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No. 1292092
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>>1292077>>1292086I don't think it's really necessary, you can get nutriments from vegetables and there are equivalents like tofu for proteins. I never understand why in restaurants they serve hamburgers with "steaks" made out of a buch of different vegetables that don't taste like meat at all, just give me a sandwich with the actual vegetables prepared normally at this point. Then there are issues with some products being exported everywhere because of growing global demand but production doesn't always keep up so locals have to pay way more for the food they used to get for very cheap before, and then there's pollution from importing and exporting shit from all over the planet. But this is not the thread for that discussion. So I'm bringing this back from the twitter hate thread to stay on topic. I don't get how some people can be so careless.
No. 1292099
>>1292089>I don't want to take another vaccine if people would keep it in their pants for a little whileUnfortunately, that's fucking impossible. Especially with scrotes being scrotes.
No. 1292119
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I don't want to take a vaccine for monkeypox either. I got covid in late April 2020, I thought I was going to die from it, almost fully recovered three months later, and got the vaccine once I saw that people who got it in my country were mostly doing ok because there was no way I was going to get that sick a second time and it worked very well for me so far. But I looked up some info on the pox vaccines: the old one is very risky apparently, and is forbidden for people who have skin problems like psoriasis or eczema and I have something similar to that so I wouldn't be able to get it even if I wanted to. There apparently is another vaccine that's very recent but I don't want to take it now, I'd rather wait and see how it goes for the gay retards who will take it asap and go back to piss orgies the next day, the exact same way they take prep like it's candy so they can fuck strangers bareback and not be scared shitless of dying. Instead of developing good, healthy habits they want everyone to deal with the consequences of their actions because they're too obsessed with dicks and don't have to be worried about unwanted pregnancy and parenthood for random hookups. I can't believe I'm preventing myself from having a love life because I'm scared of all this shit, meanwhile gays act like they're oppressed because people tell them to please abstain from sex with strangers for a few weeks and to, please, for the love of god, try to be monogamous.
No. 1292134
>>1292129>and eating animals.We're omnivorous, so no, but we should eat meat in moderation.
>Humans really need to stop fucking like animalsOh, if only. Some people don't give a shit or don't even know about how monkeypox isn't transmitted like an STD and physical contact in general can cause the virus to spread. You can't even tell gays (let's be real, the non-monogamous ones can and should be blamed for this) to wear a condom for that because it won't prevent anything in that case.
No. 1292161
>>1292154From what I've read on the news and
kiwifarms it's spread with close physical contact, and it just so happens that sexual activities involves a lot of direct, prolonged physical contact with at least one person.
No. 1292168
>>1292161if that’s the case I guess
kiwifarms are safe kek
I kid No. 1292221
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Just found a bump on my finger. This might be it for me nonnas
JK It's probably just allergies
No. 1292271
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>>1292230>>1292248>>1292219back in the cage, wagies. lunch break is up.
No. 1292278
>>1292274the lockdown was pretty funny to me because people were literally suicidal over not being able to barhop or club
No. 1292284
>>1292061they can't, look what happened with AIDS
scrotes will fuck themselves to death
No. 1292307
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No. 1292365
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>>1292339Go ahead and fill this out for me sweetie.
No. 1292371
>>1292365OT but it doesn’t matter because this thread is shit and NTA but I don’t know how people manage to do the whole job application interview thing without breaking down and having an existential crisis. Like I don’t feel like a human being after something like that. The whole process is extremely humiliating
Anyway I’m not worried about the monkeypox because it’s not deadly and literally goes away on it’s own.
No. 1292380
>>1292327the thread is not even 5 hours old and this
nonnie already found a way to mention Israel, i'm crying
No. 1292389
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Unspoiler at your own risk. Anyway to be more on topic, there's this woman in Georgia, US that got monkeypox (the first woman in Georgia to get it). She's been documenting it on her instagram and I've been loosely following. Her photos went kind of viral. Sharing for anyone who may not have seen it.>>1292371There's a strain of it that is deadly, but I don't know if that's the one that is going around.
No. 1292392
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>>1292389Samefag, this is her now on day 25.
No. 1292395
>>1292392 nvm but damn those spots are still there, feel bad for her.
No. 1292400
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>>1292398Idk I’m not buying the money exchange, where does she work? A bathhouse? kek
No. 1292403
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>>1292400Monkeypox can spread through fabric as your pic says. I know money isn't the exact same as clothing or bedding but I don't know. Could be possible.
No. 1292409
>>1292398so do the spots show up wherever after infection or did she touch her face after handling money? not blaming her if it's the latter just curious
>>1292403my first thought was gas station, 100% makes sense
No. 1292432
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>>1292062this nasty ass tiktok came up on my fyp. gay men don't give a shit. how do you wake up with a busted lip and potential monkeypox?????
they have no morals. even if the govt told them they need to stop fucking around for the greater good, they wouldn't
No. 1292443
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>>1292409They show up wherever if the lesions come in contact with another part of your body. She must have got the lesions on her hands and face first, and naturally it spread to other parts of her body. She didn't show any of the bumps on her body though.
No. 1292446
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>>1292382t. european that eats slop like picrel
No. 1292457
>>1292445it's like 85% effective, the "monkeypox" vaccine is the same chemical compounds as smallpox vax
BTW the united states has the world's largest stockpile of smallpox vaccinations and fauci refuses to distribute them for this monkeypox outbreak, despite them being effective to prevent the spread.
my question is why did we EVER stop vaccinating people for smallpox in the first place if its derivatives will eventually pop up?
