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No. 127525
>>127523Quite crooked; I have prominent fangs and on top of that my teeth are very tiny and from far away it looks like I have shark teeth or something but I like them for the moment and right now I'm not planning to fix it.
>>127524How long will you have to wear braces?
No. 127530
>>127528to be honest, I probably could have lived without getting it done. I was always told my teeth were fine but one of my two front teeth overlapped the other one and my bottom row was crooked and slightly over crowded and it bothered me more than it did other people
and I'm 19 so most people probably still think I have ongoing NHS treatment from when I was before 18. Most people that know me just said I didn't need them
No. 127531
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>>127529Ah fuck it, maybe one of you guys will be able to advise me or help direct me towards a service.
Physically my teeth are healthy. They never used to be this bad, but they were always crooked/overcrowded. The problem was then massively exacerbated by my wisdom teeth coming in and there not being anywhere near enough room for them. My wisdom teeth were finally removed a few months ago, and whilst I'm being treated at an NHS teaching hospital for other problems that have arisen as a result of the untreated overcrowding (hairline cracks in a few teeth etc.), they've told me that once the work has been completed they can refer me to a very good orthodontist.
That being said, it's not going to be free, but I'm a full-time student doing unbelievable hours. My student loan won't cover the cost of braces and I don't have any family backing me financially. Any ideas how I can go about securing the funds for this? I feel like it I could just get braces, everything in my life would become good. No more anxiety, no more covering my mouth when I speak and hiding behind my hair.
Also, pls no bully guys.
I legit used to cry myself to sleep over this shit 3-4 times a week for over a year. I would give so much to just have normal, straight teeth. So much.
No. 127533
>>127532Sadly, the last time I went to a private dentist about this, when I'd finally saved up some funds, they took advantage of me completely and scheduled me in for a load of shit like consultations, cleaning and molds of my teeth and bled me dry of all the money I saved up. 2 months after I registered with them I had to leave to go back to university and I hadn't actually had a single treatment. Not a damn thing.
I'm kind of meek and I didn't know anything about how the dental industry works, they knew this and so they completely cucked me with double-speak whilst I just nodded my head.
No. 127535
I'm not sure if I fucked up by getting my wisdom teeth removed, my teeth were crowded but I read about jaw/bone resorption after and now I'm worried about the future of my mouth.
I also used to have braces but my teeth started moving again after I stopped using my retainers. They're much better than they used to look but I feel like it'd be a waste to try braces again, especially because I play a reed instrument and the constant pressure is probably what made them crooked.
>>127533>they knew this and so they completely cucked me with double-speak whilst I just nodded my head same
No. 127536
>>127533yea man dont fall for it.
a LOT of dentists these days are actually int aesthetic dentristry, meaning, yes they can fix teeth but they also 'care so much about giving you a pretty smile you will love!' aka more money
i needed a crown on a tooth in the very back of the mouth and my dentist only offered porcelain even though i wouldnt give a shit if its silver or ugly (its in the back of my mouth! no one sees it. and fuck them if they judge me for one different looking tooth lol) but yea they just wanted the most money they could get
No. 127537
>>127536Fuck, I don't know what to do then.
Maybe… I don't know, a GoFundMe page? It feels rude, but this needs to be fixed sooner or later or it's going to cause more problems. I just don't know where I'm going to get the money for braces even if I did have a payment plan. With my academic hours the only way I'd be able to work would be if I dropped out of my education.
I thought maybe having my wisdom teeth out, maybe they'd move back a bit, but as it turns out according to my dentist teeth have a habit of moving forward, but never back.
I wish my family were rich and that my mother wasn't working all the time when I was a kid so that she had time to notice the problem. I wish this had been fixed then so I wouldn't have to suffer today. There's no point in regret though is there. Damn I feel helpless.
No. 127539
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I have overcrowding and a overbite, my dentist said my mouth is too small for all my teeth. I might need to get some removed and then get braces. It sucks because my parents couldn't afford braces when I was younger and it feels strange getting braces in my late 20's. I am not a good candidate for Invisalign, so I have to get the other type. My bottom teeth are much more crooked than the top.
My orthodontist said they can do pastel bands, so I am thinking of doing something like in the picture.
No. 127540
>>127539Are they as bad as mine?
>>127531I don't really care what kind of braces I get personally, I'll settle for anything at this point.
No. 127541
>>127540I would say mine are a little worse. I don't know what to call them, I'll call them bottom canines. Mine are crooked/pushed forward and overlapping my other teeth. Kinda like what you have with one of yours but both of mine are like that and more crooked.
They are going to do Damon braces for my teeth and I will need them on for 2 years.
