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No. 1282504

Post advice, experience and vents all related to phone addiction. Let’s face it, we are all wasting our time.

No. 1282506

I can’t put my fucking phone down. Help. I have work early tomorrow and I’ve had nothing that I’d consider down time because I’m just stuck flicking back and fourth between doomscrolling and here.

No. 1282513

I want to quit so bad. I feel like I can go for so long without getting anything of value accomplished and could be doing so much other shit instead of staring at my phone. I feel like I compulsively visit sites and apps and I hate it. It makes me miss the days before smartphones. That being said, I’ve gotten better at having the do not disturb feature on at night and won’t let myself check it once I go to sleep, even if I wake up in the night. So I guess it’s a start.

No. 1282708

I downloaded the clock app because I was curious and I really liked the content I was shown at first. It was gardening and cooking and occasionally funny videos. I learned over time that the algorithm just spits more and more recommended stuff to you related to what you just liked, and then mashed them all together so you eventually end up scrolling for something worthwhile. Gambling pretty much. it was harder to see content I wanted. I set my phone language to Spanish because I was learning it, and that ended up breaking my fyp on there, showing me what demographic it thought I was. (Early 20s latina that likes relationship drama and racebait content like Karen videos) . It was all so bizarre and I ended up deleting it. It lead me to really be aware of what I even go on social media for at all.

No. 1282722

Oof, I'm seriously considering throwing my phone out of the window. I feel like I'm going to do it someday for real girls

No. 1282795

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I nearly lost my job because I couldn't keep away. I'm afraid if I delete everything and dumb down my phone, I will have nothing to fill the void.

I know rationally there's more to life to this, but I'm a NEET. I have no friends, I'm fully dependant on family.

My phone addiction is a symptom of me being a loser.

No. 1282807

Huh that's pretty interesting. Mine eventually ended up being scrote nationalist videos because one of them had a garden I liked. Also deleted it soon after. The Chinese have a device that sees right into the human soul.

No. 1282881

It's tough because I'm a writer and I like writing on my phone but so many apps are designed to hook themselves into your psyche that it can be seriously difficult to focus.

No. 1282912

what is this threadpic, it's obviously fetishistic.

No. 1282993

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The phone is a facehugger (creature from Aliens movies). It's done in classic comic book style. Nothing fetishistic about it

No. 1283008


No. 1283014

I’ve not even seen the alien movies and no I’m not doing that. Go take your fucking meds. Maybe you need this thread more than anyone since your phone is turning your brain to actual mush?

No. 1283024

You are fucking joking right? I made the thread to help with phone addiction because it’s a common problem. This site has been taken over by complete lunatics and I hope they ban you.

No. 1283025

Nta, but it's just a very surface-level typical moid-brain "creative" idea. Facehuggers lay eggs down throat = phone lays images/ideas in brain. It's not fetishistic it's just retarded.

No. 1283028

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a scrote, skitzo-chan. Not everyone sees porn and rape everywhere, that doesn't make them moids

No. 1283033

>I was just joking that you’re a moid!!
You try to get everyone who does something you don’t agree with banned with fake moid accusations like the unhinged Karen you are. Maybe you should log off. I genuinely think you’re the baiting tranny that’s been shit stirring all week and I’m reporting you as such.

No. 1283035

I agree.
I think if the woman's lips weren't drawn like that, and if she wasn't smiling, it wouldn't look fetishistic.
>It's not fetishistic it's just retarded.
NTA but if it's a moid director and a woman is involved, it's definitely gonna be male-gazey and Alien definitely looks like it had a fetishistic tone to it.

No. 1283041

Ok tranny.

No. 1283046

>calling people “Hunny”
>shit stirring and starting infights over nothing
>claiming something is “rapey and moid like” because the character has plump lips
All symptoms of a larping tranny.

No. 1283064

Anyway… Now that I have nothing to do at my job until the next project I spend my time on my phone too. I'll try to "work" from home all summer long to be able to do something else instead, like play video games or read books with my work phone and laptop nearby.

No. 1283130

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In the morning upon waking, my brain feels sluggish and I can not get out of bed until I reward it with internet dopamine.

No. 1283149

god, i am so glad i hate social media, i can't even stand having to use my phone to read QR codes. What do you even do on it nonnies to develop an addiction? i find it so boring and limited compared to PCs, which are the death of me thanks to games/imageboards/so many GOD-tier artists that have really nice galleries that I must save

No. 1283154

On a bad day I literally just scroll lc and read wiki pages all day long

No. 1283176

I notice that the less friends I have to spend meaningful time with the more I use that time to browse social media (including LC) instead. I hate it, is there some kind of tracker or timer I can use to reduce my usage?