No. 1292460
>>1292450a delicious eurofag
prison gruel “meal” eaten by fatfucks trying their hardest to larp as anachans even though their diets consist of eggs, mayo, starchy vegetables, butter, milk but have the audacity to always make fun of americans
No. 1292581
>>1292427Agriculture based around both livestock and plants can be sustainable. If it wasn't humans wouldn't still be relying on agriculture for food production. We have been keeping livestock and growing plants to eat for thousands of years. The issue of massive environmental damage done by both livetsock and plant farming is something that has happened within the last 100 or so and it has many causes. For livestock the main issues are factory farming, the use of hormones and intensive farming methods where the animal is feed an unnatural diet instead of being pasture raised. Plant based agriculture degrades the environment through the use of
toxic pesticides, artificial fertilizer and habitat destruction. The solution is not one or the other, it's to keep doing what humans have been doing for thousands of years.
No. 1292686
>>1292561theyre never gonna force us to lockdown again, at least not in the US. not gonna happen.
plus this disease isn't "deadly" and unknown like covid was.
No. 1292856
>>1292851i miss the COVID era too.
sewing masks out of boxer shorts, having to fill out a form to leave your house, animals taking over the planet…
good times
No. 1292870
>>1292319nta but that's not what they were saying at all. they wanted a lockdown because they're neet shut ins, not because they actually care about preventing disease. gtfo with your strawmanning. also it's not like lockdowns are a perfect solution anyway, I mean they might prevent people getting sick but they cause a ton of other problems like women getting trapped in with
abusive partners and kids getting trapped with
abusive parents. there's plenty of other issues too. getting sick is awful but it shouldn't always be the end-all-be-all. the irony that you accuse them of lacking empathy
No. 1292882
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>>1292866you don't remember?
No. 1292886
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>>1292851>>1292856Why are people talking like covid doesn't exist anymore? I don't get it, a coworker of mine got infected just a few weeks ago and recovered since then but we all had to go back to working from home because of that. If anything we still have to deal with on top of having to deal with gays infecting each other and then other unrelated, non-nymphomaniac people with their gay orgy virus. I still wear masks everytime I'm outside because of public transport and I still don't get why most people refuse to wear masks in the crowded subway, sneeze on people and wonder why everyone looks like they want to stab them.
No. 1292910
>>1292893>Covid particles are too small to be filtered by paper masks.It's been a while but iirc, while paper masks don't 100% prevent infections, they still reduce viral loads by a lot, isn't that the case? In my opinion it's still a lot better than nothing.
>because people are always touching them with their hands to adjust them or take them offI often use hand gel and always had small hand gel bottles in my handbag way before covid because I often had to eat sandwiches in uni right after typing notes on my laptop and we all know how smartphones and keyboards can easily get disgusting. So that's not a problem for me. Honestly, I'm glad that mask use is considered normal in the west now, not just for covid, but for diseases in general. The mask is working when it comes to preventing from getting sick while using public transport in general, especially during winter when there are epidemics of pretty much anything.
I remember passing out and throwing up as soon as I woke up in the middle of a remote job interview for the best job opportunity in my life, which I missed because of this, because of retards making me sick when I was working retail in 2018 and going shopping while knowing they were sick, I wish I had masks back then. No. 1292947
>>1292923It's a bit uncomfortable but I do it anyway because public transport is fucking disgusting. I've seen enough shit there (literally and figuratively) so at this point it's a necessity. Using cars isn't a possibility for me, even if I had a driver licence and a car I wouldn't be able to use it were I live because of how inconvenient driving and parking a car is. If I'm alone outside I don't wear it, but if I'm about to join a crowded area I wear it regardless of weather and temperature. With monkey pox not being an STD and being transmittable with droplets I have one more reason to wear it.
>>1292925>they’re highly effective at making sure YOU don’t infect someone elseWait I thought anon knew this and was referring to this before replying to her. There are still people who don't know that's the point of a mask? Don't they know that surgeons and nurses wear them to not accidentally spit tiny droplets inside patients' bodies during surgery, instead of making patients wear them for their surgeries? No wonder we're not getting rid of covid anytime soon…
No. 1292977
>>1292947Anon it’s because they don’t give the slightest fuck about anyone. They confuse collective actions like lockdowns and mask-wearing as orwellian when really their need to incessantly exercise their own freedumbs is the most orwellian thing ever, they care more about their own faux autonomy and survival over the health and safety of their own neighbors, families, it’s truly despicable. They tell everyone else to sacrifice themselves but when it comes to them?? They surely won’t. The social cohesion of many countries are dwindling and I don’t know if it’s the increase of nationalism, technology, lack of privacy, suspicion and paranoia towards foreigners and immigrants but that is why these stupid ass culture wars are more popular than actual political action that we know is right for everyone. They’re also the anons who love bragging that eating raw meat like a damn cavewoman is the best for your fertility or some shit, they have alex jones /pol/ brain rot because they rely on edgy ‘fake news!!’ scrotes for their own political views. Unrelated but you may think these anons hate trannies for the right reasons, but they are likely exactly like vanessa vokey, they are incredibly confused and hold socially conservative views that harm women in the long run. In america, they were the ones who probably voted for that fat tub of lard Trump who interrupted any sort of change with culture war nonsense, again. Wearing a mask isn’t emasculating, it isn’t embarrassing, people just don’t really think about the importance beyond it because they themselves do not feel connected to the rest of the nation. I’ve heard that the COVID pandemic has eroded any sense of outside community and emboldened more tribal sense back into people, like the hoarding toilet paper and insane nihilistic echo chambers from both sides. Sperg rant over, just had to be said
No. 1293000
>>1292910>they still reduce viral loads by a lotA paper mask is not going to stop a covid virion from getting out or getting in. Think about the type of masks recommended for spray painting, a covid virion is much smaller than a paint particle.
>I often use hand gel and always had small hand gel bottles in my handbagThis far more likely to prevent covid infection than a paper mask. The main way people are infected is by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching their mouth, nose and eyes.
>>1292925>they’re highly effective at making sure YOU don’t infect someone elseAgain a paper mask is not stopping a covid virion because they are not capable of filtering such a small particle. The risk of touching your face to remove or adjust the mask is more of a risk than the mask is a benefit. If you want to wear a mask that does offer protection for both you and others then you need a N95 mask or a P3 mask.
