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No. 1268738
Previous Thread
>>>/ot/1249634board rules apply. no racebait. ignore & report bait
No. 1268741
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No. 1268743
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Same, both my siblings went camping and their cars were opened/scratched by a bear. Nature is beautiful but deadly and I'm not testing her
No. 1268827
There was that clear enough for you?
No. 1268847
>>1268841It's a given fact, but you're somehow so stupid you couldn't parse that that was the very crux of the discussion, and genuinely believed anyone was arguing otherwise.
Actually, I don't really even believe you're that dumb. I think this is just another way of derailing the conversation to try and tiptoe around the problem of humans and their selective breeding retardation. It's like you want to dodge cause and effect, and it's ridiculous
No. 1268858
>>1268848Humans unironically function like
>selectively breed an animal to be as vicious as possible>it's vicious>"Oh no! How could this be happening! Surely it's not our fault! They are simply demons!"They hate their creations when they should actually be hating themselves. What's almost as horrific is humans selectively breeding animals that are essentially born to suffer, like pugs or teacup dogs, but the excuses are never-ending with them
No. 1268864
>>1268829Kek are you someone who sees a person criticize pit bulls and takes it personally on their behalf? They’re a breed that’s designed to be aggressive, to want to fight, to want to kill, and to be good at it. That’s all there is to it. Of course the dog
wanted to maul the toddler it just mauled. That’s how animals work.
No. 1268871
>>1268866And yet, the humans criticizing their existence never fail to get
triggered whenever they're reminded it's human's fault and pit bulls didn't just appear from the void kek
No. 1268883
>>1268864If I acknowledge an animal’s DNA and instinct to bite I am ‘one of those pitfags who take everything personally’, if you acknowledge the same animal’s DNA and instinct to bite you’re kek le epic based because ??? Don’t be willfully obtuse, of course a dog bites because in his dog brain it makes sense to bite in response to stimuli, that doesn’t make them evil in the same way being mauled doesn’t make the toddler stupid for being there. Humans should stop both acting like pits are incapable of harm AND demonizing them, too.
Nobody would be upset at a tiger for ripping off the circus’ leader’s leg, but when a pit bull is let lose and without a muzzle and charges against a cat everyone asks for the dog’s head on a stick to be paraded around the neighborhood. It’s fucking stupid. It’s the fault of whoever brought them into existence (and whoever chose to keep them without any precautions).
No. 1268884
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>>1268795I agree, but I mostly feel this way about pugs too. We bred pugs to have those awful smushy
faces and as a result they have such a horrible quality of life. And the worst part is, we did this to them so they would be "cute" but they were cute dogs before. Every time we domesticated an animal, we do something to hurt it (dogs, cats, pigeons). I've heard some breeders are trying to bring them back to how they used to be.
No. 1268888
>>1268741>CampingShit tier
>BeachShit tier
>HikingBased if you go on the right trails, stuff like waterfall hiking is great.
No. 1268895
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>>1268894Right, and you’re just the disgusting
hairy ape who figured out how to post their edgy take on imageboards, right
No. 1268898
>>1268895Why is humans taking responsibility for what they do to be considered "edgy", but seething about the breeds of other animals they created doing what they were created to do
not edgy?
No. 1268966
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>>1268910Big agree. Opinions on PED’s aside I will always admire extreme muscle women
No. 1269092
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>>1268910not really, steroids freaks(male and female) seem disgusting to look at, naturally fit female athletes look way better and healthier
No. 1269110
>>1269092That’s what makes it an unpopular opinion
nonny. I think the majority of the population are turned off by muscular women, even like your pic, and it’s especially so for super lean, roided out or seemingly roided out women
No. 1269520
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>>1268918This was not posted by tiny clawy paws.
No. 1270235
>>1268741This is how I feel about eating outside at restaurants.
Going to a restaurant in a group and the host is all "Would you like to sit outside or inside" and everyones like "LETS GO OUTSIDE!!"
And then you have flies buzzing around, eating the crumbs on the ground and flying around your heads, and your table is the ONE wobbly table that tilts when you put pressure on it, and there are cars driving by and people walking around, and you get a weird waft of trash-stench from across the street, and it's just UGH
No. 1270541
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>>1270529Based. Can’t wait to make scrotes uncomfortable just by being old in their field of view.
No. 1270765
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Men wearing nail polish looks so ugly. I didn’t like it years ago when it was alt guys wearing black nail polish, and I hate it now that it’s any guy wearing whatever color. A literal 10/10 Chad can be reduced to a 0 for me if his nails are polished. Few things appearance wise can single handedly turn me off to someone, but this does. I’m not even wholly against men doing things style wise that are considered more feminine, but whyyyy the nails.
No. 1270945
>>1270765it only fits men with delicate hands, and most men have caveman hands.
imo for men wearing female fashion:
chokers > nail polish > crop tops are the good ones.
dresses and skirts are the bad ones. literally no man can pull it off
No. 1270954
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>>1270945men can sometimes pull skirts off if it's something really well taillored and not casual imo
No. 1271168
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>>1271163>>1271160You're either a complete newfag, or you're so shit at lying that you pray everyone around you must be dumb and new. Everything I'm saying has literally been screencapped, posted and discussed in /meta/, the copypasta threads, other /ot/ threads, etc multiple times. Anons literally found the most autistic one's Reddit account because he typed the same way across multiple sites, and he posted misogynistic bullshit. He was repeatedly cheered on and called "based" by multiple posters in that thread, even after the reveal.
To recap: You don't give a flying fuck about any woman, child or beloved pet being harmed. I'd say seek help, but you should honestly just disappear, you and anyone else who tries to cape for this morbid shit. It's not even about being pro-pitbull or anti-pitbull, it's deranged "people" using the whole subject as a smokescreen to try and pressure everyone to accept their twisted, not-so-hidden desires. Not going to fall for the poor tries at manipulation. Those of us who actually care about the harm pitbulls do certainly don't act like you roach-brained fucks, neither do we defend them, and I'm not letting it be hidden under the banner anymore
No. 1271189
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>>1271177Keep digging, moron. Anyone who's been here from the start of the year (at the very least) has seen this shit, and it's not "just Reddit and projection!!!". The way you lie reminds me of trannies self-victimizing and insisting it's TERFs pushing gender norms.
No. 1271197
>>1271189Samefagging to add that the post about killing dogs and feeding them to his cat for dinner was posted in the dog love thread, along with the gore spam. If you have the two required brain cells to know how to use a free VPN, you'll occasionally see the permaban message and the exact post pop up
>t-take your medsI'm not the one unironically trying to defend animal abuse lovers and scrotes, I'm just calling it out
No. 1271211
>>1271196>Well beats meBecause you joined over the summer and tried to make shit up. Good job, retard. And yeah, sure, the dog hate anons calling him "based" totally weren't a thing. You totally can't open that same /meta/ thread to see handmaidens WKing him, and the last few copypasta/lolcow cap threads with dog hate posters defending his rants. I won't spoonfeed you anymore since you've already been proven wrong on multiple counts, just know that you're fucking nasty
>Also kek at your "no u", that doesn't work out at all.You literally tried to accuse me of projecting because I said freaks posting animal torture fantasies aren't the same as people who don't support the harm caused by pitbulls. You're pathetic as fuck, and still addicted to calling people who don't try to cover that shit up "pitbullfags"
>>1271204Where am I defending pitbulls? Nowhere. You tried to lie, you failed, eat shit.
No. 1271241
>>1271211Do you stop reading in the middle of the sentence just because it's convenient for you? Also pretty sure they called him based because of a post in the hate thread where he called out how filthy dogs are and how deranged dog owners are, not because he spammed dog gore or some shit like feeding dogs to cats. Also, again it was one person from a year ago, not everyone who dislikes your shitty pits. At this point I'm talking to a wall, but yes your poor poor pits have it so much worse than the cats, dogs and humans they maul, but actually it's the people who are angry and afraid about the mauling who are the psychos and not the ones who viciously defend mauling because their precious shitty dog breed does it. Delusional.
>>1271218>this year>implying that's not being a newfagAdmin leaving/the kofi donations/her last townhall with her being tsundere, Elaine's thread getting pinned before she left, Kaitlyn tiffany, Bunker threads/ot getting the posting error, creation of movienights and draw threads as result of the bunker threads.
Now you name 5 of the first most popular cows on lolcow.
No. 1271246
>>1271241>Do you stop reading in the middle of the sentence just because it's convenient for you? I read your whole posts, I'm not about to greentext every line of stupidity just because you can't keep up. Do you read at all? Because I'm waiting for you to find one line of me defending pitbulls, just one. Instead, you're shouting "your shitty pits!! your poor pits!!" over something as basic as not defending animal abuse scrotes. Imagine being so morally bankrupt that your only go-to is persistent dishonesty
>Also pretty sure they called him based because of a post in the hate thread where he called out how filthy dogs are and how deranged dog owners are, not because he spammed dog gore or some shit like feeding dogs to cats."Pretty sure", lmao you didn't even know about this until I posted screenshots, and you're still trying to damage control with BS. They were calling him based in the midst of his Reddit account and anti-woman posts getting exposed, and it continued thereafter until anons called them out so much that they were forced to stop.
>It was just one scrote!!!And you've been chimping out at me for how many posts trying to claim it never happened, if it did it doesn't count, if it does it's fake, and DARVO'ing because everyone who doesn't ass-lick the legendary scrote must own pitbulls and want them to maim animals and children (but it's okay to want to do those things in the first place as long as they hide behind being against pitbull dislike), etc? You're the definition of delusional, or worse. You want to browbeat people into being delusional so you never have to practice the slightest bit of criticism for the pieces of shit you willingly surround yourself with. Again, it's tranny-tier. Get the fuck off this site, and never own any animals or have children
No. 1271290
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Unpopular opinion: People who fight over whether cats or dogs are better are dumb. Both are good pets.
Hamsters are very cute, but probably not a good pet, especially for a child, because they seem very delicate
No. 1271319
>>1271314Are you an anti-dog freak? Are you a pitbull sperg? Then yes, my post is about you.
Sane people who personally don't like being around dogs, and people who recognize that pitbull breeding is wrong (like me and every other person with an IQ above room temperature in this thread) are not included in that. I've said that multiple times, though you said you weren't reading so maybe I expected too much.
You told on yourself by losing your shit. Sorry about your brain disease ♥
No. 1271322
>>1271319Nta but imagine getting this mad over the ugliest dog breed on earth that almost always prefers to maul women and children
Inb4 keep it in the dog hate thread, this bitch started sperging here so I will gladly join
No. 1271326
>>1271322I'm not mad about pitbulls, I'm mad about animal torture fetishisists pretending it's about pitbulls. Actually, let me link you what I said here that started this autistic meltdown:
>>1268881Literally saying it's bad to want to abuse animals, regardless of how you feel about pitbull breeding/propagation = Defending pitbulls to pitbull spergs. You must be the pitbulls of the human race.
