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File: 1660499903115.jpg (118.22 KB, 1047x709, C5N2x0UUMAAoNP1.jpg)

No. 1302690

ITT: Post the delusional ramblings and nonsensical streams of consciousness of internet users found throughout Youtube comment sections, twitter, reddit and other Internet spaces

one rule - no satire or shitposts, the ramblings have to be genuine

No. 1302697

File: 1660500271273.jpg (476.08 KB, 1080x2599, leftist.jpg)

A Classic

No. 1302710

File: 1660500845737.jpeg (143.78 KB, 753x1391, CA488fh.jpeg)

The Shepard profile pic reminded me of this dude theorizing about how his alien waifus sweat smells

No. 1302717

christ, I can't tell if this is autism, coomerism or both

No. 1302737

Brace yourselves


I found this while looking for Kaleidoscope footage, found a channel on YouTube of a person that has many opinions(?)

No. 1302744

I remember that someone posted months ago in another thread a huge rant that was incomprehensible, I don't remember what the main point was. But I do remember that the guy was at some point sperging about today's young girls in some cultures being raised in a "lesbian sort of way" because they were told to not communicate with men at all until a certain age and it was so stupid yet kind of relatable because of my strange upbringing that I wish I could find it again. I don't remember if it were a 4chan post or some weird text from >>1302697 though, it's been so long since then.

No. 1302770

Is there some lindybeige milk I am unaware of, I always liked his videos. I haven’t watched in a while though.

No. 1302945

File: 1660515846976.jpg (25.58 KB, 359x222, themail.jpg)

nothing too serious, he just believes that Napoleon was unironically worse then Hitler, Mao and Stalin(he just had less people to kill), the Imperial system is superior to the Metric System, the only real incident he was involved in, was when he kicked out of academia for writing an article stating that Vegetarians should be force fed lard


and this was his defense of his statements

No. 1302987

File: 1660517541701.png (41.97 KB, 732x441, 1537880216809.png)

I guess this also counts as nonsensical ramblings

No. 1316117

File: 1661441411031.jpg (144.26 KB, 1080x1101, X47Pu.jpg)

I always laugh my ass off, whenever I see people unironically using 19th century scientific racial terms unironically

No. 1316129

Does he not realize only an extremely mentally unstable woman would be with him?

No. 1316134

Neanderthal manlet

No. 1316137

>must be under average height
manlet detected, you can tell by his skull too

No. 1316142

and the fact he didn't brag about his height kek. If a man doesn't brag about his height you KNOW he's short.

No. 1316159

To quote another user from lolcow, "high IQ doesn't really mean anything for scrotes because they're all insane anyway".

No. 1317641

File: 1661539950691.png (45.92 KB, 597x333, 19.png)

No. 1412005

File: 1668689548227.png (347.13 KB, 644x860, j6txvg.png)

I don't know what exactly this man is trying to say, but I believe he's right

No. 1412008

One time I got too high and I thought an airplane looked very sensual and masculine and got turned on so maybe hes right

No. 1412026

I think "marijuanification" is referring to the common hold stereotypes of stoners, i.e lazy good for nothings

No. 1412089

Pretty sure tranny shit is the result of anime and porn obsessed scrotes

No. 1412152

that's more or less what he's saying as well

No. 1412179

Don't need to be high to think that. I understand airplane anthrofication, not sexually persay, but aesthetically. Sometimes cars look like animals, too! But they are not as cute as planes.

No. 1412739

My first car looked like Walter White.

No. 1415627

File: 1668967860154.jpg (275.12 KB, 1071x1153, 1668967412010.jpg)

What the fuck does this mean

No. 1417355

Blaming millennials for everything because millennials have been the victims of a pre-Internet psyop intending to destroy the world via leftist activism.

No. 1421131

it's funny how his vocabulary and grammar don't match

No. 1423952

File: 1669608001830.jpg (498.49 KB, 1080x1459, algorithmes.jpg)

No. 1423970

let me translate, he's saying the argument of weed legalization is a government psy-op, to distract the population from real issues and movements, as well as saying that millennials are a product of this psyop, where they can never create any real or meaningful change and only serve the interests of neo-liberalism

No. 1423983

File: 1669612391361.png (140.44 KB, 1085x698, Behind_the_Name.com.png)

No. 1424072

In their defense they wrote all this shit during the quarantine days. We were all a little insane back then.

No. 1424077

who are they ?

No. 1424081

didn't most countries' quarantines start in 2020 tho, pic says 2019

No. 1424115

>woman is the most evil
said the male, responsible for 98% of violent crimes

No. 1424119

Ah yes women, whose crimes against humanity includes looks at writing on palm of hand being huge fucking bitch cunts

No. 1424133

If you read all the can you please explain what he was actually trying to say

No. 1424137

He’s not saying anything it’s just a retards pretentious manifesto where he draws upon edgy topics in order to sound smarter than he actually is. Complete waste of space.

No. 1424142

but what's is the pretentious rant even about

No. 1424156

the name Delilah

No. 1424163

Covid wasn't even a thing when that got posted. Even if it was the fucked up way Americans tell the date (month/day/year) it would've still been a whole month before the first breakout.

No. 1424238

My favorite mini rants are by niche nerds. Like people raging under a pinterest post that ie. this medieval armor is totally anachronistic and it's just a run-on paragraph of what's wrong with it.
Odd, but harmless.

No. 1424417

File: 1669651974632.jpg (510.83 KB, 1170x2617, 1669014961885339.jpg)

While mine are one's like this, both racist and esoteric in a way that you can't even be offended by it

No. 1424427

This is the kind of moid who tries to tell you what your personality traits and interests are because he made some assumptions about you based on your glasses shape and bang length. I unironically enjoy running into them because they are always so hilariously wrong no matter who they're talking about.

No. 1424451

I just think its funny these people spent a large portion of their time researching completely meaningless outdated pseudoscience that sounds like schizo rambling to anyone not indoctrinated.

No. 1427201

File: 1669832646993.jpg (13.62 KB, 300x250, 4chan-fabfad14fd66630bcaa150ca…)

No. 1427212

File: 1669833125821.jpg (16.2 KB, 300x250, 1669777232181929.jpg)

No. 1427218

I used to use a site that would show you youtube videos with zero views when I was bored. Most of it was home movies from the third world and real estate postings but sometimes I'd come across real schizos. One was a guy who uploaded himself narrating these weird conspiracy theory scrapbooks he made, I think he was a hotep type? And another channel which I found incredibly disturbing, the account was hundreds and hundreds of videos of a man (I think, it might have been an older woman with a very deep voice) sitting in a dark room mumbling to himself, with occasional videos of slugs he found in the woods where he'd let them crawl over his hands.