No. 1293010
>>1292886First ayrt
>If anything we still have to deal withI'm aware that COVID is still alive and well, hence why I said "at least we only had to deal with one illness" lmao. I still wear my mask and practice basic hygiene, but now COVID does feel less scary to me especially now that we have monkeypox. Like I said, it's just a joke so relax instead of jumping to all these conclusions.
No. 1293015
>>1293000…anon, the masks stop the
water droplets that happen from coughing, sneezing, etc. stop being a dense bitch just because you learned new information and you don't understand it. asia has been using masks for years because they do provide some kind of barrier.
No. 1293022
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I was mostly exposed to info about American cases so right now I'm checking cases in France since that's where I live and they're only giving the pox vaccine to:
>gay and bi men who had sex with several guys in a row>trannies who had sex with several guys in a row>sex workers (yes, the official website for Santé Publique actually wrote "Les travailleurs-ses du sexe." like that's a completely normal thing to do, fuck them)>and people who work in places where people fuck. I guess places like sex clubs for swingers or whatever>and obviously, healthcare workersMeanwhile, the stupid white gays I know irl and online are yelling at everyone to get the vaccine asap because we're all equally responsible for the epidemic, as if the average person was fucking more than one person per week, and even though that's not even possible unless you're from one of these categories because of the low supplies. At least, the positive thing here is that some official organisations and charities for gay guys are actually telling them that guys fucking other guys should be more careful, unlike what I've seen with the US.
Here's a link for French anons: No. 1293028
>>1293015Covid is not water or droplets, it's a virus that spreads through virions. Paper masks do not stop virions so are therefore not effective at stopping covid.>Our analysis confirms the effectiveness of medical masks and respirators against SARS. Disposable, cotton, or paper masks are not recommended.I don't understand why this is a debate when even the fucking daily mail has reported studies that show paper masks do not work. I'm not saying don't wear a mask, I'm saying if you want to wear a mask, wear one that has an actual rating and is designed for what you are intending to use it for. It's common sense.
No. 1293038
>>1293028are you dense?
>citing the dailymailkek, answered that for me. you don't understand how virus transmission or viral load works, so i suggest you sit down.
No. 1293053
>>1293032A 10% or below chance of infection prevention is not the worth the risk associated with the need to touch your face to remove the mask. Again by far the greatest method of covid transmission is people touching contaminated surfaces and then touching their mouth, nose and eyes.
>>1293038The study I quoted is not from the daily mail article. I agree that retards read the daily mail, which I said "even the fucking daily mail"
The study reported on in the daily mail article claims that masks offer a 0.3% reduction in covid transmission. No. 1293126
>>1293015asians use masks because they've polluted their air to the point it's barely even breathable since they love to cram literal billions of people into nightmare tier megacities made up mostly of petrochemical factories belching out
toxic smoke 25/8
No. 1293130
>>1292092 's picrel made me homophobic, does that count?
No. 1293139
>>1293131they also wear them in korea and hk AND china for the same reason japan does. any kind of face covering helps prevent viruses and bacteria from becoming as airborne as they would without it. even before covid my local CVS minute clinic had masks available with a sign telling people who were sneezing or coughing to use them.
>>1293127if you don't know how viruses work, why don't you go read up on it, instead of just spamming the thread with misinformation using your newly learned word of the day? you sound like those moronic antivaxxers who think that if it's not working 100% it means it doesn't work at all.
No. 1293144
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>>1293131ayrt, basically places in pic related, more people live inside the circle than out.
overpopulated af and they dont give a fuck about pollution or human rights or anything other than securing their next meal of grease and rice
No. 1293149
>>1293144adding on to this cause my post sounded too mean but I actually feel really bad for people who have to live this way. overcrowding and poverty is really tragic.
and the garbage crisis is bad too.
No. 1293163
>>1293157The mere fact that surgeons and nurses use masks during surgery or that people working in labs use masks very often should be proof enough that they're useful tools on top of what you just said. It's frustrating.
>>1293156>I just wanna know how I can still go to the fun bars that aren't necessarily "gay bars" without being permanently disfigured from some horny men fucking each other in the bathroom and getting cum all over the barcounter after their circle jerksGo to places that don't attract these people and if that's a possibility for you, avoid public transport. Wear masks in crowded areas. There's a vaccine but it may or may not be experimental. I don't go to places where I would usually have to be wary of such things besides the bus, the subway, the train, etc. so idk what to add. Obviously, don't have sex with bisexual men
or even at all for the next weeks to come unless you already have a bf/gf in a long term relationship.
No. 1293166
>>1293155yeah, "opportunity" to work 16 hours a day in a chemical waste plant
go to fucking Jakarta and lmk how it is
No. 1293235
>>1293139>you don't know how viruses work>educate yourself>you're dumb>you're an anti-vaxxer>you're right ringSorry but this isn't twitter. Here you need to provide evidence that what you are saying is true and no one gives a shit about twattartard level insults.
I have already explained that a virus is spread by virions. Virions are very small particles that are not filtered by paper masks but they are filtered by rated masks that are designed to filter very small particles. The main route of infection for not just covid but colds and flu is from touching contaminated surfaces and then touching the mouth, nose or eyes. Masks do not negate the prospect of contamination from surfaces or hands so they do not offer any protection from the main cause of infection. Masks encourage a person to touch their face to remove them. Masks also offer zero eye protection. For any mask to provide effective protection from covid it needs to filter virions and it needs to do so efficiently to the point that it nullifies the risk of infection from touching the face. Paper masks do not do that.
I'm not anti-mask, all I'm suggesting is that if someone does want to wear a mask then use one that is designed for preventing the spread of illness. It's common sense.
No. 1293295
>>1293267I'd argue that it is a factor because with covid masks were recommended for the general population and there is going to be variation how the masks are used. People who need to use masks and respirators in a professional setting are given training on how to use them correctly for maximum protection.
