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No. 127133
I think I'm hideous and fat. Nothing will ever convince me otherwise. I will never be comfortable in my own skin.
But I'm the only person in my family with green eyes. I like that.
>>127119I've had dark circles ever since I was a little kid. People would always tell me to go to bed earlier or stop playing so many video games. But it didn't make any difference. Some people just have dark circles. I also have what I guess are hooded almond shaped eyes where it's pretty much all crease. My eyelids are naturally wrinkled. So when I close them you only see the crease. I envy those people who can close their eyes and you actually see the eyelids. That's so pretty.
No. 127138
>>127133Ah yes, my dark circles are sort of natural too. They popped up every since I was around 7 or 8 and never went away since, but I always thought that was some weird hyperpigmented shit since my tongue started to show dark spots around the 2nd grade.
Usually I just learned to embrace it and try to put some ice on them. It helps a bit, but it's still is dark.
But my skin is a chocolateish color, and my dark circles are as if someone punched me in the face, and drew on my eyes with dark brown marker.
(OTOH: I've been meaning to post my eyes in the eye makeup help thread but I'm afraid someone will redicule my teribad skin, eye wrinkles and dark circles)
>>127119Forgot to Add too:
I hate my cheeks. They are non existent when have my testing face, but when I smile they are so big and unattractive to me
>I also hate my chin when I smile. Its pretty tucked in when resting, but when I smile it just out and wrinkles, like wtf?>I have a love-hate feelings towards my hair>I hate my belly, but love my body(Pear shaped, but belly sticks out)
No. 127146
>>127142>>127145this. i've had many people ask for my photo on the street, at work, etc. the look of disappointment from strangers after they snap the picture and look at their phone is still humiliating, but i rather pose for someone than have people sneak pictures.
my coworkers from a previous job all told me that i look really underwhelming in photos
but in response to the topic of the thread, i don't think there's anything i like about myself. i guess my breasts are alright. and my feet.
No. 127154
>>127110I have green-blue eyes which are called paire in french and a babyface.
that's it.
No. 127166
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I dislike my naturally fat legs that I can't get rid of and cellulite. Also got thick ankles and very small feet. My legs look like pic
The rest is fine though.
Silky skin
Nice full tits that don't sag
Flat belly
Big green eyes
Thick lips
Big and slightly crooked nose that surprisingly works with the rest of the face and adds character
Overall I think I look average-good so I'm happy. My cartoonish gnome face and short size face make me look younger too, so bonus points on that.
No. 127168
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>>127165i know that feel anon
No. 127170
Honestly, I think I'm pretty great.
Good-sized tits, tapered waist, okay-ish butt, pale skin, slender ankles & wrists, small hands and feet, awesome green eyes, nice hair, yadda yadda.
I'm working to lose (more) weight, so that's something I am working to change.
If I could, though: NOSE JOB. Motherfuckin' rhinoplasty. srsly. more than anything. I want one.
I'm not a crazy fan of my wide shoulders & big ol' biceps, either. Also, despite being a nice size, my tits have some mileage on them thanks to a small human who used them for food at one point. ehh.. but whatever.
I'm trying to accept that I can't stay young, peppy, and perky forever. Plus, as I get older, I have less interest in impressing mediocre dudes and grow less and less concerned about impressing random strangers when I'm out and about doing my own business.
Even "being pretty for myself" has me sighing now because, FUCK, I'm working!! I ain't got time put 20$ worth of paint and glue on my face every goddamn day just to wash it off some hours later. goddamn wasteful.
You do you, though. Whatever truly makes you happy, you know? Just don't expect me not to judge you when you come into a store where pajama pants. Have bare-minimum standards at the very least, grills.
No. 127178
>>127174I lost 70lbs in 11 months (I was a 40DDD, now a 34DD) and my boobs are definitely not as perky as before but they aren't saggy either. They aren't "pendulous" and still pass the pencil test. The areolas look awful though. I'd get surgery to fix them if I didn't think the scarring would look worse than having big uneven nipples.
Keeping fit and toned while losing weight will cut down on sag, of course.
No. 127179
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>>127114Dark green eyes are best Anon.
No. 127199
I like my lips, they're full with a nice cupid's bow, and a pretty pink colour.
I like being tall and having long limbs, and being a pear shape. I like my waist to hip ratio, too.