>>1271323Damn, you really can't read. I asked if
you are one of them, unless you're telling me you have multiple personalities I must address now. I'm guessing the answer is yes, you are. Get help.
No. 1271354
>>1271347>"It's not all of us, swear!!!"You absolutely love defending scrotes and trying to minimize their disgusting presence. This is why everyone who's not literally insane hates you, on top of making them look crazy when they raise
valid concerns about pitbulls.
No. 1271362
>>1271344Daily reminder that a lot of pitfags are zoosadists, both towards the shitbulls they own and the animals they feed to the shitbulls. You may want to see what they think about cats or rabbits, there are some lovely communities with videos and juicy commentary. The fact that primary shitbull audience is mostly small dick moids doesn't even need to be mentioned.
No. 1271368
>>1271361You didn't answer the question, you brought up some strawmen of what you think I might say and then claimed other posters were supporting him.
But you didn't answer my question, which is, did that one moid spam the gore etc. or not? Yes or no?
No. 1271378
>>1271367>A normal person says "Yup, those people are fucking garbage and should be stoned to death".I dont have a dog in this fight
kek but is that what you think normal people say, anon?
No. 1271393
>>1271385You didn't answer the question, you brought up some strawmen of what you think I might say and then claimed other posters were supporting him.
But you didn't answer my question, which is: Was it one moid from 9 months ago who posted gore etc or was it several anons?
No. 1271411
>>1271406Do you even know what reddit spacing is?
>>1271391It's a reach. Degenerate insecure scrotes and handmaidens of all races just love their fuckin pitbulls. Something about feeling the need to prove their masculinity or how much of a "cool girl" they are.
No. 1271419
>>1271410What am I avoiding? I clearly answered the question, but the answer makes you mald for some reason.
>BPD accusationsYou've spent quite some time raging and accusing me of owning pitbulls, defending them and copy-pasting your own posts all because I said gore-spamming scrotes are a bad thing. If I'm a bpdfag, you must be hyper-borderline. The projection with the "my bad" after complaining about passive aggression is crazy too, I hope you can recover
No. 1271437
>>1271431I literally said "you can go to war with your pitfriends there". As in, take your sperging about pro-pibble vs anti-pibble back where it came from because it's been established that it's a Reddit problem. Pointing out that it is and that males are degenerate isn't pitfagging, no matter how much you want it to be.
Everyone agrees with
>>1271349 No. 1271450
>>1271447That reads "gore spamming scrotes", did you forget what plural words are?
>j-just one scroteThe scrote who was being supported and called "based" by allegedly female anons even after he was exposed? Also, do you truly think only one man on the internet spams gore or is an anti-dog freak? That's extremely delusional if so
No. 1271469
>>1271463Wow, so you're finally admitting I wasn't strawmanning in the second sentence of this:
>>1271330I really appreciate it, we're making progress. By the way, why can't you answer the question? In your opinion, is there only one mentally ill, dog-hating man on the whole internet? Only one that knows about LC, in fact?
No. 1271473
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Anne Hathaway is beautiful. It never made sense to me when people would criticize her looks or her smile, it seemed like such a reach
No. 1271516
>>1271486The anti pitbull sperg misunderstood the post and shat her pants, and she'll continue to do so and insist everyone is another anon she fought with and must be defending pitbulls because they felt attacked for reasons only they know kek.
I think everyone who's mentally sane can agree that pitbull breeders should be punished and that pitbulls should not exist, and also that animal hate/abuse weirdos who virtue signal but just want a free pass to be disgusting are a blight on the earth. Not sure why it would be a fight for anyone (besides the animal hate/abuse weirdos themselves, they just hate being exposed)
No. 1271525
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>I heard ye like when I text ye what I’m about to do to yer knickers so I’ll describe how I’m going to fill them with finnikywhoppers and make it wetter than a hillshire pond and more rancid than the frogs o’er there tew. I’ll shove me bloody cock in yer face and you’ll have no choice but to suckle the bollocks off and get me rocks off
No. 1271554
>>1271526Yeah can you tell yourself this
>>1271496 real quick kek
No. 1271601
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The Sims 2 is uglier than TS3, and TS3 doesn't deserve it's reputation as the ugly sister of the sims games. Also, when people say TS3 looks ugly I think they really mean it just looks realistic because TS4 is extremely cartoony.
No. 1271619
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>>1271608>not realistic at allIn comparison to the Sims 4, can you really deny that it's more realistic? I feel like there's more texture in Sims 3.
No. 1271638
>>1271499Unless bleach is part of getting to a fun, danger hair color.
I also have black hair and I've bleached it quite a few times. The one time I did get to blonde I ended up covering it up with green and blue lmao
No. 1271641
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The elites are right. Most people are cattle that deserve to be ruled over.
They don't care who rules over them, or which freedoms are taken away as long as there's food on their plate and something on the TV. They would try to hammer down the nail that sticks out, be infinitely cruel to those who don't blend in in order to keep things smooth and comfortable. They would commit atrocities if the crowd supported it, and pretend to care if the rest of the crowd cared. They always want to get something out of each other, money, attention, dominance, status, and most people really don't give a shit about their families, their jobs, their hobbies, they just distract themselves and want to be seen doing the things they do, always seeking approval. They'll kick you when you're down. Parents would beat the shit out of their kid who wouldn't know how to verbalise it and then pretend nothing happened years later- they don't care, they just want to be seen as a good parent. It makes them uncomfortable when they see someone who doesn't follow social norms. They don't care about the truth, they care about what's comfortable, what gets them shelter and approval. This is about 90% of people.
No. 1271779
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Dogs (and animals in general) in clothing, while adorable, can border on abusive when humans go overboard about it
No. 1271792
>>1271697I remember being bored one night and using omegle, just the chat section, I connected with a trans man and she was seriously just rude and offputting, always ready to take offense to everything I said. Diving into wordswordswords lectures.
Then we disconnected and looped around, and when I reconnected with her on the same tag I pretended to be a trans woman, playing up all the AGP stereotypes. The amount of disrespect and misogyny she just took, and uncomfortably took, was absurd. It was palpable through the chat where she struggled to articulate how inappropriate I was being.
I find it funny how trans men will accuse everyone else as being rude, bigoted and whatever, and then isolate themselves from normal society. And to top it all off, the only people they keep in their little bubble are misogynistic troons and "queer" moids that absolutely bully them and treat them like garbage.
No. 1271794
>>1271792I forgot to sage and I forgot my unpopular opinion.
Bright dyed hair women are fine most of the time. Their lives are a hot mess usually but you can safely hang out with and talk to them. The true unhinged ones are bright dyed hair moids, I've never seen one that wasn't absolutely unhinged and psycho.
No. 1271936
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I'm anti-abortion but I think a rapist's baby is more parasite than human so pro-life laws shouldn't be applicable. Sure, it's not its fault, but it's part of the rapist's and as such part of a crime. If someone strangles another to death you don't just chop off their hands
No. 1272019
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Is there a stereotype for women who go strawberry blonde? I need to know
No. 1272026
>>1272018I think abortions should be available and legal for all, but I recognize fetuses as babies. IMO, it's actually irrational not to, and you're implicitly falling into the trap of religious thinkers to try and argue whether it's "truly" alive.
Yes, doing it is sad, but death and life will always be part of existence, and we have to accept it. Even outside of abortion, tons of animal mothers mercy kill or leave one of their babies out of the litter if they're too weak to survive, if they're deformed, etc. It's not "evil" of them, and it's not a light decision. It's a personal choice only a mother can (or should) ultimately make, and we need to reckon with that instead of coping. If a woman suffers a miscarriage, she's not expected to think "It was just a clump of cells, it didn't matter", and I'd still feel bad for her, so trying to change the rules for abortion feels like a self-deception. Only an actual sociopath or a scrote (who couldn't comprehend being able to give birth, just take it, in typical scrote fashion) would mistake something that fundamental with spitting on the sanctity of life, or try to equate it with murder IMO. Genuinely feels like moid gaslighting that we can make reasonable distinctions for "types" of killings, but abortion is either flat-out murder or just nothing
Also, this post is long enough, but this has been floating in my mind too: If the state can take your life (or make you "disappear") after you're already born for breaking its laws, there is no reason a mother shouldn't be able to do the same thing when you are literally growing inside of her body. You may not have consented to being conceived, but you also didn't consent to being subject to the laws of your country
No. 1272045
>>1272036>>1272039A cope for not wanting to accept the reality of things. Yes, a life was taken, literally stopped. Whether you'd think of it more as the "potential for life" (a newborn is also just a spark of potential and will rely on the mother for a long time) or not, that's what it is. We don't need to shift the line and dance around the subject, it's a complete waste of time whether you think it's a "real" baby or not.
If a woman was forced to give birth, and she drowned her infant in secret, not because she hates babies, but for the exact reasons she'd have gotten an abortion, are you going to paint her as a murderer and class her completely differently from the women who were able to abort? No, that'd be ridiculous and heartless. Life is in a mother's hands
>>1272043If your argument is "I'm not saying anything about sympathy or miscarriage", then you just randomly added your opinion on whether a 10 week old is a "real" baby, which is off-topic to what I'm talking about, anon
No. 1272089
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>>1272087I mean generally yes I agree, no need to defend being a fujo with any sort of moral or feminist justification, but it absolutely threatens moid anime fans as any Free or YOI fan could probably tell you. It can be hilarious to witness.
No. 1272104
I think we're on the same page, because I don't think it matters either (I deleted my initial post because I didn't know whether to just drop it or not)
>but you're tying ALL emotions to whether or not it's a baby, and i don't understand why empathy and emotions are so black and white to you.
Because the whole "It's just a clump of cells" argument is often used to be dismissive to the act of abortion, and I find it disingenuous because it's not really the point. There is gravity to abortion, the empathy and emotional aspect is one part of that and we can't get away from it. Like yes, a fully-formed infant isn't the exact same as they were at 10 weeks, but they're the same organism/being in the end, and that's what I'm referring to.
>i understand you're being consistent whether or not it's a miscarriage or an abortion, but it's not necessary to get into semantics with a recently grieving woman, though still, i'd obviously tell them that i'm very sorry for their loss. it's not required of me to earnestly believe that it's LITERALLY a "baby" on a technical level
That's what I mean, you don't have to earnestly believe anything.