I do wonder if eventually there is going to recommendations for the public to wear gloves for monkey pox and the same issue will repeat.
No. 1293410
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>>1293400Would it be possible for you to get those little microphone shower caps and and disinfect the mic handle?
No. 1294068
>>1292457It would be that effective if you got it
now, for us that got it decades ago the effects have waned.
No. 1295068
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>Research on intradermal injection of the monkeypox vaccine is essentially limited to one study.
No. 1295237
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it’s an eastern european salad called shuba, fish and vegetables. we eat it for holidays, it looks bizarre but i only avoid it because i dislike beetroot :)
No. 1295903
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>>1292082>monkeypox was always aroundit's less than 100 years old and was literally (accidentally) made in a lab by giving a colony of lab monkeys smallpox for research purposes; eventually the research monkey colony developed a different type of pox. I swear the monkeypox wikipedia article has been edited to make the history section extremely vague, but this wasn't controversial six months ago and it was mostly considered an unfortunate side effect of the efforts to eradicate smallpox (pretty bad blunder though).
unless you just mean it's been at a low simmer in africa for decades in which case, yeah. I feel like someone should have tried harder to eradicate it by now. it's been really gross how reporting has phrased it like "well, it's just people in africa dying of this" – like what the fuck? that's bad, not good. it's not nearly as bad as smallpox but it's still bad
No. 1295922
>>1295903What the fuck a few years ago during covid I saw a woman with skin that looked exactly like that, it was disgusting, I was working and having to handle her money I guess she just had a skin condition… fucking leper
Anyway there is no way there will be another lockdown, at least in America, unless we want superinflation and a fucked economy
No. 1295996
>>1295930the US printing a shitload of money and the US mandating lockdowns didn't both have to happen but I see why you would make a connection between the two
>>1295922lots of types of lumpy skin conditions out there
No. 1296025
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can some kind nona with the right kind of institutional email please post this paper from the 2003 outbreak?'m shocked at the focus on gay men with this outbreak, like they're literally trying to make it sound like an STD which is fucking crazy. that's so weird to me. last time it came around they were worried about kids because that's who it kills the most, and now if you say anything about that someone accuses you of calling gay men kidfuckers or decides that means a gay man fucked a kid. the discourse is totally fucked.
No. 1296070
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also would love to read this one if anyone has access to figure out if I'm retarded and it was a naturally occurring pox found in wild monkeys/squirrels/etc or if the denmark lab monkeys had their own special strain which is what I originally thought.
No. 1296098
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shuffling monkeys around in abhorrent conditions for polio research….
No. 1296106
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monkeys shipped from Malaysia to Denmark were thought to have contracted the disease on the way there… two months later? that seems a bit off. I'm questioning their 1950s contamination prevention measures at the infectious disease lab lol.
No. 1296112
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I keep reading natural pox outbreaks in monkeys is incredibly rare /almost nonexistent but I wonder how much of that is the fact that no one would be recording a natural outbreak that wasn't in proximity to a human smallpox outbreak
No. 1296120
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starting to think this is monkeys' revenge. we deserve this.
poor monkeys.
No. 1296128
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oh my god that's a sad image. I shouldn't have started reading a paper about animal illnesses. in these old papers a lot of the monkeys are catching it from people No. 1296155
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wrong lol
No. 1296174
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sorry for image dumping while I went down a rabbithole, I'm a little obsessed
No. 1296181
File: 1660079351959.png (256.34 KB, 986x1226, article_river_e50222a0f6a211ec…)>The most common cause of human-to-human transmission, as rare as it is considered, is respiratory droplets. not sure why people are constantly trying to say it's not airborne. this is the exact same shit we went through with covid. I am tired.
No. 1296185
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No. 1296211
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I'm trying to sort out the drug options here even though it's basically impossible for most people to get vaccinated right now. from what I understand:
JYNNEOS is the new monkeypox-specific pox vaccine that takes two doses, normal needle type shot. production has been ramped up but there's still not a ton of this available.
ACAM2000 is the regular old smallpox vaccine that's administered with a special tool dipped in vaccine solution and rapidly poked on small area of your skin. it will make a lesion you have to cover and some people get a scar (if you don't get the pox lesion it didn't work, so it also requires followup). it's not smallpox but it's a live virus and it can spread if you fuck with the lesion; not totally safe for people with eczema or people with immune problems (HIV etc) or for people who live in the same household as those individuals. there are millions of doses of this stockpiled it just isn't being released because of concerns over the side effects not being worth it if monkeypox isn't deadly.
TPOXX is an antiviral not a vaccine. it's for treatment not prevention.
No. 1296229
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conspiracy minded people might read this and think that the insane framing of monkeypox as a gay virus is just an excuse to make Jynneos a ton of money because it's the "safe" vaccine for HIV positive people
No. 1296236
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wonderful conspiracy fuel from an institution playing monkeypox wargames in
2021 No. 1296249
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apparently if you get monkeypox and you touch your eyes with your pox hands (or get it in your eyes some other way) it can be a real problem. as someone who can not stop touching my eyes this concerns me greatly. I'm also very bad about picking scabs etc. in general so this virus is my nightmare, I very much want the vaccine. I would definitely spread it all over my body immediately through absentminded scratching or picking, I scratch in my sleep for seasonal allergies, this would ruin me.
No. 1297014
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wonder how many faghas(and in term majority of TRA supporters) will catch monkeypox, honestly I'd say its what they deserve to an extent
No. 1297609
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I've been watching the case count page since the CDC put it up. finally lost montana yesterday, wyoming is the last hope lol
No. 1297643
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hm. personally i would not kiss a pimple or an ingrown hair but that's just me.
reading people's stories, I keep hearing it's very painful. I thought that was because the sores are in tender places like the mouth or genitals, although it doesn't specify here. wonder how the pain in on other parts of the body.