I like my skin colour, a bit pale-ish compared to the people around me. Sometimes people call me "the white blonde girl" (even though I'm not that blonde anymore)
I also like my eye colour. They used to be amber, but they've gotten a bit grey at the sides, I don't know if it's related to my eyesight issues. And my eyebrows, they're perfect (to me, at least)
And finally, I love my nose, and my hands. Even when I was fatter than now, my hands were always delicate, just as my nose, which is small and apparently cute.
No. 127200
>>127196It's probably because of my childhood friend tbh. We looked very alike in most aspects but her nose was much bigger, eyes much smaller and she… Never looked that good whereas I'm at least decent looking. Still wound up being a popular girl and a social butterfly whilst I remained a socially awkward nerd, so I kind of learnt very early on that looks don't matter as much as people think. Or being nice for that matter, as she was a bit of a cunt.
Practise anon, confidence matters the most! And when you look like you love yourself and your life others will follow suit. Then you might just end up loving it for real.
No. 127210
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>>127209Do you have tiny finger dumbbells?
No. 127211
I've been told by others that my face is a 9/10, but they've never seen my eye bags (my glasses conveniently cover them up). Also I think my jaw is just a little on the square side.
My eyes are kinda cool in that they change color depending on what I'm wearing. They shift from green to grey to blue. However, they're really deep set, so that + glasses makes eye makeup a waste of effort on me because they're always in shadow.
My hair is long and not too thin, but it tangles easily. That's not a huge deal, though. I'm trying to grow it down to my hips right now, but part of me worries I'll never be satisfied with its length.
I hate hate hate my legs. I did a lot of sports when I was younger, and I have huge unattractive leg muscles that I can't seem to get rid of. Also, I'm very pear shaped, so all my chub (I could stand to lose about 20 lbs; hoping to get down to 115 or 110) goes to my legs. Because of this, pants are always 3+ sizes too big for my waist. To make matters worse, I have violin hips, so it's like permanent muffin top.
I'm okay with my tits, though. They're tiny - barely even A cup - but perky and round. I used to hate them before I got into j-fashion, though, because my ribs stick out almost as much as my tits. Then, I realized having a small chest was a huge advantage when it comes to fitting into smaller brands.
tl;dr I'm ok with my appearance from the waist up. Someone teach me how to get dainty thin legs please.
No. 127212
>>127211>eyes change colorsorry, don't wanna burst your bubble, but they don't :/ the reason they might appear to change is likely just the color of your clothes altering your perception of the color, kind of like how brown eyes look new pennies in sunlight
I bet they're very pretty, though, anon ^-^
No. 127215
>>127210Grip strength isn't controlled by the fingers lmao, it's determined by the forearm.
You never heard of a grip trainer?
No. 127216
>>127211I don't think thin legs is possible with your body shape. I have never seen a pear shaped person with thin legs. I'm a pear and have thick muscular legs and I didn't even do sports.
That is the part of being a pear, we are larger on the bottom half than the top.
No. 127217
>>127216I'm fairly skinny and probably look like a lollipop/banana/spoon/ruler to most people but my thighs and bum are a bit big for my size. Not too much but enough to look like a stuffed sausage in cigarette trousers and jeggings, which is bad news when you're going for the Audrey Hep in Funny Face-look.
I wanna learn how to dress for my body shape so bad but whenever I look 'pear shape clothes online I get frumpy officewear for middle-aged ladies with 5 kids. I hate how people on the internet think pears are inherently shaped like Mom from Dexter's Laboratory.
Also, no matter what trousers I wear there's always a clear outline showing where my underwear cuts into my arse and it looks gross. Why is it doing that and how can I fix it?
And whilst we're on the subject, how do I make clothes not look like oversized shit on me when I'm 5'3''? Shirts especially, I don't know if it's trendy or whatever but so many shirts I buy literally look like skimpy dresses on me and trouser legs wrinkle. Any brands that cater to people on the shorter side (but not petites)?
not that anon btw
No. 127218
>>127217If your underwear is cutting into your butt, go a size up. If underwear makes a very visible dent then it's likely too small, even if it feels comfortable. They also make "no vpl" underwear that is specifically designed to give you a smooth outline. & experiment with styles of underwar. If brazilian doesn't work, try shorts, french knickers or a thong.
For the clothing, a long term solution would be to learn to sew. Learn a few things - taking in and out, darts and shortening - and you can pretty much wear what you like with a few quick adjustments. Just buy a size bigger and take in accordingly. It's all relatively easy once you know what to do.
If you can't be bothered sewing, you can shorten shirts and trousers with iron on hemming tape.
