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No. 1218977
>>1218953This has been my struggle my whole life, yet I went to college for art. I always think about what I could have been without cptsd.
>Family put pressure on me to share my art with them since a young age, over time it shut me down>I remember my dad screaming at child me for being too shy to sing a karaoke game he bought me. I remember crying because I wanted to sing for him but I didn't know the song. I Knew I could never explain that to him because he was irrational and terrifying.>Never felt safe to sing or make art around family again.>Tried to do graphic design in college but got too scared to actually make a portfolio to be judged by others so I did art instead>lived for approval from professors but was too afraid to ever truly be myself and get lost in a process>Only did bare minimum to graduate. Final work to display for a show was random shit. >I have no idea who I am or what I'm good at, all I know is that I love drawing the human body and one professor told me I was one of the best students he ever had>didn't realize I was traumatized until the end of college when I was diagnosedAnd here I am. An adult child who has emotional blocks around art, which I majored in. I have an iPad and an apple pencil and I struggle to use it. I feel like I have the most expression when I make songs, oddly enough.
No. 1219028
nonny i'm sorry..
No. 1219999
>>1219983Yeah, sorry anon. It sucks. My family is muslim too, i just called it a cult instead of mentioning what religion it is because i didn’t want to derail the thread or start a discussion about religions lol just wanna be heard purely on a personal level rather than a religious experience. I have seen muslims that don’t stomp on their kids personhood so i don’t blame it entirely on the religion, my family happened to be
abusive and bitter and they used their shitty religion to justify being shitty.
also I genuinely view it as a cult anyways lol No. 1220696
>>1219999How are women treated in the Muslim religion
No. 1220703
>>1219429Uh wtf anon I’m a bpdfag myself and I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about. Some of you guys speak about this like it’s a universal bpd thing. Not all bpdfags have the lack of identity. It would probably be helpful to avoid these types of people that have traumatized you if you were able to identify more about what past “bpd” people have done and if it’s really bpd or more like narcissistic abuse. Bpd doesn’t excuse things like
abusive behavior. I personally have only been comfortable with breaking down emotionally with my family or my ex boyfriends; not all of us are low functioning druggies that are raging at the gas station attendant for not having cigs kek. Ik a lot of artfags like LC and generally speaking art circles are full of crazies with off the chart narcissism and
victim complexes.
No. 1220808
>>1220761yeah sometimes I wonder with mine being more intermittent if it's really bpd self harm or not. then again there's no model of consistency for how often bpd self harm has to be either. I feel like it's still not mild enough to be only related to cptsd symptoms though
the overlap is enough to make it difficult to tell on top of the US dsm not containing it. i wouldn't say I do it for attention as much as I do it wanting someone to either notice I'm not okay, or to more obviously alleviate my pain
No. 1222230
>>1220808CPTSD is NOT mild. It's just internal bad coping versus external. It destroys you, makes you terrified to move on and try things, and cripples you with the inability to cope with life in general. I'd say a big difference is whether you can point to a lot of your episodes being from emotional
triggers, versus seemingly random. There's a big difference between a cry for help and acting out for attention, I think.
No. 1223392
>>1223391Me too anon, try zoloft it helped a little bit
Still don't feel like interacting with the real world though
No. 1223413
>>1222230>it destroys you, makes you terrified to move on and try things, and cripples you with the inability to cope with life in generalI do have an extreme fear of failure and often don't want to do things or don't end up committing
>I'd say a big difference is whether you can point to a lot of your episodes being from emotional triggers, versus seemingly randomit seems like it's been both, both being under duress or just random bouts of sadness
then again it's constantly like I'm under duress so that would be implying I was healthy enough to have a long string of good days
No. 1223557
I'm so tired of holding on, I feel like things will never get better. It only gets worse. I sometimes wish I could go fully crazy so that people could see it and stop expecting me to be normal. I'm so tired of appearing normal, but falling apart inside. Thank you for making this thread. It's a sad, but comforting read.
>>1223391I know what you mean, I'm in a similar situation. I feel like watching the world from the outside I can see exactly how it all works, but when I try to put myself in that world I just can't make myself fit.
No. 1223724
>>1223391I'm there with you anon. I'm trying to reconnect with my real world self, I feel like my whole adult life was created on autopilot, and I woke up this year to realise I don't want any of what I built and I have to start over.
I am listening to my intuition for the first time instead of taking the easiest, safest path and everyone probably thinks I'm having a breakdown but I've never felt so purposeful.
No. 1223730
>>1223708Yeah, or the second I put myself out there and try something it goes to shit and I wonder why I bother, and it's clearly my fault that I'm a failure, then it takes months to recover.
God I am such a fucking lover. I had so much going for me.