No. 1297703
File: 1660197820904.png (5.72 KB, 659x48, monkeypox.PNG)

>>1297698More like 2-4 weeks kek
No. 1297787
>>1297700sorry like 4 of them are just a regular paranoid nona (me). not sure about the other 4 or 5, maybe you're right.
I've just never been so bothered by the thought of catching something. I remember I freaked out about chickenpox as a child too because my mom couldn't remember if I got the vaccine…(I did, she just couldn't remember or find the paperwork and some stuff happened around the time I should have gotten it so there was reason to doubt.) I think it's the bumps. I can't stand stuff on my skin.
No. 1297985
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Fun fact the tattoo means he has HIV (Undetectable = untransmittable). at least they know who they should be appealing towards
No. 1298010
>>1298006Africa is also where the marburgviruses happened. Something else we also think was in regards to monkeys.
Sidenote as we continue to deforest and melt ice caps we will also unearth new dormant viruses and bacteria. Joy
No. 1298085
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>>1298079For all I know I literally got it from the toilet seat. Or something weird happened while I was knocked out.
No. 1298095
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>>1297985OT but you’ve sent me down a rabbit hole of HIV tattoos and I’ve ended up on bugchasing. I just can’t with some of these homoerotic cumbrains. Only men could coom over being diseased No. 1298101
>>1298089I think the flulike symptoms are already over for me, I got those right before the spot showed up. If it's just the one spot and I test positive, I'll consider it free immunity.
>>1298093>hopefully it was just a bad luck and nothing nefarious happened while you were outI specifically requested to be knocked out for the mandatory camera tube rape
colonoscopy. The doctor is a woman, but who knows which other patients were there before me and there was a male tech. I woke up crying, because it did already feel emotionally like I consented to being raped. So that is already bad enough without this "gift".
No. 1298435
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No. 1298438
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No. 1298441
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No. 1298444
File: 1660246180982.png (1.02 MB, 1358x1460, or none at all. .png)

No. 1298448
>>1298435Holy shit why can’t scrotes keep their dicks in their pants for 2 fucking seconds
No. 1298450
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is san francisco ok
someone check if nancy pelosi is invested in Jynneos lmao
No. 1298453
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No. 1298474
>OMG stay home forever and triple mask or you are literally killing grandma!Monkeypox
>Lol just cover your sores and keep on fucking No. 1298475
File: 1660247185664.png (771.17 KB, 1258x1168, stonks go up.png)

article from late May
please tell me this wasn't allowed to get out of control so pharma could make money
No. 1298528
>>1298508Yeah but they say those monkeys got infected by African monkeys while they were travelling from Asia to Europe.
>>1296106Of course we could put our tinfoil hats on and say that if it were indeed lab-created, they would never admit to it kek
No. 1298533
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>>1298496yeah I'm sorry I think I was wrong. I read something phrased in a way that made it seem like the copenhagen monkeys in 1958 had been kept in a facility for smallpox research and they came down with a previously unknown pox while they were there; ironically I think it was a debunking/factcheck type site.
the old papers I looked up said the monkeys were shipped from Malaysia/singapore
>>1296106 50-60 days before the monkeypox was officially identified which is not that long. experts at the time concluded it was probably unsanitary shipping practices that caused the asian monkeys to catch the pox
>>1296098 from african monkeys. after that, wild caught monkeys were found to have monkeypox too.
I also learned monkeys are not likely to be the reservoir species for monkeypox. they think it's probably rodents.
No. 1298540
File: 1660250190349.png (1.66 MB, 1812x1686, need to know news for investor…)

>With over 6,600 cases in the US, and a limited vaccine supply, the spread of Monkeypox has lawmakers, businesses, and investors’ full attention
No. 1298552
>>1298533It’s okay anon. It happens. It’s interesting though the tie to monkeys. There was the marburgviruses too back in the day. That they think got it with circus monkeys being shipped to Germany from Africa or something. You got me to look more into monkey pox if anything.
>>1298528Ah I see your point now. I missed what you were trying to clarify. Thank you
No. 1298555
File: 1660250617110.png (1.86 MB, 1810x1884, Monkeypox stocks are in full b…)

>Need to Know Monkeypox News for Investors (BVRNY, TOMDF, GOVX, APDN, NNVC)
>Monkeypox won’t crush the economy like COVID – instead, its biggest impact will actually be positive for many stocks
>Monkeypox stocks are in full breakout mode
No. 1298562
>>1298444this isn't satire?
I think just lost what little hope I had left for humanity
No. 1298644
File: 1660252528448.png (1.72 MB, 964x1522, reuters article.png)

I saw this week that the FDA authorized emergency use of Bavarian Nordic's Jynneos. I wasn't sure what that even meant but I'm reading now that part of the emergency order allows providers to administer the shot in a different way (between layers of skin instead of under the skin) to stretch the supply.
the company that manufactures Jynneos recommends against this (lack of data, risk for adverse reaction, potential to be less effective). FDA official defends decision.
thoughts? pharma company could just want to sell more, but FDA could also be trying to make themselves look better by magically inflating the number of vaccines doses they were able to procure. I'm not a doctor so… no idea what difference it makes if it goes in your skin or under it or how that would let them use less of it.
the FDA chief has been accused of being in big pharma's pocket so it's strange to see him at odds with a company. maybe media is blowing it out of proportion though.
No. 1298672
>>1298562it's real. totally psycho
google piggy party
>>1298435 if you want to really lose it. I don't recommend it though, could have happily gone my whole life not knowing what that was.
No. 1298822
>Black Men Are 70% Of the Confirmed Monkeypox Cases In North Carolina, But Only Getting 24% Of The Vaccinewhat a surprise
just like the idiots suddenly praising non-white TIMs (who compare black women to men 24/7) in the TIM thread, people are acting as if only open flaming white faggots are the face of the disease in here
black ladies of lolcow, do not sleep with these femicidal struggle bugs and lying downlows whatever you do. stay AWAY from them No. 1298892
>>1298822Right… warn black ladies because they’re the only people that sleep with black men. otherwise there would be race mixing and that’s unthinkable
Are we sure you’re not the racebait anon shitting up the site?