No. 127224
>>127201South America, it's not taboo here, and I'm really pale compared to the rest. I knew it was going to sound bad in english
It's not racist to say it here, or anything. People just use skin/eye/hair colour as adjectives. I have a friend, and we all call him "the black guy" even though he isn't ethnically black, but, you know, it's a joke.
No. 127227
>>127223how did you do it?
uhm I like…
my hands foremost
my hip-to-waist ratio
my eyebrow-shape
my shoulders and collar bones
my neck because apparently it's very thin and long. I never noticed that until a friend pointed it out a year ago and a couple of people agreed. I'm really grateful for her giving me this compliment because I don't like many things about my body and the thought that some girls are unhappy with their necks never crossed my mind.
No. 127229
>>127110I have a cute face.
Self love is pretty important, but it needs to be grounded in some reality. These days every body every one is beautiful is getting preached so much and it's. ..ugh…
No. 127240
>>127239>thick curly-wavy Latina hairas a person with thick curly-wavy (not latina, but mixed blasian) hair, embrace that shit and take care of it. you've got all these fine/thin haired white girls crying about thinning or early onset balding in the hair thread…feel good about it. I know it can be a pain but even if you were thinning it would take a few years to even notice it. I'm thinning a bit at the temples now (combination damage and age), but it's still as thick as ever.
I say this as a person who used to envy that kind of hair. I've treated my own so badly as a kid trying to emulate it. It's easy and can look effortlessly pretty, but your hair is beautiful as well.
Sage for being drunk and in a good mood, but your post speaks to me a lot. I hate my hands and nails though, adult-onset eczema fucked them up.
No. 127252
>>127251But I am, sorry it pisses you off. And I can't even wear an XS without it looking long and frumpy, but I fit petites just fine :)
The difference is that unlike you I'm not a stubby hobbit, so I can still look elegant even though I'm on the smaller side.
No. 127256
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>>127252You're skinny anon, but height wise you're pretty average.
No. 127261
>>127252hahaha, I'm 178cm/5'10" and even I wear S, I'm not even very thin, just average.
Am I a tiny petit girl too?
No. 127269
>>127263why would an amazon be jelly of some bitch who's only 5'3?
lol keep role playing tubby.
>>127255this. anyone who isn't obese could probably fit into an xs from places like walmart.
No. 127271
>Are there things you actually like about your appearance? Or is everyone here completely consumed by self-loathing?I'm 99% self-loathing.
Things about myself that I don't hate (but would still change if I could probably):
>my labia minora are very trim, pink and small>my ears are small sized compared to my skull, and flat No. 127279
>>127247this is my first time replying to anyone (that is my post).I guess you didn't read what I said but I said I was "petite" which means my frame is small. my height is on the short side for women in my country but I am not super short either. it is an average height for many.
I do not look very very skelly even tho I may have a "low " bmi because my frame is very small. the one cancer thing is trying to fit into jackets or pants, not because I am "thin" (I am normal thinness) but because my frame is small the shoulders are usually too broad/wide same thing with the hips.
No. 127280
>>127272Honestly sometimes I feel like it's too small. Is that dumb?
I was looking at it in the mirror yesterday and it was pretty much nonexistent except for two thin pink slivers. But I'd want it to be more extreme, a brighter and lighter pink, and a cuter shape maybe? I don't know.
I'm an true innie but I have a puffy pussy so it doesn't even matter, because my vulva covers it up.
No. 127285
I really like my hair..? I have really curly hair and when I was a kid I was constantly teased for it. People called me ugly a lot because it was normally tangled and all over the place. In highschool I learned to tame that shit and I have always gotten compliments on my hair since.
No. 127286
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Pros:I like my cheekbones and smile.
Cons: been told I look like pic related. I'm a girl. Fuck my life.
No. 127289
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>Strong, healthy hair that grows quickly
>My lips are naturally big/pouty without any fillers.
>Nails grow long naturally.
>Big, black and empty eyes (just how I like 'em). Nice eye shape in general.
>Defined collarbones.
>Slender arms.
>Dimple in my right cheek.
>My nipples/areolas look nice.
>Oval face shape.
>Soft skin
>My actual breasts are saggy, but they're sizable and look great in a bra/cleavage-based clothing.
And now for the stuff I don't like
>Bad teeth
>Violin deformity/hip dip
>Wide hips/thighs from being pear-shaped. I'm generally "thick" and I don't like it at all, I wish I was petite.
