No. 1302440
File: 1660484145369.jpg (342.39 KB, 905x889, Screenshot_20220814-083504_Fir…)

What a shithole, no wonder everything about Korea is so manufactured and fake. They're hiding the true shit hole state of the country.
No. 1302619
>>1302518nta but wow that site is tough to look at aesthetics wise. Also the users there are worse than the ones here
no thanks
No. 1302640
Just stick to your tourist spots, be in a group, have some sort of guide, like a friend who is korean native. Pretend to be filming/live streaming a lot.
>>1302496You wouldn’t even know where to look or what they look like… I would avoid places that clearly have almost exclusively female foot traffic. So use unisex restrooms.
No. 1302730
>>1302416i would not go there is you are fat or black. not race bait, just the unfortunate truth. even if they would not be rude to your face they would behind your back. beauty standards are overwhelmingly high for their natives nevermind foreigners. why do you think girls get plastic surgery for graduation presents and the only famous fat women are gag women? it is sad so many girls will want to live and visit because of kpop and kdramas.
>>1302720likely not a lie anon… i bet you are a koreaboo
No. 1302768
>>1302416If you're planning on being an English teacher, stay away from Hagwons. I used to be subscribed to this black woman who went to korea as an english teacher and she got a real reality check when she went to a hagwon. The experience sounded so horrible. She said that she felt like an indentured servant, these korean parents didn't hide the fact that they hated her. She saw a kid attempt suicide by trying to jump out of a window whilst she was teaching a lesson, the kids are violent as fuck, so many of them would grab scissors and try to cut her, they work you to death with barely any bathroom breaks & lunch breaks. The pay is unliveable, teachers aren't allowed to tell off the students or even give advice to the students parents on how they could work with their child because you'd become an 'enemy' to them. One teacher was made to get on her knees and apologise to a student because she told him off for something he did during class. The teachers also ate the kids leftovers. She said she had to leave korea before she could make a video on it because these guys will sue you for it. All the students at this hagwon were rich kids, the sons & daughters of top doctor, celebrities, actors etc. There was a celebrities wife who she claimed was insane & had a weird hate-boner towards one of the korean teachers, she kept threatening to sue her because the teacher told her son off for misbehaving in class. They had to hide the teacher at the back of the school till she left.
No. 1302777
>>1302773even so that is literally the definition whether they call themselves it or not
>>1302775yeah but being seen as attractive is alot better than being loathed for your race. why do you think korean girls have eyelid surgery and want pale skin? i just pity any other non asian girls who want to move to korea
No. 1302786
it is always funny how much Korean women love pale white men who are often seen as average in western countries. I've seen videos online of these kind of men shown on Korean tv and stuff and they go crazy for them. it is just different beauty/attractiveness standards
>>1302780exactly, some just don't want to accept the reality of this
No. 1302794
>>1302780exactly, women like miranda kerr and other pale female celebs are worshipped
>>1302788anyone but black or brown people then lol
>>1302791yeah but these kpop stans would do anything to be desirable for those kind of men
No. 1304025
I went a few years ago. If you're black, teens hanging out in groups will stare and laugh. I brushed it off but just a heads up. I don't know if some girls were shy or just mean but sometimes when I needed help finding a place they'd have this awful look on their face like they want me to fuck off (usually younger people, around my age at the time so late teens/early 20s). Some people were super helpful and kind too though.
>>1302496Anon I still regularly think about a huge desperate dump I took as soon as I reached my hotel. I completely stripped because the weather was really hot. Spy cams were commonly reported in the news at the time and I still beat myself up for not checking thoroughly before shitting. It was a reputable hotel but you still never know what kind of workers they have, especially since I arrived on a package with other foreigner tourists.
No. 1304512
>>1304058No kek that was literally my experience and what I've seen of mediocre white dudes who go to Korea as well. Of course people are generally rude af on the train and strangers will not want to deal with you since you can't speak Korean but Koreans that do have a conversation with you will always comment on your looks (and it's almost always about having a small head size).
>>1304186NTA but I shopped in Korea and the quality of clothes there is pretty shit, I'd be wary of buying clothes there because for the most part it's all just aliexpress (I forget the Korean version's name) clothes bought wholesale and sold in various stores. You will see multiple stores selling the exact same item, even at stores within a big mall like COEX.
If I could go back I'd buy counterfeit designer items at Dongdaemun.
No. 1304928
>>1304735No, that happened in Japan, in one of the popular places (Shibuya?). I remember watching that vlog, too, but I can't find it anymore.
I think people in Japan are awy too afraid of "causing a scene" because it's "impolite", which is partially also the reason why Japanese women who are obviously uncomfortable being hit on are so polite to the scrotes who harass them.