No. 1298951
>>1298892because statistically WE are at danger and because its not a funny little thought experiment involving "those evil sodomites" for us, just like hiv wasn't. rather it was something that was so prevalent and dangerous to BW as a whole that a new term was invented ("MSM" because black menz didn't want to be called gay)
you sound like a mad becky tho, maybe you should stay away too
No. 1299098
>>1298465The "aid" is mostly money laundering and is minuscule compared to resources Africa is robbed of. They go to war with each other because the borders the colonial nations drew in Africa were deliberately made such. Existing nations in Africa were split and put together with nations they don't get along with so that colonizers can have better control over the region.
The continent is kept expolited and neocolonial propaganda is everywhere telling you racist shit so they can keep making bank with your support.
No. 1302896
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No. 1303166
>>1302901That’s what the article wants you to think
Monkeypox loves mammals, this is gonna keep happening.
No. 1304514
>>1302901I didn't want to think that but then I read the couple had been isolating the dog since the onset of when
they had symptoms which makes me feel like there was a reason they thought to be cautious or were worried the dog might contract it.
>>1303166nonnie it's true that monkeypox has mammal vectors (or whatever the word for it is) but this is the first time it's been found in a dog.
No. 1304786
>>1304514one time a cat gave a woman cowpox by scratching her neck. I don't think it fucked her.
anyway the dog is way too small and would be completely disfigured if it was being sexually abused in that way. medical paper had pictures of it. he didn't fuck the dog. probably was open mouth kissing like most disgusting dog owners though.
love to see everyone do their best to make this seem like a gay std so they can do absolutely nothing about it. I guess everyone is looking forward to it reaching the child population so we can watch them suffer when school starts up again.
No. 1305534
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>>1305531Oh ok carry on then
No. 1306086
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>>12976092k more cases but Wyoming stays winning
No. 1306131
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Oh shit there’s a deaths tab now
No. 1306139
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>>1305578Soon enough you'll just have to stay away from men (you'd be surprised at the amount of bifags who sneak around and straight men who touch eachother). Reject all men season is nigh. First they wanna take away abortion and BC, now they and their dogs will give you death pimples. It's an easy decision. Become a monk to avoid the monkey plague.
No. 1306166
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Considering the location of the lesions and the fact that he is a famous porn star… you can bet he got these when he was getting balls slapped against his chin and cum pumped down his throat.
Suck no cock, your face will thank you.
No. 1307399
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>German monkeypox patient whose nose started to ROT because his undiagnosed HIV and syphilis left his immune system ravagedI’m going to be sick. Imagine managing to catch HIV, syphilis AND monkey pox… I wonder what he gets up to in his spare time… No. 1307776
>>1292581I am late to this but bless you
nonny, thank you for providing facts-based arguments to this discussion.
No. 1307913
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>>1307889is sex not… prolonged Skin Contact?
No. 1307937
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>>1307913They believe it is transferred through semen, while skin contact even during sex is a much smaller risk. However things are still developing and not everyone agrees
No. 1308003
>>1307937well if that’s the case…
who cum on the dog?
No. 1308113
>>1307776Yes, because traditional agriculture systems are definitely sufficient to feed 10 billion humans, kek
Be realistic, without factory farming you could only eat meat twice a month at best.
No. 1308194
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Its official. monkeypox thread >>> corona thread. They could never
No. 1308215
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>>1308194>>1302896After finding its owners just realized I cant be too sure about the filename.
No. 1308244
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>>1308237Yeah even though I initially schizo'd out, anons made a good point about the dog's size and I'm choosing to believe this. Anyway good news I think most of us are safe from monkeypox if we don't lick people's lesions or whatever right?
No. 1308248
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nonnas i solved the dog pox case.
>monkey pox can stay on surfaces/clothing fluids
>dog has butt lesions
>could've easily contracted it through sitting on owners, clothes, or bed sheets, etc through several days
>dogs kinda too small the doctors would've seen blunt trauma if the men "did" the worst
>dog sat in the monky pox cum. monkeypox guaranteed
No. 1308266
>>1308248it also could have been licking balls and then its own ass. thats how
>>1306166 got it (balls, not that he could lick his own ass)
No. 1308274
File: 1660884793317.webm (Spoiler Image,4.43 MB, 576x1026, monkeypox.webm)

>>1308244Don't touch the lesions at all. Tbh, to be safe I wouldn't even touch something that someone with monkeypox also touched.
Anyway, I don't know if this is at all interesting to any of you but here's another man that got monkeypox from Tiktok. The actual video is boring but to sum it up, he went to Mcdonalds knowing that he is infected and contagious. I guess a big mac is more important than not spreading a disease. When people pointed out that he could've used any food or delivery service he just said that he used Applepay so it was "contactless".
No. 1308280
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>>1308274Samefag, unspoiler at your own risk. I thought it was interesting that all of these people (picrel, the guy in the video and this woman
>>1292389) all have similar looking lesions. I wonder what causes the dark center? I believe smallpox also had some bumps like this in some cases.
No. 1308282
>>1308274If you go to the hospital in a country where monkeypox has arrived, be extra careful when going to the bathroom. You don't know who was there before you.
>>1308280That's because it was a wound which got exposed when the bumps popped.
No. 1308947
>>1308779Doesn’t absolutely have to leave a scar but it has to form a pustule and that pustule has to scab up and fall off with the old fashion smallpox vaccine and yes a lot of people have a little scar on their arm from it, some of them have bigger scars than others.
Out of curiosity are you old or did you have a special reason to get the smallpox vaccine?