No. 1427280

technically speaking a flat earth model is the base cosmological setting for Theravada Buddhism, so he's not wrong if he follows that specific sect

No. 1429837

File: 1669993300210.png (177.92 KB, 660x273, dimensional merge.PNG)

No. 1429845

When it happens please don't be like, "nona was right. Remember she wrote this in the celebricow thread?"
Start writing. Control the narrative. It's not a coincidence that as soon as Chris Chan is out of the picture all this started. I believe there's some people who were placed in our universe to hold things together. When they rejected their place and go off the beaten path crazy shit starts to happen. Kanye and Chris Chan have a connection. Nick Fuentes is the anti christ himself coming to corrupt those who are exploitable. His goal is to create gay incels. We can write him out of the story. We can Control the narrative. They locked Chris away because he didn't do what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to speard the word. Instead he allowed hate,deciet and the devil to enter his heart and harm his mother. He corrupted.

No. 1429861

File: 1669994948545.jpg (272.76 KB, 1076x1156, 9f25f2c5-b920-5122-a58f.jpg)

No. 1429903

File: 1669997593799.png (41.43 KB, 654x238, dimensional merge II electric …)

No. 1429916

File: 1669998825725.jpg (100.15 KB, 1055x389, 78g0vkcbpyt61.jpg)

a classic

No. 1430634

What- Speedrunning is when you finish a game as fast as possible. How is this politic related? What is he talking about?

No. 1430636

Most trans I see in fandoms do take drugs for real so I wonder if he's right.

No. 1433606

File: 1670265610519.png (128.63 KB, 336x430, FimxgRqUcAIUYGc.png)

are account bios with schitzoid energy allowed ?

No. 1433673

Please stop using dashes in a retarded zoomer way. They have an actual use and ending a sentence with it isn't a one.

No. 1433706

>t. anon who never read a book

No. 1433722

Do you ever have anything to post other than weird little nitpicks about the way other anons type?

No. 1459798

File: 1672545113167.jpg (115.95 KB, 680x453, FkObUtVWIAAVCro.jpg)

Just try to make sense of this

No. 1459900

he's 100% right btw

No. 1459966

my dad used to write shit like this. wish I still had some of it. if this was done by him it would mention Jesus and Timothy McVeigh too.

No. 1459967

reminds me of 2012 doomsday rants

No. 1459979

File: 1672571588766.png (699.58 KB, 546x759, 1672571395791.png)

I've been reading through this person's blogs and they're super unhinged and insane. Has become kind of a personal (horror)cow to me. He's some gross schizo tranny that has been posted way back in a twitter hate thread and it's so fucking weird. Apparently he was groomed by 4channers and now he's z00philic and wants to kill cats which I hope he goes to hell/jail for. They go by Birthday/Marabarl/Marlbara and I think he's popular in the animecore twitter/tumblr though I have no idea since I don't use either.


I honestly think there's enough material on this schizo tranny to make a whole thread about him.

No. 1459981

he sounds like a tryhard attention whore troll honestly

No. 1459994

File: 1672573003608.png (269.02 KB, 679x491, https_3A_2F_2Fbucketeer-e05bbc…)

I think he's legit though

No. 1460028

File: 1672579077936.png (719.08 KB, 679x524, https_3A_2F_2Fbucketeer-e05bbc…)

No. 1460031

Kinda ot but this is why I dislike anime sm, the constant correlation between animu girls and deranged men is creepy asf

No. 1460032

This is so tryhard

No. 1460042

That person will suffer and die terribly, if what they posted in that image is true.

No. 1460045

File: 1672581563544.png (Spoiler Image,500 KB, 1272x488, https_3A_2F_2Fbucketeer-e05bbc…)

No. 1460070

File: 1672584569283.png (1.09 MB, 2750x1308, Screenshot 2023-01-01 at 9.48.…)

No. 1460081

File: 1672586711567.jpeg (482.65 KB, 1204x1272, 0C4613D7-B96A-4A53-842E-6BF067…)

kek, is this mara barl? christ on a fucking bike I knew he was schizo but I didn't know he was this fucking unhinged. I used to really adore his art

No. 1460127

what else did he use to draw?

No. 1460908

File: 1672671806976.png (2.76 MB, 1516x2008, huh.png)

He's weird

No. 1461059

Fucking hell. I used to be mutuals with Mara Barl until he made a post describing violent intrusive thoughts he experiences in sexual situations in graphic detail and I couldn't stomach it

No. 1465708

File: 1673087203330.jpg (126.91 KB, 966x513, FhYGvY8XwAEUuAu.jpg)

Does this count ?

No. 1476485

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I mean what can you even say about this

No. 1478294

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No. 1479387

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No. 1493248

File: 1675794210755.jpg (93.87 KB, 1080x1178, one understnading of the world…)

someone people unironically base their entire ideology around this

No. 1505552

File: 1676982973719.jpg (188.24 KB, 1080x942, FYSaaNDXEAIWEZT.jpg)

Least revisionist SSNP sympathiser

No. 1507305

File: 1677178472025.jpg (246.33 KB, 828x1461, Fo1sP0waYAAChnN.jpg)

Unironic Physiognomy in modern day will never not be funny

No. 1507310

Ngl my dumbass thought at first glance that he was a ftm troon that gained weight bc of pregnancy lmao

No. 1507372

Wasn't it based on Chinese face reading or something

No. 1507397

File: 1677183036517.png (1.15 MB, 652x2146, Screenshot 11.png)

what matters if they genuinely believe in it, and that's what makes it funny

No. 1507522

This is interesting kek. Pls post more

No. 1507560

This mofo acting like he's fat cuz he had 2 kids. He's just a lazy piece of shit.

No. 1509983

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No. 1515978

File: 1678088455381.png (154.34 KB, 572x495, C043A096-BA82-4BE1-9090-1442E2…)

Cannot stop thinking about this post. Viruses are made up by jews and homosexuality is caused by… toxoplasmosis?