>you came out guns blazing in the unpop opinions thread with "i believe it's a baby" though as if you were speaking with reference to it technically and developmentally, which pro-life people literally do (with no clarification that you meant it casually).
I just see a life as a life, there are many stages of growth. It doesn't mean what pro-life people want it to mean, that's what I meant by scrotes who don't get the balance between life and death (because all they know is death and they can't give birth).
No. 1272124
>>1272104anon, the gravity of abortion is not what you think it is. the issues women go through internally are due to hormonal changes which leave them more susceptible to external input that harms them emotionally
and describing a fertalized egg as a clump of cells isn't meant to be dismissive of abortion, it's meant to reinforce the science behind it so the one getting an abortion doesn't feel guilted. women feel bad about abortion because of other people, not because they have some magical connection to a growing clump of tissue. if moids and crazy idiots didn't guilt them, all they'd suffer is the physiological issues from hormonal changes after what the body views as miscarriage, which women also feel more guilt from shitty moids than anything internally.
No. 1272127
>>1272121You are a spaz.
>If a woman was forced to give birth, and she drowned her infant in secret, not because she hates babies, but for the exact reasons she'd have gotten an abortion, are you going to paint her as a murderer and class her completely differently from the women who were able to abort? No, that'd be ridiculous and heartless. Life is in a mother's handsJust look at how much of a spaz you are. A child is not an adult, a foetus is not a baby, end of.
No. 1272134
>>1272124It's not "magical" or the result of external/social guilting to feel an attachment to a child growing inside your body, it's a natural process intended to help propagate the species. Not everyone wants to or should give birth, though, and we don't need to try to hand-wave away something that simple to accept it. Even animals aren't "neutral" to pregnancy or their offspring
I don't know of a single civilization or period in history where women literally didn't give a fuck about being pregnant or feel anything about an unborn child until the moment it popped out, it's an entire process. It can be painful for some women, or not for others, but claiming moids are the reason anyone cares is a reach
>>1272127Okay, sorry me not sharing your opinion on "what counts as a baby" is bothersome for you. A child isn't an adult, both are alive and human. The definition of "baby" is "very young offspring of human being", end of story.
No. 1272137
>>1272134Yes “very young offspring” not an actual fucking foetus you spaz.
My unpopular opinion is people like you are literally just pro life but too pussy to just go mask off and say you think women are murderers for getting abortions. You warble on about “women forced to give birth drowning babies in buckets” and “calling a foetus a clump of cells is like laughing in the face of a woman who is grieving a miscarriage” but we can all see through it.
No. 1272149
>>1272147>If I'm wrong, please do educate me"This is incorrect" doesn't really add anything to the conversation.
>>1272143Your opinion doesn't matter either, but you're still so pressed because I said a life is a life (and that women will always have the right to terminate life within their bodies, that's that)
>>1272146How am I pro-life? Does that term have a "floating" meaning now to you, or are you just using it as an insult for anything you don't like to read/hear?
No. 1272154
>>1272148If I had to, I probably could. If I had to kill my own newborn baby because I couldn't raise him/her or deeply didn't want to, I would. Eating placenta is actually very nutritious, you're right. If it was beneficial for us as a species to eat our babies, we'd probably all do it much more often, in which case, I'd agree that if you can't, maybe don't birth. The way things are now, I feel the same way, but about mercy killing instead of cannibalism. I've read that guinea pigs eat their young when they're under extreme stress, not sure about alligators.
I don't care about propagating the species, personally. I just recognize that we're organisms that reproduce and die, and our biological states facilitate that at most turns. I don't get how so many anons are so terrible at picking up on nuance
No. 1272170
>>1272160if that's what you took from this you're even more retarded than i thought. animals do things based on
instinct nothing more. they don't have the ability to consider why they're doing it. everything you're saying just goes back to you wanting humans to just act on their instincts which is fucking stupid.
No. 1272182
>>1272179You've been making so many of these weird, angry posts. I'm not even trying to be catty, it's better to take a break than put yourself through this
No. 1272188
>>1272154About alligators, it is male ones who eat the young because of competitiveness. It would be really risky to let a man live freely if eating newborns was a common occurence for us humans. You just know they’d tried to muscle in on that morsel! I think if women birthed eggs style then we would see a whole host of cannibalism delicacies like human eggs Benedict. If you put a lot of force into, assuming they are not soft shell, I think you could take a man’s vision out. Just imagine yolk in your eyeball. I think eating them eggs style would be more in vogue than whole newborn, obviously.
>>1272158The anon your responding to said nothing to deserve this type of hostile response. You should ponder a world where we do eat a baby or lay eggs and chill out. Life isnt serious. Outside of the box thinking is a creative exercise, and also fun. Try it sometime instead of being such a wet blanket.
No. 1272189
>>1272184I didn't claim that at all. This is what I mean, strawmanning and bizarre insults with no meat to them. It doesn't sound like you're even enjoying this, it's like you're just angry about an argument you've imagined and keep trying to force
>>1272186I'm referring to the anon who's been making exclamation-mark heavy, all lowercase posts without any actual arguments. If you're not her but you just sound like her, then my bad, but you're being weird too
No. 1272191
>>1271441 Truly a cursed opinion. I looked like I was balding when this happened and it was the reason I completely stopped dying my hair
>>1271499It didn't get fucked up like this for me. It must be a hair texture thing bc I have Kiki hair that processes very quickly. Just saying. It's not
always gross-looking (for the reason you pointed out). That being said, I went from virgin hair to bleached. Big mistake, I should have kept my beautiful ong virgin hair the way it was and now it'll be a year or two till I'm back where I was length-wise. Please kill me
No. 1272206
>>1272195How? What psuedo-philosophy talk? It's not a theory or hypothetical that abortion has always existed, and always will, that human bodies are primed to reproduce, and certain parts of our biology typically try to encourage reproduction. That's just how life works. Ending a developing life is what it is, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that. Pro-choicers recognize that women have the right to abort a child, wile pro-lifers try to use moralizing and religion in a bid to control our bodies. I'm not seeing what confuses people
>>1272193Without the word "being", the definition is still the same:
>any system capable of performing functions such as eating, metabolizing, excreting, breathing, moving, growing, reproducing, and responding to external stimuli.You're not dead before you exit the womb
>>1272188That makes sense (with the alligators), reminds me of lions being aggressive to male cubs. Scrotes remain scrotes across a shitton of species kek. Also, egg-laying would be much more convenient than pregnancy IMO, too, on top of the benefits you listed. Kind of sucks that we're stuck with mammal pregnancy
No. 1272216
>>1272209You've done this "you're a spaz" thing multiple times with no actual argument or explanation, just
>you are pro-life because I said soand
>you're just trying to sound smart (even though we're all anonymous and there's no reward in sounding intelligent)Maybe you could try actually pointing to what you take issue with, explaining how anything I've stated is "pro-life", and going into why I'm a "retarded spaz". Or maybe I'm just Russian I guess idk kek
No. 1272222
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>>1272218I don't remember asking, but alright, best of luck
No. 1272223
>>1272215but anon, she's
deep she's just talking about science, while claiming science is a colloquialism and spouting inane circular logic.
No. 1272232
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>>1272223Only MOTHERS get to decide between life and death, which literally means they can murder their offspring when they please, including when they’re babies, children or adults. It’s their RIGHT! But it’s ILLOGICAL not to call an embryo a baby! Because drowning a fully formed crying infant in a bucket of water is THE SAME as removing a 6 week old foetus that couldn’t survive on its own anyway.
No. 1272248
>>1272232>Only MOTHERS get to decide between life and death,Yes. A child that grows in my body? I can pick whether it lives or dies. Moids and pickmes mad
>which literally means they can murder their offspring when they please, including when they’re babiesIf abortion was prevented, then yes.
>children or adults.Unironically, mothers should be legally allowed to kill their adult scrote sons if they are a danger to them or others. This is especially true for rapist scrotes>Because drowning a fully formed crying infant in a bucket of water is THE SAME as removing a 6 week old foetus that couldn’t survive on its own anyway.Not gonna support sending a 13 year old girl to jail because her inbred parents refused to let her abort her pregnancy
No. 1272254
>>1272248You’re fucking retarded and I’m not engaging you.
“It’s murder to drown a baby in a bucket of water and it’s not the same as an abortion”
“This MUST mean that you want to SEND RAPED CHILDREN who have no abortion access TO PRISON!”
Maybe your mother should drown YOU in a bucket of water?
No. 1272255
>>1272104 post. she's been misconstruing what anons said from the get go. she was memed into thinking women have some kind of innate, instinctual mothering traits that is increased during pregnancy and is why abortion is mentally stressful. she's been trying to argue that fetuses are babies because of her personal definition of babies.
No. 1272275
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Shirataki noodles suck and people should not be acting like these are a good replacement for regular pasta
No. 1272277
>>1272262No, it's not, everything anon is saying is nonsense. She's arguing that
child murder is the same as abortion because she thinks the intent is the same.
No. 1272307
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>>1272275I disagree with this, I like the texture and I know they're zero cals but they make me feel full
No. 1272319
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Very heavily-decorated desserts usually look way better than they taste
Icing is kind of gross and overrated
Sprinkles are pointless
Japanese convenience store foods/drinks are usually better-tasting than the convenience store stuff from other countries, for some reason
No. 1272700
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Neoteny is sort of a meme, most features deemed neotenous are also features that differ the most between women and men. Women are smaller than men in most respects and more neotenous in general. Then there's breasts and shapely butts which most men enjoy, yet they are not neotenous. But they are feminine like the other features. Of course a lot of men are creeps and pedos because they want someone they can have power over and manipulate, but I do think youth is considered more beautiful by both sexes, to a degree. If you had a choice between a handsome older man and a handsome young man in his prime, most women would choose the young man, and if they chose the older it's probably from a perception of stability and resources, not looks alone.
No. 1272815
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>>1272700>If you had a choice between a handsome older man and a handsome young man in his primeThe thing is that men are considered to be in their prime when they are 25-35.
Women are considered to be past their peak when they hit 25. Just check the Okcupid attractiveness chart (keep in mind 20 was the youngest option)
No. 1273426
>>1272087Yeah I agree. Even though a lot of fujos can be annoying
especially the ones on this website kek I generally don't think there's anything wrong with being into yaoi and I don't think they need to justify it with the bullshit "b-but it's feminist" cope. Just say you like seeing two dudes fucking and that it makes you wet, there's nothing wrong with that. Hell, I don't think it even matters if they straight up fetishize gay men, it's not like fujo women actually pose a threat to gay men, unlike the men who fetishize lesbians.
No. 1273853
>>1273651It has everything to do with biology because it’s a mating strategy. Humans aren’t the only ones who practice hypergamy so it’s more than just about marrying. Also I know what “marrying up” means just like everyone else in the world.
