No. 1250479
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>frenemies with a girl all through high school (meaning she was a huge bitch to me but I took it because we had friends in common so I must have been the problem)
>she gets a boyfriend in senior year
>obsessed with him, drives 30 minutes after school every day to see him, he never returns the favour
>I meet him at a mutual friends party
>total closet case
>she spends the rest of senior year spending all her spare time with him, ditching her friends and neglecting her extracurriculars in the process
>college application time
>she changes from her dream school to apply to the school he’s going to on the other side of the country
>put the same form as their first choice, end up being neighbours
>go to college and fall out of touch with her and rest of circle
>see mutual friend who went to the same school as them about a year later
>find out that closet case broke up with her within the first two weeks of college
>she spent the rest of freshman year in a city she didn’t want to be in sharing a wall with her ex boyfriend
>”aww that’s terrible”
>total gifrel moment
>still laugh about it 4 years years later
The best part is she was a massive NLOG and super catty about other girls in our class who spent lots of time with their boyfriends until she finally got picked herself.