>>1308541Think about how people have scars on their body from chickenpox, I think it’s a lot like that but worse. I am definitely not a doctor though so maybe I’m wrong but that’s what I’ve gathered
No. 1308950
>>1308947Samefag, Sorry I meant to ask this
>>1308557 poster when she got the smallpox vax
No. 1309136
>>1309128>people blaming gay and bi men for the diseasethey're blaming them for the unnecessary spread. which is
valid and supported by evidence
No. 1309177
>>1309117Because COVID came from China and anything China does is met with suspicion
Also forced lockdowns and vaccination made people angry and feel like they were being controlled (which is fuel for conspiracy theories)
No. 1309250
>>1309128Sorry for the covid talk in the monkeypox thread but, have you had any pushback from people when you talk about how rough covid was for you? I'm also young, thin, not super healthy but not immunocompromised, and it was awful for me. I was taking painkillers, prescription allergy and cough meds, using an inhaler, everything, and I would still wake up five times a night unable to breathe. My parents got it at the same time as I did, they also had it bad but if anyone asks now they laugh and say it was just a light cold, and then call me dramatic if I mention it definitely wasn't a light cold for me. They had an extra booster vaccination that I didn't, and I think that's probably why my experience was worse than theirs, but they definitely didn't think it was just a cold when we were all bedridden with it.On an unrelated note, I'm not
that worried about monkeypox as it is now, but I am a little concerned that it could mutate and become more infectious/easily spread. Men are so unhygienic, if they're going out in public with festering pustules on their faces and arms and hands, I'm afraid we might not be able to avoid it as easily.
No. 1309607
>>1309250I don't really talk about it with anyone unless it's relevant. I've had coworkers teasing me because "lolxD you still wear a mask outside but it's not mandatory" and I have to remind them that when I caught covid I was sick for 3 months straight, I couldn't breathe normally, I couldn't digest food and looked like a skeleton and that was before the vaccine existed. And that my mother is immunocompromised and that she was very sick despite being vaccinated herself. Funnily enough, she got sick not long after a retarded, unvaccinated coworker of mine also cuaght covid for the second time in less than 6 months. Then they shut up until next time. For context, I live in a place with a lot of public transport and people walk a lot to go to work, take the bus or subway, or to do groceries.
>I am a little concerned that it could mutate and become more infectious/easily spreadMe too, I don't want to catch it from someone else just by taking public transport because some unwashed infected retard decided to go outside.
>>1309136Well, yeah, but I mentioned it to explain that it's not a conspiracy theory, as opposed to when people speculated that covid wasn't that bad and that hospitals were lying about the number of patients they received everyday during the first lockdowns worldwide. I do see people online trying to say that the number of gay and bi men infected with monkeypox is overrated and that it's higher than for straight people because gay and bi guys go to the doctor's and to hospitals more often more often than straight men (as if women don't exist) and that infected straight people would hide it because of stigma like with, idk HIV I guess, but now THAT seems like a conspiracy theory. Because the symptoms for monkeypox are highly visible right away and very painful, so someone who would want to hide that they're infected wouldn't be able to hide it properly and would be counted in one of these surveys after seeking help eventually. But even then it feels more like a cope from the queerios alphabet people than an actual hypothesis they fully believe in.
No. 1310341
>>1310214I hope you feel better soon! I'm sorry that this had to happen to you
>>1310123I didn't need to see this……………
No. 1310537
>>1310293The only strange place my buttcheeks have been is the hospital. In European hospitals they've found the virus all over the place. So I think I got it from the bathroom, because it's on a place which makes contact with the toilet seat. So if you're going to the hospital, be incredibly careful, you have no idea who was there before you.
>>1310341It's really not that big of a deal. It's kinda down low on my list of priorities healthwise. I do think it's dangerous that many people act like you can only get it if you're a scrote going to a gay orgy, when it's been spreading all over random surfaces. They go places, they go to the hospital to get treated, other patients and staff end up getting it etc. If you kept up your habits from the pandemic with frequent handwashing and disinfecting, the spread can be controlled, but if you touch surfaces with other body parts and don't think about it…
No. 1311301
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I don’t know why this image got stuck in my head
No. 1312755
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>>1306086wyoming has fallen
No. 1312760
File: 1661220812858.png (1.35 MB, 1912x1880, monkeypox global count 08-22-2…)

number went up ~12k in the last 12 days, not sure if that's fast or slow for this. same number of deaths since they started counting that.
No. 1313452
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>>1298644update on this: it's not working lol were just trying to inflate the numbers
No. 1322440
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America has such a large share of the total cases, why are our men so gross lol
No. 1333332
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I thought this was a joke but it's true
No. 1333335
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No. 1333341
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No. 1333343
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the FEMA guy robert fenton doesn't look any more trustworthy than the gay villain, honestly
No. 1333345
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lmao. this man was, like, created in a lab to to rile people up
No. 1333375
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nvmd they already got riled up
No. 1333377
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would be interested in how conservative conspiracists decipher his tattoos
No. 1333378
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are there any political appointees who actually do their job or are they all just fat rich guys and people with an embarrassing number of professional headshots?
No. 1333380
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I don't believe this man is a real doctor lol
No. 1333404
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>>1333385for sure. it's all cringe. I didn't think I would actually find a bunch of conservative articles about him being a literal satanist lol, come on
No. 1333420
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>>1333381hope you're right
if monkeypox spreads outside the gay community they're going to replace this guy so fast
No. 1333483
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can't get over the fact that they gave us a fake gay doctor & a FEMA guy who worked on the hurricane katrina response… wow. lmao
No. 1333974
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I don't know why I looked this up but jesus christ
No. 1334371
>>1334362I wasn’t trying to “protect them” I was just a little appalled by
>>1334309I don’t think thousands of men wanted to or knew they were going to die like that, I agree that men who get monkeypox are genuinely retarded in multiple ways but the aids crisis was genuinely a horrific era where they weren’t even being provided the information to protect themselves. I understand the hate but I don’t see why it has to be related to aids as if there were even the necessary resources at the time.
