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No. 12920
>>12919no shit, have you not been on tumblr (one of the many platforms black people are on discussing the hate they receive purely for existing)
you seem surprised about this being the same case on this board
and while I dislike the racism that goes on here towards all races (and I'm not even a "poc"), when people start replying to you with racist shit, don't be surprised, they're going to consider this a 'woe is me,' thread and tell you to go back to the hugbox on tumblr
besides, the vast majority of these threads are to ridicule people, don't come looking for sympathy here
No. 12930
>>12922The majority of the people here are weebs, and we know that based on the fact that the majority of the cows here are weebs themselves. That means the black people here are weebs too.
Now idk if you noticed this, but the main group of self hating blacks are weebs. They're not going to say anything to the whites or asians that put them down because on some level, they likely agree since they are the least likely to look anything like their kawaii aidorus. Not to say black girls can't be cute, but black girls have to do more to get that look than east asian and white girls. Despite this, there is self hatred in every race, sooo many east asian girls can't pull of these looks, neither can white nor black girls.
Anyway, why would you bring more anger towards black people by posting shit like that, specifically the thread pic? No one can think that you're not doing anything
but bating when you post shit like that. Even if you actually wanted to have a reasonable discussion considering how annoying the race comments have gotten lately.
No. 12940
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tbh it doesn't bother me because it's literally always ugly, old or useless white people who are racist. Some people just don't have anything going for them except their race, so they try to capitalize on that for a false sense of self-esteem.
The only exception I've seen to that is the occasional Slavs who could be Aryan poster boys/girls from like remote eastern European countries, but it's not like most of them have ever actually even seen a black person face-to-face in their lives sooo.
What pisses me off is the ones who say things like "Well, that attractive black person is only attractive because she has white features!!". That sort of denial is just too strong.
No. 12941
>>12940It's called an opinion. Some people think "Well, that attractive black person is only attractive because she has white features!!"
Who cares honestly? If it bothers you then you need to get off the children or cry about it on tumblr. everyone here shits on all races
No. 12953
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>>12952I'm sure you've conducted various studies on this and have been to most of Africa and analyzed each persons' features and genetics intensively to make this point.
No. 12963
>>12953>>12958Samefag. I love how it's okay to say some white girls or asian girls are ugly, but as soon as someone says his damn opinion ("i dont find black people attractive) or w/e insecure black girls go apeshit lol
if someone offends you on lolcow you probably don't belong here, just saying
No. 12965
>>12959Wait, when did I say it's always white people who are racist?
It's a retarded opinion because white people are a minority on the planet and Africans have a shitload of genetic diversity. It'd literally make more sense to say white people with certain sorts of facial structures have "black features", but no one does that because it'd be a fucking stupid thing to say. If you had a basic education, you'd realize this.
No. 12968
>>12963>How dare you disagree with my opinion!!It's not okay to say white or Asian girls are ugly, you just have a weird inferiority complex. Notice how threads still get shitted up when someone says white girls are ugly, and it's literally the same people who shit on black girls who also say Asian girls are ugly and white girls fit jfash better.
And no, posting a picture of one ugly white person to insult a random anon does not mean I'm insulting all white girls.
No. 12969
>>12961>and vice versaI doubt this a lot, and I'm pretty sure I've been on Lolcow since it first started. You having friends with retarded opinions doesn't make them correct or not worth laughing at, sorry.
If you're offended, maybe you should stop posting.
No. 12974
>>12968I don't have an inferior complex. Everyone gets shit at. just get over yourself.
>>12969I don't find their opinions retarded. You can't have a "correct" opinion. stop acting like you're superior. there is no wrong nor correct opinion. sorry but you're pretty cringe-worthy if you think you're that important you think one opinion is wrong because it offends you lol
No. 12976
>>12971Can you show an example of "white features"
Tbh, you'll probably find a moderate amount of black Americans/Caribbeans/Europeans attractive due to them being mixed directly or from their distant ancestors from Europe or Asia.
No. 12977
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Black women like this (I think she's mixed) are cute. i just hate the aggressive-looking ones (like the "IM AN INDEPENDANT BLACK WOMEN blah blah blah")
No. 12979
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>>12975Literally no one said the latter part is true. Instead, there are people on this board who actually say all black people are ugly.
Nice try, though.
No. 12981
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>>12976Continuation since I found who I was thinking of when you mentioned white features.
Do you mean someone like pic-related racist-chan? I think it was stated on PULL she Photoshop a bit, but hey, she's 'pretty'.
No. 12984
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>>12981Her with relaxed hair I think (not sure if real or a wig or something. I'm terrible at this). Idk which you'd prefer though
No. 12985
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>>12981She's not even a little bit white, according to her herself. Racists just immediately think universally attractive features are indicative of whiteness
No. 12993
>>12981She's probably Ethiopian. They're just jewish arabs with some melanin.
Yeah, that's what I mean
No. 12996
>>12985Lol my bad then. I thought she said at least her grandma was white or smthg Idk though.
Well can someone point out white features on a black person for a terribly clueless anon?
No. 12998
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>>12996This girl is mixed and has white features
No. 12999
>>12998If this is a self post then please get some oil on your hair
I'm mixed too and there is nothing worse than seeing mixed race girls with burnt up straight hair
No. 13003
>>12999That's not me dude.
