No. 1210416
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I read a Harvard study talking about the lolita subculture in Japan, and how it is separate from lolicon and the book "Lolita". Lolita basically is a fashion style meant to subvert sexual expectations, and for young women in an intensely competitive Japanese culture (they don't get much of a childhood apparently) who want to put off the harsh realities of adulthood by adorning a Victorian child-like aesthetic. Whereas the Lolicon concept would align with the premise of the book book "Lolita" more.
So in other words, Lolitas are based, Lolicons not so much.
No. 1210417
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Thank you nonny, here's a cute cow for you
No. 1210426
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I think it comes from two things mainly- women who want to recapture a childhood/adolescence they feel they never had, and women who realize there will always be a pool of pedo-inclined men to pull social and literal capital from. Sometimes both of these can combine together, but honestly I think more of the women who preform this fall into the second category. I think a lot of women are also influenced in such a way that the see "becoming a woman" as a negative thing, a failure even. If they're able to believe they've retained some sort of eternal youth they feel superior to the women who have grown up (and old, in their eyes.) They truly wish they can remain a girl for eternity, maybe they're afraid of responsibilities? Or they fear losing that male pedo validation? Interesting thread, and thanks for the new thread pic kek