal trauma in as an expert witness and instead of having him examine her and testify regarding her alleged injuries, she had him testify regarding Johnny's. Heard had no medical records nor medical testimony to substantiate and verify her claims.
>>1208191>Social media influenced the case and the jury must have seen itHeard's team are the ones who brough social media into the courtroom. One of their expert witnesses, Ron Schnell, told jurors about the multiple Twitter hashtags in support of Johnny Depp and against Amber Heard. Heard herself told the jury about what was going on in regard to Tiktok. Her lawyers told the jury about the Justice for Johnny Depp social media movement. The jury found out about the activity on social media in court from her team, not outside of court.
No. 1212224
>>1212031> Her lawyers told the jury about the Justice for Johnny Depp social media movement. The jury found out about the activity on social media in court from her team, not outside of court.i'm still flabbergasted as to why amber's team did this. it didn't seem particularly helpful on the upside, and the downside was amber's team got to say "Justice for Johnny" and "Amber Turd" repeatedly in the courtroom. while I don't believe that juries all don't look at social media during a case like this, it made sure even the ones that WERE following the rules knew about the feelings of the general public. very strange choice.
amber's attorney was pretty terrible imo. i'm still wondering if amber hired her or if amber's insurance company hired her.
No. 1212248
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Lisa Bloom, Amber Heard's former lawyer, thinks she can win an appeal. She gave an interview to the BBC recently: Lisa previously worked with Harvey Weinstein. She was responsible for helping him identify the women who wanted to come forward with sexual abuse allegations and advised him how to stop them: Kaplan, also Amber's former lawyer, represented Harvey Weinstein in the past and helped Governor Andrew Cuomo discredit a woman who made sexual allegations against him: am tinfoiling but maybe these people purposely supporting Amber to get close to her and sabotage her, and the MeToo movement by extension.
No. 1212754
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>>1208230>Case was against the SUN.>>1208254>Elaine literally said that in the video anon posted, it’s very clear that Deppfags don’t even bother hearing anything.Elaine said that it was the exact case but she was wrong. Amber was not a party in the UK case, she was a witness. The suit was against The Sun, a tabloid. Because Heard was only a witness, she was not subject to the same discovery rules as a party would be. The judge in that case also suppressed evidence of Heard and discounted proof that she got people to lie for her under oath (Look for Kevin Murphy's witness statement and deposition). No. 1213828
Something in me tells me we’re supporting Amber for feminism but not because of who she is.
No. 1213852
>>1213828I don't give a fuck about who she is, and who she is is not important. Most of us think she was abused according to the evidence she provided, even if there are some inconstistencies. Johnny's version has far more of them.
Feminism (for me) is not about supporting individual women no matter what, it's about being aware of the gender dynamics inherent to society. Margaret Thatcher, for example, did not utilize girl power effectively and I'm glad she's dead. In this case, it means being aware that Amber is being vilified because she's a woman perceived as trying to take down a beloved and powerful scrote, and sorting through the bullshit with that knowledge in mind.
Also anyrt is obviously sarcastic. Amber did not kill anyone lmao
No. 1214369
>>1210535Well, she ain't wrong. They only seem to plaster 'The Secret Window' and earlier Johnny. He's ain't a fuckable lovable bad-boy, anymore.
And, of course the usual scrote comicsgate crowd have now found this.
No. 1215843
>>1213826no one here gives a fuck if you support her? Why do you faggots keep coming here and demanding we make you believe Amber and do all the grunt work for you? Do you not know how to use google? Are you too stupid to read court transcripts? Neck yourself, scrote.
>>1213828Also kindly neck yourself
No. 1215903
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Depp made a Tiktok account and got 5 million followers in 24 hours. Picrel is Amber's response.
No. 1215950
>>1215903kind of weird to release a statement in response to his tiktok post. she already released a statement after the trial saying essentially this. it just comes off as
"I need the last word!!" . instead she needs to reground and focus on whatever the appeal might be.
totally cringe this grandpa joined tiktok but apparently millions disagree with me.