>Wide nose
>Broad shoulders
>Stomach isn't flat
>Laugh lines around my mouth
>Resting bitch face
>Breasts sag
>Bad hip to waist ratio, waist not narrow enough
>Faded white stretch marks
>Prone to mild breakouts/skin peeling
>I have chubby cheeks when I smile
No. 127290
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"Your nose looks just like Princess Diana's!"
I'm formally inviting any and all farmers to come smash my nose with a sledgehammer.
No. 127292
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I know objectively, I'm an attractive person and if you genuinely ask me how I feel about my appearance, I'd say I'm fine with most aspects it. Granted I still regularly shit on myself and fixate on things that could be "better," but that's because I'm self-loathing in general and feel like I'll never be good enough due to my parents having never met any of my emotional needs as a child.
I am empty inside but at least I'm pretty.
No. 127301
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>ugly fucking teeth with permanent marks on front ones (thx brit genes)
>slightly overweight
>stumpy legs
>triangular tits ala cowtits
>scarred back from acne
>thin, straight scandinavian hair
>juicy big booty
>natural big lips
>big blue eyes
>strong, longass nails
No. 127306
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>>127302No idea, had em' since i was a toddler. So its probably genetics. Every time I've asked a legit dentist theyre like nah it cant be fixed and bleaching will just make it more visible.
Sucks tho since the teeth thingie is like the only thing id really wanna do something about. Will probably look more into it when i have the economy for it.
No. 127308
>>127307That's normal. You just don't know your angles yet.
I look like I have a massive horseface in phone selfies so I take pics with my camera instead.
No. 127309
>>127308That might be it.
I've noticed that if I record a video of myself instead, it looks a lot better. More like mirror-me and less like terrible photo-me.
Maybe I'm just terribly un-photogenic, is that a thing?
No. 127313
>>127308>>127312I don't follow. Does using a non-phone camera help?
Or do you mean using a video camera rather than a photo camera, somehow?
No. 127314
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I have irl anime hair, it's naturally very wispy and thick. I also like my thick hips that manage to still keep a thigh gap. Other than that, I generally don't care for my appearance.
No. 127315
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Things I like:
I like that I'm Short with
Perky full tits/relatively large ass
Curvy soft body
Wavy hair
Straight teeth
Full lips (could be fuller tho)
and relatively small feet/long fingers
Favorite thing is a little weird, which is that I distribute weight REALLY well, despite my height. I gained 30 pounds (13kg) because my face was always gaunt. Now I look overall softer with a fuller face, but not fat despite being under 5' (<150cm). I've never met another shorty who could gain/lose weight without drastic results.
I won't go on and on about what I don't like but…I really wish my face were still fuller even now. Unfortunately I don't have prominent cheekbones so there is a limit…if I could change anything, it would be to have a shorter/rounder face. Having a naturally "Faces of Meth" gaunt face at my low weight would always make me paranoid if I had an acne breakout (will people think I'm a meth addict? Why do meth addicts have such gaunt, thin faces? I don't use drugs, so why can't my face be rounder/fuller?). As you can read, I don't need meth to be paranoid…but honestly, having to gain weight in order to have a fuller face seriously sucks.
That's why my favorite thing about my appearance is that at least I distribute the extra (gained on purpose) weight evenly……
No. 127318
>>127316Boy I know that feel, I'm only half Korean but still makes me feel bad.
>thick, naturally wavy long hair>big eyes>nice ass>small hands>full lipsCons:
>horrible teeth>glasses>moon face>tiny tits No. 127320
>>127319I also have brown eyes but I feel like I won the fucking lottery. They look gorgeous in bright daylight.
Where do you buy your contact lenses? Because anything not made to fit you will probably look bad.
No. 127321
>>127320Well, now that you mention it I like them in bright daylight too, but that's because most of the eye turns green-yellow.
I have never bought colored contact lenses, but plenty of my friends tried a number of brands and at best they're decent, yet it's still obvious that eye colour is fake. I know there's an eye laser operation now to change colour permanently, yet I could never go through it.
No. 127322
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>>127321>>127320I also have brown eyes, but I don't actually mind them. I think it's because they're round and deep set like pic related so it makes them look doe-like, and they look really nice with my hair and skin colour. They're also kinda uncommon where I live, people like pic related are rare and most people have blue eyes.
Don't get the permanent laser surgery anon, it's expensive and dangerous. You could seriously damage your eyes or even go blind. If you want to use colour contacts, go with hand-painted ones, they're expensive but look very realistic.