I feel like you have poor reading comprehension?
No. 1274228
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No. 1274236
>>1274230Reminds me of something an anon posted in another thread:
>I watched a vid a while back where a bunch of transmen sat face to face with men who don't believe in the whole trans thing. There was a part where the ftms (the ones in the group who passed the best) talked about the social privileges they'd gained. Being listened to more. Being taken more seriously. Not being interrupted. People assuming they're knowledgable and capable. Being stealth at work and noticing women aren't treated as well. They men sitting across from them didn't want to hear it.I've read multiple other accounts from other FtMs who pass about being treated with more respect in general. Males really hate hearing the truth, and love to make up their own theories about "female privilege" kek.
No. 1274333
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No. 1274390
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No. 1274563
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The way burgerland has such a hate boner for pretty boys/feminine straight men makes me really sad (well I suppose it's more so American men who have a hate boner, but a lot of women here who are into manly men can be super judgemental as well). Don't get me wrong these countries have their issues especially in regards to misogyny, but I'm envious of the women in countries like South Korea and Japan who frequently get depictions of men like this in their media. Ngl the moids shilled as attractive in Hollywood had me thinking I was a lesbian for a bit because I find nearly all of them unattractive kek.
No. 1274564
>>1274521There was a case recently in my city of a daycare worker poisoning a baby because she was supposedly too noisy and crying too much. I've worked in recruitment at some point of nurses, daycare workers, etc. and they're shitty jobs, apparently the worker lost her shit due to a long time of the shitty working conditions, no fucking way I'm leaving any potential kids in that kind of place. I won't have kids anyway, I would be extremely paranoid and a horrible helicopter mom and I know that it's not a good thing. I was already overprotective of my youngest sister when I was helping my mother raise her, she's 18 now but I can't help but see her as my little baby.
>instead of it being expected for them to just leave their kids at a daycare and hope for the best.Where I leave there aren't enough places and daycare centers for all the kids that would need it. A coworker of mine and his wife are still looking for a daycare for their baby daughter since January I think and last time I heard about it they still didn't find anything.
No. 1274878
>>1274875this is the unpopular
opinions thread, no the incorrect facts thread. dirty houses don't help with immune systems, going outside does. jfc some people here are retarded.
No. 1274889
>>1274883A dirty home would not prevent a peanut allergy. Do you realize that exposure and purposefully keeping your house dirty are two different things? You can expose your children to pets and still keep a clean home. You can expose children to nuts and still keep a clean home. Nobody is purposefully trying to make their children develop allergies. This literally doesn't make any sense unless you're talking about some really rare scenario where parents are so obsessively clean to the point where they don't let their kids interact with anything to keep everything "clean" and only let them eat certain things (which
would be abuse but not because of something stupid like allergies).
No. 1274931
>>1274884They might not get seasonal flu as much, but kids raised in the ghetto definitely have more long term health consequences and sometimes are exposed to actual environmental pollutants/
toxic waste, like wtf is anon talking about
No. 1274980
>>1274967Not everything in here is an opinion, anon. We should be able to criticize anons who clearly lack critical thinking and post incorrect facts as if they're opinions. Some anons are super sheltered and see no problem with the idea that the ghetto is a healthier place for children to grow up than a clean house. Anon was clearly projecting
something with her weird takes, and some of it was blatantly incorrect.
No. 1275023
I sometimes see people talk about how gen z will probably be more aware of the issues of just abandoning your kid to the internet and they won't let their kids be i-pad babies or as terminally online as themselves but I think that's over exaggerated.
There might be some gen z that will remember their own experiences and not want their kid's brains to become swiss cheese, but there will also be plenty of zoomer that will think "pff, I'm fine so they can deal with it", zoomers that know it's bad but are still lazy so they just give them the i-pad anyways, zoomers that will think that's just boomer propaganda, zoomers that will feel pressured to give give them internet access, and even zoomers that don't particularly care or are much aware of the question so they don't care.
And with teenagers I think it will be even worse. I really think there will be a tendency to computerize schooling so at some point kids will be basically forced to own a personal computer since age 6, whether you like it or not, and that "pff I did fine so it's ok" mindset will be even more common here since the issues with being on social media since 11 are slightly less obvious than 2 year old i-pad addicts. Also, if you see someone mentioning social media being bad for pre/young teens there will always be a couple zoomers there saying "actually some kids in toxic families can literally only get emotional support from the internet so saying 11 year olds should not spend 9 hours per day LARPing as DID and fighting over emojipronoun discourse on twitter is a heckin boomer fascism gaslighting" [or however they want to phrase it]. There will also be plenty of zoomers that will desperaly want to be seen as the cool parent and will completely let their kids on social media because that's the hip thing to do or because they're afraid that people online will call them abusive.
The death of kid's games sites/sites targeted at kids also makes kids more likely to look at social media first (and then new trend of every social media site not letting browse almost anything without an account also will play into that).
All in all, I think the children of gen z will either be just as online as zoomers (since people over evaluate how much people share in terms of experiences and mentalities just for sharing a generation) or even more online, due to circumstances out of the parents control.
I think the only way this could be prevented is if when gen alpha starts growing up there's such a ridiculous ammount of kids with such grave and undeniable issues i.e. be literally clinically closer to retarded that it becomes a huge political scandal with prime news attention and there are court rulings over it. this will obviously probably not happen
No. 1275036
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As someone from south asia, I say with full sincerity that most south asian/Indian food is shit and I don't understand how westerners could even find it good, its oily, makes you shit five times a day, makes you smell like garbage and has no protein or health benefits, my ethnic group calls it "gangu/muhajir food" and other south asians make fun of my ethnic group for having bland and boring food, but at least we have healthy balanced diet
No. 1275052
>>1275045no it shoulnd't
>>1275041that's punjabi muslim food, not actual indian food
No. 1275087
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>>1275075There are actually hundreds of cuisine with in the Indian subcontinent, and they are as different as food from norway is from italy, my father's people lived atop mountains where it was difficult, they needed to make dew with what we had and whatever could grow there, but most "Indian" food is from ganges plains, on the other my mother's family is Sindhi, which is a baron desert so the food reflects that(picrel is what a meal was when I went to maternal relatives for visits) rice and fish and not much else
No. 1275136
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it takes a generous amount of delusion and obsession to completely change your face. it should be considered the most extreme form of body dysmorphia. i am not done with the thought, this is the unpopular opinions thread. i think wannabe asian k-pop stan oli london might be a nice person underneath it all. he is only ignorant, sheltered and attention seeking, but might be a kind person in real life. he is just so deranged that he doesn't consider what he did to his face and tried marketing himself as, to be impossible. i followed him as a cow for a while and he seems to get nice comments that aren't sarcastic. he also has friends. it's weird and offensive to say i know but he might just be like one of those super rich inconsiderate aunties who never socialized outside of their ultra rich influencer speudo celebrity circles. i think he might be a cheerful autist who if took the time to care and understand how this wannabe asian thing is offensive and impossible, and apologized, might actually gain some youtube fame like people's "problematic faves" trisha paytas and nikocado.
No. 1275196
>>1275181Yes this shit can be so fucking paradoxical at times. I grew up being drilled into me that I was the ugliest thing alive but now I see it was just jealously and shit because I have unique features that others wished they were born with, so I grew to hate my appearance and kind of go out of my way to look a bit disheveled so people just treat me like a human being instead of a "piece of ass" or some shit.
I had mountains, mountains of sexual harassment in secondary school the minute I started to wear a skirt and hold-ups up very high (since tights give me yeast infections more). I had boys on the bus go into lurid details about supposed sex and orgies I had been a part of, which was all such fucking horseshit. I would just listen to violent music to vent my anger and calmly ignore them, but they never fucking stopped that shit. It's the cringiest shit alive, I wish I had had the money to go to a private college instead of a shithole public school tbh.
No. 1275727
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>>1275408Wish I had a smaller nose so I could do those fake freckles, on me it looks like old lady spots on a witch nose kek
No. 1275879
>>1275810maybe they don't want to talk about it with you? not everyone wants to be a cultural ambassador and just wish you could talk to them about normal everyday topics. you're not the first or last person to ask, it gets really old. some people have their own internal issues and the harmless questions are
triggering, you never know.
it's more organic if you let people share their backgrounds on their own terms.
No. 1276152
>>1276148Burger here.
Bacon and eggs are common. Or cereal, orange juice. Sometimes yogurt. Sweet dessert stuff like muffins or donuts obviously exist too but I don't think the average American eats those every morning kek. I personally eat oats, yogurt, and fruit each morning.
No. 1276153
>>1276148Eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, huevos rancheros, potato wedges, oatmeal, and cereal. Muffins are good, too, and the occasional doughnut.
I eat a peanut butter toasted waffle sandwich because I can eat it while I commute, but that is considered a weird food by most people, though I like it because it has a high protein content relatively.
No. 1276374
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pugs are ugly asf, they look like aliens. I don't get why so many people find them adorable.
No. 1276386
>>1276374I'm biased because I had a french bulldog but imo it's how goofy they are what it's enchanting. That said the breeding of these poor creatures should be banned ASAP, it's not worth it through how much pain they go through.
I just wish someone forced breeders into breeding them with longer snots and healthier characteristics cause i really like their energy and it's just painful to watch how much they struggle just to reach to adulthood. I like these goblins I just don't get why people think they don't being able to breathe is cute. I've seen a mix that was blessed with a longer snoot and he was lovely.
No. 1276398
>>1276386yeah, I always knew they had trouble breathing which is bad enough but apparently their eyes fall out among other things. people who keep breeding them like that are fucking awful
anyways here's a pug + german shepherd mix, it's pretty funny
No. 1276400
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>>1276374I have one who doesn't have any problems breathing or eye problems, I didn't set out intent on a pug at all I didn't have a breed in mind but fell for her, we interact with loads of people who go crazy for her, but I forget not everyone thinks pugs are cute (I agree that the ones whos eyes look like they're about to pop aren't really cute.
The other day I was walking her when it was a bit dark so she couldn't be fully seen, and this group of teenage boys are talking to each other like "what is that?? Is that a dog?" Lmao I was like yeah she's a dog. I heard one of them go "eww" and I had to admit that was hilarious to me lol. They really don't look like dogs in some ways, they're like weird little pig monkey baby creatures.
Picrel the cutest pug I've ever seen online.
No. 1276551
>>1276544I was once a dinner guest of a very fat family and I was unable to stomach their lard-ladden food, the amount of grease on everything made me sick after a few bites.