No. 127547
>>127545youll be fine i had my wisdom teeth taken out last year i had all four taken out at once its a safe procedure they put local anesthetics so i wasnt drugged up you will not feel anything
the healing process is quick it lasts a week but the swelling goes up around the 3rd day my face was extremely swollen but only on one side its really not that bad eat before you taken the medication though because i ended up puking a few times
No. 127548
>>127547Hey thank you for the reassurance anon. I'm in good hands but I get paranoid about everything and expect the worse case scenario. I know it's normal and everyone in their early 20's gets them pulled but I can't seem to be 100% relaxed about it.
I also want everyone to promise not to record me if I get a little doozy on the meds or right after the operation.
My top molars have been out for forever though and I've gotten quite used to them. I also kind of want to pressure my boyfriend to get some sort of braces because I think he'd look so nice. Is that shallow of me? He's cute now but you never know how bad you looked until you have straight teeth.
Maybe I can post some before and after pictures of my mum's teeth someday. On the bottom row there was about 5 teeth who were slanted, so I think the end result will look pretty different. Sorry for long personal post, I'll sage this
No. 127549
>>127531I swear these were my first two thoughts when I saw the picture:
1. What a fucking amazing healthy skin
2. How the fuck teeth can be overcrowded and so healthy looking like these??!
Sorry that I have no advice, but I just wanted to tell you that your teeth are actually very fine. I don't give a damn about a line, esp when it's not that you have a huge space between them (so it doesn't look like you lost teeth), and esp it's lower teeth like does anybody even sees that? Kind of cute too. Your teeth look so healthy, it's hard not to notice that.
I mean go for fixing it until YOU are satisfied, but I honestly like your teeth.
If I knew you irl I probably would never ever even notice that… But it would stay in my mind how you (skin, teeth) look healthy because that's simply pretty.
No. 127550
>>127545You'll be fine. My lower wisdom teeth were very severely impacted, literally sideways in the x-rays, and they were finally removed under IV sedation last month.
Your risk of permanent nerve damage is miniscule, but the way the dentist tells you about it in consultation, saying "oh blah, blah there's a risk" - it's just something they "have" to tell everybody just in case. During the healing process you are going to notice some numbness in your jaw/tongue that persists for upto two weeks, maybe more. Don't freak out, this is normal.
I had persistent numbness for over two weeks before full feeling was finally restored, the nerves just need time to recover from the trauma, but the chances of them being permenantly fucked are very low.
What I'm betting wasn't told to you in your consultation is not to take any birth control up to 1-2 weeks before the procedure. It's new information, but it's been discovered that birth control can raise the risk of dry socket developing, and that is the last thing you want.
My personal advice - as soon as possible following the procedure, get some ice on your cheeks/jaw. You'll thank me for this later because whilst the actual pain following the extraction isn't too bad, certainly nothing two ibuprofen and some paracetamol can't handle, the swelling is incredibly annoying, unsightly and sore. I had my two teeth extracted on separate dates, the first time I didn't use ice and I was swollen for almost three weeks which meant no makeup, no going outside without my face covered with a scarf because people will think you've been beaten up or are just fucking ugly/fat, and eating is a bitch. Also the inside of your cheek gets stretched and flappy, it's annoying.
With ice, the swelling was gone in a week. Magnifico.
When you come out you're going to be drooling, a lot. Resist the urge to spit, any internal pressure in your mouth will dislodge the forming clots, so just let it dribble out into the gauze/tissue you'll be given. You won't be able to feel your cheeks, and your face will be drooping and your words slurred.
When you get home go straight to sleep, and do so with your teeth clenching on gauze to aid clotting. Although you may feel fine at the time, rest assured the pain train is coming, so go get some rest whilst you can.
Your face will not immediately appear swollen, don't be fooled, the real swelling will be there when you wake up the next day and it looks really bad/funny so take lots of pics to show your friends.
For the next few days you'll feel groggy, grumpy and irritable. It'll wear off. Also your jaw will develop a small, faint bruise on either side.
No smoking, no drinking with a straw, no excessive sucking or spitting motions for around 5-6 days after, just let liquids pour into your throat. No electric toothbrush for a while, and don't brush your teeth at all on the first day.
From the second day swish your mouth CAREFULLY with lukewarm salt water (not hot), and don't spit it out after, let it drop out of your mouth into the sink. After about 3 days you'll be safe to consume warmer liquids again, just use your best judgement.
Biggest warning, keep your tongue the hell away from the extraction sites. I probably don't need to tell you this but it does get incredibly tempting to go tonguing around in them, even just around the edges, just to see if they're okay, but just don't. Like, just don't. Keep the risk of dry socket in your mind always.
So, follow my stellar advice Anon and you'll be fine. Have fun and look forward to a wisdom-tooth free existence.
No. 127551
>>127549Awwwww yis, I'm so flattered.
I'm actually the Anon that made the skincare thread, I'm super autistic about mine and others skincare so this is, yes. Good.