No. 1515981

sometimes forget how many anons here might be closeted /pol/fags or qtards, but half the tinfoil thread has always been retarded

No. 1515983

i dunno about present users but 7-8 years ago i know for a fact there were many males and females from /pol/ posting on here. makes sense for tradition to follow through to today

No. 1515991

this post was so fucking stupid i had to tell my mom about it even if they do believe that shit for real why are people trying to race bait so hard on here lately

No. 1516001

File: 1678092194439.jpeg (150.32 KB, 1880x994, 8CBB5D36-4E0A-466E-98CA-EF86A4…)

Only thing interesting in the tinfoil thread rn is the GATE discourse, the racebaiting and the satanic panic and the everyone’s a secret troon schizo anons are so boring with their off the rails retardation.

No. 1516008

Hi. I'm the poster in the pic.
As I've written in that post, viruses are genetic junk left behind by dead cells. They are inert, and they don't self-replicate, as 'science' would tell you.

I can prove it immediately. Science™ would have you believe that as a healthy person, you come into contact with a 'virus', which then hijacks a healthy cell to use it for creating new 'viruses'. If germ theory were true, nobody would be alive to talk about it. If your healthy cell can't stop an invasion of one 'virus', how could your body stop it now that it's in your body and making new copies? It's an entirely midwit take and should be discarded as such. Seriously, go on google translate and have a look at what virus means in latin.

Disease is caused by a combination of parasites and pollution. Especially mental illness - God made the human body extremely resilient against many types of disease, but parasites can wear you down over time. This is the primary cause of any and all mental illness.

Have a read:

And here's how to fix a bunch of problems:

No. 1516012

File: 1678094957479.png (13.48 KB, 819x127, basedoplasmosis.PNG)

No. 1516013

File: 1678094967613.png (34.65 KB, 1291x283, its not that serious schizocha…)

No. 1516021

Kek I truly doubt it, it’s 100% one of the /pol/acks in >>1515635

No. 1516025

File: 1678097690064.jpeg (210.23 KB, 1125x962, 71573D8C-5A2E-4393-B353-97F494…)

This book is fucking great, thanks man! I do love to reject big pharma by being sold another product (chlorine dioxide enemas) with reddit-tiet matrix THE RED PILL shit. Men truly are the logical sex, am I rite

No. 1516027

File: 1678097927061.jpg (85.65 KB, 375x610, 1674454961731820.jpg)

Oh yeah, that part is cringe. I don't deny it. It was written for the normies, I suppose.

No. 1516336

bleach enemas? written for normies? you are too far gone please just leave

No. 1516427

File: 1678136205108.png (123.85 KB, 923x467, homosexuality caused by parasi…)

Schlomo, that's like saying water is an industrial solvent. You are correct, but also utterly retarded.

Go back to Eglin Air Faggot Base, bitch

No. 1516443

yeah, i know bleach enemas are supposed to be a cure for autism but i think it had the opposite effect on you.

No. 1516447

File: 1678137572361.jpg (74.34 KB, 626x466, common symptoms of parasites.j…)

Keep replying. I'll post a fresh redpill every time.

No. 1516454

How do I get rid of the parasites?

No. 1516458

File: 1678138183313.jpg (1.77 MB, 777x8875, Hulda Clark cleanse.jpg)

There are methods outlined in this book.

By the way, you femoids do know that weight gain is caused by eating garbage foods and having clogged internal organs?
You eat sugary crap, you gain weight, and your teeth rot. But it gets worse - your thyroid malfunctions. Your liver gets filled to the brim with gall stones, fresh bile barely dripping out of it. Your kidneys get clogged with kidney stones, calcium oxalate. This multiple system slowdown is what causes a bunch of health problems.

Hulda Clark has written a book that details how to clean these things up. If I had to pick a single handbook of how to run a home, and how to keep people healthy, this may very well be it.
https://library.lol/main/69247A4D9395B378195655D2F9FBA321(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1516470

File: 1678138979646.png (48.61 KB, 1291x339, back to pol with you.png)

No. 1516472

File: 1678139069952.png (556.32 KB, 1300x1031, germ theory vs terrain theory.…)

Keep bumping. Give me more exposure.

No. 1516474

Dude I'm on keto and the only sugar I eat is a small amount of fructose in berries, and I still have all the symptoms you posted so

No. 1516477

Well, that's concerning. Cancer is caused when worms no longer have sugar provided for them, so they begin fermenting the cells around them. Stay on keto and get the buggers out ASAP.

No. 1516480

You are Indian.

No. 1516482

File: 1678139588305.jpg (170.23 KB, 993x1200, worm egg.jpg)

Yeah, because parasites magically don't exist anywhere west of India?

No. 1516484

this is so funny i fail to believe you're not baiting.
what species are these parasitic worms nonny? we know there's lots of types of parasites, so which ones specifically are causing cancer by 'fermenting the cells around them'?

No. 1516485

Oh, sorry. Pakistani, my mistake.

No. 1516486

That's a whole-ass man lol

No. 1516496

File: 1678140130596.jpg (127.23 KB, 700x998, 35.1.jpg)

>what species
What do I care? It was never my concern to tell apart multiple types. The point is to get all of them out. There is no such thing as a beneficial parasite.

I'm European. Native. Go fish.

Also, how come I get warned for rule 7, but now all of a sudden the jannies are silent?

No. 1516502

No. 1516503

you don't care what species because you know it's not fucking true lmao, have fun posting pictures of fibres in your stools to forums bragging to the other users about your 'successful parasite flush' though

you're right, it reeks of moid on /ot/ in general rn

No. 1516507

No. 1516514

No. 1516523

File: 1678141354322.jpg (117.43 KB, 624x1024, remote viewing the blood.jpg)


Moid owned, amirite gals?

No. 1516527

stop replying to the moid just report u retards. when he's gone i have a good schizo i've been following for a while to post.

No. 1516530

File: 1678141578120.jpeg (1.14 MB, 1170x2246, BA730EE6-6202-420E-816C-FFB667…)

The “parasites” that people who drink bleach claim to see in the toilet, are actually bits of your intestines. Not fucking worms. If you think you have worms, get a fucking anthelmintic script from your doctor, don’t drink bleach about it.

No. 1516531

File: 1678141686677.jpg (129.15 KB, 1024x639, transgenderism culprits.jpg)

>posts a screenshot from wikipedia, the website owned by the people who want you to be a parasite infested fag(racebait)

No. 1516533

>ropeworms are often discussed on autism forums
Well that explains everything lol

No. 1516541

File: 1678142362625.png (270.84 KB, 422x406, 1676942653314187.png)

If the best you have is ad-hominems and normiesphere sources, no wonder you have so little traffic and get so few tourists.