No. 1216228
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Ben Chew and Camille Vasquez were on Good Morning America. Amber issued a statement about that too.
No. 1216431
>>1216228It’s like Amber and her legal team are trying to do everything to be as unlikeable as humanly possible. I mean imagine issuing the statement “a movie deal and merchandising” as if that’s not exactly what both of their careers are/were and have/will involve? The exact same thing would have happened for Amber had the jury and the general public been on her side and even a sub 80 IQ would be able to see that.’s kind of funny how both Elaine and Ben Chew said their same, respective one-liners for each interview, though.
No. 1217600
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Posting this here in case anyone wants to write letters for Amber No. 1220716
>>1220313>He aint that hot after allYou're
now just realizing this? kek
No. 1220821
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They are scrutinizing Amber's spending and assets:
>"It's interesting to see Amber flying private … remember, she's been ordered to pay Johnny $8.35 million … and her lawyer, Elaine Charlson Bredehoft, claims Amber can't afford to pay the judgment.":>"Amber Heard stayed in a $22,000-a-month Virginia mansion with tennis court, theatre and spa during defamation battle with Johnny Depp (but now says she can't afford to pay him $8million)":>"Amber Heard Has $1 Million Getaway Home In The Desert Ready For Her Post-Trial Escape": No. 1220838
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Michele Dauber (left to Amber), Stanford professor, is on Twitter defending Amber by pointing out that Pirates of the Caribbean is racist because they didn't include slavery: No. 1220850
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There has been a notable shift in discourse since the trial ended as Johnny's bots and social media pr dialled down their activity after the win.
Those left talking about it are die hard celebrity fans like this guy. This is so fucking embarrassing. Family? The dude doesn't even know you exist. Pathetic
No. 1223862
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>>1220821David Shane, the guy who was accused of sexual assault by multiple women, was also spotted getting off the private jet with Amber.
No. 1224051
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I love Amber but can anyone tell her to stop soymiling like this? It makes her look like a redditor and the fact her supporters look exactly like deppitors don’t really make it look any better.
I’m based
No. 1224442
>>1220843Not to cape for Depp but the character Jack Sparrow became a pirate specifically because he was sickened by the slave trade and couldn't bring himself to keep ferrying slaves to the Caribbean.
Also, what
>>1220845 said. Tackling slavery in any kind of appropriate way would have been a hell of a tonal shift and wouldn't have fit in the movies.
No. 1224626
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>>1223848Another statement from Amber
No. 1226609
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Amber still loves Johnny and has no ill feelings toward him: No. 1227849 juror came out and explained some of the reasons why they didn’t believe Amber.
>”crocodile” tears >switching emotions too quickly >didn’t seem genuine >lack of evidence >the donation vs pledge blunder >staring at the jury to the point they felt uncomfortable Now that she’s done her interview with The Today Show, I feel much more strongly about my suspicion she ran her legal team into the ground. She could have let this fade and retreated into the background for a while, but that would mean admitting defeat. She wants to come off as a
victim of the justice system’s failings and/or unafraid of the backlash but in doing so generated more hate against her. Ultimately, I think Amber is retarded.
No. 1227857
>>1227849Oh also it’s important to note the juror also said
>Johnny and Amber were abusive toward each other >Amber’s evidence didn’t rise to meet the claims she had made >Majority of the jury felt Amber was the aggressor in their abusive relationship I don’t think the juror would have said anything for at least a year had Amber and Elaine not gone on national fucking television and accused the jury of watching shit on social media and more. It doesn’t matter what WE think, a lawyer should NEVER make these claims nor should their client unless they have irrefutable evidence. Time and time and again, Amber says something or lies and someone comes out of the woodwork to shut her down. Someone get this woman a gag and duct tape already.
