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No. 123364
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>>123354>wide chest and shoulders>I wanna be cuteYou can be both. Embrace the amazon.
No. 123365
>>123361Pretty much everything can be made narrower if there's anything other than bone to squish.
What I suppose I want is some kind of full-body corset.
The problem with "full-body corsets" though is:
>they're not actually full-body, if you look it up you just get corsets that cover the whole torso>they don't have a subtle appearance, they're all made to look "sexy" when what I really want is something as thin as can be engineered No. 123366
In the same boat as you anon I think anon (I have super broad shoulders from genetics)
You can be super cute with them though still. Learn to dress yourself. Tip: skater skirts can be styled super cute and they balance you out.
This might be a good read for you also heard balancing your figure (aka building muscle of your butt and thighs to make you look curvy) can help
Don't do anything too dangerous.
No. 123367
>>123366>I also heard balancing your figure (aka building muscle of your butt and thighs to make you look curvy) can help This I never skip leg day and it helps that my fat storage is pear.
Not sure if I should always skip upper body day tbh.
Also do other linebacker anons feel really uncomfortable with narrow/normal shoulder bfs? This is probably my top turnoffs since I feel so manly and always feel like I could beat the shit out of them.
No. 123368
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>>123364But what if you're a midget? You can't be both a womanlet and an amazon.
No. 123369
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>>123368really hope no one from here talks like this
No. 123370
>>123368Idk how short you are but speaking as a barely 5'1 woman with very broad shoulders it really does make a world of difference if you dress right.
I've yet to try the gaining muscle in my legs/butt but that'll seem good No. 123373
Visually, there are ways you can make them
look smaller.
Do NOT constrict any body part. It is not healthy.