Some people's cuisine just sucks
No. 1276561
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>>1276544Good thing I suffer from allergies, so people like you won't annoy me when i refuse to eat your half cooked casserole amen
No. 1276591
>>1276566ugh, yes. I tend to think it's because cats haven't been domesticated for as long as dogs, for example. so when cats are abandoned they go back to a more "feral" state. I probably worded that wrong, but maybe it makes sense.
people tend to care less about wild animals. the neighborhood I grew up in had TONS of stray cats. then one day they started disappearing. my neighbors had outdoor cats (that kept reproducing) that were poisoned, so we assumed someone was deliberately trying to get rid of them. the whole thing makes me seethe.
sorry for the major blogpost but the best solution I've seen for strays are catch & fix operations (catch then spay/neuter and let go). I used to live in an apartment complex that was a drop off location. many of the tenants would feed the strays who stuck around. the cats kept the rats away so it worked out imo. in 2020 the office got new management and I found out they wanted to take the cats away. they previous people tried that once and the rats came back. so they called up the catch & fix people and said they needed cats back. the strays were my only friends outside my own cat at the time, and I had a couple of favorites or would wait outside my door each morning for food and head scratches. it was a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
No. 1276687
>>1276561>>1276565>>1276567Why would you turn down the food people offer you? It's manners, I don't care if you say 'no thank you' to something after trying it or not eating all of your plate or whatever but people who won't try new things are always so childish. Turning food down that people cooked for you and put time and effort in is just embarrassing. Even if it's gross if someone cooks for me I'll shove it down my throat.
>>1276682This image is so cute look at him
No. 1276894
>>1276771This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion. I'm always confused how people who are into true crime can listen about brutal torture and murder in detail but god forbid there's killing of an animal mentioned in passing, there has to be a
trigger warning! It's honestly ridiculous, loving animals is one thing but having so much more empathy towards animals than humans is a crazy territory.
No. 1276913
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honestly it's true though
No. 1276920
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>>1276908Case in point kek
No. 1276937
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>>1276453This is your average edtwt anorexic woman.
No. 1277378
>>1277268Nta but any sort of animal hating behavior tends to be pickmeism. They often just parrot what psychotic scrotes say and pretend to be some psycho
victim partner in crime to said scrotes. They also put down women who like and own dogs like "ooo bitches who own small animals are so stupid and prissy I need a REAL dog I can hunt with that's actually useful" even though they live in the burbs and only been to the country side once in a blue moon to visit distant family
The biggest pickmes just imitate mad scrotes. Hating small dogs, boy bands, desserts, etc
No. 1277438
>>1277378Alright but what if you dislike dogs for being vicious and violent and messy and destructive, common male traits? How is that caping for moids or wanting a tough hunting dog?
Most farmers do for these very reasons, and that's hardly pickmeism if you ask me.
No. 1277463
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>>1277438I'm not saying that's always the situation but 9/10 dog haters don't hate vicious dogs they just bitch about Yorkies or something yapping or because they're not "useful" even though the moid/pickme doesn't even do manual labor, dog sledding, etc. I also wasn't talking about farmers but moids and pickme doghaters.
>>1277448That's what I figured. I also find a lot of extremely insecure and low tier men just hate small dogs because they want to be manly or something even though legit manly men often own small cute dogs themselves kek. Maybe moids who hate big dogs know that it's often other moids who train them to be vicious and/or purposely torment them until the dog fights back. This would mean holding moids accountable for their actions and they hate that. Aren't like 99.9% of animal abusers male ?
No. 1277478
>>1277465When did anyone compare it to racism?
>>1277469I love both cats and dogs but comparatively dog-haters are way more unstable than cat-haters. Cat-haters tend to just not want them in their house to protect their furniture, dog haters are weird and come from a place of instability and insecurity (this includes people who only hate certain "types" of dogs). I knew at least two moids who hated "girly dogs" because they were considered useless because you supposedly couldn't do farm work or anything. Both of these males were city dwellers who work white collar jobs and the most work they do is walk home drunk on the weekends. One of them even went briefly into detail about how he would kill a Chihuahua just because his girlfriend liked small dogs and he wanted to shock her/be edgy. Oddly enough the actual hardcore farmer, body building, blue collar moids I knew actually really liked small dogs and one of them who mowed his multi acre farmland and lifted hay all by himself would actually bring his Maltese everywhere kek. Women who hate small dogs tend to just be pickmes who are simping for these psychotic moids and think that parroting whatever they say will get them noticed by them.
As for big dog haters most tend to be justifiable since a lot of real life bad experiences with big dogs. I do feel like there's a lot of cherry picked articles about how "that husky is so going to eat your face off just watch!!". Having any sort of pet really is just signing up for any sort of bad things to happen regardless of what you get unless you get like a fish or something that stays in the tank all day. Even then fish can attack other fish
No. 1277498
>>1277478>>1277480I didn't want to get involved in this, but tbh I feel like both cat-haters and dog-haters are equal levels of unhinged as fuck. Cat-haters, IMO, dislike cats because they more independent and aren't as easily controlled (probably because they domesticated themselves) and because they push this imagined personality of "cold, mean, cruel, entitled, selfish, etc…" onto cats. Also, I think a lot of people who dislike cats only like dogs because of the loyalty thing and what dogs can do for them instead of just liking them as a companion, which goes back to the independent thing.
Hating animals in general is unhinged and there's no worse hater to me. Also, idk where this idea that cat-haters don't hurt or even try to kill cats comes from.
No. 1277534
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Average cat enjoyer (a response to someone in the Luna thread did not mention dogs)
No. 1277535
>>1277532I kind of agree with this
nonny. I think we should
but I think we should take baby steps for something like this. Actually, a good starting point would be a government allowance for mandatory things like pads/tampons/gyno visits/etc
No. 1277588
>>1277480This is bullshit and any comment section of "funny cat videos where the cat actually gets hurt" and "cats are assholes videos" easily proves this otherwise, together with the reality that cats are more often
victim to psychopathical animal torturers than dogs.
No. 1277758
>>1277748Yeah, well keep doing that, unless you want to go just two desserts and the wrong drink instead of your drink, one dessert, your fries and your hamburger because that's what nearly happened.
>>1277744Yeah, when I was working in retail I saw so much worse than that, I had actual "Karens" verbally abusing me and my coworkers, I saw shit, piss bottles and puddles and couples fucking in changing rooms, I had a guy from some unknown security company pretending to be a costumer and insulting me and threatening to beat me up to report my reaction to my manager, I think she can deal with a paying customer checking if she got the correct order before leaving.
>>1277747I just looked at her straight in the eyes with my eternal resting bitch face, showed her an apple pie package she gave me that I didn't order (only ordered one and got two), and asked her if that was the big mac and fries I ordered, she apologized profusely, gave me my stuff and I left but sometimes just being nice and polite or even just neutral can make them way more embarrassed than calling the manager and creating a scene.
No. 1277896
>>1277787They absolutely love it when you make a scene so that they can play the
victim and make out that you where in the wrong to begin with, then they can have you escorted from the premises. This includes when they’ve overcharged you or fucked up your order and owe you a refund.
No. 1277906
>>1277837This. I don't like dogs but I don't want them to die except the violent ones like shitbulls. Cat haters are on another level and they tend to feed into age old religious nonsense about them being messengers of Satan or some crap. Cats are also associated with femininity, more vulnerable, there is a reason that psychopathic moids take their anger out on cats most of the time. These "lol cat haters are just chill" cope is ridiculous. Like a previous anon said, go on any video about a cat getting hurt, the comments will be moids cheering and laughing. Also let's not forget that cats getting hurt/killed has been a running joke in cartoons and movies for fucking decades. Then, if the dog dies, it's a huge emotional tear jerking moment. Historically cats have always been the
victims of violence in some way and you cannot deny that, and it's still a huge thing today.
Maybe if you live in Turkey or Russia it's the opposite, but in the US? Hell no.
No. 1277971
>>1277936Dogs make great protectors and friends for both women and children IMO. Moids hate big ones because they hate anything that makes it harder for them to abuse others and throw their weight around, and they hate small ones for the same reasons they hate cats.
Dog/cat/monkey/all animal torture "people" should honestly just kill themselves. There's never a defense. Anyone who gets off on killing animals is less than shit. Even if it's because the animal is violent, you can always tell when the person's desire is about wanting to protect the innocent vs just wanting to see an animal get hurt without being called out for being sick. I hate anyone who tries to defend, downplay or make excuses for it, too.
Tangent, but I remember one person from the dog hate thread recently telling an anon to poison her neighbor's dog for being too loud, and the only person who called it out was someone who was arguing with the posters of that thread in general. Shit disgusts me
No. 1277992
>>1277971>I remember one person from the dog hate thread recently telling an anon to poison her neighbor's dog for being too loud, and the only person who called it out was someone who was arguing with the posters of that thread in general. That was me and I got labeled as a cat hater and a dog "boymom" for it. Honestly that whole thread is full of unhinged people (and moids, let's be honest) and I don't know why it hasn't been locked yet. It's not there to criticize dog owners' behaviour (which is fair tbh), it's there so some sick bastard can post borderline gore and repeat how much they'd kill all dogs over and over again.
Suggesting poisoning people's dogs is just so bad and this is coming from someone who used to own a lot of cats that got poisoned/caught and killed by neighbours and now owns a dog (that is kept very safe for that reason). That shit actually fucks people up when it happens, I'm not even being dramatic. I get not liking some pets, but anyone aggressively talking about killing animals has issues.
>>1277984A lot of moids hate dogs in general, it's why many dogs are aggressive towards males but not towards women. Even moids who say that they "love" their dog often abuse it (think of all the moids doing the alpha "training" bullshit).
No. 1277995
>>1277936>>1277971Not saying animal abusers don't discriminate but, again, cats are usually the most vulnerable because they're so widely hated. Same with rodents because they're small and considered vermin.
Also insane cat hating moids, such as my uncle, feel a sense of pride when his dog killed and ate neighbors cats and didn't take responsibility. Loved his dog more than life though of course. His sons regularly abused cats for fun too. I don't know what it is with psycho moids with cats.
No. 1278009
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Tbh lolcow has made me like dogs more. I never really thought about them much before and I actually used to be scared of them, but they just come up so often recently. I'm still a cat person at heart, but I think I would like to have a dog at some point. Why can't we just love all animals
No. 1278012
>>1277992I agree with you, anon. The thread is honestly a magnet for some disgusting people, and the rest just pretend not to see it for some reason (and many would rather attack anyone who doesn't coddle them).