The teeth thing is a little bit more than an aesthetic problem though, with the way they are it makes them less efficient to brush and floss which can and will cause decay issues further down the way.
Thank you though. Legit cried about this issue for years now feeling like I'm broken and unable to be repaired, so kind words like these mean so much to me. Thank you ;__;
No. 127552
I used to have fucked up teeth from sucking my thumb into my early teens (pls no bully). My orthodontist said I had the worst case he'd ever seen, and that I'd probably end up needing surgery. Didn't end up needing it, but I had braces for 3 years, and used a lot of elastics. Now I have 2 permanent retainers, and a retainer I have to wear at night.
My teeth are straight now, but they're still ugly and unhealthy. The thing I'm most self-conscious about it having yellow teeth. I also have a lot of cavities, but they don't bother me as much as much as having yellow teeth does. I cover my mouth when I laugh and mumble so people won't see my teeth, which people have started pointing out.
My ex-friend's mum mocked my teeth (among other things) shortly after I got my braces off, and it makes me want to cry thinking about it again because I was feeling really happy with the results at the time. :( She also pointed out that my front teeth are too long, which wasn't something that ever bothered me before, but does now.
No. 127554
>>127545 I had all four taken out and the worst thing that happened was one spot getting infected. If you notice your mouth smelling really bad after a couple days or a pain that's more severe than what the other areas feel like get it checked ASAP. Also if someone is driving you around on a bumpy road post-surgery bring a bag to throw up in.
If the surgeon gives you a syringe fill it with warm salt water or a non-alchohol based mouthwash and use it to wash out the holes. This thing is very useful later on once you start being able to eat solid foods, because you'll get bits of everything stuck in the back of your mouth.
No. 127555
I used to have crooked upper teeth (canine grew in wrong so it never pushed the baby tooth out, overlapping, a gap in my front teeth) but 3 years of braces fixed it. It sucked because they said it would originally only be 18 months, but they tried to jack with my pulling my lower jaw forward which, spoilers, didn't work.
My only problems now are really pointed canines and one of my wisdom teeth grew in sideways. However, they all grew in without pain so I guess that's okay? During this braces thing, I think they were intending for my bottom teeth to get pushed some, so they left a little gap around my bottom canines. That was also pointless because my bottom teeth didn't move (they were actually perfectly fine before braces. I don't know why they did what they did. I feel like I probably got an aesthetic dentist like
>>127536 mentioned.)
No. 127556
>>127545i had all four out at once. went under general anesthesia. only took 1 hour.
it actually doesnt HURT as much as just is uncomfortable (jaw feels fat as fuck, cant open/close fully, might feel the stitches)
otherwise not too bad.
have had scarier procedures
No. 127560
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>>No. 24159
(post related)
But public dentistry is damn expensive here, especially when it comes to doing these things on aesthetic value alone.
I cannot see my pointed problem ever being resolved.
No. 127563
>>127523>Who crooked teeth here?Mine aren't exactly crooked, but they're far from perfect, and it looks cute.
>Are you planning to get them fixed?No, because I'm not a fat americunt who wants fake looking sharp shark teeth. It's creepy and looks bad. I find it hilarious actually, it's like changing the wallpaper in a house that's on fire for a lot of people. I know a fatty with perfect fake teeth, she should have spent that money on weightloss.
>Do they tourment you on a daily basis like mine do?No, because I'm not surrounded by retards.
No. 127564
>>127562I don't know what it's like in the states, but in the UK if you can't afford private treatment there are student teaching hospitals that you can sign up to and receive treatment for free. It's not really like you're being experimented on by first years since the only ones that are actually allowed to conduct treatment are 4th years that are about to graduate, and for more difficult procedures they'll often get a senior dentist in to do it instead.
I'm at a student teaching hospital right now and they extracted my wisdom teeth under sedation for free, am getting 6 fillings for free (did you know that you can develop holes BETWEEN your teeth? I did not! I have no visible damage to my teeth so I assumed they were fine), and afterwards I'm receiving a free bridge for a missing tooth that had to be extracted because it was fucked up by my wisdom tooth.
Definitely look into it as I can't believe that there wouldn't be a similar setup in every country. All dental students need people to practice what they've learned on after all.
No. 127565
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>>127563fucking weebs i swear
No. 127573
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>>127571?? "The American" obsession? Thats mostly just a celebrity or public figure thing. I don't see the problem with wanting to have your teeth straightened or fixed…I'm sorry not everybody wants the English norm.
No. 127575
>>127574Because it's a small detail, and tooth whitening actually strips away the enamel? Because americans are leading in obesity?
Also it looks plain creepy to have shark straight teeth. Looks like my grandmother's dentures.
No. 127578
>>127573I see a problem with it when people like you are turning round and saying "ewwww not getting your teeth straightened! Totes GROSS! Ur a weeb or British LOL".
