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No. 1312
What are you doing on lolcow? Bored of PULL already?
The closest thing to archives of SR out there are pages saved by wayback machine.*/ No. 1314
>>1312Well, the whole PULL ordeal was some months back now, and I was quite serious when I said I didn't plan on going back. Plus, even if I wanted to, I'm permabanned from the site. That said, I do speak with a few members via Chatango occasionally.
The other thing is that, now that Summer is over, my pals aren't busy. So I'm not overly bored like I was during the Summer.
No. 1318
>>1317I suppose if PULL were 4chan, then yes, I suppose they might call me that.
Anyhow, I'm going to browse and post on lolcow more, but I'm going to do so anonymously. So excuse me whilst I sink back into the collective unconscious.
No. 1326
>>1323No need to get pissed, I was just sayin'
There's been a lot of debates about race and ethnicity and shit lately
No. 1334
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No. 1343
>>1342 Kek
>>1314 Tharthan you should just get the fuck off the internet. No one wants your special kind of cancer on their forums. You ruined PULL, please spare lolcow.
No. 1344
>>1342My username is my username. I'm not going to change it for no reason, especially when it's a username that I've been using since forever.
>>1343You are clearly a PULL user yourself. I didn't ruin anything, I just proved (essentially) that PULL's claim that it exposes liars is nonsense. All it is is a place where whiny hussies whinge and moan about people that they don't like.
No. 1346
>>1344''proved'' to who? No one gives a fuck about what you have to say. Doubt anyone cares about the proof you have to provide, because no one fucking likes you.
>>1345 Amen.
No. 1347
>>1345And that people can choose to be anonymous. And that people don't get banned for not having the popular opinion. And that PULL's hogwash isn't appreciated by many here. Need I go on?
>>1346I proved it to myself. I thought PULL was better than that. I really did. When I saw what they did to kanadajin, I was like "Wow, these guys expose liars, cheats and frauds? Awesome. What a noble thing to do."
No. 1351
>>1348If you say so.
>>1349I actually don't think very highly of myself. I've explained many things that are wrong with myself and my way of thinking before. But you, of course, wouldn't notice that. All you see is what you want to see.
>>1350I don't think I am the retarded one here, considering…
Alright, I'm done with this masquerade. It was pretty funny, though, but I've got to end it some time.
Before I explain the deal, though, let me be completely honest to you: the first time I had ever gone on Lolcow was when I discovered stuff about OrangeCitrus after I had been on PULL for some time. I knew about chans before it, like 2chan and 4chan, but I had never used them nor did they appeal to me whatsoever.
Alright, now I'm going to explain…
First, when I came home from school, I decided to check lolcow quickly. I decided to check back on the PULL thread on lolcow after having gotten back into school and back to hanging out with my friends.
After doing that, I was somewhat curious about how PULL had been after I had left. I decided I would briefly check to see if there were any new topics.
So I went to the main page.
Immediately, I noticed that the chat had come up.
I noticed that it said that I was logged in.
I was like "Oh, shoot. Someone is going to notice this."
So I quickly logged out.
But, unfortunately, someone did notice me. Selenite, if I recall.
So, I decided "Rather than just make a run for it, why don't I have some fun with these rude people?"
And, voila. Everything that followed was me, more or less. Even DilbertHobson.
No. 1352
>Alright, I'm done with this masquerade. It was pretty funny, though, but I've got to end it some time.Why do you insist on typing like a cartoon villain? You must've been expecting this kind of shitstorm. If you didn't want to draw any attention to yourself you would have posted anonymously from the get-go, but even then your style of typing and derailing fucking everything would've probably got you noticed pretty quickly.
Why does going on PULL after being banned make you any less retarded, anyway?
No. 1355
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>>1353Never change, lolcow. Never change.
No. 1358
>>1357You guys are just mad that I played all of you. I'm not dense, you know.
I will admit, though, that the prank actually worked out a bit better than I thought.
No. 1360
>>1358 We're actually just entertained that you have enough time on your hands to make 33 anons to 'lurk' our chat.
Autistic to the max.
No. 1361
>>1358What you wanted to achieve? And what "playing"? You just gave some fun and something to do. It's been a while the chat was that active and it's fun.
You wanted to troll and failed.
Good job.
No. 1363
>>1362Can't you take this shit to PULL? I know we're kind of associated, but this is obviously PULL stuff.
Having said that, it's pretty entertaining to see this kind of drama unfold now that The Queen's gone.
No. 1368
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Contact this 17 year old ''Linguist, philosopher and game designer'' Here:
No. 1369
>>1352You're right about that. I should have avoided going on PULL altogether, considering: 1. I hadn't been on it in months. 2. I had no reason to go to it., but I let my curiosity get the better of me. And then Chatango auto-logging me in messed up my attempt at just taking a quick peek at what had been going on.
But at least I got some laughs from it (and a few people riled up, apparently).
>>1363Yeah, my bad for letting it spill over here. I just wanted to get a few laughs out of them.
