File: 1655590547145.png (1.88 MB, 1400x696, 1642102174539.png)

No. 1230405
this is intentional
last thread
>>>/ot/1026194 No. 1232334
>>1232315you got dubs
nonnie that means 'yes…at a great price'
No. 1237177
File: 1656056454634.png (1.01 MB, 1131x705, Capture.PNG)

please fucking tell me this is not my future
No. 1243369
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Will I acquire a soft butch/ tomboy goth girlfriend by the end of the year?
No. 1248523
File: 1656771637974.gif (1.42 MB, 498x278, shadow-and-shrek.gif)

>>1248521mwah mwah thank you sonic ♥
No. 1252744
>>1239731well he ended up being exactly that lol.
Sanic will I get better?
No. 1262345
>>1262341For how long? 2 hours?
Or just no dont go in
No. 1272342
will i ever meet
>>1237177 in my current life cycle
No. 1273621
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should i take more pain killers sanic?
No. 1279876
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what is the answer, my lord?
No. 1295883
>>1295834sanic ill ask it again,
does he like me?
No. 1320746
>>1320742Fuck. Plz give another answer I need to graduate. Maybe I phrased it wrong since id technically be graduating in December, which is winter.
Will I graduate this winter?
No. 1330573
File: 1662612268822.jpg (5.01 MB, 1382x2048, MV5BMTc5MzIyMDk5Ml5BMl5BanBnXk…)

not sanic but benji the dog?
No. 1332812
baby scrotum skin suit finally failed to keep that crypt keeper alive, google
baby scrotums sold to beauty industry for anti-aging treatments if you don't believe me
No. 1336321
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Bump, careful when scrolling
No. 1337285
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>>1337282fuck you sonic, i am having the worst fucking week and nobody can give me reassurance in my life because i am too afraid to be vulnerable. AM I GOING TO TURN MY SHIT AROUND? AM I GOING TO GET OUT OF THIS DEPRESSIVE CYCLE?>
No. 1339389
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>>1339242He's on his way to diagnose you
No. 1344040
File: 1663646604096.gif (1.8 MB, 1600x1200, no.GIF)

Trying to bump disturbing imagery from the front page. Please be safe.
No. 1344049
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>>1344040Haven’t seen it but bump, thanks nonna
No. 1349552
Sanic should i go see La Dispute is this important
No. 1355027
>>1355025fuck you sanic
am I going to have a major improvement in my life within a years time
No. 1356969
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>>1356965Gaslight back
nonnie. Scrotes are generally emotionally retarded and not as good at this sort of thing as girlbosses