I agree, though. She's pretty otherwise. Like what Micky wishes she looked like.
No. 13008
>>12994I'm Jewish.
I look like a Jew.
No. 13010
>>12970That wasn't me, though.
I'm the legitimate person who made the original comments, not the people who pretended to be afterwards.
I just left the nick on.
I actually have a life unlike /samefag/ lmao
No. 13013
>>13001I don't understand what you're so butthurt about.
Asian women ARE delicate.
It's a compliment.
No. 13014
>>13013So are many other races of women on the planet too. I'm tired of everyone feeling the need to lick asians asses, they're lovely and some aren't so lovely. But it's always good things about them and white women then you've got blacks who never get any of that apart from "ape" and "ugly".
Yeah, not all asian women are delicate and wonderful.
No. 13020
>>13018Anon, are you sure you want to share a chan name?
Are you sure?
To be racist-chan you have to be vaguely racist and have an interest in paranormal.
No. 13026
>>13024White women are sometimes plain
Asians and Latinas all look the same
The blacks ain't got shit except their booties
And the Arabs got them cheekbones to their names
No. 13037
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Asian girls are so delicate and kawaii desu ne neko channnn!
No. 13052
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Asians don't have hard features.
No. 13069
>>12953She is pretty but damn that's a bad weave.
She needs to get that shit redid.
No. 13071
>>13069"kok kok bitch"
"whu der"
"yo edges"
No. 13099
Are you trying to argue that that is not a bad weave?
No. 13111
>>13104white people don't have missing link faces
they just don't
No. 13124
>>13121same as the body threads dude
fat girls think they're curvy
flat ass flat chest big thigh gap girls think they're hot shit
what happened to lolcow
No. 13158
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>>13155nice try on the bait
No. 13302
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No. 13305
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>>13303Rossy de Palma. She might be ugly but she's everything I aspire to be in life , smart, funny, stylish and a muse <3
No. 13451
>>12998SHIT. This girl looks like me and I'm mixed too. Though my hair is better…But finally! We have the same skin colour and all I get is 'you're not half black, your skin is too light'from people.
Just…eeughhhh. It feels obnoxious to me for some reason to have my entire race just kinda handwaved away. I WISH I had my mother's skin, I really do, all I ever wanted to be when I was little was to be dark and beautiful like my aunts/mom.
No. 13463
>>13462gr8 b8 m8
If you're African-American, chances are you're mixed with white and Native American.
You're all "half breeds", now fuck off.
No. 13466
I'm from the UK and raised by my WHITE side, yet I've never once even felt that way. I've felt upset due to my weight when I was little more than my race. That's while attending an all white primary school during 1997 and then once I headed off to a mixed high school, the black kids were the worst the act up. Goes to show.
No. 13468
>>13462I am glad at this though, a black person who is telling a mixed person they're not black. Thank fuck because most of the time, hoodrat blacks usually claim mixed as black people so they get can on the same level (not that any race is better than the other) but those weird black slave mentality blacks seem to still think 'mixed is better'. Not all blacks obv just the saddo ones that think that.
Then you got blacks, usually the saddo ones who go "yh well im mixed with ____________"
No. 13475
>>13466 Not me
>>13455 Yeah, I suppose so. Grew up in Germany which is pretty white. I don't think I'm ugly per say, but I kinda value my black heritage and my white heritage equally but there are times when I do feel a bit out of place, but my family never makes a big deal out of it.
>>13462lolkay. I didn't say I was 'truly' black, sandyvag. I said I was half. Which I am. Soooooo, jog on? You're almost as bad as the white power nationalists who say I'm not a 'true' German because I have black blood lol. Bitch, plz.
No. 13537
>>13524liar, masacuring isn't a thing
also, south africa and america are two different countries
the problems in america have to be solved first
and its hilarious that you call the innocent (and I'm specifically talking about people who did nothing wrong) black people killed thugs, because I can turn around and call the whites getting killed thugs who had it coming too
No. 13541
>>13539riiiiiight, all of them sure did, thats why so many people are so upset by whats been going on, because they were all committing crimes, like the guy looking at a toy gun in walmart who was shot in the back
yep, he sure was a thug
and I'm basing my previous statement on the same thing you are, absolutely nothing
No. 13548
>>13547Even if that is somewhat true and relevant, people have to look past the media sensationalism and stupid twitter slogans to evaluate the situations on a case-by-case basis.
Sometimes the cops are being racist towards blacks.
Sometimes the cops aren't being racist, but they're power tripping and using excessive force.
Sometimes they're totally or mostly justified.
Situations are never black and white.
No. 13549
>>13548Thank you, finally some sense.
>>13546I was waiting for you to bring that up, what a joke.
No. 13568
>>13566i see
value in every human being but no, many people are not beautiful in any way
there is really no need to look for "beauty" in every person when you could appreciate them for their personality/abilities instead. so i pity you for being vain
No. 13617
>>13566>>13568I kinda agree with both of you. I certainly think that everyone race or whatever can be attractive physically in the right circumstances BUT there are people I wasn't physically attracted to in the first place, and I found after I got to know them as a person, I found them much more attractive sexually.
But I don't wanna put a shitty label like pansexual on it, I guess I'm just an equal opportunity pervert??? (provided they aren't a shitheel of a person)