>>1365I was in PULL's chatroom. That's who I was actually talking to in most of those posts that seemed to be addressing lolcow. Sorry for the confusion. You should have been there, though. It was hilarious. They thought some secret unlisted chan was talking smack about them and that they were being observed by tons of people. They even wasted their time looking for the nonexistant chan. Priceless.
>>1367 Obvious troll is obvious. :-)
>>1368 Oi, only I can give out my calling card!
No. 1371
>>1369Why would you bother doing it in the first place? I don't go on PULL, so like, what's your damage with them? I know a lot of them dislike you, but you could easily just talk to them and ask why, etc. A lot of these things can be solved by just being down to earth. I mean, I know it's the internet and all, but if you bothered to make sockpuppets to "troll" them, you could've just signed up under a different username and asked or something.
>>1370He almost types like a less crazy version of that one Croatian dude nobody wants to bring up again.
No. 1372
>>1370Whatever, man.
>>1371I did try to do that actually. It didn't work (partially due to Espurr being thickheaded, partially due to me being an idiot and not realising that I was ticking people off). But I really don't care anymore. This was my last hurrah with the site. I'm done with it now. I've gotten my laughs. Since the site isn't about what I thought it was about, I have no interest in it anymore.
No. 1374
When I say "didn't realise I was ticking people off", I mean "didn't realise that, even then at those very moments, I was
still ticking people off".
No. 1378
>>1356>If you think that this is trolling me back, you have failed.>>1358>You guys are just mad that I played all of you. I'm not dense, you know.This is like when lolichan/dolores thought she was "trolling" on unichan.
IMO any good troll never would try to backpedal and "reveal" their "epic trolling" etc. In other words, if you have to spend more time explaining a joke than actually delivering you should probably give up on comedy.
No. 1379
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No. 1382
>>1381Ah, Dr. Anonymous, how are you today? I'm happy to see that you are still wasting everybody's time spouting your useless theories about me because I get your knickers in a twist.
How's the spouse? The kids?
No. 1383
>>1381Furthermore, if what you said were true I highly doubt I would be on lolcow. I'd reckon it would be seen as a "den of meanie haters" in your scenario, no?
Feel free to try again, though. I'm all ears. I'd love to hear your other theories about me and how I'm actually a spy sent from some advertising company to test how chans and similar sites feel about mentally impaired users so that they can make more relevant ads, or that I am the reincarnation of some butthurt banned user from some site from long ago, or that–unbeknownst to anybody else–I am secretly a double agent from PULL dead-set on destroying this site, or whatever else you've made up in your head about me.
Go on, now. Don't be shy.
No. 1384
>>1383What are you talking about? Is this your way of trying to troll?
You say you thought PULL was about exposing liars and you got butthurt when you found it wasn't just that (i mean you got upset cause no one wanted to listen to you whine) so you come here instead; an obvious place for bitching?
Hoping to see your own name perhaps?
No. 1385
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>4 days ago
>47 posts and 3 image replies
No. 1398
>>1384Since you seem to take everything that I say through some filter to include the words "I'm pompous I'm pompous I'm pompous", I have no reason to talk to you since you will just keep spouting nonsense (and before you say it, random PULL user, "All of your posts are useless nonsense, Tharthan!"; I know, I'm such a waste of time, aren't I?)
>>1385Secretly, I'm just an executive file! :o
>>1395Thanks for warning us of your presence.
>>1396I added my retarded hogwash to all of their stuff until it was so retarded that you'd have to be retarded to bother reading it. Durhurhur!
In all seriousness, though, guys, I'm done responding to whiny hussies from PULL, and I'm done making a spectacle of myself on lolcow and wasting the time of lolcow users (and before you say it, random PULL user: "But, Tharthan, all of your posts are a waste of time!"; I know, aren't I just the dumbest? I'm such a waste of time that it hurts to even breathe!)
A few days ago, I said that I was going to go anon, and that's precisely now what I'm going to do. Any further posts written under the name "Tharthan" on lolcow are without question not by me. I will not be posting under the name "Tharthan" on lolcow ever again. From this point on, I am just another anon. No. 1522
>>1503>>1521Since he requested it…
>>1404 is not him.
>>1503 is him.
No. 1524
>>1523All y'all
are lolcows, Tardchan included. But at least he seems to understand that he should post sparingly and otherwise lurk moar. You should do the same, and just let this thread die.
No. 1534
>>1524Oh fuck off. You're probably one of those people that mock PULL for its clique-ness, and yet you're acting as if lolcow is some exclusive forum.
Like, no one uses two or more forums, rite?
No. 1539
>>1534PULL is for stupid tryhard cunts. Lolcow is for bitches who don't care that they're bitches.
There's a difference.
No. 1544
>>1540Fuck off PULL.
It's like someone from the shittiest, most annoying subreddit on Reddit trying to fit in on 4chan.
No. 1547
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You guys need to all chill and stop being so mean. The world needs more kindness yo. Just be friends.