No one needs a micro-community based purely around hating any animal, all that does is attract budding sociopaths and crazy people. You don't even need to particularly like dogs or anything, it's just that if you're a normal fucking person, your feelings won't cause a stir
No. 1278039
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>>1278009Happy to hear that nona. I'm the opposite, I'm a dog person at heart but have recently been opening up to cats. It's still very hard for me to read their body language and I'm still very scared of getting scratched kek. Being around dogs is like second nature to me and it takes a lot for me to be scared of one, even big ones. I am more scared of a cat scratching me than a dog biting me lol maybe because it's much easier for me to see and read when a dog will bite. Ideally in the future I'd like to get a cat alongside my future dog. Maybe a cat who would like to go outdoors (while harnessed up) so all of us can go out on adventures together.
No. 1278771
>>1278764I should follow up in that I don't think moids really care sexually about your looks after a certain point. After that point, your marginal extra attractiveness is just like a flashy rolex for the moid to show off to other moids,
like a giant flex. It's why fat greasy rich moids insist on having a model to show off, while in everyday life you often come across attractive men dating just moderately attractive or even average women.
>>1278766This argument always goes the same way on here
>Pretty women have it hard too>Ugly women get creeped on in the same way>No they don't, it's different! Ugly women get a different sort of creeping but it's not the same, and is arguably worse. Ugly women have to put up with moids creeping in thinking they're easy fucks, how the fat woman at a party gets treated and hit on once the moids get drunk shows this.
No. 1278787
>>1278771Yeah, I'm always pretty ticked off when pretty girls say ugly girls are "lucky" to not be noticed
Sure, but the predators? They notice us more. The difference is that men don't even pretend to treat ugly women as human - they have some decency towards women they find attractive - and will absolutely abuse the fuck out of them with no remorse, and they get away with it because nobody feels sorry for ugly girls.
I've never gotten so many "hookup" and "fwb" offers (hidden behind a vague hope of a relationship that of course will never happen) as when I hung around moids. They would crush on and obsess over the attractive girls and compared to me treat them like some ethereal superior being, while I was some kind of embarrassing contemptible cumdump monster in their eyes. Didn't stop them from trying to have sex with me, just in the most degrading way and attempting the most degrading things they would NEVER do to stacy kek No. 1278842
>>1278771>while in everyday life you often come across attractive men dating just moderately attractive or even average womenI think this also happens cause, well, is just easier (statistically) to date an average girl, attractive people are not common in general and is pretty rare if they even date each other.
But hey, most women, regardless of their appearance, are moderately good to excellent partners, moids don't even need to try cause they will most likely score a very decent girl, attractive or not
No. 1278884
>>1278771The reality is men are degenerates and they don't choose their
victims in any particular fashion.
No. 1279529
>>1277988The amount of domestic abuse stories that include a moid killing or severely injuring a dog that was trying to protect the woman or a child and continuing to fight in their defense while being murdered is pretty big. Most of the time it's not even a big dog, it's a small(ish) one. I've read abuse stories in magazines that encourage people to donate to charities that deal with vet costs of dogs who are severely injured while protecting women and children
>>1279488My favourite Ghibli movie is this big rock I found and am going to kill you with for saying that (jk I fucking hate My Neighbour Totoro. I have no idea how it outdid both Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke)
>>1277988 No. 1279541
The online fixation around BPD is largely pushed by western moids who fetishize/revile women diagnosed with it, and internet-addicted zoomers/millenials who are very likely to be diagnosed with it themselves. Those who bring it up a lot and/or accuse random women of having BPD are ironically showing a bit of a red flag for their own mental health. I feel like it won't be long until BPD is pushed as some sort of "branding" or part of an "aesthetic" the same way self-harm was associated with the emo subculture
>>1279536(sorry I deleted my post the first time nona, I agree with you)
No. 1279565
>>1279541> I feel like it won't be long until BPD is pushed as some sort of "branding" or part of an "aesthetic" the same way self-harm was associated with the emo subcultureMy sweet
nonnie it already has. I've seen so many girls on tumblr romanticize it or say it's part of their aesthetic. And let's not forget the xanax and knives sanrio traumacore e-girl thing. Posting pics of their ~so aesthetic~ piles of antipsychotic drugs they have to take or just make posts about klonopin or whatever the same way troons will constantly joke about estradiol
No. 1279575
>>1279541 It largely functions as the new hysterical woman label, especially when its about a "crazy bpd ex". I honestly feel when reading stories about these women that the men writing them are probably narcissists and want to label the women so they are the
victim, because the women is now the crazy bitch, which no one questions. See the JD/AH trial
No. 1279615
>>1279599I don't participate in the thread, just read some weird coping. It might be personal to you but it's not to me, just disappointing
>>1279609Honestly agreed, I think the twitter zoomer sperging about millennials just as pathetic
It's a shame because as two of rhe most connected and online generations you would think we would be less susceptible to us vs them shit
>>1279612But why not? Are we just supposed to resign to become boomers just without the money or life security? i don't see how joining the older generations in punching down and infighting really helps
No. 1279616
>>1279615The point that I am making is that zoomers are punching at Millennials. You can't make meaningful changes if all you do is blame everyone else while not looking at your own faults and what must be done in general. Zoomers blame Millennials for being manbabies who buy Harry Potter, but Zoomers are the ones in tiktok buying $600 Shein and Aliexpress hauls. Self awareness with all the gens is the key, yet all gens fail at this. If you think "LMAO BEANS" is self-awareness, I don't know what to tell you.
That being said, wallowing in depression (Millennials) is also counter productive
No. 1279950
>>1279903Millennials were the mix of edgelords and SJWs. It's usually them getting in those stupid poly relationships nowadays and off their ass offended claiming everything is racist. On the other hand you had the millennials considering gore as entertainment and making "jokes" about being racist/sexist until they actually become racist and sexist and "ironically" joining the kkk
>>1279930It's usually moids claiming to not know how to cook to bait some pickme into saying something "teehee let me cook you something" but then can't do stereotypical moid duties like fixing cars are putting together furniture. They'll claim to but I've seen "manly" moids look confused as hell when asked to change a tire. At this point its more useful being on your own or getting in a lesbian relationship since it seems women are the ones picking up the slack where men keep lacking such as making money, dirty work, cleaning, etc.
No. 1279954
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>>1279587>>1279903>Pedobear>Playboy logo popular>Jessi Slaughter >Amanda Todd >Yaoi paddle>Glamping>Chain email cursed>Glitter/animated text and gifs (actually based and iconic)>Tokio Hotel incest>Start of mass grooming in children's games>Reddit pedophile subreddits/ fat people hate/ start of mass manufactured rage stories>Children reading pedophile manga on sites and phone apps without knowing what it was >Unfunny shock websites linked everywhere (you know the ones) >Libfem "casual sex is great and empowering!" "Tumblr hoetips megaposts" untagged porn and more disgusting shit on 13+ websiteAnd even as an older zoomer I saw all this and porn before 13 while not knowing what my vag was. At least I grew up mostly without any tech. Zoomers are basically millennial culture extended anyway.
No. 1279958
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>>1279954>glampingFor a second I didn't realize this was a typo for glomping and was confused on why "glam camping" was here kek
No. 1280954
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In reality, Aliza Shvarts didn't really do anything wrong with her miscarriage/abortion/menstruation art piece that got censored. It was deliberately left up in the air whether any actual miscarriage or abortion ever happened, and that just proved the point. I don't think people were wrong to be alarmed or disgusted (I personally find it extreme and off-putting, though I feel like I "get it"), but at the end of the day, it's something a woman can do. It's ordained by biology, and more than just disgust, I think a lot of men and secretly male-identified women hate being reminded of this inherent power gap between the sexes
No. 1280997
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Hard, crunchy cookies are the worst of the worst. A proper cookie is soft.
No. 1281034
>>1281016hi every1 im new!!!!!!!
holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ←- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!!
love and waffles,
t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m
No. 1281231
>>1281220And they are never worth the time to explain anything to because they lack functioning brain cells and waste so much oxygen themselves it’s a crime against the planet.
Basil is the easiest herb to grow. Mint can be fickle.
No. 1281265
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me observing the state of this thread right now
No. 1281279
>>1281270We’re all just the same anon. Kek
>>1281265I’m sorry anon. What’s your unpopular opinion and I’ll listen. Let’s get back on track
No. 1281676
>>1281308retarded. it's very different to be an idiot with books and a phone and a learned person who can interlink info with other info and thus generate new info or even new structures of thinking, have them mature, and be part of this underlying network of ideas that forms the way they approach the world.
i do agree exams aren't perfect though and the american ones you tick are really shitty. but memorizing and relating pieces of information to one another is not the broken part.
No. 1281717
>>1281709Not a vegan and I don't personally think all of their dietary choices are the healthiest, but I noticed back when I ate vegetarian, people who ate meat seethed hard at me for no reason. Like they'd just notice if I didn't have meat on my plate and start trying to argue like it was a debate, or like they felt guilty and needed to defend themselves, even though I didn't care about their choices and never judged them. I just ignored it, kek.
A lot of people who eat meat are just extremely insecure around vegans and vegetarians
No. 1281745
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>>1281740Reminds me of this tweet I saw earlier lol. I agree though.
No. 1281746
>>1281717Same, I was a vegetarian but also picky eater autist for a long time and I had so many people in my face about my dietary habits. Or just forcing me to get something at a restaurant that I wouldn't eat or enjoy to try to convert me. Meat eaters always had something to say to me but I never preached about muh animulz to anyone.
My unpopular opinion is people should just fuck off and let people eat what they want as long as they aren't being obese about it.
No. 1282006
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>>1281740Yeah but sometimes it's really funny.
No. 1282870
>>1282849Piggybacking offa ya, anon:
All animal costumes suck. You're putting your animals in a constricting position and making them feel trapped, thus making them stressed. I hate all animal costumes, no matter how cute they are. Treat animals with respect to their nature. Stop baby-fying animals when they don't understand our human delusions.
No. 1282929
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I think that moving away from the people you love is stupid.
Moving away from family and close friends shouldn’t be worth it.
It’s not even necessarily selfish, it’s just cowardly. So many people who do just have FOMO or are literally running away from their problems.
I understand some people have terrible relationships with abusive parents and move away from them- that’s good, not referring to them. Only about people who move away from family and friends that they love and try to convince themselves that their relationships won’t suffer.
The relationships always suffer and with friends they almost always just fizzle out and die.
Visits back with family are rushed and constrained and awkward. They never fulfill the gap that the absence has created.