No. 1516542

and thank god for that

No. 1516547

Curious, I thought the bleach cured autism

No. 1516551

Here I thought you were merely a bit strange, but it turns out you're a caricature of what is wrong with women. Stubbornly ignorant. Thanks for confirming the writings of Esther Vilar, at least in part. I mean, I thought it was abhorrent when she wrote that women have no real thoughts past the age when they realize they don't have to think to survive, since they can mooch off a man. I've handed you secrets to proper health on a silver platter, and you've swatted it all away.
May God rebuke you.

No. 1516554

Kek, based though. Sacrifice ‘em all.

No. 1516962

File: 1678175603062.png (122.9 KB, 653x867, 1677930757682.png)

I respect her tech skills but also, what a schizo

No. 1516972

and people speculate she's a troon, no moid could match this genuine female bdp

No. 1517015

Ecclesiastes 7:26
And I find something more bitter than death: the woman whose heart is snares and nets, and whose hands are fetters. He who pleases God escapes her, but the sinner is taken by her.

No. 1517041

i hope its a woman, her rant about how all men are mysoginist coomers feels very female-esque

No. 1517773

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No. 1517978

No. 1517988

File: 1678274938512.jpg (206.25 KB, 1374x634, the peasantpill.jpg)

man gets put in psychward after taking the "peasantpill"

No. 1517995

omg kek this is amazing. This can't be real but I want it to be so bad

No. 1529914

File: 1679432895831.png (812.31 KB, 691x864, image (5).png)

No. 1529920

He was underprepared and stupid. You don’t take the peasantpill without research first. Peasants did bathe, in wooden tubs or in streams and when they didn’t bathe, it wasn’t because water was scarce…as some who loves peasants I cannot abide by this

No. 1531219

File: 1679585038248.jpg (531.85 KB, 1301x1597, FoiXaScWIAE4.jpg)

No. 1531537

File: 1679605727634.png (17.31 KB, 755x540, Screenshot_1.png)


No. 1538666

File: 1680374346404.jpg (92.51 KB, 1500x500, Fsl0GC3IemKF.jpg)

Literally what

No. 1538837

Peak moid moments

No. 1539747

File: 1680484381730.png (323.3 KB, 1892x4000, bossforcongress.com_5_attempts…)

I discovered Jeff Boss's website ages ago, sadly it is no longer available but it is highly archived. He is the typical american "government is out to get me" conspiracy theorist, but he manages to get thousands of votes when he runs for various offices. He got 16,000 votes when he ran for Governor of New Jersey in 2009. Sorry for terrible screenshot, his website's layout consists of a giant intro, a solid orange brick that functions as a menu, followed by your selected content. I love old school, dedicated, high functioning crazies. It feels like the internet's been taken over by basement dwellers in their 20s trying to act schizophrenic via shitposts. They are merely depressed and inauthentic replicas. YWNBJB (you will never be jeff boss)


No. 1539766

File: 1680487751709.png (46.86 KB, 965x664, djinn.png)

double posting because this thread needs more authentic delusions and fewer internet losers trying to act crazy on purpose. This is a guy I encountered years ago who was 'out there' in an endearing way. He was really in to new age subliminals (the repair your dna and psychic field subliminals, not change your eye color for zoomers). I googled him recently and discovered he had been embroiled in a personal hate campaign against one channel specifically for years, picrel is his grievances. fortunately he survived the djinn attacks and is now making music on soundcloud, godspeed

Ever since schizophrenia became trendy and every chronically online young person wants to be known as esoteric online, it's so rare to come across unhinged people doing their thing out in the open, they all congregate in increasingly niche communities. Physiognomy twitter just isn't the same

No. 1539770

File: 1680488107839.png (58.92 KB, 1170x625, Elvis.png)

triple posting lol, lady who runs a website dedicated to elvis presley as basically jesus

No. 1540144

>Eliezer Yudkowsky
This guy and his community (LessWrong) are insane, but I didn't know he was into fat positivity kek. Usually he writes about things like utilitarianism and baby eating aliens (and rape being legal in the future because moids gonna moid)

No. 1549087

File: 1681493424106.png (336.5 KB, 1074x1036, image (1).png)

No. 1549650

File: 1681533341513.jpg (141.06 KB, 847x1228, the dissociative phenotype.jpg)

No. 1550196

what is this phenotype? what pic are they talking about?

No. 1550202

>hey girl, you look like you have good mitochondria
I can't even

No. 1551149

File: 1681664934735.png (113.67 KB, 1291x1489, Untitled.png)

The return of schizoanon, may she walk the pastures in peace too much to hope for

No. 1553452

speedruns are autistic but these posts are even more autistic

No. 1581279

File: 1684455169867.jpg (521.95 KB, 1080x3896, lainchan.jpg)

>I took 1000mg of DXM over the course of three hours

>Being a white supremacist is common sense

No. 1587543

File: 1685062598900.jpeg (132.87 KB, 602x862, main-qimg-e7b33c426c5bd84974d7…)

found one
picrel is one of their "diagrams" attached to insane rants that are only tangentially related to the question being asked. all their diagrams are done in MS Paint which makes it super amusing kek

No. 1588412

File: 1685133362375.jpg (68.05 KB, 771x463, FWwAAm8NfFhQs.jpg)

No. 1588965

File: 1685159540956.jpeg (24.77 KB, 306x489, WIFI.jpeg)

lmao that person's account is insane, love the dedication and their WIFI diagram

No. 1601504

File: 1686289919179.jpg (93.69 KB, 1079x889, FxlPCyuWYAEkxU1.jpg)

No. 1601536

>Plus it really pissed off the orderly/security people there because I kept calling them knights and sincerely bowed my head when they walked by

Fucking kek

No. 1621243

File: 1688145686037.png (24.64 KB, 658x420, 00kzxov4jnza1.png)

No. 1621252

File: 1688146741845.png (373.13 KB, 646x1128, pick-me or stacy.png)

No. 1621268

>"ladies, if you're dating a man you MUST care for him like you're a crunchy new age holistic mother and he's your 5 year old son named Kale"

No. 1621278

She must be a tinfoil thread poster

No. 1621283

Imagine desperately mommying the manchild you're fucking, gross.

No. 1621288

are you ignoring the "no sunscreen" "no sunglasses" and "never let a phone touch his balls"

No. 1621290

What about it? It's dumb (the first two anyway) but it's still mommying, just a weird crunchy flavour of it.

