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No. 125947
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No. 125948
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No. 125949
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No. 125953
>>125947This is super pretty, those roses and glittery bits.
>>125950Same here. I'm also annoyed nail polish doesn't last long. I work with my hands and by day 2 it looks horrendous. I wish there was some kind of permanent nail polish so I could have glossy black nails forever.
No. 125957
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Now that I have a job I really want to get my nails done every once in a while, but I feel like I'd be super awkward with the manicurist (don't know what to say, where to look) so I haven't done it. I'm thinking maybe I'll get a home kit or something.
No. 125959
The best part of a professional manicure is the hand massage. I would seriously pay just for that.
I bought my own gel kit something like 3 years ago and love it. It's saved a lot of cash doing them myself. This looks like the one I have (different box) range of colours are good too.
Haven't used normal nail poishes since because that shit chips after an hour even when when it says it doesn't.
>>125957They don't usually talk while they're doing it and it's not expected you speak to them. Home kit recommended though. Looks a lot to shell out for a starter kit, but it's worth it.
No. 125961
>>125960Realistically, yeah most of them will probably recognize what they are but no they won't ask any probing questions. If they're absolutely clueless (like foreigner not used to the culture clueless) or tactless and do end up asking or commenting on them somehow, just give them a canned "Don't really want to talk about it, sorry" or say you're diabetic or something
I don't mean to sound degrading to people working as estheticians, a member of my family does so I respect that, but really these people are working boring jobs for crappy pay, they really don't give a shit if you have drug marks, tattoos, if you take it up the ass, what your middle name is. The most important thing is whether you're a paying customer or not.
No. 125962
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I love extra sharp, long nails. I've had them in black before and they looked amazing- except I couldn't do anything with them. That's a big issue since my job requires tons of work with my hands (knitting, sewing, etc). It's a bummer since they're so cute.
I love beige, wine, black, and french nails. Light pink if I want something that looks clean.
No. 125964
I can't get manicures because the nail techs always, without fail, make fun of/draw attention to my old self harm scars. But I guess that's just what I get for having them, right?
I would kill for something like pic related, though.
>>125947 No. 125966
>>125963Nah I found the pic on Google
>>125965Nope. But I'm more of a vibrator kinda person
No. 125968
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I have a thing for long witchy nails, the thing is, my nails are incredibely soft and weak, I will never achieve natural long nails.
So yeah, and I don't really want to pay 45 euros every two weeks to get fake longs nails, I just don't have the budget.
My hands look a lot like pic related btw, so I would have long skinny hans, gosh it would be so beautiful…
No. 125969
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I just got the gelish starter kit with the led light. I highly recommend it. I can do all kinds of nail art bc it doesnt dry out as fast as traditional nail polish, or I can cure it between layers. You can mix custom colors too. I used to do my own nail art with regular polish and every time it would smudge as soon as I finished, or it would chip the next day. I hated being useless for the next hour waiting for my nails to dry. With gel Its instantly dry and it grows out before it chips.
I seriously freaking love being able to do gel manicure at home. Ya its expensive upfront but it pays for Itself after 2 manicures. Fucking worth it. I currently have the "babyboomer" style right now. Pic related.
Sorry for the long post, I'm just really into it.
No. 125972
>>125971I've removed my cuticles and periodically push them back with my nails so I don't have this problem.
Not sure why most people don't do it since it comes a super slick, clean appearance. Just don't buy nail polishes with a massive brush and you're golden.
No. 125973
>>125970I'm pretty terrible too, and I've found that I do my best by only doing two nails at a time, thumbs first. By doing that I don't feel the need to rush because of possible dripping before I go to cure it.
I also use a cuticle pusher and clipper duo to 1. scrape away excess wet polish when I apply a new layer and 2. clip any excess I might've missed after curing.
It takes me forever to finish, but it went from chipping/lifting after 2-4 days to it lasting a week or more. Plus I can just watch TV while I do it so whatever.
No. 125978
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just over a year ago, my nails, which would always grow long and look pretty fab, had suddenly just stopped 'growing'. i don't even have to cut them anymore, they just break all the time and keep themselves short. it really sucks.
it also coincided with lots of acne, when i rarely ever had any, and a couple other things
No. 125979
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>>125978Are you taking any supplements right now? Omega-3 is good for making your nails stronger (in addition to helping your skin and hair). Omega-3 can also help with some people's hormonal acne. I've been taking it for a while and it's helped me all around, including my acne issues, so I would recommend it.
No. 125981
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Yo guys I need help. Those are my nails, they were strong and long, square shaped. Suddenly they started breaking and I have been putting glue in it and they do look somewhat decent, but they keep falling off. Then I tried this shape and it all went to shit. I don't know what to do anymore. Should I cut them? I feel like it would be such a waste.. But eh
No. 125984
>>125983Nice b8.
But how can someone be mildly obese? You're either obese or you aren't.
>>125981I feel you but sometimes you just need to cut them, treat them well, and then let them grow back. Kinda like getting a hair cut once it gets damaged beyond repair. Thankfully nails grow back faster.
No. 125989
>>125981Dat trisha paytas in the background tho.
also , about your nails. I'd say cut them. I heard you can fix broken nails with a tea bag, but idk how.
No. 125990
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>>125989Tea bag only works for a rip on the side of your nail. I recently had to do this but I had to use gel polish instead of nail glue. It worked the same tho.
No. 125995
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I've always wanted stiletto nails but nothing says I'm not a lesbian like terrifying sharp nails lmao.
No. 125997
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Don't get you nails done at some shitty asian nail salon. Go on Craigslist under "services" and "beauty" and search "nails". Lots of ghetto black girls who are massively obsessed with nails who will do them better and cheaper.
No. 125998
>>125981>>125982The index fingernail is so broken it looks…really dumb anon ngl.
For the record my nails get about to your length if I'm consistent with replacing the polish. However sometimes the sides crack or I break a nail, and I get so frustrated at their asymmetry I just cut them off and start over. Usually every 2-3 months I cut and regrow.
No. 125999
>>125982>>125982How the fuck do you wipe your arse without spearing yourself?
Do you wear contacts?
No. 126003
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Just got my nails done
No. 126011
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I really want to learn this shit and maybe run a small indie business in my home. If you only want to be a nail tech, you don't need many hours at all I've noticed.
No. 126019
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No. 126025
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How about duck nails?
No. 126028
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>>126025Jesus. How delusional must one be to believe this at all looks good?
No. 126032
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>>126031I just picked up guitar again and I can't have long nails anymore, shit sucks cause I loved them like that.
Maybe for your watermelon design you could try a less literal interpretation?
No. 126034
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>>126033Closer to this, but the green parts were thinner, and the pink parts were a gradient.
No. 126039
>>126038It's it's just a crack, or if you have the broken off piece of nail, some people make patches with cut up tea bags and nail glue, then filing it smooth once it dries. You can still see the crack on the naked nail but it looks fine with polish over it.
I don't remember a particularly good tutorial I can post, but if you google 'tea bag nail patch' a bunch of stuff comes up.
No. 126040
>>126039This does work, but there's a chance of it breaking again if you aren't careful. It seems better to use in the case of an "emergency", like if you have an event to go to later or the next day and you need it to hold out a little longer.
I also might have screwed up my own repair, so YMMV.