No. 1282953
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a lot of "boymoms"(I don't like using the term) are mostly unhappy women who have shitty relationships with the men in their lives, so they use their sons as surrogate husbands/partners, its honestly unhealthy for every party involved, its why celeb moms often have very weird close relationships with their sons
No. 1283009
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>>1282998Men will be like "Men are muh based kangs we wuz inventors n shit (because they are just like hoteps) and are the gender of logic tm" then cut off their dick because of coom addiction. Men are just parasites who want to control people while being functional retards to ensure coom success. Best thing they have is retard strength and use it to enforce retard hierarchy shit they make up because they are all hedonist, short term thinking coomers driven by ego. Men will ree women don't want them but then ree about women being the route of all evil and society bad because women are free. They only cope this way (ignoring the fact that society is bad because mostly scrotes are in charge, are literally retarded due to their evolutionary dunning-krueger brains, and because scrotes have most positions of power thanks to using violence to enforce their rule society caters to male sexual degeneracy). They try to pretend only gay scrotes are predators, when it's being a scrote that is the problem. They just ree to try and trick you into being with them when they have nothing to offer now that women aren't as enforced to be with men through artificial means like not allowing women to own property (even then they still do it by attacking women who live alone, making it financially harder to live alone, restricting abortion rights). They are literally retarded people reeing that you should let them control every think and only bad things happen because they aren't in control like a bad religion kek.
No. 1283031
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Stop engaging with the baiting tranny. They are trying to get the phone addiction thread shut down and the OP banned because this picture is “sexualised and rapey”
No. 1283057
>>1283048Why do the foul MRA/incel/troon fags always quote the study done on wasps and pretend like humans have comparable physiology?
Fun story about the microchimerism bit, we can carry the DNA from pregnancy with males or females in utero. Research points towards fetal cell microchimerism as having benefits at best, or creating later autoimmune issues etc. at worst. This doesn't make us men's coomdump DNA data centers though.
No. 1283079
>>1283076Samefag. Everyone seems to agree about the creepy boy mom relationship, and are posting about this post:
>>1282959 reeing about homos being retarded.
No. 1283100
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I actually feel bad for moids with porn addictions. I guess I just remember that "oh there's nothing wrong with porn" was what we were all taught growing up.
No. 1283277
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Contrarian centrists ended up being the most healthiest people in online spaces, literally everyone else who picked a side is now either a /pol/tard of hyperwoke gender queer, while the centrist is still nromal
No. 1283376
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are you an anon who hasn't checked in for a while? Wondering what is going on? Well, for the past couple of days, a schizo pedo troon has been having a major episode here on lolcow, mostly on /meta/, /ot/ and the MTF thread. If you have witnessed any of the following:
>complete wordsalads
>nonsensical infighting
>random aggression and accusations
>misuse of lc terminology
>sperging about "UH", "Kuz", elaine, and kiwifarms
>CP/monkey torture spams
>anime avatarfagging
>random youtube music links
>complaint about jannies and radfems
>laughable larping as an oldfag
>running gayops on himself like doxing his own family members in hopes of framing others
then you have just spotted the schizo pedo troon. If at any point you see anons arguing with each other over something absolutely incomprehensible and are wondering if you've missed anything important, fear not. That is just the schizo pedo troon samefagging again to try to sir up concern amongst the uninformed. Thankfully, now you are informed. So next time you see any of the above, do your duty and ignore and report.
If you see other anons acting confused, copy and paste this Public Service Announcement so that they too, may be informed.
/////This concludes the Public Service Announcement./////
No. 1283500
>>1283277I hate those images because they're complete strawmen. Centrism doesn't mean courting extremists on both sides, it literally just means staying in the middle. That can mean you're a leftist who just doesn't think kids should be trooned out, or that you're more on the right and you think the police are unfairly biased against some races. Everyone has leanings. If there's nothing in any political ideology you disagree with, you're literally a pawn (or you're too lazy for critical thinking)
Of course someone who's so brain-poisoned they only think in extremes would think that means you believe the KKK and a black person should be friends, kek.
I've seen this extremist bend on LC too, it's like western people have no unique opinions anymore, they just pick and choose whatever their team has deemed the most popular and insist you're the opposite type of extremist to try and bully/shame you into swallowing their viewpoint (even when you're nowhere near similar to their opponents)
No. 1284772
>>1281345what human rights violations going on right now in the world are worse than living your life in a small cage, getting punched and kicked by workers for shits and giggles, and ultimately getting hung upside down and slaughtered
and don't cite random bs examples of x case that happened in uzbekistan 2003.
No. 1284782
>>1284774sure I feel bad for the children and slow people, but on the equal level of animals. I don't give a fuckkkk about able bodied adults, they can leave anytime they want. my mom was literally in a warzone in bosnia in the 90's and simply left because she had two legs and could do that.
>extreme povertystill not as bad as what animals go through on a daily basis
No. 1284798
>>1284797I wouldn't even feel that bad for animals if humans simply hunted them out in the wild with guns OR, perhaps, open farmland where they die via a quick gunshot/bolt to the head in a secluded area.
Instead we have factory farms, and if you have ever been to one , or watched undercover vids on youtube, it's far more hellish than a gator popping out of the water and eating a wild hog.
No. 1284990
>>1284801Ayrt. I wasn't saying what you seem to think I was. I meant how much do you allow yourself to dwell on that cruelty when it exists in different forms and you're senstive to it.
I work with animals. I'm in an environment where I'd go nuts if I let myself really feel that sadness whenever I'm confronted by both wildlife killings and livestock every day. Wildlife attacks that don't lead to death can be as cruel as anything. I don't eat meat but that wasn't my point. Whether you make personal changes or not you can get overwhelmed or get empathy fatigue from thinking about the 'dog eat dog' life that animals face on all sides. That's all.
No. 1285429
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Avatar: The Last Airbender was just okay.
>Avatar is one of the funniest shows around
>Cabbage Man yells “my cabbages”, Funniest shit I’ve ever seen.
do anons really
No. 1285433
>>1284999>>1285003can't really say I have many interactions with male MMA fighters, but from my own experiences women into MMA are mostly homophobic and right wing to varying degrees, like there was badass lady who was a kickboxer who I really looked up to and she told me that she hated her daughter cause she was gay, and outside of MMA a lot of sports team I was a part off had homophobic and right wing women as well
so my unpopular opinion is that female athletes should not be held up as feminist icons, cause they are more often then not pick-me's just with muscle
No. 1285525
>>1285441indian food is extremely overrated though
it's all rice and various seasonings/sauces
No. 1285601
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No degree is actually useless. It's about how you apply yourself and you as a person (connections too). As long as you take that qualification and use it to better yourself, you can land a good job. People just seem to think that jobs are cut and dry
No. 1285703
>>1285700Isn't that exactly what is said in
>>1285601 though
No. 1285741
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My unpopular opinion is that city pop isn’t that great. I like a few songs of the genre, but most of them sound really similar so it gets old fast.
>>1285601I agree, but only if you attend an institution with above average prestige. My boyfriend went to a top university and made a lot of friends who studied humanities and social sciences and ended up in competitive consulting firms.
I myself attend a less prestigious university as a business major with a concentration in a growing field. Anyone would consider it a “safe” major choice. I also get good grades and have good extracurricular experiences. Even so, I think my resume often gets overlooked when recruiting for top internships because I don’t attend a name brand school. TLDR, I think university prestige trumps “usefulness of major” and I wish I realized that in high school.
No. 1285762
>>1285695I’m a philosophy major. First of all, philosophy is great as a BA for law depending on the classes you take, because it can help with the LSAT and with the material in law school. It’s not just Aristotle, it’s about forming and structuring arguments compiled out of a lot of disparate data. But law is not the only option at all. A lot of other people I know from my graduating class went into politics, consulting, marketing and tech writing/business writing. Academia was actually underrepresented in the group of ~40 I graduated with. I got my well paid and secure job at a large corporation because the CEO thought my degree stood out.
Then again, I went to a school that’s really well known and has a great reputation in the city I wanted to live in. I wouldn’t get a philosophy degree if you don’t go to a school that (even if not “top tier”) doesn’t have a significant alumni network or at least regional prestige.
I also was close to dropping out of college as an economics major from the stress resulting from my hatred of my classes so doing a philosophy degree was great for me on a personal level
No. 1285769
>>1285762Every law student replying to that anon is missing their point kek. They’re saying that a philosophy degree is useless
by itself unless you want to remain in academia forever, which is true. She also already said it’s useful for going into law. The law students replying clearly don’t plan on only having philosophy degrees and see the degrees as a way to make getting a law degree easier, which is already what she said. Bizarre.
No. 1285857
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>>1284999>>1285003>and most fighting shit is super gaySeriously. I could show thousands of gifs that will make you go "?".
>>1285433That's disappointing.
No. 1285898
>>1285857>>1285003comedy wrestling from an indie wrestling circuit isn't really a fighting sport, its more live stuntwork with theatrics
listen I like fighting, men fighting men and women fighting women, there's something oddly primal and beautiful about it, I also have a passion for marital arts and self defense, I think sneering at the whole thing as just meatheads being gay does a dismissive to the dismissive to the work everyone who competes in these fights goes through and the genuine passion they have
No. 1285936
I see people on tiktok calling kids "it" and thinking it's funny, mad weird
No. 1286163
>>1286156>poetry degrees aren’t useless, you can get a job writing articles for the guardian about whoever they tell you to endorse with one, you could be like Rupi Kaur!>film degrees aren’t useless, you can intern at adult swim for a month if you’re lucky, get booted, and become a film professor showing La Jetee every week to a class full of A24 fans until you die!>philosophy degrees aren’t useless, you can..go to law school!!>geography degrees aren’t useless, if you have the right ties and family money and the desire to sell your soul to the state you can get a foreign affairs job overseas and dabble in banking, duh! >architecture degrees aren’t worthless, you could become a high school art teacher who kills himself at 50! >theology degrees aren’t worthless, you could uhhhhv um uhhh own a megachurch? tsk tsk anons can’t yuo see, the warudo is your oyster.. don’t be a closed minded lazychan with no drive.
No. 1286184
>>1286175THIS. The majority of my peers with computer science degrees are extremely insecure. All they do is project their insecurities about how much they hate their own lives onto other people.
No. 1286187
>>1286186Doesn't change the fact that they are acting like assholes, kek. Also, the reality is that their jobs are going to be outsourced to cheaper employees in the coming decade, so I could care less. Like
>>1286175 said, bitter and high-strung.
No. 1286229
>>1286186I was honestly shocked at how low the standards are for tech in general. For a good decade I thought it was a super cerebral field, and the people working in there made it out to be a super cerebral field, but it honestly isn't.
I feel like an idiot for feeling like I was too stupid for this sort of work.