No. 1625040

File: 1688541808542.jpg (256.57 KB, 1080x1384, FeAXstYWQAAOwa5.jpg)

No. 1625056

>replace his lotion with beef tallow

No. 1625059

>If he vapes… just no

Well she's right about that

No. 1625062

I think she's going to cook and eat him

No. 1625112


No. 1636437

File: 1689612399121.jpg (77.97 KB, 1080x742, FgqUKVcXkAEbawX.jpg)

No. 1646366

File: 1690482252394.jpg (223.91 KB, 1478x420, HOO.jpg)

Does this count?

No. 1652183

File: 1691019443693.jpeg (103.46 KB, 1080x799, F2ceLlOWQAAK0DG.jpeg)

No. 1652339

File: 1691032215314.png (291.99 KB, 947x1345, inosent.png)

Any of his posts really.

No. 1652360

This one is unironically kinda true.

No. 1652361

How is this moid still alive? He's the stupidest person I have ever seen in my life.

No. 1656711

File: 1691396333672.png (433 KB, 578x1080, speedoflight.png)

No. 1658663

File: 1691564021644.jpg (109.93 KB, 1284x895, F9CTtoWcAA_Vfn.jpg)

No. 1660175

>Trash his aluminum deodorant
Oh FUCK no. We don't need more smelly men around here

No. 1660781

File: 1691733563460.png (341.09 KB, 584x682, qmum.png)

The schizo Q side of twitter is funny but sad

No. 1660784

it would be funny if there weren't Q anon schizos in office

No. 1661227

File: 1691781728992.png (701.5 KB, 729x567, 4534534634.png)

unrelated but i have a tendency of lying and oversharing through comments so i'm a bit afraid of being found out here

No. 1662171

File: 1691841634374.jpg (129.99 KB, 1080x837, Fw-PLlQX0AEExKi.jpg)

>He's right, I can't

No. 1672648

File: 1692691910776.png (268.5 KB, 734x1350, Screenshot__23891219.png)

No. 1672766

File: 1692710231928.jpg (341.97 KB, 1080x1746, 38090926bdf61d17d94b7e6aa2.jpg)

No. 1672778

File: 1692710730709.jpg (120.7 KB, 1283x1000, kp7ahte8vzn61.jpg)

No. 1692355

File: 1694273650752.jpg (113.27 KB, 720x950, E2et65eXoAACw5-.jpg)

No. 1698843

File: 1694792621170.png (103.48 KB, 720x387, tinfoil.png)

No. 1698874

File: 1694794706689.jpg (308.11 KB, 1080x1174, Screenshot_20230915_134501.jpg)

Reminds me of this indian dumbass in an Instagram comment section i seen today

No. 1701612

File: 1695093747441.png (130.91 KB, 968x625, 453354534354.PNG)

i get messaged shit like this daily

No. 1701619

The ratio is unsettling.. Instagram is full of racist woman hate and it gets promoted I deleted it for my mental health

No. 1701628

checking out all the terms in the tinfoil bingo

No. 1724839

File: 1697189670637.jpg (485 KB, 1125x2681, RS.jpg)

No. 1724840

File: 1697189727789.jpg (388.83 KB, 1125x2044, RS1.jpg)

No. 1728156

peak brain power

No. 1738902

File: 1698259437096.jpg (162.13 KB, 529x1281, F8iWsJwbYAAZQYT.jpg)

>Gay male Swiftie Zionist who uses AI Art
It's like someone designed to be the most haltable human being imaginable.

No. 1738908

File: 1698259774215.jpg (131.5 KB, 529x1154, F8iWtl_bUAAsevf.jpg)

No. 1747617

File: 1698863449616.png (337.99 KB, 616x701, Screenshot__23191229.png)

No. 1756038

File: 1699305826722.png (524.67 KB, 516x1309, 12.png)

No. 1756050

Isn’t this for delusional ramblings? This is true

No. 1756057

That person is right

No. 1756065

why do these people always blame the women and never the men? if men stopped being giga coomers prostitution and OF wouldn't exist

No. 1756067

Because actively choosing to go into sex work when you didn’t need to prior is really unnecessary, especially when you are competent and capable of more than enabling the coom of thousands

No. 1756079

Our female ancestors didn't fight for centuries just for these women to go back to this even when they could choose better and have 0 need to. You gotta sit this one out

No. 1762657

File: 1699560260450.jpeg (367.56 KB, 1170x732, IMG_7176.jpeg)

This word salad doesn’t taste very good

No. 1788253

File: 1700934535191.jpeg (770.42 KB, 663x2211, IMG_0752.jpeg)

I don't even know what this is from but that highlighted paragraph has me cackling. How is passing on genetic mutations from elderly sperm a good thing?

No. 1788891

I would argue this has more to do with worsening living conditions and top-down elite propaganda to normalize having a caste of "whores" but he's right

No. 1788892

I know she's crazy but she's an entertaining type of crazy

No. 1825506

File: 1703310260127.png (308.77 KB, 2650x506, dude stop.png)

No. 1877149

What thread was this on? This is the pure zhico poetry I came here for.

No. 1902703

File: 1708973870260.jpg (99.87 KB, 735x844, 1000008757.jpg)

No. 1902707

KEK moids are genuinely chimp-brained

No. 1902727

why are men so gay

No. 1902742

Are there really women who dont care about orgasming or having oral sex for themselves? Sad lives these people lead

No. 1902759

Kinda love the concept that if a mother didn’t orgasm upon conception the spawn is soulless though I disagree and don’t believe that non human animals are soulless. If I ever start a cult I’ll parrot the idea that most people are actually soulless bc their moms didn’t cum when they got pregnant with them, kek.

No. 1902783

Same anon, let's spread the word. Minus the animal comment, animals definitely have more soul than human males.

No. 1902794

I find it amusing how 9/10 moids who are unable to please a woman out their own shortcomings with these sort of cope posts and yet lack the intelligence to realize how easy it is to see through kek

No. 1902926

>oh you want sex to feel good? well you're ugly
this seems like a fever dream post

No. 1903281

File: 1709012279958.jpeg (114.86 KB, 1080x966, hS4tPdM.jpeg)

No. 1903302

>son is the age he could be going through puberty
Hmm his moodiness must be because of the covid shot kek

No. 1903486

Yeah, dumb bitch kek. Myocarditis is just normal during puberty.

No. 1904705

File: 1709091567975.jpg (719.53 KB, 1080x2340, 1000005183.jpg)

I was just trying to find this one edited Avatar picture with the past avatar states looking at angle but it's gay disney characters saying
>You'll be the next first gay disney character
But Google fucking judged me for it.
This is nasty, they'll probably put me on a list for this bullshit.