You used words like "fixed", but how do you "fix" functioning, healthy teeth in the first place? What, by bleaching the shit out of the enamel so much over the years that by the age of 40 your teeth start crumbling out of your gums? Or drilling them down into little stubs and glueing veneers on them?
>not everybody wants the English normThe UK has higher levels of dental health than the US top fucking lel, of course it would take one of those psychotic, American-teeth mentals to fuck up like this.
>the average American has 7.31 missing teeth, compared to 6.97 for Brits. No. 127579
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Americans are so obsessed with "perfect teeth" they will physically drill down their original healthy tooth into decaying little pegs so that they can glue fake, ceramic ones on top wtf
No. 127585
>>127584Braces are one thing because for some teeth it can actually become an issue if the teeth are unable to be adequately cleaned due to overcrowding.
It's just this thing abou actively mocking people for their teeth not being perfectly straight or glow-in-the-dark levels of neon white and saying they're weebs for not giving a fuck about it.
No. 127588
>>127587I always have a top giggle over comments like this because it's so pitifully obvious how hard you're trying to hurt me when you have no idea what the condition of my teeth are.
That being said, if you're an Americuck and I'm a Britfag, statistically my teeth are going to be in better condition, so don't forget it day-glo :^)
No. 127591
>>127589Itt: a shitty retarded weeb who thinks shes hot like her asian cartoons because she is delusional and ugly
>>127590I Just know ok
No. 127599
>>127596Where did I say that my teeth are fucked up.
You are so fucking mad lel
No. 127605
>>127604I'm sad that your idiot parents conditioned you to unnecessary mutilation.
Enjoy your brittle, crumbling teeth. Mine might be the colour of bone and not neon white, but at least they'll still be in my skull when I'm 40.
No. 127606
>it's hilarious how you keep assuming Literally a few posts back
No. 127607
>has ugly yellow rotting teeth that have never been brushed>Y-YEAH BUT AT LEAST I DON'T USE WHITE STRIPS BAKA!>thinks this somehow makes her superiorDude, just shut up. I can show my teeth off and feel proud and have a good self image, while also giving off the impression that I take care of myself. Its not my fault you are so butthurt that you can't say the same :) whats tbe point of having your teeth at 40 if they're ugly anyway? I will have my teeth my whole life, way to grasp at straws though, I'm sure at 40 you will finally let yourself be happy.
No. 127608
>>127607I think it's sad that you need to try so hard to justify fantasies of everybody arguing with in this thread being possessed of rotting, yellow teeth.
You know that's a sign of delusion right? Inability to accept reality at face? Seek therapy.
No. 127610
>>127609Hahaha you are
triggered :) go kill yourself, brown crumbly plaque coated nubby teeth smile ugly bitch. Nobody will ever love you
(stop) No. 127618
>>127616>but do you guys have any tips on how to fix/treat receding gums?If you have receding gums it's because there's a buildup of tartar. You need to get a dental cleaning and invest in some floss/mouth wash.
Then green tea might accomplish some reduced inflammation, but it's essentially none the stronger compared to what readily available oral products can do.
No. 127624
>>127623Root canals are a damn mess. The reinfection rate is ridiculously high and with the extent that the structure of the tooth becomes compromised they're extremely prone to collapse later on in life.
Get the thing removed Anon. Pull it out, never have to worry about it again, be done with it for good and get a replacement.
No. 127625
>>127624Thanks for the advice. I think I might do that.
But looking at dental implants on wikipedia isn't making me feel great about those either.
I'm currently living in Europe but I'm moving home to the US soon, so I have the rare opportunity to choose which country to have it done in.
It's ridiculously more expensive in the US, but I've heard they're on a higher level professionally.
No. 127627
>>127625I wouldn't be sure on all that, all I know is that I had a root canal, the infection came back and I had to deal with it festering sealed under mercury for 2 years before I finally get the fucker removed.
Now I have a empty gap, but if I had the choice I'd take an implant in a heartbeat. If you have the opportunity go for it. At least with a fake you never have to worry about it rotting or infecting, it'll never turn yellow, and if anchored securely it'll probably outlast your natural teeth.
No. 127628
>>127626I'm in west Europe
>>127627That's pretty amazing.
Yeah I think I'm going to have to go with the implant.
No. 127629
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I've had horribly crooked teeth since I lost my baby ones due to extreme thumb sucking until I was 11. I'm 19 now and left with fucked beyond belief teeth.
I'm a poorfag so I went to the government last month to see about some help with getting them fixed, seeing as they're starting to effect my breathing and ability to eat properly. They told me to apply for medicaid so I did and now I'm just waiting on a card in the mail hopefully. The dentist down the street from where I live said that they can fix my teeth for free with medicaid seeing as at this point it's become a huge health problem. So fingers cross everything works out and I can finally be normal.
Pic related is the closest example to what my teeth look like.