No. 1286231
>>1286229Yep, it’s honestly kind of a problem right now because companies are eager to hire anyone with a degree with any experience in certain programming languages, but most of these hires aren’t going to be that experience since it’s such a popular field with tons of people learning to code in their 20s to get a job, and the more experienced programmers have to compete with them—companies outside of tech don’t know how to tell the difference and will take anyone. My friend is exceptionally good at what she does meanwhile she has to babysit all of her younger male coworkers on the job and look after them constantly, and she has no one to ask for occasional help because they’re all so inexperienced and not as knowledgeable.
Seriously any anons here who need a job and don’t know what to do, do literally anything related to coding, computer science, engineering. The bar is on the floor, the pay is crazy good, and eventually the bubble is gonna pop when the field becomes over saturated. Incidentally it’s hilarious that anyone in tech would try to lecture people in the arts that they just need to try more and their degrees are just as easy to get good money with.
No. 1286778
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>Americans are really nice people
>their country has most things that we seem to think they lack like contactless payments ect.
>people who mock some of their systems are just as guilty as falling for tabloid bait as the people who they're making fun of for being easily led. They have a small vocal minority that agree with some bad ideas and that applies to every country.
If you visit the country, you will have a good time on holiday there.
No. 1286795
>>1286781My country is a third world summer holiday destination and I never take foreigners' opinions about it seriously.
>This is a horrible, poor, dangerous country.Dude, you would be just be touristing, not living in a neighborhood controlled by drug dealers.
>This is a very wonderful country, everything is pleasant, everyone is nice.Dude, you're just touristing, not living in a neighborhood controlled by drug dealers.
No. 1287357
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I think babies are low key kinda ugly, especially newborns. This lady came in with her newborn strapped to her shirt and all my coworkers were ogling how cute it was, but to me it looked too red and wrinkly with whips of hair, it looked like a beet came alive. Another time there was another baby maybe a little older than a newborn with a massive head proportioned to the body, this kid look like a 30 year old man with baby proportions. It feels rude to call a baby ugly but damn
No. 1287522
>>1287468I know what you mean
nonnie, while I agree with the other poster it takes actually being/knowing a person like this to grasp just how bad and hard to access the so-called resources are. I'm grateful they exist at all but it's fucking rough and it honestly angers me that people consider themselves "woke" advocates for social justice while basically ignoring these people. Who are in way worse shape than any hot topic oppressed group tbh. It sounds like that's what you're driving at and if so I get what you mean. Also angers me when they advocate for things directly worse for those groups while only pretending to be one or acting like worse off types don't exist (they don't have a voice)
No. 1287533
>>1287525Anon you're referring to and I actually have firsthand experience with the system and I know how much it sucks, but I'd still rather live here than be in a country that openly treats me like a freak and does not give me any care. That's still a no brainer. Call it a choice between a turd and a douche but I don't understand the demonization of western countries in this case.
That said, I am sick of fake woke people who virtue signal about this shit but either 1. don't put any actual effort to making things better 2. their interest runs out when it gets too complicated or involves scary mental illnesses 3. they focus on useless bullshit like words being
No. 1287548
>>1287535Thanks anon. I feel sort of lucky because I have met a few workers who are also disabled while going through this stuff. But they also lament the awful system and are jaded they can't do anything about it. I'm at least glad they're there to empathize with me though. That said though, I certainly can't leave the house without feeling like a freak. I do have to agree that even though institutions and some mindsets are better and more progressive vs other countries, you're still gonna get rude assholes that'll judge. But that's just universal I feel.
>>1287539I do agree with this too. I've posted this on here so many times that I'm probably profiling myself at this point, kek. But I've found most people who enter fields that involve saving or helping people, who have never struggled themselves, are just fulfilling some kind of narcissistic savior fantasy. And I've met plenty who will do the suicide hotline facebook status thing to virtue signal while also saying that NEET-types of mentally ill are lazy, kek. I think America's workaholic mindset clashes with these ideals especially.
No. 1287850
>>1287844Wait so BT and LG?
Bisexuals talk first, then lesbians, then troons.
Gay men might as well be straight, nobody cares.
No. 1287932
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Comic Sans is the best font EVER for at least TWO big reasons
No. 1287944
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>>1287938One of them is picrel of the post you replied to. The other one is picrel of this post.
No. 1289676
>>1289562>>1289580Idk how Depop works cause I use Vinted here in Europe but can’t you look for specific brands? About thrift stores prices I agree, finding stores with relatively cheap clothes is harder than before but still doable if you have the patience to look for them (if your city have some ofc)
Buying second hand fast fashion is dumb cause it’s not clothes that will last in time so eventually you will have to buy more
No. 1289795
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If you live in the USA, is a search engine which searches multiple secondhand sites at once. I've used it a handful of times and it's pretty great
No. 1290100
>>1289939Everything is getting low tier, glad you noticed too
nonnie. Kids toys, animation, clothing, household appliances, you name it. Guess companies are really trying to cut corners.
No. 1290342
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Dont know if this is unpopular on lolcow but it sure does feel unpopular with how current fashions are lol I hate platform shoes that are too high off the ground and clearly made for zoomers to take pictures of once and never wear again. They all have either a foam block for a base or they’re just heavy chunks of plastic. Its so clunky and ugly and just makes women more pigeon toed and sexualized because theyre all stripper tier nowadays
No. 1290831
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Spoilers for Catherine and Catherine Fullbody but the actual REAL plot twist isn't that C is a succubus, K wasn't actually pregnant, Rin is a man or Erika is a transwoman and unrelated to the curse, the real twist is that the whole story takes place in an American space colony in the far future.
No. 1290833
>>1290827what? who thinks that those things are equal in the first place kek
most popular opinion on the thread
No. 1290848
>>1290815Yeah that's likely true for some third world shit hole but I've seen a lot of fear mongering for first world countries like Japan or the uk. Making it seems like
poc will die and that America is the only open minded country.
No. 1290851
>>1290827While part of me agrees with this, the reality is I'm way more mortally wounded by silly, insignificant things rather than me getting raped. I am not talking about non-violent rape either, I'm talking about really fucked up stuff that you would think is only a twisted moid fantasy or in a snuff film. I'm not sure why I developed this way, but it's probably because I saw sexual violence, death, etc. as normal when I was little due to my experiences and I don't fight those concepts as a phenomenon as an adult.
I always wonder if there are other women like this, people who are hurt by inferences and little things, but don't really budge at "serious" trauma.
No. 1290908
>>1290866 and experience emotional empathy, just selectively. I'm also still capable of cognitive empathy, so even though I might not feel someone's pain, I can still recognise when they need support and offer that accordingly.
>>1290899 is a bit uncalled for.
No. 1290912
>>1290908Nta but, you:
>No empathy for friend who was rapedAlso you:
>Wahhh mean comments No. 1290914
>>1290866Basically you just said that you don't give a shit unless it really happens to you. You're selfish then? Or you're actually retarded and don't fully understand what rape means and causes, so you half-assedly imagine it, don't feel anything, so you come to the conclusione that it must not mean that much to you (not understanding that imagining something happening to you and actually being a
victim of it have HUGE differences).
>>1290912Yeah, she's just selfish kek. Minor things happening to her are literally worse than rape in her head.
No. 1290932
>>1290924did you actually read what anon said?
No. 1290933
>>1290924>this is such a male responseNot really at all, nah.
What's with the baseless finger pointing going on around here?
No. 1290941
>>1290933I responded to the wrong post. That was for
>>1290866 sorry. They are very clearly an ugly person
No. 1290948
>>1290876Who knows, I'm
>>1290851 and I do struggle with genuinely feeling sorry for people. But I am not cruel, I try to be supportive of others because I know they don't understand rape as a way of life the way it was for me. It isn't fair to project how I feel about things onto everyone else as if that is how things should be. Rape was much more accepted in the early 20th century and studies on women's attitudes towards rape from back then show that women perceived it didn't affect them as much as it does to women now when attitudes from women today are compared. But that's a good thing, women now while more sensitive aren't going to accept violence like that. I just see it as a radically different upbringing.
No. 1290998
>>1290992I kind of agree with you nonna. I love my mother but she let my father do a lot of bad stuff to us. Not horrible but he was emotionally
abusive. There are times I wish she would have just divorced him already for her AND us. As kids
No. 1291118
>>1291046He's a teenager, can you blame him for being slightly socially unaware? He probably thought it was a funny and innocent thing to post, especially since doja usually loves laughing at herself and being quirky online
And as a grown woman can you imagine dming a teenage boy to get in the pants of his coworker? I don't think she deserve to get cancelled or whatever but what a weirdo
No. 1291330
>>1291172That's awful, between this and the
nonny whose mother had a youtube beefing channel I am beginning to feel extremely grateful to be the only somewhat tech literate person in my family
No. 1291643
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>>1291478It's funny when people act as if Americans are the fat country when most other countries are having similar rates of obesity and are already caught up to us. Ion even think we're in the top 10 anymore
No. 1292004
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I unironically think tarantulas and most spiders are cute, fuzzy, and deserving of respect and affection, even the venomous Australian ones. I love their derpy little eyes and tiny paw-feet. I don't care how crazy I sound, I would pick them up and hug them if I could do it without killing them.
No. 1292405
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>>1290888Has the definition of trauma always been this broad? I’m surprised I haven’t seen more people larp as having PTSD
No. 1293183
>>1268738>>1290523How'd she know they were African American? Miami has a ton of Black Latinos, Haitians, Jamaicans, etc. that live in the area.
>>1291689Deathfats are waddling around anywhere, they're slowly fusing with their couch.
No. 1293228
>>1293162I like the strawberry and cookies and cream flavor, don't eat them often though.
>>1293217Where are you getting your Pocky? The basic flavors are like a dollar at my nearest Walmart
No. 1293246
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I don't think "creator made a self insert character for their animation/comic/film" is valid criticism most of the time.
No. 1293632
>>1293621I realize now that you and the other anon I replied to are probably talking about the COVID vaccine, but I honestly don't think that's what the OP post was specifically about. Anti-vaxxers have been a thing since before COVID.
>>1293612>Infact you spreading the lie that they're all very effective This isn't what I said. In fact, I think the COVID vaccine
was too rushed.
No. 1293642
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Men are dumb sluts and should be punished for their crimes against humanity
No. 1293662
There's nothing wrong with using unfair advantages to get ahead. Life isn't fair, the majority of the time if you want to really succeed you have to be selfish in some way. If you're hot? Use it. If you're charismatic? Use it. Use your gender, mental illness, appearance, disability, your family's connections, friends, eye color, any weird or special quirks that set you apart. It doesn't matter if you make up your entire life, fake your voice, larp as an anime character, shoop your appearance, anything, who cares. If it helps you succeed then just do it. The world isn't fair and just because other people are suffering it doesn't mean you have to hold yourself back