No. 1283184

manictime for pc. made me realize i spend 90% of my time shitposting

No. 1283195

There's plenty of apps that track your phone usage, although they usually require a lot of sensitive permissions (like seeing exactly what's on your screen, what you're typing etc.) so that may be a privacy concern. If you have android, there's a tracker built in, but it needs to be manually turned on somewhere under the digital wellness settings. I put mine as a widget on my home so I'm faced with how much time I've spent every time I unlock mt phone.

No. 1283570


No. 1283627

There's already a digital detox thread, I don't see the need for this thread and the timing might make it look suspicious as well.

No. 1304592

It's easy for me to quit websites on desktop as I can just block them in my host file which provides me with a significant deterrent. But on my phone there's nothing I can set up to stop me from downloading apps again if I delete them or using the browser.

No. 1304610

if you have firefox on your phone there is an extension for it that lets you block sites just like on desktop

my best advice is to use forest. it's an app where you plant a tree for certain amount of time i.e. 30 min and for those 30 minutes you cant play with your phone. if you do your tree will die

No. 1304905

Maybe try the trial of Freedom and see if it works for you? If you download the app they give you 7 free sessions

No. 1305089

The best way to change a bad habit is to replace it with a positive one. Finding other hobbies that are off-screen really helps. Reading has become one of my favorite hobbies, a month or so ago I could barely read a full paragraph without feeling the urge to pick up my phone, but I persisted and have finished two short books so far! Feels so god to get focus back. Also the morning is the most important time of day to stay off the phone, seriously just don't look at it for the first hour that you're awake and go for a walk outside instead. Sunlight exposure first thing is scientifically proven to boost dopamine, watch Andrew Huberman to learn more. It's near impossible to quit the phone addiction cold turkey but if you incorporate some of these dopamine-detox behaviors into your life more and more you'll find the phone to be overall less enticing. At least that's what's been helping me so far, best luck to all of you

No. 1305091

Sharing a link from the detox thread, started phase 2 (black and white screen, only utility apps on the home screen) last night and i'm already seeing improvements. I got to sleep faster last night than I have in a long time.

No. 1305117

This is my issue too nona, that's the most positive thing I can say about my phone addiction is that I actually wake up and stay awake earlier than I ever could because the first thing I do is engage with socials. It keeps my attention long enough for my brain to start up rather than previously just going back to sleep and sleeping in an extra 1-2 hours. But I have a real bad habit of using my phone in bed, I'm still trying to break that rule for myself. I will try to keep it across the room so I have to physically get up to turn it off.

Another issue is that even when I get off scrolling for a minute I still want to be listening/or watching something in the background while doing other task. It's usually on YouTube and even if I keep my phone 100 feet away I inevitably want to watch new videos and then spend time looking through the app. I guess just listening to podcast would help curb this but I don't have any podcast I'm particularly interested in atm

No. 1305143

I feel like if I didn't have severe depressive episodes and intrusive thoughts, I'd easily be able to get offline entirely. I hate it on here, I really do, but I find internet is the only thing outside of alcohol that can numb the suicidal thoughts. And I really don't want to be constantly drinking during depressive episodes.

I'm bewildered that people that are somewhat functioning with internet addictions don't just do the nuclear option. The nuclear option being getting a dumb phone, cancelling your home wifi if you live alone and packing away the computer. I did three months like that in a gap between depressive episodes and it worked, the first week you're just pacing the house looking for things to do, but if you're given no choice you find things to do.

That insomnia shit is straight up barely a thing without technology. You go to bed at 8.30pm-9.00pm and you wake up at 5.00am-5.30am, maybe a little different with climate, but you just can't sleep in for work. You actually look forward to work because of the total lack of stimulation at home.

No. 1312657

im so addicted to my phone i have 2, an iphone and a huawei (yeah i know, chinese spyware and shit) the iphone is my regular phone, i barely use it, the huawei is my main phone and i mainly use it to browse image boards that i am also addicted to.

No. 1312827

I made like five posts about how much I hate harry styles I need to be thrown out of a helicopter in a meadow in Alaska with a machete and a tent and just left to fend for myself

No. 1629016

I had this shitty android clunky phone and I was barely on it and my bf was like “hey let me get you a new phone” and it was an iPhone
I’m on my phone a lot, iPhones are captivating and I’m considering selling this and getting a shitty android again because I am currently typing this at 4am, I check my phone before bed and it’s been 6 hours already the fuck is wrong with me? Anyways I’m gonna get some sleep now.

No. 1634653

Its happening again. I started using the phone a bit more for actual work purposes but now I have been using it quite a lot for bullshit stuff that doesnt matter. Partly because I am lonely which I used to think was really cringey and would never admit, but I think a lot of people are in the same situation these days.

No. 2422739

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