No. 1904713

what the fuck lmao I've never seen a warning like that ever, frickin google lol

No. 1904725

wtf kek I actually am in tears laughing at this

No. 1905066

right pic girls are better though

No. 1905256

File: 1709142799583.jpeg (352.73 KB, 1284x1757, IMG_6958.jpeg)

KEK no way they added this

No. 1915387

File: 1709863047331.png (770.97 KB, 2008x824, same.png)

kek this is sending me

No. 1927013

File: 1710559354761.png (590.6 KB, 949x700, MGM78OO.png)

No. 1927033


No. 1927039

samefag, I found this on some radblr, if anyone's wondering.

No. 1927045

Wtf does this mean

No. 1927069

Obviously, it's an anti-natalist feminist post about how bringing people into this world is morally bad

No. 1941815

File: 1711640087785.png (1.9 MB, 1640x1804, AU6WMou.png)


No. 1954556

File: 1712484836596.png (714.44 KB, 1259x1398, vWoAAKFs2.png)

No. 1958848

File: 1712808067057.png (136.37 KB, 1003x511, quiet.png)

This account has a lot of similarly strange posts about retail workers and police officers he encounters in California. Goes back 6 years so likely not a troll.

No. 1984398

>supposedly alien shit, gods, wizards, bizzare insanity, ai, robots
>"brother, another brooother, no father figure, haaa aaaa simp, cumdumpster, etc"
men have dog brains.

No. 1995077

I feel most of this was made-up.

No. 1995089

That woman is full of shit.

No. 1997619

after watching that video this channel was in my recommendations, it seems like a hindu based religious channel with bizarre interpenetrations, like here she is talking about how yahweh is actually a fire breathing dragon and before humans there were lizard-people who ruled the world

No. 1997919

File: 1715357579318.png (74.26 KB, 1116x412, FollowTheWind.png)

> Follow the direction of the wind. She won't be further than a 3-5 house radius from one of the 4 sides of your house or apt.
This retard commenting psychobabble on my post on NextDoor about my missing cat kek my cat is previously a feral so I know she was trying to be helpful but this reads like a schizo wook gone wild to me

No. 1998184

No this is true, OP just needed punctuation. Cats have limited territories once established inside and the wind thing makes sense for them tracking prey plus force of any kind pushes entities with it, good search and rescue tip. The OP was fine my schizo explanation is likely worse but now you know.

No. 2000851

File: 1715566478403.jpeg (367.08 KB, 750x891, IMG_0546.jpeg)

Virtue signaling with hannah montana, thought I would never see this in my lifetime kek

No. 2000864

I dunno, feel like a point was made.

No. 2000866

Nah, she's correct.

No. 2001046

she's right though

No. 2010559

is there a thread on her?

No. 2011117

No. 2011398

So there’s a guy in my city that raped a person in a train station restroom. He had a knife too, and he hasn’t been caught and there’s no description of him either(wrong thread)

No. 2011440

Wrong thread.

No. 2014138

File: 1716368739390.png (80.64 KB, 1187x558, 1715566478403.png)

No. 2059142

File: 1719011861255.png (1.61 MB, 772x1104, 8b8.png)

Does anyone else remember Transvestigation yt?

No. 2059144

File: 1719011972466.jpg (509.17 KB, 1600x1600, 5hkie7hga5fa1.jpg)

No. 2095180

File: 1721307375954.mp4 (5.63 MB, jYWYnD9gZ2Y5A6KR.mp4)

No. 2095334

These little things she's holding seem easy to manipulate. Reminds me of pendulums and ouija boards.

No. 2095344

>dinosaurs are dragons
thats cool as shit

No. 2164946

File: 1726369767121.png (2.41 MB, 1080x2121, Screenshot_20240914-200548~2.p…)

No. 2164960

The thing i am most obsessed with about this picture is how brazenly feminine her body looks even with that stupid polo shirt.

No. 2164964

we need a troonfoiling community watch thread they are so retarded

No. 2164973

Ooh that's a great idea, they're very prevalent of Twitter

No. 2164982

Trannies wish

No. 2169162

File: 1726629917685.png (843.11 KB, 847x795, aubrey.png)

No. 2169232

>average /pol/ user
Can't tell if this is autism or schizophrenia

No. 2169245

File: 1726638758419.png (505.58 KB, 858x594, 1015.png)

This guy is an actual schizo, he's been banned a million times on Twitter for his post

No. 2169252

What the fuck is this gross shit? Honestly, posting shit like this online should be a crime by itself.

No. 2169267

this has to be a bot

No. 2169304

Nah it's just a genuine schizo. He's made video babbling about the same shit he postes on Twitter

No. 2192684

File: 1728001747076.png (291.1 KB, 660x858, RXqt44o.png)

No. 2192716

It is true though that squatting or being on your hands and knees is a better position to birth in. It's the same as how it's easier to poop with a toilet stool

No. 2193993

File: 1728096642566.png (672.98 KB, 897x1102, img_7170.png)

No. 2222522

File: 1729832553232.png (512.05 KB, 680x979, qELn6aD.png)

No. 2223869

White moids are getting unhinged

No. 2224352

File: 1729925194479.png (184.26 KB, 857x831, IMG_9036.png)

No. 2224354

when did they start typing like this? there are literally thousands if not tens of thousands of accounts on twitter that type utter retardation in this exact same self-assured and authoritative way.

No. 2226766

File: 1730062191713.jpeg (491.51 KB, 1100x687, IMG_1192.jpeg)

Old ladies forgetting to learn internet safety volume 998

No. 2226769

She just doxxed her whole family tree kek

No. 2226770

How anyone can see those legs and think "male" is absolutely beyond me. Genuinely not trying to be creepy it's just retarded.

No. 2226776

I don't understand why old people are so retarded that they think this is okay info to share with strangers in the first place. There isn't any excuse imo

No. 2237926

File: 1730682131178.png (43.72 KB, 500x297, tumblr_817f08b9d056e14ad3aaa09…)

No. 2237931

82 year old youtube commenter poison water knows chicken dumplings.