No. 1228396
>>1228038Because mutual abuse doesn’t exist, right,
nonnie? So the juror then misspoke, as what he is very obviously saying is that Amber was the aggressor and the abuser and Johnny retaliated and reacted poorly. If you have a third grade understanding of abuse then you might call this mutual abuse but as we’ve seen over and over in this thread and the others, if one party is starting and inflicting the abuse, the
victim cannot be
abusive back. I hope more jurors speak about how stupid she looked on the stand kek every time she opens her mouth it’s like the gift that won’t stop giving.
No. 1228660
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Amber Heard has petitioned the court to seal all the evidence, depositions and transcripts from the defamation case. She has also gave a binder of her therapist records to Good Morning America: No. 1229082
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>'If Mr. Depp or his team have a problem with this, we recommend that Johnny himself sit down with Savannah Guthrie for an hour and answer all her questions,' a spokesperson told after a series of clips from the interview were aired on Today and on Peacock in which Heard branded Depp, 59, a 'liar' and doubled down on claims that he beat her and sexually assaulted her during their relationship.
No. 1231699
>>1227828And why is she attention whoring in Tj maxxx? Holy fuck if anything I believe the people who believe amber such as myself actually understand better why she’s a
victim than amber herself
No. 1234047
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Photos from the security cameras of the ECB has surfaced of Amber and Cara Delevigne making out on the elevators while Amber was married to Johnny. Around the time that Cara and Amber were having an affair, Cara had bruises on her face.
The Depp PR machine is still working overtime to make Amber look bad.
No. 1284682
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Has there been a discussion about this on /ot/? Pretty damning stuff fans crowdfunded 3k to unseal the court documents and exposed a bunch of things Depp tried to hide.
- Depp has ED, making the bottle accusations make sense.
- He tried using Heard's nudes as evidence fully knowing it'd be televised.
- Submitted manipulated photographs of his "injuries" with altered metadata.
- Manipulated audio tapes of arguments and refused to provide recordings that weren't edited.
- Manson asked him for a place to stay to hide from police after calling his wife "Amber 2.0" and fearing a restraining order.
- Depp fought to have an expert testimony from a renowned psychiatrist denied because she concluded that "Amber was a
victim of domestic violence at the hands of Mr. Depp".
- Depp attempted to use Amber Heard’s suspended license as a teenager against her, by implying she committed “vehicular manslaughter” because her childhood friend was killed in a car accident. Amber’s license was actually suspended over speeding tickets.
- Depp hid evidence of his lawyer intimidating a witness into signing a pre-written declaration that she never saw any injuries on Amber. Threathened her with "negative consequences" and perjury. Witness testified of feeling coerced.
- His former agent stated his "drunk and stoned" behaviour during the filming of Pirates 5 infuriated Disney execs and they vowed to no longer put up with him.
- Tried sealing his declaration that Heard did NOT cause him any “specific physical or mental injury”.
- Picrel is him explaining that drugs and alcoh0ol have not affected his memory or cognitive abilities.
- Manson offerred him a "new fan meet and green girl. 18" in 2018 (when he was in his 50s).
No. 1624963
Amber Turd hired a troll farm to spread disinformation defaming Depp. Every so often one of these retards gets their account permanently banned from Twitter for sending death threats to Depp supporters, and the Turds just hop back on one of about 20 burner accounts and get right back at it, spreading false information and trolling. Amber Turd's PR firm run by KNOWN SEXUAL PREDATOR David Shaine, bought thousands of Russian troll farm accounts.
It's not going to save her dead career. She's a liability as a proven liar and domestic abuser. She's never going to work in Hollywood again. Her last movie, In the Dumpsterfire, is not only ableist as hell, presenting autism as demonic possession, but it's already getting horrendous reviews from the few people who showed up to see it.
Whereas Jeanne du Barry, Depp's latest, is getting raves and was a massive box office smash in France.
If Turd had never LIED ABOUT DOMESTIC ABUSE SHE NEVER EXPERIENCED, no one would have ever found out that she beat her spouse and pooped on his bed. She humiliated herself in front of the entire world by being stupid and greedy. Good riddance. She'll be forever known as the untalented gold digger who pooped on her husband's bed and couldn't act.