No. 127323
>>127322I kind of regret posting this
>>127319. I know it's shallow as it gets, to wish having a different eye colour and I'm not proud of it.
I wouldn't go through the laser eye colour change, not even if there weren't any possible side effects, so thank you for your kind words :3
Doey eyes are really pretty, and the dark colour makes them more expressive, something like Audrey H. Unfortunately mine are small and almond shaped so the dark colour just doesn't do much for me.
No. 127331
>>127326>>127328>>127329Jesus, I guess this just proves that all white girls look alike, even in description.
To add what my post in contract though, my face is bonier than spoonys (not exactly in a good way, I adore soft features) and I have very thin eyebrows. A lot of people like my eyebrows but I'm always jealous of well groomed, thick ones.
>Spoony's eyebrows are okay but they sit a little… high? on her faceI also had to google pictures of her to see if my description fit. Sorry for potential shitposting I guess.
No. 127334
>>127332spoony's permabanned, folks. sorry, no show here.
although she really wasn't kidding when she said you guys were obsessed with her, huh?
>obsessive stalkers m8 :^)(no1curr) No. 127337
>>127334seriously? a 24-hour ban just for saying 'it's not spoony'? calm down, farmhand.
if 'no1curr', then why did they bother reporting it?
tossing in my two cents isn't against the rules; this is /g/. but i don't know what to call posts like
>>127333>>127332>>127329>>127328>>127326if not 'blatant, unnecessary derailment'. seen enough threads turn to shit over this british broad, thanks.
>>127335i'm not a code monkey, so I don't know the how & why, but Admin-sama seemed to think (he mentioned it townhall at one point) that there was a way to get rid of ban-evaders even if they were using proxies, but it was a huge pain in the ass. Spoony's ban-evasions on 4chan were pretty well-known, so I don't imagine he'd be dumb enough to think he could just ban her IP and be done with it when he was fully aware of her history. idk, I would ask in the /meta/ thread for clarification if you want details.
if you think a post reeks of spoony, just report it and let the new administration figure out what to do with it. supposedly if she does ban-evade, we'll get the go-ahead for her past posts to be revealed, so that would be wild.
>10,000 posts>>127336>thatsthejoke.jpgshe also used m8 and :^) like they were her signatures.
sage for OT
No. 127339
>>127338Hey anon, since you like thick thighs and a big bum - how do you dress?
I'm always having trouble dressing my body shape, I either look fat or frumpy even though I'm practically underweight because of my thunder thighs. I look like a fat turkey in jeggings.
No. 127343
>>127341After a while you stop giving a shit, anon.
I used to be made fun of all the time. I was an awfully ugly child, with thick eyebrows, a perma-scowl and big bulging eyes. I was always super jealous of my neighbour who was always fawned over, whenever she went people would go 'aww what a cute girl', I usually got like… 'aw, hello there' or something.
In primary school I was bullied, in secondary school I was bullied, my best friend at the time once told me that he was embarrassed to be seen with me.
I just kinda got used to it, when I got into college most of my class just ignored me. I kept wondering what was wrong with me. As it turns out we just didn't have much in common, they were the party type and I was more quiet and introverted, but it's so easy to start blaming yourself when you were the common denominator all those years, y'know?
I'm now a 2nd year in college and idk what happened, I used to be super insecure and self-conscious and then I kinda got tired of it, now I just don't give a fuck. I made a friend and got a super supportive bf, he's helped a lot. It's been a cakewalk from there, I'm fresh out of fucks to give and it's wonderful. I like how I look and
I'm the one stuck with this face and body, everyone else can go suck a dick if they have a problem with it.
I used to get shit on for literally everything under the sun and people avoided me, now if someone has something bad to say I kill them with kindness and smiles. And an occasional well-timed insult.
That's pretty much it.
No. 127344
>>127343W-Will this work on someone who's still quite ugly in college?
I want to stop caring, but I feel like people would get second-hand embarrassment seeing someone like me not being shameful of themselves at all times
No. 127345
>>127344Who cares? They'll be embarrassed any way you go about it. Better have confidence and be ugly than be a bumbling sperg and be ugly. You'll be happier, which is what matters.
You're not a criminal or doing anything wrong by being the way you are.
No. 127346
>>127345Ah jeez, thanks anon, you seem like such a cool person
Hate to sound cheesy, but you gave me the boost I needed
we're all gonna make it brahs