No. 2243515

File: 1730875169412.jpeg (916.24 KB, 1170x1772, 1707928795795.jpeg)

No. 2244140

This moid and his website is a entertaining schizoid rabbit hole from a nomadic baldy who worships Ted Kaczynski. I wish women on this site shat on "intellectual" moids more because this one is a massive cow. He's a liberal art degree graduate who claims physics and STEM are less reputable than soft sciences like Linguistics and parrots other tradcath retardation. He preaches to a audience of nofap rapeapes, seething at women and their ability to be celibate.
>Physics is pretty solid on earth, and solid when you are running objects at each other in a vacuum, but once we broach the territory of astrophysics, relativity, gravity and more or less anything else that we as humans lack direct intuition of most of the "facts" of physics are theory-internal facts, and will fade away or be rendered obsolete when the next theoretical fad comes around.

No. 2258628

File: 1731483506405.jpg (239.57 KB, 1162x646, freak.jpg)

Dude just went crazy on this the good place clip

No. 2258728

File: 1731498961737.jpg (141.91 KB, 561x1395, 1685957971178.jpg)

No. 2261061

Shame, 'cause I think the coding/software and basic tutorials are pretty interesting. Sad it's made by a schizo.

No. 2262660

File: 1731734907921.jpeg (1.32 MB, 618x1903, IMG_4672.jpeg)

genuinely wtf did I just read

No. 2262831

I asked AI to write a summary.

"The text in the image discusses the potential link between autism and certain behaviors and characteristics observed in Jewish and Asian cultures. It suggests that behaviors such as rocking back and forth during prayers, strict adherence to rules, and meditation practices may be rooted in autistic traits.

The text also explores the idea of "shadow autism," where individuals may exhibit some autistic tendencies without meeting the full diagnostic criteria. It proposes that Jewish and Asian populations may have a higher prevalence of both clinical and shadow autism, which could influence their cultural traditions.

Additionally, the text raises questions about the relationship between brain size, intelligence, and autism. It suggests that larger brain size, often associated with autism, may contribute to the higher IQ scores observed in Jewish and Asian populations. However, it also acknowledges that this could be a result of savant skills associated with autism rather than general intelligence.

Furthermore, the text speculates on the potential role of autism in gender differences. It suggests that men's poorer social skills and higher rates of autism and schizophrenia compared to women might be due to a "shadow form" of these disorders. Similarly, women's higher rates of mood disorders might be attributed to "shadow signs" of bipolar and depression.

Overall, the text presents a controversial and speculative viewpoint that links autism to cultural practices and gender differences. It is important to note that these are unproven hypotheses and that further research is needed to explore these connections."

No. 2273072

File: 1732351698781.png (3.34 MB, 3264x1491, 1690227338542.png)

No. 2273099

You know it's bad when a "whore" is right and you're wrong. Btw Megha is not even pretty herself.

No. 2273126

File: 1732357829306.jpg (81.44 KB, 735x544, two-retards-fighting-youtube-v…)

No. 2273510

File: 1732381196501.png (1.22 MB, 1096x1362, 1562059248150.png)

No. 2273746

I wonder if Megha is a farmer. I know some anon said the same "Mirabel is ugly, little girls won't like her or her toys they want to look like princesses!" thing in the Western animation cows thread.

No. 2274533

File: 1732436471539.png (379.46 KB, 1920x905, DonaldTrump666.png)

No. 2274559

Off topic but that picture is hot as fuck

No. 2274597

ok but on what planet is mirabel ugly? shes kinda nerdy but she's not ugly at all

No. 2274740

File: 1732460869424.jpeg (537.32 KB, 860x2032, IMG_3424.jpeg)

an excerpt from a long list of ways to empower women from a matriarchy fetishist’s tumblr. the carefully thought out feminist doctrine in service of cooming is both funny and depressing.

No. 2274743

I'm unironically kind of in support of this kek, the fetishism doesn't sit right with me (and I don't like the idea of any coomer volunteering in a woman's shelter) but if it gets scrotes to help old ladies and vote women into power then they can have their matriarch fantasies ig.

No. 2274753

ngl I also found it kind of charming kek. especially when saying you only support female politicians, professionals, and businesses will get you called a misandrist in many places.

No. 2274758

>Shop at Women owned farm stands
Based blog supporting our brave nonnies

No. 2274774

She suffers from Disney relatable potato face syndrome. She also dresses and acts like a sped because she craves attention, which doesn't help. Jasmine was designed back when looking like the guy from Ratatouille was frowned upon, and she didn't have to be teehee clumsy because she was an elegant princess with social skills.
It's a bit much to call Mirabel ugly. The promo materials always use shots where she's doing the Tumblr face, she's much less grating in the movie for the most part.

No. 2274781

Kek. This fetishist male is more feminist than some women who call themselves radfems.

No. 2274785

brainwashing males to see women as superior using coom is the only way we can come close to peacefully co existing with them.

No. 2274994

Weirdly based and wholesome. Doing respectable and kind acts in support of all women nearly unconditionally (well, mostly) is probably the most acceptable form of fetishism involving women. I could deal with this as long as they kept the nasty coom part of the equation quiet. I'm curious to what kind of environment he grew up in that could shape him in such a way because it's definitely some kind of unicorn fetish and a far cry from the usual femdom dommy mommy shit wherein the man is most concerned with getting his coom above all else while the benefit of the woman is hardly an afterthought.

No. 2275245

File: 1732483760390.jpeg (1.3 MB, 2617x2095, 08FC5F2E-20D6-47A8-A47E-6BE61D…)

I have no idea how he got this way kek. Based on the emphasis put on helping older women, I wonder if he spent a lot of time with his grandmother/older female relatives when he was growing up. either way, I was pretty entertained by his content. the taylor swift scum manifesto meme is pretty wild.

No. 2277551

We definitely need TOTAL GYNARCHY more than ever now kek.

No. 2277559

How do we psyop this into the mainstream?

No. 2279273

I'm going to assume he is a gay man who was raised by women and only befriended women. Even though he is attracted to men he realises they are evil and women are superior in every way

No. 2292853

File: 1733513387898.jpeg (223.28 KB, 750x446, 24724B1E-F4BF-4502-BB94-6223AC…)

No. 2292880

imagine having a moid do something nice for you like helping you with your grocery bags and then you later find out it was his fetish all along
ah well, I'll take this over the usual coomers

No. 2300326

File: 1733785900284.png (190.72 KB, 1477x431, scrot.png)

always a good website to laugh at dunning-kruger victims

No. 2300388

What even is this site?