No. 1334585
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oh my god you guys i can’t stop cackling
my roommate went to a little get together to play board games with some friends, and after being there for maybe two or three hours i get a text saying that he’s on his way home early because someone at the function said that they think they have monkey pox and everyone else there apparently said “guess it’s time to go home”
except that it was a fakeboi pointing at two ingrown hairs on her bicep, and the only person at the party who even has a penis was my roommate, who tried explaining how wildly unlikely it is for this aiden to have the gay boy plague to no avail
a girl larped so hard that she ended a party, anons
and everyone around her had a smooth enough brain to feel real concern for their safety because a 20 year old girl who got her tits cut off wants to experience the gender euphoria of monkey pox
(oh, and she tried to cancel her tattoo appointment the next day by texting her tattooer at 10:30 pm and was pikachu shocked face when they were like “okay retard but i’m keeping your deposit)
No. 2136857
There’s new concern about it apparently. As long as you you’re not gay and you’re not having sex with a bisexual man you’re already somehow safe.
But always use protection when you’re having sex with men anyway.
No. 2136882
>>2136857>catgirlmeowWHY would you call yourself this
unless you're a troon. Newfags are wild kek.
Anyway being gay would make you the safest. Since we're all women…right?
No. 2136886
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>>2136857> CatgirlmeowKEK
No. 2137786
>>2137718>for some reasonProbably because the media and politicians fed each other big spoonfuls of shit implying only degenerate gay freaks get it, which would certainly be used by political grifters to instill fear in stupid people
I know a lot of retards in here think that it's le funny because wimmen aren't as affected by it, and gobbled up the bullshit about how it was initially only found to be spread through sexual contact. So now here we are with another airborne virus, can't wait to see how a bunch of morons are going to tear each other apart over it and fly their flags of total denial or total hysteria
No. 2137856
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>>2137718>>now called Mpox instead of monkeypox, for some reasonI think it's just rebranding to clear past associations
No. 2137864
File: 1723755796408.png (16.83 KB, 787x233, filenamedotname.png)

>This has been around since the '70s so surely they have a vaccine for this. I'll just check the old government health site
No. 2137881
>>2137874i honestly can't tell so far. you really can't trust the reporting on this, they will always sensationalise and tease the idea of another covid pandemic situation.
however, infectious disease scientists have been saying for years now that there is guaranteed to be more and more pandemics. it's extremely unlikely covid lockdown was a once in a lifetime event for us.
No. 2138096
>>2137811Afaik, there are two variants of the virus, and the second one (the one that spreads through saliva/air particles) is only in Africa and welp, now Sweden.
Spain is still safe, but we have so many tourists coming here to party and do reckless shit that I won't be surprised if we have our first case in a few days.
No. 2139313
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Oh we’re so doomed, is this just gonna happen every election year? I’m beginning to believe the tinfoil that Trump is orchestrating these behind the scenes
>>2137753I hope not but it wouldn’t shock me, if we do it’s probably gonna be even worse than last time since so many people mentally tanked last time it happened and here we are half a decade later and they still haven’t recovered, if anything they’ve only gotten worse, Gen Z and Gen Alpha especially will take it hard
No. 2139570
>>2137753kek no, there's never gonna be another lockdown ever because every government is plainly aware that the last one almost ended in coups and revolutions in several countries. besides, monkeypox is easily treated with the smallpox vaccine. if anything, what you can do is just make a doctors appt. and ask for another smallpox vaccine. i used the excuse of "im going to a place where the vaccination rate wasn't good, i need TB spox and hep shots" and my doctor administered them. they don't need to develop a mpox vaccine b/c the smallpox vaccine works to prevent it.
>>2138695i already asked my doctor about it, apparently the disease is similar to chickenpox and from his experience only the scrotes that didnt get a childhood pox vaccines had caught monkeypox. tbh i find the fear-mongering very funny about monkeypox b/c it feels like just an std-version of chickenpox but im already vaccinated against it (as most ppl in the developing world are).
>>2139395gay scrotes are still scrotes, so they act just as retarded and dumb. It's the same reason we'll never see a lesbian-centric disease or pandemic.
No. 2140042
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No. 2140044
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No. 2140076
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also, out of the 229 people effected in ireland from 2022-2023
>Over 28% were HIV positive
so they're spreading both aids and mpox wtf
No. 2140089
>>2140076What is the article source?
>>2140085Correct. Porn, prostitution and things like street harassment tell us this.
No. 2140092
>>2140044>"I was isolated, lonely, and frustrated with how unfair the situation was."Unfair? Retard couldn't
not have sex. Actual dumbass behavior
No. 2140155
>>2137853 it's only contagious if you're up
really close to someone for a prolonged period. it still sounds like it's 99% sexually transmitted.
No. 2140193
>>2140191If they wanted to get off they could always masturbate.
It's like an addiction for them combined with a lack of concern for others.
No. 2140286
>>2140092Men always act like not having sex is equal to a terminal disease. Just look at incels and the scrotes crying about the “loneliness pandemic”.
The only reason straight men are not as riddled with diseases like gay men is because women aren’t degenerates, at least not at the same rate of other men. For every freaky , gross , risk-driven woman that doesn’t care about her body there are at least 20 men who are like her.
No. 2140813
>>2140805No she isn’t, but she has all of the symptoms and quite severe too.
>>2140810I was afraid of this response but I guess you’re right… she gets very angry when we don’t perform her rituals (washing our feet every time we come back from outdoors etc) and I hate seeing her like that. It’s probably a lost cause
No. 2140952
>>2140773>>2140819I saw multiple mainstream articles yestersay saying shit like
>The virus may spread through respiratory particles, such as from: coughing or sneezing, talking or breathingThen you read the next article and it says different. There's gonna be a whole shifting "is it or is it not spread this way" thing that'll slowly play out no matter where you're getting news from
No. 2149852
>>2140952It's basically an STD, that's how most cases have spread here in Europe and America, but they don't want to say it due to wokeism (still the vaccine they offered last time was mainly catered for them lol).
Saying that it's faggots who spread it and contract it would be homopobhia.