No. 2300424

it's a reddit offsite for edgelords who got kicked off for baiting and brigading too much. They try to have a mix of all ideologues to track drama and bait but it tends to lean towards generic TERF and mainline republican positions "ironically"

No. 2303215

How is Mirabel fat. Anachan Megha era when

No. 2306384

File: 1734069513550.png (965.37 KB, 1080x1410, 6cWLZlg.png)

No. 2306388

>sample size of one
I counter this with my one sample of a lesbian I know who’s had three pregnancies via artificial insemination and is still a raging lesbian. Grimes is a bihet who became completely fixated on her husband and babies and is still a massive pathetic Elon simp, no shit she stopped caring as much about other stuff.

No. 2306692

File: 1734106210858.jpeg (318.56 KB, 750x752, IMG_4913.jpeg)

This thing is literally impossible to read or understand, but it's basically about Joe Rogan not being gay.
I swear this is the last time I'm shitting up lolcor with Earlaweese kek.

No. 2306702

Patrick in the corner absolutely murdered me

No. 2306703

File: 1734106673130.jpg (85.88 KB, 828x828, 1000030187.jpg)

NTA but this is another one from him which made me kek out loud. The description is him absolutely malding at the thought of Paris Hilton learning another language.

No. 2306706

File: 1734107012419.jpeg (319.87 KB, 750x755, IMG_4911.jpeg)

No. 2306709

>You can forget about your pipe freedom dividend Taiwanese Andrew Yang wannabe ass dream and get back to work
>We're not going to have the universal basic income because frankly, I just don't want it
What a Stacey.

No. 2306729

her mouth sea bunny ears are so cute

No. 2306771

File: 1734112042833.webp (27.37 KB, 600x400, 18840685_600_600_86572_0_fill_…)

Luna moth antennae too

No. 2340684

File: 1736471271099.png (328.13 KB, 750x1196, YuArbKZ.png)

No. 2340689

You know the first guy might be onto something

No. 2348898

File: 1737045242588.png (40.17 KB, 599x607, 1KYLJI1.png)

No. 2348902

>no one in japan diets
lol, lmao even. diet culture is actually insanely toxic in japan and most asian countries in general

No. 2348942

Meanwhile I try and search for workout videos and I'm plagued with Japanese "apple a day" diet videos for the next month kek.

No. 2349111

Is that not the case? What's the real cause of the different in obesity rates?

No. 2349112


No. 2349987

Nation-wide shaming of fat people(employer is mandated to do health exams by the government) and walkable cities.

No. 2350589

>None of our processed junk
Every other day they release a donut covered in 3 different kind of chocolate, with industrial cream filling and a bunch of marshmallows and candy on top, Japan is all about outer appearances and it translates to food as well. Just because the average person only kmows sushi doesn't mean all they eat is that healthy.

No. 2351449

File: 1737167912456.png (223.44 KB, 747x825, xAQ7d3A.png)

No. 2351458

Messy spaghetti mouth?

No. 2351460

I know this is 2 years old but I thought this twitter post was familiar

No. 2351469

NGL I would love to be this autistic just to find my husbando's exact scent

No. 2351472

all 1/4 asian
wtf does that mean

No. 2351473

File: 1737169628736.png (1.29 MB, 1080x1080, IMG_20250117_190534.png)

I think I can sorta understand what he means, there are a lot of people who do have some very flat and "squishy" looking faces with red swollen lips. I don't think it's a zoomer thing though, just typical fas face

No. 2351474

No idea? I always see white men whining that white people look uglier nowadays because of race mixing a lot, maybe that's what he's getting at? Or maybe there's literally just an increase of hapas in the world.

No. 2351479

I associate squishy faces with the olden times (like pre-1900s) going by the photos and paintings I've seen. That's why modern actors look so odd in historical dramas.

No. 2351482

White moids blame race mixing but then you see the examples anon post and its obvious they have fas or their father was older than 30 when he decided to shoot his spoiled sperm so they all have rotten autistic male phenotypes. Also doesn’t help that most zoomers don’t go outside or are fed pure retard mush with no fresh food in sight so they don’t develop proper bone structure and lack vitamins for bone health

No. 2351484

Thomas doesn't deserve to be here

No. 2351489

they look like irish inbred peasants to me

No. 2351491

Put a spoiler on that shit it makes me get a visceral reaction looking at so much ugly

No. 2352358

File: 1737229904013.png (1005.08 KB, 742x1298, 80Yvs0r.png)

No. 2352388

>a paleolithic diet eater suffer from depression
yeah before their brain can connect the neurons to feel it theyve really died from cardic arrest

No. 2352518

the incel phenotype

No. 2352521

He's got a point about sugar but does this moid actually homestead?

No. 2353913

File: 1737305021734.png (1.61 MB, 1089x2048, vmSTD4W.png)

No. 2354110

File: 1737311333987.png (1.56 MB, 1080x1989, q4Khln8.png)

No. 2362926

The internet is making everyone so embarrassing

No. 2366370

File: 1737859524245.png (272.09 KB, 1170x532, 0QmXWuV.png)

No. 2366371

File: 1737859561234.png (347.43 KB, 1200x665, URgMMRB.png)

No. 2366381

she's pretty

No. 2366514

This is true

No. 2370341

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No. 2370349

This same sentiment was posted here, I don't know when. Did that anon get this from this Twitter acc? Does she post here? Does she lurk here?

No. 2370353

It's a meme, schizo.

No. 2370357

File: 1738111728992.jpg (126.64 KB, 860x1031, 1000052201.jpg)

It's a reference to these tweets kek

No. 2370362

this explains so much I think its real it explains why the majority of people are hollow

No. 2370420

File: 1738114510143.png (107.06 KB, 562x888, Screenshot 2025-01-28 173119.p…)

Many such cases kek. this whole account is a goldmine of nonsense. One of the mods 'reclaimed' deathfat

No. 2373996

Anne is a pickme ”not ensouled?“ because “mom didn’t have an orgasm when a baby is conceived” is top moid levels of retard behaviour. Can’t make this up, she can.

No. 2373998

Kek that girl should admit she is a fat Shrek wife

No. 2374000

Kek I had a good weeze. Fatties always make me feel better about myself. Don’t change fatties, stay far ahaha.

No. 2374004

Hilarious, die fattiess. Topkek.
Stop breathing so hard, eat less.

No. 2377253

File: 1738459468260.mp4 (8.81 MB, 480x554, 1fd7j5xgyVEncv.mp4)

I loved everything about this

No. 2377256

Please tell me this is bait and not you guys actually bragging about being Stacies that are okay with not orgasming from sex.

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